• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

  • ...

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Chapter 6: Universal Love

Twilight and Dashie were walking, both red, as they tried not to look at each other. ThereThere was a very long and awkward silence between them as they walked through the field.

"Hey, Twi! Dashie!" shouted AJ as she and Spike saw them and hurried over. Both looked at their friend and asked her, "Twilight, are you okay?"

Twilight couldn't answer as she couldn't look them in the eyes after hurting Braver and almost attacking her student, Dawn.

"She's fine. She needs time to decide what to say to Braver." Dashie answered for her, who also couldn't look them in the face after kissing Twilight and cheating on Twilah.

"Well, alright then... Spike and I are heading back then." AJ replied, knowing something was wrong between the two, not just what happened with Twilight and Braver. "Twi, I'm here for you. Even when you scared us like that, we'll always be there for you."

"...Thanks, AJ," Twilight said, slightly looking towards her.

"Anytime. Let's get back, Spike."

"Yeah," replied Spike, who could also feel something was wrong.

Dashie and Twilight watched as both left and were out of sight as they entered the apple tree fields. Dashie walked over to a tree, sat under it, and sighed as she realized what the hell she had done. Twilight walked up to and sat in front of her, but with Twilight facing away from her, as she couldn't face Dashie, she just said, "I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry, Dashie. I have no idea why I did that. Why did I kiss you like that?" Twilight could hear nothing from Dashie, so Twilight kept talking, hoping Dashie would understand her and forgive her. "I just... I just don't know why I did it; I'm trying to find an r, but nothing comes to mind. It was like an impulse, a rush, a desire, a need, a want, a love, and everything else. I can't explain it, Dashie. I just... I can't, Dashie."

Dashie could say nothing "..."

"Dash, I..."

Suddenly, Twilight could hear Dashie crying. She slightly turned around to see Dashie holding the black box.

"What can I tell her? The first time, I could say it was just an accident. I thought I was kissing 'her' in my sleep, and when you kissed me, it was just the spur of the moment. But how can I say this was an accident? I didn't push you away; I didn't stop the kiss; I didn't move or stop you or anything. I wanted it, and I did it. I fucked up again, like fucking always! Fuck!"

Twilight couldn't see her face because Dashie's hat covered it, but She knew she was crying and could only look at her, not knowing what to do or say.

"What do I do?"


"What can I say to Twilah or even to Blitz? That I cheated on her mom? I always try to be a good role model for Blitz, telling her to be kind and understanding and never to lie or hurt others, but I want to lie to Twilah and never tell her what happened between you and me. I don't want to keep hurting Twilah. I can't be like her father! I CAN'T!"

Twilight couldn't say anything or move, not knowing how to handle this.

"How do I fix this?" Dashie waited a few seconds but heard nothing from her friend. "I know you won't answer me, but if you can, Twilight. Please, tell me what to do, Twilight. Tell me, what can I do?"

"I don't know, Dash. I'm sorry. This is my fault. I'm the one who started this," Twilight finally answered her friend as she stood up and faced her. "I'm the one who hurt you. Why do I keep hurting others? First Braver, Dash, and now you? What am I doing? Why do I keep doing this? HURTING OTHERS!" Twilight shouted as her emotions finally came out, and she was a mess.

Dashie could hear her friend struggling as well "Twilight..."

"WHAT SHOULD I DO!?" Twilight looked away and became silent, feeling it was her fault. Dashie looked up and stared at her. She could see Twilight had tears running down her face. "I can't face Braver again or even look Dashie in the face again... I almost hurt Dawn, too. Now I'm hurting you and your family. I'm a coward; I can't take the pain of what I did, so I ran. I ran far away from the problems and hurt someone close to me. I can't keep running. Maybe it would be best if I just disappeared. I'm a coward and a disgrace to be a mother and wife... just a monster." Twilight looked up to the sky. "Braver must hate me for saying and what I did to her, and now Dawn hates me even more, my sweet little student. No doubt Dash would hate me. Just disappearing will be the best here, right? The best answer to all this is, I'm sorry, Dashie."

Dashie started seeing Twilah in Twilight, as she started remembering that night in her room all those years ago when she was a teenager. "Don't say that."

"Sorry for causing you trouble, Dashie. Tell Twilah I love her too. She's like a sister to me and a good friend. I wish we could start over. I wish..." Twilight stopped speaking and was silent. Dashie could only look at her, seeing how hurt she looked. Dashie could still see a younger Twilah in front of her, back when Twilah said she should also disappear, as she felt like a burden to her and their friends. She felt weak and shouldn't exist in their lives. She felt worthless and a disgrace. It hurt her heart, and Dashie couldn't bear to see Twilight hurt, not like this as well. Dashie stood up, faced her, placed her hands on her cheeks, and made her face her.

"I'm sorry," Twilight whispered, trying her hardest not to look her in the eyes.

"Twilight, I share half of that blame too. You're not a coward. You're a great mother, a loving wife, a great teacher, and a friend. You're the greatest and nicest person I know, Twilight, besides Twilah." Dashie let a sad chuckle, and Twilight did the same. "From seeing Dash's memories and what Twilah told me, you are a good person, Twilight Sparkle."

"But...hurting Braver..."

"You did hurt her. Hitting a child is bad, yes, but something was wrong. Can you tell me why you did that? You were shouting about being scared of her and of her killing you. Why is that Twilight?"

Twilight shut her eyes and just said nothing.

"Please, Twi, talk to me. Let me help you...I'm here for you, Twi."

Twilight shook her head, like she was fighting with herself, and finally looked at Dashie in the eyes. She rested her head on her shoulder and started to nuzzle her, like she was a little filly again, wanting love from her mother.

"Dashie, please hold me, please."

"Okay, Twilah," replied Dashie as she held her as she requested.

"I'm scared."

"It's okay, Twilight."

"I'm sorry. Don't leave, Dash."

"I'm here, Twilight."

"Don't abandon me. Please. Dashie, please."

"It's okay. I'm here, Twilight. So please, answer me."



"It hurts."

"What does?"

"The truth. I don't want to remember. It hurts. My chest hurts. It hurts so much, Dashie. I remembered what Braver was like in the past, killing Nightfall. A part of me was always scared she would do that to me, and then the next thing I knew, I blasted her away from me. Seeing how I hurt her, I never did that to anyone! I never use my magic like that on a loved one. She hates me, Dashie. I hate myself for doing that to her. I was the one who taught her to love and never to hurt others. She looks up to me, and I'm her real mom... Dash taught her to be brave in danger and protect others; she also looks up to Dash." She let out a small laugh. "She's a mommy's girl to her...Our friends taught her many things as she grew up around them. I see my friends in her, how she acts or behaves, and she picks up their traits and becomes her own. She's a good and brave girl. She even proves many times that she isn't a monster; she isn't the same person who killed Nightfall. She's a good kid, and I was afraid of her. I'm a bad mother."

Dashie held her tighter and said, "You're not."

"But-" Twilight was quickly cut off as Dashie spoke fast as if she had to say whatever was on her mind.

"No, you're not; if you truly were a bad mother, you wouldn't feel like this or worry about what you did. You would be saying that what you did was the right thing. You wouldn't be crying, and you wouldn't be feeling hurt. You're not a bad mother, Twilight. You're a great mom. There has to be a real reason why you did that. There has to be a reason because I don't believe what you told me. It can't..."

"...Dashie. You are the fastest talker," Twilight said with a small smile as she nuzzled her more.

"That's the first time someone called me that, and not in an insulting way either," replied Dashie with a smirk.

It was quite between the two as they held each other, but not awkward or silent. It was a comforting silence, and Dashie was enjoying it—until Twilight spoke up.

"What can I say to make my daughter happy again? Make her see that I do love her. I don't see her as her old self. Make her trust me again."

"Be honest with her. Talk to her. Explain your reasons for doing that; don't hold back; explain everything to her, Twilah."

"But I don't want to trigger her again or cause her to break down. You saw what happened to her before; what if it happens again?"

"I'll be here for you, Twilah. We'll all be there for you."


"Just tell her everything, and the rest will follow. Don't hide it from her."

Twilight closed her eyes and used her magic to pick up the small black box and place it near Dashie's face, who saw and took it.

"Same with you. We have to tell her and my Dash about what we did. We can't hide this from them; it isn't right. You have to tell her."


"She loves you, Dashie. I know she'll understand. She loves you and won't hate you for what happened."

Dashie held the box harder and cried, "I know, and I hate that. She shouldn't forgive me for what I did to her. Cheating on her and wanting to lie to her."

"She will because she loves you, and you're her Dash. I know because she is me, and you truly are like my Dash. Not wanting to be forgiven, thinking you are a bad person, and hating yourself—that's what Dashie was like; you were there. You two truly are alike... I think that's why I have feelings for you. You truly remind me of my Dash."

Dashie chuckled and said, "Is it a bad thing? I don't know if I should feel flattered or insulted."

Twilight laughed a bit and shook her head. "It's not a bad thing, Dashie. It's just a fact."

"...I'm not her."

"I know."

"I think that's why I also kissed you. You remind me of Twilah, when she was younger, standing alone while taking what hit her—falling and trying to get back up...alone. I want to support her and always be there for her, the same as you. It would help if you didn't feel like that. I want you to lean on me, to let your emotions out, and to cry if you need to. I want you to tell me everything and not hold back, but you aren't 'her'... I shouldn't be the one doing that. It's your Dash, the other me, who should be doing that."

"We're still the same people, Dashie. Deep down, we're the same person."


It was quiet again, and both of them slowly let go and stared at each other until Dashie spoke as a tear fell down her cheek. "I think that's why I fell in love with you; you are 'her' but a different version of them. Like I fell in love with Twilah all over again. It was the same feeling when Twilah opened up to me, crying on my chest while we slept in my bed, as she didn't want to be alone anymore and let her walls down and told me her fears and her story—the real story. I saw how strong and weak she was at the same time. How much she was hurting and how she was alone; she didn't want our friends and me to support her anymore as she saw herself as a burden to us or how her family didn't support her. When I told her I would always be there for her, wanting to be there for her because I didn't want a world without her, I fell in love with her, her flaws and all. We were still young, in high school, and so happy. When Blitz came into our lives five years ago, we were so happy, excited, and nervous. There was so much happiness and joy, and we were so happy with each other. And now...I don't want her or you to suffer again; I just want you two to be happy and not sad. I don't want you two to be hurt; you two have had enough hurt. I love you, but not for 'you'."

Twilight watched as Dashie opened th, revealing a blue diamond ring. Twilight couldn't stop crying, as Dashie was indeed the same as her Dash.

"I love Twilah, who I saw in you, Twilight. I didn't fall in love with the real you. I fell in love with a piece of my love, Twilah, when I saw how you were alone and hurt. It was the same pain I saw in Twilah. Twilight, I don't love you for 'you, but I do love you for 'her'...and I think you agree with this, right?"

Twilight nodded her head, wiping away her tears, and was shaking. "Yes. I saw Dash in you—how she would always be there for me. Seeing my darkest side, never leaving my side, and seeing how strong and weak I am That's why I love Dash, and now I fell in love with a piece of my love too, the same as you. I don't love you, Dashie; I love the 'you' that has 'her.'"

"Right," said Dashie, giving her friend a warm smile.

"I'm sorry for making you feel like this. Sorry for kissing you. It's not right, Dashie."

"N-no. I'm sorry for kissing you back. Sorry for pinning you down like that!" answered Dashie, who stuttered in her reply and blushed as she remembered what she had done.

Twilight blushed. "No! I'm sorry for letting you do that!"

"I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry, too!"

They both went quiet as they stared each other down, and they started to laugh hard as they spoke simultaneously.

"Twilah is the bottom, isn't she?"

"Dash is the top, isn't she?"


"Pfft, hahaha!"

They both continued to laugh, as they could see each other clearly. They did not see a part of their lovers but saw them for who they were—the part they didn't love but as friends.

"We're a mess, aren't we?" asked Twilight.

"Hahahaha! Yes, we are," replied Dashie

"Hehehe. What are we going to do now?"

"I don't know, but maybe starting with Braver is a good place to start. Then talking to Twilah and Dash will be next," answered Dashie as she stood up.

"Sounds like a plan," replied Twilight, being her old self again.

"Good. So, are we good?"

"Of course."

"That's a relief."


"But if it makes you feel better, I can give you a goodbye kiss, and we can call it even," smirked Dashie.

Twilight smirked. "Fine! Do it!" being cocky, she waited on Dashie's reply.

Dashie punched Twilight in the shoulder as they both smiled and headed back, but like before; they were being watched by both Dawns, who was looking from the shadows. Rainbow Sun Dawn started to laugh like a crazed person as she saw the event unfold before them.

"Just like Ms. Dashiell, she always causes problems for me. Hahahaha! I'm glad I killed her first. We should do the same. Kill these two before the plan falls apart." Rainbow Sun Dawn started to cackle more and more until she started to form a bleeding rainbow sword out of her rainbow-bleeding chest, aiming at the back of Twilight and Dashie's heads. "Die! DIE, DIE, FOR TAKING AWAY MY RAINBOW COMET LIGHT! HAHAHA!"

But before she could fire, Dawn stopped her. "Wait, other me. Don't."

"WHAT?! Are you crazy? We had an understanding and we were going to work together. You know why I'm here and doing this."

"I do, after seeing the prism window as Braver did, and this can work out more in our favor," Dawn said, with a creepy smile.

"What? What are you talking about, Dawn?"

"Don't worry, other me. Just sit back and watch and leave the work to me, hahaha!"

"W-what are you pla-"

Rainbow Sun Dawn couldn't finish their sentence as she sensed something and turned around. Dawn noticed and asked if something was wrong.

"Nah, just a visitor came—two, in fact. I was guessing to stop me. I'll be back. You'll be fine alone, right?" asked Rainbow Dawn, as she didn't turn to her pony self, but Dawn could sense she was worried about leaving her all alone, like a worried big sister.

"I'll be fine. Just be careful. You can't die, not yet. Until you see her again, Okay?" Dawn said, putting her hoof on her human counterpart's leg.

Rainbow Dawn slowly looked down at her, and a smile formed as she said, "...Right. I'll come back later."

"Right. See ya!"


Rainbow Sun Dawn's body started to break apart and became the prism window of this universe as it floated in front of Dawn, who turned around and walked back to the apple fields with the window following her.

"I can't wait to crush your support, Braver. You'll only see me. Soon, with your dear little sister, you'll see and only love her. I love us both. Hehehe."

Back at the apple fields, Dash finally got Braver to calm down and stop crying.

"Hey, Braver, it's okay. You don't have to cry anymore. Everything is okay."

"But mom sees me as...a monster, the old me. I don't want her to hate or be scared of me! I don't want her to hurt me too! I'M A GOOD GIRL!" she told her mother, wiping away the last tears from her eyes. Dash held her tighter, hugging her like a caring would do.

"No, Braver. Mom loves you. You are her pride and joy; she doesn't want you to forget that, okay? She still loves you. Okay. She doesn't see the old you. She sees you and only you."


"You can ask her when she comes back." Dash could feel the tears on her chest. Braver was crying harder, as she wanted the answer now. Dash could only sigh and turn to Twilah, who was doing better than her.

"Sweetie, calm down. You didn't mean to say that to her," Twilah stroked her daughter's head, trying to calm her down.

"But I hurt Mom! She has never been disappointed in me before. Never! I promised you two that I'd be the best daughter ever! Making you proud, I-I-" Blitz started to cry harder as her mother held her tightly and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay, Blitz. You are the best thing we could ever ask for, and we're proud of you. Dashie feels hurt."

Blitz went deeper into her mother's chest, hating herself more as she heard, "Hurt in what I said? I didn't mean it."

"She knows, and she'll forgive you. Like I said, she just felt hurt, is all. She doesn't hate you," Twilah replied, pulling her daughter out of her chest and wiping away her tears.

"Mom? You sure?"

"Yup. Just calm down. Breathe in and out."

Blitz took a few breaths and started to calm down.

"That's a good girl. That's my girl."

"Mom...?" Blitz said, not wanting to look at her in the eyes.


"You don't see me as a monster, right? You're not afraid of me?" Blitz whispered her question as she closed her eyes, fearing the answer.

"I'll never be afraid of you, honey. You're my little girl, Blitz, The Rainbow Comet! You have done wonderful things, helped, and saved lives. How could I ever see you as a monster? You aren't 'her'. Not anymore, not after we saved you." answered Twilah, putting her hands on her daughter's cheeks, making her open her eyes.

"You're not lying, right?"

"Of course not, honey."

"...Thanks, mom."

Twilah kissed her forehead again and smiled. Blitz smiled a bit, and she calmed down. Dash could feel sad, as she wanted to be like that with Braver, but she wasn't like Twilah or even Twilight. She was never good at calming Braver down, and she sometimes made the situation worse. Twilight was better at this, and Dash herself was better when Twilight was leading.

Suddenly, everyone noticed Spike and AJ heading towards them, and AJ told them that Dashie and Twilight were behind them.

"They'll be here soon, ya'll; just be patient," said Applejack as she patted Blitz's shoulder and then Braver but noticed someone was missing. "Hey, where is Dawn?"

"Right here," answered Dawn, walking from behind a tree.

"Alright," said AJ, feeling odd about her.

It wasn't long before the group saw Twilight and Dashie walking together. Twilah could feel her daughter leaving her arms, running to her mother, and stopping before them.

"Mom!" Blitz shouted as tears were forming again. "...mom."

Dashie looked worried as she saw her daughter crying again. "What's wrong?"

"Mom, I'm sorry. Sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Dashie gave her a sad smile. "You didn't."

"I did! I was being selfish, mom. I wasn't thinking, as I blitzed it again wi thinking. I don't want to lose you. I just want to make you proud of me."

Dashie was shocked by her words, so she hugged her daughter tightly and smiled, "Blitz. You have no idea how proud I am of you. I love you, kiddo. I understand why you said that. You're so much like me; it hurts sometimes."


"I want to protect the things I care about, getting mad at whoever I'm against and those that protect them. You truly take after me, god. It's scary sometimes. But... I'm happy you are just like me. And I'll tell you again: I'm so proud of you, Blitz. Unlike the people I was against, at least I can tell you why I wanted to protect and help Twilight. I see your mother in her. I can't bear to see that she was alone like your mom was when we were growing up. She always tried to stand alone, thinking she didn't need to burden others. I couldn't let her be alone. It's not the right thing to do or the right way to treat a good friend. It's almost like something in me is telling me never to leave or abandon her."

Soon, Blitz could feel tears falling down her shoulder as she realized her mom was crying but was also being strong as she kept talking. "Loyalty. I'll never back down when a friend is in need, and I will do everything I can to help them. It's why I was there for you and your sister that day. I wasn't going to let you die like that. I'll never see you or your sister as a monster. Blitz, I'll never abandon you. Never think that." Dashie cried a bit more as she finished speaking.

Blitz closed her eyes and simply asked, "Mom..."


Blitz dug deeper into her mother's shoulder. "Love you."

"I love you too, kiddo," Dashie answered as she held her tighter.

AJ was smiling but could see something was still wrong with Blitz. Going by her eyes, she wasn't happy, and she just hid the pain away as Dashie pulled away and looked at her daughter. "Sugar cube..."

Twilight smiled at the two but sadly turned to Dash and Braver, who looked at her. Twilight took a deep breath and walked towards them, but she could see Braver shaking with fear. "Braver... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, sweetheart."

Braver shut her eyes and shouted, "You lied to me!"

"Braver, I-"

"No! You did! You see me as a monster... I'm not..." Braver dropped to the ground, put her hooves over her eyes, and shook.

"Braver, listen, please," begged Twilight as she was close to her daughter's face, removing her hooves with her nose and could see the fear in her eyes—fears of seeing a monster in front of her, a monster that she once trusted and was hurt in a way she couldn't forgive said monster.

"I'm not a monster, right?" asked Braver.

"No, you're not a monster, Braver. I hurt you. Dash is right; I could have killed you. I could have lost my brave little girl, my sweet baby, and I'm sorry, Braver. I'm sorry for what I did." answered Twilight, nuzzling her little girl's face, but she could feel the shaking from her.

Braver shook her head, forcing Twilight away as tears were falling. "You...lied."

"I did. I know. I'm sorry, but what I said about being scared of you is true. You are powerful, powerful enough to 'break' things. I was scared of you 'breaking' me...but..." Twilight could see her daughter recoil at hearing that. Even Dash couldn't believe what she just heard.

"W-what?" asked Braver, her voice cracking with fear.

"I can see that power inside you, Braver. When I look at you, I can see a spark within you. Something special. You have done so many good and wonderful things. Proving you aren't a monster—with Dashie talking to me—that's when I realized it. I'm not scared of you..." Twilight placed her nose on her daughter's cheek, softly nuzzled her, and pulled away. "I'm scared of myself, scared of turning you into the old you, and scared that I failed you as a mother. Braver, sweetie, I'm not afraid of you, but afraid that I failed you and Dash. You two are the most important things in my life, Dash, and you are everything to me and more. Even though we saved you and your sister, you were the one who saved me, Braver. When we first met, I could feel you calling to me. You wanted a family, to be loved; you wanted to be happy, and that's all I want for you. I wanted a family because of you. I'll do anything to keep you safe, happy, and loved. I'll never abandon you and will do everything I can to help you, Braver. I promise. I know you hate me and are afraid of me now. It's why," Twilight slowly started to back away from her and whispered to her, "I'll keep doing all that, but far from you—far away from me, the monster that hurt you. Never again, my sweet daughter. I'll protect you from me."

Twilight started to walk away, leaving Dash and Braver, as the two couldn't understand or believe what Twilight just said.

"T-Twilight!" yelled Dash, running over to her wife.

"Stay with her, Dash. Keep her safe. Please."

"You're not a monster, Twilight."

"Yes, I am, Dash. I hurt her. It's like you said: I almost killed her... Nightfall would indeed hate me. So, let me make it up to her—to both of them. Stay with her, Dash, please. She's going to need you more than ever."

Dash was speechless as she watched Twilight walk away, opening her wings. AJ and the others were also trying to stop her, but she pushed them to the side with her magic.

"M-momma," whispered Braver, looking at her mother. "Don't go. Momma."

Twilight didn't answer and only started to take off. Dash could see tears falling on her daughter's cheeks, and Dash was trying not to cry herself as Twilight was in the air now.

Braver could see flashes of Nightfall dying in front of her. She was the cause of another mother leaving her. "No," whispered Braver as she started to run after Twilight, still seeing Nightfall dying. "No! NOT AGAIN! MOMMA!"

Blitz saw her sister running past them after her mom and quickly ran up to her, grabbed her, and smiled, "Get ready!"
Braver nodded and prepared herself. Blitz spun like a racing car wheel and fired Braver into the sky, heading towards Twilight like a missile.

"MOMMA!" yelled Braver, hitting Twilight with a tackle hug. Twilight was stunned, and the two began to fall.


"I don't care if you're a monster! We'll be monsters together! I want my momma back!" yelled Braver, holding her tight and crying into her neck.

Twilight didn't know what to do but held her daughter back. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry for hurting you."


"I won't ever leave you or Dash, I promise."

"Yay!" Braver cried happily with a smile on her face.

Twilight landed safely and nuzzled her daughter like crazy. "I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, momma, I love you," said Braver, nuzzling back at her mom.

"I love you too."

Everyone ran up to them and was glad everything was okay. Dash flew to them and smiled as her family looked at her, raising each arm towards her. Dash flew into their arms and held them tight.

"If Braver hadn't done that sick missile tackle, I would have done it myself. I wasn't going to allow you to leave us like that, you egghead!" yelled Dash, crying in Twilight's neck.

"Sorry, Dash."

"Good," said Dash, smiling and kissing Twilight's cheek.

Meanwhile, Dawn was watching all this; she was mad but wasn't showing it, but her anger quickly went away as she noticed Braver. Even though she was holding Twilight, she could see her shaking a bit. She could only smile with glee. The cracks were forming while destroying the Braver support system. She was scared of her mother now but didn't want to lose her. She needs to keep hitting it. AJ noticed that she gave off another big smile, and they started to feel something wasn't right with that smile.

"I have a bad feeling about this," thought AJ as she tipped her old, worn-out hat forward, covering one eye. "Horrible feeling that there is a rotten core among us."

After everything, the group was back to doing what they came for.

"START APPLE BUCKING!" ordered Applejack.

"YAY!" cheered everyone.

AJ slowly walked to each family and friend as they buckled the tree. First up was Twilight and her family. She watched as Dash did a strong kick, knocking many apples into the basket.

"Great job, as always, Rainbow. I see old age hasn't shown you down," smirked AJ.

"Hey! I'm not old!" pouted Dash, sighing as she saw AJ's cold stare. AJ had a bit of white hair in her mane, but Dash had no grey hairs yet. "Well, I'm not that old."

"You're not that old, Mom," Braver smiled at her mother, nuzzling her.

"Thanks, sweetie," smiled Dash, ruffling her mane up.

AJ smiled, but her smile faded as she saw Twilight using magic to pick each apple and put it in a basket. "Twi...this again?"

Twilight turned to her friend. "I know, AJ. Just let me."


"Let her, AJ. If she wants to do it her way, let her. Just enjoy the moment," said Dash, nuzzling Twilight's neck and winking at AJ.

"I suppose so..."

"Thanks, Dash."

"Always, hun," smiled Dash, kissing her cheek.

AJ shook her head and noticed Braver aiming her rear leg at a tree. She quickly stops her, as she knows how powerful Braver is. "Whoa, now! You are not bucking the tree, young lady."

"Why not?" asked Braver, tripping backward and looking at her aunt.

"Because..." said AJ as she looked at the other side of the field, seeing a large scar on the land and a dead tree at the end of the scar crater. "You are doing it wrong. Yeah! Wrong!" lied AJ as her face scrunched up, and she looked back and forth.

"Oh, I'm doing it wrong?" asked Braver. Looking behind her, she saw the last time she buckled a tree, and she realized her aunt was lying.

"Yep! wrong. Let your old aunt AJ show you how it's done."

"Sure," smiled Braver, letting her aunt do her work.

"Now, this is how it's lass. With skill, speed, and a whole lot of strength. I just need to control that strength," smirked AJ as she did a kick, knocking off half a tree filled with apples.

"Wow, you're strong, Aunt AJ."

"That's right! Not even old age can stop me!"

"So, you think I can try now?" asked Braver, giving a cute smile.

"Of course, let me just..."

"Cool," smiled Braver as she reared up and kicked the tree. The tree broke from the roots, falling down, blasting across the field, and crashing into other trees in its way. AJ gulped as she turned and looked at Braver, who was smiling cutely.

"Wow! Your teaching helps, Aunty! I didn't send it flying miles away or ruining the land like last time!"

"Oh...great..." AJ shook her head. She was going to talk to Twilight and Dash, but Twilight cut her off.

"You can do it, Dawn!"

AJ turned and noticed Twilight was cheering Dawn on as she weakly kicked the tree.

"I'm trying, teacher!"

Twilight took out a small pink flag with Dawn's cutie mark. "Keep going!"

AJ was happy to see Twilight with Dawn, as they were teacher and student, but she couldn't help feeling something was wrong as she looked at the girl. She could see her filled with anger, and it was not because Twilight was annoying—it was something else.

"Try to put more leg into it, Dawn!" called out Twilight, doing a kick herself.

"I am!" growled Dawn. AJ could see she was more mad, but all that anger suddenly disappeared when Braver cheered her on, just like Twilight was doing.

"...hmmm." thought AJ, narrowing her eyes.

"Come on, Dawn! You can do it!" yelled Braver, making Dawn blush and start bucking the tree hard, causing the tree to drop its apples.

"I did it! All because of you, Braver! My best and only friend!" shouted Dawn as she hugged Braver, who was happy as well. Twilight said she helped as well, but she was ignored, just like when she asked Dawn for forgiveness before they started: "My only and true friend..."

"...I need to talk to Braver about her little friend..." thought AJ, watching the two.

"Hey, Applejack." called out Spike. AJ looked over and noticed Spike holding his basket with his beefy arms. "Got another basket?"

"Of course, big guy. Right over there," answered AJ, pointing to a shed near them,

"Thanks, AJ. By the way, have you noticed something odd with Dawn, as she's around Braver?"

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. She feels...off?"

"I'm going to do some digging. See what's up."

"I can help you, big guy. Two heads are better than one."

"Heh, yeah. Just don't tell Twilight about this, okay?"

The two shook hands and smiled at each other. AJ went on to check on the last group. She could see Blitz Fury kicking the tree, but no apples were falling.

"Blazing hell, lass! You have to stop kicking so hard and fast!"

"No, I don't." answered Blitz, still kicking the free but looking at AJ.

"Yes, you do," replied AJ with anger.

"Nu-uh," smirk Blitz.

"Yes, you do! You just end up hurting the tree..." trailed off AJ as she saw all the apples falling all at once after Blitz stopped kicking. "How the"

"My AJ taught me that the tree bark has weak points connected to the branches. When an endless kick hits it, the apples will fall."

"I see..." whispered AJ, as she had never heard that before and it sounded made-up. I guess the other me knows more than me. Well, I bet I can beat her in arm wrestling! She better hope we never meet each other!" pouted AJ as she walked over to Blitz's parents, leaving Blitz confused.

"Let's see! I need to aim at a higher angle," thought Twilah as she was aiming her foot up.

AJ stopped her and asked what she was doing, as it was a funny angle to do a kick.

"Oh, this? This is my special apple-picking kick that I just made up right now. The apples will fly into the basket if I hit the tree at a certain angle. Here, let me show you." smiled Twilah as she started to spin around very slowly, kicking with a weak kick at the tree at a weird angle, making the apples fall into the basket.

"...how? That shouldn't have worked!" thought AJ, as it was like magic.

"See? Easy. All I had to do was," answered Twilah, taking out a notepad and explaining how it worked.

"Right," said AJ, as she ignored Twilah's egghead talk. "Just like Twilight in explaining things..." AJ walked up to Dashie and saw her kicking the tree and cursing under her breath as she hurt her foot.

"Dashie, why don't you go into that half-pony form? It will be easier, no?"

"Oh no! I'm good, AJ. I won't use that form!" replied Dashie, holding her foot.

"Why not?"

Dashie let go of her foot and rubbed the back of her head, "You see... um...well...umm..."

"Dashie, you know you can tell me anything. Just come out and say it. Don't be a coward." AJ smiled at her, giving off a friendly aura.

Dashie sighed, looked at Twilah, then at Blitz, and finally at AJ, and whispered, "I feel like it's cheating. I can be like them, but using that form will be weird."

"I'm not following, Dashie."

"Look, Twilah can use magic. Blitz has that final harmony thing in both her pony and hybrid forms... All I can do is fly fast. It's not my speed, too."

"Really?" asked AJ in a deadpan tone. "That's all? It's your speed! Don't worry too much."

"Yeah, but...it doesn't feel like I'm being 'me,' you know? It feels like I'm being a copycat of Dash."

"Oh, trust me, you're nothing like Dash. For one, you are taller and walk on two legs. It's also pretty mature than our Dash. Just think of it as 'borrowing it'."

"You think so?"


Dashie sighed and smiled as AJ patted her back and walked off, leaving her alone. "I'm not copying... I'm just borrowing it." Dashie transformed and got ready to kick the tree but didn't dare. She turned back to normal, sighing, "I can't. It doesn't feel right."

AJ rolled her eyes and watched everyone until more families and groups started coming in. She turned to friends and told them to enjoy the rest of their time picking apples and maybe head to Pinkie to cook them up as treats, but before she left, she turned to the twins.

"By the way, can you come over later tonight? I want to talk to you two about something."

"Huh?" questioned Braver, wondering what was up.

"What for, AJ?"

"I just need to talk to you both."

"Alright. I'll be there."

"I'll be there, too," Blitz said, scratching her head as she tried to guess what AH wanted.

"Great. See you tonight." Both twins nodded and went on their way, leaving AJ alone. She turned to Dawn and saw she was just watching Braver and no one else. Yeah, something is up with her. She's giving off weird vibes. I better tell the others later tonight, just in case," thought AJ, worried, as she started to leave. And I better keep a close eye on the lass."

Later in the day, the group was carrying bags of apples and was heading to Sugar Cube Corner as they were on the dirt road, but Dashie asked the kids and Spike to head without them as she needed to talk to the adults. Kids nodded and took off with the apples, leaving Spike in the dust and making the adults laugh. As the kids were gone, Dashie and Twilight led the others into the woods on the side of the road, found an open spot, and sighed as they looked at each other and then at their lovers.

"What's wrong, Dashie?" asked Twilah, seeing Dashie's worried face.

"Same with you, Twilight," Dash landed next to Twilah and looked at her wife.

Dashie closed and opened her eyes as she started to explain, "This isn't going to be easy, but you two need to know, as Twilight and I don't want to hide stuff from you guys."

"We understand. Please, continue," replied Twilah

Twilight nodded, and the two started to explain how they both kissed each other again and had feelings, but only because they saw each other as lovers and were not loving each other for them. After they were done, they waited for the two to be angry at them, but Twilah and Dash weren't, confusing them.

"I told Twilah I lo-"

"She said 'like' me, but I knew what she meant," Twilah quickly explained, stopping Dash from landing on a land mine back there. "...and I had 'feelings' every time I was with Dash."

"We can't be mad at you two when we did the same thing," whispered Twilight.

All four were quiet. It was a long silence.

"So... what do we do about this? I feel like if we keep hanging with each other lovers, it's going to get worse. Like, you know," said Dashie, blushing.

Twilight looked down, feeling awkward. "I would never cheat on Dash, and I'm sure Twilah would never do that to Dashie."

The three were talking, but Twilah was thinking as she held her arm and remembered what robot Spike had done as the test was going through. She wondered if this was because of the universe 'rules' causing this, or was it really because they were falling in love with each other because it reminded them of their lovers; as Dashie explained, she only loved Twilight because she saw Twilah and not Twilight. Twilah nodded to herself and explained, "I think this is the universe at play here. It wants us to be 'together.'"

"What?" said all three as they turned to her.

"Remember ten years ago? After finding each rainbow shard, when do we jump into each new universe? How would we replace that universe version of us?"

Twilight quickly remembered as she started to walk in circles and spoke, "Right, why hasn't that happened yet? We should have jumped into your universe when you crossed over, but yet..."

"...You didn't. Maybe Sky and Nightfall caused that to happen back then; they were looking for versions of them to help their daughters. It could also been Braver doing as well. She was the one who created the rainbow shards. Maybe you are still here and Dash and I aren't fading away because..." Twilah stopped, double-checked her theory, and nodded to herself as she summoned the recording Spike had made from her watch as a hologram and played it, showing them, "Tell me, have you two been saying our names by chance?"

I don't think so, right, Dash?" asked Twilight as she faced Dashie. She quickly realized what she had said just now, like it came out naturally, and she turned to Twilah. That just slipped out. I think I'm starting to understand what you are thinking now."

Dash and Dashie turned to each other and back to their lovers, and both said, "What? Can you explain to us because we're not eggheads like you?"

"Twilight," said Dashie to Twilah.

"Twilah," said Dash to Twilight.

Both quickly caught what they just said.

"What's going on!" asked both Dash, worried now.

Twilah nodded to Twilight, and she let her explain it.

"The universe is trying to fuse us like what happened ten years ago, but it's taking longer than normal for whatever reason. If we don't get you two back home soon, they will be a new Twilight and a new Dash in this universe, having our memories, but this time, we don't have a third party controlling our bodies. It will be a new version of 'us,' with our traits and flaws. We won't be us anymore."

"Are you serious?" said Dash, feeling worried.

"No. There has to be a mistake. This is crazy!" shouted Dashie.

"I know it sounds insane and out there. Twilah was the first to notice the weird mix-up of our names. Maybe this is why we're also having feelings for each other. Our brains are telling us, Is it okay to be together? You're our lovers, and is this not a case of mistaken identity? It would make sense why we are feeling things for each other." explained Twilight, looking at both Dash and Dashie, having a warm feeling inside her as she looked at them.

"No, no. It can't be true. That's so wrong! My universe is making you and the rest of us fall in love with each other!? No, this is ridiculous. The universe can't tell me to give my heart to Twilah and expect me not to be angry when you are dating someone else!" shouted Dash, really starting to freak out.

"Maybe we should let it?" said Twilah, shocking everyone.

Dash shook her head and shouted, "Why!" She couldn't understand why her friend said that.

"I'm going to make a cure right now, but the test needs to be finished before the cure can be made. Being with each other might help delay the merger or even stop it completely, as long as we remember who we truly love. I also believe staying away from each other won't work," explained Twilah, showing them her hologram and the theories that she had made. "We'll just get pulled into each other no matter how far away we go."

"So, you're saying we need to date, kiss, hold hands, and do stuff that lovers would do to keep ourselves from merging, right? Just thinking about our real lovers!" shouted Dash, really freaking out more.

"That's what I'm saying," replied Twilah, not liking the idea either.

Dash flew back and forth. "I can't! That is weird! I never heard of couples sharing their girlfriends or wives with another couple. How would that even work? Like, where would we go? How would the kids feel?"

"Calm down, Dash," asked Twilight.

Dash stopped and turned to Twilight with an upset look on her face. "Don't tell me to calm down! This is unbelievable and wrong. What would the kids think? They are going to be freaked out. We don't even know if this will work!"

"It does seem a bit strange, but if we need to, we will," Twilight said, trying to hide her worries. "If it can delay the merge while Twilah can get a cure made, I'll do it. Besides, I trust you, Dash. Remember who you truly love because I will always love you and only you. Even if it's going to be weird, just think of it like kissing my twin?" chuckled Twilight, but the group kept quiet. "Yeah, that sounded wrong..."

"I know, Twilight. I would never do anything bad behind your back, but it feels wrong. Like we're taking advantage of each other's trust. What if this is just some stupid crush we all have, and Twilight is overthinking it?" Dash told Twilight, but without catching what she said near the end.

"Dash, repeat what you said," asked Twilight.

"What? ' This is just some stupid crush we're all having and Twilight overthinking it?' part?"

Twilight started to worry. "Dash, what is my name?"

"It Twilah?" replied Dash, not understanding why Twilight looked worried.

Dashie was confused as well. They looked at Dash with such a worried look but didn't catch what was going on, either. "What's going on? What's wrong?"

Twilah turned to Dashie and asked her to say her name. "It Twilight? What's...no! No! NO! IT'S TWILAH!" shouted Dashie to herself, but suddenly felt odd as she dropped to her knees, and Dash felt odd too as she fell to the ground.

"We're not feeling well," said both girls at the same time, seeing their bodies bending towards each other. Twilight and Twilah pulled them apart with their magic and shouted to remember who they loved as Dashie looked into Twilight's eyes and Dash into Twilah's eyes.

"...I love Twilah," answered Dashie, blushing hard with Twilight so close.

Dash had the same reaction as she said, "I love Twilight."

Soon, both girls felt better but freaked out. "What the hell!" shouted Dash as she flew far away from Dashie.

"Twilah, how long is that test going to be?" Twilight asked as she faced her friend.

"...I don't know. If the AI was connected to Earth and with the company's main servers, it would have been done within the hour, but I'm checking on him." Twilah checked her watch, showing a chibi robot Spike shaking his head. "He said he doesn't have a lot of power and doesn't have a solid time; it will be done, but he believes it will be done in three days."

"So, we're stuck with this plan until he's done?" Dashie was upset when she heard that.


Dash landed on a tree branch and said, "I don't want to live like this—away from Twilight and seeing her love someone else!"

"You're not the only one. I don't like seeing my Dashie being held and touched by someone else," replied Twilah. "But if we don't..."

Dash sighed and landed back on the ground as she walked up to Dashie and held her hoof out. "Promise me! Promise me you won't, you know."

"I won't. I promise," said Dashie as she squeezed Dash's hoof. "Only if you do the same for me."

"Yeah. I will. I will not let some stupid universe control me, and, you know, I'm not like that! I will not betray Twilight and my vows."

"...me too. So, you promise, right?"

"Yep. You're like me; I don't see you betraying Twilah," answered Dash, not realizing that Twilah and Twilight huggle together and start talking.

"So, we got a deal? We're not doing 'it'. Fuck the universe! We're just doing fluffy love stuff!"

"Nope, we are just going to play it safe and stay with each other, lover." Dash put her other hoof on her face and couldn't believe what she said. "Oh god, it sounds weird when I say this out loud."

"I will do the same. As long as we remember who we love, we're good." Both Dashes nodded as they turned to their lovers, who were talking.

"What are you two talking about?" asked Dash, confused.

"Oh, nothing important..." said Twilight, blushing, but Dash knew something was up, and she looked at Twilah, who was blushing too.

"Twilight, what are you two talking about?" asked Dashie, getting nervous.

"Well, Twilah explained how this was normal in her world. Called open relationships."

"...what's that?" asked Dash, but Dashie blushed and couldn't believe it was like that. If you think about it,

"It's how we humans share our wives or husbands, sometimes even the same sex. It can be with consent or by the husband and wife wanting it. The main goal is not to hurt or make anyone jealous, and the main couple has to love and care for each other, as long as the husband and wife don't abuse the rules they lay out," explained Twilah. "I was telling Twilight this to make her feel better. It's not that weird; the universe merging part isn't normal, of course."

Dash was lost for words as she sat down and thought about what she had been told. "Is this going to happen if the test doesn't finish or the cure never gets made? We have to do that until we find a way for them to get back home," she asked, worried.

"We might need to, Dash. We're running out of options," answered Twilight as she walked over to her and stroked her head.

Dash looked up to her and said, "But what if we do the unthinkable? What if we cheat on each other? What if the universe is forcing us to do that?

"I promise I will not cheat on you, Dash. You have nothing to worry about. Trust me," smiled Twilight, trying to comfort her lover. It worked, and Dash calmed down and smiled back.

"I trust you, but what if we cross the line without noticing it? Please don't hate us; don't hate me, Twilight. I don't want to lose you. I love you too much."

"I know, Dash. I promise I won't either. I will fight for our relationship."

Twilah went up to Dashie and held her close.

"Same... I will always remember our relationship, Dashie. I'll fight and remember it. Promise."

Dashie held her, took out the black box, and sighed. "I don't want to do this here, but..." she got on one knee, making Dash and Twilight gasp, but Twilah wondered what she was doing.


"I know we are going through a hard time right now, and it's not the right time to do this, but will you marry me, Twilah? Will you stay by my side? Will you be my wife and be a mom with me?" asked Dashie as she revealed the ring. "With this ring, just look at it and remember our love, okay?"

"...Yes! Of course, I will marry you. I will always love you, Dashie," said Twilah, smiling.

Dashie slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her new fiancée, and both were happy and in love. Twilight and Dash smiled at them, happy for them.

"This can work," said Twilight as she summoned her wedding necklaces and put them on herself and Dash. "If we ever forget our true love..."

"Just look at the necklace," smiled Dash, kissing her.

Twilah recreated a copy of the ring and put it on Dashie, kissing her "...I love you."

"...I love you too."

Both couples walked away from their lovers and stood next to each other.

"You know, the kids are going to be asking questions," said Twilight, smiling.

"Yeah, what do we tell them?" chimed in Dashie

"I'm going to say we're just hanging with each other. Nothing more. We don't need them to worry. It's bad enough; I'm worried and freaking out," Dash said with a sad chuckle.

"Agreed. So, where are we going after this? The kids and Spike are heading to Pinkie Bakery, right?" spoke Dashie

"Yeah, hey, maybe you and Twilight should go? Maybe Pinkie can help with your awful cooking skills, you two have!" laughed Twilah, but Twilight glared at Dash, who knew Dash told her she couldn't cook.

"You can't cook too, Twilight?" asked Dashie

Twilight quickly blushed as she couldn't face Dashie. "No. Not one bit."

"...wow. What a match made in heaven we are," laughed Dashie.

Dash and Twilah weren't laughing with them, as they weren't happy with how well their lovers were getting along. "I hope that cure gets made real quick," whispered Dash.

"Same," replied Twilah. They held each other's hands and hoped things went well as they watched Twilight teleport herself and Dashie to the twins.

"So... what are we going to do?" said Dash, super worried.

"I don't know," whispered Twilah as she removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes.

Both were quiet until Dash said, "I can show my cool cloud house?"

Twilah quickly grabbed Dash by her jacket and shouted, "Wait, you can make houses out of clouds!? Can you show me!?"

Dash smiled, happy that Twilah was amazed by her simple house. "Sure, I will. Follow me, Twilah." Dash was free from her friend's grip and flew off together.

Meanwhile, in the sea of multiverse trees

Two magical sorceress ladies landed in the prism color water. The two females were Dr. Wonder and Dr. Amazement. One is the supreme sorceress of her world, and the other is...

"Honeybun, why are we here?" asked Dr. Amazement, hugging her girlfriend, who was annoyed by her.

"Can you please stop calling me those names? I already told you, call me Wonder, please?" asked Dr. Wonder

"But it's cute, honey bun!"

"Anyway, I brought you here because I've been sensing some strong magic in the Realm of Between Universes—mighty magic. Having another powerful sorceress as backup is a great idea, just in case something goes wrong."

"...how powerful?"

"Multiverse endings are powerful."

Dr. Amazement's eyes widen. "Are you serious?"

"I'm not lying, Amazement. We need to investigate this right away."

"Alright, fine," said Amazement in a somber tone, making Wonder happy and hugging her.

"Thank you, dear."

"You're welcome. Let's not waste time, Wonder."

The two sorceresses walked through the light prism water, looking around and only seeing the prism windows and the multiverse tree in the distance until everything around them turned black, and they prepared themselves.

They could see a sun with a black core floating in the middle of the multiverse tree, and soon, in front of it, a lone girl with a sun on her chest, bleeding rainbow liquid, appeared.

She floated down and stared at the two girls, smiling.

"Welcome to your end. This will be your last time seeing the morning dawn."

End of Chapter 6

Author's Note:

I was second guessing my self in writing this but it has to be done for
1. this was a big plot point in the other story and if it doesn't happen here, I would be retconning the first story plot point and lore in how universes works in story lol the rule is no two same person can exist in the same space. If they do, they will become as one.

2. I just want to write more fluff of TwilightxHumanDash and HumanTwilightxDash. I find it cute lol but also because they can help each other with their flaws they have. like next chapter is Twilight helping Dashie with their cooking skills and Dash helping Twilah in learning to be more around her family.

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