• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

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Chapter 18: Generosity Has Different Ways To Give

Beeping filled the dark, messy bedroom as a figure started to move. Slowly, she reached over and knocked over the snooze button on her clock. A few minutes later, the person began to wake up. It was Sunset as she pulled back the thin blanket and sat on her bed. She looked for her phone on the dresser next to her as she was half asleep, and her eyes closed as the white screen blinded her a bit.

"It's 9:00 in the morning," she said to herself, placing her phone back and standing up, stretching. She headed to the bathroom and turned on the light, turned on the hot water, and let the warm water hit the tub as she started her day with a warm shower.

As she was having a shower, her phone rang text a few times. Once done, she wrapped a towel around herself and dried her hair before heading to her room. She picked up her phone and saw three messages and their icons. One was from Twilight, who has herself holding Dash like a long cat, and the other two were from her friends: Brishen as some poorly drawn version of himself as Robin Hood and another text is from Wallflower, as an empty chair. She chuckled at herself as she made these icons and replied to her friends. She was starting with Twilight.

Sent: Good morning, Twi :D

She returned her phone and opened her drawer as she put on her clothes. As she was pulling up her pants, she could feel someone looking at her, and it was a creepy feeling. She looked around and saw no one in her room. She brushed it off and put on her clothes, and her phone text went off. It was a long text reply from Twi, repeating thanks for helping her and her family, Sunset risking her life to save a friend from evil Dawn, and how she hopes Sunset will always be there for Blitz since Blitz had that breakdown yesterday.

"Blitz never acted like that before. Crying like that, she's always so positive and brave—maybe too brave, as she leaps into whatever without thinking. Only gets cocky when running." She sent a short text, telling her it was no problem and that she loved Blitz and would always be there for her and the others. She sent it but quickly went red as she noticed she wrote 'loved Blitz' and sent a quick text saying, "I meant by friends. Not love!" She was red and embarrassed as she quickly sent the text and tossed her phone, getting her shoes on. She got her phone back, read the text from Wallflower, and sat back on her bed. Once again, she felt that same odd feeling of being watched. Sunset finally opened her certain window, and the morning sun rays filled the messy room. There was no one in her room, and no one was watching her. She shut the curtain and sat back on her bed. She read the text out loud.

"I had never seen Blitz like that before. Maybe one of us should keep her company while the other tries to get the group together. Dawn is not answering my texts or calls. I think her parents took her phone or something. T is busy with her problems, so, understandably, she's not answering." Sunset sighs as she falls backward in bed and slowly looks at her phone, reading Brishen's text annoyedly. "Yo Sunny, I'm in jail for stealing candy from a baby. Can you bail me out, please?" She shook her head. "No." She tossed her phone in the air, caught it, and read the rest of the text, "Saw Blitz mom in jail, as she was a cell away from me. She beat some dude up! Oddly, she didn't remember who I was. Anyway, I saw Blitz picking her up and tried to ask her to do the same for me, but she said no, which sucked. Maybe you can come and bail me out. Or at least try to bail me out? Pretty, please, with sugar on top, please? Hurry, I don't want them to see I hid my real phone from the pigs! Lol. From your Storm King!"

"Ugh, fine. Just shut up already." Sunset quickly sent a text to Wallflower. "I'm getting Brishen's ass out of jail. Then we'll meet up later." She stopped and didn't want to write this next part but had to; it was for Blitz. "So, keep her company until we get there. Okay?" She sent it and headed to her bedroom door, but she quickly went back and went into her closet and got the best gift she had ever gotten. The leather jacket that Blitz gave her, she quickly ran up to her mirror and checked herself out. She loved it so much. She looked at the picture of her and Blitz on the phone wallpaper and smiled. She looked terrific in it, and it was perfect. She hugged the jacket, blushing a little, but felt her phone going off as a text came in. She took it out and blushed as it was a reply from Wallflower, saying, "You sure!? I can get Brishen while you hang with Blitz."

Sunset shook her head as she typed her response.

"No, it's fine. I can get him. You keep her company."

Before she could put the phone in her pocket, Wallflower replied quickly, making Sunset read it and go red in the face again. Wallflower said Sunset should hang with Blitz, not her, as they're closer.

Sunset could feel her blood boil as she typed her response, telling Wallflower she was just as close with Blitz as she was and not to say that again. Sunset was about to send the text but stopped. She looked at the text and thought of Blitz. It was no secret that they were both in love with her; no matter how hard they denied it to others and each other, everyone knew, except for Blitz and Dawn herself. Sunset thought of Blitz crying, scared, and losing hope, then deleted the text and rewrote it, saying, "She needs us right now. You're just as close with her, so can you please hang with her while I bail that idiot out? Please? This isn't about our feelings right now but about Blitz." She sent the text and placed the phone in her pocket, heading out the door and closing it, not once noticing the unicorn version of herself pounding on the mirror, trying to get her attention.

Wallflower, still in her nightwear, was blushing at her phone. She could feel her heart beating fast as she read the text and reread it repeatedly. Sunset, who is known for her anger and not taking crap from anyone, rewrote her text as she saw the three bubbles reappearing, which made it less heated and more about their friend than their feelings.

"She's right. This is about Blitz. Not us." She got her clothes out and placed them on her bed. "I'll go help her. She needs someone with her."

Wallflower looked at her plain and boring clothes on the bed. "Maybe I should try and wear something else," she said as she headed to her closet, opened the door, and looked at the different clothes, mostly all boring and straightforward. She started to search through them. "Maybe I should head to Rachel Closet?" she stopped. "No. What am I thinking!?" She began to blush hard. "This isn't a date, nor is it about me! Blitz is hurting, and I should focus on her, not my appearance! Besides, Blitz never showed interest in me, as I did with her, and... I'm not sure if I can date someone who already has someone she likes. It's not fair to Dawn, Blitz, or myself. I know Sunset is going through the same thing, and we just have to get past our feelings and be there for her." She sighed and got dressed. She quickly left her house and kept telling herself this wasn't a date, and Blitz only liked Dawn, not her. She looked at her phone and saw a new text. She opened it and went red.

Sunset: If I catch you being lewd with her, I'll kill you.

"I wouldn't dream of doing something so disgusting! How dare you!" she yelled at her phone. She kept walking until she found herself in Rachel's Closet. "I won't buy anything. I'll just look. I'll just look for myself. It's not about me. This is about Blitz and to aid her." Wallflower said to herself as she entered the building.

Sunset munched on a breakfast sandwich as she bailed out Brishen and waited by the front desk for him to be let out.

"What's up, loser king?" Sunset said it with a cocky grin.

Brishen laughed and gave her a giant fist. "You are the best, Sunny! I'll pay you back...eventually." Sunset said whatever, and they headed out of the building and to the parking lot to chat.

"So, what did you do now, Mr. Conman?" she asked, tossing the wrapper of her sandwich into the trash and taking a sip of her orange juice.

Brishen laughed and explained how he scammed a real scammer with his money. The police caught him, and his mother beat the shit out of him, and he was taken to jail.

"You know, you could've just told the cops about him, right? I bet you would have gotten off for free if you gave them a real scammer."

"Yeah, but that's no fun! You have to have a little excitement in your life! It would be best if you tried it sometime. I know you enjoy fighting."

"I have no reason to fight. Plus, I'm not a fucking thug."
Brishen laughed at the last part, knowing that was a lie. She had her fair share of fighting and trouble, mostly due to her past.

"Yeah, whatever. Oh, you're wearing the jacket Blitz gave you? Surprise, she gave it to you so early." He smirked and gave her a wink, which got him a glare from her. "So, how are things between you two?" he asked, knowing he had struck a nerve.

Sunset sighed and was about to give him an earful. As her cheeks went red, but they heard fighting coming out of the police station entrance as a tall and very built man, who had his ass beat, came walking with a family member.

"That bitch is going to pay!"

"Oh, shit. That's the guy that Blitz's mom beat up!" Brishen pointed at the tall man, who entered the car of whoever picked them up.

Sunset remembered yesterday and asked what happened. Brishen started to explain what Dash had told him.


Dash looked at her weird, small, and flat item, which is called a phone, and followed the map on it. She's heading to Dashie's job, the YMCA, to watch over kids and ensure no one realizes the real Dashie isn't here but in the Dash universe.

"Pfft, this is going to be easy, and watching kids? Easy peasy," she said as she followed the map to her destination.
Once there, she entered and remembered that Blitz had told her to head to the front desk and sign in.

"I guess that's what this is." Dash saw paper and a pen. She was about to sign her name when she noticed her counterpart's signature from a few days ago, and it wasn't hers, so she tried to copy it. "Man, she writes her I'm with hearts in it? Not cool."

Dash finished writing her name and looked at it, seeing the I's with hearts in it. She groaned as if it weren't her and signed her actual signature. She handed the paper to the front desk lady.

"Welcome, Ms. Reinbold. Please let us know if you have a family emergency next time. We had to get a replacement for you," the front desk lady said, looking at her, wondering what kind of emergency was so important and so bad that she had to take a few days off. Dash already didn't like this woman.

"Yup, will do." She gave her a fake smile as she remembered Blitz telling her that Dashie was nice to everyone and had no beef with the staff. She could see this woman being the biggest gossip. She turned and left the lobby, headed to the staff locker room, and put her backpack and jacket away. A few coworkers were there and waved at her. She waved back, pretending she was the Dashie they knew.

"Oh, you're here. So, what's the family emergency about? Everything okay?"

Dash saw a female staff member and had no clue who she was. She thought of an excuse and decided to lie about the family emergency.

"Um, yup. Everything is fine. I just had problems with..." Dash tried to think of something real quick as the woman raised an eyebrow at her. "Twilah parents, yeah, that! Her dad got hurt. Yup. Badly."

"O-Oh. Well, I'm sorry to hear that." The woman and Dash had a small chit-chat and went on their way. Dash walked to the underground area of the building and could see a group of young kids playing with each other or with toys, but the moment they saw her, everyone came running towards her and asked her if she was okay.

"Woah, slow down!"

"Ms. Dashiell, are you okay? You have never been gone this long."

"Ms. Dashie, are you feeling better?"

Dash felt overwhelmed by the kids and how close they were to her. She looked around and saw several different rooms. The first was a dance room; another was an art room; another was a large computer room; and the last was a room with a bunch of pillows and a soft floor, which was a playroom/nap area.

"Okay, kids, let's start with art. Then..." But the kids piled her up before Dash could finish and asked her to do different things, like dancing, singing, playing with the computers, etc.

"Okay, okay! Stop piling on me! We'll start with drawing and then this 'computer.' Deal?"

"Deal!" shouted all the kids, but they kept holding on to her, forcing Dash to carry them all to the art room and seeing them all jump off and run off like rats being freed from a cage.

Dash was about to tell the kids to calm down and sit when they all started to bring her supplies, paint, and such and asked her to draw something for them like she always does.

"Oh, um, sure. Anything?"

"Yes!" shouted the kids. Dash sighed and started to draw, not knowing what.

"Draw a dragon!"

"No, a pony!"

"Ponies are boring! Draw a demon!"

"No, draw an angel!"

"How about a mummy!?" asked Dash, smiling.

"NO!" the kids said in unison and looked at her, all upset, begging her to draw something cool. Dash was annoyed as she pulled a stick figure and a flower and added some cool stuff. She looked at her masterpiece and felt proud. She showed the kids, which got her a bunch of laughs, and the kids mocked her, which made her mad.

"Hey! No laughing recruits!" shouted Dash, standing up but stopping as she realized she let her Captain of the Wonderbolts out, who is super strict and doesn't play games. She took a deep breath and calmed down. She didn't want to lose her cool and start acting like herself, as the kids don't know she's not their Dashie. "Okay, I showed you mine; now go draw something for me. Okay?"

The kids nodded and started to draw as Dash looked around, seeing each kid draw their stuff. She felt she was teaching at the Wonderbolts training camp, which made her proud. She loved being a teacher and watching Noobies grow. She did an entire run around, walked back to the front desk, and asked the kids to show her work, and like last time, they all dog-piled her and stuffed her face with their drawings.

"Kids! Kids! Slow down! I can't see them!" She pushed the kids back, which gave her a stern look from a female worker with a clipboard and a notepad. "When did she show up?" thought Dash, but the kid's drawings blocked her vision, so she took them all and looked at them. Some were drawings of her, which made her blush a little and her heart skip a beat, as the kids did a good job, especially the one of her being cool as she fights monsters.

She did her best not to laugh, as one kid drew her having a giant poop while a different kid drew her and Twilight kissing. Dash blushed a deep red as the kid kept saying it was her and Twilah, which meant Twilah must have visited a few times. Dash was about to stand up but saw one weird photo. It was her beating a tall man as a sad kid looked on.

"Hey, can I see that one?" she pointed, and the kids handed it to her. "What's this about?"

"My mommy's friend, remember? He gets mad easily, and..." the girl couldn't finish as she looked sad. Dash thought she could see bruises under the little girl's sleeves and was about to ask when the woman from before called out to her.

"Ms. Reinbold, is everything alright?" the woman asked, giving her a suspicious look. Dash quickly stood up, not wanting to be questioned, and walked towards her.

"Of course! Why wouldn't it be?"

The woman said nothing and returned to writing on the notepad, which worried Dash a bit. Who was this woman, anyway? Dash kept telling herself she shouldn't overreact and just focus on being Dashie.

Dash turned to the kids and told them what they wanted to do next. All of them wanted to go on the computers and play games.

"....computers?" whispered Dash, not understanding the strange machines and gulps.

It was the worst time for Dash. The kids called her a boomer because she couldn't turn on the computer, type, or use the mouse. The kids were amazed at her stupidity and started to make fun of her. Dash felt humiliated as the woman, who was her supervisor, as she guessed by now, was looking at her.

"What is the meaning of this?"

Dash had an ear full and was forced to watch as the woman showed the kids how to use the computers and gave her a lecture. After an hour, the kids had their fun and were all happy.

"Not surprising coming from the trophy wife of the smartest woman in the world," the supervisor said, leading the kids to their nap time. Dash clutches her hands into a fist. She remembered Dashie saying how some people treated her as crap and called her that. Dash was about to open her mouth but stopped, as she didn't want to cause a scene. She was about to leave the room but felt her shirt being pulled and saw it was the girl from before, the one with the weird picture.

"What's up?"

"Ms. Dashiell, are you upset I drew you hurting my mommy friend?"

"Who? the big guy?"

"Yeah. He's a meanie, but Mommy loves him, so he's not a bad guy. Mommy said he's trying to get better."

Dash felt weird like he had a gut feeling. Dash asked if she could see her arm, and the girl nodded, revealing her arm, which had a few bruises. Dash knew this girl wasn't safe.

"Kid, is he hurting you and maybe your mom?"

"No, he's not hurting mommy, I promise. He's not hurting me. He's just..."

Dash felt like this was a red flag and that this girl wasn't safe, but she didn't want to get in trouble and ruin her counterpart's career, so she decided to do the right thing and ask her boss to let her deal with this.

After Dash led the kid into the nap room, she spoke with her boss, who wasn't happy with the situation.

"So, let me get this straight. You're telling me that the friend of the mayor is abusing his girlfriend and her daughter?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"You know we can't report this, Ms. Reinbold. Unless there is solid proof, we can't do anything. Drawings mean nothing, and kids get hurt all the time." She wrote in her notepad and walked to her office, making Dash slightly angry. Like, was she covering for this guy? Dash was about to follow her when she saw a tall guy walking down the stairs and saying hello to her supervisor, who nodded and passed him. The guy walked up to Dash.

"Hey," he said in a sour tone.

"Um, hi."

"Where's the kid?"

"Napping. Who are you?"

"Her future dad." He pointed to that little girl, and Dash could feel her stomach drop. "So, can we cut the bullshit? I know you hate my guts." He leaned forward and whispered, "You still can't do shit to me. Can't touch me, you lesbo cunt," he smiled as he leaned away, as Dash remembered what her supervisor said. Dude thought he couldn't be touched because he's friends with the mayor. "Hey! Wake up! Your mom wants me to pick your ass up," he shouted. Dash watched as the little girl quickly woke up and was scared, rushing to her mom's boyfriend's side and following him.

Dash watched as the two left the room and wondered if this guy was telling the truth when the little girl looked back and gave her a fearful look. Dash followed them but was stopped by her supervisor.

"Leave it be, Ms. Reinbold. If you're going to keep harassing him, we're going to have a problem. You need to drop it."

"What are you talking about? I want to-"

"Enough, Ms. Reinbold." The supervisor glared at her, but Dash smiled at her.

"My name is Ms. Rainbow." Dash pushed her away and hurried along. She could see they left the building, and she exited, too, while her supervisor was behind her, yelling at her. Dash could see the man smacking the girl in the face.

"Then she ran towards him and punched him hard in the face. They started fighting, and as the cops were arresting her, the asshole still wanted to fight and punch a cop. He got arrested too," explained Brishen as they headed towards Blitz House.
Sunset smiled, remembering Blitz's happy reaction from yesterday.

"Dashiell was pretty upset about it," said Brishen.

Brishen watched as Dashiell walked back and forth in her cell, going on about how she fucked up and Blitz was going to be mad.

"I'm so screwed right now!"

"Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe you might get a nice reward." Brishen teased and got a glare from her.

"You're not funny. What the hell am I supposed to do!? I got Dashi—I mean myself fired! Blitz and someone else is going to piss at me!" Dashie finally sat on the bench in the cell.

Brishen stood up, walked over to the bars, and looked at her. "You know, you did the right thing. You helped that kid. You gave that kid hope. I hope that someone did listen and believe in her. You gave the greatest gift a kid could have. The feeling of knowing that someone is listening and that someone cares. Sure, you lost your job and might get blacklisted from another YMCA job, but you did the right thing, and I know everyone is going to say the same thing." Brishen faced away from her and spoke with his back turned. "It's like Blitz taught me, 'The world is full of people who will make you doubt yourself. It's also full of people who will believe in you, even when you don't believe in yourself. The question is, are you the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to be the person you want to be?' Are you the kind who will give every ounce of yourself to make the world a better place? Even if it's a hard choice, Even if it's a sacrifice?"

Dashie listened, thought about it, and smiled. Even Blitz took everyone's speech and lesson from ten years ago to heart, just like Braver did.

"Thanks, kid."

"I'm not a kid. I'm 20. And you're welcome." He sat back down and crossed his arms. "What you did, it's generosity. You gave that girl something she didn't have. It gave her the chance to be safe. That is the true meaning of generosity—the power to help others. And I'm sure Blitz will agree with that."

Dashie nodded and sat there until Blitz and a cop came for her.

Sunset laughed when she heard her friend talking about generosity. "Wow, you took that lesson to heart, huh?"

"Well, yeah." Brishen blushed as they almost reached Blitz's home. "Blitz helped me out three years ago. How couldn't I take that lesson to heart? Plus, I wouldn't be the person I am now without that lesson."

Sunset looked away and looked into the blue sky, and she could see the sun in the middle of the sky. She remembers that day from three years ago.

"Come on, dude, you just turned 14, and your grandparents gave you a shit ton of cash, and you want to waste it here...?" said Sunset, as she, Blitz, and Wallflower stood in front of an old arcade pizza place with an ugly rat mascot.

Blitz proudly held her wallet full of cash. "Yes, I do."

Sunset's face palm "Dude, you're a fucking moron."

Wallflower spoke up. "It's her money, Sunset. She can do what-"

"AH!" screamed Sunset, as she just now noticed Wallflower.

Blitz laughed and entered the building, where she could see hardly anyone here, just the bored saff. She walked to the juice bar, where an old guy with a mustache stood behind the counter.

"Hey, kid, welcome to my pizza place," he said, smiling and taking a sip of his non-juice drink.

"Hey, um, I came here a few days ago from seeing a Facebook page and saw certain prizes I wanted. Is it still here?"
The man looked at her and laughed, "Your that Kid; that shit is, like, years old and another crap you can find outside. Why do you want it?"

Blitz showed her fat wallet, making the guy raise an eyebrow.

"It's 1,000."

The man looked at her, not believing it, but Blitz showed her the dough, and his eyes became dollar signs.

"Alright, yeah, it's still here! Win enough tickets, and you can get them. Since you are packing so much dough, I'll let my mascot protect you!" He walked away and shouted, "Brishen! My boy! We got a sucke—I mean, a VIP!"

Brishen came out of the backrooms and put on his rat mascot head-on. "Dad! It's the" He raised his arms and staff all dramatic like "THE STORM KING!"

Blitz looked at him and then at his dad, laughing at his stupid son and pounding his mascot's head. Sunset, blushing, came inside with Wallflower. They watched as the rat mascot approached the three and spoke in a deadpan and bored voice.

"Hello, little Miss VIP! The Storm King will be protecting you as you spend your money here! Come, let me show you the games!" The mascot walked away. Blitz, Sunset, and Wallflower followed the mascot, who was looking around for a game for the three.

"What's his deal?" whispered Blitz.

"If I remember right, his family owns this dump, and his mom wants him to take over. Heard he wants to be a big shot in something, but not sure."

Blitz, turn to the rat. "So, what's a Storm King?"

"Me!" He turned around and slammed the end of his staff on the dirty floor. "I'M THE STORM KING! THE GREAT RAT OF EVIL! I'M A GOD! AND YOU MORTALS ARE NOTHING BUT SLAVES TO ME! KNEEL!" He raised his staff high.

All three started to laugh at him, which made him all grumpy.

"You guys are assholes. What kind of games do you like?" he asked, showing all the games in the pizza place. Blitz saw one game that she wanted to try. "That one."

"The DDR machine? Oh yeah, that thing is a money maker." He led them to it and patted the machine. "Just beat the machine to score higher than it. It should be easy. If not, fuck off. I don't care."

The girls saw that the dance floor could accommodate two people and asked if they could play on it.

"Yup." Within the mask, Brishen smiled evilly. "If you put $200 bucks in, it unlocks that feature and gives you x2 ticket earnings. This means you get double the tickets and get those prizes quicker. But, since you're a VIP, you only have to pay $100."

Wallflower and Sunset look at each other, all worried, as this sounds too good to be accurate. But before they can convince Blitz not to trust it, they see Blitz putting her money in, and the player is unlocked.

Blitz turned to the girls with a smile. "Who wants to join me as player two? Wallflower? Sunset?"

"Um, no thanks. I do-" whispered Wallflower

"Go for it, kid!" Brishen pushed her into the Blitz's arms, causing her to turn red. While Sunset had an annoyed look, "It's fun!"

"But, um, I don't dance..."

Blitz looked down at Wallflower and saw she was nervous about this. So, she gently took her hand and placed it on the bar.

"Just follow me."

Sunset and Brishen watched as Blitz danced like an idiot, and Wallflower started to copy her moves, which was terrible, and the two were laughing their ass off as they scored low, and the machine was making fun of them.

"You suck!" shouted the machine.

Brishen laughed as he thought, "Oh man, I didn't even need to rig the machine! They suck at dancing. I'm taking all this kid money and getting my own amusement."

Sunset was watching, frowning at the scene, and she was a bit jealous.

"You know, you're a bit jealous, right?"

Sunset jumps, and Brishen is seen standing next to her. "So, which one do you like? hmmm?"


"The shy one or the dyed rainbow hair girl? It must be her. Has to be, she screams, 'I'M A LESBIAN! Look at me!'"
Sunset looked away, a bit pissed off.

Brishen noticed he had upset her and sighed, "Look, I didn't mean to make you mad, but the way you acted—it's totally her, isn't it? Or are you crushing on both?"

Sunset looked at him and shook her head. "Just Blitz, the rainbow-haired girl."

Brishen smiled. "Good."

Sunset needs clarification. "Why's that good?"

"Well, the shy one, she's in love with Blitz too." He pointed his staff at them as they danced again and were still sucking. "It's clear as day."

"No, she isn't!" Sunset shout.

"Shhh, you're going to alert them. And yes, she is. I could tell when I pushed her into Blitz and how red she was; it was like a red light bulb went on. It was cute and funny."

"No, it isn't! I was there! I would have noticed that!"

"Then why are you jealous and pissed? If you knew she didn't love Blitz, you wouldn't have been like this." The mascot's eyebrows wiggled up and down.

"I'm not jea—I'm not upset." Sunset crossed her arms and looked away.

"Right, if you're not, then let's watch..." He walked over and smacked the machine, and a new song was picked, and the next round started. Sunset blushed as it was a slow love dance song. "Why don't you two hold each other's hands? This is a duet song, after all. I would even give you 100 free tickets, and I'll throw in some pizza if you win this round. What do you say?"
Blitz looked at Wallflower, who was nervous and scared.

"I...um... don't want to hold your hand..." she whimpered, but she could feel Blitz's hands and her fingers going into between hers.

"I'll guide you."

Sunset saw this, and she felt her anger rising. The song started, and Brishen was by her side.

"You're still pissed. Jealousy isn't good luck for you, kid. It would help if you acted on it, not stand here sulking. Unless you're into that or something!" He laughs, but Sunset punches his mascot head around, blinding him. "Touchy..."
Sunset watched as Blitz led Wallflower in the slow love dance, stepping on the lights and holding each other's hands. Blitz would lean in, smiling and talking to Wallflower, who would shy away and turn red, not able to handle the situation. She could see the way Blitz would move. She would try to get closer to her, like she was trying to kiss her.

"That's it! I had enough!" Sunset ran onto the dance floor and pushed herself between the two, causing the game to end early as they got out of the machine. This meant they didn't get the free pizza or the tickets.

"Sunset?" whimpers Wallflower, seeing how ticked off she is.

"What? What's wrong?" asks Blitz, confused.

"Yeah, what's up?" asked Brishen, happy about what happened.

Sunset realized what she did and started to mumble, as she didn't have a good explanation for what she did.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." Sunset started to walk off, but she felt Blitz's hand and her fingers going between hers. "B-Blitz?"

Blitz smiled, held Wallflower's hand, and asked Brishen to start the song again, which he did. Blitz stood between the girls.

"Three-way dance! Let's go!"

Brishen could see Sunset with a smile on her face. She was laughing and enjoying herself as they all danced together, having fun. He could see Wallflower smiling, and both were blushing. He could only sigh but also smile, as they weren't even paying attention to the stupid machine and weren't even getting points.

After they finished their dance, Brishen came back with the free pizza.

"Here, you didn't win, but at least have some free pizza. I was joking about the tickets, but sorry."

The girls happily took the pizza, not caring about the tickets, and started to eat. Sunset and Wallflower looked at each other and laughed as they knew what the other was thinking.

"I love Blitz too," both girls said in their thoughts.

Brishen led them around the place, letting them play each game but never winning any of them. To the point, Sunset took the girls aside and whispered.

"Guys, I think these games are rigged."

"Rigged?" said Wallflower, a bit confused.

"Yeah, they are BS, and we won't win anything. This would explain why so few people come here. How much money did you spend, Blitz? Cause I think we're done here."

"Half of it, but we can't leave yet! I didn't get any tickets to win the prizes!" Blitz cried.

Sunset rolled her eyes.

"Dude, you are getting scammed."

"I think she's right. I think he is conning you."

"Yeah, he's a scam artist."

Brishen could hear their whispers, and he knew what they were saying. He sighed as his plan was coming to an end.

"So, you girls are having fun?" he asked, smiling at the mascot's face.

They were quiet, as they didn't want to say anything. Sunset and Wallflower pulled Blitz away from the building.

"Don't come back; you are here!" shouted Brishen as the girls left.

He went back into the office and took off the rat head. He was sitting down in front of his mom, who was on the phone with the bank. He remembers how his folks were about to lose this place, and the real reason it went to crap was because his father gave up on saving it, and he and his dad started to con the customers for every penny they had. He didn't care for the place; he wanted to make it big in life, but...

"Yes, we'll try to have the money by the end of the month," said his mother as she finally got off the phone and just became depressed. She looked at him and started to cry.


"We're losing the place. Your dad won't stop drinking and doesn't care anymore. This place has been in his family for years. What are we going to do?"

"Mom..." He was approaching her when he heard his father calling him again. "Mom, let's talk after we close for the night, okay?" He put on his mascot head and grabbed his staff. He didn't care, but his mom did; it was why he needed to be a conman, as he had been scamming outside of work hours to get that money. "So, who's the next sucker...what?" he saw Blitz and the girls back. He could see the girls weren't happy about this, as Blitz wanted to play more games.

"Hiya, Brishen!" said Blitz.

"I told you not to come back!" shouted Brishen, upset that Blitz returned. He was cool with scamming older people but not with young kids. Of course, he didn't have a problem scamming them.

"Come on, Brishen, please? Let us play one last time?" begged Blitz, giving her puppy dog eyes.
Brishen rolled his eyes, not being swayed by it, but Wallflower and Sunset gave him a nasty look. He walked with Blitz to the games but noticed the girls didn't come along.

"You're friends not coming?"

"Nope, they have a hard time believing I can win this time."
Brishen raised his mascot's head just enough so he could see what game they were going to play. It was a simple air hockey table, and he didn't have to rig it. He's pretty much a pro at it.

"So, what are the stakes if you win? You haven't won a single thing today, and there's no way to win those prizes." He smirked, seeing Blitz's surprised face.

"You know?"

"Yup, I figure it was those prizes. Are you spending all this money on them?"

Blitz was embarrassed as she nodded.

Brishen smirks. "So how about this? If you win, you get those prizes for free, but if I win, you give me all your money. Deal?" He reached out, waiting for a handshake. Blitz didn't hesitate and shook his hand, knowing she would win this.

"Okay, let's play!"

As the game started, Blitz was losing big time. Brishen wasn't letting her score one goal, and Blitz was sweating bullets as the game was getting close to ending. She didn't have the money for the prizes, so what else could she do?

"Better say goodbye to that money of yours."

Brishen was gloating and laughing as the game was about to end.

Blitz had one idea but knew she didn't want to do it. It was a bit cruel, knowing she was going to have to do this. Blitz's hands became blue, but she's lucky she was wearing gloves today. Her hands were moving faster and blocking all of Brishen's shots, and she could catch up very quickly, making Brishen more frustrated as the game ended. Blitz hit the puck and scored. The final score was 4-5, and Blitz won.

"HA! Take that!"

"Damnit, how did you—oh, come on!" He tossed his mascot head off and pointed his staff at her, smirking, "POW!" Blitz, and he started to laugh. "Win is a win. Let's get those stupid prizes and never come back, kid."

"Wait!" shouted Blitz.

Brishen turned back and saw Blitz handing him the money she had left.

"W-What? Why?"

"Because you and your parents need this more than I do. I didn't need it."

"But...why? We're going to lose the place anyway; it's hopeless."

Blitz smiled, "Nothing is ever hopeless. Stop scamming people and clean up the place; you can get more customers. This place used to be popular when you were a little kid, right? That's what my mom said to me, and I heard how depressed your mom is about losing the place on Facebook that my mom showed me."

Brishen looked at her and thought about her words.

"Thanks, but I doubt it. I mean, I scam people outside of work hours. It's another reason why this place went downhill. Who would come here knowing there's a con man here? Well, besides you." He laughed, which caused Blitz to laugh too. "Still, thanks." He was about to walk off, but Blitz spoke.

"The world is full of people who will make you doubt yourself. It's also full of people who will believe in you, even when you don't believe in yourself. The question is, are you the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to be the person you want to be? Or are you the kind of person who will just let fate take the wheel and go on the ride?" said Blitz, making Brishen turn to her again.

"I'm the one who makes my fate. I'm the kind of person who would go down fighting."

"Then prove it," said Blitz, giving him the money. "Be the person you meant to be and the person who your mom believes in."

Brishen stared at her, shocked, and he started to cry a bit. He didn't think about that and didn't believe Blitz would understand him. He quickly wiped his tears and smirked at her.

"Alright, let's...um, never catch your last name."

"It's Blitz Reinbold. What's yours?"

"Brishen, Brishen King," he said, picking up his mascot head. "Thanks, Blitz. Really." He leads her to the prize area, where his dad is drinking his booze. Blitz's friends were there as well.

"Hey, pops, I got a prize for my friend here."

His dad stared at him and noticed Blitz. Brishen went around the corner and took out rolls of tickets.

"Girl had great luck in one game, Dad. Here's the money she spent. Enough to buy those two prizes she wants."

His dad looked at him and the money and said, "Huh, alright. Here's the prize, little girl. Finally, someone is taking the junk off my hands." He took out a key, opened a lock case, and started looking for it.

Sunset and Wallflower wondered what Blitz wanted initially, as she would never tell them the prizes.

"Ah, here they are," his dad said, taking the items and handing them over to her.

"Thanks!" She took the boxes, turned to her friends, and handed them to them. "Here!"

The girls stared at them and opened them, and their eyes went wide.

"Dude!?" Sunset took out a red and white guitar. She always wanted one, and now she's holding one.

"It's a real guitar. Not some toy guitar, but a real one!" said Wallflower, holding a box of seven colored geodes and watching Sunset test her guitar. "And these are Everfree rare geodes! You know I love collecting rare geodes! Blitz! You spent all your birthday money on..." Wallflower started to tear up a bit. "On us?"

Sunset held the guitar and shook her name, trying to hand it back. "Blitz, I can't..."

"I know you always wanted a guitar. I was listening when you said you love rock music and that you always wanted to be a guitarist for a rock band. So now you have one." Blitz turned into a sniffing wallflower. "And I know how much you love collecting geodes, and when I heard this place had Everfree ones, I had to come here."

"But dude, you should have spent that money on yourself, not on us," said Sunset, trying to hand it back.
Blitz took a deep breath.

"No, because you two are the only friends I have. I want to show my appreciation and gratitude and how much I care about you two."

Both girls looked at each other, not expecting that.



Blitz smiled, glad her friends were happy with the gifts. She looked at her empty wallet and could think of one thing.

"I don't deserve this," she said, her hand shaking a bit. "I shouldn't be the one to be happy. Not after what I did in the past." She put her wallet back in her pocket and smiled as her friends checked out their gifts.

Brishen and his father were watching this, and both were smiling. Brishen looked over to his dad.

"Dad, stop drinking, and let's fix this place up. At least for Mom? She wants to keep this place. It's been in your family for years, and she fell in love with this place. We can do this and make a difference. Saving this place."

His dad thought about it.

"Let's do this. Let's make this place a good place again." His father smiled at him and tossed the drink into the trash can.
"Let's just hope we can save it in time."

Brishen nodded and turned back to Blitz and the others. He was surprised to see Blitz waving at him and saying, "Let's hang out sometimes!"

Brishen nodded, and the girls left.

"We cleaned up the place and got more people to show up. The shock was when more kids started showing up with their parents. It wasn't long before mom showed us that Blitz's parents posted that Facebook and Twitter post of you three holding the gifts she gave you with the hashtag 'Storm Ratty Pizza Place". Shit saved us."

Sunset could only smile, remembering that day. Blitz is spending all her money on them.

"Generosity," said Brishen, making Sunset turn to him. She's a special girl—generous and loving—loving towards all of us. She is something special, isn't she?" He looked at her, which made Sunset blush, and nodded.

"That's our blitz."

"Also, it made me stop scamming people." He could see Sunset eyeing him with her arms crossed. "Okay, okay, still scamming people, but now only against people who deserve it and giving the money to people who need it. Still, she changed me a lot."

Sunset couldn't help but smile.

"She is something."


They finally arrived at Blitz Place and knocked. Quickly, the door opened, and Brishen was shocked to see Blitz taller and in a Twilah hairstyle.

"Finally, ditch the rainbow hair all these years? Shame, I was hoping to find that bucket of gold coins," he laughed.
Braver glared at him and punched him in the stomach.

"My little sister isn't a leprechaun."

Brishen held his stomach and coughed out, "Sister?"

"Brishen, meet Braver: Blitz, twin sister. Remember? The one she always talks about and misses."

Brishen stood back up and apologized, and they were let in.

"Where's Blitz and Wallflower?" asked Sunset, not seeing them anywhere in the living room.

"They went out for a bit but came back, and they're in her room," smiled Braver, pointing upstairs.

Brishen smirked hard. "Blitz is finally losing her V-card. Good on her."

"I'll kill you where you stand!" glared Sunset, and Braver joined in and said, "There won't be anything left of you even to stand."

Brishen gulped, wondering if they really could and were serious about it.

"Well, I'm going to the bathroom because I think I shit myself. Ladies," he said, walking away and not testing his luck, but Braver grabbed him by the collar.

"She's not doing anything like that. This is Blitz. Besides, you need to learn something important about her. It's crucial, and she needs us right now."

"What's that?" he said, worried.

Sunset and Braver quickly told him what was happening, and he didn't buy it. Braver was going to transform to prove it to him, but they all heard a loud noise upstairs, and Blitz was cursing loudly. They called out to her and hurried upstairs. They could listen to noises from her room and knock on it.

"Sis!? You okay?" asked Braver, putting her ear on the door.


A few seconds later, Blitz opened the door in her anthro form. She noticed Brishen and nodded at him.

"Holy shit, they weren't lying. Evil Dawn, multiverse crisis, and your superhorse!" he fainted.

"RAINBOW COMET!" shouted Blitz as she opened the door, revealing her red, blushing face.
Braver picked up Brishen and took him down stairs, while Sunset noticed her friend blushing—almost like she was crying.

"Blitz, are you okay?" she asked, looking at her.

"I'M FINE!" said Blitz, not looking at her. "It's nothing."

Blitz tried to shut the door, but Sunset stopped her. "Blitz, it's okay to tell me."

"No, it's not; it's none of your business."

"You're my best friend, and I care about you." She forced her way in and shut the door behind her. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here." She started to blush herself as she touched Blitz's cheeks. "Always."

"But, it's really, noth..." Blitz started to say, looking away from her, but Sunset forced her to look at her.

"I know you're stressed about the evil Dawn and saving Lucy. You can always rely on me."

"But it's not..."

"And I'm here for you no matter what and will always be there for you. You can always rely on me. Always."
Sunset moved her head closer to Blitz, her heart beating. Blitz's heart beat faster, and her wings stood up quickly and firmly.

"I, um." Blitz couldn't speak. She was nervous, scared, and unsure of herself.

"Shh." Sunset put a finger on her lips, leaning her head closer, and was about to kiss Blitz, but she chickened out, moved away, turned around, and sat on the floor.

"Sunset...what were you doing?"

Sunset looked down at her hands, shaking.

"I, um. You know...nothing."

"Nothing?" Blitz didn't believe her.

"Well, almost." She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself and her racing heart, but heard Blitz fall to her knees. "Blitz?" She could see her breathing hard and her face pure red. "Dude!? Are you okay?" She could see Blitz's wings twitching a little.

"I'm okay. I just thought you were going to kiss me." She started crying a bit. "Too much is going on, and I'm unsure of my feelings now."

Sunset could hear the pain in her voice and felt guilty for putting Blitz on the spot. "Blitz, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay. It's not your or Wallflower's fault." Blitz looked to her right but realized it and looked away, but Sunset turned and went red.

"WALLFLOWER!? What the fuck!?" shouted Sunset, seeing Wallflower sneaking her way to the door in rich-looking underwear and also bright red. She froze, slowly looked at her, and started to cry.

"We didn't do anything lewd! I swear! Please don't kill me!"

Sunset turned to Blitz and could see she was very shy as she tried to cover her wings, and it hit her. Birds use their wings as a sign of...

"...oh god. OH GOD!" She looked away, holding her hand over her eyes. She never thought she would see Blitz like this, not as a half-pegasus pony being in heat. Did she step into them trying to do it? "No, her wings went up when I tried to kiss her," she thought, and her face went just as red as she made Blitz... It became very awkward between the three, and the room went silent, and only their heartbeats could be heard within the three...

In the world of Equestria, Rarity peeked behind a corner of a ruined bakery and didn't see any demons, meaning the coast was clear.

"It's clear!" She picked up a rope end and pulled it with her magic.

"Great to hear, but can I ask a question?" said a sniffing Clarity as it was revealed inside a plastic bubble being pulled by Rarity.

"Yes, dear?"

"Why am I inside this bubble?" Then she suddenly sneezed, covering the front of her bubble with green mucus.

"Well, that should answer your question," replied Rarity, looking back and feeling disgusted by the snot and even more disgusted as she saw her counterpart wiping it with her bare hoof. "Ew!"

Rarity turned green and booked it towards a nearby house. She tossed Clarity into the house and hurried to the bathroom, and Rarity could be heard gagging.

"Hey! Watch it! That hurt!" said Clarity, hitting the wall and sliding down it as the plastic bubbles popped.

Rarity finished vomiting and went to wash her mouth. From the bathroom, she started to ask herself questions.
"Clarity, darling, dear. Why are you so...under the weather?"

"How can I not!? I'm allergic to magic!"

Rarity quickly entered the room as she heard her, "What!? No pony is allergic to magic! How can you be?"

"Well, I am. A terrible version of it. Also, there are hints of coughing blood." Clarity sniffled, using her magic to get some tissues and blowing her nose. "It's rare, but I'm the only known pony with the magic allergy... well, in my dead universe."
Rarity walked to the window curtain and peeked out, and she could see demons walking nearby and taking a break. Moving out may be too dangerous, and with Clarity, no less.

"Well, it looks like we'll be here for a while. How about you tell me more about yourself? How did you become sick? You couldn't answer last time when you were coughing a storm in my house." Rarity sat far away from Clarity and watched her blow her nose.

"Oh, well, where to start? It's not long after my brother and I became a couple."

"Wait, what!?" shouted Rarity.

Clarity laughed, "Joking. It all started when I was a foal."

Many years ago

I was born into a wealthy family with everything I could ever want. My parents loved me so much that they would buy me anything I wanted, including the most popular toy of the season. As I grew up, I realized everyone would buy me stuff or just listen to me, even adults, my friends, and even the teachers.

("So, your life is easy, and people will listen and do anything you say," said Rarity, listening to Clarity while still checking outside.)

(Yup. Everything was perfect. That is, until I was 9. It all changed during my father's meeting with Princess Celestia at home. My father worked under her, but I never knew what. I was ears-dropping as they spoke in the study.)

Clarity slowly walked past the hallway with the guards guarding the study room. She entered a closet room and shut the door. She used her magic to open the air vent and climb inside. It wasn't long before she was above the study and could hear them talking.

"Oh, I love gossip, and it's from the Princess!" smiled Clarity, and she started to listen in.

"Celestia, please. You can't use my creation!" said Clarity's dad, sounding desperate. "It needs more testing on non-animals. I don't care if they're ponies or not. It's unsafe to release on Luna-controlled areas and cause an outbreak."

"Clover, we are in a crisis. Our troops are dwindling and losing every battle. Soon, I must start the draft to keep us in the war. My sister has had an upper hoof in this war from the start. I need something to counter this. Something that will even the playing field and allow us to win the war."

"Celestia, please don't. We still don't know how it will react on a pony. Heck, on our troops, if they enter the infected area without the right gear. It's an unknown virus."

"Clover, I'm sorry, but we need to use it. I'm also going forward with this project and the Final Harmony project." She stood up and looked at the test tubes and papers on the desk. "With these projects, I will end the war once and for all."
Clarity couldn't hear well, as most of the stuff she heard was muffled, but she did hear something about war and her dad and the Princess talking about a project. She didn't understand the rest and tried to listen better, but her weight was too much for the vent, and she fell into the room.


"What the?" The Princess and Clover looked and saw Clarity on the floor.

"Sweetie? Why are you here?" asked her dad, helping her up.

"I, um, was... um," she couldn't lie and admit to eavesdropping.

Her father was going to ground her, but he suddenly felt the cold gaze of the Princess on him. He turned and looked and saw her cold, angry eyes, making him bow his head and force his daughter to bow.

"Forgive her! Forgive her! She's just a child and has curiosity."

Princess Celestia didn't buy it.

"This is a serious matter. This is no place for a child." She looked at her and gave her a stern look. "She must be punished. Do not allow her to listen to other people's conversations, especially very confidential ones."

"Yes, my Princess. I'm sorry. Please forgive us."

The Princess took a test tube, poured it into the tea, and handed it to Clover, who went pale.


"Tell her to drink it. If she listens, all will be forgiven. If she doesn't, I will punish her and your whole family. So." Celestia's eyes glowed white, and she used her royal Canterlot voice, making Clarity's father's study echo with her anger. "TELL HER TO DRINK IT."

Clarity had no idea what was happening, but she felt her father lifting her chin, holding a warm tea before her, and telling her to drink it. She did, drank all of it, and handed it back to her father, who was shaking.

"There. All done. Are we good?" he asked, trying to keep his cool.

Princess Celestia just nodded and left but stopped and spoke to him back to him.

"Send me the results of the prototype and how it affects her. Also, I don't think you could leave the kingdom without my knowledge. You will do well to remember your place, Clover. And next time, keep your spawns away from our meetings, or it will be you next time." She looked over her shoulder at him and gave him a wicked smile. "You and the rest of your family."

Clover stood there and shook, unable to move or say anything.

"F-f-forgive me, my princess."

"See that it doesn't happen again," said Celestia, leaving.

The Princess was gone, and Clover collapsed onto his knees and cried.

"Dad? What's wrong?" asked Clarity, not sure of what happened.

He looked at her and gave her a big hug.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I should've told you not to eavesdrop, and you wouldn't have fallen. I'm sorry. Please, please, forgive me."

"What's wrong?" asked Clarity, scared and hugging her father. She could feel his tears landing on her. "Why are you crying? I don't understand."

Her father couldn't answer her and could weep over what the Princess had forced him to do.

A day later

Clarity was in bed and was very ill. Her skin was burning hot and sweating badly, and it was tough for her to breathe. She wasn't allowed to visit a hospital; instead, her father brought in his research group and studied her. She could feel her horn burning the most and let out purple sparks. Her magic was killing her, and she couldn't focus or cast her spell. Her head hurt, and her breathing was getting more challenging with each passing second. She looked at the shadow figures, all dressed in protective gear. She closed her eyes and opened them to see she was somewhere else in a white room.

"Clover, the testing is done. The prototype is a failure. It just creates an allergy to magic. For older ponies and creatures, it won't affect them at all, but the young and small will have a severe reaction and will die if they use magic too often."

"No," whispers Clover, not because it failed but because the Princess will still use it, damning many young children in the name of war. "If it's a failure, I'll take full blame and write the report. Thank you all for the work you have done."

"Thank you, sir," they all said, leaving.

Once alone, Clover took a deep breath, looking at his sick daughter.

"My sweet daughter. I'll give you all the care you'll ever need. You will never suffer again. I promise. I'll even create a cure for your illness. I'll give you my world. I swear it." He left the room and headed off to write his reports.

Clarity's life over the next few years was different as she lived with her never-ending allergy to her own and others' magic; it didn't even need to be cast. As long as a magic user is nearby, she becomes even sicker. She could never go out in public. She could barely leave her home and was only inside the mansion grounds. Her family could only see her, and even her parents could only stay in a room for a few minutes before she would get too sick and need to leave for her health. Tutors homeschooled her, and her parents bought her books. She loved reading, learning, and being a bookworm. She would read anything. Books, magazines, comics, anything. But even though it was a harsh life for her, she also loved it. Ponies and other creatures were so kind to her because she was so sick and would always give her things or treat her with the utmost respect in letters. Her family and the staff were her only company. She was happy and didn't mind. Her dad had promised her a cure, and she was excited to get better, but at the same time, she hoped she could stay this way for just a little longer. Just a little more. Just a bit.

Three years later

Clarity rang a bell, and two maids entered the room—no unicorns, as they weren't allowed in the mansion or near her. All the unicorns were fired. They were all earth and pegasus ponies.

"Miss, can we assist you with anything?" asks a maid.

"Yes, please. I would like the daily news and some tea." She coughed and hacked, covering her mouth.

The maid went and got a newspaper and poured some tea, handing both to Clarity.

"Here, miss. The Daily Equestrian, fresh off the press. Oh, and a letter."

"Letter?" Clarity looked at it and opened it. It was from her future husband, Redblood, as their family has planned their marriage since birth, and Redblood is only a few years older than her. The letter was about his love for her and never giving up on her; he had not fallen in love with another mare and believed his father-in-law would find a cure. The maids pulled in a giant vase filled with flowers and put it down.

"Miss, what do you think of the flowers?" asks a maid.

"They're...lovely..." Clarity couldn't hold back her coughing and started to hack. She covered her mouth, but she could taste the iron, and when she looked, her hoof was covered in blood. She coughed and coughed.

"Miss!? What's wrong!?" said the maids, scared and running out of the room, screaming for help.

Clarity felt weak and fell from her bed and on the floor, coughing. Her lungs were filled with blood, and she couldn't breathe. She covered her mouth, pulled back, and saw her white fur covered in her blood. Her vision was starting to blur, and she could see a figure of her father.

"Clarity. Sweetie. I'm sorry." His voice echoes in her head. "I'm so sorry."

Present time

Rarity was listening to the whole story, looking sad but shocked, hearing how Celestia caused her suffering.
"My word, you poor thing. No wonder you're not a fan of her."

"Yeah, but don't worry, the next part will make you happy," smiled Clarity.

"How can it?"

Clarity closed her eyes and held her chest. "Generosity. I saw the purest form of it ever! It's something you will love, Rarity."

Clarity told the story.

Two years later

"Clarity, please don't cry," her mother said, sitting next to her bed and holding her hoof.

"Why!? Why would he do that?" sobbed Clarity, not believing the news. "He said we would always be together. He said that no matter what. Even after you and your father told us about the arranged marriage,"

"He's just confused and young. He didn't want to marry you when he's old enough," said her mother, rubbing her hoof. "I'm sorry, sweetie. Please forgive him. Please, for me and your father."

Clarity didn't care and cried into her pillow.

"It's alright, dear. Just let it out," said her mother, leaving the room, but she heard her daughter asking her about her father.

"Where's dad? I haven't seen it since that day when I had a bad attack. Why hasn't he visited me?"

Her mother looked at her and didn't answer; she just left the room.

Charity returns crying into her pillow, as she thinks not only about her love walking out of her life but also about her father, who has never seen her for the last two years. Not once. He hasn't even checked on her. She felt like he was punishing her.
That day, her world changed. She wasn't sure how, but something was wrong, and she could feel it.

One day, during the night, she got out of bed and weakly headed to her parent's room. Peeking inside and seeing her mother sleeping but not seeing her father or his things was not a sign that he had been there for a long time. She left the room and checked his study; she saw it was empty and dusty. She went and checked every room in the mansion until she checked the basement and saw a dim light. She peeked inside and saw him in poor health, with bags under his eyes and a skinny body. She could smell the scent of someone who hadn't bathed in the air and the sound of metal tools and machines working.

"Dad? Is that you?" whispered Clarity, feeling cold.

Her father looked at her, saw her, and got pale.

"Dear, what are you doing here? It's late, and you should be in bed."

"Father, are you sick? Why aren't you eating or sleeping?"

"It's nothing. I'm just busy with work. I've been trying to find a cure."

"For my illness?"

Her father looked away, not saying anything.

"I have been working day and night to find a cure. I need to find a cure. I made you a promise. I can't go back on it." He looked at her, walked up to her, and held her cheeks, seeing her getting sick slowly because of his magic. "I'll gladly give you my world. Take all of it, my love. You are worth it."


"Please, just...leave. You can't be down here. It's too dangerous for you."

"But, Dad. I love you and want to see you."

"And I love you, sweetheart. Please leave. Leave me be. Forget about me and go upstairs." He pushed her out and shut the door, locking it.

"But, Dad, wait. Let me help."

"Go back to bed, dear. Please, just leave me be. Go. Go now."


"GO!" shouted her father.

Clarity was crying, hearing her father act like that, and leaving the basement and returning to her room.
A few months later. Her mother left, and soon, the staff started to quit. Her father's job with the Princess ended when the Final Harmony project started. Her rich life was slowly ending, and she could see the signs. Her food was becoming less and less, her clothes were slowly disappearing, and her bedroom was empty as things needed to be sold. She was starting to see the cracks and dirt in the mansion. She knew her father was broke, and her mother left him, but she wasn't sure why. She didn't leave a note. All she did was pack her bags and leave. Her father had locked himself in the basement and was refusing any visits. Clarity was slowly losing everything and was forced to wear cheap clothing, not caring anymore, and could see the outside world slowly coming in. She started to beg for money, started to become thin, wearing dirty clothing, and was losing her health even more. Her fur had patches, and her once bright, long purple mane went dim and started to fall out, leaving her hair very short. Soon, she visited her father in the basement. She was talking to him behind the door, begging him to stop his experiments and spend time with her, begging him to leave and have an everyday life with her, and telling him about the state of the house and her mother.


She opened the door and could see how everything was dark, as the lights were off. She used her magic to light the room, but it caused her to become sick. That's when she saw her father. Sitting on the chair, dead. She shut off the magic and did not even cry. The only thing she said was...

"My father truly gave his life. He gave his life to find a cure for me. The greatest generosity a father could do."
Rarity is stunned by the story and doesn't know what to say. Even before she could say anything, Charity spoke.
"Which is why I gave him my generosity. I buried him and left my home. I had to suffer for what I did—the pain I caused him and my family. I had to give it back to them. I had to make it right. I lived on the streets, sleeping in the cold and not eating much, and if I did, it was trash. I was finally giving back their generosity by suffering like that. That's my generosity to my family."

Rarity was speechless and felt her heart broken.

"I can't believe it. You did that? That's not generosity! That's self-harm. It's not your fault what-" But before she could finish, Charity shouted that it was her fault. If she never eavesdropped, her father wouldn't have had to suffer.

"I should've never eavesdropped. I should've stayed away. This is my fault. It's all my fault. I deserve the punishment. I have to live through the pain and suffering. I deserve it. It's mine."

"No, it's not!" shouted Rarity, shocking her copy. "You didn't ask for that. It wasn't your fault. How dare you say it is?"


"But nothing. Your father didn't want this. He didn't want you to suffer. He didn't want you to hurt."

"But he-"

"Because he didn't want you to live like this." Rarity walked over to her and held her hoof for the first time. "You should've never done that. You should've never punished yourself like that. You don't deserve to suffer. You should've lived a wonderful life, been loved, and had a happy life. Making yourself suffer isn't giving back; it isn't generosity. You don't deserve it. You don't deserve to live like that."

"B-b-but...why? Why shouldn't I? It's what I deserve. I deserve it. Like the Princess told me when she came looking for me!"


"She was looking for me, wanting me to suffer as I should. I told her what I was doing and said that was the most generosity I could give. That joining the Final Harmony project as a test subject would be a great gesture to the kingdom, her, and my father, so I did."

Charity was on the testing table, tied down and coughing a ton, as the room was filled with unicorns dressed in mage robes. She could see Celestia looming over her and them.

"With the failed bioweapon your father made and the fusing with the element of kindness failing, I need to try something new. Why not use both bioweapons? Make a perfect weapon."

"N-no. This will kill her," said the royal scientist.

"It doesn't matter. If it works, we'll have the greatest weapon; if not, we still have four more elements and subjects to use."


Celestia glared at her and ordered her and the others to do it. They all listened, and the head scientist removed the element of generosity. It slowly glowed brightly as it slowly reached Charity's chest with a bright flash.

"This pain...I deserve it." was her last word as her body ripped apart and her mind burned away.

"They gave me generosity by ending my life," sobbed Charity. "It was a great gift and one I will treasure."
Rarity didn't say anything and held her.

"Please, no. Please tell me it's not true. I'm so sorry." She was crying and holding her tightly; her heart was breaking, and her body was shaking.

"Please don't cry. You have done nothing wrong. You've been the greatest thing I've ever seen through Braver's eyes. The generosity she has is all thanks to you. You showed her the true form of generosity. You are the only one who can show her how to be generous. I'm just a memory. A ghost of a sad story."

Rarity leans back, still crying, "You are her, aren't you?" Charity tried to act dumb, but Rarity knew.

"When you said you deserved the pain and suffering, Hurting yourself, and that's when I knew it. You are Braver or a part of her. I'm right, aren't I?"

Charity didn't say anything, but her look told Rarity the truth.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why keep it a secret?"

"Because I'm not just part of Braver but also Blitz. When they are given something, they believe they don't deserve it. Giving it all up to someone else. They shouldn't have to suffer for-"

"Their past, right? What happened to them?"

Charity nodded and kept listening to Rarity.

"They feel that way, and I don't know much about Blitz, but if she's like her sister, then both are like that, giving up their happiness to others. They are very selfless, aren't they? Not caring about their own needs but the others."
Charity nodded, and Rarity sighed.

"But you are their generosity made real. Even if they feel like that, I have seen it in Braver. She always helps others, no matter what. Even if the world hates her, she doesn't care. She would gladly listen to anyone and anything. Giving them a chance, even if it means hurting herself, That's her true form of generosity. Someone who saw it first hoof and ensured it didn't go bad. Making sure there's hope for it. For her. So avoid repeating the same mistake you made. Right? You don't want them to suffer and just keep giving away more of themselves, to the point where they would lose themselves, am I right? Just like your father."

Charity didn't move but nodded.

"Then thank you. Thank you for watching over them. Blitz and my dear little Braver." Rarity held Charity close, her horn glowing. "Let me thank you."

Charity was taken aback as she saw Rarity's memories as she watched Braver grow up and the generosity she gave to her friends and to others. She saw Braver trying to give away a ton of herself but always stopping and seeing the good she does, and it returned to her in spades.

"Braver is such a sweetheart, isn't she?" asked Rarity, making her counterpart laugh.

"Yes. She is."

"That's true generosity—giving to others and giving back to yourself. Never take more than give. If you take too much, then it will only make you weak. If you hardly take, you are no different from a greedy fool. Bal: That's what it means. Right? To balance the two. To be strong and to be weak. That's the spark I saw in her and you."
Rarity let her go and smiled. She was causing Charity to cry heavily.

"Sometimes I feel like I wasn't ever meant to eavesdrop like my story wasn't meant to ever go down that path."

"That's not true, dear. We all have our paths and choices. It was your choice to follow. Just like me."

She shook her head. "No, someone took the pen away from me and wrote the ending I was never supposed to have—but with you and Rachel in the twin's lives. Keep watching over them; make sure they don't give themselves away too much like my father or believe they should return the generosity by hurting themselves because of their past. Your generosity sparks such a spark not only among them but also among others. Keep that spark alive for them. Even she needs to remember that and be free like them. She needs that happy ending, too."

Rarity nodded, not fully understanding what she talked about in that last part. She looked at her and saw her slowly fading and becoming another version of herself. Charity was now wearing a light brown trench coat and a long purple scarf that matched her mane, as it looked healthier and had the same shade of purple as Rarity. Rarity could only smile, as she knew this was Charity's actual form. Where would the story go if she never died at that table and meeting...

"Had I met Rainbow Sky, could I have changed the story? Changed my or her fate?" asked Charity, looking at her new form. "Maybe things would've changed. Maybe things could've been different. That's the story I wish had happened."

Rarity smiled and could only hold her.
"Same. Everyone deserves a happy ending. Even if we can't be with the ones to write it, Pass it on. To others, even the ones who think they don't deserve it, like the twins. Make sure their story goes well. Right, my dear Charity?"

Charity chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. I would do that, but please, darling, call me Remedy. Charity was just a pet name my parents gave me. My real name is Remedy."

"Remedy, huh? I love it. It matches your coat and scarf. They look nice."

Remedy smiled, and the two held each other until Remedy finally let go and peeked out the window.

"They're gone. We can move now." She said she was coughing a bit, but not as bad. "Let's hurry and find the crystal heart. We're good at finding gems, no?" She smirked, making Rarity smirk back.

"Finding a gem in the dark isn't that hard. It just takes a certain eye."

The two laughed, left the room, and headed to the castle. Rarity knows the heart won't be under the palace like before. She could sense it. It was moved and hidden somewhere. That's why they had to be sneaky and avoid the guards. They didn't have any weapons but their magic. They had to use it wisely and quickly. They hurried along, but Remedy fell to the ground in pain. Rarity pulled her into the alley and helped her.

"Are you okay? Do you need rest?" but that's when Rarity could see it; Remedy's body is slowly disappearing. "What's going on?"

Remedy had the most scared and worried look on her face.

"It's the twins. One of them...is..." she started to cry. "It's getting killed."

"What?!? How can you tell?"

"Our scattered core was combined as one and fused with her. The twins are part of us, and we're a part of them. If one dies, then the other dies as well. If one is dying, then the other is dying as well. We can feel what they feel and what's happening. I can sense it. One of them is dying."

"W-who is it? Blitz or Braver?"

Remedy tried to answer, but she started coughing, making Rarity hold her and unsure what to do.

"Remedy! Snap out of it!"

Remedy stopped coughing, but she was out of it.

"Save them. Save the spark. Don't let it fade away. Let her have a happy life, too."

"What? Remedy, are you okay? What's wrong? Remedy?!? REMEDY!!!"

Remedy didn't say anything and fell unconscious, scaring Rarity.

Inside the castle, Dashie, in her human form, weakly walked back down to the treasure vault room and leaned on the wall, slowly losing her senses and feeling weak. Her element healing her burns made her feel weak and tired, and she could only hold herself up. She had to keep going and help Blitz and the others. She can't give up now. She needed to get to the mirror, but she saw another anthro in front of it. She was talking to someone. Before she could see who it was, she felt her jacket being pulled, and she went flying out of the entrance and saw Sunfall standing in front of her with her flames blazing and her eyes filled with rage.

"Hello again. Dashie."

Dashie could only groan and could not stand up, which didn't bother Sunfall as she walked closer to her and picked her up.

"So eager to see your daughter's death? Then let's watch together, shall we?" She raised her hand, and the twisted mirror came to her. She dragged Dashie by her hair and the mirror up the stairs. "Let's show Equestria and your universe what kind of people your daughter and her sister are, shall we? Let the world see the truth about them and finally set their stories right. Back on that path to the end."

Nothing but laughter could be heard from within the castle as the sky started to form a magical mirror. A giant prism window was in Dashie and Twilah's hometown, and there were fires and chaos as people ran and screamed. The sky was red and full of magical energy.

End of ch. 18

Author's Note:

3rd rewrite but still happy about it. might redo this chapter in the future.

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