• Published 19th Nov 2023
  • 510 Views, 12 Comments

Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

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CH4P73r 19: M0N ɹƐȽꓒ߈Hꓛ ⅄W ގƖ ގƖHȽ

Twilah sighed as she turned off the recording feed and sat back in her chair, putting her hooves to her face. She just gave the Canterlot a live feed, showing them what's happening outside. The New Canterlot city had many screens showing the same thing, and ponies and creatures looked up, wondering what caused this black water to happen and why Canterlot slid into the valley below. These are questions that Twilah answered in that same feed. She feared they might riot again and hoped they didn't. At the same time as her speech, she's doing testing research on the black water, as it has the same readings from this pocket universe, and trying to understand why. It didn't help that ponies and creatures came to her before the speech, wanting to know more about these strange machines. She happily taught them.

"Is everything okay, 'princess'?" asked AI Spike as he walked into her lab under the house.

Twilah rubbed her eyes and asked a question: Why did he keep calling her that?

"Because you're a princess, no? I thought Equestria was a monarchy and had a princess. You, correct? Well, a version of you, but you took the throne, right?"

Twilah shook her head. "I didn't take anything. I'm just covering for Twilight while she's in my universe and stopping that evil version of my Lucy Dawn. By the way-" she spun her chair around, and she could Spike, creating a hologram of Rainbow Sun Dawn.

"I did a scan as I was saving Canterlot, and this is her, correct? I think you can handle the data." He tossed the hologram files at Twilah, making her grab and read the data.

She couldn't believe her eyes; she double- and triple-checked.

"This is a joke, right?!" She turned to the Blackwater and Pocket Universe data, and she checked it over and over.
"You're kidding, right?! How can this be true? It doesn't make sense. This can't be possible." She was so confused she couldn't stop looking at the data. She lined up all three data points and compared them, and they showed the same data and readings. "There must be some kind of mistake."

"No, I've checked and double-checked. I triple-check everything. Everything is matching up. From the pocket universe, the black water, and her. They're the same thing, but look at this," replied Spike as he showed Rainbow Dawn and the blackwater data. "They have something that the pocket universe doesn't have. See this reading?" he zooms in, and Twilah sees a small black fragment inside the water. "That's what I can see in the pocket universe is missing. The other two have it. I'm still not sure what's going on, but I'm sure we'll find out."

Twilah looked at the black fragments; to her, they looked like black seeds of something. She zoomed into the pocket universe sample and didn't see it, but something caught her eye. Something significant.

"Spike, look." She showed him the image, and he was shocked.

"That's impossible! That shouldn't be right!"

"But it is. I don't know how, but there it is. This is what makes up the pocket universe. Pull up the blackwater sample now."
Spike pulled it up, and the two had the same shocked look.

"This isn't water," whispered Spike.

Twilah sat back in her chair and couldn't understand how, but it was true.
"It's time made real. It's not burning the land but accelerating it to the point where it becomes a barren wasteland. If it stays in Equestria for much longer, time will collapse. Making that universe unstable, like ten years ago. This isn't good. I can't let that happen! Not again!" Twilah started to work on finding a way to beat the blackwater, but Spike told her something was happening in the city. Something needs improvement.

"Princess, we might have a problem."

Twilah looked back at the feed, and her heart sank.


Outside the city, many ponies and creatures were moving fast, like time was speeding up. Twilah could zoom in on the streets and couldn't believe what she saw. Time was going so fast that the city folks were moving like blurs, and she could see it. She zoomed back and saw the city filled with new buildings, like New York City. Time slowly returned to normal, and she could see everyone living their lives like usual, even new ponies and creatures. She could see Sassy as an old mare, walking up to the house and knocking on it. Twilah quickly transformed into an average human, screaming for Spike to show her reflection and wanting to see if she aged as well.

She saw herself, and she hadn't aged at all.
Twilah felt her face. "What just happened? What's going on? Why did time jump?"

"I don't know. I've been trying to figure it out as I saw it," answered Spike. "I've never seen that happen outside."

Twilah, punch the wall.
"Of course not! There wasn't a fucking city and living creatures outside. We would never catch it if it were just us here. Oh god, I could have aged like them and ruined my life." She turned to the screens and the data. "We need to get everyone out of here, now!" She ordered Spike to start moving everyone as she ran upstairs and opened the front door, and she became shocked even more. Sassy wasn't old anymore. She was normal again and very confused.

"Twilah? Is this your real form? I figure you'll be older, no?" She asked. Twilah asked what she meant but heard her voice just now. She looked at the mirror in the foyer and saw her reflection. She was a teenager again.

"PRINCESS!" showed Spike as he appeared to her. "It happened again as you went upstairs, but everyone became younger again. Even...you...oh no."

Twilah's mind went into overtime mode as she tried to understand what had happened. She went through millions of thoughts and ideas until her mind stopped, and she realized something.
"Time storm. It's a time storm!"

"Huh?!? Time storm?!?" asked Sassy, not understanding what was going on.

"It's why I wasn't aging when it first happened. I was underground. Sassy, how long have you been here?" asked Twilah.

"I don't know, maybe like a few-." Sassy froze in shock as she remembered living here for years, not hours. She started to freak out as she had a family here—are they still alive?

"Spike! I need you to get everyone to... Spike?" Twilah turned, and her house was in ruins, like it had been abandoned for years, and Spike was gone. "No..."

Twilah started to freak out, and she tried to contact him but got nothing. She remembered Sassy was here and turned around but wasn't there either. The city is different now as if it has expanded over many years. She transformed into her anthro form and flew into the sky, and she could see that the city had expanded far and wide. She saw many ponies, humans, anthros, and other creatures living in the city and maybe beyond. Far in the distance, she could see a castle-looking skyscraper.

"No, no, no! What the fuck is happening?!?"

"The question is...where are you now?"

Twilah knew that voice. She slowly turned around, and she was shocked to see the source.


Floating, there was her daughter, who was older and wearing a long blue hoodie jacket. Her hood covered her eyes, but her grin was showing.

"What's up?"

Back on earth and hours before what happened with Blitz and her friends.

Twilight woke up and could see Dash wasn't in bed, but she could smell breakfast.
"Smells like waffles, sausage, and eggs," she smiled as she got up and looked at her phone...well, Twilah's phone, really, and remember, she had to start Twilah's job today. Before she left, she could see a half-sleep Blitz walking past the door and saying morning. Twi smiled, looked back at the phone, and texted Sunset and Wallflower, thanking them for being there for Blitz. Even though she didn't raise her, she's Braver's sister and was raised by her counterpart, so she's been seeing her as a daughter now.

She got out of bed and lowered her head, as she was so tall that her head could hit the ceiling. She's not an Alicorn anymore, but she still has the height of one if an Alicorn were human. She went into the bathroom and started her morning routine.

After getting ready, she headed down the stairs and saw Dash and the girls eating their food and talking among themselves. Twilight couldn't help but smile at the sight. She wanted this life not for herself but for the twins. She was happy for them and enjoying life with friends and family, but her vision flashed, and she saw Nightfall home. Standing alone in the kitchen was that girl wearing that rainbow blanket. Before she could question it, she heard Braver's voice asking her if she was okay as she was hugging her.


"Twi, are you alright?" asked Dash.

"Yeah, I just need some coffee."

After breakfast, Twilight looked in the mirror near the door and double-checked her work clothes, which Rachel had picked out.

"Twi, you have been checking yourself for a while now. Are you alright?" Dash asked as she stood next to her wife.

"I'm fine. Just nervous. I never had a job inventing stuff for...well, for the whole world."

"Twi, it's you. You're a genius, babe. You'll blow everyone away with your ideas!"

Twilight turned to Dash. "That's the problem, Dash. I'm a genius in our universe, but here? In Twilah's universe, there's..." She holds her pet toaster. "This! 'Technology'. I always try to think of creating something like this or these phones.

"Phone. It's called a phone, and mom didn't make those," said Blitz from the couch, showing Braver how a TV works.

"What are you watching?" asked Dash.

"Just a show called My Little Pony," said Braver, smiling at her.

"My Little Pony?!" both moms said simultaneously, seeing anime ponies and being shocked to see their lives being played out on that box called a TV.

"Wait, so our life is playing on 'TV'? What?" asked Twilight, looking at the screen.

"More like a cartoon; that's a kid show," said Blitz. "After that day, Twilah and Dashie saw your life through your memories, saw all those life lessons, and wanted to share those stories of Equestria with kids. To help learn about friendship and other things."

They could see a Twilight and Dash episode about Dash hiding the fact that she loves reading books. "MOM EPISODE!" shouted Braver, happy to see her parents on TV, but her parents were embarrassed and couldn't help but feel weird and uncomfortable.

"How did she do this?" asked Twi.

Blitz looked at them. "They pitched it to a TV studio but got rejected. When Twilah became famous, she just funded it herself, and it became a hit. Of course, many fans believe the characters are based on my parents and their friends and family. Oh boy, only they knew." Blitz stood up, "Anyway, your job is for the government, not the world. You create stuff that gets sold overseas, like making things better for people. Twilah made the contract, not the government. So..." Blitz became very serious as she stared down at Twilight. "If they ask for weapons, Say no, as that wasn't the deal. Call me if they try anything funny, and I'll deal with them. Okay?"

Twilight and Dash were silent. They had never seen Blitz become so severe that it scared them, so they nodded at her.

"Good! Here, mom made it." She took out a watch and tossed it to Twilight. "It's a teleporter. Have a nice day at work. Love ya mo-" Blitz stopped, catching herself from saying, Mom. "I mean, bye, Twilight."

Dash chuckled at that, but Twilight felt a bit heartbroken.

"...I love you too."

Dash and Blitz were shocked, but Braver wasn't as she faced them. Twilight blushed as she had to explain herself.
"I'm not your mother, but in a way, I am. Twilah and Dashie raised you; they're us, but still, it's a bit confusing. But... you're a good girl that Dash and I can't help but love and be proud of. As if you are our daughter, I guess it's like-"

Blitz smiled a little. "I see where Braver got that from." she petted her sister. "To be honest, it feels like they're still here... I hope we can get them back home soon."

They saw her looking sad, so Dash hugged and petted her head.
"Don't worry. We'll get them back."

"You promise?"


Twilight smiled and petted her, too. "I promise too."

Blitz smiled and nuzzled them. "I know."

"Good...Now move over, Braver! I wanna see how cool I look sneaking around," shouted Dash, hopping next to her daughter.

Twilight giggled, put on the watch, and looked back at Blitz, who smiled and waved goodbye. She pressed the button, and she found herself in a work lab.

"There you are! Finally working today," said an old female voice.

"Huh?" Twilight turned and saw a large computer screen with a female voice. The screen showed a video feed of an old lady wearing a lab coat, shocking Twi as it was this universe, Celestia. "CELESTIA!?"

The old lady was laughing. "My daughter, Tia!? Saying I look like her? Why, you flatterer?"

Twilight sighs and calms down. Blitz didn't tell her this. If this wasn't Celestia, then this has to be...

"You're her mom..." Twi remembers Celestia never talking about her parents, which is why she had no idea what they were or even looked like in this and her universe.

The old lady smiled at her. "Why yes, I'm a version of Celestia's mother; Asteria is my name. It's a pleasure to meet you, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight said hello but quickly realized something.
"You know who I am?"

The screen opened like a door, revealing the tiny old lady, and she hopped in front of Twilight.

"Well, of course, Twilah isn't as tall as you and is not surprised to see me." She chuckled, took Twilight's hand, and shook it. "Plus, S.P.I.K.E. sent his record log to the main frame about everything that had happened before he was cut off. It was quite a read, but Twilah did tell me about how the multiverse is real. My daughter in another universe is a former pony princess. Ha, I can't believe it. She's just a high school principal, and my youngest daughter is a vice principal of said school."
Asteria led Twilight to the next room, showing more of the workshop.

"This place is huge. Did the government make this place for her?"

"Well, of course, the government wanted Twilah to have the best work area to create better technology to help the US. Of course, there were a lot of people who didn't like that. But Twilah is an American citizen who was born and raised here. So it makes sense for her to work for the US than other places like Japan or China."

Twilight and she talked about the contract, which Twilight knew about. However, she was shocked to hear how much Twilah made per project, as money and bits were the same.

"That's a lot of money. What's a good example of her work?"

Asteria laughed and told Twilight to look at her watch, saying it was only a prototype of the teleportation device that would be slowly phased in over the coming years.

"Phased? You mean, it's slowly going to be given to the public?"

"Yup, and there's already a few hundred in the states for the government figures, which will soon remove the need for planes and other forms of transport, saving gas, time, and lives."

Twilight looked at the watch and back at her. "She recreated a teleportation spell. Amazing, no magic, no less. I wish I could see how it works."

"Oh, you can." Asteria pointed to a door and said, "That's Twilah's lab. You're free to explore her lab."

Twilight couldn't believe it. She can finally learn more about her alternate self through what she creates. They entered the personal workshop, and she saw it looked like her own research lab back home. Books, papers, notes, and other items are scattered around. She looked around the room and at the items on the table, seeing blueprints and notes, and her mind was racing. She was amazed by Twilah's ideas; some were similar to hers; if they were in magic spell form, others were magical spells recreated. She was so excited that she was smiling.

"Oh, this is great! Oh, oh! And here, I can use this! And here, and here, oh this one!" Twilight took the blueprints and was amazed by them. "It's the recreation of the magical shield! This one is the recreation of the levitation spell, but this one is the recreation of the magic detection spell. This one is the recreated version of the"

Asteria smiled as she saw Twilight looking at the blueprint. "The recreated version of the teleportation spell. The prototype is the watch. This is the blueprint. Tell me, does it look familiar?"

Twilight stopped and looked at the blueprint. Her heart raced as she recognized something about it.
"It's the blueprints of the scroll spell version. The spell opens portals by writing the spell rather than casting it." Twilight looked at the notes and could see the notes about the teleportation device, its structure, how it works, and...
"How it can be weaponized. To go anywhere." Twilight looks back at the old lady and says, "This can't be right."

Asteria smiled. "Ah, there you are."

Twilight looked confused. "Huh?" she watched as Asteria took the paperwork and read it. "Blitz told me not to."

"Ah, don't worry. I agree, too. Twilah always makes notes to see how they could be used as weapons if they got into the wrong hands. She made ways to counter it and other things. Only I have access to these. No one can access these unless I say so. Which is no one!"

"Wait, are you saying...?"

"Twilah doesn't trust anyone in this place. After all, it's being funded by the US government, and I agree with her. I've only known her for five years, but I've never seen someone as smart as her. She has every base covered and ensures no one will know or understand the devices, so she used your universe scroll technology. I still don't know how it works. If anything, it's safer in her own hands. Even if she does use it for good, the US will find a way to weaponize it, and the next thing you know, wars will start. She won't let it happen."

"But it was out here in the open. Anyone can come in and take it."

Asteria smirked, put the papers down, and looked up.


The lights in the room went off, and Twilight could hear something landing. She could hear the door locked and was scared as the light turned on, and she could see two large android Alicorns.

Twilight could see they had no facial features and white armor, but their mane and tail were hologram lights. When she touched them, they felt real.
"Hard light. Fascinating." She looked at them. "Did she make these? They are beautiful."

Asteria nodded and patted the androids, acting like a real horse as they nuzzled her.
"Yes. This is the Alicorn android that Twilah made. Cute, huh?"

"Amazing! These look like real Alicorn. Can they talk?"

Asteria chuckled. "Oh, no. Not yet, but they are made to protect this room and stop anyone from stealing Twilah's files. They also secure the mainframe from outside hackers. So, they are pretty useful."

"Can I take a look at them? Please, they are amazing."

Asteria smiled. "Go ahead, but don't look too long. The government is sending people to check on us and see what Twilah has made this month. Maybe you can create something? Twilah always talked about how smart you are."

Twilight looked at that workshop bench and wondered if she could think of something to make—can she even make something? Twilah is calling her brilliant, but she isn't this smart. She's just a regular genius, nothing more.
"No, no, I can't do this." She sat down and said, "I can't do anything."

"Why not?" asked Asteria, walking up to her. The android aliens jumped back to where they had come from. A spiral machine above the lab entered their apartment section and looked down at the two humans.

"I'm not like her. I can't even think of doing what she does. She's amazing, but I need to gain the knowledge and experience. I can't believe I downplayed her, saying I can do what she can and better... I can't."

Asteria frowned, pulled over a chair, and patted her shoulder.
"Don't sell yourself short, girl."


"Twilah told me she saw your memories and how you created new spells—recreating a spell from a book just by reading it for the first time. You are at her level in smarts. Maybe not in technology or science, but in magic and spells, you're on her level."

Twilight smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem, so try to make something. Even if it fails, we give them something from the trash bin," she laughs.

Twilight nodded, took a pen and paper, and started thinking, wondering what to make. She started drawing, unsure what to make, and her mind was racing with thoughts, ideas, and plans until she heard Asteria chuckling.


"You truly are her. Even look the same when thinking." She walked out of the room, leaving Twi alone.

Twilight blushed and looked back down. She thought hard about what she should make, saw a ball on the desk, and tossed it at a wall. Over and over. She giggled. Remember how Dash hurt her wing and had to be in a hospital bed doing this thing? That's when it hit her.

"What if..." Twilight started to write her ideas and thoughts and draw different blueprints. She began to yell in enjoyment and kept working on her idea. The Alicorn androids looked at each other and back at Twilight, trying to guess what she was making.

The room was quiet; Blitz, Sunset, and Wallflower couldn't face each other. Wallflower used a blanket to hide her rich, fancy underwear. Sunset just sat on the floor, covering her eyes. Blitz just sat on her bed and her back to them, trying her best to calm her wings down by thinking of cute things, but knowing Wallflower was in her underwear and Sunset wanted to kiss her, those thoughts were failing.

"I...um, can I borrow clothes from you?"

Blitz didn't turn to her. "Yeah, um, go ahead. Just look in the closet."

Wallflower got up and went to the closet, removing any clothes and putting them on.

"Why the fuck are you in your underwear!?" yelled Sunset as she faced Wallflower, having a hurt look. "Were you two going to..."

"NO!" yelled Wallflower, turning red.

"THEN WHAT!? I don't see any other reason for you to be in your underwear!?"


Sunset and Wallflower wanted to start yelling at each other, but they could hear Blitz crying as her wings finally lowered.
"I undressed her. I'm a horrible friend."

Sunset could tell she was hurting and knew Blitz wouldn't ever do something like that. Even before asking, she saw Wallflower rushing towards her, hugging her, and apologizing.

"No, Blitz. Don't apologize. Please, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have requested that and wouldn't have lost my dress; I'm so sorry. You're not a horrible friend."

"I was going...I was..." Blitz could feel her body pressing against her back and her wings rising again. "Sorry, I can't control them when...you know..."

Wallflower could see Sunset and tell she was trying to understand what was happening.
"Please, Sunset. Let me explain."

She said nothing, just nodding. Wallflower started to explain what happened an hour ago.

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Wallflower never felt like this before. People noticed her for the first time as she walked through the town, heading to Blitz House. She could feel all the eyes on her, and her heart was racing, wondering what was happening.

"Is it because of the outfit that Rachel gave me?" She looked down and saw the nature-looking dress, the fake flowers and leaves moving in the wind, and her feet showing—no shoes, just green stockings with sandals. The dress was short enough that her legs could be seen. She blushed, seeing a few guys staring at her and her legs.

"I'm not complaining. It's nice. For once, people have seen me and not ignored me. This is new." She chuckled as she started to walk towards the Blitz home. "I wonder how Blitz will react when she sees this."

Once she arrived, she stood before the house door and deeply breathed.
"Okay, just knock on the door and say hi." She knocked on the door and waited for a reply. Nothing until the door opened, and it was Dash, who was upset.

"What do you mean this is the last season?? We had way more adventures after we went our separate ways and did our dream jobs!" Dash looked at who was knocking and realized it was the girl from yesterday. "Wallflower, right?"

Wallflower smiled and nodded, not knowing what was going on.

"Sorry about that. It's just the last season, and there's more to tell. What brings you here?"

"Um, I just wanted to drop by and visit...and last season?" She asked, entering while Dash shut the door and saw Blitz and her sister sitting on the couch, watching a show she knew about. "My little pony? Wait!" She realized that the show was based on Dash and Twilight. No wonder she remembered hearing their names before.

"Yeah, nine seasons isn't enough! Odd, they ended on that episode where Twi got news about the rain-" Dash smacked her face with her palm as she realized that's when the event started ten years ago when she went with Twilight to a nearby forest to watch the rainbow comet, which changed their life forever and for the better. "Well, anyway. Yeah, that's the last season. The show's ending is great."

Wallflower just nodded and smiled, not knowing what else to do.

"Sorry about the rant," said Dash, looking at the twins. They didn't say anything but started laughing, which annoyed Dash. "What's so funny?" she asked, but she realized it was at each other.

"Look at you! A mommy girl and her number one fan. I'm so happy to see Dash on screen and sobbing your eyes out when she learns a lesson or hints at TwiDash. You're so cute," said Blitz, pointing at her sister.

Braver blushed hard, hating her sister, saying she was a mommy's girl, but didn't deny it. She was somehow wearing a T-shirt with Dash and Twi faces. "S-SO!? It's my parents! Of course, I'm happy to see them on the screen!"

"Sure, sis," teased Blitz, smiling at her.

"I hate you!" yelled Braver, looking away from her and at the TV as the next episode returned to season one's first episode.
Dash laughed and felt proud that her daughter was her fan, even if she was a mommy's girl and so cute. She patted her head.

"It's okay, honey. Your mom doesn't care; it's cute and makes me feel special." Dash started to show off. "I am the fastest and coolest. Of course, my daughter will be my fan," she said, posing. "If I had my wings back, I could show you all my old moves!" Dash felt her back and sighed, "Man, this stinks. It's like when Discord took my wings. This freaking blows."

"You could fly? Like Blitz?" asked Wallflower, making Dash and the twins look at her.

Dash smirks. "Yup! I'm a pegasus, after all. Just like Blitz here, who's my...huh?" She turned to Blitz and saw her in her anthro form, blushing with a weird smile. Dash knew that look and sighed. Blitz is her clone—a clone of another universe version of herself. No matter the universe, nothing will change in how she will act when she sees something hot.'

Blitz hopped off the couch and walked up to her friend, amazed at how she looked in that dress.
"Wow. Um, wow, she said, looking up and down.

"You like it?" asked Wallflower, happy that this happened with Blitz checking her out when she showed off the outfit and feeling her chest beating fast.

"Yeah! You look so hot! I love how the leaves move; your stockings with the leaf pattern are...WOW!"

Wallflower blushed as Blitz was too busy staring at her and touching the flowers and the fake leaves, amazed at how they were part of the outfit. Both didn't notice Braver peeking over the couch, looking at them with an upset look and narrowing her eyes. Of course, Dash notices and also recognizes that look.

"If Blitz is my clone, then Braver is a Twi clone, and I recognize that jealous look anywhere," thought Dash, shaking her head.

"Sunset also told me you are a pegasus too; can I see?" asked Wallflower, remembering that information after Dash talked about her wings. "Please?"

Blitz snapped back to reality and remembered her pony form. "Oh yeah. Okay," she said, returning to her original form and showing off like Dash will.

"Awesome! You look like Rainbow Dash! Having that black color in your mane and cutie mark is different!"

Blitz smiled, glad her friend was so interested in her and felt happy inside. "Yup, I'm like Rainbow Dash because...um..." Blitz realized she had to explain that she was a clone of her universe, Rainbow Dash and Twilight. Then her dark thoughts started to leak in, reminding her how she killed them, her whole world, and then her universe. She began to freak out and kept saying, um, while trying to think.

"Are you alright?" asked Wallflower, seeing how she was acting.

"Blitz, what's wrong!?" Braver said, transforming into her anthro form. "Hey, it's okay!"

"I'm a...my world was destroyed by someone evil...and I can't...my universe," mumbled Blitz, but Wallflower couldn't understand what she was saying.

"Blitz, I told you it wasn't your fault. It's mine!" whimpered Braver, hugging her, but Blitz pulled her away, saying it was her fault. Dash knew this would turn bad, and she needed to say something, but someone beat her to it.

Blitz felt warm hands on her wing and felt her feathers being touched. She flinched and turned to see Wallflower smiling and amazed by her wings.

"Your feathers are so soft, like my pet bunny, Cotton Tail."

Blitz's eyes widened and blushed, embarrassed by her reaction, and she looked down. "S-Sorry... I have a problem remembering..."

Wallflower stroked her wing and said, "It's okay. We know you are hiding something from your past. As we all told you, we'll await you when you're ready. I know you will tell us when you're ready, right?"

Blitz was in a daze, feeling her stroking her wing and feeling so lovely and warm that she just nodded. She tried transforming back into her human form but returned to her anthro form again, making Wallflower giggle.

"It's okay. Stay in your original form. You are so cute."

Blitz felt her face getting warm and kind of happy that she was called cute. "If you say so."

Braver rolled her eyes, hating that her twin was blushing and acting like a big dork. She sat back on the couch, looking at the TV, and crossed her arms, saying 'dork' under her breath. Dash sighed harder and whispered to herself that her daughter was like Twilight and herself. She turned back and noticed Blitz had trouble turning back.

"Odd, this has never happened before. I wonder what's going on," said Blitz, trying her best to return to her original form but unable to.

Wallflower smiled and said it was fine. She liked seeing her as the town superhero, too—the Rainbow Comet.
"Can I request something from the Rainbow Comet?" giggled Wallflower.

"Huh?" Blitz said, wondering what she had in mind.

"Can you take me a ride?" she pointed up.

Blitz's wings flutter, excited to give her a ride and show off her speed. "Sure!"

Wallflower felt Blitz's arms around and held on to her, and Dash opened the door, seeing the rainbow comet-like trail being left behind and the screaming from Wallflower. Dash shuts the door and smirks, "Yup, just like me."

"AH!" screamed Wallflower as Blitz flew up high, above the town, into the clouds, and did her stunts and tricks.

"This is awesome!" cried Blitz, feeling so free and alive.

"AHH! SO HIGH! FAST!" screamed Wallflower, not expecting her to go this fast. She thought Blitz would go slowly into the air like flying superheroes do when giving the love of their life a romantic ride in the sky—not like this!

"This is great! I wish I could do this every day! Are you enjoying it?" Blitz looked at her passenger and saw she was looking down, with tears in her eyes, like she was going to puke.

"Y-Yes." Wallflower was telling the truth, as she was enjoying this, just not how fast Blitz was going.

Blitz smiled, flew a bit slower, and flew above the clouds and landed on them.
"Let's take a break," said Blitz, letting go of Wallflower but quickly remembering something as Wallflower fell through the clouds and zip down to catch her, who was still screaming, "Heh heh. Sorry. Forgot you aren't a pegasus." Blitz flew back up to the clouds, landed on them again, and held Wallflower tight, making her surprised that Blitz could stand on clouds at her.


"We can walk on clouds and control them. It's one of our abilities."

Wallflower was amazed but remembered the cartoon. She asked why other pony races can't walk on the clouds. Blitz tried to answer but couldn't. She didn't know why, but maybe Braver or Twilight could answer that. She sat down and put Wallflower on her lap like a seat, making her blush.

"Well, the thing is, only pegasi and Alicorns can walk on clouds, fly, and control the weather, so maybe it's wings-related?" Blitz explained, thinking that's the reason. She tried to think about it hard but did not realize Wallflower was a blushing mess as she sat on her lap.

"It's fine; you don't need to figure it out. I was just curious." Wallflower smiled and looked around, not looking Blitz in the eye.

Blitz stopped thinking and looked around, too, noticing how the sun's beaming rays hit the clouds, making them shine. She sighed and leaned back, saying, "It's really beautiful."

Wallflower looked back and was very glad to see how calm she was. There was no stress or worry on her face—just a peaceful and happy face, which was so beautiful and lovely.

Blitz noticed her and asked if something was wrong, thinking it was because she wasn't flying anymore like she wanted, but saw how she was looking at her funny.

"Wallflower? Are you alright?" she asked.

"You're beautiful..."

"Huh?" Blitz didn't hear her right, and Wallflower realized what she just said and freaked out.

"Ahh! Um! I mean, I don't know! I'm just saying whatever!" she said, getting off of her but quickly being pulled back in Blitz's chest by her, as Wallflower forgot where they were. "Thank you!" she cried, holding on to her as Blitz laughed.

"Wow, I was not expecting you to do that!" Blitz was still laughing and was so happy. "You're funny and adorable."

"Shut up!" blushed Wallflower, unsure what to do or how to react. She was never complimented this much and never had someone call her adorable.

Blitz wiped her tears away, looked at her well, and finally noticed her outfit again. Her dress was so pretty as if she were a forest nymph, which totally fit her. Then she noticed her face as the sunlight hit her and saw how beautiful her green eyes were, her cute smile, and her hair shining so bright.

"You're...beautiful," Blitz whispered proudly, without thinking and making Wallflower blush more, not expecting that.

"T-Thanks. You are, too. You are a pretty girl—a cute one."

Blitz blushed a lot, feeling her heart beating faster and her skin hot. She had never felt like this for Wallflower; in fact, she only felt like this when meeting Lucy for the first time—"No," Blitz thought, realizing what she was feeling.

"Blitz? What's wrong?" asked Wallflower, seeing her upset face.

Blitz stood up, held her close, and started flying down quickly. Wallflower was scared but saw how serious Blitz was and held on. However, not seeing her dress being ripped off by the speed, Blitz entered her room by the window and freaked out by what she felt in her heart, as she loved Lucy. She couldn't love another, even if someone were as unique and beautiful as Wallflower.

"I'm sorry, Wall...flower..." Blitz slowly trailed off as she said her name, noticing Wallflower had lost her dress and her underwear was fully displayed—very fancy, rich-looking, green, and flowery-patterned underwear.

Wallflower looked down, saw what Blitz was seeing, and started to scream, not expecting this.
"AH!" screamed Wallflower, trying to cover herself, but she could see Blitz's wings opening and standing and how she was looking at her. "Blitz?"

Blitz snapped out, blushed a lot, and turned away, saying she was sorry, not meaning to look. Wallflower told her it was alright, as it was her fault for not being careful. Blitz turned to her, but too quickly, and fell on her bed, on top of her. Wallflower felt her weight and saw her face, which was so close to her, and both girls were a blushing mess.
Blitz couldn't help but be hypnotized by her beautiful green eyes, sweet smile, and cute lips. She felt stressed out again and wanted to be free from it and not feel lonely.


She started to lean forward for a kiss, but she stopped as she saw how Wallflower looked so scared—scared of her—flashes of her mother, Nightfall, being scared of her as she was killed by Blitz herself. Blitz snapped out of it and quickly got off, landing on the floor hard and cursing out loud...

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"That's what happened!" finished Wallflower, explaining the event at Sunset. "Nothing happened between us..."

Sunset looked at Blitz, who didn't move once from the bed. She then turned to Wallflower and felt mad—so very mad—and hurting inside.

"How could you, Wilma?"


"How could you? Going behind my back and trying to steal Blitz from me!? How could you!?"

"WHAT!? I did not!"

"You did! Look at you!? You bought a dress and those stupid sexy underwear, which you don't normally wear, by the way. We all know you wear plain, cheap ones from Walmart. Did you buy this stuff to impress Blitz? Did you buy those so she can rip them off so she can-"

"NO!" Wallflower got off the bed and went face-to-face with Sunset, both mad.

"Yes, you did! You were planning this!"

"Planning to what!? Get her to kiss me and confess her love to me so we can be girlfriends and live happily ever after!?"


They both started to fight with each other, unaware of the unicorn in Blitz's mirror, pounding it and pointing at something. Something that was in the room as it only could be seen in the mirror reflection,

a dark figure dressed in a black robe, writing in a book as it looked and sat near them...

"You know how much I love Blitz and you! I would never go behind you and try to steal her from you! I won't go that low!"

"YES, YOU WOULD, AND YOU DID! I thought you were my friend! Blitz needed company and a friend as she was stressed out. NOT LIKE THIS!"

"SUNSET, SHUT UP, AND LISTEN TO ME! NOTHING HAPPEN BETWEEN US!" She started to cry. "I would never hurt you like that. We're friends."

"Are we still?" Sunset asked, wiping her tears. "I love Blitz too, but I..." Sunset started crying again. "We can't be with her. She loves Lucy, you know that, right?"

Wallflower nodded.

"Both of you love me?"

Both girls cringed as they heard that heartbreaking voice.
Blitz stood up, feeling like her heart was shattered into a million pieces. She saw her friends, Sunset and Wallflower, fighting over her, and heard them confess their love for her and say that they couldn't be together with her.
Both girls realized what they had said in the heat of the moment, forgetting that Blitz was there and feeling pain.

"I'm sorry."


"No..." Blitz slowly faced them, her eyes red and her whole body shaking. "I'm sorry, but you shouldn't love me... I don't deserve it."

"Dude? What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry, both of you." Blitz slowly backed away, not wanting to hurt them or herself and not wanting to think about how her mother looked. "I'm so sorry."

"B-Blitz..." Wallflower tried to reach out and tell her it was alright. They were fine and didn't want to give up on their friendship or their love, even if they couldn't be together.

"Don't leave! I didn't mean what I said! Calm down; you are just stressing out, and we're just making it worse!" shouted Sunset, seeing Blitz slowly heading to the window.

"I'm so sorry." Blitz turned away and tried to fly off but felt their hands on her tail, pulling their hardest, not wanting her to fly off.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING BLITZ THIS! DON'T!" shouted both girls, making Blitz turn to them, seeing their crying faces. Something within Blitz made her hug them, surprising the girls.


"Why what, dude?" asked Sunset, still crying.

"Why me? Why did you two fall in love with me? Why!?"

Both girls held her tight, smiling a bit.

"Dude? You don't know why? Even after knowing us?"

"I-I mean..."

"You're just so amazing, awesome, and wonderful. You have so many great qualities. You showed us your love for us and the others. How can't we fall for you?" Wallflower asked, making Blitz blush.

"Yeah, what she said, but with a lot of words and more detail," said Sunset, making them laugh a bit.

Within the mirror, the unicorn smiled but then glared at the dark figure. It stopped writing and now faced off with a rainbow figure made of rainbow light, wagging its finger at the dark figure.

"Blitz, there's no one else that I want but you. Only you could always see me as my bright comet in the night sky. I love you." Wallflower confessed, hugging her tight.

Sunset was a little shocked that Wallflower could be so honest and bold. "Damn," she thought as she held Blitz's hand and smiled, as she didn't want to be left out. "Dude, you know I'm not the kind of girl to express my feelings, but you are awesome, caring, and amazing. I fell for you long ago but didn't want to ruin our friendship. I wish I had said something before, and I won't stop loving you. I love you, Blitz."

"I..." Blitz felt her tears fall as she saw them smiling at her. Her heart raced as she started seeing them in a new light, and she felt happy. "I love you too, Sunny," she said, then looked at Wallflower. "And I love you too, Wilma. I do." But she let her hand go from theirs and placed it on her chest, crying harder as her heart belonged to one person... "But I love Lucy so much. She's my everything; I don't want to be with anyone else. Please forgive me."

They both sighed and nodded.

"We forgive you."

Blitz looked at them and could see their broken hearts.

"It's alright."

"Yeah, dude, it's alright. We didn't mean to stress you and don't want to lose you."

"We don't." Wallflower added, "We'll just have to learn to love each other as best friends."

Blitz could hear the heartbroken tone in their voices and didn't like that. They're her friends, and they should be happy.

In the mirror's reflection, the dark figure started writing again, and the rainbow figure quickly acted and shoulder-taped the figure away, looking over at Blitz and reaching out to her. However, the figure was quickly grabbed by the dark figure and disappeared into thin air, leaving behind the scattered pages from the book, turning to black seeds, and affecting the world and Blitz.
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"I shouldn't be happy. They should be," Blitz thought to herself as her eyes lost their glow of life and looked dim. They're my friends, and they should be happy. I shouldn't be the happy one here." Blitz placed her hands on their cheeks, confusing them.

"Blitz? What are you?"

"I want to make you both happy."

Both girls became quiet, unsure of what she meant by that.

"Please, I want to make you both happy." Blitz leaned forward and kissed Sunset first, surprising her. Blitz kissed her deeper, pushing her tongue inside her mouth and tasting her. Sunset was beyond stunned. Wallflower was confused as she watched. "B-Blitz?"

Blitz broke the kiss, looked at Wallflower, and did the same thing. Wallflower was shocked as she was kissed and could feel her tongue, and Blitz was dominating her as she couldn't fight back. "Bl-Blitz?"

Blitz looked at her and kissed her again. Both girls were stunned and didn't know what to say or think. They could only watch as Blitz returned to her human form, showing them love—love they didn't like.

"No, stop, Blitz. This isn't you!" shouted Sunset, trying to pull her off but feeling her power. She pushed them to the floor, and they could see her crying as she sat between them.

"I shouldn't be the happy one here... I shouldn't take away your happiness. I'll give you my love and body, all for you. You can have me and my love and use me however you please." Blitz told them, taking off her purple jacket and holding her arms out like she was offering herself to them.

"No! What the fuck, dude!?"

"Blitz, please, stop," Wallflower begged, trying to move but couldn't.

"No, stop. This doesn't seem right. You're not yourself. This isn't love." Sunset stated, trying her hardest to stop this. "This isn't love, Blitz."

The door opened without them realizing it.

"What are you saying? Of course, this is love. I love you and Wilma." a dead inside Blitz smiled but froze as she saw 'her' there with the others in the doorway. Sunset and Wallflower looked at the door as they noticed as well.

"Blitz!" whispered Lucy, standing there with Braver and Brishen, all three shocked and confused at what they saw.
Blitz smiled, happy to see her, but Lucy rushed into the room, slapped her, and pushed her off the girls.

"She didn't do anything." Sunset blurted out as Lucy checked on her and Wallflower. She could see their teary faces and knew what happened.

"What did you do?" asked Lucy, glaring at Blitz.

"She didn't do anything. She was trying to comfort us, that's all." lied Wallflower but became quiet as Lucy put her hand in front of her face and stood up, filled with anger and hurt.

"WHAT. DID. YOU. DO!" shouted Lucy, grabbing Blitz by her shirt and finally snapping her out of the trace. She looked at what she had done and realized what she was going to do.

Blitz couldn't explain it and could only say, "I need to save you." She was slapped across the face. She slowly turned, and she could see Lucy crying.

"Saving? The only one that needs saving is your soul from the devil." Lucy let her go. "My parents were right about you, and I thought my feelings for you were real." Lucy slowly backed away, touching her cross. "No, these feelings are from the devil, like my parents warned me." she ran out of the bedroom crying.

"Lucy? Lucy, wait!" Sunset got up, followed by the others, trying to catch her.

Blitz didn't move. She wanted to but couldn't, and she could hear everyone yelling and crying as it all faded away from her room and her house.

"Sis?" whispered Braver, one of two people who stayed, as the second person hurried up here after hearing the yelling. Dash stood in the hallway, watching them.

"You shouldn't be here, Braver," Blitz told her, trying to smile.

"You're wrong; I should."

"You shouldn't."

"Blitz, you're my sister, and I won't let you deal with this alone. I know you. We're the same person—twins. I know when something is wrong. You're acting like me when I-"

"SHUT UP!" screamed Blitz, shaking the room and causing Braver to flinch and step back, scared. Don't compare me to you! Don't! You are better than me. You didn't hurt your friends or the one you loved. You're the better twin." Blitz looked at her, and Braver could see the pain in her eyes and feel her sadness and regret as she looked away from her.

"Blitz. Breathe in and out," said a caring female voice; the other person stayed, and she entered the room. "Calm yourself and relax. Don't get angry or sad. Just relax and try to think calmly."

Blitz could see the brown boots and dark magenta pants, and she looked up and saw her dear friend, the only one who knew her suffering in killing others. Her friend had to do it because she was a soldier, doing it to survive her tour. Blitz slowly did as she was told, breathing in and out. She could feel her mind clearing and calming down.

"Are you alright?" said the caring voice as she held Blitz's hands.

"Y-yeah...thanks, Tempesta," Blitz whispered, looking at this universe Tempest.

"That's what PTSD buddies are for, Blitz," she answered with a warm smile, letting her cry on her chest.

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?ʇᴉ ʇuɐʍ I ʎɐʍ ǝɥʇ uᴉ ʅʅǝʇ ʅʅ'I ʇɐɥʇ ʎɹoʇs ɐ ,ǝɯ sᴉ ʇɐɥʇ ǝʇᴉɹʍǝɹ ǝɥʇ doʇs oʇ op ʞɹɐds ʍoquᴉɐɹ ɟo ɹǝʞɔᴉʅɟ ɐ uɐɔ ʇɐɥM .ǝɯ doʇs ʇ'uɐɔ no⅄ .sǝᴉɹoʇs ǝᵷuɐɥɔ oʇ ɹǝʍod ǝɥʇ ʅʅɐ ǝʌɐɥ I puɐ ,pʅɹoʍ ʎɯ s'ʇᴉ ,ɯʅɐǝɹ sᴉɥʇ uᴉɥʇᴉM

"No matter what you do, you won't take their stories away from them. You know why?" asked the rainbow figure, beaming with its rainbow light. "Because their spark is strong and won't go out. It won't allow you to destroy them. No matter how much you want to."

!̵̧̟̤͈̠̖̰̙̲͕͍̬͎̰̖̬͉̺̻͔̳̹͊͐̀́̈́ꓷ̴̢̛̗̣͓̗̟̦̞̖̦̖̙̗͎̍͒͌̈́͌̍͗́͆͜N̸̡̫̹̬̦͕̈́͂̿̀̄͋̉̅̓̑̉̈́̎͊͗̔͘̕͜͝͝Ǝ̴̤̲̮̱͕̯̠͉̹̪̖̖̞̦̹͖̋̂͝ ̶̨̙̻͉̹̻̤̦̩͖̼̙͍̑͋͒̽̉̀̾̿̋͗̔́̀̒̓̓͗̕͝͠͝͝⅄̴̛̞̯͔̲͇̗̪̾̇̏̈́̌̌̿͊̏̌̊̒͌͘͠W .puǝ uɐ oʇ ᵷuᴉɯoɔ ɯoɹɟ ʎɹoʇs ǝɥʇ doʇs ʇ'uɐɔ ʞɹɐds ǝɥʇ ,uᴉɐd ɹo ǝʅᵷᵷnɹʇs ǝɥʇ ɹǝʇʇɐɯ ou ,uoᴉʇɔnɹʇsǝp ǝɥʇ doʇs oʇ ʇuɐʍ noʎ ɥɔnɯ ʍoɥ ɹǝʇʇɐɯ oN ̸̢̛̠̘̭̱̬̪͈̯̼̳́̀͂̆̄͂͊̇͐̀̀̆͋͊̊͛̓̎͋͑̽́̈͘͘̕͝͠͠͝͝͠.̷̡̨̡̨̫̝̙̲̟̱̻̫̜̫͇̩͖͙̰͈̖͚̹̩̻̿͆̑̆̎̽͂́͌̄̉͊͌̍̔̎́͋̈́̆̅̏̀̃̃͊̆͊͌̉̽͊͂̕͘̕̕̕̕͜͜͜͝͠͠Ǝ̷̨̧̢̢̛͕̰̗͕̙̥̘̪̣͚͈̻͙͙̱̼̣̒̇͌̔́̓̔͆̔̆̃̔̃́͒̀̐̏̋̇̇́̔̅͑͊͛̇́̄̈͗̆̈́͐̾͒̌̈́̄͌̾̏̈́͘̕͝͝ͅꓕ̴̨̡̧̡̮̗̱͖͉͖̭̭͚͙̜̼̤͔̗͕͓͖̬̱̤͖̼͕̺̣̮̗̼͇̝̦̥̤̱̺̥͓̰̱̘̗̋̔͑̈́̊̓̆̀̉̃̀͗̓̏̅̈́̌̉̌͂͜͠͝ͅⱯ̷̢͎̤̙̙̪͍̣̭̟̫͇̱̼̰̺̘̭̳̝̠͈̠̅͒̆̑̀̃̔̑͛̐̈́͊̽͗̇̚ͅꓞ̵̡̲̯̭̫̠̔͐̀̅͂̔̈́̒͆͒̂̔̅͋̒̍̉̔̆̐̾̂̽͗̾̅͑̃̀̇̓̐̂̎̈́̎̒̔̉̾͂̓̕̚̚͘͝͝ ̵̨̢̡̡̧̛̛̩͙̼̦̥̫̰̠̹̼̲͍̳̪̠̱̻̜̼̰̯͉̺̺͎̫̣̘̯̖̞͈̟̭̄̏͒͐̈́̓̐̋͐̐̽̔̾͛͒͑́̽̉̆͒̓̅͆͛̾̈́̈͒̍̔̏̐̋̈̋̇͌̈́̒̚͜͜͠͠͠͝ͅp̵̨̡̧̢͖̫̭̲͙̙̺̬̝͕̗̫̺̝̘̟̱̹̜͉͕͍̮̝̗̬̻͇̻̈̃̀̑̌͌̈̀̅͆̇̀́̇͊́̚̚͘͜͜͝͝ͅͅư̶̡̨̧͎̟͙̹̺͙̼̲̣̖̟̭̮̬̦͈̖̳̈́̿̔̔͗̓̾̽̅̎̓͑̾̍͐̅̈́̑̄̑̿͗̓̓̌͘͜͝͠͝͝͝͝ͅɐ̴̡̡̢̨̛̯̭̻͚̦̩̖̟̟̝̺̭̼͕̞̘̘̰͔̜͈͓̤͇̞̭̺̹͚͚̞͓̗̺͎̯̞̠̇̎̍̃̂̃̈́̆̊̄͌̀̾̍͒͒̕̚͝͝ͅ ̶̧̧̡̧̛̻̩̣͙̖̪̤̼̮͙͕̰̳̹͎̭̥̥̠̜̭̮̙̺͈̟͈̖̮̲̲͓͙͍̙̩͚͓̭̅͋͒̒̑́͂́̓̀̈́̃̉̌̅͑̇̾̋̃̉́̆̈́̐́̏͐̂͊͜͝͝͝͠͝͝,̴̡̛̯̲̩͔̱̼̰̳͈̽́̍̽̏͛̓͛͋̍̔͑́̅̊̃̿͑̽́̀̎̅̈́͊̒̈̓͆̃̈͛͌͒̃͛̈́̀̚͘͘͘͘͘͘͝͠͠ͅʎ̸̭̳̬̻̣̮͍̼̈̓̌̾̿̊u̴̧̱͎͉̲̣̗̥̘̣̩͕̪̻̼̤̅̇̓̕ͅᴉ̸̢̡̛̥͈͇̮͕̱͈͖̳̭̼͓͎̺͚̲̦̹̆̏̆͐̈́̈͋́͌͋̈́̓̉̾̈́́́̀̑̈́͒̈́̈́͛̽̇̆̽̇͑̄͛̇̌̍̚͝͝͝ʇ̴̰̠͕̝̍̽͒̀̀̓̾͐̔̅̄͑̅̓̈́̕͠ș̵̢͚̲̫̝͎̤̯̲͇̦͇̯̠̟̩̗͙͍̞̪̪̱̝̠͉͉̰̖̟̼̺̱̘͔̑̈́̏͑̇́̂̓̑̓͆̄̏̀͐̈́̀̍̀̂̐͒̅͘ǝ̵̨͎͚͓̺͇̭͚͕͖̤̩͐͋̓̂͒̀ꓷ̵̧̧̧̡̰͖̰̹̺͖̘͉̫̞̰͕̥̠̝̣͔̘̖͎͙͍͓̘͍̭̺͔̼̥̙̦̥̘̓̒͋̑̚͜ͅ ̶̢͖̩͎̰͇͎̾͌̈̎͑̾͆̐̍̈́̅̌̈́̈̔̾̉̿̈̆͆̊̈́͋̈́̐̑̍̆͘͠,̸͓͙̗̠̠̭̥̙̫̊̓͂͆̈́̈̎̑̊͋̒̿̇̿͂̿̋̅̈́̋̏̊̈́̓̈́͒̈́̍́͠͠ͅɹ̴̨̛͚̣̯͖̬͙͓̟̯̞̗̩̣͔͙͓̻̯̣͓͖͖̜̪͓̼̝̬̭̳̯̤͚̣̏̈́̆̒̉̅̈́̾̿̎̾̋͘ͅǝ̵̢̨̢̛̛̛̞̱̞̼̜̝͉̩͎̲̭̝̜͖̻̰̼̻̦̳͇̠̙̰̠̩̦̪̲̟͉̗̱̘͎̼̫͓̼̃̀̀̓̈́̂͋͑̌̑̑̐͐̿̍̈́̒̄̈́͒̈̀̽̈̕͘̚͜͜͝͠ɥ̵̨̢̧̛͔̯̞̹̭͍̠̯̥̖̼̖͎̳͔̗̤̖̝͓͕͎͙͎̳̘̫̙̞̱̫̟̯̱̮̩͖̝̪̜̣͔̼̥͕̃̎̈́̉͂̑͗̊̐̋̾̽̀̀̔̋̓͋͌̂̈́̿̉́̕̕ͅɔ̷̬̮̣̦̅̔̆̌̈̏͂͒̔̈͆̍͌̚ʇ̷̹̠̦͂̂͆͗̈́̔͗̂̑̂̏̏̌̃̿͋̉̀̏̈͆͆̂̈́̉̑́̿̅̌̉͒͊̐̋̉̅̈́͛̇̏͘̚̕͘̚͠͝ɐ̵̧̢̨̳̬̠̭͓̳͚̠͇͎̜̣͕͔̝͖̺̺̹͉̝̮͔̘̖̘͉̦͐̎̽̇̏̆̎̓̚͠Ḿ̷̨̨̡̢̥̼͕̤̩̹̖̝̳̤̭̳̠͉̮͉̬͇͖̠̜͈̪̯̺̟͓̪̖͍͉̹͚̲̂̈̀̅̿͊̈́̎̓̂̍̇͐̆͛̉͌̂͂̅̚ ̵̢̧̡̛͉̠͚̟̰͕̮͓̘͓͈̟̣̅̀̊̆̀̇̔̓̈̒͐̄̄͆̈́̇̔̂̈́̓͋̂͋͛̒̒̓̍͆̉͘̚̚̚͠͠,̵̡̨̛̙͈̣̰̘͉̬̏̏̐͋̀̍͋̈̂̓͆̀̉̽̈̑̄͊̽̎̉̔̚̚̚͝ɹ̸̛͉̘̣͔͔̰̞͍͖̠̬̘́̈̓̍̍̐̉̄̌̍̈͌̏̕͜͜͝ǝ̷̡̛̞͕̞͇͉͍̫̼̘͔̰̮̼̤̱̼̠͚͉̦̘̖̘̭̗̓̅̇́͑̌̇̒̀͆̄̑̓̓̽͠͝͠͠p̷̢̡̨̨̢̛̣̰̥̣̩͈͎̙̘̗͔̩͓̞̣͙̙͇͈̮̞̗͕̲̹͉̝͍̤̖̖̦̭͓̬̮̺̫̥̞͆̀͒̈̎̉͑̋͑͒̐͆̄̆͌̓̌̓̇͋̈́̍̾́̐͑̉̎͛͛͑̿̂͂͊̀͐̒͘̚͘̕̚͠͝͝͠ͅɐ̵̨̧̡̨̨̨͓̩̰̱̝̣̘͍̰̮̩̥̖͕̳͕͍̼̖͕̖͉̱̺̻̬̓̽̄͗̂͆͋̓͗͗̓͒́̈́͋̒͐̔̆̽̀͗̚͠ͅǝ̴̡̧̘͉̞̣̬̗͕̼͔͉̗͕̥̝̠͔̺̺̞͖̥͓͕͍͚̹͕̱̭̼̼̩͍̎̔̅̾͂̅͊̎͒͑̇͆͒̔̈́̀̅̄̏͐̈́̑̀̌͆̚̚͜͜͝͠͝ͅꓤ̷̢̨̨̢̧̡̧̺̤̗̬̙̱̱̫̠͔͈̜̭̤̯͕̟̩̦͈̇͗͂̄͆͊͂͐̌͊͜͠ ̴̨͎̤͉̥͖̠̺͍̞̺̱̻͍̦͓̮̣̋͋̓͑̂̂̈͛͋̇̀̈̐ͅ,̵̨̡̨̰̱̥̣͈̺̲̥̘̯̩̈́͊̓̽̈́̈́̌̽̎̑̋̅̓̑͊͂̐̒͌͂̈́̋͂̀̌̉́͑͗̍̓̓͗̀̍̊̆̐͊̉̓̐͆͂̕̚̚͝͝ͅɹ̸̨̧̧̨̞͙̭̠̣̭͇͇̤̪͉̯̖̘̟͕͇͍̯̜̮͖̭̫͔͕̳̺͔̬͎̗̥̫̟̏́̔̊̈́̔̆̐̾͑̋͐̿̓̑̈́̈́͛̏̄͑͐̓́̇͗̽͘͜͜͜͝͝͝͝ǝ̶̢̨̛̬̗̟͓̭̹̪̮̬̯̤̼̯̀̿̋͆͛̌̾͌͋̐͋͆̃͑̏̒̂̀̀͆͆͆̋̔͐́̿̌̄͋͒̄́̉̅̈́͠͝ʇ̴̧̧̦̝̬̝̠̖̖̬̠͍̳͇̺͈̖̖̔́̈́̌̆̈́́͐̿̒̋͌̐͗̐̍́̿͋͐̎̽̿̒͝ᴉ̸̨̨̡̨̛̻̦̪̥̥̹̼̫̲̖̟̺̝͉̹̗̖͖̩̘̰̯̜͚͎̃͑̓́̋͛͜ͅɹ̶̛̥̓̾̈̍̑̎̈́̓̌̂͊͑̀͒̀͑̄́͘̕M̸̢̡̢̪͕̝̦̙͉͓̜̫̮̬̤̞̜̰̣̤̪͓̤̤̩͔̩͖͉̝̺̩̫͚̝̫̜̼͇̪̺̼̰̅̓͊̆̈́͂͆͑͑́́̔͐͊̋̆̀̓̒̿̾̋̿̉̈̐͑̈͌̈́̈́͛͘̕͜͜͝͝ͅͅͅ ̸̡̧̨̛̛̣̹̲̜͚͖̬̬͖͉̭̱̏̊̊̈́̽̑̉̊̿̒͑̿́̈́̏̇͆̊̄̀͑̿̈́̅͗̆̿̑͗̀́̓͋̌͜͝͝,̶̨̡̨̛̹̺̙̙̞̺̟̘̫̻̝͖̯̗̯̰͕̦̘̠̹̯̪̞͕̭̪̳̫̦͇͔̭̝͈̖̼̈́͒́͋̇̐͆͂̒̅͑͑̎̏̈̈͂̀͊̋͗̇̀͐͋̋̍͗͊̊̐̒͗́̀̏͂̌̕͘̚͜͠͝͠p̵̡̢̮̭̮̤̥͈̹̘̖̹̙̬̘͚̙̯̥̣͇̝̟̺͓͖͕̗̙̱̈͐̽̈́͋͗̈́̅͂͌̇́̍̿̀̚̕͠͝͝ų̶̪͉̖̦͉͇̣̾̒̈́̑̈́̎̐̋͛̋̃̏̆̚̚͠͠Ǝ̵͍̯͈̩͎̞̣̩̮̜̻̈́̍̍͘ ̷̢̭͊̎͒͌̆̂̓͐̆̉͆̎̽̕͘͘͘͝͠ǝ̶̢̧̨̧̢̨̛̳̺̮͓͚̟̻͕̳̲̲̟͕̲̥͍̟̮̖̹̤̬̖̳͓̫̪͎̟̐͛̄̈̓̑͑̔͆͊̊͑̑̄͌̉̔̃̈́͐̋̉̄̀͌̌͛̅͂̈̾́͛̄̚̚̚͠͝͝͝͠ɥ̸̧̡̢̥̥͇̟̘̤̹͓̝̣̟͖̰͖̫͎̩̮̀̊͆͛̑̈́̆̋̉͆̈̈́͌̈́́̾͐̐̿̃͛̽̂̆̋̀̈͊̍͐̍̓͘̚͘͘͠͝ꓕ .ϨЄѪѦЙ ʎuɐɯ sɐ uʍouʞ ɯ'I .ᵷuᴉpuǝun ɯ'I !HSIꓶOOꓞ

"I don't care what you are called! Every spark won't ever go out! These are their hopes and dreams! Their stories are their own! It was never yours to rewrite it the way you wanted it! You're just a reader wanting to take control of someone's story and twist it! You are not a writer; you are simply a fan and a bad one at that!"

.ǝʅqᴉssod ʎɐʍ ʅnɟʍɐ ʇsoɯ ǝɥʇ uᴉ ǝᴉp noʎ ǝɹns ǝʞɐɯ ʅʅ'I !ᵷuᴉʇᴉɹʍǝɹ ǝɥʇ doʇs ʇ'uɐɔ noʎ ʇnq ,ǝɔuo ǝɯ pǝddoʇs ǝʌɐɥ ʎɐɯ no⅄ !ʅooɟ ɐ ʎʅnɹꓕ

"Go ahead. But remember. I'll come back. I'll always return and stop you. No matter what universe or timeline I am in, I'll find a way, and you won't destroy any more stories, ever! EVERYONE WILL KEEP MOVING FORWARD, EVEN WITHOUT ME! BECAUSE THAT'S THE DAMN SPARK OF EVERY STORY! Moving forward, no matter what!"

ʇsᴉxǝ ʇ'upʅnoɥs puɐ ,ǝʞɐʇsᴉɯ ɐ ,ʎʅɐɯouɐ uɐ ǝɹɐ no⅄ .ʞooq ɹnoʎ ʎoɹʇsǝp noʎ ɟᴉ sᴉ sᴉɥʇ doʇs oʇ ʎɐʍ ʎʅuo ǝɥʇ ,ʅɹᴉᵷ ɥsᴉʅooꓞ.

"Tsk, nothing is a mistake, and no matter what, I'll keep moving forward. No one deserves a sad fate, no matter who it is. Everyone deserves a happy ending. Screw you! You don't control anyone's destiny! If you want to, then you will have to go through me! I'll make sure everyone has a happy ending! EVERYONE!"

?? ɹǝʇdɐɥꓛ ɟO puƎ

Author's Note:

Hey, remember that blog post I made months ago and how I said I felt like writing kingdom hearts level of writing. Yeah, this what I meant lol This is gonna be explained in the next third fic and its gonna explain why this chapter is like this.

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