• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

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Chapter 20: Different Sounds Of Laughter

It's early in the morning, and darkness covers the bedroom. The only light in the room is coming from the Sunset phone. Group chat is open, and everyone sent messages hours ago about yesterday's event. Lucy only sent texts asking if she and Wallflower were okay and asking if she should report this to the cops. Sunset looked over at it again and sighed. Blitz wouldn't do that to them; it was the opposite. Blitz was offering herself to them.

"God," she whispered, covering her eyes with her arm.

"Sunset? Did you sleep?" texted Brishen, the last of the friends who stayed in chat.

Sunset heard the ding and read it. "No, I can't sleep," Sunset answered him and saw his question again: What happened? She said the same thing as before and asked him again why Lucy and Tempesta had come, as she thought Lucy had her phone taken away and Tempesta was going through her problems at the time.

"After Braver woke me up and Dash explained what was happening again, I called Tempesta, as she needed to know, but Lucy picked up. Lucy was helping Tempesta but had just had her phone on airplane mode. Swear the girl is a boomer with that shit. Anyway, I told them Blitz was in danger, and without letting me finish, they hung up and rushed over. Then...you know," he answered, as his text was all over the place, just like his mind.

"What's going to happen?"

"I don't know...What is going to happen now?"

Sunset looked over the message again and sighed. She finally sat up on her bed and looked at the jacket that Blitz gave her. She knew what needed to be done. She texted Brishen, saying, "We need to ensure Blitz is okay. All this shit might have made her more depressed and beyond stressed out to the point where we don't know what will happen if we leave her alone."

"I agree. We should do something, but what? Do you think we should go and confront her, and what about Lucy?"

"I don't think I can face Lucy again. I will see Blitz, mostly to check on her and see how she's doing. Can you check up on Wallflower for me? I blamed her for stupid shit, and she took it just as hard. Please?"

"Okay, I will. Good luck, and if you need me, text or call. Always here for you guys."

"Thanks, Brishen. I owe you."

"I don't want to hear that shit. Friends help each other, so don't say that again. Storm King is out! :)"

Sunset shed a tear, as he was right, and she felt ashamed for saying she owed a friend for just being there for her. She took a deep breath and got up, looking for clothes to wear and putting her jacket on. After putting her shoes on, she wanted to text Wallflower to see if she was okay and if they could talk about what happened yesterday and her feelings, but she couldn't. She felt so ashamed of the things she said. She checked herself in the mirror, never noticing her unicorn version in the mirror, who just looked upset and watched her leave the room.

She yawned and felt so tired as she was about to head out, but she stopped when she heard her mother from up the stairs, sounding worried as she called out. Sunset turned around, seeing her in her night robe. She could see her face filled with worry.

"Honey, did something happen? Why are you up so early again?"

"Mom...it's nothing. "I'm just going to Blitz House again."

Her mom slowly walked down the stairs, speaking to her, "How is she? Is she okay? Did something happen?" she asked, worried as any mother would be for a child.

Sunset felt her heartbreak, as her mom was very concerned. Her mom has had issues ever since her dad passed away before her birth, causing her mom to have paranoia, fear of losing the ones she loves, and panic attacks. This was why her mom never left the house without her, but after meeting Blitz, she started to lessen her willingness to do that to her. She loved Blitz and always believed Blitz and Sunset would marry each other one day.

Sunset tried to answer her, not wanting to lie but not wanting to worry her even more. "I'm going to her place...just to see how she is...something happened to her..." She couldn't say anything else as she couldn't see her in the eyes but felt her mother's hands on her cheeks, making her look at her.

"Is she okay?" she asked, still worried. But seeing that her daughter was also having problems, she knew she needed her. "Come here, sweetheart. Don't cry."

Sunset hugged her and cried on her shoulders. It was the first time in a long time that Sunset could rely on her mother for support, and she didn't hold anything back. "Blitz is hurting and suffering, and I caused it. I hurt her. Mom, I'm scared. I love her and can't lose her again, unlike Dad. I'm scared. Mom, please, I can't lose her."

Sunset's mother hugged her tight and didn't want to let her go. "Everything will be okay. Just calm down. Everything will be fine. Let's sit down, okay?"
Sunset could only nod and sit down.

"Honey, just start from the beginning and tell me what is going on," her mother said, sitting beside her.

"I can't, mom. It's so farfetched that if I told you, you'd think I'm crazy. Hell, I wouldn't have believed it myself if it didn't happen before my eyes. Just trust me on this. This is something I have to do alone."

Her mother put her shaking hands on her shoulders and smiled the best she could. "You aren't alone in all this, sweetie. Like what Blitz told you. I remember how you told me what she told you all those years ago and seeing those wonderful things in you. Seeing my troubled baby girl fall in love with a nice young lady and becoming her best friend. I'm glad she's been there for you. She's so kind in helping others."

Sunset looked away and remembered the past and how Blitz met her mom, who helped her too.

"But that girl is always so selfless. Never asking for help and never thinking about herself. Even now, when you tell me she's hurting, she won't ask for help. I can see it on her face when she's in trouble, as she wants to do everything independently. She would rather hide her sadness, put on a fake smile, and try to act like nothing is wrong." Her mother continued like she knew how Blitz would act, which annoyed her slightly.

"Mom, I don't have time for this! I need to get to her. So, please, can we talk another day?!" Sunset yelled at her mom.

Her mother took a deep breath, trying not to yell back, and spoke to her calmly. "Sunset, I know you are upset and scared. I can understand; You are the only one who can get through to her."

"I know; I have to. I can't lose her." Sunset whimpered, holding her mother's hand.

"And you won't; you know why? Because you two are made for each other." Her mother smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Mom, you are such a hopeless romantic." Sunset smiled a bit.

"I'm not talking about love." But she gave her a look and said, "Unless something happens?' She could see her daughter blushing but also being sad. "Anyway, I'm talking about your friendship. She'll always be there for you, and you are the only one who can help her—the only one she'll open up to. She loves you too much and trusts you. No matter what happens, you can never lose that trust." She held her close to her chest. "Plus, you do something for her that I bet you never noticed. You make her smile when she's hurting, a smile she can't fake."

"I never noticed," Sunset said, thinking about the past.

"She'll open up to you. Trust me, my sweet little sunset." She slowly let her go. "You give her laughter, love, and peace. Only you can give her peace; no one can take it from her. That's where a smile comes from—one that can't ever be faked. Now go."

"Thanks, mom." Sunset got up and kissed her cheek. "I love you, and I'll be back later. I promise."

"Stay safe, Sunny."

Sunset nodded and left the house, leaving her mom smiling, knowing her daughter would be fine and would help Blitz. She slowly closed the door and stood there. Praying everything will be okay.

It didn't take long, and Sunset got to Blitz House and knocked on the door. It wasn't too early in the morning, but she was still worried. There was no answer; she knocked again, and Dash opened the door, somewhat happy and sad.

"Hey, Sunset," she said, looking very tired.

"Hi, Dash. Umm, how is she?"

Dash looked behind her and shook her head. "I... don't know. Come in."

She entered the house and followed Dash to the kitchen, and Sunset's eyes widened. Blitz didn't have her purple jacket on. Still, a normal one, and she was writing on a board with ideas on how to stop Rainbow Dawn from eating Lucy as she was telling her ideas to her sister Braver, Tempesta, and Tempesta's PTSD service dog, Fizzlepop, a grey Huskie.

Blitz looked fine. It was like nothing happened yesterday. She gave them ideas and asked if they had any, but they stopped when she noticed Sunset with Dash. She pointed at her and...gave a fake smile like her mother said; she could tell, which upset her.

"Sunset? Good that you are here! Tempesta knows who I am, by the way. I told her when we first met...not the being a pony part, though." She laughed weirdly, making Tempesta nod and pet her dog. "Anyway, we're coming up with a plan for saving Lucy from her evil version. Sit down, and did you eat?" asked Blitz, pulling a chair out for her.

Sunset was in so much shock and disbelief. She wasn't hurt, upset, scared, or angry.

"You're not mad or sad about what happened?"

"Mad? Sad? Lucy had every right to hit and hate me. Even you and Wallflower should hate me, too. I'm shocked you're not here to yell at me. If anything, I'm happy you are here. We need you for the plan, right guys?" Blitz smiled, making everyone nod, and Tempesta said yes in a troubled tone. "Right! So I have been-"

"Blitz...stop it. You are acting."

Blitz stopped as her face went blank, and her smile disappeared as she was about to cry. But she forced it away. "Acting? No, I'm not." She tried to keep smiling and acting, not looking at her but at the board, writing on it. "My feelings don't matter right now. What matters is saving Lucy." Blitz just looked at the broad with her marker on it, shaking. "Who hates my guts and pretty much lost her forever..." Blitz turned to them, still smiling. "But I'm not letting her get eaten. So, Sunset, if you have any ideas, write them on the board."

Everyone was silent, as Blitz was acting so normal and fine, but no one could fool Sunset. Braver, Dash, and Tempesta didn't know what to say or do, and they felt helpless.

"I have an idea." Sunset finally said, making Blitz stop and look at her.

"What's the idea? Come on, the plan won't write itself."

"The plan is that we sit down and talk."

"Talk? Talking isn't going to save Lucy. You can't use words to defeat Rainbow Dawn and-" Blitz turned to her sister and said, "And no, sis, talking down the evil multiverse version of a friend won't work." Braver looked upset as she held pictures of them talking to Rainbow Dawn.

"But it worked on u-."

"SHE, NOT US, DAMN IT!" Blitz shouted at her sister, making her flinch. "She is not the same person who is a sweetheart with a good heart! She's an evil, power-hungry, and psycho bitch that is going to eat Lucy if we don't stop her! Look what happened to your Dawn! I won't let the same thing happen to my Dawn, okay?"

Dash became upset and was going to step in, but Tempesta stopped her, letting Sunset speak, "Blitz, yelling isn't going to help anyone." Sunset pointed this out, making Blitz take a deep breath and look at her.

"Sunset. If you have something to say, then spit it out. Because right now, we have no plan to save her. So please, have some ideas." She turned to the board and spoke in a hurt tone, "If you don't have any, then fucking leave. We can't save Lucy if you keep acting like that. So either have a plan or leave. Okay?" Blitz started to draw whatever she wanted, not wanting to look back at her or see her face.

"I love you."

Everyone's eyes widen as Blitz freezes, drops her marker, and shakes. She doesn't say anything, not turning around and looking down at the board and the random drawings on it.

"What...did yo-UGH!?" Blitz suddenly felt Sunset's head locking her with her arms and squeezing her neck. She was trying to get out but was being hugged tightly by her.

"I love you. I love you, Blitz. I love you so much." She started to drag her out of the kitchen and out of the house, tossing her out in the yard. She turned back to the others and smirked, "I'll be burrowing her for a few hours, okay? I'll bring her back before lunch. See you then," and closed the door.

Braver, Dash, and Tempesta just blinked, not believing what they saw. Dash just chuckled. "Wow, okay?"

Blitz rubbed her neck as she got out of the grass. "What the hell was that for? I know I deserve that, but hmm?" Her eyes widened as Sunset grabbed her cheeks, forcing her to look at her, making her blush and shocked.

"We're going on a damn date as friends."


"A friend date, Blitz."

Blitz didn't know how to respond. "Sunset...what are you-" but before she could say anything else, Blitz was pushed forward and felt her hand being held, and she was pulled. Soon, both were walking and holding hands like a real couple. "Sunset..."

"Let's have some fun, okay? No plans, no fighting, just a simple day."

Blitz didn't understand. Sunset should hate her for what she did. Instead, Sunset was kind and loving, as usual. She couldn't believe that Sunset didn't hate her, and she couldn't understand why. "Sunset, why are you holding my hand? I'm not worth it." She looked away, tears building up in her eyes.

"Because you are."

"No, I'm not. I'm not, Sunset. I'm a mo-" But Blitz felt Sunset's hand getting tighter, not hurting her but showing how much she loved her.

"Don't say you are a monster because you are not. I don't care about your past. I only care about now! You!"

"Yes, I am! I'm a damn monster, Sunset! The things I did in my universe!"

Sunset pulled in her chest and stroked her rainbow hair. "What about the good things you did in my universe, huh? The good things you did for me?"

"That doesn't erase what I did!" Blitz yelled, trying to hold her tears back but failing.

"No, it doesn't. But it shows the good in you—the spark that shines brightly. You did those things for me and others. You are a hero." Sunset told her, not caring if the world could see or hear her.

"No, I wasn't. I'm a fucking monster that just wants forgiveness, hoping it will wash away the bad deeds."

Sunset let her go and said, "Man, you sound like a chuunibyou."

Blitz's eyes widen. Her face was red, not just because she was crying but out of anger. She was shaking. "WHAT?!" she screamed.

"Chuunibyou," Sunset repeated, crossing her arms and smirking. "What's next?" She started acting out by holding her hand. "Saying your hand hurts? Holds your darkness at bay or whatever?". She laughed as she kept acting out, "Oh no! My chuunibyou is showing."

"SUNNY, YOU ARE GONNA GET IT!" Blitz screamed at her and gave chase as they ran down the street. Sunset looked back and saw Blitz laughing with a tiny smile.

'Just like mom said. She can't fake a smile. No matter how hard she tries, she can't.' Sunset also thought, smiling, knowing that the real Blitz was smiling again. She stopped and let Blitz catch up, but she barely hugged her, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around. "You look cute when you're so angry and happy."

"Sunset put me down." She was blushing.

"I never realized how light you are! Cute and easy to spin around!"

"SUNSET, PUT ME DOWN!" Blitz screamed as she got dizzy and laughed.

"As you wish, my cute little chuunibyou." She put her down, and she did, but she noticed something off with Blitz.

Blitz was tapping her fingers. "Sunset. Do you mean that? Being cute?"

Sunset couldn't believe it. She had never seen this side of Blitz before. She was acting like a timid girl. This was a whole new blitz for her. "Yes, you are." She answered her. Blitz smiled, but Sunset continued. "I can't believe Blitz is acting like a cute girl! HOLY SHIT! I NEED TO RECORD THIS!"

Blitz's eyes widen. Sunset laughed at her joke as she ran away, knowing Blitz would kill her. But her laughter was cut short as she felt something heavy landing on her back, and she landed face first.

"I should do this more often." Blitz chuckled as she sat on Sunset.

"Get off."

"No, I will make you my seat from now on. So be ready." Blitz gave her a smug look, but seeing Sunset flustered and whispering about Blitz, how she better be gentle with her as she's bottom. Her face turned red, and she got off of her and helped her up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to." Sunset quickly flicked her nose, sticking her tongue out.

"I was kidding, you dummy!" she smirked.

Blitz became mad but started to laugh, and Sunset joined in, both laughing their asses off. They didn't care if anyone was watching; they just wanted to laugh. It felt good for both of them, like teenagers without worrying about saving the multiverse and Lucy, just being themselves and having fun.

...But it didn't last long as Blitz's laughter slowly became sobbing. She was covering her face as she started to break down. Sunset hugged her, letting her cry on her chest and patting her back. They were in the park, so Sunset led them to the benches, sitting her down and letting her cry.

"It's okay. Let it all out."

Blitz held her shirt, not wanting to let her go. "I'm sorry, Sunny. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. Forgive me."

"Stop blaming yourself. You didn't do anything to us; you wanted us to do something to you."

"I did..."

"No, you didn't. You didn't. You were trying to protect us from getting hurt. I understand. You always do that. Always put others before yourself. Always give away tons of yourself for everyone." Sunset hugged her tighter. "I understand why. You are scared—scared of losing us, the ones you love. You are scared to be alone like you were before. Thinking you shouldn't be happy."


"You're not alone anymore, Blitz. Not anymore. You have everyone." She let her go. "Even me. I promise you this. I'll make you laugh! No matter what, I'll make you laugh! And I'll keep loving you no matter what!"

"That's not fair." Blitz started to wipe her tears.

"You are right. It's not. You shouldn't have to worry about your best friend having a big crush on you while you're in love with someone else." Blitz could see her crying but smiling as well. "But that's the way it is. And I can do nothing about it but let you love Lucy. It's fine. It is. I'm fine with being just a friend and being your best friend. A friend who just wants to see you laugh, be happy, and..." Blitz could feel her grabbing the back of her head and putting their foreheads together, feeling her breath on her lips.

"A friend who loves to see you smile. A friend who is unafraid to show her love for her best friend."

Blitz couldn't believe what she was hearing. She didn't know how to respond, as she was looking away. All the memories she has with Sunset, remembering them all, remembering how wonderful they are, and seeing her beautiful face. She felt her heart race just like when she looked at Wallflower. "I'm not sure what to say, Sunny. I love Lucy, but...I also love you too."

"I know."

"So, I can't pick."

"I know."

Blitz took a deep breath and kissed Sunset on the cheek, widening her eyes. She was not expecting Blitz to kiss her. "I'm sorry. I love you, Sunny. I love you as a best friend and maybe something more, but my heart belongs to Lucy." Blitz gave her a small smile, but she could see Sunset's broken heart while smiling back. "Why are you smiling? I broke your heart..."

"Because you're smiling. I made you smile, even if it's a sad one." Sunset chuckled, wiping her tears.

"I don't deserve you. You are too good to me."

"You're the best friend anyone can ask for. The best girl, the best sister in arms. You are my everything, Blitz."


"That's why...I have an idea of how we can save Lucy. It's an idea that involves a lot of planning, but we need Lucy. You need to talk to her and tell her everything."


"You can't hide it from her forever. We have a few days until her evil version shows up, so tell her. Tell her, and make sure she knows you love her. That's the only way to save her. Tell her."

"Tell her...everything?"


"Will she forgive me? She thinks I tried to r—" Blitz felt Sunset's hand covering her mouth.

"Don't say it. Don't freaking say it. You didn't, okay? I know she will forgive you. You need to explain it to her about the stress and shit. I'll tell her, too. That's what friends are for, right?" Sunset removed her hand and gave her a warm smile.

"Yeah. Friends." Blitz smiled at her.

"Good! Let's head, bac-mhm!?" Sunset didn't have a chance to finish as Blitz quickly grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in, kissing her on the lips. It was fast, and Blitz let her go, leaving a confused and dazed Sunset. Blitz stood up, tossed her plain, regular jacket away, and smiled at her.

"My gift to you. Thank you, Sunset. For everything, I knew I saw a beautiful sunset in you. You're so colorful and warm. I'm happy I met you... RACE YOU!" Blitz gave her a wink and was gone in a blink as she left behind a rainbow comet trail of light.

Sunset sat there, shocked and in a daze. She was blushing madly and twitching but quickly laughed. She laughed hard as she fell on her back, holding her sides and laughing. "F-fuck, man! She got me. Oh god, she got me for the third time! I'm a fucking loser for falling for her!" she kept laughing, rolling on the ground. "Ahahahahaha! Fuck, man! I love that girl! Hahahahahaha!" She stood up, wiping away the tears and grinning. "This is another reason for me to help save Lucy. Lucy is damn lucky to be loved by you. She doesn't realize how lucky she is."

Sunset ran off, hoping to catch up with Blitz as the sun shined brightly in the blue skies.

But in the Crystal Empire, the sun is covered by dark skies, and Pinkie and her counterpart, Quartz Rockie Pie, hop in the alleyways of houses, staying away from the demon ponies.

"Quartz, can't we take a break?" Pinkie asked her, as they were both tired from the hopping.

"Sure!" and quickly went into a house.

Pinkie stopped as she heard the fighting from Cozy and the others, then headed inside...to get slapped in the face by a two-by-four.

"PRANK!" shouted Quartz as she hit her in the stomach. She then laughed as she watched Pinkie fall to the ground in pain.

"Ow...my everything..." Pinkie said as she was lying on the ground, feeling her hurt body.

"That's what happens when you fall for my pranks!" Quartz laughed, throwing the wooden stick away and helping her up. "Sorry. I couldn't resist. We have been at this for a while. I had to let off some steam. Come on. Let's take a breather." She led her to the couch and let her sit down, but Pinkie sat down and felt something sharp as it stabbed her rear, making her scream.

"OW!" she yelled, seeing a stupidly large pin stuck on her.

"Oh, I forgot about that." Quartz pulled it out and threw it away. "Anyway, here," she said, handing her a water bottle.

"Thank you." Pinkie sipped water as Quartz sat down and drank a soda. "Are we safe in here?"

"Yep, as long as no one knows," replied Pinkie, feeling hot as she started to sweat. "Is it hot in here?"

"No, but maybe drinking SunBlast hot sauce isn't the best idea," Quartz told her.

"Wait, this is hot sauce?" Pinkie asked her, feeling her mouth on fire.

"Yep. The strongest brand." Quartz slipped her soda and watched Pinkie release fire from her mouth, burning the couch. "Prank!"

"PRANK!" Pinkie screamed, not believing that the hot sauce was the cause of her burning mouth.

"Hehe, don't worry. It should go away in 3...2...1," Quartz said, and Pinkie started to feel normal again. "Told you."

"Oh...oh, thank god." Pinkie sighed in relief but faced Quartz in pure rage. "THESE ARE AWFULLY PRANKS!"

Quartz took another sip of her drink and smiled. "Hey, I didn't know you would drink the whole thing. It's not my fault you're a moron."


"Moron. Dumbass. Idiot. Whatever suits you."

Pinkie was getting angrier as Quartz insulted her, but she stopped, seeing her smile as if she were waiting for her reaction. Pinkie realized that Quartz was trying to make her laugh in the worst way possible. Pinkie sighed, not knowing why she was doing this, but it was clear as day that she was a Pinkie.

"Okay. I have to ask, Why are you like this? Every Pinkie in the Pinkie Company isn't like you. We don't do awful and mean pranks. Heck, not even the evil ones or the clopfic counterparts don't do that prank!"

"I wonder that," Quartz said and stood up, walking to a mirror. "When I was little, my family was poor. Like, really poor. We didn't have much money, barely anything. Just a rock farm."

Many years ago

My family lived outside the Kingdom of the Day and had a rock farm. Digging up and planting geodes. Sending it off to the kingdom, as they needed the gems inside to make the kingdom shine bright. We had a simple life with my mom, dad, and older sisters over the years. Two joined the kingdom army to protect our home from Luna and her kingdom. My other sister hated Celestia and how shady and secretive she was. So she joined a protest group to protest the war and Celestia. But I was happy. I was digging and finding shiny rocks.

One day, after I came home from sending rocks to the kingdom, I saw a group of soldiers from the kingdom. They came to tell my parents that my sisters, who joined the army, had died in combat and made things worse. My other sister was killed for stating a protest, but I heard someone take over after her death. I was alone. Just me and my parents. My mother died of a broken heart months later, and my father couldn't handle it. He couldn't handle losing his children and wife, so I made pranks for him. I made him laugh, hoping it would take away the pain, which it did, but in a better way.

It was early morning, and Quartz was setting up a trip wire in the kitchen, knowing that her father was going to walk through the kitchen to get a drink. She had a bucket of slime ready and was waiting for him. After a while, she saw her father walk down the stairs, head to the kitchen, and step on the trip wire. The bucket fell, but the bottom part smacked him on the head rather than tipping over like it was meant to do.

"What the hell was that for?!" he shouted, pulling the bucket off and looking at his daughter. He was angry and tossed the bucket to the ground. "Stop with these pranks!"


"Excuse me?"

"I'm not stopping, Dad. Until you smile again."

"I already smiled." He pointed at his forceful smile, wanting his daughter to stop.

"No, not the fake one. The one where you are happy. I want you to laugh. You've been doing that lately. Pretending that you're okay. But you're not. You're in pain, and you need to let it go. Let it out, dad. Let it out."

"Let it out?! Let it out! Let it out! MY KIDS AND WIFE ARE GONE, YOU STUPID GIRL!" He smacked her across the face, sending her to the ground, not caring if he was hitting his child. "YOU'RE ALWAYS PLAYING WITH ME AND THESE STUPID PRANKS! I HATE THEM! THEY'RE NOT FUNNY!" He smacked her again, smiling as he finally let out his anger. "I HATE THESE FUCKING PRANKS!"

"I'm not sorry," she said as she was on the ground, holding her bruised cheek.

"What did you say?!"

"I'm not sorry, dad. If these pranks help, then I'll do it."

"You think those pranks will help?!"

"If you're smiling, then yes. Like right now, you are smiling." Quartz smiles as well.

"Why you little-!" Her father raised his hoof to smack her again, and seeing her hurting, he couldn't help but smile and be filled with rage, making his eyes go red. "I'll show you what I think about these pranks!" He kicked her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her as he kept kicking and smacking her, laughing as he did.

Pinkie is in complete shock as Quartz is hopping around her.
"Dad was happy again as he hit me. The meaner the prank, the happier he became. Even if he was hitting me, he was happy and laughing. He was having fun and enjoying himself. He didn't have to think of them because I was the focus."

"You're joking," Pinkie said, hoping she was.

Quartz stopped in front of her. "Nope. I was the new family entertainment. Dad's stress relief and punching bag."

"That's awful. No pony should go through that. You didn't deserve that."

"Oh, I deserved it. It was my fault." She proudly held her chest out.

Pinkie shook her head and checked her ears. "Your fault?"

"Yep. It was my fault. It's always my fault. Everything is my fault. So, if the pranks are a problem, it's my fault."


"But nothing. It's my fault. I'm a dumbass and an idiot—my fault. If hurting me gives him the happiness and laughter he deserves, it's my fault. It was my fault for being such a dumbass and stupid daughter. The useless one that lived."

"Quartz, stop saying that. It's not your fault."

"But it is," said Quartz as she continued her story.

"It was you. Telling your sisters to join the army and join that stupid protest," her father said as he got pranked again and beat her.

"I didn't know they would die. I swear."

"LIAR! IT'S YOUR FAULT THEY'RE DEAD!" he shouted as he smiled.


He rose his hoof and hit her, "SHUT UP! This is your fault! YOUR FAULT, YOU DUMBASS GIRL! YOUR FAULT! YOUR FAULT, YOUR FAULT!" He repeated this, smacking her and laughing as he saw her flinch.

"Your fault, your fault." Quartz repeated to herself as her father hit her, enjoying every hit.

"Quartz..." Pinkie couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"So, the pranks became more extreme. More meaner. More dangerous and more harmful. More painful. Dad enjoyed it, and I knew if he was happy, then everything was good. Everything is good as long as Dad is happy." She hopped towards Pinkie and gave her a smile, which hurt Pinkie. As the smile was genuine, there was no fakeness behind it, and she truly believed this was okay. "I enjoy it too. Pranking Dad and seeing him happy, laughing, and smiling makes me happy. I know it's wrong, but it's my fault. It's all my fault: the pranks, the pain, the suffering. I even started to do it around the other farms, getting hurt by their owners. So many happy faces, so much laughter!"

"THAT'S NOT LAUGHTER!" Pinkie shouted, standing up. "THAT'S YOU GETTING ABUSED!"

"Abuse, love, same thing." Quartz shrugged.

"No, it's not. It's not; you need to understand that. Abuse is never okay."

"Well, I did have an issue once."

"Issue? What kind of issue?"

"The princess came to check on the farms, as the war is getting worse and worse. She wanted to know if the farmers were okay and to give them supplies and support. She visited our farm and saw me. I wanted to give her a wonderful prank and make her happy. I set up a rock bomb, so when she touches it, she will go boom! Then she will smile and laugh as she hurts me!"

Quartz had set up the rock bomb and waited behind the farming equipment. She waited until she saw the princess and the guards with her father. The princess saw the rock and held it, and with a bright pink flash, it blew up. Quartz jumped out, saying it was her fault, and was ready to take the beating, laughing and smiling. But the princess was unfazed by the prank—just a few small pebbles fell on her.

"Is this the kind of prank you do, mare?" The princess asked, not amused.

"Yep! Want me to do another one!? Oh, Daddy, you can beat me for that!" Quartz smiled, feeling the excitement.

"Beat you?"

"Yes! I made him smile and laugh!"

The princess stared at her and then at the father, who was being held by the guards and sweating.

"Do it. Beat her."

Quartz's father was shocked when he heard her order, "W-What? What did you say, my princess?" The guards let him go.

"I said, beat her. That's what brings you laughter and joy. Beat her."

Quartz was happy and ran over to her father, ready for the beating. "Daddy, Daddy! Beat me, beat me! Beat me hard! SMILE!"

Her father stared at her as she was waiting for the beating.

"What are you waiting for, sir? Beat her. She is asking for it." The princess smiled as the father couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"No. I can't."

"You can't? But it brings you joy."

"This isn't right. This doesn't seem right." He felt shame, as he couldn't believe he had done this. Seeing how her daughter was acting, he realized how wrong he was and how awful this was.

"No, it is. Beat her, sir. She is a problem child. You hate her. Beat her. Or I'll have you killed for treason." The princess said this as her eyes turned pure white.

Quartz's father stepped back as the princess became terrified, not wanting to deal with her. He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to beat her daughter anymore, but he didn't want to die, so he did the one thing he had to do. He beat her.

"Yes! Yes! Thank you, Daddy!" Quartz laughed and smiled as her father beat her and started crying. "SMILE! LAUGH"

"Yes, laugh," the princess smiled, seeing Quartz's father crying but laughing like a mad colt.

"That was the best beating ever. Daddy was so happy. The happiest he's ever been." Quartz smiled as she looked at the picture of her father that she took out from her mane.

Pinkie stepped back and couldn't believe what she heard.

"No," Pinkie said, not wanting to believe her.

"It was. The most happy day of my life."

"That's not happiness!"

"It is."

"No, it's not. Happiness is when you're having fun, doing the things you love, and with the ones you care about. Like me and my friends. When we do fun stuff together. Having fun. Laughing together...not hurting each other or someone...that's not happiness, that's...that's." Pinkie didn't know what to call this; she didn't know how to describe it. It was a shame, but someone wanted it, and someone was forcing the beating. All she knew was that this wasn't right.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You can't seem to understand." Quartz said that and went closer to her. "Want to know why? Because you're a fucking moron, a dumbass, an idiot, and a stupid little pony."

Pinkie stood up and shouted at her, not believing what she heard. "Don't call me that!"

"Then prove me wrong. Prove to me that I'm wrong."

"Okay, I will." But Pinkie froze with great dread and fear. She saw Quartz readying herself for a beating. She was shaking with fear but smiling.

"Well, what are you waiting for?"


"Prove me wrong."


"Come on."

Pinkie started to cry as she held Quartz. "Please, don't."

"What are you doing?"

"Don't. Please. Don't. It's not right. I'm not going to hurt you. It's not right." Pinkie cried, not believing there was a Pinkie in the multiverse who was like this. Sure, there are evil ones or straight-up pervs, but... This doesn't seem right.

Quartz shook with sadness as her voice sounded like she wanted to cry. "Prove me wrong."

"I CAN'T!" Pinkie shouts as she can't do it. "I can't...because this isn't my laughter. I make ponies and other creatures smile. To be happy without hurting myself for them. That's not true happiness. That's...that's something else. I'm sorry." Pinkie let go of her and stepped back. "I'm not going to hurt you." Quartz looked at her, confused and unsure what to do or say to make her smile.

"You're weak."

"No. You're mistaken. You're not strong. You're weak. You're hurting yourself and others, thinking it's a way to make them happy. You're making yourself feel worthless. And that's not right."

Quartz shook her head and sat down, trying to make sense of things.

"But I make everyone happy by hurting me. I make people happy by being hurt. I'm a bad pony."

"You're not a bad pony."

"If they're not happy, I'm a bad pony."

"They won't be happy with that."

She looked up at Pinkie. "But Celestia told me that they would be happy! Everyone is happy when they're hurting me! They're happy and smiling!"

"Quartz, no pony should hurt anyone."

"But Celestia told me that it's normal. It's why after my father beat me, they took me away and..."

Quartz found herself in a testing lab and tied down on a table. Mages surrounded her as Celestia watched over them. She got closer to Quartz and smiled, making her so happy that she made the princess smile.

"Oh boy! You're happy, princess?! Are you happy?!"

"Oh, very much so. I'm smiling, aren't I?"

"Yes, yes, you are!"

"Good, now I will show you the true happiness and joy you can get. Element of Laughter." She stepped aside, and the head mage approached her, holding a grey orb of laughter. "With this, you'll make everyone happy and filled with laughter. Become my weapon. Protect us and save us, Quartz!" She let the mage hold up the orb, and it slowly absorbed into Quartz's chest.

"Some much pain! I see all of you smiling, even you, princess!" Quartz said as she felt her body breaking apart and her mind burning away...

"They gave me laughter, and I saw all their smiles. The pain and joy of laughter. Their laughs and smiles... I'm happy; I can see their happiness. I'm a good pony. A good pony. Even after death and a ghost of the past."

"NO!" Pinkie shouted, not wanting her to be like this. "You're not a bad pony, but a good one."

"If you can't prove me wrong, then...then...I can't make you happy."

"Quartz, look..." Pinkie started to sing.

My name is Pinkie Pie (Hello!).
And I am here to say, (How ya doin'?)
I'm going to make you smile, and I will brighten up your day.
It doesn't matter now. (What's up?)
If you are sad or blue (howdy!)
Because cheering up my friends is just what Pinkie's here to do!

Quartz doesn't know how to react to the song, but she feels her rear moving to it. Pinkie sees this and changes the smile song; this is for her.

Quartz! Quartz! Can't you see?
All your tears are going to turn into tears of glee! (Yeah!)
So hang with me, and you will see
You will laugh and grin. (Hello again!)
And be filled with joy.
By the time this song is through,
You will agree that I can make you giggle!

"Pfft..." Quartz covered her mouth as she was giggling.

I will make you laugh with the songs I'll bring.
It doesn't matter now. (Whoo-hoo!)
That's not a thing.
For me to always sing
So don't you worry about the cost?
I'll sing for free. (Thank you!)
And that's a promise.
Your happiness is mine!

Pinkie held Quartz hooves.

Laughing and singing are what I live for.
Hurting yourself and getting beat up is no more.
I want you to smile and never frown.
Forgetting all the pain and the past
And if you're lost and don't know what path
Just let me help you.
As you can see,
I can make you smile!

Quartz is starting to smile and laugh, feeling the happiness growing inside her. She is holding herself, and tears are coming out.
"My story...it felt like someone rewrote it or something. They changed my need to make ponies and creatures happy into a twisted version. My father cried out to me, saying he was sorry. That was the last time I ever saw him as they took me away."

"I'm sorry, Quartz. No pony should go through that." Pinkie comforted her.

"The only way I can make ponies happy is by hurting myself or someone."

Pinkie frowned. "No, you can make ponies and other beings happy without hurting yourself or others. You remind me of Braver. She would hurt herself to make others happy. Even if it meant destroying herself, she would do it." Pinkie smiled. "But she would realize that, return to her senses, and stop herself. Quartz, you're Braver, aren't you? Or a part of her."

Quartz nodded, "I'm here, and Blitz's laughter became real. Make sure they don't hurt themselves. They have their laughs and happiness, not mine. Never be like mine! No one should be like me, but..."

"But what?"

"But they want the pain. To be hurt for the actions they took in destroying their universe and parents. Even she wants to be locked up in that cell so they can live a happy life, but that's wrong; that's not happiness."

"They deserve to be happy and have fun, even with the bad stuff. You don't have to be hurt, Quartz. Please, let's end this."

"No." She let Pinkie go, and the room had a warm glow. Pinkie could see Quartz changing form, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Honk! Not just us but everyone!" Quartz shouted as if she were a clown/rock farmer.

"Pinkie! Keep everyone smiling! Never let that spark of laughter fade! Please keep watching over Braver. Pinkie, Blitz will be fine with her; Penny is just like you! Promise me you'll keep making them smile—even her. Please make her smile. She has her laughter. She shouldn't rot away in that cell of loneliness."

Pinkie understood her, but not the last part, "Quartz?"

"Pinkie, promise me."

"Okay, I promise." Pinkie smiled as she hugged Quartz.

"Thank you."

Quartz pulled out her party cannon and stuffed herself and Pinkie into it. She pulled the rope, and they flew across the sky, passing Cozy.

"HI COZY!" They both shouted, making Cozy turn around and not see anyone. Then she got hit by a magical fireball. "That got to hu-" Both Pinkies slammed into the castle's wall, slid down it, and fell onto a balcony.

Pinkie stood up, laughing. "That was fun! Let's do it again!" She didn't hear Quartz at all, so she turned to her to see her pale and disappear slowly. "QUARTZ!?"

"My daughter has finally ended."

"No! Quartz! Don't go! We haven't had the party yet! Please, don't leave!" Pinkie cried, holding Quartz, as she felt her hooves go through her.

"Pinkie...the twins...one of them is dying...their laughter will end... I'm going to end. Save them." Quartz shut her eyes, making Pinkie cry.

"No...Braver...Blitz..." Pinkie cried.

In the sky, the giant prism window started to show images of the past, showing Blitz and Braver as Rainboom Breaker destroying their city. In Blitz's town, five rainbow halos appeared from a glowing monster.


End of Chapter 20

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