Don't judge a book by it's cover

by Frostar Nightlove

First published

A human, tumbling from his own harsh world, falls into the colourful land of Equestria but soon comes to learn that you better dont expect neither good or bad before turning the first page.

A young man known by the name Alex Terris is having quite the rough life. He has a mountain of bills to pay, is a alcoholic and is a social outcast. That all changes when events occour that land him in the friendly and pastel coloured land of Equestria.

Seeing how the ponies seem to treat each other with tolerance and care he hopes for his life to turn for the best, but he will learn that some Races are more equal than others.

Will he find his way around this world, make friends or more and most importantly eat some cupcakes, find out in this mess of a story!

(Please dont be too harsh on me, this is my first story and i already fear the worst for fun! )
((cover picture is not by me))
((( this story finally is being edited by Julian the Dreamer, thank you buddy for that, me from Germany me make mistakes )))

Chapter 1: Life sucks sometimes...

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With a low grumble the young man known as Alex Terris woke up. Still having the sand of sleep in his eyes, the 22 year old slammed his finger down on the off button of his phone's alarm to silence the damn thing.

"Fucking hell, is it morning already?" he groaned as he stood up slowly, his tall figure slouching in itself as
his head still hurt a lot from his last night out. As he made his way over to the bathroom his foot hit a empty beer bottle.

"Dammit, how much did I drink again last night?... Uhhh.... Eh, I don't really give any fucks anymore." He entered his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. Long, blond hair that fell into his line of sight, paired with his already outgrowing beard gave him quite a caveman or rather viking look. His eyes, although reddened, still had a clear blue hue to them, even though they had lost their signature spark a year ago.

"Good morning, me..." he mumbled to himself, his voice becoming more gruff and rough with each day that he spent not speaking to people, but that was fine by him; he liked it that way. Alex took a quick shower and dressed. He decided to wear blue, slightly ripped jeans, a simple white shirt and a grey hoodie. After that he made himself a rather minuscule breakfast consisting of one serving of scrambled eggs and a few strips of bacon.

When he was about to leave his small apartment his landlady, Miss Fig stopped him right in his tracks, hands on her rather big hips and a scowl on her face.

"Mr. Terris, I am very sorry to stop you so suddenly but you still have not payed the rent for the last five months. I may be a kind soul, but enough is enough. If you don't have the money by this evening I will be forced to throw you out." She warned with a very stern glare.

Alex fumbled with the sleeve of his hoodie before he spoke carefully. "I-I know Miss Fig, and I am terribly sorry, but my boss the fat fuck won't give me my pay for the last two months. I'm basically bankrupt."

"I fear that won't work this time Mr.Terris, I need the money by this evening or you are out. Have a nice day though," with that she turned on her heels and went back into her own apartment.

With a sigh and a shake of his head Alex made his way to his work, which he hoped would take his mind off things. He worked at a place that stored foods and other goods that would not be digestible for very long if not stored correctly. He was alone most of his time there, packing things into shelves and the so called cold room.

When he finished, he made his way up to his boss' office. His boss, a middle aged man named Mr.Clayton was known for three things among his workers:

-1: he was fat;

-2: he was stingy most of the time;

-and 3: he was an utterly, complete asshole.

When Alex entered his office he was in the middle of smoking and having a cup of coffee.

The young man took a deep breath, gathered his courage and spoke up. "Mr Clayton, I know you don't like hearing this but I need my money already, you hold it off for over the last two months and I can't live like that even though I like this job and want to keep it; but if I don't pay my landlady soon I won't have a home anymore!" He had obviously lied about liking his job, but that did not matter here.

He waited for his boss to answer, Mr. Clayton took a long, relaxed drink of his coffee before answering. "Mr.Terris... normally I would have fired you for even speaking to me in such a manner, though I see where your troubles come from so that is forgiven... so yes this time you shall get your pay now. But ask again in such a rude manner and you will be fired right away." He threw an aggressive look at Alex. "Do you understand?!?"

The blond haired man nodded quickly. "Yes Mister Clayton," he bowed his head while his boss gathered the money and handed it over, a smug grin on his face as he did. "Good...." Mr.Clayton sing sang and gestured for Alex to leave the room, which he quickly did.

A small and happy smile spread on Alex's face when he made his way home, he didn't want to spend any of the money so he chose to walk home on foot. He was surprised at how happy and uplifted he felt, not having felt like this in ages. Mentally imagining himself drinking after he payed off his rent, he did not pay attention when, out of a dark side street, two arms grabbed him and pulled him into the dark. Before he could even get accustomed to his surroundings he got hit in the side of the head making him wince in pain as he looked at his attacker.

A rather small man stood before him but in his right hand he held quite a large gun. A magnum to be exact, these things were known to tear golf ball big holes into people. "Give ma all ya money, ya dirty motherfucker! Or you dead!"

Alex was stunned but tried to find a way out of the situation. "Please..." he pleaded.

"Don't take my money or life, I need them both a lot, I...please, just don't..." the man with the gun groaned annoyed and looked to the side; Alex used this to his advantage, trying to tackle the man to the wall. The thief, of course, struggled back. In the small brawl two shots went loose, both into Alex's chest; a pained cry escaping his throat as he fell back. The smaller man cursed and leaned down, snatching Alex's money and running away. All the blond haired man could do was lie there and watch his own blood flow from his wounds as the world around him slowly became darker and darker. Soon he didn't feel anything at all as darkness embraced him.

A soft wind tickled Alex's nose, or rather went through his hair, making it tickle his nose. Wait, should he even be able to be tickled in the nose? He also felt warm, like the sun was shining down on him and warming his body while the wind kept him at a perfect temperature.

In other words, he felt great.

He slowly opened his eyes to find himself laying on a grassy green hill; the sun was shining down on him, birds were singing and it was just a lovely day. He was totally confused as he did not know how he got here, nor where here exactly was.

Letting his hands run trough his hair he mumbled, "A-am I in paradise? How...?" he stood up and looked around. To his left he saw what looked like a rather large farm, accompanied by a big orchard of apple trees.

" definitely are not in Kansas anymore..." he said before noticing a cozy-looking town further in the distance. What quickly caught his attention was how vibrant all the colors seemed to be. It was almost too beautiful to be true.

"Yeah... this must be heaven," he chuckled to himself as he walked to one of the apple trees and picked a low hanging apple from it. He had never seen an apple this red before! The fruit seemed to have no worm holes or anything whatsoever that would indicate an infestation of parasites. "Wow, whoever grows these must use a hell lot of chemicals," Alex pondered as he bit into the apple. Instantly his mouth curled up into a happy smile as the rich and juicy taste of the apple hit his tongue. The flavor was just right and its sweetness was something he had never tasted before.

After he had calmed down from the high that was the apple's divine taste, he looked further onto the farm. There was a big barn, a coop for the animals, and a very tall red house. Something seemed off though, nobody seemed to be there at work at the moment. Was there someone even living there? "That's not possible right? I mean... someone must have build it after all, right?"

Alex looked back at the small town, maybe he could find someone there who could tell him where he was. That thought was quickly interrupted when he heard speech coming from the red barn. Alex hid behind one of the trees; maybe whoever lived here did not like visitors.

"Big sis, can Ah go with the others and try to get our cutie marks in monster huntin'?" Asked a rather young voice that seemed to belong to a kid; Alex he peeked around the tree trunk and thought he was going mad. There were only two... horses-no, too small; they must be ponies.

But then, who did just talk? And why was the orange one wearing a hat and the other a bow? And since when was yellow a fur colour?

To his utter surprise, the one with the hat spoke and answered.

"Why of course ya can, jus' make sure to stay out of trouble, and yes that means the Everfree forest too." Her voice seemed to have a southern drawl to it; as if that mattered as Alex right now felt like he was going insane or at least hit his head twenty-five times on something very hard.

Just when the filly was skipping towards the farm's entrance, two other beings seemed to just have arrived. One was clearly a pony, but this one had a horn and... wings? What was she? Her fur was lavender, her mane a bit darker with a bright streak through it. Besides her waddled something that looked like a small purple lizard, who clearly had some problems with the baggage on his back, which consisted of a large tower of boxes swinging around dangerously, always one tip from falling over; not that the purple pony seemed to care. When the little filly passed by them she let out a happy "Hey Twilight!!" before she skipped away.

The one who apparently was called Twilight made her way towards the orange one and sparked up a conversation while that lizard thing only staggered behind her. "Hey Applejack, how is the harvest going this year? No fruit bat alarm this time?" She let out a giggle.

"Nah, none at all, luckily. Wouldn't know what Ah would do if those darn vermin were coming back on our lands; probably burn down the part of the orchard they would be in." That was a bit crass in Alex opinion, burning animals only because they seemed to pose a problem, on a orchard as big as this?

His thoughts were interrupted when the lizard fell down in exhaustion, one of the boxes almost falling from his back, but holding on just barely. Twilight turned to the poor thing and glared at it. "Spike, you gotta be careful with those boxes. There's very important science equipment in them, you understand that breaking them would be very bad right?"

Spike nodded and retorted in a somewhat pleading but also sarcastic way. "Well, why do you let me carry them around all day then if they are that important, and why do I have to carry them all?" Twilight giggled at that, one giggle that made Alex feel very uncomfortable. "Well that's because you are my number one assistant after all right? And why we brought them, you have no need to know; it's not like a dragon, let alone a small baby dragon would understand that right? Now stand back up before I drag you home to show you what happens to dragons who don't behave accordingly!"

Her tone was very menacing and it was clear the small guy was shivering under her gaze; he nodded and tried to stand back up, almost breaking down under the weight again. Twilight watched it all with a smirk. This was enough for Alex; seeing as Twilight probably had come from the town, he assumed that the ponies there would not be better either.

He turned on his heels and was just about to walk back to the grassy hill when he bumped into something. Something warm, muscular, unmoving and red. When he turned fully he saw that before him stood a very tall red stallion with a blondish mane. The hoof of the stallion raised and only one word came from his mouth.


With that he swung his hoof and hit Alex right in the face, knocking the human out. This was the second time now he was enveloped by darkness. As he slipped away he could hear the stallion call. "Applejack, get me mah rope!!"

Then silence embraced him once more.

Chapter 2 : Things work differently around here...

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"Ouch... owww... fuck, did someone get the license plate on the truck that hit me?" Alex growled as he awoke. His head hurt tremendously! It felt like his brain wanted to jump out from every possible side. Wincing in pain, he began scanning his surroundings.

He was in some sort of cellar; there were shelves with bottles filled with unknown liquids on them, a few stacks of hay and a table with two chairs and some poker cards on them. Then he noticed that he could neither move his arms nor that he could get up from the chair he sat on; obviously he had been bound to keep him there.

Alex first thought about how he was gonna get out of the cellar; he could try screaming and calling for help... but out there were the people that had bound him in here in the first place. He tried breaking the ropes he was bound with, but all he did accomplish was getting himself some bleeding scrapes.

"Dammit, what to do, what to do?"

Outside of the cellar there seemed to be kind of a commotion between Twilight, Applejack and the red stallion that had knocked him out. "No Twi, ya can't have that thing, it was found on mah ground and so Ah have ownership and responsibility for it!" Applejack fired accompanied by a supportive "Eeyup".

"Applejack, you don't even know what that thing is, neither where it came from, nor what danger it could bring. It is obvious that I should take care of it and study it thoroughly; what if it could be a danger to all of Equestria?!" Twilight retorted, to which Applejack only laughed.

"Oh yeah, a being that is knocked out with one punch will destroy us all! Sure Twi, sure."

"Could I get a say in that too please!!?!" Alex shouted as loud as he could from the chair; the outside became eerily silent until Applejack spoke up.

"Did the thing jus-" Suddenly the doors flew open and the purple furred mare ran in.

"You can talk?!?" her eyes were as wide as dinner plates as she stared at him. The other two followed her slowly, Applejack with a look of curiosity and disbelief, the red stallion with a look of distrust and slight fear.

"Of course I can, what the heck did you think?!?" Alex shouted, making all of them take a step back.

"How could we have known?! At least Ah have never seen something like ya, neither has my brother or Twi here!"

The red stallion nodded, supporting her.

Twilight stepped forward again and coughed to clear her throat. "Creature, you will show some respect at us; I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, and neither I nor my friends will be disgraced by a being like you!" She tried to sound imposing, which did not really work.

"Oh, and what will you do if I do keep my voice loud?" Alex smirked playfully, not expecting any kind of harm yet. Twilight smirked back.

"Then I will have Big mac hit you, but somewhere where you won't pass out, understood?" The red stallion walked up, but slowly; it was clear by the twitching of his eyes and facial muscles that he was no fan of torture, especially if he was used to enforce it.

"Twi, do ya really think goin that far will be necessary?" Applejack spoke up calmly; she also didn't look interested in torturing someone. "How about Ah do the questionin' and you just wait, kay?" Twilight sighed but nodded and sat down on one of the chairs. "Now, what are ya? Ah mean you clearly can talk, but Ah have never seen anything like ya before."

Alex sighed. "Oh boy, this is gonna be a long day. First of all I am a human and..."

With that he spent the next two hours in a game of questions and answers: where he came from, what he was in depth, if he wanted to harm anyone and all that stuff, to which he answers as honestly as he could.

"Okay, now for a few more. uh, personal questions: what is yer name?" She asked, taking her hat off and letting her ponytail fall over her shoulder.

"My name is Alex Terris," He answered honestly. "Anything else?"

"Well... how old are ya, what are your strengths, are you in the age of your race that allows you to have sex and did you have a partner on your home world?"

Alex just stared at her before shaking his head and answering. "22, my strengths are probably my sarcasm, my ability to drink everyone under the table and that I have a good work ethic. For the third and fourth question I wanna ask, why do you care about that, and why the heck should I tell you?"

Twilight looked at Applejack with a mix of disgust and interest. "You don't plan on using him for what I think you will, right? Don't forget that he needs to be with me for a while, I need to make sure that he's not a danger and that he knows his place."

Applejack looked back at her and frowned. "Oh yeah, Twi, do you think we are so incompetent that we can't keep such a creature under wraps? Also, your style of making sure someone knows their place usually leads to them being a broken pony, like Spike for example. A month ago he was a jovial guy, being friendly and all but now he fears us ponies all the time, so please don't be mad if Ah tell you to buck off and let me handle this. He was found on mah farm so he is mah responsibility!"

Twilight looked quite baffled by that retort as she growled slightly, but in the end nodded. "Fine then, but I will visit from time to time to make sure he behaves accordingly. I will also have to inform the Princesses, they would want to know about this after all." She added as she stood up and looked at Alex, her glare cold as ice. "If you hurt my friends in any kind of way I will make your life a living hell." With that she turned and left the cellar, the other two letting out a small sigh.

Then Applejack turned to Alex, looking much calmer now. "If Ah free ya now, will ya please not try to run or attack us? It won't be good for you."

Alex nodded in return. "Yeah, don't worry, I wont try to hurt anyone or run, especially since I have a good chance to run into Twilight again."

Applejack nodded and got behind him and freed him from the ropes. "Sorry for the hit Big Mac gave ya by the way, we just thought you were a threat. " Big Mac still looked scared, like Alex would jump him right this instant.

"Also, sorry but ya will have to keep up a little act if ya want to live safely here, without any of the town ponies treating ya worse than they do to Spike at the moment, which is bad enough as it is. That's why Ah asked you those personal questions." She trotted in front of him and looked at Alex with earnest eyes.

Alex tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean? Why would my sexual age and me having a partner before be of any benefit here? By the way, what's going on here?"

The blonde maned mare gave a chuckle. "Ah guess you do deserve a real explanation, but please don't expect scholarship stuff from me, Ah only know what Ah know kay?" He nodded and listened. "Good, ya see our country Equestria, is build on the values of friendship, kindness, equality and tolerance... at least among ourselves. We also have a sorta peace with most other nations, but it's very clear that's only possible because our princesses are godlike beings in terms of power. In any case, since we also don't have many visitors in our neck of tha woods we became xenopha- oh whats the word Ah am searchin for? It's one of those fancy-shmancy words which in short means that you fear and don't like people from outside that are different than you. But over tha years our kind became more and more hostile and aggressive towards folk who are different from us, and now we really can't stand em, most of us at least. The things Ah saw ponies do to some poor changelings or dragons... love and tolerance my flank. Top that off with how screwed the birth ratios from fillies and colts are and yah have a matriarchy on steroids."

She chuckled as she continued. "Ah mean, ya saw how Twilight acted, how she treats the little guy for example, if he messes up, she gives him something to cry about. It is really not easy to look at."

Alex nodded, however a very clear question formed in his head. "Then why do you act so differently, I mean you are part of this community and country, why don't you just act like them?"

Applejack smiled in a friendly manner. "That, sugarcube, is because Ah am a merchant and so are most of mah family, we travel a lot and to many places even outside of Equestria, so we learned that things are not in the slightest how ponykind see em, at least with most races; some really are bad, but those are rare."

Alex thought over everything he just heard, pondering it all in his head, about what it meant for him. Basically he was now a rare kind of a second class citizen to most of these candy colored equines. Plus at least one of them would not hesitate to use violence against him. The cards were badly stacked against him; but there were also others that were treated the same, that was just wrong.

But what could he do about it?

Applejack spoke up, gaining his interest back from his thoughts. "Now as for why the sexual age and all that... ya won't like that but... Ah will claim ya as my property, or rather property of the Apple Family, to keep ya safe. Ya will work with and for us, but don't worry, we won't harm ya. Now please answer the question so Ah can tell you clearly why I wanted to know."

Alex sighed before answering while blushing. "Y-y-yes; I'm 22, for a human that means I am more than able to have... intercourse and no... I never had anyone where I came from. I was always too fed up with work and problem to ever develop any kinds of feelings or even get to know anyone. Why?"

"Well... to get the town to like and fully accept ya, Ah fear you will have to learn pony customs and all that, plus some of the looks ya will earn probably... ya will be uncomfortable with, Ah mean you are like a more naked version of a minotaur, so ya will get some looks. And ponies will... expect me to exploit that... sadly... but it will make them like ya and... well... Ah'm sorry sugarcube."

Alex stared at her with the utmost disbelief and a new kind of fear he never knew he could feel. "You are saying that you are going to sell my body for... that?! No, you... I... how..."

"Ah know, ah know, it is horrible, Ah admit to that, but it has to be! Also, you'll get all the bits Ah would have made off of ya, that's fair enough, also, maybe soon after ponies will call for ya to get freed or choose who ya want to be with at least, then you maybe could have ya own herd and....." she was trying to save the situation as she felt like he was about to break down.

"Stop it, stop... just stop... I don't know... what to think anymore, I-I am still a... I have never been with anyone and you want to throw me at someone random??!" He was shaking in his boots as he imagined it, his mind screaming at him to abort the situation at all costs.

"N-no sugarcube, Ah would never give you to anyone that would be bad for ya, Ah would never do that, also Ah think too that you should need some days to think everything through, so Ah will give ya some time. " She gave him a soft but extremely nervous smile.

"O-o-okay... I will think about it, first I just want to work here and... also get some sleep, just please, I need some rest after all of that. This was quite the day." Alex looked dead tired, slouched in the chair.

She nodded and pointed at one of the hay stacks, on it was a pillow and blanket draped on it. "Ah had Big Mac have this prepared when he brought ya down here, go get some good rest and if yer too cold, just ask Big Mac or me to give ya some more blankets, alright?" The red stallion nodded at the mentioning of his name.

Alex nodded and got over to the stack and layed down on it as the two left the cellar. "Have a good rest sugarcube, see ya tomorrow." Spoke the country mare as she closed the door behind her. Slowly but surely the blonde haired man's eyes shut and he was swept away by sleep, for now away from all the new problems he would have to face.

Chapter 3 : First day at work, last day being free...

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The next morning Alex woke up to the singing of the birds outside; apparently their voices could reach even a cellar under a farm. What also woke him up was his belly growling, reminding him that he had not eaten anything since his little breakfast yesterday.

With a loud yawn he opened the eyes and raised from the stack he had slept on, rubbing the sand from his eyes. "Good morning weird new world..." he said, still half asleep; he stood up and stretched, stopping halway through with wide eyes as the realization that he really was not home anymore entered his mind.

However, before he could even get a mental breakdown about how he was in a different world or that he would be sold off to other people, a knock on the door ripped him from his thoughts.

With a smile Applejack bursted in through the door. "Rise an' shine greenhorn, it's early in tha morning and we have a load of work to get to, but first, how was ya sleep? Pleasant enough ah hope?"

"Yeah... yeah it was nice, this was better than my old bed back where I'm from. That damn thing could be classified as a weapon," he chuckled softly while stretching his neck.

"Well then Ah'm glad, that means ya are ready for some work! Also, please don't mind mah little sister, she an her friends always do some little troubles but they mean well." She motioned him to follow her as she went towards the cellar's door.

Following her out, he once again marveled at the beauty of the place. Alex then remembered something Applejack's sister had said yesterday.

"You know, your sister spoke yesterday about getting something for... monster hunting I believe?"

Applejack nodded with a soft smile. "Yeah, gettin' her cutie mark is all that's on her mind as it seems. Oh you probably don't even know what that is, seeing as you don't have one." He motioned her to go on. "A cutie mark is a sign that shows what a pony's talent is; everypony has a special talent. Like mah cutie mark represents that I am for one good at mah job obviously, but also mah connection to mah family and how much they mean to me."

Applejack presented him her mark as an example; Alex made sure to not let his eyes or anything else wander, as he was sure that that trauma would soon be tackled; but he wanted to hold it off for as long as possible.

"That's why Ah told ya that mah sister may be a bit of trouble for yah; ya see, to her yah are more or less a rare monster, so she may try to catch yah with her friends."

He chuckled in response to that. "Well they are kids, that's fine. They are just trying to find out where they fit in in this world I guess. But more importantly... what do I do today for work today?" he asked, fearing she would sell him off already.

Applejack had led him to the orchard, which was filled with ripe apples. "Well, Ah'll be gettin some apples in the baskets under the trees, yer job for now will be carrying the full ones to our barn and storing them there for further usage, think ya can handle that?" she smirked.

This caused Alex to laugh out loud. "Seems I can't really get away from my usual day job, now do I?" He nodded as he walked over to the trees. "Yes I can do that, let's start."

To say that the work was hard was a understatement; the sun was burning hot and the baskets were heavy, but it also was a calm and enjoyable chore. It was so different from the cold and restricted work that Alex had before. A great bonus was that his new boss was not a jerk. But she was strict and lazying off at work was an absolute no no to her, which was fine by him as he enjoyed hard work if it was good.

After about six hours of work Applejack pulled him to the side. "Alright Alex, that should be enough for now. Now Ah will take ya to town so ya can get used to it." A very worried expression showed on his face when she mentioned the town. "Oh don't give me that look, it ain't that bad; yes, most ponies are prejudiced and yes, they act like stuck up jerks but most are harmless. Heck, Ah bet there are more that think like Ah do than we both know." Applejack said as she gave him a reassuring smile.

"Okay, but as soon as something seems off, I'm getting ready for the worst, I still remember how your friend treated that small lizard guy."

To that she nodded but added: "Also, Spike ain't no lizard, he's a dragon; a young one but sure enough he is one."

Alex once again could not hold his laughter and just let it loose. "Nohohohoho... you cant be serious, that little guy is supposed to be a dragon?" She frowned at his outburst and smacked the back of his head.

"Dontch'a go and laugh about my friend will ya, he is a very young one but yes he IS a dragon, also the darn treatment that Twilight puts him through stopped his growth." That stopped his laughter as he looked at the ground, not finding it that funny anymore. "Well, in any case, come on ya hairless minotaur, we gotta get into town!" With that they went on their way.

The way to town was no problem at all, it was even relaxing to the human. The wind was cool but not too strong, the sunlight warmed his body and the sound of Applejack's hooves lulled him into a state of calmness and some form of bliss which he had not been aware he was capable of feeling.

As soon as they entered the town, however, all that changed from comfortable to anxiety inducing. Every pony they came across stopped to stare at him. Some did in fear, some with genuine curiosity and interest and some with outright disgust and some form of hatred. Suddenly two guards stepped in their way.

"I am very sorry Miss Applejack, but you can't bring such a thing into our town unchained."

Applejack looked shocked by this kind of behavior.

"Listen here yer two, this being Ah'm takin' care of is not a danger to anpony! Does he really have to be chained?"

The guard looked uncomfortable at that but nodded. "It does not have to be a chain, but he must be bound to you in some way to make sure he wont hurt somepony." The other guard nodded to that, giving a stern glare at Alex.

"For the last darned time, he is no danger to nopony, why are you makin this hard? Ah vouch for him and you know how dependable Ah am after all, Ah have a bucking trophy for that for cryin out loud!" Applejack looked like she was ready to throw hooves by now but still tried to keep herself in check.

"Alright ma'am... just know that as soon this-" he looked at Alex from head to toe. "-thing makes any kind of trouble, we will be forced to restrain him forcefully and hold you accountable for it." With that they stepped out of the way, letting the pair pass.

Alex looked around, a scared look on his face. "Applejack, do you really think this is a good idea? I can hear them whispering already. I just don't want to get into trouble."

"Ah know, but we have to show ya around town, so that when anyone comes to our farm, no one tries to attack ya or worse, take ya as their own servant or such. They need to see ya are not dangerous but also that Ah have ya on mah farm." She looked at the ponies left and right as well. "Believe me when Ah tell you that I don't like the looks or the gossipin' either."

Soon they arrived at a wooden stall that had baskets of fresh looking apples in front of them as well as some baked goods for sale. As soon as they stood behind the stall a myriad of ponies flocked around them, all wanting to buy something.

"Dear costumers, Ah'm really not able to serve all yer wishes at once, but luckily we have a new helper on the farm so, please ask him for what you want to buy and he will sell it." Under the stall counter she gave Alex a little sheet of paper with the prices. Alex in turn nodded and swallowed down his fear and put on his best salesman smile.

Despite Applejack's advice most ponies didn't even look at Alex now as they were around the stall. Instead most of them just formed a long line in front of the orange mare. Alex sighed in defeat when three ponies that had not formed up in line actually stood before him. The one in the front was a mare with a fur of a light mulberry color and a mane of a slightly darker shade, she swayed a little bit in her walk but otherwise seemed fine.

"Well well well, what do we have here, I may not know what you are but you look like you know what a good drink is like, am I correct in that assumption?" She slightly slurred in her speech. A lot of ponies in the other line looked on with either annoyance or disbelief.

Alex scratched his beard and nodded with a smile. "As a matter of fact I do; so what can I get you?" The mare smirked and looked at the other line.

"Don't take note of these.....featherbrains, what I would like is a bottle of hard cider if you have any." She winked, somewhat.

"Berry, ya know we only sell that stuff on tha weekends, it's Thursday right now, why are you asking for hard cider then?" Applejack's mouth sides were twitching, edging on a little unprofessional smile.

Berry chuckled in a jovial manner. "Well you know, you only come down here with someone else when you sell alcohol, so when I saw you brought your new worker with you I hoped I could at least get one sample; I would even have it ordered to my place and pay extra." At that last part she wiggled her eyebrow which Alex missed but did not fly by Applejack.

"Ah will see what Ah can do in those regards, you see-" before she could even finish her sentence she was interrupted from a voice from the line.

"You really want to buy something from that filthy thing Berry? Don't you think it may poison your cider when it hands it over? I mean it is probably just some beast the Apples dug up from that wretched forest or some kind of failed abortion of a minotaur, and those are vile enough on their own!"

Berry turned to the line and spat on the ground. "Shut your buckin' mouth, not all of us are pansies, sure this creature is different so bucking what? It can sell things, it can talk that's all I need to know, so that's all I care about!" She then turned to Applejack. "I will contact you about that order and drinking, bud." she looked at Alex, "Hang in there." with that she walked off, many of the ponies from the long line mumbling insults and venom-filled gossip about her.

The two mares that had stood behind Berry slowly walked forward, but they were shaking a bit before him as they looked up at the human, fear clearly visible in their eyes.

"W-w-w-we would like to buy an apple pie and four apples please!" the one in the front almost whispered. Alex nodded and very slowly, careful to show them he meant no harm and that he wasn't doing anything to the food, got the pie and apples and set them on the counter.

"That would be twelve bits please." he spoke in a very calm and soothing manner, managing to make the mares ease up a bit as they got out the money and layed it on the counter, careful not to touch his hand.

"Thank you for your purchase." Alex bowed a bit as the mares took their items and hurried away; this time the long line of ponies was silent. He then handed over the bits to Applejack and smiled. "Who's next?" Needless to say, no one else bought anything from him anymore that day.

When the two turned to go home as evening was right around the corner Alex's stomach decided to say hello again, growling loudly.

"Oh mah gosh, ah completely forgot ya need to eat stuff!" Applejack looked at him with wide eyes; Alex however raised his hands in a calming manner.

"Don't worry Applejack, where I'm from I barely ate every day, so this is fine." He smiled but yelped when Applejack grabbed him by the hand and yanked him towards Sweet Apple Acres in a very forceful manner.

"No it's not, ya are our new worker, ya work and live at our farm without pay for the work, so tha least Ah can do is get ya some food in yer belly from time to time!"

Once they had arrived at the farm she made him sit quietly in a chair and went into the kitchen.

"No standin' up till ya have somethin in that belly of yer's!" She ordered.

After about half an hour she came out of the kitchen, in her hand a warm apple pie.

"Take a bite, it's the orchard's finest, probably even from tha apples ya carried today, so eat up."

Just the smell was mouth watering, so all Alex did was nod, picking up a fork and taking a bite. To him it was like he had entered pie heaven: the crust had the perfect consistency, the filling not too hot but just right. Before he had even noticed he had wolfed down the entire pie. When he heard a giggle from his side he looked and saw Applejack holding a hoof in front of her mouth.

"Was it that good?" she smirked softly. Alex nodded again.

"You have no idea, I think I've never had pie that good before." He licked up the crumbs around his mouth. Applejack smiled and sat down on the opposite side of the table.

"That's good, cause what now comes may not be as pleasant as this pie was..." she shuffled with her hooves on the ground.

"What is it? I mean you treat me this kindly, so it can not be that bad." She shuffled even more as a little sweat drop went down her face.

"Yeah... well... remember when Ah told you that ya may be sold off for services?" He nodded, gulping hard at that. "W-well Ah think that... Berry showed some interest... that's why she brought up house ordering stuff... and Ah thought that she may be a good start?"

Alex just stared at her, he felt like someone just had filled his belly with ice cubes. He could not believe what she had just said. All he could do was stare till one word escaped his lips.


Chapter 4 : Negotiations, crusaders and new enemies...

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Alex couldn't believe what he'd just heard; he feared he had gone insane and now was just hallucinating all of this.

Applejack took off her hat, her ears pressing against her head as she knew Alex would yell at her for this. Part of her wanted to yell at herself for this.

"Wait, waitwaitwait. You will sell me off to some pony I barely even know?!"

"L-look here sugarcube, Ah know you don't like that idea, b-but this sorta stuff is normal around ponyfolk to do with their... so called slaves," the last part she spoke in clear disgust and hatred for the term, "Ah wish Ah could change the things, but Ah'm only one mare, and as Ah said this needs to happen so the towns-ponies begin to trust you." She was still keeping her look on the table, looking embarrassed to say this. "Also... yah said yah would think about it..." she mumbled.

Alex just shook his head; taking a deep breath he tried to calm himself down.

"Applejack... I did tell you that, but I didn't think you would ask for it this early! I'm not even sure if I would consider living here possible for a long time, let alone bang the towns' ponies! And again, this would be my first time, and well..." he blushed and looked to the side.

"Ya want it to be with someone yah hold dear right? " He nodded at the question. She hissed, feeling guilt grow and twist inside her. "O-okay, look here... Ah will talk to Berry 'bout ya and see if there is a compromise that can be made. But Ah make no promises, if yah absolutely are against it after that... then Ah say screw the customs. Alex... do yah trust me on this?"

Alex looked up, his eyes meeting hers; sighing deeply he gave a slow nod. "Fine, I trust you on this, but only this time; I usually don't trust easily you know?"

She nodded and smiled softly."Ya still a bit hungry?"

Alex shook his head.

"Nah; thank you though, this was delicious." He chuckled. "But... since we were kinda on the topic... do you have some of that hard cider? I would like to try it." He had full smirk now.

Applejack rolled her eyes at his behavior "Oh mah, okay okay, yah can have some, but don't yah get drunk, yah hear? Ah need ya ready for work tomorrow morning after all." She left for a while before returning with a tall bottle of the famous Apple family's hard apple cider. She pulled out two glasses and filled them with the beverage.

"To yer arrival here mah friend, it may not be a pinkie-party but it's somethin'." Their glasses slightly hit with a soft sound before the two downed the drink.

"What is a pinkie-party? I've never heard of that before... is it a party where everyone has to wear pink? " he drank the last sip from his glass. "Damn, this stuff is good..."

Applejack giggled at his question. "No yah silly filly, it's a party hosted by a friend of me-that reminds me, Ah need to introduce ya to mah friends!"

Alex raised a eyebrow at that questioningly.

"Are they all as pleasant as the princess... what was her name...Twilight?" he shuddered as he remembered that scene.

"Nah nah, Twi is a special case, since she is around the other princesses and royalty quite often now, she did pick up their bad habits, sadly. She was much kinder before she went up there to Canterlot and all that; now she tries to act like royalty to fit her title as princess."

"Huh. You know, I think that's a pretty weak kind of behavior; because you have a title now you act differently just to fit in with the people in your ranks..." Alex pondered out loud as he poured himself another drink, getting a warning glare from the mare for it.

"It may be from yer point of view but from ours, as ponies, she just acts like she is expected to do, though Ah can't believe how far she is going with poor Spike sometimes... she treated him better before all of that started." she seemed a bit glum there for a moment. "But that doesn't matter now; what does is that you need to get to know my other friends, and don't worry, we won't go to 'em all at once; two at a time or so should be good enough for a start eh?" she smirked as he drank down his second glass of hard cider.

"Yeah probably, as long as you don't bring me to anyone as bad as Twilight or the people of the market today." He drank down his glass as the dark slowly set. "Well I'll be getting some early shut eye, gotta work hard tomorrow don't I?"

To that she smiled and nodded. Alex made his way to the cellar after saying goodnight and let himself fall down on his hay stack again, slowly drifting off into the realm of dreams and nonsense.

He woke up later to a poke in his side and heard a whisper of a voice that he'd heard once before.

"Ah told yah girls Ah was not lying, we have a monster living in our basement." Another poke, he grumbled in his now half awake state.

"A-apple Bloom d-don't wake it, what if it eats ponies, or is violent, we should not be here..." Spoke a much softer but also higher voice, still obviously a kid.

"I don't care if it wakes up, if it does I will show it some of my moves that will knock it out for sure!" Spoke a third voice, this one being a bit more raspy, and Alex was not sure but he assumed it was also female.

He decided that this would be now the moment where he should show them he was awake. "If you want to show some moves to me, please do so when I'm awake; it is night time for pete's sake." It was indeed deep in the night; his comment was met with three gasps and shuffling noises. He opened his eyes with a groan and looked over to where he had heard the voices come from.

There stood three fillies, shaking in their fur as they looked at him now with big eyes. One of them was obviously Apple Bloom, that he could tell by her voice, but the other two he could not recognize.

"Who are you three, and what are you doing in here?

He threw a closer look at the two he did not know yet; one had orange color and seemed to have wings and a purple mane, a little pegasus then, she looked up at him with a mixture of bravery and fear.

The other one had a cream colored coat and a two colored mane and tail in shades of purple and bright pink. She clearly looked scared and hid more behind her friends.

Apple Bloom decided to step forward and speak up. "Well my name is Apple bloom, these are Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle... and we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

Alex blinked twice at that, now completely puzzled. "C-c-crusaders? I didn't know Equestria had wars like that." Strangely enough only Sweetie Belle seemed to giggle at that joke.

"No , we are looking for our cutie marks," Apple Bloom explained, "ya do know what those are right?"

Alex nodded."I didn't know until today but, yeah I do. Now... why did you come in here?"

All three girls suddenly looked very nervous until Scootaloo decided to speak up. "Well... we were trying to get our cutie marks in monster hunting and... Apple Bloom told us that she had a monster lately in her basement so... we went to... capture it... which means capturing you... I guess?"

At that point Alex was already laughing his ass off, he even fell of the stack he had sat on. "But I'm not a monster, not at all! Maybe to you I am but I don't need to be captured!" He smiled.

"C-c-c-can you prove that you are not a danger...?" Sweetie Belle squeaked in fear. Alex simply nodded to that.

"Would Applejack take me into town and help her sell items if i were?"

"Ah guess not... then what are ya?" Apple Bloom asked now, simply skipping over to him and looking up at him.

"I am a human, and no I don't think there are more in Equestria of my kind since, well...I am not from here... from this planet, I fear."

Before he even had finished his sentence he got a face full of orange filly, as Scootaloo had raced up on to his face and her hooves now rested on his shoulders.

"So you are... an alien? A real alien?" her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Alex pondered that for a second before chuckling. "I guess you could call me that; yeah, I'm an alien." Scootaloo fell back, letting herself fall onto his lap.

"A real alien..." she whispered. "That... is... so... awesome!! Tell us everything about where you come from please please please!" She was practically begging now.

"I will... after I sleep some more hours; right now I'm way too tired to tell any kind of information. But I'm sure I can find some time to talk tomorrow after work." He promised. The three fillies nodded happily before Apple Bloom looked shocked.

"Oh darn, right, we need to get back to bed too girls, if mah sister finds us here, at this time of the night, we'll be grounded for months." They all quickly turned to leave but each said goodbye before they ran off, closing the door behind them.

"That was a, unwanted but... rather cute surprise today. Welp, time to go back and catch Z's." Alex mumbled to himself before he went back to 'bed' and soon enough was asleep again.

The next morning was pretty much the same as the last, or at least the start of it was cause as soon as he had stretched and went out of the cellar, he'd been dragged over to the dining room of the Apple family by Apple Bloom, who was insisting that he was eating breakfast with them. He tried to convince her, without success, to do otherwise.

"Come on Apple Bloom, you know as well as I, that your family would not like a thing like me at the table. I should just get to work so I can make myself useful."

"Nuh-uh ya are eatin' with us ya hear, also Ah'm not the only one who wants you there, ain' that right Big Mac?" She asked as she pushed the poor man onto one of the chairs. Besides him sat the red stallion, grinning widely as he nodded.

"Also, he too ain't tha only one who wants you here. Or did yah forget that Ah told you Ah would now look after that you get somethin' between your teeth?" Applejack entered the dining room from the kitchen, carrying a big bowl of fresh oatmeal on her back. Alex immediately shut up as he knew that arguing with the mare would probably end with him losing; instead he focused on the table and what was on it. There were the usual hash browns, freshly made waffles, some sandwiches with what seemed to be flowers of different kinds, two jugs with apple juice, things that looked like bacon strips but seemed to have been made of something else, a wide assortment of different jams-one even being all the colors of the rainbow-, freshly made scrambled eggs, some pots with different teas and, to top it all off, a very big can of which seemed to be something along the lines of coffee. Safe to say, Alex was amazed by the variety of foods and drinks that were handed out.

Applejack smirked as she set down the bowl of oatmeal on the table and sat down beside him. Apple Bloom sat to her left, and on the other side of the table sat a mare that looked old but studied him with eyes so active and wise, that he was afraid she could look right through him without any problems.

"Well howdy there, yah must be the critter Big Mac knocked out, sorry about that by the way. Tell me, how yah doin' now as it is your, Ah think second day here sonny?" she chattered happily; a silent sigh of relief could almost be seen on his face.

"Oh it has been a good time so far, few things here or there, but overall good. How may I call you, miss...?" he asked to be polite.

"Oh drop that miss stuff lassie, call me Granny Smith, everyone in town does so, and seein' how yah help Applejack an try your best, yah should do so too, now dig in!"

With that breakfast was started; Alex made sure to try a bit of everything-except for the sandwiches with flowers, as he wasn't sure if he could even digest that. Everything else though was like heaven to him! He usually avoided food at home on earth, but here? He loved it; the food tasted great and felt so natural, like it had no extra flavors added to it artificially. He even tried the strange-looking bacon, and as he suspected it was not bacon but he liked the taste and consistency; it was like a bit over flavored and crispier french fries.

After the breakfast with the Apple family, Alex went out together with Applejack to begin his daily work: her bringing the apples down, him bringing the baskets to the barn. He also got to repair a few things, like a broken water pipe under the kitchen sink. Which he did quite well, thanks to his previous life in a broken down apartment giving him plenty of experience with such issues.

Alex had just gotten back outside from drinking a refreshing glass of apple juice when he heard something. A sound that he could not put his finger on. It was like something was flying towards him at high speed. He turned towards where the sound was coming from-and before he could even react something hit him hard right in the face, causing Alex to fall back and let out a pained grunt. All he had been able to see before being hit was a blue blur. He also had a metallic taste on his lips, blood dripping from his nose.

As he opened his eyes again he saw something before him that amazed him but at the same time scared him. Before Alex hovered a pegasus mare. Her coat was light blue and her mane and tail were of all the colors of the rainbow, but the look she gave him was clearly not a friendly one; clear disgust was in it.

"Hey, what does a filthy piece of horse-apples like you have to do on this farm?!! Did you try to hurt the ponies here?!" she shouted at him and before Alex could even answer or defend himself she flew at him and showered him with punches and kicks.

On hit him hard in the shoulder and a loud pop could be heard as he screamed loudly into the sky, his entire arm just dangling there limply.

"Ha, does it hurt you damn monster?! I hope it does!!" she yelled with a smirk.

Alarmed by the commotion Big Mac, Apple Bloom and Applejack arrived on the scene, looking shocked at what was transpiring in front of them. Alex looked like he was in really bad shape: he had several smaller cuts and bruises all over his body, he bled from both his nose and mouth, although the latter was mostly blood falling from his nose and cuts and scrapes to his lips, he was breathing heavily as he tried to stay on his legs. The rainbow colored mare lifted her now bloody hooves again but was tackled to the ground by Applejack.

"Rainbow, for tha love of Luna, stop!! He's a friend of mine, not a monster!!" she shouted as she held Rainbow down strongly so she could not even try to attack Alex again.

"Apple Bloom, go and get the first aid kit, quickly." Ordered Big mac, the filly nodded and speeded off as fast as she could. Big mac then hurried over to Alex and looked over his body to see how big the damage was.

"Darn it, Applejack, looks like she dislocated his shoulder and cracked a few of his ribs." The stallion said, clear worry on his face.

Apple bloom came running back with the first aid kit and her and Big mac began patching Alex up slowly.

"Rainbow Dash, what in bucking Tartarus were you thinking?! To attack a worker, someone that is clearly no danger?!!!" Applejack was furious while she looked down at her friend.

"Alright alright let go off me, I didn't know the freak was your family's slave, so what? You can always replace them, right? Besides he looked so aggressive and evil, someone just had to hit him, bet you do it too sometimes." Rainbow looked a bit ashamed but still had that smirk on her face.

"He ain't no slave, he is a worker here, and a friend to us by now, so don't ya go and attack someone ya don't know cause you think they may be dangerous! Did you really think Ah would let someone dangerous work on mah farm? Ah expected better of yah!" Applejack went off Rainbow and stepped over to Alex, taking a protective stance in front of him.

"Now Ah would advise yah to scram for today Rainbow cause Ah have a worker to patch up and help, alright?" she tried to calm herself.

"Well, you may accept that thing Applejack, but I sure won't, it looks freaky and it wont take long until he hurts a pony, maybe even a filly. I will keep my eye on that damn thing!"

With that Rainbow flew off, leaving only a dust cloud in her space.

Suddenly there was another pop and Alex screamed again, this time passing out from the pain and Applejack whirled around. Big Mac had just used the time in which the human had been distracted and had relocated his shoulder.

"He is okay, for the most part. All he needs right now is some rest and time to recover after he wakes up." Spoke the red stallion as he put the human on his back.

"He will rest in mah bed till he wakes. So don't worry Applejack, Ah know ponies when Ah see them, and this guy is a tough one." With that he trotted off, carrying Alex to his bed.

Apple Bloom still looked at where Rainbow Dash had flown off from, then to the small drops of blood that were spread across the place and then at her sister.

"Ah gotta tell the girls about this, this is not okay, not at all. We will build a guard for him and... and..."

Applejack crouched down and hugged her gently, trying to come up with a way to calm down her younger sister and make her smile again.

"Well little sister, when he wakes, he will need a few ponies looking after him, right? To see if he is okay? Would ya like that, maybe there is a cutie mark for it?"

Apple Bloom hugged back for a few seconds then let go, a small smile on her lips as she nodded.

"That sounds good, us three could be... like... Cutie Mark Crusader nurses!!" with that the yellow little filly raced off towards the clubhouse to tell the other two about what had happened and their new way to gain their cutie marks while helping her friend.

Chapter 5 : Baby talk, cuddles and healing wounds...

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The moment Alex woke, he wished he had fallen unconscious again or not awoken at all.Everything hurt, his head felt like a steam roller had driven over it a few times, his bones felt like they had been battered by a pro player in baseball with a grudge on him, and it was like his rib cage was on fire. Not to mention his mouth and throat could rival the Sahara in terms of dryness.

When he opened his eyes his world was spinning for a bit until it went back to normal. Alex first noticed that he was lying in a bed, strange enough, someone had also patched up his wounds, and quite well to be honest.

He turned slightly to the side, wincing all the while, as moving was quite painful for him at the moment. On the nightstand beside the bed was a small tablet. On it stood a glass and jug both filled with clear water, a box of what seemed to be painkillers and a small letter.

"Dear Alex, please take those painkillers and drink some water once you wake up. What happened to you was horrible and we hope to nurse you back to health. Also, now that you have to lie in bed, you can tell us about your world and all that still we hope you get better soon. We will come to check on you as soon as school ends.
With the best wishes, your Cutie Mark Crusader Nurses."

Alex could not stop himself from smiling at that, despite the pain (even smiling hurt). This was so far the sweetest letters anyone had ever sent him. Then again, all letters before this one had been bills... so this was the only friendly letter he had ever got, if you did not include his childhood.

The human grabbed the painkillers and swallowed them with a few gulps of water, the cold liquid stinging on his dry and cut lips. He waited for the medication to kick in, which it did after about fifteen minutes. Feeling confident, he decided it was time to get up as he did not want to hog this bed from whoever it belonged to.

He swayed slightly with every step, his balance still being a bit off key. Alex rested his hand on the wall so he wouldn't fall. From there he slowly made his way over to the door and out of the room... stumbling right into the floor. He was inside the house, that much was clear to him, but whose bed had he been laying in? He turned to the door. The words Big Macintosh had been branded into the wood and then colored in red color.

"Oh, Big Mac's room." Alex smiled until a surprising "Eeyup" came from behind him. With a small gasp Alex whirled around to see the red stallion standing right behind him, a big smile on his face.

"My sweet baby Jesus! You scared the life out of me buddy, did you really sneak up on me?"

"Nope." Big Mac shook his head and pointed at Alex's bandaged chest, a questioning look on his face.

"Don't worry big guy, it still hurts a bit but it will get better. Besides, soon I will have three nurses looking after me. But besides that, maybe it was only my pain induced delirium but I believe I heard you say more yesterday, I mean like more than your usual two catchphrases. Did you talk yesterday?" Alex asked with one eyebrow raised, taking a few steps closer to Big Mac, who in turn put on his best grin.


Alex chuckled and looked around. " Do you know where Applejack is? I wanted to thank her for sticking up for me."

Big Mac motioned towards the stairs. Alex nodded and thanked the stallion before beginning his straining way down the stairs, each step being its own small obstacle. Once he managed to get into the living room he looked around, however Applejack was nowhere to be found. This worried him slightly as he walked around the house, not sure where to look, as going into town or even outside seemed like a horrible idea after his run in with Rainbow Dash. Then he heard two voices, growing clearer as they approached the house. One of the two clearly belonged to Applejack, that drawl was unmistakable. The other however he had to really pay attention to make it out, it was so soft spoken and quiet that he almost missed it.

"Are you sure he would be alright with meeting a completely unknown pony? Especially after how the townsponies and Rainbow have treated him. I still can't believe she would do such a thing." Spoke the soft voice, it had a kinda angelic ring to it, giving Alex a soothing feeling that whoever that voice belonged to would probably be of a more friendly kind.

"Of course he would be alright with that, told him that Ah was gonna introduce him to mah friends, and well... the first impressions of mah friends were really bad ones. Also he needs yer knowledge, ya know how he is doin, we did our best to patch the guy up but it is always better to let someone professional look over it." Applejack answered, confidence but also a bit of worry swaying in her voice as Alex listened on.

"But why didn't you simply get him to the ponyville hospital, there he could have gotten the treatment he needs, much better than what i could do now." That was right, why didn't the apple family gotten him to a hospital, now that Alex thought about it, that made sense.

"Fluttershy, we know that the docs there would have never treated him, heck they don't even treat Spike when he gets hurt from time to time. They always say they are forbidden by licence to help any other race but ponies, but that is doohickey, Ah looked it up mahself, there is no such thing as such a stupid licence for that, meanin they just don't treat other races cause they think the same way as most ponies in this town. And if Ah try to speak up against it with the guards, they side with the docs, backing their claims up. This is so rotten but that's exactly why Ah brought ya with me, Ah know that ya don't judge someone based on their looks or where they are from, so please help the poor guy." After that Fluttershy was quiet for a while. Alex was surprised but also shocked at how far the problems within this town were going and what kinds of forms they took. Anger rose in him slowly.

"O-okay, I will look him over, I only hope he won't shy away from me, he must fear or hate pegasi now." With that the two of them entered the house, Applejack first and the pony that she called Fluttershy right behind her. Alex looked at the unknown pony. Sure she was a pegasus, her coat was a light yellow and her tail and mane were of a soft bright pink. He had to admit, she looked cute, almost too cute to not just run up to and hug, but he kept himself in check; he also didn't want to hurt himself with hugging anyone at the moment.

"As I was saying Flutters he is not a- " at that moment Applejack noticed Alex standing in the living room. "Alex, Ah'm glad to see ya are awake but still, ya should be in bed, ya are not ready to walk around yet. Well in any case this is mah friend Fluttershy, Ah brought her over to look ya over and see how bad tha damage is." She stepped to the side so Alex and Fluttershy could properly meet each other.

"Umm... hi... my name is Alex Terris, I know your name now already but in any case, how are you doing?"

Fluttershy did not answer at all, instead she stared at him, eyes big and filled with fear as she slowly backed away and tried to hide behind her mane.

"L-lovely day we're having huh, the weather is just right, eh?" He tried to make her relax, which obviously was not working.

"Come on Fluttershy, he ain't that bad, ya gotta at least talk to the guy." Applejack tried to intervene to calm her friend down.

"B-b-but he is so tall... and menacing... he is almost... like a dragon. Fluttershy was now shaking as she looked at Alex who got a idea and sat down on the sofa, closing his eyes.

"Okay Fluttershy, I know you are scared of me, and I understand that, so for now I'll sit here with my eyes closed. Come to me at your own leisure and do what you do to determine how much I got beat up. I won't do anything, besides breathing and the occasional comment. Take your time, I wont rush you." He gave her a confident smile.

As soon as he closed his eyes and finished talking the yellow pony began shaking less and nodded silently. She walked over towards him very, very slowly and lifting a hoof, which she very carefully and softly let run over his legs and arms first, then she noticed the clothing he still wore a big blush spread on her face.

"M-m-m-mr Alex... I fear I can't look at your injuries like that, I can't determine the severity with you having your clothes on... could you please remove them... after I get at a safe distance?" she whispered before she quickly took a few soft steps away from him. He slowly nodded and stood up, a giant blush on his face as he undressed down to his boxers, which he left on. He sat back down and waited for her to continue her examination.

She stepped up to him again and let her hoof run over his body, examining each little cut and bruise, then prodding his chest which made him wince slightly in pain, she shuddered in fear at the reaction but kept going.

"I... I'm am sorry that I may be hurting you but..." her voice slowly gained strength and some confidence as well as genuine care, all steadily flowing into it. "But I need to prod like that... to see how bad it really is, so please let me continue... if that's okay with you?" He nodded and she kept going; after some time the pegasus let go and sighed in relief.

"W-well three of his ribs are cracked but not much, his shoulder has been dislocated then relocated, but luckily there was no chipping of bone matter or anything else, he has a lot of minor cuts which will heal in due time, luckily his nose is not broken but took quite the beating; he also is seemingly thin but surprisingly muscular for that and from what I could gather from his crotch without looking at it unclothed I would say he-"

"That's quite alright Flutters, we don't need to know that, if the guy wants to tell us how... endowed he is, he will do so himself. But thank you though for all of that." Applejack stepped in, both her and Alex blushing like their faces were on fire.

"O-okay... sorry, I do tend to get carried away at work. Other than that he seems to be an omnivore, going by his teeth at least, despite that he seems to be completely harmless, there is no seeming danger coming from him, making all prejudice or fear he may have experienced by ponies null and void from the ponies side at least which means... oh... I did it too, didn't I?!? Oh no... I am so, so ,so sorry..." She sunk back into herself, clearly ashamed.

"Oh, don't beat yourself over it. It's true I guess, I am looking kinda scary at first glance, at least to ponies." Alex tried to shrug it off as he redressed.

"Oh no that won't do, I treated you badly, please let me make up for it..." Suddenly he had a yellow and pink ball of fluff sitting in his lap poking at his belly.

"And look at how malnourished you are, you poor little thing, that won't do at all either. Applejack, are you sure the poor guy eats properly? With a lithe build like this I fear he may break from work once he is back at it." She spoke in a scolding but gentle tone as she made herself comfortable in his lap.

"Yeah, Ah make sure he eats properly, this mornin' Ah had him be pulled over by Apple Bloom to make sure he had a proper breakfast before workin. Dont'cha worry, we already have an eye on him." Applejack smiled but also looked like she was a bit insulted at the unspoken accusation of not letting Alex eat.

"No, no, I bet you mean well Applejack, but from now on I'll visit sometimes and look that Alex here is fed properly and taken good care off." She then began cuddling up against the tall human.

"There there, everything is okay now, Fluttershy is here to make sure no one hurts you anymore."

Alex blushed once again, trying to remove the cuddly pony from his lap as delicately as possible.

"While I appreciate the offer, I have to remind you that I indeed am a adult, I can take care of myself. Plus if I forget to eat I'm sure the Apples will remind me of it very strongly," he chuckled.

"I know that you are an adult, but from your body and all that I bet you are just scared to ask for food, do you get cuddles?" She asked out of the blue which made the human even redder in the face.

"N-no I don't, but what does that matter? I don't need to be cuddled all the time." He spoke in a halfway joking manner, not believing what he just had been asked. Only to then be cuddled by Fluttershy again.

"Oh you poor poor thing, you have been deprived of any kindness, that wont go, shh shh, I will always cuddle you if you need someone to hug." By this point Alex was seriously getting annoyed by her antics but tried still to be polite but looked at Applejack with a look that begged for help.

"Uhhhh well Flutters, while it is lovely that ya like him so much and want to help but Alex... really needs to rest ya know, to heal his wounds, remember?" She tried to lie, which was obviously so bad that Alex cringed at it internally. But to his surprise Fluttershy let go.

"Oh no, you are right, I probably am keeping him from his healing sleep, and I still need to feed my chickens. But I will be back soon enough to look that he is doing well." She smiled at him and after saying her goodbyes and one last hug she left the house.

A sigh of relief escaped the two remaining people in the room. Both were much more exhausted now than they had been before the visit.

"She sure is friendly and I do like cuddles but... does she have to be that clingy and like... a mother?" Alex shook his head in disbelief of how much he'd been cuddled a few moments ago.

"Well ya see, she loves animals and is really good at taking care of em but... it seems her attitude also becomes the same when she has patients that aren't her animal friends. But hey, at least ya have another friend and it is not like ya would be under constant cuddle patrol right?" To that Alex nodded but looked up at the sound of the door opening, revealing the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Big sis, we just met Fluttershy on our way home, she asked us if we knew 'bout Alex and we answered that we'd be his nurses to get our cutie marks, but she told us that he needs to eat more, have more rest and most importantly lots more cuddles so... we kinda are looking for two cutie marks with that now..."The three fillies were beaming with smiles while both adults were looking at them, worry clear on their faces.

Sweetie Belle spoke up next. "From now on we won't just be Cutie Mark Crusader Nurses but also..."

All three fillies formed a line aimed at Alex before shouting. "Cutie Mark Crusader Cuddlers!!" And with that the three of them flung themselves at him.

"May Luna have mercy on him." Giggled Applejack under her breath as she watched the spectacle unfold. On this day, the so called `Human Cuddle Patrol´ was born.

Chapter 6 : Another day, another headache...

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Three weeks, three boring weeks it took for Alex wounds to heal, most importantly his cracked ribs. Of course they were not fully healed yet, but with the help of painkillers and sweet apple acres hard cider he managed to get by. To him the worst in those three weeks was how much he had been coddled by the CMC and Fluttershy. Especially her, whenever she would see a chance she would rush up to him to cuddle against him and ask all about his nutrition, his feelings and such, sometimes those questions went a bit to far, like the one time when she had asked him if his kind went into heat and if he were in his heat at the moment, followed by the question if so, which mare he would like to cool it with.At that moment he had picked up the mare, set her down besides him and locked himself in the bathroom.

The nursing of the three fillies however he found to be adorable. Sure they were a bit clumsy and sometimes made some mistakes, but they surely tried their best to help him recover. Only problem they seemed more interested in getting informations and stories from his world out of him than getting him back to help. Also they had long debates on what kind of cutie marks he could help them with, which while being funny and cute at the start, really got straining and almost unbearable after said debate would still be going on after three hours.

But all that ended on this day, today by Fluttershy's word he was allowed to get back to work again and more hard tasks. So after another delicious and wholesome breakfast with the Apples, he went out into the orchard and began his work again. Him and Applejack were a dynamic duo by now but the pain and hindrance of the injuries made the work a bit slower and him tire faster, yet none the less he loved his work. After a few hours of work Applejack noted.

"Ya know partner, i know you always shower and wash yourself, but still ya are startin to reek and it is not pleasant let me tell ya that." She giggled softly while Alex smelled his clothes and made a disgusted face.
"I know, i know, but it is the only set of clothing that i have and i don't know where to get any new ones." He shrugged unsure what to do about the truly noticeable stench.

Applejack smiled at that as she had a idea. "Nothin easier than that, we will just go to a friend of mine, her name is Rarity, she is this towns seamstress." To that Alex rose his eyebrow, unsure on how good this would go. " I'll admit, Rarity is a bit on the posh side, but i assure ya that she is in fact the most generous pony you will ever meet. If i ask her for it. I am sure she would not say no." She gave him a reassuring smile.

He decided that he could trust Applejack's decision one last time with this. That her friend however seemed posh to Applejack, that was what worried him a bit. If Twilight was like that to that lizard guy only after a month of trying to act like royalty, how bad would a mare be, that tried to aspire to be like them for years possibly? Still he believed that Applejack would settle the things with her friend.

After a few more hours of work the two of them were on their way through town towards a place that Applejack had called Carousel Boutique. This time however he had not gotten around being bound to Applejack, the rope around his neck was scratchy and sometimes scraped him if he moved to fast, not fast enough or if the mare made a too quick movement. A few moments later they stood before a house that truly screamed of poshness, it looked like a house build version of a wedding cake mixed with a palace. He took a deep breath when Applejack walked up and knocked on the door.

"It's oopen, everyone should know that by now!" sang a voice from the inside, it had some form or royal or formal tone to it. As they entered Alex took a look around the place. It was really fancy looking, everything looked like it had been placed on it's spot for a reason, be it something he did not know or visual effect, the were some mannequins on which clothing was showcased, all of them seeming very regal, none of them like suited for everyday uses. All of them were shaped to be made for ponies as they were obviously the primary costumers. There was also a small stage in the side of a room, Alex assumed this is where measurements were taken or costumers could try on their new clothes on. There was also a few mirrors, in front of some of them were seating cushions, did that mare also do hairstyles for her costumers, Alex was not sure about that. In any case all of it had a immediate effect on him, he felt his body move on it's own and stand up a bit more straight to make himself seem more formal.

"Rarity, are ya comin? I need your services for one of our new workers!" Applejack called loudly into the shop, a laugh answering her from upstairs.

"I am on my way Applejack, you really don't like waiting do you, but since you are here as a costumer i will hurry extra fast." In the same moment when the last words had been spoken a mare came down a staircase that was a bit further back in the boutique. At the sight of her Alex jaw almost dropped with such force, that if it did it surely would have broken a hole into the floor.

Rarity if he remembered her name right had pristine white fur, that showed not a single sign of dirt on either her fur or her hair or tail. Those were of a purple color and curled into a very stylish look. She carried herself with a obvious swing that was supposed to be regal he assumed but what did he know, he never had seen the princesses or royalty in general.

"Well, i did not know you were hiring anyone Applejack, i thought you once told me that only your family and yourself would be allowed to work on Sweet Apple Acres but i guess there is a first time for everything,now please tell me who that new....wo...rker...." Her look had fallen onto Alex, in her eyes flashed different emotions at the same time, but only two he could fully deduce, anger and disgust.
"Applejack, my word, what in Celestia's name did you think?!! Bringing such a dirty creature into my boutique, i can basically smell it's rancid stench from over here!! I am only happy that Sweetie Belle is at school so that beast has no chance to try to pounce on her and do....Luna knows what to her!!" In the moment of her pause her eyes had scanned him from head to toe.

"Rarity, ya gotta calm down, this is our new worker. His name is Alex and he had enough problems the last few weeks as it is. I only brought him in here cause he needs new clothes as his old are startin to reek as he had no chance of washing them! " Applejack stepped in but Rarity were still staring at the human.

"Y-you are Alex.....the one Alex Sweetie Belle told me off?" Now Alex stared at her, his mouth open in disbelief.
"You are Sweetie Belles sister? I mean yeah she told me she had one are that sister? When she talked of you she always spoke of you in the highest regards!"

Rarity shook her head and body in what seemed to be pure disgust. "She did the same regarding you, but i thought you were some new imaginary friend she made up, like how kids sometimes do right? I mean if i knew she had been around a being like you i surely would have...." In that moment the door opened and the filly in question walked in.

"Sis? Who are you arguing....Alex? You are here, yay!!" Sweetie ran up to the man and jumped up, giving him a hug wich he returned with a chuckle. She suddenly wrinkled her nose at him. "You reek of sweat." He blushed at that and nodded.

"Yeah i sure do, that's why i came originally, i wanted to ask your sister if she could make me at least one set of fresh clothes, but it seems she really can't stand me at all. " he let go of her and she looked over at Rarity who had watched the whole spectacle with her mouth open.

"Pah-lease could you make Alex here a set of clothes, he is really really not a danger and really nice. A-and you always look for a chance to make new clothing designs right?" Sweetie pleaded, to which Rarity sighed deeply but nodded.

"Okay okay, i will take his measurements and make him a set, just know i would not do that if you were not friends with him. That hideous, wild looking thing." she then pointed at the little stage. "Get up on there Alex, but first take off those clothes of yours and lay them to the side, i can't work with the stench of sweat in my nose, also Sweetie Belle, go and do your homework you got in school, this is something no filly your age should see yet. "

Sweetie nodded with a small pout, but went up to her room as Alex undressed as soon as he was sure she was gone, once again he kept his boxers on.
"Loose those too, go ahead and the up on the stage." Ordered Rarity.

"Say what? Are you mad, why would i expose myself like that huh?!?" He blushed brightly and looked at her like she was a crazy mare.Applejack blushed brightly as well but had turned away from the stage, to shield her eyes and give him some privacy.

"Because i need to get proper measurements of all your body parts, now take em off!" With a little shake of fear Alex followed the orders of the mare and got up on stage.

Rarity got up beside him and began taking his measurements, taking every part into the equation, Alex almost felt like she was taking extra long,when she got around his crotch level she did use very much time down there, too much for Alex liking.

"A-a-are you done anytime soon, this is really not that comfortable you know?" he tried to speak up, his voice had become slightly more timid due to the situation and also the occasional warm breath around his junk, on which he did his dammed hardest to not get any perverse thoughts.

"Calm down you big baby, i am almost done. I also must say that you seemed less muscular under your clothes, so i need to take that into consideration when making the clothes, as your muscles will grow bigger the longer you work for Applejack." The disgusted look and sound she had earlier was now completely gone from her voice as she stepped back from the stage and allowed him to step down.

"Alright, you can clothe yourself again, i don't know exactly when your clothes will be done but it will be within this week." Alex nodded as he clothed himself, glad to be safe from the looks.

"How much do i owe you Miss.Rarity? " he got out his small bag of bits, Applejack had decided that he should get some kind of pay for all his work.

"None, just promise me you won't ever hurt Sweetie or any other pony, also because Applejack is a friend of mine, so even if i don't think you are most cultured or civilized being ever or even a acceptable worker, i still respect her decisions and those of my sister who she chooses as her friends." He nodded as he understood that this was a chance to show himself as a trustworthy person but also a silent warning.

With that the two turned to leave the boutique. As they did so, Alex noticed a strangely sweet smell lingering in the air, it was not strong but very noticeable. But he shrugged it off as part of his imagination as they left.

On their way home they walked by a familiar face. Berry Punch noticed the two and trotted over to them smiling happily.
"Hey you two, care for a drink? I always have some stored and drinking alone is soooo boring, i think you know what i mean eh stud?" she playfully jabbed her hoof into Alex side.

He looked in turn at Applejack who gave him a nod."That would be lovely Berry, problem with that is, we don't want ya to get more trouble than you did when you bought from Alex, so him going into yer house may raise some flags for some of them pansies."

To that Berry Punch only snickered but nodded. "I get what you two mean, then how about i come with you two to the farm and we drink some of hard cider, i will even pay, i don't want poor Alex to get himself into debt he could never pay." she giggled. Now Applejack looked at Alex with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah why not, didn't had a drink for a while and i could use some relaxing but i gotta work each day so i don't know how much i can drink today." He spoke, looking a bit down.

"Yer getting the day off tomorrow worker bee." Applejack giggled as she slapped Alex on the back hard,making him wince and her apologize many times over.

With that it was settled and the three made their way quickly over to Sweet Apple Acres, once there Applejack got out a good four bottles of hard cider and a unbranded bottle.
"Uhh....Applejack....what is in that bottle?" Alex looked at the bottle worriedly while Berry looked at it, drool slightly forming around her mouth.

" It is somethin me and Big Mac have been workin on for some time, we hope we can sell it someday, we call it Applejack Daniels, it is a brand of whiskey we hope to make it big." at that Alex just looked at her then grumbled something to himself, something about copyrights and similarities between the worlds.

"What are we waiting for stud, let's get hammered!!" with that Berry took one of the bottles of hard cider and opened it, handing it over to Alex before taking her own. Alex himself grinned as did Applejack who had grabbed a bottle as well. They let the bottles hit then began drinking. This was the feeling Alex had missed, the alcohol rushing through his veins, taking away any kind of pain or hardship he had felt this day, he felt happy.

Two hours later only Berry and Alex were left, Applejack had went to sleep a hour ago. The two of them were heavily drunk and had emptied all hard ciders and half of the whiskey. Berry Punch stood up and waddled over to him, pulling him into a heartwarming and strong hug.
"Í...i like you s-ssstud, you are really okay, better than most poniesss i know." He hugged back and smirked, she smelled like wine of any kind.

"H...hey thank you for giving me a chance,witha-without that that day at the market would have been much worshe." He slurred a happy, goofy smile on his face.

"I bet it would have been, well i better get my flank ho...home now, gotta be back and somewhat sober before Pinchy awakes?" At his questioning look she answered. "My daughter."

This actually sobered him up a little bit. " are a mom? And if yet, don't be mad if i assume,single?" she nodded, a dark shadow casted on her face.

"Yeah, i p-put her to bed before we met at the shtreet, she is the most adorable little filly, you should meet her."
Alex nodded and pondered over it all before a question rose within him.

"Wh-what happened to...the father?" she shook at the question a bit, touching her cheek with a hoof.
"I.....i don't wanna talk about it....." she then hugged him once again. "It has been a lovely evening but i gotta go, see ya
around shtud, next time....maybe you can taste the punch i make." she giggled and winked at him as she turned.

Alex sat there and looked after her, a bad feeling rising in his stomach and no it was not nausea, okay maybe a bit. But most importantly the way she had reacted had worried him.
"What happened to you....Berry Punch?" he mumbled before he stumbled down into the cellar and layed on his haystack to soon wake up in the morning with a major hangover, but that would be the problems of the future, as right now all he did was sleep and snore, feeling that happy feeling he had before once more.

Chapter 7 : Investigations and hidden plans....

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The next morning was not a pleasant one at all for Alex. The very moment he opened his eyes and had awoken slightly, he wished he had never opened them at all. He felt sick to the bone, his head hurting enough that he was afraid that it would possibly pop anytime soon. He felt nauseous to a level that he had never archived on earth. He was first one to admit that he was a alcoholic but usually he was not left with such a hangover.

He swung his legs over the stack he always rested on and tried to stand, which did work somewhat, as he was swaying by standing alone. With the constant feeling that he was about to vomit he made is way over to the cellar door and opened it a bit. The usually bright and relaxing sunlight that Equestria's sun gifted upon the land, now painfully stung in his eyes. He shielded them with one hand as he slowly tumbled from the cellar and into the kitchen of the house.

"Well, good mornin' to ya sleepyhead, Ah can tell by the way ya are acting, ya havin' one bad hangover don't ya?" He could not help but smirk at Applejack's comment. Plus the smell of the fresh food she was making, began to lift his spirits and will to live, which before had drowned himself in said hangover.

"Good morning to you too,I see you are not befallen by the curse that is now plaguing me. That is good, say do you have some coffee?" He grinned halfheartedly and looked at her. She nodded and slid over a pot and a cup. He smiled and filled the cup with the black steaming goodness.

Applejack kept up the cooking till she turned to him with a smile. "So,Ah thought since ya are havin' the day off today, ya could go down into town and get accustomed to tha place."

"Applejack, you know very well that I can't go into town without you, you heard the guards. I can't enter town without you binding me to yourself." He sighed in defeat, of course he would have liked to explore the town.

"Not anymore, this mornin' the same two guards who stopped us the first time, came around and handed over this." She pointed at the right side of the kitchen counter, on it a collar had been draped. It clearly had a sign on it that was similar to Applejack's cutie mark. "With this collar ya can go into town at yer own leisure and do what ya want, as long as ya don't get into trouble of course. That way ya are a bit more free and can venture without always starin' at my flank when bound to me."

She then turned to him with a cocky grin. "Unless of course ya like starin at pony flanks.." To which he became beet red and was going to protest, but she just bursted into laughter.
"Ya should have seen yer face, that was too good, total gold" He gave her a halfway amused,halfway annoyed look.

"Really Applejack? Such kind of jokes after how your posh friend acted a bit too weird yesterday?" He raised a eyebrow. "And after you told me that you were gonna sell me off."

"On the first one, Ah did not see what happened, Ah turned away to give ya some privacy remember? Though what Ah heard you two talk did sound a bit suspicious, so maybe Ah should talk to Rarity about it." She then fully turned to him and put a hoof on his chest. "And about that other thing...Ah will let ya decide for yerself, yes Ah will take the requests from the ponies for that, but ya get to decide who gets a chance and who does not. So don't worry yerself over that kind of stuff now please." she gave him a reassuring smile.

He smiled and took a sip from the coffee, he usually drank it with milk but on hangovers only pure black coffee could bring him back to life and back into action.

He then remembered something from last night and decided to ask. "Say, how much do you know about Berry Punch?"
She raised a eyebrow at that with a smirk.

"Not that much, but why do ya ask? Did ya get interested in her?" She wiggled the one eyebrow.

"No, not in that way. But she told me she was a mother yesterday and also that she was single." he took another sip as Applejack motioned him to continue. "When i asked her about what happened she seemed somewhat...glum and told me not to ask further about it but.....I kinda care you know something about what happened?"

Applejack rubbed her chin and nodded in thought. "I think Ah know a bit, but only the towns gossip Ah am afraid." she finished cooking and put the fresh scrambled eggs she just made into a bowl. " According to the ponies she was together once with a member of the royal guard, he was widely respected in town, Ah for myself never saw that fellow here on mah farm so Ah cant confirm that. In any case they say she cheated on him in one of her drunken stupors and through that he left her, strangely enough she got to keep the kid though, which makes me really wonder how much truth is to that gossip."

"Same here, I may not know Berry for a long time yet, but she does not strike me as a mare who would go around and banging everyone in sight. And yeah, her keeping the kid is also another point that would point to something else happening,if we consider that she is probably a more heavy drinker than me. Plus the way she something else must have happened." He finished his coffee in one gulp and nodded. "I will go into town and try to find some hints regarding that, I don't like seeing potential friends being sad, or ponies being sad in general." He put on the collar and put it to a setting that made it be around his neck in a comfortable way.

She nodded to that but walked up close to him and put a hoof on his shoulder. "Do that sugarcube, but please promise me ya will be careful. If yer feelings regarding Berry are correct and if her ex is part of the royal guard then that means something must have happened that the royal guard tries to keep under wraps, which in turn means this could be a dangerous thing to look into. Also, there is still Rainbow out and about and Ah don't want to have to nurse ya back to health again, so please be careful, alright? Ah just don't want you to get a unwanted surprise from anyone." She looked him right in the eyes.

"Applejack, I promise you I will be careful. I know the townsponies think low of me but maybe I can use that to my advantage. Don't worry, I will be home for dinner. I promise." he smirked and turned to leave.

"Hey wait a second, one ya have not had any breakfast in you and two, could you please pick my sister up from school while you are in town anyways? It would be really nice of you to do so, me and Bic Mac have to work here after all."

He chuckled and nodded. "Sure I can, I wanted to see anyways what ways the tree came up with to use me in their cutie mare hunting." With that he turned again and went to get some food in his belly to ready himself for the day.

After a rather small but still enjoyable breakfast Alex went on his way into town. As expected the guards did stop him at first at the town entrance but as soon as they saw the sign on the collar they let him pass. Once he was in the town the human once again could feel the eyes on him again, many were looking at him, most of them outright staring, not even caring if they were spotted while doing so or not.

As he made his way through the streets more and more whispered gossip came to his ears and more and more he became angry. Gossip about how Applejack only had him on her farm to please her, or that he was only there cause he was bribing the family with something. Another very much stinging one was that apparently since the Cutie Mark Crusaders had talked about him, he now was being accused of wanting to do horrible things to them by some of the townsponies. But there was also kind gossip, it was just very rare, some about how he had been watched working hard but that was about it. He then decided that it would be best to find Berry's house to find out more about what had happened and looked around.

After a few minutes it was all too clear that he had not a singular idea where to go and whenever he would try to ask the ponies for help, they simply ignored him like he was not even there. With a low growl he tried to find the way on his own, but to no avail.

"Oh darn it, can't just someone show some decency and show me the way around? Those ponies I swear to god...." He grumbled when he heard a feminine cough from behind. The voice was all too familiar to him, sending a cold shiver down his spine. When he turned around one of the two ponies he had not wanted to encounter today stood behind him, Twilight Sparkle.

"Well look at what we have here...." she spoke, her voice kind of menacing but not fully. "Did you run from the farm? Did the work get too hard, or did you hurt anyone and got beaten and now run for your life?" a grin spread on her face.

"None of those, in fact I am here to follow a task Miss Applejack has given onto me, I also am wearing her collar, allowing me to roam on my own as long as I wear it." He answered while choosing to look at the ground, he knew if he screwed up here he would be in trouble.

"Oh and what would those tasks be, nothing that concerns sales I hope, I mean look at the town, everyone pretty much fears and hates you, so that can't be the case." She let out a cold giggle.

"Well, no....after the first time I was brought into the job to do that, it went bad, so she decided to give me other tasks, like the one I am on now, picking up her little sister from school and making sure she stays safe till she is home. And before you assume anything, I like living on Sweet Apple Acres, the work is good and I am treated well. But that is not the only reason I am here for." He bit his tongue on that one, why did he let that one slip?

"Oh....what else are you here for?" for a moment all that high and mighty acting seemed to have been dropped completely, as curiosity was rich in her voice now. "Tell me....or I will.....tell Applejack you did something bad." This was such a weak and petty threat that Alex had to keep himself from bursting into laughter, but he figured if he had spilled so much, he may as well spill the beans completely.

"Okay....okay, no need to go that far. As you probably have noticed, at least one pony from this town does not hate me, Berry Punch." To his surprise she nodded. "Well, through a conversation with her I have reasons to believe that her becoming a single mare is not her fault, or rather that there are more things to uncover. I know that I as a lowly creature am not allowed to show such interest probably but I still do care. Now i am here to find her home and listen around for any gossip to then investigate, which will be tough to be honest. Now....can I please keep on with today's tasks?"

She looked at him, not moving for a moment then spoke up. "Yes you shall, but in the regards of the case of Berry Punch, I will accompany you." He stared at her in utter disbelief. "Yes I know how that sounds but believe me when I say that I actually tried to get that case investigated as well but all that the guards said was, that they would look into it and they never gave any reports on anything anymore, plus, you are a vile creature so ponies wont speak to you but if it is the princess of friendship I am sure they will talk. Now follow me or I will make you go fast!" with that she dragged him with her down the streets of Ponyville.

After a fifteen minute walk in silence the two now stood before a few houses, one obviously belonging to Berry Punch, if the bottles that were visible through one of the windows were anything to go by. Twilight walked up to one of the side houses and knocked on the door.

"Now creature, you better shut your mouth and let me do the talking, otherwise I cant guarantee for anything." She ordered harshly.

"You do know I have a name, it's umph-!" before he could even answer the mare had swatted her tail into his face,which made him growl but shutting him up. The door opened and revealing a mare with white coat and black mane.

"Ye-oh my gosh, princess Twilight I am so honored you came here, what can I do for you!?" the mare, seemingly overexcited was now almost bouncing.

"You could to get some informations on Berry Punch, or rather what happened before she got divorced, did anything happen that was out of the norm?" To that question the mare looked left then right and nodded, looking afraid.

"Yes my princess, there are some odd things, I tried to tell this to the guards for a long time but they always told me to keep my mouth shut. You see, everyone here in town saw Berry's husband as the perfect guard. Strong, courageous, brave and all that. But if you would have heard what I did from their house sometimes you would not believe it. They seemed to have arguments a lot, or rather, him shouting at her and her just trying to come up with a response....sometimes it got so bad....I tried getting the guards, but they said I was a crazy mare. Please believe me, I think her husband hurt her...badly, was so horrible I needed to go to a bar to get away from the shouting and sounds."

A ball of ice had formed inside Alex stomach at hearing that, he had expected something bad but nothing along the lines of this kind of stuff. But mixing with that cold was also anger, anger directed at that stallion. Twilight on the other hand looked simply mortified but nodded.

"Madam, do you have any idea where the ex of Berry Punch is at the moment?" Twilight asked, a clear urgency in her voice.

"Not really, all that I could pick up from the guards was that he had been called back to Canterlot, that's all I know ,I promise." Alex believed the mare, it was clear the guards had tried to keep this case under wraps for whatever reason. Twilight thanked the mare and the two turned and walked for a bit, till Twilight grabbed his arm and looked him dead in the eye.

"Now that you have those informations, what will you do with them....and how did you even notice that something was amiss?"

Alex sighed. "Because she showed the same symptoms as a friend did back at where I came from. My friend only ever acted that way when she was scared or when she talked about her home and her husband. That's why I knew what was up. And what I will do? I will stay Berry's friend and try to have a talk with her about this, in a calm and kind manner and if that....guy, her ex ever shows up....I will try to protect her, once a abuser always a abuser." He hated talking about his past or stuff like this in general, he shrugged her hoof off.
"If you excuse me now, I have a filly to pick up from school, and don't worry, this time I know the way. Miss Applejack showed me the way a few days back."

With that he began to walk off but Twilight spoke up again. "Well then creature, I have not gotten your name yet."

He chuckled "The name is Alex" He turned back to her. "Alex Terris."

"Well then Alex, just let me tell you one thing, whenever you are around in Ponyville, you better get ready for a surprise, cause it is full of them." She giggled. He on the other hand just shrugged and walked off towards the school.

Once Alex had arrived at the school he did not have to wait long till the three fillies known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders came running out of the schoolhouse.

"Hey you three, over here!" he waved at them, making a handful of other kids shiver in slight fear while the three just simply came running over to him

"Heya Alex, ya doing good, let me guess, mah sister got ya to pick me up from school huh?" To that he nodded.

"That's so typical of her, she always thinks we three are up to something, it is really not fair of her to do that." Complained Scootaloo.

"Although....I did not think she would go along with the plan and send you over here..." Added Sweetie Belle, a cute little smile on her face.

"Plan....what plan are you talking about, all I know is that I should get you home Apple Bloom." he now looked really confused at the three fillies. "What do you know that I don't?"

Apple Bloom giggled. "Not tellin' ya, we don't wanna ruin the....surprise..."

"You know that's weird, you are the third person today to say such thi-uwah!!" Mid sentence someone had pulled a black bag over his head, taking his sight and also bound his hands with what felt like rope. "Girls, help me!!" A giggle was heard that under other circumstances he would have found cute and endearing but now seemed maniacal to him, also he picked up the faint scent of cotton candy. "What is going on, where are you taking me, heeeeelp!" he shouted as he was being dragged away to a place unknown to him.

Chapter 8 : The cogs begin moving...

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Alex was scared of what was happening to him. Out of nowhere he had been abducted and been dragged away. Fighting against the ropes around his wrists seemed to do him no good, except getting them scraped up and hurting. Also it seemed like his calls for help were unheard by anyone, or no one seemed to care to help which confused him even more, sure he was not very liked in town but he had at least hoped that the towns guards would step in?

He was being dragged a few more steps, all around him giggles and whispers of different voices, of which some of them seemed all too familiar to him. Couple that with the fact that three ponies today spoke of surprises, especially Apple Bloom who had hinted at that this was a plan Applejack had been in on as well, really turned up a few questions for him. What kind of plan did they have, as clearly there were more in on it, possibly even Twilight? This truly frightened him.

What if all that friendliness and kindness the Apple family had shown him, had only been a farce. Maybe he was now being sold off to some other pony. The more he thought about that, the more that seemed like a plausible possibility. To him it all added up. How friendly he had been handled to see if he would respond positive to it, the work he did every day to see if he was suitable for hard work. Even him befriending the fillies now seemed much more sinister to him. Maybe that had only been to see if he was good with kids. Maybe that's why they had been in on the plan too.

His train of thoughts came to a halt, when suddenly he heard a door open and felt how he was pushed inside a room and onto a couch. This seemed very weird to him but what made it even stranger to him was the odd smell in the air,to him it smelled of the soft smell of cotton candy he had gotten to smell before.The hoof steps of his capturers were now clearly audible and seemed to have a slight echo to them, had they been walking on marble floors in a church or something? He was wondering where he had been brought when his hands where freed with ease by somepony and the bag was pulled off his head and greeted with loud seven voices shouting.

"Surprise!!" He stared at the nine ponies that stood before him in bewilderment. Most of them looking at him with big smiles. Applejack,Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Fluttershy, Berry Punch, Rarity, Twilight and a pony that he had only seen on strolls through town with Applejack before stood before him however Rarity and Twilight stood rather in the back of the others, also he was sure he had not heard their voices within the surprise shout.

He tried to focus on the unknown mare but when he turned his head to her fully she was standing right in front of him, staring right at him. He also noticed the same cotton candy smell but before he could even think any further he was drowned in a sea of words.

"Hi I'm Pinkie Pie, i have seen you a few times before with AJ and always thought, Pinkie you gotta throw a party to welcome that new person but when i asked Twilight what you would like she only said that it would not be important cause you were not a pony and so it took me some time to find ponies who thought like me but now we are here and you are here, although we kinda abducted you and i bet that rope was really really itchy and breathing in that bag was hard and..." By this point Alex lifted his hand in defeat.

"Please Pinkie? One sentence at a time please."

"Okey-dokey-lokey, as i was saying......i wanted to throw you a party to welcome you, but it would have been a really lonely party with only us two, so i asked a bit around and gathered ponies i knew like you but also invited my best friends! So we can have lots of fun!" Alex nodded as he looked at Pinkie a bit closer, her name was the best description of her, she was pink, completely pink, the only difference was the shade of her mane compared to her fur. Her mane were poofy and bounced as she now hopped around a bit in excitement. He also clearly smelled the cotton candy scent on her.

"Umm Pinkie, could you tell me why you smell of candy?" He raised a eyebrow at her.

"Ohhh, thats because i made all of thesee!" she simply clapped her hooves together and light began to glow from what seemed to be crystals under the ceiling and the walls. At this moment Alex finally realized where he was in, he was in a huge room made out of crystal with a high up ceiling. All around him were tables draped with all different kinds of foods and sweets. It only started on one table with Cupcakes, Muffins, Brownies,smaller pies of every kind, a little tower of apple pies, three stacks of waffles two stacks on pancakes. On a different table different kinds of juices and drinks had been prepared of course a few bottles of hard cider and a specific unlabeled bottle stood in the front of it all. Over all the tables also were several bowls filled with all kinds of candies, jungle juices and punch. To say the least it looked like a feast for a king.

"How......" Alex was barely able to archive a cohesive way of wording. " How did you manage all of that? I mean....this is too much to get done in one day..."

Applejack giggled and spoke up."Well ya know, i knew ya would be around town today and not comin' back soon, so we all, or most of us made the plan to get this done and with a little bit of luck we made it in time. Plus Twi told me that yer investigations went well?"

Twilight nodded in a way as if she still tried to keep up her high attitude. "Yes indeed, that's why i even agreed to this. I originally only wanted to see if Alex really could behave well but as it seems he really had some good traits, not many but at least some."

Alex was about to protest when a small package was put in his lap by Rarity. "Here you go...., i tried to capture your....look, but don't expect too much, i don't use my best skills on a thing like you. I did this for Applejack's sake after all, cant have you running around reeking so dastardly. That may scare costumers off at worst." Alex wanted was already ready to spew back a insult but swallowed his anger as he looked around, despite those two, the others at least did not think low of him. A smile spread on his face.

"Yeah, thank you Rarity, i know my frame must be very hard to work with, that's along the lines of what you told me when you took my measurements right?" He chuckled as Rarity turned away, shielding herself so he would not see the blush on her face.

"Wait Pinkie, ya said you invited all of yer best friends....right?" Apple Bloom asked to which Pinkie nodded. "Did ya invite Rainbow as well."

"Silly filly, of course i invited Dashie as well, i mean there is no good party without Dashie's pranks right?" She giggled happily. Alex on the other hand got pale as a glass of milk.

Applejack walked up and layed her hoof on his shoulder. "Don't worry big guy, maybe she is too busy workin' out or somethin' i am sure she won't come when she knows the party is thrown for...-" with that the outside doors of the castle where flung open.

"Where is that bucking ugly thing?" Alex gulped deeply as everyone besides Applejack, the CMC, Fluttershy and Alex, looked around in clear confusion. The doors to the room flew open and in came Rainbow Dash.

"Oh there you are you filthy thing, what do you think anyone would throw you a party willingly?" Pinkie tried to speak up but Dash only continued. "Oh i bet Pinkie did it only because of pity, cause no one likes you probably. And the rest of them, you probably forced them to be around huh? Did not have enough the first time?" she slammed her hooves together.

Applejack began stepping between Rainbow and Alex but the human stopped her, a grim expression on his face.
"Okay Rainbow, that's your name right? I don't know why you are that way to me, and quite frankly i don't care. But know one thing, last time you had the element of surprise on your side and i did not want to fight, cause i had other things to do, but this time i won't back down to you!

"Pha,do you hear that guys, the big ugly monkey finally has grown a pair as it seems, you know what, last time i only went easy on you, maybe this time i will give you a real thing to pass out on." She smirked and looked to the others in, as if thinking they would take her side but everyone stayed silent.

She growled and flew at Alex, trying to hit him in the face, but due to going from straight stance to movement she did not had the same speed as the first time making it possible for Alex to catch her hoof with his right hand.

"Listen.....Rainbow. Back then i did not want to fight and that still stands. But i will if you force me to but not here and not today. Today i want to enjoy my day and live my life. You can either choose to stay and try to endure my presence, you have enough friends here after all. Or you turn and get the hell out of here.Because i really don't want to let these foods and drinks go to waste because of a petty fight." Rainbow just stared at him, as he let her hoof go and walked a bit back.

"Wha......" Rainbow looked around as all eyes were on the two before Rarity spoke up.

"Rainbow,i myself am not really fond of Alex i am honest enough towards him to admit that, in fact to me he is a brutish creature that lacks culture. But that does not change the fact that his help on Applejack's farm did some good. So i accept that too cause it is a fact. Also i herd of Sweetie Belle what you supposedly did, your attack on him i mean. I did not believe her as something as ludicrous as that i could not believe but i also did not believe Alex existed till he entered my shop,giving me the scare of a lifetime. But with how you act now, i tend to think that my sister maybe spoke the truth."

"Of course i did Rarity!" shouted Sweetie Belle in a clearly annoyed tone.

Rainbow now seemed to completely loose face. "What, you are defending that thing Rarity, don't you see how dangerous it could be? I have seen what he can lift while working at the farm, he is a ugly and evil monster i tell you." She looked at all of them, becoming more frantic.

"You know what, i don't need this, and you monster, buck you!! Once i see you walking alone, you are dead!" with that she flew off quickly. When she was gone Alex walked over to the table with the drinks and took a bottle of hard cider. Letting out a sigh of relief as he opened it and took a chug.

Applejack walked over. "Ya okay there, need anythin?" he shook his head and smiled softly then spoke loudly.

"Now that that's over, let's get this party started!" With that music was turned on and the party slowly began becoming more lively,even up to the point of Berry Punch and him getting drunk again and dancing together in some of the weirdest ways possible even rivaling Twilight's dancing skills, to everyone's enjoyment.

On the other side of Ponyville at the train station a train from Canterlot stopped, the conductor jumped out and called. " Ponyville train station, all passengers that want out please be careful when exiting the wagon!"

Three stallions stepped out from the train among many other ponies, those stallions however were clearly different as on their backs they carried bundled up armor, each one of them one. They were one pegasus one earth pony and a unicorn, the pegasus being in the middle. He had a sand blond mane and a night blue coat and was of lithe build, the pony to his right had a simple brown coat and black mane, his body was very robust, his muscles showing with every move. The unicorn had a ice blue coat and a mane of metallic silver color, he was of medium build, but his training in Canterlot showed in his movement.

They chattered among each other, the harshness of the work as a guard, the life in Canterlot, jokes about how the royalty treated their slaves. Then the muscle stallion asked the unicorn.

"Say Silver Mane...what did make you come with us to Ponyville, i mean besides having us around." he chuckled after that.

Silver gave a grin to that and answered. "Well i planned on paying my family a visit, i wonder how they are doing."

"What did you say was your wife's name again?" asked the pegasus.

Silver mane chuckled and looked onto Ponyville, his grin getting bigger. "Berry.....her name is Berry Punch."

Chapter 9 : New home and new dangers...

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The party went on deeply into the night and stories were still being told, months after it, about how Pinkie had fired the most strange balloon animals from her party canon seen in ages. Safe to say, Alex got drunk hard again that night, all thanks to Berry and Applejack challenging him to a drinking challenge, which he lost to Berry by a landslide. All he could remember after the start of said challenge was, how Big Mac was carrying him and Applejack on his strong back, seemingly chattering with Apple Bloom.

The next morning was like the usual ones for the most part, he got up, brushed his teeth, got into the house for a ice cold shower, enjoyed breakfast with the Apple family and then went on to do his work. All that with a major difference, he had the hangover of ages. His head hurt like Big Mac was stomping on it the moment he slightly awoke. He almost fell out of bed and had kind of a cranky mood until he had gotten his first cup of coffee, after that his mood lightened for the better.

He worked throughout the day like always, it was a particularly hot day today, making it feel like to him Celestia way aiming her sun rays directly at him, to slowly but surely burn him to a crisp. He was just getting done carrying a basket into the cellar for further juicing, when he noticed Twilight coming towards the farm at a alarmingly fast pace. He shrugged it off as nothing, as he assumed she was here because she had something important to tell to Applejack but was even more surprised, that once she saw him, she changed course and barreled straight towards him.

"Alex! There a bad news, like really bad news!" She halfway shouted when she stood before him, making him wince. " I just got a letter from Princess Celestia and-" He raised his hand cutting her off.

"Princess Twilight, no matter the problem, i am sure that you'd rather talk about it with Applejack and-"

"It is about Berry and her ex husband!!" This now effectively shut him up fully, his eyes widened as he nodded, listening fully now. " I got a letter from the Princess regarding members of the guard that are being sended back to Ponyville and among them is Berry's ex, Silver Mane!"

Alex swallowed heavily. "So it is true, he never was convicted? Quite possibly because his guard colleagues protected him from it. And now she is sending him back here, where he could just keep on hurting Berry?"

To that Twilight nodded with a worried face. "Yeah, that is what scared me too. But this is also our chance, to finally get him to justice, if he does continue his crimes here we have a chance to finally do some good to the system."

"While that may be true Twilight, how do you expect to get him red handed, you are a princess yourself so he wont act in any way suspicious around you, and the other guards are protecting him in his crimes? Who or what is supposed to make him be caught?" His look was dead serious, she on the other hand lifted her hoof and just pointed at him.

"You, you Alex, you will get him. I admit i am not the biggest fan of you, to hay with that, i dont even consider you a friend in any way or form but i respect you in some way for wanting to help Berry with those problems and all that."

Alex stared at her, then began laughing loudly.

"You really think i would be able to get any information's on Berry's ex? How, ponies don't talk to me, ponies don't want me around them and...- He was being silenced by her hoof over his lips.

"And ponies ignore you, they don't care if you are around. Do you understand, you just stay close to Berry, give her tips to defend herself if he tries anything, heck protect her and her daughter if needed." He nodded in understanding.

"I see what you mean.....but how do we make it believable that i stay around Berry all the time?" he rubbed his chin in deep thought. To that Twilight had no idea, she also tried to think of some solution.

Then Alex facepalmed all off a sudden. "I am such a moron, i know how we do it! Excuse me for a second, i gotta talk to Applejack fast about this." With that he zoomed off towards the apple trees. After five minutes he returned with Applejack in tow. Twilight wanted to speak up but Applejack raised her hoof

"No need for explainin' a second time Twi, Alex told me what is goin' on, Berry's abusive ex is comin' back and ya want to stop him, that is good. Although Ah don't like the fact that ya want to use him, he said he wanted it himself so, ah will say okay. Hopefully we can protect the two with that." She sighed but gave a small smile.

Twilight looked at the two, clearly confused not understanding. "What are you two talking about, what is that idea of yours Alex?"

"I will let myself get seemingly sold off to Berry for.....sexual reasons for a few months. She showed interest a while ago, so if we do it this way, I will be able to stay close to her and her daughter and protect her if needed. It is the only way this can work i can think off." He spoke with clear confidence as he smiled.

Twilight herself now sighed but nodded. "A-alright, it seems to be the only way this can work out but dindn't you say that you were a virgin and....wanted to save your first time for....someone special?"

He nodded. "Yes i said that but this is more important than my feelings, so if she wants it i will play along, although lately she seemed more interested in me being her drinking buddy and snuggle pal so maybe it will be okay."

Applejack nodded and smiled sadly. "Please Alex, keep the collar though....and don't forget about us okay, ya are always welcome on the farm." She gave him a sincere and tight hug. "Ah will go and inform Berry now, let's see what she says." with that she let go and walked off towards the town.

Two hours later Applejack returned, trotting behind her Berry Punch, skipping a bit in her walk. "Here she is, ah got her as she was buying some groceries, so we went to her home first. But she agreed to buyin' ya Alex, so soon you won't work here anymore."

"I would not call it buying him, I'd rather call it freeing him. I know you treated him good but i just want a drinking buddy so yeah, having him around will be great and worth the money." She smiled up at Alex, then pulled out a quite big bag of bits and gave it to Applejack. "Now after that's done..." She walked over to Alex side and gave him a soft hug. "Let's get you to your new home shall we?" To which he nodded with a smirk.

As they were about to leave Apple Bloom ran up to him and hugged him. " Ah know ah can't change it but please don't forget about us! "

He smiled down at her with a soft smile and chuckled. "I won't forget any of you, remember once i have Berry's collar, if she gives me one, i will be able to visit you at school or at least see you when i bring her daughter home, if she let's me." Apple Bloom smiled at that and nodded before running into the house.

With that the two were on their way. "What did you mean, a collar, why would you need that to move around freely in town?" Inquired Berry.

"Oh yeah, you probably don't know that, but since i am seen as a servant by society i need to have a sign of you owning me on me, so that the town guards let me walk around freely." She frowned at that.

"That is stupid and i don't like it one bit, you are no danger to no one and especially not a servant to me. You are my friend." She huffed and stomped with one hoof.

"To you maybe Berry, but to society i am, i mean you could order me to eat you out and i would be obligated to do so by law." He looked at the ground blushing.

She to that only snickered. "Don't worry, Applejack told me everything about you being well....a virgin, so i won't do such things without your okay but...." a devious smirk creeped on her face as she walked infront of him. "This is what you could have." She swayed her tail to the side,giving him a full view of her marehood, making him blush even harder and look away as they made their way to town.

When they entered town this time however the usually stationed guards where nowhere to be seen. "Where are the guards? I mean, they must be around right?" Berry looked around to spot them.

"Quite possibly they are probably at the celebration for the returned guard members. I heard that there were some that were sended back." She nodded as they made their way to her house, it was a two story home, looking homely and cozy. Over the door hung a wooden sign that was turned to the wall.

"Umm what does that mean Berry?" he pointed to the sign to which she laughed happily.

"Oh yeah i never told you my job, i am a barmare and part of my home is a bar, Ponyville's best bar if you ask me. I hoped that you maybe could step in for me as a barstallion from time to time?" She smiled.

"Of course i can, i would love to. I will have to learn the specific drinks though first, i know some from my world but i bet the recipes from here are different."

She shook her head as she unlocked the door and opened it. "No no, i want you to make your kinds drinks in my bar, what better way to promote a bar,than to have drinks that are not from this world. You will get my business booming. So please teach me your drinks and i teach you mine, so we are on the same page."

He nodded as they entered the house, or rather the bar part of it. As he had expected it was a cozy but rather small business room, but with many tables, a small stage for musicians and a really huge assortments of liqueur and booze of all kinds. She then led him to the private house part. A cozy and friendly decorated living room with a fireplace. A small but effective kitchen and of course some storage rooms and a bathroom all for the house alone. Then there was the staircase, one leading up and one down.

"Up are mine and Pinchie's room, although you will also sleep in my room of course, can't just have you sleep on the ground or the couch. Also up there is a bathroom and a few other rooms. Down is our cellar for booze, wine and the likes of that. So, what do you think?" she turned to him, a big smile on her face.

"It is great Berry, really,i like it a lot, it is so....homely. But to be clear, how would i sleep in your room, i won't take your bed, that is for sure, so I'd rather take the couch." He smiled back.

"Why silly we sleep in the bed together of course, i am a big cuddle mare and i had no one to cuddle for a long time, so i need you to compensate for that." She giggled happily.

That made him blush once more, deeper this time. "N-no, i....i know you have a daughter. I know how kids can be if suddenly there is a different person invading the house so...."

To that Berry became a lot more serious. "Believe me Alex, you being here and being what Pinch needs right now i think." She then put her happy smile back on. " I think Pinch should be coming home very soon from school, so you should be able to meet her in person, i bet she will like you." To that Alex only chuckled nervously rubbing the back of his head.

A few hour later the door to the house opened once again and small fast hooves could be heard. Alex was in the kitchen making a cup of tea at the moment while Berry was relaxing on the couch. Originally Berry had been the one wanting to make tea but Alex had insisted that since he had been officially bought he may as well do some work worth the money.

Also he needed something to do to calm himself down, as Berry had kept teasing him playfully and what he assumed to be accidental had shown him her goods a few times.

The little hooves ran a bit further till a voice could be heard. Obviously the one of a child.

"Moom! Are you home? I am home!" The voice had such a jovial tone to it that it lifted his spirits from hearing it alone.

"Yeah i am Pinchy, in the living room!" Berry called back, soon the little hooves came closer as the kitchen was connected to the living room through a simple door. "How was school Pinchy?" Berry asked with a smile as she embraced her daughter in a hug.

"It was good, although Diamond Tiara made fun of everyone again and we got a lot of homework from Miss Cheerilee." Whined Berry Pinch.

"Well you know how Diamond is, she is just like her mother, believe me. And concerning your homework, we both know that you don't have that much homework. But besides that...i want you to meet someone. He from now on will be living here, don't worry he is very nice. Alex could you come out please?"

Alex sighed deeply and stepped out to see Berry Pinch look up at him with big eyes, then a smile spread on her face.
"Hi, i have seen you before, you are that guy that helps out Applejack on the farm right? Apple Bloom told me about you!"

He chuckled and crouched down. "Yeah that is me, your mom payed the Apple family a lot of money to free me, although we decided on keeping up the play that she bought me."

"But why? It makes no sense, shouldn't we all be treated the same, like not like this?" Pinch raised a eyebrow.

"Yeah that is what would be best, a dream, but sadly many ponies don't want that, they like how it is at the moment." A small frown came to his lips.

"Well we in this house see you as our equal b-but....can i ask you something?" He nodded and listened closely. "W-w-will you protect mommy from bad ponies....there are many ponies that are mean to her and...." She looked at the ground.

Alex smiled softly and made her look him in the eyes. "Berry Pinch, hereby i swear that i won't let anyone hurt your mommy or you. Now that i am here those nasty ponies will have to pick a fight with me first." he smirks and she nods before giving him a quick hug and rushing up to her room.

"I didn't know you were good with kids Alex." Added Berry Punch.

Alex smiled softly and nodded. "Neither did i, but i can promise you, i will find a way to botch it up probably."

"Now, i won't open my bar before the weekend again so....let's head to the bar and you show me some of your worlds drinks." He chuckled and nodded in response as they made their way to the bar.

At the bar Berry sat down in one of the bar stools and looked at him as he took his place behind the counter. "So i know you are a drinker like me too so, i know you know how to make a good drink. Make me something light and sweet first please."

He nodded and looked at the bottles till he had found what he was looking for. He then mixed creme the menthe, creme the cacao and some cream into a shaker with ice, shook it for a while and then strained it into a cocktail glass.

"And there you have it, the classic grasshopper!"

She just giggled and picked up the drink. "Cute name and seems sweet....let's see..." with that she took a sip. "Mhhm, sweet and chocolate heavy. Some mares would pay a lot for something like this." she then downed the drink in one gulp. "Now make me one of the strongest drinks you can make, do not hold back at all."

He grinned and nodded, filling a highball glass with equal parts of vodka, rum, gin, tequila sweet & sour, lemon lime soda and blue curacao and stirred the whole thing a few times till garnishing it with a slice of lime and a cherry.

"Dare to drink it and all i can tell you in Equestria is adios motherbucker, that's why we will call it that!" he smirks as she giggled before picking it up.

"I know this will be strong so, if i fall please catch me and carry me to bed." With that she began downing the drink, stopping halfway through it. "Damn, this stuff is good. Make me more of this and i may really fall into your arms." She wiggled her eyebrows making the young man blush.

"Now give me something spicy!" With that she downed her drink fully and the drink testing continued.

A few drinks later and many more jokes and laughs between the two, the darkness of the evening slowly arrived. "I think i should get Pinchy into bed, could you clean up the bar a bit and then join me in the bedroom?"

He nodded while he blushed like mad, beginning to clean the bar. Berry Punch made her way up to her daughters room and entered. Berry Pinch was already within her bed and smiled as she saw her mom enter.

"Hey mommy. Could you tell me a bedtime story?" Berry Punch nodded and sat down on her daughters bedside and began to tell the story. It was a story of a heroic knight that sadly had been betrayed by his fellow knights and been casted out of the knights league. But despite that he kept doing good and helped people and in the end he was the most beloved knight in the whole kingdom, giving the knight a happy ending. By the time the ending had come around Berry Pinch was halfway asleep.

"M-mommy.....will Alex be our knight?" She was drifting off to sleep and already half in dreamland.

"I am sure he will be, i am sure he already is." She gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead and went to her room quietly.
When she entered her room she saw Alex sitting on the bed his back turned to her. With a grin she sneaked up on him and then pounced on him, pulling him into a hug.

"Whaa! Berry you scared me to bits!" She laughed as she cuddled into his back.

"I told you i needed some more cuddles so...., i bought you so i demand cuddles now!" she smiled as he chuckled simply and hugged her back.

"Your wish is my command." He replied and cuddled her, petting her ears a lot, making her coo out in pure bliss and lean into his hand which made him pet her ears only more. By this point she had snuggled herself into his chest, giving him access to her soft belly which he used to his advantage, rubbing and caressing her belly, making her squeal in happiness.

"I can tell you needed those cuddles too, are there more things you need?" She wiggled her eyebrows, making him blush again like a tomato but he returned for the teasing by cuddling her more.

The two kept cuddling and snuggling till they fell asleep slowly, her being snuggled into his arms.

Through the window two ice blue eyes watched the two cuddle, hatred clearly in them. "That whorse, she dares to cheat on me with such a ugly piece of filth? Oh i will show her, i will show her good, her and that monster will suffer. But first...i need to get the perfect moment to strike her....where it hurts her the most....our lovely little daughter....Pinchy." Silver mane grinned darkly as a horrible plan formed in his head, one he would soon set into motion.

Chapter 10 : First encounter and looming dread....

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The next morning Alex awoke with a relaxed yawn. He felt good, warm and something very soft cuddled against him. Opening his eyes he gulped as he saw Berry Punch right infront of him, her mouth only inches away from his own. He smelled a slight amount of alcohol in each of her soft breaths. With a soft hum she cuddled closer to him, her tail wrapping around his leg.

He smiled softly at that gesture, softly stroking her mane as she in return leaned into his hand. Opening her eyes slowly.
"Morning Alex." She cooed as she leaned more into his hand, closing her eyes again. This brought a smile to his face. He then thought about making breakfast, then again he did not know her kitchen.

"What would you like for breakfast Alex?" Berry opened her eyes again and smirked at him.

"No Berry, you relax, I try to cook, alright? That's the least I can do for you. I have to repay you for housing me." He spoke with clear pride in his voice to which she just giggled.

"Oh really? I remember fairly well that i bought you not too long ago but let's not argue about something like that. How about we just cook together? That way i can tease you even more." She wiggled her eyebrows.

He playfully rolled his eyes at that, she then spoke up. "I will head down but could you please wake Pinchy, she needs to go to school after all." He nodded and got up after rubbing her belly to her delight.

He then walked over to the foals room and softly knocked on the door. "Pinch are you awake? Rise and shine, the day is here." He opened the door slowly and took a look inside. There the foal was, slowly awaking from dreamland, her yawning almost giving the young man a cuteness overload.

"Morning Alex, what is for breakfast?" She smiled softly. He got inside the room and smiled at her sleepy antics as she rubbed the sand from her eyes. Then she held her arms out for him.
"Carry me down please? Pretty please?" She gave him a look that would make puppy-dog-eyes seem aggressive in comparison. He chuckled softly and nodded, picking her up and walking downstairs while she giggled.

Once he entered the kitchen with Pinch, Berry could not help but lough loudly. "I am sorry Berry, i tried to do what i could but i was conquered by the almighty Berry Pinch." He joked as he brought the filly to the table and set her down.

Once he had returned to the kitchen, the two of them began to make the breakfast. It was a simple meal but it was filling and enjoyable to all. Alex was especially thankful for the strength of the coffee. It fully brought back his full spirits.

"Oh Alex?" Asked Berry "Would you be so lovely and get Pinchy to school? I just don't have the time today and need someone to do that."

He nodded. "Of course I can. But why? Did something happen?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I heard some of the fillies in her class are bullies, so I want to be sure she does not get bullied. So i really ask you to keep an eye on it." He nodded in understanding and looked at Pinch who smiled up at him. He watched Berry tell Pinch to be good in school and behave herself to which the filly just rolled her eyes in slight annoyance.

A few minutes later the two were on their way down the road of Ponyville. The sun was shining high and warmed the town. A soft breeze floated through the small side streets and created cooling wind tunnels with that. That the two of them used to their advantage, evading the sun by that.

This went on till Alex noticed a guard. However this one was different from the ones he had seen before. This one was tall and very muscular. To add to that he seemed to be a earth pony. The guard studied their every move, he even seemed to be following them. This now worried Alex, as he knew the guards of Ponyville by this point fairly well and he was certain that no guard had a build like this. Too bad that all guards were unrecognizable from one another except for race and body build. Those armors of theirs were enchanted to hide their true identities, something he had asked Applejack a while back ago.

Alex decided to not care about the guard but keep up his guard, walking a bit closer to Pinch,always keeping a eye on the guard who still seemed to follow them. After a few minutes they arrived in the school on time. Pinch hugged Alex before running into the schoolhouse. Alex smiled warmly for a bit before looking around, trying to spot the guard. He seemed to have disappeared.

He felt like he was being watched though, like his every step was being observed. He looked around, trying to spot his observer. He soon spotted a pegasus guard on the rooftop of one of the houses. He seemed very thin but the look he threw at him was cold as ice. Again Alex shuddered, this all was becoming weird. The earth pony guard was weird enough but he knew for a fact that they had only five pegasus guards in town and none of them looked like this guy.

Sure there had been new guards coming from Canterlot but those had come home to relax, not do their jobs again. This was what worried him, two ponies had kept their armors on and kept their eyes on him. A really bad feeling ran up from his feet to his head. He needed to inform someone about this. He quickly made his way towards the crystal castle, he needed to inform Twilight about this, he saw her not as a friend but he needed to report to her, what weird occurrences were going on here. He entered the castle, hoping to find the princess fast.

Back in one of Ponyville's more rundown motels the two guard ponies entered a room, inside sat Silver Mane, working on some form of staff. He looked up when the two entered and took off their armors.

"What did you see Maverick?" he asked turned to the muscular earth pony.

"I watched the thing walk out of your wife's house together with the kid. They took the side streets to the schoolhouse, he noticed me though. I fear he noticed something being off." The stallion called Maverick reported.

Silver Mane nodded. "And you Midnight Vision?"

"I observed the two of them arriving at the school, her hugging him and then her going into the schoolhouse. I am afraid he noticed me too. But say Silver, what are we doing here? And why?" He asked.

"You know what we are doing here and why. We watch them cause I fear that thing is trying to steal my wife and daughter away and I won't let that happen, I mean what if it hurts them?" Spoke the ice blue stallion.

"We believe you Silver but.....we still remember what happened between you and your wife. We believed you when you said that you had changed your ways. But this now seems very suspicious to me." Maverick raised an eyebrow questioningly. "If I find out that you go back to your old ways I won't lie for you this time."

"I have changed dammit! And you know that. Yes this seems bad but you would be worried too if this thing were to be around your wife and child. I want to do good here so please keep an eye on him. Also, i need one of you to get Pinchy to safety, which means to me. I will try talking to Berry after that."

This time Midnight Vision raised his eyebrows. "Now this sounds like you are trying to make us get your daughter to use as a hostage to get your wife back, so no....i am not in for that, count me out. I will watch the guy and that's it!" He walked closer to Silver. "If he poses a threat i will take him out but know that i will do the same to you if you fall back to your old ways!"

"I know i know!! You know what, you two will just keep an eye on the guy, i will get Pinchy myself." With that outburst Silver Mane stormed out of the room to bring his plan to fulfillment.

Meanwhile Alex had informed Twilight about what had happened and his worries.She had listened and nodded from time to time. Also had she asked about detailed information's about the two stallions looks and how their body was built. After receiving all the information she opened a file, using her magic to flip through the pages at a mindbogglingly pace till she came to a stop.

"Here we have them Maverick and Midnight Vision, let's see......both exceptional fighters in their own rights. Both said to have okay ranks.....oh whats that?" She read more. "Oh horseapples...."

"What?" Asked Alex, the worried look on Twilight's making him anxious.

"Both of them are very good friends with Silver Mane....and both testified for his innocence when the abuse claims came in. Alex, i don't know what he is planning but i am sure it is nothing good, you need to get Berry Pinch from school now. We must protect her and her mother as much as we can and it is clear we can't count on the guards in this. I will now gather the girls while you get Pinch. Once she and Berry are safe we go and get that guy, understood?"

He nodded and turned, running out of the castle as fast as he could. He had a bad feeling about all of this.

He arrived at the school in 10 minutes and ran inside. He made his way quickly to the classroom and knocked on the door. Miss Cheerilee the teacher of the class opened the door, to his surprise she did not seem to be scared of him, nor did it seem like she was not welcoming him there.

"Good day, Mister Alex right? Or do you have a full name too so i can speak to you properly?" She smiled happily at him. "Don't worry,i know who you are, the kids told me about you."

He liked that she was so friendly with him but he needed to act fast. " The name is Alex Terris and I am terribly sorry but i need to take Berry Pinch out of class now, there could be serious danger for her."

Miss Cheerilee got serious instantly and motioned him to go on. He told her everything he knew, with each new information the magenta tone of her coat got more and more pale till she nodded and quickly called Pinch out who looked up at him confusedly.

"Whats wrong Alex?" She asked a bit of worry in her voice.

"N-nothing Pinchy, there is just a small problem and we need to get to your mommy fast." He answered trying to put on a happy smile for her. She nodded and walked after him as they left the school.

They had walked a few minutes when a stallion stepped in their way. Alex looked at him, then down at Pinch and her reaction made it all clear to him. She was shaking in fear, her irises had shrunk to the size of pin pricks. Immediately Alex stepped in front of Pinchy, blocking the view of her from the stallion.

"Silver mane i presume....?" He asked, he clenched his fists, readying himself.

"Correct creature....since you know who i am....i am sure you know what i want, hand over the kid and go away from my wife." He spoke with a ice cold and arrogant voice.

"Never, i know what you bastard did to Berry and considering how Pinchy is reacting, did you....?" At that Silver laughed coldly.

"Well i needed to make sure the little brat does not go and tell anyone about anything.....if you understand...?" This made Alex see red. He raised his fist ready to strike, when Silver waved his hoof. "Ah ah ah....don't forget, i am still a guard, you can't do anything to me, if you do the whole station will be after you."

Alex stopped but nodded."I know but the same goes for you, i have informed Princess Twilight and she is on my side, so you touch Pinch or her mother and you will be hunted by us." Alex smirked to which Silver growled.

"Fine, but know one thing Pinch.....if i see you will do more than just cry..." Alex picked up Pinchy who was crying by now and ran to the Castle fast, all the time trying to calm her down.

"Don't worry Pinchy, i will get your mom and then take care of him." She nodded in tears as Twilight awaited them.

"What happened Alex?" Alex told her everything, the anger clear in her face. "Alex, i usually don't condone it but he needs to be stopped. You will now go and save Berry Punch and if Silver Mane is with have the permission to do everything and use every method needed to stop him and save her. Understood?"

He nodded grimly. "Yes I do, am i allowed to kill him if needed?"

She nodded and then floated over a small bottle of a clear liquid. "Yes you do and if needed drink this, it is a potion that grants you magical immunity to a certain level for 3 minutes. It is your one big trick understood. Only 3 minutes."

He nodded and took the bottle and stored on his belt. "Yes i do, i won't disappoint you." With that he left to save Berry.

Berry Punch was waiting in her kitchen for Alex and Pinch to return. Alex she was not worried about. He was tall and seemed fairly capable of defending himself. But Pinchy was now way too late, she should have been home half an hour ago. She was ready to now run out and search her for herself, when she heard a knock on her door. Relieved, thinking it was Alex she trotted to the door and opened it.
"Alex, i am so happy that you ar......" The words were stuck in her throat as she saw who stood there. It was not Alex.

It was Silver Mane.

"Hello Berry.....may i come in?"

Chapter 11 : Blood and bones...

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It did not take long for Alex to arrive at Berry's house, a stern look on his face. He went through the plan he had made in his head. Get in, get Berry, save her, get back to the castle with her and then kill Silver Mane. As he neared himself to the door he noticed something that greatly unnerved him. The door was slightly ajar, softly moved by the wind.

As he gently pushed open the door to not give away his arrival he saw something ghastly. The wall on the left of the hallway had a crack, even more shocking where the small red spots around the crack. He went close to inspect that more. Upon his touch the spots were still wet. He smelled them, the stinging smell of iron wafting off of them.

"B-blood..." He whispered in utter shock, he now knew he had come too late. Silver Mane was already here. He was about to curse under his breath when he heard something, sobs, pained, terrified sobs. The voice was Berry's, that much he could tell. Her sobs came from the living room. He just had decided to sneak into the kitchen first, to then get into the living room when Silver Mane laughed.

"Berry,berry,berry...." A sound like a slap could be heard, accompanied by Berry letting out a pained yelp. "Did you really think i would not come back? That you could run off with some dirty beast? Answer me you bucking whorse!!" This time a louder rumbling sound could be heard, then the crashing sound of a plate and Berry's scream of pain.

"I...i....p-please st-stop...." Begged the mare. Alex had heard enough and made his way inside the kitchen. What he saw from there through the door made his blood boil with anger. Silver Mane was holding Berry up by her hair with his magic. She was bleeding onto the floor from a bleeding bruise on the side of her head. A black eye was forming visibly, her nose was bleeding as she was just crying with her eyes closed, just waiting for the beating.

"Oh I will, once you know again where your place is and for that to happen you need to show me that you still know how to suck the correct way!" He threw her onto the ground and pushed her towards his crotch, his dick already standing at full length. Obviously he was a sadist.

"Now get sucking or I will choke you on it!" Berry shook her head, reeling back in disgust when the tip touched her lips. Alex had seen enough. He looked around the kitchen to find a possible weapon, he found what he searched for. The empty bottle Applejack Daniels, that he and her had drank together. He picked it up and snuck up to the stallion.

"Oh you will suck!!" Silver had just stuck his cock into Berry's mouth by force when he felt a unfamiliar gust of wind from the side. When he looked up to see where it came from he saw Alex swinging a bottle at his face. It hit making him scream in pain as it broke on impact, pieces of the broken glass digging themselves deeply into his face.

"You won't hurt Berry ever again you fucking piece of shit!!" Alex was not done yet,he grabbed the unicorn stallions horn and pulled his head down, ramming his knee into Silvers face three times, digging the shards deeper into the stallions face and breaking his nose with the first knee slam. Then he threw Silver against the dining table and turned to Berry.

"Berry, oh my god, I am so sorry, if i had been faster I..." she shook her head, shutting him up.

"I-i-is Pinchy alright?" Her voice was very weak and shaky. He nodded and hugged her softly, to show her everything would be okay now.

"You gotta get out of here, run to Twilight's castle there Pinch is right now. Just let me take care of-" He went silent when he heard Silver's cough from behind him. The unicorn was getting up again.

"You.....damn...motherbucker!! I will kill you!!" Alex tried to turn towards his opponent but before he could he was grabbed in a magical hold and thrown into one of the walls, face first. He grunted in pain but felt how his head was pulled back and rammed against said wall, making his forehead bleed and him grunt in pain.

"Pha...hero, did you want to come in and save Berry? That bucking whorse is mine, mine alone!!" Silver walked up behind him and turned him around, smirking at the pained look on the humans face. Silver himself was bleeding heavily from the wounds of the glass and the nose.

"Payback time!" He laughed as he began throwing punch after punch at Alex. The human grunted and screamed at the punches much to the stallions delight who then threw him across the room against the other wall. He was about to walk over, when Berry spoke up behind him.

"Hey Silver!" He turned his head to her as she stood behind him. "Consider this my divorce gift for you!" With that she turned very fast and kicked him in the balls with all her power, he howled in pain as he tried soothing his aching testicles, forgetting about Alex who was now free.

Alex grinned and kicked Silver to the ground making the stallion spit out a small bit of blood. He then grinned and looked at the living rooms glass table.

"Berry...will you be mad if I break the table?" He picked up Silver who was still trying to recover form the kick to both his balls and the face.

"Nope, go right ahead." She watched with a grin as Alex held up Silver high with both hands, to then throw him into the glass table. The stallion lied there as a puddle of blood slowly formed from his back.

"D-d-don't think you have bucking ugly thing..." Groaned Silver after spitting out some more blood. He slowly got up again.

"You only got free because that bitch helped you....I won't let that happen again...this time I will kill you with my magic." He concentrated and let magical daggers form in the air. Alex did not seem impressed and pulled the small bottle from his belt and opened it.

"W-what is that?" Asked Silver with a raised eyebrow as Alex drank it down and chuckled at the stallions confusion.

"This was, your end. You have no chance anymore. " He began walking towards Silver who growled and flung the daggers at him. Berry screamed in fear for Alex but the daggers simply went through him without doing any damage.
"Hmm this potion is really good, thank god Twilight gave it to me." Mused Alex before he began charging at Silver.

Alex grinned at seeing Silver in turn was only able to stare in horror at what he did not understand as he charged him into the wall, making the unicorn spit blood but Alex was not done yet. He grabbed Silver by the horn and threw him to the ground, then raised his foot and slammed it down on the unicorns horn with all might.

A loud crack echoed through the house as well as a blood curling scream from Silver. Alex had broken off his horn, blood now was spurting out in small intervals from the rest of what had been the horn, the pieces being jagged and bloodied. Alex smirked and lifted up his foot, his shoes being sprayed in blood. He picked up the broken off piece and smirked.

"Now all of your cruelty ends Silver Mane..." The stallion shook in fear as he crawled away from the human, who walked past him and picked up the still intact neck of the bottle he had used before to attack Silver.

"Now how about we make you pay for everything you did....but maybe it is not me who..should have all the fun right Berry?" He held out the bottleneck to her, she smirked in return and took it.

"Gladly my dear Alex, although, you beat him, you finish him off..." Silver was stammering for mercy, making Berry chuckle as she then kicked him in the balls again.

"Shut the buck up you bucking monster, you dared to hurt my daughter, a innocent foal. Now you get what you wished for, I will take special care of your balls." With that she leaned down and brought the sharp parts of the handle to his balls. He was crying by now as she stabbed the bottleneck right in, showing no mercy in ripping open the sack, blood flooding over her hoof as she carved out his testicles. Once they dangled out of the now ruined sack she simply cut them off. By now Silver was not screaming anymore, the pain making him only lie there, his mouth opened in a silent scream.

"I am done with him, Alex hon, please finish him off, then we can go and get Pinchy. Also....we both need a doc and a shower badly." She giggled and kissed his cheek as she handed over the bottleneck to him. He in turn nodded and took it as she walked out of the living room and to the bathroom to clean herself up a bit.

"Well well well...." He layed the sharp tip of the bottleneck on the now broken nose of Silver. "You know, you could have avoided all of this, every single bit of it. But you did not, you decided to come back to torture your family even more and maybe it would have worked...." He made a long deep cut on the stallions cheek. "But I doubt it, Princess Twilight was after you all the time after all so....I don't know."

Then a grin spread on Alex face. "You know, since you threatened Pinch back there I kept thinking about how I would kill you. All I knew is that it should be gruesome and painful. Should i simply cut you up? Or do something creative with you. Now, I can not destroy your balls anymore since sweet Berry took care of that. But now I have other options...."

Silvers eyes widened in horror as Alex put the sharp part of the bottleneck inside his mouth. "You know....back there you had such a cocky grin on your muzzle, where did it go? You looked almost okay with that....let me bring that back."

With that he cut open the mouth, all the way on both sides till Silvers mouth was one big bloody grin. "There much better, now....even I think everyone deserves the end sometimes, so now I will give you the mercy you deserve....goodbye Silver Mane....see you in hell."

With that he brought the bottleneck tip to the stallions eye and just pushed in deep. Silver was struggling for quite a while but when Alex had hit the brain he stopped moving.

"Well that's that..."He looked at the corpse feeling a bit scared of what he just did. "My god.....I went overboard...." He turned away and towards the bathroom. Before it stood Berry, waiting for him.

"Come on hon, you need some rest and a doctor, I am surprised you still are able to stand." He nodded and went into the Bathroom, cleaning himself up. Inside he began to cough up blood, he had taken quite the beating, probably broken a few ribs again or even worse.

After cleaning up he went out of the bathroom and nodded at Berry. "Let's go and see Pinchy, I bet she is sick because we were gone so long." Berry giggled and nodded. With that they went on their way to the castle.

When they arrived at the castle Twilight was already waiting outside with Berry Pinch. Both of them seemed very worried till Pinch noticed the two.

"Mommy!!" She ran towards her mom and hugged her. "Mom! I was so worried, i was worried he would have hurt you. I was so scared!" Berry hugged her daughter and began calming the young filly down. Meanwhile Twilight walked over to Alex.

"Is it.....done?" She noticed the blood on his shoes and clothes, gulping at what she saw. He in turn nodded and coughed a few more times.

"Yeah, the guy put up quite a fight....and he...attacked Berry, I came just in time it seems. But we both need a doctor and a lot of rest." He sighed deeply before looking over at the happy mother and daughter. " was worth it, that's for sure."

Suddenly Twilight giggled which made Alex raise his eyebrow in a questioning manner" You know..." She giggled more. "Now that you saved them, you are their knight in shining armor, you better take responsibility."

He chuckled. "Oh and what would that mean, that I protect them from now on?"

She giggled and shook her head. "Not really no. But i am sure that Berry now wants to start a herd with you." Alex was just about to ask Twilight what the heck a herd was when the young dragon Spike came running out the castle. In his hand a small scroll of paper.

"Twilight, Twilight, Twilight!! A letter from Princess Celestia came!!" He came to a halt infornt of them and handed Twilight the scroll. She thanked him which surprised Alex greatly.

The more she read the wider her eyes got. " gotta read this." She handed him the lettter.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle

I am writing you to inform you about that my sister and I will soon come around for a visit. This is needed,since a few guards were sended back to Ponyville to be with their families and we would like to see if they got settled in properly. Also through your letters we got interested in that you managed to acquire a unknown species that arrived on our planet. To inspect that species and find out if it poses any threat to ponykind we will visit as well. Await our arrival in three days. We will arrive in the evening hours. I really look forward to see you again soon and talk with you about your status, we had so little time to talk when you were here.

Most respectfully and hoping to see you soon,yours truly

Princess Celestia

After reading it Alex looked at Twilight, his face white as snow." this bad?"

She looked him dead in the eye. "Usually no but in this situation with what happened today....yes this is very bad."

Chapter12 : Repressed pain and Royal Visitors....

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"You did what?!?" Twilight stared at the two like she just heard a few lines out of Discords private diary. They just had gotten done telling her what had occurred within Berry's home.

"You Alex, yes i told you that you are allowed to kill him but that...what is wrong with you?!?" Alex slightly winced at the outburst but he had to admit, she was correct, he completely went overboard and lost control of himself.....again. Twilight then turned to Berry.

"And never thought you would be even capable of thinking about such a thing!" Berry by now was staring at a wall of the castle, slowly rocking back and forth.

"T-t-they will banish me, oh my god what have I done....I just wanted to protect my just came over me and then...." Alex walked up behind Berry and hugged her, she jumped lightly but leaned into him as he hummed a song.

"I know Berry, it was not your fault. You had been through so much, something would have happened either way." He cuddled her softly. She nodded slowly as she still was shivering.

Twilight now stared at Alex in even more disbelief. " can you even say such stuff so nonchalantly? I mean, I.....I know I wanted you to make him disappear but...this was too much. "

Alex turned to her, his face a mixture of pain,despair and sadness. "Do you think I don't know that? Do you really think I do not know that i went overboard? I did but I did it because....I...just lost it. The worry for Berry and my anger, they....they brought something back in me I had hoped I had buried away inside me a long time ago!"

"What do you mean by that? What did you bury, how....?" Twilight asked in bewilderment to which Alex decided he had said too much and shut up.
"Alex, you have to tell me, if there is something that made you leash out like that, in that fashion we need to know about it!"

Berry looked up at Alex and rubbed his hand with her hoof. "Please hon, you can trust us. " He looked down at her then back at Twilight.

"You Berry, yes i can trust but not her i am afraid. She is still a princess of ponykind and I saw how she treats other species." He sounded worried.

Twilight sighed deeply at that. "Listen Alex. Yes I am a princess and i do share a lot of the royals sentiments they do towards other species but you have proven yourself to be a creature no, a person that is worth acknowledging as such. So in order to help you get past the princesses wrath when they find about this, without you dying or being maimed I need to know what you mean by that!"

Both Berry and Alex backed away a bit at Twilight's outburst. "Alright alright....I will talk....but just know that what you will hear may not be the most happy tale ever told." Alex rubbed his chin, his face changing to a serious look.

"You know back when I was in your and Applejack's custody when we first met you asked me a few questions. But a few you did not ask, and one of them was if I had any family back from where I come from. Now the thing about that would have been, that I would have answered no. I have no family, or at least not anymore." Both mares listened closely, Berry slightly leaning against him.

"Back when I had a family, parents, a little sister I was.....let's just say I was not exactly a stellar son or brother. Got into trouble, took drugs all that shit. Heck i probably started to drink way to early too, thanks to that now I can't really stop anymore." He chuckled softly but got back to being serious.

"Through that I got in touch with bad company....I got into a gang, got my first kill very soon after and after a while killing and hurting people was the norm for me. It was like waking up each day." A deep frown formed on Twilight's face. "Of course that did not go well for very long and soon I had to pay the price for what I did. First it only hit me personally, I got beaten, shot at and threatened but that was normal to me by that point. But all that changed when the threats were not aimed at me anymore but instead were aimed at my family." He shook his head.

"Mom told me after some weeks that we needed to move away from that town, I did not want to run but i understood the urgency of the situation, however that brought on even more problems."

"How so, you moved away and that's it right?" Wondered Berry looking up at him with innocent eyes.

"Sadly was not that easy. I had to get out of my gang after all and let me tell you, they were not amused at all by that. They told me, if I were to leave their gang they would destroy my life. I told em to go suck it and well....they did destroy my life." He looked at the ground, the pain visible on his face.

"What did they do?" Asked Twilight who had stepped closer a bit.

"Well....they pretty much killed my family. We were just about to drive off to the new city, when I heard the shots....barely managed to pull down my sister to safety. My parents however....they got hit, mom died immediately but dad, he had only been shot in the liver, at least if the autopsy report is correct. He told me to take my sister and run as fast as I can before he died. I did ran with her, she was crying all the way, not understanding what had happened or why it did happen. All she knew was that it was my fault." Tears were visible in his eyes as he remembered the situation that he had locked away for so long,once again.

"We ran for several minutes and I already though we had escaped, when I got shot in the leg. We had been followed and while I lied there on the ground, three of them showed up, one of them with a gun and well...he shot my sister right infront of me. There was nothing I could do." He was openly crying by now.

"But that does not explain why you acted that way with Silver Mane. " Spoke up Twilight who by now looked saddened by the story as well, while Berry had hugged the man tightly.

"Well after they shot her....they went on to taunt and beat me.....and something snapped inside me. It was like a red mist covered my sight, I killed all three of them and once I was done, they were not recognizable anymore. Since then I sometimes get these urges to do such stuff in...dire situations. That's why I always try to stay calm...." He hugged back Berry now and buried his face in her fur.

Twilight sighed and nodded. "Well, while it may not be the best reasoning for how you acted, I now understand why you did it and also I think I can make a compelling defense case for you. So do not worry, I will do my best to help, I mean you saved a mare and mother and her child, so I think the princesses will be lenient with you. However I do not know how to make them be so kind with Berry for what she did." She looked really worried.

Alex shook his head. "Then she won't be accused at all in the first place. I will take the blame for what she did.It is the least I
can do for how kindly she has been treating me all this time." He rubbed Berry's ear who leaned into his hand. "But now....I
need some rest....and a few drinks."

Berry nodded. "Say no more, my bar is always open to you,plus I need a few ones too. Twilight, is my house corpse free by now?" She looked scared still.

"Yup, the corpse has been brought the autopsy and well, the place has been cleaned too of course. So feel free to go home." The purple unicorn smiled at the two who nodded and stood up. "Just make sure to show up to the Princesses visit. Alex, you because they want to see you and Berry, you because you are housing him at the moment." The two of them nodded and picked up Berry Pinch who had played with Spike all that time to go home.

Once they had arrived at home they enjoyed a few drinks together and soon after that it was time for Pinch to go to bed. When Berry went to pick her up and get her into bed the filly spoke up.

"Mom...could Alex bring me to bed today....p-please?" She brought on the puppy-dog eyes,which were not needed in the first place as Alex picked her up softly and chuckled.

"Of course I can Pinchy, here we go!" He smiled as he carried her upstairs and bringing her into bed, after making sure she had properly brushed her teeth of course. She looked up at him once she was in bed.

"Alex, would you please tell me a bedtime story? Mommy always does so, it really helps a lot." Alex nodded with a big smile as he felt his heart basically explode, out of cuteness overload.

"What kind of story would you like to hear?" He smiled softly

"One about someone of your kind, Human right? Please?" She once again used the puppy-dog eye look to which he nodded.

"Alright but it will only be the first part of the story, it is a long one after all. It is the story about how one man became a king and formed a group of righteous knights around him to battle evil. " With that he began to tell, about halfway in the story the kid had fallen asleep already.

He smiled and kissed her forehead before leaving the room and walking back downstairs into the bar for a few more drinks and to make a plan together with Berry about how to handle the princesses.

Three days later the three of them were awoken by a set of very loud knocks on the door. Still tired and slightly grumpy from the rude awakening Berry and Alex made their way down to the door. Both had not get much sleep, as since the bar had opened again there had been many customers. Alex had began to work and his drinks despite him being a different species had gotten quite a popularity, making him have to work overtime last night.

Berry turned to the door and motioned to Alex with a hoof and a grunt that he should go make some coffee, he nodded in return and got into the kitchen while Berry opened the door. On the other side was a very excited looking Twilight.

"Good morning Berry. Are you okay, are you awake, is Alex awake, today they are coming, we need to get ready. We need to get you two ready and look presentable and-" She was interrupted by Berry with a grunt.

"Twilight, it is early in the morning, Alex and I had to work overtime yesterday, so quiet for a while till we had some coffee. Please...." Twilight looked a bit nervous but stayed quiet as Berry lead her inside. The smell of freshly made coffee was filling the living room and kitchen.

Alex walked over two mugs of steaming hot coffee in his hands. He handed one over to Berry who sighed in relaxation. "Want one too?" He asked Twilight who shook her head.

"No thank you very much, I don't like the bitter taste of coffee." She looked at the two who too their first sips.

"We also have caramel syrup and milk, it won't be bitter then." Sang the human to which Twilight sighed in slight annoyance but giggled also.

"Okay okay. I will have some." Alex chuckled and turned to make some more Coffee, quickly returning with it. Twilight herself looked at the two with uncertainty then took a sip. Slowly a smile spread on her face. "This is good, but besides that....are you two ready for the princesses arrival?"

"Well yes and no." Alex took another sip from his mug. "On one hand we are cause we kind of have a plan how to act, on the other hand, we of course can't predict everything. So there are still some danger factors, like them having the same views on other races but them being turned up to eleven on that front."

"Yeah, I thought about that too. I really hope they won't attack you for what happened. But I think your case should be strong enough to keep you safe, combine that with the fact you are basically a alien creature and it should go over well." Twilight nodded to that with a small smile.

Berry then spoke up. "But....just in case....what could happen?"

"I must admit, I have no idea."Twilight hung her head low."I wish I did, but I am not allowed in the courts concerning other races yet. Something about me having to prove myself worthy as a princess of ponies and such."

"I guess all we can do then is wait and see..." Spoke Alex. After that they went over some of the customs you had to apply to when talking to one of the princesses. A small but good breakfast continued and Alex brought Pinch to school, all the while thinking about the visit that would come that evening.

Several hours later, the sun was slowly setting, casting a soft orange flare all over the sky and the trio was waiting outside of Twilight's castle for the royal visit when at the sky line slowly a golden glimmer neared itself towards them.

"It's the royal has been some time since I saw it the last time, but....why are the princesses traveling with it?" Twilight wondered, one eyebrow raised.

"Well they maybe bring a whole group of guards with themselves?" Alex mused as he looked on to which Twilight shook her head.

"No, if they had, they would just have brought pegasus guards with them." By now the carriage was clearly visible, it was fairly big.

"Well there is only one way to find out, we wait and see." Spoke Berry, she was shaking a bit as all three of them felt a weird kind of pressure come closer with each second the carriage did. After a few minutes it set on the ground softly, the door was opened and five guards stepped out, two unicorns, two earth ponies and one pegasus. After them two beings left the carriage, whose surrounding atmosphere made Alex shiver slightly. These must have been the princesses, by their mere looks Alex already knew the difference in power between them and himself.

The one on the left was taller than the other but not by much. She had a pristine white coat that seemed to radiate off pure light which made it hard for the human to look at her for a long time. Her mane like Rainbows seemed to consist of all the colors of the rainbow but her mane had a more ethereal look to it, same for her tail. Both seemed to be in constant flow, like wind was brushing through them softly.She also wore some kind of tiara and necklace, both seeming to be made of pure gold accompanied with what looked like horseshoes of a special kind,made from a metal so white and pure, he had no idea how it had even been given this form. Her eyes had a lavender rim and seemed soft while she looked from Twilight onto Berry, as soon as she looked at him however her look became more hard and cold as she stared at him, making him feel very uncomfortable. Like Twilight she was a Alicorn, he had expected such. He also was certain that this had to be Princess Celestia as she radiated off more power than the other one.

Alex the looked onto the smaller one of the two. Her Coat was of a night blue color. She also had a own presence of power radiating of off her but hers was much more calm and gentle. Yet Alex did not relax as he felt a certain kind of danger coming from her. Her mane and tail was like looking into the night sky, sparkling and also waving in the air like wind was brushing it. She herself wore a smaller tiara and necklace, both made from materials Alex had no idea what it could be, on said necklace the sign of a half moon showed. Her shoes seemed to have been made from pure stainless silver. Her turquoise eyes flowed over the group and left on him, she however showed a look of interest and curiosity rather than one of worry and hostility. Both of them seemed to be a little bit taller than him.

He was waiting for one of them to speak up when suddenly from the carriage a male but very petty sounding voice could be heard.

"Aunties, is the creature out there as well, I can't wait to see it, I heard it is tall and very strong. I want to see how strong it is!!" Both Twilight, the princesses and Berry had a look of annoyance and somewhat pain on their faces when a unicorn stallion stepped out of the carriage whose look basically screamed, posh spoiled prince.

His coat was white as Celestia's, however his had no power radiating off of it. He also had a long blond mane and tail that looked like it had taken hours to style them that way. He also wore a small black vest with a gray undershirt and a blue tie. In his vest a small red rose had been nestled. He let his light blue eyes look at them till his look fell upon Alex, there his eyes widened in excitement as a smile spread on his face for a second, that completely went against how he had sounded before.

He went to simply trot over to Alex but was stopped when he walked into a wall made from yellow magic. He looked up at Celestia who had stopped him, like a impatient child that wanted to have some candy and was being stopped by a parent.

"Auntie, why are you holding up a wall? I want to look at the being no, the visitor a bit closer and maybe talk to him? Why are you stopping me??!" He stomped his hoof onto the ground.

Celestia sighed in annoyance before she spoke in a voice, that was usually spoken softly but now had a harsh and hard tone to it. "I am very sorry nephew but we don't know if that.....thing is no danger to ponies or you for that matter."

"We do not think so sister, this being, it does not seem like it would be capable to fend for it's own. At least to us and the guards it will not pose any kind of threat in our opinion, so lower that guard and let our nephew meet the creature, so we can continue with more important tasks.Although we also wish to have a chat with it as well later on." The one Alex assumed had to be Luna spoke up, her eyes still resting on him calmly.

"Fine...." Celestia sighed and made the magical wall vanish, making the young prince let out a happy neigh.

"Thank you so much aunties!!" The stallion skipped to Alex who looked on with a slightly worried face. "Good day visitor, I am Prince Blueblood, nephew of the princesses of Equestria. May i know your name as well?" He still had that pompous tone to him but toned down a lot.

"The name is Alex, Alex Terris, I know it may sound a bit stupid but why did you tag along your aunts?" Alex noticed a harsh glare from Celestia at that question.

"How could I not have come along? A new being from far away, comes to our little land? I just had to see you in person to make sure you are real. Now....I know that may be a bit rude but....may I prod you, or poke if you will? I just want to see what are like." Blueblood had a half shy half nervous grin on his face as he asked.

"Nephew, why are you asking that thing? You are a prince of Equestria, act your part and just take what you want, he is alone, we are many. So stop trying to smear honey around it's maw." Scolded Celestia to which the prince rolled his eyes and gave Alex a pleading look.

Alex sighed and nodded, making Blueblood smile brightly. The prince then lifted his hoof and very softly prodded Alex arm, shoulder and chest. "Hmm, for your looks you are well build, you are hiding much under that clothing of yours. Also....are there any zones....that would be in bad taste?"

"Indeed there are. Like every male....between the legs, I mean if you bought me dinner three times first that would be different but not like this." Alex chuckled softly but noticed that Blueblood showed to be blushing slightly.

"Oh i am so sorry Mr.Alex, I did not know you were a male of your kind. Don't get me wrong, you do look the part but I myself have diamond dog females among my servants that look buffer than most men and male dragons that may as well be female, so please do not be angry with me." Blueblood then noticed that Celestia was still looking at the two. Clear distrust in her eyes. "M-maybe we should take this talk somewhere else?"

Alex looked at Twilight. "That fine?"

She looked at him in bewilderment. "If you want to hang out with the most childish and snobbish stallion of Canterlot be my guest." Alex smirked and put his eyes back on Blueblood.

"How about we leave this spot for a better atmosphere without death glares thrown."He looked at Celestia whose eyes seemed to glow. "I work at a small bar not far from here,care for a drink?"

"Yes I would love to. Please, lead the way Mr.Alex." With that Alex led the prince to the bar he worked at and the house he lived in.

After a short while filled with small-talk and some jokes they arrived within the bar. Blueblood looked at all the bottles lined up while Alex took his spot behind the bar.

"So Prince Blueblood..." he began but the stallion held up his hoof.

"Just Blueblood or Blue for short if you wan't to." He smiled softly

"Okay then, so Blue, what can I make you, something sweet and light, just strong or maybe very sweet and strong?" He got his shaker and opened the ice tray.

"Sweet and strong please, I have to be honest,while I like drinking, I am a bit of a wuss when it comes to well stallion drinks." The prince blushed once again slightly.

Alex nodded and began mixing a drink together, pouring melon liquor,vodka and orange juice into the shaker with some ice and began shaking. " Now pal, why does Twilight seem to....dislike you? You seem fine to me?"

The prince chuckled softly. "Quite a few reasons in fact, heck even my aunts don't like my antics that much. But mainly....quite possibly because I treated a friend of hers badly on a party a few years back. I was much more stupid back then, treating everyone as if they were below me and such. But that is over now."

"I see, and the reason your aunts dislike you is....?" Alex poured the drink into a glass and served it to Blueblood.

Blueblood took a sip and sighed in relaxation."Well it is only Celestia who seems to deem me as unworthy to be a royal of
Canterlot. Aunt Luna i never figured out. But for the reason why, there are two major ones." He took another sip. "Those being for one i do not share the ideas of Celestia at all. Us standing above other races, that is horse apples I tell you. But I kind of had to play along. So I did something that really peeved her. I got a lot of different races as my servants and such, but instead of treating them badly I decided to treat them very good, almost like family you know. That really made her go of on a tangent on me one day."

He took another sip."Mhhm this is good.Anyways, the other reason is because I once tried to get into one of the investigations done on a stallion of the royal guard. His name is Silver Mane. Was accused of beating his wife and kid till she got the divorce through.I wanted to get that guy into the chambers, cause it was so obvious he was guilty but no, aunt Celestia told me to not stick my nose where it does not belong. That's another reason I am here for, heard he came back home and wanted to make sure he stays in line."

Alex eyes widened. "Oh really, then I can assure you he won't be any trouble anymore."

"Oh really how so?" Blueblood took another sip of his drink.

"You see, his wife Berry Punch took me in and to this day treats me so kindly, so I made it my job to protect her and the kid. So when that guy came around he did try to do bad but I made sure he can't since I did...."

Alex was about to tell his deed when a loud angry shout from the direction the princesses were could be heard, loud enough to echo all through Ponyville. The one shouting was Celestia.

"IT DID DO WHAT?!!?" Alex face lost all it's color as dread began to rise in his stomach.

"Shit....Blue....I think I will die now..."

Chapter 13: Truth, Justice and Verdict...

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Alex had just begun to calm down from the shout princess Celestia let out when he felt something. It started as a warmth that slowly but surely crept closer. But over time the warmth heightened, turning from warmth into heat. A searing heat that came close along with the sound of something heavy rushing at the bar the Alex and Blueblood were at.

Quickly Blueblood shoved Alex behind himself. "Don't move friend, or you may burn to a crisp." He used his magic to form a barrier around them, it being cold and shielding the two from the heat. Their relief was cut short though when Alex was grabbed by the same yellow energy that had stopped Blueblood earlier from getting to him. He did not get the time to call for help as he was pulled by the energy and thrown through one of the houses windows to the princesses hooves. Bluebloods barrier had managed to protect him for the most part but some of the shards still had cut the humans skin. Alex looked up at Celestia, fear very clear in his eyes.

"Thing, is it true, did you do what i just heard you did?" Her voice was calm but also cold as ice, a clear threat behind her calm tone. She raised her hoof.

"That I did but please let me explain why...!" He was struck across the face by her before he could elaborate, making him yelp in pain as a hoof to the face is quite painful. She stared down at him, hatred in her eyes as Luna, Berry and Twilight ran up behind her.

"Sister, please calm your anger. We know you want to bring down justice on this creature but we can not just slay it without giving it a proper chance to defend itself, so please calm down!" Luna stepped towards Celestia using her own magic to make Alex stand while Berry ran over to him, dusting him off and pulling out some of the shards of glass that had buried themselves in his skin.

Twilight on the other hand turned to Celestia. "Princess Celestia, i usually respect all of your choices and share your thoughts on other races but this is a unique case so please listen and try to understand."

"Why should i? That vile creature killed one of our guards in one of the most brutal ways imaginable and you want me to listen to it's lowly excuses? It needs to die to set a example to all the other races!" She stared at Twilight who sported a small frown.

"Then i fear you will have to kill me too as I ordered it to do that, I ordered it to stop Silver Mane from doing any evil, even killing him if needed." Celestia's eyes widened and she opened her mouth but Luna spoke up.

"Done evil, what are you talking about?" She stepped forward a bit.

"Silver mane to the outside may have seemed like a stellar guard. A perfect stallion to lead others into battle and assist them. But despite all that he truly was a rotten being. While he was at home with his now ex wife Berry Punch and her daughter, he took all aggression accumulated on the battlefields or in the barracks out on them."

Luna stared at Twilight, clear disbelief in her eyes. "Y-you don't mean..."

"Yes....abuse, abuse of a innocent mare and her child." Twilight looked from one princess to the other. Luna still looked back with a look of shock while Celestia seemed strangely calm."However each time they went to other guards they were laughed at and ridiculed. Either the guards did not believe Silver Mane would do such things or they were in on it and tried to protect their friend."

Lunas eyes widened in shock as Berry now walked up to them. "He....did things to me....forced me....I....I can't retell it all but quite often i found him in my daughters room at night, had to lure him away from her every time....I don't know if he ever....never had the courage to ask." Her look was glued to the ground.

"So it was true! " Blueblood stepped out of the bar, having heard everything. "Silver Mane was the corrupt guard i assumed him to be. But you aunt Celestia always told me to not look into things!"

Twilight nodded. "Same with me, I was told to not look into it as it was already being investigated, or at least so i was told. But it never was. In any case, it was a relief when he finally was going away to Canterlot but we all know he did not stay there..."

"S-so when he came back he did.....?" Luna's voice was almost a whisper.

"He tried to...abduct my daughter, luckily Alex was with her at that time, protecting her and getting her to safety. However he then went after me and well.....let's just say Alex just made it before things could take a turn for the worst. He saved us and while he went a bit far....he is still a hero to me and my daughter." Berry was sniffling by now, looking at Alex who by now had stood back up.

Luna nodded in understanding. " We understand and we see that there is no harsh punishment needed. The creature acted a lot how good stallions did in older times so now i will bring down my verdict as the princess of the night...." The shock still was visible on her face. "I declare this being as..."

Before she could continue Celestia coughed, her face being ice cold still. "Luna, are you really letting a murderer of a royal guard get away without punishment? Especially of a race other than a pony?"

"Yes sister we will. We may agree with you on some of your views of other races but this is not about that. It is about the truth and justice being served rightfully." She looked over at her sister. "So from my point of view this being is innocent."

Celestia shook her head, looking at Luna. " I can't believe you take the side of such a creature, especially since it was one of our guards that was killed by it." She sighed deeply.

Twilight raised her eyebrow and walked towards Celestia. "Pardon my question, but how come you take all of this so lightly? I mean said guard was a abusive father and husband and clearly raped his wife multiple times. There is even the chance he went for his own daughter so please excuse my language but why the buck do you still want to punish Alex for protecting that family?!?"

"Because she knew of it all the time. She probably did not know of everything but she knew enough. Ain't that right aunt Celestia? " Blueblood looked at Celestia, to which she once again sighed. "That is why you told me to not look into things,correct?"

Celestia looked at him and nodded. "Yes,yes i did. I knew he hurt his wife and daughter. I knew the crimes of Silver Mane, thats why i first brought him back to Canterlot and tried to get these dangerous 'tendencies out of him. Once i believed he was rehabilitated i sended him back."

Luna stared at Celestia,her mouth slightly open in disbelief. "W-what? Why, why did you not bring that disgrace of a stallion and a royal guard before court and let him face justice. Why did you protect him?"

"Because it would have diminished our units morale. He was very popular with the other guards as well as the nobles. The people regarded him a hero on the battlefield. If he had been put on trial and obviously found guilty it would have shaken up the ponies, made them loose trust in the royal guard and in turn us. I could not let that happen, so I did what I had to do for the greater good!" She then stared at Alex, hatred clear in her eyes. "And now this lowly creature comes along, exposes the crimes of Silver Mane and then kills him to save the tortured family. Do you even know what kind of a light that shines upon the guard Luna? Do you even realize how much this dirty piece of horseapples has humiliated the royal guard? How much he humiliated us, the rulers of ponykind, the princesses?!? " She looked at Luna who simply shook her head.

"Sister, is that why you held this under wraps, cause you feared how the public would view the guards and us? For that you decided to leave a mother and her child in fear of him returning. Is that truly your reasoning?"

"Yes, it had to be done for the greater good, so that ponies can sleep in peace at night. It was done for the greater good. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good!" Celestia's look went over Berry.

Luna sighed. "Celestia, we may be the younger sibling but even we know that this was the wrong way to do things. In old days we were more open with such things, we made sure justice was served accordingly to those who deserve it. Also we do not believe that exposing Silver Mane would have made us less valued in the public eye, but rather made the ponies happy that we dealt with a threat."

"Things changed Luna, in those thousand years you were gone the world has changed. Now enemies are all around us at every border, if we seem weak on the inside they may attack, so we need to keep up a strong look to keep them at bay. That is why.....we need to punish that creature who killed Silver Mane." Celestia looked back to Alex.

Blueblood looked confused. "Why that aunt Celestia, he has done no wrong, in fact he has helped to expose and get rid of a problem within our army. That is a plus i would say."

"That is the problem though. " She shook her head. "A non-pony exposing problems in our ranks and bringing rightful justice? That would not go well with the public. Would make them question the guard and if our views on other races are not a bit biased. No I can't let that being stay unpunished."

"But if we kill it or punish it truth will be revealed no matter what. Celestia, we appeal to your honor as princess of Equestria, do not do this and rather take the publics opinions openly, like we did in the old days, or how we did....when we came back from the moon....we had to face ponykind and managed, if we did so will you!" Luna looked into Celestia's eyes.

The sun princess looked back, deep in thought then nodded. "Fine...for now, this creature is seen as innocent. It acted to defend to protect the family of Berry Punch, all charges are to be dropped." She then looked back at Alex."You survived this time. Don't make me come down on you once more, creature." The last word she basically spat out at him.

Inwardly Alex sighed in relief but nodded. "Thank you your highness. And thank you..." He turned to Luna and bowed slightly. "For your fair judgment. I really appreciate it."

Luna nodded, a small smile on her lips. "You are a strange creature. We only know your first name we believe, may we know your full name?"

Alex chuckled and nodded. "My name is Alex Terris your highness.

While they had talked Celestia had already turned around and began to walk away. "Come sister, nephew we have no reason being here anymore."

Luna nodded and turned but Blueblood stood still. "I would ask of something dear Aunts. Would you two be fine if I invited Mr.Terris here to Canterlot and into the castle?"

Celestia turned, a annoyed look on her face as she went to protest against that idea but Luna spoke up first. "Depending on why you are bringing him. What would he be there for?"

"Well aunt Luna, you know well that among my servants are many other races. It would be the best way to get to know the other races of our world, plus it would be within a safe environment. I would never send him into a changeling hive for example." He looked at Luna.

"Well....we know our sister would disapprove of that idea but to me your logic is sound. So I approve of your request,he may accompany us if he agrees to come with us." She looked at Alex. "Would you like to come with us?"

Alex looked back at Berry. "You know....I would love to but with Berry being here and....I don't know..." Before he could talk more, Berry hugged him from behind, cuddling him.

"Go ahead honey, I don't mind. Me and Berry will do good for the time being but know when you come will have some....hard work to do." She wiggled her eyebrows at him, making him blush, before letting him go.

"Well...." Alex looked back at Blueblood but looked quite surprised when the stallion in question waved Berry over, who reluctantly followed. They then began whispering among each other, with one giggle from Berry or a chuckle from Blueblood in between. "What are you two on about?" Alex asked slightly worried.

"Nothing bad honey, do not worry, go ahead and enter the carriage." Giggled Berry to which Alex simply shook his head and walked over to the carriage, inside the two princesses and the guards were already waiting.

Soon Blueblood entered the carriage and the doors were shut. "I truly hope you will enjoy your stay at Canterlot Alex." The prince smiled at Alex, who himself looked a bit worried. "Oh don't worry, it won't be that bad, heck I bet you will find one or two enjoyable surprises there."

Alex nodded and looked out of the carriages window. Outside he saw Berry waving goodbye, while Twilight turned towards her castle. "I sure hope you are correct in that department and don't think I will forget you whispering with Berry."

To that Blueblood only let out a chuckle as the carriage began to lift off the ground and make it's way towards Canterlot.

Chapter 14 : Changelings,pendulums and hunger...

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The flight in the carriage towards Canterlot took about three hours After one and a half hours Luna teleported away for fifteen minutes only to reappear inside again soon after. Wondering what had happened Alex looked out of the window to being amazed as now night had fallen over Equestria.

" it is true. You two truly wield the power over sun and moon, I did not believe it when a friend told me of it"

"Why of course it is true...uhh Alex right?" Luna asked to which he nodded his head. "But do tell, how come you did not believe her? That sounds most unusual to us."

"Oh yeah, i remember that for you ponies and all of you, magic is a normal occurrence but believe me when i tell you, I am from a world that has no magic." Luna stared at him wide eyed, Celestia even looked over while Blueblood's jaw seemed to be crashing into the floor.

"What nonsense, there is no possible way your world would be without magic, how would your kind even survive. Stop fooling us!" Celestia huffed annoyed.

"I am not fooling you, I swear. The world I come from holds no magic what so ever. And just so you know, the way my kind survived is by their ingenuity our creativity and our will to prevail. And as i like to say, i am sure we just are too stupid to die out." He chuckled at that.

Blueblood had picked up his jaw from the floor by now and rubbed his chin. "How interesting, so do i assume right that your species prevailed mostly by using science? "

"That is correct, you practice science here too?" To that Blueblood nodded.

"Yes we do, however it is a really weak branch cause of the things the things we research on. It is seen as not really needed. " Blueblood sighed softly."Too bad, I myself am a big advocate of it to be honest."

"I guess that makes sense, a world in which magic does exists has no need to use science to understand it. Or need science at all." The human nodded and looked out the window in thought.

Far in the distance the tips of the towers of Canterlot came into sight. "Wow....this is where you guys live at?"

"Not fully, we live up at the tip of the city in the big castle. Each one of us has a small suite in it. You will get a own room in my suite while you stay at Canterlot. That way you can get to know all my servants and with that all the different races that do roam the lands of Equestria." Blueblood had leaned over to Alex, looking out of the window with him.

"Just so I know, how many races are there?" Alex turned towards the stallion.

"Well going from the ones most close to us we have around 8 races, however one of those is divided into two different factions with each their own looks and skills. At least that's what I know. Those races are us the ponies, griffons,changelings,dragons, more far off are the minotours,yaks, zebras and lastly of which i know of are the diamond dogs who live underground, however we don't know where their cities are." Blueblood explained.

"I see, that are a lot and you really have servants from every one of these races? Even the one that is divided in two?" Alex inquired.

"Sadly no, also from most of these races I only have one servant, pony servants I have multiple but they all share my views so you don't need to fear anything. You have my word for that." Alex nodded and looked out the window again.
"I wonder how you will interact with my servants but also these townsponies...." The last part Blueblood spoke with disdain.

"Huh, is it really that bad?" Alex asked with a worried voice.

"Well I bet Ponyville was bad already, i know how they are with other races or ponies they don't know. Juts the thing with Canterlot is pretty much the same just eleven times worse." The stallion looked to the side.

"Welp....ain't that just great." Groaned Alex as they flew more close to Canterlot.

Surprisingly it was a rather smooth ride, thanks to the weather ponies having created one of the most calm and clear nights for the princesses to give them a safe passage through the air. When the carriage set down onto one of the landing zones located on one of the sides of Canterlot castle, not even a single sound was made. The door was opened by a pony in dark armor. What surprised Alex was that this pony seemed to be a different kind than which he had seen before, going by the bat wings, fangs, ears and fluffier fur.

"Welcome back princesses, I hope you two and your nephew had a good flight?" She then noticed the human and crooked her head to the side cutely, her ears standing up and turning towards him. "I see we have a guest?" She shuffled a bit closer making Alex back away a bit. She had a curious look on her face and looked him over with her bright almost glowing eye.

"Yes we did enjoy our flight and yes this is a guest. He will reside with Blueblood in his suite." Luna nodded as the batpony looked at her.

Blueblood noticed the surprised but also scared look on Alex face and chuckled. "There is no need to be afraid, then again I forgot to inform you, there are also batponies, a special breed of ponies with each their unique skills. You really do not have to be afraid, especially not of this one. Sweet Slumber poses no threat at all, she is one of the nicest guards we have around the castle. "

"I-is that so...?" Alex looked back to Sweet Slumber to see that the batpony had stepped a bit closer unknown to him and now was sniffing on his hand. "Uhhm....hello there?" Alex wanted to pull his hand back but didn't do so.

"Hello, you must be new around Equestria if you do not know what a bat pony is." She giggled slightly and kept smelling his hand.

"Why are you smelling me?" Alex noticed that she crept closer and closer, freaking him out a bit.

"Because you smell good, like really good. " She now was almost touching his hand with her muzzle. She then gasped and jumped back a bit, blushing madly. "I am so sorry, I did not mean to....I....." She looked at the ground in shame and began berating herself. "Way to go Sweet Slumber, here you have a visitor from far away obviously and you go ahead and creep him out by being weird, especially weird since you are the first batpony he has ever are so stupid, getting distracted by such a sweet and enticing smell."

She went on like that till Alex took a deep breath and walked over to her, softly poking her shoulder, making her jump a bit and hover in the air with her wings. "Calm down, yes you are the first batpony i have seen but if most of them are like you, I bet i will die of a cuteness overload." He smiled softly while she blushed brightly again.

"Y-you think the way i acted was cute?" She looked up at him, her ears splayed against her head.

"Yeah i do, sure the hand smelling was a bit weird but still had a cuteness to it but say, why did you smell my hand?" He looked down at his hand. "Does it smell that good?"

She shook her head but giggled. "No it is not just your hand, you, your whole body smells so sweet. It is really hard for me to keep my professionalism up being around you." At that Blueblood raised a eyebrow. "But since I am the first batpony you meet, how about I help you get used to my kind? " She giggled softly. "Then again that smell...." With that she stared at his hand again.

"Ummm Sweet Slumber are you agh...!" Before he could finish his sentence Sweet Slumber had jumped close to him and seemed to bite down on his hand, bringing a gasp of shock from both Luna and Blueblood.

Blueblood got ready to charge a bolt of energy at the batmare. "She is attacking him, we need to do....something?" All of the others now looked in complete confusion as Alex instead of screaming and fighting for his life all he did was chuckling and laughing like mad.

"Bwahahah stahahahaph please, stop her. She is tickling me!!" Upon further inspection it was clear she had not bitten him but instead was nibbling on his hand softly, making cute squeaking sounds as well. "Pahahahalease help me!!"

The three others watched for a second, then Luna broke out into loud laughter, almost falling over. Soon Blueblood had joined her in the laughter while Celestia looked on with a stern look. "Sweet Slumber! Look at yourself! Regain your composure!" The sun matriarch shouted, making the batpony squeak and look up at Alex, clear fear in her eyes.

Slowly she pulled away from him, making his hand leave her mouth. "I-I....I am so sorry....I did not mean....I don't know what came over me....I" She then held her head up high and closed her eyes. "G-go it...."

To that Alex looked at her in utter confusion."Do what?"

"H-hit me! Punch me!" She yelled as she began to shake in fear.

"Wh-what? Why should i do that? Come on, I could never hit you." He touched her shoulder making her gasp in slight shock.

"I-it is normal for us guards and servants to get hit if we mess up. I mean, somehow we need to learn to not do it again right?" This made Alex whirl around towards the three ponies behind him, anger very clear on his face. Blueblood was looking at the ground.

"Is that hit your guards and servants when they mess anything up? " He then glared specifically at Blueblood. "You too Blue?"

Blue was going to object but Slumber flew up and infront of Blueblood, like to shield him. "No no, please do not misunderstand, Prince Blueblood never hit me, or anyone for that matter, he is the only one who refuses to harm us, no matter how much we mess up." She now was looking up at Alex with begging eyes. "If you wanna be mad at anyone be mad at me for messing up...."

This made Alex heart ache and his anger to subside. "Like I said, I could never hurt you for something like messing up. Especially when it is something like that, you were being cute again so why should I hurt you." He brought her hand over her head making her shake slightly, only to begin softly scratching behind her ears making her gasp. She then leaned into his hand, letting out a sound that could be called a soft purr while closing her eyes. "See, there is no reason to be afraid of me. Also Sweet Slumber, you never got to know my name, it is Alex Terris. " She opened her eyes and nodded, a small smile on her lips.

He then looked at Luna and Celestia. "But you two....why do you hit your servants? Your guards? The ones ordered to tend for your well being and safety?"

Luna was stuttering trying to come up with a response but Celestia smirked. "Of course a lowly being like you would not understand that, if we do not punish them accordingly to their mistakes they will never learn to better themselves. Sometimes that does mean that a bit of blood and tears are needed." This made Alex eyes widen in shock while Luna stared at the ground. "And let me tell you one thing straight away, creature, you may be our guest but do not overstep your boundaries. If you do I will love to punish you myself...."

This made Alex shut up but look down at Slumber who was softly cooing as he still was petting her ear. "Princess Luna, i have a question." Luna looked up and nodded for him to go on. "In my stay at Canterlot castle, there is the chance that someone may try to attack me for several reasons. Will a guard be assigned to keep an eye on me?"

"You are correct, there is the chance you may get attacked. So.....yes you should get a guard, why do you ask?" She rose a eyebrow at him questioningly "May I request then that Sweet Slumber gets assigned to be my guard,she is the first guard I met here and I think we can work together greatly." He stopped petting her, making her whine slightly before she looked at Luna, took on a professional stance and saluted at her.

"My princess, it would be a honor to me to guard the visitor, I will make sure no one harms him and that he abides by the rules of the castle. If you will allow me to of course."

Luna thought for a moment then nodded. "Yes, we think that is the best course of action. We assign you Sweet Slumber to guard and assist the visitor Alex Terris while he is staying at Canterlot castle. Now please accompany him and our nephew to their suite."

Sweet Slumber saluted and began flying close to Alex, being at the same height as his head. Blueblood smiled and looked at Alex. "Well then, follow me Alex, I will lead you to our rooms." Alex nodded and with that they went on their way to Blueblood's suite.

On their way to the suite Sweet Slumber always stayed close to Alex who in turn kept petting her ears as he clearly enjoyed her purring. Then he turned to Blueblood as a question had formed in his head. "Say, of the races that are there, which ones do you have as servants and how many of each race?"

Blueblood nodded. "Yeah I have left you in the blue about that for quite a while haven't I? Well, i have several ponies as you know, a Zebra,a griffon, a diamond dog, one dragon and about two changelings. "

Alex whistled. "Wow, but why two changelings. ?"

"Oh yeah right, have not explained that one to you either." Blueblood smiled. "One of each side. Only bad thing is the two sides apparently do not mix well. They tolerate each other but if they get into fights it can get nasty. Other than that all of my servants are very kind beings." With that they arrived at a set of very big doors. Blueblood layed his hooves on the doors and smirked. "Welcome to my suite, enjoy your stay while being here."

Alex eyes widened at what he saw. The suite seemed to be huge as there was the main room which was already very big. From that room many hallways led deeper into the suite. "Blue, how big is your suite?"

"Well, with how many servants i have and all other rooms. A good chunk of the castle. Come on, come in and look at the main room. I am sure you will love it here." Blueblood led the human and Sweet Slumber into the room. Slumber gasped while Alex watched on with a open mouth.

The ceiling of the main room was in a beautiful midnight blue but upon further inspection one would notice that there were small plates of shining silver worked into it, copying the night sky outside. There was a big fireplace in which a cozy fire was burning. Multiple couches and comfy armchairs stood all around the fireplace and the room. Multiple shelves filled with all kinds of books stood around, further in the back there was a dining table with chairs and a door behind that which, so Alex assumed, the kitchen would be. It was a overall beautiful room.

"Blue....what the....I mean." Alex was at a loss for words, making the prince chuckle.

"Amazing isn't it? I hoped that you would like it. Come along, if i correct one of my....special servants should always be on one of the couches." He walked towards the couches as the two of them followed. The more they walked towards the fire place the more a distinct soft breathing sound could be heard. They made their way around the couch and looked at the being sleeping on it. Slumber letting out a quite gasp while Alex inspected the being.

What lied there before him had a vibrant bright blue with some color variations to it, however it did not seem to have any fur like ponies had, instead the color was of the skin which Alex thought had a insect like feel to it. Furthermore it had a horn and slightly long ears. On his back seemed to be some wings held under a protective outside chitin skin.Around his chest and abdomen the skin seemed to be a bit more strong and off a darker color. The beings face had soft lines as it breathed in and out.

While Alex was inspecting the being Blue walked up to the couch and softly touched the face of the heavy sleeper. "Come on, wake up, we have a visitor who may need a warm welcome." This emitted a soft chuckle form the being who was clearly male but with a softer tone to the voice. The unknown male turned away as if trying to sleep more. " Neoptera, get up this instant you silly bug, or do you want to give our guest a bad impression of the changeling kind?" This made the changeling jump up and look at them.

Neoptera's look fell from Blueblood over Sweet Slumber and finally landed on Alex. His eyes were of a beautiful violet color.Once he had noticed Alex, the changeling backed away a bit. "Well, hello there, my name is Neoptera or Neo for short, I am one of the numerous servants under Prince Blueblood. May i know your name?" It was very obvious the changeling was uncertain how to act around Alex and clearly nervous.

"Pleased to meet you Neo, the name is Alex Terris. My, you are a colorful fellow,if i may ask, are all changelings this colorful?" Alex smiled to relax Neo who shook his head softly.

"No,this colorfulness does not apply to all changelings, although most are like me though. The ones who are not as colorful as me....they are also less nice but you will see that for yourself as we have one of those here as well, I still don't understand why the prince keeps the guy as some sort of guard." He huffed and then looked at the human . "What are you if i may ask, I never saw anything like you? You are so tall, almost as tall as some minotours." Neo smiled.

"My race is called human, although I am afraid you will not find out if all of my kind are as tall as me since I am the only one of my kind on this planet I am afraid." He chuckled softly, but felt some sadness on the inside.

"Oh? That sounds so sad, do you want to go home? If you had the chance I mean, would you?" Neo had walked a bit closer and softly pushed a hoof against Alex's arm looking up into the humans eyes.

" to be honest, although I will miss some things from my world,Equestria is much more interesting feels like a new chance for me. I would stay here. I made some friends here that I want to see happy as well, so I will stay for them as well. " He smiled softly and nodded.

"I still feel sadness from you, is there something I could do to make you smile again?" Neo looked at him with a hopeful smile.

"Oh i am not that sad,I promise, I am just a bit tired and all from what happened over the last few weeks. But there is one thing you can do to take my mind of things, what are the differences besides looks between your breed of changelings and the other ones? From how you talk about the other changeling that works here I sense some sort of difference in your world views or such?" Alex face showed a small smile as he asked.

"Well yeah, pretty much but it is more than that. It also is about how we choose to eat or feast or however you want to call it. Do you know what us changelings feast on?" To that Alex shook his head. "Oh, well we feed on emotions basically, plus my kind can feast of plants as well but to both species love is the most nutritious and delicious. However here comes the way we differentiate in the department on how we get that food. While my kind only feed off the love that ponies or whoever offers us willingly, they try to feed off of ponies or whoever by either force or deception. They think our ways are way too docile but to us they are pure brutes, maybe even monsters. How could anyone steal love?"

"Is that all or is there even more does that work, if that other changeling that lives here lives of stealing or taking love, how can he be a guard and servant?" Alex wondered openly.

"Well his name is Noxious so you know but in any case, he does not need to hunt here but still sometimes acts like he still does, being all brash and rude. I really can't stand being around him, still I do understand that it is his culture so, there is little I can do about it, especially since he is stronger than me but that is to be expected from him, being a guard and all. Then there are some problems concerning whose leader each one of us liked most and followed before going into Prince Bluebloods services but besides that, that's it." He then smiled and chuckled. "Now it is your turn, what does your kind eat?"

"Well humans are omnivores, so we can eat a lot of things which sometimes really comes in handy." Alex smirked and rubbed the back of his head.

"Huh, another question, what are your stances on cuddles and all that?" The changeling looked to the side shyly.

"Well, I am all for them to be honest, didn't have much chances to do that although back in my world, so I bet I am a terrible cuddler. Why you ask, planning on tasting my love?" Alex chuckled softly.

"Well....I...umm...." The changelings face became beet read as he had been caught in the act. "Y-yeah....kinda....but is that really okay with you, snuggling up with another dude? I heard a lot of stallions do not like that would be okay if you declined." Neo looked at that ground, only to stare up when he heard the humans chuckles.

"Oh don't worry, i do not mind cuddling up with guys at all. I mean you may as well call me a pendulum." To that Blueblood as well as Sweet Slumber chuckled while Neo blushed once again.

"W-w-w-why a pendulum?" The changeling asked quietly.

"Because i swing both ways! Thank you, thank you, I know my puns are terrible." Alex smirked as more giggling and chuckling from the other two could be heard.

"Oh I can already see, you will have a fun stay here Alex. Especially now since you dropped that bomb." Blueblood teased softly.

"Well in any case Neo, what did you say about wanting to taste my emotions by cuddling?" Alex smiled softly at the changeling.

"W-w-w-well....could you hug me for a short while? Please, I had no food yet today." Neo looked up at Alex only to let out a small squeak, as he was picked up by the human into a hug but hugged back happily after a second. Alex felt like something was drained from him but not in a bad way, it felt okay.Meanwhile Neo seemed to be completely lost in the hug, eyes closed and completely relaxed. Alex also noticed that the skin of the changeling did not feel bad, very soft it felt to him. After a few seconds the two parted and Neo chuckled. "Thanks a lot, your love is really something else, may I please come back to you sometimes to get a bit more?"

"Sure anytime, really. It was one of the few hugs i had in recent years, all of which I only had in Equestria so far. So whenever you want to cuddle come to me." He smirked but suddenly a small growl could be heard. "But now....I could use some food as well. I am starving, had no food for almost the entire day..." The growls of his stomach became louder.

"Say no more." Neo smirked. "Just let me handle that, since I am the head-chef of the kitchen in this suite. Just wait a bit and i will make you some food that will make your mouth water in no time!" With that and a laugh the changeling flew through the door behind the dining table into the kitchen.

"Well seems like you made a friend here and you swing both ways as well, that's convenient as well." Blueblood mused.

"Convenient in what way? Does this have to do with that thing you whispered about with Berry? You said I did not need to worry." Alex raised a eyebrow.

"Oh you do not need to worry, it is in no way harmful to you. Still I will not tell what we talked about. Not yet." Blueblood chuckled.

"Well I will get myself some food too, I will be back in about a hour." Spoke Sweet Slumber and after waving towards the two she flew out of one of the windows into the night sky.

"Now since I have met one of your servants, when will i meet the other ones, like the griffon?" Alex turned to Blueblood.

"Both the dragon and the griffon are on the day shift so you will probably meet them tomorrow morning, also I would watch my back for a while if I were you, not only around the day guard and Celestia but also in here. I bet Noxious listened to your talk with Neoptera and now will try to get some of your love as well.And he will try any way he sees fit I fear. So you may see another one of my servants very soon. The zebra is also asleep already i think but the diamond dog is on guard duty today. So yeah you will meet them all as time goes on."

To that Alex simply chuckled. "Oh come on, he can't be that bad, if you employed him, he must be nice in some way right?"

"He is, very friendly once you get to know him, maybe even a bit too friendly . Still, be careful, at least do not let him jump you." Blueblood chuckled.

"Stop trying to scare me...but if he is so friendly why does Neo make it seem like there is such hatred between them?"Alex wondered, rubbing his chin in thought.

"I guess it has to do with the way that they hold loyalty in some way to their leaders." Blueblood sighed.

"What do you mean by that, are there like two clans of changelings or something?" Alex rose a eyebrow.

"Yes and no, you see, the old queen of the changelings was dethroned not long ago. Most of the changelings followed the new king and his more kind and soft methods, while a small group of changelings still held loyalty to their queen, which I think Noxious is part of. That's why these two seem to clash all the time. "

Alex nodded and asked. "Anything else I should know about the changelings?"

Blueblood nodded. "Yes, how they are treated around here. Many ponies see them either as dirt or insects, still they....use them..."

"What do you mean by that?" Anger slowly rose in Alex voice.

"Well since changelings need love to get full nutrition, they often resort to prostitution. I mean it is their only chance to get at least some speck of love to feast on. Then there are some changelings that get sold as sex slaves, those may get food often but also abused in most cases. "

"That is horrible, is no one standing up to it?" Alex now was partially furious.

"There are some, those who still treat the other races with respect and care, but there is no open group who try to change anything, cause how would they able to change anything when they have so many against them?" Blueblood shook his head. "All I for example can do is take poor or outcasted ponies and other race members and make them my servants, to save them partially from the public hatred."

"I least that is a start, maybe there can grow more from it....hopefully."Alex then sniffed the air, a smell of delicious food filled the entire room by now, making his stomach scream in protest to finally get some food. "Mhhm this smells good, Neo must really know what he does. I can't wait to try his food." Alex smiled halfheartedly as he sat down to wait for his food.

After a short while Alex food was served, it was a delicious dish. What surprised him even more that the changeling had used some sea food in the dish, making it all the more delicious to him. After the feast Alex decided that it would be best to head to bed now, as it was deep into the night by now. Saying goodnight to everyone and giving Neo a surprise goodnight hug he made his way to the bedroom. In front of the bedroom Sweet Slumber stood, saluting to him and wishing him a good night as he entered.

It was a simple but very cozy bedroom, making the human smile before he took off his clothes, except for his boxers and lied down under the covers. Soon he had entered the land of the dreams, snoozing away.

All the time while he had took off his clothes and lied down he however had not noticed the dark silhouette, that had hidden itself in the shadow of the corner. The silhouette then opened it's eyes, looking at the sleeping human with bright glowing turquoise eyes. Two fangs showed and a long tongue flicked through the air in the room, as if to taste it and a very silent chuckle escaped the beings mouth as it kept watching Alex, preparing and planning it's plans for the sleeping human.

Chapter 15 : Teasing at night, questions at day...

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Alex slightly turned on his side in his sleep, feeling completely secure and happy about himself, the warmth of the blanket and the soft coolness of the night air mixed, had made him sleep soundly. Suddenly he was awoken halfway as he he had felt the covers move without his movement. Curious but still half asleep he looked around himself. He figured that it must have been the wind that had managed to somehow creep under his blanket and therefore made the covers move seemingly on their own. With that and a yawn he layed back down fully , ready to fall back into dream land.

However only a few minutes later he felt the blanket move on it's own again. That was something that seemed highly unlikely to the human. Adding to that, to his knowledge wind also did not move up like that in slow motions, indicated by the further movement of the blanket. Neither did wind feel like a hoof stroking his inner thigh and especially, no wind in all of Equestria would be able to slowly begin to pull down his boxers.

This was the moment when Alex became fully awake in a heartbeats speed. Quickly he threw off the blanket and tried to push off the bed whoever had managed to invade his bed and tried to invade his underwear as well. When he gave the figure that right now visibly sat close to his crotch, it let out a sound that was a mix between a scared squeak and a hiss as it fell backwards onto the bedroom floor.

Grabbing and lighting up a candle standing on a nearby nightstand Alex turned to the intruder on the ground, only to see Blueblood now sitting there rubbing his behind, looking up at him. However he noticed two things, one Blueblood was taller than the figure had been just seconds ago and two he saw how a small black tail on the prince suddenly turned into his usual blond one.

"A-alex, why did you push me off like that, were friends right?" The now prince whined, acting as if he had been deeply hurt. "I just wanted to get a quick cuddle."

To that the human looked back with a slightly annoyed look. " A few things and questions. One why didn't you cuddle me back when we were together and two in what world is pulling down ones underwear considered getting a quick cuddle?" He raised a stern eyebrow.

" the world of a nymphomaniac....?" Blueblood mumbled softly.

To that Alex chuckled softly. "Okay, that's a good one, still no. Also who the heck are you? And don't tell me you are Blueblood, I know you are not him. I saw your tail change somehow, you are not him."

"O-of course I am Prince Blueblood, y-y-you must have seen things because you were half asleep!" The imposter tried to argue.

"Alright, if you are him, then tell me, who did you have a secret talk with before bringing me here, I saw you whisper with that pony and so did the princesses?"Alex smirked.

"W-w-why Princess Twilight of course, about how to get the princesses to trust you....." The imposter shuffled around nervously.

"Wrong my friend, now drop the act and show me your true face." Alex crouched down infront of the pony.

"I-I-I.....fine....but don't freak out." With that the imposter turned from the look of the prince to his original form. Alex instantly noticed slight similarities between this being and Neo, most of all the texture of the skin. Like Neoptera's, his skin had no fur and seemed smooth, however from a visual aspect this ones skin seemed to be more hard, as if it was some kind of organic armor, he admitted he could be wrong though. The intruder also had wing protection that was in ways similar to Neo's. There however the similarities between the two stopped. Instead of vibrant colors the intruder was black almost everywhere, except for the blue on the wing protectors and his big bright turquoise eyes. Also he seemed to sport sharp fangs and seemed to have holes in his legs as well as a more aggressive look to his body. Top that off with a mane shaped in a mohawk style and a small short tail both in the color of the skin. Alex knew by all of that that this was probably how a changeling of the other kind looked like.

"You are Noxious right? The other changeling Blueblood employed right." To that the changeling nodded, his ears splayed against his head, clearly he awaited getting shouted at. "Just answer me, why did you sneak into my room and well do all of this?"

The changeling blushed clearly visible. "Y-y-you know very much why.....I saw you feed and talk to that wuss but what you said and such...gave me the idea to try and.....please sir, d-don't be mad, I did not mean anything evil by it, I promise you would have enjoyed it." The changeling shuffled around, knowing all too well that that did not make his case much better. His voice was shaky but it also was clear that it was more rough and harsh than Neo's voice.

This now made Alex blush who smiled softly. "Maybe...maybe....but still why did you not just ask? I would have gladly given you some of my love."

"B-b-because it is against the pride of us changelings to do so. To show such weakness, to beg for love to be given to us like that, it is a weak and unworthy trait that only lousy and worthless changelings use to get their fills. Us true changelings have other more honorable ways." To that Alex rose a eyebrow. "Although yes, I have to admit, that the way I tried to use this night is not exactly honorable as well."

"Oh you don't say." Alex spoke with a sarcastic tone.

"I know....but.....why did you shove me off, I assumed in the lands of Equestria a being like you would have some problems to relieve themselves of stress? Not because you are not appealing to the eye, quite the opposite in my opinion but because of the ponies deeply rooted xenophobia, you know?" The changeling looked at Alex face, but his look quickly began switching between the humans face and crotch.

"Have you ever considered in your whole plan, that I may have had no experience in this department and therefore am well.....a bit more jumpy concerning that?" This made the changeling gasp and shuffle closer to the human, a small smirk on his muzzle.

"Oh, a virgin? I see, then yeah your reaction makes sense in those regards but it does not at the same time. I bet you must have a lot of pent up stress don't you, so why not take a opportunity when it arrives?" He raised his hoof to touch the humans crotch. "I promise you, you will enjoy it." His hoof however was stopped by the humans hand.

"I appreciate the offer, I do. However, I want my first time to be something special and such. Yet I can't deny you your food so..." With that he hugged the Changeling tightly who acted as if he was fighting back but in fact smiled happily, cuddling into the humans chest.

After they parted Noxious turned for the door but looked back at Alex one last time. "Alex, a few more things before I go. One, if you ever change your mind, my room is down the hallway, the last one on the right. Two, I saw how you act with that idiot Neo, so I think i assume right that you are more on the dominant side. To that I can assure you, I am very good at following orders and such, don't worry and third and most importantly, thank you a lot for the food, you are a very kind and generous guy.Plus, Neo was not lying, your something different and I felt you have a huge amount of it. If you were to visit the changeling colonies you would be able to go far and high up in the ranks. I am sure of it, see you around." With that he turned away from the human but lifted his tail a bit, giving the human a very good view of both his balls and his puckered hole. With that and a chuckle he left the room, leaving a blushing and now aroused human to his own devices.

Alex looked at the now closed door, then at himself and back at the door. "Okay, I need some long sleep to overthink everything......" With that he got back into bed. "What has my life become....?" He asked himself before slowly falling back asleep.

The next morning Alex awoke with a raging erection from a series of very steamy dreams. What confused him though was who the actors were in those dreams. Usually whenever he had those dreams it were female members from the gang he had been in back on earth. This time however it had been the ponies and changelings he got to meet so far in his time in Equestria. This seriously puzzled him in some way, he admitted that he had over the years had grown a attraction to the beings and some of his friends but he had been certain that that attraction was only existing on a mental and intellectual level not on a sexual one. But concerning the dreams he had last night, after Noxious visit, he was not so sure about that one anymore, which kind of worried him for some odd reason.

With such thoughts he made his way from his room into the bathroom. After a quick shower he jumped in some of the clothes Rarity had made for him and stepped out into the hallway. He looked to the right where the hallway ended, remembering the offer Noxious had made. He shook his head to prevent any lewd thoughts and made his way towards the left. After only a few steps his nose was hit with a delicious smell. It was obvious Neo was at it again and doing a great job at it once again.

Just when he was about to enter the dining and living area he bumped into something very fuzzy and warm, something that was obviously breathing and got scared when he bumped into it, letting out a bird like squeak making him stumble back to see what he had run into. Whatever it was it whirled around to him and glared at him with yellow eyes. If looks could kill this glare would have easily slaughtered him.

"What do you think you are doing back there huh? Trying to feel me up you creep?"He backed away more, his hands raised to show he meant no harm as he took in the form of the creature who was clearly female and very angry at him. She looked like a mix between a lion and a eagle, making it clear to him what she was, a griffon.

She grabbed his collar with a grey talon pulling him up a bit. "Got nothing to say for yourself?!" Her fur around the head and belly was a dark blue, same with her wings while the rest of her coat had the same grey color as her talons if only in a bit more dark grey color.

"P-please, I did not mean by it! I am no creep, I just did not look ahead and accidentally ran into you!" He tried to reason while the griffon lifted her other talon, aiming at his face. He also noticed by now she was wearing a armor made of a mix between hardened leather and light metal pieces.

"Oh really?!? That's exactly what a creep who sneaked into the castle would say!!" Her glare became even harder.

"What? Don't you see the problem with that, why and how would a tall thing like me sneak into Canterlot castle? How would I even be able to sneak past any guards, especially you? I tell you I am a guest of Prince Blueblood!!" He had his eyes clenched shut by now, awaiting the fist to crash into his face but nothing came to bring the pain.

"Now that you say it that do make a good point, a being like you would never have get past the night guard. Also Neo did tell me something about a very nice visitor in the castle who he met yesterday. Said something about trying to find out what that visitor likes to eat and such. Wait.....if we have a new visitor....and i never saw you before....and going by your reaction...." She let out a shocked gasp and let go off him. When he opened his eyes he saw her looking at him with wide eyes. "I.....I am sorry, I did not know...." She tried to reason.

"It is fine, i have been through worse and I am the one who should be sorry, I bumped into you after all." He chuckled softly,rubbing the back of his head.

"Y-yeah you better be, walking right into a griffons backside....other griffons would have ripped you apart for that you know? How come you were that distracted in the first place?" She raised a eyebrow as he dusted himself off.

"Let's just say I had a nightly visitor and kind of lingered in my mind. Combine that with me not being a morning person and you have a recipe for disaster." He looked at the ground.

"Oh don't tell me....Noxious visited you? That nymphomanic moron....wait, usually he manages to keep to himself, what did you do to get him interested in you?" To that Alex kind of chuckled nervously.

"Well I might have given Neo some of my love to feast on in a hug and that made Noxious jump me and now he has given me a offer that I do not know how to react to.....yeah....that's about it."

"Wow....sounds like you could use a coffee and a good breakfast, come I was on my way there anyway but walk beside me, don't want you creeping on me." Alex sighed but nodded as the two of them made their way towards the living room. On their way the griffon turned to him. " Oh yeah, haven't told you my name yet, it's Amelia, yours? " A small smile spread on her beak, if that was what griffon smiles looked like.

"The name is Alex Terris and before you ask I am a human and the only one of my kind in Equestria as I am....sort of a Alien I guess?" He shrugged and she nodded as they entered the living room. The smell of deliciously cooked breakfast was strong in here, making both of their mouths water.

"Mhhm is that meat that I smell? Why would he cook so much it gives off such a rich and great smell?" She then looked at Alex. "Are you too a carnivore, then it would make sense..."

To that Alex chuckled. "No, not a carnivore but a omnivore, I can eat about everything except a few things." They neared themselves to the table as they kept on chattering but both went silent when they saw what had been placed upon the table.

Before them stood a breakfast that looked more like a feast for a army, everything from little pies going over scrambled eggs mixed with vegetables up to bacon was on there. Right at that moment Neo flew out of the kitchen door and placed three cans on the table. Two of them filled with tea and one filled with coffee.

Once he spotted Alex a big smile spread on his lips as he came over. "Alex, Amelia good morning you two. How was your sleep?"

Amelia smirked and yawned while Alex rubbed the back of his head. "Well.....Noxious visited me....." Was all the human managed to mumble out under while blushing.

"What? Oh that damn parasite, couldn't he just stay away from you. Now you must have a horrible impression of changelings as some vampiristic beasts." Neo ranted in anger.

"No no!" Alex waved his hands. "He did nothing bad, just surprised me a little. He actually seems like a really nice fellow."

Neo still scowled but sighed. "Alright if you are okay with it.....I guess I can let him off the hook for today at least. Come sit down. The others should arrive here soon. " He offered the two each a seat which they gladly took. "Also....Alex.....could i get a small hug....please?" Neoptera looked at him with pleading eyes to which the human only chuckled. He then simply pulled Neo into a hug, making the changeling hum in delight. After the hug the Neo flew back into the kitchen and Alex poured himself a cup of coffee.

"So Amelia, how long do you work here and what can you tell me about the others? " He asked while sipping on the cup of coffee.

"Well I will tell you their names and such but not about how they ended up here,they should do that themselves. For your first question, I have been here for five years after....things happened that made me leave the griffon kingdom. The work here is good thanks to Prince Blueblood being such a kind soul and a goof off course. Besides me working here are Noxious and Neo as you know, a zebra named Zakya, she is very kind but keeps everyone here in check, being a medical expert but don't make her into your enemy, she can make you feel bad as much as she can heal you. Then there is our dragon pal Cobalt, he is one of the major guards if a serious threat was ever to arrive, still he is many years old and already has wisdom that outdoes me at least. And then there is Leyla, don't let her friendliness fool you, she is a tough guard and her bite is ten time worse than her bark. Any other questions? " Amelia smiled and took a sip of tea.

"Nah I am good for now but now I am all the more interested in meeting them." He chuckled softly as they waited for the others to arrive.

The first one to arrive was a very tired looking Prince Blueblood, who only waved at the two with a yawn before getting a big mug and filling it with coffee, slowly sipping from it every now and then. Following him was a bipedal creature that Alex assumed from it's looks to be the diamond dog. She was rather tall, almost as tall as himself. However due to her walking a bit hunched over, it was possible she would have been as tall as himself.Her fur was of a very dark blue color, almost black even and her eyes were of a forest green color. She still wore her armor which was quite similar to Amelia's armor, the only difference being that it was made for a bipedal being and had a bit more metal plates worked into it. Her arms were a bit longer than her legs as it seemed and her ears hung beside her head as she slowly sat down on one of the chairs. She seemed like she had gotten little sleep this night which was to be expected as she had been the night guard. She then took a look around the table, apparently to see who was there already and as soon as her eyes landed on Alex she shot wide awake, her eyes widened and her tail wagging.

She hopped off her chair and ran up to him making him reel back a bit in his chair. "Hey, hey, you must be the guest Noxy told me about! I was so excited to meet you all night! I can't believe it, a real alien.....sorry that term must be mean to you right?" She looked at him with a nervous smile while her tail wagged wildly.

" it is fine, it is the correct term after all right?" Alex smiled, the upbeat and happy demeanor of the diamond dog affecting him. " My name is Alex Terris, may I know yours? And Noxious told you about me? How much did he tell?" He blushed a bit.

"Well my name is Leyla and so you know I am a diamond dog. About Noxy.....he told me a lot. But do not worry, I won't spill those beans to anyone. So may I know now what you are and how you have been so far?" She then went in close and sniffed his hand. "You smell good, like, you smell very friendly." She smiled happily.

"Well you will hear about what I am and all that soon enough but I think we should wait till all of the others are here, so I don't have to repeat myself many times." She nodded in understanding then looked at his hands.

"Can with those...?" She looked to the side to which Alex chuckled.

"Yes I can but not at the breakfast table." She nodded and sat back down on her chair and filled her plate with foods while waiting.

Next one to appear was Noxious who once he noticed the human made his way over to him quickly. "Good morning Alex, feeling good today, no repressed desires, none at all?" He wiggled his eyebrows in a playful manner making the human turn into the color of a tomato.

"N-n-no.....none at all...." He stuttered out while giggling could be heard from both Amelia and Leyla.

Noxious nodded and sat down beside him, grinning up at him. "If you do ever so slightly, just give me a hint and I will disappear under the table, don't worry I can be very quiet at that."

"Th-that won't be needed, h-h-how was your sleep?" Alex tried to change the subject still having a color that rivaled a traffic light.

"Oh I had a lovely night, thank you for asking. I had the most enjoyable dreams but I think those do not fit the breakfast table." Noxious chuckled softly. In that moment the door to the kitchen flew open and out raced a enraged Neoptera.

"Noxious you filthy fiend. Take your uncivilized speech somewhere else!! By the kings antlers, I could taste from the kitchen how uncomfortable you make him with all your constant teasing. What do you think that will get you? As if a honorable and kindhearted being as him would ever show any interest in that way in such a low and aggressive being as you? You almost assaulted him in your first meeting for Thorax sake!" He shouted once he had reached the table, a angry glare aimed at Noxious.

"Don't you dare utter that name in my presence you shadow of a former changeling. He betrayed our queens, our hive mothers and especially his own hive mother Queen Chrysalis when he sided with ponykind to overthrow her. He changed his form and his looks to throw away what made him a changeling and so did you!! Your kind are nothing than a weak, silly looking and cowardly copy of us! How your kind can go with your kings decisions is beyond me! Forging a fake piece with the princesses, selling your own siblings into sex slavery and prostitution just to keep up that so called piece, all the while boasting around how you defeated the true evil while said evil was the one who protected our kind for so long!" Noxious shot back.

"Better than going into a war that would have killed our entire race!! Yes the forged piece is not perfect but it keeps us alive, we are thriving and growing as a race. Your kind on the other hand,the ones who still follow Queen Chrysalis and the other dammed queens have to hide and cower in the shadows! Don't you get it, fighting will get you killed, piece is the only way to survive!" Neoptera barked back.

"At the very least we still have our pride, our self respect. Something your kind lost when they began to lick the princesses horseshoes." Noxious chuckled coldly.

"Take that back!!" Neoptera raised his hoof when Alex grabbed it and stood up with a angry roar.

"Stop it, both of you!!" Everyone at the table stared at the human in shock. "Just stop, can't you see that this does not lead to anything but war within your own race? That this has no real point to it?"

"But...." Neo tried to speak up timidly.

"No! You both listen to me now for a second alright?" He turned to Noxious. "Nox, do you really think that Neo's king signed that piece contract happily, are you really that dense to believe that he would sell off his kind with glee. I bet he is furious of what had to be done to keep them alive! But there was no other way to him simply at that state of time, he just had overthrown the former queen and now lost a good chunk of the warriors because of that, he saw no other way to ensure the changeling kind would survive."

Nox looked at the ground, a look of shame on his face while Neoptera began showing a smug grin on his face but Alex turned to him instantly. "Don't you begin grinning now, because you have no reason to do so! Your king did not really do much to fight against your brothers and sisters being sold as slaves now did they?" Neo cringed slightly but nodded reluctantly.
"No instead they went with it but you know what they could have done after forging that false piece? Ask Chrysalis for help, ask the other queens for help, for support and maybe even a merging of your forces to gain back your independence as a united race but you did not. No instead you chose to act all high and above, looking down on the ones that stuck with the queens, the ones that still wanted to fight, calling them brutes and uncivilized while selling your own kind to the royals of Canterlot and then you act surprised when the ones under the queens despise you? I am sorry but that sounds like a big pile of bullshit to me." Neo looked at the ground, as if to hide from the humans look.

He then let go of Neo's hoof but instead brought his hands to the cheeks of the changelings, softly rubbing them. "I am sorry I had to get that direct but otherwise there would have been hooves thrown by now. Hooves thrown at the wrong side, because sure both sides have made mistakes but I think, none of your side is really the ones responsible for this. Because from all that you told me there is one question that lingers in my mind."

Blueblood, who by now had drank is eighth cup of coffee raised a eyebrow. "Huh? Which question would that be?"

"Why is Chrysalis group still around? Or the other changeling queen hives for that matter?" Alex rubbed his chin.

"Thats obvious right? Because the princesses can't find them." Blueblood replied.

"Really? Then why did they let her get away with a group when she fled? Or why not attack any of the other changeling hives in the same way as they did with Chrysalis hive? Why let potential threats stick around when you have a huge army to rat the danger out? That seems highly illogical to me."

Blueblood took another sip of coffee, his face showing he was deep in thoughts. "True, I have to admit that this is a bit weird. If we go by army size and power, ponies would have enough power to destroy those hives...."

Alex nodded. "But there is more that puzzles me. Why did both Thorax and Chrysalis group never try to communicate with each other after things had gone rotten for both sides. Sure they had high differences but together they would have been more powerful."

"Well we did try to send a few messengers to Thorax and his changelings but they wound up dead, murdered by them." Noxious spoke up.

"What? We tried the same and our messengers were killed by you, right?" Neo now looked confused beyond belief.

"Wait, both of your sides tried to send messengers to get piece and both died without the other side ever seeing said messengers?" Both changelings nodded. "Now this is something much more did the messengers die, on both sides I mean."

Neo shook his head. "We never found out fully, their corpses were burned to a crisp."

Nox stared at Neo. "Yours were burned too?" To which Neo nodded.

Alex chuckled and shook his head. "Now look at that. Both messengers were killed and burned to a point at which it was impossible to find out how they really died effectively erasing every possible evidence that could have lead to knowing which side killed them...." He rubbed his chin. " There are not enough evidence, I need to listen around a bit more I think. Yet I have to say I have my suspicion on someone in this case."

"You don't mean....?" Neo stared at Alex.

"Oh yes I do, I think that there were outside forces at work that killed the messengers to turn the sides against each other and did everything they could do to make the changeling kinds hate each other. Someone in high power, so high that he could have ordered these kills and keep it under the rug without problems." Alex look became angry but also cold.

Blueblood nodded. "Plus, if I am being honest, none of both sides would have a gain from killing the messenger. Thorax group are not killers, they are cuddlers, they hate violence and only use it if it can't be avoided. Chrysalis group on the other hand would not kill someone who would willingly give them love to feast on, in turn killing the messenger made no sense from either sides perspective but who had the most gain from it?"

"Really Blue, you can't tell? Who would have a advantage if the changelings were hating each other? Who would set everything into motion to keep these two groups from combining into a united race? Who would try to keep them divided so that they can get more advantages from it....advantages like sex slaves and such?" Everyone's eyes widened when they understood what the human meant.

"It can't makes sense....,us ponies keep them divided?" Blueblood asked shocked.

"Not the ponies specifically but rather the ones in charge and those who want the dynamic of this world to stay the way it is. From my perspective that would be most of royalty or those in high positions here in Canterlot and at the top we have Celestia whose disposition regarding other races I got a good look at. It is not unlikely that she is the one who set that double play on the changelings in motion." Alex looked at everyone. "And if that's the case, then I am sure that is not the only things she has ordered. But again those are just speculations, like I said I need to find more evidence first."

While everyone took in what just had been said hoof steps came closer as did a voice that was female but spoke in a almost melodic pattern. " Though those revelations have us quite surprised such speech in here is ill advised. Though you are guest within these halls, your safety is not granted, for within this great castle walls, the princess spies has planted. Especially now since you arrived at least from what I've seen, around this suite more guards now stand than there have ever been."

Alex turned to see who just had spoken. There stood a zebra with the usual black and white coat, however the colors of her coat seemed to end in strange signs. Her mane was not of black and white but pure white and fell down long around her face. Out of active brown eyes she looked at him.

"Zakya is right, this is not really a safe time to talk about this. " Blueblood spoke up. "But I will try to get some informations from aunt Luna about all of this, she is not a fan of the sex slavery and such if I judge her correctly."

Alex nodded to that. "Yeah, she seemed more interested in justice when I was on trial as well, try your luck Blue but be careful, you never know."

Suddenly a loud growl came from the griffons seat. "Yeah yeah, this is all so shifty and stuff but can we please eat something first before we make conspiracy theories?"

This brought a grin to Alex face."Yes we can but first you two. "Alex looked at the two changelings. "Don't you have anything to say to each other." Both mumbled out a halfhearted apology while looking away from each other. After that Zakya sat down and breakfast finally began, soon after, the heavy talk was forgotten a almost homely feel spread across the table.

After breakfast Alex helped Neo doing the dishes, something that he found strangely calming, it was like giving his mind a chance to sort itself out. He thought about the talk they had this morning. Could Celestia really have orchestrated that hole hatred between the changeling races, why would she do that? Chrysalis group was not big if he was not mistaken. He shook his head and decided to gather more informations first.

After helping with the dishes and giving the changeling a short cuddle time he went out of the suite to explore the castle and find a place to train a bit, he did not want to gain weight from all the great food Neo cooked after all. All the time while he was walking around the castle most of the guards threw stern glares at him. He shrugged it off and kept on walking, until he came to a huge set of doors huge doors which were guarded by a normal day guards pony and a batpony. The reaction of the two almost made him chuckle. The solar guard glared at him so sternly, Alex feared he would be arrested by him for simply standing around . The batpony however looked at him with sleepy but curious eyes.

It was the batpony who spoke up. "Visitor, state your business if you wish to enter the throne room." His tone was very professional.

"Oh no, don't worry, I did not want to enter, I just happened to waltz along here." Alex smiled.

"Oh I see, well then may I ask how you like your....." Before the batpony guard could finish his question, the doors were thrown open and a enraged Griffon with black feathers and brown fur stormed out, he was in a angry rant, speaking loudly to himself.

Alex looked after him in bewilderment but could not help but pick up some of the ranting of the griffon. "I can't believe it!! They are letting us starve.....such a heartless demeanor."

Shortly after Princess Luna came out of the room, her head hanging low. This chance the human used to make himself heard. "Ahem...."

She looked up and noticed him. "Oh it is you.....Alex Terris, correct? What brings you to our throne room?"

"Oh just the wind, my inner adventurer and the search for a room to train in." He chuckled and noticed that a small but tired smile spread on her face. "I am sorry to ask but what was this just about?"

"We do not know how many details we can tell you but.....that was the king of the griffon kingdom, he was here for negotiations, that is all we can say we are afraid. But on your search for a training ground, we do believe we have some training rooms near the guard quarters. We are sorry but we seriously need some sleep now, we hope to chat with you some more at a better time." With that her horn lit up in a dark blue light and a second later she disappeared.

He sighed and looked around. "Well that is great to know, only bad thing is....I have no idea where those are, welp gotta try my luck then." With that he went on in his search for a training room, all the while wondering what those negotiations may have been about.

Chapter 16 : Revalations, mysteries and a new threat....

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To say that Alex had failed to find the training room would be a understatement. Instead of finding it or the guard quarters for that matter he somehow had managed to walk in a big circle all around the castle for hours and now found himself outside of the throne room again. The sun had set by this point and darkness had stretched out through the castle.

As he began to curse under his breath about how he had become so lost he noticed that no guards seemed to be around and also that the doors to the throne rooms were slightly open. Through the small gap two hushed voices could be barely heard. Wanting to know what was going on there, the human sneaked into the room quietly, making sure no one would notice him. As fast as he could he hid behind of the long heavy curtains of the rooms glass windows and listened on. Now he recognized one of the two voices as Princess Celestia's, the other however he did not know in the slightest. He looked out of his hiding place to get a good look at whoever the princess was talking to.

"Now then general, what is your report. Anything we should be concerned about?" The princess asked as she even had leaned down to the stallion to keep the volume of her voice down as much as possible.

The stallion nodded. "Yes your highness. We have intel that some of the griffons are preparing a rebellion to overthrow the units we have stationed in their towns. Also Chrysalis group has been spotted near the Crystal Empire, it seems that they are traveling towards King Thorax domain, for what cause we do not know sadly. Couple that with the fact that both the tribes of Zebrafrica and the leaders of the Minotaur Lands refuse to let our units build stations within their towns, yes I would say there are some things to be worried about." Alex eyes widened at what he heard, had his suspicion been right? Sadly he was not able to see the face of the stallion, nor could he make out his coats colors because of the darkness of the night.

"I see...." The princess scowled. " For the griffons, use the troops we have within the towns to rat out whoever is planning that rebellion, any kind of force used is not only allowed but encouraged. We need to set a example that no one should dare to cross us." She stomped her hoof on the ground. "For Chrysalis Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, they will decide how to deal with them, it is their territory after all. Concerning the others.....we will leave them alone for now till we have dealt with the other problems." She then looked at the general. "How is our special guest doing? Did you get her to.....reconsider her position?"

"Sadly we could not.....convince her yet but I am sure if you leave her a bit more in our care, she will soon be nothing more than a obedient servant my princess. If you wish to visit her to ask her yourself, the door to her cell door is always open to you." The general chuckled coldly. "Still I would ask you to tell us first when you plan on visiting, we don't want our guest to be in bad shape when you arrive."

Anger build up inside the human, what he just heard had answered all the questions he had till this point. He was just about to sneak out when Celestia suddenly looked up, her stone cold gaze right on him. Her look seemed to go through him and freeze him on it's way.

"Who goes yourself!" He heard the general bark. This was the moment the human decided to bolt out of the room as fast as he could, trying to keep his head low as much as he could. Behind him he could hear hooves racing after you. " Stay right here intruder!! You won't get away!!" He heard the the general shout as he tried to run back to Blueblood's suite.

Back within the throne room Princess Celestia glared at the now open door. "We will see what you know.....soon enough...."

All on Alex mind right now was running, running from the stallion that was chasing him, running from the guards that had been mobilized with the calls of a intruder being in the castle. He ran until his lungs burned, he ran until his legs hurt, he ran as fast as he could till he managed to get to the suite doors. He pushed them open quickly and closed them even quicker behind himself.

"Shit, shit shit, shit. They will rip me apart...!" He panicked, he saw himself being executed already. Himself being hung or decapitated in front of a big crowd. While he was still panicking Noxious noticed him and quickly approached him.

"A-alex, are you okay? What is the matter?" He softly touched the humans shoulder who let out a shriek but relaxed when he saw who it was.

"N-no I am not okay, I listened in on some kind of secret talk of Celestia and now her conversation partner is going to kill
me!" Just when Nox was about to calm down the human, loud knocks came from the door. Both of them looked at the door, Alex in shock and fear, Nox in worry.

"This is the royal guard! Open the door, we have reason to believe there is a intruder hiding in the suite!" The voice of a guard came from the other side of the door.

Nox took a deep breath. "Okay Alex, just go with what I do now, don't worry, I will get you out of that situation." Alex nodded and gasped a bit when the changeling grabbed his face by the cheeks and slammed his lips to his own.Alex understood Nox'es plan and kissed back, closing his eyes as he leaned into it.

In that moment the doors were slammed open, two guards had opened them by force.
"We have reason to believe that.....uhhh..." The guard stopped mid sentence as he and his partner stared at them. The one who spoke picked up his jaw and tried to make himself known again. "Umm.....excuse us sirs b-but we have reason to believe that....." In that moment Nox broke the kiss and glared at the two.

"Can't you two see we are kinda busy? Do you really think any intruder would have made it in here while we were here? " He then looked at Alex. "Ain't that right sir? I mean, as a personal guest to Prince Blueblood you should have some privacy after all right?"

Alex nodded, going with the changelings plan. "That is correct. " He threw a stern look at the guards. "Let me assure you that if someone would have come in here, he would have been caught. After all Nox here is a guard."

The one guard was at a loss for words as he looked at the floor blushing but the other spoke up. "We are very sorry sir for the interruption but the fact still stands that there was a intruder but clearly he did not seek shelter in here, we are sorry and wish you a good night....however you wish to spend it." The last part he spoke with clear disgust. After that the two turned and went on their way after saluting.

Sighing deeply in relief Alex closed the doors again. "Thank you a lot Nox, how did you come up with that plan so quickly?" He chuckled softly.

"Well, I knew we needed to act quickly and I wanted to kiss you anyways. Too bad it was not a real kiss. " Nox then smirked. "But if you want a real kiss, just say it, it is also a much better way of feeding a changeling with love than just hugs."

Alex blushed and looked to the side. "I....I will think about it. But anyway, get everyone in the living room, what I managed to hear is important for them I believe. " Nox nodded and galloped off to gather everyone.

Meanwhile in her throne room Celestia sat upon her throne, a hoof softly rubbing her chin as she thought about what had happened. She was very certain that she knew who had listened to her conversation with the general, what bothered her was one question. Why had the human been there? Why did he sneak into the throne room? How much did he hear, and how much did he know? If she had it her way she would have already have him arrested for spying on her but she knew that was not a wise move. If she did that she would have to back up her claims with proof and she had none so far. She stood up and walked over to the curtains he had hid behind. To her surprise she found that the space where he stood was devoid of any traces of magic. Did the human have no magic himself and therefore could not leave a magical trace? That was something she needed to look into. She made her way back to her throne thinking about how to deal with the human and the problems the general had told her about.

She looked up and to the doors when the general came in slowly, he had lowered his head as he spoke up. "My princess, I am incredibly sorry but it seems the intruder has gotten away. I however am pretty certain that I know who spied on us. "
Celestia nodded, motioning for him to continue. "I am sure that it was that lowly creature that your nephew calls a guest. I bet it was that thing, it is the only being in the castle who is bipedal as far as I know."

"I believe you are correct general, it was that ugly creature but seeing as it escaped I fear we won't be able to prove that....yet." She smiled softly.

"What do you mean by that? What does it matter if we can prove it or not, give me the order and I will break that beast myself and everyone that stands in my way doing so." He spoke with clear pride in his voice.

"No no my dear general, we can't act rash now. We need to find out what he knows and what his plans are. I mean why did he spy on us and surely we could use force and violence for that but that would turn my nephew and possibly my sister against us. No we need to act wisely and slyly now." She leaned one hoof down, softly rubbing the generals cheek.

"And what did you have in mind then?" He stepped a bit into the light of the moon showing that he wore a eye-patch had a gold colored coat and a very bright eye of the same color, he also wore a black hat with her cutiemark as a insignia . A grin spread across his muzzle.

"Well, do you remember your mission in Griffonstone? The one that gave you your position?" She giggled menacingly.

In return he nodded. "The same way as last time or...?"

"No no, you can not do it as....forced as last time, you understand?" She then took off his hat with a smile."Also you should not be wearing your usual uniform, go in the armory and take up your old armor, it should work perfectly."

He chuckled in return and nodded. "Yes my princess, your wish is my command." With that he turned and left the room,leaving Celestia alone in the throne room, a cold grin forming on her lips as a small giggle left her mouth.

Over at Blueblood's suite Nox had managed to gather everyone beside the dragon who, so Alex was told, was too big to fit into the suite. By now all of them had gathered around the human and looked at him with high interest. "Nox told us you overheard a important talk of Celestia and had to run? What happened, what was it about?" Blueblood asked , a lot of worry in his voice.

"Allright, try to stay calm till I am done." With that Alex began retelling what he had witnessed and heard. How he had been spotted and ran, at the end of him telling his experiences everyone looked at him with looks of shock.

"T-that cannot could she have found out, none of the pony guards in the griffon kingdom would have been able to find" Amelia was at a loss for words until a scowl grew on her face. "Unless they have a traitor in their own ranks, maybe even more than one....."

Alex nodded to that. "Concerning the changeling groups...." he looked at Nox and Neo. " I do not think Chrysalis is planning to attack King Thorax domain." Both changelings raised a eyebrow at that. "Let me explain, that general guy said Chrysalis entire group was seen, meaning kids and all that. So I don't think that there will be a attack."

"Fair enough, let's just hope Princess Cadence is not like her aunt." Mumbled Neo to which everyone nodded.

"Though horrible is what we now know, that Celestia has fallen so low, did you somehow if only by divine interference spot that generals appearance?" Zakya spoke up.

"No sadly I don't know what he looked like, heck I don't even know his coats color." He sighed deeply.

"In any case, what is your plan now?" Asked Neo, he was shaking a little bit.

"Well, I think I will try to get into the dungeon under Canterlot and find whoever is being held hostage down there. From what it sounded like it may be someone that could give us more informations and needs some help. I will try to find her tomorrow night and...." Alex was cut off by a knock on the suites doors.

"Coming!" Blueblood walked over and opened the doors. "Oh? What a surprise, please come right in." Behind the prince a stallion entered the living room. He was a earth pony and wore a silver armor coupled with a pearl white cape, it was clear he had some sort of high rank. He also wore a black eye-patch, had a golden coat and a beard that was in the color of copper. His mane was a brownish red and sort of wild, same with his tail. His one good eye shined with the same color of his coat as he looked around. "Alex, this a very good friend of mine, I bet he will be interested in what you have to tell. "

The stallion looked at Alex with a smile and stretched his hoof out for a hoof shake. "Good day Mister Alex, I heard lots about you, may I introduce myself?" Although his voice was smooth, warm sounding and had a melodic ring to it, Alex felt like he was frozen in place, like someone had poured a bucket of ice water over his head.

"My name is Light Bringer and I am oh so happy to finally meet the one person who took care of Silver Mane, good job really." It was the voice of the stallion Alex had heard Celestia speak with just half a hour ago. This was Celestia's personal general. "Come on, don't leave me hanging." Light Bringer smirked and wiggled his hoof.

Alex stiffly grabbed the stallions hoof and shook it, only one question on his mind. What did the general want?

Chapter 17: Friend or foe....?

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Alex mind was racing at high speed with thoughts and questions as he was just shaking the hoof of his enemy. What did the general want, why had he revealed himself to Alex, why was he acting like he was on his and Bluebloods side, how much did the prince know? These and many more questions filled the humans mind and made him forget about time and the situation he currently was in.

" much as I like a good hoofshake this seems rather excessive don't you think?" Light Bringer chuckled softly, bringing Alex back from his deep thoughts and making him realize that he was still shaking the generals hoof.

"O-oh sorry, I just.....have a lot on my mind I guess. " He quickly let go of the generals hoof and backed off a bit. In return Light Bringer smiled and rose his eyebrow.

"Oh, care to tell me what that is? Blueblood said you had some things I'd be interested in after all." Light Bringer walked more into the living room past the group and sat down on one of the couches and looking back at Alex. "Come, I always like to discuss such matters while sitting comfortably, as they usually take time and I had a long day of standing and patrolling today."

Alex nodded and sat down beside the general reluctantly, noticing that Blueblood had sat down on the couch close to them. "Before you two start, tell me Light Bringer my old friend, what led you to my suite. Usually we only meet when I make my walk through the garden."

"Well you see Blue, we had a security breach this night. Someone managed to sneak into the princesses throne room and spy on her as she had a meeting with me. I know you have some rebellious people in your staff so I looked here first, since I know that if someone here was the spy, they would be on our side." This made Alex raise a eyebrow.

"What do you mean, our side? Aren't you loyal to the princesses and such. I mean you are a general after all?" This all seemed very suspicious to the human.

"Aye, I am a general and yes I was loyal to them but that changed once I got into Celestia's how do you say it....inner circle." He then looked around quickly and looked at Blue. "Are you sure this place is safe, you know if I get found out I will be...."

Blueblood nodded. "I know but fear not, all of the guards and staff in this suite are with us as you know." Alex now stared at the prince, confused by the way the situation seemed to have changed.

Light Bringer looked back at Alex. "As I was saying, once I entered that circle I got exposed to the things she had planned for the other races as well as what she had set up already. How she wanted to extinguish every kind of opposition by force and to which lengths she would go to get what she wants. " He shook his head in disappointment. "I could not believe it, that all the talk about harmony and such was just a farce to keep the ponies happy, that she would go as far to meddle with other races politics and lives in such ways."

He sighed and continued. "For example, how she began to bribe griffons to betray their own kind so we could hold them at bay and not rebel. However I must first I was being loyal to her. Till.....she used me in a mission that made me change my mind completely....and my standing within the army completely....but I am sure you already knew that right Alex?" He looked Alex right in the eyes.

This made Alex freeze up right on the spot, of course this would be brought up. "W-what do you mean, I have never seen you before...." Alex tried to escape the generals iron look. "Why should I know about any of that?"

"Well seeing as the spy today was a bipedal that with the fact that said being was able to sneak into the throne room in which the princess just was instructing me on new plans...? Only to be discovered by the princess herself and then running fast, in fact fast enough to outrun me?" The general chuckled, making his beard shake a bit.

"C-could have been a minotaur or small dragon right?" Alex tried to counter, not wanting to give away it had indeed been him.

"Alex, minotaurs are known for being very strong, not being fast and if the intruder had been a spying dragon then why did the spy not just break a window and jump down or fly, seen as they have wings and have extremely tough scales." This now had Alex at a loss for words. "Plus how you reacted to hearing my voice, being in thoughts at the hoofshake. Alex I know it was you who spied on us and to be honest.....that is good in my opinion."

"What...?" Was all that Alex managed to get out, now being fully confused. His look raced over to Blue who seemed to be trying to holding himself back from bursting into laughter.

"As you can see there is no danger in me knowing it. I bet you have many questions by now right?" Light Bringer smiled and looked at Neo. The whole group had slowly gathered around them and had all gasped once the general had shown he knew about Alex spying. "Neo, would you be so kind to get Alex and me something strong to drink, I usually tend to drink while talking mistakes in my past. and Nox seem much more to explain why that is?"

Both changelings blushed deeply, both throwing a long glance at the human. "Ah I see, well that's good to know." He then grinned towards Alex. "Experimenting around I see, fine by me. Now back to the matters at hand." He dropped the smile and took on a serious expression. "My first.....mission given within those circles of Celestia, which also gave me the rank of general, was the mission that also made me question everything I had done and worked for. Far to late I am afraid." He sighed deeply as Neo handed them both glasses filled with a honey colored liquid.

"You don't have to bring up that old story Light.....I know it pains you and....welll..." Blueblood looked over at Amelia who by now was looking at the ground, tears welling up in her eyes.

"No I need to be honest with Alex here, or he may never trust me enough. If he took care of Silver Mane that means he has seen what is happening within our towns and guard and how high it reaches. He needs the full picture." Blueblood nodded and kept silent.

"That mission I was sent on was three years ago. As you know I had been sent off to Griffonstone. A revolutionary force had begun raising it's head there, building up hope for the griffons that they would free them from Equestrias overseeing, that soon the Griffon Kingdom would be free again. My job there was to infiltrate and destroy said group from the inside. Giving all informations to the stationed guards and in that way orchestrating attacks on the group. At first I thought I did what was right, that those griffons would throw us as well as Griffonstone into chaos, that we were merely stopping a group of criminals but I was oh so wrong." He took a big gulp of his drink.

"Once I had entered the group I soon noticed that they were nothing more than a bunch of families and friends that were growing in size due to the legislation's Princess Celestia had thrown onto the Griffon Kingdom and how the stationed guards were acting. " Anger seemingly seeped into his voice. "They were not the honorable guards I had gotten used to here in Canterlot, no they were just like Silver Mane, violent,cruel, raping Bastards. They did whatever they wanted and did not care for who they broke in the process. But back to the rebels. They were not trusting at first, which I understood but slowly they trusted me more and more. At the same time I grew more and more angry with the guards. So I tried to contact the princess asking why this was allowed to go on and what her plans were in the end for the rebels. "

A shaky breath left his mouth as Amelia let out a saddened bird chirp. "She told me that she would wipe them out entirely, them and their families, be it adult or child. She wanted to burn out any chance for a rebellion. This alone shocked me to the core but even worse was that she had no problem with the guards behavior. She said they could do that as Griffonstone was ours and ours to do with as we pleased, I tried to reason with her but she told me to not question her and that she could easily replace me at any moment if I dared to speak up against her."

He slammed his glass on the table while Alex sat there, his mouth slightly hanging ajar. "From that day on I began to rebel as well, I did still do my job but always told half truths and warned in turn the rebels about every attack the guards were planning on them. In that time that I became very good friends with the leaders of the group, which were the parents of Amelia, they were a pair of honorable but well aged griffons. They were kind yet had a clear idea on how they wanted to change the land. Everything seemed good, sure we made no astronomical accomplishments but we managed to get the general public on our sides and had quite a few of small wins. Then that one fateful day happened...." By now tears ran down Amelia's face and dropped from her beak.

"On that day I had orders to lead the group to a so called safe place for them to stay as the last one had been raided.Said so called safe place was clearly a trap, so I made the effort to look around to find them a more secured area to settle to. I was confident that with that we would be able to trick the guards and also keep hidden that I had betrayed my princess. To my dismay I got ordered to give my report, making me part ways with the group to hopefully reunite with them soon after in the safe area. To my shock I was informed at the report meeting with the guards that they knew that someone had been a spy and helping the rebels, so they had first given out false informations to see how close the traitor was with the group. The safe place they had given out was indeed safe, they instead had set up units around every other safe area around and within town. At that moment I knew that the eradication of the rebels had begun. As fast as I could I made my way over there to help but all I could do is get Amelia to safety and save her from two guards who tried to rape her after brutally murdering her parents. I then hid her away and reported to the princess. She never found out about her and I got promoted to the position of general......" He sighed deeply, his look on the ground. "However the weirdest of all is though....she has not been that way, being power hungry and destructive. At least she was different when I began my training here in the castle but that was many years ago."

"In any case from that day I kept up the double play to help the other races together with Blueblood and now with you, as I think I am assuming right, you want to give the other races their freedom back too and help them?" To that the human nodded. "Good now please tell me, how much of the talk did you hear I had with the princess?"

"Pretty much all of your report to her, about the new rebellion of the griffons and all that." The general nodded.

"And....what are your plans now friend?" Alex took a big gulp of his own drink.

"Well since I now know that there is someone being held hostage inside this castles dungeons I will try to get into there and find out who it is and if they have informations and well.....maybe try to free them. However i have no idea how hard that one may become. I actually had planned to try to do so this night." Alex took another sip only to see the general shaking his head.

"That is not a good idea, you just barely got away from being captured and held hostage inside said chambers. By now the whole castle is on high alert. Let some grass grow over the whole incident and then try freeing them." Blueblood nodded in agreement.

"Now that you say it, yeah you are probably right. I should sleep on it. Thank you for your honesty Light Bringer. " Spoke Alex, acting as if he now fully trusted the general, but on the inside he still was unsure if he should do so.

"Good, I better take my leave now before anyone is wondering where I went. See you all soon again." With that the general stood up and left, leaving the group to talk among each other. Alex by now noticed how tired he was, the whole ordeal in the deep night had quite taken the toll on him. Saying goodnight to everyone he made his way to his bed and threw himself on it.

As he sank into dreamland one simple question was on his mind. Could he trust the general and how much of his story had been true?

Chapter 18 : The silence before the storm...

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A new day was dawning, the rays of the sun stretched over the rooftops of Canterlot, waking the first ponies to go out and perform their day to day activities, they also fell into the windows of the castle and right onto the face of the sleeping human, tickling his nose. Annoyed by that Alex slowly awoke with a tired growl from his slumber. Letting out a yawn he noticed that two lumps were besides himself under the warm covers of the bed. Also he noticed a light pressure on both his chest and his right inner thigh. With a small chuckle he lifted the covers to spot both changelings cuddled against his sides. Neo had snuggled his head into his chest, sighing contently in his sleep, a little bit of drool on his mouth. Alex then lowered his gaze to his lower abdomen, blushing hard at what he saw. Nox lied draped partially over his right thigh, his head resting on his inner thigh. What made the human blush however was that the nose of the changelings was very close to his crotch, inhaling his scent deeply.

Carefully to not wake the two Alex tried to shift out of bed, however this proved to be rather counterproductive as once he began to move Nox snuggled closer to him, pressing his face against Alex'es crotch and cooing in delight. Alex gasped as he felt the warm breath of the changeling through his underwear, his eyes widening in horror as he realized that his member was beginning to harden due to that treatment. With slightly shaky hands he slowly lifted Nox'es head from his crotch and set him on the bed carefully, slowly sliding out of bed after doing so.

A shiver ran up his spine once his feet made contact with the cold, pristine marble floor as he let yesterdays events pass through his mind once more. Could he trust Light Bringer or was it all just a ruse to get him to make a mistake? Could he even trust Blueblood with his plans, now that there was a chance that Princess Celestia could get informed at any given moment? Should he act now or rather wait a few days, to let grass grow over his latest actions? All of these questions, racing through his head, caused the young man to stand there, deeply lost in his thoughts and worries.

Alex pondering only got interrupted when his bowels made itself apparent, signaling him to better relieve himself. Shaking his head to shoo the dark thoughts away he silently snuck over to the door and quickly made his way out of the bedroom, only to almost trip over Sweet Slumber who lied curled up, right infront of the door, still awake but every now and then her eyes closed for a second, only for her to shoot awake again with a gasp and some incoherent mumbles. Once the door was opened by him the batpony's ears quickly stood on edge as she jumped up and whirled around to face him, slightly swinging from one side to the other, her being sleep deprived being very obvious.

"Wh-Where do you think you're going buster? " She rose a eyebrow, she clearly was in a very cranky mood, making Alex a bit worried if she would still be as adorable, as when he first met her.

"Umm....I needed to go to the bathroom really bad..." He spoke silently to one, not annoy her unnecessarily and two, not awake the sleeping cangelings in the room behind him.

"Oh really? Just going to the bathroom huh? Not sneak off again and getting yourself accused of being a spy again?" She walked up very close to him, a snarl on her face. "I better make sure you are telling the truth..."

He gulped at that, seeing how pissed off she really was. "H-h-how would you do that...?"

A smirk spread on her face. "Only one way I see....I watch you do it, make sure you don't run off." She then let out a yawn that once again showed her fangs but also her adorable side as she let out a little coo.

"Sweet Slumber, is that really necessary? I promise I wont run off or..agh!" He was interrupted by her pressing her hoof on his crotch strongly.

"We can do this two ways buddy....I got no sleep last night and day, so you better listen closely....either I follow you to the bathroom or we will see if everything about you smells so darn sweet and lovely." She wiggled her eyebrows making him blush deeply.

"A-alright, can follow me but no peeking..." She giggled softly and nodded, letting go of his crotch as she walked him to the bathroom.

"You go in, I will wait out here.....also....sorry if I was too mean....I just really get bitchy when I don't get my beauty sleep." She mumbled as they arrived at the bathroom door, her eyes splayed against her head as she looked up at him sheepishly.

Alex just chuckled and petted her ears softly. "I don't mind Sweet, I know I would be pissed too if my sleep was taken away from me, although I don't think beauty sleep suits you. You are beautiful already, anymore and you may make Celestia jealous." He smirked causing her to squeak in surprise as he slipped into the bathroom.

Once inside he sighed in relief as he looked around. Even the bathroom was huge in Blueblood's suite, a small pond like pool was placed into the ground on the right side of the room, multiple tubes that spread from the outside into the room and disappeared under the marble floor leading into it. On the ground around the pool countless bottles of soaps, conditioners and whatnot were placed to give the perfect bathing experience. There were also some faucets on the inside of the pool with labeled handles above them, one read simply `bubble bath`, while another was labeled with `minty fresh orgasm`. On the left was the toilet, it was made from simple porcelain with a silver plated lid. Besides it were multiple toilet paper holders, carrying toilet papers in all the colors of the rainbow and differing textures.

Shaking his head with a chuckle the human simply seated himself on the throne and did his businesses in silence, having fallen into deep thoughts once again. Once he was done and had flushed he smelled himself, noticing that he had began to reek quite a bit. Opening the door to the bathroom to tell the batpony that he would clean himself, he found her in the middle of licking her chest fluff and muttering to herself in a low voice.

"Umm....Sweet are you okay out here?" The human asked with one eyebrow raised as he looked at her from the door frame. She immediatly stopped her self grooming and turned to him with a small but very visible blush on her face.

"Yeah.....I am okay, are you done? I really need some sleep." She smiled weakly, trying to hide how tired she truly was.

"Well.....with the one thing I am....but I noticed I really am reeking so I best take a bath." He looked to the side. To his surprise she went up to him and sniffed him.

"What are you talking about? You still smell as sweet as before, maybe a bit more musky but that is a good thing in my book." She gave him a quizzical look as she kept smelling him.

"Really, cause to my nose I clearly reek of sweat and well....I don't like it at this point." He chuckled softly as he began petting her softly once more,making her lean into his hand and sigh in relief.

"Alright, alright you big goof but only under one condition...." She looked up at him with a stern look in her eyes.

"Shoot, what is it?" He smirked, knowing that what now would hit him would either be an impossible task or something good.

" You tuck me into bed and once I have woken up you make me a coffee that could wake up the dead." She giggled adorably to which Alex let out a laugh and nodded.

"Deal, do you like your coffee with milk and sugar?" He let his hand travel from her ear to her neck, petting her more.

"I usually drink my coffee as dark as the night but I do enjoy if some syrup play is involved soo....surprise me, now get to bathing, I don't want to stay awake any longer than I have to be." She gave him a playful glare as she used her hoof to stop him from petting her.

"Yes ma'am!" Alex saluted and slipped back into the bathroom, undressing to get himself cleaned. As he turned the water on to fill the pool, after fumbling around for a good five minutes, trying to find out how to get it working, he looked at himself in the mirror, noticing how ragged and unkempt both his beard and hair had become, coupled that with the new scars he had gotten over the past few days, it gave him quite the viking look.

"Yo-ho-ho and a skull full of mead....or how did that one go again?" He mumbled as the pool filled fully. Turning off the water he slipped into the heavenly warm water and looked at the labeled faucets, his eyes falling on one specific one he had seen earlier. "Minty fresh fuck it." He turned on the faucet letting the soapy liquid flow into the water as the soon ensuing mint smell lulled him into a state of complete bliss.

After about a hour the door to the bathroom opened once again, revealing a now cleaned and fully relaxed Alex, only dressed in a towel around his hips and his old clothing under his arm. Looking down he noticed that Sweet Slumber had already fallen asleep. She had curled up beside the door, her tail laying over her eyes and ears as she mumbled in her sleep and licked at the tip of said tail. Silently cooing at such cuteness the human snuck over to her and very carefully picked her up, making her giggle in her sleep and snuggle into his arms.

Carrying the mare like that he made his way into the now silent living room which was only sparely lit by the embers that still were smoldering in the fireplace. Placing Sweet on one of the couches close to the fire place he searched for a blanket and softly tucked her in, making sure not to wake her in the process.

"Sweet dreams, you silly adorable bat..." He smiled as he turned from the mare towards the kitchen, he now needed to make the perfect coffee, not only for himself but also her. While walking, his mind went back to the thoughts he had when he awoke, how should he act from here? What would be a good way to progress, who could he truly trust? And should he act today?

"I at least should get a Idea of the layout of the castle....but for that I should wait for my guard to be ready....don't want to cause trouble for her...." He pondered as he walked into the kitchen absentmindedly and bumped right into a fluffy roadblock that let out a loud squeak as he did so. Stumbling back he realized that he had once more bumped into Amelias backside who whirled around and glared at him with a snarl.

"Okay buddy, the first time I did let you get away with being confused but this time I know you deliberately ran into my back! What do you have to say!" He cowered at her angered outburst, his hands up in the air to block incoming hits.

"I...I promise it was a mistake, after what happened yesterday and all that I just was in thoughts and did not look where I was walking, also I wanted to make some coffee for the group and some specifically for Sweet Slumber! I swear thats all, please don't break my bones!" He had his eyes closed tightly.

She growled and grabbed his hands. "Open your damn eyes you coward! If your thoughts make you so darn stupid that you get a instant need for griffon flank, you better do it right!" This made his eyes snap open.

"Wait what?!" He looked at her as she turned around and showed him her backside openly.

"Keep looking, take it all in alright?! Next time you get confused just tell me for plucks sake, so I can do this without being scared out of my skin, I hate being scared!!" He reacted by quickly closing his eyes and averting his line of sight to her talons on the ground before opening his eyes again, then when she turned to him he lifted his head to look at her, a huge blush on his face.

"Better now?" She chirped with a sly smile across her beak to which he simply nodded slowly, still not fully comprehending what just happened. "Good, now get to making that coffee and tell me what you were thinking about, if it was so important that you lost your sights because of it, it is worth listening to."

"I don't really know how to start....I mean,I don't want to anger you any further and...." He mumbled softly.

"You feel the need for griffon beauty again?" She looked at him with honest eyes. He shook his head with a blush. "Then explain please, take your time, you have some coffee to make after all."

Alex nodded and with a deep sigh began making the coffee in two separate cans, one for Sweet Slumber and one for the rest of the other residents of the suite.

"You see...I just do not know how to act now. I mean, Celestia has it out for me pretty much and just when I thought I found out anything, everything changed." He leaned against the kitchen counter.

"You mean with how Light Bringer suddenly showed himself to be a ally?" Amelia chirped to which he nodded. "I see what you mean, you don't know him, so you do not know if you can trust him, which is natural. Yet you can believe me when I tell you that everything he told you yesterday was the truth, still, make your own experiences with him, otherwise you will always see him as a possible enemy probably." She stretched a wing over his back to give him some comfort.

Alex smiled at her and began making the special coffee bland for Sweet Slumber, mixing caramel syrup as well as hazelnut syrup into it before speaking. "The second thing is, I do not know how to act now overall, I mean now my chances to get into the dungeons are very limited. So I now must prove that I am trustworthy to at least one of the princesses and that will be quite a chore. I would not even know how to start that it would have to be a way that would make it possible for me to act quickly, seeing as who is being imprisoned there, gets tortured often..... " He groaned in slight despair.

"I really do not see the problem in that." Spoke the griffon which made Alex stare at her in disbelief. "Your best bet would be Princess Luna I believe."

"I figured so as well but how does that help me in any way?" He looked at her intrigued, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes.

" did hear about Chrysalis group moving right? Ask her to be able to investigate it on your own, take that batmare guard with you, heck even Nox for all I care. That should get you in her good books I believe, especially since she already likes you for getting rid of Silver Mane, good job by the way." She giggled.

"That is a idea do I tell her? If I tell her that I know about Chrysalis movements I will pretty much have done myself in right?" He sighed.

"Just say you heard it as gossip from the maids, that will work, everyone knows the maids in Canterlot Castle talk a lot, in the worst case, you can say that you got asked by Blue to go and investigate in his name. Heck talk to him at the breakfast table about advocating for you before the princess. " She smiled happily.

"That actually is a good idea but what about the prisoner?" He rubbed his chin in thoughts.

"Thats the good thing about having allies within the castle, while you are away the others and me will make you a map of the castle and the dungeons, so you have a easier way traveling through it, this also makes you seem less suspicious as you will be away while we gather informations." She smirked slyly.

"Alright....this actually sounds like a plan now." He smirked as by now the smell of freshly made coffee was wafting through the halls of the suite and the sun was rising. Alex smiled to himself as he thought about how he would ask Blue for his assistance in those matters.

"You wanna do what?!" Alex cringed at the Princes outburst. Prince Blueblood just had gotten done drinking his first cup of coffee when Alex had dropped his request upon him. "Alex, I very much respect you and know you are capable of handling yourself but that endeavor is simply ludicrous! We have no idea what the changelings under Chrysalis want, nor do we know how they would react to you! "

"I know Blue but this is the only way I see, in which I can get Luna to trust me fully, maybe even support our cause. " Alex pleaded as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Nox cleared his throat to get their attention. "My lord, I do not really see the problem with that plan, if Sweet Slumber and I were to accompany Sir Alex I am sure there would be no danger to him, quite the opposite even I believe."

"How so my dear changeling warden?" Blue raised a eyebrow high.

"Sir Alex love is, as Neo and myself have noted already, quite exquisite and very plentiful. By all means, I do believe he would be welcomed with open arms." To that the Prince poured himself another cup of coffee, his face in thought as he drank it slowly.

"Okay....I see where you are coming from, under those circumstances....I will support this little adventure. Plus if it helps to further the overall cause, I think it would be a disservice to both our efforts and the trust I have in Alex. I will talk to aunt Luna with you Alex after breakfast, you make a good coffee by the way." He smiled to which Alex did a small bow and nodded.

"Thank you Blue, I truly appreciate your support." Alex took a healthy bite of the toast he was currently feeding on.

"Don't thank me yet, after we convinced Luna to send you to investigate instead of a usual force of soldiers." To that Alex nodded, hoping that the princess of the night would be appreciative of their proposition.

It was three hours after breakfast by now, everyone had come and eaten. By now Blueblood and Alex stood before the dark blue doors of Luna's royal suite. Beside them stood a serious looking Nox, who tried to uphold the look of a stoic knight and Sweet Slumber who was humming happily as she was sipping away at a cup of the special coffee Alex had made for her. Blue looked at Alex and gave him a nod, raising his hoof to the door, he gave it a strong knock.

From the inside a very grouchy voice came that was very easily recognizable as the one of the princess of the night. " Yes, yes we are arriving, who in the right mind would knock at this time of day!?" The door opened to reveal Luna, looking very disheveled, just like she had just been awoken from sleep. "Yeah? Oh, nephew and our guest, what leads you to our doors at such a daytime? We usually reside in here to rest for the night while our sister takes over the day shift."

"Auntie, can we come in for a is of utmost urgency, I promise. " Blue held his head low in respect as did Alex.

"Fine, follow us but make it short." She let them step inside and led them into the kitchen. "What is it, that is so important that it needs us to be awoken?"

"Aunt Luna, is it true that Chrysalis changeling group is traveling towards King Thorax domain? I heard gossip of some of the guards, I wanted to be sure." Blue began slowly.

"Yes, it is true, we do not know why she suddenly moved but to our belief it is not a attack, they have elderly and hatchlings with them, indicating they would not be able to fend well if needed. Why do you ask such question nephew? Is anything bothering you?" She had a soft look in her eyes.

"I wanted to does Celestia intend to deal with it?" Fear lied in the princes voice.

"From what she told us, she will attack them if they keep moving. We did disapprove of such method but she just said that we were not understanding the rules of this new world." She sighed deeply.

"But would it not be wiser to send someone there to see what is going on in a peaceful manner, as like a scout? " Blue crooking, laying his head to the side.

"Of course that would be our most wanted way of approaching the situation but chances are high that any force we would send would get attacked, so where would we be taking that peaceful scout group to investigate?" She used her magic to fill herself a glass of water.

"Well I wanted to ask if our guest could be of use here? " To that she looked at them with a stern but interested expression. " You see, he is not of this world, so there would be no reason for them to attack him, couple that with how he dealt with Silver Mane, I would believe he would make a good scout, as well as a good diplomat if needed."

"You make a good case...." She looked at the ceiling in thought. "But we cannot send him in there on his own, possible bandit attacks are the smallest of our problems, rather our sisters distrust would be what worries me. "

"Thats why I would be sending my guard Nox with him and would request from you to do the same with Sweet Slumber. In that way he would be safe, get good grades with the changelings and be under your guards watch to keep Celestia at bay."

Luna smiled softly and nodded. "That actually sounds like a good idea. Human Alex..." She looked at him directly. "We assign you the mission of scouting Chrysalis group and find out what made them move, if possible use no violence of any kind, this is a diplomatic mission. Do you accept?"

"Yes your highness, I will do my best to bring good results." Alex saluted in a kind of wonky way, making Sweet Slumber almost burst out into laughter.

"Then you Changeling Nox and you Sweet Slumber are assigned to accompany him and help him in his tasks. Do you accept that mission?" She looked at them sternly.

"Yes Ma'am!!" The two answered in unison.

"Good then you are hereby assigned to your cause, go and prepare, it will be a hard but worthwhile journey. Once you are ready come back to our chambers,we will teleport you to the closest outpost to the changeling group. Good luck."

With that Alex said his thank you towards the princess while Blue decided to stay with Luna, wanting to discuss something about him wanting to invite someone for when Alex would return. Alex simply smiled as he left the suite, already planning what he should bring along for the journey and wondering how the changelings under Chrysalis would be.

If Nox was anything to go by, they would not be too bad in any department, right?

Chapter 19 : Preparations for the storm....

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The day had gone along smoothly after the talk with Princess Luna, by now the sun had reached it's highest point for today and Alex sat in the living room,contemplating what he should bring along for this expedition he had been assigned on. He had to admit that he had no idea at all on what may await him. Sighing deeply he decided that he would have to ask someone for advice on those matters, getting up he began wandering the suites halls, it's floors surprisingly barren of any movement, reminding him once more on just how huge Blue's suite was.

"At this pace I will get ready..." He mumbled as he leaned against one of the marble walls, his eyes closed. "Heck, I would not even know where to get the supplies..." He decided to head back into the living room, to see if Nox or Sweet Slumber had returned as well. To his delight he found Nox sitting in one of the soft armchairs, reading a very old looking, heavy book.

"Heya Nox." Alex called out to the changeling who jumped a bit but smiled when he looked at him." What are you reading there?"

"It is a old book on the changeling hives, how they work,their differences and what is known so far about the different hive queens. I thought since we will travel to them, that knowledge would be useful right?" Alex nodded in agreement and scolded himself for not having thought of that himself. "But besides that, should you not get ready? Like pack some supplies, choose a armor for yourself, a weapon, all that?"

Alex shuffled around embarrassed a bit as he spoke slowly. "I....don't really know where to get those supplies, or where the armory is, neither what weapon would work for me...."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you don't know the layout of the place yet." He closed the book with a grin." Well then let me help you , I am not only a guard in this suite but also the top armory expert in here if I say so myself." He hopped from the armchair after placing the book on a table. "Follow me then, next stop the suites personal armory!" With that he began galloping down one of the suite halls.

"Wait! Nox I am not that fast!" Alex yelped as he did his best to follow the rushing changeling.

After a few minutes with Alex running after the changeling they arrived at two moderately big oak doors. The human was breathing quite hard as he looked at the ornaments that had been carved into the wood, it showing a sword and a shield. It all was topped off with Blueblood's cutie mark stretching over the top of both doors.

The changeling turned around to Alex and held his hooves in a kinda ceremonial position. "Alex Terris, I welcome you to this suites royal armory, may it help you find whatever you see for our mission!" He chuckled and turned, pushing the doors open.

Once the doors were opened fully torches were lit magically inside the armory, burning in blue flames they casted a beautiful blue glow onto the inside. What Alex saw made him almost drop his jaw. Inside of a huge room with many doors to the sides were many mannequins placed which held a wide array of armor sets were placed, all of different types and for different uses, from the light leather and chainmail armor for nimble archers or assassins to the heavy plated armor for knights of the heavy caliber. On the walls on the left side hung up were shields of any kind. On the right side however hung and stood all kinds of weapons, from short swords, over more long swords, curved blades of any kind, two handed weapons, pole arms and everything that the mind could ever wish for.

"Quite the view eh? Now, come on in and look around and choose what interests you the most." Nox called as he walked inside, Alex following close behind, still marveling at the sight.

Once inside Alex looked closer at the armor sets, his brows furrowing slowly. "This is indeed amazing, I cannot thank you enough for showing me this but Nox....I see a problem here. " Nox looked back at him, a eyebrow raised in a questioning motion. "All those great armor sets here, were made for Ponies, not humans. " He chuckled softly while rubbing his chin.

Nox gasped in realization and nodded. "You are completely right, how could that have slipped my mind, what to do, what to do.....? " He paced around for a few seconds, mumbling to himself in thoughts before his face lit up with excitement. "I got it!! Just you wait here!" And with that he zoomed away at high speed, diving into the deepest parts of the armory. Only a few minutes later, a weird array of seemingly clutter on his back that he promptly dropped to the floor.

"Uhh....Nox, what is that?" Alex asked the changeling who beamed up at him with excitement in his bright eyes.

"This isa armor set of older times. Many years ago when Princess Luna had not been banished to the moon, the ponies apparently had a pact with the minotaurs. Through that Canterlot's blacksmiths got tasked with the forging of armor sets made for the minotaurs, at least that is what I was told by Prince Blueblood. Now I know that you do not truly fit their body type but it is the best we have so far, so put on what you can and see how you move in it." Nox smiled as he pushed the armor over to Alex who looked at it with a look of doubt.

He began separating the different pieces of armor, to see what he was dealing with, ending up with a simple chainmail shirt which still had a metallic shine to it, a old and much to big looking helmet which seemed to have rusted quite a bit,two slender leather gauntlets that were supported with some metal plating worked into it, something that Alex could only describe as a old, brown,knight mantle with many holes in it, as if moths had feasted on it. Besides that there were some seemingly simple looking cloth leggings, same with the upper body part of the armor, which seemed to have many small pouches for trinkets, still seemingly just made from brown cloth to which he rose a eyebrow to which Nox smirked.

"I bet you are thinking the material this set is made from is just simple leather or normal clothing you are very mistaken. This armor set is something different, to a certain degree." Nox explained with a wide grin on his face.

"Oh really?" Alex nodded with a questioning look. "What is so special about it?" He picked up the mantle, to be surprised when it felt not like normal leather but rather that he could feel a certain hardness to it, which was baffling to him, also felt it a bit more heavy than a normal mantle should.

"Like I said this set is from the times when Ponies were allied with the minotaurs by a pact of peace, through that both races flourished as recourses and crafts, as well as knowledge ran freely between them. A byproduct of said pact were these armors, a mix between the masterfully forging skills of the minotaur blacksmiths and the best materials given by the ponies. This sets seemingly harmless cloth is made from a ore found in the dragon lands, the name given to that ore is duritiam and it is one of the sturdiest materials I have seen so far , if you look closely at this seemingly normal leather you will see it is made from a mix between normal cloth, leather and strings of woven duritiam. "Alex let his fingers run over the hood of the mantle, however he was not able to distinguish the leather form the metal.

"But wait Nox, if you had that metal, why did you not make full armors out of it after finding it?" Alex asked, looking up from the armor.

"Because once the dragons found out they had such a valuable ore in their lands, they claimed ownership on the rights to mine it, defending it by force. Through that we apparently had a very small amount of said ore to use freely, so they decided to use it as sparingly as possible, again. One of the results you see before yourself. Again, about all of the history stuff, this is just what the Prince told me." Nox walked over to the weapons side of the armory, admiring the swords and polearms.

Alex rubbed his beard in thought. "But if this is not fully woven from said metal, what use does this cloth have?"

"Well, I cant say that it will work in all cases, but there is a chance that hits with bladed or spiked weapons like spears and swords will simply glide off it only dealing the force of said hit to you, without cutting or piercing you, however that wont work everytime I fear, sorry but that is the best I can offer you. Also, against blunt weapons it does not really help." The changeling admitted with his ears hanging low and a worried expression on his face.

Alex could not help but just smile warmly at that. "It is fine buddy, heck I am glad you even found a set for me, some protection is better than no protection, should I put it on right now?"

"After you chose your main weapon and sidearm. " Nox waved with his hoof, making the human make his way over to the changelings side and look at the wall before them. " Now I always find it more easier to choose a sidearm first before deciding on a main weapon, so tell me, what are you most familiar with?"

Alex eyes were drawn to one section of the wall where different kinds of daggers and knives as well as had been placed before it and hung up on it. "Back home I used to be quite good with knives, however some of these daggers look amazing to me."

"Daggers eh? Not a bad choice. Well which one do you want? There are many so choose wisely." The human nodded and looked at the wide array of daggers and short swords, which he believed to have seen in some martial arts movie back home on earth. His view halted when he stopped at a pair of two identical short swords. They had a relatively wide blade, however their length was not more than his fist and his lower arms, he assumed their blades to be around 12 inches long, the handles had a smooth but useful steel guard that, so he assumed, could be used both for parrying and attacking up close.

Following the humans look a smile grew on the changelings face. "Butterfly swords? Good pick, although they do need a bit time to master, go ahead, pick them up, see how they feel, weight and all you know, can't use a weapon that throws you off balance after all." Nodding Alex stretched up and piked the two short swords up while Nox disappeared for a second to return with fitting sheaths for the blades.

Alex smiled as he lifted the weapons in each hand, weighing them. "They feel good, a bit heavy for their size but I think I can work with that I see this up close though, how do earth ponies or for that matter anyone without hands or magic use weapons like swords and the likes of that? Or scissors for that matter, I know there was a hair stylist in Ponyville, yet I never wondered how they did their work until now."

Nox looked at him with a surprised look on his face. "Wait, you lived in the same town as the princess of friendship and yet you were not educated on how everything works in Equestria?"

Alex sighed with a very sarcastic expression. "Yeah, because her being the direct student of Celestia would make her so inclined to speak, let alone teach anything to me right? She would just want to cuddle me all the time huh?"

"Oh yeah, right I kinda forgot about that one....sorry I asked, anyways then I will just have to do that, as good as I can that is." The changeling walked over to a small wooden table and sat down on one of the two, three legged stools that stood around it while Alex seated himself on the other one.

Nox cleared his throat then looked at Alex. " You see, every living thing and sometimes even inanimate objects in this world have a certain amount of magic within them. That magic does not always have to be as obvious as the pony unicorns or us changelings use it. For example, pegasi being able to manipulate the weather and their cloud walking, the minotaurs with their higher than normal skill in forging and crafting, the dragons with their fire and immunity to most kinds of harm and so on, everything has a certain amount of magic within it."

"But what does that have to do with you or any earth pony holding and operating scissors or heck, hold anything in the first place?" Alex mused while looking at the changelings hooves.

"I was going to get that now. What to you seems like a thing of impossibility is simply a way of ponies to use said magic within them, same for me." Alex raised a eyebrow at that. "It is do I explain it.....a very flexible version of short range telekineses or magnetism. When we approach a object with the wish to pick it up and use it, our magic makes that possible, however for whatever reason, this only applies to our hooves and if our concentration on the act of holding and using it is broken we will drop said item, like if in a fight someone were to parry my mace and try to disarm me, it would work as intended.So in short, through our innate magic we are able to use items with our hooves but only when we also know how to use them, therefore training is still needed. Does that answer your question?"

"Yeah I think that should do it for now, maybe I will read up about it later on if I get the time. " Alex stood back up and looked at the weapon assortment again.

"Oh yeah!" Nox jumped up. "You haven't chosen your main weapon yet, go right ahead. Take your time."

Alex looked over the many weapons, his view staying on the sword section. "Hmm...Really hard to decide....what would you advise me?"

"Hmm....It should be a weapon that fits to the short something fast, a sword.....maybe a takes too much skill to use effectively..." With that Nox went towards the swords, mumbling away all the while until he picked one up and held it to the human. "Here, the falchion, a simple to use but effective and trusty sword. Although this ones design is from Germaney a country overseas."

Alex looked at the blade that was before him with big eyes, he assumed the blade to be almost 32 inches long, it being slightly curved towards the end. With a smile he took the handle of the blade while Nox once again left to get the fitting sheath he felt how said blade felt in his hand, it having a good weight, at least he thought so. "I like it but why especially this blade?"

"Well partially because of it's curve at the end, so hits with it can slide in between ribs easier. Now don't be mad if but....have you ever handled a sword before?" Alex cringed deeply at that question.

", I have not, is that bad?" He sheathed the swords he had chosen.

"Kinda yeah but I guess we gotta go with it, good thing I gave you this sword then. In any case put on your armor, strap on your weapons and tell me how you feel." Alex nodded and began under the changelings watchful eyes, although letting the helmet stay on the ground.

"Feels a bit heavy but overall good, does not feel bad. I will have to get used to it though I think. The helmet though I cannot deal with, way too big and heavy for me I fear." Alex crossed his arms, smiling happily.

"Good then I would say you go and find Sweet Slumber while i get ready myself. See you infront of Princess Luna's suite. Also keep your armor on, gotta make a good impression for the mission after all right?" Alex chuckled with a nod and left the armory with a jokey salute to the changeling.

After a hour of traveling around the castle and not being able to find the batmare, Alex simply decided to return to the suite of the princess of the night. On his way he noticed how many guards eyed him with worried eyes, as if to make sure that he would not draw out the blades he got on him now and start attacking them. When he came around the corner to the royal suite he noticed that now two batpony guards were stationed before the doors,these two however showed fanged smiles to him as he came to a stop before them.

"Uhh....Hi, how are you guys doing..?" Alex looked at the two with a half smile, feeling incredibly awkward while doing so.

"We are doing good, albeit still a bit sleepy. We heard of your mission for the princess and of your deeds in Ponyville." Spoke the guard to the left of the door.

"Oh really? How so?" He asked with a surprised expression.

"Oh word spread fast around the castle, especially when something like that comes out. We are just happy Silver Mane is dealt with. Now go on in, the princess and Sweet Slumber are already inside!" Cheered the other one happily as she opened the door for him.

He nodded and entered the suite, marveling at the ceiling that looked like the night sky itself. As he went in further he managed to hear the voices of Sweet and Princess Luna, idly chattering as it seemed. Following the chatter he entered the suites living room, which while being bigger than Blue's, had not the same feel of coziness and home.

"Oh, is that you Mr.Terris? We can not say for sure under that hood of yours." Luna who had sat on the couch till this point stood up and made her way over. "We have to admit, never would we had expected to see this armor again, especially in still such a good state. "

"Eh, it was simple luck I think. That and Nox being so knowledgeable on the armory." Chuckling he looked at Sweet Slumber who flew over slowly and stood herself up beside him. She wore a very dark blue, almost black armor, with Luna's cutiemark engraved into the helmet. Onto her back a crossbow had been strapped alongside a quiver with bolts. On her sides small sheathed daggers were held by leather straps. He let out a small whistle after looking her over. "Not bad Sweet Slumber, where did the cuddly batmare I know disappear to?" He smirked.

"Still here but just like you, I had to gear up. We don't know what could happen to us on our little adventure after all." She giggled at him. "Why are you wearing no helmet? Your face is a major target now."

"The helmet was made for minotaur heads and well....horns, so it really did not fit me. Still I will be fine." He tried to reassure her and himself in secret.

"We certainly hope so as well, it would be a scandal if a guest of Canterlot died under our supervision. "Added Luna. "If you were to fall it would be our fault for sending you on this endeavor."

"Not fully Princess." Countered Alex. "Remember I asked for this chance, so whatever happens, I do carry the responsibility for it."

The princess of the night opened her mouth to further argue on that point, when the doors suddenly were opened and Nox stepped into the suite. Turning towards the changeling Alex examined his friends armor with great interest. The changeling wore royal blue heavy plated armor which surprisingly made no sound as he walked. On his back he had a heavy steel mace with a big shield in the same color as his armor alongside it. " I see you two are here as well, good good. I think we are ready then?"

"What about food or at least water? I am sure we will probably need that?" The human inquired.

"That is a very good question Mr.Terris. Sweet Slumber and we ourselves just spoke about that. Usually we would give you provisions, as before Chrysalis hive resided deeply in the worst parts of the badlands. Now however she moves so colse to King Thorax domain that if you were in dire need you could simply travel over to them to rest. Therefore we came to the agreement with Sweet Slumber that provision would be just unneeded baggage." Princess Luna explained with a smile.

"I see....then I guess we are ready, right?" Alex looked at the two who stood beside him who in return nodded back at him.

"Good, then we will send you now to our outpost from which we received the last infos about Chrysalis group." The princess of the night spoke regally as her horn lit up with magic. "Good luck on your journey and safe travels." And with that and with her teleportation spell the three before her disappeared in a flash of light.

Chapter 20 : The winds start howling...

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Alex stumbled for a second the moment he had his feet back on solid ground, a wave of nausea washing over him. He felt like he had been pulled through a incredibly narrow tube that was shaken a few times. Shaking his head he heard Sweet Slumber giggle beside him.

"First time being teleported I assume?" He felt her hoof wrap around him to give him some support. "Don't worry, that feeling only stays after the first time and not for very long at that."

He chuckled as the feeling slowly subsided making him feel less shaky. Once he felt strong enough he opened his eyes, marveling at the landscape before him. On the right side of his view the planes were mostly green with grass, some flowers and herbs growing around, the occasional tree, all in all that area was filled with life.In the distance smoke that flew up in small strings could be seen, signaling a small town seemed to be nearby their location.That beautiful area however ended abruptly like a line had been drawn into the ground by some malevolent force and from that line nothing green or frivolous could grow, instead a sandy, cold and windy landscape stretched out from that line. No trees shedding shadow to save from the hot sun was around. Alex swallowed dryly as he took it all in."Alex Terris, with this I welcome you to the border of the great dunes. "Spoke Nox in a low voice. "I wonder where the units of this outpost are, they were supposed to be around here somewhere..."

"I will fly up and give us a bigger view of the situation, it truly is strange how there seem to be no tents or anything signaling this as a Equestrian outpost. " Spoke the batmare before soaring up into the sky quickly, the two males following her with their eyes. As Alex looked up to keep his view on Sweet Slumber he noticed something flowing in the wind, some kind of fabric, it's color being a bright blue.

Reaching up he managed to catch the cloth, the feel of it being almost velvety. "What is this?" On the cloth piece was a singular white star. Nox hummed interested as he looked over, as soon however as his eyes fell on the cloth he got visibly more tense.

"That my friend.....if I am correct that a piece of a equestrian flag....but where is the rest? " He looked around, worry in his turquoise eyes.

As if on cue the batmare came rushing down, breathing heavily. "G-guys, you won't believe this! I....I think I found the outpost....or rather what's left of it."

"What do you mean by that Sweet, we need a clear report of the situation." The batmare saluted to the changeling's command.

"In the distance there is something that I can only describe as a weird formation in the sand sir." She pointed into the direction with her hoof. " I would have ignored it if I had not noticed pieces of ripped white and blue fabric before the sand formations. Whatever happened to the outpost I am sure we will find our answer there, maybe even a way to locate Chrysalis group." She shook slightly.

Alex rubbed his chin in thought. "If we find their group.....what do we have to expect? I mean, would they attack?"

Nox shook his head softly. "I seriously do not know. I was of Chrysalise's hive but after what happened, I am not sure what she or my siblings will do once we spotted them. However since I am with you I think our chances are not too bad, now, let's move. "

"Alright Nox, you lead Alex through the area. I will scout the area from up high, we do not want a evil surprise after all. " With that Sweet Slumber soared back up into the sky and the two males went on their way towards those supposed weird sand formations.

The walk under the hot sun did not last for too long, as after only thirty minutes the strange sand formations came into closer view. Upon seeing them closer it was now apparent that they were in fact holes, sustained open by some jagged looking black rocks. Alex eyebrows narrowed in confusion as he looked at the holes. "What are those?" He turned to the changeling.

" It seems to be a temporary hive, or at least thats what the hardened changeling goo tells me." Nox mumbled as they came to a halt in front of the first hole.

"Changeling goo?" Alex layed his hand on the black material, it being cold to the touch but having a smooth feel to it. Behind the two Sweet Slumber landed.

" Our building material for the most part, we eat mosses, small plants and different bugs to create it. However we can use it for a wide variety of ways. Still Chrysalis's hive mostly uses it to build their structures or to, like in this case, create a temporary hive to rest in. Although this one is built rather sloppily, going by the high numbers of entrances that is." The changeling bended down and picked up another piece of a flag, smelling it. "Yeah....this has the pheromones of the Chrysalis hive, whatever happened to the outpost has to do with them."

Sweet Slumber shuddered softly. "Does that mean we have to go down there? I mean.....we have to find out what happened right?"

Nox nodded. "Yes we do but I need to lead the way, remember, I was once part of this hive so that should give us a diplomatic advantage. Also remember, this is a diplomatic mission, we are not here to attack. " His wings buzzed a bit as he said that, almost in a rhythmic motion.

Alex nodded. "You are right buddy, how hard do you think it will be to talk to Chrysalis?" He looked into the darkness of the hole, far down a small blueish hue could be seen.

"I think that, after her being dethroned by Thorax, she should be very angry, however by her group moving towards his realm it could be that she now wants to engage in direct diplomatic affairs, so we have a good chance of talking to her after we explained who we are and what we stand for." Nox nodded to himself. "So let's go, the earlier we go the better. " His wings were still buzzing in a rhythm as he smiled at the other two.

"Alright, lead the way!" Cheered the batmare as they entered the black tunnel. The light of the desert sun grew weaker with each step they took, making Alex wonder just how deep this would go.

As the trio went deeper into the hive, the blueish hue Alex had spotted grew closer and brighter. After a few more steps in relative silence, the only sound being the buzzing sounds of the changelings wings they came to a crossroad, three ways reaching from there into three separate tunnels. Above each tunnel a small array of mushrooms grew, each one of them emanating a blueish glow.

Sweet Slumber groaned slightly and sat down on her flank. "Great now where do we go?" Alex walked past Nox and looked into every one of the tunnels before stopping before the middle one.

"This one, it is the only one of the three that has a obvious draft. So it should lead to somewhere spacious. " Nox nodded and made his way to the humans side.

" If we go that way we will quite possibly arrive at the main hall, there probably will be many changelings so prepare yourself. It is quite possible that we will be captured or at least cornered there." The other two nodded as they went into the middle way. A few minutes later the dark tunnel opened up into a huge area, mostly made entirely made of the changeling goo. The most amazing thing about it was however that it was build like a tower, reaching up high till it amounted into one of the holes that had been visible on the surface beforehand, a ray of bright sunlight shining through it. A big walkway beginning one one side of the area and spiraling upwards till it ended at the hole, on it's way many different tunnels were build into the walls, apparently this was the main hall of the temporary hive. All around the spiraling walkway and buzzing in the air were hundreds of changelings, some of them in conversations while others were clearly fulfilling some form of tasks. Alex marveled at the jagged, yet smooth architecture of the area, so much in fact that he stumbled right past Nox who tried to hold him back,only to be stopped when two halberds, held by two armored changelings where shut in front of his face, blocking him from entering the area.

"Stop right there invader!" Barked the one to the right, glaring at the trio with bright eyes. " Don't you move and maybe you will get a chance to speak." The two began closing in on the group who slowly backed away.

Nox stepped before the other two to speak but before he could open his mouth a voice spoke from behind the guards.
"Don't worry boys, I will take care of these ones....Step aside!" The voice was uncanny to the humans ears, it was like two voices were speaking at the same time, one, belonging to a young woman while the other was completely otherworldly to him. What scared him though was the tone of said voice. It was cold and basically oozed power.

"Yes, your highness!" Both of them shouted and slowly stepped away, revealing the owner of the voice. Her chitin was black like the one of other changelings except for a small portion on her back which went from dark to light
green,however to the human it seemed to be a few nuances darker than the regular color. Her height put her easily on the level of Princess Luna if not even Princess Celestia making him gulp. Her long dark turquoise hair fell down long over her back. He long slender legs had holes in them, her horn being jagged and sharp. On her head resided a small black crown with three pearls at the top. What scared Alex the most however were her eyes, them being bright green with actual pupils. They seemed to have a infernal icy fire within them. All in all everything about this being screamed power and authority, making a cold shiver run up the humans spine, he was sure he was right now standing in front of the queen of this hive, Queen Chrysalis who now showed a fanged smile.

"Well well well....what do we have here? A adorable batmare sniper, a strange creature in minotaur armor and last but not of my trusted, seemingly lost soldiers. How have you been Nox? I take it the time within the castle is enjoyable?" She let out a cold giggle while looking at the smaller changeling.

Sweet Slumber leaned towards Alex, she was visibly shaking in fear. "H-how did she even notice us? I-i mean she should have a own throne room or things to attend to?" The poor batmare squeaked silently. The queen to that grinned evilly.

"A very good question Sweet Slumber, oh yes I know your name. " She laughed when the human and the mare now stared at her with wide eyes. "I know both of your names....all thanks to a certain little bug making your entrance into here all the more clear, as soon as I smelled his pheromonic message I was down here, waiting for you!" She then narrowed her looks back on Nox. "Ain't that correct corporal Noxious?" A gasp escaped both Alex and Sweet Slumbers mouths as they stared at their companion. "Oh did you really not notice it, him doing weird things on your way down here like buzzing his wings for example?" The grin on Chrysalis grew even wider. "Oh I know everything by now, especially about you Mr.Terris."

Alex was only halfway listening to the queen, his focus was on Nox, who now slowly walked over to the changeling queen and stood beside her. "N-N-Nox.....what....what is the meaning of this?" He asked with a shaky voice.

"Please trust me Alex,Sweet Slumber, this is all for the best....please believe me." The changeling pleaded weakly.

The queen then motioned them over."Come in, come in...." She turned towards the area and walked towards the middle point. "Do not try to run or my hive will swallow you hole." She warned. Alex looked at the batmare and gave her a nod which she returned as they both followed Chrysalis into the area. In the meantime Chrysalis had managed to make the changelings form a circle with her waiting in the middle of it. "Come here Mr.Terris, step into the ring...."

Alex swallowed heavily but decided to show some rebellious attitude. "And what if i don'?" He tried to sound as confident as possible to which the queen only smiled softly.

"If not..." She tapped her hoof to the ground and a loud shriek from behind him made Alex whirl around to see that a bunch of changelings had pushed Sweet Slumber to the ground and held her tightly."I will have them rip her to pieces before your very eyes....your choice Mr.Terris."

Alex swallowed heavily as he looked at the batmare. "Don't worry....I will get us out of here....somehow." He weakly promised as he walked towards the queen into the ring of changelings which closed behind him promptly." Why are you doing this, if you got all infos from Nox, you know why we are here, also what happened to the guards that were stationed at the outpost!" He tried to seem intimidating.

"So many questions, so little time....yet you are correct, I know who sended you into my hive, however I cannot tell if your intentions are genuinely diplomatic, so I am afraid that I will have to look through your memories to see if you are a diplomat or not. Only problem with need to be unconscious for the spell to work out you either have the choice to just let me sedate you peacefully but not know what may happen to your sweet little batmare or fight me and hope to be able to save her....." She grinned evilly.

Alex looked back at Sweet Slumber who struggled in the hold of her captors. He frowned as he looked at Nox who still looked at him with a pleading look. He then stepped closer into the ring and pulled out the falchion. "As much as the peaceful way seems alluring, I must decline, the safety of my friend is more important than my own, just know....I did not come here to fight."

Chrysalis laughed and nodded. "Then so be it, if your intentions are indeed pure this will show how valuable you will be to the cause but only one friend, is Nox not your friend?"

Alex frowned as he did not answer to that just gripped the blade handle with both hands. "That.....does not matter right now. Let's just get this over with."

"Could not have said it better myself Mr.Terris, now come at me! Show me your resolve to save your friend!" Queen Chrysalis ordered as she got into a fighting position herself, her horn glowing with dark green magic. Only one thought rushed through the humans mind at the moment, this would not be a pleasant experience.