• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

  • ...

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Chapter 11: You Are Loved, Remember That

Blitz skipped across the water's surface as she finally came to a dead stop, hitting the surface and floating there. She rubbed her cheek and looked back at the beach, seeing her sister smirking. She could also see everyone looking shocked, but someone wasn't; it was Chrysalis who was laughing her butt off. Blitz started to remember what they talked about before this happened.

"Oh, I see. I understand now," said Chrysalis, learning what happened after Dash explained, "Does Braver know? Since Blitz is here, she figured it out herself." Blitz shook her head, making Chrysalis sigh. "Of course, that foolish child won't. You have to tell her."

Chrysalis and the others could see Blitz looking sad as she rubbed her head, which made Twilah ask her what was wrong. "I kind of had a fight with her," she said.

"Sister fighting, so? What's the big deal?" asked Chrysalis, pulling Blitz by her jacket. "Come on, let's go."

Blitz pulled her jacket back and sighed as she said, "I also hit her."

"WHAT!?" shouted her mother and Dash, making Blitz flinch. Her mom grabbed her by the ear. "Why would you hit your sister?!"

Blitz quickly explained what happened, making Twilah let go of her daughter's ear and feel ashamed. "We should have told you girls what's happening...".

Dash nodded. "We have to tell her and you!" She pointed at Blitz. "You need to apologize to her."

Blitz nodded but suddenly felt being carried by Chrysalis again, making her ask why she was holding her again. "Because I feel you'll run away rather than face your big sister, just like someone I know."
Blitz didn't argue against her as they were all heading back, but a thought entered Blitz's mind, making her ask Chrysalis a big question.

"How did you and my sister become friends anyway? I heard stories about how you were..." Blitz was trying to find the right word to say without hurting her feelings, but Chrysalis finished her sentence, not caring if she hurt her feelings.
"I was a horrible, evil Changeling Queen who tried to take over the world and feed on the love of everyone in it. You think that's a good enough reason not to be friends with Braver, who is very kind, sweet, naive, and a fool. Do you have a problem with her and me being friends? Then take it up with me." said Chrysalis as they stopped moving and dropped Blitz on the sand.

Chrysalis looked down at Blitz, who was looking at her, and her mother got worried. She feared Chrysalis might start a fight, but Dash got between them, saying Blitz didn't have a problem with her being friends with Braver; she just wanted to know why.

"Fine, I'll tell you, I guess. You'll know why your sister is the sweetest and kindest mare I have ever met. She deserves all the love and more." said Chrysalis, looking at Blitz and starting her story.

Eight years ago

After Cozy and I escaped from our stone prison, I wanted revenge against Twilight and her friends and would do anything to get it. Cozy had different plans for finding some stupid necklace, but for me, it was gathering my changeling, even by force. But it has been years since I was sealed away, and my changeling was living peacefully, starting their own family and spreading across Equestria like I always wanted, but they did it through peace, love, and friendship, not hate. I planned to take over, but it would only last for a short time, as always, as it would only work for a few days or two. It was pointless. I did reflect on my actions and remember that unicorn telling me there were better ways to be a leader, and she was right. I went underground and self-banished myself from the changeling and everyone else.
I was living in a small cave in Everfree, just sleeping and eating whatever I could get. It wasn't easy, and I did try to eat some pony's food that came by, but they saw me screaming and ran away, telling everyone I was back. I ran back to my cave, trying to stay away from them, and I didn't want any trouble. I didn't want my Changelings to become hated because of me. I grew weaker as the year passed; I looked horrible, and my horn was broken. I was dying, but she came with her family. If I remember correctly, it was a family camping trip she was on...

Dash, wearing a visor cap and backpack, pushed some tree branches out of her way as she and her family were in the middle of the forest. Dash could see Twilight using her magic to carry most of their stuff, looking nervous as she looked over the map. While Breaker was copying her by pushing tree branches with her strength, she broke them.
"Dash, are you sure we are heading the right way?" asked Twilight, making Dash groan. They've been walking for hours, and now they're lost.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Celestia and Luna made that camping site for campers and showed me where. We should be almost there." Dash said, making Twilight sigh, not believing her.

"Dash, you said we were almost there an hour ago. We're lost; just admit it," said Twilight, making Dash roll her eyes. She looked around, wanting to prove her wrong, but deep down, she was right.

Twilight looked at the map again, trying to pinpoint where they were, but a raindrop landed on it, soon followed by more. Then it started to rain hard, making Twilight groan, knowing what that meant. "It's going to storm soon."

Dash didn't care and wanted to find the camping ground, not wanting to sleep in the rain. Twilight also wanted to see the campsite, knowing her daughter wouldn't like sleeping in the rain, but the rain was getting stronger. The thunder was louder, and they could see the lightning in the sky. Dash sighed, telling Twilight to teleport them back home, but Twilight shook her head, pointing to the lightning, as it was brighter blue than yellow.

"This isn't a normal lightning storm; it's magical. It's jamming my teleporting spell and the rest of my magic; we're stuck out here, and we can't fly out of here either; it's too dangerous," explained Twilight, looking worried, as the wind was picking up and the trees were tossed around.

Twilight was thinking about the weather, making Dash ask her if she could do anything. Still, Twilight shook her head, telling her she couldn't control the weather in Everfree, saying Dash should know this and remembering what she just said before the magical storm. Dash groans and looks around, wanting to find a place to hide from the storm, but the strong wind pushes her, making her crash into the bushes. Dash groaned with pain and got up, but the wind pushed her back, making her fall hard onto a rock.
Dash was lying down, trying to recover and not feel the pain. She could see Twilight trying to use her magic, but it wasn't working like she said. Dash looked back at the forest, not liking the storm. She turned to Breaker, not surprised to see she was all right. Even with the intense storm, she was standing fine, like nothing was happening.

"Mom, are you okay?" asked Breaker, making her mother nod, but Dash could see her daughter was scared and did not like the storm.

Dash got up and hugged her, making her smile. Twilight used the little magic she could use to grab the stuff and bring it close. "Dash, we need to find a place to wait out the storm or at least a place where the storm is weaker!" shouted Twilight, making Dash nod.

They could hear a roar, which made them look up at the sky. They could see big, dark clouds coming, which made Breaker hide behind her mother, as she didn't like the noise. Dash and Twilight could tell the storm was getting more violent, with the tree branches breaking off. The thunder and lightning were coming more often, and the lightning was hitting the ground. They could see the dark clouds covering the sky. They needed shelter now.

"Twi, over there!" said Dash, pointing to a small cave.

They could see the entrance was covered with vines, making them think no one lived there. They all quickly headed for the cave, hoping they could get there before the storm got worse. The wind pushed Twi and Dash away from the cave, making Twilight struggle with the stuff, but they could see Breaker waving at them from within the cave.

"Sweetie, can you help?" asked Twilight, making Breaker nod and rush over.

Breaker picked up most of the stuff and headed inside, leaving Twilight to help Dash, who was struggling the most as she tried to fly to the cave. Breaker waited for them but heard a noise coming from behind her and deeper within the cave. She couldn't hear the storm anymore, but she was getting nervous about the strange noise as she looked further into the darkness. Breaker wondered if there was a creature living in the cave.

"You're not supposed to be here..." whispered a sad female voice, leaving Breaker speechless. She wanted to call it out, but she heard her mother calling out to her. She turned and saw the two struggling hard to get to the cave. Breaker went back outside, picked the two up with her slime, and walked through the powerful storm like it was nothing.
She placed her mother down, making Twilight sigh and thank her. Breaker was glad her mother was safe, but something was on her mind, making her turn and look into the cave again. Twilight asked what was wrong, and Dash was wondering as well. Breaker told them about the voice, which made the two look at each other, only to hear the wind blowing through the cave, spooking Breaker.

Dash laughed at the reaction, but Twilight picked up the camping stuff and dropped it on her. Then, she looked at her daughter motherly and said, "Sweetie, it was just the wind. There's nothing to be scared of. Come on, let's find a spot to set up camp."

Breaker wanted to find the creature that spoke to her, but her mother wouldn't let her. Twilight made Dash set up camp and make a fire, leaving Twilight to dry herself and her daughter off. As Twilight was drying Breaker's mane, Dash was having trouble setting up the fire.

"Come on, Dash. You need to put the logs closer together," said Twilight, making Dash sigh. She didn't understand why the fire didn't burn.

"I am putting the logs together; it's not working," said Dash, making Twilight sigh. She didn't know what else she could say, and her magic was useless as long as this magical storm was around.
Twilight looked around the cave, seeing if there was something useful, but nothing. They only have a tent, food, and a sleeping bag. She sighed, hoping the storm would end soon so they could go home. Dash gave up and looked at the dying fire, not caring if it didn't work. Twilight sat down next to Dash, then turned to Breaker, telling her that the fire wasn't ready yet, which Breaker was ok with. She only cared about who made the voice she heard as she returned, looking into the cave.

They heard the thunder, making them spook and hold each other.

"Mom, are we going to be okay?" asked Breaker, leaving her mother unsure what to say.

Dash looked back at the dying fire, wondering if it was possible to keep the fire going with just vines. She could see a lot of vines growing through the cave, even though they were dead-looking. Dash didn't like how the cave looked like a scary tomb. She pulled some and tossed them into the fire, hoping they would work, only to watch the fire put itself out.

"Great, how are we going to warm ourselves?" asked Twilight, not liking this.

Breaker wanted to find the creature in the cave, but she knew her parents wouldn't allow it. However, after hearing her mother talk about keeping warm, she had a plan.

"Maybe if we go deeper, it will be warmer? We might also find wood or something we can use for the fire," answered Breaker, hoping her mother didn't see through the lie.

Dash thought about it, wondering if there's a chance. Twilight didn't like going further in, not wanting to risk losing or getting hurt. She was about to say no, as they were unsure how big this cave was.

"Twi, if we don't try, we will freeze to death. The towel is too wet to dry us off, and the storm blasts cold air into the cave. I can use my speed to dry us off, but I'll just be blowing cold air at you two, and I don't want you two to get sick because of it." explained Dash, making Twilight sigh and giving in.

"Fine, but watch out for anything and stay together! I don't want anyone to get hurt or lost," said Twilight, making Dash agree and get up.

Dash took down the tent and followed her daughter and Twilight further into the cave. Even though the magical storm was still passing, Twilight could still use a bit of her magic to create a little orb of light so they could see. As they traveled, Twilight noticed a few things about the cave. She wondered if this place was home or if it was once a mine, as she could see metal hangers on the wall, like where torches would go. The more they walk, the more Twilight wonders if this is a good idea. She was about to say they should return when Dash stopped, seeing cave paintings on the wall.

"Oh my, this must be ancient!" said Twilight, getting interested and examining the cave wall.

Dash was also amazed, but Breaker wasn't; she was looking around, seeing if she could spot the creature that talked to her. As Twilight was fascinated by the cave paintings, Dash was interested in the drawings on the other wall. The pictures showed a black pony using powerful magic and surrounded by creatures of all types.

"Who's that?" asked Dash, making Twilight look at it.

"Hmm, looks like a pony from long ago? It looks like it's telling a story," wondered Twilight, examining the wall.
They could see the black pony fighting a... "Wait, isn't that a human!? Why does it have a hole in its chest?" asked Twilight, looking closely.

"I think so, but...how? There's never been a record of a human in our universe, right? Well, ten years ago doesn't count, right?" asked Dash, to which Twilight shrugged her shoulders, not knowing the answer.

Twilight continued to examine the wall, wanting to know more about the story and the strange pony and human. They could see the two fighting, and then... "The human is teaming up with a pink unicorn to fight the black pony. Using some kind of spell, making the black pony become a rainbow light and..." explained Twilight, only to see nothing but blackness covering the wall. They moved on, hoping to see more drawings, but only found a picture of the human with bleeding colors in its hole and now having a pink horn, smiling within the darkness.

"It looks like the human and the unicorn won?" guessed Dash, unsure.

"The rest of the wall is just covered in black paint..." said Twilight, thinking the artist ran out of colors. Twilight looks closer at the paint, guessing the age of the drawings, and sees that it wasn't that long ago. Maybe a few years ago, even before the multiverse crisis from ten years ago. "This is very odd. Who made these?" thought Twilight, but before she could think more about it, she could hear Breaker calling out to them from deeper within the cave.

Dash was the first to react, heading into the darkness with Twilight following, unsure what her daughter was doing. As they followed her voice and found her, Dash and Twilight were amazed, not believing their eyes.

They could see their daughter floating as she was under an air geyser, blowing warm air into the large and spacious section of the cave. Crystals around it made the place glow, and water ran along the walls. Some wood was on the sides, making the three wonder where the wood came from. There was also a large rock formation, which Breaker was sitting on top of now after jumping off the air stream.

"This place is so cool!" shouted Dash, as she was loving the area.

"It is," agreed Twilight, taking a step forward and looking at the rock formation, which almost looked like a path sign. She looked down at one path, seeing the tunnel going down into the darkness. The other path led to another tunnel, but it was blocked off by a rockslide. She wondered if it was once a tunnel pathway to somewhere else or maybe a mine shaft.

"Twi, come here. The warm air can dry us off! Breaker, can you bring the camping stuff so we can set up camp?" asked Dash, who was already on the air geyser and relaxing. Twilight joined her while Breaker picked up the stuff and brought it over, but once again, she heard a voice from before.

"You're not supposed to be here. No one will trust you. It would be best if you died already. They won't ever love you." said the voice this time, making Breaker stop. She placed the stuff down and looked at the darkest tunnel, wondering if the creature was there.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" asked Twilight, wondering why her daughter wasn't enjoying the warmth and looking at something.

"I-I hear..." Breaker shook her head. "I hear the wind again," she said, making her mother sigh.

"It's okay, sweetie. Come enjoy the warmth, and we can set up camp and have dinner," said Twilight, making Breaker agree. Turning away from the dark tunnel, I did not hear the voice repeating itself once again, but it was weaker now.

After setting up the tent and eating dinner, Dash opened the large tent, put the large sleeping bag into it, and opened it. "Breaker, it's bedtime. Come inside," said Dash, making her daughter run towards her.

"I'm coming, Mom!" shouted Breaker, jumping into the sleeping bag. Dash smiled at the cute sight, and soon Twilight joined them. All three got back to sleep, with Breaker in the middle of them.

"Good night, Sweetie," said Twilight, kissing her daughter on the forehead.

"Good night, my little girl. Night, Twi," said Dash, giving Twilight a wink, who rolled her eyes at her.

"Good night, Mommy, Momma," said Breaker, as all three snuggled close. But she could remember the words of the voice and asked them, "Do you guys love me?" she asked, making the two look at each other and then at their daughter.

"What made you ask that? Of course, we love you!" answered Dash, pulling her daughter closer and messing up her mane.

"Do you think I can be trusted or even truly be loved? After everything I have done in the past? All the lives I took? All the destruction I caused? Can someone like me ever be loved? By others or you?" asked Breaker as Dash was about to speak, but Twilight beat her.

"Sweetie, we love you so much and will never stop loving you, no matter what you do. We will always see your greatness and believe in you no matter what you do. We're proud of you and happy that you're with us, and we will never stop loving you. It's why we saved you and your sister. You're our child, and we will do anything for you." said Twilight, hugging her daughter, "You deserve a second chance at life; you're not the same as you were in the past, and that's ok."

"Yeah, sweetie. No matter what, we love you, no matter how many times you break the multiverse-"Dash could see her daughter looking sad when hearing that. She needed to say something, so she said, "Or break the castle walls." She could see the slight smile on her face, making Dash smirk.

"Or how many times you accidentally hug your mother and make her cough up her dinner?" added Twilight, making Dash sigh, remembering those times.

"I'm sorry about that..." said Breaker, only for her mother to laugh.

"It's fine. I was shocked that you were so strong, but I'm not mad. Now, let's get some sleep; it's been a long day," Dash said, yawning and getting comfortable.

Everyone started to get comfortable, but Breaker asked one last question: "Mom's, why aren't you together like Dashie and Twilah are?" Breaker did not understand.

Twilight petted her daughter, "It's hard to explain; see, we're just-"

"Friends. Just friends, no matter what. Don't think of anything more than that, okay? Nothing." Dash said, sounding stern and severe, as she turned away from them, making Breaker confused but Twilight sighing.

"B-but why? Why can't you guys be together, like Twilah and Dashie?" asked Breaker.

"Look, we're fine how we are now. I'm just happy to be by your mother's side and have you with me," answered Twilight, wanting to change the subject, but Dash kept the topic going.

"It's because your mother doesn't see me like that. She's not interested in a relationship with me..." said Dash, feeling bitter as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"That's not true..." thought Twilight, but then she looked down at her daughter, seeing her worried face like she believed she had said something wrong. "It's fine, sweetie. Just go to sleep; we have a long day ahead."

Breaker nodded, nuzzling into Twilight's chest and closing her eyes. Twilight could hear her daughter saying "Good night." again, which made Twilight smile and say the same thing, and she fell asleep, wondering why Dash was acting that way.

As everyone fell asleep, the sound of rocks moving and falling and the sound of the air geyser stopping could be heard. As the coldness of the night took hold, a dark figure could be seen entering the area and slowly moving towards the sleeping bag, reaching out to touch the sleeping ponies.

"How are they here and sleeping? They need to pay for what they did to me..." thought the voice as their whole hoof went close to Twilight's neck but stopped. "No, it's not worth it. They have done nothing wrong. Please don't blame them; blame yourself. It would help if you died already. Make the world a better place for your hive. They won't ever love you, not after you hurt them by being so cruel to them." weakly whispered the voice as she pulled back her hoof, but a small, dark, bluest hoof grabbed it, freezing the figure in fear.

"Don't die," said Breaker, shaking the figure and trying to pull her hoof free.


"Don't die. Live; it's the best gift. Don't listen to the bad thoughts; listen to the good ones," said Breaker as she stood up, facing the figure. "I know you. My mother told stories of you, Chrysalis. The bad things you did, like pretending to be my mommy sister-in-law, trying to take over Equestria, or even making evil versions of my mothers and their friends." Breaker stepped out of the tent, still holding her hoof, from which Chrysalis tried to get free, but Breaker was too strong, and she was so weak.

Breaker used her magic to light the area in front of her, revealing Chrysalis's sad and weak state. Breaker could see her thin form, the dirt on her, her messed-up mane and tail, her bug wings gone, and the broken horn she now has.

"Why are you here? What are you doing?" asked Breaker, making Chrysalis laugh.

"Hehe, I don't even know, my dear. I have just been...existing for a very long time, and I feel dead inside," answered Chrysalis, as her body was shaking, her stomach rumbled, and her throat was dry.

Breaker put her other hoof on Chrysalis's hoof. "Have you been eating and drinking? You look weak, like you have been alone for a long time, " guessed Breaker, making Chrysalis nod.

"Yeah, I have been living here and surviving off anything I can find, including rainwater. I haven't left the cave-in... I don't remember when, and I can't bring myself to leave it to see the others. To see anyone from my hive." said Chrysalis, making Breaker tilt her head.

"Why not?" asked Breaker, letting her hoof go and allowing Chrysalis to use her other hoof to scratch her head.

"It's embarrassing. I'm the former queen of the changelings. My hive turned its back on me, and I don't blame them, not after seeing them living so well now. I can't rejoin them; I'm a failure and a monster." explained Chrysalis, only to feel a small hug coming from Breaker, who hardly wrapped her arms around her chest as she was still a filly.

"But you're not a monster, not anymore. You can make amends, not as their queen, but as their friend. It's not good to keep to yourself and wallow in your sorrow. It's bad for the mind and the heart." said Breaker, pulling back, making Chrysalis shake her head.

"What do you know about sorrow? I can sense the love for you coming from them, and I know they care for you deeply, not like me with my hive," Chrysalis said, her eyes looking down at the ground.

Breaker could understand the pain she was going through—the sadness, the guilt, and the sorrow. She let her go and looked up at her.

"I have been there; I saw my little sister fall into the darkness and wanted to die. I was the reason she was like that. I did something bad to her, and the only way to save her was to bring-" Breaker turned around and smiled at her sleeping parents. "Them and others to her, to save her from the darkness and..." Breaker looked down and shut her eyes. "Make my sister end me. To give her freedom from me, she had to kill me, as I was the source of the darkness."

Chrysalis didn't understand what she meant, but she could see the guilt she was going through and felt terrible for her.
"...what happens?"

With a warm smile, Breaker looked up at her and said, "She hugged me, calling me her sister, and told me...she loved me, and we would share the guilt." She put her hoof on Chrysalis's arm and said, "It's like a brave knight once told me, have faith."

"Faith? In what? Will my changelings forgive me or accept me back? Even after what I did, I can't be forgiven." Chrysalis stepped away, only to fall because of her weak state.

"Yes, have faith in yourself and have faith in others. You have been lost and afraid for so long, and you're not a bad changeling; you are a good one, a kind, and sweet changeling. I can sense it from you. A strong and beautiful changeling." said Breaker, stabbing her hoof into the ground like a sword, but she could see that spook, Chrysalis. "Oops, Aero would call me a blockhead, too." she giggled at herself and continued her speech. "We're here for you." Breaker stopped as Chrysalis said, "We?" which made her nod, "Yes, we. Those that choose to believe in you."

"Like who!?" asked Chrysalis, feeling the filly was making fun of her.

Breaker stabbed the ground again, shaking everything and even waking her parents up. They could hear her talking to someone within the darkness. "Me! I'm here for you! So, never give up on faith; we won't give up on you. Just stand tall and stand proud, and others will stay with you. You'll make the right decision."

"Sweetie, what are you doing?" asked Twilight, rubbing her eyes and looking out of the tent with Dash. They could see Chrysalis there and quickly stood up at the ready, "Chrysalis, what are you doing here?" but she and Dash quickly noticed her weak state.

"Decision? What decision?" asked Chrysalis, standing up; her stomach was aching.

Breaker gave her a sad smile. "If I had the answer, I would tell you, but I don't. It falls on you and others you let in. You aren't alone in making the decision. Remember that I have, thanks to Eirika, the Rainbow Knight!"

Chrysalis couldn't understand her, and the more she stared into her eyes, the more she felt like she was being told not to give up and that the future was still ahead of her. "Eirika, the Rainbow Knight, huh? Sounds like a weird name to me...letting others in..." whispered Chrysalis, trying to stand but couldn't much longer. "Having in myself and others...but what if?" but before she could say anything else, Breaker pointed to the heavens, giving off a glow, making the crystals light up, and the cave and her horn created rainbow-colored lights.

"Don't be distracted by the what-if's, should-have's, and if-only's. The one thing you choose for yourself is the truth of your universe and why you are here!" shouted Breaker, with determination in her voice.

Chrysalis and others' eyes went wide as they could see the powerful light getting stronger. Chrysalis looked down at her shaking hooves, crying, "I'm here to live, not to die!" She shouted as she started to get it.

Breaker smirked, pointing at her now. "Then live, not die, so that you can find happiness. Be happy, laugh, cry, and be sad. It's all your choice. So, keep living and never give up on finding that happiness. It's the one thing that can't be taken from you but the one thing you have to fight for. Don't forget." Breaker stepped closer to her and placed her hoof on her heart. "Believe in yourself. Not in you who believes in us. Not us who believe in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself.” Breaker grins and gives her a wing thumbs up.

Chrysalis smiled at her; her smile was beautiful and warm—a smile the former queen never showed. She hugged Breaker, feeling like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

"Thank you, little filly, for giving me a chance, even if it's small. I will not give up; I'll never give up!" shouted Chrysalis, tears coming from her eyes.

Breaker could hear her and hug her back. "It's not small, but a big one. Chances are never small; they're big and will be the best things you'll have in your life. Never forget that, okay, and never give up on the world."

Twilight and Dash smiled at the scene, knowing their daughter would always be the best pony, no matter what she did in the past. They knew their daughter had a pure and strong heart.

Breaker could hear and feel how weak Chrysalis was, knowing she needed to eat or it would be too late. She remembered how Changelings feed off of love, so she gave it to her: "I want to be friends with you, so will you be my friend?"

Chrysalis nodded her head and could feel an intense energy coming from Breaker. "Yes, yes, I will."

Breaker felt it too: a strong bond and friendship, but also, "Then here. My love for you, my friend!" she shouted as the two glowed, the crystals lit up, and the cave shook.

"Braver, what are you doing!?" shouted Rainbow Dash as she and Twilight saw an intense light coming from her, almost blinding them.

Chrysalis's eyes widen, and she feels a surge of powerful energy. It feels warm, welcoming, and full of love like the sun is giving her all its warmth and energy. She can even see someone behind Breaker, covered in rainbow lights.

"Who is that?" she thought as the figure looked at her and held their hooves to her, like a hug.

She reached out for the figure, and bright rainbows filled the cave, blinding everyone. As the light faded, there was only darkness, but a bright white glow still filled the cave. Dash and Twilight could see that Chrysalis was giving off that white glow as she went through metamorphosis.

Chrysalis felt different—stronger, bigger, and taller. She felt her body changing, but it didn't hurt. It was warm and nice, and I loved the change. She opened her eyes and could see the dark cave; her vision was a lot clearer and sharper than before. Her weak feeling was gone, her hunger was gone, and she felt like a whole new Changeling.

"What's this?" she wondered as she looked down at her body and then at her hooves, touching her new body. Her whole body became as pure white as snow, her holes were gone, and her broken horn became fixed and longer. Finally, her webbing was white but shining with rainbow colors.

"Chrysalis? Are you okay?" asked a weak Breaker, snapping her out of her trance.

Chrysalis saw how weak Breaker looked. Realizing what the child had done for her, she could only smile and hug her softly, returning the love to her, but her form didn't disappear. She wondered why.

"It's my proof of my love for you, my friend!" said Breaker as she closed her eyes, making Chrysalis cry as her wings glowed. Slowly, they faded, and the glow in the cave faded, everything becoming normal.

Dash and Twilight came over, worried for their daughter, while Chrysalis could only stare down at the sleeping child, holding her but giving her back to them. "Foolish child, how much love do you have to give? You almost died yourself."
Chrysalis turned away, walking away, feeling more robust and better. She could finally think and feel like herself, like a real Changeling.

Dash and Twilight didn't say anything, watching her leave, but she stopped. As she felt her tail pulled, she turned and could only smile as Breaker held on to her.

"Truly, a foolish child, but a kind child," she said as she sat down and waited with Twilight and Dash for Breaker to wake up.
Dash couldn't trust her; she could be tricking them or planning something. She held her daughter closer and narrowed her eyes at Chrysalis. "Relax; I'm not plotting anything. I would have killed you all already if I was," said Chrysalis, not looking at Dash but only at her new self and turning to Breaker. "I heard stories when I escaped: You two had a daughter? She said you saved her and her sister. You adopted her?"

Twilight smiled at her, petting Breaker. "Yes, we did. She's our daughter now. She never stops amazing us. Always surprises us."

Chrysalis smiled back, nodding her head. She was happy for them and thankful; she got a second chance in life, a life she wouldn't waste. "What's her name?"

Dash held her daughter closer. "Breaker. Her name is Breaker!" she said, then glared at Twilight, " And she's my daughter! Twilight is just helping me raise her! Nothing more."

Twilight rolled her eyes, sighing at Dash's behavior, but Chrysalis laughed at them. Dash couldn't believe she was laughing at them. She asked what was so funny.

"Funny? Will I sense so much love from-" But before she could finish, Dash blushed hard, and not wanting a bug to reveal her love for Twilight, she screamed out her confession.

"I L-LIKE YOU, TWILIGHT!" shouted Dash, covering her mouth and blushing.

Chrysalis could only stare at her with a shocked expression.

Dash couldn't face Twilight now; she felt beyond scared. "I know you don't love me like that, Twi, but I just wanted you to know I like you."

"I wasn't talking about you," Chrysalis said, making Dash face her in confusion. I was talking about Twilight and her love for you."

Dash's eyes went wide, looking back at Twilight, who was blushing as hard as she was, as both of them were embarrassed and couldn't speak.

"How could you tell?" asked Twilight, looking at Chrysalis.

"I don't have to explain myself...but I could see your love for the blue idiot, as it's clear as day, even if she's stubborn," said Chrysalis, giggling, but the laughter was cut short as Twilight puffed her cheeks.

"Twilight?" asked Dash, wondering why Twilight was puffing her cheeks like that.

Twilight sighs loudly and faces Dash with a sad smile. "I always knew you loved me, you dummy. Since our talk about you running out of time all those years ago, I just wanted you to confess first and tell me you love me like Dashie did when she told Twilah she loved her. But I guess I have to take the first step."

Twilight leaned forward and kissed Dash, making her eyes go wide and then closing.

Twilight closed her eyes and could feel and taste Dash. She leans back, blushing as she touches her lips. "So this is how Rainbow tastes—not bad."

Dash couldn't speak or say anything; she could only look at her now-girlfriend and blush harder.

"What are you thinking about, Dash? You want to kiss me?" asked Twilight, teasing her.

"No! I don't know what I'm thinking... but maybe," she said, looking away.

"You can't kiss me without telling me you love me first. You haven't confessed." Twilight teased her, giggling.

"But you kissed me first!" She said her heart was racing, and her mind was going wild.

Twilight smirks. "That doesn't mean anything. A kiss means nothing without the three words."

Dash looked down. She's not one for confessing; she was never good with words or feelings. Even now, she doesn't know what to say. "Twilight...I-I-"

Twilight's eyes went wide with shock, as she couldn't believe what Dash would say with those three words.
Dash took a deep breath, facing Twilight with a smile and determination in her eyes. "I-I... like you! Yeah!" she shouted, blushing and pointing her wings like pointing fingers.

Twilight could only stare at her with disappointment in her eyes. She couldn't believe what a big idiot Rainbow Dash was, not being able to tell her that she loved her and that she just liked her.

"God, that was pathetic." glared Chrysalis, while Twilight agreed with her.

"S-SO!? At least I said it! So, we can move on, right, babe!?" shouted Dash, hoping that was enough to make her girlfriend not angry.

"Don't call me babe," said Twilight with a cold glare.

"R-Right..." said Dash, her ears down and looking away.

Chrysalis laughed at her. "Such an idiot. At least we know who wears the pants in the relationship."

"Y-Yeah," Dash said, not looking at her, feeling defeated.

Twilight could only sigh and look down at her daughter, smiling, "You truly are a gift, huh."

It was morning. The storm had finally passed, and the sun was rising thanks to Twilight, shining its light into the cave. Everyone was heading to the exit. Chrysalis and Breaker were ahead of Twilight and Dash, talking and carrying the camping stuff. Twilight and Dash were holding hooves. Twilight could only smile as she watched Breaker laugh and smile. She blinked and could see Rain and Eirika.

walking behind her daughter. She blinks once more, and they are gone. Once again, she wonders what she saw and what it even means.

"Are you okay?" asked Dash, noticing the single tear coming down Twilight's cheek.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said, using her wing to wipe away her tears.

Dash was going to ask her a question, but she noticed a wall painting being covered by overgrowth and plants. "Hey, there's another painting!"

Twilight turned to the right, seeing a bit of the painting. She used her magic to remove the plants, seeing the picture entirely. "It continues where it left off, I think?" Twilight could see the blackness being wiped away by rainbow paint like someone used their hand. The human with the unicorn horn was being pushed back. In the center was the black pony, but as an alicorn surrounded by many colorful figures. Standing by the black alicorn was a sizeable purple smudge. "It looks like the human was the bad guy, not the black pony."

"Okay, but what does this mean? Who drew this?" asked Dash, scratching her mane.

Twilight shook her head; for once, she had no answers. "I don't know. I hope this isn't a warning for the future."

Dash puffs at the thought, not liking that idea. "It has to be something else. It can't be that. This world is safe and will be as long as we're here."

Twilight could only smile at her girlfriend and hold her closer. "That's true. This world is safe. I'll always keep it safe!"

The remaining plants fell as they left the cave, revealing more of the painting. It shows a rainbow-haired blue human with wings fighting the human with a horn and more color leaking out of the hole in its chest. Further down, there was the horned human, but it had wings, and its face had a hole now, with an evil-looking rainbow creature behind it, while the black alicorn and wing human stood off against it, while a rainbow alicorn stood between the two, joining the fight. On the last part of the wall was a white-haired, purple human with a purple horn, and next to it was a black slime creature. They were drawing a message together.

"Fate isn't set in stone. The future can change; it's our story, not our fate. Find that spark."

"That's how I met your sister; she made me believe in myself and that I could move past my mistakes, letting others in. Giving them faith in me and giving it back, being loved again by my dear hive. And here I am today. I'm so happy that your sister is in my life. So if you have problems with that, you'll have to deal with it!" said Chrysalis, glaring down at Blitz, who could only smile.

"Look, I just wanted to know how you two met and became friends; that's it. I'm cool with it." Blitz said, shrugging.

Chrysalis sighed. "Will you go now? I told you my story. Now, where's your sister so you can apologize to her?" She stopped as she saw Blitz turning into her pony form, which made Chrysalis not used to seeing this yet. "What are you doing?"

Blitz flew above, looking for her sister, who had punched her hard and gone flying somewhere. "Sis, sorry, I punched you that far...huh?" She suddenly saw her, and she was with the others but also with Luna. She flew back down and told her group, which made Chrysalis laugh.

"I see Luna found her. I was wondering where Luna went; she was going to buy some ice cream," she said, looking at Blitz and her friends. "Now, let's go!".

The two growls met, and both sisters stared each other down, but Blitz pulled in and whispered, "Sorry, sis, I didn't mean none of that."

Braver only nodded, whispering, "It's okay; I did make you mad. I'm sorry, too."

"To make it up to you, you can punch-" Without a chance to finish her sentence, Braver punched her, and it sent her flying to the ocean, cutting back where she was. She turned into her anthro form and flew back to her sister, pissed off. "WHAT THE HAY!? YOU GAVE EVERYTHING IN THAT PUNCH!?"

Braver only smiled, shrugging and saying, "What? You know me; I can break anything."

"Oh, I'm going to make you regret that! You ready!? I'm not holding back this time!" shouted Blitz, readying a punch.

"Bring it!" Braver said, smiling and readying her punch.

Both sisters sent out their punches, clashing their hoof and knuckles, creating a powerful blowback, sending sand and anyone near them flying away, as their powers were too strong.

"BREAK!BREAK!BREAK!BREAK!" chanted Braver and Blitz, as both sisters had an evil look.


"THAT WAS A GROUP EFFORT; I'M JUST AS STRONG AS YOU AND MORE! DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME!" shouted Blitz, not giving her any chance to come out on top.

The land started to shake as Braver and Blitz kept up their clash, and both just laughed. As they felt free to use their powers, rainbow sparks started to surround them soon. They felt their chests glowing warm like they wanted to hug each other, but that all ended when they felt their ears being pulled hard.

"STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!" shouted Twilight in her royal Canterlot voice, glaring down at her daughter, while Twilah just shouted, "STOP THIS!" as they floated a few feet above the ground.

"Ow, ow, ow!" groaned both sisters, trying to remove their ears from their mother's grasp.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DONE!" shouted Twilight, pointing at the creatures caught in the blast and the land in ruins.

Both sisters looked and saw the mess they made. As they created a crater in the ground, the nearby trees were broken, and the ponies and creatures were all scared. They turned to each other and sighed, "We're sorry!"

"Good! NOW CLEAN UP YOUR MESS!" ordered Twilah, glaring down at her daughter and finally letting her go while Twilight did the same.

Dash and the others watched as Blitz used her speed to fill the crater. Braver apologized to anyone scared or caught in the blast and bowed. At the same time, Twilight and Twilah looked on above them.

"Sometimes, I forget how strong Braver is," whispered Dash, watching her.

"I know, sometimes I forget that too since Blitz never uses her full strength in a fight; she rather uses her speed. But now that I think about it, if she did use her strength, she would kill anyone in our world," replied Dashie, scratching her head as the two were in line to buy ice cream.

"What do you mean?" asked Dash, facing her counterpart.

Dashie took the cone holder box. "We humans aren't like you guys. I mean, this blowback would have killed any human, but seeing how no one is truly hurt tells me that the races in this universe are quite sturdy."

Dash looks back at the scene. "I never thought of that. Yeah, I have to tell her to be more careful. She's lucky her sister is tough, though." Dash took one of the ice cream while they joined Luna and Chrysalis. "So you two are just having a beach day like us?" asked Dash.

"Oh yes. It has been a long time since we last had one. Just the two of us, too. What about you guys?" asked Luna, taking a seat on a beach towel and picking an ice cream as Dashie lowered the cone holders to her and took one.

"Same, plus trying to get Braver to stop hating her mom, which, by the way," Dash and the others watched as Braver poured water on Twilight's head, speaking with Twilah, who also got soaked by Blitz. Both sisters laugh while the two Twilights glare at them and, using their magic, shoot water balls at them, laughing as well. "It looks like it's working," smiled Dash, taking the cone holder box and flying over to them, letting them take their cones.

Chrysalis got up and sipped her drink. "We better head back; it's my turn to make dinner."

"Ah, yes, you are making hayburgers, no?" Luna smiled as she got up.

Dashie was surprised. "Wait, are you living with Luna?"

"Why yes, Luna and Celestia were nice enough to let me live with them. I was shocked too by their offer, but I mostly live anywhere." smiled Chrysalis.

"Tell friend Braver our goodbyes, Dashie," asked Luna, finishing her ice cream.

"I will do that. See you two!" said Dashie, waving at them as they teleported away.

"SIS!" shouted Blitz, making Dashie turn back and see Braver running off with her sister's swimsuit as Blitz hid in the water.

"I just want to see it! I don't know why you're so mad!? Everyone is naked here!" shouted Braver, looking at the one-piece swimsuit.

Blitz zipped her jacket and chased after her while everyone laughed.

"I hope this can go forever," thought Dashie, licking her ice cream. "But I'm getting a bad feeling? Like something bad is coming..."

Luna and Chrysalis teleported into the castle's main hall and were chatting as they headed up the steps, but they quickly felt the castle shaking with great force.

"An earthquake? In Everfree?" asked Luna, steading herself while Chrysalis got to the floor, trying to keep her balance.

"No, it's worse than that! It's magic!? Powerful magic!" said Chrysalis, standing up. "Celestia!?" she shouted, making Luna quickly run up the steps towards the throne room. Before they could enter it, the doorway and everything before them were blasted away, exposing the sky.

"SISTER!" screamed Luna, blasting away the smoke, and her eyes went wide, seeing her sister being punched in the gut by... "Cozy?"

Cozy looked at Luna, smirking. She released her red magic into Celestia, making her turn to Luna and saying, "Luna, run." Then, she turned into red dust.

"Wow, you weren't lying after all, Cozy," said Dawn as she landed behind her, along with Rainbow Dawn, who was smiling at the scene.

Luna and Chrysalis were confused as they watched their friends glare them down.

"I told you I could kill her, no problem. Now, do you believe me? I'm on your side. You can keep Braver, but Equestria is..." Cozy eyes went bright red. "MINE!"

Dawn smiled, "Braver is mine, then." Soon, her eyes went white, just like Rainbow Dawn's, and she and Rainbow Dawn both spoke at the same time: "I'm going to show her my love!"

end of chapter 11

Author's Note:

Wanted the beach chapter to be more but again, i felt it was dragging on too much. shame had more stuff for it lol
also, future foreshadowing? :rainbowhuh:

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