• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 605 Views, 11 Comments

The Royal Three: Season Two - Kingstar008

The Yukon triplets are ready for anything that comes their way. Luckily for them, Equestria has a lot in store for them.

  • ...

The first night of heat season.

April 16 1010 A.G

Spring, the second-best season in Equestria.
Animals come out of hibernation and every unique biome in the country comes back to life in a beautiful array of colors.

But spring is also considered one of the one of craziest times of the year in and outside of Equestria. And it’s because spring is also known as “heat season.”

For my viewers who don’t know, “heat season” is a time of the year when most mare have an increase desire to mate. It can happen anytime of the year, but spring is when it’s most common.

For ponies that are single (like the majority of the main six) they usually take care of it themselves, get medication or a potion that suppress it so they can go on with their daily lives, or they can hook up with someone.

But if a mare is in a relationship, they become really clingy/overprotective, overly flirtatious and screwed their partners brains out to the point where they can’t walk afterwards.

Which is why Atlas gathered all of his guy friends, and Apollo for a very special meeting.

5:00 PM
Royal library lounge.

“Hello everypony thanks for coming here this evening.” Atlas said as every pony in the room took a seat.

“No problem.” Otto replied.

“So what’s going on?” Cyclone ask.

“I’m getting to that. Today is the first day of heat season and we all been noticing our mare friends are getting a bit more flirtatious than usual and sooner and or later they are going make sure that we are their play thing for the next few days.” He said, while remembering what happened last November.

“Instead of spending a day or two of trying to walking on non-functioning legs, how about we have a boys night that last until sunrise? So they can calm down a little bit.”

“So delaying the inevitable.” Apollo deadpanned.

“Pretty much. But if we let our girlfriends cool down a bit, we’ll have the higher chance of keeping our ability to walk.”

“That might work on other mares but you and Apollo are dating Alicorns. I don’t think they will ever calm down.” Connor said.

“You might be right, but it’s worth a shot.” Apollo said.

“This might be off-topic, but where is Artemis?” Cyclone mask

“He left an hour ago because he booked a hotel room in downtown, so he and Twilight can have a ‘romantic weekend’ together.” Atlas answered.

“…. Yeah, you’re not go to see him for a while.”

“We know.” Atlas and Apollo said.

“What are we going to do for the next 12 hours?”
Otto asked.

“Whatever the hell we want.” Atlas declared. “Except going to any popular bars. There’s going to be a lot of horny mares at those places.”

His friends agreed.

“Are we going now or later?” Apollo ask.

“Now, of course. The moon is going to rise soon and I don’t want to be kidnapped by Celestia yet. Now where do you guys want to go first?”

“How about go kart track?” Cyclone suggested.

“Tartarus yeah.” Otto said.

“I’m down for a few races.” Said Connor.

“Why the hell not.” Apollo said.

“Ok, go karts it is.” Atlas said before teleporting himself, his friends and Apollo away.

5:30 PM
Canterlot Crown Hotel.
Artemis POV.

“Bottle of champagne, check. Big comfy bed, check. Healing potions, check.”

He walked towards the nightstand on the left side of the bed.

“Last, but not least, a drawer full of condoms, check.” He said before closing it. “Looks like I’m ready for one wild weekend.”

With everything ready, Artemis decided to lie down on the bed and play on his phone until Twilight arrives.

For the past week Artemis has been making sure that the next three days will be perfect.

He booked a luxurious room in one of the best hotels in the city with a beautiful view and in the middle of downtown. So there’s plenty of entertainment and restaurants nearby.

But this weekend won’t be complete without his special bookworm.

*Knock, knock knock*

Speak of the devil.


Artemis walked towards the door and look through the peephole.

After seeing that it was Twilight on the other side and not a hotel employee, Artemis open the door.
Allowing Twilight to enter the room with her suitcase.

And immediately she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.

And I don’t mean a peck on the lips either.
Artemis was not expecting this at all, but he wasn’t complaining.

Moments later, the couple separated.

“I missed you.” Twilight purred.

“We saw each other last week, Twi.”

“I know, but I still missed you.” She said before standing on her tiptoes and giving him a kiss on the nose.

With her attention now off her stallion, Twilight looks around the room that they’re going to be sharing for the next three days.

“I still can’t believe that you organized all of this for us.”

“You should know me by now. I always get the best things for my girl. Do you want some champagne?”

“No thanks. How about we get more comfortable?” She unbuttoned her shirt and toss it to the side.

‘Well damn, I wasn’t expecting this to happen so soon.’

The 19-year-old unicorn slowly approached Artemis, swing her hips as she did so. She gently pushed him down on the bed and got on top of him.

“Before we go any further, can you please be gentle? This is my first time after all.” She blush.

“Don’t worry Twilight I will be very gentle.” Artemis said before giving Twilight a deep loving kiss as they both took off each other clothes.

And that is the cue for us to leave.

6:30 PM

After spending an hour and a half racing each other and other stallions at the go kart track, Atlas, Apollo and their friends left the building.

“That was so much fun. We practically own the place.” Otto said.

“I know right? Who knew that heat season of all things would make that place half empty. Now we know the best time of year to go to the track.” Apollo commented.

“So what should we do now?” Apollo wondered.

“How about we go to the movie theater? There’s a few new action movies that came out recently.”
Otto suggested.

The group like that idea.

“Luckily for us closest movie theaters is just down the street. I hope it’s not too crowded.”
Cyclone said.

“We’ll see soon enough.” Otto replied.

When the group of friends arrived at the theater, Cyclone saw that his prayers were answered because the theater was half empty.


After a few hours of having the time of their lives all over the city, the group of friends decided to head home after everything decided to close for the night.

When they arrive at the castle, they walked through the Castle as quietly as they can, while Apollo cast invisibility spell over them. So, they wouldn’t be ambushed by any of their significant others.

Finally, they made it to a nearby lounge, without any incident.

After Atlas locked the door and put on the chain, they all breathe a collective sigh of relief.

“Finally, we can relax.” Cyclone said as he plopped on to the couch.

“You can say that again.” Otto replied.

It was at this moment when the clock on the wall chimed eight times. Letting the group know that it was 12 AM.

“We have six more hours to go.” Apollo said.

“Look on the bright side, we have chosen a great place to hunker down for the time being. We have a nice view of the city, air hockey, large TV and a pool table. Speaking of air hockey does anyone want to play against me?” Atlas said.

“Me.” Connor shouted.

3 AM.

It’s been three hours since Atlas, Apollo and their friends hunkered down in the lounge and so far things have been very peaceful.

Connor and Apollo were playing a game of pool, while the rest of them were watching a movie on the TV.

“Hey Otto.”

“Yeah.” The white pegasus replied to Cyclone.

“What are you and Connor are going to do after the sunrises?”

“Hop on a train to Ponyville to visit our mare friends. They said they have a surprise for us, I wonder what it could be.”

“I’m going to bet it’s handcuffs.”

“I don’t think so, Octavia not that type of pony. Vinyl on the other hand-“

“Vinyl is not that type of pony either.” Connor chimed in.

“Sorry got carried away. I’m not trying to be mean.”

“It’s all right.”

“What do you think the surprise is going to be?” Otto asked.

“I don’t know. I’ll still accept whatever their hormone fried brains are gonna create, but I have to admit I am pretty nervous about it.”

“Is it me or does it smell like raspberries in here?”
Atlas asks, smelling the air.

“It smells like the shampoo Lydia has been us- “It was at this moment, when realization hit Cyclone like a freight train. His ears folded against his head and his pupils became pinpricks. “Oh shit.”

Moments later, someone was banging on the lounge door.

“Cyclone, I know you’re in there.” The seductive sounding voice, said.

“How the fuck did she find us?” Atlas whispered.

“Don’t pretend you and your friends aren’t in there. I can smell your cologne from here, Cyclone!”

‘Why did Faust give batponies a good sense of smell?’ Cyclone thought.

The door knob started to rattle as Lydia tried to break in. “Let me in so I could treat you like a fucking king, you sexy pegasus!”

Every guy in the room stayed quiet as Lydia continued to rattle the door knob.

Then she stopped. “Fine be like that.”

After they heard her walk away from the door, they thought she had given up.

There are assumption was proven wrong when she punched through the door.

Everyone was screaming and panicking.

After Lydia pulled her arm from the hole, she made without injuring herself somehow, she looked through the hole and said. “Come to mama!”

Before she can break the door down, Atlas and Apollo teleported friends to another hallway, and they began running for their lives.

“Holy shit, holy shit! Since when she was able to punch through a fucking door?!” Apollo said in a panic.

“She participated in some special forces training a few weeks ago.” Cyclone answered.

“So you were telling me that mare can hunter us down like a hungry wolf?” Connor ask.

“Pretty much.” Cyclone confirmed.

“Oh God, we’re never going make it to 6 AM.”
Otto said.

“Guys look, there’s the gym we can lose her in there.” Apollo said before opening the gym door and allowing all of his friends to get in.

He lock the door and joined his friends on the second floor, he got on his stomach and look in between the bars of the banister.

A minute later, Lydia started to bang on the glass door and pulling on the handle.

To their absolute horror, the lock gave out, allowing the bat pony to enter.

“Boys, I know you’re in here. I have to admit you guys are very sneaky, but eventually I will find, bad boys. Especially you, my sexy Cyclone.” She said before she walked towards the pool area.

“I never thought I would be seeing her acting like this.” Atlas whispered.

“Well, it is that time of year again.” Cyclone whispered back.

“If you knew she was going to act like that why didn’t you warn us?” Apollo whispered.

“Before I went out with you guys, I gave her two sleeping pills for her to take so she can sleep through the entire night and wake up the next day as her normal self. For some reason Bat ponies or extremely clingy at night.” Cyclone explained.

“So it’s either that she forgot to take them or the prescription wasn’t strong enough.” Otto concluded.

“So where are we going to hide? Sooner or later she’s going to come up here.” Connor ask.

“We can hide in the yoga studio. It’s just down the hallway.” Atlas pointed.

“Ok let’s go.”

The five friends tiptoed as quietly as they can towards the yoga studio. After they close the door, Atlas locked it and put on a reinforcement spell on the door.

“Ok, I think we’re safe.” Atlas said.

“Safe? We are not safe at all. Soon, our friend who is high off of hormones is going to find us. We have only 2 1/2 hours until sunrise. That’s more than enough time for her to hunt us down. We don’t even know if the royal sisters are out there as well.” Apollo Said.

“Ok it might look bad, but we could think of something right?” Cyclone said before the power went out.

“Is the castle having a power outage?” Connor wondered.

“That’s very unlikely. The castle has back up generators for a reason. And if they’re not working, the emergency lights would’ve turned on by now.” Apollo said.

“So that means Lydia has turned off the gym’s lights. And since she has night vision, she has an upper hand against us.” Otto said.

They didn’t know it yet, but Lydia unlocked the door and enter the room without making a sound.

“Oh crap I’m smelling raspberries again.” Connor said.

“If there’s a reason for that, it’s too late for me.” Cyclone said.

Wondering what his friend was talking about Apollo turned on his phone and use the light from the screen to illuminate the room.

What he saw nearly made his heart stop.

Sitting on Cyclone’s lap was Lydia. She was snuggling up against him like a cat to its owner.

She looked at the stun group with a predatory smile, and said. “Hello boys.”

“How?” Atlas ask.

“It’s simple really, I know this place like the back of my hand. When I heard nothing from downstairs, I knew you were upstairs. And lucky me found the keys for these rooms.”

“Lydia how about you leave Cyclone alone for another two hours and he’ll be all yours.” Connor said, as he slowly approached the couple.

She hissed at him, causing him to back away in fear.

“Why would I do that if I could have him on to myself right now?” She said as she petted his indigo colored mane and gave him a little kiss on the forehead.

“Unless you want to join us I suggest you get your flakes out of here. Or else.” She took out a small letter from her pocket and held it up above a lighter. “I will send this letter to Princess Luna, telling her where you all are.”

Apollo skin when pale as a ghost. “You wouldn’t.”

“Yes I would. Luna might be my boss but she’s also my friend and what I can tell is that she misses you very much.”

“Ok we’ll leave.”

“What about Cyclone?” Connor said.

“Don’t worry I’m fine with this.”

“Are you sure? Connor asked.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it.” He said, accepting his fate with a smile.

“Ok we’re leaving now. Good luck soldier.” Atlas said before he and Apollo teleported themselves and their friends away.

“I’ll be right back, my love.” She reluctantly got off of him and left the room.

After the power came back on, Lydia re-entered the room and sat back down onto his lap.

“Let me guess there’s nothing on that piece of paper?” He asked.

“That’s correct.”

“Of course it doesn’t. Before we start, can you please be gentle? I want to walk away from this.”

“No promises.”

Cyclone look down at the adorable Bat pony on him, and thought ‘I regret nothing.’


“We are only 2 hour and 28 minutes away from sunrise and we lost one of our friends.” Connor said, as he looked at his watch as he walked through the empty corridor with his friends.

“It could’ve been worse we could’ve lost him the moment we came back to the castle.” Atlas said.

“You got a point there. Anyway where should we hide now?” Apollo wondered.

“Aww why would you want to hide? There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

The familiar voice made the stallion stop in their tracks as their blood ran cold. They turned around and saw that Luna was standing at the other end of the corridor. The princess of the night was wearing a pink silk robe and she had a seductive smile on her face.

The four friends looked at each other. “RUN!”
They all said before they ran as fast as they can down the corridor.

Luna chased after them.

“That bitch lie to us!” Atlas yelled.

“I don’t think Lydia would go back on her word like that.” Otto said

“So that means we have bad luck.”

“Pretty much.” Connor said.


They soon noticed that the end of the corridor split off into two other hallways, forming a T shape.

“Which way should we go?” Otto asks.

“How about we split up?” Atlas suggested.

Apollo looked at his identical brother in shock and said. “Are fucking retarded? This is not Scooby Doo.”

“I know that, but it’s obvious that Luna is not thinking straight. If we split up, she would have to choose between chasing you or me. And if she chases me, that’s a chance for you to get away.”

“No. You’re not ending up like every black man in 80s horror movie.”

“Trust me it will work.” Atlas reassured.

“Guys we’re running out of runway!” Connor exclaimed.

Apologize over for moment if they teleport somewhere else in the castle, they would be still at risk of encountering Luna again. But the biggest threat was Celestia. They don’t know where she is or what she is doing but if Luna and her elder sister team up, I’ll be November of 1009 all over again.

With no other option, Apollo let out a sigh, and said. “Fine we’ll go with your plan, but if you get caught don’t blame my mixed ass.”

“I won’t you. You go right I’ll go left.”


As planned Atlas ran down the hallway on the left, and the Apollo and the rest of the group went the opposite direction.

This put Luna in a bit of a pickle. She couldn’t tell the brothers apart because she was too far away. So she decide to go with her gut and fly left.

When Atlas looked behind himself, he was surprised to see that Luna was actually following him. His planned worked.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have a plan on what to after Luna started to case him.

Now he had a powerful Alicorn with an 8 foot wingspan who is acting on pure instinct.

this is when Atlas knew that no matter what he had to keep running.


“I’m coming, Titan.”

When they enter the castle atrium, Luna had her arms out, waiting for the perfect opportunity to capture him.

Atlas dodge Luna by jumping down two flights of stairs and softening the landing by doing a barrel roll before he continues running.

This bamboozled the lunar princess before she remembered that her mom has been training them for the past month. Not that it matters, sooner or later, she will capture Apollo, and have him all to herself. For now, she didn’t mind playing cat and mouse.

So, Luna flew as fast as she can down the hallway. Despite major changes over the centuries, Luna knows this castle like the back of her hand. So, she knew the sooner or later her human would end up at the front entrance.

And she was right.

After she landed safely to the ground, she slowly approached the human.

“That was a lot of fun my silly human. You really know how to make this mare work up a sweat. But I think you know that it’s time for the real fun to begin.” She purred as she traced her finger across her figure.

Before Luna got close to the human, Atlas teleported, and reappeared behind her and started running down the hallway.

‘I should’ve seen that coming.’ The moon princess thought before she starts chasing him again.

30 minutes later.

After running all the castle, and thankfully, not running into Celestia, Atlas decided to catch his breath in the castle Garden.

He ran towards the thick foliage area of the garden and sat down. Hoping that the plants and the bushes would be able to hide him.

“Apollo, you owe me for this.” He whispered.

“Who owes you, my love?”

‘Oh, fuck.’

Atlas immediately teleport back inside of the castle and start to run again.

He looked around the castle corridor, looking for a good place to hide. Then he had an idea.

On the roof of the castle corridor were large arches that not only give the roof support, but also give the castle some character.

And since the castle is not that well illuminated early in the morning, the arches had shadows on their corners. A perfect place for Atlas to hide.

The human jump as high as he can towards the roof and was able to grab onto the ledge of the arch and pulled himself up. Just in time Luna to appear.

“Apollo? Apollo where are you? There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Her ears went flat against her head before she continued. “All I wanted was for us to be together tonight. Nothing more nothing less.”

As Luna slowly walked away, Atlas couldn’t help but feel bad for her. He want to comfort for her, he really do. But knowing how she would react if she saw him, he didn’t want to risk it.

So after she was far enough, he jumped down from his hiding spot, and bolted towards the nearest door.

After he locked the door, Atlas was able to catch his breath. Immediately regretted turning around because on the nearby bed was Princess Zeya and Thorax making out.

“Oh my God! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” He said in embarrassment and panic before he teleported to the lobby of the Castle spa.

“This has to be one of the craziest nights of my life.” He mumbled as he left the spa.

“Yo, Jupiter.” Apollo called out.

At least looked on his left and saw that Connor, Otto, and Apollo were running towards him.

“Dude you are soaked. What happened to you in the past 30 minutes?” Connor ask.

“Luna has been chasing me. I just lost her.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” Otto said.


“But what?” Apollo ask.

“When I was hiding on the roof, nearby the Garden, she looked really sad, and I remember her saying ‘all she wanted was for you and her to be together tonight. Nothing more, nothing less’.”

“Damn.” Apollo said, starting to feel guilty.

“She doesn’t have to wait that long since we only have an hour and a half until sunrise. And we can hide in the spa.” Otto pointed out.

“And we can go in the Hot Springs.” Connor said.

“You’re Faust damn right, Connor. For less head inside before any pony else decides to hunt us down.”

Before they enter the spa, they noticed that Apollo wasn’t following them.

“Hey Apollo are you coming in?” Otto asked.

“No I am not. I’m sick and tired of running and hiding. You guys go ahead I’m going to meet up with Luna.”

“Are you crazy? The night is not over yet and she is still in crazy heat mode.” Connor said.

“I know, but I have an idea that just might work. And I kind of feel bad for running away from her.”

Are you sure you want to do this?” Otto asked.

“I’m sure.”

“Ok fine. But if you come back on Monday in a wheelchair like last year, I’m going to slap you so hard you’re going to end up in Abyssinia speaking Greek.” Atlas said.

“Don’t worry, I won’t.”

“Good. Good luck, soldier.” Atlas said before he walked into the spa.


“Yes, Otto?”

“See you on Monday.”

“See ya.”

After that the white Pegasus close the door and locked it, leaving Apollo all by himself.

Apollo then teleported to the corridor, nearby the garden, and started looking for Luna.

After a minute of searching, she finally found the lunar princess slowly walking through the castle, likely heading back to her chambers.


This made the lunar princess to turn around.


“That’s me.”

“Are you going to run away from me again?”

“Not this time.” He said, with his arms out.

After seeing the display, Luna ran as fast towards Apollo until she was in his arms.

“Finally, you don’t want know how long I wanted this.”

“I know. Sorry about that.”

“It’s all right, I understand.”

A few moments later, the couple separated.

“Since my chambers are nearby, I can show you what you have been missing out all night.”

Luna was expecting an excited look on her stallion friend’s face, but instead he picked her up in a bridal carry. Which surprised Luna.

“Oh no, we are going to my bedroom tonight.”
Apollo said bluntly.

“What why?”

“Because you need to be punished. No pony hunts me or my friends down like that without retribution.”

“Oh really? And what’s this punishment you’re planning to do?”

Apollo grind as he whispered into Luna‘s ear. A massive blush when across her face as her pupils expanded.

After he was done, Luna looked at him and said. “Bedroom. Now.”

“Your wish is my command.” He said, before teleporting away.

6 AM


After spending an hour and a half in the spa, Atlas opens the doors, just in time to see the sunrise.

“Guys look, here comes the sun.” Atlas said.

“We did it.” Connor said.

“Oh my Faust, we did it.” Otto said quietly.

The three friends looked at each other and screamed. “WE DID IT!” Then they started to high five and hug each other while chanting ‘we did it.’

“They said it was impossible. Take that Phoenix times!” Otto laugh.

“But we did lose two of our comrades along the way.” Connor said.

“Yeah, but their sacrifices will be remembered.” Atlas said.

After a few moments of silence, Connor spoke. “I’m guessing this is where we partways?”

“Yeah. Last night was fun though.” Atlas said.

“Are you talking about the night out we had or being chased around the castle?” Otto said.

“Both. If you think about it, we were playing extreme version of hide and seek.”

“You’ve got a point there. Well, I see you on Monday.” Otto said, presenting his hand for a handshake.

“Right back at ya. And remember what I said to Apollo applies to the both of you.” Atlas said after ending the handshake.

“We know.” His friend said.

“Same for you.” Otto said.

“I know. See ya.”

“See ya.” Connor said.

After that, the three friends went on their separate ways.

Atlas POV.
Five minutes later.

Atlas was now standing in front of Celestia‘s bed chamber doors, preparing himself for whatever he was about to walk into.

*Knock, knock, knock.*

“Come in.”

When Atlas opens the door, he was surprised to see that Celestia was only watching the morning news instead of doing stuff that I can’t describe here or else this story will be become an M.

“Good morning~” Celestia greeted.

“Morning, Tia.”

“How was your night?”

“Crazy.” Atlas sat down on Celestia bed. “You?”

“I was in here doing nothing but watching very R-rated movies.”

Celestia looked at him with a seductive look. “And when I mean r-rated, I mean very R-rated.”

“Well in that case.” Atlas used his magic to teleport his clothing on the floor next to him.
“You have room for one more?”

Celestia looked him up and down.

“Of course I do.”

Two hours later.
8 AM

After an hour long train ride and leaving the station, Connor and Otto were now walking through the small town of Ponyville.

Just like how the triplets described it, Ponyville was a vibrant small town with a lot of friendly locals and so far they haven’t encountered one entitled pony. Which was a major culture shock for the two pagasi. Especially for Connor since he is from Manehattan.

Finally, after a few minutes of sightseeing, they finally arrived at their mare friends house. The two Pegasi were still curious and nervous of what surprise there’s significant others had planned for them.

“Are you ready?” Otto asked his friend.






*Knock, knock, knock*

A few moments later, the door open and two friends were shocked at what they were seeing.

In front of them were their mare friends, Octavia Melody and Vinyl scratch wearing belly dancer outfits. Similar to the ones worn in exotic far away lands like Zaire or Abyssinia.

“Look at them vinyl, they’re speechless.” Octavia chuckled.

“I told you it will work.” Vinyl responded.

Otto snapped out of his shocked state and ask.
“Can we come in?”

“Of course you can. This is going to be your home for the next two days after all.” Octavia said as she and her roommate allowed the stallions to enter their home.

“You don’t know how excited we are to have you guys over.” Vinyl said before she smacked Connor on the ass which caused him to let out a peep.

8:30 AM
Canterlot Crown Hotel.
Artemis POV.

Artemis opened his eyes and immediately felt the sore muscles in his legs, abdomen and pelvis.
The reason why was because of the shit him and Twilight had done.

Last night, Artemis unlocked something in Twilight. The first hour was nothing more than love for one another. After that was nothing but pure, unfiltered lust.

Artemis had to admit he loved every second of it. But now he had to feel the consequences.

Artemis used his magic to grab a bottle filled with a pink liquid from his bag and gulp it down like a shot of vodka.

In mere seconds all the aches and pains he was experiencing disappeared. Just in time for Twilight to wake up and roll over onto his chest.

“Morning Twilight.”

“Morning.” She said before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“How are you doing this morning?” He asked.

“I feel amazing. Last night I never felt so alive.”

“That’s good.”

“If you’re feeling up to it, do you want to do a few more rounds?” She asked as she traced his body with her index finger.

Artemis thought about it for a second before saying. “Fuck it, why not.”


Out of all the stallions we have followed today, Artemis was the only one that found out that he couldn’t walk straight. So he had to levitate for an entire day.