• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

  • ...

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Chapter 23: Different Paths And Meetings

Pain—nothing but pain. She could only feel pain in her whole body as her blood-covered eyes dripped more and more blood.


She looked down to see a violet-skinned young teenage girl resting on her lap, hurt but smiling at her as she reached out and held her cheeks, caring-like.

"No one deserves a sad fate, no matter who it is. Everyone deserves a happy ending. Even you...Dawn!"

She could hear the girl's voice echoing in her head.

"No matter how cruel, No one is ever truly bad. Everyone can be given a second chance! You have to listen to their story and try to understand. I can't give you a happy ending. But I can give you the chance to write your ending. Write a story where you can be happy and have a wonderful life, not alone and scared."

Dawn's bloody face made it look like she was crying bloody tears. She put her battle glove hands on the girl's cheeks as well and leaned in to kiss her forehead as her tears mixed with her blood and dripped on the girl's face.

"No matter who it is, Everyone deserves a happy ending. Everyone!"

The violet-skinned girl cleared Dawn's face of blood and kissed her on the lips, surprising her.

The girl broke the kiss. "You have been through so much, I know. But please try to find a reason to keep going for yourself and me. You're not alone. You'll never be. I'll always be there for you. I'll always save you! Because you are my Dawn! I love you!"

Dawn started to cry heavily, letting her tears fall.

"I...love you too, you big dork. I'm sorry for being cruel, hurting everyone, and making everyone suffer. Please don't forgive me. For...what I did to you..."

The girl smiled and sat up, revealing they were in an empty warehouse and a ton of gang members beaten all around them. The girl touched Dawn's cheek and kissed her again, but Dawn wrapped her arms around her this time. She did not want to let her go.

"There's nothing to forgive. You're not a monster. Not to me. You're kind and caring. Like a morning sun covering the land."

"No. I'm a demon," answered Dawn in a cold tone, her chest starting to bleed rainbow colors.

The girl wrapped her arms around Dawn, holding each other with their foreheads touching each other.

"No. You're a beautiful and loving girl. And you'll always be. No matter what happens, Even if you have to face your inner demon, I'll always save you." The room started to fade and was replaced with dead black trees. "Hold on to that spark—that spark of hope you have. It's what makes you move forward."

"What do I move forward with, too?"

"Yourself. You can never change your past, but you can shape your future. And I know it'll be a beautiful one. I saw it—you are a wonderful mother to 'her'! Just wait for me."

"Wait! You're leaving?!"

"It's ok. You have to wake up and face your nightmare, your truth."


"Yes. I'll be there, remember. I'm your Dawn, and I'll always save you."


The girl let her go, and Dawn's hole in her chest blasted out rainbow slime and covered the girl, making her a black slime monster, bleeding out rainbow colors from its mouth.

"It's okay. I'm always here; just remember. Remember that I'll always be there for you," said the monster as it started to return to her chest.


"Remember. Your Dawn and your spark will save you, no matter what."


Dawn watched as the creature was gone within her bleeding chest hole, and she looked back up and could see her world in flames as she destroyed her universe and stood over the mountain of bodies. She dropped to her knees, and her sobbing slowly became mad laughter as her body turned pure black and her pink leather jacket became dark and black like her skin.
Behind her, watching all this, was Luster Dawn. Crying...

Rainbow Dawn opened her eyes, and she could see the white Alicorn with a brown mane and the purple anthro-looking human/pony-looking girl. For some odd reason, she was crying and touching her cheek. She even put her long white jacket over her like a blanket.

"She'll pay for what she did to you, I swear it. She took away your happy ending and twisted it to her liking. I'll change that and give you the life you deserve, no matter the cost." whispered the white-haired girl, removing her hand from Dawn's cheek and taking her jacket back, but Rainbow Dawn quickly grabbed her hand, crying. She wanted to ask her something, as she reminded her of someone.

"I say she deserves this fate," said an older female voice with a bit of anger. She could see it came from behind the girl, making Rainbow Dawn filled with so much rage, as she could see the other version of herself, wearing all pink while her pink leather jacket glowed with a bright glow. Who beat her ass, standing there with her arms crossed. "Stupid girl—weak and lost. She deserves this fate, not a second chance."

Rainbow Dawn looked up at the girl, asking her silently not to leave her. She didn't want to be alone and scared again.
Within Rainbow Dawn, Luster Dawn could only nod and pull the white coat closer, covering her up more.
The girl could only frown and wanted to stay, but Pink Dawn quickly walked over, pulled the girl away, and removed the white jacket.

"Let her go, you weak piece of trash. You can't have her." She raised her hand into the air, making a fist, ready to hammer it down, but the girl stood before her and shielded Rainbow Dawn with her arms.

"STOP IT! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!?!" cried the girl. "You two are the same person. What did she ever do to you to make you so mad?! Why can't you understand her? She's yo-"

"NO! She's not me!" She lowered her fist and looked at it.

"I would never fall this far! Not when she had 'her' in her life for much longer than me. A stupid girl wasted her life because she wasn't strong enough. I'm stronger! I would have protected 'her'! I would have saved her!" Her fist started to shake as she began to cry. "I should have been there. I should have stopped it. It's my fault if I didn't chase after that stupid ice cream truck and stay with her."

Pink Dawn closed her eyes but quickly opened them, feeling the girl's purple hands on her fist.

"You can't let it go, can't you? It was never your fault. You had no control over what happened."

Pink Dawn fell to her knees, grabbing the girl's pink shirt, crying, and yelling at her. "I'M SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER! She was my whole world! MY EVERYTHING!" she cried in the girl's shirt. "So why? Why don't you hate me? You never blamed me. Why?" She looked over to her counterpart. "We both failed in protecting our reason for living... We let her die when we could have saved her."

The girl held Pink Dawn's head, stroking her head. "But I don't blame you. It wasn't your fault. You had no idea it was going to happen."

Pink Dawn hugged the girl, crying hard. "...I'm sorry! I know you hate me; I can tell. You're just like her. She was always hiding her feelings, even when it hurt her. Please, I know what she would want. Hate me..."

The girl shook her, kneeled to her, and touched her cheek.

"I'm not her. I'll never be her, no matter how much I want to be... I'm just a cheap replacement, a shadow, a fake. I'm not her; I can't be her, but I can carry her spark and message. I don't hate you, and I never will. She will never hate you too; she loved you so much."

Pink Dawn looked into her eyes and could see the same spark within the girl's eyes.

"I don't hate you. I can't. We can't hate ourselves. We have to accept who we are. She would have wanted us to stop blaming ourselves and move forward toward the true ending. She would have wanted us to live, not let this fate consume us. I'll save everyone and be free from 'her' writing. No one deserves a sad fate, no matter who it is. Everyone deserves a happy ending. Screw fate! It doesn't control anyone's destiny! If it wants to, it will have to go through me." The girl pointed her thumb to herself and her white star cutie mark as it glowed brightly. She then gave a thumbs up.

Pink Dawn closed her eyes, stood up, and returned the girl the white jacket, petting her head.
"You are wrong. You are here; you carry her spirit. The best parts of her. Her spirit still lives on and will always protect everyone."

The girl sighed and shook her head as she put her jacket back on. The white Alicorn walked up to them.

"You need to move on. You are running out of time. I'll head out and meet 'her' if this timeline is safe from 'her' and her saviors. Go, my student."

The girl nodded, headed off, and disappeared into prism-glitching effects, leaving the three alone.

Rainbow Dawn couldn't stand it anymore, seeing 'herself walking away with the Alicorn. She wanted to call her out and ask her name and how she got here. She answered her.

"What you see is what you get." She looked away, seeing the Alicorn opening a rift and entering it.

Rainbow Dawn tried to stand but fell to the Prime universe tree roots. She's screaming and asking where she's going.

"I'm off to keep my second promise to her." She turned back to her and smiled. "To my daughter." She quickly dashed through the rift, and it closed. She was leaving Rainbow Dawn all alone.

"Daughter?" asked Rainbow Dawn, weakly laying on a root of the tree and closing her eyes, going back to sleep.

Twilight opened her eyes and rubbed them, as she had been up all night making the device with Asteria.
"I think we're finished?"

"Yeah," yawned Asteria, also tired.

"We have been working on it non-stop for a day and a half. Do you think your government will even like this? Now that I think about it, it's a pretty useless device."

Asteria rubbed her eyes and looked at the device, a metal wing, boots, and gloves, all connected to the chest plate machine of the wings.

"Nonsense! You recreated the pegasus 'magic' of standing on clouds and moving them. Combining Twilah Wing prototypes, anyone wearing this can be a Pegasi now. It can travel the skies, help the public with storms, etc."

"Yeah, but...with Twilah watches, traveling the skies will be pointless? And I saw Twilah blue parts for weather removal. This device is beyond pointless."

Asteria looked at the device, picked up the chest plate, and put it on with the rest of it. With Twilight's help, she activated the device, making her boots glow. The wings lifted her off the ground, letting her fly.

"I still like it, and the government will too. They can sell it as a fun device!"

Twilight just smiled, not believing her.

"So...with this out of the way, how will you stop this 'Rainbow Dawn' person? She sounds very dangerous."

Asteria flew over to Twilight, stopping herself from floating, turning off the device, and sitting beside her, crossing her legs.

"It's going to be very difficult. I can't use my magic while in this human form. If only there were a way to turn back, but going through your world's history, magic isn't real. Just fantasy and legends."

"Yeah. It's a shame; I always dreamed of being a wizard as a kid."

Twilight giggled and stood up, cracking her back.

"I should return home since we're done here." She helped Asteria out of the device and set it on the table. "I wish your government could help, but your weapons will be useless against magic. I can't risk anyone's life in this. We're on our own in this."

Asteria sighed, removing her glasses and cleaning them.

"Then you shouldn't get Blitz friends involved. They aren't warriors; they are just kids. You are risking their lives."

Twilight was silent as she knew Asteria was right. She turned to her.

"It's their choice. If they want to help, I'll be there with them and keep them safe."

"You can't save everyone, Twilight. This isn't a storybook or something like that in your world. The power of friendship doesn't save the day here. Sometimes, people have to be the hero by losing their lives. You are the leader in your universe, aren't you? Then act like it." She put her glasses back on. "Be like a real mother as well. Tell Blitz that her friends can't be involved."

Twilight gave a big sigh and closed her eyes, thinking.
"Tell them then, but Blitz won't be happy. She'll be upset with me."

"She's not your daughter," Asteria said, looking at the device. You can't treat her like one."


"Twilight, Blitz isn't yours or Dash's child; she's Twilah's and Dashie's daughter. Not yours. You aren't her mother."

"But I-"

"No buts!" said Asteria, turning to her and shaking her head.

Twilight closed her mouth, looking at the floor.

"You're right..."

Asteria nodded, happy that Twilight agreed with her.
"Thank you for understanding. Now, go. Get some rest. Oh, before you go." She looked up. "Girls! Be a doll, copy this device, and give her the copy." She could see the two android Alicorns leaping down and scanning the device, and their horns shot out tiny nanomachines and copied the device perfectly. Twilight had her mouth wide open at the sight.

"That's a very cool and useful feature..." she started to think of something.

"It's convenient," smiled Asteria.

After the androids finished, they gave Twilight a copy, and she thanked the two and teleported home. Leaving Asteria alone, she sat at her desk and looked at her family photo, seeing her daughters smiling at the camera when they were still teenagers and tied for prom queen.

I should visit my kids after the meeting. See how they are doing? I did miss my daughter's wedding...no, no. I have a job to do. Besides..." She pushed her photo to the side and started working on the computer. "They don't want to see me anyway. After everything I did." The only thing that could be heard was her typing away on the keyboard as the android Alicorns walked up to her, nuzzling her.

Twilight found herself back home and could hear someone crying in the kitchen. She slowly walked and saw a young lady petting her daughter's head. Dash looked stunned but was rubbing and caring towards their daughter, which made Twi smile as she eavesdropped on their conversation.

"I can see why you're called Braver. Such a brave girl you are. The brave things you did for your friends and all those ponies and creatures you helped over the years are admirable. You are the twin to Blitz," replied Tempesta, pulling her hand back and wiping her tears.

Braver blushed, thanked her for the kind words, and rubbed her eyes.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to break down a few times. I thought I was over what happened."

Tempesta shook her head.
"There's nothing wrong with that. I know how it feels. Thinking about having a breakdown caused by a trigger makes you a failure or a burden to others when, in reality, it doesn't. What matters is that you get up, push through the negative feelings, and keep going. You don't give up."

Braver smiled and let her go, and they started to talk. Dash could only watch and be impressed by how strong her daughter had become in such a short time. However, she felt like someone was watching them and turned around to see Twilight waving at her to come to her.

Dash got up and followed her wife, who was holding a weird box, and went to the dining room, far away from the kitchen, so as not to be heard. Twi set the box on the table and asked what was going on—who was the young lady in the kitchen? Dash explains everything, and Twilight is caught up in everything, sitting down and beating herself up for not being there for Blitz.

"I should have been here for her, but I wasn't. I was working away...huh?" Twilight suddenly realized this was what Twilah must have felt, not being there for Blitz or Dashie. "Oh, Twilah, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry."

Dash comforts her by hugging, rubbing her back, and telling her she's here now.

"I have something to show you. I met up with Asteria, Celestia, and Luna's mother in this universe, and she helped me build this device. It's not real, but at least it's something."

Dash was about to look inside the box, but they could hear someone entering from the front door. It was Blitz, turning back to human form, showboating as Sunset was utterly worn out from running.

"And that's how it's done! You almost had me, Sunny." Blitz patted her back, helping her stand up.

Sunset gave her a glare and a slight blush as she leaned on her. "Almost? Fuck off! You beat me with your Pegasus speed, and you only slowed down as you saw me struggling to catch up! How is that fair?!"

"Not my fault; I was just being myself." She let her go and slapped her butt. "YEAH! SUCK IT! I'M THE FASTEST HUMAN ON EARTH!"

Sunset could only roll her eyes and take notice of Dash and Twilight, the latter of the two shaking her head.
"Just like Dash...oh yeah, Blitz."

Blitz stopped dancing and turned to Twilight, who was going to ask her how the job was, but Twilight cut her off and told her and Sunset to sit down. They sat down and listened to Twilight talk about not letting her friends help anymore, as it was too dangerous, but Sunset wasn't happy about that, asking if it was a joke.

"But I want to help. You can't expect me to sit around and do nothing, right?"

Twilight gave her a sad look while playing with her fingers. "Sorry, Sunset, I know you want to help, but this is too dangerous. I shouldn't have allowed this from the start."

Sunset leaned back in her chair, not believing this, and turned towards Dash, looking for help. Dash shrugged.
"I agree with Twilight. This is too dangerous for kids. Besides, I remember Dashie telling me how humans aren't like my universe races, where we can take a beating and be fine, but you humans are squishy and fragile. Even more so for teens. So no. Sorry kiddo, no can do."

Sunset glared at Dash, but she felt Blitz's hand on her shoulder, turning to her.
"They're right, but we wouldn't have you guys in the battle. They are just thinking up ideas and nothing more. You weren't going to fight. Just help plan, and that's it."

Sunset and the others were caught off guard, not realizing Blitz had already thought about it.

"You didn't want us to help you take down that crazy version of Lucy!? I thought I was going to help you fight her!" She stood up quickly, knocking the chair to the floor. "I'm not letting you fight alone! I can fi-"

"You only fought against humans, Sunny. This evil Dawn is like me and my sister in strength. You'll be killed within a few seconds. I'm sorry, but I'm not letting you or the others get hurt in all this. That's why I said I would help come up with ideas. I said nothing about fighting a battle."

"Blitz is right. It's too dangerous. So please, Sunset, don't push this anymore." Twilight begged, giving her a pleading look, but she could see Blitz also giving her the same sad smile. "Blitz?"

"This goes with the same for you two, Twilight and Dash. No helping with the fight. I need to do this with my sister and no one else."

"What!?" shouted Twilight and Dash simultaneously, both confused and upset.

"But why? Why not let us help, Blitz?" Twilight asked.

"Because you two are like that. Humans now than in their normal forms. You can easily be killed now, just like any human. It's better this way."

"Bu-," but before Twilight could say anything, she could see Braver and Tempesta walking into the room and standing behind Blitz. "Sweetie?"

Braver placed her hand on Blitz's shoulder and gave her mom the same look. "It's like Blitz said; you can get killed. We've been planning for the few nights since we've been here and couldn't have you two in this battle. We didn't want to tell you until the day it happened. We know you're going to try to talk us out of it. Right Blitz?"

Blitz didn't answer, just nodding.

"But what about you and Lucy?! You two can't just protect her while fighting!" Sunset asked.

Braver turned to her. "That's where Tempesta and I come in. Tempesta is a soldier, so she can keep Lucy safe, and I'll be with them."

Dash stood up, realizing something. "Wait, then that means Blitz will be fighting alone!?" she shouted, her eyes wide with fear and worry.

Blitz finally spoke. "Yes. I'm sorry, Twilight and Dash, but this is the only way if we don't develop something."


"I understand, Blitz," interrupted Tempesta.

Everyone turned to her. She didn't look at anyone.

"I have been talking with Blitz and Braver since last night. This is the only way unless we devise a better plan for defeating her without truly fighting her, but there's no other way right now. I'll protect Lucy with Braver while Blitz will handle the evil Dawn."

Braver spoke with a bit of fear in her voice. "If Blitz gets defeated, I'll step in and fight evil Dawn without holding back, even though our Dawn is still in there." Everyone could see she was struggling to finish her words as tears threatened to fall. "I'll still kill evil Dawn if it means saving the multiverse. No matter how much I love Dawn, one life shouldn't outweigh trillions of lives."

No one knew what to say as silence took over the room...until Blitz broke it.

"So, this is the only plan we have until someone comes up with a better one, and if no one does, then this is it. If anyone has a problem, then speak up."

"No," everyone but Twilight, Dash, and Sunset answered.

Twilight and Dash shook their heads, and Sunset kicked the chair.

"You can't, Blitz! Least try my idea at least!" said Sunset, looking at her with fear and worry. "You just need to talk to Lucy, though. Like I said, she needs to know everything first."

Blitz shut her eyes to think about it for a few seconds before opening her eyes and looking at her.
"Fine. Tomorrow, I'll tell her everything. I need to be mentally prepared first. This is a lot to think about, especially with everything that happened. I don't want to break down in front of her." She put her elbows on the table and her hands on her head. "I hate this so much. I wish it were a nightmare, and I'd wake up in my room. I can't believe I'm saying this, but..." she turned to her sister. "I wish that prism window never showed up to us. All this started because of it."

Braver hugged her sister from behind, all caring-like. "But we would never have seen each other again, so don't beat yourself over it, Blitz."

Blitz leaned against her sister. "You're right. I'm just tired, that's all. Maybe after all this is over, we should take a small vacation somewhere."

Braver slightly leans back, agreeing with her; like going to the beach or maybe even seeing another universe as a joke, Braver makes the two laugh. The others are quiet, fearing Blitz and Braver will fight alone if a better plan isn't found. Sunset has it worse, as her plan is their only one, and she is still determining if it will work.

"Okay, this is my plan..."

Lucy dropped the empty boxes to the ground and turned back. She was at the high school open field and could see booths and other church stuff for the fair that was being set up. She can see other church members helping out, as in a few days, the yearly summer festival will be happening, which the Church uses to raise money for the needy, homeless, and orphanages. She could see the food booth, and she saw her father helping set it up. She walked up to him and saw her mother supporting him. She could hear them talking about Blitz and her mothers, like always.

"Are those sinners coming like always?" her mother asked, annoyed and angry.

Her father nodded, upset. "Yes. It doesn't help that the witch has always sponsored this festival since their daughter befriended Lucy."

Lucy flinched at the sound of her name and looked away.

"Those sinners. I should give that bitch a piece of my mind. They need to stay away from her. I don't want our daughter to fall for Blitz. You see how she looks at her! Like a wolf eyeing a lamb! That's how she's eyeing our sweet daughter!"

Lucy flinched and felt like running, but her dad spoke up.

"I know. I know. But remember what the Lord says. We must forgive those who sin. I don't like this either, but we must show Blitz the ways of the Lord. At least we can save her from hell. Show her same-sex relations are wrong."

Lucy flinched harder and felt sick. Even more so, she has feelings for Blitz, and the thought of her having a girlfriend scares her. She wants to talk to someone about her sexuality—someone who isn't her parents. She loves them dearly but doesn't dare to speak up, and her parents will be furious at her. But there was another reason she felt sick.

"I told her she needs saving after what she did, but Sunny and Wilma said nothing bad happened, but I have a feeling that's a lie."

She walked away from the booth and headed to where she and her Sunset would race against Blitz...and always lose. It was the track field, and she was sitting down on the highest bench and looking out at the field, remembering those beautiful days.

"I still can't believe how different you were acting, and it's like... you're hiding a big secret... I want to find out and help you. I want to help Blitz."

"I think you can, sugar cube.

Lucy jumped with fear but noticed the voice was coming from below her and that AJ, the local apple farmer of the town, wasn't alone. The rest of the Blitz aunts were here.

"Really, darling, why didn't we do this above and not under here, with all the dirt and mud?" Rachel asked, wearing all white and standing on a white napkin. "My poor white heels; I just bought these yesterday. So annoying."

AJ tips her trucker hat at her annoying friend. "Sorry 'bout that, Rach, but we don't need people seeing us talking to Lucy here; you know these church folks. It's always a big gossip, even more so if they see the "witch" friends talking to a high schooler. Rumors will spread like wildfire, and we can't have that."

Rachel just rolled her eyes and fixed her big white hat. "Still, we could have met somewhere clean."

Penny skips her way towards Rachel and hops on her back.

"What's wrong with a little mud? AJ and Faith work outside, and they're fine. Besides, I like this little place. It's like our secret hideout."

"Not when it's muddy, Penny."

Penny pushed her off the napkin, making her stand in dry mud, causing her to shriek in horror. AJ covered her mouth in time and fought with the two, but Faith walked up to Lucy and cleared her throat.

"Anyway, sorry 'bout the little commotion."

Lucy shook her head. "It's okay, so...you want to tell me something, Faith?"

She nodded. "Yes, it's about Blitz. Listen to us; you are in dang-"

"Blitz said I need saving," whispered Lucy, causing Faith and the others to look at her. She asked if Blitz had told her everything, but she looked at them confused, only explaining what happened yesterday night.

"...poor lass has a lot on her plate, right? She must be stressed out to act like that," replied AJ, removing her hat and rubbing her head.

Faith turned back to Lucy. "Listen, Lucy, sweetie. We were going to explain everything to you, but I think it's best if you let Blitz explain everything to you. Trust her, please. She's worried about you because she..." but they could hear Lucy's parents calling for her before she could finish.

Penny pushed Faith and quickly spoke as she was on her. "Blitz is right; you do need saving! There's someone after you!"

Lucy felt fear, but her parents were still calling out to her. "Why is someone after me? Is Blitz in danger too?! Should I call the cops!? Or Rainbow Comet!?"

Rachel pushed Penny off Faith and glared at her.

"Listen, darling, we were going to explain everything, but the timing is off and..." Lucy could see the dread in Rachel's eyes as she finished her sentence. "You're in danger, darling. No one in this universe can protect you, but..."

All four looked up at her, and with a warm smile on their faces, they said, "Only Blitz and her sister can."

"LUCY! HONEY!" Lucy turned around and saw her mother walking towards the stands. "We're leaving. What are you doing?"

Lucy turned back and looked down, seeing the four women hiding in the darkness and hoping she wouldn't say anything.

"I'm just praying, mom. I'm hoping the fair will be good this year."

Her mom gave her a warm smile and gently rubbed her head as she came to her. She held her daughter's hand and walked away, but Lucy looked back and could see the four exiting from under the stands, quickly hoping the fence, heading to a nearby truck, and getting in, driving away.

"Mom? Why does the Church hate gay people?"

Her mom gave her a look. "They're sinners, honey. Sinners need saving, and the Lord can save them if they change their ways and ask for forgiveness."

"But...they seem happy and normal being gay."

Her mom sighed like she was annoyed. "It's because of the devil, Lucy. The devil is tricking them, and the only way to get them back is if the Lord saves them; if that doesn't work, they'll go to hell for their sins."

Lucy couldn't say anything else, so she followed her mom to their car and left the school parking lot. As they were heading home, her parents were talking among themselves, not seeing their daughter sending a text to someone.

Meanwhile, Brishen walked out of the burger shop and down the long, dark road until he walked into the woods and tossed the bag towards Wallflower, who was in her plant-like car.

"No pickles like you wanted."

Wallflower walked out of her car and opened the bag. She looked inside and could see her food in the bag.

"Thanks. I really hate pickles."

Brishen chuckled, taking a bite of his burger. The two ate their food and looked at the night sky, seeing the moon.

"So...where are we heading? I know the beach, but why?" asked Brishen, sipping his drink.

As she explained, Wallflower was using her plants to feed her like they were her arms.
"Remember the rumors of something living on the beach?"

Brishen thought for a second and remembered. "Yeah. The fishermen say they saw it. It's not a sea serpent, right?"

"Nope. Not a sea serpent." Wallflower looked at him as she finished eating, her vines wrapped around the empty bag, and she tossed it into her car. "It's not a person, but... magical. I don't know why or how I know this, but it's like someone is showing me images. Like a story. I can see it."

Wallflower closed her eyes, and she could see the ocean surface. A weird symbol appeared as a boat passed it, as a storm was happening, and she could see someone with rainbow hair looking out towards it.

"I see Blitz? But does she look like she is in her hybrid form because her skin is blue? It's a weird vision, but I can see it in the water."

Wallflower found herself on the ship, looking at the water surface and the symbol.

"Yes, this symbol! It's like it needs you, Brishen. We-"

"AH!" screamed the Blitz-looking girl, causing Wallflower to cry as well, realizing the girl could see her.

"WHO ARE YOU!? Wait, are you the evil equestrian magic I have been...huh?" The rainbow-haired girl could see Wallflower looking not only scared but also confused. "You okay? For an evil magical ghost being, you look...scared. And a bit pale."

Wallflower didn't answer, and the girl took a step towards her, causing Wallflower to move back, but her legs hit a deck table, causing her to fall, and the girl ran to her, grabbing her hand and helping her up.

"Whoa, are you okay!?" she looked at her, amazed she could hold a ghost's hand.

Wallflower pulled her arm away and ran to the edge of the boat. She saw the sea, and the symbol was gone. She then realized that this was not just a vision but...

"I jumped into another universe!? But how? I was talking to Brishen!" She said it aloud, not hearing the Blitz look-alike talking to her.

"Uhh, yeah. Are you sure you're okay? You're a bit pale, and-"

"Where am I?" Wallflower turned around and saw the girl looking at her, confused and frightened.

"Uh, on the Luxe Deluxe? Has the-"

"The expansive selection of activities, from swimming to petting zoos to all-you-can-eat buffets, can only be found on the Luxe Deluxe!? But that's in my universe as well. Thanks to Blitz's mom, only high school seniors can go on that for spring break."

"...universe?" The girl looked confused and scared, but then she looked beyond scared. "Wait, you're not the ship's ghost, are you?!"

Wallflower just blinked and was confused by the girl.

"Ghost of the ship? What? no Blitz?"

"Blitz? Who's Blitz? My name is Rainbow Dash!"

Wallflower couldn't believe it. She was seeing a teenage version of Blitz Mom from another universe—not Blitz as she thought.

"I don't believe this. You're a teenager of Blitz's mom, Dashiell...just blue? And having rainbow hair?"

The girl did a double look and couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"What are you talking about? I feel confused. Who's Blitz? I'm a mom!? WHAT!?"

Before Wallflower can explain more, they feel the boat rocking, not because of the storm but because of something else. They looked up and saw prism-glitching effects in the dark skies and the cracking of this reality.

"Oh boy, that's not good!" both said, looking beyond worried.

Meanwhile, the plant car is heading towards the beach, but Brishen looks super worried as he stares at Wallflower, whose eyes are glowing white and messing with the radio she created with the white horn she grew.

"Are you okay, Wallflower? You look much...glower now with that horn."

Wallflower found the station she was searching for, turned up the radio, and turned to him, smiling.

"Please call me Faust. Lauren Faust."

End of Chapter 23

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