• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

  • ...

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Chapter 4: Just Talk And Listen

Author's Note:

note: names aren't messed up. keep reading :D

Gonna keep running
Gonna keep on running.
Running from the pain

Those words echoed across Dashie's mind as she ran in her pony form through the city. She liked using her wings in her anthro form but hated using them in her pony form. Running was much better in this form; she was way faster and loved it, but today, she just needed to run, no matter what.

"I hurt her! I didn't want to, but I did!" She hurt Twilah by becoming the thing she feared when growing up; she hated herself for it: "She hates me! She hates me! She must hate me! She won't marry me! She thinks I'll do it again!" Her fears were coming true, and it was all her fault. She was a bad girlfriend. "I have to make it right! I have to prove myself!"

As she kept running, her mind was clouded, and her eyes were watery. She didn't know where she was going; all she knew was that she needed to run—run as fast as she could and try not to look back. That's what she was good at—running away and being a failure, like Twilah always saw her.

"I'll show her... I'm not a failure. I'll prove her wrong."

As she kept running, the city got bigger and more crowded. She bumped into people left and right and did not pay attention, and her mind was filled with thoughts and feelings.

"I'll prove her wrong!"

That's all she kept thinking as she bumped into a male griffon and knocked him over, causing his groceries to fall to the floor.

"Sorry," whimpered Dashie, trying not to look at the man's face.

"No, it's okay," said the griffon as Dashie ran off, blasting gusts of wind, making the apples blast away. "Oh no, my apples!"

As the man tried to pick up his apples, Dashie was already far gone and kept running. She bumped into a few more creatures and kept running, but her tears clouded her eyesight. She couldn't see, she couldn't hear, and she couldn't think. All she was thinking about was Twilah.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" shouted Dashie as she kept running.

"Hey! Watch it!" shouted a female voice, but she didn't care.

"Sorry!" shouted Dashie as she continued running without attention.

"Look out!" shouted a man's voice, but she couldn't hear them.

"Stop running, you idiot!" shouted another female voice, but she didn't pay attention.

"Get out of the way!" shouted a little kid, but this time, she listened.

"I'm so-" But before she could say the rest, she tripped and crashed into a building and felt a massive pain in her back. "I'm... sorry," whispered Dashie as her eyes started to close.

"Are you alright?" asked a female dragon, running over to her, but her voice echoed.

"Yeah, I'm okay," replied Dashie as she started to run again.

"You're hurt; you should get that looked at," said a male griffon.

"I'm okay," replied Dashie.

"Please don't run. It's not safe," said a young male voice.

"I have to keep running," Dashie said, vision fading.

"Why? Why are you running?" asked the same man.

"To prove her wrong," replied Dashie as her eyes closed.

Dashie opened her eyes and kept running until the city became an open field and a lake. There were no more buildings, just a beautiful, open landscape.

"This place...it's so familiar," thought Dashie as she kept running.

She remembered this place; she remembers coming here...in her universe. In fact, the place must be close by. If her and this universe are genuinely the same, then that means...She took off into the forest and found a small dirt road.

"A dirt road..."

She followed it, hoping to find familiarity and to be right. She ran until she came to a large, opened crater covered in grass and different-colored flowers. Dashie stopped as she looked around, remembering everything.

"It's the same place where everything started ten years ago."

She looked around, and everything was the same. The grass, the crater, the flowers, the forest—it was all the same. Even the gravestone...

"Twilight and Dash did the same thing. We're truly the same people deep down," thought Dashie as her tears started to fall. She walked up to the grave and sat down. "Hey, it's been a while, you two. I never thought you'd see me here in this universe. How have you been?" asked Dashie, smiling sadly. She started to cry, her tears hitting the grave. "You two are probably wondering why I'm here. Well, our...no, that's not right. Your daughters found a way to see each other again; I don't know the details, but they did. Your daughters, Blitz and Braver, are together again." Dashie said, crying but smiling proudly.

Dashie touched the gravestone and looked up at the blue sky, hoping to see it again, as it didn't exist anymore in her universe.

"Sometimes I keep looking into the night sky and hoping to see the rainbow comet again. I hope to see you two again, even the others." Dashie closed her eyes. "Hoping to see you guys again and to ask you all... I'm a good mom? A good person? Was I the right pick for Blitz? I keep failing in life, and with Twilah feeling the same, I'm doubting myself even more. I'm sorry if I failed you too," Dashie opened her eyes and saw dirt on the grave; she started cleaning the gravestone. "Am I a bad parent?" asked Dashie, her tears falling onto the gravestone. "Please... I'm so confused, so lost... I want you to tell me. Please tell me. Please, Sky, Nightfall!" Dashie didn't know how long she was there, but she felt something warm oozing on her back. She started to feel dizzy...until she fell backward and felt something wet on her back. She was getting sleepy, very sleepy, but she saw something. A portal was opening, and someone was walking out and noticing her. Her vision went dark as she heard her voice.


"Twilah," whispered Dashie before darkness consumed her.

"Dashie!" screamed Twilight, running to her and picking her up. "Oh, Dashie, what's wrong? What's wrong?!"

"Twi...lah?" whispered Dashie weakly, her eyes fluttering open and closing.

"Dashie, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here, I'm here," replied Twilight as she checked her body for any signs of damage.

"T-Twi...la...h...I'm sorry," whispered Dashie.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" asked Twilight, but Dashie passed out. Twilight noticed the blood as she felt it on her hooves and saw the wound on her back as she removed the jacket, a deep slash wound from a sharp object. "A cut! How did this happen?" Twilight checked her pulse, and she was stable. Her breathing was fine, but she needed to hurry and heal her with her magic. She didn't know who or what hurt her, so she needed to protect her in case someone was after her.

"Twi...la...h, I'm sorry," whispered Dashie once again

"It's okay, Dashie. It's okay. I'm here." She quickly lowered herself to Dashie's face, putting her horn on her forehead but causing Twilight to blush, as Dashie was a one-to-one copy of Rainbow Dash. Even though she was pissed off and heartbroken by Dash's comments, she couldn't feel like that towards Dashie, who was a friend. "Hold on, Dashie," whispered Twilight. As her horn glowed, soon Dashie's body started to glow purple.

"I love you," Dashie said as her wound started healing.

"H-huh! What? What!?" stammered Twilight, surprised by the sudden comment.

"I love you. I love you so much. Please, don't leave me. I'm sorry... I won't hurt you again. I promise." Dashie spoke in her sleep

"I-I..." stuttered Twilight.

"Twilah, I love you. You're the best thing that happened to me. I apologize for what I said, and I won't repeat it."

Twilight sighed as she had no reason to feel like this. Dashie was dreaming about Twilah, Twilight's human counterpart; she wasn't talking to her. Dash won't ever say 'I love you' like that, even when sleeping.

"Please don't leave me, please," whimpered Dashie as she reached out to someone.

"... Don't worry, I won't leave. Not now, not ever," replied Twilight, still healing her, but she felt Dashie's hooves on her cheek.

"Thank you... I love you, Twilah," whispered Dashie, kissing Twilight profoundly and lovingly. It took Twilight by surprise so much that she lost control of her magic and raised her head up as her horn shot a powerful burst, hitting a nearby tree, exploding it, and creating a large crater in the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" screamed Twilight, her face turning red. "T-THAT WAS TOO INTENSE! WHAT THE FUCK! Why'd she kiss like that? Is this how they kiss?" whispered Twilight, touching her lips with her hoof.

Twilight was surprised at how intense it was; it was better than her first kiss with Dash, and it made her blush. She shook her head, as she didn't have time for this, and started healing Dashie again.

"Twi...lah...I'm sorry."

"I know, Dashie. I know." She smiled but slowly blushed as she looked at Dashie's lips.

"Twi, I love you."

"I know," Twilight slowly moved her lips to Dashie's lips, but the wound healed completely, and Dashie's eyes fluttered open, making Twilight move back and act like nothing happened.


"Dashie," replied Twilight, smiling and looking back and forth like crazy.

"How? I thought..."

"You had a deep slash wound; I just healed it," replied Twilight.

"Oh? Thank you," Dashie sat up and rubbed her back. She saw that her jacket was ruined and was upset.

"Do you remember anything? How or who hurt you?" asked Twilight,

"Not much, just bumping into a few people and a building... I think I cut myself on broken glass when I crashed into the said building. I kept running and realizing I was near..."

"Where has everything started?" Twilight asked, believing that the Dashie universe must have the same layout and the crater in the same spot as ten years ago.

"Y-Yeah," stuttered Dashie, looking at "their" grave and then back to Twilight. "I guess we four had the same idea to make a grave for "them," it seems. We must be the same person, deep down, right?"

Twilight nodded, and she and Dashie sat in front of the grave and started to pray.

"We're sorry we couldn't save you two. We hope you are watching over us wherever you are. We're trying our hardest to be the best mothers to your daughters," said Twilight, while Dashie just nodded.

After a few minutes, they stopped and looked at the sky.

"Dashie," asked Twilight as she turned to her.

"Yes, Twilah. I mean, Twilight?"

"What did you mean when you said you wouldn't repeat it?" asked Twilight. Wondering what happened between her and Twilah

"What do you mean?"

"When I was healing you, you mumbled some words, and you said something like 'I won't repeat it.' Did you say something to Twilah? Hurting her too?" asked Twilight, staring at Dashie and making her feel uncomfortable, who looked away.

"Yes, I did," replied Dashie, blinking a few times and looking back at Twilight. "...'her too?'

"Oh, n-nothing! Nothing! It's just-" Twilight stopped talking, realizing what she had just said.

"What did I say to you?" asked Dashie, realizing she might have said something awful to Twilight.

"It's nothing," replied Twilight, looking away.

"No, what did I say to you?"

"I said it's nothing. It's fine, really. Forget it," replied Twilight, moving away from Dashie, who tried to her to face but couldn't.

"Tell me, Twilah," demanded Dashie.

"It's Twilight," started Twilight but stopped as she sighed, realizing Dashie wouldn't drop it. "It's Twilight, but alright, since you want to know."

"Tell me, what did I say?" asked Dashie, starting to sweat.

"You said..." started Twilight, pausing and blushing.


"That you loved 'me' a lot, that you're sorry, and that you won't hurt 'me' again," replied Twilight, looking away and blushing as she remembered the kiss

"..." Dashie couldn't say anything; her face was bright red.

"You were probably dreaming about Twilah as you kiss-"

"I'm sorry!" shouted Dashie; her whole body was red and looked like a tomato. "I'm so sorry! Oh god! I'm sorry!"

"Huh?" asked Twilight, surprised by the outburst.

"I'm such an idiot! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!" repeated Dashie.

"Dashie, what are you talking about?" asked Twilight.

Dashie was freaking out. "The kiss! I kissed you! I'm so sorry! I didn't know! I thought, Oh god, I'm sorry!"

"It was just a kiss. There was nothing behind it." smiled Twilight—almost like she felt hurt by saying that—she didn't know why...in fact, why was her head hurting?

"I'm sorry, Twilight. I didn't mean to... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. You're a wonderful woman and a great friend, but you're not her. You're not my Twilah. She's my soon-to-be wife, and I love her. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that. It was a mistake. I'm sorry, Twilah."

"Soon to be a wife?"


"What do you mean,' soon to be wife'?"

"Uh, I was going to give purpose to her before we came here."

Twilight gave Dashie the most enormous, warmest smile ever, making Dashie feel calm and relaxed again.

"Really now?" asked Twilight, almost like she was jealous.

"Yeah, I had to pick the perfect place and time. Then, the girls broke the barrier, sending us here and ruining the plan. Sigh, now that I think about it, I don't know if I should be angry or thankful," replied Dashie, sighing as she lay on the ground and stared at the sky.

"Why?" asked Twilight.

"Because I know, I would have had chicken out or messed it up... Twilah is right; I'm a failure. I'm just scared of failing her or messing up. I don't want her to leave me. I love her so much; she's the best thing that's happened to me," replied Dashie, closing her eyes and sighing hard.

"Well, I think you have nothing to worry about. If she's anything like me, which I'm sure she is, she won't leave you. She'll love you and stay by your side. No matter what happens, she'll stay with you. Trust me, Dashie." replied Twilight as she lay beside her, "She loves you as I love mine."

"Thanks, Twilight," Dashie smiled towards her and hugged her.

"Dashie, it's fine. I'm not mad or upset; I'm happy," replied Twilight, hugging her back and closing her eyes.

"Still, I'm sorry for everything. You don't deserve it, Twilight."

Twilight started to picture Dash and the awful things she said to her: "No, I don't. I didn't deserve any of it."

"Yeah, you didn't. You're a great person, Twilight. I'm sorry for what I said and did to you."

"Thanks, Dash. I forgive you," whispered Twilight as she pictured Dash saying it, and she started to cry. "..."

"Are you okay, Twilah?" asked Dashie, seeing her tears

Twilight said nothing but could feel Dashie's hoof on her back as she stroked it. "Hey, everything's okay. Don't cry. I'm really sorry I hurt you," whispered Dashie in a caring and loving tone. Twilight let go of the hug and looked Dashie in the eyes. She looked worried until Twilight kissed her out of nowhere.

"W-what are you doing?" asked Dashie, breaking the kiss, causing Twilight to completely turn red, firing off a magical beam from her horn, and destroying a small part of the forest in the distance.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, Dashie!" Twilight was panicking and started to shake her. "I didn't mean to! It just happened, I swear! Please forgive me!"

"It's okay, it's okay! Don't cry, Twilah," Dashie said as she was still being shaken by Twilight. She grabbed Twilight, making her blush. "Twilah, everything's fine. It was just a kiss," said Dashie.

"It wasn't 'just' a kiss, Dashie." replied Twilight, "It's a kiss I gave 'you,' not my Dash, from my world. Oh god, she's right. I am pathetic, and a..." Twilight felt so ashamed when she thought of the words, "Dash had every right to say those things! Oh god..."

Dashie was utterly lost in what Twilight was saying.

"I'm pathetic; I'm a weakling... Dash had every right to treat me the way she did. I'm a..." whispered Twilight, crying her eyes out as Dashie could feel Twilight's tears on her chest.

"What the hell is going on with you?" asked Dashie, trying her best to understand what Twilight was saying. "You're not making any sense!"

"Dash," whispered Twilight, hugging Dashie tightly and crying her eyes out.

"Twilah..." said Dashie, hugging her back.

After a few minutes, Twilight calmed down.

"Are you alright?" asked Dashie as she rubbed her back.

"Sorry, sorry... I just had a moment there," replied Twilight, letting go and getting up.

"Twilah, it's okay. Don't worry." Dashie stands up as well.

"...thanks, Dash."

"Hey, no problem. Now, I have a question for you, Twilight."

"Sure, what is it, Dashie?"

"What's going on?"

Twilight looked down with her ears down, knowing what she meant.


"Come on, tell me. What's going on between you and your Dash?" asked Dashie, placing her hoof on Twilight's shoulders, "You're not telling me something, and it has to do with your Dash."


"Twilah, just talk to me. What's going on with you and her?"

"We have a bad fight," whispered Twilight. "Dash said awful things that hurt me, but she was right... I was the one who hurt her, not me.

"What did she say to you?" asked Dashie.

Twilight started to explain everything, and Dashie was caught up and pissed off as she began to run in place, trying to burn off her anger.

"Are you okay?" asked Twilight, seeing Dashie doing runner poses.

"No, I'm pissed! What the hell?! Who the hell does she think she is?" shouted Dashie.

"She has every right to. She was right about me."

"NO! Don't start blaming yourself! You didn't cheat on her! It was just a kiss, and it wasn't you who started it; it was me! If anyone is to blame, it's me, and I will tell her that the next time I see her."

"Don't bother, it's over."

"No, it's not! Look, don't give up," sighed Dashie as she sat down. "Never give up. You did nothing wrong; it was a spur of the moment; you can't control that. Your Dash should understand that."


"Don't give up on her because... I understand her. She's not just scared of losing you but also of failing you and herself. When she sees you, she sees the most perfect person and is scared she'll fail you. Not being the person you deserved and wanted."

"That's crazy," replied Twilight, not buying it.

"It's true. I was scared to propose to my Twilah a few times and always felt like I was a failure to her. I was scared I was going to screw it up. I would be a terrible wife, and I'm not the person she deserves. She's a wonderful person, a great mom, smart and funny; she's just great. I feel like she deserves better, and I'm worried I won't live up to that, which is why," Dashie took out the wedding ring box from her jacket and started to cry, "maybe Dash is on to something? Maybe I don't deserve my Twilight, too, like how she doesn't deserve you. We're just losers. We can't do anything right; for me, it's not even proposing to the woman I love or how I keep failing her... I'm pathetic."

Twilight looked at Dashie and then at the wedding ring. She remembered that day, and she will always remember it—the day Dash finally popped the question. Twilight grabbed Dashie's hoof, giving her the warmest smile.

"You're not pathetic. Holding that box reminds me of when Dash acted like this..."

Four years ago

Dash had everything planned; there was a big party at Ponyville, and everyone was there. She was going to pop the question there, but things started to go wrong, like the cake falling down and landing on AppleJack, who was mad at Pinkie and the Cakes, and suddenly the 'Endless Party Cake' ate AJ up, and Pinkie and the Cakes had to dive in and find her. Fluttershy, with her animal friends, had to bake a new cake, get it done, and set it up before the night was almost over. Rarity brought some famous rich friends complaining that this wasn't a great party and started ruining it. Big Mac was the DJ, and as DJ-pon3, Starlight and Derpy got lost in a magical portal somehow, Celestia was super drunk, and Luna tried her best to control her. Discord was being Discord, and Braver was being Braver. Everything was in ruins, like fire ruins.

Twilight, wearing her torn-up party dress, looked at Dash, who was wearing a fabulous torn-up party dress and looking defeated in the middle of town.


"It's a bust, Twilight... I-I failed again," sighed Rainbow, hanging her head down.

"Rainbow, it's okay."

"No, it's not; it's never okay! Everything I touch turns to shit, like me... I'm a loser; I can't do anything right, not even this."


"I can't do anything; I'm useless and pathetic... This was meant to be your special night and moment, and I can't do anything right."

Twilight placed her hoof on Dash's shoulder, who still hung her head low.

"It's not your fault; everyone was caught off guard and had to improvise. This wasn't the best party ever, but I had a great time, as did everyone." Twilight looked around the party and saw Pinkie and the Cakes finally pulling AJ out of the cake.

"Pinkie! Did you put a whole yellow room in there? It looked like the backroom of some building!" shouted AJ, covered in frosting.

"I'm sorry, AppleJack. The 'Endless Party Cake' doesn't follow any rules!" laughed Pinkie while the Cakes finally pulled AJ out and cleaned her off.

Twilight turned and saw Fluttershy and her animal friends, all in a baker's outfit, covered in flour and cake, looking exhausted, as they had a new cake made and ready.

"Huff, huff. It's done, everyone." sighed Fluttershy, lying down and panting, as her animal friends were in the same boat, all lying next to her. The cake looked like Pinkie's purple cake, but it was blue. "Sorry, Dash, there was no purple frosting. Someone kept eating it!" shouted Fluttershy to Angel the bunny, who was huge and fat, as they sat next to the new cake.

"What's a purple cake for?" asked one of the wealthy friends of Rarity's.

"Because it's a special cake. A cake to celebrate Twilight being the best mare ever, but you all kept being rude, selfish, and ruining everything!" shouted Rarity.

"How dare you?! Do you know who we are?"

"Do you know who I am?" Rarity shouted as the two stared each other down.

"Whatever! We're leaving!" shouted the wealthy friend as the group left.

Twilight walked over to her and placed her hoof on her back as she could see her friend mad at herself. "Rarity, it's okay."

"No, Twilight, it's not. I can't believe I thought they would be on their best behavior. They were so rude and selfish!" said Rarity, crying, "I'm sorry, Twilight. I was supposed to help make your night great, but I ruined it. I'm the worst friend ever!"

"Oh, Rarity." Twilight went and hugged her friend, who hugged her back.

"It's okay."

"But, Twilight..."

"No, it's not your fault."

Rarity nodded and went to help Fluttershy, who was trying to stop Angel from licking and getting lost in the 'Endless Party Cake .'Twilight turned around and could see Big Mac trying his best, playing songs and using the DJ stuff, but he was having a hard time and was stressed out, while Applebloom and her friends were trying to keep the dancing floor active and fun.

"Sis, how the hell do these work? Are these things on?" asked Big Mac, pushing buttons, moving the records, and scratching them.

"Don't know, bro! Is this what they call Dubstep?" asked Applebloom.

"No, this is what the ponies call 'bad music'! Turn it down; we can hear that garbage from a mile away!" shouted someone, throwing a soda at the booth.

"Why, you?" shouted Applebloom, running after the pony.

"Thanks a lot, little sister. How can I play these records if I can't read the notes?"

All of a sudden, Starlight, Derpy, and DJ Pon3 fell out of a portal and landed in front of the booth.

"Well, that was fun. Can we do that again?" asked DJ Pon3, excited and bouncing around.

"FUN!? We were fighting for our lives against an endless horde of monsters!" shouted Starlight, angry, as she was covered in dirt and blue blood.

"And we won! That was awesome!" shouted Derpy, all hyped up and covered in the same stuff.

"Vinyl Scratch, can you take over?" Big Mac asked, seeing that the real DJ had arrived.

"Sure!" Vinyl jumped into the booth and started blasting better music.

"I'll take a break," sighed Big Mac, walking off.

Twilight turned around and saw Celestia and Luna. Luna was holding Celestia, trying her best to hold her down and keep her under control. "Sister, you need to stop drinking! It's making you crazy!"

"NEVER! LET ME GO!" Celestia threw Luna off of her, went to the 'Endless Party Cake', and ate a lot until the 'Endless Party Cake' ate her.

Luna ran to the cake and dove in, "Sister!" trying to save her sister and pulling her out, and two alicorns came out with them —two Celestias and two Lunas. The four looked confused and started arguing with their own sisters.

"Pat, where are we?" asked the new Luna, with gaming headphones on.

"How should I know, Matt?" replied the new Celestia, looking around at their doubles, who were fighting until the new Celestia saw Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. "Hey, it's Woolie and Punch, Dad!"

The two clones? stood up and walked to them, yelling, "Woolie! Stop stealing those pies!" and "Woolie, remember when you killed that one guy?" Cadance ran off with the tray of pies, screaming that they couldn't prove any of the murder stuff, making Armor sigh.

"Pinkie?" asked Twilight, still looking at the new princess.

"The 'Endless Party Cake' doesn't follow any rules! Including the multiverse rules! Hehehe!" laugh at Pinkie as she hops past Twilight, who is still confused.

"Sister! Why are you drinking so much? You were never a heavy drinker like this! Please, stop!"

"Because! Because..." cried Celestia, drunk and slurring her words.

"Because of what?" asked Luna, grabbing Celestia.


"Because, what?"

"Twilight is getting ma-." Celestia stopped talking as Luna shoved a bottle in her mouth and looked at Twilight and Dash, sweating.

"HAHAHA! She means Twilight is getting older! YES! Let's go, sir! BEFORE YOU RUIN THIS NIGHT FURTHER!" shouted Luna, pulling her drunk sister, pushing her into the crowd, and waving to Twilight, who was suspicious of the princess.

"Luna..." muttered Twilight.

"What's the problem with them, Liam?" asked Pat, who was eating two party snacks as he stood next to Twilight and Dash, who were still staring down and never noticing the new princess.

"It seems Celestia and Luna are fighting," answered Matt, looking around. "Wait, where are we? What's going on?"

"I don't know, like I said, dumb nutz! Great party, Liam," Pat and Matt returned to the cake and disappeared.

Twilight, not wanting to deal with what had just happened, turned and saw Fluttershy stopping Discord from being himself, as he was creating chaos with his magic.

"Discord! We're at a party; please behave and be a normal pony. No magic or tricks."

"Fluttershy, can't you let me have a bit of fun? This party is so dull! There's nothing to do or eat; I'm so bored and hungry." Discord said, looking around the party.

"Discord, please. For me, in Dash and Twilight, can you just act normally? Dash really made this party very 'special'...can you do that for me?" asked Fluttershy, looking and acting cute, making Discord blush.


"YAY!" shouted Fluttershy, hugging Discord.

"Yeah, yeah," blushed Discord.

Twilight smiled and suddenly saw Tempest and Braver's friend group as they were carrying Braver inside a bubble ball to stop her from breaking anything else. Braver waved to her mom, and Rainbow Dash smiled, who finally looked up.

"MOMS! MOMS! MOMS!" Braver shouted as the four friends walked her over to them, and they were all worn out.

"What's going on with my baby girl?" asked Dash.

"Dash, I love Braver, but your daughter is dangerous to herself and everyone here. She keeps breaking walls, doors, and anything in her way," told Tempest, pointing to the damage that Braver made.

"Oh, is that so?" asked Dash, looking at Braver, who was looking away.

"Mom, it's not my fault."

"Oh, is it now?" asked Cozy, turning to the half-destroyed Ponyville. "It seems a little bit like it's your fault."

"It's not, honest!" replied Braver as she pushed her face against the see-through surface, giving Cozy a sad look and causing her to blush.

"Whatever...idiot," Cozy looked away, not wanting to fall for the cuteness.

"I don't think she needs to be here right now because it's your p..." muttered Tempest, looking at Twilight and quickly to Braver, who was frowning.

"She stays, and if anyone has a problem, I'll take care of them myself. Got it?" shouted Dash very angrily.

"Yes, Rainbow Dash," replied Tempest, who was shocked.

"Yes, Mom," replied Braver, smiling. Se tried to tackle and hug her but bounced into her because of the ball she was inside, and Braver flew.

"Braver!" Dawn arrived and used magic to save her friend from falling into the river, catching her.

"Thanks, Dawn," smiled Braver.

"Anytime," Dawn smiled back, but she turned to Tempest and the others, filled with rage. "Tempest and the rest of you! What the hell were you thinking, putting her in there? She's not a hamster!"

"You sure?" smirked Cozy as she pointed to Braver, who was getting the cake from Pinkie and stuffing it into her cheeks like a hamster and waving at her friends.

Dawn found it super cute but blushed as Cozy coughed at her, making her shout, "Don't play stupid!"

"Calm down, Dawn. We're just trying to help her. She wanted this," replied Tirek, trying to calm her down.

"Well, I can't trust you or the others, so... I'll do it myself," said Dawn, looking away.

"Are you sure, Dawn?" asked Chrysalis.

"I am. So, go."

"Dawn," sighed Braver, still sad that Dawn wouldn't open up to her friends.

"Fine, see you later, you two. I'm getting me some cake!" Cozy and the others walked off but kept looking back. The group was worried for Dawn and kept trying to be her friend, but it wasn't working like Braver had hoped.

"You two, be careful. You're our best friends, and we will be over there," said Tirek as he left.

Dawn ignored them and looked for a way to get Braver out of the bubble until her parents walked over. Sunburst and Starlight looked worried for Dawn.

"Dawn, what are you doing? Can't you see everyone is enjoying themselves? You need to relax and have fun with your friends. We raised you to be better than this." Sunburst touch her daughter's shoulder but she quickly brushes it off

"What? I'm not doing anything wrong, Dad."

"Then what are you doing, dear?" asked Starlight, looking at her with worry...and a bit of fear

Dawn looked disgusted when she saw her mother, not because of the blue blood but because of something else. "Nothing. I'm fine," she answered in a very cold tone.

Starlight could see how her daughter was looking at her, so she walked away. Sunburst was shocked but followed her. "Starlight, wait!"

Dawn looked away. "Wish you stopped trying to be a mom?"

"Dawn," muttered Braver, watching her try to use her magic to pop the bubble but failing..

Twilight had a severe look as she watched her new student act like that, but she'd deal with that another day, so she turned back to Dash, who was getting off the ground after being crushed by their daughter.

"See? Everyone had a great time! It worked out in the end, so don't be like this; you did your best, and that's what matters. That's what matters to me; always do your best, no matter what, because that is what is most important in life," said Twilight, smiling, helping Dash up and wiping the dirt off her face.

"You think?" asked Dash as she looked up, seeing Braver and Dawn inside the bubble and playing with balloons Pinkie dropped in. She was soon joined by Cozy and the rest of their friends, causing Dawn to sigh. Dash turned to see Luna splashing cold water on Celestia, who finally snapped out of her drunken trance and felt ashamed, but Luna hugged her and pushed her sister to join her with Braver and her friends. Dash smiled and turned to the dance floor, seeing everyone enjoying the music. DJ Pon3 was joined by Big Mac, and the two were DJing it up together. Dash's face started to fill with hope, and she finally turned to the two cakes, seeing Fluttershy and Discord chatting and enjoying the night. Rarity, Spike, and AJ were trying to understand how Pinkie Cake even works, as Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich kept pulling out different versions of themselves, one being Weird Al and another being Deadpool Pinkie, who joined the party. Dash couldn't help but laugh and, finally, had a smile.

"Thanks, Twilight. I think you're right. It did work out, and everyone did enjoy the party," smiled Dash.

"Of course I am," Twilight said, happy to see her girlfriend smiling again. She turned around and said, "Now come on, let's join the girls, huh?" She noticed the music stop, and everyone was looking at her. "What's everyone looking at?"

"Twilight," whispered Dash, making Twilight turn to her. She saw Dash on one knee and holding a box.

"Dash? What's wrong? Did you hurt yourself? What's with the box?"

Dash just shook her head at Twilight's question. "No, no, Twilight. It's not that."

"Then, what's the problem, Dash?" asked Twilight, concerned.

"I have something to ask you."


"Twilight, we have known each other for so long and were there for each other. We helped each other, fought together, were there for one another, and more. We saved the multiverse and saw different versions of ourselves, some loving each other. I want a universe where we're together, not as girlfriends but...more," said Dash as she opened the box, revealing a blue diamond orb necklace. "Twilight Sparkle, will you marry me?"

Twilight was completely speechless and shocked. Everyone was just staring at her, waiting for her response. Twilight could hear every sound—the river running, the trees rustling, the leaves dropping, and the music playing a wonderful tune—as she didn't know what to do. She kept looking at Dash, seeing her eyes fill with tears, as she was starting to get scared, thinking for the worst.

"I...I..." Twilight took a deep breath and looked at Dash.

"Well? Say something!" yelled Weird Al, causing Dash and the others to stare at him. Soon, everyone joined him by calling out to Twilight and asking her to say something.

"Okay, okay! I have something to say to Dash, so everyone, please, listen!" shouted Twilight as the crowd became silent.
Twilight turned to Dash, who was still waiting for an answer. Twilight smiled, took a deep breath, and said


The whole party was shocked, and everyone looked at Twilight with their mouths dropped, including Braver, who melted in sadness.

"Huh?" asked Dash, as tears flowed from her eyes. She didn't know what to say or do as Twilight got down on her knees.

"No, I will not marry you, Rainbow Dash," said Twilight, looking her right in the eye and smiling.

"Then why ?" asked Dash as she looked away and couldn't help but cry.

"To do this," replied Twilight, as she summoned a box from her magic, put it on the ground, and grabbed something inside with her hooves.

"W-What?" asked Dash, trying not to cry as she rubbed her eyes. She felt something around her neck and saw a purple orb necklace, which caused Dash to look at Twilight, who was wearing the blue necklace and crying.

"Okay, I'll marry you now. I can't believe you beat me to it," Twilight laughed as she kissed her while the crowd cheered for the newly engaged couple.

"Wait? For real?" asked Dash, still trying to wrap her mind around what was happening after they kiss

"Yeah, silly," smiled Twilight, wiping her tears.

"Wow, that's awesome," smiled Braver, who was crying herself.

"Yeah," said Dawn, wiping away her tears.

Dash started to tear up, hugged Twilight back, and soon nuzzled her nose, whispering, "I'll try to be the best pony for you... I-I-I like you, Twilight."

Twilight teared up, shaking her head, and smiled, "I love you too, Dash."

They both kissed again while everyone was cheering.

"Like I said, Dashie, you're not pathetic. You are a great and beautiful girl, and anyone should be lucky to have someone like you. But the main thing is, you need to believe in yourself; don't put yourself down like that. Twilah is lucky to have you, and you're lucky to have her. Okay?"

"Okay," said Dashie.

"Good. Now, you and I must talk to the people we love the most. And thank you for talking to me and telling me why Dash acted like that. I should have seen it sooner, but I didn't. I pushed her away, and she might be kicking herself right now and worried sick about me," Twilight wiped her tears. "Now, come on, let's go. You have to tell Twilah that big question!" she got up and helped Dashie.

"Thanks, Twilight," smiled Dashie.

"It's no problem, Dash. Let's go. They're waiting for us."

Twilight opened a portal, and both were about to enter until they returned to the grave and waved goodbye.

"See you later, you two; I hope you watch over us," said Dashie

"Yes, keep watching over us and your daughters. I know they miss you so much. We'll be back with them." Twilight waved goodbye as the two entered the portal, and it closed, leaving the grave sitting alone in the sunlight, the wind blowing. On the bottom of the grave was a gray piece of rock, but when the sun hit it, it revealed itself to be a rainbow shard. Shinning brightly as more shards appeared within the crater...

Meanwhile, Dash and Twilah were both in the living room, laughing their butts off.

"I can't believe Twilight is into that!" snored Twilah

"Me neither, but it was a good idea, and it did help her last longer," smiled Dash.

"So Twilight isn't a quick shooter now?" laughed Twilah, pointing to her horn.

"Nope," smirked Dash as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Okay! I gotta ask, what are you into? You know, the stuff that Twilight agreed to do to spice up things in the bed. You don't have to share everything, just a little something, if you know what I mean." grinned Twilah, winking and nudging her, making Dash blush.

"U-uh...well, um..."

"You can say it. Don't worry, it won't leave the room. Heck, I'll tell you mine, deal?"

"Oh, uh, sure." blush Dash

"She wants you," whispered the voice in her mind, but Dash slowly agreed with it this time.

"Well, it's not a big deal like what Twilight was into, but..."

"Come on, just say it, Dash. You know you want to," smirked Twilah, pushing her playfully and making her blush.

"Um, well, I asked Twilight to start holding me and snuggling me while in bed," simply answered Dash, bright as a stop sign.

"You're kidding."



"Yes, Twilah. Really."

"And you're into that?"

"Yeah, I don't know why, but when Twilight starts to cuddle with me and rub her face against me, I feel warm and safe. I just love it and can't help but smile and blush. So, when I asked Twilight about it, she agreed, and it was wonderful." Dash smiled, covering her face, blushing.

Twilah just smiled and patted Dash on the back. "You love being held by tall and big girls. A Strong girl loves being weak and protected by a tall girl, huh? That's sweet and cute."

"W-What? No way!"

"Then why are you blushing so much?"

"It's because, um, I'm just hot, and I need some fresh air. Yes, fresh air! I'll be back!" Dash tried to fly off but was caught by Twilah's magic. Soon, Twilah was back into her anthro form and held Dash like a baby, cuddling her and rubbing her head, causing Dash to blush more. "What are you doing?"

"What do you think? I'm cuddling with you, just like you like. I want you to admit that you like it!" laughs Twilah, causing Dash to blush even harder.

"P-please stop."

"Why is my baby getting flustered?"


"You are!"

"P-put me down!"

"I don't think so. Until you say it. Say it!"

Dash could feel the warm and fuzzy feelings, feeling protected, as her body felt so warm, and the way Twilah held her was perfect. She was starting to love it, as she didn't want Twilah to stop. The voice in her mind was right; she wanted to be held by her and loved by her, just like Twilight did. Dash placed her face in Twilah's chest, crying, surprising Twilah. "Are you okay?"

"I LOVE YOU!" Dash just blurred out as her wings shot up, causing Twilah to be super confused but realizing what the wings meant, causing her to blush hard

"You do? For real? Dash, I love Dashie." She replied, not knowing what to do, as she kept holding her friend in her arms.

"I'm sorry. I keep ruining things...always. I finally said those words to the wrong Twilight. I'm a fuck up, a loser! I was right. I'm a failure. Twilight deserved someone better than me. I said awful things that I can't take back, things that I wish I never said. I hate myself. I'm a horrible wife," Dash buried her of her face into Twilah's chest.

"You're not a failure, and you're not a loser. You are a kind, sweet pony who is the most caring, cool, and loving person I have ever met—other than Dashie. Anyway, you're not a horrible wife; you're a wonderful and beautiful woman who's amazing and deserves so much more than anything. Twilight is like me, so she doesn't care if you say those three words to another Twilight. She doesn't care if you make a mistake because it's okay. It's normal because everyone makes mistakes, and they are bound to happen. The important thing is that you learn from it and move on. It might take some time, but it'll be worth it, okay?"

"But, Twilight..."

"Don't worry, I'll help her. I'll help you. It's what friends are for. You also showed me... I'm not a team player with Dashie... I have been hurting her without realizing it because I wanted to protect her from me.

Dash poked her eye out and said, "Protect her? What do you mean? Why do you want to protect her from you?"

"I don't want to be weak. Always being weak and dependent on others... I need to be strong for Dashie. I need to show her that I can be strong and do not need her when I'm suffering with things. She was always there for me, always making time for me. It felt like I was draining her, and I couldn't bear it, so I changed. By pushing her away and not seeing that I was putting all the weight of our relationship on her, even raising Blitz almost alone, I realized that I was being an awful mother and not spending enough time with my daughter. I even compare Dashie to my father. I've been a bad girlfriend and mother." Twilah's tears formed in her eyes and fell on Dash's body, causing Dash to look at her thoroughly.

"I think we all have. We all said bad things we regret. I hurt Twilight by not showing my love to her and saying awful things to her. You're pushing Dashie away by trying to be strong. We're all trying to be strong, but relying on others is okay. Even I'm not the best. I've been doing the same to Twilight. She wants to help, but I don't want to be a burden and push her away. She's been so kind and loving to me, and I've done nothing but say awful things. I can't forgive myself, as I can't take them back, and I'll live with them till I die, but Twilight will forgive me, which hurts more because why should she? She's too good, too perfect for me." Dash said, looking at Twilah.

"I agree. We're lucky to have great people in our lives and are too busy worrying about the little stuff. All the time we wasted... I just wish there was a way we could fix this."

"We think we should talk to them .We should tell them the truth."

"You're right. They deserve the truth."

"Yeah, we should tell them. We should have told them the truth long ago," she slowly lowered and closed her wings as her feelings faded. The same was true of the voice. "Let's go."

"Right," said Twilah, placing her down as the two headed to talk to their loved ones. When Twilah stopped and told Dash to head outside, she needed to do something quickly.

"Hurry up, slow poke! Don't keep me waiting!" smirked Dash as she flew out the door, sat on the white void floor, and touched it, worrying about what it was ever since she got here.

Twilah summoned Spike, who came running, and she lowered herself to him. "Something was off. Did you notice anything?"

Spike's screen eyes showed the times Twilah called Dash, Dashie, and vice versa, with Dash calling her Twilight. Twilah nodded and held her arm out, rolling up her sleeve and showing it to Spike as he looked sad.

"Active program, R.C.S," simply said Twilah.

Spike looked at her arm and back at her. "It's going to hurt a lot. Are you sure?"

"It has to be done, and I can handle the pain, so don't worry, Spike."

"Alright, if you're sure. This might take a while since I haven't been active, and since I'm cut off from Earth, I can't connect to the main server. The process will take longer, but I'll message you once it's done. a]Again, are you sure?"

"Yes. I have to...this might be because of the 'rules' of the universe, and I have a theory, but I need you to run tests and other things for me. Sorry, but I need to be with my family right now. I can't keep pushing them away. Sorry, Spike," Twilah replied, petting the small robot dragon.

"Don't worry, it's the least I can do. Now, stand back and brace yourself."


Spike nodded, and Twilah held out her arm again, watching as Spike's little mouth suddenly became large, thanks to the nanomachines, and biting down on her arm, causing her to scream but holding it in as Spike started to scan her arm and taking samples of her blood and DNA. Soon, Spike stopped and let go, returning to his average size and looking sad.

"I'm done."

Twilah unrolled her sleeve. "Good work. Is it working?"

Spike's eyes turned to readings and other stuff. "Yeah, I'm already working on it. It'll take some time. I'll message you."

"Thank you, Spike. I'll be waiting. See you later." replied Twilah as she petted Spike's head


Twilah watched Spike walk off and head somewhere in the house. She stood up, headed outside, and returned with Dash back to the garden.

At the same time, both portals opened, and both parties met as they stepped out and stood in the garden, confused as they looked at each other.

"Uh, Twilight, why were you with Dashie? Why is she in her pony form?" asked Twilah

Twilight looked at Dash, who looked away in shame. "That's my line."

"Twilah, Twilight, and I were talking, and..." said Dashie as she transformed back into her human form.

Dash faced Twilight. "Same here."

Both parties wanted to say something but felt scared to, as they couldn't find the words.

"All of you aren't alone in all this. Just talk to each other, and you'll see. It may not change everything, but you'll feel better. " Blitz and Braver said as their parents looked at them from the garden entrance.

"Girls?" said all four.

"We know something is up between you guys. Just talk already. Let's go, Braver; they need space," Blitz said, grabbing Braver like she was holding a dog.

"But what if they fight or worse?" Braver asked as Blitz walked away with her into the hallway and told her 'It happens; it happens,' which Braver just whined, "BBBBUUUUTTTTTT SSSSSSIIIIIIISSSSSSS!."

Everyone started to laugh, finally breaking the ice between them as Dash stepped forward and couldn't look Twilight in the eyes as she spoke.

"Twilight, I'm sorry for saying those things to you. It's just that...I can't bear the thought of losing you again, like what happened in the past, but also because..." Dash took Twilight's hoof and held it tight. "You don't deserve me. I mess up, do things wrong, and am just a screw-up."


"Let me finish. Twilight, I love you. You're the love of my life. My heart skipped a beat the first time I saw you, and you took my breath away. It's cheesy, but it's true. I didn't say it before because I was scared and thought of you leaving me... Then I lost you when we touched the rainbow shards, forgetting you... I don't want that to happen again. I don't want to lose you. Please don't forgive me because I don't deserve it," Dash started to tear up. "I don't want to fail you like I failed myself. You are the most perfect person ever. If you want to leave me, I understand."

Twilight was shocked and started to cry, as Dashie was right about why Dash acted like that. "Don't say that. Don't put me on a high pedestal. Yes, you do mess up, but that doesn't mean you're a screw-up. You're wonderful, you're amazing, and you're so brave. Dash, I love you, no matter what happens. I mess up, too, like not realizing you were bottled up as you were putting yourself down. I need to be better at seeing that. But Dash, please tell me the next time you feel like that, okay?"

Dash looked at Twilight and cried, "Yeah!"

Twilight smiled and hugged her, which Dash was surprised by but returned as she smiled.

"Dash, I forgive you." Twilight whispered, but Dash stopped her by pushing her away softly and saying, "Don't, don't say it. I don't want you to. I want you to punish me. Don't brush what I said under the rug so easily."

Twilight was confused but understood; she picked Dash up like a mother holding a baby, causing Dash to turn red. "Okay, no sex for a week. Just cuddles, like you love doing."


Twilight gave her a warm smile. "Two weeks."

"But I didn't mean it like that!" replied Dash as she felt safe in Twilight's arms

Twilight could see Dash enjoying it as she became calm again, so she nuzzled her nose. "Three weeks."

"Wait, Twila-" cried Dash as she buried her face in Twilight's warm chest

Twilah laughed at the scene, and Dashie shook her head but smiled, knowing that Twilight was joking.

"Four weeks." simply said Twilight.

"T-Twilight, p-please, don't!" answered Dash, as she started to feel scared again.

"Five weeks."

"N-no, please. Twilight, you're joking, right? I can't live without you! Please, Twili..."

"Eight weeks." quickly replied Twilight as she rocked Dash back and forth.

"Wait, Twilight, you can't do this. We haven't had sex since-"

Twilight smirked as she said, "A year of no sex. Want to keep pushing it to two?"

"You can't be serious!" shouted Dash in disbelief

"Maybe not..." thought Dashie, feeling bad for her counterpart. She sighed and turned to Twilah, who noticed and walked over to her.

"Dashie...I'm sorry..."

"No, don't be like that. I'm the sorry one. I hurt you by being like your dad...I'm a failure. You have every right not to put your trust in me for anything. You should be mad, not saying sorry."

"But I can't be mad at you because you did nothing wrong. You are one hundred percent right here. I wasn't a good team player, and I'm still putting all the burden on you. I was trying to protect you from doing that again. I don't want to keep draining you and hurting you, but that's what I was still doing, and I can't ever stop doing it. I hate it. Why can't I stand on my own without putting the burden on you and others? That's why I kept stuff to myself, but I was pushing myself away from you and Blitz by not spending time with her. I'm always working and working, and I can't see the forest through the trees." Twilah took off her glasses and looked into her lover's eyes. "Dashie, I'm sorry, sorry, I'm so weak. My dad was right about me," Twilah said, but quickly felt Dashie embracing her.

"No, don't say that, and don't you dare believe that asshole! Twilah, you're amazing, and I wouldn't change you for anyone else. I love everything about you, and I love you because you are strong."

Twilah was taken aback by this. "Strong? H-How?"

"Because no matter what life throws at you or how hard you get knocked down, you always get up. You're a fighter—a fighter that can never be stopped. That's why I and the girls back home want to protect you—not because you're weak, but because we don't want to see you stand alone anymore. I want you to lean on me and trust in me again because that's how we will be stronger. Together. Let me in again. Let me stand with you again. Don't let me see you suffer alone again. I don't want to fail you in that. Not again." Dash closed her eyes, as she could remember all the times Twilah was knocked down in life and then pictured her all alone and suffering, while she could only watch "...please."

Twilah returned to her human form and started to cry as she could feel Dashie shaking with fear. "Dashie..."

"And I'm a good team player because you're my partner, and we love each other. We are one, no matter what world or reality we are in. You are the love of my life, Twilah, and the only girl for me. No one can replace you," Dashie lowered herself to one knee but stopped as she heard Dash laughing.

"Dude, that was corny," smirked Dash, still held by Twilight, as the two watched them.

Twilight sighed and stuffed Dash into her chest, upset that Dash had ruined this sweet moment. "Dash! Don't ruin the moment! PLEASE!"

Dash pulled her head out and blushed. "Sorry, sorry. Go on." as she waved to her human counterpart.

"Nah, you ruined it!" Dashie angrily replied. She stood up and turned to her counterpart. Also, why is Twilight holding you like that anyway? It's kind of odd." She covered her mouth, trying to hide her blush.

Dash looked away and simply replied, "She's punishing me."

"It doesn't look like it," Dashie pointed to Dash's wings. "You really enjoying it..."

Dash turned red as she hid her wings. "What are you talking about? I do not like this in that way."

"Even though Dash is a strong mare, she likes being held by a tall, powerful woman like Twilight. Basically, she likes being weak in front of her lover, and at least Twilight isn't blasting her," Twilah said to Dashie, but she quickly shut her mouth as she realized what she had said, which made Twilight drop Dash and blush pure red.

"W-who told you that!" asked Twilight, looking embarrassed and angry, until she looked at Dash, sweating a storm as she tried to crawl away. Meanwhile, Dashie gave Twilah a cold stare as she wanted answers.

"Did you..."

"NO! We were just talking about our sex life with you two, and then Dash told me she liked being held, and I wanted to see if she was telling the truth or not. And it turns out she wasn't lying. She was telling the truth." explained Twilah, as Dashie was still glaring at her, which made Twilah freak out as she was in full panic mode. "Then she finally told me her problems and said, 'I l-" Twilah put her hand on her mouth as fucked up again as she stared at Dashie and Twilight.

who was looking at her, but she couldn't tell if they were upset as shadows covered their eyes.

Dash was hiding behind a tree as Twilight slowly turned to her, still having the darkness over her eyes, so Dash shouted out, "IT WAS SPUR OF THE MOMENT, AND MY MID-LIFE CRISIS CAME BACK TWILIGHT! REALLY! YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!"

Dashie and Twilight looked at each other and sighed, turning red. Their eyes were seen again. "We kiss each other on the spur of the moment," Dashie and Twilight said at the same time.

"WHAT!" shouted Dash, who flew up next to Twilah, who looked upset but both sighed.

It was pretty before everyone started to laugh, and Dash returned to the ground, holding her sides as she laughed. Twilight was leaning against a tree, holding her side as well, and Dashie and Twilah were laughing.

"Hey, I'm fine with it. She's still kissing me, but not with a random mare! So Twilight, how bad of a kisser is she?" asked Dash as she flew towards her

Dashie gave her a cold stare. "HEY!"

"Her kiss was something, though," thought Twilight as she held her lips.

"But I'm not fine with you and Twilight getting along better than with me!" pouted Twilah to Dashie. "Even if it's me from another universe!"

"Twilah, I should be saying the same thing! So you two are buddy buddies and talking about my sex life with Dash, huh?" said Twilight, causing Twilah to blush. "What else did Dash tell you?"

"NOTHING ELSE!" Dash gets between the two and waves her hooves, looking upset and embarrassed.

Twilight set Dash down on the ground and said, "Dash, take it easy; we're not going to get into a fight over this,"

"Really?" asked Twilah and Dash, to which Twilight nodded.

"You fire your horn when you get too horny and had to train yourself to last longer in bed." simply said Twilah, pointing to Twilight's horn

"Dash likes getting sat on," Twilight simply answered. Then, she gave Dash a glare of "So, you told her that? Huh? Well, eye for an eye," making Dash pure red.

Dashie could see her girlfriend enjoying seeing Dash suffer from embarrassment, so she joined in and said, "Twilah likes getting her stomach rubbed and kissed."

Twilah quickly turned to her and was not only bright red but also had steam blowing out of her head. "Dashie!!!"

Twilight laughed at this new knowledge of her counterpart and also wanted to reveal another thing about Dash: "Dash, like her tail is being played or pulled on."

"Twilight!!!! Oh yeah! Twilight likes getting her ears rubbed—hey!" shouted Dash as she played with her tail, causing Dash to blush and her wings to stand up. Twilight smiled and embraced her from behind, and kissed her cheek. "...Twilight, stop it. We're not alone..."

Soon, Dashie grabbed Twilah from behind and rubbed her stomach with caring love. Twilah was taken by surprise, so much so that she turned into her anthro form without realizing it and blasted a beam into the sky from her horn, causing Twilight to glare at her and say, "Yup, you are me." Twilah blushed hard while Dashie kissed her neck.

Soon, everyone started to laugh again and talk like great friends.

"Sis, I don't understand?" whispered Braver as she and Blitz approached the entrance. They had never truly left. "Sis?"
Braver could see Blitz blushing red.

"I really, really wish I never heard that stuff... Maybe it's good you don't understand this yet," replied Blitz as she was hiding her face with both hands

"But why?" asked Braver, still trying to understand what was happening.

Blitz moved her fingers, revealing her eye, and said, "Just trust me on this..."

Braver didn't understand, but she trusted her little sister. She wanted to be with her mom, so she started to walk out, but Blitz stopped her.

"What are you doing?" asked Braver.

"Let them be! Don't ruin the moment!" shouted whisper Blitz, pulling her back.

"But I want to see my Moms." Braver started to cry and, without fail, bumped head-first into the wall, knocking it over and revealing it to their parents.

"Braver!" shouted Twilight and Dash, surprised to see her.

"Blitz!" shouted Twilah and Dashie, also surprised.

"Hey mom..." waved Blitz, while Braver flew to Twilight and hugged her, but Dash stepped away from her, which Braver noticed.

"Mom? Why are you over there?" asked Braver, looking upset, causing Dash to look at her with worry

"Twilah told me, sweetie. I'm being careful around you so you won't get triggered. I'm sorry." Dash smiled, still keeping her distance.

Braver let go of Twilight, closed her eyes, and calmly breathed in and out. Within seconds, she tackled Dash to the ground, hugging and nuzzling her like crazy.

"Braver?" Dash was confused as Braver started to cry.

"Please don't avoid me, Mom! I'm trying to not see Sky in you, so don't leave me," cried Braver.

"Sweetie..." smiled Dash, patting her on the back. "DON'T CRY! Mom is here!" Dash loudly said as she started to spoil Braver like always.

"I wish she would stop spoiling her..." whispered Twilight, glaring at her wife and heading over to them.

Meanwhile, Blitz walked up to her folks, who hugged her.

"How was your day, sweetie?" asked Twilah

"It was fine. I fought a centaur, though," replied Blitz, hugging back.

"Did you win?" asked Dashie, not phased by what her daughter said

"Nah, I got my butt kicked by him," replied Blitz, looking upset as she sighs

"Aww, don't worry, you'll win the next one." smiled Twilah, hugging her tighter but letting her go. "By the way, I was thinking, since I haven't been around you as much because my job has been getting in the way. Sorry about that, sweetie. I wondered if you wanted to hang out with your mom and me. Think of it as catching up on lost time with you two. I would love that, as we haven't hung out much as a family."

Blitz was quiet, as she was confused by her mother's offer.

"Blitz?" asked Twilah, noticing her just looking at her.

"What are you talking about, mom?" answered Blitz, confusing her. "We already hung out a lot together."

"Sweetie, we haven't done anything as a family... I haven't been there often," whispered Twilah, looking down.

Blitz looked at her with a confused face, put her hand under her mother's chin, and smiled at her. "Mom, I'm not a kid. I know your job is very demanding. And I know you are busy a lot. I'm not mad about it or upset about it. I know you love me and want to be with me. I'm not a little kid anymore. I understand what you do; you are doing great things. For example, who can be upset with a super genius using her brain to help others? I'm proud of you, and so is Mom. I want you to keep doing what you do best, so don't worry about me. Okay." smiled Blitz, who was glad she told her her feelings, but Twilah was tearing up and quickly hugged her daughter as she said, "BUT I WANT TO SPOIL YOU!" and cried into her shoulder.
Dashie smiled as she joined in the hug, but they stopped as they heard Dash.

"If you guys are looking for family activities, you can join us tomorrow for an apple picking event at AJ Farm," explained Dash, walking over to them.

"That's a great idea, Dash! Yes, you must join us!" smiled Twilight

"Yeah! You must! You can meet Aunty AJ, Fluttershy, and Pinkie! Oh, and Tempest! They would love to see you!" cheered Braver as she flew around the two families.

"Well? Do you want to do that?" Dashie asked her family, to which Blitz and Twilah nodded. Well, it looks like we're picking apples then!"

Everyone was talking among themselves, but unknown to them, Dawn was listening as the parents were talking among themselves after the twins showed up.

"Oh yes, this information can be useful," smiled Dawn as she turned to her human double. "Right? Rainbow Sun Dawn?" who appeared behind Dawn, smiling as well.

End of Chapter 4

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