• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

  • ...

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Chapter 27: No Matter What Or Where, Friendship Is Always Magic

Braver munched a few cookies while watching Blitz freak out and walk back and forth. She could hear her talking about what she was going to say to Lucy when she finally woke up after fainting.

"What am I going to say to her!? Oh god, she's going to freak out and hate me!" She finally stopped and looked over to her sister. "Braver, we got to leave! We can't be here!" Blitz transformed into her anthro form and was going to fly out the window, but Braver just grabbed her tail while still eating a cookie. Blitz rubber band back into the room and fell to the floor.

"Sis, you can't leave now," Braver said, looking down at her and a little annoyed by Blitz's behavior. You need to tell her everything, remember?"

Blitz groaned in pain. "I know. I know. It's just hard to tell her the truth. What if she never wants to be around me?" Blitz's eyes started to water at the thoughts of Lucy hating her and never wanting to see her ever again.

Braver couldn't help but laugh. "Blitz, are you serious? You told me how close you and she are as if she cares about you. You don't have to be worried." She picked up Blitz and held her like a stuffed animal. "Besides, have faith; have faith in your friendship and feelings. Trust in them; believe in them." Braver placed her sister down and fixed Blitz's messy hair.

Blitz couldn't help but smile as her sister's words gave her confidence and trust. She knew Lucy wouldn't leave her; even if she told her everything, her friendship would not break—not even if they had feelings for each other.

"Thanks, sis," said Blitz.

"Anything for my little sister," replied Braver with a smile.

They hugged while Blitz spoke. "I'm Glad you are in my life, sis. Even if you are a siscon and a klutz."

Braver pushed her back and crossed her arms. "Hey!" she pouted. "I'm not a klutz! I haven't broken anything while I have been here! That's a new record!" she cheered, jumping for joy.

Blitz couldn't help but facepalm and sighed. "Braver, I think it's more important to be upset at the former than the latter."

Braver pouted again, as she still didn't understand the true meaning of the word siscon. She still thinks it means excellent love for your sister and nothing more. She wanted to say something but didn't, as she could see Blitz lowering herself by Lucy's side on the bed and holding her hand while waiting for her to wake up.

"Blitz, why don't you kiss her?"

"B-Braver! Don't say something like that!" blushed Blitz, turning her head away. "That is not okay; you should know better."

Braver tilted her head. "But it worked in that tale with sleeping beauty, so why can't it work for Lucy?" she asked, walking over and sitting next to her sister and still looking confused.

Blitz facepalmed while shaking her head. She couldn't believe her sister was such a blockhead. Even though she had shown how smart she could be, she still acted like a kid at times.

"Braver, this is not some fairy tale story," Blitz replied, looking back at her.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I just thought it would be a nice idea." She looked at her legs, watching herself kick the air. She only spoke when she thought of something and asked Blitz. "Sis, how did you and Lucy meet anyway? You never told me the story."

Blitz was caught off guard by her question and quickly answered it. "Oh, we just met in school. That's it," she said, all nervous.

Braver narrowed her eyes at her, knowing there was more to it. "Come on, Blitz. There is more to that story; I know there is. Come on, spill the beans. Something happened that you don't want me to know about."

Blitz turned her head and looked away. "Nope, nothing happened."

"Come on, Sis! Tell me," begged Braver, grabbing Blitz and shaking her. "Tell me! Tell me!"

"No, Braver!" yelled Blitz, pushing her away.

"Sis, just tell me!" Braver tried to get closer, but Blitz kept pushing her back again.

"Braver, no," Blitz said, using her legs and keeping her annoying sister away.

"But sis!" Braver was getting desperate to know as her curiosity drove her up the wall. "You can tell me! We're family, aren't we? Tell me, please?" she asked, giving an adorable puppy face, hoping Blitz would tell her.

Blitz started getting tired of her sister's whining and begging, which annoyed her. She just wanted her to stop and forget about it.

"Braver, seriously. No."

"Fine! If you don't want to tell me, I'll ask Lucy! I'll wake her up!" Braver gave a creepy smile as her horn started to glow, making Blitz freak out and tackle her to the floor.

"OKAY! OKAY! I'll tell you!" yelled Blitz.

"YAY!" cheered Braver, hugging her sister and kissing her cheek. Now tell me the story, please. I'll be a good sister and listen, I promise." She was being extra sweet and nice, giving her sister a cute smile, who was blushing.

Blitz sighed. "Alright." She got off her sister and sat down next to Lucy. "So, the first day of school was going normally..."

Two-year years ago

I was heading to school, as always, when I spotted Lucy. She was at the bus stop—not the school bus stop but the normal one. She looked confused and wondered where the rest of the teenagers were. I stopped and asked her if she was lost.

"Hey, are you alright? Are you lost?"

"H-huh? Oh, yeah. I guess I am." She turned and noticed Blitz was a teenager like herself. "Wait, are you a student from Canterlot High?" she asked, looking surprised and hopeful.

"Yeah," replied Blitz. "What are you doing here, and why are you alone?"

She started to play with her fingers. "O-oh, well. This is the school bus stop, right?" She looked back up, seeing the town's bus coming and stopping. She was going to get on, but Blitz stopped her.

"Wait, that's the normal bus, and it will take you nowhere near the school!"

Lucy looked at her and then at the bus. "Oh...w-well. Thanks for telling me. I'm Lucy, Lucy Dawn."

Blitz gave her a warm smile. "I'm Blitz; come on. Let's go."

Blitz grabbed her hand, and they walked together to the school, not realizing they'd been holding hands this whole time.

Lucy looked at her and smiled. "Thanks, Blitz."

Blitz smiled and held her hand a little tighter. "You are welcome, Lucy."

They got to the school, and Lucy couldn't believe her eyes. For the first time in her life, she saw such a massive school that it wasn't just the spare room of her house being used for her homeschooling.

"Wow, this place is amazing!" said Lucy, looking around and seeing so many students hanging out in the courtyard before school started.

Blitz stood by her side and looked around, too. She was trying to find her friends, Wallflower and Sunset, but couldn't. She suddenly felt pulled as Lucy kept holding her hand and walked up to the statue of a horse.

"Oh wow! What a pretty horse! Is it some mascot or something?" Lucy asked.

"It's called Wondercolts, and yup...well, it was the school mascot, but the school is retiring it. So the statue will be taken down in a few weeks; my mother is pretty upset about it," Blitz replied, looking up at it.

Lucy couldn't help but frown. "That's a shame. Why are they retiring it?" She looked over to Blitz, who just gave her a shrug as an answer.

"Beats me; I guess it's getting old and stuff. My mom and her friends are not happy about it." Blitz said, looking back at the statue.

Lucy could see how upset she was—not just about the statue but about something else, too. She was hiding something, but she didn't ask her; she figured Blitz would tell her when she was ready.

"So, what's your schedule?"

Blitz took it out and handed it to Lucy, who looked over it, and her eyes went wide. "We're in the same classes together!" She looked up and smiled at her.

Blitz was also shocked but smiled at her. "W-wow. Guess it was fate that we met."

Before they could speak further on this, they could hear someone yelling for Blitz from inside the school. They faced where the yelling was coming from, and Lucy quickly hid behind Blitz as Sunset came running up to them.

"Blitz! There you are! I thought you were inside, huh?" Sunset could see Blitz and Lucy holding hands. She narrowed her eyes and became very suspicious. "What are you doing, and who's the girl hiding behind you?" She got closer but stopped as Lucy took out a whistle and started blowing it. Everyone who was outside turned to them and wondered what was going on.

"Help! Help!" screamed Lucy, making Blitz and Sunset very confused. "HELP! POLICE! RAINBOW COMET!"

Blitz quickly covered Lucy's mouth, and she smiled nervously at the gathering of students and even teachers.

"She's okay! Nothing to see here!"

Blitz pulled her inside while Sunset followed them, still not liking seeing the two holding hands and acting strange.
They entered the stairway, went to the lower floor, and finally removed her hand from Lucy's mouth. "What was that just now!? Screaming like that!?" Blitz whispered loudly, hoping no one heard them.

"Sorry," apologized Lucy. "I was scared."

Blitz gave her a confused look. "Scared? Why? Sunset is the nicest girl you can know!" she answered, not noticing Sunset blushing.

"S-Sunset..." Lucy looked over to her, looking up and down. "Nicest? She looks like a delinquent with that outfit! Leather jeans, the devil-looking t-shirt, and those black boots! DEVIL WORSHIPPER!" She was about to blow her whistle again, but Blitz grabbed it, stopping and spooking her.

Sunset laughed as she approached Lucy, making her hide behind Blitz again. "How is a rock band a fucking devil worshipping!? And I'm not a delinquent!"

"Not anymore," corrected Wallflower, who spooked Sunset and Lucy because of her sudden appearance. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Anyway, nice to meet you. I'm Wallflower," she greeted, offering a hand to her.

Lucy stayed behind Blitz, looking nervous, watching Sunset curse at her friend for always scaring her like that.

"Where did she come from!?" whispered Lucy, lowering herself behind Blitz, who just laughed.

"She was always here. She came along with Sunset...she doesn't stand out that much."

"Wait, you noticed her?" asked Lucy, pointing to the green-haired girl.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Blitz replied, looking back at her. "She's my friend too. Why wouldn't I notice the sweetest girl I know?"

Wallflower blushed bright red when she heard that, while Sunset rolled her eyes.

"Okay, Blitz. You're doing a little too much. Don't be so corny." Sunset said, walking closer and looking at Lucy, who was looking back.

"Hey, nice to meet you. My name is Sunny Shimeren, but friends call me Sunset." Sunset reached out her hand to Lucy, looking back and forth between Blitz and Sunset.

"Shimeren? Like a demon?"

Sunset facepalmed herself, shaking her head and not believing this girl. Blitz just laughed her ass off, though, while Wallflower just smiled.

"Why the fuck do you think my last name sounds like a damn demon!? It means shimmer, so nothing evil!" Sunset yelled, not believing this girl.

"Sunny Shimeren, the demon," teased Blitz, laughing her ass off until Sunset bopped her on the head softly, causing everyone to laugh but Lucy.

Lucy could see how friendly the three were; it was like seeing her parents together.

"You have nice friends, Blitz. They're nice," said Lucy, smiling at her while looking at the girls, but seeing Sunset's cold stare made her nervous. "Well, not all of them."

"Trust me, Sunset is nice. Now..." Blitz turned to her and gave her back her whistle. "Why do you have a whistle?"

Lucy took it back and held it in her hand. "I have to. It's from my parents; they are afraid someone will hurt me or kidnap me since I was homeschooled all my life." She looked up, seeing the girls giving her a sad look. She didn't know why. "What's wrong?"

Blitz sighed. "Canterlot High isn't that kind of school, you know? Sure, there are school fights, but no one will outright attack you or even kidnap you."

Wallflower walked over. "She's right. This school isn't dangerous; you don't need a whistle to blow and scream for help."

"I know, but..." Lucy was looking down. "I just want to protect myself, just in case."

The girls could see she was distraught until Sunset leaned on the wall and spoke.

"So, why is a homeschooled girl like you doing here? Why now?"

Lucy started to shake and shutter, which made Blitz put her hand on her shoulder.

"I was sick of homeschooling and wanted to meet kids my age. I never had friends before," she answered, holding her whistle and looking down, feeling very shy. "I want to talk or socialize with others because of what Rainbow Comet said in that radio interview."

"Oh yeah, I remember listening to that a few months ago! Where people called in and asked her questions," replied Wallflower, remembering.

Blitz's eyes widen, and her grip on Lucy's hand softens as she realizes who she is. She remembers being asked to do an interview for the local radio station and accepting the offer. She remembers all the calls that came in, all the normal things that people will ask a superhero, but she remembers a caller asking her something very different.

A few months ago-

"Okay, here's our next caller, who goes by "Luster." You are on the air, sweetie," said the radio host, patching the caller in.

Blitz, I hope it wasn't another person asking why she didn't go with Super Horse or even SuperMare since the latter is already taken in another universe. She didn't want to steal Flare's superhero name, too, but she didn't tell that. She fixed herself in the chair, waiting for the caller to speak, but she could only hear a faint whisper, which had sadness behind it.

"The caller isn't there. Okay, next-" but the host was stopped as Blitz raised her hand, telling her to stop.

"The caller is there. I can hear her voice." Blitz pointed to her pony ears, which had headphones with duct tape on them to keep them from falling off her head. "Go ahead, ask me your question again."
Blitz knew no one could hear her, but she could, and her heart was breaking when she asked her question again.

In a dark room, Lucy had her father's phone and was hiding under her blanket on her bed.

"Do you have friends? Friends who love you and will always be there for you? Friends who will understand you and always protect you?" asked the small voice, shaking and clearly crying. "What is it like? What does it feel like? I want to know...because I never had that."

Blitz had to keep herself from crying, hearing such a sad girl asking her a question no kid should have to ask.
"Yes. I have friends, Luster. They love me and have always been there for me. They understand me, and even though I always protect them, they will do the same for me. Being friends is one of the greatest gifts you could give to someone." Blitz answered with a sad smile, trying to cheer up the young girl.

Lucy had tears falling down her cheeks, feeling the sadness and happiness in the superhero's words.
"What's it like? What does it feel like?" Blitz closed her eyes and held her chest. "It's like a spark. A little flame, small but big, can become bigger the more you feed it with the friendship you have. It's a wonderful feeling to know someone will be there for you. Someone who loves and cherishes you." Blitz could hear crying over the phone, and what she heard next truly broke her, as it was a clear sign of depression.

"Why can't I have that? I want friends. I want them, but I can't. No one wants to be friends with a weird girl like me... I need to die. I shouldn't exist. I don't deserve to live."

Blitz remembered her past and herself saying those things. She wanted to die to destroy her universe but was saved by her mothers and their alternate-universe versions. She knew she had to do the same for this girl!

"Don't say that! You don't need to die. You don't deserve to die. I don't care if you think no one wants to be friends with a weird girl! You should try!" Blitz couldn't hold back her tears and let them out. "...I was saved by a wonderful group of people who taught me to keep moving forward. I didn't have to die. I didn't have to suffer in the darkness and live in it. I could... no, I can move forward to a better future, a dawn for me to see and treasure. A new beginning," she wiped her tears and smiled. "As I said about the spark, a spark was lit within me; the moment I met them, met my heroes, it was lit like a blazing fire; then, meeting my friends, the spark grew bigger and stronger, becoming a beautiful sun, a dawn filled with joy and love."

Lucy was silent, still crying but feeling the sadness wash away.

"So, never give up."

"But what if I fall? Fail in making friends?" asked Lucy, her voice sounding much louder now.

"Friendship is like magic. So, if you fail, try again because that's the only way you can succeed, Luster. If you try, you will never fail. The magic of friendship will always be there and always help you." Blitz finished her speech, feeling like a real superhero, as she could hear the radio host crying in the background and the other staff members clapping. She even felt her phone vibrate going off, no doubt her mothers and aunts texting her as they were listening to her interviews.

Lucy was shocked at the words and slowly smiled, sitting in her bed and crying for happiness.

"Thank you, Rainbow Comet. Thank you."

Back in the present, Blitz looked at Lucy, who had her head down and was smiling. She was here, wanting to make friends. Thanks to her words, she's taking those first few steps into the world of friendship.

"So, that's why. Because of her inspired words to that caller, I decided to come to a real school. I wanted to know what it feels like to have friends, just like she said...t-to the caller." shuttered Lucy, her face turning a shade of red.

Blitz looked at Sunset and Wallflower, who were smiling; she smiled back, then looked at Lucy.

"You can count on me to be your friend and always protect you," said Blitz, holding Lucy's hand still. "Want to be friends? Right girls?" She looked back, seeing the two nodding.

Wallflower nodded, giving a warm smile. "Of course. Lucy, we can be friends. It would be nice to have another girl in the group."

Sunset nodded. "Yeah, welcome to the friend group, Lucy."

"T-thanks!" Lucy shouted, crying happily and hugging Blitz, who returned it.

Sunset looked away, feeling jealous. "Great and happy for you, but..." she pointed to the two. "Maybe stop holding hands? It makes you two look like more than friends."

"W-what!? N-no way! We aren't together. You got it all wrong!" Lucy denied, backing away and waving her hands but stopping as Sunset burst out laughing, making her blush harder.

"Just messing with you," the bell rang, making her step off the wall. "You two would be cute," teased Sunset.

"SUNSET!!" Blitz yelled, blushing bright red.

"So, Lucy. You can hang out with us after school; we can introduce you to the other two. They're older, so they don't go to school." answered Wallflower, ignoring Sunset and Blitz fighting. Lucy whispered okay and followed Blitz to homeroom while Sunset and Wallflower waved them goodbye until their following classes. "Don't be jealous; they just met. It's a bad look."

Sunset just grumbled, walking away and not saying anything.

Lunchtime came, and Blitz showed Lucy the dining hall. They entered the line, took the tray, and handed it to her. They got their food and sat at the table.

"Where is everyone?" asked Lucy, looking for the girls.

Blitz ate her pizza and explained that Sunset and Wallflower's lunch times differ. She could see Lucy being a little upset about that.

"Don't worry. After this, we have a gym with Sunset, so just enjoy the food."

Lucy looked at her food, held her cross, and started to pray. "Dear Lord, please bless this food. Thank you for the blessings you have given me today, the new friends, and the chance to live a better life. I am thankful for it all. Amen."

Blitz was a little surprised; she didn't take her as a Christian, but remember her saying she was homeschooled and calling rock music the devil? That made everything click. She wasn't judging her, but she wondered how other students would react to her if she hadn't met her first. Blitz just watched her eat, which was odd. She took out a massive napkin with its utensils and set them out on it, carefully putting them out before grabbing them and eating...the pizza.

Blitz had her head tilted, confused and a little concerned. "Why are you using a fork and knife to eat pizza? You know it's finger food, right?"

Lucy shook her head. "My mom said pizza is not meant for fingers but for the knife and fork. It's how people eat it- how it was meant to."

Blitz wanted to argue but could see she was earnest, and that would be a losing argument, so she let it go and ate her pizza usually. She just hoped her other friends—mostly Sunset and Brishen—wouldn't pick on her for this, but she'll talk with them later.

After lunch, Blitz and Lucy met up with Sunset, dressed in their gym clothes, and joined the other students. Lucy and Sunset watched Blitz quickly run around the lap in record time.

The gym teacher stopped the stopwatch and was amazed by Blitz's time, but he knew who her mother was. "Well down, Blitz, your mom must have trained you well. Dashiell must be proud of you!"

"I'm sure she is, sir," said Blitz, feeling very proud.

Lucy was also amazed by Blitz's speed and listened to the two. Then she turned to Sunset, who was smiling. "I didn't know Blitz could run so fast!" she said, turning Sunset to her.

"She's a born runner, a natural athlete, and wants to be like her mothers."

When Lucy heard 'mothers,' she became worried as she held her cross. "Mothers?"

Sunset nodded, and Lucy could see a sad look on her face. "You heard the story. Dashiell was once a famous runner for this school and town but never went pro. I don't know why, but that's her choice. Anyway, Dashiell isn't Blitz's birth mother. Blitz's real mom died in an accident when she was still young. She told me that her real mom is like Dashiell, a great athlete, and they match each other in their speed." Sunset gave me a big smile. "Blitz wants to be like them, being a great athlete against others."

Lucy let go of her cross, feeling somewhat glad she had it wrong but also sad that Blitz had lost her birth mother. She wanted to ask what happened to her father, but the teacher called her before she could.

"Alright, next! How about you, Dawn?" asked the teacher, looking at Lucy.

Lucy flinched and shook her head. "Sorry, sir, but I don't do physical exercise."

The teacher blinked and sighed. "It's just a lap. Come on, go," he waved her off, pointing to the other waiting kids.

Lucy looked at the others and looked back, wanting to say no, but she could see Blitz cheering her on and feeling her heart flutter and not understanding why, she started to run.

"Wow, this is sad," smirked Sunset, watching Lucy poorly run, tripping over her feet.

"Shut up," pouted Blitz, knowing fully what she was talking about. "She'll get it. I know she can; it just takes time."

"Sure thing. Sure thing," grinned Sunset.

As for Lucy, she was already feeling the pain in her lungs and legs. She couldn't believe it. Why was she doing this? Her father would do gym lessons but not make her run a whole lap. The teacher yelled at her to run faster, and she did, trying not to trip even more.

"Come on, Dawn! You can do it!" yelled Blitz, cheering her on while the other kids laughed.

"Hey, what's the holdup, Dawn!? Come on, run faster! We're dying of old age here!" laughed a boy with his friends.

"Shut up! Shut up!" she thought, tears in her eyes and her legs burning. "Just shut up and stop laughing!"

"Oh my God, I've never seen someone this bad at running before," a girl with glasses said, laughing.

"She's even worse than a fat kid. This is just pathetic!"

Lucy wanted to cry; she wasn't new to this, but that didn't mean it hurt less. Her heart was pounding, her legs burned, her lungs were screaming, and tears blinded her eyes. She then tripped, falling and sliding on her face. She crossed the finish line but felt the laughter and teasing behind her. She tried to stand, but her legs were weak, and her arms were shaky.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?" asked a voice.

She looked up, seeing Blitz kneeling and smiling.

"You did great."

Lucy sniffled and wiped her tears, happy someone was there for her...like she always wanted. She felt someone helping her stand up and looked, seeing Sunset.

"You did great, like Blitz said. Just don't cross the finishing line like that again. This isn't baseball." She joked, making the two laugh.

The teacher clapped and gave her a thumbs-up. "Not bad, but train a little more. So, keep it up; you could make a great runner someday." The teacher then turned to the other students and made the next person run. It was only a short time before everyone was done, and the teacher took everyone outside and told them to do whatever they wanted. Since it was the first day of school, he wanted them to have fun on the first day of gym.

Everyone did their own thing while Blitz dragged her friends to the track and field. Lucy watched her do a warm-up and stretch and was impressed by her skills.

"You're pretty flexible. Your mom taught you?"

Blitz looked at her while stretching her arms. "Yeah, Mom said I was like her when it came to being an athlete. She said we're both born with it, which means we don't have to work hard on training, but we could lose it if we don't keep at it."

Lucy tilted her head. "That makes no sense."

Blitz chuckled, getting up and patting the dirt off. "Trust me, it does. Mom used to tell me, We have to work on our skills, or else we could get rusty." She clapped her hands. "OK! Are you two ready to race against me!?"

Sunset groans and rubs the back of her head. "Sorry, you know I don't do running, remember?"

Blitz looked upset as she heard her friend. "Sunset! Come on! You are good at running! Even my mom said so! Don't be a chicken and race me!"

Sunset rolled her eyes and put her hands up. "Fine, fine. Let me stretch first. I'm not going to race without warming up first."

"Fine, I'll give you 5 minutes to warm up." She turned to Lucy, who looked a little worried. "You, too, start warming up!"

"But you have seen how I run, and I don't know how to 'warm up' for running."

Blitz just grinned. "I'll teach you," she said, getting Lucy's attention.


Blitz asked Sunset to join them, and she showed them runner warm-ups.

"Let's start with heel to butt. Like this." She did the warm-up, showing them her front and then her back, showing how far the heel needed to go.

Of course, Blitz was unaware that the warm-up was showing off her butt to the two, who couldn't look away.
Sunset blushed as she wasn't listening to how this warm-up was a good start for warming up; she just kept looking. Lucy, on the other hand, was having trouble standing on one foot but was also looking at Blitz's butt. She didn't know why she felt like watching it, and she started to feel weird, as her cheeks were warm. She had felt this odd feeling before.

Blitz finished and stood straight, putting one knee on the ground and stretching her arms from side to side. "Now you guys try. Just go slow; you do not need to rush."

Both nodded and started doing the same, with Lucy going slow and Sunset going fast. It wasn't long before they were done and running on the track, and as the two knew it, Blitz was ahead of them and soon passed them, as she was already doing her second lap.

Lucy was huffing and puffing, as she wasn't used to running, and her lungs started hurting.

"Come on, come on. Don't give up," thought Sunset, trying to motivate herself, as she was tired, just like Lucy, who was far behind Sunset.

Blitz did her final lap and watched and cheered the girls on as they crossed the finish line, seeing them drop to the ground and catch their breaths. She smiled and sat beside them.

"Well done, girls, not bad. Not bad at all. I noticed you gave it all! My mom will be proud! My other mom will say something about "low-intensity training improves fat utilization, high-intensity running raises VO2 max, and high mileage promotes running economy." or something like that. Blitz laughed, but she could see the girls were surprised she said something so smart. "S-she always says that Mom and I just tune her out."

"I swear, you are a nerd deep down," said Sunset, getting up and punching Blitz in the arm. "Or Twilah is just rubbing off on ya; maybe her smarts can turn you into the next smartest woman in the world. Who knows."

"Hey! I'm smart," pouted Blitz.

Both were going at it but stopped as they noticed Lucy rubbing her cross.

"Are you okay?" asked Blitz, but she noticed she stepped back away from them. "Lucy?"

"Your mom is the witch!?"

Sunset quickly stood in front of Blitz, protecting her. "Fuck off! Are you one of those assholes!? Blitz's mom does great things; how is this witchcraft? How does a woman invent and make great shit like holograms and other super useful things be seen as witchcraft!?"

Blitz just stared in shock, never seeing this side of Sunset before.

Lucy didn't flinch and just stared at her. "The witch makes the devil's work; that's what my parents say."

Sunset was pissed and made a fist but didn't do anything. She was going to say something but felt Blitz pull her back.
"It's fine, Sunny. Lucy, I'm sorry, but my mom's inventions aren't the 'devil.'" Blitz replied with air quotes. "She's been doing good in the world. If you have a problem, we can talk it out."

Lucy held her cross and didn't reply, as she didn't know what to say. She backed up and prayed hard. Blitz slowly walked to her but stopped as Lucy held her cross out.

"You need saving, Blitz! You shouldn't have two moms; it's wrong! A sin!"

"Dude, what the fuck are you saying?!" yelled Sunset, pissed off.

Blitz put her hands up and spoke softly. "It's alright. I'm not mad. You're just saying what your parents say, right?"

Lucy nodded, looking at the two, scared.

"They don't know me. If they met me, I'm sure they would change their minds. But I doubt I can change their minds anyway. But know this, Lucy: you shouldn't unthinkingly follow them and find out on your own. You should trust your mind and not just others. You don't need to agree with them all the time. Trust me, it's okay. Now, come on. We're friends. We're all friends, you, me, Sunny, and Wallflower." She held out her hand, hoping Lucy would take it.

Lucy looked at her hand and then at her cross. She could hear her father and mother telling her how the devil lies—that the devil would use trickery. She gripped her cross tightly and looked back up, seeing Blitz. She could see her smiling, but something else was behind it— sadness. She was sad that her new friend couldn't accept her and her family. Her heart started to hurt. She wasn't sure why, as she didn't understand this feeling.

"...I...sorry..." Lucy was going to run away, but Blitz grabbed her hand. Lucy unthinkingly swiped at her, hearing Blitz yelling in pain. She quickly faced her, seeing Blitz's hand bleeding as the cross somehow scratched her.

Blitz held her other hand up, stopping Sunset from doing something, and Lucy backed away. "Lucy, wait! Stop! Come on! It was an-"

"DON'T TOUCH ME, WITCH!" Lucy yelled as tears ran down her face, running away, leaving the two behind.

"Sis..." whimper Braver, hearing how the story goes so far. She couldn't help but hug her little sister.

Blitz won't lie; she needed it right now as she remembered it all. She knew Lucy didn't mean it and that it was just an accident, but Lucy wouldn't see it like that. Blitz saw it on her face; she hurt a friend both physically and mentally.

"Thank you, sis, but let me finish the story, okay?" said Blitz.

Braver nodded and pulled away, sitting beside her.

"So, after that, Lucy avoided us the rest of the day, and even when I tried to talk to her, she would walk away. It was after school that I looked for her, while the girls also looked for her for me. Even though Sunset didn't want to, I told her that Lucy was a good person, and I could see it. She couldn't say no after that. As I looked for her, I ended up standing in front of the statue in the courtyard. I was still a little upset about what happened and how the Wondercolts statue was being removed..."

"Man, this sucks," whispered Blitz, touching the base of the statue and never realizing the surface felt like a mirror. "I wish you could stay here for the rest of my school years. I wanted..." She couldn't continue and sighed. She jumped up, sat on the base, and looked out, seeing other students leaving.

"...I'm sorry."

"Huh!?" Blitz heard the whisper; it was behind her, and she quickly jumped down and ran behind the statue. She saw a spook, Lucy, who tried to run, but Blitz yelled out to her, "I'm sorry!"


"I'm sorry," said Blitz, walking up to her and noticing Lucy stepping away from her. "I'm not going to do anything. I want to say sorry. I shouldn't have grabbed you like that. You had every right to hurt me." Blitz touches her bandaged hand. "You shouldn't say sorry to me. I deserve it, so don't feel bad, okay?" She turned around to walk off but stopped as she heard Lucy's soft and hurt voice.


Blitz looked back at her. "Why, what?"

"I'm the one who hurt you, saying those things, hurting your hand. Why are you putting all the blame on yourself?"

Blitz smiled softly, looking away. "Because it's not like you wanted to hurt me; you did it because you were scared of me, scared of what I am." Blitz grabbed her bandage hand, clutching it hard, as blood started to leak. "I don't blame you or anyone who hates me or sees me as evil. I deserve it; I deserve it all. I'm the devil. I'm a demon. I'm-"


"Huh?" Blitz was caught off guard, seeing Lucy standing in front of her.

"You're not! You have been nothing but kind to me. You are taking all the blame now, so I wouldn't feel bad, even after what I did and said. It's not right. I was the one who hurt you and shouldn't be forgiven, so why are you apologizing!?" yelled Lucy, with tears running down her face.

Blitz looked down and couldn't bear to look at her in the eyes, as she could hear voices, screaming, and...

"Listen to me. Listen to us. You are a monster."

She looked up, finding herself in a burning city—in her destroyed home and its burning garden. She saw a charred pony standing there, repeating what she said. "Listen to me. Listen to us. You are a monster!" she got closer, making Blitz remember the burn-charred flesh and the smelly burnt mane. "You are a monster! Listen to me. Listen to us! You are a monster!". Soon, a purple alicorn with a hole in her chest joined the charred pony and spoke. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! Please! Don't kill me!". Blitz shut her eyes...

"...because I'm the one who can't and never should be forgiven. Even my dead mothers would hate me if they knew what I had done to a friend," whispered Blitz, her voice filled with guilt. Still hearing her parent's voices over and over...

Lucy couldn't help but hug her, which shocked Blitz as she opened her eyes. She saw not only her but also the real versions of her mothers, smiling at her and fading away.

"Don't say that! As someone as kind as you, you deserve to be loved and not hated by everyone."


"I'm not letting go until you tell me you will stop thinking like that."

Blitz was taken back and couldn't help but smile a little, hugging her back and holding her close, as she didn't want to let go.

Lucy looked up at her, giving her a sad look. "If I want to be a good friend to you, I need to be better. I need to accept you and your family. So...I'm sorry for everything." She let her go and held her bandaged hand, seeing the blood still leaking through. "If I want to be a part of your 'spark,' a fuel to keep your Spark ignited, I need to stop my fear of the unknown and start thinking and seeing things through my own eyes rather than what my parents and their beliefs told me." She took her cross off and stared at it. She threw it away and faced Blitz.

"A real friend will be happy to hear you, to see you, and to know how much they care about you... I want to experience that, so please forgive me. I want to become better; I want to see you for yourself."

"Lucy..." Blitz could feel something in her chest; it felt like a burning flame. She grabbed her chest, clutching it as her cheeks felt warm. Blitz realized what this feeling was as she became very nervous and not sure what to do. "I forgive you, so..." Blitz hurried where Lucy tossed her cross and quickly returned with it, placing it in Lucy's palm and closing it. "Even though your parents taught you their way of the church and what they believe is right, never give up on the church or its teachings. Like them, you should find your way of 'his' message. So, keep believing, like they did, okay?"

"..." Lucy smiled softly and nodded. "Thank you," she said, putting back on the necklace and staring at Blitz, feeling her cheeks red, both blushing. She watched as Blitz looked at the statue and had to ask her something. "There's something more, isn't there?"


Lucy looked at the statue. "I noticed how you look at it like you are upset that it's getting removed and something behind it like a lost treasure."

Blitz smiled sadly. "Yeah, something like that. The real reason is that my moms made a promise to each other in front of the statue. We should always love each other, be there no matter where they are, and remember each other's names. I want it to stay because it's a part of their memories." Blitz, blush a bit. "Don't laugh! Many say I'm a tomboy, but even I like romance stuff, you know?" Blitz walked to the mirror-like surface of the statue base, touching it. "...I want to make the same promise and make the same memories for someone I truly love one day. So, I would like it if the statue stayed... I know it's silly, but that's why I'm upset."

Lucy smiled softly, walking up and joining her side. "I don't think so; it's romantic. I hope you will find that special person." She grabbed Blitz's hand.

Blitz blushed even harder. "Thanks...".

They both started to talk about their first day of school and what the next day would be like since they had art class the next day, and Lucy admitted she was a great artist. Sunset and Wallflower could see them as they spoke, but they noticed how Blitz was holding hands with Lucy and how both were blushing. Both girls felt pain in their chests as they looked at each other and back at the girls. They walked up to them, trying to act fine, as Sunset joked about them holding hands again. Causing the two to turn red and letting go, seeing their reactions didn't help the other girls, as their pain grew even more.

"So, what happened to the statue? Did it stay?" asked Braver.

"No, it ended up being removed weeks later, and months later, a new statue was placed—a boring one, too, just a stupid horseshoe," explained Blitz.

Braver sighed and shook her head. "Wow, that sucks."

Blitz agreed with her. The two talked more about Blitz's school life and other things, not noticing that Lucy was already awake and heard everything. She remembered everything on that day. She stood up, alerting the twins to her, and Blitz quickly got off the bed and kneeled. She was about to touch Lucy's hand but stopped herself.

"...I'm sorry. Sorry for lying to you for two years and making you hate me when I ditched our activities and needed to be Rainbow Comet. I'm so sorry you had to see me like...' that'...nothing happened, I swear!" Blitz started to cry. "I know there's no excuse for how I treated you or our friends, but I never meant to hurt you or them. I was scared. I thought I was going to lose you forever. I started to stress out, not wanting to hurt Sunny and Wilma; I just wanted to make them happy, even if it meant giving up my body to them. I want to make everyone happy! Happy and not suffer like me or my sister!".

Lucy could see the pain in Blitz's eyes, her pain and her fear of losing her friends, which is why she did what she did. She didn't want her friends to feel her pain and tried to protect them, even at the cost of her own. But the thing is...

"Blitz...back then...even now, what...happened? What happened in your life to make you like this?" Lucy softly grabbed her hand and held it. "What made you like this? Always giving, but never taking? Always helping but never wanting help? You always smile, but..." tears started to fall on their hands, as she was crying now. "I could always tell there was pain behind it. Even if you did hurt me and our friends, I was more mad that you weren't letting me help you or share your pain and sadness. I'm your friend. Friends are supposed to be there for each other, no matter what," she said, holding Blitz's hand harder and shaking now. "Seeing you like that was the lowest I had ever seen you. It broke my heart. Seeing you hurt the girls who care about you, who would die for you...made me feel like a horrible person for not being there for you sooner, to stop you and help you." She finally let go and looked up at Blitz, who was crying hard. She placed her hands on her chest. "Blitz. I felt it when I realized how happy I was to hear and see you and how much I cared about you. The Spark ignited inside me when I realized that you and the others are my friends, but with you, there's more. I kept it buried because of my folks, but seeing you...being you, always taking the hurt so others can be happy. Your loyalty to our hearts, your kindness, and your strong will and courage—all these things—are why I..." she smiled and blushed deeply. "I love you, Blitz. So, I'm asking you to please let me share your pain so I can help you move forward. Please.".

Blitz placed her face first on the bed and cried, not sure what to do as her whole body shook, feeling so many emotions. Lucy tried to calm her down, but even though she couldn't, she would never leave; she would always wait for her.

Braver wanted to be there for her sister, but hearing and seeing Lucy's actions, she knew better. She shouldn't be here; it wasn't her place to help her sister right now; it was Lucy, the person Blitz needed most. She got up and quietly left the room, shutting the door behind her. She sat down by it and just waited. She could hear loud crying sometimes; other times, it was Blitz hating herself; other times, it was her laughing softly. Braver just put her head on her knees and listened to all the emotions her dear sister finally let out rather than bottling it all up.

Hours went by. It was noon, and the door finally opened. Braver looked up and could only smile at what she saw.

"Sorry, sis. I told her everything about us and who's after her, which is why it took so long."

Braver stood and told her it was fine. She looked down and saw the two holding hands, Lucy resting her head on her sister's shoulder and Blitz resting her head on Lucy's. Both their eyes were red from all the crying.

"You two look cute together."

The two blushed and looked away, holding their hands harder as they were glad to hear that.

"So, you told her the plan that Sunset made, right?" asked Braver, feeling slightly jealous and lonely. Not at Blitz but herself, not being around her own Dawn...the one she wanted to save so much.

Blitz nodded and turned to Lucy. "Your evil, crazy version is coming in two days. Twilight is creating something to help while we use my mom's invention to combat her. I don't want to endanger you, but you must be the bait."

Lucy just smiled. "I will do whatever it takes to keep you and your sister safe. I don't care what happens to me. You two shouldn't suffer anymore! I won't allow it! So, if I have to be bait, then fine."

Blitz just hugged her tightly. "Lucy, I'll protect you, promise!"

The two let go, and Lucy blushed as she replied. "Thank you, Blitz. By the way, tomorrow is the church fair. I know we shouldn't be doing this, but...I feel you and everyone else need it to have fun before I...' she' comes here. What do you say?"

Blitz thought about it for a few seconds and answered her. "We could use a pick me up before the shit hits the fucking fan. I'm up for it, and I bet the others are too."

Lucy smiled but also told Blitz not to swear. Braver laughed, and soon, both twins said their goodbyes to her and flew away. Braver could only be happy, seeing her sister fly with so much joy.

They landed and walked the rest of the way back home, but they could see a truck in the driveway when they arrived. Braver had never seen it before, but her sister had, which made her hurry inside. Once inside and standing at the entrance to the living room, the twins could see them here, talking to Dash and Twilight.

"Aunties!?" shouted Blitz, running up to the group that was quickly standing up to meet her and hugging her. It was the friends of her universe's parents.

"Hey, Blitzy!" smiled Penny.

"Darling, sweetie! Where is your purple jacket!?" asked Rachel.

"Are you doing well? Are you okay?" questioned Faith as she checked Blitz's face, as she could see her red eyes.

They all let her go as AJ bear-hugged her, then put Blitz back down. Then she put her hand on Blitz's head. "We're here. You should have asked us for help as well. You're part of our family, you know that, right? Sugar cube?"

Blitz couldn't help but start crying again. They all hugged her and stayed like this for a few minutes.

Twilight smiled and spoke. "Rachel told the others, and they have been thinking of ways to help and are here to tell us their plans." Everyone turned to them, seeing Twilight and Dash's tears in their eyes as Twilight continued. "...to tell us how much they missed and loved you...just like our girls who love Braver just as much...no matter the universe or who we are, we will always be together. Our friendship will always be there. A never-ending..." she couldn't finish, as she cried while Dash held her.

Blitz walked up to Twilight and Dash, hugging them and saying, "Spark...a spark that resides in the hearts of us all can transcend all boundaries and will always find its fuel, the reason to become brighter. Friendship is magic, after all...Moms." Blitz felt the two hugging her back, and soon Braver and the girls joined in, giving the family the most prominent group hug.

After the family hug, Blitz told her aunties what was happening and how Lucy now knew what was going on. She turned to Twilight, who was measuring the girls as she explained everything and wrote something down.

"Okay! I can make an Earth pony version and copy the rest with the Twilah nanomachine device in the basement. Yes, this should work." Twilight grabbed Dash and hurried down the basement, and both soon returned wearing a device. Dash had machine-looking wings, with wires going from the backpack and connecting to the gloves and boots, while Twilight was wearing the same device but a helmet with a metal horn sticking out.

"What are you wearing?" asked everyone in the room.

Twilight and Dash looked at each other, then back at everyone, and turned the device on. Everyone was shocked to see Dash flying, then creating a cloud, and standing on it while Twilight just created a nanomachine-looking shield and somehow moved stuff in the room.

Twilight smiled and answered them. "A fighting chance!"

In the realm of between, the multiverse rainbow tree shined brightly as warm white water splashed on its giant roots. On said roots was Rainbow Dawn, whose eyes shot open, and she smiled.

End of chapter 27

Author's Note:

rewritten half of this because didn't like how Blitz and lucy met. so edited ch23 to match this.

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