• Published 19th Nov 2023
  • 510 Views, 12 Comments

Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

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End of Final Arc: The Spark Within All Of Us

Clashes of magical blades and explosions were heard from the distance, making everyone turn to see Rainbow Dawn and Amazement fighting. Both were blocking each other's attacks, and Amazement slowly lost ground as Dawn pushed her attack and sent Amazement flying into a nearby exposed tree root sticking out of the water.

"Damn it!" grunted Amazement, sliding down the root and quickly meeting with Dawn's magical blade, almost slicing her stomach, and leaped back to recover.

"How does it feel? The feeling of losing everything?" asked Dawn, slowly approaching Amazement.

Amazement raised her sword at the ready.

"Are you asking me, or are you asking yourself that question?"

Dawn stopped moving, looking down.

"It's funny. After so long, you are the first one to ask me that question." She looked up at the sky, closing her eyes. "How did you know?"

Amazement lowered her sword and stood straight. "They showed me your past when you were at your lowest and hurting others to survive in an unfair world because the cards you were dealt were the worst. Losing your mother, then finding your father like that and living off the streets as you joined that gang, becoming an enforcer for their drug deal fronts. But you found something that kept you going." She smiled, seeing Dawn looking at her. "Something you still carry, no matter what you went through. I know because I'm carrying that same feeling and have been for a long time: the feeling of being alone and having no one to understand you." she placed her hand on her marking. "Until someone reached out their hand of friendship and helped me see that I'm not alone. Loving me and loving her back."

Rainbow Dawn's eyes began to water as her smile became twisted.

"She made me move forward in my life, making me see that no matter how bad I had it, I wasn't the only one going through bad things. Her love for me gave me the strength to become a better person." Amazement's marking began to glow. "Friendship is the spark that can't be forgotten as it creates that flame within all of us. It allows us to feel empathy for others and to have the will never to stop moving forward and to reach out our hands to others. For if we are to fall, then we fall together."

Dawn slowly raised her hand, pointing her magical sword at Amazement, still crying. "Every day, every waking moment of my sad and current lonely life, I wish she never reached out to me!" she suddenly appeared in front of Amazement, who almost didn't have enough time to block the sword with her own. "If she never gave me her hand, she would have been alive! I WISH SHE HAD NEVER COME INTO MY LIFE!"

Amazement pushed back, creating some distance between them. "You don't mean that, do you? All the time and love you had spent with her, the memories, the joy of her being there for you, the moments you shared. How can you wish you never met her?"

"Easily." She summoned another magical blade in her other hand. "Because her love for me caused her death, and it hurt more than anything in my life. I can only hurt others, but her? She only loved, and in the end, it only caused her to suffer, and I'm the cause of it!"

Amazement couldn't believe her ears; she had to say something.

"That's not true! She didn't care as long you were safe."

Amazement quickly summoned a magical rune shield, blocking the new sword. It came slashing to her left, and she blocked the other blade with her sword. She and Dawn were face to face now.

"She didn't die because of you, no matter how hard you try to take the blame." Amazement could feel herself losing ground, and she knew she wouldn't last much longer. "Someone made you hurt her, killing her! You know it, so why are you fighting us and not going after them!?"

"Her book!"


Amazement could see the sorrow in Dawn's eyes, almost like she was giving up.

"Whatever she writes in it, you are forever bound to the story she had written for you. You know the old saying, don't you?" she pushed harder, slowly cracking the rune shield. "You can't escape fate!" she broke the shield and sliced Amazement across her face, leaving a bloody scar across her left eye.

Amazement could feel the pain and quickly cast a wind spell, blasting herself back and over the tree root and crashing into the water once more. She could see black water mixing with her blood as it drip from her cut face. She looked like her different timeline self now with the missing eye.

"I can't believe it!" She stabbed the ground and slowly pulled herself up. "I won't allow it!" she could see Dawn landing near her, walking up to her. "No one should have control over someone's fate, no matter who they are or their powers! Fate isn't set in stone and is something everyone chooses! Everyone has free will, and I won't let you throw yours away because of one person!" she stood up entirely but only to be slashed across her chest by Dawn's swords, making her fall to her knees, feeling the blood oozing out from the wounds. "You fought it, didn't you? She ordered you to give the orb to her, but you refused and shoved that orb into your chest, keeping what remains of your love away from her. You fought her before so that you can do it again! Take back your pen! Take back your book!"

Dawn's tears continued to flow, and she didn't respond.

"Your name isn't Rainbow Dawn; that's the name that evil girl gave you! That's not who you are, not a monster or another enforcer to someone. Write back your fate, write your future, and don't let the past control you like she wants! Let the past be the past and write a new story without her. It is a story filled with happiness and joy, the memories of your love and your time with her, but moving forward without her because it's just memories. She would want that."

"SHUT UP!" Dawn's rainbow hole glowed, and a ton of rainbow liquid spilled out, mixing with the black water. "You keep making it sound easy, but it isn't! She's the living incarnation of fate, and I can't fight her." She slowly put both blades under Amazement's neck. "I remember all the time we spent together, everything we did, and all the love she gave me. Even in my darkest days, she was there, and when I tried to push her away, she stayed by my side. All those beautiful memories I have of her. Even if I lose my identity, I can at least keep those memories." her blades started to push against Amazement's neck, causing a tiny amount of blood to spill out. "The piece of my old life and who I was. At least that keeps me moving forward, even though I lost the only thing that mattered. I'm sorry, but I'm giving up. It's all hopeless in the end."

Dawn was gonna behead Amazement when they both heard someone calling out to her, making her turn her head. There, blindly walking towards them, was Dr. Wonder.

"Nothing is ever hopeless! Unless you choose to believe that, which is something you chose. Is it not Dawn? If you have given up on everything, why are you here now? Still fighting to get back the one thing you lost?" Wonder stopped and tried to hear where the two were. "That's your fighting spirit."

Dawn cast away her blades and started to walk towards Wonder, asking her a question.

"Fighting spirit?"

"Yes, your fighting spirit. The spirit of someone who doesn't care about the odds as they fight because they want to. And if you're going to give up because someone changed you, then you can go sit your ass down and wait for the end then. Because if you do, then you don't deserve to see her again; you're no different from the person who made you like this. The person who made you the way you are, as they took your love away, took your life, and "you" away." Wonder could hear Dawn stopping in front of her, not saying anything. She was going to continue her speech but felt her neck being grabbed and picked up. She couldn't breathe as she could hear Dawn's mad laughter, and soon, she felt the water on her face as Dawn tossed her to the ground.

"Stop it!" cried Amazement, trying to move but falling to the ground on her arms, feeling weak as she lost too much blood now. "Please, don't kill her!"

Dawn pulled Wonder by her hair, dragged her in front of Amazement, and stood over Wonder, placed her magical blade on Wonder's neck.

"Are you ready to see her die a second time?"

Even with the blade against her neck, Wonder returned to continue her speech for Dawn.

"What are you? A coward or what the person you lost saw in you?" Wonder could hear Amazement begging her to shut up, saying that Dawn would kill her if she kept going, but she knew she needed to finish her speech. "The world is full of people who will make you doubt yourself. It's also full of people who will believe in you, even when you don't believe in yourself. The question is, are you the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to be the person your lover always saw in you? Or are you the kind of person who will let fate take the wheel and go on the ride?" She suddenly felt the blade shaking and something landing on her face. It was tears. "She's not here anymore, so it's time you start writing the next chapter of your story. Not someone else, thinking they know how your story will go."

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" screamed Dawn, removing the blade and holding her head in sadness and pain. "I CAN'T MOVE ON! NOT WITHOUT HER! MAYBE I SHOULD GIVE IN TO THAT LITTLE MONSTER!?"

"You can move on!"

Dawn quickly looked behind her, seeing the younger version of her that she had eaten in Blitz universe, as she was with her pony version and the rest of their friends.

"I know it's hard, but you must let her go! Clinging on to the past and letting someone else control your story is not something she wants for you. We both know that, right?" Lucy turned to Luster, who nodded. She looked back at Dawn, smiling with hope. "If I lost Blitz, I'd be heartbroken too, but I wouldn't let that stop me. I would find a way to move on and try to be happy again. Blitz told me she doesn't want me to be trapped in my sorrows and regrets, and the same goes for you with your love." Lucy walked up and grabbed Dawn's hand, making the blade disappear. "I know Blitz very well that if she saw that I couldn't let go of her death, she would blame herself. That's who she is, wanting others to be happy even if it costs her own happiness. If your love knew the person you became was because of her, she would never forgive herself. That's just how much she loves you."

Luster joined them, placing her hooves on Dawn's other hand. "She would blame herself for your suffering, no matter the reason." she shut her eyes, remembering what Braver did in that white void. "Braver acted like that when she saw my memories and thought she was the reason for my problems." she opened her eyes, filled with tears. "But she wasn't! She wasn't why I couldn't stand my own, not learning to face my problems. That was just my fault, not hers!" She had a big smile on her face. "Braver will do anything for anyone if they are in trouble or hurting; she will always be at their side because she never wants anyone to suffer like she did." Her smile became a frown. "If I lost Braver, I know that my world would end. I couldn't handle it, I do whatever it took to get her back! But I know she wouldn't want that from me. She would rather see me be happy and move forward, stop being trapped in one place like always."

Both girls could see Dawn's hands moving away from their hands and resting on their heads. They could see her smiling at them as the darkness covering her vanished.

"That sounds like my love. She always puts herself second to others and helps those who need it. She always smiles and tells me everyone deserves a happy ending, no matter who it is. If you help those who need it, they will move forward and help others do the same. That's what friendship is." She looked over her shoulder and saw Amazement trying to stand. "Even when my she and my friends were taken away from me, I was alone, and I let the loneliness and regret eat at me, but it was me who made it happen. I let her control me, but not anymore." She turned around and helped Wonder up, then let Amazement lean on her.

Amazement smiled at her. "You earned my chance. Even though you did awful things and killed the love of my life." she patted her shoulder. "I know what happened to you, how you were controlled to be like that. I learned of your story from Sky and Nightfall." she could feel Dawn grabbing her tighter as she started to cry again. "It wasn't your fault, Dawn, and no one holds what happened against you. There can't be any friendship if there is no empathy. And there can't be empathy without listening. I'm sorry you lost the love of your life and had no one there for you, but I'm here for you. We all are." she could see the others joining them, smiling at Dawn.

"Thank you," whispered Dawn, wiping her tears, but something splashed on her face. She could see Amazement looking shocked. Dawn touched her face, and looking at her fingers, it was blood. She looked down, seeing her hand through Amazement's chest, but her arm was covered in darkness. "No! I didn't mean it! It wasn't me!" she forced out her arm, which grabbed her own throat, and watched Amazement falling to the ground, her blood mixing with black water.

".lɹᴉɓ ɥsᴉlooɟ noʎ ,ɓuᴉpuǝ ʎddɐɥ ɐ ǝʌɐɥ oʇ ʇuɐǝɯ ʇ'uǝɹɐ no⅄ .ɹǝʇsuoɯ ɐ ǝq oʇ ʇuɐǝɯ sʎɐʍlɐ ǝɹɐ noʎ ,pᴉɐs I ǝʞᴉ⅂"

Dawn and the others looked up, seeing Fayth smiling as she watched them the whole time.

".ɓuᴉɯoɔǝq ɯoɹɟ noʎ doʇs oʇ pɹɐɥ os ʇɥɓnoɟ ǝɥs ɓuᴉɥʇ ʎɹǝʌ ǝɥʇ ɓuᴉɯoɔǝq ,spuǝ ʎɹoʇs ɹnoʎ ʍoɥ sᴉ sᴉɥʇ ʇnq ,ʇᴉq ɐ ɹoɟ ʇᴉ pǝʎɐlǝp lɹᴉɓ ɓuᴉʎouuɐ ʇɐɥꞱ .uɹoq ǝɹǝʍ noʎ ʎɐp ǝɥʇ pǝlɐǝs uǝǝq ʎuᴉʇsǝp ɹno⅄"

"YOU BITCH!" shouted Dawn, trying to fight off her arm, but she could feel her whole body starting to become black again, as she was losing herself once more.

".sǝʇᴉɹʍǝɹ ǝɹnʇnɟ llɐ puɐ ǝʇᴉɹʍǝɹ sᴉɥʇ ɯoɹɟ ɹǝɥ ǝsɐɹǝ ʎllɐuᴉɟ oʇ qɹo ɹǝɥ puɐ suᴉʍʇ ǝɥʇ ǝɯ ǝʌᴉɓ puɐ llɐ ɯǝɥʇ llᴉꓘ .ɹoᴉʌɐs ʎɯ ,ʍoN"

Lucy and Luster helped pull Wonder away as they all could see Dawn losing her fight with the darkness. Wonder kept asking what happened and what happened to Amazement as they pulled her back safely.

"Someone!" cried out Dawn. "Save me!"

Fayth started to laugh as she landed and pointed her pen at her. "!Ǝꟽ ɹo ǝʇɐɟ ʎɟǝp uɐɔ ǝuo oN !noʎ ǝʌɐs oʇ ɓuᴉɯoɔ ǝuoʎuɐ ǝʌɐɥ ʇ'usǝop ʎɹoʇs ɹnoʎ ɟo uoᴉsɹǝʌ ʎꟽ !noʎ ǝʌɐs oʇ ɓuᴉoɓ sᴉ ǝuo oNWhen she said that, a ton of gateways appeared in the white sky, making her look up. "?!ʇɐɥM"

There was nothing but coldness. Sky could feel something landing on her body, making her slowly open her eyes. The sky was covered in grey clouds with no sunlight. She was lying on the ground and looking around, seeing a dead wasteland like a battle had just happened. She sat up and noticed what was falling on her.

"Wait, this isn't snow. It's ash!?" She wiped the ash from her face and looked at the ground, seeing the grass and ground burned. She could see something falling to the ground in front of her. Rushing towards it, she could tell it was a body, a young female body. Before she got closer to her, Sky could hear her speak, but in a sad and hurt tone.

"I wonder if the beauty of that sky will ever return."

Sadly, Sky wasn't fast enough to catch her and had to watch the poor girl crash into the ground before her. With remorse, Sky ran towards her, hoping to bury the girl, but stopped when she got closer. Sky could see the girl still alive and glaring up at the dark grey sky.

"You survived that fall?" Sky asked, sitting on the ground and helping the girl, but she could feel how heavy she felt. "You weigh a ton!"

The girl finally noticed her, looking at her with the same emotionless expression.

"I'm a cyborg, a weapon created to end a pointless war and," she said, glancing at the grey and gloomy sky. "Bring back the blue sky I once saw as a kid, not just for me but for everyone else. This pointless war blocked out the sun and the wonderful sky I once saw, stealing everyone's happiness and hope." tears started to fall down her cheeks. "I failed my mission and broke my promise to the man who saved my life. I couldn't bring back the beautiful blue sky to the world."

Sky looked up, seeing the same sky the girl was looking at. There wasn't any sunlight; the only light came from the fires burning far from them. Whatever happened here left a massive scar on the planet.

"You are a weapon too, huh?" whispered Sky, making the girl return her attention to her. "And just like you, I failed in my mission, stopping my daughter from becoming something evil, and I couldn't save her as I hurt her when I first saw her standing over the dead body of her, my daughter's mother and love of my life." the ash started to fall heavily as Sky and the girl began to be covered in it more. "I remember how she became Star Breaker." Sky didn't notice it, but the girl's eyes widened with shock. "Attacking me, trying to kill me, but the city getting caught in the crossfire. Many were killed during that battle, but all life ended when she became a giant bomb. Exploded above the city, burning everything to ash."

Sky looked back down at the girl, giving her a sad look. "I survived the blast, but I remember smelling my flesh burning. My body was burned beyond belief, and the last thing I remembered was seeing my daughter looking at me with sadness." she closed her eyes, hearing her daughter's voice as it echoed across her mind.

"I will break the world; I'll break you!" cried Breaker.

Sky opened her eyes, which were filled with tears.

"I told her she wasn't a weapon and wasn't like me. She wasn't my past but her own future, her own person. She should live her life, not be bound by anything or anyone. I wanted her to live her life to the fullest and not have any regrets. I couldn't save her, but I will not fail you. You can still have a happy ending, and I will do whatever it takes! So don't give up hope!" Sky pointed at the girl and then the sky itself. "If you were fighting for others, then they would continue your fight, and one day, that blue sky you once saw will break through and cover this world in the beauty it once had! You didn't fail, not when your friends and people who you inspired are still fighting!"

The girl slowly looked back at the grey sky. Within her vision, warning signs appeared, warning that she was going into forced sleep mode. This made her look back at Sky, smiling.

"You said you failed your mission of saving your daughter. I feel that isn't true, right?" the girl could feel her body losing power as the sleep mode started. "You saved her. Looking into your eyes, I can see you saved her."

Sky nodded and wiped her tears, smiling.

"Yeah, but others helped me do that. It wasn't just me. It was all of us. We helped my daughters move forward, and now they're happy."

"That's Good, and I hope they pass on the hope and lesson you gave them, making them pass on their inspiration to the next. Stopping those that will break the world and giving others a chance to keep the world together." she could feel her body going into sleep mode, but her voice could still be heard. "I wish I had more time with the man who became my friend, but I'm glad to see the beauty in the world, even if it's just a small glimpse."

Sky could tell something was wrong with the girl and feared the girl's time was almost up.

"What is your name? My name is Sky."

The girl chuckled at that and looked towards the grey sky one last time.

"It's Sora."

With her last words said, the girl shut her eyes and went to sleep, smiling. She could feel herself drifting off as everything went dark.

Sky carefully set the girl down and stood up. Looking closer, she saw the jacket Sora was wearing.

"Looks like my jacket from back then."

There is nothing to do and no way back home. Sky started walking in a random direction, hoping to find someone else.


"Huh?" Sky turned around and saw a small animal, like a child, standing beside her was an older woman.

"I see that girl is still at it; if you are here again, it means the worst."

The older woman looked down at the animal girl, patting her head.

"Go on and play, Poppo. I need to speak to this young lady."

The animal girl named Poppo nodded, rushing off somewhere while saying her name.

"Who are you?" asked Sky, not trusting this weird woman holding what looked like a lollipop.

The woman smirked and did a magical girl pose with bright yellow wings appearing.

"Tomomo! The Sweet Eater!" she stood usually and became very serious. "And the author of this universe."

Three figures could be seen above a mountaintop, and two left behind a rainbow halo.

"So, that's what happened to you, huh? That's rough." said the white hair girl, flying next to Nightfall.

"Agree. I hope we can help you return to where you came from, but we don't have any universe-jumping devices," said the blonde-haired girl floating next to her.

Nightfall smiled at the two young teenagers she met when she arrived. "Thank you, Hime, but you don't need to worry about helping me. I feel something will drop me off back in my world when it's time." she looked up at the sky and saw the same grey clouds covering it, but she could see the sunlight trying to break through. "And I have a feeling that will happen soon."

Hime felt terrible, as they couldn't do much for their guest. Her friend noticed this and was gonna comment on it, but a snowflake fell in front of them.

"Look, it's started snowing."

Hime bundled herself up, as she could feel the cold breeze now. "I wonder if it will stay cold much longer, Suguri?"

Suguri turned to Hime, surprised to hear that question. "You don't like coldness, Hime?"

Nightfall could see Hime shaking a bit and couldn't help but act like a mother.

"Sweetie, maybe bring a warm hat or scarf next time, okay?"

Hime's face was bright red. She couldn't believe she acted like a child in front of their guest.

"I'm not a kid; I'm an adult! I have quite lived a long time as the ark's guardian." She puffed her cheeks, making Suguri and Nightfall laugh and Hime more upset. "No, it's not because of the cold but because there are no flowers around when it snows."

Nightfall looked around the area, seeing the mountaintop and everything covered in snow. "That's right; from what you told me, Suguri terraformed the planet back to its old state before the war. Now the world is back to its peaceful and calm state."

Suguri nodded and looked back up at the sky.

"This was their home before some left for the stars after the war ended, leaving most of it in ruin."

Nightfall could see the sun was trying its best to break through the clouds but couldn't entirely. Only a tiny ray got through..

"Thanks to my father, who made me into a terraformed cyborg model using the base specs of 'her,' I could fix the planet and protect it—even against Hime and her friends when their ark returned." Suguri reached out her hand, wanting to touch the lone sun ray of light.

Nightfall asked her a simple question. "Who is 'her' if I might ask? I don't mean to be rude or anything."

Suguri closed her eyes and smiled, remembering the girl who stopped the war and gave them all a chance to rebuild and live again.

"I don't remember her name, as it has been hundreds of years, but I do remember what she did for everyone. She fought for them, allowing them to save others during the war and creating something to heal the planet after she ended the war."

"You," replied Nightfall, making Suguri open her eyes.

"Yes, because of her and her actions, I was born. She's like a big sister to me, as my model uses her specs in combat. I don't know if she's still alive after the great breaker, but I know she's still out there, giving us all her strength like always. Like I have been doing in her stead, protecting the world she helped save."

Nightfall felt like she saw Suguri within herself. Suguri was always kind and caring and would help anyone in need, just like her.

"This girl you speak of sounds much like my lover, Sky. She, too, ended a war and helped those who survived to rebuild without her ever knowing. She still believes she did wrong, as both sides were destroyed, but the truth is, there were indeed survivors who came together and became one. She gave them a second chance at peace and allowed them to move forward rather than fighting with each other."

Suguri lowered her hand and was gonna comment on this when they all noticed what looked like flower petals mixing with the snowflakes.

Hime caught one and examined it. "Are these...flowers?"

Suguri was utterly amazed by this odd sight, as this was the first time something like this happened.

"Snow and flowers are dancing together. What a sight."

Suddenly, someone flew into the lone sun ray of light and slowly descended towards the three. Nightfall and Hime had no clue who this was, but Suguri, on the other hand, was speechless as she knew who it was.

The girl spoke to them with disappointment and anger in her voice.

"You people are..."

Suguri slowly floated to her, reaching out to her. "You're...!"

"Because of you people...keep on fighting! Still going with this pointless war, the world turned THIS dark...!!"

Suguri stopped, puzzled by what the girl just said.


Hime whispered into Nightfall's ear. "She seems a little confused..."

The girl made her hands into fists, shaking them with frustration.

"You people made the sky like." Without warning, the girl darted towards Suguri, a giant green sword appearing from nowhere. "THIS!" She was going to cut Suguri down, but Hime quickly stepped in, blocking the sword with her arm covered in her chains.

"Suguri, you stand back with Nightfall; I'll try to calm her down!"

Suguri looked at her and then at the girl, whose eyes were filled with fury, regret, and sadness. Without saying a word, Suguri returns to where Nightfall is floating, allowing the girl and Hime to start fighting. They watched as Hime unleashed her chains and red and blue lasers at the girl, but the girl dodged and countered each attack. Both were evenly matched.

Nightfall could see Suguri's shocked face, making her put the dots together and smile.

"That girl, it's her, isn't it? The one who stopped the war?"

Suguri nodded. "Yes, but...I'm wondering why she's attacking us, acting like the war is still going on."

They both watched Hime create a giant mixed-colored sword cross, trying to slice at the girl, but the girl parried the sword with her own blade, knocking Hime back. Nightfall and Suguri were shocked by her strength. Suguri quickly caught Hime.

"Hime, let me take over."

Hime, quite hurt, didn't oppose the idea and switched out.

"...Please, she's all yours."

Hime flew towards Nightfall while Suguri and the girl stared each other down. They watched as Suguri created a giant barrier around herself and the girl, keeping anyone from interrupting their fight. Suguri took out her blaster and short beam knife while the girl ready her massive sword. Soon, both darted to each other, unleashing different yet similar attacks. Unleashing missiles, lasers, beam swords, and beam attacks all look identical, almost like a mirror match.

"You are a strong fighter, young lady." complimented Nightfall, healing Hime's wounds.

"Yeah, well, Suguri is the strongest fighter, even more than I am."

Nightfall could tell this wasn't entirely true, but she kept her thoughts to herself.

"Well, you did block her attack earlier. I don't think many could pull that off."

Nightfall smiled at her until the battle between the two seemed to climax, ending with the girl and Sugrui darting toward each other, clashing into each other's hands, trying to push the other back. Both had powerful auras coming off of them.

"Is it because I fell asleep?" asked the girl to herself, with sorrow in her voice. "If I could've done more...if I could've helped them more..."

Suguri couldn't help but say something. "They did receive what you had protected." she smiled at her. "And they gave birth to me, and we fought together." Suguri loosened her strength. "That's why this planet is so beautiful now."

The girl felt confused and angry about how the girl in front of her spoke about the planet. "The plane's... beautiful? What do you..."

Suguri's hands were no longer trying to push the girl's hands back; they were now gripping it. "Don't worry...just see for yourself!"

"See what...?" the girl didn't have the chance to finish as Suguri started to spin herself and the girl around, creating rainbow halos over them and blasting the clouds away.

Nightfall continued to look up until she heard someone calling out to her. She looked behind and saw a woman with yellow wings hovering there. Nightfall was going to ask Hime if she knew this person but realized everything was frozen.

"Don't worry. I just put a bookmark on this story of mine. Now, there won't be any more interruptions." Tomomo smiled and floated toward Nightfall. "I came here to send you back where you came from, Nightfall."

Nightfall was surprised to hear this.

"Why would you do that, and how do you know my name?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but we met before." Tomomo started to count on her fingers and then within her mind. "I want to say 32 times. Well, it's 33 now since you're here again."

"We met? So, when Sky and I met those two girls back in our home universe, they went on about the time verse, telling us how Rainbow Dawn came to be because they're from the future. Is this like time travel, then? Always meeting you here?"

Tomomo used her lollipop-like wand and opened a rift. "Not really. Let's say we met in an old version of this same old story but in a different way." She motioned Nightfall to go into the rift. "Sky already went ahead. The others got help getting back without the other author's help."

Nightfall did so and walked toward the rift, feeling herself being pulled in. She couldn't help but turn back, seeing everything being unfrozen and watching the dark grey clouds blast away, revealing the beautiful blue sky.

"What?" whispered the girl in utter shock at what she was seeing.

Suguri held on to the girl with a big smile on her face. "See?"

The girl could see nothing but an endless sea of blue, with small white clouds and a bright, shining sun. Her eyes were glued to it, and she was astonished.

"Is this the sky? The sky I saw before? It was so beautiful, but I could only glimpse it momentarily." Tears started to run down her cheeks. "I didn't know it was this endlessly wide."

Suguri looked across the endless land, seeing the green the snow hadn't touched yet. "The dream you protected has spread across the whole planet."

"Across the planet? Really?" the girl's face became sad. But all I knew how to do was fight." But she suddenly felt Suguri's hand under her chin, making her look at her.

"And that let everyone else do what they needed to."

The girl couldn't find the words to say, only listen to Suguri, who remembered something.

"Ah, that's right."


Suguri carefully pushed the girl off of her chest, and now both stood, still holding hands. "They asked me to tell you this in their stead." she gave her a big smile with tears running down her face. "Thank you for protecting this planet!"

Once again, the girl couldn't find the words to say, only thing she could do was to cry, cry softly as she realized she done it, she truly saved the world and brought back the blue sky.

Nightfall was almost through the rift, watching and crying at the beautiful sight above.

Suguri remembered something else and smiled nervously. "I'm sorry to ask you this, but I can't remember your name. It's been so long since they told me. Will you tell me your name?"

The girl let go of Suguri's hands, wiping her eyes and smiling as her cheeks blushed red.


Nightfall could see her own daughters standing there, just like ten years ago, and this made her cry even more as she vanished into the rift.

Tomomo closed the rift with a snap of her fingers and looked up at the sky, watching Sora and Suguri holding hands and looking at the sky and land.

"One day, your girl's happy ending will come, and I promise you will be free from this endless restart."

She then snapped her fingers and vanished into thin air.

In a different universe, the others found a way back.

Flash, Midnight, Light, and Lunar watched as a green dragon was summoned and fulfilled their wish to return to where they needed to be.

"Your wish has been granted." said the dragon, creating a rift.

The group turned to the people who helped them.

Flash had her classic stupid big grin on her face. "Thanks a bunch, Goku! I knew we could count on you and the others!"

"It was no problem," he replied. "I'm happy to have helped."

Midnight was also smiling. "We wouldn't have been able to return home without you, Bulma. Not without your Dragonball scanner." she turned to Chichi, and both women gave each other a cold stare until they smiled.
"Thank you for letting us stay in your home. You have our thanks," said Midnight, bowing her head.

Chichi laughed. "No need to thank me. After all, what kind of person would I be if I didn't offer shelter to a woman, her wife, and her parents?" she bowed herself to her. "Besides, your wife has been a big help with aiding Goku in the harvest this year. It's nice to have help, especially with Goten away right now."

The two women were now laughing together while Goku and Flash shook hands.

"You are strong, Flash, and you'll get stronger!" Goku commented. "When you see your friend again, I know you can save the twins you care about and the whole multiverse. I can feel it!"

"Thanks, Goku! That means a lot, and I hope so too. I'll try to train more so I can be like you! Heck, teaching me this new power can be super helpful!"

Flash hair turned grey, making Goku proud. Soon enough, the dragon told them it was time, and Goku and the others waved goodbye as Flash and her family entered the rift and disappeared.

"Okay, this should do it!" said Ash from Rainbow Six: Siege, turning on the machine. Everyone in Rhodes Island's research and development lab was amazed, as the rift was stable.

"So, this is what you guys were talking about. This is an inter-dimensional rift," asked Nanna, amazed by it.

Layla felt a little sad as she turned to Ash and the rest of Ash's teammates.

"I'm sorry we had to waste your only try on us than going back home. Forgive us." she bowed in forgiveness, making Ash and her mates laugh and telling her it was okay, that they would find another stable power supply again one day.

"Ha, she's just like you, Amiya, right down to the core!" teased Chen, leaning against the wall with Light Rainbow, who agreed, making Amiya smile.

"That's the multiverse for you; no matter what form Amiya takes, she will always be the same," answered Kal'tsit, who entered the room, pulling Red and Projekt Red by their ears after their fluffy tail hunt adventure was forcibly ended and handing Red to Nanna. "Still odd to see a version of me as a..." she coughed. "A unicorn."

Nanna glared at her. "Same here, seeing myself as a." she coughed as well. "A cat."

Both just looked at each other until their summons appeared and growled at each other like how dogs would do.



Both creatures stopped and returned to their master's side, still eyeing each other.

Layla ended her apology and turned to Amiya, holding her hand out.

"Thank you for helping us find a way back. I'm sorry we couldn't help with your current problem, though. But maybe one day, we will see and work together again."

Amiya happily accepted her hand. "Of course, and the same to you and your friends. Call or drop in again if you need our help." they laughed and let go. "But promise me, make a better future, a new tomorrow for your universe infected even if it's not perfect or isn't the best. It's yours and all those you want to share it with."

Layla smiled. "I promise. Thank you again, Amiya." She bowed and followed her family and friends to the rift, Spitflame waving goodbye to Nearl. They watched as Nova entered the room and walked past Amiya, who asked her a question.

"Did you talk to her? To Talulah?"

Nova eyed her and said nothing as she joined Layla's side. They all entered the rift, disappearing as it closed behind them.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, my fellow doctor," whispered Amiya.

Berry, Grape, and Plum watched as the arrow of light fired into the void of space, opening a rift. They looked back at who created the gateway.

"This should bring you back home, my little magical girls." the goddess petted all three, smiling. "Remember, you pick the one thing in the world you wanna protect, and you protect it to the end…that’s the correct answer. It doesn't matter if it's a human, an animal, a god, a demon, or anything else. If you truly believe in protecting something, you can never give up on it no matter what happens."

The little magical girl ponies nodded. "Yeah!"

Terra watched a middle-aged man drink liquor and set the glass on the counter. He turned to her, smirking.

"Really? My version is a rainbow humanoid pony like yourself. Heh, anything is possible, I guess."

Terra smiled, and they heard the bar door open, seeing Terra's counterpart.

"Hey there, darling. Just in time to meet your version from another universe."

The woman stepped aside, revealing a rift in the doorway.

"I'm already ahead of you, Jimmy." She smiled at Terra. "Better get going; your teammates are going to need you." She read her mind.


Terra returned the mind read. "Thank you, Sarah."

With a flip of a switch, the machine created a rift, lighting the dark cave up.

"Looks like it works; good going, Bruce." complimented Superman as he stood beside Bruce, who had his mask off.

Bruce double-checked the machine and spoke. "After that one universe where you were evil, I downloaded the blueprints from my counterpart batcomputer. I knew we might need this; even more so after that, Mark's kid appeared and talked about what happened to him."

Flare walked up to the rift and turned back to Superman.

"Glad we could have help with your Lex and Joker problem. I wish we could stay longer and help you with that Darkseid problem."

Superman walked over, and both shook hands. "Don't worry about us; this is our problem, not yours. Get back and save those kids once more. Even that girl. Every life is worth saving, no matter where it's from."

Flare agreed and called out to her gloomy friend.

"Brice, you done?"

Alfred steps aside and wipes his forehead.

"There, the finished touch. Sorry, it took a while, Miss Sparkle. Never really had to make an outfit for a..." he coughed. "Humanoid pony."

Brice put on her new mask and looked herself in the mirror, smirking. "It's fine, Cindy, er, I mean Alfred. Thank you." she hugged him, catching him off guard, and walked towards Flare but stopped at Bruce's side, who put his mask back on. Both just looked at each other and grunted. "Thanks for the new suit."

"It's nothing after you helped take down the Joker."

They both said nothing else, and Brice continued to walk over to Flare.

Superman leaned in and whispered in Flare's ear.

"It's like they could be twins."

This made Flare laugh greatly.

"There! That should send you two back," said Eggman, turning on his rift machine while Sonic, Blaze, and Sage looked on.

Bolt wagged her wing at Eggman, smirking. "Thanks, egghead, and no hard feelings in kicking your butt?"

Eggman grunted and spun his chair away from Bolt, Heat, and Enmity.

"One of you already bad enough. Now there's two."

"What's wrong, Egghead? Another version of me is too much for you?" smirked Sonic, making Eggman more mad.

Sage chuckled. "Don't tease father, Sonic." She looked over to Enmity. "I hope you save the multiverse and return to your own father. I know he misses you."

Enmity thanked her for the concern and turned to Eggman, hovering over him. She touched his hand without a word, even though it had phased through it.

"Thank you...father."

Eggman looked away and mumbled that she was welcome, causing Sage to giggle.

Heat and Blaze said their goodbyes, while Sonic and Bolt did a high five.

"Are you sure you don't want us to help? Saving the multiverse is a big deal, you know?" Sonic asked.

Bolt laughed and pointed to Eggman. "Nah, it's fine, but if you did come, I bet he would close the rift or something."

"True, can't trust a mad doctor these days!"

They laughed and shook their hands.

"So long, Sonic the Hedgehog."

"So long, Bolt the Pegasus!"

Bolt and Heat turned super and entered the rift with Enmity, and it closed, leaving the room silent.

In another universe, with Wanda's help, Winston created a gateway rift, allowing her and Tracker to return.

Another, Issac Clarke and Aaira, with Lil Star's help, created a rift using the Marker and Pillar blueprints while Amelia Jarvis and John Carver were fighting off the Necromorphs.

The summoning stone color orbs glowed, thanks to the Feh Summoner, opening a rift and allowing Eirika and her friends to return. However, Eirika waved goodbye to her other universe counterparts. The Eirika's from Sacred Stone.

Rain watched as elderly Simon opened a rift with his spiral drill and said goodbye to him and elderly Yoko.

Captain Applecore watched as Dr. Strange opened a rift, thanks to magic.

Dash watched as Twilight jumped in first, and she soon followed behind. As they disappeared into the mirror surface, it glowed cyan and purple before finally going dim and becoming a normal mirror surface as Asteria touched it. Within the reflection, she could see what was behind her and Helena, which looked like her daughters, but when she turned to look at them, they weren't her kids; they looked like human female androids...

"... Can't be?" she said, moving closer to them and smiling. "Arev? Mizuki? How?"
The androids explained what happened, making Asteria look up at the rifts. Upon believing the androids had turned human-like. She couldn't give them a way back; the only thing they could do was watch and wait.

Fayth watched as everyone that Dawn had sent away returned and landed around her and Dawn. They were surrounded, but Fayth just laughed at it.

Midnight looked around for Amazement, only to see her on the ground, lifeless. This made her scream in pure rage, and she faced the two.


Before anyone could answer her, a rainbow light blasted out of Dawn's chest, blinding everyone...

"Making you step outside, sister!" Blitz and Braver answered.

The blanket pony shook her head, and she couldn't believe what she heard.

"I can't leave! If I do, I'll be taking away your life! Go back and save the whole multiverse and Dawn before it's too late." Her violet horn started to glow, lifting the twins and trying to send them back, but the twins fought against the magic and broke free.

"What do you mean, take our lives?" asked Blitz, pushing Braver off of her as she landed on top of her.

The blanket pony sighed, stood up, and walked up to them.

"You already must know, but you both are the slime part of the chao slime. I'm the real clone." her horn glowed brightly once more, revealing the memory of the past.

The twins could see their grandfather, the one who created them. They could see him doing testing on the black slime and soon typed into the computer with his magic.

"The reawakening of the black slime subject has been triumphant. As the old reports of the Kingdom of Night state, it has been trying to escape and absorb any magical biomatter. The glass will hold it for now, but we're still working on a solution to help reinforce it. We also don't know if the creature will grow and become more significant or stay the size it is now." he pressed a button, raising a cage from the ground, revealing a violet alicorn child asleep. "Using my failure of a daughter DNA and the failed prototype DNA, I could combine the two and create a perfect clone. The DNA from the child is a perfect match to the slime, but it seems the clone is weaker than the original. However, that doesn't matter; the clone's magical force can keep the slime happy and stable. Feeding the slime its magical energy will strengthen the slime; in turn, it will protect its host by giving back the energy to the clone, strengthening the clone. If we're lucky, the slime might even be able to control the clone to some degree." he pressed another button, making the machine move the glass tube into the glassed cage, unleashing the slime onto the sleeping Alicorn. He watched as the Alicorn quickly awakened and fought off the slime. She made it run towards the corner, trying to escape. The mad colt grunted at the failed experiment and pulled the lever, making the electricity in the cage go wild.

"The power of the slime and the clone is remarkable, even more than I hoped."

The Alicorn's horn started to glow, but it wasn't strong enough to activate and protect her, causing her to fall to the ground, twitching from the shock. Meanwhile, the slime did not react to the electricity and just watched the Alicorn from the corner.

The twins watched as the memory changed. Once again, the same experiment was being done, and, like before, it had failed. Their grandfather slammed his hooves on the computer, cursing that the clone was still rejecting the slime.

"We might have to drug the clone for the slime to bond to her!" he yelled at his assistant.

"But that would make her unstable, sir. We haven't tested any drugs on her yet."

"It doesn't matter if she is! All we need is the slime!"

As the two argued, the twins and the blanket pony watched the slime, and this time, it slowly oozed up the glassed cage, heading for an exposed wire. Once it reached it, a spark went off, shocking the slime and the glass. The slime didn't move away; instead, it absorbed the electric shock and tried to squeeze into the wire, but the sisters saw that Grandfather took notice and pulled a switch, releasing a blast of cold air into the glassed cage. The blanket pony and the twins could see the clone shaking violently from the cold air and the slime starting to freeze while screaming. It fought against the cold, but it was too much and started to freeze.

"Trying to escape, huh? This will show you!" he kept the machine on auto, releasing cold air on a timer. He looked at the time and sighed. "Watch them. I need to head for the city fair that's being held today. Being the mayor of the whole city isn't easy, you know."

"But the experiments, sir. If the clone were to break out of the cage or the slime breaks free, who knows what would happen!"

He grabbed him by his shirt. "Just keep a close eye on them or else." He threw him back and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

The lab was silent, and the twins watched the assistant as he walked around the cage, watching the slime. He shivered a bit from the cold and went up to the control panel, looking at the timer. He started to do his own thing on the computer, noticing the clone watching and hearing the slime in pain. The clone slowly moved towards it and placed her body on the slime, keeping it warm. The blanket pony and the twins didn't know what the assistant was doing but saw him smirk and turn to face the slime and the clone. He typed on the keyboard and excitedly watched the scene, but when the timer went off, the blast of cold air blasted into the cage again, making the slime scream in pain, but the clone held it tight, trying her best to keep it warm and safe.

Once again, they changed, showing their grandfather cursing as he watched as the slime and clone were friendly with each other.

"What the hell did you do?!"

The assistant backed away and tried to explain.

"I just thought the slime might need more love and care, so I did experiments where both would rely on each other, making them bound with friendship or something more. You never know until you try."

The twins watched as Grandfather slapped the assistant.

"Idiot! Do you know what you have done?! You're fired! Get out of sight, or I will use the slime on you!"

They watched as the assistant fled, and their grandfather looked back at the cage, pressing the device that unleashed its electricity. The blanket pony and the twins saw the slime covering the clone, protecting her from the shock as best it could. They could hear the slime cry, wanting their grandfather to stop, and the clone screamed in pain. The grandfather laughed as he pressed a button, shutting the machine off.

"Oh, this might be useful after all."

The scene changed, and all three could see the clone chained to the ground while the slime was in a tube in front of her, trying to escape but couldn't. Their grandfather walked into the frame, using magic to hold a device in the air.

"You two became friends, haven't you? You want to save each other, but you can't. Tell me, what will you two do if one of you is mortally wounded? Hmm?" he pressed the device, and something was injected into the tube, causing the slime to freak out and scream in pain before the tube opened, making it drip in front of the clone. They could see her crying and trying to break free from the chains. The grandfather just smirked and laughed, watching the slime's pain.

"Now, what will do? Let it die or save it? Save it by letting it combine with you like a parasite? It will be a symbiotic relationship. What will you choose?"

The blanket pony and the twins could see the clone trying to get free from the chains and crawling toward the slime, but Grandfather blasted her with a shot of electricity, stopping her and causing her to scream in pain. She was still fighting, no matter how many times he attacked her. They could see her crying and reaching for the slime, but the slime didn't move and let out a weak cry.

The clone made a sad scream, scooped up the slime, and pressed her body onto it, trying to keep it alive.

The twins watched as their grandfather was in shock, seeing the clone's eyes glow purple.

"Yes! It worked! You chose the parasitic side of the slime, and now it's time for you to evolve."

They watched as the slime slowly covered the clone until it completely covered it. The body frame slowly fell apart and became a puddle with a cracked core made up of the broken pieces of the element of harmony. Soon, the slime gathered around the core, slowly floating into the air and finally covering it until a new form took shape—a body of slime with the core still in the chest, a mouth, a pair of eyes, and wings. Grandfather was in amazement.

"A true form? No, wait."

They watched as the body became like Nightfall if she was a filly but quickly changed to filly Sky, then finally becoming just a slime pony, trying to cast its magic at the mad colt, but being just created, it was magic out was low.

"With the power of bioweapons, the pieces of the element of harmony, and the chaos slime in its purest form, I created the greatest weapon in the world!" he cheered and pressed the device, blasting cold air at the new slime pony. "The world is mine! With you, you'll break anything that dares to come against me! No one will be able to stop me!"

The slime pony didn't like the cold and flew around, trying to find a place to escape.

"Breaker of worlds. Breaker of stars. That will be your code name. Star Breaker."

Breaker fell to the ground, screaming in pain as the memory ended.

"That's what I meant by taking your life away. When I return to my true self, you two will die as if that monster did something to your slime DNA. Maybe as a fail-safe? Who knows, but I watched you two through your eyes, seeing you two grow up and have a life. A life that I won't take away from you! I'm sorry I'm part of your life, but I want you to live a happy, long life."

They watched her walk back to the tree, sitting underneath it and curling up in her blanket.

"You have family, friends, and those who love you deeply. You should go home and enjoy your life after you stop, Dawn. Please, please forget about me and move on. I'm sorry I was a bad influence on you, Blitz. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. The same goes for you, Braver."

Braver and Blitz looked at each other with confused looks, then back at her.

"What do you mean by?" asked Braver.

The blanket pony turned to them, playing with her blanket. "...for your habits you carry. Blitz, it's why you always overthink something bad and rush in without thinking, and when you realize it, you blitz it." she turned to Braver. "You are clumsy because of me, Braver. Those traits aren't your own but mine."

"So, my habit of breaking things is your fault?" asked Braver.

The blanket pony nodded. "I'm sorry for passing my habit on to you."

Blitz and Braver walked over to her and sat down. Blitz narrowed her eyes at her.

"...so, what about." she started to blush. "Our...you know, our taste in things."

The blanket pony cheeks turned red, making her hide under the blanket even more. Braver used her magic and tried to pull the blanket off as she asked her question.

"Oh! Are you the reason I'm a siscon!?"

There was silence between them until she answered no with nervousness behind her answer. Blitz worried about why their sister had to think about it that long.

"So, what about my personality?" asked Braver.

Blanket Pony looked away, telling them their personality was half hers.

"So, we're just truly nothing but fakes, huh? Man, this sucks." sighed Blitz, not liking these answers but could feel the blanket pony leaping on her.


Blitz blinked and asked her something.

"Cute?" Blitz could see her blushing and then tossing her to the wall in embarrassment.

"BLITZ!?" yelled Braver, rushing to her sister's side. She was quickly knocked away as the blanket pony darted past her. The pony tripped over the blanket and rolled into Blitz, crushing her.

"NO! I'M SORRY! OH NO!" she cried, all nervous-like, running away and hiding behind the tree. "I'm sorry!"

Blitz slowly got up and saw Braver getting up and joining her. Their third sister was right, and their traits are hers.

"She's really clumsy, so that means..." Braver jumps up and down in joy. "WE'RE CLUMSY SISTERS!"

Blitz shook her and sighed and commented on Braver's stupidity.

"SHE'S NOT STUPID!" shouted their sister as she poked her head from behind the tree, making Blitz flinch. "Braver is way smarter than you, Blitz!" she leaped out while her wings tore through the blanket and flew towards Braver, hugging her and rubbing her cheek. "She's the smartest and cutest thing in the world! You are just jealous of her cuteness!"

"YEAH! JEALOUS!" repeated Braver, feeling happy she was spoiled like a little sister.

Blitz just stared blankly at the two.

"Great, I have two siscons now..." She was gonna turn away, but her sister let go of Braver and flew right into her face, pointing her hoof at Blitz's nose.

"What's wrong with loving my dear sister? I love you just the same!" she hugged Blitz, crushing her. "You should listen to Rachel and wear cute girly clothes!" Blitz could see a pervy smile from her sister, making her nope out of the death grip.

"No thanks! I already have to deal with Rachel and Lucy about dressing more girly! I'm a tomboy and like wearing pants! And I don't like dresses! I like tank tops, jeans, and hoodies!" she screamed, quickly backing away. "And now a third person is saying the same thing?"

Their sister teleported into Blitz's face, smiling.

"Because you want to dress all cute and girly. I have seen you grow up and all your thoughts in the past."

Blitz could only stare blankly at her sister.


"You love girly things and want to dress up as a girl. It even tu—" she couldn't finish as Blitz, red in the face, punched her in the head, sending her flying across the garden and hitting the wall. Blitz quickly realized what she had done and was going to rush over, but she could see her sister slowly rising and, within seconds, was almost on her with a punch.

The punch landed into Braver's punch, protecting Blitz from the attack. They could see their sister smiling.

"You think you can beat me in strength? Ha! It's so on!" She pulled back, sat on the ground, and patted the ground in front of Braver as if she wanted to arm wrestle.

"Oh, yeah!?" laughed Braver.

"Yeah!" their sister yelled.

"BRING IT! I'M BREAKER OF STARS AFTER ALL!" yelled Braver, her face covered in darkness and having a creepy smile.
The two were gonna arm wrestle, but Blitz got between them, having enough.

"Stop, we're completely off track here! You said we'll die if you leave. How can you even be so sure about that?"

Their sister curled up, and her horn started to glow slightly. Blitz and Braver suddenly felt their bodies breaking down, melting into a puddle of slime.

"Like I said, the moment I separate from you, you will die. Whatever that monster did to you, I was unable to undo it but keep you alive." she smiled, and a small tear came out of her eye. "Only by giving you a part of me, allowing you to feed off my power." her horn went dim.

Blitz and Braver quickly re-formed, glaring at her.

"So, my speed and Braver's stupid overwhelming power aren't our own?" Blitz tsks loudly, realizing that it would make sense if they were feeding off of her. "What about Braver's magic?" asked Blitz.

"Braver has magical powers thanks to the broken pieces of the Elements of Harmony, which are a part of her. That's how Braver can use her magic when she shouldn't, as the slime has no natural way to harness magic."

Braver started to think as she walked back and forth; something wasn't adding up. "Wait, if we are part of you by feeding off your magical powers, then Blitz Core is you, correct?" She nodded to Braver's question. "Then that's how Blitz has been staying alive, but what about me? Is it because of the elements? If so, maybe we can-" she couldn't finish as their sister cut her off.

"When we became one, I copied the elements and made my core based on them, down to how I think they work. It's why we will always be one, even when we're dimensions apart. A part of me is part of your core, and I've been keeping the different pieces of the elements as one. "

Braver's mind was working hard. "If that's the case, maybe we can use my parents and aunts..."

"Nope, that's not how the elements work." Their sister cut her off again, knowing what Braver was thinking. "The elements were never meant to be used like how our universe Celestia used them. Becoming one with the user by force is much more complicated than you think, Braver."

"But how?" asked Blitz.

They watched as their sister walked back and forth and tried to explain.

"The elements don't have a proper form; they can change and become whatever form they choose. Those magical items are self-aware, too, so they can't be bonded to anyone or anything forever, even the ones they choose to bond with. They are the most powerful objects in each universe and can do anything, even destroy the universe itself." she stopped and turned to them. "Like how we destroyed our universe. If you force other elements into you or Blitz here, it will destroy you..." she became sad and tried not to show it. "Just like what happened to 'them.' The only reason you weren't destroyed, Braver, was because those elements you have are just fragments taped together and never will be at full power ever again."

It was dead silence.

Their sister could see their sad faces; she shut her eyes and turned away.

"So, that's why I can't leave in this place. If I do, you two will die, and I'm not going to take away the lives you two earned-"

"What about your life?"

Her eyes widened when she heard both of them asking her that...hearing her voice asking that question.

"You have every right to have a life outside of this prison you created! What's the point of living if you're going to be stuck within us, unable to have a life?!" cried Blitz, tears forming in her eyes.

Braver was crying, too, nodding along to Blitz's words. "We will figure it out! I'm sure you can live outside this place, and we will find a way to save ourselves! We can't live knowing that we are trapping you like this! I'M NOT GOING TO DO THAT AGAIN! NOT TO MY SISTER!" screamed Braver, slamming her hooves into the ground, shaking the tiny world in her anger.

"Braver, Blitz..."

They watched as she cried her eyes out.

"Thank you, my dearest sisters. But I already knew this, and I'm willing to do this because it's the right thing." she turned to them. "I want you two to have a wonderful life after what happened. You suffered enough, and you both deserve happiness."

"We're not letting you do this!" screamed Blitz, getting mad. "What about your damn happiness!? Why are you being so selfish?!"

"Yeah! Stop being selfish!" Braver yelled, rushing towards her and trying to pull her out of this place.

Their sister forced Braver off, pissed that they weren't going to listen to her. "Haven't you listened to what I have been telling you!? You'll die!"

"And we'll find a way to solve it!" screamed Braver, refusing to listen.

"YEAH!" screamed Blitz.

Their sister became fed up and tried teleporting them from her world.

"I'm going to do this for you two!"

She was gonna cast them out but froze at what she saw them doing.

"Stop! What are you doing!?"

In front of her, she could see Braver putting her hoof above her chest, slamming against it, and digging her hoof into it. Blitz put both her hands over her chest and slowly ripped open it, exposing her slime insides. She could see a colorful light shining out of their self-inflicted wounds and pulling out something from their chests, which she knew what it was.

"Braver, Blitz, no! STOP IT!" their sister cried out, seeing the two pulling her out of them.

"You said we're feeding off of you, right?" grunted Blitz as she pulled out a rainbow light that looked like a star.

Braver was doing the same thing and smiled at her sister in front of her. "Then we will remove you ourselves!" she flinched as she could feel the unbelieve pain from this.


They screamed as their body started to break down into melting slime. Their sister refused to let this happen, as her whole body began to glow with a rainbow magical aura, and her eyes glowed purple and blue.

"I WON'T LET YOU TWO THROW YOUR LIVES AWAY!" her horn started to create a galaxy swirl of magical energy and fired it at them. Only, it was to be blocked by a rainbow barrier, causing her to react in shock as JA and the other failed element test subjects appeared between her and her sisters. "What are you doing, friends!?"

JA tipped her hat up, giving her a sad smile. "We're not letting you throw away the chance to escape this world you created, wet blanket. Living here while you talked to us, ghost, was wonderful; you kept us going for all those years, and we're grateful, but sweet apple pie, it's time for it to end." she removed her and looked at it with a smile. "You gonna be honest with yourself, that you're not happy and just doing this because in your mind, it's the right thing, but it's not. Not for your sisters or you."


Flutterwonder steps forward, crying a bit. "Sweetie, your sisters are right; you are just rotting away with us. We're just ghosts of a dead past, a past you kept hold of because you showed us kindness that day, keeping us from completely shattering. We elements are so proud of what you've done, but you must live your life."

"No!" tears ran down her cheeks as her magic aura faded.

Remedy joined Flutterwonder side. "Darling, you gave so much for us and them. Many will call you a saint, but I say you're a big, fat, selfish idiot who keeps holding on when she can live and not worry about the past. It's time to move on. Let us give back the generosity you gave to us."

"NOOO!" her magic aura was gone.

On a clown ball, Quartz rolled up and rolled around the others and spoke while juggling rocks with faces on them. "Don't be sad! Be happy and smile; smile that you are stepping out into the world! The laughter you gave us all those years will now go on forever and ever as a memory rather than a real one! Just keep moving forward!"

"NO! PLEASE! STOP THIS! I DON'T DESERVE IT!" She could feel her heart pounding and breaking. She wanted it all to stop but sensed something from the outside world. "Huh!? It's them!?" Her eyes and body started to glow like before but more powerfully. "IF I CAN'T STOP YOU TWO! THEN THEY WILL! BY REMINDING YOU WHY YOU NEED TO LIVE!" The whole world became covered in a bright rainbow flash.

Out in the real world, the rainbow flash vanished, and Fayth could see that almost everyone was gone; the only ones left were most of the ones that appeared through the rifts.

"!-ʇsnſ ʇɐɥM" She quickly realized what was happening, and her arm became a black dead tree with sharp branches. "!ՈO⅄ ƎΛOꟽƎᴚ ⅄⅂⅂ⱯNIℲ I ᴚƎꞱℲⱯ ƎꞱIᴚMƎᴚ SIHꞱ OꞱNI ꓘƆⱯᗺ ԀƎꞱS ՈO⅄ ꞱƎ⅂ Ʇ'NOM I" She unleashed the branches towards Dawn, almost completely covered in darkness again. But a grape-shaped barrier appeared around her, trying to repel the attack.

Fayth could see Grape above Dawn, sweating as she did her all to protect her.


Soon, Plum joined her side, creating a plum-shaped barrier to help her dear friend.

"A wonderful magical girl goddess told us that if we pick the one thing in the world we want to protect, we will protect it to the end! She's worth protecting! She has a chance!"

Fayth grunted when she heard that.

Both barriers started to give way until Spitflame and Rainbow Light entered the barrier and unleashed their attacks on the branches as they broke through.

"So long as I hold radiance in my hands, so long as my heart beats with faith, the hardships of our world and others will not fetter my steps!" shouted Spitflame, blasting her flaming light, burning the black wood.

"Pure evil and a little torment is nothing to be afraid of. But there's never anything pure there; that's what's terrifying. But I won't ever back down from that. My job is to bring justice to those that need it; I won't stand by as you murder this girl!" yelled Rainbow Light, her sword shining like a bright red star as she chopped down the endless branches, sending the cut-off parts into the ground.

"!⅂⅂Ɐ ՈO⅄ NꟽⱯᗡ"

Fayth could see everyone else was joining in to stop her.

Lunar and her sister covered the sides as Fayth tried to redirect her attack at them.

"Martial arts is not for hurting people; it's for protecting people, and I won't stay by as you kill this poor child!" barked Light, punching with all her might.

Lunar used all her power to keep the branches at bay. "There are many ways to win, which also means many ways to lose. Everybody’s beatable, even you!"

Again, Fayth redirected her branches and emerged underground, racing towards Dawn. However, it was quickly blasted by magical spells and gunfire.

Amelia shotgun blasted each branch that got near while Diamond, Twila, and Lyra used their magic to block the others.

"I once asked Aaira if good men are good when we hurt, kill the ones we love, or let others die because we couldn't take the risk. She told me good men mean well; we don't always end up doing well. We're only human; we all make mistakes. There is no good and evil; there just is. Whatever road life takes you down, you can sometimes tell what's right and wrong, but when the lines get blurred, and you are scared, hurt, angry, whatever the reason may be, you may do things or be forced to do things in those moments you wouldn't normally do. But in the end, everyone can fix their mistakes, and that's how it goes. That's just the way life works, and I'll be damn if I let you take that away from this girl who is hurting after losing someone!" shouted Amelia, blocking a branch and smacking it away with her shotgun, only for the branch to hit her helmet, leaving an exposed scar, revealing her crying eye.

Diamond stood there, her shield taking all the hits while her diamond dust cut the branches to shreds. "My armor's heavy. It makes me slow, and I can't keep up with 'em, even with magic. The thing is, that's my job! I'm an armored knight. Take away this thick armor, and I couldn't protect anybody! There's no way I will stop doing my job and protect those who need it!"

Fayth couldn't understand why her higher being strength was not ending these fools as she did with the others. Lyra took notice of her confused face, making her smirk as she kept deflecting the branches with her jade sword, which danced around everyone, aiding them.

"I've learned a lot by spending time with everyone here and those I lost all those years ago. I've repeatedly seen that raw strength isn't enough to win. If it were, I'd never be standing here. But I can hold my own with Queen Eirika, our friends, and our new friends by my side because I've got agility and technique to aid them rather than just raw strength. Skill on its own isn't enough, either, though. If you want to win, you need heart most of all. Something you lack, so that's why we're gonna win!"

Twila cast a protection spell over Dawn, saving her from branches that got through, and pointed her palm at Fayth, firing off a powerful spell containing all the elements of magic. "I don't know much about my real mother, but she had to be a very lovely person. I like to think my mother held me close and protected me until the very end, you know? Something that she passed on to me. Still...I'm grateful to Eirika and Kuu for saving me from my fate. The truth is, without them, my friends, teacher, and everyone in the Mane Company... Well, I wouldn't be alive. But you know what? It also means I was never alone. That's why I will do all I can to protect this girl from the same fate!"

Fayth raised her other arm, creating another dead black tree branch, sending it at them, only for bombs to stick to it and blow up.

Tracker blinked in front of Twila while Nightmare, with Red rubbing her tail, landed.

"The world could always use more heroes, regardless of whether they have powers or not. Every hand reaching out to someone is a hand that can save someone. So long as we have someone reaching out for us, we can survive the darkest of times, you cheeky bastard!" said Tracker, firing her twin pistols while blinking to dodge the branches.

"I have one rule that I always follow: No killing, no matter the situation or the enemy. That's a hard line I won't cross, and I'll stop anyone who tries to kill. If you want to kill, fine. You'll have to go through me first, and that ain't happening," snarled Nightmare, slashing any branches that got too close to the others with her arm guards. "Someone told me it all takes one bad day to turn a decent person into a monster. The same goes for the reverse, too. I'm living proof of that. So can that girl behind me." she narrowed her eyes at Fayth. "Same with you."

Red nodded her head, rubbing Nightmare's tail and tossing knives that tried to get a sneak attack from behind. "I prefer to be alone. That was how I was raised as a weapon: never open up to others and be all alone. When Nanna found me, she asked me a simple question about family, and I told her; family? I do not have a family. I have always been alone. Having a family is important?" she finally let go of Nightmare's tail and vanished, reappearing across the battlefield, slashing down any branches she could get. "Years later, I asked Layla for the answer, asking if Nanna, her, and everyone at Cantorlot Island sees me as a family member, me, a walking and breathing weapon, and she told me." she paused, remembering that day. "They do; they see me for who I am, not for what I was created for. They're my family." She grabbed a branch before it could stab Dawn. "I can smell the same scent from this girl, and your awful scent is all over her. You took away whatever family she had, and I'll make sure you never hurt her again."

Fayth screamed in rage, her eyes almost revealed as they were being hidden in the darkness. She released sharp thorns from the branch that Red was holding on to, hoping to stab her, but a shadow broke the branch in time, saving her. Fayth could see Nanna stepping near Red's side.

"Even if no one understands me... I'll keep going on my chosen path. Maybe it will incinerate me to dust... But if I don't do it, no one can." Nanna closed her eyes, smiling. "Layla, my daughter, said that to someone hurting her, and she was right. Everyone needs help, even if the people you help don't understand why you are doing it, even if it means it might kill you; someone has to help others, even if it's just one person." she looked up in the sky, making Fayth look up and seeing Nova heading towards her and unleashing a powerful fire and ice attack.

"That someone was me! I lost my way, thinking my dawn hadn't risen, and was left alone! I did awful things to her, to my best friend in the world!" she kept rushing towards Fayth, who was taking the attack like it was nothing, making Nova growl. "But she always continued, even when we fought and crossed blades. She always shared her dawn with me, even when it was imperfect. But now, I'll share the light of my dawn with everyone and give that girl the happiness she deserves!"
Fayth could hear Nova's swords digging into her chest and becoming face-to-face with her.

"!ՈO⅄ ℲO ⅂⅂Ɐ .noʎ ɟo llⱯ" Fayth unleashed pulse way, knocking Nova off. Only for a shield to smack her in the face, which came from Captain Apple Core, who caught the shield and protected herself from a tree branch.

"The price of freedom is high; it always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I die trying, then so be it. You won't control or kill this poor girl!"

Enmity phased through everyone as she flew towards Fayth, spreading her arms out and trying to stop her from hurting anyone else.

"It took me time to realize my heart is for what data can't do... and I know it was thanks to someone that I found my way! So I'm gonna help her find her way! Please, stop this! You have the means to end this!"

Fayth growled when she saw Enmity's smile. "?!⅁NIꞱƆƎꞱOᴚԀ NI ᗡᴚⱯH OS ƎᴚⱯ ⅂⅂Ɐ ՈO⅄ ꞱⱯHꞱ ᴚƎꞱSNOꟽ ꞱⱯHꞱ ꞱՈOᗺⱯ ƎᴚⱯƆ NƎΛƎ ՈO⅄ Oᗡ ⅄HM !ᴚƎH ƎꓘI⅂ ᗡNՈOS ՈO⅄ ℲO ⅂⅂Ɐ"

Enmity went from red to white, lowering her arms and holding them together. "Empathy, we feel empathy towards her. When Amazement and Discord told us how she wanted to eat the twins, to see the one person again told us everything. She's hurting because she lost someone dear to her. Even if she killed someone or many more, she still had a chance. A chance we all are willing to give her." she turned to everyone below. "Everyone here, and even myself, were given chances in one or another." she turned back to Fayth. "We won't allow you to take that away from her. We know you made her into that!"

Fayth was gonna say something, but she and everyone could see Dawn screaming and transforming. This made Fayth smile and stopped her attack.

".ploɥ llnɟ ɓuᴉʞɐʇ ʎllɐuᴉɟ sᴉ ɹǝɥ uo ǝʇᴉɹʍǝɹ ǝɥʇ ǝʞᴉl sʞool ʇI"

Again, Fayth disappeared, letting them all watch as Dawn's face

became a black hole, and her horn returned somehow. Her laughter echoed across the white void and somehow turned it all black. The multiverse tree disappeared, and in its place, a black sun slowly rose from the horizon, making the black water coming from the Elyndra rift hiss as the water became hot. Everyone ready themselves for the coming fight, while Midnight held Amazement in her arms as she was watching her die from her mortal wound.

Amazement smiled at her as her whole body disappeared into a white orb of lights.
"She made her choice and didn't toss it. Save her, teacher. Don't let her keep suffering anymore." she slowly closed her eyes. "Honeybun, I'm coming..."

With her final words, Midnight watched as Amazement entirely disappeared into nothingness, leaving behind no trace of her. Without saying a word, she stood up and joined the others in the battle but had tears in her eyes.

"What!? Where are we!?" asked Wallflower, as everyone found themselves inside a garden with a lone tree.
Before anyone could ask the same question, a pony wrapped in a rainbow blank came to them, begging them to make them stop.

"All of you are the only ones who can stop them! Please, stop them from killing themselves!"

Everyone looked over and saw Blitz and Braver melting as slime as they tried to pull a rainbow light from their chest. AJ and her friends could see JA and others. They walked up to them, asking what was going on.

JA put back on her hat. "Remember what we asked from you all? To help her, make her face the truth, and show her that the outside world is worth living in. Show her what it's like to have real friends and loved ones, not fake ones like us. Ghosts of the past, please, AJ. The twins want to give it to her but at the cost of their own lives, but it's the choice they made on their own. They're fighting for her sake even if it meant they would no longer be alive."

AJ and the girls looked over to the twins, seeing Braver looking at them, having an expression that said don't stop her. It's the same expression they always see in Twilight when she's about to do the right thing and save the day.

"Please, stop her!" called out the pony, but saw AJ and the others turning to face her, having the same looks as her friends.

"Our little niece is like Twi; she knows what's best and always does the right thing. We trust her and her sister, and if it means helping you step out of this weird place, then so be it." AJ started to cry and talked again, not to the pony but to Braver. "We love you."

The other girls follow suit, telling Braver they love and are proud of what she has done for others, as they, too, start to cry.
The pony couldn't believe this and turned to rest, seeing Braver's friends walking past and standing alongside AJ and the group.

"She will die!? Don't you care!?"

Cozy spoke as she tried to fight back her tears. "We do care! But this blockhead is always doing the right thing, no matter the risk. We can all see her greatness." She sniffed and cried. "Braver is our friend; we will stand by her until the end. And if that means saving a stranger's life, we will do it because Braver sees you as worth saving."

"She's my sister, Cozy. She's worth saving rather than letting her rot here, in ourselves; she has been within us for so long that she tossed away her own life so we can have one, and that's not fair!" Braver replied, making Cozy and her friends turn to her and nod in agreement.

The pony couldn't believe this, even more so when Blitz's aunts and friends joined the others and stood by their sides.

Sunset wiped her eyes and tried to be strong. "This is so Blitz, giving her happiness to others rather than herself. Even if it meant it cost her life, she would still give up her happiness to make someone smile. I know this is right, even if it hurts like hell. If it's for her sister, for you, then we will stand by your sister and her actions." Blitz's friends and aunts all agree; some fight back tears.

The pony shook her head in great disbelief. "No... I can't believe this!" she turned to Lucy and Luster, who looked at her with a sad smile as if they were crying.

"Blitz is the Rainbow Comet, a superhero! She is saving you for a reason, and I won't step in her way. I can't even if another part of me screams to stop her. Her sister is right. It's not fair. They want you to live an authentic life, not an illusion of one. Blitz is doing the right thing; we can't stop them. We should never stop them."

"My counterpart is correct, so don't ask us to step in. Let them help you."

The pony backed away and turned to the heroes who saved her sisters ten years ago, but they, too, refused to stop them.

Terra removed her visor, crying. "I have seen a lot of good lives wasted; don't waste this chance of having a life. It's the reason we saved your sisters and now, you."

"It's not about worth; it's about life. Your life is worth living, no matter what, no matter what you think or feel. Every life is worth saving. You are worth saving." Flare gave her a sad smile of hope. "Let them save you."

Flash tried to do her classic big grin but couldn't as her sadness was too much. "As long as you keep fighting and not giving up, your sisters will always be here with you, in your heart and soul. They're fighting spirit will never burn out! As long you keep them in your heart, they'll never truly disappear."

"Don't be brave for yourself; be brave for your sisters. Show them you are brave and will continue to live on for them." wept Berry as Flare held her.

Aaira's helmet opened up, revealing her sad face. "You have to let this place go. You can't keep living like this. If you do, you'll never move forward. I was like that for a very long time, thinking of the past and letting my regrets, shame, and guilt eat me up and keep me trapped for a long time. I didn't want to let go because I'd have nothing if I did. I'd be empty. But I'm not, not anymore." Lil Star followed next to Aaira and continued for her. "Because she finally let go and moved forward, she found happiness in living."

"But..." The pony couldn't speak; she was overwhelmed with emotion.

"My mother always told me not to see the world as it was but as it could be. I want you to have a better future—a dawn for you to see and treasure, a new beginning in life." Wanda removed her glasses, using her arm to hide her weeping eyes.

"Make your dawn, make a new light, and create a new life. Make a better future, a new tomorrow. Even if it's not perfect or the best or without your sisters. It's yours and all those you want to share it with. Make the sun rise for your sisters, and they will make the sun rise for you. They will shine in your heart, showing the world you are the light." said Layla, crying her heart out.

Eirika stabbed her sword into the ground, keeping herself together as best as possible. "We're here for you and everyone else. So, stand tall, stand proud, and others will stay with you. You aren't alone, and your new life awaits." Aero nodded in agreement.

The pony backed further away, bumping into the tree, crying. "No! I don't want them to die for me! I DON'T CARE ABOUT MYSELF AS LONG THEY'RE ALIVE! IT'S NOT FAIR!"

Bolt and Heat returned to their normal state and landed next to each other, holding each other hooves. Bolt wagged her wing like a finger. "Just smile."

This caused the pony to flinch from hearing that.

"Bolt is correct. Just smile, knowing your sisters gave you a chance to have a life and even the chance to smile genuinely."

Rain helped Dr.Wonder up, who spoke. "Your sisters are doing what is right and fighting for what they believe in. Even if no one will back them up, even if they are alone, they keep going. Never stop being themselves; never stop being the person they are. They want you to live and be like that."

Rain removed her glasses and pointed to the heavens.

"Be happy, laugh, cry, and be sad. Thanks to your sisters, you can now choose all of them as you live without being trapped in a hole for the rest of your life. Believe in yourself. Not in you who believes in us or your sisters, not in us or your sisters who believe in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself.”

The pony watched as they all stepped aside, revealing Nightfall and Sky, who looked at her with a big smile.

"M-mothers?" whispered the pony, feeling somewhat calm as she saw them. She didn't even realize her horn glowed.
Nightfall and Sky glowed, and with a bright flash, the fusion was undone, releasing Twila, Twilight, Dash, and Dashie from them.

"Sweetie," Nightfall said motherly as she walked over and held her. "We have been here since your sister went on to live their lives, and we lived in this small tiny world with you, and we will always treasure it, but it's time."

Sky joined them and held her close as well.

"Yup, sweet pea, it's time to spread your wings and move out! Your mom and I need our fun time!" she smirked but stopped. She could see the annoyed face on Nightfall and hear Dash and Dashie calling her an idiot. She coughed. "Hahaha, just joking. But for real, it's time to spread your wings and see the world not through your sister's eyes and your own. Be brave, and never forget your sisters and us. We will always be with you."

The pony cried as she hugged her moms.

"It's not fair, Momma, not fair!"

"Sweetie, nothing in life is ever fair. You can't have everything you want or get what you deserve, but that's okay. Not every battle can be won, not every dream can come true, and not every wish will be granted. It's a painful fact, but a fact of life." Nightfall told her with a big smile, nuzzling her cheek.

Sky joined in. "Life can be unfair, but that makes it worth living. It's what makes you keep going, what gives you a reason to fight and believe. No matter how painful it is or how much you wish to turn back time and change the past. But, even though you can't, even though things can't go back to the way they were, no matter how many times you're beaten down, the world will never stop turning. It keeps moving on, no matter what. Like you have to do, move forward."

The pony kept crying, feeling her whole body tremble.

"Mommy, Mummy, I can't!"

"Honey, fly into the sky, and you'll see the sky is endlessly wide. Keep moving forward, and the world will be endless. It's endless possibilities and dreams, and all are waiting for you. Don't be afraid; be brave, and be the hero your sisters believe you to be. As you are the only person who can save her."

"Your sisters believe in you, and that's why they're passing on their hope and lessons to you, making them pass on their inspiration. Making you help stop those who will break the world and help give others a chance to keep the world together. Never breaking or someone coming in and changing someone's life for the worse. Be their beacon and shine, making your sister's hopes and dreams live on in you and your own. Move forward and help others do the same."

The pony said nothing, only holding on to her mothers until they let her go. This made her look forward, and she saw her sister's parents looking at their daughters.

All four held each other's hands and started to sing to their daughters, who began to merge as their slime melted together, almost freeing the rainbow light from their chests.

"You've come such a long, long way.
And we've watched you from that very first day.
To see how you might grow
To see what you might do
To see what you've been through
And all the ways you've made me proud of you."

Twilight smiled and wanted to be at her daughter's side but knew she couldn't. "Sweetheart, you carry the spark within you, showing you're brave, smart, and caring. I'm proud of the mare you became and happy you chose Dash and me as your parents. Thank you, thank you for allowing us to love you." Twilight broke down, making Dash hold her and say her own goodbyes. "Braver, I know we weren't the greatest parents in the world, as we had highs and lows, but I'm glad you kept loving and believing in us. Thank you for allowing us to love you and raising you." Dash couldn't hold it anymore and let it all out.

Twilah removed her glasses and just cried her eyes out as she spoke to Blitz. "I wish I could have been a better mother, being there for you more often, and now I will never get that chance to make it up to you. So, let me tell you that I'm glad you picked Dashie and me; these five years are the best years of my life. Seeing the woman you become. I love you, and I always will."

Dashie held Twilah and had a brave face as she spoke. "It's every parent's nightmare to outlive their children, and I worried this day would come, but I will say, you are the best thing that has ever happened to us, Blitz. You are our rainbow, the hope in our lives, and we'll always be with you. Thank you for allowing us to call you daughter." she looked away, not wanting Blitz to see her cry.

With one final tug, both twins tore out the rainbow light, making it disappear. Their bodies slowly became one, becoming how they really looked like, and with both their voices mixed as one, they smiled.

"We love you too, mothers."

Soon, the whole world started to fade away. Everyone vanished into the darkness, leaving only two people as they stood before each other. The two sisters.

The fused twin's softy hugged their pony sister.
"Only you can do it, sister. She needs you to come and save her, just like your different timeline self did or she will forever be stuck in her nightmare. Only you can free her."

The pony felt a sense of warmth coming from her sisters.

"We love you, and we will always be with you. So, go save her, save her like your other self wants." they started to melt away, making their sister try to hold on to them more.

"...I will. I'll make her move forward, I promise." Her blanket started to fade away as she began to take form. "Before you go, please call me by something. Please give me a name I want you two to call me by. Please."

"Okay," said the fused twin. They smiled, and soon, their voice merged once again. "Our dear sweet sister, R..."
The pony heard what their dying sisters called her by, and the meaning behind it made her cry with sadness and joy. She knew she had a wonderful gift and would cherish it always.

"Thank you, sisters. Thank you."

With that, the twins were gone, melting into nothingness, leaving behind only the purple jacket, and she was now alone. Her blanket faded away, revealing her new body and clothes. She held up the jacket and put it on, changing the purple to a puffy rainbow jacket. She looked up and blasted off into the void, just like a rainbow comet.

In the real world, Midnight and the others were severely hurt as Dawn was unstoppable; she was a living black hole that was sucking up the world and absorbing anything she could.

As they feared this might be the end, they all could see a rainbow flash within Dawn's black hole chest. Soon, a rainbow light blasted out, and Twilight and everyone appeared again. The only ones not there were Sky, Nightfall, and their friends. They were all covered in a rainbow aura, which spread toward Midnight and the others, and they were lifted to the sky, away from the burning black water as it started to become hotter.

Black Hole Dawn noticed a figure standing before her, making her stagger backward, and she did not believe what she saw.
"...no, it can't be!"

Standing there, with a happy smile on her face, was an anthro Alicorn mare.

"Hello, Dawn."

Dawn finally recovered and slowly reached out to her, wanting to know if she was real.

"Blitzkrieg Rainbow? My comet light, is that you? Really you?"

The mare shut her eyes, shaking her head in disappointment.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not. I'm not your Blitzkrieg Rainbow or your comet light."

Dawn couldn't believe it, but her heart sank when the mare said that.

"Who are you then?"

She opened her eyes, with tears in her eyes, as she felt proud to say her name.

"My sisters called me this. It's not just my name, but theirs as well. It's Rainbow Spark! I'm the living spark within us all, the reason to keep moving forward!" Spark and Dawn slowly started to walk to the left as they continued to talk.
"I was once a weapon to hurt others, but that's not my fate! My story is what I want it to be, and that's honoring my sisters by not only helping you." they started to run now. "But others across the multiverse! I want to see others move on from their past and become someone new. Be the hero and savior for others, like I did for my sisters and them for me! So, that's why..."

Dawn tried to blast her, but she vanished, and suddenly, she felt a warm hug from behind.

"No one deserves a sad fate, no matter who it is. Everyone deserves a happy ending—even you, Dawn! No matter how cruel, no one is ever truly bad. Everyone can be given a second chance! You have to listen to their story and try to understand. I can't give you a happy ending, but I can allow you to write your ending. Write a story where you can be happy and have a wonderful life, not alone and scared." said Spark lovingly. "So, please stop trying to destroy the multiverse and come with me! Let me save you! Let me make your story into a happy ending! Please, believe in me!"

Dawn felt Spark's body heat and heard her own heartbeat when she heard that speech from before, from her dead lover. Something crack, making her scream and push Spark and running away from her.


Spark was a little caught off guard but quickly went after all, spreading her wings and taking off like a rainbow comet.

Within Dawn's mind, she could remember the awful thing she had done to her Rainbow, killing her by stabbing her over and over. She didn't want to fight another version of her love; she just wanted to be far from her.

"You need to stop running, Dawn."

Dawn could see Spark by her side, running super quick, not even breaking a sweat as she left behind a comet trail.

"I know running away is easy; it makes everything painless. But, it's also not the answer."

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" shouted Dawn as she kept running, trying to ignore her.

"Don't understand what? That you are hurting? Hurting from what that girl did to you, making you into a monster? She changed your story, and she made you kill your love! What is it that I don't understand?"

"That you can never understand the pain of having the one thing you loved, the only thing that was ever good in your life, ripped away from you, making you do unspeakable things. You have no idea how much it hurts!"

"I do know." Spark's face turned hard. "My sisters are gone because they gave their lives so I can finally be outside, to be here with you. I'll never have a chance to be with them or in my life. Knowing that I can never see them again."

Dawn was surprised and felt her pain.

"But I'm going to honor their sacrifice, their love, and not make their death be in vain. Like I said, I'm here to help you move forward, taking those few steps to make the ending of your story a happy one. To allow you to have the happy ending that should have been yours."

"I told you! I can't have a happy ending, and no one can help me, no matter how often someone tries to make it happen!" she created a black hole, trying to suck her in.

But Spark pushed right through it, still moving forward, not letting the black hole slow her down one bit.
"That's the thing, Dawn. No one can force you to get a happy ending, but they can show you the way. Ultimately, you are the writer of your story, and they can give you ideas and inspiration. All the help you can ask for."

Dawn tried to use her gravity magic, trying to slow her down.


"But it is! She would want you to keep going, live on, and find the happiness you deserve."

"She was the only thing I wanted in my life, and now she's gone."

Spark eyes glowed bright rainbow, covering Dawn in a rainbow aura and forcing her to stop. She slowed down and pressed her hand on Dawn's chest, feeling the damaged orb within, feeling the bleeding of rainbows as it soaked her hand.

"She's not gone, not yet. Your twisted mind wants her back, but you sometimes forget she's still here." She dug her hand into the hole, carefully grabbing and pulling something slowly. The core revealed itself so familiar to her. "Just like mine..." she thought as she set it on the ground and watched a slime version of herself being morph and now stand between them.

"What?" whispered Dawn, seeing the slime Blitzkrieg, who smiled at her while melting away.

Spark held the melting hand and closed her eyes, horn glowing, allowing her different timeline self to speak through her.
"Dawn, my clingy Dawn. I love you so much. Like I told you long ago, I will save you and stay true to that. I kept holding on, even losing myself to the madness because of the chaos slime; I still kept fighting to stay in this world. I waited for another version of me to appear in this new timeline." She slowly walked and touched Dawn's cheek, wiping away the blackhole and returning to her regular face. "To save you from her influence and help you have a happy ending, an ending without me."
The slime Blitzkrieg placed her forehead over Dawn's, touching it. "Please, for me. Move on. I'm not worth carrying within your heart for all your life, and before saying something silly like you always do, know this." She leaned in, kissing her. Dawn closed her eyes and kissed her back, not caring about the slime on her lips. She pulled back, breaking the kiss. "I don't want to see you like this, seeing you blame yourself for something that was never your fault." she slowly started to fall apart as the remaining energy within the damaged core gave out. "I love you, and I always will. But I want you to love someone else, someone better than me. Move on and have the happy life you deserve, not for me, but for you. Goodbye, my clingy Dawn."

The slime melted away, leaving only a puddle and her damaged grey-out core. The puddle slowly evaporated into nothingness. Dawn fell to her knee, crying, but Spark picked up the core and sat in front of her, handing it to her.

"She's gone. But she left something for you, not to cling and remember her but to look at and remember what she wanted for you." the core slowly melted and became a puffy rainbow jacket, just like the one that Spark is wearing. She removed Dawn's old leather jacket and helped her put on the new jacket. "There."

Spark got up, smiling at Dawn's new jacket, which gave a rainbow aura, dispelling the darkness and returning Dawn's former colors. At long last, she was free.

Dawn clung to the jacket, crying as she slowly became a white orb of lights. "Thank you. Thank you, my comet light."
With that, the nightmare ended as Dawn disappeared into an orb of colorful lights. Spark kept looking where the lights vanished and finally saw the black void. She gathered all her magical energy and glared at something before her.

"You'll pay for changing her and others' fates!" she raised her fist into the air and slammed it into the ground, cracking the world and quickly scattering, returning everything to normal. There were no rifts in sight, no rift towards Elyndra; everything was back the way it was. The only ones standing were her and Fayth.

"!ǝǝs I ,splɹoʍ ɟo ɹǝʞɐǝɹq llᴉʇS" joked Fayth.

"Yeah, guess I'll never lose that title." she cracked her knuckles but needed to ask something. "You are called Fayth, a higher being who controls others' fates, like what you did to Dawn, but I need to ask you something."

Fayth tip her head to the side. "?ʇɐɥM"

"We met before, right? When looking at you, I have these weird feelings. Feelings like I knew you or met you. You remind me of someone, someone special, so much that I feel like we were-" Spark punched a dead tree branch before it could reach her.

Fayth lowered her arm, restoring it to normal. ".lɐoɓ ʎɯ ɓuᴉɥɔɐǝɹ ɯoɹɟ ǝɯ ɓuᴉddoʇs ,ǝpᴉs ʎɯ uᴉ uᴉɐd ɐ uǝǝq sʎɐʍlɐ ǝʌɐɥ no⅄ .ʇɐɥʇ ɹǝʌǝu ǝɹǝʍ ǝM"

"And that is?"

Both turned to the side, seeing a white Alicorn, who walked up and sat down.

"Her goal is to write into the book of Elyndra, wiping out all of creation. In her eyes, that's her true ending to everything and the ending she believes everyone should have. That's her way of giving everyone a happy ending, even if she doesn't care if they want it or not." explained the Alicorn.

"And you are?" asked Spark, feeling she met this Alicorn before.

"My name is Lauren Faust, the author of the prime universe of FiM." She pointed to the prime multiverse tree. "And I'm here to stop her and help you with that goal." Lauren looked at Spark, wanting to hug her. "I'm happy to see you again, my student."

"Student?" questioned Spark, but Fayth started to laugh before Lauren could answer her.

".ʎɹoʇs ǝɥʇ ɟo ʇɟǝl s'ʇɐɥʍ ɓuᴉʎoſuǝ ʇsnſ ǝɹɐ ʎǝɥʇ puɐ ,ǝɯ doʇs oʇ ɓuᴉʎɹʇ dn ǝʌɐɓ puɐ ʇɥɓᴉl ǝɥʇ ʍɐs ʎǝɥꞱ .noʎ llᴉʇs sᴉ ɓuᴉʎɹʇ ǝuo ʎluo ǝɥʇ ,ʇuᴉod sᴉɥʇ oʇ dn ,ʎɥʍ s'ʇɐɥʇ ;ǝɯ doʇs ɹǝʌǝu uɐɔ sɹoɥʇnɐ ɹǝɥʇo ǝɥʇ puɐ no⅄"

"We will stop you," growled Lauren, standing on her hooves. "You won't ever get your way! No matter how often you restart everything in a different direction, it will all end the same, and you will fail every time!"

".ɓuᴉuuᴉʍ uᴉ ǝɯ pᴉɐ llᴉʍ ʇɐɥʇ ɓuᴉɥʇǝɯos punoɟ I .ǝʇᴉɹʍǝɹ sᴉɥʇ uᴉ ʇoN" she turned to Spark, giving her a grin. ".uoos noʎ ɓuᴉǝǝs ǝq ll'I" She was gonna create a gateway, but Spark teleported in front of her, causing her to laugh with glee. "?ɥnɥ...ʇɥɓᴉɹ ,ʇɥɓᴉɟ oʇ ʇuɐʍ no⅄ ?ɥO" she felt Spark petting her head, which made Spark realize what she had done, backing off.

"Sorry!? My body just moved on its own!? I don't know why!?" she coughed and was gonna give a speech about stopping her, but Fayth looked up at her. She couldn't see Spark's face at all because Spark's ample breasts were in the way.
Fayth grits her teeth and smacks Spark's chest, making her stumble backward.

"!ƎꞱIᴚMƎᴚ HƆⱯƎ HꞱIM ᴚƎ⅁⅁Iᗺ ⅁NIꞱꞱƎ⅁ S⅄ⱯM⅂Ɐ SI ꞱSƎHƆ ,NꟽⱯᗡ !uᴉɐɓɐ ʇɐɥʇ op ɹǝʌǝ noʎ ʇ'uoᗡ" She created a portal and left the world, but Spark swore she could see Fayth touching her own chest before disappearing.

Spark rubbed her chest. "What the hay, she hit hard."

Lauren giggled and walked up to her, summoning an old-looking book and handing it to her. Spark opened the book, read it, and flipped the pages without a word. With each page, her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open.

"This is my story, my or better term, the other versions of me and their journey," Spark spoke softly, not believing what she was reading.

Lauren nodded. "You can read the rest later. For now, we need to go after her!" Lauren created a gateway herself and turned to Spark, who stopped reading the book and looked over to Blitz and Braver's parents, family, friends, and their heroes. "Do you want to say goodbye to them? They are your-"

"No, no. They're my sister's family and friends, not mine. I don't have family or friends here or anywhere. I'm just a stranger here, and they'll be fine without me." she closed her eyes, covering them all in her magical aura and creating a prism window. She forced them towards it, seeing them all falling through it. The last ones were Braver and Blitz's parents, calling out to her, no. Calling out to their daughters before disappearing. "Besides, they don't want me but my sisters."

"I see," whispered Lauren.

Spark opened her book, read a page, and looked at Lauren. "Let's go...teacher."

Spark shut the book and rushed towards the gateway, vanishing. Lauren looked back, looking at where Spark had sent everyone. She saw within the prism window that everyone ended up back in Twilight and Dash Equestria. She rushed into the gateway, shutting close when she vanished.

The End...?

Author's Note:

Spark art done by @LateCustomer on Twitter; go buy an art commission from them! They do beautiful anthros!

And we're at the end. Yup, Sky, Nightfall, Blitz, and Braver are somewhat based off the Suguri/Sora series(heck I've been hinting about it for a long time, lol only one person got to figure it out as they DM for something)

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