• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

  • ...

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Chapter 1: Breaking Points

"My head!" Dash sat up and could see the Braver room destroyed and in ruins; the wall was damaged, the bed was on the other side of the room, her closet was broken, and her window was shattered. She soon noticed Braver standing and looking at someone. Dash was about to turn to the person Braver was looking at but was quickly picked up and tossed to the side.

"Man...what happened?" Dashie asked as she sat up and noticed who she had pushed off of her body.

Both Dashes looked at each other, not believing what they saw, as they saw their counterparts again. Dashie pulled Dash's cheek hard, causing Dash to shout in pain, and quickly did the same to Dashie, causing her to shout in pain.

"OUCH!" they shouted together as they pulled a second time.

"Y-Your real! I'm not dreaming!" Dashie, with tears filling her eyes.

"Same here!" cried Dash as well.

They looked at each other, happy they were together, but both Dashes saw as Twilight moved the bed off her and rubbed her head.

"What hit me?" asked Twilight as she stood up, but quickly, she was met with Twilah as she stood up, too, and asked the same question. Both Twilights quickly noticed each other and were both at eye level, which surprised Twilah, as she remembered Twilight being smaller.

"Twilight...is that you?? YOU LOOK TALL!" Twilah asked as the sudden hug took Twilight back.

"Yeah, is that you, Twilah?" she returned the hug, and they were both happy to see each other again.

"What's going on? Why is this happening?"Dash said as she flew up in the air.

"I don't know!" replied Dashie as she stood on her knees and shook her head, still recovering from the sudden blast.

Everyone suddenly looked in the middle of the room and saw the twins standing there. Both were crying as they looked at each other. The girls slowly approached each other, and Blitz lowered herself to Braver's height and smiled.

"See, I'm not the little sister," Blitz wiped her tears and smirked at her sister.

"B-Blitz!" cried Braver, who hugged her twin.

"Braver!" cried back Blitz as she returned the hug.

"Sis!" Braver happily shouted as she tightened the hug.

"S-sis! H-Hug is too tight!" Blitz started to tap her sister back, feeling her spine being crush

Braver quickly let go and blushed as she watched Blitz cough for air and rub her back.

"You always do that..." coughed Blitz.

"Hehe, yeah, sorry," replied Braver.

Both girls were about to say something but quickly heard loud coughing coming from the sides of the room and saw their parents. They were not very happy...well, they were, but still.

"Blitz, care to explain this?" asked Dashie, standing up finally.

"Braver, you're not in trouble, but I'm curious to know what happened," Twilight told her daughter as she moved the bed upright.

"Well, you see..." replied Braver, but she was cut off as Dawn entered the room, checking to see what happened.

"What happens...huh? Who are you? In fact, what are you?" asked Dawn as she saw the other Twilight and the other creatures in the room.

Before Braver could explain everything, Blitz grabbed her sister and booked it out of the room, causing their parents to yell at them.

Dash chased after them. "Hey! Where are they going?"

"Not sure, but let's go!" shouted Dashie as she chased after them as well.

Dash and Dashie ran after Blitz, who was holding a confused Braver. It wasn't long before Dash caught up to them.

"HA! You can't outrun me, Blitz. I'm the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria!" Dash grabbed Blitz's shoulder, but she was quickly met with a smug look from Blitz.

"I'm faster!" replied Blitz as she went into her anthro form and took off with a giant blast of wind, knocking back Dash into Dashie, who caught her.

"What the hay!" Dash watched Blitz soaring through the castle halls and out to the garden, flying into the night sky within five seconds flat. She had never seen that kind of speed before; not even she could do that in her prime.

Dashie let Dash go, looking into the sky. "Crap, what did you say to her!"

"I just said I was the fastest," replied Dash.

Dashie sighed as she heard that. "Blitz doesn't like it when someone says they're faster than her since her runner ego is too big for that."

Dash turned to the sky, opened her wings, and took a flyer stance. "I'll get them and bring them back! No one will outfly me on my home turf!" she said, taking off and heading to the sky.

Dashie sighed, got into the runner stance, and was about to transform but stopped as Twilight joined her. Behind her was Twilah, who was in her anthro form now. She could also see the unicorn from before; for some reason, she looked like someone she knew.

"Stop! Dawn told us everything!" Twilight said, making Dashie step out of her running stance.

"Where's Dash?" asked Twilah. Dashie pointed up into the sky.

All four looked up in the sky and saw a rainbow blur chasing after a rainbow comet as both flew around the night sky. They were racing each other.

"Their egos were triggers, weren't they?" said Twilight and Twilah simultaneously, causing them to look at each other and laugh.

In the sky, Dash was pushing it all to chase after Blitz. Dash can't believe how fast Blitz is flying; she is a few feet ahead of her.

"Damn, what's her secret? She's faster than me, and I'm pushing it!' thought Dash as she tried to catch her. "Hey, Blitz!" Dash tried to get Blitz's attention and saw her and Braver, still held by her sister's arms, turning to her. "How are you so fast? What's your secret?"

Blitz just smirked and flew even faster.

"Oh, you know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, but..." replied Blitz as she flew back to the castle and quickly passed over the others watching through the window. She saw Dashie smiling and saying, "Learning from the best! My mom!"

Dash smirked at the answer, as she felt proud that her other version taught Blitz so well, so well in flying so fast. Dash headed back to the castle and flew around it. She was starting to lose speed; she was slowing down.

"This is bad! I'm going too slow!" thought Dash as her old age started to show up. "No, I'm not that old; come on, Dash! Push it, push it, push it!" She quickly pushed herself more and managed to fly around the castle within a few seconds, almost catching up with Blitz, but even then, she could feel tired. "What the hell! I'm the fastest pegasus in Equestria! There's no way I'm losing this!" Dash pushed harder again and managed to get right behind Blitz, but she was sweating a storm; she couldn't keep this up for long.

Dash could feel her wings not flapping hard anymore and saw Blitz getting far and far away. She was done; her body couldn't go on any longer. She felt herself falling, unable to flap her wings anymore, but she heard a voice from above. It was Braver, shouting at her.


She quickly looked up and saw her daughter Braver cheering her on. She can't give up now, not with her daughter watching. She remembers that day when Braver was a filly and watching Dash fly in a Wonderbolt show, and she would scream her lungs out to cheer her on. Hearing your child cheer you on always makes you happy.

"I got it, honey! Don't you worry about me! Your old mom will win this one!" she flapped her wings harder than ever and felt her wings burning as she gained on Blitz, who was surprised that Dash was getting closer.

Blitz is surprised that Dash is still flying. "She's not giving up!"

"Mom is the fastest and strongest! That's why she's called the fastest pegasus in Equestria! So don't let your guard down, Blitz!" shouted Braver, who was enjoying the race as her mom was catching up.

Dash quickly gained ground on Blitz and was only a few inches away from her. Blitz and Dash were trying to push each other more and more, as both were running on fumes.

Dash and Blitz were flying face-to-face. "You're not out-flying me, kid!"

"As if, old lady! No one beats me in the sky!" replied Blitz.

The race was neck-to-neck, and they took off straight into the sky. It wasn't long before their race was reaching its end, as both started to slow down.

"Damn, my body is at its limit! I need to end this now!' thought Blitz, panting as her body told her to stop.

Braver noticed her sister was losing steam. "We're going down!" but was happy as Dash passed them and kept flying up into the sky.

Dash was smiling. She could catch and pass Blitz, which she didn't think she could. She was pushing her limits, but it didn't matter. She would break any limits as long as she was doing her best for her daughter! Her daughter is everything, so she can't lose, never lose, for her.

"Gotcha!" said Dash, turning her head back and smiling as she passed her.

Blitz, shocked that Dash had the stamina to pull through, "W-WHAT! How did she?"

"Mom is the best; I knew she could do it!" said Braver, happy that her mom won the race.

Dash faced forward and could feel the light and sound barrier forming a cone before her. She was going to do a sonic rainboom, but something happened that she never thought she would ever see. She couldn't break through it and came to a dead stop as the barrier forced her to. The clone faded away, and she just floated there in shock as her body was screaming in pain.

Dash started to fall back down weakly, having no strength to move or do anything. "W-What?"

"Mom!" shouted Braver, scared her mom might be hurt.

Blitz saw Dash falling and not moving. With her low energy, she couldn't catch her in time and didn't have the strength to flap her wings fast, so she held Braver tight and flew towards Dash to catch her.

Blitz spun around like a fast top, sending Braver flying towards her mother. "GET HER BRAVER!"

"Mom, Mom, please wake up! You did it! You won the race!" shouted Braver, worried as she caught her mother in her arms and saw her open her eyes.

"Did I? Ha, of course I did. I'm the best," Dash said as she weakly smiled and hugged her daughter but passed out. Braver slowly fell back to the castle, with Blitz slowly following. She, too, lost her will to fly but was caught by Dashie, who was in her anthro form and wearing her flying sunglasses.

"I got you, kiddo. You did a great job," said Dashie as she held Blitz in her arms. "But you are grounded for two months!"

"WHAT?! Why?" asked Blitz.

"You went off without permission and did not tell us what happened!" replied Dashie, angry that Blitz just left like that. "WHY DID YOU LEFT ANYWAY!?"

"I was scared," replied Blitz in a quiet voice.

"Scared? Scared of what?" asked Dashie.

"Of you guys wanting to leave right away..." replied Blitz, sad that her mother would make her leave after finally seeing her sister in person again. "I just want to be with Braver again."

Dashie was silent and realized that was the case since the kid had to wait for ten years before she could even see her sister again.

"Listen, kiddo, you should have talked to us instead of running away. You had us all scared and worried. We would never tear you two apart. If you wanted to live here with her, we would allow it, even if it meant never seeing you again. We would gladly hurt ourselves to see you happy. We made that promise to you ten years ago, remember?"

"You would...let me stay here...even if it means I'll never see you again?" asked Blitz, seeing her mom crying but not letting it phase her one bit.

"Yep. Anything for you?" replied Dashie, smiling.

"But...I don't want to live here. I want to go back with you," answered Blitz, making Dashie look at her, all confused.


"I don't want to leave; I don't. But I don't want to lose you or Mom! You're my world, just like Braver! I love you two so much! You're my mother, the reason I'm living. I love Braver with all my heart and soul and will do anything for her, but... I'm a part of you, Mom." She hugged her tightly.

Dashie didn't know what to say, but she started to laugh and smile as she hugged Blitz tightly. She could feel her going limp, causing her to be scared. "Blitz. What's wrong? Answer me, what's wrong?" she tried to get Blitz to speak.

"I'm tired. I want to sleep," replied Blitz weakly.

Dashie was worried for nothing as she carried her in a princess carry.

"...grounded for a week then,"

"I love you, Mom," said Blitz, who was drifting off to sleep.

Meanwhile, Braver landed in the castle garden, carefully laid Dash on the grass, and tried to wake her.

"Mom, you're okay, right? I'm sorry. Please don't leave me. Please,"

Twilight came running to them and helped her daughter as she saw how worried she was.

"Dash? What's wrong!? Is she okay?" asked Twilight, worried.

"I don't know. She tried to use her sonic rainboom, but she just stopped and... I'm sorry! This is my fault. I should have stopped Blitz! I just wanted to have fun with her! I BROKE MOMMY!" shouted Braver as she started to turn into her slime form, holding her head. "WHY!? WHY DO I CONTINUE TO HURT OTHERS? Why do I keep breaking things?"

Twilight quickly hugged her daughter as she cried and held her tightly.

"No, you didn't break anything. You didn't mean for this to happen," Twilight let Braver cry on her shoulder but was pushed back as Braver's form started to look more twisted and evil-looking.

"BUT MOM IS HURT! I HURT MOM! I'M A MONSTER!" shouted Braver as the air around her darkened.

"No, you aren't! You!" shouted back Twilight, but she started to lose her voice as she saw the dark aura around Braver and flashes of Breaker of the past appeared in her mind. She didn't realize it but stepped back in fear, which Braver immediately noticed.

"You're scared of me! Mom is scared of me!" Braver slowly turns into her proper form and cries. Five rainbow halos tried to form behind her, but something was fighting them.

"No, I'm not," replied Twilight as she tried to move but couldn't.

"Why won't you believe me? Why can't you trust me?" Braver's face was melting away and becoming faceless, and her white halo became black.

"Because...you remind me..." whispered Twilight, scared, but she suddenly stopped as Dawn teleported between them and slowly walked up to Braver.

"Hey, it's okay. Look at me. Don't look at your mom. Everything will be okay," Dawn said as she stood in front of Braver, who was still crying and trying to pull herself together. The dark aura around her slowly disappeared, and her face reformed. "Remember, breathe in and out. Calm your mind. You don't want to hurt others. You never have, and you never will. Just calm yourself; you're scaring your mom."

Braver was starting to calm down as her form began to change back to normal. She looked up and saw her mom was scared of her. She quickly turned away, as the dark aura around her was almost completely gone, the halos were gone, and her head halo was white again before vanishing.

"That's it. Calm down," smiled Dawn as she held Braver's head and stroked her mane. Soon, she started to hum a little song. It was a lullaby that her mom would sing to her. She began to hum it and soon sang it softly.

"Sleep, sleep, let the night be gone.

When you wake up, you will wake up bright and strong.

Let your dreams take over your mind.

With your soul and heart, be okay.

Sleep, sleep, and you will dream.

Of many things, of many people, you can't help but scream.

Let those dreams fill you up.

And when you wake, you feel like floating in a warm sea.

Sleep, sleep, and you will see.

All the things you wish for—the future, the past, the now

So, sleep, sleep, and rest your eyes.

Tomorrow is a brand new day; the sun always rises," sang Dawn as Braver slowly calmed down and started to cry again.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please don't be scared of me. I'll try harder. I'll be better. Just, please, don't hate me," cried Braver as Dawn held her head and smiled.

"I will never be scared of you, and I won't ever hate you. I will always be your friend. You are my one and only friend."

"Dawn, please don't leave me..." Braver believed she might lose her the same way she had lost her mother.

"You're my friend, and you know it. I'm not leaving you. Ever!" replied Dawn as she pulled Braver's head back and kissed her forehead. No matter what, I will always be your friend and be here for you."

"Thank you," said Braver quietly.

Twilight was watching all this and couldn't help but feel ashamed—ashamed of how she acted and ashamed of thinking her daughter was a Breaker from the past. She tried to move but couldn't. She could see Braver looking at her and looking away in pain. Soon, Dawn faced her and gave her a disgusted look.

"I'm a horrible mother," thought Twilight as she watched her daughter being comforted by her student. She had just lost her daughter and was still losing her student.

"Braver, it's okay. It wasn't your fault." Twilight cried and felt guilty as Braver looked at her with a hurt look.

"Now? Now you want to say something to her! Now, of all times!" shouted Dawn, angry at her teacher.

"You can't say anything to her. Not anymore. You have no right to call yourself a mother anymore. You know her past! I don't, yet I don't see whatever she was in the past! Braver is a great pony! She saved and helped so many lives; she was always doing good! Every single day! I know it was to make up for whatever she did. I can see it in her eyes—like it will never be enough. It's eating away at her, but she hides it. Haven't you ever noticed it? She's your daughter! I'M NOT YOUR DAUGHTER, BUT YOU TREAT ME BETTER THAN HER!" Dawn finally revealed her feelings to her teacher: "STOP WORRYING ABOUT ME AND WORRY ABOUT HER! STOP ASKING ABOUT MY FRIENDSHIP REPORTS AND START LOOKING AT HERS! STOP IT!"

Braver held her and tried to calm her down. "Dawn, stop!"

"She's right... I haven't been paying attention to you, my daughter, haven't I?" asked Twilight as she started to tear up.

"Braver, it's not your fault; it's hers. She doesn't care about you or wouldn't have treated you like that." Dawn looked away from her teacher and towards her friend. "If you're a monster, then I'll become one too. I won't ever leave you! I won't ever be scared of you!"

"But...why? I'm a freak," Braver weakly spoke to her, trying to hold back her tears.

"No, you're not. You're not a monster or a freak. You're the kindest and sweetest creature I ever met," Dawn held Braver.

Twilight, as she sat on the ground, crying. "What can I do? How can I make this right?"

"Leave her alone," said Dawn as she teleported Braver and herself away, leaving Twilight alone.

Twilight tried to use her magic to track them down but couldn't. "I'll fix this, I promise," she said. Twilight was hoping they would come back, but they didn't, making her lower her head and crying, "Wait, please come back."

Twilah was watching all this from the garden entrance and was crying. She couldn't bear seeing her other self like this. She quickly teleported to Twilight and hugged her. "I'll help you. I promise,"

"Thank you," replied Twilight, as she couldn't stop crying.

Within the darkness, Dash could hear echoes of Braver crying. She started to remember the day she was teaching her how to fly.

It was a great sunny day. She was on a cloud and watching little filly Braver flapping her wings as she wanted to jump off the cloud. "Okay, kid. Try it now!" smiled Dash as she flew down and stopped a few feet away.

"Alright," replied Braver, trying to calm down.

Braver flapped her wings and was ready to fly.

"You got this, kid," thought Dash as Braver jumped.

Braver started to fall like a rock as she passed her mother.

"Ah, crap," panicked Dash as she dove under Braver and caught her.

"Mom!" cried Braver, scared.

Dash gave her a smirk and said, "Heh, sorry, kid. But you'll get the next one. I need more practice,"

Braver nodded but was still crying her eyes out.

"Don't worry, I'll be here. Twilight will be here for you as well. We're not going anywhere. We're not ever going to let you fall again." Dash smiled as she petted her head and hugged her.

Braver hugged her back. "You promise?"

"Yeah, I promise." Dash held Braver and started to cry as the memories continued to play out. As she watched Braver fly for the first time, she heard something.

"Please, tell me everything is going to be okay, Dash," echoed Twilight's voice all around Dash as she tried to fly towards her voice.

"Twilight, where are you? Twilight!" called out Dash, as her vision blurred, her memory faded away, and she flew through the darkness. "Twilight, answer me, please!" Dash's voice echoed through the darkness, and her eyes were getting heavy and couldn't open. She soon saw someone standing in the darkness as it turned to Dash and tried to reach her. Whoever the figure was, Dash could see a golden sun in the figure's chest, but it soon became a rainbow sun. She could hear Twilight repeating the same question. Dash reached out and shouted...

Dash opened her eyes and shouted, "Everything will be okay!"

Dash could see the dark sky and that she was in the garden. She raised her head and saw Twilight on her chest, just looking at her with relief but also sadness.

"Please tell me everything is going to be okay," whispered Twilight.

"Twilight, I'm alright," said Dash, smiling but stopping as Twilight kept repeating the question, "Hey, Twi. I'm fine."

"Please tell me everything is going to be okay," repeated Twilight, finally breaking down in tears.

"I'm alive, Twilight. Please stop crying." She hugged Twilight, who kept crying and hugged her back.

"She's not crying about you," replied Twilah, standing on one side and petting Blitz's head. Blitz was sleeping on her mother's lap, while Dashie was next to them, looking worried.

"What? What do you mean?" asked Dash, confused.

"...It's Brea-"

"IT'S BRAVER! That's the new name she chose after saving everyone in New Ponyville...Sorry, you wouldn't have known that," Dash realized. She shouted at them as she remembered Braver's old name but quickly looked at them. "Wait, what's wrong with Braver?"

"I hurt her!" cried Twilight, digging deeper into Dash's chest as she cried harder.

"Twi, please," begged Dash, petting her wife's head.

"I'm sorry," sobbed Twilight.

"What happened?" replied Dash, continuing to pet her.

Meanwhile, Dawn and Braver teleported into a glassy field, overlooking the land by the cliff side, which was their spot to hang out and talk.

Braver is angry as she hurries over to Dawn. "You didn't have to teleport us here,"

"I couldn't stand being near your mom anymore," sighed Dawn, upset.

"She's my mother, Dawn," replied Braver.

"So, you're just going to forgive her?" asked Dawn, glaring at her, "Really! She hurt you; she sees you as a monster!"

Braver sat down on her spot, and her ears drooped. She was indeed a monster; everyone should see her that way.

"Braver, did you forget what I said to you?" said a female voice with hope in her tone.

Braver quickly looked up and saw Supermare, aka Flare, hovering there, smiling, and giving off hope like she always did. She could also see the bright red 'S' on her chest and remember what it meant.

"I did. Sorry," replied Braver.

Flare kneeled in front of Braver and looked at her. "It's okay. I'm here for you. We're all here for you. Don't forget that." Flare gave her a big smile and stepped aside, revealing that everyone who had saved Braver and her sister had appeared before them and smiled at Braver, who started to cry as they all disappeared, including Flare.

"You don't have to be sorry about anything, as long as you understand," smiled Dawn as she heard Braver saying sorry and walking over to her.

"Dawn, 'How others see you isn't important; how you see yourself means everything.' That's what she told me. That's what they told me." Braver had a smile on her face, as tears started to flow down her cheeks. "I'm not a monster, Dawn."

"Yeah, you're not," replied Dawn, sitting beside her and holding her hoof.

"My mother doesn't see me as a monster; she loves me! She always had and always will; even if she doesn't show it, it's still there! That's why I can't stay mad at her or anyone," replied Braver, smiling.

Dawn angrily let go of her hoof. "What!? She hurt you! Are you going to forgive her?"



"Faith." said Braver.

Her response took Dawn a back "W-What?"

"Yes, have faith in yourself and in others. Never give up on faith, and they won't give up on you. Just stand tall, stand proud, and others will stay with you. It's what a brave knight once told me. I'm going to have faith in my mother, and she will have faith in me like she always had." She stood up and saw Eirika behind Dawn smiling before disappearing again.

"I'm going back. I need to talk to my mother. She must be blaming herself. Are you coming?" Braver asked Dawn, but she looked down, trying to understand. Braver frowned and walked away.

"I won't forgive you!" shouted Dawn, making Braver stop and turn around. "If you go back, I won't forgive you!"

"I can't stay mad at her, and neither should you. It's not the way we are, and it's not the way the people around us are." Braver frowned as Dawn said nothing, turned back, and continued to walk, but Braver could hear her crying and sobbing.

"...don't go...don't leave me..." cried Dawn.

Braver's ear twitched, and they continued to walk.

"...I don't want to be alone... I don't want to see you get hurt...please, stay..." Dawn started to cry harder and louder. "...you are the only thing I care about in this world..."

Braver's ear twitched again.

"...you're all I have...please..."

Braver's ear twitched, and her horn lit up. Braver was floating in the air and teleported away...right next to Dawn.

"Huh!?" cried Dawn, confused.

"You're not alone." smiled Braver, holding her hoof. "You will never be alone. You have me, and I have you."

"But, your mo-!"

Braver smiled and said, "That doesn't matter right now. I'm not going anywhere, and you're never alone. Because you're my best friend!"

"Braver..." Dawn blushed and couldn't stop crying as Braver smiled and held her.

"Dawn, please. Have faith, and don't give up. I'll always be here; I won't ever leave you." Braver smiled at her. "Please, don'tDawn wasBraver..."

"Have faith."

"...okay." smilesawDawn.

Braver was gl with a few lightsked out over the cliff and saw a very large town, as few lights filled the large town.

Blitz opened her eyes and could hear her parents talking. She started to listen as her vision started to become apparent.

"...So Braver has that?" asked Dash with a worried tone.

"Yeah, she must have been bottling it up all these years and been eating away at her. To the point..." Twilah replied with a sad tone and couldn't finish.

"...she's breaking herself with it...We thought it was her self-consciousness about who and what she was. We never thought it went deeper than that...which it was when it was right in front of us..." Twilight frowns and starts to think back to when Braver began to acting like that.

"Twilight..." whispered Dashie

"I wish we were there for her, like before, ten years ago, like we should have had." Dash frowned, feeling like she failed. "What kind of parent am I if I can't be there for my kid and not truly see she was suffering all this time!" she picked up her chair and tossed it to the wall. "SHE IS ALWAYS SMILING! BEING KIND TO OTHERS AND NEVER ASKING FOR ANYTHING! ALWAYS GIVING!" shouted Dash in anger. "...never showing how she truly felt..."

"Dash, it's not your fault!" yelled Dashie as Dash stopped and looked down, her face showing she was hurting.

"How is it not, Dashie? I let that suffering fester inside of her! I should have noticed! I should have seen it! But...I didn't, and because of that, she's hurting!" Dash started to cry; her body was shaking, her heart was hurting, and her body was filled with regret and pain. "I'm sorry..."

"I didn't notice either, Dash." Twilight looked down in shame. "Don't blame it all on yourself. You've always been a good mom. I have to take half of the blame. If we're being honest, I didn't notice it either. Even looking at her, I couldn't see her true feelings. She hid it so well."

"You can't blame yourself, Twilight. It's all on me." Dash tried to sound cheerful, but her tears kept falling.

"We both made the same mistakes, Dash. I'm the one that needs to apologize for the most here..." replied Twilight, crying and looking at her wife, who just stood there with her head hung low, her ears folded back, her breathing was uneven, and her tail wasn't moving.

"I'm sorry..." cried Dash, her voice breaking. "I couldn't see how she was suffering. I'm sorry..."

"Dash..." Twilah whispered, knowing how they felt. She turned to Blitz but was surprised to see her up.

"Twilight, Dash... you shouldn't blame yourself or anyone."

Everyone else turned to see Blitz sitting up from the bench they left her on.

"It's my fault..."

"Blitz..." said Twilight, shocked by her words

"You shouldn't blame yourself," replied Dashie.

"Yes, it's my fault..."

"You are not to blame or anything, Blitz." Dash flew over but quickly dropped to the ground, still feeling worn out.

Blitz could see how hurt Dash was. "If I haven't just blitzed off like that...you wouldn't be like that, or whatever happened after. I know it was my fault. It's always is...blitz into trouble without thinking and causing problems..."

Dash stood there, unable to fly right now, as she wanted to hug her and tell her everything was alright.

"It's alright," said Dashie as she stood up herself.

"It's not, Mom! If I wasn't being 'me'! Bad things wouldn't have happened..." replied Blitz. "I'm a terrible daughter and sister! I couldn't be the best daughter to you... I should have known that. It's not the first time...it's never the first time..."

Twilah stood up from the chair in response to her daughter, saying, "Blitz, don't talk about yourself like that!"

"Twilah is right, Blitz. You are a great daughter and sister, and that has never changed! I can see it!" smiled Dash.

"Then why are you on the ground, Dash? Why are you hurt?" asked Blitz as she walked over to Dash.


"You shouldn't be on the ground. You shouldn't be hurt, and whatever happened to Braver."

"I'm not on the ground because of you,, " Dash replied, trying to look fine. "It's because I'm getting old and have not been flying like I used to. Don't blame old age on you, kid."

"But..." said Blitz, her voice trailing off. "What about Braver?"

"It's not your fault, Blitz," answered Twilight.

"She's right. Listen, Braver had what you had," replied Dashie. "She has PTSD and survivor guilt."

"Really? But...ah," Blitz couldn't believe it, as Braver never showed or even told her about suffering from what they had done in the past. Blitz had triggering events in the past and still does, but she saw help for them. "Braver...Why didn't you talk to me?"

Everyone was quiet and down until someone ran into the garden. It was a Spike.

"TWILIGHT! I HURRY AS FAST I COULD! I EVEN GOT EVERYONE!" shouted Spike as he stopped before her, noticing the others. "So, this is them? Your counterparts!?"

"Spike? What are you doing here?" asked Twilight, confused.

"Didn't you send me a letter? Tell me about what happened. You also asked me to get the girls and friends of Braver?" replied Spike as he took out a letter, but it wasn't a scroll but a white piece of regular paper. "See?"

"Spike, I didn't send you that. Twilah?" asked Twilight as she looked at her counterpart, who was still in her anthro form.

"Yeah, it was me. We shared each other's memories before, so I knew how to do this. Right now, Braver needs people around her who are giving her the support she needs," replied Twilah as she walked over.

Suddenly, Fluttershy flew into the garden, landed in front of her friends, and turned to the others, "Oh, Twilight! Is this them?"

"Gosh, she looks just like you, Twi," AJ hurried into the garden and said that, facing Twilah and quickly turning to Dashie, who was human again, back to Dash and back to Dashie. She tips her old hat up. "I'm confused. She doesn't look anything like Dash."

"Will, not all Dash's can be awesome like me!" smirked Rainbow Dash.

"Please, I'm cooler than you'll ever be! I'm 20% cooler!" replied Dashie, smirking back.

"Ah, there it is," laughs AJ.

Soon, Rarity, wearing a white fur coat with Pinkie, teleported in front of everyone. Pinkie gasped and was already on top of Dashie and Twilah.

"OMG! TWO DIFFERENT DASH AND TWILIGHT! SO COOL AND SO CUTE! AH! SO MUCH TO CELEBRATE!" shouted Pinkie as she quickly started to take out the party decorations from within her mane.

Rarity walked up to them. "Sorry about Pinkie, but I must say, I love your style! Who gave you that wonderful red jacket?" asked Rarity to Twilah, who turned back into a human, shocking the girls alled by the sudden change.

"She's right next to me."

Dashie blushed red, causing Rarity to smile.

"I see...These are your counterparts," said Luna as she walked in. "Ah, yes. They are the ones who saved Equestria and the multiverse, along with you, Dash, and other versions of you."

Tempest teleported in front of everyone, wearing a cloak. "I came as I heard! The others should be right behind me, Princess Twilight!"

Soon, a large shadow appeared at the garden entrance with black and tiny yellow eyes. Twilah and Dashie remembered who this was as they saw Twilight and Dash's past memories. They quickly transformed into their anthros forms and stood in front of it, ready for a fight.

"STOP!" shouted Twilight and Dash, making their human counterparts look back at them. "It's okay! They're okay."

Twilah and Dashie looked back and saw Tirek stepping out of the shadows and wearing a teacher vest. Soon, an older Cozy Glow and Chrysalis, who was in her metamorphosis form as a beautiful all-white carapace with white webs and a long straight horn, Tempest and Luna joined them.

"Our daughter...is something." Twilight smiled proudly.

"So, our little klutz needs help?" Chrysalis stepped forward. "You're lucky I had time in my schedule."

"What, a former queen of Changelings has a busy schedule these days?" asked Tempest, walking over and smiling.

"I have a life. Like a normal citizen of Equestria, trying to take it over!" replied Chrysalis.

"Oh, please. I still see you working at the daycare for the changing babies," laughed Cozy, flying over.

"I still see you and Tirek teaching classes for the kids in the School for Gifted Unicorns," quickly replied Chrysalis, blushing.

Tirek walked over to them. "At least our job is better than yours,"

"Excuse me, we'll leave soon if you have to work," Twilah said, as she didn't realize some of them had jobs at these hours.

"Pfft, classes are out now. It's fine," replied Tirek in a cold tone, but there was a hint of warmth.

"I think it's nice," Cozy said as she flew around Twilah and Dash. It's nice to meet other versions of those two over there. So, you two are their counterparts? I can see that you are a version of her. I can just sense the power of "friendship" in you," said Cozy as she pointed at Twilah with sickening eyes and then looked at Dashie. And you're her, right down to the lame choice of jackets."

"Hey!" shouted both Dash and Dashie.

"Can we get back on track here? Braver needs our help!" said Tempest as she pulled Cozy away from the two Dash's.

"Yes! She helped us; now it's our turn to do the same!" shouted Luna, all worried.

"HA! She's going to owe us one! Maybe be an enslaved person for a day? Using her dumb powers..." smirked Cozy before coughing as she realized everyone was looking at her. "Sorry, old habits..."

"That mighty girl needs help; I'll help. Even if I have to beat her to a pile of slime!" smirked Tirek, cracking his knuckles

"Okay, so we have everyone ready. Now, let's find my little girl!" said Twilight, smiling.

"Right!" everyone agreed.

Everyone started to talk among themselves, trying to guess where Braver and Dawn went, but watching afar was Blitz, as she began to tear up, happy to see that Braver had friends and others who loved her. Soon, everyone took notice of her crying.

"Why is that creature crying?" whispered Chrysalis to everyone.

Blitz stepped forward, closed her eyes, and became her authentic self, her pegasus pony self. Everyone was shocked but quickly recovered as they knew who it was.

"My name is Rainbow Blitz, I'-" Blitz was cut off as everyone quickly surrounded her.

"So, you are the klutz little sister? Well, you don't look cute to me." Chrysalis poke Blitz's face

Cozy joined in, poking Blitz in the face. "Yeah, she was saying how cute and cool you are. Not seeing it."

"Are you even strong? She said you were stronger than her?" asked Tirek, scanning Blitz's body.

"I love your jacket, darling. Braver also said you have good taste in clothes," Rarity said as she touched Blitz's jacket and was amazed at how it looked just like Braver's jacket.

"I can't wait to spar with you, girl!" grinned Tirek, sensing the magic within her finally. "Just like your sister!"

"Oh, she's going to owe me so much!" shouted Cozy in glee

"Guys!" shouted Dashie, getting everyone's attention. "Give the girl some space!"

Everyone backed away from her.

"She told you about me? To all of you?" asked Blitz.

"Yes, she did, and she cares about you," AJ answered, removing her hat. "A lot, lass cares about you."

"We're going to find her," Pinkie hopped around Blitz, making her smile. "We're her aunties! Plus, we're your aunties too!"

"She loves talking about you. You two do look alike, though. They are more like twins than just normal siblings. Braver doesn't look the oldest." asked Fluttershy.

Blitz sighed as she hated how Braver painted herself as the big sister here.

"Again, can we get back on track here?" asked Tempest as she summoned a map with her magic and looked at it. "Where could those two have gone?"

Soon, everyone started to guess and wanted to split up, but Blitz quickly remembered something.

"Hey! Sometimes, she took the prism window to a cliffside and oversaw a large town... It was called New Ponyville or something. She said she loved looking at it from up there. The place she saved, if I remember correctly. Maybe she's there?"

"What is a prism window?" Spike and a few others asked, as they never heard that before.

"She has to be there! It was the first place that made her feel welcomed. Let's go!" ordered Tempest.

Everyone shouted in agreement, and they were gone in a flash with every magical user there.

It was still nighttime, as Dawn and Braver were starting a fire and were going to sleep, but Braver could sense something—a considerable amount of magical energy. So she quickly protected Dawn, as Braver could sense it coming towards them. In a flash, both girls could see everyone standing before them, from the Braver family to friends.

"Everyone?" Braver hurried over and met with her aunts and friends, but they stepped to the side as Braver could see her family, her mother, Blitz, and Blitz's mothers.

Twilight stepped forward; she wasn't trying to look her daughter in the eyes, as she felt shame, but Dash raised her head for her. "Look her in the eyes, Twi. Don't be scared or anything. I'm here. We're all here. So, what if our daughter is a powerful slime creature that can destroy the universe? So what? She's our daughter, and she's special."

Braver looked at her parents, who were looking back at her "...mom. I-"

"No, sweetie, I'm sorry. I should have seen your suffering, but I didn't."

"We didn't," added Dash as she held Twilight's hoof.

"I was blind to everything and didn't see the pain you were in, and now I'm afraid. I'm going to lose you, as you hate me. I hurt you. I can't be forgiven, not after you proved you aren't...not your old self no more but a better person now."

Braver slowly approached her mom and hugged her, catching her by surprise.

"I forgive you, mom. So don't cry. I'm okay!" smiled Braver, causing Twilight and Dash to cry.

"Stop it!" shouted Dash.

Braver was confused as she saw them crying in pain.

Dash softly moved Braver's arm from her. "Stop putting up a front!"


"Don't pretend you're okay. We hurt you, and I should have done something. I was so stupid."


"I could have been a better mom, but I wasn't. I was too busy being a Wonderbolt captain while you suffered alone. I could protect you. I failed as a mother and didn't see that you needed me. Please forgive me."

Braver watched as Twilight made her let go of her as well, causing Braver to step back, feeling something, as her heart was beating fast.

"I'm fine! Really! I'm not hurting anymore!" Braver smiled again, but it didn't feel real this time, as everyone took notice.

"Sweetie, you need to stop. You can't keep lying to yourself. You aren't okay. You are hurting deep down. What you did in the past. You have to let it go!" cried Twilight

"W-What? I'm not hurting deep down. I learned to move on."

"Stop pretending!" Cozy flew up to her friend and playfully bopped her on the head, causing Dawn to glare at her.

"Cozy, don't shout," warned Chrysalis as she joined her friend and bopped Braver on the head as well.

"No, she needs this! I know when someone is pretending to be something they're not. Stop lying to yourself."Cozy closed her eyes and said, "Just let us help you for once. Like how you helped us!"

Braver looked at the former princess Luna, the rest of her friends, and others nodding their heads toward her.

"Stop putting up a front and just tell us what's wrong. I'm here and listening," Twilight gave her daughter a warm smile.

Dash hugged Twilight, and Twilight hugged back.

"Just tell us what's bothering you. We're here for you, and we'll never leave," Dash raised a hoof to her daughter.

Braver fell to her knees and cried, letting out years of pain, hurt, guilt, and sorrow—all the buildup she created. Braver could feel her world was breaking and started to cry and scream, scaring her parents and friends.

"I...can't...forgive myself...for all those...deaths," sobbed Braver.

Dash and Twilight hurried over and tried to hug their daughter but were suddenly forced back. A dark aura formed around her, as if she were in her slime form.

"I CAN SEE ALL THE LIFE I ENDED THAT DAY! I REMEMBER KILLING MY MOM! BOTH OF THEM! I CAN REMEMBER STABBING HER! BURNING HER!" shouted Braver as flashes of Nightfall's body appeared in her mind.

"SWEETIE, NO!" shouted Dash and Twilight

"I CAN'T FORGIVE MYSELF! How can you ever forgive me?"Braver covered her face, trying to hide her hurt face

"Because I love you! Your mom loves you! Our friends and family love you! We'll never stop loving you! So stop thinking the worst and think about all the good times we had and will have!" replied Twilight.

"Please, don't do this! Let us in! Let us help you!" Dash slowly got closer but could feel strange, like something was in the air.

Braver started to cry; her screams echoed in the sky and beyond.

"NO! I CAN'T! I DON'T WANT TO OVERWHELM YOU! ALL OF YOU! TO SEE YOU SCARED OF ME! I'M A MONSTER! I'M BREAKER OF WORLDS AND STARS! NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY! IT WON'T EVER BE ENOUGH!" Braver screamed as the dark aura grew more assertive and started to consume the area as five rainbow halos were returning.

"NO! SWEETIE, STOP IT!" called out Dash.

"P-please...listen to me," stuttered Twilight as she was getting hurt by the aura.

"We aren't scared of you! We want to help you, so stop hurting yourself!" Tirek shouted as he was shielding the others as he tried to drain the aura within him but wasn't working

Tempest tried to push forward, but the aura was too much, so she stood her ground. "You have people who love and care about you!"

"Yeah! So, stop this! Let us be there for you!" cried out Fluttershy.

"You don't have to shoulder the burden yourself!" Pinkie shouted, hiding behind Tirek

Luna tried to use her magic to push back the aura, but it wasn't working. "I want to be there for you! So, let us be there for you!"

"We'll always love you, so don't push us away!" Rarity shouted, hiding behind Luna

"You were the one who made me remember my true self! You helped me, and now I want to return the favor!" shouted Chrysalis, trying to push forward

"Yeah, so, please. Stop this. Stop hurting yourself!" Cozy and the other friends tried to approach Braver but were thrown back. A powerful shock wave blasted out of Braver, and she stomped the ground, but the only ones standing were her friends and mother.

"We'll help you like you helped us. Please, stop hurting yourself." begged her friends at the same time.


"We will never hate you! No matter what, you're our daughter. You're my daughter!" Dash shouted as she tried to move forward while Twilight was at her side, who was using her wing to shield her from the aura.

"And mine! We'll never abandon you. So, please. Listen to me," pleaded Twilight.

"You have such a loving family and friends. Why are you doing this?" asked Tirek

"You need to forgive yourself and let us help!" begged Twilight and Dash.

Braver stopped and looked at them, seeing they were smiling, even while getting hurt.

"...stop it." sobbed Braver, seeing that she was hurting everyone and couldn't take it anymore. "STOP IT!" Braver's aura grew larger as she screamed and cried.

"SWEETIE!" screamed Dash and Twilight as the aura consumed the area and went beyond the land, heading toward the sky.

Dawn was being forced back and tried to push forward, calling out to Braver and even trying to sing her song for her, but it wasn't working. It was being drained out by the sound of Braver's family and friends.

"NO! STOP THIS! THIS ISN'T HELPING BRAVER!" Dawn shouted as she was using all her power to walk forward, but the pain was too much. "NO! NO, SHE'S DOING IT AGAIN! STOP IT!"

But her words weren't reaching them, as they were trying to get through Braver.

"Please stop hurting her!" Dawn's body was getting weak from the dark aura.

Braver closed her eyes and could feel her mind wanting to break something, anyone—she tried to break herself! She had enough, and her mind was breaking apart, piece by piece, shard by shard, and her family and friends were getting closer and closer, wanting to comfort her. She wanted them to stop.

"SIS!" screamed Blitz, causing Braver to look up in the night sky and see a rainbow comet as it was heading towards her. "GRIT THOSE TEETHS!" With one mighty blow, Blitz tackled and hugged her sister and held her tight. "STOP THIS, YOU IDIOT! YOU AREN'T THE ONE WHO DID THAT STUFF! I WAS THERE TOO! I HELPED YOU DO THOSE THINGS!" shouted Blitz, tears rolling down her eyes.

Braver froze and slowly processed her sister had said as the dark aura sslowed

"It was us! Not you alone, so stop thinking the worst of yourself!"

Braver quickly spoke to her as the loud, howling aura blasted around them. "No! Don't say that! My hooves are covered in blood! NOT YOUR! NEVER YOURS! IF YOU SAY THAT, THEN THAT WILL MAKE YOU THE MONSTER, AND I'D RATHER BE THE MONSTER THAN SEE YOU BLAMING YOURSELF!"

"NO, SIS! It's not like that! I don't want to leave you by yourself! WHY WON'T YOU LET US HELP YOU? WHY WON'T YOU TELL US YOU'RE IN PAIN? I understand you! I WENT THROUGH THIS TOO! YOU KNOW THAT!"





Braver quickly spoke. "What did you say?"

Blitz blush. "I said, I love you! I care about you! WHY ARE YOU TAKING ALL THIS BURDEN ON YOUR OWN? Let me share it with you! Let me hear you and listen! SO, SAY IT!"

Braver finally opened her eyes to everything, looking at her sister with tears as she tried to smile.

"Just say it already! It's like what Heat said to us on that day!"

Braver quickly remembered the memory from all of those years ago.

Heat looked at the little filly with sadness as she hugged and warmly smiled. Tiny flames danced around them, so much warmth that it reminded Braver of her mother's warm hugs.

"You sounded like me just now. I thought the same way, but then I found Bolt. She opened my eyes and let me see that I wasn't alone and that she and our friends would always be with me, no matter the odds or the situation; they'd always be there for me. So, you aren't alone in all this. Just ask for help, and you'll see. It may not change everything, but you'll feel better and stronger. Remember that." whispered Heat


Braver could see all of them: the heroes who saved her and Blitz, standing behind Blitz, hugging them as their words reached out to her once more.

"I've killed a lot of people too. I was the cause of my sister's and her children's deaths. I had a whole family, and I was their world. I loved them, and they loved me. Then, I had an accident, which caused me to lose control of my psychic powers—ending their lives and putting me on a dark path in life. I became a weapon, a weapon to kill. There were times I killed good people, even when I didn't mean to. I still see their faces and hear their screams. I killed so many good people. All their lives were wasted."

"But...why? Knowing what I did?" whispered Braver

"Because you're not a waste. You feel regret and shame! You feel guilty! That means you can still move forward! You are not a monster, just a lost child," said Terra, putting her purple visor on disappearing

"It's not about worth; it's about life. Your life is worth living, no matter what, no matter what you think or feel. Every life is worth saving. You are worth saving." Flare gave her a smile of hope as she, too, disappeared.

"As long as you keep fighting and not giving up, your mother will always be here with you, in your heart and soul. Just believe and keep fighting. Find that drive, your fighting spirit," Flash, with a big, stupid grin on her face, let go, pounded her fist together, and vanished.

"I'm not strong, not smart, and without my powers. I'm just a normal pony girl. So, how was I able to keep fighting and not be scared? Simple: I did it for the ones I loved. It would help if you did the same. Don't be brave for yourself; be brave for your mother. Show them that you are brave and will continue to fight," said Berry as she started to cry. "They're waiting for you. Just stand up and be brave!" Berry wiped away her tears and smiled as she, too vanish

"You have to let that go. You can't keep living with regret. If you do, you'll never move forward. I was like that for a very long time, thinking of the past and letting my regrets, shame, and guilt eat me up. I didn't want to let go because I'd have nothing if I did. I'd be empty. But I'm not, not anymore." Aaira said as her helmet shut itself, revealing her purple grill lights

"You have to let go. Let go of your hate, let go of your pain, and let go of your sorrow. Move forward. You can't forget but can't let those feelings consume you. Don't make a hole inside of you. Embrace what's in your heart. You have the same problem that I do. You hate yourself; you think you're a monster and that you're worthless after you hurt the people you care about. That's not true. You are a good person, a beautiful child, and a kind soul. You didn't have a choice; you had no control. Don't let that destroy you; don't let your guilt destroy you." Lil Star pleaded to Braver as she became Aaira with long hair, holding on to Aaira as the two disappeared(see note for this).

"My mother always told me not to see the world as it was but as it could be. It's why I want you to have a better future. A dawn for you to see and treasure. A new beginning." Wanda removed her glasses and gave Braver a happy smile as she vanished.

"Make your Dawn, make a new light, and create a new hope. Make a better future, a new tomorrow, even if it's not perfect or isn't the best. It's yours and all those you want to share it with. Make the sun rise for your mothers, and they will make it for you. They will shine in your heart, showing the world you are the light." Layla let go and placed her hands on her chest, crying as she faded away

"We're here for you. So, never give up on faith; we won't give up on you. Just stand tall, stand proud, and others will stay with you. You'll make the right decision." said Eirika with a smile. "If I had the answer, I would tell you, but I don't. It falls on you and others you let in. You aren't alone in making the decision. Remember that because I have, thanks to the Knight of Dawn." Eirika and Aero, who were there too, disappeared.

"There are times where I want to give up and just throw in the towel, but my friends are always there, reminding me that I'm not alone, that I can count on them, that together we can beat the odds, that together we're stronger than anything the world can throw at us. Live and learn! Open your heart! It doesn't matter now what happens if I follow my rainbow. So, don't give up on the chance for friendship and a second chance. That's what life is about: giving and taking chances." Bolt wagged her wing feather like a finger, and Heat joined her in doing the wagging, and both disappeared.

"Do what is right and fight for what you believe in. Even if no one will back you up, even if you're alone, Keep going. Never stop being yourself; never stop being the person you are." Wonder shut her eyes and turned off her magic, opening her eyes again, revealing her grey-out eyes. She too disappeared

"Be happy, laugh, cry, and be sad. All of it's your choice. So, keep living and never give up on finding that happiness. It's the one thing that can't be taken from you but the one thing you have to fight for. Don't forget. Believe in yourself. Not in you who believes in us. Not us who believe in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself.” Rain smiled as she pointed to the heavens and was also gone.

All of them were there for her again, even if it was just memories; they would always be there for her. Soon, she could see "them"—her real mothers—Sky and Nightfall as they hugged her.

"Just like Blitz, wear this jacket. Wear it proudly, as it symbolizes our love for you, loving you for the past two years in this little universe."

Braver could feel her jacket glowing with a purple aura of warmth.

"The comet on the back is you—breaking through anything—for the friends you will make. We love you, Breaker, we love you, sweet pea." Both mares smiled as they let go of their daughter. "We love you, Braver."

"Mommy," cried Braver, but soon, her mothers became Twilight and Dash as they flew up to her and hugged her and Blitz.

"It's okay; you're not alone. We're here," Twilight smiled as Braver hugged her back.

"That's it; just let it all out." Dash could feel her daughter's tears

"We're here now. Everything will be fine. You're going to be okay, I promise." both said simultaneously. "We won't ever let you fall again!"

Soon, her friends joined in.

"I was the monster! But, as you helped me realize, I'm not. I shouldn't let others see me as that!" Tirek smirked as he rubbed Braver's mane, as it was starting to turn back to normal

Tempest cried as she said, "You showed me I had meaning and worth! I have a place in this land!"

"You showed me I had to let go of the past and move forward! Don't be distracted by the what-ifs, should-haves, and if-onlys. The one thing you choose for yourself is the truth of your universe! Having faith in myself! Letting others in..." Chrysalis smiled as her body started to glow white and sparkling

"It helped me find the power in my strength rather than using others and seeing I need others. It was worth taking a chance and finding my drive!" growled Cozy, pounding Braver's head playfully.

"To forgive and move on from my past. Be brave, not letting my guilt make a hole within me." Luna whispered as her eyes were shut, as tears were falling.

"THANK YOU!" shouted her friends together

"Thank you, sister! Mommy! Momma! Friends!" Braver could hear everyone and felt their warmth as the dark aura finally disappeared. She was back to normal and crying her eyes out.

Soon, the others joined in on the hug, all but one.

"Stop it," whispered Dawn as she stared at them. Stop taking her away from me."

Dawn was jealous of how happy Braver looked, of the attention she was giving to everyone, and of the fact that she wasn't making Dawn the center of attention. Her thoughts started filling her mind.

"This isn't fair... I'm her friend. We promised to be friends, to stick together... Only I can help her and make her happy,"

Dawn was trying not to cry but was shaking, and tears were falling.

"Don't leave me behind...No one ever notices me. Everyone looks at you... Why? I'm not special. I'm not a princess. I'm not strong. I need to be more smart. I'm not anything. What is the point in trying if nothing changes? I want to change... I want to be noticed. I want to be acknowledged. I want to be happy, too, but only with you. I want you to see me, and only me. Braver, look at me. Please, just once. Look at me. Say my name and smile at me. Why can't you understand? Why can't I understand this friendship? Why can't you see the real me? All of my fake friends left me behind, so why are you still here? Braver...Braver...BRAVER!"

Dawn pounded the ground as she screamed, "STOP IT! STOP LOOKING AT EVERYONE BUT ME! DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME! Why do you hate me so much? Why, Braver? Why? Why don't you like me? Don't you know how much I love you!? You're all I have—my only friend. Please, stop leaving me behind."

Dawn fell to the ground and just broke down.

Within the sea of the prism windows, the dark figure with the rainbow sun hole on its back kept searching the window that it sensed from before, and they felt it again, but like before, they couldn't find it. It was sobbing once more.

"PLEASE! Let me see you again! Let me love you again! PLEASE!"

The figure just floated away, not noticing that their tears hit a broken prism window, causing it to glow, revealing Dawn's thoughts, which echoed across the white void and reached the figure's ears. It turned and started to cry.

"...is that..."

"Don't forget about me."

"Braver, please... Look at me."

"I want to stay by your side... I want to be noticed and acknowledged. I want to be loved by you, please."

"Please, stop forgetting me."

"It hurts. My heart hurts. Braver, don't leave me."

Soon, the darkness faded away, revealing a human with pony ears. On her chest, there was the same sun and the same hole, but it was bleeding rainbow liquid. She was crying and could hear the words echoing as the prism sea became black and the only light was her, as she listened to the pleas of a young girl...


End of chapter one

Author's Note:

gotta start strong and setting up a few story arcs(from this and last chapter). This is a slice of life fic after all...with bit of "saving the multiverse" stuff lol

lil star is a basket ball size moon that lives within Aaira mind. if you played dead space 3, you will understand lol

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