> The Royal Three: Season Two > by Kingstar008 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tiny bundles of joy part one. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 10 1010 A.G Canterlot, Equestria 3:10 AM It was a chilly night in the city of Canterlot. And at this time all of the city's residence were sound asleep, while Luna made sure that the dream realm was free of nightmares. Well, almost all of them. Canterlot castle, located in the northern part of the city, a few of its residents were wide awake. Atlas and Apollo we’re packing up a few more things before they had to catch their flight to the Twin Cities. More specifically, Surfside. The reason why they were going to Surfside all started a few weeks ago, when Canterlot was being invaded by the changelings. On that day, Apollo and Atlas saved a famous fashion model named Harmony breeze from three changeling soldiers who wanted to harm her. As a thank you for saving her life, she and her husband decided to make them uncles to their soon to be born children. Their children are supposed to be born on February 21st. They decided to come 12 days early. When the humans heard the news about their nephews coming into the world that evening, they clear their schedule and book business class tickets. After Atlas was done packing things, he heard a knock on his door. He walked over and opened it. Revealing Celestia on the other side, wearing blue silk pajamas. “Tia, why are you awake?” He ask. “What? I can’t see my colt friend leave for his big trip?” Celestia said sarcastically. “No you can, that’s very sweet of you. It’s just I never thought I would see you up at 3 AM.” “You can thank Luna for that, I asked her to wake me up from my dreams when 3 o’clock came around. So I can tell you both goodbye for her. Anyway, do you have everything packed?” “All packed and ready to go.” Atlas said as he grabbed his suitcase handle. “I don’t know about Apollo though.” “Well, let’s find out.” The sun Alicorn said before she lit her horn, and they teleport in front of Apollo’s bedroom door. Atlas knocked on the door and said. “ Apollo, are you ready to go?” “I’m ready, just give me a few minutes.” A little while later Apollo came out of his room with his suitcase behind him. “Sorry for taking so long.” He then notices Celestia standing right behind his brother. “Oh, hi Celestia, what are you doing up so early?” “I’m seeing you off and Luna wants me to tell you goodbye for her.” Celestia replied. “Let me guess. Tonight is a very busy night?” Apollo ask. “Yes, tonight is very busy for her.” “Damn, that sucks.” Apollo said. He wish he could help her out sometimes with all of the PTSD related nightmares she had to deal with lately. But he knew he couldn’t since he doesn’t know how to get to the dream realm let alone navigate it. After all, he doesn’t want to end up like a lost tourist he sees all time back home in New York or in Canterlot. “So are we going to walk to the front door or we’re teleporting there?” He ask. “Teleportation.” Celestia and Atlas sad at the same time. Celestia lit her horn again and teleported herself and the siblings to the castle’s front door. A moment later, a carriage stopped in front of the castle gate. “That’s our ride. Goodbye Celestia, we will back in a few days.” Atlas said. “See you later, Tia.” Apollo said. “Goodbye boys, I hope you have a great time in the Twin Cities.” Celestia hugged the humans and gave Atlas a kiss on his left cheek. After they separated, Atlas and Apollo walked towards the castle gate. When they got halfway to the gate, Celestia remembered something very important. “Apollo, Atlas.” Celestia called out. “Yes?” The brother said in unison. “Tell Harmony I said congratulations for me.” “We will.” They responded. Before they hopped in the carriage, the two brothers waves at Celestia one last time before getting in. After that, the carriage departed. Next stop, the Canterlot International Air Station. ===•••=== 3:45 AM After going through security and waiting for a good 10 minutes for their boarding group to be called, Apollo and Atlas. We’re now sitting in the business class seats, waiting for the blimp to takeoff. As expected the business class section was pretty empty, just like the rest of the blimp. The only passengers that were in their line of sight for a few business ponies and tourists. “Apollo.” “Yeah.” He replied, eating some salted peanuts he bought before he boarded the plane. “What the Twin Cities like?” He hummed in thought before answering. “Well in my opinion, Dockside and Surfside are two very great places to have a vacation. The cities are beautiful in the day and night. It’s very safe and the locals are very friendly. I just have to give you a heads up. The Twin Cities has a pretty large sea pony population, so expect to see some signs written in Ponish and SeaPonish.” (Sea Ponish is similar to Japanese.) “So basically like how Canterlot has signs written in kirish and in thersal?” Atlas said. “Yep.” “That’s interesting. It still amazes me that the six tribes have been living peacefully with each other for almost 3 millennia and they still speak their own languages. You would think that everyone would be speaking only Ponish at this point.” “I agree with you on that.” Apollo replied. “Is there anything else interesting about the Twin Cities?” “There is, like Surfside has a lot of celebrities thanks to the movie industry, but everyone knows that.” It was at this moment when the classic airline chime could be heard through the loudspeakers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3jH1qfw6X8&pp=ygUYYWlybGluZSBjYWxsIGJlbGwgc291bmQg “Fillies and gentlecolts, this is your captain speaking. I’m happy to announce that we just got the all clear from Air Traffic control to takeoff and begin our flight from Canterlot to Dockside and Surfside also known as the Twin Cities. The estimated flight time will be 5 hours and 50 minutes. Thank you for flying Paradise Airways and I hope you enjoy your flight.” After the announcements ended the blimp’s four propeller engines was turned on and the blades were spinning at their full speed. Two minutes later, the blimp took off from the tarmac. “Finally.” Apollo said, as he reclined his seat, almost to the bed position. “You’re going to sleep now?” Atlas ask as he tried his best to look out the window on the starboard side of the blimp. Since he and Apollo were in the middle row of seats. “No. This entire flight I’m going to enjoy every show and movie that this airline has the offer. I mean look at this. Their collection is bigger than JetBlue.” He said as he scrolled through the movies and TV shows on the screen. “Are you sure because by the time we get there you’re going to black out.” Atlas reply. “No, I’m not.” “All right, but if you black out when we get to the West Coast, I’m going to say I told you so.” Atlas said before he reclined his seat all the way back. Turning his seat into a bed. He snuggled up in a blanket handed to him by one of the stewardess and fell sleep. Meanwhile, Apollo start to watch a comedy movie while eating his peanuts. ===•••=== Surfside-Dockside International Air Station 7:40 AM (west coast standard time.) Apollo was sound asleep, snoring pretty loudly, when he felt something shaking him. His tired eyes slowly opened, trying to get used to the bright sunlight that was peering through the open windows. When his eyesight finally focus, he saw Atlas looking down at him with a smug smile on his face. “Rise and shine.” “What time is it?” Apollo ask as he rub to sleep from his eyes. “7:40 AM. We land in a few minutes ahead of schedule. And I-“ “Don’t say it.” “I told you so.” Apollo let out a long sigh. “So where you were asleep the entire flight?” “Nope, I’ve been up for the past three hours.” Atlas said. “You’re lying.” Apollo said, squinting his eyes. “If I was lying, how would I get this bag of popcorn if I was asleep?” Atlas was holding a bag of popcorn in his right hand. “Now I believe you.” Apollo conceded. “Good, now get your things, we got nephews to meet.” After Apollo put his seat back in his original position and got his carry-on from the overhead bins, he and Atlas disembark from the blimp. After they walked through the massive air station for a good 10 minutes, they finally arrived at the main entrance. Where carriages and a few cars were waiting on their passengers. “So how are we going to get to their house? By public transportation or teleportation? Because no matter how walkable the city might be there’s no way in hell I’m walking 20 miles.” Atlas ask. “He told me that he is picking us up and he has something cool to show us. I wonder what it could be.” Suddenly, they heard a loud car horn coming from a nice looking gray suv pulled up right in front of them. The passenger window opened, revealing a tan Pegasus in the driver seat. He lowered his sunglasses before saying. “Hey Yukons, welcome to Surfside.” “Sandune, this is the surprise you want to show us?” Apollo said in shock. “Yeah, I just bought this last week. When I saw this bad boy in the dealer, I knew I had to get it.” “Can we can sit in the front?” Atlas ask. “Of course, you can. Sandune replied. “Ok, because I called debs.” ‘Dammit.’ Apollo thought. After they put their carry-ons in the trunk, the two humans got in the suv and they drove off. ===•••=== 8:15 AM After they drove through the city, they ended up in a pretty wealthy neighborhood nearby the mouth of the river that flowed between Dockside and Surfside. A few minutes later they arrived at a beautiful two-story mansion. Apollo whistled before speaking. “That’s a beautiful mansion. Did you get inheritance or something?” “Nope. Me and Harmony worked hard on our careers.” Sandune said as he drove the car up the driveway and put it in park. After Apollo and Atlas got their bags from the trunk, Sandune open the front door and allowed to humans enter. The inside of the house was even more beautiful than the outside. The front them were two beautiful staircases with a chandelier between them. “Damn.” Atlas said in amazement. “This place is nice. Look at the chandelier.” “I’m glad you like my home. Though, I bet Canterlot castle is way better than this.” Sandune said. “That does it mean this house is any less beautiful.” Apollo said. “So where’s the family?” Atlas ask. “Well, Mira and Jack are visiting Harmony right now in the hospital and both sides of our family are going to be here in three hours.” “Ok. So when are your sons coming home?” Apollo ask. “They’re not gonna be here until tomorrow. The doctors wants to make sure that Harmony and the kids are healthy. You guys must be tired from your flight. Let me show you where your room is.” “Before you do that, can you give us a tour of your house?” Atlas ask. “Sure. which side of the house do you want to see first upstairs or downstairs?” “Doesn’t matter.” Apollo said. “Ok downstairs it is.” Sandune said as he walk down one of the hallways. And the Yukon brothers followed suit. “This house as you can see is pretty large, six bedrooms and five bathrooms to be exact.” “Six bedrooms! Thank goodness you’re having triplets.” Apollo said as he look around the beautiful hallway. “Yeah. But me and Harmony bought this house to accommodate our growing family.” “That’s pretty proactive of you guys.” Atlas complemented. “Thanks.” It was at this moment, when the three of them entered a Large room. “Here is the first stop on our tour. This is the living room with a kitchen nearby and over there is the dining room.” “Wow.” The Yukon brothers said. In the middle of the room is a large brown couch made out of leather surrounding a black coffee table. With a large flatscreen TV on the wall in front of it. Outside of the sliding glass doors was a well kept backyard with a pool, hot tub and a patio with a fireplace in the middle of it. The cherry on top this entire set up was the breathtaking view of downtown Surfside. “Damn, this couch is so soft.” Apollo said. He then noticed two buttons on the side of his armrest. He press one of the buttons causing the chair to recline. ‘I wish we had this back in Canterlot.’ Apollo thought. He picked up the remote that was in one of the couch’s cupholders and turned on the TV and was surprised of how clear the sound was. “Hey Sandune.” “Yeah, Apollo.” He called from the kitchen. “How come you never told us that you had a surround sound system?” “I didn’t think it was necessary to mention it.” Sandune replied. “Are you going to relax here for a little while or are come with us to see the rest of the house?” “I’m coming, I’m coming just give me a second.” After he turned off the TV and put the chair back to its original position, three stallions continued with the rest of the tour. After a little bit of walking, Sandune stopped in front of a set of doors that look similar to the ones he might find a movie theater. “Our next stop is a room I know the family and the two of you will love.” He pulled open the double doors revealing a mini movie theater inside. “Oh my God, you guys have a mini movie theater.” Apollo said in surprise. “Did you pay some pony to set this all up or did it come with the house?” “It came off the house believe it or not.” Sandune replied. “Harmony and I use this place to watch regular TV sometimes or watch a movie together. The theater even has it own popcorn machine.” The tan Pegasus said, pointing at the machine in question. “Man, your kids are going to be so spoiled.” Atlas said as he explored the theater. “Not on my watch. I’m going to make sure and my boys are going to be the most down to earth ponies you will ever meet.” “Even more down to earth, the Mira?” Apollo ask. “I don’t know if that’s possible, but yes.” ===•••=== 8:35 AM After Sandune gave the Yukon brothers a tour of the entire house and showing them his cool stallion cave in the basement, the tour finally ended and he escorted them their room. “And this is where you will be staying for the next two days.” Sandune said as he open the door for the humans. “Damn, for a guest room this is really nice.” Atlas said as he placed his suitcase nearby the king size bed. “Hey Sandune, thanks for allowing us to stay in your house.” Apollo said as he started to unpack his things. “You don’t have to thank me, you’re part of the family now. I am eternally grateful for you both for saving my wife. It’s the least I can do.” “We were just doing what any other equestrian would’ve done.” Apollo said. “I am going to leave you guys alone for now. If you need anything, just let me know.” After that, Sandune left the two humans alone. Apollo lay down on the bed and was surprised of how soft the mattress was. “Hey Atlas, you need to fill this mattress man. It feels so soft.” Without a second thought, Atlas jumped on the bed back first. “Oh shoot, you’re right. This is softer the a Tempur-pedic mattress.” “Do you think it’s better than our beds?” Apollo ask. “Dude, this bed makes our mattresses back in Canterlot feel like a pile of rocks. This has to be a cloud or something.” “Ring ring ring ring. This is a Cloudsdale, we want our clouds back.” Apollo joked. Atlas started to laugh. After they laugh for a good minute, the room went silent. “So, what should we do now?” Atlas asks. “I don’t know. Maybe we should stay in here for a little while and play on my phones or watch some TV.” Apollo replied. “Na, I was thinking of hanging out nearby the Koi fishpond or going in the movie theater.” Atlas said as he got off the bed. “Do you want to come?” “I’m good.” “All right, I’ll see you later.” Atlas said as he walked out the bedroom. ===•••=== One hour later. 9:35 AM Speakers: “The beluga whale navigate the Arctic sea ice with her calf right next to her.” Atlas was in the mansion’s mini movie theater, watching a nature documentary while eating some freshly made popcorn. He’s been here for almost an hour now. And he has been enjoying every second of it. Then, all of a sudden, the door to the mini movie theater opened, illuminating the entire room with bright sunlight. Atlas paused the documentary and looked behind himself to see Sandune standing in the doorway. “Hey Atlas, me and Apollo are going to visit Harmony and the kids, do you want to come?” “Wait, we’re doing that now!? Oh crap.” He said as he turn off the movie screen and rushed out of the room. “Before we go I need your opinion on something. Do I look good?” Atlas is wearing a white T-shirt with gray cargo pants. “You look great. But you don’t need to be worried about that. Newborns don’t care about fashion.” “I know, but I want to look presentable. Where is Apollo?” “He’s in the car.” Sandune replied. ‘Knowing him, he is already in the front seat.’ “So are you ready to go?” “Ready as I could ever be.” When the two of them went outside, Atlas’ prediction was correct. His brother was in the front seat. ===•••=== Surfside medical center. 9:50 AM After they arrived at the hospital, Sandune, Atlas and Apollo enter the main lobby and walked toward the reception desk. “Good morning, we’re here to visit Harmony breeze.” Sandune said the white unicorn mare behind the counter. “And what relation do you have with the patient in question?” The receptionist ask. “I am her husband and these two are friends of the family.” He replied. After looking through a large binder filled with patients names, the receptionist placed her finger on the top of the page and said. “Ok, Harmony is on the fifth floor in room 518. Here’s your visitors passes and I hope you have a nice visit.” “Thank you.” Sandune said as he and humans walked away. After the trio got off the elevator, they walk down the hallway until they found room 518. After they got permission to enter the room, Apollo open the door. And what they saw could melt anyone’s heart. Inside of the hospital room was Harmony breeze, laying in her hospital bed with a smile on her face. In her arms were three little babies wearing blue onesies. “Good morning, honey.” Sandune greeted before giving his wife a kiss on her for head. “How are the little ones?” “They been nothing but wonderful little angels.” She replied. “Hey Atlas hey Apollo, I’m glad you’re here to meet the little ones.” Harmony said. “We wouldn’t pass an opportunity to see our nephews.” Atlas said. “What are the names of these cute little guys?” Apollo ask. “Their names are Adrian, Aegean and last, but not least Caspian.” “Can I hold one of them?” He ask. “Yes, you can, just be careful with him.” Harmony said as she passed baby Aegean to Apollo. Apollo look at the adorable baby sea pony cradled in his arms. The little guy had the same aqua blue coat like his mom and a little bit of mane sticking out of his blue baby hat was the same sand color as his dad. “Look at him. He’s so freaking adorable.” Apollo said. “Can I hold a baby as well?” Atlas ask. “Sure.” She passed baby Adrian to Atlas. It was at this moment when little Aegean stirred from his slumber and opened his hazelnut colored eyes. “Hey there little guy I’m your uncle, it’s nice to meet you.” Apollo said to the little newborn. As a response, the little baby smiled at the human and tried to grab him with his tiny little hands. “Aww, he likes you.” Sandune said. “Do you love your uncle Apollo? Yes you do you little guy. yes you do.” He said as he allowed Aegean to grab his finger. This made the little guy laugh his little head off. This is when Atlas notice Adrian was also starting to wake up as well. When he finally open his eyes, Atlas said. “Hey little guy.” But instead of a smile, Adrian’s eyes filled up with tears his lip quivered and he began to cry. “He doesn’t even know my name and he already hates me.” He said, feeling bad that he might’ve scared the infant. “He doesn’t hate you he’s just hungry. Just passed him to me and you’ll see.” Harmony said. And Atlas did just that. After Harmony received Adrian back in her arms, she pulled her right breast out of her shirt. Adrian latched onto the nipple and started to drink like there was no tomorrow. “You’re a hungry little sea pony. Yes you are.” She said to the now calm infant. “Well, that’s a relief. I thought I screwed up already.” “While we wait for Adrian to finish how about you hold little Aegean for a little bit. He also wants to say hi to you.” Apollo said as he handed the little baby to Atlas. “Hello Aegean, aren’t you a happy little baby.” Aegean made some happy baby noises try to grab Atlas with his tiny hands. While Atlas was having a nice time with his nephew, Harmony finished feeding Adrian. She covered her self up and patted his back causing him to burp. “They’re, all better now. Apollo, do you want to hold Adrian for a bit?” “Yes, please.” ===•••=== 10:00 AM After 10 minutes of socializing with harmony and her babies, the Breeze triplets were exhausted and were now sleeping in their mother’s arms. “Look at them, they look so peaceful.” Apollo said, as he watched the triplets sleep together. “They are adorable.” Atlas replied. “Hey guys, it’s time for us to go.” Sandune said as he looked at his watch. “Already?” Apollo ask. “Yep, it’s 10 o’clock.” “It was nice seeing you again, after all this time.” Apollo said. “It was nice seeing you again as well. I know that these little guys enjoyed their time with you.” Harmony replied. “When you get discharged tomorrow, you’ll make sure I’ll be the first one to pinch one of the babies cheeks, right?” Atlas ask. “Don’t worry I’ll make sure you’re the first one in line.” “Thanks.” “We will wait for you by the elevator.” Apollo said as he and Atlas walked out of the room. “OK.” Sandune replied. A few seconds later, Atlas came back in the room. “I almost forgot, Celestia wants me to tell you congratulations on having a triplets.” “Wow I never expected the sun empress to congratulate me. Thanks for telling me.” “You’re welcome and see you tomorrow.” After that, he left the room once again. ===•••=== 11:20 AM After they left the hospital and got a bite to eat in a nice restaurant, Atlas and Apollo we’re now back in the mansion, while Sandune went to the air station to pick up his family. Apollo was in the mini movie theater while Atlas was in the loft. While Atlas was finishing up a game of Mario kart, he heard the front door unlock. “Hey guys I’m back. And I brought some ponies who really want to meet both of you.” Sandune said as he entered his house. “Ok, I’m coming down.” After he put his phone in his pocket Atlas walk down the stairs. He thought of sliding down the railing, but he decided to do it. After he got to the first floor he saw that there was five ponies accompanying him. Three sea ponies and two Pegasi. “Oh my, you’re right, he is tall.” Said the older sea pony mare. “Yeah, I get that a lot. My name is Atlas and I’m guessing both of you are Mira and Harmony’s parents.” “That’s right. My name is Oasis and this is my husband, Allure.” “Hello.” The older blue sea pony stallion said. “My name is Jilly.” Sandune’s mom greeted. She is a tan Pegasus with black mane and tail. “And this is my husband Daniel.” “Nice to meet you young stallion.” Daniel greeted. He is a brown Pegasus with a Sand colored mane and tail with two gold stripes. “It’s nice to meet all of you. Who’s the buff sea pony that’s helping Sandune?” “That’s my father, his name is Icon. The family usually call him grandpa Icon.” Oasis said. ‘Wow, for a great, great grandfather he really looks good for his age.’ He thought. “Where is your brother? Sandune said he came with you on this trip.” Oasis ask. “He’s in the movie theater.” “Oh. So when will he be back?” Daniel ask. Atlas was confused for a moment before realizing something. “Didn’t your son tell you?” “Tell us what?” “This mansion has a mini movie theater.” The middle aged ponies eyes widened. “You’re joking, right?” Allure ask. “I’m not joking and believe me, me and Apollo couldn’t believe our eyes when he open the doors. I can show you where it is.” “Please do.” He said with great interest. So, the four ponies followed Atlas to the double doors of the mini movie theater. When he was about to open the doors, he thought the movie theater would be empty. He was proven wrong when his ears were hit with the sound of police sirens and gunfire. On the big screen was an intense police chase and the main characters were shooting at the cops. Their aim was worse than a stormtrooper. Apollo paused the movie causing the lights inside the movie theater to turn on. He then looked behind himself, shielding his eyes from the bright sunlight, and ask. “What is it Jupiter?” “Sorry Titan, I didn’t know you were in here.” Atlas said sheepishly. “But thank goodness I found you because the family is here and they want to meet you.” “They’re here already? I’m coming.” he said before he put his popcorn on the other seat and got up from his chair. He didn’t have to walk far since the ponies that wanted to meet him and Atlas were already in the theater. “So you’re Apollo, it’s nice to finally meet you. My name is Oasis and this is my husband Allure.” “And I’m guessing you’re Sandune’s parents right?” “That’s right. My name is Daniel and this is Jilly. It’s nice to meet you.” “Same over here. Oh and congratulations on becoming grandparents.” “Thanks.” Allure said. “And since you and your brother are here we want to tell you about how grateful we are for saving Harmony from those changelings.” Oasis said. “You don’t have to thank us. We was just doing what was right.” Atlas said. “We’re still eternally grateful though.” Jilly said. “Did you meet the newborns already?” Allure said. “Yeah, we just met them an hour ago.” Atlas answered. “The triplets are so cute.” “We even took a few photos of them.” Apollo said as he showed them a photo of Harmony holding three sons. “Aww, they’re so adorable.” Jilly said. “I can’t wait to pinch their cheeks when I meet them.” Oasis said. “When are you going to visit them?” Atlas ask. “Sandune said we could visit them right now if we like. But we’ve been traveling all day and just want to relax for a little bit.” Daniel said. “Speaking of relaxing do you mind if we stay in here for a little bit?” Jilly asked. “I don’t mind at all.” Apollo replied. After everyone chose their seats, Apollo was about to unpause the movie when he ask. “You guys are fine with an action movie, right?” “I don’t care as long as it’s not a horror movie.” Allure said. “Same over here.” Daniel chimed in. The moment he unpause the movie, one of the characters pulled an RPG out from underneath his seat and shot it at the cops. Blowing up part of the bridge in the process, allowing them to get away. “Damn, that escalated quickly.” Atlas said to him self. ===•••=== After they finish the movie, the four ponies decided it was time for them to visit their grandkids in the hospital. Icon went with them as well. Leaving Apollo and Atlas alone in the mansion. After they got back from the hospital, the older ponies couldn’t wait for their grandkids to come home. ===•••=== 3:30 PM Apollo was walking down the hall towards the backyard wearing a white T-shirt and swimming trunks. He just finished working out in the gym and decided that a little dip in the pool would help him relax. After he put his towel on one of the poolside chairs, he put on his goggles, took off his shirt and jumped in. The water felt great on his skin. It wasn’t too hot or too cold. It was just right. Then he saw something that he wasn’t expecting at all. At the bottom of the deep end of the pool was Icon lying on his back, reading a news magazine. When the older sea pony felt the wave from Apollo’s cannonball he looked up from his magazine and saw Apollo waving at him. Icon waved back, close to his magazine, and float towards the surface. Apollo did the same. “Sorry for disturbing you, I didn’t know some pony was here.” Apollo said. “It’s all right, I don’t mind.” The Naval vet said. “Your Atlas, right?” “Atlas is my brother, my name is Apollo.” “Oh, it’s nice to officially meet you.” “You too. Why are you reading underwater?” “No reason, that’s just how I read sometimes when I’m back on land.” “Right, I remember Mira telling me you live in Lake mead. What is it like down there?” Apollo ask. “It’s a nice friendly neighborhood. It gets pretty busy, specially during the summer and winter months, but it’s nice place to live. But it’s hard to keep up with what’s going on outside of Las Pegasus. Especially when the news tries to grab your attention these days.” “It’s not that bad. I think it’s pretty tame compared with what they do back in America.” Apollo said. Icon raises an eyebrow. “Oh really. I still remember when you guys came around and they couldn’t stop talking about you guys for four months. Heck, there was section of the newspaper dedicated to talking about you guys.” Apollo cringed at the memories. “Yeah, that was a strange time. I’m still surprised how many strangers were interested in us. I'm talking about the innocent ones not the weird ones.” “Speaking of which, I saw footage of you three standing up to the changeling queen with that purple unicorn and Princess Cadence. For a civilian, you have a lot of guts.” “Thanks.” “I’ve been meaning to ask you boys something.” Icon said. “I’m all ears.” “You guys could’ve run away and hid behind the alicorns like every pony else. But instead you defended the city with them. Did you always had the courage to do that?” “Well kind of. When I saw what the changelings were planning for the entire country, I just couldn’t stand by and allow it to happen. This country doesn't deserve to a colony.” “And now you’re heroes. Especially to this family.” “I was just doing the right thing, that’s all.” For the next 30 minutes Apollo and icon had nice long conversation with each other. Icon told Apollo about the adventures he went on when he was in the Navy, and Apollo told him all the funny situation is he got himself in with his friends back in Canterlot and in New York. Eventually, they realize that they were in the pool too long and they decided to get out. “Hey, after we dry off, do you want to get a cream soda or whatever young ponies drink?” Icon ask. “Sure, maybe we can go down to stallion cave.” Apollo suggested. Icon look at him with wide eyes. “There’s a stallion cave in this house?” “Yeah, it’s in the basement.” Apollo answered. ‘Well, it looks like this is going to be a fun afternoon.’ Icon thought. > Tiny bundles of joy part two. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 11 1010 A.G Surfside Equestria. 9:30 AM It was a beautiful morning in the Twin Cities. The sun is shining. The beaches were filled with tourists enjoying the sun and the waves. And the locals were either going to work or school. Right now, Atlas was heading towards the living room still wearing his undershirt and pajama pants. He was still tired from staying up really late at night because he and Apollo went out to dinner with the breeze family. And now he is feeling the consequences. When he finally arrived at his destination, he saw that the TV was on the local news and Oasis was making breakfast. “Morning Oasis.” Atlas said before he sat down in one of the tall stools right next to the counter. This snapped Oasis out of her cooking trance, and she looked at Atlas with a smile. “Morning Apollo. How did you sleep?” “You got the wrong triplet.” Oasis’ ears flattening against her head. “Oh, I’m sorry at least I thought you were-“ “It’s all right. That’s what happens when you have two identical brothers.” “For a second there, I thought I ruined your mood.” She said with relief. “You’re good like I said, it happens. Your grandsons will understand what I go through in a few years.” “You’re right about that.” Oasis replied. “Do you want some eggs with toast?” “Yes, please. Do you mind if I get myself a cup of coffee?” “Not at all.” After he finish brewing his coffee and putting in a lot of vanilla creamer, he sat back down, taking a sip of the delicious beverage. It was at this moment when Oasis walked over and placed his breakfast right in front of him. “Your breakfast is served.” The blue sea pony said. “Thanks, it looks really good.” Before he had the chance to eat his breakfast, the TV caught attention. “And we just got word that the judges of the Vanhoover trials decided to sentence General Ferdinand Schorner to life without the possibility of parole for committing more than 80 counts of mass murder, torture and violating the rules of war. Canterlot and Equestria as a whole can rest easy knowing that this monster is going to rot behind bars.” “It’s about time.” Atlas said before taking a bite out of his toast. “Hey Atlas.” “Yeah?” “I want to ask you something, but if you don’t want to answer it that’s fine. Did you encounter that stallion when you were defending Canterlot?” Oasis asks. “No, thank the Lord. But Celestia did and she wipe the floor with him. Sending him home with a dislocated shoulder and a few broken fingers.” He took a sip of his coffee before continuing. “He lucky that Gallaxia wasn’t nearby or else she would’ve sliced him in half with her ax.” “Why didn’t the sun empress put him down right then and there?” “It’s because Celestia believes that the law should take care of him. While Gallaxia would’ve dealt with him the old fashion way, especially when it comes to monsters like him. Like she did to so many other changeling generals.” After that, they decide to change the subject. A little while later, Apollo entered the living room and sat down right next to Atlas. “Morning Atlas.” “Morning Apollo.” This is when Oasis finally notices the newcomer in the room. “Good morning, Apollo, how are you doing this morning?” “I’m doing fine.” He replied. “Where is Allure?” “He’s in the hot tub.” Oasis replied. “He’s been in there for the past 20 minutes now.” Apollo looked out the window to see the older sea pony stallion (still in his landform) enjoying the hot tub. “It looks like he’s enjoying his time in there.” Apollo stated. “Isn’t a hot tub like a sauna for you sea ponies?” “If we were in our ocean form, yes. If not, no. But it doesn’t matter to us, it’s very enjoyable either way.” It was at this moment when Sandune enter the kitchen from the dining room. “Morning Yukons.” “Morning.” They both replied. “Has any pony seen Icon?” He asks. “He’s not in his bedroom?” Oasis asks. “No, he’s not in there, and I checked the gym as well.” “Maybe he went out this morning.” Atlas suggested. “No, he would’ve let us know if he went on a jog or decide to have some fun in the city.” Oasis, pondered. “Where did that old sailor go?” “Did you check the basement?” Apollo said. “No, I have not. That’s where I’m going to check next.” Sandune said. “Do you think he fallen and can’t get up?” Atlas asks. “That is not likely at all.” Oasis stated. “The way he’s built, this house would fall before he does.” “Are we going to find the veteran or what?” Apollo said, standing in the kitchen entrance. “We’re coming.” Atlas said before he levitated his plate into the sink. After that, all four of them walked across the mansion towards the door that would lead to the basement. Apollo opened it, and they walk down the stairs. In my opinion, the word basement is really insulting to the room they are now in. Because the place looks like a luxury log cabin. Anyway. They walked through the stallion cave to the main area where they found Icon sleeping on a comfortable recliner with the TV on. “There is.” Sandune said. “Faust dammit, out of all the places he could’ve chose he decided to sleep there.” Oasis said in frustration. “Is that a bad thing?” Atlas asks. “Yes, it is. He is the heaviest sleeper in Equestria. It’s almost impossible to wake him up, especially if he stayed up past 12.” “How about we just leave him alone and just let him wake up when he wants to?” Apollo asks. “It’s because in an hour and 30 minutes I have to pick up Harmony and the babies from the hospital and I know that Icon wants to come with me.” Sandune answered. “Oh, that makes sense.” “So how do we wake him up?” Atlas wondered. “How about we throw some water on him?” Apollo suggested. “That’s not going to work. Believe me I tried that before. Besides, the water is going to come out of his gills, and I don’t want to make a mess today.” Sandune said. (Fun fact: A Seapony’s gills are located on both sides of their neck. Three on each side.) “Wait, I think I have an idea.” Atlas said as he pulled his phone out from his right pocket. He turn the volume up high, set the alarm and placed the phone on top of Icon’s chest. 3 2 1 The loud alarm went off and the phone was also vibrating as well. To every pony surprise, I didn’t wake Icon up. “Aww man, I thought that would work.” Atlas said. They also tried to wake him up by shaking him, and then tickling him. Both wake up attempts didn’t work. “If tickling him and an alarm can’t wake him up, what can?” Apollo wondered. “I know a way.” Oasis sad as she pulled the remote out of her father's hands. “You’re going to play the wake up song, aren’t you?” Sandune asked. “Yep.” “What’s the wake-up song?” Atlas said. “It’s a song that the branches of the military play at Boot Camps, military bases and naval bases to wake up the soldiers.” Sandune answered. “I’m guessing it’s played on the trumpet, right?” Apollo asks. “Yeah, how did you know?” Oasis asks. “I had a feeling that it would be a trumpet.” Apollo responds. After Oasis type down the song’s name in the search bar, she found what she was looking for and press play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGnZxcS7VKA&pp=ygUUYXJteSB3YWtlIHVwIHRydW1wZXQ%3D The moment the song starts to play, Icon’s eyes popped open. Revealing two blue pin prick size pupils. “Oh crap I’m late!” He yelled after he saw what time it was on the clock on the wall. He immediately kicked off his blanket and jumped out of the recliner and landing perfectly on the ground. He stood at attention. And was about to salute whoever was in front of him when he finally noticed his daughter trying not to laugh at him. That’s when he realizes, he was tricked. “Faust damnit Oasis.” He laughed. “Oh, my stars.” He laughed for a good minute before he spoke again. “You really had to start my day like that, huh?” Icon asks. “You left us no choice. We tried to wake you up by other means, but they didn’t work.” Oasis replied. “So.” He said before cracking his neck. “Why did you young ponies wake me up?” “I want to ask you if you want to come with me to the hospital to pick up Harmony and the ki-“ “Say no more.” Icon said to Sandune as he ran through the stallion cave and run up the stairs. “Icon wait! It’s not time to pick them up yet!” Sandune yelled. Unfortunately, his message fell on deaf ears since Icon was already long gone at this point. “I’ll get him.” The tan Pegasus said as he made his way towards the stairs. When he made it to the top, he looked in the hallway on his left in the hallway on his right, and saw that Icon was nowhere to be found. He had a gut feeling he was outside. So he decided to fly there instead of walking. After he landed in front of the front door, he opened it and saw that Icon somehow got inside of his car. And he was sitting in the front seat. When the old sailor saw Sandune, he opened his door and said. “What are you waiting for? Get in the car already.” “How did you get in my car?” The Pegasus asks. “I use this tiny gadget of yours.” He replied. “It’s called a key fob.” “So that the name of this thing. If I had this when I was in in charge of my battle fleet, it would’ve saved me so much time and effort.” Icon said. “How did you get my key fob?” Sandune ask. “I was in the kitchen looking for your keys, when Allure pointed to this device and said that it can unlock the car for us, so I grabbed it. Do you want to drive or not?” “We’re not going to the hospital yet.” The veteran gave his grandson-in-law a confuse look. “Why not?” “It’s because the hospital is not going to discharge them for another hour and a half. I know you’re excited I get it, I am too. But it's not time yet. In the meantime, you can get yourself ready and have some breakfast. And I know you don’t want to pick up your grandkids in your pajamas.” He is currently wearing navy blue pajamas with a small golden anchor on the left side of his chest. “You have a point there.” Icon said sheepishly. “I’ll get myself ready.” After that, he got out of Sandune’s SUV and walked back into the house. ===•••=== After Icon got back inside of the house, he got himself ready for the day and ate some breakfast. To pass time, the elderly Seapony’s watched a few morning game shows until it was time to pick up his grandkids. ===•••=== 11:10 AM Atlas was in the living room, reading a technology magazine while the TV was providing background noise. He was about to flip to the next page when he heard Oasis calling him. “Atlas.” “Yes ma’am.” He said putting his magazine down. “I have something to ask you. I have a few dishes I want to make for the party tonight, but I don’t have any seaweed to make it, can you come with me to collect some?” “Sure.” “Great. Before we go, do you have a bathing suit?” She asks. “Yeah, why? Let me guess, the stores on the water or something?” “We’re not going to a store. What’s the point when we have a perfectly good river delta right there.” Atlas stared at Oasis, hoping that she was joking. “Why would you want to get seaweed from the twin river?” “Because brackish seaweed tastes delicious, and we don’t have to deal with ocean current.” Oasis said. “Ok that makes sense. But you’re not concerned about the cleanliness of the water? There’s a lot of boats that goes up and down the river.” “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. I gathered kelp and seaweed in that river delta few times before. Trust me, it’s safe and clean.” Oasis said. “Ok I believe you. Just give me a few minutes to get my swimming trunks.” Atlas said before he walked away. ===•••=== 11:15 Oasis only had to wait five minutes before her human companion walks down the stairs, now wearing a pair of blue swimming trunks. “Wait I thought you was going to change as well.” Atlas said in confusion. “I can transform easily in my clothes, so I don’t need to change.” She answered before she swung the small net over her shoulder. “What’s that you have in your hand?” “My goggles and earplugs.” Atlas said. “You don’t need those. I got something more useful than those useless pieces of plastic.” She grabs something from her left pocket and toss it to Atlas. Atlas caught the object and open his palm to see what she had given him. It was a nice-looking necklace that was holding a seashell with a small pearl inside of it. “This is really nice, but how is this more useful than my goggles?” “When you put on and jump into the water, it will give you the abilities to breathe and swim underwater like a sea pony.” Oasis said. “Oh my gosh. Thank you, I always want to experience that.” Atlas said before putting the necklace on. “Well, I’m glad you’re excited for your first experience. Now, are you ready to go?” “Yes, I am.” After oasis lock the front door, they both walked a path that led them outside of the neighborhood. Now they were standing right next to the water’s edge. Despite the river flowing between two of Equestria’s largest cities, it was surprisingly clean. The twin river looks so clean that the water looks just as clear as the ocean that surrounds Fiji. Atlas snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a splash and noticed that Oasis was no longer standing right next to him. A few seconds later oasis came back to the water surface, now in her ocean form. “What are you waiting for? Come on in the water is great.” Atlas took off his T-shirt and back the way from the river's edge. He then ran as fast as he can towards the water and did a cannonball. At first, he couldn’t see anything. He can’t breathe and his ears were filled with water. Then all of a sudden, he felt a tingling sensation all over his body. His vision became clear, and he was able to hear again. “Holy shit.” He commented viewing the beautiful environment he was in. Realizing he can breathe and talk perfectly underwater; he looked down at himself to see that he now has a Sea ponytail just like Oasis. “Oh my God!” He exclaimed. “It worked. the necklace really works!” Oasis trying her best to not laugh at the spectacle. “I’m guessing you’re enjoying your experience?” “I’m enjoying it I’m loving it look at me I’m a goddamn mermaid. Will I get water powers like yours?” “You won’t get any new powers in this form.” Oasis answered. “Oh. I should’ve expected that.” Atlas said. “Wait.” He said himself before turning around and checking inside of his pants. “Thank goodness it still there.” He mumbled in relief. He turned around before asking. “So, what do you want me to do?” “Huh?” She snapped out of her thoughts her right hand was full of a few pieces of seaweed. “I want you to hold the net while I look for some seaweed. You do have the net, right?” “Sorry, I forgot it on the shoreline.” He answered sheepishly. “That’s all right, I can get it.” Using her powers, she made the water come out of the river, grab the net and pull it underwater. Allowing it to sink to the human's hands. “There we go. Now, let’s get collecting shall we.” Oasis said. They spend the next 20 minutes swimming around the river Delta, collecting seaweed and having a casual conversation. Despite a few boats sailing over them, their time in the Delta was surprisingly very peaceful. They saw manatees swimming slowly through the water and they encountered a few sea ponies. Either using the river as a shortcut to get to the other side or doing the same thing Atlas and Oasis were doing. When they saw that the net was full, they decided to go back on dry land. ===•••=== 11:45 When the two of them got back home, they saw that Sandune, Apollo and Icon had finally came back from the hospital. Sandune was carrying a car seat inside the house while Apollo was carrying a bag full of new baby supplies. “Morning, Harmony.” Oasis greeted. “Morning mom, morning Atlas.” Harmony said as she took a car seat out the SUV. Atlas looked inside the car seat that baby Caspian was sitting in. “Hey little Caspian, are you glad that you’re home.” He asked the little newborn. “Goo.” The little guy answered. “I’ll take that as a yes.” “Oh, you both went seaweed gathering.” Harmony said noticing the small net that oasis was holding. “Yes, we did. I was missing a special ingredient for the dishes I’ll be making for the party tonight.” Oasis responded. “Mom, you don’t have-“ “I insist. Not only did you make me a grandma, I am a grandma to a set of triplets. That doesn’t happen every day. This is worth celebrating and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” Oasis said. “Hey now, I didn’t say I didn’t want to celebrate. I was about to suggest that me and Sandune could do it.” “That’s kind of you, but I got it. Besides your dad and your in-laws or help me out. Now, if you excuse me, I have to put the seaweed in the fridge before it dries out.” Oasis said before walking away. “So how are Caspian’s brothers are doing?” Atlas ask as they entered the house. “Oh, they’re doing great. They’re sleep right now because grandpa was playing with them and making them laugh for 10 minutes straight. I’m surprised that Caspian is still awake.” Harmony said as she look at her little one. “I am not surprised by that. Did Sandune tell you what Icon did this morning?” “Yes he did, it was a pretty funny story. But at least he’s excited to be a grandpa again.” “I don’t blame him, seeing how adorable triplets are.” “After spending two days in the hospital. I can’t wait to eat something that is not room temperature.” “While you get something good to eat I’ll take this little guy.” Atlas said as he picked up Caspian’s car seat. “You know I got him right?” “I know, but you need some time to yourself and the little munchkin need some uncle time. Isn’t that right Caspian?” The little baby laughed as Atlas tickled his tummy. “Ok, but if he falls asleep just let me know.” Harmony said as Atlas walked up the stairs. “I know and I’m in the loft if you want to find me.” ===•••=== 6:30 PM When the evening arrived to the Twin Cities, it was time for every pony to set up the backyard for the party. It took a little time and effort, but the results were worth it. The table was full of mouthwatering dishes, the backyard patio fireplace was lit, the pool was heated, and last, but at least, there were a bunch of tiki torches set up around the backyard to get rid of hated insect in the universe, mosquitoes. While Daniel, Apollo and Sandune were watching a volleyball game on the living room TV, they heard the doorbell ring. “I got it.” Apollo said. He walked towards the front door and open it. Revealing Mira and her colt friend, Jack. “Hey guys, it’s good to see ya.” Apollo greeted. “Right back at ya, Apollo.” Mira responded. “I hope we’re late.” Jack said as he took off his shoes at the front door. “We have to learn the hard way that Surfside traffic is hard to get through.” “That’s odd. I just came back from an errand with Sandune and in my opinion the traffic wasn’t that bad. Wait where is your hotel located?” “Dockside.” Mira answered. “That explains a lot.” He turned his attention to the very light blue Pegasus who accompanied them. At first, he thought mare was a friend of the couple. Then he instantly recognized her. “You are Snowbird Serenade, aren’t you?” “The one and only.” Snowbird said. “It’s nice to finally meet you Apollo. My sister told me a lot about you.” “It’s nice to meet you too. I didn’t know you were coming to this party.” “No pony does. Except for Oasis.” “Why?” “It’s because we want to surprise Harmony. And since I am now free from work, I finally have a chance to see her and her newborns.” “Luckily for you, the triplets are still awake.” Apollo said as he and the new arrivals walk towards the living room. “Hey every pony.” Mira said. “Evening Mira.” Every pony greeted. Sandune and Daniel looking back at the TV and saw one of the volleyball players getting hit to face by volleyball. “Oh, that’s going to leave a mark.” Daniel cringed. “Hey sis, I have a surprise for you.” “Really what is- Snowbird?!” “Hey girl, it’s nice to see you too.” She said before she hugged her best friend. “I didn’t know you was coming tonight. Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve made some milkshakes for us.” “Your mom wanted to surprise you.” Snowbird said. “Thanks, mom.” “You’re welcome.” Oasis yelled from the kitchen. “Aww look at them they’re so tiny.” snowbird said looking at the triplets resting on the couch. “Can I hold one of them?” “Of course you can.” Snowbird picked up the baby in the middle. “What’s his name?” “His name is Aegean. The one on his left is name, Adrian and the one on his right his name Caspian.” Harmony answered. “So how’s motherhood going so far?” The actress ask. “Surprisingly, it’s been pretty easy. They’ve been peaceful little angels since day one.” “That’s good. I’m guessing this one’s going to be an extrovert.” Songbird said, as she pinched Angean’s left cheek. “All three of them are extroverts. They’ve been great with every pony, especially with my grandpa.” “What about Sandune?” Snowbird ask. “They adore their father. You know when I married him, I had a feeling he’ll be a great dad. And I was right.” Unbeknownst to them, Sandune blushed at the compliment. “Hey every pony I just finished the scallops, does any pony want some?” “I do.” Every pony replied. ===•••=== For the rest of the evening, every pony had a wonderful time at the breeze mansion. Sandune, Daniel and later icon and Apollo watched a few sports games while snowbird told Harmony the latest juicy gossip Surfside had to offer. Eventually, the party died down and time for every pony to go back to the hotel rooms or go to bed. ===•••=== Surfside-Dockside international Air Station 7:30 AM “Thanks for having us over we had a great time.” Apollo said as he took his suitcase out of the trunk. “It was no problem. I hope you guys come again real soon.” Sandune said. “Oh don’t worry, we will be back. In return you guys better visit Canterlot sometimes.” Atlas said. “I’ll make sure of it.” “See you later.” Apollo said before giving Sandune a hug. “Say goodbye to the family for us.” “Don’t worry I will.” Sandune said while waving. After the Yukon brothers were out of his sight, he got back in his car and drove home. ===•••=== Canterlot castle. 10 AM (Central standard time.) Castle Garden. “Hello ladies we are back from the west.” Apollo announced. “How was your trip?” Luna ask. “Oh, we had a great time. Atlas had a chance to become a sea pony and swim around the River Delta.” “What about you?” Celestia ask. “Went to the hospital with Sandune to the hospital to pick up Harmony and his kids. So I missed out.” “I only got the chance because I was helping Oasis to collect seaweed. Speaking kids you should see how adorable these little sea ponies are.” Atlas said before showing the Alicorn sisters some of the baby photos. “Aww, look at them.” Luna said. “They’re so precious. I’m glad you two got the chance to visit them.” Celestia said. “Where is Artemis?” Apollo ask. The royal sisters looked at each other nervously. “Girls, where is our nerdy carbon copy?” “He’s in his office, working on a big project that was recently approved by us and the department of transportation. And before you go, we have to warn you his work is not allowing him to sleep.” Celestia replied. Atlas and Apollo dark skin tone suddenly became pale. “What the hell is that man doing?” Atlas ask. “We would love to tell you what happened while you’ve gone, but I think it would be better if you guys heard it from him.” Luna said. After that the humans teleported away. ===•••=== When the brothers appeared in front of Artemis office door, they were wondering what the heck Artemis was up to. Apollo knocked on the door and waited for a response. “Come in.” Architect said. They open the door and saw Artemis standing in front of a large bulletin board with three very detailed drawings on it. The first picture was a drawing of the double-decker TGV from France. The second picture was a drawing of the ICE bullet train from Germany. And last the last picture was a drawing of Amtrak’s Acela express. The office around him was untidy. His desk had a few folders stacked on top of each other and his coffee table was filled with coffee cups from the local coffee shop. “Raven.” Artemis said. “I know you’re doing your job, but please tell those good for nothing business ponies that i’m-“ He finally turned around, seeing his brothers in the doorway. His eyes had dark bags underneath his eyes. “Oh shoot, you’re back. How was your trip?” He said before his right eye twitched. “It was good. We met the family and the babies. What’s going on with you?” Apollo ask. “I’m working on a project that will change this country forever.” “When did this project of yours begin?” Atlas ask throw away some of the coffee cups. “I’m glad you ask. After you guys left for your trip, I woke up early in the morning and submitted my idea for a bullet train Rail system to the department of transportation. After that they gave it to the princesses. They like the idea and approve it. Unbeknownst to me there was a group of engineers that are very interested of building a bullet train line in Equestria. After seeing how successful bullet trains became in the Delta kingdom, and how fast it expanded after the River Federation reunited.” He took a breather and then took a sip of his coffee before continuing. “Things went well in the first two days, we decided how fast the train should go and agreed that a line from Canterlot to Hollow shades should be the first rail line to be built. Then the company that run the friendship express heard what we were doing and demanded that the project be scrapped.” “let me guess they were concerned about their profits decreasing or something?” Apollo ask. “That’s one of the reasons. The second reason is because they said that every pony would be sad if the friendship express is replaced. Even though I told them that the ‘Starline’ will not be going to any small towns. I had to deal with their asses until 11 PM. After they stopped, I had the chance to imagine what the trains will look like. I tried to fall asleep, but I wasn’t able to, and I gave up when 3 AM came around. And here I am, dealing with designer block.” “Damn, no wonder you sounded so pissed.” Apollo said. “Hey Artemis, how about you call the day and get some sleep when you wake up maybe you’ll have some ideas.” Atlas suggested. Artemis teleported right in front of Atlas. His irises were glowing magenta. “I don’t need sleep I need fucking answers.” He teleported back in front of the poster board before grabbing his notepad, and began to draw. Then Apollo realize something. His brother didn’t have a wink of sleep, and he just use a teleportation spell two times. He knew at any second he was going to blackout. And his prediction was correct when he saw Artemis starting to fall over. He would’ve hit the floor if it wasn’t for Apollo opening up a portal to his bedroom, allowing him to land on his bed and drift into dreamland. “Nice catch.” Atlas said. “Thanks.” > Heart and hooves day. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 14 1010 A.G 8:00 AM It was a chilly morning in Canterlot and right now Atlas was walking towards the local coffee shop to get a nice mocha frappe. When he entered the warm coffee shop, his eyes were greeted by pink decorations. He expect this. Because today is heart and hooves day. Just like its earthly counterpart, Valentine’s Day, Heart and hooves day is a romantic holiday day in Equestria where couples show how much they care for each other by getting each other gifts, going out to dinner or both. Before he came to planet Equis, Atlas didn’t like Valentine’s Day that much because of all the weird couples making out in public and other things that Atlas prefer not to see. Especially during his high school in college days. But this year, things were different. Not only was he in a different world, but he is also dating one of the hottest mares in the country. So obviously, he had plans for his special girl tonight. But for now, he was focused on getting his frappe. He stopped in front of the counter. Where a silver pegasus stallion with a dark silver mane and tail was standing behind it. “Good morning Atlas, what can I get you today?” “Morning Silverwing. I want a mocha frappe please.” “With whip cream and caramel and chocolate sauce on the top?” Silverwing ask. “Yes please.” “One mocha frappe coming right up.” Before you guys ask, yes, this is the same stallion that was fighting in the mall back in the ‘shop till you drop’ episode last season. “So do you have any plans with your mare friend today?” Silverwing ask as he made Atlas’ order. “Yeah, nothing special, just taking her out to her favorite spots in the city.” “Let me guess. One of those spots is a fancy restaurant like the golden circle.” Silverwing guess as he reached over to get the caramel sauce. “Nope.” “You’re joking, right?” He said, with a confused expression on his face. “I’m dead serious. She likes casual places more than the fancy ones.” “Huh, I never thought Princess Celestia would like such places.” Silverwing responded. “Me neither, that’s what happens when you befriend royalty left, right, center. You learn things you never knew were possible.” “Ok, here’s your frappe. That’ll be three bits please.” Silverwing said after he handed the finish drink to his friend. After Atlas handed the coins to the barista, he grabbed his frappe and walked through the door. “Bye Silver.” “See you later Atlas and have a nice day.” After that, the human left the coffee shop. ===•••=== 8:16 AM Celestia‘s POV Celestia was in her office, making sure that the almost three millennial old nation was running smoothly. Usually she would be doing her paperwork with Atlas. When he didn’t show up she knew why. She knew that her human was planning something big. She pushed those thoughts out of her mind. There’s no time for daydreaming. She had work to do after all. Before she had a chance to pick up another document from her to do pile, a red heart shaped box and a teddy bear appeared in mid air and landed on her desk. This frighten her a little bit. After she calm down, she noticed that the teddy bear had a letter taped to the heart it was holding. She untaped the letter, opened it, and began reading. ===•••=== Dear Celestia. I am sorry I’m not there to help you out with your work right now, but I have a good reason why. when I was coming back from the coffee shop I noticed that a store was selling Valentin- I mean hearts and hooves day gifts. So I decided to buy you a few things. And before you lecture me, I know you like to keep your romantic life and your work life separate, that’s why I teleported the gifts to you. So when I come back, we’ll get to work right away. I hope you’re excited for tonight because I have a lot of fun activities for us. That’s all for now. See you later. Love you. Love Atlas. P.S: Do not wear a dress tonight. Wear something casual. ===•••=== “I knew it.” Celestia chuckled. “What am I going to do with him?” ===•••=== 6:00 PM The rest of their day was ordinary as usual. They approved a bill from the Senate that Luna gave them. And Celestia gave the go ahead for the Navy to build a new class of battle cruisers. After their workday was over, both of them went their separate ways. Right now, Atlas was in the castle atrium waiting for Celestia. Luckily, he didn’t have to wait that long because his special girl finally arrived. After she walked down the stairs, Atlas said “Hello beautiful, ready for a date tonight?” “Yes, I am, Jupiter.” She said, before kissing Atlas on the cheek. “So what activities do you have for us?” “It’s a surprise. You’ll see soon enough.” “Can you give me a little hint?” Celestia ask. “Nope. All you need to know is that you’re going to love it. You’ll see.” Atlas said before he teleported the both of them to their first destination. ===•••=== Downtown Canterlot. After her vision readjusted to her surroundings, she thought Atlas had teleported them to a fancy restaurant or bakery. Instead, they were standing in front of a laser tag place. “Surprise.” Atlas said. “I thought we were going out to eat first.” Celestia said. “I know, but I thought it would be nice for us to do something fun and challenging.” “You know me too well.” Celestia said as they both enter the establishment. “Oh, welcome to laser depot. What can I do for you two today?” The gold colored earth pony stallion said. Trying not to be nervous in front of the princess. He did a really good job at hiding it. “Hello we are here to play a round of laser tag.” Atlas said. “Which laser tag do you want to play? You can play in teams of two or solo.” The Earth pony receptionist said. “Solo please.” Celestia couldn’t believe what she just heard. Her colt friend just requested to play a solo game. Despite the fact he knows what she is capable of. Celestia chuckled quietly and thought. ‘ Oh my poor, poor Atlas. I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.’ “The solo Laser tag is behind the door to your right. I hope you both have a great time.” The Earth pony said as Atlas and Celestia walked away. After they put on their equipment, and told what’s allowed and what is not allowed, Celestia and Atlas were now waiting for the doors to the arena to open. “Atlas.” “Yeah?” “You know, I’m not going to go easy on you.” She said with a devious smile. “That’s fine. Besides after every pony else is out of the game i’ll be waiting. And believe me. I. Am. Ready.” Suddenly the large doors slid open, revealing a dark arena, lit up by neon colored lights. “Good luck.” Celestia said, in a sing song voice before running into the dark arena. All hell broke loose after that. Every pony started, aiming their crossbows at each other, and started blasting. And mind you, these lasers look like they came from Star Wars. In the chaos, Atlas notice a group of teenagers coming towards him. He knocked them out of the game by holding down the trigger and releasing a barrage of lasers right at them. And just like that, Atlas eliminated four ponies in the first five minutes. He looked up at the scoreboard, and saw that he was in second place. At first place was none other than the sun empress herself. With a total of six kills. After taking out two more players, he looked around to see where his mare friend was. Finally, he found her in one of the towers in the arena, sniping any pony she laid her eyes on. It was at this moment when she spotted Atlas. Luckily, for the human, he was able to dodge her laser attack. In response, Atlas got out of his hiding spot and fired back. Celestia teleported away before any of his lasers could hit her. “Oh shit.” His blood ran cold. “Bloody hell, she can be anywhere.” He decided right then and there that the best course of action was to jump into the nearby foam pit. Just in time for a unicorn mare to appear in his line of sight. He aimed his crossbow and fired. “Damn.” The unicorn said. “Where did that come from?” Atlas couldn’t help but laugh. Luckily, the foam cubes were muffling his laughter. He stayed in that pit for the next 4 minutes. Taking out players one by one. He looked up at the school board and saw that he and Celestia were the only ones left. And that meant one thing. She was coming for him. Then he spotted Celestia flying above him. “Atlas, come out wherever you are.” Moving as quietly as humanly possible, Atlas came out of the foam pit. He was about to aim his laser weapon at her when she looked down at him. “There you are.” In a blink of an eye, Celestia aim her weapon and launched a bunch of lasers right at him only for Atlas dodging all of them by teleporting. This was the beginning of an intense shootout. They chased each other all over the arena trying to eliminate the other. They jumped off the walls and ambushed each other. After 3 tense minutes, there battle came to a climax when Atlas ran up one of the towers stairs and jumped off the top deck with Celestia close behind. He managed to turn himself around mid air and fire a laser right at the sun princess. Celestia fired back in response. Their lasers hit their targets before they landed on a nearby trampoline. Speakers: “Game over.” ===•••=== Five minutes later. 6:30 PM “That was so much fun.” Celestia said as she and Atlas left the building. “Thanks for taking me here.” “You’re welcome. I figured we need a little bit of adrenaline rush to get things started.” Atlas responded. “You know, I never thought we would end that round in a tie.” “Me either, I thought I won the game to be honest. Next time we’re gonna do a rematch.” “Definitely. So what are we doing next tonight?”. “I am glad you ask because I had booked a dinner reservation at the Dessert factory at 7:00.” “That sounds nice. What should we do in the meantime?” Celestia ask. “How about we ride on the water taxi?” Atlas suggested. “Sounds good to me.” ===•••=== 7:00 PM After enjoying a relaxing boat ride, the couple disembarked the water taxi and walking to the mega mall. They took their time walking through the mall before arriving at the Dessert Factory. “Good evening, welcome to the Dessert factory. How can I help you?” Said the white Sea pony mare. “Hello, we’re here for a 7 o’clock reservation under the name Atlas Yukon.” He answered. She looked down at the paper in front of her, and found his name. “ You’re right just in time. Your table is ready.” She picked up two menus from under the counter. “Follow me.” The two lovebirds followed the receptionist to an area of the restaurant, where there was a small waterfall nearby. “Here’s your menus.” She said, handing the menus to Celestia and Atlas. “Your waiter or waitress will be here soon. I hope you have a nice date.” She said before walking away. “Hey Atlas.” “Yes Celestia.” Atlas said looking up from his menu. “How long did you plan this date?” “Two days. Why?” “Huh, I never thought you would organize anything this much outside of work.” Celestia said. “Well since tonight is our first hearts and hooves together, I just wanted to make sure that everything to be perfect.” He answered. “Aww, you don’t have to worry about that this night is already perfect as it is. You’re here with me and we’re having a great time.” “I know, but I promise my special lady that I’ll take her out on a magical night. That’s a promise I will never break.” Atlas said before kissing Celestia‘s hand. It was at this moment when a red crystal pony mare came to their table with a notepad and pencil in her hands. Her sparkly coat shined in the indoor lighting. This was the first time Atlas has seen a Crystal pony in person. The reason why is because they usually the north. Like Vanhoover, Winnieapolis or Manehattan. But most crystal ponies live in their native homeland of Crystallia. So seeing a crystal pony this far south is surprising. “Good evening, my name is maroon and I’ll be your waitress for tonight. Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?” “No, we’re ready to order. As an appetizer, we want the hayburger bites. And for me, I want a dandelion fruit salad with a strawberry lemonade.” Celestia said. “I want to order the Alfredo pasta, and for a drink, I want a cream soda.” Atlas answered. “After writing the order down on her notepad, maroon said. “Coming right up. And before I leave, I want to tell you that tonight all desserts are 50% off.” ‘Oh no.’ Atlas thought. “Thanks for telling us. We’ll keep that in mind.” Celestia said. “You’re welcome.” Maroon said as she walked away. ===•••=== 8:05 PM. “I am so stuffed.” Celestia said after she finished her large slice of chocolate cake. That’s slice was her second. “You couldn’t help yourself, can you.” Atlas rhetorically ask as he finished up his ice cream. “Any pony would jump at a deal like that.” Celestia said. “You got a point there.” A minute later, maroon walked over to their table with the bill in hand. “All right, here’s your bill. If you don’t mind me asking who’s paying?” “I am.” Atlas said. Maroon handed him the check. Atlas put his signature down and added a 30 bit tip. “Thank you very much and I hope you have a great rest of your evening.” She said before walking away. “I could’ve paid for the bill myself you know.” “I know, but you paid for dinner the last two times. And since it’s Valentine’s Day, it’s my job to pay for it.” “But-“ “No buts. Besides, don’t mind at all.” “Ok, if you say so.” After they left the restaurant, the human looked over to his mare friend and said. “Before you ask, we are going to the movie theater next.” “What movie are we watching?” “I’m not telling you, but you can guess the genre.” He said. “Action.” “Nope.” “Sci-fi.” “Nope.” “A horror movie.” “Not even close.” After they walked to an elevator, got to the third floor and walked for five minutes, they finally arrived at the movie theater. And Celestia gave up. “You got me, Yukon. I give up. what movie are we watching?” “A Romance movie.” ‘There’s no romance movies out.’ She thought. Then she realize something. ‘He didn’t.’ Atlas approach the ticket booth. “We’re here to see a screening of the ‘Dragon in Bordeaux’ movie at 8:10.” He then placed a reservation pass on the counter. The stallion behind the counter looked at the past to see if it was valid. After he finished, he passed the pass to the human and two tickets. “Enjoy your movie, sir.” Celestia couldn’t believe it. Somehow, Atlas was able to reserve seats for the biggest romance blockbuster hit in theaters. After Atlas purchased some snacks, they walked to their theater and sat down in their seats. “Atlas.” “Yeah.” “How were you able to reserve seats? They said that this movie is so popular that is almost impossible to get the tickets let alone reserve them. You didn’t hurt any pony, right?” “What, no. That’s something Apollo might do.” He joked. “ I was able to reserve our seats by waking up at 5:30 in the morning. I teleported to the theater, waited for a few minutes for them to open. And just like that I was able to get a reservation at the moment they opened.” “Well thanks for doing this.” She said, leaning her head on his shoulder “You’re welcome.” After that, the theater went dark and the movie start to play. ===•••=== 11:10 PM As Celestia and Atlas leave the theater, Atlas couldn’t believe what he just watched. When he first reserved the seats for the ‘Dragon in Bordeaux’ movie he thought it would be your usual romantic film. Not only did that movie break every single one of his expectations, it made him shed a few tears. Especially during the happy ending. He hates to admit it, but in his opinion, the movie was way better than Titanic. ‘Money well spent.’ He thought. ===•••=== 11:30 PM Canterlot Castle. “I had a wonderful time. Thank you Atlas.” “You’re welcome, Tia. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Before he had a chance to walk away, Celestia called for him. “Jupiter.” He turned to look at her. “Ye-“ It at this moment when Celestia grabbed the human by the collar and pulled him into a deep kiss. Atlas was surprised by the surprise make out session, but nevertheless he closed his eyes and kissed her back. While they both pressed their bodies against each other. After a while, they pulled away from each other. “There’s no way you are going back to your room tonight.” she whispered in his ear. “Now it’s my turn to take care of you.” She pulled him in her room, locked the door behind her and laid down on her bed with a seductive look on her face. The sun Empress then teleported their casual attire, only leaving behind their under clothes. “Come here.” She said, her voice sweeter than honey. And he did just that. Her Colt friend got into bed with her and resumed their Makeout session. Didn’t sleep at all that night. But do they care. No. No, they did not. > What an interesting ride. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 6 1010 A.G Ponyville Sweet Apple Acres. 3:00 PM *Knock, knock knock.* It was a chilly afternoon in the small town of Ponyville. There is barely any snow on the ground, and it was warmer than usual. That means spring was right around the corner. Later today, the Apples are going to throw a party to celebrate the coming spring season. Even though it’s a bit early to celebrate that but hey, it doesn’t matter. Every pony likes parties. Especially in Ponyville. “Atlas, what a nice surprise. Come in, come in.” She said, allowing the human to enter her house. “Good afternoon, Pear.” Atlas greeted before putting his sweater on the coat rack. “So what brings you to my farm? The party doesn’t start until seven.” She asked. “Artemis wanted me to ask you something. But he’s a bit busy with work right now, so he asked me to ask his question for him.” He said as he took a seat on the living room couch. “Ok.” She said before sitting right next to him. “Remember when you invited me and my siblings, and we decided to volunteer to take some of the guest on a tour of the farm and the Whitetail woods? Like something similar to a Haybale ride.” “Yeah.” “Well, since the ride is educational, Artemis wants to know if it would be ok if we drive over to the castle of the two sisters. And use our new truck instead of your husband’s old tractor.” “Does he know where that castle is located?” Pear Butter asked. “Yes, he does. We know that the forest has a scary and dangerous reputation. But the good news is that the castle was only a quarter of a mile deep in the forest and Twilight found a safe route to it. So, we should be good. And we have powers. If something goes wrong, we could just teleport ourselves back.” Atlas reassured. “Ok, but you mentioned that he would be using your truck. Is it outside so I can see what it looks like?” Pear Butter ask. “It’s not outside because it’s not yet complete. But in two hours me and my brothers are going to Hollow shades to pick it up. But I do have a picture of what it will look like.” Atlas said before taken a fold piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to Pear. “So this new truck of yours can handle the conditions in the Everfree?” “Yep, you can handle anything this country can throw at it. Well, except for lava for obvious reasons.” “Ok, you convince me, but let me see if my husband is ok with this idea.” She said before heading out the door to get her husband. After waiting in the living room for 10 minutes, Pear Butter came back inside. “Congratulations Atlas, Bright Mac is on board with your brother’s idea, but on one condition.” “What is it?” “He wants to narrate the first half of the tour.” “The first half is when we’re going around the Apple and Pear farms, right?” “That’s right.” Pear answered. “Artemis will be fine with that.” Atlas responded. “Is there anything else you want to discuss with me?” She asked. “No that is all. Bye Pear. See you at the party.” Atlas said before he walked over to the front door and grabbed his sweater from the coat rack. “Goodbye Atlas.” She said as she watched the human exit her house and leave her farm. ===•••=== Hollow Shades. Steel inc factory. 5:35 PM After taking a train from Canterlot to Hollow shades that took around 2 1/2 hours, the triplets didn’t want to take a long carriage ride to their destination. So they decided to teleport instead. When they arrived at the factory, they saw that Paxton was waiting for them as promised. “Hey boys, welcome to my factory.” Paxton greeted. “Hello Paxton.” They said unison. “Are you three ready to see your new vehicle?” The purple unicorn stallion ask. “Definitely. We’ve been waiting all week for this.” Apollo said. “So, where is the truck anyway?” Artemis asks. “It’s still inside. I just finished putting on the tires.” He opened the double doors with his magic. “Follow me.” They follow the older stallion to the main floor of the factory, where tanks, guns, construction vehicles, and much more were being built. “Hey Paxton, how come there’s so many tanks being built?” Artemis ask. “Well, that’s because the world saw how effective these fighting vehicles are. These machines were able to bring an entire empire to its knees. Ever since then, the equestrian military and our allies around the world has been ordering a lot of SB-15s. Thankfully all of my factories are able to handle the high demand.” Finally, after a little bit of walking, they arrived at a quieter part of the factory. And parked in front of them was their new truck. The vehicle question was pretty large, about the same size as a standard four-wheel firetruck. It had a flat nose cab with two doors on each side. And it has a gray coat of paint. But what made this truck unique was that it had a pair of tracks instead of wheels in the back. Right below the cargo part of the truck. Within the tracks were three tank wheels. (The halftrack looks similar to the truck in the photo, except it's smaller and it only has two front wheels.) “Wow, it looks even better in person.” Apollo said in amazement. “Paxton you really outdone yourself.” Atlas said. “Thanks. Now don’t just stand there, check out.” “Don’t mind if I do.” Apollo said to himself. Like a child on Christmas Day, Apollo approached the large truck, open the door, and hopped in the driver seat. After he close the driver side door, he took a moment to look in the back and saw that there were three rows of luxury leather seats. He whistled before saying. “Worth every freaking penny.” When he looked down at the dashboard, he saw that the highest number on the speedometer was 105. “How in the heck can this thing go so fast?” “I built the engine.” “AHH!” Apollo turned around and saw that Atlas was sitting right behind him. “You really need to stop using your magic to sneak around.” Apollo said. “I’m not stopping anytime soon.” Atlas responded. “Can I have a turn in driver seat?” He let out a sigh before responding. “Sure, I was going to check out the back anyway.” Apollo got out of the half track and walked to the back. He opened both of the rear doors, revealing a sizable cargo space. Inside of the empty space are eight seats, four on each side. And Artemis was sitting in one of the seats. “You need to sit down right now. These seats are very comfy.” Artemis said. Apollo was skeptical. “They don’t look like it.” “Just come in here.” Apollo climbed on board, unfolded one of the seats, like you would do in a movie theater and sat down. “Wow, you’re right. This is comfy.” ===•••=== A few minutes later. “So what do you guys think?” Paxton ask. “It’s perfect.” Artemis said. His siblings nodded an agreement. “I’m glad y’all like it.” The purple unicorn pulled a pair of car keys out of his right pocket. “Who is driving?” Paxton asked. The siblings looked at each other and decided to settle it by playing a few rounds of rock paper scissors. Apollo won. Paxton toss the keys to him. “Y’all have a nice rest of your evening.” He said before walking away. “You too.” Apollo replied. All of a sudden, Atlas teleported away in an orange flash of magic. Artemis had a gut feeling where his brother went. ‘He’s in the front isn’t he.’ he thought, as he turned around and saw that Atlas was in the front passenger seat. “Dammit.” Atlas roll down the window with a smug look on his face and said. “It’s not my fault that you’re slow, you snooze you lose.” Apollo laughed as he was walking towards the vehicle while twirling the car keys on his index finger. Artemis rolled his eyes. After everyone put on their seatbelts, Apollo put the keys in the ignition and started the engine. When the large factory doors opened wide enough for the half track to leave, the driver gave a goodbye honk before driving away. ===•••=== 7:08 PM Ponyville Sweet apple Acres. “Does any pony know where the triplets are?” Spike ask before he took a bite of his caramel Apple. “Maybe they’re still in town somewhere.” Rainbow Dash suggested. “I remember Atlas telling me that they were going to Hollow shades to pick something up.” Twilight said. “They better get here soon. They’re in charge of taking the guest around the farm and the woods.” Applejack stated before taking a sip of cider. It was at this moment when they noticed a really bright light coming from the south side of the Orchard. “What is that?” Fluttershy ask, shaking like a leaf. “I don’t know, but I hope it’s not what I think it is.” Applejack said as she reached under one the tables and grab a crossbow. Soon more ponies notice the bright light as it got closer and closer. The lights went away, revealing a truck coming to a complete stop in front of the main gate. Every pony breathe a collective sigh of relief. “For second there I thought there was some weird creature from the Everfree.” Applejack said as she sneakily put her weapon away. “Same over here. Who is that?” Spike said. While the main six wondered who could be could be in the vehicle, Pear Butter came out of her house with a tray in her hands. “Every pony, I bake some more apple fritters.” She said before placing the tray on the table. Then she noticed the truck at her gate. “Oh, the triplets are here.” “That vehicle belongs to triplets?” Applejack ask. “Yeah, Atlas came by earlier to give me a heads up.” She said, before walking towards the gate and opening it. The truck slowly entered the premises, turned around and backed up right next to the barn. After that, the engine was turned off. “What’s up ponies. Sorry for being late.” Apollo said after he closed the driver side door. “Howdy AAA, how come you never told us y’all get this thing?” Applejack ask. “We wanted to see your reaction.” Atlas said. “But we did expect to see a whole crowd of ponies ready to shoot a bunch of lasers at us.” “Well, we’re not used to seeing bright lights coming from the woods at night.” Rarity said. Apollo chuckled nervously. “Yeah, sorry about that the road we were on lost power and i had to use the highbeams.” “So are you boys ready to take ponies around the farm?” “Whoa, slow down their cowgirl, we just got here. Let us enjoy some games and the food first.” Atlas said. “Ok in the meantime, I’ll get the tractor ready for you.” “Applejack you don’t need to do that because we’re not using the tractor. We’re using our half track instead.” Artemis said. “Ok. That’s a bit odd.” “And we’re going to the castle in the Everfree forest.” Apollo said. This caused the color to drain from the main six. Except for Twilight. “Are you guys fucking crazy?!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Do you know what goes on in that forest? The clouds are not controlled by any pony, the animals are weird. And last, but not least, it creepy!” “And it’s very dark and scary, even during day.” Fluttershy interjected. “If you’re afraid of that Everfree, why do you live so close to it?” Atlas ask Fluttershy. “I don’t live that close to the forest.” She answered. “I know, but it’s kind of ironic don’t you think? You’re basically Zecora’s closest neighbor.” "We’re only driving past the castle. We’re not actually going to stop and explore it. After we see it and I give a few facts about it. We get the heck out of the forest as fast we can. You guys have nothing to worry about. The path twilight showed me is extremely safe.” Artemis said. “Twilight, you’re in on this?” Applejack ask. “Yeah, when they told me what they were planning, I thought it was a good idea.” She answered before taking a sip of her apple juice. “So are we gonna get something to eat or what?” Apollo said as a stomach starts rumble right on queue. “Yeah, I agree with Apollo, so let’s go.” Atlas said. “I’ll go with them. See you girls later.” After that, the humans walked away. ===•••=== 7:30 PM It’s been 30 minutes since the party had started, and finally the triplets were ready to take some of the party guest around the farm, take them to the castle of the two sisters and the Whitetail Woods. After every pony got in their seats, Artemis put the key in the ignition and turned it. After that, the human gave a thumbs up to Bight Mac, who was sitting in the third row. The yellow earth pony farmer turn on the microphone and said. “Is every pony in the front ready?” “We’re ready!” “Passengers in the back are you ready to go?” Bright Mac said, as he looked through a small window that allowed him to see the ponies who were sitting in the very back of the half track. “Yeah!” They yelled. “Driver, we’re ready to go.” “Roger that.” Artemis before putting the half tracking gear and giving it enough gas to go at a steady speed of 25 mph. “Welcome aboard on the sweet ride in sweet apple acres, my name is Bright Mac and I will be your guide…” ===•••=== 7:45 PM 15 minutes later. “Since we are leaving the farm, my friend here will be your guide for the rest of the journey. Here you go, Artemis, you have the floor.” After Artemis grab the microphone with his magic and said. “ Thank you Bright Mac I hope you enjoy the rest of this ride like our passengers here. Quick question, is everyone enjoying themselves?” “Yeah!” Every pony cheered. “I’m glad to hear that. Now the next site we are seeing tonight is the ‘castle of the two sisters’.” He said before turning on the two of the remaining headlights that were off. “To get there we would have to drive through the Everfree forest. Don’t worry every pony, you’re in safe hands.” ‘Holy crap they were right. It is dark in here.’ Artemis thought as he drove deeper into the forest. “While we wait to arrive at the castle, I’m going to tell you guys some background information about this place. The Everfree Palace, more famously known as the 'castle of the two sisters', was built in the very late years of Galaxia reign. in fact, it was completed 20 years before she stepped down from the throne. The Palace was one of the royal sister's favorite places and they spend a lot of time there in the beginning of their reign. Because of its peaceful location, and the nearby town of Everfree was also pretty cool too.” The half track went around the bend and the castle appeared into view. “Here we are. On my right is the castle of the two sisters.” Every pony ooh and awe at the view of the castle. The castle condition is radically different from the one in our timeline. The flimsy rope bridge that was spanning the canyon was replaced by a stone bridge. The tallest points of the palace was covered in scaffolding, and there is a ton of construction equipment surrounding the site. “Ever since Princess Luna was freed from the dark clutches of nightmare, she’s been leading an effort to restore the castle to its former glory. Should be finished by mid-June.” Artemis stated. “Before we head to the Whitetail Woods, does any pony have any questions?” He said before levitating the microphone. He then felt someone grab the microphone out of his magical grasp. “Why was the castle abandoned in the first place?” Sweetie Belle asks before returning the microphone to the human. “That’s a good question. And the reason why is because the place holds a lot of painful memories for Celestia. Mind you she had to fight her own sister, which led to a three-year long Civil War. After the civil war ended, she had to defend her country from the felines, the dragons, and a bunch of pony kingdoms who decided to take advantage of Equestria’s weaken state. Which lasted another five years, known the war a survival. So, she wasn’t in the best state of mind at the time. She tried to go back, but it was too much for her, so she abandoned it. On a happier note, she healed overtime, and the castle is no longer abandoned.” They stayed at the vanish point for a few more minutes before Artemis decided it was time for them to go. When they were almost out of forest, Artemis spotted a large manticore sleeping in the middle of the road. He slammed on the brakes to avoid colliding with the large cat. Luckily, the truck stopped 25 feet away from the sleeping feline. “Is every pony ok?” Artemis ask. “Yeah, we’re fine.” Said Rarity. “Is that a manticore?!” Bright Mac exclaimed. “Yep, that’s a manticore. I think it’s asleep.” Said Artemis. “Do we have to turn around?” Sweetie Belle asked. “We don’t need to turn around. There is enough space for us to pass on the side of the road. Give me a sec.” He said before turning off the engine. He reached for a knob on his left and switched it from diesel to hybrid. After that he turned the engine back on. This time, it was drastically quieter than before. The human drove the half track around the sleeping beast. When he was in the clear, Artemis push the gas pedal down until the half track was cruising at speed of 50 mph. He looked in his rearview mirror into his relief. It was still asleep. ===•••=== 10 minutes later. After enjoying a nice drive through the Whitetail woods, Artemis and his passengers made it back to sweet apple acres. “Hello boys, how was the ride?” Pear Butter ask. “Oh, it was great. Our guest had fun and we learn a thing or two.” Bright Mac said. “Artemis how do you know so much about that castle?” “When I first arrived, I decided to research the history about this country to pass the time.” Answer Artemis. “Maybe we should do this next year.” Pear Butter suggested. “I’ll think about it.” “Did any thing interesting happen?” Apollo asked. “We encountered a manticore.” Artemis said. “What happened when you encountered it.” Apollo said in shock. “The cat was sleeping in the middle of the road so nothing bad happened.” “That’s good to hear.” Pear Butter said with relief. They then heard half track’s horn. “Bright Mac, Artemis, the new passengers are ready to go. Are you guys coming or not?” Atlas yelled. “We’re coming.” They said in unison. ===•••=== For the rest of the night every pony had fun in sweet apple acres. They played games drink and ate until their stomachs were full. Sadly, the festivities soon came to an end, and every pony said their goodbyes. Well, except for the triplets. They decided to drink a lot of hard cider with Rainbow Dash. And just like the fastest Pegasus in Equestria, the humans were too drunk to go home. So, the decision was made to let them sleep over at the Golden Oaks library and Rainbow Dash will sleep at the farm. ===•••=== March 7 1010 A.G 9:10 A.M. After the Yukon triplets woke up, had their breakfast and Twilight performed a spell to get rid of their hangover, it time for them to head back to the capital. “Thanks for allowing us to sleep over.” Apollo said. “It was no problem that’s what friends are for.” Twilight smiled. *Honk, Honk.* “That our queue to go, bye Twilight, bye Spike.” Atlas said. “See you later guys.” Spike said. “Bye Owllicious.” Apollo said before walked through the front door. “Hoo.” After that, the humans drove away. “Man, we had a crazy night.” Atlas said. “Tell me about it.” Artemis replied. “Next time remind me not to drink with Rainbow Dash." “We will.” *ROARRRR* “What the hell was that?” Apollo said the color draining from his face. *ROARRRR* “Whatever it is, it’s coming from over there.” Artemis said deciding to drive to the source of the sound. When they arrive to an another part of town, they were shocked by what they were looking at. In the middle of the street was a large wolf made out of random pieces of wood, slowly approaching Bonbon and her daughter. The two ponies had nowhere to go since they were cornered against a wall. The humans knew they had to do something. Before the wooden monster can get any closer to them, Atlas came out of nowhere and punch this thing in the jaw. Before the wolf can recover from being, Atlas grabs the creature with his magic and threw it against a large oak tree. This gave Apollo the perfect opportunity to check on ponies. “You guys, ok?” “We’re ok.” Bonbon said. “Good, now go.” The cream coated mare nodded, grabs her daughter’s hand and ran towards the group of police officers that just arrived on the scene. “Thanks for helping us.” Twist said. “You’re welcome.” Apollo said before heading back to deal with the wooden wolf. Well, at this moment, when Apollo saw that Atlas had beaten up the thing so badly that it disintegrated into a pile of wood. “Yes finally!! Apollo we did it. We defeated it.” “Hell ye-… no we didn’t.” He observed the wolf putting itself together. Atlas, turned around and saw that the wolf was still alive. He had enough time to shield himself with a magical shield bubble before the wolf smacked him into a side of a building. Don’t worry, he’s all right. In retaliation, Apollo shot a beam of magic right at the creature. Before the Timberwolf recovered enough to attack, Apollo. Spike came out nowhere and body slammed it. “Hey guys, I brought the cavalry!” Atlas yelled, as main six joined in the fray. A few minutes later, the Timberwolf wisely retreated back into the everfree. “Is any pony going to tell us what the heck was that thing?” Atlas said after his adrenaline rush ended. “That creature is a Timberwolf.” Fluttershy answered. “That’s a Timberwolf? Oh my God.” “At least it’s back and it’s weird home. Don’t worry when we get back to Canterlot. We’ll make sure that there’s some guards station here to make sure that thing doesn’t come back again.” Artemis said. “You don’t need to do that we’re always prepared just in case if it happens again.” Said Applejack. “Why are you guys acting like this is normal?” Apollo ask. “Because we’re used to it. It only happens once or twice a month depending on the season." Applejack said. The triplets did nothing but stare at them. “You ponies are crazy.” They said in unison. ===•••=== Canterlot castle. Celestia’s POV. Back in Canterlot, Celestia was in the royal garden, enjoying the peace and quiet. After having a meeting with a few senators and going through some paperwork, Celestia was finally able to unwind with a cup of coffee. Sadly, her time alone ended when Cadence teleported right in front of her. “Auntie, I have something you need to see.” The love princess said in a panic. “What’s wrong Cadence?” Celestia ask as she put her coffee mug on the table. “He’s back.” She handed her aunt an open letter with a picture stapled at the bottom of it. ===•••=== Dear Princess Cadence. I have some urgent news coming from our military forces guarding the northern border. Today at 7:08 AM, Our troops have reported spotting a tall crystal structure 20 miles north of the border. After further investigation it has been confirmed that the structure is the old crystal Palace that your mother used to rule in back in the days of the old empire. Your majesty, the Crystal city is back. Crystallia has been on high alert ever since the news became public. We’re ready to receive your orders. Forever loyal, Prime Minister Scarlet. > The Crystal Empire part one. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 8 1010 A.G Canterlot Castle. 8:30 AM “Are you sure you don’t want me to go as well?” Luna asks, as she and her elder sister looked at the stained-glass windows. “Yes. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are already there. The others will be joining them soon.” Celestia said. “The crystal city’s magic is powerful, we can not let it fall again, my sister.” Luna said, remembering when the city fell the first time. “They will succeed in their task, and when they do, we’ll be able to right the wrongs of the past.” “Ahem.” Twilight cleared her throat getting the royal sisters attention. “Trust me, little sister.” Celestia said to Luna. “I got your letter, princess, something about a special mission.” “What a coincidence, same over here.” Atlas said accompanied by his identical siblings. “Celestia, what is going on?” Apollo ask. “I was getting to that.” The solar monarch said before clearing her throat. “The reason why I want to meet you all here is because the Crystal city has return.” “The Crystal city? I don’t recall ever hearing of that place.” Twilight said. “That’s because the city has not existed for thousands of years. Besides the crystal ponies, a few remember the city ever existing at all.” Celestia said before picking up a purple crystal in her magic, and placing it on the ground in front of Twilight and the humans. All four of them walk backwards when a hologram projection of a city appeared where the crystal was located. “Long ago, this very metropolis was the beating heart of the Crystal Empire. Now known today as the Kingdom of Crystallia.” The hologram then zoomed out from the city and now showed a map of Crystallia back in its glory days. Now it’s worth mentioning that Crystallia today is a large country. The map the hologram was projecting, showed that the Crystal Empire is larger than its modern day counterpart. “Just like its larger and older sister, Equestria. The Crystal Empire was founded to liberate the crystal ponies from warlords and foreign empires. Eventually becoming a powerhouse in the northern part of the continent.” “So what happened to the Empire?” Artemis ask. “1005 years ago, Sombra, whose heart is as black as the night itself, took over the Empire in a violent coup d’etat, nearly killed Empress Mi Amore. After that, Sombra rule the nation with an iron fist. We were able to defeat him, turn him into shadow, and banish him in the ice in the frozen North. But not before he was able to put a curse on the capital and any town or city north of it. A curse that caused half of the empire to vanish into thin air.” The hologram showed the northern half of the Empire disappearing. “luckily many of the crystal ponies living in the region escaped before he cursed the land, but there were still some who weren’t as lucky.” She lit her horn and picked up the crystal with her magic. “If the crystal city is filled hope and love he will be defeated.” Her eyes went from their normal magenta color to a creepy green color with purple flames coming out of them. “If hatred and fear takes hold, he’ll be able to take back the Empire, and who knows what he’ll do next.” As she was saying this three jagged obsidian crystals grew from the for like demonic plants. Surrounding Twilight and humans. Then Celestia eyes went back to normal, and she destroyed the crystals with her magic. “That’s why I need your help to protect it.” “So that’s why you sent letters to us and the elements.” Apollo said. “Yes, and I know this is a big ask you, but I do believe that all of you are the right ponies for this mission.” “I’m in.” Atlas said. “Same over here.” Artemis said. “Count me in.” Apollo chimed in. “How do we begin?” Twilight ask “By joining Princess Cadence and Shining Armor in the Crystal City.” “My brother is there?” Twilight asked, surprise. “He is, and my mother will be coming along as well. I have confidence in all of you that you’ll succeed.” “What are you and Luna going to do during all of this?” Atlas ask. “Luna will be staying here to watch over the nation, while I am currently organizing a large invasion force. So when the city is free, we will march in to liberate the north.” Celestia answered. “So, when are we going to Crystallia?” Apollo ask. “2:30 PM. You’ll be taking the train up north. Airships can’t fly in blizzard like conditions.” Celestia answered. “Is there anything else we need to know before we get to packing?” Twilight ask. “That is all, you may go.” Before Apollo can exit the room, he felt his right hand being grabbed. He looked behind himself to see Luna was the one was holding his hand. Looking at him with a worried expression on her face. “What is it Lulu?” “I want you to promise me that all of you will make it back ok.” “Don’t worry, I promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” He said before pulling the moon princess into a loving hug. After they separated, Apollo gave Luna a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving the room the room. ===•••=== Canterlot train station. 2:00 PM After spending hours of packing and preparing for the big journey ahead, the humans, the main six and Spike were being escorted by four members of the Royal guard to the train station. To the elements’ confusion they weren’t given tickets for any train, and they skipped the security and the ticket booth without any of the employees raising an eyebrow. When they made it to the main platform, the queen of the galaxies, was waiting for them. “Good afternoon, are you young ponies ready to go to the Crystal city?” Galaxia ask with a friendly smile. “We sure are majesty. It’s just… we don’t have any tickets. Do you have them?” Applejack ask. “We’re not taking a normal express train. We are taking one that is more suitable for this journey.” Galaxia said. “So, if we’re not taking the friendship express, then which train are we supposed to take?” Twilight wondered. Her question was answered when a loud and powerful whistle was heard throughout the station. And when they saw which train owned that whistle, their eyes widened. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CYieQM4vZ0&pp=ygURc25vd3BpZXJjZXIgdGhlbWU%3D The steam locomotive that was slowly approaching them was huge. Dwarfing every other train in the station. The steam engine has 12 driving wheels, six on each side. With a large tender with a four-pointed star painted on the side. And it was pulling nine train cars. Eight of them were its iconic blue passenger carriages, and the last one in the back was a flatbed that was carrying the halftrack. Its name is Neo. “We are taking the princesses private train?!” Spike said in shock. “Damn right we are.” Atlas said. “Wait, you knew about this?” Twilight ask. “Of course we did. The reason why we didn’t tell you was because the princesses want to surprise all of you.” “Oh my Celestia, we’re going to be traveling in style.” Rarity said excitedly. Moments later, the doors to the first train car opened, and the conductor disembarked from the train. “Hello every pony, my name is Evan and I am the conductor on board Neo.” Said the white unicorn. “We will be leaving in 10 minutes. Before you bored the train, allow me to take your bags to your rooms.” “Wait, you don’t have to-“ All of their bags disappeared. “Do that.” Twilight finished her sentence. “I’m just doing my job, ma’am.” Evan said, before stepping aside, allowing them to board the train. “This is awesome.” Rainbow Dash squealed. 10 minutes later, the train doors closed, and Neo blew its mighty whistle before leaving the station. ===•••=== March 10 1010 A.G 1:30 PM 5°F After traveling through both Equestria and Crystallia for two full days, the train finally arrived at the old Crystal city train station. When the train doors open, the mane six, spike, Galaxia, and Artemis got off the train. While Atlas and Apollo went to the very back to unload the half track. While they waited for them, they spotted something in the distance. “Twilight.” It turned out to be Shining Armor. “Shining Armor?” He pulled down his scarf and said. “Twily, you made it!” He said before they both ran into each other’s arms. Moments after they ended their hug the half track came into view and stopped right in front of them. “We better get going. There’s things out here we really don’t want to run into.” Shining said. “What kind of things?” Fluttershy ask. “Let’s just say the city is not the only thing that returned.” “What are we waiting for? Get in!” Artemis said. After every pony got inside of the half track, Apollo put the vehicle in gear and drove away from the station. “For the past three days, something is trying to get in. We think it’s the old unicorn king that curse the place.” Said Shining as he held his hands in front of one of the AC vents. “But Princess Celestia sent us here to protect the city. If King Sombra can’t get in, that means the city is already protected.” Twilight responded. “Sombra is as stubborn as he is evil. If there is a slight chance for him to take back the Empire, he will take that chance no matter the cost.” Galaxia chimed in. Then all of a sudden, an eerie sound echo throughout the frozen wasteland. “It’s one of the things, isn’t it?!” Fluttershy panic. Apollo glanced at the rearview mirror. Is blood rain cold as his skin paled. He slammed the gas pedal down to the floor, causing the half track to accelerate from 75 to 105 mph. “Apollo, what’s going on?” Shining Armor ask. “There’s a shadow monster right behind us. That thing is right behind us!” “Shadow monster?!” Artemis said with concern before he looked through a window on one of the rear cargo doors. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!” A quarter mile behind them was a large shadowy creature with green glowing eyes with purple flames coming out of them. With a bone chilling smile on its face. “Whatever you do, don’t you dare take your foot off the gas!!” Shining said to Apollo. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” What felt like an eternity, Apollo try this best to get away from the massive shadow. He even successfully dodged a few attacks the monster threw at them. After three terrifying minutes, the truck drove through the city protective shield full speed. Moments later, the large shadow monster slammed into the shield. It screamed and frustration before disappearing back into the blizzard. After the half track came a complete stop, Apollo look back at his passengers and ask. “Is every pony, right?” “Yeah, we’re good.” Galaxia answered. “Same over here!” Artemis yelled since he was sitting in the very back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzwJlWZRwNA&pp=ygUNdG5vIG9mbiB0aGVtZQ%3D%3D “Wow, the city is beautiful.” Atlas said in amazement. “Damn, you’re right.” Apollo said, as he took a few photos of the crystal metropolis. Every pony looked out the windows in amazement as they navigated the city’s large avenues. Eventually, they arrived at the city tallest landmark, the Crystal Palace. “Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.” Rarity exclaimed as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “There are no words.” “Focus Rarity, we’re here to help the locals, not admire the scenery.” Applejack said. “I don’t see what the big deal is. Looks like another old castle to me.” Rainbow Dash commented. “Another old castle? You have lost your mind. look at the-“ Rainbow Dash was having a hard time holding back her laughter. “Very funny.” When they came to the palace throne room, they found Cadence sitting on the crystal throne, looking like she hasn’t slept in days. “Cadence.” The love princess face lit up when she saw Twilight. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hands and do a little shake.” After the two in-laws completed their little greeting, Cadence’s magic buckled under the huge magical strain of the shield bubble. “One of these days we really need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn’t hanging in the balance.” “Are you ok?” Twilight ask. “Cadence has been using her magic to spread love and light, that’s what seems to be protecting it. But she hasn’t slept, barely eats. I want to help, but my protection spell has been countered by King Sombra.” Shining Armor stated. “It’s all right Shining Armor, I'm fine.” Cadence said tiredly. “She’s not fine. She can’t go on like this forever. And if her magic were to fade, you saw out there what’s waiting for that to happen.” “That’s why we’re here.” Twilight said. Everyone nodded. “With Cadence putting all her strength to keep the spell going, and me on the lookout for any signs of trouble in the arctic. We haven’t been able to gather that much information from the Crystal ponies.” “Crystal ponies! We’re going to be meeting Crystal ponies.” Rarity said excitedly. Causing the main six and the humans to look at her like she was on crack. When she realized the attention, her little outburst attracted, she laughed nervously and said. “Please continue.” “We have to believe that one of them knows how to protect the city without having to use Cadence’s magic.” “So how about we ask the locals? They know the city better than we do?” Twilight stated. “It’s worth a shot.” Galaxia stated. Everyone else agreed. “Don’t worry big brother, we’ll have your information in no time.” ===•••=== 2:20 PM 50°F After 30 minutes of asking the locals, our heroes came back to their meeting spot, empty-handed. “I have nothing so far.” Rainbow Dash said. “Me neither.” Said Rarity. When Twilight turned to look at Fluttershy, she didn’t expect see Pinkie pie to takeoff a costume that looks just like the shy animal lover. “My cover has been blown. I repeat my cover has been blown.” She said in a whisper. “Ok?” Twilight said in confusion. It was at this moment, when the real Fluttershy arrived. “We have nothing as well. Sombra must’ve given them amnesia when he made this place disappear. But the good news is that me and the triplets found the national library. It’s just a mile and a half away from here.” Galaxia said. Twilight’s eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning. “A library, why didn’t you say so?” The bookworm said, cupping the Galactic Alicorn's cheeks. “I just did. Now before we go, I need to get something. Wait here.” She walked over to the half track, opened the passenger side door, and pulled out her new black ax case with a single strap attached to it. After she put the strap over her right shoulder, she walked back to the group. “You really can’t go anywhere without it, can you?” Atlas ask. “Wherever it goes, it comes with me.” She lit her horn and teleported every pony in front of the national library. After the galactic monarch checked the doors for any magical booby traps the dark king left behind, she opened the door and allowed the group to enter. “This place is more beautiful than the castle library.” Apollo said. “There are no words.” Twilight said in astonishment. “Can I help you?” An older gray crystal pony mare ask. “Yes, we are looking for a book.” The bookworm answered. “We have plenty of those.” Said the grey crystal pony. “We’re here to find a history book. Specifically a book that might tell us how the Empire protected itself back in the day.” Applejack said. “Yes, of course. History, History. Ah yes.” “Which is where, exactly?” Twilight ask. “I can’t seem to remember. I’m not sure if I actually work here.” “You got to kidding me.” Spike said in a frustrated whisper. Then the Crystal pony noticed Galaxia standing near the door. “You look familiar. Like I seen you somewhere before.” She said, getting closer to the galactic Alicorn. “White fur, different color eyes, sun orange and midnight blue mane.” She muttered to herself. Her eyes then widen and her fur became shiny. “I remember now, you are Galaxia. Oh I thank the stars were saved!” She yelled. “Wait, where is the-“ She suddenly became melancholy. “Sombra killed her, didn’t he?” “No, he didn’t. Mi Amore survived the coup 1005 years ago.” Galaxia answered. “1005 years ago? What do you mean by that?” “You, the city, and the northern half of the empire disappeared when Sombra was defeated. You been frozen in time for 1005 years.” “Oh. That explains the weird clothing you all are wearing. But where is the Empress? If you are here, she should be here as well.” Galaxia sighed. “Don’t freak out. The Empress passed away a few years ago. But all is not lost, because her daughter is currently protecting the city as we speak. Which is why we need your help to find a book that will tell us how to protect the Empire. You are the librarian here, right?” “Not only am I the librarian, but I’m also the owner. I know this place like the back of my hand. Follow me.” They followed the librarian to the second floor of the library. She stopped in front of one of the bookshelves in front of the banister and started looking for a history book. A minute later, she finally found one and handed it to Galaxia. Galaxia flipped through the book until she found the page she was looking for. “The crystal fair is a beloved tradition of the crystal ponies was first established by Empress Mi Amore. The fair was held every year to renew unity and love within the Empire. So, they can protect it from harm.” She read out loud. “Huh, never thought the difference between life and death would be a little county fair.” Apollo said in thought. “Is there any more information on the subject?” Twilight asks. “Sadly no. The next 5 pages have been ripped out. And I think I know why.” Said Galaxia. “And that would be?” Rarity asks. “It’s likely that those missing pages are talking about the crystal heart. The crystal heart is an ancient magical artifact that my cousin created before she founded the Empire. I don’t know how it works, but it’s really powerful. It’s at its most powerful during the crystal fair because it absorbs positive feelings, like love and unity.” She explained. “So, in order to save the Empire, we have to set up a fair and find a powerful crystal that could be anywhere in the city.” Spike said. “Correct. Knowing Sombra, I am 100% certain that the heart is somewhere in the palace.” “So, what are we waiting for? We got a fair to start and a crystal to find.” Atlas said before they started heading towards the libraries exit. Before she joined the rest of the group, Galaxia turn to look at the librarian and spoke. “Thank you so much for helping us out.” “You’re welcome, your majesty.” The librarian said as she courtesy. ===•••=== Two hours later 4:20 PM Setting up a large fair in the middle of town was not easy, but they were able to do it within a two-hour timeframe. Before the fair could begin, the second most important detail had to be put into place. Apollo walk over to a flagpole in the middle of the fair and hoist the flag of Crystallia. Purple banner was now flying proudly in the wind. Like the Empire never fell at all. “Perfect.” Apollo said. “We really did a good job saying this place up.” Artemis commented as he held his assault rifle in his hands. “Yeah, we really did. It’s not big like Coney Island but it will do.” Apollo responded. Atlas: “Is everything ready?” Apollo pulled his walkie-talkie out of his pocket. “Yep, everything is ready to go.” Atlas: “Good. Now, do you guys remember the plan?” Artemis: “Make sure that the crystal ponies are happy and don’t let them find out that the Crystal heart is missing.” Atlas: “And?” Apollo: “If an emergency happens, like the shield collapsing for example, contact you immediately.” Artemis: “Anything else dad?” He said jokingly. Atlas: “Nope, that is all. Atlas over and out.” ===•••=== The Crystal Palace Atlas POV After putting his walkie-talkie back in his right pocket, Atlas gave Pinkie Pie a thumbs up to play her horn. She was terrible at it. “Loyal subjects of the Crystal Empire, Empress Cadence and Emperor Shining Armor has formally invited you all to the crystal fair.” Atlas announced. Like a slow-moving flood, the crystal ponies came out of their home, and started to make their way towards the city center. “Atlas, you did great. But I’m not the Empress yet.” Cadence said. “You’re the head of state of Crystallia, right?” Atlas asks. “Yes, but-“ “But nothing. Technically, you’re their Empress. Besides, if I said, Princess Cadence and Prince Shining armor, they would’ve known right away that something wasn’t right. So, let’s make sure that today is as normal for them as possible.” Atlas said before he walked back into the palace. “Are you two ready to find the crystal heart?” Galaxia asks. “I’m born ready, Galaxia.” Atlas said before he loaded his rifle. “I’m ready, your majesty.” Twilight said. “Same over here.” Spike replied. “Good. Now let’s go find that heart.” ===•••=== 20 minutes later 4:20 PM “Hey Spike, did you find anything?” Atlas asks. “I thought I saw something underneath the carpet but there’s nothing there.” The purple dragon answered before placing the orange carpet back and putting the heavy crystal table down. “Did you find anything?” “All I found is a ton of dust bunnies.” After he blew the dust bunnies away, Atlas put the unicorn bust down. “I found nothing on my end. I looked in the living room, I looked in the kitchen, I even looked in my cousin’s old room.” Galaxia said. “Isn’t that where Cadence and Shining are staying?” Atlas asks. “Yeah, but I wanted to be thorough, just in case.” Twilight growled in frustration. “We’ve been in this palace for almost half an hour, and we are no step closer to finding that crystal.” She then shoved all the books in her magical aura back on the bookshelf. “Twilight, I know you’re frustrated, but you have to keep a level ahead.” Galaxia stated as she followed twilight out of the room. “I know your majesty, but Cadence won’t be able to hold that shield up forever. Every minute…. counts.” Twilight enters the throne room, staring at the crystal throne. Then she realizes something. “Of course, this isn’t king Sombra’s castle.” “No shit, Sherlock. This palace wasn’t Sombra’s to begin with.” Atlas said, as he and Spike entered the throne room. “What I mean is that the palace didn’t look like this.” Twilight closes her eyes and shot a beam of dark, looking magic at the crystal on top of the throne. The crystal produces a shadow, which covered the floor in front of it, revealing a spiral staircase. “I did not see that coming.” Galaxia commented. “Wow, when did you learn that?” Spike asks. “Well damn, I need to ask Celestia to teach me that.” Atlas said. Twilight lit her horn. “Hey Spike, do you want to come along?” “Sure.” “I will stay behind to make sure that nothing happens to the entrance.” Galaxia said. Twilight, Spike and Atlas made their way down the spiral staircase. They weren’t even halfway to the bottom when they started to get tired. “Is everything all right down there?” Galaxia yelled. “We’re fine. There’s just a lot of stairs. We don’t know how deep this pit is.” Twilight answered. She picked up a rock that was the same size as her fist and dropped it. It took eight long seconds for it to hit the ground. “Hey Galaxia, is everything all right outside?” Spike yelled. “Things are fine for now, but you might want to hurry up. Cadence’s magic is fading faster than before.” This made the three friends run down the stairs as fast as they can. Their lungs burned, their legs ache, but they didn’t care. Every pony was counting on them. Finally, they made it to the bottom of the stairs where a black wooden door was waiting for them. Twilight grabbed the door handle with her magic. Only for the door to move upwards. Shocking, Twilight, Spike and Atlas. Twilight grabbed the doorknob again, only for it move sideways. “I never thought I would be chasing a door on this mission.” Atlas said. “Me neither.” Twilight said in frustration. When the door moved again, Twilight had enough and used a powerful spell on the crystal above it. Causing the door to open. After Twilight walked through the door, Atlas followed, while covering his eyes from the blinding light. When he uncovered his eyes, he was back in Canterlot. “This is not right. How did I get back home?” “Finally, you are ready.” Cyclone said as he approached his friend. “Ready for what?” “You don’t remember? You said you was going to join us for lunch today.” Said Ruby. Atlas was still trying to figure out what was going on, but he decided to play along. “Ok, just give me a sec. I need to-“ He looked down to see that the strap for his rifle and his satchel bag was not on him anymore. In fact, both the bag and the rifle was nowhere to be seen. ‘Ok this is odd.’ Atlas thought. “You know what, forget while saying before. I’m ready to go.” Before he had the chance to take a single step, a purple portal open the outside, breaking one of the castle’s large windows. Then, if that wasn’t weird enough, a golden glowing rope came out of the portal and attached itself to Atlas’ side. And started to pull him in. No matter what Atlas or his friends tried. It was no use as he was sucked into the portal and lost consciousness. When Atlas woke up, he found himself inside of the portal, traveling at high speed. The purple portal was see-through, allowing him to see the stars and the rest of outer space. But the thing that made his eyes widen, and his heart stop, was planet Equis. And it was slowly getting smaller and smaller. Everything he accomplished, all of his new friends, his new family, his siblings, the country he now calls home, and the mare he loves the most. Is on that planet. And he was being dragged away from it. He didn’t care if this portal was taking him back to earth. He didn’t want to leave Equis. He tugged as hard as he can on the gold-colored rope to make it snap, to no avail. He used his magic on his second attempt. That also failed. He shoved his hands into his pockets to see if there was anything useful, he can use. And there was. He pulled out his switchblade from his right pocket, unfolded it, and started cutting into the rope. But no matter how much pressure he applied on the rope. It wouldn’t break. He lifted up his shirt and tried to cut the rope where it was attached to a side, but to no avail. “Dammit. Goddamnit! Why is this happening again?!” Tears ran down his face as he lost consciousness. He never tore his eyes away from planet Equis. ===•••=== “Atlas. Atlas. Atlas wake up. ATLAS!!” Atlas eyes snapped open, and he quickly sat up. He was drenched in sweat. His pupils were glowing a bright orange, and he was looking around the room, seeing Spike, Twilight, and Galaxia with worried looks on their faces. He started padding himself down, and he felt the strap for satchel bag and his gun. He pulled up his shirt, and the rope was not attached him. In that moment, all the fear and anxiety that he was experiencing was replaced with relief. And his pupils went back to their normal brown color. “Are you ok?” Galaxia asks in her motherly tone. Atlas said nothing as he pulled Galaxia in a tight hug and started to cry. (Two minutes later.) “That is horrible. How long did you have this fear?” Twilight asks. “Since the beginning of last August. Ever since I started having a nice life here, I was afraid that one day that damn portal will come back and take everything away from me. I already experienced that once, I don’t know if I can handle going through that ordeal again.” he said, drying his eyes with his jacket sleeve. Galaxia let out a long sigh. “This is all my fault.” “Why do you say that?” Spike asks. “Because I feel like I could’ve prevented this if I went down with all of you. I didn’t even know Sombra was capable of magic like that.” “Don’t blame yourself Galaxia. If it wasn’t for you, we would’ve been down here being tormented by our nightmares forever.” Twilight reassured. “I know, but still, I feel like I could’ve prevented this.” “So, what nightmares did you guys have?” Atlas asks. “I dreamt about how we lost the battle of Canterlot and the changelings were hunting down every pony I cared about.” Twilight answered. “My dream was about Twilight abandoning me.” Spike chimed in. Atlas looked at them with wide eyes. “This unicorn needs a major ass whooping I swear to God. So, we basically got tortured psychologically, only to find out we found another dead end.” “It’s not a dead end. if you don’t believe me turn around.” Twilight said. He did just that and saw the once cursed door now led to another room. “A hidden entrance, that’s why he put the spell there.” The human said in realization before walking through the door. He looked up and saw that there was another spiral staircase. “Great, more stairs. Has Sombra ever skipped leg day?” Suddenly, loud static came from Atlas’ walkie-talkie. “Atlas this is Apollo. We have a big problem! I repeat, we have a big problem!" *BANG Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.* > The Crystal Empire part two. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Apollo what’s going on?!” Atlas yelled at his walkie-talkie. Apollo: “Oh God, where to begin? When the crystal ponies found out that we didn’t have the crystal heart they got really mad and started to scream at us for lying to them. Then all of a sudden, the shield collapsed! Now Sombra is in the fucking city!! And worst of all, he’s not alone!” “What do you mean Sombra is not alone?!” Galaxia ask as she and the rest of the group gathered around the walkie-talkie. “HE HAS A FUCKING ARMY, GALAXIA! HE HAS SOLDIERS RUNNING AROUND THE CITY!” He yelled, before they heard five more gunshots. “We’re able to hold a line for now, but you guys better hurry up and find that crystal or else we’re screwed!” “Hold on Apollo, we’re coming!” Atlas said before shoving the walkie-talkie back in his pocket. “How are we going to get there in time with all the stairs?” Spike ask. “Galaxia, how about you pick us up in your magic and you fly us to the top?” Twilight suggested. “I would love to do that, but there’s a chance that the area around the stairwell could be booby trapped. And I’m not willing to take that chance, especially with your lives on the line.” Galaxia said. “It looks like we have to go with Plan B.” Purple unicorn lit her horn and enveloped everyone with her magic. The whole group start to levitate, flipped upside down, and landed on the bottom of the stairs. After she completed her spell, they started to slide up the stairs, upside down. Galaxia and Spike were having a blast. “How are we doing this?” Atlas said in amazement. “I used an anti-gravity spell. It’s a little trick Celestia taught me a few years back.” “I can’t believe I’m say this, but I’m jealous.” It was at this moment, when Spike passed the both of them, holding his arms up, like he was driving an imaginary go kart. After two fun minutes later, they finally slid to the “bottom” of the stairs. Twilight got rid of the spell before they crashed into the bottom. Allowing them to land perfectly on their feet. The room they were now in was on the very top of the crystal Palace. In the center of the room was the legendary crystal heart. “Is that?” “Yes it is young one, that’s the crystal heart.” Galaxia answered Twilight’s question. “Oh my Faust. We did it, we found the heart.” Twilight squealed as she hugged spike. “Guys, you’re not going to believe what’s happening outside.” Atlas said. When the rest of the group looked out the window, they saw that the street below was an absolute chaos. Surrounding the crystal fair, and the castle was a large blue and magenta color wall and Artemis, Apollo, and Shining armor was on top of that wall, eliminating as many of Sombra’s soldiers as they can. While the rest of the elements try their best to make sure that the crystal ponies inside of the wall we’re ok or helping out shining and the two humans. But the biggest threat outside was Sombra. He was getting closer to the city center, with a big bone chilling smile on his face. Like he was enjoying what he was seeing. Galaxia put her case down, opened it up, and took out her double headed ax. “I’ll deal with Sombra and his soldiers, you three get the crystal heart and bring it to Cadence.” “Got it.” Spike Atlas, and Twilight said. After that, Galaxia broke the window and jumped off the ledge. A few moments later, she spread her wings and flew towards the battlefield below. “So, who should retrieve the crystal?” Spike ask. “I should be the one to do it.” Twilight said. “Are you sure?” Atlas asked. “Yeah I’m sure. You two stay over here just in case.” Twilight walked towards the crystal. She held her hands out to grab it, when the floor below her starts to flash. Like she triggered an alarm. She lunged for crystal and knocked it out place before a wall of obsidian crystal surrounded her. The crystal landed on the ground, a few feet away. “CRYSTAL!” Sombra yelled as charged towards the palace, only to stop dead his tracks when Galaxia threw her ax and it cut him on the right cheek. “AHH!” He looked down and saw the Galactic Alicorn, looking at him with a smug smile on her face. The black unicorn looked at her with an angry expression before his shadowy frame became smaller and smaller. Now he was in his normal form standing a few feet away from the galactic Empress. “Hello Sombra, did you miss me?” “You.” He said a deep baritone. He wiped his hands across his cheek and examine his blood-soaked hand. “It always HAS to be you. Why can’t you old hags just drop dead already?!” “One, do not insult my family. And two, it’s not my fault we have a long lifespan.” “Well then, let me make sure that your time here is cut short!” The frustrated unicorn launched a powerful dark magic attack, only for Galaxia to block it with her ax. “I knew it, you’re still the same old one trick pony.” Galaxia launched an attack of her own, sending the dark unicorn flying through a few buildings. Back in the castle, Twilight and her two friends tried everything to get herself out. She tried teleportation, that didn’t work. Spike used his dragon breath to melt the crystals only for them to regrow with more jagged edges. Twilight uses her magic to break herself free only for the same thing to happen again. All of this was happening as Atlas tried his best to break all of the crystals that was slowly turning the room into a big prison cell. “Spike, it’s no use, i’m stuck here. You have to deliver the crystal to Cadence.” “No, I’m not going anywhere without you.” “She’s right if we don’t get that Crystal to Cadence in time, we’re good as dead.” Atlas said before he destroyed a large crystal that was covering one of the windows with his magic. “But what happens if-“ “Don’t worry about us.” Atlas handed the crystal to the dragon. “You’re the only dragon fit for this job. We believe in you, you can do it now go. GO!” Spike ran towards the broken window, climbed out of it, and started to climb down the crystal wall of the palace. At the same time an injured Sombra teleported back where he was standing before he was blasted by Galaxia. Then he saw the young dragon climbing down the palace with the crystal heart in his hand. His eyes became bloodshot as his horn sparked with magical power. “NOOO!” He yelled in both fear and anger as he summoned an obsidian crystal to carry him all the way to the palace. Before Galaxia can act, he trapped her in a crystal prison. Making sure it was thick enough so she wouldn’t be able to get out anytime soon. Then, to everyone’s horror, Spike slipped and fell. Sombra was only 10 feet away from the falling dragon when Cadence came to his rescue. She picked Spike up in her magic and flew as fast as she can to away from the dark king. Horrified, the black unicorn tries to attack Cadence only for him to be stopped by being shot multiple times by Atlas. Luckily for him, his old armor protected him, but it still hurt. After Cadence landed at the bottom of the palace, she announced. “Crystal heart has returned. Use the light and love within you to ensure that king Sombra does not.” The pink Alicorn place the crystal right at the bottom of the palace, causing two blue crystals to come from the roof and the floor suspending the crystal heart in mid air. All the crystal ponies coats became shiny as they bow towards the crystal. “No, stop this. I command you all to stop!” Sombra commanded when he saw the streets of the city glowing with magical power. When the crystal heart started to spin, he knew it was too late. A blue light spread throughout the city, giving everyone a shiny crystal-like shine. Destroying all of the dark crystals and Sombra's solders. Sombra screamed as the blue light obliterated him. After that, the palace produced a bright light creating an aurora borealis. Announcing to the world that the crystal city was now free. ===•••=== Crystal Palace balcony. 4:50 PM While the royal couple, spike the humans and main five wave to the crowd below, Atlas and Twilight teleported right behind them and said. “Hey every pony.” Every pony turned around, and their eyes lit up. “Thank heavens you’re all right, we were worried sick.” Rarity said. “Yeah, we thought you guys were goners when we saw Spike coming down.” Apollo said. “What happened up there?” “Do you want the full story or the summarize version?” Twilight ask. “Either one is fine.” Artemis said. “Ok I’m just gonna summarize it. Twilight found a hidden entrance with dark magic, we climbed down a bunch of stairs. We experienced horrible nightmares because the door at the bottom of the stairs was covered in dark magic. We slid up another set upstairs towards the top of the tower like one big giant slide. The crystal heart was booby trapped and so we had to send spike down to deliver the crystal to you guys. And that’s how we saved the Crystal Empire.” Atlas said. “Wait, so you got psychologically tortured by a door covered in dark magic?” Cadence asked. “Pretty much, if it wasn’t for Galaxia, we would’ve been in that state for Faust knows how long.” Twilight answered. “You ponies slid up the stairs?! That sounds fun.” Pinkie Pie said. It was at this moment, when Galaxia teleported onto the balcony. “Speak of the devil, here she is. How’s the crystal ponies doing?” Shining ask “They’re doing great. They’re just happy that they don’t have to deal with Sombra anymore. Some ponies were even crying tears of joy.” Galaxia answered. “Does anyone know how long this Crystal look is going to last?” Spike ask. “It should last about 30 minutes on average.” Cadence said. “Aww, I don’t want it to disappear. My mane look so gorgeous like this.” Rarity stated. “Don’t worry, it will happen again at my coordination.” Said Cadence. “Oh right I almost forgot.” Rarity gasp. “There’s so much to plants so much to do I need to get your dress ready and everything.” “Don’t forget the party!” Pinkie pie said a sing song voice. While the main six was excitedly discussing their plans to make the best coronation ever, Apollo looked over at his brothers and said. “We’re not going to have a single moment of rest with these guys.” “Yeah, especially with Rarity and Pinkie pie.” Atlas replied. “We did sign up for this, so we should’ve seen this coming.” Artemis stated. ===•••=== One week later. March 16 1010 A.G 11:20 AM Cadence was standing outside of the palace throne room, waiting for the two large doors to open. She was wearing a beautiful white dress with gold and silver details. She was also wearing a purple sash, completing her entire outfit. She was wearing this outfit because today was her coronation. This past week was hectic for every pony. The royal family, the main six, and the humans helped plan the coordination, the Crystallian Government moved the capital from Magnolia to the Crystal city. And both Crystal and Equestrian Armed Forces were busy clearing out any remaining Sombra sympathizers in the north. And now, today was the day that Cadence was going to be officially crowned as Empress of the Crystal Empire. She would’ve been crowned a decade ago when her mom passed, but she was too young. Now at the age of 26 she was ready. Ready to become the leader her ponies deserve. The large doors finally open revealing a throne room filled with guests and reporters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeCIZLXwkI8&pp=ygUaYW50aGVtIG9mIHRoZSByb21hbiBlbXBpcmU%3D She walked down the aisle with grace as she made her way to the crystal throne. After she sat down, Captain Flash Century, the new leader of the crystal guards, held out an old scroll of the original crystal constitution. Cadence placed her left hand on top of the scroll, and held her right hand up. “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, do you swear to lead the Crystal Empire with dignity and honor?” “I do.” “Do you swear to make sure that your subjects rights and liberties are protected?” “I do.” “Do you swear to protect the crystal empire with the best of your abilities, even if it cost you your life?” Cadence’s heart swelled with pride. “I do.” Flash put the scroll down on a nearby table, and backed up a few feet. Allowing an ordinary crystal stallion, chosen by a state sponsored raffle, to put Cadence’s new crown on top of her head. Cadence bow her head, and stallion place the crown on her head. After that, Captain Flash turn to the crowd and announced. “I proudly presented to the world, Empress Cadence of the Crystal Empire! All hail Crystallia, all hail Empress Cadence!” The crowd erupted into cheers and applause. The Empress made her way to the balcony with her husband Emperor Shining Armor, by her side. In the streets below hundreds of thousands of ponies from all over the empire, gathered to see their new Empress. In the air, were a few airships with the flag of the newly form empire displayed on their sides. Cadence never felt so proud in her life. All these ponies believe in her to heal the scars of the past and lead them to a bright future. She knows that her mom was looking down her, with a big smile on her. “Cadenza, I am so proud of you.” A faint voice said in the wind. ===•••=== Vesalipolis, Changing Empire. Vesalipolis Palace. 9:30 AM. In the conference room of Palace, Queen Chrysalis and her few remaining military officers were watching the coordination on a large TV on the wall. All of them either looked at the screen with distain or anger. “One of you turn it off.” Chrysalis ordered. After the TV was switched off the changing queen rubbed her eyes. The last two months has been hell for her. Her country was humiliated by the ponies. Her beloved empire was recovering, but still limping after the amount of damaged the war has inflicted. But the worst part about her new reality was that her daughter caused all of this. Her betrayal destroyed Chrysalis. It wasn’t uncommon in the first few weeks after the war that she cried herself to sleep out of anger and sadness that her daughter, her only child, would leave her like this. The huge void that Zeya left, was now filled with hate and lots of it. Not for her daughter of course, she still loves her. Her hatred was pointed at the elements of harmony, the royal family, and last, but not least, the humans. “Your majesty, may I have permission to speak?” Remer ask. “Permission, granted.” “Why did we watch that?” “It’s because this is a moment in history. Not only for the ponies, but for us as well. From this day forward, we have another powerful country we have to deal with on our border. Karbyshev, you can do your presentation now.” “Thank you, your majesty.” The old changing said before turned on the projector. “Ever since the end of the war, Equestria has grown stronger as the queen just said. Their military has been fully equipped with new tanks and other fighting vehicles.” Karbyshev narrated. “Now we have the Crystal Empire to deal with. I’ve been researching this country ever since their old capital reappeared. And this nation is going to be a juggernaut when they fully gain back control of the north. For example, the old territories are full of natural resources like oil, precious metals, and of course valuable stones worth in the trillions. They also have plans to expand their military, possibly eclipsing our own before the war. And if we’re not careful, Equestria, the Crystal Empire and the entirety of the Harmony Entente will be able to defeat us in the great trial.” “And I thought Equestria was already a pain in the flank to deal with. Now we have to deal with another powerful pony nation. What are we going to do?” Changing commander named Yazov wondered. “It’s simple. We speed up our recovery, rebuild our military and make sure that the citizens stay in line. It might take us a year or two but when we are ready will strike. After that, not only will we be a united nation once again, we have an empire that will last 1000 years.” Chrysalis said with a smile. “But what are you going to do with your daughter?” Pharynx ask. “Don’t worry, I know what to do with her.” ===•••=== Somewhere in the Crystallian countryside. 10 PM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UByYawNwsrk&list=PLRLl3fBiZ9ge0JMF4uCW7KWCk-R45gsmS&index=8&pp=iAQB8AUB While Neo made its way back to Canterlot, every pony on board the train were sleeping peacefully in their beds. Well, except for Apollo. So he decided to get a drink from the lounge car. After walking through three passenger cars, he entered the lounge. Only to find Galaxia was sitting at the bar by herself. “Hey Galaxia, what are you doing here all by yourself?” Apollo ask as he pour himself a drink. “I could be asking you the same thing. What are you doing here?” “I’m just here to past the time. I don’t usually sleep this early as you already know.” He said, taking a seat right next to her. “Are you gonna answer my question now?” “I couldn’t sleep because I am worried about the future.” She answered before taking a sip of her martini. “Worried about what?” “I am worried that everything will come crashing down again. Do you know why I stayed on my throne for 1962 years?” Galaxia asks. “No. I thought you liked being a leader.” Apollo answered. “Yeah, that’s one of them, but the main reason is that I was scared that the country I worked so hard to build would collapse into a bunch of warring states. Like the old River Federation.” She said with a sigh. “Every time I had a student or met a politician that looks like a great option to be my successor, they were either corrupt or not fit for the job. When I was finally comfortable of stepping down and allowing my daughters to take over, I thought everything would be ok. Then Sombra coup happened and a few years later Nightmare Moon. I was in Valhalla when that happened so I could do nothing but watch my children fight each other. Even though everything is going fine right now, I’m afraid that that won’t be the case tomorrow.” “Wow, i’m sorry you’re feeling like that.” “You don’t have to be sorry, thanks for allowing me to vent.” “No problem. If I have to be honest, you nothing to worry about. Yes, a lot of bad things happen in the past, but now things are so much better. The Crystal Empire back and Equestria it’s the strongest nation on the planet. Not to mention, we have the elements a harmony, your family, the military, and our friends around the world. What I’m trying to say is that everything will be ok.” “You really think so?” “Yeah, a week ago we saved the Crystal City and two months before that, we were able to protect Canterlot from the Changelings. If those are not signs that things will be ok, I don’t know what is.” Apollo said before taking a sip of his whiskey. “You young ponies are always filled with so much optimism and hope. Thanks for making me feel better.” “Anytime.” > The train of Destiny. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 23 1010 AG 10:30 PM Atlas’ POV. “Finally, it's over.” It was a chilly night in Canterlot and right now Atlas entered his bedroom wanting nothing more than to hit the hay right then and there. Today was a very busy day for Atlas because of the reunification Crystal Empire. It turns out reuniting a nation that’s been divided 1000 years is really difficult. Many crystal ponies that lived in North still speaks old Ponish and are confused of all the new technology that now exists. like airships, TVs and electric lights. And don’t get me started on all the cultural and political differences as well. To fix this problem both Equestrian and Crystal governments are encouraging these ponies to explore their new opportunities and surroundings. Which is why Atlas is so burnt out. After 10 minutes of getting ready for bed and getting himself comfortable, Atlas was out like a light. ===•••=== Atlas opens his eyes and saw that he wasn’t in his bedroom anymore. Instead, he was in outer space surrounded by small star. Which explains why his body felt weightless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlos8imBu7E&pp=ygUWY2FuIHlvdSBoZWFyIHRoZSBtdXNpYw%3D%3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN1fkSSO-Eo&pp=ygUVb3BwZW5oZWltZXIgcGFydGljbGVz Then he noticed a bunch of sparks a few feet front of him. “What the-“ *BOOM* The shockwave from the explosion sent him flying backwards, nearly getting swallowed up by a large fireball the explosion produced. Atlas at this point was freaking out and the only thing he could do at that point what’s the closest his eyes and hope for the best. After he felt himself come to a complete stop, he opened his eyes and saw that he was now in an area that was bright blue with a lot more stars. Then the stars started to move, taking Atlas down with them. “Oh no!!!” The stars carried him at high speeds. Everything became a blur as they spun around him. After what felt like forever, the star turn into a tunnel of flame with a blinding light at the end of it. Atlas covered his eyes to shield them from the bright light, and surrounded himself in a shield bubble just in case it was another explosion. The tunnel of flames suddenly disintegrated, leaving Atlas floating towards the bright light. It turns out that bright light was a galaxy. The galaxy wasn’t shape like a spiral, but instead the galaxies center was surrounded by large orange cloud, with millions of stars within. Atlas couldn’t explain it but he felt like he has seen this galaxy before. Even though it was the first time he has ever seen something like this. The light started to expand. Atlas was too mesmerized by the light to even attempt to get away. He did nothing as the bright light enveloped him. ===•••=== “AAh.” Atlas sat up and took the covers off of him. He looked at his clock on his nightstand and saw that it was currently 1:30 AM. “Man, what a weird dream.” He muttered before turning on the lamp. He walked toward the bathroom, grabbed a cup, filled it up with water and drink it in one big gulp like it was a shot of vodka. He was about to fill up again when he glanced at the mirror and noticed that his eyes were now different. Both of Atlas’ eyes had orange suns in the center of them. Similar to Celestia’s cutie mark. With a five pointed star in the middle. “This is interesting.” Atlas said as he examined both of his eyes in the mirror. Eventually, his eyes went back to normal. “I wonder if I should tell Galaxia about this.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll do it in the morning.” He said he before he turned off the bathroom lights. Atlas put his glass of water down on his nightstand, he turned off the lamp, pulled the covers over himself, and fell asleep. ===•••=== https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9RfQd2-CvE&list=PLCTU8UZnTq-C1n4jMXo6pVyeFThTJwLsV&index=28&pp=iAQB8AUB Atlas was in New York City. More specifically, Times Square. Instead of the busy city that everyone knows and loves, it was an absolute War zone. The US soldiers were shooting at an enemy that Atlas wasn’t able to see because they were shrouded a weird shadow. The only thing he can see were two green eyes. The shadows then fired a bunch of green magical beams, and the US soldiers was shooting back. Then all of a sudden, an Equestrian soldier ran past Atlas, with an Equestrian tank following the soldier and the rest of her battalion. The tank aimed at the shadows and fired. Atlas conjured up a shield bubble and close his eyes. When he opened them, he was now standing on the walkway on the Brooklyn Bridge. Atlas now had a clear view of Manhattan. Coming from the concrete jungle was large clouds of smoke coming from the street below. But the side that shocked him the most was that the United Nations headquarters building had a large gash on its south side. The sound of military aircraft flying overhead was almost deafening as they flew around the city. He blinked. He was in front of Grand Central Station, where three and M1 Abrams tanks were shooting at three black tanks. He didn’t recognize the design and any identify marks were blurry. But Atlas can tell whoever was operating the tanks didn’t know what they were doing or they sucked that their jobs. They all blew up when the Abrams tanks made a direct hit to their engines. He blinked again. Now he was in Central Park. US soldiers were accompanied by military forces from Equestria, Crystal Empire, Kemerovo, and the River Federation. All around them, grenades and bullets were flying all over the place as they were advancing slowly deeper into the park. Suddenly, a powerful grenade blew up a few inches away from Atlas, causing him to be thrown to ground. luckily, his shield bubble was able to protect him from the shrapnel. Atlas was already having a panic attack from all the stuff he already seen, and the explosion only made things worse. He felt helpless as he curled into a ball and shut his eyes. After the sound of gunfire and explosions fade away, he opened his eyes and saw that he was in front of the weird galaxy again. Atlas was relieved that he was no longer in that Warzone, but his relief turned into anger. “Why did I have that dream?!” He yelled, staring at the galaxy. “Why? Are you sentient or something? If you are, why did you show me that?! The dream I had before was weird, but pretty good. But now seeing my hometown being destroyed like that is something I do not want to see! All I wanted was some sleep. Why did I have that dream? What is the meaning?! Answer me dammit! answer ME!” Atlas was now out of breath. He decides to sit down while still staring at the galaxy. “I just want to know why.” He said softly. “What are you trying to tell me?” After he said that, one of the small stars start to move. It became brighter as it moved closer to him. Then he heard a sound of a steam engine. Atlas was able to see that it wasn’t a star, but a steam train. Big black steam locomotive pulling a long train of brown passenger cars. And was heading right towards him. *Choo-Choo* Atlas was able to move out of train’s way by the skin of his teeth. It past by him at high speeds. 13 passenger cars later, the train was gone. Its destination, unknown. ===•••=== March 24 7:20 AM Atlas gasp for air when he woke up. His mouth felt dry and he was covered in sweat. After he drank all his water, he tried to calm himself down, but the memories of both of his dreams keep on flashing through his mind. Moments later, Luna opened his door and saw the state that Atlas was in. “Oh no, not you too.” She said, slowly approaching the Atlas’ bed. “Do you know there’s a thing named knocking, you know.” Atlas said, trying to compose himself. “That’s not important right now. I saw your dreams last night I tried to intervene, but something was stopping me. I’m sorry.” “It’s all right. It was a stupid nightmare anyway.” “It wasn’t a nightmare, if it was I would’ve been able to intervene. I never seen dreams like that before and unfortunately you weren’t the only one to have those dreams last night.” “What!” Atlas said in belief. “Who else had these dreams?” “Your siblings. When I woke them up, they all had the same look in their eyes. Shocked and confused. My father has seen these types of dreams before. After breakfast i’ll bring you three to the library to meet him.” “That sounds like a plan. Just give me a few minutes.” “Of course.” Luna said before she teleported out of the room. ===•••=== 8:40 AM After breakfast ended, Luna lead the triplets to the library lounge, where the former emperor of the night was waiting for them. “Morning father.” Luna greeted. “Morning Luna, morning triplets.” “Morning.” The triplets said. After the triplets sat down Nebula spoke. “Luna told me that you three had strange and very realistic dreams last night. It’s not every day when Lulu ask for my help when it comes to things like this. So I’m guessing you must’ve seen some pretty wild stuff.” “I wouldn’t call it wild, insane is a more appropriate word.” Artemis said. “Whatever you guys call it I’m here to help, so which one of you wants go first?” “I’ll go.” Apollo raised his hand. “I woke up in a place that looked like outer space. Before I knew it, the stars formed a beautiful tunnel. It was pretty fun to be honest. Then the tunnel separated, and I was now in front of this large planet with a moon circling it. I woke up and thought ‘That was weird.’ And went back to sleep. My second dream was an absolute nightmare. I was in Grand Central Station saying shadow figures with green eyes attacking everyone. It was only stopped when a few cops and Crystal ponies came in. I barely had time to process why I just saw before seeing an entire army of tanks chasing the shadowy figures through upstate New York. I blinked and I ended up in front of that same planet. Moments later, a train came around the planet and passed by me. That’s I woke up.” “I had a similar dreams except I was riding on a shooting star. My second dream was pretty much the same, I was in downtown Brooklyn, and then Central Park. I also saw train pass by me as well, at extremely high speeds.” Artemis said. “Same over here, except the first thing I saw was a big explosion and the tunnel stars I went through became a tunnel of flames. I ended up in front of this galaxy that was unlike any other galaxy I seen in photos. Instead of being spiral it was a big circle with an orange cloud around it. After seeing NYC in chaos, I ended up back in front of the galaxy. Where I was almost hit by a train.” Atlas said. “What did the train look like?” Luna ask. “It was a big black steam locomotive. It was pulling at least 13 brown passenger cars.” Atlas described. “That’s what the train look like in my dream as well.” Apollo said with wide eyes. “Same over here.” Artemis chimed in. “Did it blew its whistle when it passed by you?” “Yeah, it was loud and powerful.” Apollo answered. “Did the train have any special details on it?” Nebula ask. “Yeah it did. It had a sign on the front of it that had the number 999.” Atlas said. His answer confirmed Nebula’s suspicions. “That explains everything.” Nebula said. “ The reason why you three had weird dreams and nightmares last night is because of your destinies.” “What does a train in our dreams has to do with our destinies?” Artemis asks. “When someone sees that train in their dreams, the very next night, the train will come again and pick them up. Then you might meet your guardian angel or a family member that passed. They will tell you what your destiny is going to be and answer all of the questions you have about it. It only picks up creatures with destinies that will be remembered for thousands of years. The train is called the Galaxy Express 999.” Nebula answered. “I heard of that name before. Isn’t that the train you and Galaxia took to come back to Equis?” Atlas asks. “That is correct.” “So, you’re telling me that a train flying through outer space is causing us to have these dreams?” Apollo asks. “No, it’s usually someone on board the train that's causing the dreams. But this is the first time I have ever heard of the galaxy express appearing in three dreams in one night.” “Ok, but what do you think our dreams mean?” Artemis ask. “If I have to take a guess, the first one is where your powers came from and the second one is some premonition. Don’t freak out this is just a guess. I don’t know for certain because neither me or Luna can access your dreams right now because of that train.” “So I got my powers from a shooting star, that’s awesome.” Artemis smile. “Atlas, you must be the most powerful one of all of us, you got your powers from a galaxy.” “I don’t think so. After I woke up from my first dream, I went to the bathroom and saw them my eyes had orange suns with stars in the middle.” “Hmm, so which celestial body markings will my eyes get?” Apollo wondered. “Maybe you get a planet.” Artemis suggested. “Or a moon.” Atlas said. “Who knows, maybe he will have both.” Luna chimed in. “Whatever it may be, we’ll know tomorrow morning.” Nebula said. “How do we catch this train?” Artemis ask. “It’s pretty easy. All you have to do is fall asleep. When you’re in your dream, you end up at a place named Station Destiny. Then you wait for the train to arrive. It always comes moments later.” “That’s it?” Apollo ask. “Pretty much. Now if you excuse me. I have some duties I have to do today.” After that the former emperor left the lounge. “If our destiny is to save New York, how are we going to do that if we can’t get to New York in the first place?” Atlas wondered. “I don’t know but at least we’ll get our questions answered tonight.” Artemis answered. ===•••=== 9:00 AM “Sister.” Luna said after teleporting in Celestia’s office. “Yes Luna?” Celestia put her papers down. “Did you see Atlas this morning?” “No, he has a meeting with Raven and a few diplomats. Why do you ask?” “I have something to tell you. Last night the triplets had a nightmares about their hometown becoming a war zone.” “That’s awful. You were able to intervene, right?” “I wasn’t able to because I couldn’t get in and I found out that the express was in their dreams.” Celestia’s eyes widen. “The triplets have special destinies?” “Yes, they do. Celestia folded her hands and rest her chin on top of them as she processed the information. “Thanks for letting me know about this.” “You’re welcome Tia.” Luna said before teleporting away. The sun princess looked at the picture frame on her desk of the main six, the triplets, and her family at Cadence’s wedding. “What does the fate have planned for you three?” ===•••=== 10:00 PM Apollo’s bedroom. “There you go, all nice and cozy.” Luna said after tucking Apollo in. “Are you ready to find out what your destiny is?” “I don’t know.” Apollo sigh. “A curious side of me wants to find out what it might be, but I’m also scared what I might find. Ever since this morning, I’ve been asking myself ‘why us'. All we are or a bunch of random guys from the U.S transported to a different world.” “I don’t think so.” “Are you saying that just to make me feel better?” “I am, but I’m also speaking from experience. I’ve been amazed when you and your siblings have done in the past year. You adapted quickly to a new world, you made a lot of new friends, found love, and saved two nations in two months. You volunteered to protect Equestria and the Crystal Empire without hesitation. That takes a lot of heart and guts to do that. which is why I’m not surprised that you have such an important destiny.” “Yeah but what if I screw up what if after we win the battle? Or one of our soldiers gets into a scuffle with American ones? If that happens, we would be at war with the United States, which is not going to end well.” “We don’t know if that’s going to happen or not but since you and your siblings will be there, I don’t think that’s going to happen because anyone that has a special destiny like this usually have a happy outcome.” Luna reassured. “When you put it like that it does make me feel a little bit better.” “Good, now it’s time for you to get some sleep.” Luna said before kissing him on the forehead. “Good night.” “Good night Lulu.” After that, she left the room. Apollo rolled onto his right side and fell asleep. ===•••=== https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN_Hf2aE9Z4 Apollo opened his eyes and found himself in the middle of our space standing on an ethereal light blue path leading towards a train station. He walked towards the station and passed by a sign that said, “welcome to Station Destiny.” “It looks like I’m in the right place.” He said to himself. Just like the outside the inside of the station the inside looked really modern. Like train stations in the River Federation. After a little bit of searching, he finally found the waiting platform where his identical siblings were waiting. “Look, who decided to show up.” Artemis said. Apollo didn’t respond because he was too busy, staring at his siblings eyes. Atlas eyes had an orange sun with stars middle of them. While Artemis eyes had a magenta circle with a shooting star in the middle. “Your eyes are different.” He said in shock. “Yeah, we know. We found that out five minutes ago. You should see yours.” Atlas said before he made a mirror up here with his magic. Apollo looked in the mirror and saw that his eyes had a blue circle in the middle, with a planet surrounded by rings with a small crescent moon on the top right corner. “Huh. So I do get both.” Apollo said before Atlas made the mirror disappear. It was at this moment when they heard a loud steam whistle. They look to their left to see the Galaxy Express landing on the tracks. “How is that even possible?” Artemis said in amazement. “Like everything else, it has to be magic.” Atlas replied. A few moments later, the large express train came to a complete stop. As the steam locomotive filled the station with steam, the passenger car’s doors opened, allowing the triplets to climb on board. The train car they were now in was a luxurious lounge car. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but this train is nicer than Neo.” Apollo said. “I’m glad you like it.” The humans turned around and saw that three other humans were entering the train car. Two boys one girl. The first human to enter is a tall black dude with a beard wearing a jolly red tuxedo with a red hat. The second human is another black guy wearing a button up shirt and long black pants. The third and final human was a black woman wearing a white sundress. And she looked really excited. “You don’t know how long I want to officially meet you.” The mysterious woman said after teleporting in front of Atlas and giving him a hug that rival Pinkie Pie’s strength. “Margaret, please let him go. You’re going to suffocate the boy.” The one with the beard said. “Oh, sorry.” Margaret let go of Atlas, giving him a chance to breathe. “Who are you guys? And are you the people were supposed to meet?” Artemis asks. “Yes, we are. My name is Athens.” “My name is Augustus. It’s nice to meet you.” “My name is Margaret.” “We are your guardian angels.” They said in unison. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQarBCEVFxQ&pp=ygUaZ2FsYXh5IGV4cHJlc3MgOTk5IHdoaXN0bGU%3D “We’re about to depart.” Margaret said in a sing song, voice. Moments later, the express slowly left the station, then it started picking up speed as it went up the steep tracks. The galaxy express blew its mighty whistle before the wheels lifted off the tracks and the train went full speed ahead into outer space. “Wow.” Atlas said as he watched the station disappeared from view. “Where are we going?” Artemis ask. “It’s a surprise. For now, just enjoy the ride.” Athens said. “If you don’t mind me asking, which angel is assigned to who?” Apollo ask. “Well, since you guys were born on the same day, we could switch whenever we want. But usually I am Atlas’ Angel, Athens is assigned to Apollo, and the Augustus is assigned to Artemis.” Margaret answered. “So did you guys gave us those dreams last night?” Atlas ask. “Yes, we did. The second one was a premonition of what might happen, but you already know that thanks to Nebula.” Athens said. “Which brings us to why you are here tonight. As you already know, you are no ordinary humans. You three are destined to accomplish something that will change the universe forever.” Margaret stated as she created a hologram of Equis and Earth. After the triplets gather around the hologram, Margaret continued speaking. “Thousands of years ago, before the age of modern civilization and the era of Galaxia, Earth and Equis was connected by an intergalactic tunnel, known as Orion passage. Humans, ponies, griffins, and other creatures use this tunnel to travel between the planets. Often travel by ships or just simply flying or walking.” “That’s why pony languages sound like human languages.” Artemis realized. “That’s right.” Augustus said with a smile. “Thanks to this tunnel, cultures and languages were exchanged between the two planets. That’s why Kirins speak a language that similar to German, or Batponies speaking a language that sounds like Russian and Ukrainian.” “So, both worlds had magic?” Atlas ask. “Sort of.” Athens answered while stroking his beard. “Humans often use special items to get magical abilities or potions.” “So what happened to the passage?” Apollo ask. “Greed, distrust, and war. When nations were formed, and those nations became empires, they start eyeing each other as an opportunity to gain more land and wealth. And don’t get me started between the discord between the six tribes.” Margaret said with a sad look on her face. “Those years were pretty brutal for both planets. Ponies against felines, humans against griffins and dragons against yaks. Every creature weren’t as intelligent as they are now. So we had to make a difficult decision of closing Orion‘s passage.” Augustus said. Hologram showed the tunnel disappearing. “But this is only a temporary measure, and thankfully heaven and Valhalla decided to create a powerful magic. With God’s approval. This magic will go to individuals who are deemed worthy enough receive this gift. After it was created, it was sent out to space to a specific location near Equis and Earth, so we monitored it.” Said Margaret. “For thousands of years, the magic stayed in its spot even when great civilizations like Rome, Equestria, Egypt and China were established it didn’t move an inch. We didn’t intervene because we knew it will eventually choose the right people.” Athens narrated. “Then in spring of 1989 it started heading towards Earth.” The hologram then showed a large ball of magic heading towards the planet. “As expected the magic split apart, but it headed towards the same city and the location. Nine months later you three were born.” The triplets had shocked looks on their faces. They couldn’t believe it. They were the product of an ancient magic that came from the heavens. “So you mean.” Atlas didn’t finish his sentence. But the Angels knew what he was about to ask. “Yes, you had this power flowing through you since birth. You’re destinies is to be the first ones to go through passage and reintroduce humanity to the creatures of Equis. You three are the first identical siblings to be chosen for something like this.” “Wow. Wait so you’re saying that anything from Equis can come to planet earth?” Apollo ask. “That’s right. The prophecy you saw last night is that after the tunnel is opened, a few days later some bad creatures are going to come through it, and attack North America.” “Do you know who or what is going to attack?” “No, we do not. And before you ask, we can’t prevent it, it’s inevitable. If we did, it will derail timeline and cause something much worse to happen.” Margaret said. So many thoughts went through Apollo mind. His heart pounded within his chest as he thought about the what if’s. ‘What if they would fail to protect earth?’ ‘What if ponies and humans don’t get along?’ ‘What if-?’ The train’s whistle snapped Apollo out of his thoughts. Moments later a scroll appeared in front of Athens. “We’re heading towards Orion‘s passage.” He announced before making the scroll disappear. “Already I thought it wouldn’t see it for another 10 minutes.” Augustus said as he looked out the window. “Nope. The train has been going a faster speed than originally planned.” “Why am I not surprised?” Margaret sarcastically ask. It was at this moment when the passage entrance opened up in front of the train. “Yukon triplets, welcome to Orion’s passage.” Athens said. All around the train was beautiful colors of blues and purples with tiny stars all over the place. It looks similar to the ethereal realm now that I think about it. “This place is huge.” Atlas exclaimed. “Is this the same passage where we were transported from Earth to Equis almost a year ago?” Artemis ask. “Yep. Back then the tunnel wasn’t really safe for any living thing to go through. That’s why when you was first brought through here, you had one of those golden ropes attached to you. Its purpose was to pull you through before the tunnel severely injured you.” Augustus answered. “Oh, that makes sense. But when will the passage, be safe for people to go through?” Apollo ask. “The passage will be safe to travel through around late 2011 or early 2012.” “So we only have a year or two to prepare for this. Augustus give it to me straight. Is all the destruction that we saw in the prophecy going to happen?” “There’s a high likelihood that that won’t be the case. The dream you had shown you what might happen, not what will happen. Knowing you three, you’re going to be just fine. I’ll bet the enemy you’re going fight that day is something you have dealt with before.” “But what if we screw up or the United States get spooked or something?” Sensing Apollo’s distress, Margaret put a reassuring hand on Apollo‘s shoulder. “You’re not going to fail, the magic chose you guys for a reason. It knows that you’ll be ready when the time comes. Augustus is right, you know. All of you overcome me so many challenges in your lives. September 11, being transported to a New World, Discord, the Changing invasion and defending the Crystal City. If all of that doesn’t make you worthy of reuniting Earth and Equis, I don’t know what is.” Apollo said nothing as he pulled the angel into a hug. After they ended the hug, the train exited the passage and was now back in outer space. “Guys, look out the window.” Atlas said with watery eyes. The triplets they just that and they couldn’t believe their eyes. Outside of the express train planet earth. They had a perfect view of the continental United States with all the cities across the nation lighting up the surface. “So, do you like your surprise?” Athens ask. “Yes I do. I thought I will never see it again.” He said wiping a tear from his eye. “Do you know how my parents are doing?” “Your parents are doing all right. They were devastated when they heard what happened. They vow they’ll never stop looking for three. So did the governments of New York and Ottawa. You’re even known as the Niagara Brothers. Millions of people have hope that one day you will be found. Thanks to what happened on June 11, no one is allowed anywhere near Niagara Falls.” “How far away is Equis from Earth?” “4.36 light years away.” “So that means Equis sun is Alpha Centauri.” “That’s right, Equis is in the closest solar system to Earth’s.” “We’re basically next-door neighbors.” Atlas whispered. Everyone stayed quiet for a few minutes as they marvel at the view of the blue planet. Then the moon came into view and just like earth, the view was breathtaking. 20 minutes later the train reentered Orion‘s passage. Next stop station destiny. ===•••=== Station Destiny. After the train landed safely back at Station Destiny, the triplets and the Angels were now standing on the platform having one last conversation before parting ways. “Do you have any more questions before we go?” Athens ask. “I do. Will our powers get stronger after this?” Artemis ask. “Definitely, so I recommend that you continue practicing on your abilities.” “We will. Thanks for giving us a heads up.” Atlas said. “You’re welcome and again it was really nice to meet you, even though it was in your dreams.” Augustus responded. “We’ll meet again in your lifetimes until then, see you later.” Margaret said as she held out her hand. Atlas shook her hand, which turned into a tight hug. After they said their goodbyes, the angels climbed back on board to train. The triplets were about to leave, when they heard. “We believe in you.” They turned around and said. “What?” “WE BELIEVE IN YOU!” Athens shouted from an open window as the train slowly left platform. The triplets watched as the train take off from its elevated rails and flew deep into outer space. Its destination, unknown. “Wow, what a night.” Artemis said as he and his siblings walked through the empty station. “I know right, so many things we have learned from this. No ponies going to believe us after we get back.” Apollo said. “You can say that again.” Atlas chuckled. Then they saw that the main entrance to the station was glowing white. “So that’s how we get back home. Are you guys ready to blow every ponies minds?” “Yeah. But I’ll be the first one to do it.” Artemis said before he ran through the portal. “Oh, heck no.” Atlas said before following suit. Apollo looked back at the station one last time before going through. ===•••=== March 25. 8:50 AM With the light of Celestia’s sun greeting him. Apollo awoke his slumber, got out of bed and stretched his arms. He opened the doors to his balcony and breathed the fresh mountain air. Today was going to be a good day. After he was done, brushing his teeth, he left his bedroom and walk towards the Royal dining room to get some breakfast. When he arrive at the dining room, he saw that his siblings were there eating Celestia famous buttermilk pancakes. On the other side of the table were royal sisters and few of the triplets friends. All of them had their jaws on the ground. Figuratively speaking. “Morning every pony, what did I miss?” Celestia turned to look at Apollo. “I have to write a letter to Twilight!” Before teleporting away. “A lot, you missed a lot.” Artemis answered. “This changes everything.” Lydia mumbled. > Training with Galaxia. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 27 1010 A.G 8:00 AM It was an It was a beautiful spring morning in the city of Canterlot and right now Atlas was walking down the castle corridor, heading towards the Royal Throne room. Passing by the long line of ponies waiting to have an audience with their princesses. After he close the large door behind him and walked over to his post, Celestia levitated an envelope to him. “Apollo received a similar letter from mom.” She whispered to him. Atlas grabs the letter, opened it, and started to read. ===•••=== Dear Atlas. I hope this morning is treating you well. I need you to come to the castle gym around 5:30 PM. I recommend that you change into some comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle. From Galaxia Star Faust. ===•••=== ‘What the hell?’ Atlas thought. Before he can ask Celestia a question, the two royal guards station near the entrance, open the large double doors. Allowing day court to begin. ===•••=== 5:30 PM After a long boring day of being a royal advisor, Atlas went to his room, changed out of his suit and tie, and made his way towards the gym wearing his old Jordans and some gym clothes. Mind you the castle gym is huge (like every other place in this castle.) So it took Atlas a little while to find the former empress. After searching for a few minutes, Atlas found Galaxia standing in the middle of wrestling area with his two identical brothers standing on the side of the mat. “Good, all of you are here. You might be wondering why I sent those letters to the three of you this morning? The triplets nodded. “Well, the reason why I did that is because you three are not only destined to re-introduce Earth to Equis, but you are also going to fight some bad creatures that want to cause harm on Earth. So, I decided the best course of action is to train all of you in the art of combat.” “Train us? But we already been in combat zones before.” Apollo said. “Yes, that is true, but you guys never had any form of military training back in America or here in Equestria. Don’t worry when I’m done with you, you three are going to become skilled warriors.” “Ok, so what are we doing first?” Artemis asks. “First, I need to see your fighting skills. Try to hit me.” “What?” “You heard me, try to hit me as hard as you can. And I don’t mean walk up to me.” Galaxia said casually. “Are you sure?” Atlas ask. “I’m sure of it. I also cast a healing spell in this area so any damage you’re flicked on me will be healed. So, who wants to go first?” “I’ll go.” Apollo raised his hand. “Good, now give me your best shot.” She encouraged with a smile. ‘OK here goes nothing.’ Apollo thought before he bolted towards the former empress, jump in the air and pull his fist back. Without batting an eye, Galaxia grabbed his forearm and use them momentum to slam him onto his back. With the air knocked out of him, Apollo was lying there, with his eyes wide open, rethinking every decision that led to this moment. “Who’s next?” ‘Ok so attacking her head on is a no go. So maybe I should teleport behind her, she’ll never see that coming!’ Atlas thought. Atlas teleported behind Galaxia, hoping to hit the Alicorn from behind. But instead, he was slapped in the face by one of her large wings. Sending him to the mat below. He rolled onto his back and said. “I thought that would work.” Galaxia leaned over the fallen human. “You guessed wrong. Nice try though.” She looked at the last human standing. “Is your turn Artemis.” Snapping out of his bewildered state, Artemis started to think about the best way to lay one finger on Galaxia without ending up on the ground. After 30 seconds of thinking, he had an idea that was so crazy it just might work. He used his magic to make himself invisible and slowly made his way towards the former empress. She did nothing but look to her left and her right. It looked like he had upper hand. Then her eyes look straight at him, and she grabbed his throat. “Gah!” “Oh, my bad I was actually looking for your shoulder.” She said in slight embarrassment. She let go of his throat which allowed Artemis to breathe once again. But his relief was short live when she grabbed his shoulder and was about to slam him face first into the mat, but she managed to stop his head from colliding with the floor. His nose was only just one inch away. Artemis got rid of the invisibility spell and ask. “How did you know I was right there?” “I can see your footsteps making an impression in the mat.” She answered before letting go of Artemis shoulder. “Oof” Galaxia looked at the humans lying on the ground in defeat, and their egos bruised. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. We got a lot of work to do. Get up boys, the next thing we’re going to do is 50 push-ups and 100 sit-ups. That’s an order.” She said sternly. The humans immediately started doing push-ups, not wanting to face the wrath of the Galactic Alicorn. They might be whims now, but with enough training, they’ll be as good as the Galactic marines. No better than the Marines. If Galaxia could train her daughters to become strong fighters like her, there’s no doubt in her mind that she’s going to do the same for the triplets. ===•••=== 9:00 PM Four long hours later, Apollo sluggishly entered his room so exhausted he felt like he can blackout at any second. Apollo was no stranger to a bit of physical exertion. Heck, he used to join Luna on her evening runs last year. But this time it was different. Every muscle, every inch of his body was so fucking sore that when he sat down on his bed, he winced. He understood what Galaxia was trying to do for them, but he wished she would’ve taken it easy on them. Apollo knew that he’ll feel like shit in the morning, so he decided to go to bed early. He used his magic to takeoff his shoes, put on his pajamas and wrap himself in his sheets. Before he knew it, he drifted off to dreamland. ===•••=== March 28 7:40 AM As Apollo predicted, his body felt like crap the moment he woke up. Every muscle in his body ache as he got himself ready for the day ahead. After he looked in the mirror to make sure that nothing was out of place, Apollo teleported to the Royal dining room. “Huh, never thought I would see you come to breakfast early.” Said Nebula. “What can I say I’m just full of surprises.” He said before he winced when he sat down in his chair. “Are you ok?” Luna asked. “Yeah, I’m fine, so what are we having for breakfast?” “I think Celestia is making waffles for us today.” “Oh, that sounds good.” Right on queue, Celestia burst through the kitchen door, pushing a tray of freshly made pancakes. “Breakfast is served.” She said cheerfully. While she was giving every pony a plate, Artemis and Atlas teleported in their chairs. “Morning you two, glad that you can join us. Waffles?” “Yes please.” They both said. After the sun, princess sat down with her own plate. She looked at the humans and ask. “So, what did you and mother do last night?” “We did a lot of exercises in the castle gym.” Apollo answered. “Like what?” “A lot of push-ups a lot of sit ups, we ran a mile around the track outside, and we did a lot more that I can’t remember right now.” Artemis said. “So that’s why Atlas is sleeping.” Nebula said. “He’s what?” Artemis and Apollo turn to look at Atlas, who is now sleeping while sitting up. Artemis leaned over and poked him. Atlas eyes burst open and said “I’m up, I’m up. How long was it out?” “10 seconds.” Celestia answered. “Ok, good.” He said before eating his waffles. (A few minutes later.) After the triplets left the dining room, Luna looked at her mom and ask. “Mother why didn’t you tell us that you were going to train the triplets?” “I thought you two would be against it since I’m using the same training methods I used on you and Celestia.” “We’re not against it, we think it’s a bit too soon.” Celestia stated. “It’s never too soon to train some pony. The sooner we train them the sooner they’ll be ready. Besides, I know the both of you will love the results in a few weeks.” This made Celestia and Luna blush profusely as they tried to get inappropriate thoughts out of their heads. “Mom!” Luna shouted. Galaxia could help but laugh. “It’s so easy to make you guys flustered. If you need me, I will be in the library.” Then she teleported away leaving her daughters alone. “Mom does have a point.” Celestia blushed. Luna glared at her elder sister. “Shut up.” ===•••=== Castle gym 5:30 PM. After another workday came to an end, Artemis was now walking to the castle gym for another evening of training. Today they will be using the gym’s pool for some magic exercise. Which is why he is currently wearing a T-shirt and swim trunks while carrying his basketball shorts in a plastic bag. When he arrived at the gym pool area, where he saw his siblings already in the pool. So, he took off his shirt and jumped in. Moments later, Galaxia came out of the changing rooms, wearing a dark blue one-piece swimsuit with her mane in a bun. “Good evening triplets, today we’re going to be working on your magic tonight. Both in the water and on land. Your first exercise is to keep your feet above the waterline without casting any spells for a minimum of 12 minutes.” “That’s it?” Atlas ask. “For now. You may begin. After Galaxia turned on the 12-minute timer, the humans use their magic to bring themselves out the water. Now they were standing on its surface, like Jesus. “This is going to be easy.” Apollo said. Galaxia smirked when she heard his comment. ‘Oh, you poor innocent boy.’ She thought. ===•••=== 10 minutes later. “How much longer.” Artemis ask as he laid down on the water surface. “Two minutes.” Galaxia announced. “Fuck my life.” “Apollo why did you have to jinx it?” Atlas asks in exhaustion. “I don’t know. I thought it would be easy. What happens if we fall in the water?” “If you fall, you have to do 30 push-ups.” Galaxia answered. “I’d rather do this then do put 30 push-ups right now.” Artemis said. “Thank god we only have two more minutes left.” Atlas said. (Two minutes later.) “3,2,1. Congratulations boys, you complete your first exercise.” Galaxia congratulated before the three humans fell into the water and swam to the edge of the pool. “Honestly, I was expecting one of y’all to give up, but you didn’t, good work. You all earn a five-minute break.” “Yay.” They said, exhausted. ===•••=== Two weeks later. April 9 1010 A.G Castle gym. 5:40 PM It’s been two weeks since Galaxia started training the triplets. Since then, they slowly gotten used to the intense exercising and gotten better at fighting both physically and magically. They even gained some muscle mass as well. “All right boys the only reason why I called you here today is because I’m going to give you one more chance to try to hit me. If one of you is successful, you will get a special prize.” “What’s the special price?” Artemis asks. “You’ll find out if you succeed in this challenge.” The triplets looked at each other, walked a few feet away, and huddled around each other. Speaking only in whispers. Two minutes later they came back. Artemis and Apollo made themselves invisible while Atlas took a deep breath and breathe out fire like a dragon. Galaxia put up a defensive shield, making his attack in effective. (The entire gym is fireproof, so he’s allowed to do this.) Galaxia retaliated by shooting a beam of magic at Atlas. He dodged it by jumping high into the air. “Now!” Atlas yelled. It was at this moment, when Galaxia noticed two sets of footprints appearing in the mat coming from her right and her left. So, she uses her magic to grab the invisible humans on her right and try to use him as a human shield. But unbeknownst to her, the triplets wanted this to happen. Artemis went around Apollo, review himself, and threw punch towards the Alicorn’s face. She was able to stop him by grabbing his fist. Distracting her long enough for Atlas to teleport right next to her and punch her in the stomach. “We did it.” Atlas said in shock. “WE DID IT!” This made Artemis and Apollo to celebrate as well. After the pain subsided, Galaxia stood up straight and started clapping. “Well done triplets, you actually use teamwork to overwhelm your opponent. You don’t know how proud I am.” “Thanks. Are you going to be ok? I did punch you pretty hard.” Atlas asks. “I’ll be fine I can take a few hits easily.” She chuckled. “Now your prize. From now on we’re training from Mondays to Thursdays. Friday, Saturday and Sundays, you’re free.” “For real?” Artemis asks. “I might be known for a lot of things, but lying is not one of them. Now enjoy your evening.” Apollo turn to siblings and ask “Megamall?” “Megamall.” Atlas and Artemis reply before all three of them teleported way. Galaxia was now by herself, accompanied by her thoughts. They improved so much in the past two weeks that she almost couldn’t believe it. She was so proud of them. She knew they will be ready when time comes. But for now, she will allow them to have fun. > The first night of heat season. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 16 1010 A.G Spring, the second-best season in Equestria. Animals come out of hibernation and every unique biome in the country comes back to life in a beautiful array of colors. But spring is also considered one of the one of craziest times of the year in and outside of Equestria. And it’s because spring is also known as “heat season.” For my viewers who don’t know, “heat season” is a time of the year when most mare have an increase desire to mate. It can happen anytime of the year, but spring is when it’s most common. For ponies that are single (like the majority of the main six) they usually take care of it themselves, get medication or a potion that suppress it so they can go on with their daily lives, or they can hook up with someone. But if a mare is in a relationship, they become really clingy/overprotective, overly flirtatious and screwed their partners brains out to the point where they can’t walk afterwards. Which is why Atlas gathered all of his guy friends, and Apollo for a very special meeting. ===•••=== 5:00 PM Royal library lounge. “Hello everypony thanks for coming here this evening.” Atlas said as every pony in the room took a seat. “No problem.” Otto replied. “So what’s going on?” Cyclone ask. “I’m getting to that. Today is the first day of heat season and we all been noticing our mare friends are getting a bit more flirtatious than usual and sooner and or later they are going make sure that we are their play thing for the next few days.” He said, while remembering what happened last November. “Instead of spending a day or two of trying to walking on non-functioning legs, how about we have a boys night that last until sunrise? So they can calm down a little bit.” “So delaying the inevitable.” Apollo deadpanned. “Pretty much. But if we let our girlfriends cool down a bit, we’ll have the higher chance of keeping our ability to walk.” “That might work on other mares but you and Apollo are dating Alicorns. I don’t think they will ever calm down.” Connor said. “You might be right, but it’s worth a shot.” Apollo said. “This might be off-topic, but where is Artemis?” Cyclone mask “He left an hour ago because he booked a hotel room in downtown, so he and Twilight can have a ‘romantic weekend’ together.” Atlas answered. “…. Yeah, you’re not go to see him for a while.” “We know.” Atlas and Apollo said. “What are we going to do for the next 12 hours?” Otto asked. “Whatever the hell we want.” Atlas declared. “Except going to any popular bars. There’s going to be a lot of horny mares at those places.” His friends agreed. “Are we going now or later?” Apollo ask. “Now, of course. The moon is going to rise soon and I don’t want to be kidnapped by Celestia yet. Now where do you guys want to go first?” “How about go kart track?” Cyclone suggested. “Tartarus yeah.” Otto said. “I’m down for a few races.” Said Connor. “Why the hell not.” Apollo said. “Ok, go karts it is.” Atlas said before teleporting himself, his friends and Apollo away. ===•••=== 5:30 PM Canterlot Crown Hotel. Artemis POV. “Bottle of champagne, check. Big comfy bed, check. Healing potions, check.” He walked towards the nightstand on the left side of the bed. “Last, but not least, a drawer full of condoms, check.” He said before closing it. “Looks like I’m ready for one wild weekend.” With everything ready, Artemis decided to lie down on the bed and play on his phone until Twilight arrives. For the past week Artemis has been making sure that the next three days will be perfect. He booked a luxurious room in one of the best hotels in the city with a beautiful view and in the middle of downtown. So there’s plenty of entertainment and restaurants nearby. But this weekend won’t be complete without his special bookworm. *Knock, knock knock* Speak of the devil. “Coming.” Artemis walked towards the door and look through the peephole. After seeing that it was Twilight on the other side and not a hotel employee, Artemis open the door. Allowing Twilight to enter the room with her suitcase. And immediately she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. And I don’t mean a peck on the lips either. Artemis was not expecting this at all, but he wasn’t complaining. Moments later, the couple separated. “I missed you.” Twilight purred. “We saw each other last week, Twi.” “I know, but I still missed you.” She said before standing on her tiptoes and giving him a kiss on the nose. With her attention now off her stallion, Twilight looks around the room that they’re going to be sharing for the next three days. “I still can’t believe that you organized all of this for us.” “You should know me by now. I always get the best things for my girl. Do you want some champagne?” “No thanks. How about we get more comfortable?” She unbuttoned her shirt and toss it to the side. ‘Well damn, I wasn’t expecting this to happen so soon.’ The 19-year-old unicorn slowly approached Artemis, swing her hips as she did so. She gently pushed him down on the bed and got on top of him. “Before we go any further, can you please be gentle? This is my first time after all.” She blush. “Don’t worry Twilight I will be very gentle.” Artemis said before giving Twilight a deep loving kiss as they both took off each other clothes. And that is the cue for us to leave. ===•••=== 6:30 PM After spending an hour and a half racing each other and other stallions at the go kart track, Atlas, Apollo and their friends left the building. “That was so much fun. We practically own the place.” Otto said. “I know right? Who knew that heat season of all things would make that place half empty. Now we know the best time of year to go to the track.” Apollo commented. “So what should we do now?” Apollo wondered. “How about we go to the movie theater? There’s a few new action movies that came out recently.” Otto suggested. The group like that idea. “Luckily for us closest movie theaters is just down the street. I hope it’s not too crowded.” Cyclone said. “We’ll see soon enough.” Otto replied. When the group of friends arrived at the theater, Cyclone saw that his prayers were answered because the theater was half empty. ===•••=== After a few hours of having the time of their lives all over the city, the group of friends decided to head home after everything decided to close for the night. When they arrive at the castle, they walked through the Castle as quietly as they can, while Apollo cast invisibility spell over them. So, they wouldn’t be ambushed by any of their significant others. Finally, they made it to a nearby lounge, without any incident. After Atlas locked the door and put on the chain, they all breathe a collective sigh of relief. “Finally, we can relax.” Cyclone said as he plopped on to the couch. “You can say that again.” Otto replied. It was at this moment when the clock on the wall chimed eight times. Letting the group know that it was 12 AM. “We have six more hours to go.” Apollo said. “Look on the bright side, we have chosen a great place to hunker down for the time being. We have a nice view of the city, air hockey, large TV and a pool table. Speaking of air hockey does anyone want to play against me?” Atlas said. “Me.” Connor shouted. ===•••=== 3 AM. It’s been three hours since Atlas, Apollo and their friends hunkered down in the lounge and so far things have been very peaceful. Connor and Apollo were playing a game of pool, while the rest of them were watching a movie on the TV. “Hey Otto.” “Yeah.” The white pegasus replied to Cyclone. “What are you and Connor are going to do after the sunrises?” “Hop on a train to Ponyville to visit our mare friends. They said they have a surprise for us, I wonder what it could be.” “I’m going to bet it’s handcuffs.” “I don’t think so, Octavia not that type of pony. Vinyl on the other hand-“ “Vinyl is not that type of pony either.” Connor chimed in. “Sorry got carried away. I’m not trying to be mean.” “It’s all right.” “What do you think the surprise is going to be?” Otto asked. “I don’t know. I’ll still accept whatever their hormone fried brains are gonna create, but I have to admit I am pretty nervous about it.” “Is it me or does it smell like raspberries in here?” Atlas asks, smelling the air. “It smells like the shampoo Lydia has been us- “It was at this moment, when realization hit Cyclone like a freight train. His ears folded against his head and his pupils became pinpricks. “Oh shit.” Moments later, someone was banging on the lounge door. “Cyclone, I know you’re in there.” The seductive sounding voice, said. “How the fuck did she find us?” Atlas whispered. “Don’t pretend you and your friends aren’t in there. I can smell your cologne from here, Cyclone!” ‘Why did Faust give batponies a good sense of smell?’ Cyclone thought. The door knob started to rattle as Lydia tried to break in. “Let me in so I could treat you like a fucking king, you sexy pegasus!” Every guy in the room stayed quiet as Lydia continued to rattle the door knob. Then she stopped. “Fine be like that.” After they heard her walk away from the door, they thought she had given up. There are assumption was proven wrong when she punched through the door. Everyone was screaming and panicking. After Lydia pulled her arm from the hole, she made without injuring herself somehow, she looked through the hole and said. “Come to mama!” Before she can break the door down, Atlas and Apollo teleported friends to another hallway, and they began running for their lives. “Holy shit, holy shit! Since when she was able to punch through a fucking door?!” Apollo said in a panic. “She participated in some special forces training a few weeks ago.” Cyclone answered. “So you were telling me that mare can hunter us down like a hungry wolf?” Connor ask. “Pretty much.” Cyclone confirmed. “Oh God, we’re never going make it to 6 AM.” Otto said. “Guys look, there’s the gym we can lose her in there.” Apollo said before opening the gym door and allowing all of his friends to get in. He lock the door and joined his friends on the second floor, he got on his stomach and look in between the bars of the banister. A minute later, Lydia started to bang on the glass door and pulling on the handle. To their absolute horror, the lock gave out, allowing the bat pony to enter. “Boys, I know you’re in here. I have to admit you guys are very sneaky, but eventually I will find, bad boys. Especially you, my sexy Cyclone.” She said before she walked towards the pool area. “I never thought I would be seeing her acting like this.” Atlas whispered. “Well, it is that time of year again.” Cyclone whispered back. “If you knew she was going to act like that why didn’t you warn us?” Apollo whispered. “Before I went out with you guys, I gave her two sleeping pills for her to take so she can sleep through the entire night and wake up the next day as her normal self. For some reason Bat ponies or extremely clingy at night.” Cyclone explained. “So it’s either that she forgot to take them or the prescription wasn’t strong enough.” Otto concluded. “So where are we going to hide? Sooner or later she’s going to come up here.” Connor ask. “We can hide in the yoga studio. It’s just down the hallway.” Atlas pointed. “Ok let’s go.” The five friends tiptoed as quietly as they can towards the yoga studio. After they close the door, Atlas locked it and put on a reinforcement spell on the door. “Ok, I think we’re safe.” Atlas said. “Safe? We are not safe at all. Soon, our friend who is high off of hormones is going to find us. We have only 2 1/2 hours until sunrise. That’s more than enough time for her to hunt us down. We don’t even know if the royal sisters are out there as well.” Apollo Said. “Ok it might look bad, but we could think of something right?” Cyclone said before the power went out. “Is the castle having a power outage?” Connor wondered. “That’s very unlikely. The castle has back up generators for a reason. And if they’re not working, the emergency lights would’ve turned on by now.” Apollo said. “So that means Lydia has turned off the gym’s lights. And since she has night vision, she has an upper hand against us.” Otto said. They didn’t know it yet, but Lydia unlocked the door and enter the room without making a sound. “Oh crap I’m smelling raspberries again.” Connor said. “If there’s a reason for that, it’s too late for me.” Cyclone said. Wondering what his friend was talking about Apollo turned on his phone and use the light from the screen to illuminate the room. What he saw nearly made his heart stop. Sitting on Cyclone’s lap was Lydia. She was snuggling up against him like a cat to its owner. She looked at the stun group with a predatory smile, and said. “Hello boys.” “How?” Atlas ask. “It’s simple really, I know this place like the back of my hand. When I heard nothing from downstairs, I knew you were upstairs. And lucky me found the keys for these rooms.” “Lydia how about you leave Cyclone alone for another two hours and he’ll be all yours.” Connor said, as he slowly approached the couple. She hissed at him, causing him to back away in fear. “Why would I do that if I could have him on to myself right now?” She said as she petted his indigo colored mane and gave him a little kiss on the forehead. “Unless you want to join us I suggest you get your flakes out of here. Or else.” She took out a small letter from her pocket and held it up above a lighter. “I will send this letter to Princess Luna, telling her where you all are.” Apollo skin when pale as a ghost. “You wouldn’t.” “Yes I would. Luna might be my boss but she’s also my friend and what I can tell is that she misses you very much.” “Ok we’ll leave.” “What about Cyclone?” Connor said. “Don’t worry I’m fine with this.” “Are you sure? Connor asked. “Yeah, don’t worry about it.” He said, accepting his fate with a smile. “Ok we’re leaving now. Good luck soldier.” Atlas said before he and Apollo teleported themselves and their friends away. “I’ll be right back, my love.” She reluctantly got off of him and left the room. After the power came back on, Lydia re-entered the room and sat back down onto his lap. “Let me guess there’s nothing on that piece of paper?” He asked. “That’s correct.” “Of course it doesn’t. Before we start, can you please be gentle? I want to walk away from this.” “No promises.” Cyclone look down at the adorable Bat pony on him, and thought ‘I regret nothing.’ ===•••=== “We are only 2 hour and 28 minutes away from sunrise and we lost one of our friends.” Connor said, as he looked at his watch as he walked through the empty corridor with his friends. “It could’ve been worse we could’ve lost him the moment we came back to the castle.” Atlas said. “You got a point there. Anyway where should we hide now?” Apollo wondered. “Aww why would you want to hide? There’s nothing to be afraid of.” The familiar voice made the stallion stop in their tracks as their blood ran cold. They turned around and saw that Luna was standing at the other end of the corridor. The princess of the night was wearing a pink silk robe and she had a seductive smile on her face. The four friends looked at each other. “RUN!” They all said before they ran as fast as they can down the corridor. Luna chased after them. “That bitch lie to us!” Atlas yelled. “I don’t think Lydia would go back on her word like that.” Otto said “So that means we have bad luck.” “Pretty much.” Connor said. “Dammit.” They soon noticed that the end of the corridor split off into two other hallways, forming a T shape. “Which way should we go?” Otto asks. “How about we split up?” Atlas suggested. Apollo looked at his identical brother in shock and said. “Are fucking retarded? This is not Scooby Doo.” “I know that, but it’s obvious that Luna is not thinking straight. If we split up, she would have to choose between chasing you or me. And if she chases me, that’s a chance for you to get away.” “No. You’re not ending up like every black man in 80s horror movie.” “Trust me it will work.” Atlas reassured. “Guys we’re running out of runway!” Connor exclaimed. Apologize over for moment if they teleport somewhere else in the castle, they would be still at risk of encountering Luna again. But the biggest threat was Celestia. They don’t know where she is or what she is doing but if Luna and her elder sister team up, I’ll be November of 1009 all over again. With no other option, Apollo let out a sigh, and said. “Fine we’ll go with your plan, but if you get caught don’t blame my mixed ass.” “I won’t you. You go right I’ll go left.” “Ok.” As planned Atlas ran down the hallway on the left, and the Apollo and the rest of the group went the opposite direction. This put Luna in a bit of a pickle. She couldn’t tell the brothers apart because she was too far away. So she decide to go with her gut and fly left. When Atlas looked behind himself, he was surprised to see that Luna was actually following him. His planned worked. Unfortunately, he didn’t have a plan on what to after Luna started to case him. Now he had a powerful Alicorn with an 8 foot wingspan who is acting on pure instinct. this is when Atlas knew that no matter what he had to keep running. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbRmSxNXx7g&pp=ygUJaGlkZSBhd2F5 “I’m coming, Titan.” When they enter the castle atrium, Luna had her arms out, waiting for the perfect opportunity to capture him. Atlas dodge Luna by jumping down two flights of stairs and softening the landing by doing a barrel roll before he continues running. This bamboozled the lunar princess before she remembered that her mom has been training them for the past month. Not that it matters, sooner or later, she will capture Apollo, and have him all to herself. For now, she didn’t mind playing cat and mouse. So, Luna flew as fast as she can down the hallway. Despite major changes over the centuries, Luna knows this castle like the back of her hand. So, she knew the sooner or later her human would end up at the front entrance. And she was right. After she landed safely to the ground, she slowly approached the human. “That was a lot of fun my silly human. You really know how to make this mare work up a sweat. But I think you know that it’s time for the real fun to begin.” She purred as she traced her finger across her figure. Before Luna got close to the human, Atlas teleported, and reappeared behind her and started running down the hallway. ‘I should’ve seen that coming.’ The moon princess thought before she starts chasing him again. ===•••=== 30 minutes later. After running all the castle, and thankfully, not running into Celestia, Atlas decided to catch his breath in the castle Garden. He ran towards the thick foliage area of the garden and sat down. Hoping that the plants and the bushes would be able to hide him. “Apollo, you owe me for this.” He whispered. “Who owes you, my love?” ‘Oh, fuck.’ Atlas immediately teleport back inside of the castle and start to run again. He looked around the castle corridor, looking for a good place to hide. Then he had an idea. On the roof of the castle corridor were large arches that not only give the roof support, but also give the castle some character. And since the castle is not that well illuminated early in the morning, the arches had shadows on their corners. A perfect place for Atlas to hide. The human jump as high as he can towards the roof and was able to grab onto the ledge of the arch and pulled himself up. Just in time Luna to appear. “Apollo? Apollo where are you? There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Her ears went flat against her head before she continued. “All I wanted was for us to be together tonight. Nothing more nothing less.” As Luna slowly walked away, Atlas couldn’t help but feel bad for her. He want to comfort for her, he really do. But knowing how she would react if she saw him, he didn’t want to risk it. So after she was far enough, he jumped down from his hiding spot, and bolted towards the nearest door. After he locked the door, Atlas was able to catch his breath. Immediately regretted turning around because on the nearby bed was Princess Zeya and Thorax making out. “Oh my God! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” He said in embarrassment and panic before he teleported to the lobby of the Castle spa. “This has to be one of the craziest nights of my life.” He mumbled as he left the spa. “Yo, Jupiter.” Apollo called out. At least looked on his left and saw that Connor, Otto, and Apollo were running towards him. “Dude you are soaked. What happened to you in the past 30 minutes?” Connor ask. “Luna has been chasing me. I just lost her.” “Well, that’s a relief.” Otto said. “But.” “But what?” Apollo ask. “When I was hiding on the roof, nearby the Garden, she looked really sad, and I remember her saying ‘all she wanted was for you and her to be together tonight. Nothing more, nothing less’.” “Damn.” Apollo said, starting to feel guilty. “She doesn’t have to wait that long since we only have an hour and a half until sunrise. And we can hide in the spa.” Otto pointed out. “And we can go in the Hot Springs.” Connor said. “You’re Faust damn right, Connor. For less head inside before any pony else decides to hunt us down.” Before they enter the spa, they noticed that Apollo wasn’t following them. “Hey Apollo are you coming in?” Otto asked. “No I am not. I’m sick and tired of running and hiding. You guys go ahead I’m going to meet up with Luna.” “Are you crazy? The night is not over yet and she is still in crazy heat mode.” Connor said. “I know, but I have an idea that just might work. And I kind of feel bad for running away from her.” Are you sure you want to do this?” Otto asked. “I’m sure.” “Ok fine. But if you come back on Monday in a wheelchair like last year, I’m going to slap you so hard you’re going to end up in Abyssinia speaking Greek.” Atlas said. “Don’t worry, I won’t.” “Good. Good luck, soldier.” Atlas said before he walked into the spa. “Apollo.” “Yes, Otto?” “See you on Monday.” “See ya.” After that the white Pegasus close the door and locked it, leaving Apollo all by himself. Apollo then teleported to the corridor, nearby the garden, and started looking for Luna. After a minute of searching, she finally found the lunar princess slowly walking through the castle, likely heading back to her chambers. “Luna.” This made the lunar princess to turn around. “Apollo?” “That’s me.” “Are you going to run away from me again?” “Not this time.” He said, with his arms out. After seeing the display, Luna ran as fast towards Apollo until she was in his arms. “Finally, you don’t want know how long I wanted this.” “I know. Sorry about that.” “It’s all right, I understand.” A few moments later, the couple separated. “Since my chambers are nearby, I can show you what you have been missing out all night.” Luna was expecting an excited look on her stallion friend’s face, but instead he picked her up in a bridal carry. Which surprised Luna. “Oh no, we are going to my bedroom tonight.” Apollo said bluntly. “What why?” “Because you need to be punished. No pony hunts me or my friends down like that without retribution.” “Oh really? And what’s this punishment you’re planning to do?” Apollo grind as he whispered into Luna‘s ear. A massive blush when across her face as her pupils expanded. After he was done, Luna looked at him and said. “Bedroom. Now.” “Your wish is my command.” He said, before teleporting away. ===•••=== 6 AM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UvimAzSkZY&pp=ygUPZm5hZiA2IGFtIGFsYXJt After spending an hour and a half in the spa, Atlas opens the doors, just in time to see the sunrise. “Guys look, here comes the sun.” Atlas said. “We did it.” Connor said. “Oh my Faust, we did it.” Otto said quietly. The three friends looked at each other and screamed. “WE DID IT!” Then they started to high five and hug each other while chanting ‘we did it.’ “They said it was impossible. Take that Phoenix times!” Otto laugh. “But we did lose two of our comrades along the way.” Connor said. “Yeah, but their sacrifices will be remembered.” Atlas said. After a few moments of silence, Connor spoke. “I’m guessing this is where we partways?” “Yeah. Last night was fun though.” Atlas said. “Are you talking about the night out we had or being chased around the castle?” Otto said. “Both. If you think about it, we were playing extreme version of hide and seek.” “You’ve got a point there. Well, I see you on Monday.” Otto said, presenting his hand for a handshake. “Right back at ya. And remember what I said to Apollo applies to the both of you.” Atlas said after ending the handshake. “We know.” His friend said. “Same for you.” Otto said. “I know. See ya.” “See ya.” Connor said. After that, the three friends went on their separate ways. ===•••== Atlas POV. Five minutes later. Atlas was now standing in front of Celestia‘s bed chamber doors, preparing himself for whatever he was about to walk into. *Knock, knock, knock.* “Come in.” When Atlas opens the door, he was surprised to see that Celestia was only watching the morning news instead of doing stuff that I can’t describe here or else this story will be become an M. “Good morning~” Celestia greeted. “Morning, Tia.” “How was your night?” “Crazy.” Atlas sat down on Celestia bed. “You?” “I was in here doing nothing but watching very R-rated movies.” Celestia looked at him with a seductive look. “And when I mean r-rated, I mean very R-rated.” “Well in that case.” Atlas used his magic to teleport his clothing on the floor next to him. “You have room for one more?” Celestia looked him up and down. “Of course I do.” ===•••=== Two hours later. 8 AM After an hour long train ride and leaving the station, Connor and Otto were now walking through the small town of Ponyville. Just like how the triplets described it, Ponyville was a vibrant small town with a lot of friendly locals and so far they haven’t encountered one entitled pony. Which was a major culture shock for the two pagasi. Especially for Connor since he is from Manehattan. Finally, after a few minutes of sightseeing, they finally arrived at their mare friends house. The two Pegasi were still curious and nervous of what surprise there’s significant others had planned for them. “Are you ready?” Otto asked his friend. “Yeah.” “Ok.” “3.” “2.” “1.” *Knock, knock, knock* A few moments later, the door open and two friends were shocked at what they were seeing. In front of them were their mare friends, Octavia Melody and Vinyl scratch wearing belly dancer outfits. Similar to the ones worn in exotic far away lands like Zaire or Abyssinia. “Look at them vinyl, they’re speechless.” Octavia chuckled. “I told you it will work.” Vinyl responded. Otto snapped out of his shocked state and ask. “Can we come in?” “Of course you can. This is going to be your home for the next two days after all.” Octavia said as she and her roommate allowed the stallions to enter their home. “You don’t know how excited we are to have you guys over.” Vinyl said before she smacked Connor on the ass which caused him to let out a peep. ===•••=== 8:30 AM Canterlot Crown Hotel. Artemis POV. Artemis opened his eyes and immediately felt the sore muscles in his legs, abdomen and pelvis. The reason why was because of the shit him and Twilight had done. Last night, Artemis unlocked something in Twilight. The first hour was nothing more than love for one another. After that was nothing but pure, unfiltered lust. Artemis had to admit he loved every second of it. But now he had to feel the consequences. Artemis used his magic to grab a bottle filled with a pink liquid from his bag and gulp it down like a shot of vodka. In mere seconds all the aches and pains he was experiencing disappeared. Just in time for Twilight to wake up and roll over onto his chest. “Morning Twilight.” “Morning.” She said before giving him a kiss on the cheek. “How are you doing this morning?” He asked. “I feel amazing. Last night I never felt so alive.” “That’s good.” “If you’re feeling up to it, do you want to do a few more rounds?” She asked as she traced his body with her index finger. Artemis thought about it for a second before saying. “Fuck it, why not.” ===•••=== Out of all the stallions we have followed today, Artemis was the only one that found out that he couldn’t walk straight. So he had to levitate for an entire day. > Reforming a chaos God. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 30 1010 A.G 1:30 PM Celestia‘s office. “Are you sure you want go to Buryatia?” Luna asks before closing a beige folder with a large hammer and horseshoe in the center. “Of course I do, sister. Meeting with Sablin is a perfect opportunity to start heading the wounds that the frozen war had left on our two countries. I would’ve done this years ago, if it wasn’t for Yagoda standing in the way. Thankfully, Sablin is an open-minded stallion, so I expect our meeting to be very productive. I hope.” “Whatever the outcome maybe, I’ll support you on this endeavor.” “Thank you, Lulu.” Celestia said with a smile. The sisterly moment ended abruptly when they heard a knock on the door. “Come in.” Celestia said. The door open, revealing their mother holding a newspaper in her magic. The royal sisters knew something was up when they noticed the neutral expression on her face. “Girls, I know both of you are busy, so I’m just going to give you a summarized version of events.” Galaxia said, with a tone that matched her expression. “Earlier today I was watching the news and saw something so ridiculous I thought it was satire. Then I remembered that I was watching a 24-hour news channel. I Change the channel; they were reporting the same thing. So, I decide to get a newspaper and ask the both of you about this.” The galactic Alicorn open the newspaper with her magic, placed it down on Celestia’s desk, and pointed to one of the headlines that said. ‘THE B.O.J HAS APPROVED THE REHABILITATION OF DISCORD, THE GOD Of CHAOS.’ “What is this?” Galaxia ask angrily. “Why would you allow the Bureau of Justice to do this?” Celestia and Luna hoped that their mom wouldn’t find out about this. Sadly, their prayers weren’t answered. “Mother, you have to understand. We just can’t overrule a decision from the B.O.J without the Supreme Court’s approval.” Luna said. “Luna, you didn’t answer my question. I understand that Equestria is no longer in absolute monarchy like it was in the past, but I was just wondering why you would and Celestia allow this?” “Besides the amount of community service, he has done and behaving himself while in prison, he could be useful in the future.” Celestia said. “Useful? Celestia, he is self-centered, he is ruthless, He is devious and greedy. What use does he have exactly?” “As we already know, tensions have been rising around the world. A fascist government has taken control of Wingbardy, Livonia is heading down the same authoritarian path that led to it bloody defeat in the Great War, and every day we are getting disturbing stories from refugees of life inside of the Changing Empire. If we reform Discord and have him on our side, we can protect ourselves and our allies.” Celestia answered. “There has to be another way. How about we expand the tank fleets or invest in Apollo’s airplane project he’s been proposing? That young human has some interesting ideas.” “We’re already doing that mother, but Celestia is right. We have to do everything we can to keep our subject safe and if that means reforming Discord, so be it. Obviously, we’re going to keep an eye on him, but he also earns his freedom to do whatever he does with his time.” Luna responded. Galaxia sighed. As much she hates to admit it, her daughters had a point. Discord could be a useful weapon in the future, especially in a war. But remembering what he done in the past, this can easily backfire on them and get someone killed. But for sake of ending this conversation, Galaxia decided to concede. “Ok fine, if you believe that reforming that stallion will benefit the country, I won’t stop you.” She said before grabbing her newspaper and walking towards the door. Then she stopped in front of it. “But, if Discord harms are subjects or this family, will deal with him, personally.” After that, she left the office. “That went better than I expected.” Luna said in surprise. ===•••=== 2 PM In a café in South Canterlot, Atlas and Apollo we’re waiting for Artemis to arrive. In a normal workday, it’s rare for the triplets to encounter one another. So, when they have the time, they usually find a nice spot where they can sit down and chat for a little bit. “This Kirin engineer had the nerve to walk over to me and said ‘there’s no way that this project is going to succeed. You might as well just give up now, so you won’t embarrass yourself.’ Apollo said, mocking the stallion’s accent. “Shit, that’s a mean thing to say. and to another engineer no less.” “I know right? The man was a total ass.” “So, how did you respond?” Atlas asks. “I said ‘All right, bet. I know I’m going to succeed, and when I do, I want you to admit defeat, and you were wrong in front of every pony after I landed the thing’. He got pissed after he saw that I wasn’t going to back down and stormed off.” “Classic Apollo. Only you have the power to piss off the most arrogant people.” “What can I say I’m known for a lot of things, but giving up is not one of them. I’m not named after the moon landing for nothing.” He said before eating another spoonful of his crème brûlée. Oh, that this moment when Artemis finally teleported inside of the café. He walked over to the booth where his siblings were sitting and sat down. They noticed that he had a shocked look on his face, and they think they know why. “I’m going to guess you heard about the plan to reform Discord?” Atlas guess. “Yep, I just heard about it a few minutes ago. I’m just at for loss words. Like why would they want to do that? That thing caused so much trouble last year!” “I had a similar reaction when Luna told me about it two hours ago.” Apollo said. “If I remember correctly, she said the reason why they are doing it because he could become a major ally in the future.” Artemis scoff. “Yeah, an ally to all the creatures that want to see this country fall apart. And even if he changes his ways, I will never forgive him after what he did to us.” “A lot of ponies from Cloudsdale, Ponyville and Canterlot would agree of you on that. But despite that, they are going to try to reform him no matter what. I just wish there was a way that to prevent him from do anything stupid.” This gave Artemis an idea. “Atlas you’re a fucking genius.” “I am?” “Yes, you are. Raven told me that Celestia is taking him to Ponyville. And I was just thinking why not one of us go to Ponyville and be with them just in case he decides to get any “funny” ideas.” “But why us?” Apollo asks. “Isn’t it obvious? Not only our powers came from a galaxy, a planet and a moon, and a shooting star, but Discord had a hard time hypnotizing us before we even knew we had magic. Imagine him trying to do the same thing to us now, he’s going to fail miserably.” “What if Celestia doesn’t want us there?” Atlas asks. “Don’t worry about that. She might be taking a gamble with reforming Discord, but I think she would like the idea of a little bit of extra firepower nearby just in case.” After thinking it over, Atlas was on board with Artemis’ plan. “You convince me, I’m in.” “Same over here.” Apollo replied. “Great. Since I was planning to take the weekend off, I’ll go first.” “Are you sure that’s how you want to spend your Saturday?” Apollo ask. “I’m sure. Besides, I’m going to come back around 3:30.” “Ok if you say so.” Apollo commented. “Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to get myself some mac & cheese.” Artemis said before walking towards the counter. ===•••=== May 1 6:30 AM Wanting to make sure to arrive in Ponyville the same time as Celestia and Discord, Artemis got out of bed real early. After he grabbed two chocolate granola bars out of the kitchen, Artemis teleported to the castle courtyard and made his way towards the Halftrack. It was parked by one of the castle’s walls, pretty much hiding in plain sight. 30 long minutes later, Celestia exit the castle and her carriage arrived shortly after. Another Carriage (presumably Discord’s) landing right next to it. After both carriages left, Artemis is turned on his vehicle, waited for the gate to open, and drove off the castle grounds and into the city. He cruised at a reasonable speed down the avenues vehicle were allowed to drive on and entered a tunnel that took him at the bottom of the mountain. From this point forward, it was smooth sailing for Artemis. All he had to do was to follow Celestia‘s carriage. ===•••=== Ponyville 7:20 AM. After driving for 50 minutes on a half empty road, Artemis finally arrived in the small town of Ponyville. As usual, the locals were either outside hanging out with their friends or going about their daily lives. Heck, some of them looked at the half track as it passed by. Artemis couldn't blame them. It’s not every day when you see a large vehicle go through a quiet small town like this. While Artemis continued to follow the two flying carriages, he thought it was odd that they weren’t landing nearby the library as usual, but despite this, he kept on going. Finally, the carriages landed in a field, just outside of town where the main six were waiting for them. “Thank God they didn’t land anywhere near the Everfree.” Artemis mumbled. One by one every pony finally noticed half track coming closer. After he took the keys out of the ignition, Artemis finally got a good look of the chaos god encased in stone. This is when reality finally hit Artemis like a semi truck. Just a few feet in front of the truck was the stallion that messed with his mind for fun. His heart started to race as memories of the day played in his head. Despite this Artemis was determined to make sure that this bastard wasn’t going to mess with his friends again. So, to calm himself down, he used a technique that Cadence use whenever she felt nervous. Surprisingly, it worked. After that, Artemis got out of the truck and said. “Morning every pony.” “Artemis what are you doing here?” Celestia ask. “Good morning to you too, Celestia. And to answer your question, I thought I could help the elements with dealing with Discord.” “Wait, so you want to help reform Discord?” Rainbow Dash asks in confusion. “Not really I just want make sure that if things go south, you guys will be winning the fight, not him.” “Artemis, we appreciate you want to help us out, but I think the girls and I are able to handle this ourselves.” Twilight said. “We do?” Pinkie Pie asks turning her head to the side in confusion. “Yes, we do, Pinky.” “Please, I insist. With my powers and the elements of harmony, reforming Discord will be easy.” “You have a point there and it doesn’t hurt to have extra help. Ok Artemis, you can help us out if the Princess approves, of course.” “I’m fine with it if you are.” Celestia said. “Thank you, your majesty.” Said Artemis. “You’re welcome. Now where was I? Oh yeah, has any pony seen Fluttershy? I think she knows best on how to begin reforming Discord.” “Fluttershy, really?” Rainbow Dash asks. “I’m not trying to be mean, but out of all the ponies why her?” “It’s because she is gentle and patient. Personality traits we really need for this reforming plan to work.” Celestia said. “I will go get her.” Rainbow sighed before flying away. As Artemis watch, Rainbow Dash flies off into the distance, he was wondering if he willingly signed his own death warrant. ===•••=== Five minutes later. After Rainbow Dash brought Spike, Fluttershy and Applejack to the grassy field, spike walked over to Artemis and asked. “Are we really considering reforming Discord?” “Unfortunately, yes, yes we are.” “Has Celestia lost her marbles? Why would she even think about doing this?” “It’s because she and the government believes that Discord can become a major ally in the future. Especially with the rise in tensions.” “Discord helping us out? That’s more unlikely than me becoming dragon lord.” “Now I must get back to Canterlot. You can release Discord when ready.” Celestia waves goodbye as her carriage took off, heading back to mountain city. “Ok ponies, time to get started. Let’s just hope that this releasing spell works.” Twilight said as she levitated the chest that containing the element and placing it on the ground next to her. “Or let’s not.” Spikes suggested, while hiding behind Artemis. “It’s best that we keep our elements on at all times until further notice.” “Check.” The rest of the main six shouted. After they form the circle around the statue, twilight let her horn and activated her element. A rainbow laser linked up with each element one by one until they were all activated, and they pointed the beam right at the statue. The rainbow laser cracked the stone and slowly free Discord from his stony prison. “It’s about time that some pony freed me from that prison block. Oh, what a relief.” he said, while stretching his limbs. He then snapped his fingers which caused a random squirrel to become three times his original size. “What are you doing?” Twilight gasp. “I’m stretching of course. When you’re the creature of chaos, stone bodies suits are not your go to fashion choice.” He snapped his fingers again, causing a random rabbit to grow three times their size. “Make that bunny cute again now!” Pinky demanded. Discord brushes pinky’s demand off. “He’s adorable just the way he is.” Discord scratches the bunny’s chin until it trying to bite one of his fingers off. “You have to be high on something to think that bunnyzilla is cute.” Artemis said. When Discord looked in Artemis direction, Artemis thought. ‘I should’ve kept my mouth shut.’ “If it isn’t when the strange ape creatures.” He said before padding Artemis on the head. “Don’t touch me.” Artemis said coldly. “Now that’s rude. But how can you see that this little guy is adorable. Look at him.” Discord pointed at the Bunny while it looked like a menace to society. “He nearly bit your hand off.” Artemis pointed out. “But he was not successful. You know what else is adorable? You ponies truly believe that you can reform me and you’re putting your faith in this one here to make it happen.” Discord magically put on a granny outfit and pinched Fluttershy’s cheeks. “It makes me want to pinch your little pony cheeks.” “How did you know about that?” Twilight ask. “Just because I was turned to stone to be transported here, doesn’t keep me from hearing every word Celestia says. Though it makes rolling my eyes a challenge.” “Unless you want us to turn back to stone, you zap those animals back the way they were, pronto.” “Oh you wouldn’t dare to turn me back into stone and risk disappointing your precious empress.” Discord said, rolling his eyes.” “Try us, Discord.” Rainbow Dash taunted. “You think you could treat poor defenseless animals like that and get away with it?” Fluttershy scolded Discord. “You go, Fluttershy.” “You best watch your step Buster. Or else I’ll give you the stare.” “No please, not that. Anything but your disapproving eyeballs.” Discord said dramatically before laughing. Deciding to teach him a lesson, Fluttershy decided to use the stair. Only for discord to act dramatic again and laughing his ass off. This is when Artemis had enough of his disrespect. He use his magic to hold him in midair. This surprised the main six. “Artemis, what are you doing?” Twilight asks. “I just want talk to him that’s all.” He said as he got closer to the trapped Draconequus. “Discord, I’m getting sick and tired of your stupid bullshit. The Equestrian government has given you a golden ticket opportunity to turn over new leaf and yet you’re playing the fool. Not only that, you’re insulting ponies that want to help you. Do you know if this fails you will either be turned back into stone or rot in jail for the rest of your life? I suggest you behave yourself or else you’re not going to get another chance after this. And first order of business is to turn those animals back to normal right now.” “Oh, come on there’s nothing wrong with them.” Discord responded. “Fine, it looks like we have to do this the hard way.” Artemis conjured up a piece of parchment paper, took his pen out of his pocket, and begin writing. After that, he rolled up the paper. “That wasn’t an ask discord that was an order and if you don’t listen to me or the elements, I have no problem sending this scroll to Celestia about your poor behavior. So you either listen or you can get in trouble.” Discord started to laugh. “And you’re going to risk disappointing Twilight Sparkle over here?” “Yeah, I can deal with the consequences later. Hey Spike come over here real quick. I need you to light this letter on fire.” “Oh, shit he’s serious.” Rainbow Dash said to Rarity. Before Spike could blow fire on the letter, Discord spoke. “Ok fine I’ll change the back just don’t send that letter.” He snapped his fingers turning all the creatures back to normal. Unbeknown to the ponies or Artemis discord turn the tip of his tail into a hand and snapped its fingers. Changing the behavior of a few beavers in Sweet Apple Acres. ‘Oopsie.’ He thought. “Well, I know where I’m going to be crashing while I’m being ‘reformed’. With you Fluttershy.” “Oh dear.” ===•••=== 7:00 AM Fluttershy’s cottage. After parking the halftrack at the Golden Oaks library and casting a few protection spells on the library and his vehicle, Artemis teleported back to Fluttershy’s cottage. When he open the door, he didn’t expect the yellow animal lover to be flying all over her house. “What’s going on in here?” Artemis ask Rarity. “Fluttershy has been tidying up her cottage to make Discord more comfortable. She’s been doing this for the past five minutes.” The fashionista answered. “Fluttershy, you know you don’t have to tidy up so much. Your home is fine as it is.” Artemis said. “I know, but a little cleaning doesn’t hurt anypony. Not only that but I also have a special guest staying with me. Angel bunny, you don’t mind if Discord takes your favorite spot on the couch, do you?” This made the poor little rabbit to panic and try to pull the chaos god off the couch with no success. “I’m sorry about Angel, are you all right?” Fluttershy ask. “Oh yes, thank you Fluttershy for your concern. If only your friends could be as considerate.” “Don’t listen to him, Fluttershy. He’s only trying to drive a wedge between us like he always does.” Rainbow Dash said. “Now, why in the world would I ever do such a thing like that?” “So we can’t unite and use the elements of harmony against you. That’s why.” Rainbow answered. “I never thought of that.” “You think we’re stupid? You try the same thing last year.” Artemis pointed out. “Yeah, you big liar!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Now look who’s the liar. As you can plainly see I am not that big at all.” Said a tiny Discord. He magically grew back to his normal size and knock down one of Fluttershy’s lamps. “Oops.” He snapped his fingers and rebuilt the lamp. Instead of repairing it back the way it was, it now looked like him. “There all better.” ‘That’s has to be the ugliest lamp I have ever seen.’ Artemis thought. Before he made himself comfortable, he pushed Angel bunny off the couch. “I can’t watch.” Applejack pulled her hat over her face. “We will be outside.” Rainbow Dash said before flying out of the cottage. “Are you sure you’re ok with this?” Twilight asks. “I know it’s not going to be easy. But I know that Princess Celestia is counting on me I think I know what to do.” Fluttershy answered. “You do?” “Yes, I think the key is to befriend him. Be kind to him and letting him be my houseguest is the best way to do that.” “And you really think that would work.” Twilight, ask. “I think it’s worth a try.” “Ok but if you need us, we have to do is whisper ‘help’ and will be back here with the elements.” Twilight looked at Discord. “So you better watch your goat legged step pal.” “What? look at me I’m practically reformed already.” He said, while wearing a fancy suit and tie. Fluttershy smiled sheepishly before closing the door. “She really all right with him staying there?” Rarity ask. “That’s what she said.” Twilight answered. Artemis chuckled quietly. “Personally, I think we should come up with a backup plan. In case if this befriending business doesn’t work out.” Rainbow suggested. Artemis cleared his throat. “You know I’m over here, right?” “I know, but we should have another plan just in case.” Rainbow Dash said. “Rainbow Dash is right. This is Discord we’re talking about girls. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have another trick up our sleeves.” Said Rarity. Twilight had idea. “And I think I know just the trick.” ===•••=== The Golden Oaks library. 8:25 AM Artemis was in Twilight’s living room, watching TV while Twilight was looking through her books for a reforming spell. He was about to change the channel when he heard a loud series of duds. “Oh no.” “Is everything all right?” Artemis ask. “No nothing is all right. I know that Princess Celestia cast a spelled to protect the elements. But she didn’t cast any spells to protect my books. Every page that the reforming spell could be on is missing!” She said, showing the human 20 books missing multiple pages. “Don’t you worry. When I was parking the half track, I had a feeling that Discord would tamper with something in here. So, I decided to cast a bunch of spells on the books and on the library. You’re welcome.” “If you cast a protection spell on the books, how was he able to tear the pages out?” Spike ask. “I want him to think that he is two steps ahead of us. While in reality, he’s not. Nothing kills a man spirit faster than a false victory. And before you ask, I placed a retrieval and regeneration spell on the pages. All we need to do is just get them back.” “Wow, I knew you were proactive, but not like this.” Twilight commented. “This is Discord we’re talking about. It’s nice to be a bit paranoid about everything he does.” “So that means we have to go back to Fluttershy’s Cottage?” Spike ask. “Yep.” ===•••=== Three minutes later. When they arrived at their friend’s cottage, they were shocked to see it in the air, spinning in place. Artemis slammed on the brakes and hopped out of out of the truck with Spike and Twilight following suit. “Fluttershy, can you hear me?!” Twilight shouted. Moments later, the yellow Pegasus flew out of the spinning cottage. “Fluttershy, what’s going on? Are you ok?” Twilight ask. “We’re fine everything is going great.” Said the animal lover. “Isn’t it Angel?” Angel said nothing as he struggled to hop away. “We come to get your way from Discord. He’s just terrible and from the looks of it completely out of control.” Twilight stated. “Oh, but you’re wrong. We’re making great progress.” “Seriously?” Artemis, Spike and Twilight said at the same time. “I am earning his trust by giving him a little space to be himself.” Fluttershy said. “Fluttershy, buddy, listen to me. Your cottage is floating and spinning like the wheel on wheel fortune. This is not progress, this is anarchy.” Artemis said. “Not only that, he used that little space to tear out all the reforming spells from our books.” Spike showed her one of the destroyed books. “That does explain the paper eating.” “HE ATE THE PAGES. GOD DAMNIT!” Artemis said an anger and disgust. “So we can’t get the spells back after all.” Twilight said in frustration. “No, I could still get them. It’s just I have to retrieve them from his stomach.” Artemis said. “Pluto, it’s fine you don’t have to do that.” Twilight said. “I know what I signed up for, and I spend too much time casting all those spells. Stand back every pony this is going to take a while.” Artemis’ eyes went from brown to magenta as he used his magic to pull the floating cottage down to the ground. Feeling a drastic shift in power Discord stuck his head out the window and watched as the cottage was put back in its foundation. After that Artemis walked up to the front door and slammed it open. “What is going-“ “Quiet!” Artemis snapped. He snapped his fingers causing a pile of wet paper to appear. The human nearly vomited from the smell. “Oh God, it smells worse than I thought. He snapped his fingers again causing the pile to start floating, and slowly repaired themselves. The papers we’re dried off, the smear ink was now readable words, and the disgusting smell was gone. But just in case, Artemis douse the Pages in expensive lavender Prench perfume he may or may not had magically stolen from the carousel boutique. “There we go, good as new.” He said, as he magically stacked the pages. “How did you do that?” Discord ask after snapping out of his shocked daze. “Easy, I’m a weird creature with powers, just like you.” Artemis, sad as he walked towards the front door. Discord did not like this answer and teleported in front of him. “Now listen here, jerk. I don’t know who you think you are, but you have no right to going to someone else’s body and take what is not yours.” Artemis laugh. “Oh, you’re such a fucking hypocrite. Not only did you destroyed books belonging to the Golden Oaks library but a year ago you decided to use your magic to go into people's minds and change them. I was one of least affected by your magic, and I receive crippling anxiety because of you!” This left discord stuttering, trying to come up with a lie. “Well, those papers were my lunch, so I’ll just take them back thank you very-“ before he can touch one of the pages Artemis slapped Discord’s hand. “No.” “No?” A surprise Discord said. “You’re not getting these papers back I’m going to put them back in the books where they belong and you’re not going stop me. While I’m gone, you better apologize to Fluttershy and clean up her cottage.” “Or else what?” Discord said smugly. “What are you going to do when the god of chaos defies your orders, mmm?” “Listen here you piece of shit, I don’t care if you think you’re some powerful hotshot of this world. I’m not the same human that you messed with a year ago. And you better remember this, I am not afraid to do what is necessary.” Artemis said coldly before he teleported outside of the cottage and walked past a stunned Spike and Twilight. But he stopped in front of Fluttershy and said. “Fluttershy, I know you’re trying to help him out by giving him some space and I respect that but next time be stricter with him please.” “I will.” “Good, I’ll see you later.” “Artemis made his way over to his truck, open the passenger side door and placed the stack of papers on the passenger seat. After that, he sat down and driver seat, and drove away. ===•••=== Golden Oaks library. 30 minutes later. 8:52 a.m. “Who knew repairing books would be so difficult. At least I’m free now.” Artemis said, as he walked into the kitchen. He opened a fringe and found a to-go box filled with nacho cheese with jalapeños. ‘It looks like it’s my lucky day.’ Artemis thought. He grabbed a box of nachos, put it in the microwave. After the microwave finish nuking his nachos he made his way towards the living room, place them down on the table and turn on the TV. A few minutes later Twilight and Spike came back to the library. “Artemis, we’re home.” Twilight called out. “Hey you two. So how was the fallout?” Artemis ask. “Oh, you missed a lot.” Spike said. “After you left Discord spend five minutes on an angry rant, telling us how we can be friends with someone so bossy, demanding and inconsiderate to him. Then Twilight pointed out that he started all this by damaging our books.” “He still claims to be the victim even after he is caught red-handed." Artemis was now pinching the bridge of his nose. “I swear it’s like Discord lives in his own world of entitlement. But did he apologize to Fluttershy and clean up her cottage?” “Eventually he apologized, but it took a while for him to clean up because he keeps on ‘cleaning’ her cottage in his image.” Twilight said. “Are those my leftovers?” “I’ll be honest with you; I was hungry after repairing all of those books and all I had this morning was two granola bars. Don’t worry I’ll get you a new batch of nachos.” “It’s fine you don’t have to do-“ “Too late.” Artemis said before teleporting away. “You know, he would’ve done that sooner or later.” Spike yelled since he was upstairs. “I know.” A few minutes later, Artemis teleported back into the library with a to go box filled with freshly made nachos. “Here you go.” Artemis handed the box over to Twilight. “Thanks.” Twilight was about to walk to her kitchen when she remembered something important. “Oh, I almost forgot. Artemis at 12:30 Fluttershy and Discord want every pony to come back to her cottage for a dinner party.” “Ok I hope you guys have fun then.” “Discord want you there as well.” “This nearly made Artemis choke on a jalapeño pepper. “Why?” “Well, Fluttershy wants to prove to us that Discord could be reformed, and Discord want you there as well, especially so he could rub it in your face. Because he thinks that you don’t believe he can change.” Twilight explained. Artemis sighed. “Do I have to wear something fancy?” “It’s optional.” “Good, now if you excuse me, I’m going down into the basement. See you guys later.” Artemis said before grabbing his nachos and making his way towards the basement door. ===•••=== 12:30 PM Fluttershy’s cottage. “Ugh, I can’t believe we’re having a dinner party with Discord.” Rainbow Dash commented. “You and me both.” Artemis replied. “This afternoon is sure to be a disaster. I’m glad I didn’t bother to wear my fanciest outfit.” Rarity said. “Fluttershy thinks that this is the best way to reform Discord and asked us to give it a chance.” Said Twilight. Who was at this moment when Discord opens the front door, wearing a black tuxedo. Similar to ones that you would see in fancy restaurants. “Oh, our guests.” Discord rolled out a red carpet before teleporting in front of them. “We are so delighted that you come. Please do come in.” When they enter the cottage, Artemis couldn’t help but look at the weird decor. ‘What the hell did he do to this place?’ He thought. “You see what a beautiful job he did helping? Discord set the entire table himself. I am so proud.” Fluttershy beamed. “May I take your hats, ladies?” Discord attempted to take Twilight’s tiara, but with no success. “Hang onto your elements, girls. This is going to be a bumpy afternoon.” Said Twilight. Discord then notice Artemis giving him a death glare, and he returned one back. ===•••=== A few minutes later. 12:36 PM “As we all know, Princess Celestia hopes that we could help discord use power for good instead of evil.” Futtershy stated. “Pinkie pie, do you want some gravy?” “You bet.” “Allow me.” Discord said before he turned the gravy boat into a gravyboat dog. “Aww, when a cute little gravy boat you are. Yes, you are, yes you are.” Pinky scratched the little gravy boat as it poured gravy onto her plate. “That’s one creepy little gravy boat if you ask me.” Rainbow Dash said, looking at the small grave boat running around the table. “Oh, come on now Dashe, you’re not even giving this a chance.” Fluttershy said. Insulted by what Rainbow has just said about him, the little gravy boat ran over to the cyan Pegasus and poured hot gravy all over her lap. “Hey! That’s hot!” Rainbow exclaimed as hovered in place. “Oops, I am so sorry.” Discord said an embarrassment. “He did that on purpose!” Said Rainbow. “I don’t know about that, mistakes happen. Look every pony, dancing candles.” As the candles danced on the table, Rainbow Dash blew them out. “I’m not falling for that. Discord is trying to distract us from-” She wasn’t able to finish her sentence thanks to the candles jumping her. “Hey, knock it off. I suppose that this is another mistake?” “No. I think you just made them mad.” Discord said. “There’s something fishy going on.” Twilight said before a fish shaped teapot spit tea in her face. It did the same thing to Spike and attempted to do it to Artemis but failed since he had a shield bubble protecting him. “Discord.” Fluttershy called. “Well, it’s not my fault. It’s the teapot find the term ‘something fishy’ to be offensive.” “Then tell it to grow a backbone. This bastard is soaking everyone.” Artemis explained before the teapot spit tea at him and failed. Then it turned its sites onto Rarity. “Not the dress, not the dress!” She exclaimed before she was soaked. “This teapot is only doing what you’re making it do.” Applejack stated as the teapot launch tea at her. “Now let’s not jump to conclusions.” Fluttershy said calmly, despite what was going on. “Can’t you see what he is doing? He is playing innocent with you so we wouldn’t to be able to use the elements of harmony against him.” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “Now that’s a bit harsh isn’t it.” “You see what I’m saying, right Fluttershy?” “You know what I see? I see that Discord is far from perfect. I also see none of you are giving him a chance.” “Are you fucking serious?” Artemis exclaimed. “He is playing you like a fiddle.” Spike stated bluntly. “Are you kidding me?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “What’s gotten into you? Why are you cutting him so much slack?” Rainbow Dash ask. “Because that’s what friends do.” “We’re friends?” The chaos god ask in confusion. “Of course, I can’t remember the last time my house has been this lively before you came along.” This touched Discord’s heart. “Well, I never have a friend before.” “Now you do.” It was at this moment when Angel bunny open up the window and hopped onto the table. It was clear that he was panicking about something. After trying to figure out what he was trying to say, Rainbow Dash figured it out. “Flooding at Sweet Apple Acres! And we all know who’s behind all that don’t we.” She said, pointing an accusatory finger of the chaos God. “Who me?” He said playing dumb before a halo appeared on top of his head. “Give it a rest. What do you think about your friend now, Fluettershy?” Rainbow said before she and her friends left the cottage, leaving the yellow Pegasus and the chaos gone alone. ===•••=== Sweet Apple Acres 12:50 PM. “I have never seen the flooding this bad. They have built dams around here before but nothing like this. What is going on?” Applejack pondered as she surveyed the damage on her family’s farm. “That is one big dam.” Artemis said wondering how did beavers built this monstrosity. After talking to the beavers, Fluttershy flew over to her friends, and said. “It’s no use, they won’t listen to a word I say.” “You see that discord is behind all this, right?” Rainbow Dash commented. “Of course I do. Do you all think I’m just a silly, gullible fool?” Well, every pony either try to sugarcoat their answers or not answering at all. Artemis what’s the only one that answered honestly. “No offense, but you act like that sometimes.” Then he saw the rest of the group look at him with shocked looks. “What? You guys taught me that honesty was the best policy. At least I gave her a straight answer.” “I’ve been trying to gain his friendship anyway I can. So he can come to trust and listen to me.” “Hey there Fluttershy, do you want to turn? The water is great.” Discord shouted as he water ski across the flooded farm. “Time to see if it worked.” Fluttery said quietly. “There you are. A sight for sore eyes.” Discord said after he got off his skis. Spike leaned over to Artemis and said. “Is it me or is Discord trying to ask Fluttershy out?” “I doubt it but if he does, I’m going back home.” “As you can see there’s a big mess here at Sweet Apple Acres.” Fluttershy pointed out. “Oh yes, awful business at that.” The chaos God didn’t give a shit about the damage. “It is awful. This is Applejack’s home. And it’s been destroyed by instant creatures that would never act like this if wasn’t for your reckless behavior. You need to fix this.” Discord wasn’t expecting the animal lover to call him out like that. “Yes, very well. I will fix it, I only ask one thing in return.” “Yes?” “I ask that you never use your element of harmony against me. As a sign of our friendship.” Discord smiled. The color drained from Fluttershy’s friends as they plead with her not to do it. Sadly, their pleads fell on deaf ears as Fluttershy took off her necklace and said. “I’ll never use my element of harmony against you.” Then she tossed the element and spike caught it. “Excellent!” He yelled before snapping his fingers, turning the entire flood into a large frozen lake. “There, much better! I do prefer ice-skating over water skiing.” “Discord!” Fluttershy yelled in anger. “That is not fixing it!” Fluttershy ran onto the ice to confront her ‘friend’, but when she tried to stop, she continues sliding. “Where are you going?” Discord ask before skating over to the yellow Pegasus. “What’s wrong pal?” “Don’t call me your pal!” “Come skate with me and we can let bygones be bygones.” Discord used his magic to make a pair of white ice skates to appear. Moments later, Artemis teleported right next to Fluttershy with her element in his hand. “Fluttershy please take your element back. We could still fix this.” “He fixes this or he turns back into stone. Princess Celestia will understand.” Twilight shouted. Sadly, Fluttershy refused to put it back on. “I made a promise not to use my element against him, and I tend to keep it.” “NO!” Everyone yelled. “Ha Ha, you see she wants to have fun with me because we are friends. She can’t use her element against me because we’re friends.” Discord didn’t know it yet, but his celebratory ranting was pissing Fluttershy off. So much so that Artemis started to levitate away from her because he was afraid what she might do. “I’m free forever!” Discord laughed. This broke the camel’s back. “NOT. YOUR. FRIEND!” “Who cares?” He snapped. “I could do whatever I want whenever I want. I’m Discord, the master of chaos.” He teleported right next to Fluttershy and started to follow her. “Do you think you could boss Discord round? You think I’m going to turn all of this back because you say so? Because if I don’t, I’m going to lose the one friend I ever had.” Then he realizes what he had just said. “Well played Fluttershy, well played.” The god of chaos skated to a nearby tree and turned everything back to normal. After that, he teleported in front of Twilight and her friends. “I’m sorry every pony. I like it better my way, but I guess when you want to turn over new leaf, you can have your way all the time.” “Finally you get it now. We’ve been trying to teach you that all day.” Said Spike. “I know, and I want to make things right with all of you. If all of you would allow me of course.” “Of course we would.” Fluttershy smiled. “Thank you, thank you so much. I promise I won’t let you down.” Discord said while giving Fluttershy a hug. ===•••=== For the next few days, Discord worked hard to prove to every pony that he was willing to change his ways for good. During this time, Atlas and Apollo took turns with Artemis to make sure that everything was going smoothly. Not surprisingly, Apollo was the stricter of the three brothers when they came to Discord. But despite this everything went according to plan. ===•••=== May 7 1010 A.G Canterlot Castle. The Castle Garden “I know I could be a stubborn mare at times, but even i know when to admit defeat. Congratulations Celestia, you have proven me wrong.” Galaxia said before taking a sip of her tea. “Thank you mother. Now you can finally get rid of those war plans against Discord.” “Yeah I should throw them in the fireplace.” After a long minute of silence, Galaxia ask. “So since reforming the chaos God is now over what should we do now?” “How about we play a prank on dad?” Galaxia smiled. “You know me too well.” > Welcome to Buryatia! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One week ago. April 29 1010 A.G https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4-raxIA2h0 On the northeastern part of the continent of Griffonia, is a large country home to around 80 million ponies. This country is called Buryatia. Also known as the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The most powerful communist country that is still standing. Despite major reforms and a brand new flag, the B.A.S.S.R’s past sins still haunts the nation. It’s not uncommon for countries to think twice before even considering speaking to a diplomat from Buryatia. Even other communist countries are hesitant. Luckily for them there’s a light at the end of this long depressing tunnel. ===•••=== Verkhneudinsk, Buryatia. 9:30 AM (Translation from Thestral to English/Ponish.) It was another normal day in the capital city of the B.A.S.S.R. The streets were filled with life as ponies were either commuting to work or going at school. In a large Congress building in the middle of the city named the ‘Supreme Soviet’, a very important meeting was about to begin. “Comrades, thanks for coming in on this fine morning.” The bat pony who was talking to the ponies in the conference room has a cream-colored coat and brown mane and tail. He was wearing a white officer uniform that had the hammer and horseshoe emblem on the front of his hat. This young stallion was another than general secretary, Valery Sablin. The leader of Buryatia. Accompanying him in the room was his trusted cabinet. Susana Peohuro, she is an off-white bat pony with a light red mane and tail. Across the table was her fellow comrade, Otto Braun. He is a caramel colored Kirin with a orange mane and tail. Sitting next to the old Kirin was Maya Ulanovakaya, she is a navy blue bat pony with a silver mane and tail. And last, but not least, Mikhail Markheev, he is a white sea pony with a cream colored mane and tail. “As we all know our image on the world stage is not good, despite how much Buryatia has changed in the past three years.” The general secretary said. “So i’ve been consulting with the supreme Soviet and we all came to the same conclusion. Instead of waiting for other countries to make the first move, how about we take a leap in faith and reach out to some countries. Any suggestions?” Braun adjusted his glasses before speaking in his thick Lavonian accent. “I believe we should reach out to Equestria and the Crystal Empire first and maybe join the Harmony Entente.” The room went quiet. “With all due respect. Why would we reach out to them? Don’t you remember that they were the ones that prevented the revolution from spreading?” Susana stated. Shocked that her own colleague would suggest such an idea. “Good question, Equestria and the Crystal Empire are not only powerful nations, but they also treat their citizens very well. They have a high standard of living, and they respect the proletariat. If this endeavor is successful, our image will improve, we’ll gain a lot of new allies and more trade. Not only that, but the Equestrians allied with socialist nations that were against us and the Federation back during the frozen war. So, they already have a good relationship with some of our comrades.” “Even if they had a few socialist allies, they were our enemy for 40 years. Equestria humiliated us when the Federation fell apart. I don’t think our citizens would like to become friends with a country that did that to us. Instead, we should reach out to our comrades around the world and create a new international.” “I don’t think a new international would work in our favor.” Mikhail said. “I hate to admit it, but I think we should go with Otto’s idea.” “I don’t know guys, I like the international idea. Align ourselves with Equestria and the Crystal Empire means aligning with their bourgeois allies. And to me, that feels like we are betraying our ideals.” Maya admitted. “Since we have two different ideas on the table, is every pony ready to vote?” Sablin asked. Every pony nodded. “All in favor of a new international, raise your hands.” Susana and Maya raise their hands. “On favor of reaching out to the Harmony Entente, raise your hands.” Otto and Mikhail raise their hands. And just like that the cabinet was now split 50-50. Sablin doesn’t like it when his comrades couldn’t agree on anything. But that’s what happens when you try to create a socialist democracy. The young General secretary consider both options. All of his comrades had made some good points. If they created a new international, they can be closer to communist and socialist nations all over the world and Buryatia will become a world power once again. But that might start another frozen war which no one wants. If they align themselves with Equestria, not only will it open the door to a lot of new opportunities for them, but they might also be able to convince some of their new bourgeois allies to treat their workers better. Especially the griffins. After almost a minute of thinking, Valery stood up and spoke. “Otto, get your feather and parchment ready we’re going to be reaching out to Equestria.” “Of course, comrade.” The old Livonian said before teleporting away. After the meeting ended, the only two ponies in the room were Susana and Valery. “We are really doing this huh?” Susana said in disappointment. “Of course my friend, it’s been 20 years since the frozen war ended. If we want to show the world that we change, we have to be willing to talk to our peers, even if they disagree with us.” Susana sighed. “You’re right. I just hope that this doesn’t end poorly for us.” “Me too comrade, me too.” ===•••=== May 1 The Supreme Soviet 12:30 PM After the bureau of foreign affairs sent a letter of friendship to Equestria and Crystal Empire, the leaders of the Soviet Republic waited two days for a reply. So when Otto received a letter from both countries, every government official convened in the supreme Soviet, wanting to hear the letter. They didn’t wait long when Otto Braun entered the congressional chambers, and walked up to the podium. He opened the letter and cleared his throat. “Dear General secretary Sablin, we are happy to inform you and your countrymen, that Equestria and the Crystal Empire are very eager to establish diplomatic relations with Buryatia.” Before he can continue, almost every pony in the massive room start to cheer. Communists, Democrat Socialists, Syndicalists and other factions, set aside their differences to celebrate. The only ones that weren’t celebrating were the totalists and the anarchists. “Order!, order in the Soviet!” Otto bang the gavel three times to get every ponies attention. “I know every pony is happy about about this. But we don’t to become party animals. Yet. Besides, I wasn’t done reading the letter.” “Our bad.” Said a random socialist. “It’s fine.” He said, before continuing to read the letter. “Empress Celestia has been the most eager out of our two royals. Before your Civil War, Celestia reached out to Yagoda in friendship, only to be rudely refused. Both our Empresses can’t wait to visit your beautiful country and walk towards the future as allies. From the department of foreign affairs of Equestria and the Crystal Empire.” Every pony were shocked of what they just heard. The very empress that humiliated them 20 years ago, held no ill will towards them, and even wanted to become friends with them. As the hopeful murmurs continued, Velery walked up to the podium and said into the microphone. “Comrades, finally had long last we will be welcomed with open arms by the international community!” After the crowd finish clapping and whistling, the young general secretary continued to speak. “Today we celebrate this victory, tomorrow it’s time to go back to work. We got a summit to prepare.” ===•••=== May 8 1010 A.G 8:30 PM Celestia was on board her private airship named Northstar, drinking a cup of coffee in the lounge area, while reading a book. The only thing that company her was the sound of the airship’s engines. On the port side of Northstar was another large airship with the flag of the crystal Empire on its tail. It’s name is snowflake, Cadence’s private airship. After putting a bookmark in her book, Celestia reclined her seat and looked out the window. Seeing the bright city lights of Buryatia. She remembered the day when she got news of the NKVD lead government was overthrown by Sablin and his supporters three years ago. At the time, she never thought that Yagoda would be ever overthrown since he turned his nation into a police state. But despite the odds, the young stallion did it. And he continued to shock the world by actually keeping his promises. Freedom of speech, disbanding the NKVD, equal rights for stallions and mare, the list goes on. Celestia can’t wait to meet the stallion that save his country but she has to wait until tomorrow. She snapped out of her thoughts when one of her royal guards entered the small lounge. “Your Majesty, where about to begin our descent.” “Thanks for letting me know.” Celestia replied before taking a sip of a coffee. “You’re welcome.” The guard said before leaving, Celestia alone. After she put on her seatbelt, Northstar started descend with Snowflake following behind. A few minutes later, the two airships landed at Verkhneudinsk international Air Station. After she got her suitcase, Celestia was disembarked when she saw the large crowd of reporters surrounding the airships. Celestia walk down the stairs, smiling and waving to the crowd. Cadence was also doing the same thing. When both monarchs got closer to the crowd, they started to ask them a bunch of questions. “OK, Ok one at a time please.” Cadence said. “Your majesty’s is it true that both of you hold no grudges against Buryatia?” One of the reporters said in broken ponish. “Of course not. We like to see this country have a bright future as much as ours.” Celestia answered. “You also have a question?” “Yes Empress. The general secretary wishes to see that the B.A.S.S.R join the Harmony Entente. Do you think that’ll be possible by the end of the summit?” Said a another reporter. “Hopefully yes, your homeland meets all the requirements to join the alliance and most of our allies already approved.” This caused the crowd to ask even more questions. “Any more questions?” Cadence ask. ===•••=== 8:50 PM 20 minutes later. “Wow I knew they were curious, but not that curious.” Cadence said in surprise as their motorcade took them to their hotel. “Believe me Cadence, that could’ve been worse.” Cadence looked up the window and observing the locals having a great night out. “Verkhneudinsk more lively than I imagine. Auntie, have you ever been to this country before?” “Yes, I have, back in 987. You should’ve seen it, every pony had a smile on their faces, and there wasn’t a single breadline in sight. Me and your mother thought it would last forever. That dream shattered when Yagoda took over the government after the federation fell.” “Thank goodness that these ponies don’t have to suffer anymore.” Cadence mumbled to herself. “How about we explore the city tomorrow after our first meeting?” Celestia suggested. “Yeah, that sounds like fun.” A few minutes later, their motorcade arrived at a nice hotel a few minutes away from downtown. After they both got their room keys and took the elevator all the way up to the 8th floor, both empresses walk down the hallway and found their room. The room that they were staying in wasn’t too fancy, but they didn’t mind. It had two beds, a couch, mini fridge, a nice view of downtown, and a TV that looked like it was from the late 990s. “I called dibs on the bed next to the window.” Cadence said before teleporting onto the bed. This made Celestia chuckle. “You can have that bed if allow me to going to the bathroom first.” “That’s is fine by me.” “Thank you.” After Celestia close the bathroom door, Cadence grab the remote from the nightstand and turned on the TV. After a bit of channel surfing Cadence found the local news channel. Curious, the pink alicorn decided not to change the channel. While watching the broadcast Cadence was surprised that the news anchors was speaking positively about her and her aunt arriving, even though this country is communist. After a while, the news became boring and she decided to channel surf again. This is one Celestia came out of the bathroom wearing a robe and her hair wrapped in a towel. She also removed all the make up from her face. “What did I miss?” “Nothing much. I’m trying to find something interesting to watch that doesn’t involve politics.” The Empress of love answered. Moments later, Cadence found a channel that was playing an Equestrian action movie. “Oh my stars, I hit the jackpot. I didn’t know they played Equestrian movies in this country.” “Me neither.” A surprised Celestia said. “Is there any popcorn in this room?” Cadence ask. “I don’t think so.” “That sucks.” She got up from the bed and said. “I’m going to change out of this dress. Let me know what happens next, all right?” “I will.” A few minutes later, Cadence came out of the bathroom wearing her PJs and continue to watch the movie with her aunt. ===•••=== 9 PM Lilly’s P.O.V Translator: ON. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhNJI53Fxj8&pp=ygUPZ29vZGJ5ZSBmb3JldmVy Lilly was walking down the street of the Verkhneudinsk, observing how bright and lively the area was. Since Empress Celestia was now in her bedroom, Lilly was now on break, allowing her the opportunity to grab something good to eat. She remember when her father came back from a diplomatic trip to Buryatia when she was a teen and told her and her twin sister that he never wanted to go back because how depressing the place was. But what she was seeing was the complete opposite of that. The locals were very friendly, and the city was beautiful. It almost like Equestria in a way. As Lilly continued to walk, a stallion in a uniform of Sablin’s Red Army approached her, his hand well away from his pistol. “Greetings comrade, how are you doing this fine evening?” He question with a smile. She was surprised on how genuine his smile seems to be. “I’m doing fine thank you. Just looking for a nice place to get something to eat.” She replied in Thestral with a noticeable Equestrian accent. “Very well comrade, I suggest you go to a place called flashback diner just down the block. Perfect for travelers like yourself. Uhm if you don’t mind me asking, what brings you our fine city?” “Believe it or not, I’m one of Celestia‘s royal guards.” She answered, showing him her badge. “Oh, an Equestrian!” He said with surprised tone. “It nice to meet a fellow pony in arms. How are you enjoying my country so far?” “It’s better than I expected.” “I’m glad to hear that. Ah, how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sergeant Victor, it was a pleasure to meet you.” “Staff Sergeant Lydia Blade. It is nice to meet you too. Thanks for the advice.” “Of course my friend. Have a good night.” “Good night.” After that the two batponies went their separate ways. ===•••=== May 9 1010 10:30 AM. The side of the streets of the capital city what film with ponies as Celestia and Cadence’s motorcade passed by. And for good reason. Today was the day that history was going to be made, and no pony want to miss a single moment of it. After the SUV that was carrying the two royals arrived at its destination, Celestia and Cadence walked up the steps of the Supreme Soviet to meet the young revolutionary. “Mr Sablin, it’s nice to finally meet you in person.” Celestia greeted before shaking his hand. “Likewise your majesty. I hope your first night here was to your liking?” “It was wonderful, thanks for asking.” Cadence said. “I have to say, you really did a great job reviving this nation.” Celestia commented. “Thank you. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it in the end.” Sablin smiled. “Let’s head inside shall we.” (5 minutes later.) After the three world leaders entered the meeting room and took a seat, Celestia summoned a purple folder filled with documents. “Now, let’s get down to business. General secretary, why do you want your country to join the Entente?” “Because of two reasons. The first one is the economic opportunities that this alliance could bring to my country. You two may not know this, but the economy in Buryatia has grown a lot in recent years and I want that trend to continue.” Sablin’s mood then became a bit somber. “Now the second reason is that while things improved domestically, internationally many creatures still see us as an old relic of the frozen war that should’ve collapsed back in the early 990s. And don’t get me started on all the sins we committed. My citizens want to show the world that we changed but many world leaders are not as forgiving as the both of you.” “Mr. Valery, if this is the case, why didn’t your government contact us sooner?” Cadence ask. “Improving international relations wasn’t our top priority, until recently. I have a question, did the B.A.S.S.R get approved by the rest of the Entente?” “Most of them did. The only one that said no is the new River Federation.” ‘Of course they did.’ Sablin thought. “Does that mean Buryatia is still a potential member?” He asked sheepishly. “Of course it is. Getting most of the alliance to approve of a new member is a very good start.” Celestia answered. “And I think now is the time to talk about the elephant in the room.” ‘Oh no.’ Cadence thought nervously. “In the Harmony Entente, it’s encouraged to freely trade with member countries and as you already know everyone in the alliance runs on a free market economy. And since Buryatia runs on a socialist one, we are willing to negotiate a special deal.” “Ok. Before I think about it I need to ask you something. Will these businesses listen to my country’s laws and regulations?” The general secretary ask. “Yes they will and if they don’t, the company, no matter how big or small will be subject to your nation’s laws.” Celestia said. “Can I see the document that explains the trade agreement?” “Yes you can. Celestia said before handing the document to Sablin. After reading most of the document, Sablin was surprised by what the paper said. He thought that he has a compromise on the ideals that so many in the Soviet Republic held dear. But it looks like he didn’t have to do that. He can have his cake and eat it too. “I don’t think we need to negotiate a special deal.” He said before handing back the document. “Are you sure? Because we have no problem making one for you.” Cadence said. “I don’t have problems with businesses setting up shop in the B.A.S.S.R, I have a problem when they don’t give their workers a livable wage and monopolize everything. But it looks like you Western and eastern ponies already figured that out.” ‘I never thought negotiating with an open-minded communist will be so easy.’ Celestia thought. “Now if that over with, let’s discuss-“ “Auntie, can I suggest something?” “Sure.” Celestia approved, curious about what Cadence was about to say. “General secretary, you been in the leader of Buryatia for three years, right?” “Yes.” “And I am guessing that before that the Buryats thought the world was out to get them, right?” “Yes and unfortunately some ponies still believe that. Why do you ask?” Velery ask in slight confusion. “Well I think it would be a good idea for our three countries to have a cultural exchange program. We will have festivals and exhibits in The Soviet Republic. Showing our culture and history to your ponies, while they will be exhibits and festivals displaying your culture and history in our kingdoms. It worked in the Crystal Empire, maybe it’ll work for Buryatia as well.” “That’s a good idea. What do you think Mr Valery?” “Hmm, I don’t mind being involved in this program.” “Ok, will do a cultural exchange.” Celestia said as she wrote it down in her notes for later. “Now what’s next? Right? The next thing we need to talk about is military cooperation.” ===•••=== 3 hours later. 1:35 PM. “Finally, I thought that meeting would never end.” Cadence said as she and Celestia walk down the block as their Royal guards followed behind from a distance. “At least this will benefit all of us in the end. Since we have a few hours to ourselves, what do you want to do?” Celestia ask. “I don’t know there’s so much to do in this town. How about we walk through one of the local parks to think about it?” “Hmmm. Nope, I have already decided.” “Really, what is it?” “We should go to a local café.” Celestia smiled. Cadence looked at her aunt with a deadpan look. “No.” “Why not?” “Because we only have so much time for ourselves before we have to go back to negotiating with Sablin and I know we’re going to spend more than an hour doing nothing but eating.” “I thought one of your goals on this trip wants to try the local cuisine.” “It is. We can do that later night. But first we should see as much of the city as possible on our break.” “Ok you convince me. What should we do first then?” Celestia asked before they went around the corner and saw that they were now standing in front of a history museum. “Cadence turned to her aunt and said. “Are you’re thinking when I’m thinking?” “Yep.” Celestia said before they entered the museum. ===•••=== Three days later. May 12 1010 A.G The press room in the Supreme Soviet. 4:20 PM After three days of negotiating and compromising on both sides, the treaty that will make Buryatia an official member of the harmony Entente was finally completed. All Sablin had to do with sign his name on the paper. And he did just that with dozens of camera ponies taking pictures of the historic event. After that he put the feather down and shook Celestia and Cadence’s hand. “It’s official. Our countries are now allies.” Celestia said. “And it’s all thanks to the both of you.” Valery said. “You don’t need to thank us. We believe that every pony deserves a second chance.” Cadence answered. “And we would’ve done the same thing for the old Federation if they were still around.” Celestia said. “Really? After everything they done?” “Of course.” Celestia smiled. Once again, the young stallion was surprised of what Celestia had said. The same communist Federation that was rotten to its core since the end of the great war, would’ve been forgiven by this mare? It was almost hard to believe. But then here she was giving his homeland a second chance. Maybe the old Federation could’ve been friends with Equestria, but that was a thought for another time. “Wow, that’s good to know.” Sablin said after he came out of his thoughts. Moments later, the press, many of them from around the world, started ask a ton of questions. ===•••=== May 14 Ulan-Ude Expo Center. 10:11 AM Sablin and his friends were in the largest city in Buryatia named Ulan-Ude, to see the new Equestrian and Crystal exhibits that had just arrived a few hours ago. Since today was the first day, the expo center was filled with curious civilians, foreigners, and local and foreign press. As Empress Cadence have predicted, the exhibits were already popular, showing the citizens of the B.A.S.S.R, the type of life they could have. A world, where ponies could follow their dreams without worrying about putting food on the table. Sablin’s favorites were the history exhibits. The Equestrians and the Crystal ponies didn’t censor any part of their history like he expected. Instead, they showed everything from their greatest triumphs to their greatest mistakes. Especially when it came to the mistreatment of the Buffalo. Still Sablin had some problems. Walking into the art exhibit was like walking to a palace of a rich business stallion, but the art was nice in his opinion. The music, while aesthetically pleasing, had an element of capitalist worship, especially from a pop artists named Sapphire Shores and Countess Coloratura. But overall, it was interesting nonetheless. Seen the technology that the sister kingdoms had in their possession, almost made him envious of them. Almost. “Mr. Sablin.” A business stallion walked up to him with a red and blue can in his hand. “Have you ever heard of Coltsi?” “I don’t think I have.” The unicorn stallion handed the can to Sablin. “Tried it, I think you will like it.” He looked at the can with suspicion, but eventually, he opened it and took a sip. “What do you think?” “It’s delicious. Do you have any more?” ===•••=== On the other side of the world, Susana Pechuro was in Manehattan Equestria, watching over the Buryat exhibits in the middle of Manehattan Park. Despite her hometown being the largest city in Buryatia, she was not prepared for the hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps. Ever since arriving two days ago, every waking moment has been nothing but experiencing culture shock. The technology, the culture, the slang, everything was so foreign to her. Even tall skyscrapers like the Empire Tower and the twin towers of Manehattan trade center made her feel tiny. Heck, even riding the city's monorail was a culture shock. And don’t get her started on Hooflyn. The two cities alone made her hometown feel like a tiny village in comparison. This made her wonder why Valery choose her to come to this concrete jungle? Couldn’t he pick Otto Braun instead? It wasn’t like she was a big fan of his idea to begin with. She sighed as she walked by a Buryat music exhibit. If there was one good thing about this is that Equestrians would see that her homeland was a diverse place. And just in case there were any misunderstandings, there were experts around to clear things up. She stopped in front of a military exhibit. Front were two soldiers talking to a mare jabbing a microphone into their faces. “So Mr…?” “Vladimir.” Said one of the soldiers in broken Ponish. “So Mr. Vladimir, what is it like in your nation?” “It is a place of diversity, a place where all are equal. Comrade Sablin let us to victory against our oppressor and free the Buryat ponies.” “Interesting, very interesting.” The mare said as she wrote something down on her notepad. Susana shuttered, walking away in disgust. She understood why this was important. Equestria and her allies needs to see that her homeland wasn’t some broken relic of the frozen war and that they had the support of the ponies. But this was disgusting! Parading her homeland like it was some commodity to be sold to the highest bitter. Was ,in her opinion, a violation of the ideals that the late, great, Jack Reed believed in. Suddenly, she heard a voice. “Mommy, mommy.” Said a little sea pony filly. “Is she a soldier?” Susana turned around and saw a mother holding the child’s hand. “Yes, sweetie. Aren’t they interesting?” Susana sighed. Perhaps some good could come from this if nothing else. “Damn you, Braun.” ===•••=== Lake Mead. 4:30 PM Oasis was in her room, making sure she had everything ready for the six-day vacation to Surfside. After packing up her suitcase, she swims through her house and stopped in front of her father’s bedroom door to see if he was ready. *Knock, knock, knock.* “Come in.” Oasis opens the door and saw that her father was inspecting one of his crossbows, with a serious look on his face. He was also wearing his old admiral uniform. “Dad, are you planning to go crossbow fishing with Sandune?” “Nope.” Icon answered. “So why do you have your crossbow out?” Oasis ask. “Remember when the communist in Buryatia had somehow convince Empress Celestia and Cadence to become ‘allies’ with us?” “Yeah, I also remembered that you were so angry that you spent an hour and a half swimming around Lake Mead to calm your nerves. Why do you ask?” “Earlier today I thought it would be nice to allow the current to take me around Lake Mead like a sea pony does and I encountered Edward doing the same thing. He told me that there were communist in Manehattan. I didn’t believe him until he showed me a newspaper. Oasis, those fuckers are back!” Icon said in anger as he handed her the newspaper. ‘Oh, that’s why he’s pissed.’ Oasis thought. “Dad, this is not the frozen war anymore. Maybe, they came here with peaceful intentions.” Icon look at his daughter like she grew two heads. “Peace? I don’t think a communist has the word peace in their vocabulary. I spent 30 years of my naval career to stop the steel curtain from spreading anywhere else in the world. And it all paid off when they lost the frozen war. Now they want to start it all over again when my great grandsons are barely a few months old? Over my dead body. I made sure you were safe when you were growing up and I’m going do the same for them.” As Icon continue to inspect his weapons and his uniform, Oasis decides to read the newspaper and realize that her dad was overreacting a little bit. “Dad.” “They want a fight, I’ll give them a fight.” “Dad!” “I’ll show them why the Equestrian navy is number one.” “DAD!” “Yes, sweetie?” Icon said after he snapped out of his thoughts. “Did you read the entire article?” She asked. “No I only read the headline, why?” “Because you are overreacting. If you have read the entire thing, you would understand that you have nothing to worry about.” Oasis said as she handed the newspaper to Icon. Wanting to get over with, the old sailor read the article. After reading to paper realize his mistake. “Huh, all they were doing was setting up exhibits in the middle of Manehattan and they actually want to be friends with us. Now I feel stupid.” “Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it. At least nothing drastic came from it. Now put your uniform away and get your suitcase downstairs. We got grandkids to visit!” Icon laughed nervously. “Is it the right time to tell you that I wasn’t the only one that was getting ready for a fight?” “I’m scared to ask, but what do you mean by that?” “Every veteran in the community is gearing up for war right now.” “Your friends are in this as well?” “Yes.” Oasis sighed “Allure!” “Yes?” “We need to take the 6 o’clock train!” “Why?” “Because we need to prevent all the veterans from starting a militia!” Allure swam over to them, and said. “I had a feeling that was going to happen.” After they put their suitcases downstairs, they swim outside to prevent all the veterans in the community from starting a war only to learn that they weren’t the only ones. An hour later, all the veterans soon realized there was nothing to worry about and went back home. Luckily, no one was hurt from this incident and the relationship between Equestria and Buryatia only grew stronger as a result. > Dreams of Federation. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 16 1010 A.G 3:30 PM Downtown Canterlot. It was a cool afternoon in the city of Canterlot, and right now Atlas was walking down a crowded street with bag of takeout hayburgers for him and his siblings. The reason why there are so many ponies around because the nearby convention center was hosting the last chancellery debate. This event is really important. Why? It’s because the chancellor is the most powerful person in the Equestrian government behind Celestia and Luna. Every five years this position is up for grabs and all major political parties in the country spends millions of bits to convince the ponies to vote for them. The candidates who will be in this debate is the current chancellor, Neighsay of the National Progressive Party. The former governor of New Mareland, Huey Kingfish of the Equestrian First Party. Famous writer and director, Vasily Shukshin of the Federationist party. Atlas walked past the Convention Center, he looked at the crowd and noticed the Chancellor Neighsay speaking to his supporters. Since he is Celestia political advisor, he attended more meetings with the chancellor more than he can count and knows how difficult he can be to work with. He is stubborn on certain issues, and he doesn’t take criticism well. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention he’s like this when the royal sisters are around. So, imagine how much of a headache he can be when they are not. Atlas was so deep and thought that he didn’t notice a certain seapony journalist until it was too late. “Oh crap. Are you ok?” He asked guilty. “Yeah, I’m all right.” Then she realized who bumped into her. “Atlas?” “Mira? It’s good to see you. Sorry for bumping into you.” Atlas said before helping the journalist up. “It’s right it’s nice to see a familiar face in this Faust damn crowd. How are you doing?” “I’m doing fine, same thing with my siblings. I am guessing that you’re here for the debate, right?” “Yep, I was chosen to ask some of the candidates some questions after the debate.” Mira answered. “Really, that’s great. This must be a really big deal for you.” “It’s every journalist dream to be on national television. So, are you going to watch the debate tonight?” “Definitely, this is like a glorified job interview, and I want to know who I might be working with for the next five years.” Atlas said before he checked his watch. “Oh shoot, I have to get going. Good luck.” He said before walking away. “Thanks.” Mira waved before making her way towards the convention center. ===•••=== 8:00 PM The convention center. Vasily Shukshin’s POV. The Vasily was in backstage, waiting for his name to be called, so he can finally get on stage. If you have told him back in November that he would’ve been running for chancellor of Equestria in the new year, he would’ve thought you were crazy. Yet here he was seven months later. He didn’t expect to come so far since he’s not a career politician. But fate proved him wrong when his speeches gained him a good amount of support from his party and the population. And now he bout to go against the biggest names in politics for the last time. The reason why he was running for chancellor is because he wanted to make a difference. The year 1010 wasn’t the best year for Equestria so far and he felt like he was the best stallion to lead the nation through this trying time. All he has to do was to convince Equestria that. “Please welcome on the stage, the Federationist candidate, Vasily Shukshin!” The white unicorn smiled and waved as he walked onto stage and stood at his designated podium. After the last candidate walked on stage, the mediator cleared his throat. “Good evening, I welcome you to the third and last debate of 1010 chancellory debate. Gentlemen, each of you will have two minutes to answer each question then we’ll move onto the next. Chancellor Neighsay, in recent months tensions has been rising across the world. The average citizen is getting concerned about this. What is your solution for this problem?” “The solution should be to continue to status quo, fortify our borders, make sure that our allies can defend themselves and expand the entente. Equestria defeated a major world power by itself so imagine how quickly a future war will end with us and our allies working together. That is more than enough for enemies to think twice before they mess with Equestria. And if we take advantage of that fact, we don’t have to be involved in any future conflicts anytime soon. That is all.” “Former governor, Kingfish, you got two minutes. You got two minutes.” “Now Mr chancellor, I agree with some of the things you’re saying, except for expanding the Entente.” The brown earth pony said, with a thick southern accent. “If we want to lower the temperature a bit, we should keep our alliance as it is. If we allow more countries to join, they will bring their problems to us, and we would have to send our troops to help them out. That is not going to happen under my leadership. What we should do is dig in and wait for the storm to pass. In the meantime, we should focus on the problems at home. Improve the lives of our fellow ponies, help the changeling refugees that seeks asylum here and last, but at least we should expand social services like the ‘every stallion a king’ program. It worked in new Mareland, it should be able to work here.” Before he can continue with his speech, his time was up. “Mr. Shukshin, is your turn now.” Said the host. ‘Well, here it goes.’ The writer thought. “I know that every pony in here do not want to see another war happen. I don’t want that either. But the reality is that continuing the status quo, or not allowing more nations to join the Harmony entente it’s not going to work. Because of three nations, the Changeling Empire, Livonia and Wingbardy.” “These expansionist countries not only one to come after us but also our all as well. They have established an alliance between themselves and are busy expanding their militaries. The dictator of Livonia said that his goal was to unite Kirin tribes under the Livonian flag. 28% of our population is of Kirish descent, making us one of his targets.” “Now I’m not suggesting that we should turn this country into a militarized society like them, what we should do is stay vigilant, work with other nations that are facing the same threat and invest in new technologies that can help us in a future conflict.” “The only reason why the changing-equestrian war ended so fast is because we were lucky enough to have guns and tanks. If it wasn’t for those two inventions, the conflict would’ve been a long and bloody. If we don’t want that to happen in the future, we shouldn’t rely on dumb luck. That is all.” “Does any of you have any comments or opinions you want share before we move on?” The mediator ask. “I have nothing.” Neighsay said. “I have nothing to say.” Huey replied. “Same over here.” Vasily said. “The next issue is about the economy. The Equestrian economy grew lot in the past year and many voters would like to see this trend continue. Candidates what are your plans to continue our economic growth? Chancellor, as usual, you go first.” “The economy is doing so well because for the past five years, my administration has done nothing but give businesses more freedom to do their business. I could’ve done more if the Senate wasn’t a pain in the flank. Many of my critics and opponents might disagree with me on this, but I am the main reason why the economy is doing so well in the first place. Nothing more nothing less.” (This statement made Artemis very angry.) “I have to disagree with you there.” Huey Kingfish said. “The reason why the Senate didn’t pass most of your legislations is because it will take advantage of the average pony and derail the economy. You even ignore the experts. If you want the Senate and this country to support you, you should do all you can to help this country not fill the pockets of the rich stallion!” “I been leading this nation with the Empresses for five years now. I always had every pony's interest in mind.” Neighsay argued. As his opponents argued with each other, Shukshin stood quietly, waiting for them to stop. He knew that the chancellor would say something controversial and start an argument, but he didn’t know it would start this early. A few moments later, the mediator muted their mics. “That’s enough you two. Mr. Shukshin, do you have anything to add?” “Yes, I do. I believe that the best thing for the economy is to make legislation that benefits both the businesses and the average pony. If we support businesses too much, they’ll become too powerful and become a big problem. If we support the workers too much, the businesses won’t get any profits and the economy will stagnate. But if we make a compromise, every pony will win. If we don’t come together and figure out issues like this, it will end poorly for us.” “Do you have anything else to say before we move on?” The mediator asks. “No, I do not.” “All right.” The mediator looked at the list of topics and got nervous when he saw what was next. “The next issue is a controversial one. Ever since the end of the Changing-Equestrian war there’s been hundreds to thousands of refugees crossing our Northwest border risking their lives trying to see asylum. Despite their heartbreaking stories, Chancellor Neighsay trying to close the Northwest border, only to be overruled by the Empresses, the Senate and the Supreme Court. Gentlemen, will you try to implement a similar policy or do something completely different?” All eyes were on the chancellor now. And he thought the best course of action was to defend himself. “The reason why I try to close the border is because none of those changelings deserve our help. What have they done for us? Nothing but trying to conquer and subjugate us. And now they want our help? no way. We should’ve sent them back when we had the chance. And if we allow more changelings to stay, they might try to take over the nation like they tried to do during the wedding. They might be doing that right now. That’s what I’m trying to prevent. That’s why I try to put that policy in place. It’s either us or them.” Most ponies in the room were speechless. ===•••=== Canterlot Castle. Apollo‘s room. 8:15 PM Meanwhile in Canterlot castle, the triplets, Thorax and Zeya were watching the debate together to see who would come out on top. All of them were shocked of what Neighsay had said. “Holy shit, he did not just say that. He did not just say that.” Atlas said. “How stupid do you have to be to say that on national television?” “I need some air; I’ll be right back.” Zeya said in anger before leaving the room. “What a jerk. What did we do to him?” Thorax asks. “Just existing, that’s it. You think that’s bad; you should hear what he said about us when we first came to Equestria.” Apollo answered. “Finally, he shows his true colors.” Artemis laughed. “He’s going to lose this election. He’s going to fucking lose for sure.” “Hey guys be quiet, one of them is about to speak.” Apollo said. ===•••=== Back in the convention center. “That has to be the most disgusting statement I have ever heard of my life.” Kingfish said. “Chancellor, you don’t really mean that do you?” Shukshin ask in shock. “Yes, I do mean it my duty is to protect and serve Equestria, not allow the enemy to infiltrate the country. You would’ve done the same thing if you were my shoes.” “I would never do something like that. The refugees are not the same ones that try to subjugate us. The reason why they are running away from their homeland because they their country has become a military police state that will jail any pony that disagrees with the government. Not only that, but half of the refugees also want to go to countries like the Crystal Empire and they have to come through here because we’re the closest nation that will help them. Trying to send them back to the authoritarian tartarus should be a crime.” “And if I remember correctly one of the reasons why we were able to defeat the changelings in the first place, is because their princess warned us. So, are you suggesting we should send her back as well after everything she done for us?” Huey asks. “No comment.” Neighsay said. A few moments of awkward silence later, the mediator decided to move on. “Ok, since our candidates already made their positions clear, let’s move onto the next topic, shall we?” ===•••=== 10:03 PM After two hours of speeches and arguments, the last chancellery debate was finally over. After he got off the stage, he walked over to his running mate. He is a white Pegasus stallion with a green mane and tail. This is Shukshin’s good friend, Alexander Pokryhkin. A.k.a. the Equestrian falcon. “Hey Alex, how did I do up there?” Vasily asked. “You did great, Vasily. Way better than the Neighsay. All we have to do is talk to some journalists and smooth sailing until election day.” “Speaking of election day, how are the polls doing?” “We are neck and neck with kingfish for first place. The chancellor is in last place.” Alexander answered. “Neck and neck, huh? It looks like things are going to be interesting for the next few weeks.” “You can say that again.” Before they can leave, Mira walked over to them and said. “Hello, Mr. Shukshin, my name is Mira Breeze from the Canterlot Times. Can I ask you some questions about tonight‘s debate?” The writer thought about it, and then smiled. “Of course, ask me anything.” ===•••=== June 6 Four weeks later. 2:30 PM SaintPetershoof, Equestria. Vasily Shukshin was many things, a writer, a director, a poet, and now a chancellery candidate. He went from an average colt from a middle-class family, to one of the most recognizable ponies in the country. However, as he sat at home, watching the election results with his wife, Charlotte. All he can feel was trepidation. Months of fundraising, speeches, rallies, and interviews lead to this moment. With his family’s moral support, he traveled all over Equestria, from Stalliongrad to Las Pegasus, from the Twin Cities to Manehattan, and now the only thing he can do was wait. The votes came in agonizingly slow, his heart soar with every positive result and sink with every loss. After hours of waiting and a few cups of coffee later, the last of the votes were counted. And it was clear. Equestria wanted Neighsay out, and Shukshin in. “Oh, my stars.” Vasily said in shock. “Yes, you won! You Won!” Charlotte exclaimed as she hugged her husband tightly. “I knew you can do it.” This is when his victory finally sunk in. “I actually did it.” He said emotionally as he hugged his wife back. After pulling himself together, Shukshin ended the hug. “Now all we have to do now is to move to Canterlot and enroll our daughters into new schools.” He said in thought. “Hey don’t worry. I can take care of that.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah, you work your flank off to achieve this. It’s the least I can do.” Thanks, I really appreciate that.” He said before yawning. “Let’s go to bed. After tonight, I am exhausted.” “Agreed.” Charlotte replied. After they put the coffee mugs in the dishwasher, they went upstairs and got into to bed. Vasily fell asleep as an ordinary citizen and later woke up as the new chancellor of Equestria. ===•••=== Canterlot castle. 8:10 AM Apollo’s POV. Apollo was in his office, doing his daily routine of a royal advisor when he heard a knock on his office door. “Come in.” After hearing this Artemis enter the room. “Morning Artemis.” Apollo greeted. Then he noticed the bags underneath his eyes. “Let me guess, you stayed up late?” “Yep, I was trying to see who won the election but fell asleep in the middle of it. Here’s the documents Luna requested.” “Thanks.” Apollo said after receiving the papers. Artemis was going to leave but then he stopped in front of the door. “Apollo.” “Yeah?” “Do you know who won the election last night? I didn’t get the chance to watch TV or get a newspaper.” “Shukshin won. Kingfish was in 2nd place and Neighsay was humiliated. I almost felt bad for him.” “Oh really? Thanks for telling me.” Artemis smiled before closing the door. After he checked that the coast was clear, he said in a loud whisper. “Yes, yes, fuck you, Neighsay!” For the rest of the morning, Artemis was in a good mood, knowing that he will be out of office in a few weeks. > The perfect gift. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 10,1010 8:30 AM Atlas, POV. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuJIqmha2Hk&pp=ygULbXIgYmx1ZSBza3k%3D *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Click* After he turned off the annoying alarm, Atlas sat up and stretched his arms. He got out of bed and open the curtains. Allowing the sunlight to light up the room and blind him. ‘Today is going to be a good day.’ He thought. After taking his time getting ready for the day, looked himself in the mirror. Today he was wearing casual clothes instead of his usual dress pants and button up shirt since today is his day off. But that’s not the reason why he is so cheerful right now. The reason why is because tomorrow is Celestia‘s birthday and the one-year anniversary of the meeting for the first time. After he and his siblings crashed her party when first arrived in Equestria. Despite this, she made sure that they had a job, roof over their heads and made sure that they were fully adjusted to this magical world. A month later they became a couple and the rest was history. Looking back on it, Atlas still can’t believe how lucky he was. She could’ve just left them on the streets to fend for themselves. But she didn’t. Her heart was too big for that to happen. Which is why he was going to look for the perfect birthday presents for her. Not only that, Twilight and Spike is going to meet him at the mall. And if anyone knows the sun Empress better than Atlas, it was them. But before he could do all that, he needs to get himself some breakfast. After he finished, brushing his hair he teleported to castle dining room, where Apollo was sitting all by himself, eating a pork sandwich while reading the newspaper. He was so glued to the paper that he didn’t notice Atlas until he said. “Morning Apollo.” This startled him. “Oh, morning Jupiter. I thought you were at the mall already.” “And skip on the delicious meals this kitchen makes? Heck no.” He said, as he took a seat at the table. “I’m guessing that Luna is having fun decorating the Senate for the inauguration?” “Yep, it’s the first one she’s going to see in since her banishment so you know she’s in everything. Artemis is helping her out as well.” “They’re going to be in there for a while.” Atlas chuckled. “I bet that either Galaxia or Nebula have to go over there and drag their asses out of there to attend Celestia party.” “Speaking of which.” Apollo said before swallowing a piece of his pork sandwich. “What are you planning to buy her?” “I don’t know, I’m still trying to figure that out myself.” “Believe me, I know where you’re coming from. But I’m sure you’ll be able to figure it out.” “I hope so.” A few moments later, Ruby Rose came out of the kitchen. “Morning Atlas, do you want something from the kitchen?” “Can I get the same pork sandwich that Apollo is having please?” “Before you order this, I have to warn you, this is a Kirin recipe so it’s pretty spicy.” “Even better.” He turned to Ruby and said. “Whatever sauce you put on his, put extra on mine.” “Sure thing. Coming right up.” She said before returning to the kitchen. “Hey Atlas.” “Yeah.” “If your eyes start to water from the heat, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” “I won’t.” ===•••=== 8:50 PM 20 minutes later. After one, very spicy sandwich later, Atlas was now driving through the capital, listening to some tunes on half track’s radio. Despite it still being morning rush-hour, Atlas was still making good progress. If he has to be honest, he rather deal with traffic in Canterlot than the absolute nightmare traffic could be in New York City. Then again, half the country doesn’t own a vehicle yet so he should enjoy it while last. Finally, he arrived at the Canterlot megamall. He drove into the underground parking lot and found a space right near the elevators. One elevator ride later, and he was now standing in the middle of the mall’s atrium. Since today was a weekday the mall wasn’t that crowded. Making it easier for him to spot Twilight and Spike. “Hey guys I’m here.” Atlas called out. “Hey Atlas.” Spike greeted before giving him an high-five. “I hope I didn’t take too long.” “You’re just in time. We arrived a few minutes ago. Now since we’re all here I have a list of all the stores we might be able to find a present for the princess.” “You even make a list for a shopping trip in the mall?” Atlas said. “Of course, how else am I supposed to stay organized? Do you have any suggestions on which stores we should go?” Twilight asked. “Not really since I don’t know what I am going to get Celestia for her birthday yet.” He said, scratching the back of his head. “That’s ok. This place is huge so you will be able to find something for her eventually.” “Where are we going first?” Spike ask. “We are going to Canterlot Fashion.” ===•••=== It didn’t take them long for them to walk to the large department store. When they entered, Atlas was hit in the face by the smell of expensive perfume and fabric. If you guys are wondering, this place is basically like a much fancier version of Macy’s. “I’m going to check out the clothing area to see if they have anything interesting over there.” Atlas said. “All right, if you need anything, we’re in the perfume section.” Twilight said as they parted ways. As he walked through the store, he looked and all the stuff that was on the shelves and racks. Luxury handbags, suits, ties, expensive looking shoes, etc. Despite his upper middle-class upbringing, Atlas didn’t go to these fancy stores often. It wasn’t his style, even though he wears a suit and tie almost every day of the week since arriving in Equestria. But he knew that a store like this would have something that Celestia would like. After he arrived in the clothes section and spent a few minutes of browsing, he saw something that caught his eye. On a nearby rack was a sparkly blue and white dress that would look great on Celestia. He walked over to it and looked at its tag. It was her size. ‘Perfect.’ He thought. He draped the dress over his right arm and continue to browse for more potential fines. ===•••=== 20 minutes later. 9:10 AM Twilight was at the checkout counter, waiting for the cashier to scan a few items on the counter, when Spike came over to her. “Hey Twi, I need your opinion on something. Do you think Celestia would like flats or these high heels?” In his right hand, were a pair of beige colored flats, in his left, or a pair of gold colored high heels. “Mmm, I think she already has a pair of gold high heels, so go with the flats.” Twilight suggested. “Flats, it is.” Spike said before walking away to pay for the shoes. After Twilight finish paying for her stuff, Atlas spotted her and walked over to her. “Hey Twilight, you already checked out?” Atlas asks. “Yep, I got some makeup and perfume. What did you get?” “I bought this nice blue and white dress and a red two-piece swimsuit. It cost me 250 bits for them both but it was worth it.” A few moments later, Spike came back from the shoe department with a shopping bag in his right hand. “You’re back quick.” Twilight said. “Yeah, check out counter in the shoe area wasn’t that busy so I was in and out.” “So where are we going next?” Atlas ask. Twilight called the list from her pocket and scanned the paper. “Fitness world.” “That’s a pretty long walk. Are you sure you want to do that now?” Atlas said. “I’m sure. I was planning we would take some time to look at other shops while we make our way over there.” “Ok lead the way, bookworm.” ===•••=== 15 minutes later. 9:25 AM Third floor. As Spike, Twilight and Atlas made their way through the mall, they looked around to see which store they should go to next. Atlas was glad that they were taking their time instead of going to one store to another as quickly as possible. He even discovered some new stores that opened recently that he will definitely come back to in the near future. “Atlas.” Spike said, snapping the human out of his thoughts. “Yes?” “Should we go into that store next?” He asked has he pointed to a nearby technology shop. “Nah, Celestia already has enough tech as it is. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has some for Philomena to play with.” “Ok, how about we go and get a gift from the botanical garden?” The dragon suggested. “Aren’t we going there later today?” “Right, I almost forgot.” Then he spotted a store that definitely had something any mare might want. “Now that store might have something Celestia will love. Let’s go inside.” Atlas looked at the store Spike was talking about, and his face immediately became red as a ripe tomato. The store in question sold lingerie. “Nope, no no no no. Anywhere but there.” “Why not?” Atlas let out an awkward laugh. “Because you are too young to go in there.” “Oh come on I can’t be that bad. Besides, I won’t tell anyone, I pinky promise.” Instead of accepting the promise, Atlas leaned over the dragon, and said. “Now listen to me my brother in Christ. If I allow you to go in there, not only would you be scarred for life. But your entire family, the royal sisters, and your friends in Ponyville, will come after me and I don’t want a group of powerful ponies coming after my ass.” “Don’t worry, Atlas. I’ll make sure to put flowers on your casket.” Spike said before he tried to make a run for it but was unsuccessful when he was caught in the human’s magic. “Dammit.” “You’re not getting me killed than easily.” “Fine, I won’t go in there, happy?” “Happy.” He said as he started to walk with Spike in his magical grasp. “Can you put me down now?” “Nope, I am not doing that until I find Twilight.” This spike sighed, excepting his fate. Two minutes later, Atlas found Twilight in the bookstore. ‘Of course she’s in there.’ He thought. ===•••=== 10:10 AM After he finish shopping in Fitness world and bought, fingerless gloves and a new headband. Atlas was now in a nearby culinary store to pass the time while he waits for Spike and Twilight. As he walked through the small store he noticed a dessert cookbook that was on sale. Curious, he picked it up and began flipping through the pages. Every single dish in the book made his mouth water. He entered that store, just waste some time and left a brand new cookbook. ===•••=== The botanical garden. 10:50 AM The botanical gardens, the most peaceful place in the mall. Great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of Canterlot and the mall itself. Atlas was sitting on a bench nearby the waterfall in the center of the gardens. He was listening to sound of the rushing water while resting his aching feet. He was done. After walking around the mall for two hours, he was finally got all the stuff Celestia could want. New clothes, new fitness wear, and a brand-new cookbook, and last, but not least, seeds for her to plant in her garden. What more can a mare want? And now Twilight has thrown out her shopping list and replace it with a list of fun things for them to do. But as he sat there by himself, Atlas felt like he was missing something. Something that can definitely knock his marefriend’s socks off. He doesn’t know why he was feeling this way. It could be that he was nervous about the party tomorrow. Or it could be another reason. Whatever it was, he knew this feeling wasn’t going to leave him anytime soon. “Hey Atlas.” Spike called as he walked towards the human. “Hey Spike, what’s up?” “Twilight and I found a new cactus exhibit. Do you want to see it?” “Sure.” After he picked up his bags in his magic, Atlas followed Spike to the exhibit on the other side of the gardens. ===•••=== The aquarium. 11:20 AM Twilight and Atlas were now in the aquarium section of the mall, looking at the large tank filled with all kinds of sea creatures. Spike was not with them, since he was in another part of the aquarium. More than likely he’s in the aquarium tunnel. “Twilight, can I ask you something?” He asked. “Sure, what is it?” “Have you ever try to get something for a friend or an significant other and feel like what you got for them wasn’t enough?” “Yeah, why do you ask?” Twilight inquired. “Because I feel like all the things I got her is not enough. And I am thinking there is one more thing somewhere in the mall that is going to surprise her. I don’t know what it is, but I think I’ll find it if I walk around the mall for a little bit.” “You know not every gift has to be from a store you know. There is a millions ways of showing some pony that you care about them. All that matters is that it comes from the heart.” “Mmm, I haven’t thought of it like that. Since when you knew so much about that?” Atlas ask. “It’s because of all the friends I made over the years and the relationship with your brother helped too.” Atlas thought of the words Twilight had just said as he watched an otter give his partner a fish. Then, he had an idea. “That’s it. Twilight, you’re a genius.” “Aww, thank you.” Twilight blushed. “I need to get back to the castle. I’ll see you and Spike later.” “I’ll see you at the party.” Twilight waved before Atlas teleported away. ===•••=== Canterlot Castle. After he teleported into his bedroom, he hides all the gifts he bought in his closet and teleported to the library. He then walked up the stairs to the third floor, and made his way to the nonfiction section. He browse the shelves until he found the book he was looking for. “Found it.” He said before grabbing a book name ‘How to manipulate clouds for dummies.’ He put the book down on the nearby table and began to read. “For any pony that is not a member of the pegasus tribe but wants to shape clouds to whatever he or she desires. This is a book for you. Step one, depending on where you are, you should take a blimp, a hot air balloon, or levitate yourself to a height of 6,500 to 10,000 feet in the air.” After a few moments of staring at the page, Atlas realize what he was getting himself into. “Goddamnit.” he said quietly. ===•••=== The very next day. June 11 1010 A.G 5 PM The big day has finally arrived, Celestia’s 1,501 birthday. For the entire day, Celestia, friends and family celebrated with her. They played games, ate a lot of sweets, and most importantly she opened all the gifts that they gave her. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that this was the first birthday in a millennia that her parents were there to celebrate with her. It was a fun day for her. After the festivities died down, Atlas walked over to the solar monarch and ask. “So did you enjoy your birthday party?” “Yes I did. I think this one is the best one yet.” She responded. “I’m glad to hear that because there is one more surprise left.” “Oh.” The intrigued Alicorn said. “Where is this surprise?” “I can’t tell you that. The only way you will find out is when you put on this blindfold and allow me to lead you to it.” “All right, fine.” Celestia allowed him to tie the bandanna around her eyes. He teleported himself and Celestia to where the surprise was. “Ok, you can take off the blindfold now.” She did just that. And her eyes widen. “Oh my sun.” They were now standing on a large cloud with rainbow colors on the edge and a fountain made of clouds just a few feet away from them. In the middle was a gazebo made out of cloud with a table with two chairs underneath it. The best part was the beautiful view of the city of Canterlot down below. “You did all of this for me?” Celestia said in shock. “Yeah, I did. I thought it would be nice to have dinner among the clouds. Do you like it?” “Like it, I love it. None of my previous colt friends did this for me. This must’ve been difficult for you to do this, especially with your fear of heights.” “It wasn’t that bad.” Atlas chuckle. That was a lie. “OK I’ll take your word for it. Thank you for this, i’ll make sure to make it up to you one day.” Celestia said as she gave Atlas a tight hug. “You don’t have to do that.” “I know, but I want to.” After they ended the hug, the couple made their way to the table and took their seats. After that, Atlas summon two silver platters. “The first thing we’re having tonight is shrimp Alfredo I made myself.” He said before lifting the covers. “Looks delicious.” She complemented. “Do you want some wine?” “Yes please.” After he poured two glasses of wine, Atlas lifted up one of them, and said. “Happy birthday Celestia.” “Happy one anniversary of arriving in Equestria, Atlas.” She said before both their glasses clinked together. After that, they enjoyed their Alfredo and their evening together. > The First Summit. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxaqQBHblyc&pp=ygUWaG9pNCBlbXBpcmUgb2YgdGhlIHN1bg%3D%3D On the eastern side of the continent of Griffonia, stands a large powerful country with a population of 205 million ponies. Its name is the River Federation. Named after the multiple rivers that flow through the country. The true successor of the old communist Federation and the Delta kingdom. The federation was originally a republic back in the early 900s, but was overthrown by communist coup because of political and economic instability. After the coup, the country was renamed to the River Socialist Federation, with Jack Reed being its first chairman in 927. 23 years later, the federation’s southern provinces seceded from the communist government in Saigon and formed the Delta kingdom. Since these provinces were destroyed by the great war, the communists in the north thought the kingdom would fall into anarchy and rejoin the Federation. That didn’t happen. Instead, the kingdom thrive. From 950 to 965, the nation went from a war-torn country to a hub of trade and technological advancements. The Delta kingdom was also a key player in the frozen war by preventing further communist expansion. In the early 990s, the north couldn’t keep up anymore. The country was poor and outdated, its government was extremely corrupt and the military was eating up most of its budget. On December 25 991 the River Socialist Federation collapsed into seven different countries officially ending the frozen war. 18 years later, the Delta kingdom annexed all seven countries and the River Federation was reunited. ===•••=== July 10 1010 A.G Aventura, River Federation. 1:30 PM. As Northstar flew over the capital of the Federation, Luna was looking down at the Metropolis in awe. “Sister, are you seeing what I’m seeing? This city is so-“ “Beautiful?” Celestia said. “Yeah that.” She said not looking away from the window. “This place is like a futuristic Manehattan. How come none of our cities look like this?” “Some of them do. The Surfside and Dockside are a good examples.” Artemis pointed out. “Yeah, but not like this.” Luna leans back in her chair before continuing to speak. “I thought adjusting to modern Equestria was hard, but this is something else.” “Don’t worry Lulu, if you have any trouble, you have me and Cadence to help you out.” Celestia said. “What about Artemis?” “I would love to help you out, but I never been in a city like this before. I don’t think I would be of much use.” “You have a point there.” A few moments later, a royal guard entered the room. “Your majesty’s, the pilot wants me to inform you that we’re going to be landing shortly.” “Thanks for letting us know.” Celestia said before putting on her seatbelt. The guard bow before leaving. A few minutes later, Northstar safely landed at Aventura international Air Station. “Huh, it looks like Cadence has beat us.” Luna said, noticing the large airship named snowflake, just a few gates away. “She must’ve gotten lucky by riding an air current.” Artemis said. “Do you think she might be at the hotel by now?” Luna ask. “Maybe.” Artemis shrugged. “Well then, we should get going. We don’t wanna keep Cadence waiting.” Celestia said before she grabbed her suitcase. When they entered the terminal, they were greeted by the Federation’s Prime Minister and a few royal guards. “Your majesty’s, Royal economist, welcome to Aventura.” Prime Minister Tulip said with a thick river accent. “Did your journey over here went well?” “It did, thanks for asking.” Celestia said to the red sea pony. “Is Empress Cadence still here?” “I’m afraid not. The crystal empress just left the airport a few minutes ago. Before all of you go, can I join you in your motorcade? My queen wants me to discuss a few things with the three of you.” “We don’t mind at all.” Luna smiled. “Right sister?” “I don’t mind at all.” “I don’t have a problem with it.” Artemis said. After that, they all made their way towards the terminals exit. ===•••=== 2:10 PM. After a little impromptu meeting later, Artemis was finally able to go to his hotel room. Now, since he was alone, he was finally able to marvel at the city just outside of his window. Aventura was an architect’s wet dream. The way that the buildings look like they were built in the future while having some elements of traditional sea pony architecture amazed him. The transportation was just as impressive as the city. The Maglevs and bullet trains were not only nice to look at, but they were also really fast as well. Then again, Artemis shouldn’t be surprised by this after all, the Delta kingdom did invent these marvels of engineering in the early 970s. It was hard to believe that 65 years ago this city was nothing but rubble. Now look at it the city is thriving like the Great War had never happened. It was no wonder why the reds wanted this country to be destroyed. Despite all of the tech the Federation has, they don’t have any phones at all. Which made Artemis think what type of tech tree this world is running on. As he lay down on his comfortable bed, Artemis wondered if he would ever see the U.S or Equestria become something like this in his lifetime. ===•••=== Aventura international Air Station. 2:30 PM King Rurik the second was immediately overwhelmed at the sight that met him upon arriving in Aventura. The entire horizon was dominated with lights and tall buildings. Bigger than anything he has seen in Kemerovo. He had heard that the new Federation was the land of concrete, culture and innovation. Now he truly knew what they meant. “So, this is what Aventura looks like! Imagine if we had such structures in Novosibirsk.” Rurik said to Yuri. After they disembarked their airship and entered the air station terminal, they were greeted with a large delegation of River diplomats. Judging by the looks on their faces, they were pretty excited to meet the two royals. The sea pony stallion in front of the group gave a bow. “Greetings Rurik-Sama and Yuri-Sama, allow me to give you two in the warmest welcome to the Federation.” Gleeful diplomat warmly offered a handshake to the king. “Thank you. By the way it’s Rurik.” Rurik smiled as he shook the diplomat's hand, who was visibly confused by the king’s response. “Yes, of course, Rurik-Sama.” “No, no. It’s just Rurik. Ru-rik. Understand?” “I don’t understand, Rurik-sama. Did I speak out of turn?” Rurik was getting frustrated at this point. “I told you it’s-“ Before he can finish his sentence, Yuri pulled him aside. “Yuri, what is it?” “Sorry dad, I just want to let you know that he’s using an honorific title. He already knows our names.” Yuri whispered. “If he wants to use an honorary title, why not just call me king instead?” Rurik ask in a whisper. “It’s because it’s a sign of respect in east sea pony culture, especially when they meet some pony for the first time.” Upon hearing this bit of information, the kings face turned red. He turned to the group of diplomats with an awkward smile on his face. “Sorry gentlecolt, I misunderstood what you had said. But thanks for welcoming us.” “It’s all right. Are you and the prince ready to go?” “Yes, we are.” As the two royals follow the diplomats, Rurik leaned over to Yuri and whispered. “When we get home, do not mention what happened to your mom or your sister.” “Your secret is safe with me.” ===•••=== Downtown Aventura. 2:35 PM As his motorcade made its way through the capital, Valery Sablin was deep in thought. Unlike every pony else who were likely having their minds blown of what they were seeing. Ever since Buryatia join the Harmony entente two months ago new and old members of the alliance greeted the Buryats with open arms. Except the River Federation. Their interactions with the Soviet Republic was lukewarm at best and ice cold at worst. Some companies from the Federation refuse to do business in Buryatia while some admirals refused to do any naval exercises with the red navy. And as a former sailor in the red navy, that pissed him off the most. But before coming here, he noticed a pattern. Sea ponies in the north have a negative opinion towards the Buryats, while in the south, they are cautious, but friendly. Meaning, there’s a chance that the federation will see Buryatia as an ally, and not a wolf in sheep‘s clothing. And this summit is the perfect opportunity to warm relations between the two nations. (Translator:ON) “Valery are you right? You are being quiet for the entire car ride.” This made the young general secretary to snap out of his thoughts and look at the mare on his right. She is a tan batpony with a blonde mane and tail. Her name is Natasha Sablin, Valery’s wife and the first lady of Buryatia. “’m just thinking that’s all.” He replied. “There’s enough time for thinking. You should be enjoying what’s outside of your window instead.” Otto Braun said. “We are not here to sightsee. This is a diplomatic trip, not a vacation.” “We know that, Valery. But it’s nice to take a little time to enjoy our surroundings. Besides, you’ve been working on that speech for the entire flight. I think it’s time to give yourself a little break.” Natasha said. “All right fine. But only for a few hours.” “I knew you would come around.” “So, what should we do first?” Sablin asked. “How about after we get settled in, we walk around and explore the area.” Otto suggested. “That sounds nice.” Natasha said. “I agree.” Sablin smiled. ===•••=== Aventura Palace. 8:20 PM. Just a few miles away from the city center, is large palace that’s bit smaller than Canterlot castle. Its name is Aventura Palace, the official residence of Queen Prism. This palace is also where summit party was being held. Leaders from every member nation, new members and old, were here to meet up in a casual setting before the real work can begin. Which is why Artemis was feeling a bit nervous right now. This wasn’t some party filled with business stallions or some out of touch nobles. This was the big leagues. Every pony in this ballroom had the power to change the lives of millions with a single speech or with a single pen stroke. And since he was with the few humans that exist on this planet. He felt like he had to represent his species in a way. Tonight, he really wanted to make a good impression. After what felt like a few minutes of standing around like a lonely kid in a high school dance while sipping some champagne he saw a familiar face. “Is that Prince Yuri?” He smiled. “Finally, a familiar face.” (Translator:on) He walked over to the prince and said in Thestral. “Good evening, Prince Yuri.” “Artemis is that you?” The prince said with a surprise look on his face. “The one and only.” “It good to see again and when you started speaking Thestral?” “I started learning the language a few weeks after the wedding invasion. I’m not 100% fluent but I try my best.” “You’re speaking very well for beginner.” “Thanks, I make time to practice my language skills.” Artemis said before he took a sip of his champagne. “Artemis, I heard through the grapevine that you and your siblings have powers now. How did you get them?” Yuri asks. “I always had them. I “unlocked” them when I was nearly stabbed in the face by changing soldier. Turns out that my powers come from a shooting star.” “That’s a pretty violent way of finding out. So, how’s your life with powers going so far?” “Normal as before, it’s just now I could teleport and turn myself into a living ta..ta…” (Translator off.) “Dang it, I was doing so well.” Artemis said. “You did pretty good my opinion. Now what you were trying to say before?” “I can teleport and turn myself into a living taser.” “Oh, can I see?” “And have every security personnel in this room tackle me like an NFL quarterback? No thank you.” “I was just joking.” Yuri rolled his eyes. “Sure buddy, whatever you say. But enough about me, how are you doing?” “Everything is going well. My sister finally accepted that I was the chosen hair a few months ago and thing has been peaceful between us. Dad is still his usual weird quirky self and mom is back home running the kingdom.” “Why did your mom not come with you and your dad?” “Usually, mom and dad are the ones that go on these types of trips. But mom wanted me to take her place so I can get some ‘diplomatic experience’.” “That’s nice of her.” Artemis commented. “But I wish mom would’ve warned us about the culture shock me and dad would experience. I knew Aventura was unique, but I never thought it would be like this.” “Same over here.” A few moments later, Shining armor spotted Artemis and decided to walk over to him. “Hey Artemis.” “Shining, long time no see.” Artemis said as he gave his old pal a hug. “It’s good to see you again.” “It’s good to see you too.” Shining smiled. “This is Crown Prince Yuri, Yuri this is Emperor Shining Armor, but I’m guessing you two already know that.” “No, it’s fine. It’s nice to finally meet you your majesty.” Shining Armor said. “The pleasure is mine, congratulations on becoming emperor. How’s it going so far?” “It’s interesting. Being an emperor has its ups and downs, but I don’t regret anything. Though the north and south divide in the Crystal Empire is a headache to deal with.” “Be like that sometimes. As long you keep a cool head, you’ll be fine.” Yuri said. “Cadence told me that earlier. I hate to admit it, but I was pretty nervous about this party.” “You were not the only one.” Artemis said before finishing his champagne. “You were nervous about this event? I thought you were used to this type of stuff.” A surprised Shining Armor said. “Yeah, but those parties were filled with business leaders trying to get on my good side. In here are world leaders that have the power to change history forever.” “When you put it in that context, it makes sense.” Shining said. “So where is Cadence right now?” Artemis ask. “She’s with Celestia, having a conversation with Queen Prism. They were having a nice time together, so I decided to leave them alone.” “Does any pony want to get something from the hors d’oeuvres table with me?” Yuri ask. “Sure.” Shining said. After they got their hors d’oeuvres from the table, they spotted a cream-colored bat pony who was the talk of the town. Instead of wearing his usual white uniform, the stallion in question was wearing a black tuxedo with a small flag pin on the left side of his chest. “Is that, Valery Sablin?” Yuri asked. “Yep, the one and only.” Shining Armor said. “So that’s the last sentry. I never thought I’ll see him in person.” Artemis said before he swallowed a Sushi roll. “I wonder what he’s like.” “I just talked to him a few minutes ago he’s a nice stallion and passionate too.” Shining said. “Crown Prince, wasn’t your dad a communist?” “Yeah, he was a staunch supporter of it too before his former allies try to make Kemerovo a puppet state to the old Federation.” “So, it must be awkward having a communist leader in the same room with you.” Shining said. “Maybe. But I’d rather have that than the threat of war any day.” After a few moments of silence, Artemis decided to speak. “I’m going to talk to him.” “Really?” Yuri said. “Yeah, I always wanted to talk to the ‘last sentry’. I’ll see you guys later.” As Artemis walked to Sablin, he realizes that he doesn’t know what to say to the chairman. ‘Calm down Pluto. Just introduce yourself, and everything will be fine.’ He thought. The human cleared his throat. “Excuse me, Mr. Sablin.” “Yes?” He said before realizing he was talking to Artemis. “I saw you standing by yourself and decided to introduce myself. My name is-“ “It’s Artemis Yukon, right? It’s nice to meet you.” Sablin smiled. He wasn’t expecting this. “How did you know my name already?” “I heard of your work as an economist. Not only that, but you also helped the Equestrians repel the fascist hoard in Canterlot. It’s not every day when a stallion saves a country from a recession and from an invasion.” “I was just doing my job. And for the invasion, I was just doing what any pony would.” “Still, you did some brave things on that day. I respect that.” “Thanks. How is Buryatia doing since becoming a member of the Harmony Entente?” Artemis asks. “Buryatia is doing very well ever since becoming a member. The economy is grown faster than ever before, new opportunity has opened up for my ponies and standard of living has increased as well.” The young revolutionary then signed. “It’s not all sunshine and rainbows though. Some of our counterparts from the Federation still treats us like we’re still being run by the N.K.V.D.” “That’s horrible. I thought the Federation and the Soviet Republic were good terms since the queen congratulated you guys on joining the faction.” “You would think that, but some are still skeptical of us. This sentiment is more prevalent in the north than in the south. Which is why have a speech prepared for tomorrow that will hopefully reinsure not only the sea ponies in the north, but any pony that still are afraid of us.” “You think that one speech is enough to convince millions of ponies to change their minds?” Artemis asks. “I know it’s a bit idealistic, but it can’t hurt to speak from the heart.” “You’re right.” Artemis said before finishing his sushi rolls. “Mr. Yukon, can may I ask you a question?” “Sure. Ask away.” “Are there any communist nations back on your home world?” “Yes, they were. At one point, almost half of the world’s countries were communist.” Artemis explained. “So, it was successful?” Sablin said, with a hopeful look in his eyes. “I don’t think you would like the answer I’m about to tell you.” “Please, I want to know.” “Ok but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Communism was like absolute failure on earth. Most of them became corrupt like the old Federation. Some of them were satellite states to a country named the Soviet Union. And let’s just say they weren’t treated well. Most of them are gone now. Only five are remain. To be honest, you’re one of the few communist leaders that I heard of that genuinely cares for his people.” Sablin wasn’t surprised. The same things that happened on his Equis, happened on his home planet as well. Corrupt devils taking advantage of the working class and screwing them over. Maybe Artemis was right, maybe he was one of the few good communist leaders to exist in this galaxy. But if that was the case, that means he will work hard to become the best one of all. “I would be lying if I told you that I was surprised of what you had said.” “Sorry if that broke your spirit a little bit.” “No, you don’t have to apologize. If what you said is true, that means I have to lead by example show what a true revolutionary could be.” “You’re as optimistic my brother. Have you always been like this?” Artemis asks. “Pretty much.” “Keep it. We need more of that in this world.” “I agree with you on that. Do you want to go outside in the Zen Garden? It’s very nice outside.” “Sure.” Artemis said before following the chairman to the gardens. ===•••=== 11:30 PM Luna was gliding through the air above Aventura, enjoying the view from above. The party ended 10 minutes ago and instead of going back to the hotel with her elder sister, she decided to do a little bit of sightseeing before calling it a night. Eventually, she stumbled upon a large botanical garden just two miles away from her hotel and right next to the river that flowed through the city. After she landed in the middle of the park, she started to explore the area. The gardens was filled with all types of beautiful plants. Some were able to glow in the dark, while others were very exotic looking, and the rest were both. All of them are native to the Federation. Luna had to admitted, but this place was more beautiful than the Castle Gardens or any of the gardens in Canterlot. After few minutes of walking, Luna spotted the child emperor relaxing on one of the garden’s benches. “Emperor Grover, what a surprise. I didn’t expect you to be out here so late at night.” “Evening, Empress. I’m just here, enjoying the peace and quiet. Do you want to join me?” The 17-year-old offered. “You’re too kind.” Luna said as she sat down next to the Griffin. “Did you enjoy the party?” “I did enjoy myself. I didn’t know so many creatures would want to meet me. The most eager of them were the presidents of Prance and Yakutia.” “With a reputation like yours, who wouldn’t. I forgot to ask you this during the party, how is your first year of being emperor going?” “It’s boring and stressful most of the time which I expected. But it’s rewarding, knowing that Griffonia is being improved because of my hard work. But there’s one thing I don’t understand.” “What would that be?” “Sometimes some Griffin tries to bribe me with money or with expensive gifts only they get kicked out my castle and arrested. Why do they think that bribing me could work? Just because I’m a minor doesn’t mean I’m stupid. It’s rare but it’s annoying when it happens.” “That’s what happens when you’re on top. Every pony will try to do anything to get on your good side.” Luna stated. “Well, I wish they would stop trying to do that. Don’t they know that I’m satisfied with everything I have? I’m wealthy, I have a big castle and have cousins and friends to hang out with. What more do I need?” Grover sighed. “Sorry for venting like this. It’s just frustrating. Dealing with some nobles, especially the corrupt ones.” “It’s all right, venting is healthy. And you’re not the only one that has to deal with spoiled nobles on a daily basis.” “At I have someone to relate to that problem.” Grover smiled. He then looked at his watch. “Would you look at that. It’s time for me to call it a night. I’ll see you tomorrow, Empres. Good night.” “Good night.” Luna said before Grover walked away. Luna stayed in that park for few minutes before flying away. ===•••=== July 11 1010 AG. 10:30 AM Aventura Convention Center. It was a beautiful sunny day in Aventura, and right now the leaders of the harmony entente and other officials were in a local convention center just east of downtown. After everyone had arrived, Queen Prism walked onto the stage, and began to speak. “Good morning, everyone. I’m glad that all of you are here to attend the first summit of the Harmony Entente. When the alliance was first founded almost a year ago, there were only four members. Equestria, Kemerovo, the River Federation, and Griffonia. Now we got three new members, Prance, Yakutia and Buryatia. New members, welcome to the alliance.” The audience began to clap. After the applause die down, the queen continued her speech. “Now before we get down to business, Chairman Valery Sablin has a speech prepared for us. Mr. Chairman, the stage is yours.” The cyan sea pony stepped aside allowing Sablin to walk to the podium. “Thank you, your majesty, for allowing me to speak today. I really appreciate it.” ‘Here goes nothing.’ He thought. “Comrades, I stand before you as an ally. Here to enjoy the good times and help out in our darkest hour. But I think it’s time for me to address the elephant in the room. Not too long ago, Buryatia was a nation that was feared by most of the world. It was run by a heartless dictator, with an equally heartless government with a powerful intelligence agency backing it up.” “Even though this is not the case anymore, the damage that my homeland and former communist countries have caused are still fresh the minds of many around the world. Especially in this country. From every pony in the supreme Soviet of Buryatia and myself, we would like to apologize to all the countries that had suffered from wars cause by us and our allies. To the delegation of the Grand Principality of Kemerovo, we would like to apologize for supporting the coup attempt that nearly turned your nation into a puppet.” “The fact that our two nations used to be allies back then, and we still supported that coup was disgusting and inexcusable. And to the new River Federation, we are sorry that we supported a regime that was fueled by war and greed. If Jack Reed had saw what his nation would become, he would be ashamed. I know this speech is not enough to heal the scars of the past, but I hope that today we will begin to greet each other as friends instead of adversaries. That is all.” As the chairman walked off the stage. Every pony was silent, but then one by one they started to clap. Eventually the entire crowd was giving a round of applause. The sight alone was almost enough to make Sablin cry. Almost. ===•••=== A few hours later. 3:20 PM After a long day of debates and speeches, the first conference of the summit was finally over. Sablin couldn’t wait to head back to his hotel and spend some time with his wife. Before he can leave the building, someone call his name. “Mr. Sablin.” He turned around and saw that King Rurik was walking towards him. “Yes, your majesty?” “Before you go, I just want to say thank you.” The old bat pony said. “For what?” “For that speech earlier. What you said touched me. After the Civil War, that the coup attempt started was over, many of my former allies, some of them I knew for a long time, had no remorse of what they done. They were cowards plain and simple. But what you have did today amazed me because not only did you owned up for what your predecessors did. But what they have done as well. Even though you weren’t alive back then. It takes a lot of guts for a stallion in your position to try to atone for what the past generation had done. You have my respect young stallion, I’m glad that our two nations are allies once again.” “You’re welcome. I’m glad you feel that way.” Sablin said. “I have to get going now. I’ll see you tomorrow.” After that, Rurik left the building. “Valery, are you coming?” Otto Braun asked before noticing the surprise look on his colleague's face. “Is everything all right?” “I just earned the respect of the mad king.” “Well looks like that speech was a good idea after all.” The old Livonia smiled. “Let’s get going. Natasha is waiting for us in the limo.” “I'm Coming.” ===•••=== After five days, the summit came to an end, and every pony went back home to their respective countries. The speech Sablin gave in Aventura was on the front page of every newspaper and was the top story for news channels all over the world. Many world leaders of varying ideologies applauded Sablin for trying to heal the scars of the past. But the biggest impact that the speech hand was on the relationship between the Federation and Buryatia. The change wasn’t overnight, slowly but surely the river ponies started to see the B.A.S.S.R in a sort of a positive light and companies were now considering doing business in Buryatia. Two nations still have a lot of things to sort out with each other. But for the first time in decades the two countries were now seeing each other as allies instead of adversaries. > Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Resistance. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 20 1010 A.G 1:30 PM Canterlot castle. It was a bright summer day in the city of Canterlot. And right now, Thorax was in the castle library waiting for Zeya to come back from her meeting with the new chancellor and a few military officials. As the formal changeling guard drink his hot chocolate, he was deep in his thoughts. For the past few months, things have been interesting for Thorax. And not in a good way. Even though his situation in Equestria has been wonderful so far. Making the painful decision to flee his homeland, leaving his family and friends behind felt like someone stabbed him in a heart and twisted the blade. And watching news stories about what’s going on in the empire was even more heartbreaking. But despite all of that, Thorax believes that he was the lucky compared to Zeya. As a result of warning the equestrians of the invasion, she is labeled a traitor by the changing government. But that paled in comparison of when she discovered that her mother is a monster. For her entire life, she looked up to chrysalis as a role model, as any child would with their parent. But to find out that your own mother not only try to conquer and destroy an entire nation but put an innocent mare in a cave to die and try to steal their fiancé away from said mare made her question everything she knew about her mom and all the things she taught her of how to be a ‘good’ queen. She would’ve spiraled into a deep depression, if it wasn’t for one pony. Galaxia. The former empress basically became Zeya’s stepmom ever since the end of the changeling equestrian war. She was there when Zeya needed someone to talk to and she always went above and beyond for the changeling princess. Heck, Galaxia even organize her birthday party back in June, with Pinkie Pie’s help of course. Thorax smiled, knowing that his friend? marefriend? Their relationship has been complicated since April. What I’m trying to say is that he’s glad that Zeya is all right. A few moments later, the changeling princess finally arrived. “So, how did it go?” Thorax ask before Zeya got rid of her blue Kirin disguise and sitting down in front of him. “It went better than I thought. The generals have agreed on a new military doctrine and the chancellor decided to allow changeling refugees to join the armed forces.” “That’s great. Did the E.B.I find a resistance group yet?” Zeya sighed. “No, they have not. They’re still looking, but so far, they have found nothing. It’s hard to believe that one of the best intelligence agencies in the world can’t find a single group. And they have been searching for two and a half weeks! I hope my mom didn’t wipe all of them out.” “Hey, don’t worry, I’m sure that a group will be found very soon. The Changeling Empire is a large country, so it’s going to take time to find one. Remember patience is a virtue.” Thorax said before taking a sip of his drink. “But who knows how long it will take for them to find even a trace of a resistance movement. What if the Empire declares war on Equestria again before the EBI even finds one?” This made Thorax raise an eyebrow. “I don’t think Queen Chrysalis would declare war on Equestria soon after being embarrassed on the world stage.” “You’re right. What am I going to do without you?” Zeya said. “You would be driving yourself insane with the what ifs while walking in a circle in your room.” Thorax said. “Yeah, that sounds like me.” The princess got up from her chair. “I’m going to get something to eat. Do you want anything?” “I’m good.” “Ok, suit yourself.” She said before walking away. ===•••=== The very next day July 21 9:30 AM Zeya was in her bedroom, looking over a few papers that were on her desk. It was the usual, proposed bills and government paperwork. Ever since the end of the war, Celestia and Luna made the new lands Equestria gained into a new autonomous region, a similar status that New Mareland enjoys. Not only that, but they also made Zeya its new governor. That meant that anything that has to do with Changelinea has to go through her first. (Fun fact: Changelinea is the Empire’s old name.) Now in hindsight, it’s pretty odd to have a 19 year old as governor, but since she is the heir to changeling throne, she already knows how politics work. And because of that, she’s a pretty good governor. After she wrote her signature of one of the papers, she heard a knock on her door. “Come in.” The door open, revealing Raven Inkwell. “Morning Miss Inkwell, what can I do for you?” “Morning Princess, I have some good news.” Raven smiled. “Well, what is it?” “Early this morning, the EBI has found a resistance group in the Changing Empire.” “Finally, it’s about time. So, who are they? Where are they located and are they willing to work with us?” Zeya ask curiously. “I’m getting to that. The group that we found is located in the southern part of the empire, close to the Equestrian border. Their name is Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Resistance or H.M.M.L.R for short.” “Most loyal resistance?” The changeling said in confusion. “That’s a strange name for resistance organization. Are you sure that they didn’t find one of my mother’s paramilitary groups?” “They didn’t. The reason why they called themselves that is because they’re not loyal to Chrysalis, they’re loyal to you.” “What? That can be! Everyone in the Empire hates me because of my betrayal.” She said in shock. “Well, according to them, it’s the complete opposite.” The white unicorn said before remembering something important. “Oh, I almost forgot; Empress Celestia wants to have a word with you about something important.” “Thanks for letting me know.” “You’re welcome, Princess.” Raven said before leaving the room. After putting her papers away, Zeya lit her horn and teleporting away. ===•••=== Celestia‘s office. After she teleported to her destination, courtesy and said. “You wanted to see me empress?” “Good morning, Zeya.” Celestia smiled. “You know you don’t have to do that right?” “I know, I’m just being polite.” The princess said before taking a seat in front of Celestia‘s desk. “So, what do you want to talk to me about? Is it about the resistance group we recently found?” “Not exactly. The reason why I want to talk to you is because the leader of HMMLR is currently on a flight to Canterlot while being accompanied by a few EBI agents. He’s going to meet Chancellor Shukshin and Vice Chancellor Pokryshkin to negotiate a potential alliance. He also wants to meet you as well. Do you want to go to this meeting? Because if you don’t, that is ok.” “One question, why does he want to meet me, and do you know who he is?” Zeya asked. “He said that he has a proposal for you. Other than that, I don’t know. His organization said that he wants to keep his identity secret for safety reasons.” “That’s understandable.” After thinking it over for a few moments, Zeya spoke up. “Ok, I’ll go to this meeting.” “Are you sure?” Celestia ask. “I’m sure.” “Ok. The meeting is going to happen at 8:00 PM in a conference room on the fourth floor in the Senate.” Celestia said before she hands a sticky note with the room’s number on it. “Is there anything else you want to talk about?” Zeya asked. “No, that is all. You’re free to go.” “All right, have a nice rest of your day, Empress.” Zeya curtsy before leaving the office. ===•••=== 8 PM Finally, it was time. It was time for Zeya to go to the meeting. As usual, she put on her blue Kirin disguise and entered an armor limo that will take her to the Senate. After she arrived, Zeya entered the building and made her way through the newly rebuild corridors. Even though this wasn’t her first time coming to the Senate, it still surprised her that this building was blown up, lit on fire and was at risk of completely falling apart like its dome. Now, it looks like the invasion had never happened. One elevator ride later, Zeya walk down the hallway and found conference room 428. ‘Finally.’ She thought before she entered the room. “Good evening gentlecolts. Did I take too long?” She said before taking a seat. “You didn’t take long at all. You arrive just in time.” Shukshin said. “Our special guest should be arriving in a few minutes.” Three minutes later, one of the Royal guards that was guarding the room came in and said. “Chancellor, vice chancellor, he’s here. Are you ready for him to come in?” “Yes, we are.” Pokryshkin said. The guard stepped aside, allowing a red unicorn stallion to enter the room. “Chancellor Shukshin, Vice chancellor Pokryshkin, thank you for agreeing to have a meeting with me on such short notice.” The stallion smiled as he took a seat across from the two politicians. “You don’t have to thank us. We’re just glad that we can meet you face-to-face. It’s not every day when we have an ally on the inside.” Shukshin said. The stallion turned his attention to Zeya. “Princess, you don’t want to know how glad every changeling in the resistance is that you’re safe and sound.” “Thanks, I’m glad to hear that. Before we start this meeting, can you drop your disguise? We want to know who you are.” “Oh, my apologies, I forgot that I still had this on.” The stallion said before getting rid of his disguise, revealing a black changeling with red eyes. Zeya’s eyes widen. “General Erwin? You’re the leader of HMMLR?” “That’s right, I’ve been its leader since its founding back in February.” “Wait, weren’t you retired?” Pokryshkin asked. “I was, and I would’ve stayed in retirement if it wasn’t for the princess.” “Me?” Zeya said in confusion. “Yes, you. Your ‘betrayal’ not only expose your mother, but the military as well. Princess Zeya opened our eyes to what our country had become. Which is why me and my allies founded the HMMLR in the first place.” The young changeling couldn’t believe her ears. Hearing this information from a pony was one thing but hearing it from a changeling that was still living in the Empire was something else. This gave her hope, hope that one day her mom will be forced to abdicate, and she and Thorax can go home. “If you don’t mind me asking, what ideology does your organization believes in and what is the ultimate goal of this resistance?” Shukshin asked. “Well, your first question is a bit hard to explain. Since we allow any changeling to join our ranks, we have all sorts of beliefs from conservatives to liberals to progressives. We even have a few socialist and technocrats here and there. I like to think of it as a rainbow coalition. But what most of us can agree on is that our ultimate goal is to see the Changeling Empire become a constitutional monarchy. Similar to what Equestria and Crystallia enjoys.” “Ok and do you know when the empire will have its military ready for war?” Pokryshkin asked. “Well, according to my spies, the military will be at its full strength in 2 to 4 years.” “That’s impossible. There’s no way that the empire’s military can recover that fast after being annihilated by our new weapons. It should take years, maybe even decades for it to recover fully.” “And you would be right if the Empire was using standard military industries. But few weeks after the war, queen chrysalis order that 85% of civilian factories be converted to military ones. Basically, the entire economy has been converted for military use.” “Oh my god.” Zeya whispered to herself. “I’m assuming that it’s the same thing with the dockyards?” Shukshin asked. Erwin nodded. “This is worse than I thought. That madmare is making her country pay for her mistakes.” Pokryshkin said. “Thanks for sharing this information with us.” “You’re welcome. So, are we going to negotiate our alliance between our sides yet?” “Yes, we are.” Shukshin said as he put his briefcase on the table and opened it. “But first we need to discuss some of the details first.” ===•••=== After the chancellor, vice chancellor and the resistance leader discussed the conditions of the treaty, it was almost time for them to sign the parchment. “Before we sign the treaty, is it an appropriate time to discuss the proposal that I have for the princess?” Erwin asks. “Sure, I don’t see why not.” Shukshin said. “So, what is this offer you want to discuss with me?” Zeya asked. “Before I reveal it, I have something to tell you. As you know, I am currently the leader of HMMLR. But they’re supposed to be two individuals leading the organization.” “Who is the second leader?” She asked. “We don’t have one yet, but many most of the members of the HMMLR wish that it would be you.” “Your resistance group wants me as its second leader?” “Yes, they do. Not only do you have political skills, but you are also a great negotiator. You can negotiate weapons deals, alliances with other resistance groups and with you on our side would provide a great boost to morale.” Erwin said. “If I accept, do I have to go back home?” “No, only when the Empire is back on the warpath, that’s when you need to come back.” Zeya didn’t respond thinking of what to say next. “You don’t have to answer now. Think it over, all right.” The older changeling said as he reached into his breast pocket, pulled out a magic lighter and hand it to Zeya. “Thanks.” Erwin turned his attention to the chancellor and vice chancellor. “Now back to that treaty, where do I sign?” “Right here.” Shukshin pointed to the bottom of the paper. After Erwin signed his name on the treaty, He shook Shukshin’s and Pokryshkin’s hand. “Nice doing business with you two.” “Likewise. I hope this alliance is as beneficial to you as it will be for us.” Pokryshkin smiled. “Well, it looks like it’s time for me to go back to my hotel.” Erwin said after he looked at the clock on the wall. “Good night, Chancellor, vice chancellor.” Then he turns his attention to Zeya. “Good night, princess.” He said before leaving the room. ===•••=== For the rest of the evening General Erwins’ offer weigh heavy on Zeya’s mind. Don’t get her wrong she was honored that her fellow changelings want her alongside them. But at the same time, it was such a big decision. Undecided, she decided to go to bed. While she was sleeping, she had a very vivid dream of fighting alongside her comrades and freeing her homeland from her mother’s rule. Then her dream changed to her being crowned queen and waving to thousands of happy changelings. When she woke up the next day, she had made her decision. She picks up a feather and a piece of paper and wrote a letter to the general. 20 minutes later, she received a letter back, which said “Welcome to the HMMLR.” ===•••=== July 22 10:50 AM. After finishing all the assignments she had that morning, Zeya was now heading over to Galaxia‘s office to ask her something really important. After she arrived, she knocked on it twice and waited for permission to enter. “Come in.” Zeya opened the door and said. “Morning Galaxia, do you have a minute?” “Good morning, Zeya. Of course I have time for you. Come in take a seat.” “So, what can I do for you?” Galaxia ask after the princess sat down. “Remember when I told you, I had to attend a meeting with the resistance leader?” “Yes, I do.” “After he finish negotiating with the chancellor and vice chancellor, gave me an offer to join the HMMLR as their second leader. And I accepted his offer this morning.” She explained. “Well, good for you. Joining a cause bigger than yourself is very honorable. We need more of that especially in this dangerous time. When are you going back to your homeland?” Galaxia ask as our heart sank a little at the thought of her leaving, but she didn’t show it. “I am not leaving anytime soon, which is why I came here to ask you to train me like how you’re training the triplets.” “You want me to train you how to become a soldier? Is that what you’re asking me young one?” “Yes. I don’t plan on staying in exile forever. Someone has to overthrow my mom.” Hearing this made Galaxia teleport right next to Zeya and pick her up in a tight bear hug. “Yes, I got another pupil! Oh, you don’t know how happy I am.” She said excitedly. “I’m glad you feel that way.” Zeya said as she struggled to breathe. To her relief, Galaxia ended the hug a few seconds later. “Zeya, meet me in the castle gym at 6 PM. And bring a water bottle because I’m not going easy on you.” “That’s fine. I’ll see you at six.” “See ya.” Galaxia said before Zeya left her office. ===•••=== 6:00 PM After the sun had set below the horizon and been replaced by the moon, Zeya was now walking to the castle gym. Wearing a T-shirt and shorts. She wondered what her first class would be like. Would it be just like the Royal guards training, or would it be something way more intense? Either way she knew she made the right decision. When she arrived at the gym, she started to look around to see where Galaxia and humans were. Despite living here for a few months now, she's not used to how big the gym was. After a few minutes of looking, she finally found them in the wrestling area. Where she found Galaxia having a magic battle with two of the humans, while the third one was punching a punching bag while a red pegasus with an orange mane and tail was holding it. “Hey Galaxia, I’m here!” Zeya yelled. “Evening Zeya, glad you can make it.” Galaxia said after she caught Apollo fist. “Give me one second.” She grabs the human and body slammed him. She then punches Atlas in the stomach and bodyslam him too. “All right boys, you guys can take a little break.” “Yay.” They both said. “Blaze, she’s here.” “Coming. Artemis, that’s enough from now. Go and take a break on the mat until further notice.” “Yes, sir.” The human said before walking over to the mat where his siblings were lying on the floor. “Welcome to your first day of training.” Galaxia said. “Are you ready for a good workout?” “Yes I am.” Zeya smiled. “Good. Before we start, I want you to meet Sergeant Blaze Trailer Prime of the Equestrian Air Force. He’ll be assisting me while I train you and triplets.” “It’s nice to finally meet you Zeya. Or do you prefer to be called princess?” “It doesn’t matter to me. It’s nice to meet you too Mr. Blaze. What are we doing first?” “First, we are going do some warm-ups and then we’re going outside and run a half a mile on the track. Now, I want you to go on the mat and give me 20 jumping jacks.” “Yes, sir.” Zeya said before running away. “She’s an eager mare.” Blaze said. “Yeah, I had a feeling she would be like this. It looks like I was right.” Galaxia said with a smile. “I think the triplets had a long enough break. Don’t you think?” Blaze said as he looked at the triplet’s direction. Galaxia looked at the clock on the wall. “Huh you’re right. All right boys, get your lazy flanks up. Break time is over. I want you to do 50 push-ups right now!” “Yes, ma’am.” The triplets responded. ===•••=== An hour and a half later. 7:30 PM. Zeya was sitting on a bench, completely exhausted. Her muscles were sore, her feet ached, and her covered in sweat. She is wondering if she should teleport back to her room because she’s that tired. Before she can do that, Blaze walked over to her and said. “Good work. You did very well for your first day.” “I don’t feel like that. I was either the last one to finish an exercise or the first one to crack.” “Don’t beat yourself up over it. The triplets have been doing this for months and you that far behind. If anything, I think that’s impressive.” “Thanks, I try my best. The only reason why I joined this little class to begin with this to help save my homeland from my tyrant mother. To be honest, I would do anything to save my country.” “You’re not the only one.” Zeya tilted her head in confusion. “What do you mean by that?” “Well, I’m not originally from Equestria. I’m from Livonia.” “Oh, so that’s where you got your unique accent?” “Yep, that’s where I got it from. Just like the culture, Livonia has a beautiful country. I never thought any place would beat its beauty until I came to Equestria.” Blaze said with a sad smile. The changeling then realizes why his expression changed. “You’re a refugee, aren’t you?” “Correct. My family fled Livonia when I was 11 thanks to the fascist government that took over a month prior. Haven’t been back since.” “Oh, I’m sorry that happened to you.” “Thanks, but it wasn’t all doom and gloom. After I got settled here, I made a lot of new friends and discovered my special talent for inventing. I see Equestria as my home as much as Lavonia was.” “Do you plan on moving back if Lavonia is liberated one day?” “I don’t think so. But that doesn’t mean I won’t do everything in my power to save it from the insane that took it over. Just like you with the Changeling Empire.” “Mr. Blaze answer this question honestly. Do you think that I would be a great partisan leader? “I know we just met, but with everything I have seen you do and your reasons for being here, I have no doubt in my mind you would be a great leader.” “Thanks.” Zeya smiled. “You’re welcome.” Blaze said before he looked at his watch. “Well, it’s time for me to go. Good night princess, see you tomorrow.” Blaze said before leaving the gym. “Good night.” Zeya said before teleporting away. ===•••=== The very next day July 23. 12:05 PM Zeya was on her lunch break, eating a fruit salad while reading a book. When some pony knocked on her office door. “Come in.” Thorax enter the office with a rolled-up piece of paper in his hand. “Zeya, do you have a minute?” “Yes, I do.” She said she put her salad and book to the side. “So, why are you interrupting my lunch break?” “I came here because I want to join the HMMLR.” Thorax said. “I thought you didn’t want to be involved in any future conflicts. What made you change your mind?” Zeya said, surprise that Thorax wanted to join. “What you told me yesterday made me think. At first when I first came here. I just wanted to continue life like the war never happened. Now I want to help out in anyway I can.” “I’m glad that you feel that way, but I need a résumé.” “Already have one.” He said before handing over the rolled-up piece of paper. After looking it over the résumé, Zeya looked up from the paper and said. “Hmmm, everything looks good. I wonder if the general will share my opinion.” She grabs the magical lighter that was on her desk and light the paper on fire. A few minutes later a letter appeared out of a cloud of gray smoke and landed on her desk. After she read the letter, the princess smiled. “Congratulations, you got the general’s approval.” She stood up from her chair and walked over to the tall changeling. “Welcome to the HMMLR.” > Blaze’s romantic problem. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 26, 1010 A.G The castle gym. 7:34 PM Blaze was grabbing his things from the lockers after another two-hour long workout with Galaxia, the triplets, and Zeya. His usual daily routine comprises of waking up, go to work at the technology department in the bureau of war building, clock out and head over to the castle to help Galaxia. And after all of that, he would be free to do whatever he wants with his evening. At the end of the day, his mind would be filled with projects he was working on or some random things from time to time. Like what he’s going eat. As he was walking through the gym, he spotted a familiar Kirin mare lifting some weights while her Maple leaf colored mane was tied up in a bun. His heart skipped a beat. For the past month, Blaze has been in love with Mapleleaf. It all started when the red pegasus came to castle gym on his first evening of assisting Galaxia with the triplet’s training. After it was over, he met Mapleleaf while running on the treadmill. They became fast friends and discovered they had a lot in common. Week after they first met, Blaze realize he had fell head over heels for her. Mapleleaf was unlike any mare He has met before. She is a kind Individual who didn’t let her rank get to her head. And there was never a dull moment with her around. Now add all of that with her beauty, Mapleleaf was the perfect mare in Blaze’s eyes. Snapping out of his thoughts, Blaze realized that Mapleleaf didn’t have any pony to help her with the barbell. So he decided to walk over to her and offered to be her spotter. “Hey Maple.” He called out. “Guten Abend, Blaze. What are you doing?” She asked with a smile. “Nothing much, I was just finished helping Galaxia. Do you have any pony to spot you?” He said trying his best not to get nervous around her. “No, I do not. But i’m fine.” “Are you sure? I can be your spotter.” “I appreciate your kind offer, but I don’t need any help today. I’m only lifting 30 pounds. After this, I am going home.” Mapleleaf said. “Ok, in that case, I’ll see you tomorrow.” “See you tomorrow, Blaze. Have a nice night.” Mapleleaf said as Blaze walked away. After he was gone, the young Kirin resumed her workout. “Now, where was I? Oh yeah. 29, 30, 31,32..” ===•••=== 7:55 PM Blaze was on aboard a water taxi, deep in thoughts as he looked out the window. He knew he couldn’t go on like this. Keeping his feelings for Mapleleaf inside, was eating him alive. He was getting sick and tired of it. But at the same time, Blaze was worried that if he did, he would potentially damage his friendship with her. And that was the last thing he wanted to do. ‘I need some advice on this matter. But from who?’ He thought. Then he had an idea of who he can talk to. ‘Of course, Cyclone would be able to help me out.’ He smiled, knowing that this little situation he’s in might be coming to an end. ===•••=== July 27 7:30 PM The castle gym. After another evening of training Galaxia’s students, Blaze quickly changed and started looking for Cyclone. He knew that his friend usually at in the pool at this time, so he decided to look there first. And he was right. He found cyclone doing a few laps in the pool. He didn’t have to wait long before the gray pegasus finished his last lap and got out of the water. “Evening Cyclone.” “Hey Blaze, how are you doing?” Cyclone ask after he took off his goggles. “I’m doing good. You?” “I’m doing fine. Today was the usual hard day at work.” “Same for over here. Cyclone, can I ask you for something?” Blaze ask. “Sure, what is it?” “Well, you see I have met some pony.” “It’s about damn time. I knew you would fall in love eventually. Now, who is the lucky mare?” Cyclone smiled. “Mapleleaf.” Blaze answered. “Huh, I didn’t know that you were interested in mares like her.” “Why wouldn’t I? She’s hot and has a great personality.” “Yeah, but I thought you would be interested in some pony like Lilly.” Cyclone said. “She is not my type. Anyway, I was wondering if you can give me some advice on how to ask a pony out.” “Have you ever been in an have you ever been in a relationship before?” “Yeah, in high school, but my ex asked me out.” “Ok, how long you and Mapleleaf knew each other?” “A good month now and we are pretty good friends.” “In that case, all you have to do is just be yourself.” Cyclone answered. “That’s it?” Blaze ask in confusion. “Pretty much.” “But what if doing that not only makes her to say no, but also ruins our friendship?” “Even if she says no, she’ll never end a friendship like that. This is not high school you know.” “Oh, right. Thanks for telling me this.” “You’re welcome. Do you need any more advice?” “No, I’m good. I’ll see you later.” “See ya, and good luck.” Cyclone said before Blaze left the pool area. ===•••=== A few minutes later. After blaze enter the main gym area, he walked around looking for Mapleleaf. After a few minutes, I’m searching he finally found the red Kirin sitting on one of the weightlifting benches. “Hey Mapleleaf.” “Oh, hey Blaze. How are you doing this evening?” “I’m doing fine.” He said before calming his nerves. “Maple, are you free tomorrow evening?” “Yes, I am. Why do you ask?” “Because I was wondering if you want to go to the movies with me tomorrow?” “Sure. Who else is coming?” Mapleleaf ask. “No pony else, just you and me.” “Are you asking me out on a date?” Mapleleaf finally realized. “Yes I am. If you don’t want go that’s fi-“ “I would love to come. Where and when should we meet?” Blaze stood there, frozen with shock for a few seconds before snapping out of it. “I was thinking we should meet each other at the megamall movie theater at 8:30.” “That sounds good. I’ll see you tomorrow.” “See you tomorrow, Mapleleaf.” Blaze said before he walked away. After he was out of her sight, blaze let out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding in. He did it. He finally asked Mapleleaf out on a date. Blaze now felt like weight was finally lifted off his chest. He left the castle with a smile on his face. Now all he has to do was to pick a movie for both of them to watch. ===•••=== July 28 8:00 PM Canterlot Megamall. Blaze was leaning on the banister in front of the movie theater entrance, waiting for his date to arrive. Before he came to their meeting spot, he made sure that he was looking his best. His clothes was ironed, his mane was combed to perfection, and he was wearing his most expensive cologne. Maybe he was overdoing it, but he didn’t care, he wanted to look good for his mare. After waiting five minutes, Mapleleaf finally arrived. “Guten tag, Blaze. You look good tonight.” She said. “Thanks, you look great as well.” “Aww thanks.” She blushed. “So what movie are we watching tonight?” “You will know soon enough.” Blaze said before they both walked over to the ticket booth. “Good evening, what can I do for you?” The bat pony mare employee said. “We would like to get two tickets for Bad Colts2 please.” Blaze said. “That will be eight bits.” The employee received the bits and handed Blaze the tickets. “Enjoy your movie.” The employee said as Mapleleaf and Blaze walked away. “To be honest, I thought you would choose the usual romance movie, not an action move. Not that I would complain.” “Oh, come on you know me better than that. Just because we’re on a date doesn’t mean I’m going to choose something so obvious. Do you want to get some popcorn?” “Yes please.” ===•••=== An hour and a half later. 9:30 PM. “Oh my Faust that movie was amazing.” Mapleleaf exclaimed as they left the theater. “I hate to say this, but this was way better than the prequel.” “They really spared no expense for this movie. I wonder if they’re going to make a sequel to this one.” “Of course they are. If they don’t, they are really stupid.” Mapleleaf said. “So, what should we do now?” “Well, since the night is still young, how about we get something to eat before we call it a night?” Blaze suggested. “Yeah, let’s do that. Lead the way, Blaze.” “Of course, my lady.” > One crazy magician. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 9 1010 A.G Ponyville, Equestria. 12:30 PM It was a chilly yet sunny fall day in the small town of Ponyville. And right now the town ponies were out and about to enjoy their day. But it was not just ponies enjoying the weekend. Ponyville’s newest human resident was also enjoying his day off. Four weeks ago, Artemis decided to pack up his things and to move to Ponyville. The reason why he did this is because of his relationship with Twilight Sparkle. Since he’s been dating her for more than a year now, he decided it was time for him to move it with her. And she was more than happy to let her stallion friend live with her. Despite being used to living in a more urban environment, his adjustment to living in a small town was easier than he thought. The only downside was that he now had to commute to work. As he walked by City Hall, he noticed a large crowd of ponies standing there. Like they were seeing something amazing or something. Curious, he decided to see what was going on. He made it to the center of the crowd and saw there was a hooded figure zapping Rarity with a red beam of magic. ‘What the heck just happened?’ He thought. After the red smoke cleared, he saw that Rarity was all right. But now she was wearing a very ugly dress. “You beast!" She yelled. “This shade of brown was only made to be used for accents!” The fashionista fainted into Applejack’s arms. “Come on Applejack, we need to get her in a nice soothing pink. Stat!” Pinkie pie said as she followed Applejack. A few moments later Twilight and Spike arrived. “What’s going on here?” Twilight ask. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Twilight Sparkle.” The hooded figure took off her hood, revealing that she is a blue unicorn with a whitish mane with a very light blue stripe in the middle. “Trixie.” Twilight said with a frown. “What is she doing here?” Spike said. “You called that great and powerful?” Rainbow Dash asks. Trixie said nothing as she shot a red beam of magic at Rainbow, and it would’ve made a direct hit if it wasn’t for Artemis using his magic to deflect the beam. The beam hit a nearby tree, causing its right branches to become bigger than the left and eventually causing the tree to fall down. “What is wrong with you?! That could’ve hurt rainbow!” Artemis exclaimed. “Calm down, Trixie wasn’t trying to hurt Rainbow. She was only trying to prove a point.” Trixie said nonchalantly. “And what would that be?” “That I am the great and powerful Trixie!” “Great and powerful? Oh, you’re the idiot that nearly killed everyone with that Ursa Minor.” “That’s the only thing you heard about me?” Trixie ask as her right eye twitch. “No, I also know other things about you. Like you’re a narcissist and your ego is 10 times larger than Rainbow Dash’s. No offense, Rainbow.” The blue Pegasus said nothing as she crossed her arms. “And now you’re here to prove that you’re great and powerful by harming others?” “No, I’m going to prove that I am great and powerful by challenging Twilight sparkle to a magic dual!” “What why?” Twilight ask in shock. “You and I have some unfinished business. My magic has gotten better since I was here last and I’m gonna prove it. Me and you a magic duel. Winner stays, loser leaves Ponyville, forever!” “Forget it, I’m not making a deal like that.” “Your choice.” Trixie lit her horn and grabbed Spike with her magic. Only for Artemis to intervene and grab Spike out of the air with his own magical aura and placed him safely on the ground. “That’s enough. Why you want to have a duel with Twilight so badly?” “Why, because she humiliated me! Ever since Twilight showed me up with that Ursa Minor, I became a laughing stock. Everywhere I went I was laughed at and ostracized. I even had to take a job on a rock farm just to earn a living. A FUCKING ROCK FARM!” Trixie explained as she showed the events of what happened with her magic. “That sounds like a you problem. You caused all of that to happen, not Twilight.” Artemis stated. “Hey! You’re lucky that a rock farm will take the likes of you!” Pinky shouted before Trixie got rid of her mouth with her magic. But don’t worry, Artemis got it back for her. “Now I want revenge and I’ll just keep casting spells until you agree.” Trixie launched a beam of magic at Artemis’ new truck making it the size of a Teddy bear. (If you wanna know what his new truck looks like, imagine the half track except instead of tracks, it has four rear wheels.) “Yo, that’s my truck!” Artemis yelled. “Do you know how much money that cost me? You fucking asshole!” “Well, what do you say?” Trixie said, snapping Twilight out of her shock state. “All right, Trixie. Let’s duel.” “Excellent.” She said before reversing all her spells. Making everything go back to normal. “If I lose, I will never set foot in Ponyville again. But if you lose, you’re the one that is banished from this one mare town.” Every pony gasp. And Artemis teleported between the two unicorns. “Nope, no one is banishing anyone from this town. I am not letting this duel happen until you change the rules.” “Artemis, it’s fine. I got this.” Said Twilight. “Are you sure? Because what she is proposing is insane.” “I’m sure. Besides if I don’t do this duel she will continue casting spells all over the place and we don’t want that.” “But-” “No, buts. I got this.” “Fine.” He said before reluctantly getting out of the way. After a few seconds of staring each other down, Trixie made the first move. “Draw!” She shot a beam of red magic at a nearby cart full of apples, sending it flying into the air. It would’ve hit a few bystanders, if it wasn’t for Twilight catching it in her magic and putting the cart down. She barely had a chance to take a sigh of relief before Trixie decide to launch pies at her. Thankfully, she was able to conjure up a little parasprite. After the little guy got it filled, she had to get rid of him and his new friend to prevent them from eating the entire town again. Once again, Twilight barely had a chance to catch her breath before Trixie launch another attack. This time dropping a ton of snow on her. In retaliation, she cast a spell on Trixie, which gave her a mustache and I mean a really big one. “Snips, Snails, step forward.” Trixie commanded after she got rid of her mustache. “What is it oh great and powerful Trixie?” Snips ask. She didn’t answer his question as she cast a spell on them, making Snips a baby and Snails a very old stallion. “An age spell. But how can you do an age spell? That’s only for the highest level unicorns.” Twilight ask. Trixie polished her amulet before speaking. “Well Twilight, do you give up?” Determined to wipe that smug look off of the magician’s face, Twilight lit her horn and tried to turn Snips and Snails back to normal. “Come on Twilight, you can do it!” Spike cheered. But she was on able to change them back and her magic reached its limit and fizzled out, causing both ponies to fall to the ground. Baby Snips started crying and elderly Snails probably broke a few bones. “Trixie is the highest-level unicorn!” She laughed. “And now it’s time for you to leave Ponyville, forever!” “That’s enough, Trixie!” Applejack yelled. “You proved your point. But you can’t possibly expect Twilight to leave Ponyville.” Rarity chimed in. “This town is her home. Where do you expect her to go?” Pinkie Pie said. “There is no way in hell that Twilight is getting kicked out of this town! If you want her out, you have to go through us first!” Artemis yelled. “You fools.” She said before picking Twilight up in her magic. “She’s already gone.” Trixie threw Twilight out of town and the poor unicorn hit the ground hard. Somehow, the landing didn’t break anything in her body. After seeing that Twilight was now outside of town, Trixie conjured up a large glass dome and placed it on top of the town. Keeping Twilight out, and everyone else in. Artemis couldn’t believe what he was seeing in front of him. Trixie not only kicked his girlfriend out of town, but trapped them as well. He was not going to let this slide. He charged up his magic and cast a spell on the dome. Causing the its surface to glow in a magenta color. “You guys might wanna stand back.” Artemis announced. The main six back away from the dome while Trixie watched in confusion. It was at this moment when crack started to appear on the glass and the dome shattered. All the tiny glass bits disappeared before any pony got hurt. “There problem solved.” Before he can even turn around, Trixie conjured up another glass dome. “Oh no, you don’t!” Artemis used his magic to keep the dome off the ground but it was a losing battle as it slowly landed on the ground. “Dammit!” He yelled before he punched the glass in anger, cracking its surface. Instead of shattering the glass quickly repaired itself. “Why?! Why are you trapping us in here?!” He yelled at the magician. “Because this town belongs to the great and powerful Trixie. And there’s nothing you can do about it.” She said coldly before walking away. “It’s ok guys, I’ll figure something out. Take care of each other for now and keep an eye on Trixie. There’s something strange about her.” Twilight said before running off into the distance as her friends could do nothing but watch. ===•••=== 3:40 PM It’s been more than three hours since the end of the dual, and since then things have become terrible for every pony. Trixie quickly cemented rule by forcing Mayor mare out of office and made sure that the local government was in line. After that, she basically treated Ponyville like it was her own playground. She made every pony decorate the town to her liking and expected every pony to treat her like royalty. While this was happening, the Artemis, Spike and the rest of the main six were going through Twilight’s library trying to find out how Trixie was able to get so powerful in such a short amount of time. “This is not get us anywhere.” Rarity said before she threw the book she was just reading behind her. Pinkie pie burst her head out of pile of books and said. “Tell me about it. This is gonna take us forever to look through.” “I hear you Pinky. I can’t find anything that describes the type of magic Trixie has been using.” Applejack said. “There must be something. Twilight owns every magic book there is.” Spike said. “Artemis, did you find anything?” “Nope, not a single thing and I’m on my 10th book.” While the rest of her friends were talking, Fluttershy was looking through one of the books when she found something interesting on one of the pages. “I think I may have found something.” She said quietly. “Yes, I think it’s time for us to consider a future in this new Trixie lead Ponyville.” Rarity suggested. “This sounds like a lot awful lot like Trixie‘s new magic.” Fluttershy said. But she was too quiet for anybody to hear her. “She wants me to deliver her some apples, even though the farm is outside of this dome. How am I supposed to do that?” Said Applejack. Fluttershy clear her throat which got everyone’s attention. “Guys, I think I found something.” “Finally.” Artemis commented. “What did you find?” Spike ask. “Trixie‘s new necklace.” She pointed at the page. “It’s called the Alicorn amulet, whoever wears this ancient necklace is blessed with untold powers. Even though it provides great powers, it also corrupts the user. Unlike a normal necklace, you can’t take the amulet off the users neck. It has a magical lock. Only the user can take it off.” “Can I see the picture of the amulet?” Artemis ask. “Sure.” Fluttershy handed the book over. “Oh no.” “What is it?” Rainbow Dash ask. “This amulet nearly killed Nebula a millennium and a half ago. Before he became royalty.” “What?!” Everyone said in shock. “Yeah, it was assassination temp on Galaxia. He pushed her out of the way and took the hit.” “So you’re telling me that this amulet is powerful enough to kill an Alicorn?” Pinkie Pie ask. “He wasn’t an Alicorn yet. He was unicorn at the time.” Artemis corrected. “I thought he was born an Alicorn.” Applejack said. “I thought the same thing before he correct me on that.” He said before put a book marker on the page and closing the book. “We better save Trixie from this amulet before it makes her do something she will regret later.” “We need to give this information to Twilight. She will know what to do.” Applejack said. “If any of us try to leave, the dome will alert her.” Said Rarity. “I got it! Sneaking past the dome will be impossible without help. I know who got the goods to get into those woods, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash suggested. “What?!” The shy pegasus said in shock. “What do you say, Fluttershy? Can you handle the mission?” Applejack ask. “NO. I’ll crack under the pressure. I’ll snap like a twig!” “Perfect, Fluttershy will sneak out of Ponyville and find Twilight.” Rainbow smiled. “Ok, fine.” Fluttershy conceited. “I know just a design for a dangerous mission outfit.” “Rarity, I don’t think she needs a new outfit for this.” Artemis said. “I don’t care I am making it anyway.” ===•••=== 30 minutes later. 4:10 PM. Trixie was in her new carriage, heading towards the outskirts of town. A carriage that has no wheels and it being pulled by Snips and Snails. “Pull you fools!” She commanded before she whipped them. “Some pony set off the magic dome and Trixie tends to punish them!” “Would it be faster if we had some wheels?” An exhausted Snips said. “The great and powerful Trixie does not trust wheels. Now pull faster.” “I’m telling you Snips, she keeps on getting weirder and weirder.” Snail said before he got whipped. After pulling the carriage a few more feet, Trixie yelled. “Stop!” “You there what are you doing?” She yelled at the beaver. After she figured out what the beaver wanted, she lifted up the dome for him and his friends to leave safely. Not knowing that Fluttershy was inside of the log they were carrying. ===•••=== 10 minutes later. 4:20 PM. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize the Alicorn amulet.” Twilight said as walked around Zecora’s potion room in thought. “The more she uses it, the more it will corrupt her.” Fluttershy pointed out. “But how am I supposed to beat that amulet? My magic is not good enough.” “Twilight sparkle, much work you have done. We have learned all of my lessons, except for one.” Said Zecora. “If Trixie’s tricks, has you in a fix. You must mix your magic and use the sixth. “Fix your magic, use the sixth. Fix your magic, use the sixth. Use the sixth, that’s it!” Twilight realize what she had to do. “Zecora, you’re a genius.” Zecora smiled. “Now we need to get you back into Ponyville, Fluttershy.” Twilight said as she wrote something down on a piece of paper. ===•••=== 15 minutes later. 4:45 PM. Trixie was pissed. This was the fifth time and almost 30 minutes she had to go to the outskirts of town. All because of the annoying Equestrian military. They’ve been trying everything they can to get in inside the dome without risking any lives. They tried negotiating with Trixie, which didn’t work. Then they tried digging under the dome. It was a toll success. That was until Trixie found out and teleported all the soldiers back outside. They even rammed tanks into the side of the dome. The great and powerful Trixie felt a headache coming. “I hope this is not another attempt to get in here. I swear these ponies don’t know when to quit.” She said in frustration as she looked at the large Air Force zeppelin that was hovering above town. When she looked back down her eyes widen when she saw Twilight Sparkle and Zecora standing a few feet away from the magical dome. “What is wrong Twilight sparkle? Are you not enjoying your exile?” She said smugly. “I know about the Alcorn amulet. I know you cheated.” “Cheated?” Trixie said innocently. “Yeah, and I thought you wanted to see what a real magical amulet looks like. Zecora gave it to me. It’s from beyond the Everfree forest and it’s way more powerful than your measly alicorn amulet.” This made Trixie laugh. “Nothing is more powerful than the alicorn amulet. And no pony is more powerful than the great and powerful Trixie!” “Care to put your amulet where your mouth is? How about another dual?” Twilight suggested. “Why should I? I already beat you.” “That’s up to you. I guess you’ll never see the totally awesome magic from beyond the ever free forest. Come on, Zecora.” Twilight said as she walk away. “Wait.” Trixie made the glass in front of her open like a sliding glass door. “Ok, Ok you’re on. We will have a second dual at Townhall.” Twilight was about to follow Trixie if it was for a certain master sergeant teleported in front of her, blocking her path. “I’m sorry, Miss sparkle, but I can’t allow you to go in there.” Firefly said. “Why not?” “Thanks to what’s going in the area, Chancellor Shukshin, Empress Celestia and Empress Luna ordered that no civilians should go anywhere near Ponyville. Especially with that madmare still around.” “Hey!” Trixie took offense to that but Firefly did not care. “Please let me through. I promise that nothing bad is going to happen.” Twilight pleaded. “How am I supposed to know that you’re not going to become another victim to her insanity?” “Because I have dealt with Trixie before, and I know how to defeat her and end this craziness for good.” She said quietly so that Trixie couldn’t hear her. “Please soldier, let her through. She knows what she’s doing.” Zecora said. Firefly thought it over. If she allowed Twilight to go into town that would put her at great danger. And since Celestia treated Twilight like her own daughter, she did not want to know her reaction if Twilight was harmed. Then again, Twilight is an element bearer so she should be able to handle something like this. But if she didn’t allow her to go into town, the alternative was to have her battalion storm the town. And she didn’t want to have anyone hurt today. Against her better judgment, Firefly decided to allow Twilight to go to town. “Ok, fine I’ll allow you to go through.” Said the dark red Kirin. “Thank you.” “But if anything goes wrong in there and my higher-ups tell me to send my battalion into town. There’s nothing I can do but follow their orders.” “Don’t worry, it won’t come to that.” Twilight said before walking away. As Firefly watched Twilight walking to town, she wondered if she made the right decision. ===•••=== Ponyville Town Hall. 5:00 PM In front of Townhall, the duel that will decide the fate of Ponyville was about to begin. “Let’s start with a simple age spell shall we?” Trixie ask. “Lets.” “Snips, Snails!” Trixie barked, making the two young unicorns run to her. She then used her magic to turn them both into infants. “An oldie, but goody. Now let’s see what your charm can do.” “No problem. Rarity, Applejack, could you help me please?” Twilight ask. Confused, the fashionista and the apple farmer walked in front of Twilight. She used her magic to turn both of her friends into toddlers. This surprised Trixie. But she quickly composed herself and said. “Wow, you can do an age spell big deal.” Twilight said nothing as she decided to show off a bit by using the spell multiple times. Trixie’s jaw was on the ground. “That’s impossible!” “That’s nothing.” Twilight said before she turned to RD and used her magic to clone her. “How did you-” “Duplication spell. Have you ever seen a pony play 10 instruments before?” Twilight rhetorically ask before using her magic to give Pinkie Pie a bunch of instruments. “This can’t be.” Trixie said in disbelief. “One more. I can turn a mare into a stallion.” Twilight said before turning Applejack into a stallion and turning her back into a mare. “Well, Trixie, it looks like my amulet is more powerful than your- HEY! Give it back!” Trixie ripped the necklace off of Twilight’s neck with her magic. “With this amulet, I shall rule all of Equestria!” She took the alicorn amulet off her neck and replaced it with the amulet she just stole. “My subjects! You are now in the presence of an even more powerful Trixie!” While Trixie was distracted with her victory speech, Rainbow Dash took the alicorn amulet out of her hand. “Hey! Wait, I don’t need that old amulet anymore. I have this.” Trixie try to shoot Rainbow Dash out of the sky, but it tickled her instead. “That’s not supposed to happen. That was supposed to make you scream in agony. This amulet is defective. Give me my old one back!” Trixie said as she tried to shoot Rainbow Dash again. “Sorry, but this is going into hiding where it belongs.” RD said before putting it in a tiny treasure chest in Zecora’s right hand. “By the way, Trixie, the amulet you have around your neck is one of Zecora’s doorstops.” Twilight said. Artemis couldn’t take it anymore and stated to laugh. “What’s so funny?” Trixie asks. “I’m sorry, but we got you good. Twilight, please let me tell her, please.” “Go right ahead.” “Where to begin? You see Rainbow’s clone right over there? That’s Fluttershy, she’s just wearing a lot of paint and a wig. Say hi, Flutters.” “Hi.” She said, taking out one of her contacts. “You see the male version of Applejack right over there? That’s Big Mac. Before you ask how he got in here, we dug a hole for him to come into town while you were getting ready for this dual. Basically, all the younger and older versions of Twilight’s friends were other ponies. And I painted all of them.” “But what about pinky playing all those instruments?” Trixie ask. “I’ve been doing this for a long time. I can play way more than 10 instruments but Twilight told me to not overdo it.” Pinky smiled. “Oh, I almost forgot since you don’t have the amulet anymore, I can finally do this.” Artemis pointed at the dome with his right index finger and shot a beam of magic at it. The bean hit the dome, causing it to fall apart and all the pieces that would’ve hit the ground disappeared. “I actually did all of this.” Trixie said in shame. Finally able to think clearly for the first time since she took off the amulet. “Yep.” Big Mac said. “Oh my Faust. I’m sorry every pony, I didn’t mean for this to go this far. I only wanted to defeat Twilight in a magic duel, not taking over Ponyville.” “A sorry is not going to cut it.” Every pony turned around to see Firefly walking towards them with a few equestrian soldiers accompanying her. “Trixie Lulumoon, you’re under arrest for taking over the township of Ponyville.” “Under arrest.” Trixie said as the color drained from her face. “Yep, you heard me right. I suggest that you comply with us.” Firefly said. With no choice, Trixie followed the soldiers with her head down in shame. ===•••=== One week later. October 15 9:30 AM Apollo was in his office, reading a letter he got in the mail. ‘Finally, it’s ready to go.’ He smiled. Then he heard a knock on his door. He put the letter back in its envelope and said “come in.” “Morning Titan.” Artemis greeted. “Morning Pluto, do you have the report that Luna requested?” “Yep, I got it right here. Just received it a few minutes ago.” Artemis said before handing the folder to Apollo. “Thanks. Before you go, I need to ask you something.” “Sure, when is it?” “What’s the result from Trixie’s trial?” “She pled guilty and was sentenced to two weeks in jail.” This surprise Apollo. “Two weeks, that’s it? I thought she would be getting a much longer sentence than that.” “Yeah, but remember her mind was corrupted by the Alicorn amulet. And since she was under its influence, most of the charges she was facing was dropped. The only charge she got was reckless use of magic, which is a misdemeanor. She was very remorseful during the whole thing. At least she will be released before the nightmare night.” “Now that is one lucky mare.” Apollo said before he took a sip of his coffee. “Speaking of the amulet, what’s going to happen to it?” “Celestia told me that her father was going to get rid of it himself.” “Huh, I wonder how he going to do that?” Apollo wondered. His question was answered when they heard a loud explosion. The two brothers looked out the window and saw a cloud of smoke coming from one of the nearby mountaintops. The explosion also triggered an avalanche. “That’s one way to get rid of something.” Artemis said. “That’s a bit overkill, don’t you think?” “Nah. After all the bad stuff that amulet caused, that necklace needed it to be destroyed.” > A day with the Breeze family. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 2, 1010, A.G 10:20 AM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79EsaMCYo4o&pp=ygUiY2hlc3RudXRzIHJvYXN0aW5nIG9uIGFuIG9wZW4gZmlyZQ%3D%3D It was a beautiful winter day in the city of Canterlot and right now Atlas was driving to a local hotel with Apollo in the passenger seat. Why? Because Sandune and Harmony were in town, and that meant one thing. Their nephews are here as well, and they are going to spend the entire day with them and their parents. The last time they saw them was in August. Back then, they grew from tiny babies to fat rambunctious meatballs. Now the brothers could not wait to see how much they grew this time. After Atlas parked the halftrack in the underground parking lot, he and Apollo took the elevator to the eighth floor and walked down the hall until they found room 816. After Apollo knocked on the door, they didn’t have to wait long for Harmony to open door. “Atlas, Apollo, it’s so good to see you two.” Harmony said before giving them a hug. “It’s good to see you again, Harmony. Happy heartwarming.” Atlas said. “Happy heartwarming to both of you. Oh, how rude of me come in, come in.” Harmony said as she allowed the brothers to enter and closing the door behind them. “How are you guys doing? How’s Artemis?” “Oh, we’re doing good. Artemis move to Ponyville back in September so it’s just the two of us.” Atlas answered. “Why did he move?” “He thought it was time for him to move in with his marefriend.” “Good for him.” “So, where is Sandune?” Apollo ask. “He’s in the bathroom getting ready. He should be out in a few minutes.” She answered. Meanwhile with Atlas, he was looking around the large hotel room for his nephews. It didn’t take him long to find the baby sea ponies. There they were, sitting in the middle living room, playing around with blocks and other baby toys. They were also wearing puffy winter jackets with their names sewn on them. “There’s my nephews.” This got the babies attention. They turn their attention to Atlas and smiled. Atlas picked all three of them up in his magic making the babies laugh. “Caspian, Adrian, Aegean. Look how much y’all have grown but still fun size. Have your parents been taking good care of you? They better be.” He rhetorically asks. Adrian tries to grab Atlas’ face. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He said before hugging all three of them. “I miss you guys so much. Hey Apollo, come and see how big the babies got.” “Awwww. There’s my favorite butterballs.” Apollo took Aegean out of Atlas’ arms and started to tickle the little infant. Making the little guy laugh his head off. “Harmony, have you been over feeding these guys?” “Nope, they just inherited their father‘s appetite.” “Are they eating solids yet?” Atlas ask. “They can but the things they can eat is limited so they are still being breast-fed.” “Really now? What else can these little guys do?” Apollo ask. “Put one of them on the ground and you’ll see.” “Ok.” Atlas said before putting Adrian down ground with his magic. Harmony kneeled a few feet away from him. “Come here Adrian, come to mama.” To the brothers’ surprise, Adrian got up and slowly waddled over to his mom. “They can walk now?!” They said in shock. “Yep, they started two weeks ago. You should’ve seen how fast Sandune ran to get the camera.” “I wouldn’t blame him. The triplets are only nine months old and they’re already walking. next thing you know, they will be speaking before New Year’s.” Apollo said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. After all, they are going to be turning 10 months old on December 9th.” A few moments later, Sandune came out of the bathroom. “Honey, I’m ready. Hey Yukons, long time no see.” “It’s nice to see you too, Sandune. Happy heartwarming.” Atlas smiled. “Hey Sandune.” Apollo said. “How come you guys didn’t tell us that your kids can walk now?” “We wanted to surprise you both and judging reaction I just heard a minute ago, it worked.” Sandune replied. “We also plan on to surprise Mira with the news as well.” Said Harmony. “You didn’t tell your sister about this? I know she’s going to be pissed when she finds out.” “She’ll get over it eventually.” Harmony answered. “So are you guys ready to go?” Atlas ask. “Yeah, we are. Just let me just put the triplets in their stroller.” Sandune pushed the stroller over to the living room and put his kids into their seats and buckled them in. “Ok, the babies are secured. Lead the way, humans.” He said before they all left the hotel room. When they arrived in the garage, Apollo helped Sandune putting the babies’ detachable car seats into the truck while Atlas put the stroller in the back. After everyone got in the truck, Atlas turned the keys in the ignition and drove out the garage. “Since we have a little bit of time until we meet up with Mira, what do you guys want to do first?” Atlas ask. “How about we go to a local park? I heard that parks in this city are pretty nice at this time of year.” Sandune said. “Harmony, do you have any suggestions?” “Not really. The park sounds nice, and the kids can play the snow for the first time.” “Ok, the park it is. I know one that you guys will love.” Atlas said ===•••=== 10:40 AM After seven minutes of driving, the halftrack arrived at a park that was located right next to the river, named Riverside Park. A place full of plants that can survive the winter. “Wow, this place is beautiful.” Harmony said as they walked through the park. “Are all parks in Canterlot like this?” Sandune asked. “Not really. Some are beautiful like this one and others are average. Well in Canterlot standards anyway.” Apollo answered. “Which is why I chose the nicest park in the city. And if you think this is nice, wait till you see the center of this place.” Atlas said. “What’s in the center of the park?” Harmony ask. “I can’t tell you. That’s something for you to find out.” “All right. You’re lucky I like surprises.” After five minutes walking, they finally arrived at the beating heart of the park. In front of them was a large clearing with a big oak tree in the center covered in lights and other heartwarming decorations. Perfect place for a romantic picnic or a snowball fight. There was also a small café nearby. “Now this is a nice place to relax for a little bit.” Sandune said. “Right Harmony?” “Yeah and we can finally let these three loose.” Harmony said that she took her babies out of their stroller and set them down in the snow. The three little infants looked around their new surroundings with curiosity. Aegean try to grab some snowflakes out air which made him fall his back, Caspian was just playing in the snow and having a blast and last, but not least Adrian was on his stomach squirming in the snow. “Aww, look at them they don’t know what to do with themselves.” Apollo said. “I’ll help you out, Adrian.” He put Adrian on his back and helped him to make a snow angel. “I knew they would enjoyed themselves.” Harmony said quietly. “I’m going to get some hot chocolate. Do you guys want any?” Sandune ask. “I do.” Said Harmony. “Get me a cup, please.” Atlas said. “Put some marshmallows in mine please.” Apollo said. “All right, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Sandune said before he walked away. “So how is life going since the last time we visited?” Atlas ask. “Everything has been going pretty good. Being a mother of three and a model is not easy, but I try my best to make time for them.” “Is Sandune like a stay at home dad or something?” “Not really, he just has more free time than me. Especially when surfing season is over. Recently, recently in the infants learned to how to swim across our pool by themselves.” “I thought they wouldn’t be able to swim for another few years.” Atlas said in surprise. “Nope, sea pony foals usually learn how to swim when they’re infants or toddlers, but they can’t dive on their own. With their new skills comes with some inconvenient downsides.” “Like what?” “Besides swimming in a deep end, they figured out how to prank us by using their magic to splash us when we least expected.” “For real? Damn these infants are mischievous.” Atlas laughed. “When my relatives visited last month, they thought it was hilarious, especially grandpa Icon. If I have to be honest, I’m glad that my little colts don’t know how to use their magic for anything else yet. If they did, I don’t know what I would do with myself.” “If my mom was here in Equestria, she would’ve told you that the mischievousness does not end when triplets grow up. They can have different personalities and interest, but when it comes to having fun, they have fun.” Atlas said. “Hmm, that’s good to know.” A few moments later, Apollo came over to their bench and sat down right next to them. “Welcome back. How the triplets are doing?” Atlas ask. “They’re doing fine as you guys already know, I taught them how to make snow angels.” Apollo pointed at the tiny angels in the snow. “Now, they are playing with little snowmen I made for them.” “Snowmen? What are those?” Harmony asks in confusion. “Snow ponies with a different name.” “Oh, ok.” Then they heard one of the infants starting to cry. “I got it.” Harmony walked over to her children to see what the matter was and saw that Aegean was crying because his snowman’s head has fallen off its body. “Aegean, don’t cry it’s not the end of the world.” She said in a motherly tone as she repaired his snowman. “See good as new.” The infant stopped crying after noticing what his mom did and smiled. “Be careful this time.” She said before walking away. A few moments later, Sandune came back with their hot chocolates. “Hey guys, I’m back. Did I miss anything?” “The only thing you miss was sons making their first snow angels.” Atlas said before taking a sip of his hot chocolate. “They made their own snow angels?” He asked. “Yeah, but they didn’t do it on their own. I helped them out. I also made them some snow ponies to play with.” Apollo answered. “This is definitely going in the picture book.” Sandune said before he got his camera and started taking pictures. ===•••=== 11:20 AM After spending 32 minutes in Riverside Park, it was time for them to go and pick up Mira. After they arrived at the water taxi station that Mira was going to be dropped off at, Atlas put the halftrack in park and waited for his friend. It didn’t take long for Mira to arrive. “Harmony, it’s so good to see you. Happy heartwarming.” Mira greeted as she hugged her big sister. “It’s good to see you too sis.” Harmony said. “Happy heartwarming, Sandune. Morning boys.” Mira said after closing the truck door. “Morning.” Atlas and Apollo said in unison. “Happy heartwarming.” Sandune replied. Mira turned her attention to her little nephews. “Aww, look at you guys all bundled up. I bet you can’t wait to see Santa hooves.” She tickled Caspian’s stomach, which made him laugh. “Hey Mira, how was your water taxi ride?” Atlas ask as he put the truck in gear. “Hectic. But it is the beginning of the holiday season so I should’ve expected it.” “Where is Jack? I thought he was coming with you.” Sandune ask. “He’s at work. He was kind of disappointed that he couldn’t take a day off today, but at least he gets paid extra during the holidays. Speaking of holidays are you guys ready for some holiday shopping?” “I don’t mind a little bit of shopping.” Sandune said. “Hell yeah. Let’s go get some deals.” Apollo cheered. “We are born ready!” Atlas high-fives Apollo. “Where are we going to shop exactly?” Harmony ask. “The brothers and I were thinking that we could go to the megamall, but I want to make sure if you were ok with it because of happened last time.” “Oh don’t worry about that. The mall was where we were reunited so I don’t have any bad memories of that place.” “That’s good.” Mira said. “But isn’t the Megamall known for its crazy fights during this time of year?” Harmony asked. “Don’t worry, Harmony, you’ll be fine. The mall might be a bit hectic, but you have nothing to worry about. How do I know this? Because Atlas and I know a thing or two because we seen a thing or two.” Apollo said as he put on his fingerless gloves. “Why are you putting on gloves?” Sandune ask. Apollo chuckled. “Should we tell them?” “Don’t ask me, ask Mira.” Said Atlas “Mira, should we tell them?” “You didn’t tell them yet?” Mira asked. “Please just spill the beans already. I want to know what you guys are talking about.” Harmony said. “All right, we will tell you.” Atlas said before clearing his throat. “Back in our home land, America, there is this sort of holiday named Black Friday that happens once a year on the evening of the 28th of November. After the sun sets stores lower their prices to the point where everything is dirt cheap. Similar to what Equestria does. Except the government doesn’t courage it like US does. Now instead of 2 to 3 days, on Black Friday, you only have from 11:30 PM to 6 AM.” “That sounds like a recipe for disaster.” Sandune commented. “It is. Before the doors open, a long line forms in front of every store. usually the people that are first in line are out there for at least a few hours. Heck they even bring tents.” Apollo explained. “Tents? Does Black Friday come with concert or something?” Harmony said in shock. “Sadly no, it’s just that people are crazy, especially the ones from New Jersey. The real chaos happens when the doors finally open. People stampede into the stores and try to get as much of their shopping list as possible. And lot of these people are willing to do anything to get these good deals. Now Artemis, Atlas and I don’t get into fights, we just simply avoid the chaotic areas and try to get our stuff and get out. If anyone tries to hurt us or steal our things, that’s where the gloves come in. Plus, they’re really useful to prevent shopping bags from hurting your hands.” Sandune and Harmony were shocked of what the brothers had told them. “I'm sorry guys, but it’s hard to believe that your fellow humans are willing to do all of that just to save some money.” Sandune said. “Believe me, it’s true. Apollo showed me some videos he filmed over the years.” Mira chimed in. “You have videos of it?” Sandune ask. “Yep.” Apollo said proudly. “I’m starting to feel bad for the both of you.” Harmony said. “Don’t be, Black Friday is one of most interesting times of the year for us. If anything, we should feel sorry for you.” Atlas said. “Why is that?” “Because unlike us back in New York, you guys have to deal with peop- I mean, ponies that have the ability to light themselves on fire or some other crazy magical ability just to win a fight. That’s dangerous already, now imagine that in an enclosed space.” Apollo stated. “You know, I never thought of it that way.” Mira said. “Thank goodness we’re not doing in the beginning of the winter shopping season.” Harmony said to herself as the mall came into view. ===•••=== 11:32 AM The Canterlot Megamall. After the brothers and the breeze family got out of the vehicle, they got on the elevator and took it to the first floor of the mall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q94C9FRRpM&pp=ygUneW91IGJldHRlciB3YXRjaCBvdXQgeW91IGJldHRlciBub3QgY3J5 Harmony whistled. “I hate to admit it, but this place looks nicer than the mall back home. I mean look at this fountain, it’s beautiful.” “I agree with you there but how much shopping space does one pony need? Two floors is enough as it is, but four? Now that’s just a bit overkill.” Sandune said as he tried to process how big the atrium was. “If you think this is insane, you wouldn’t believe how big the food court is.” Apollo said. “Ok since we’re here now, what do you guys want to do first?” Atlas ask. “I am going to take these three to see Santa hooves and their picture taken with him.” Harmony said. “Can I come too?” Mira ask. “Of course, the more the merrier.” Harmony said. “Goo.” Caspian had his arms out and grabbing the air in the direction of Santa’s workshop. “Aww, would you look at that, Caspian excited to see santa hooves.” Harmony said. “Who wouldn’t?” Mira commented. Despite what his mother and aunt thought, Caspian was not excited for Santa. He didn’t even know who it was and did not care. All he wanted was that large candy cane that was in front of his workshop. “Ok, while you guys are doing that we are going to get started on the shopping. Unless Sandune wants to go with you.” Apollo wondered. “No, I’ll go with you and Atlas.” Sandune answered. “After we’re done with Santa and our shopping, where should we meet up?” Mira asks. “The food court. We can get some ice creams from over there.” Apollo suggested. “That sounds good. See you later and don’t get in any trouble, especially you, Sand.” Harmony teased. “We won’t. I’ll make sure of it.” Sandune said as they parted ways. “So which stores are we going to first?” “I don’t know, I was thinking of getting Celestia a new handbag so maybe we can go to a department or designer store first.” Atlas suggested. “I don’t know what I am going to get Luna yet, so maybe I’ll just walk around for a little bit. What are you, Sandune?” “Now that’s a hard question to answer. I know what I want to get for the triplets, but not for Harmony. It’s hard to get something for a mare that already has everything. Especially anything fashion related.” “We know where you’re coming from. Trying to get gifts for two ancient empresses is harder than looks.” Atlas said. “I’m kinda glad I’m not the only one.” Sandune said. “Hey guys, do y’all want to go on the third floor? It’ll be less crowded than down here, and we’ll have a nice view of everything. Plus, we might find a store we might like up there.” Apollo suggested. “Ok.” Atlas said. “That’s not a bad idea.” Said Sandune. After that, they walk to the nearest elevator and took it to third floor. ===•••=== 11:45 AM 13 minutes later. Apollo and Sandune were in a toy store looking for gifts for the breeze infants while Atlas was in a nearby designer handbag store. “I think the little triplets would like this; don’t you think?” Apollo showed a box of inflatable ball pit to the tan pegasus. “They would love that for sure, especially if we put water in it. Can the pit hold water?” “Yeah.” “We’ll take it then.” “Ok into the magic it goes.” Apollo said as he put the box into his magical aura with the rest of the gifts. “This is enough gifts for all of them. Let’s hold over to the register.” Sandune said. “Yeah, this is more than enough for them.” As they both made their way through the store, Sandune turned to Apollo and said. “I forgot to tell you this earlier, congratulations on your plane’s first flight in becoming the father of the new jet Age.” “Oh, thank.” “What was it like being the first to accomplish something like that?” “I was feeling nothing but excitement for the entire flight and seeing all the faces of the ponies who doubted me was nice as well.” “That’s nice. Can you answer this question for me? When they were interviewing you, you said that you were not done yet. What did you mean by that?” Sandune ask. Apollo looked around before whispering. “I am currently designing a jet that could break the sound barrier.” “Is that even possible?” Sandune ask. “It is. I have seen of my own two eyes when I was a kid.” “When will its first flight be?” “I don’t know, developing a new aircraft is a long process. At best it could happen late next year.” “Well, whenever it is revealed to the world, I hope it’s successful so I could take a flight on it.” Sandune said. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you know when that happens.” Apollo said. After they paid for their items, Apollo felt his phone vibrating in his right pocket. He grabbed his phone and answered the call. Apollo: “Hello.” Atlas: “Apollo, are you and Sandune leaving the toy store?” Apollo: “Yeah, why?” Atlas: “There’s a fight happening right now.” Apollo: “Where?” Atlas: “The fight is happening on the Second floor and it’s absolutely insane. You need to come to the handbag store. I have a great view over here.” Apollo: “We’re coming.” “What’s going on?” Sandune ask. “There’s a fight happening on the second floor and Atlas has a great view of it where he is. So, we need to get there now.” Apollo said before he picked up the shopping bags in his magic and speedwalking out of the store. Sandune stood there, dumbfounded. Wondering what he should do next. “Oh, what the heck.” He said before leaving the store and followed Apollo. It didn’t take them long to get to where Atlas was. Apollo couldn’t believe his eyes. Downstairs on the second floor was a massive fight in front of a home decoration store. There were at least five ponies in this fight. “Damn, this is crazy!” Apollo exclaimed that he took his phone out to record the fight. “What happened here?” Sandune ask. “Two ponies started fighting over a pillow set, and it all went downhill from there.” Atlas answered. “Do they have any self-respect at all?” “At least it’s not us in there.” Atlas said. “Facebook would’ve loved this.” Apollo smiled. ===•••=== 1:00 PM After an hour and 15 minutes of shopping and a few fights later, Sandune was still looking for the perfect gift for Harmony. While Atlas and Apollo found everything they wanted to get. So far, he hasn’t found anything worthy for his beautiful sea goddess of a wife, but he wasn’t going to give up that easily. After he took the stairs to the fourth floor, he found a jewelry store. Curious, he decided to go in and look around. That’s when he saw a beautiful necklace with a gold chain and shiny pearl in the middle. ‘Perfect.’ He thought. “Excuse me. How much is this necklace?” Sandune ask the employee. “That would be 330 bits.” Sandune couldn’t believe it. This necklace looks like it was worth way more than that. It looks like today was his lucky day. “I would like to buy this please.” “Of course, sir. Would you like the necklace to be gift wrapped?” “No thank you.” ===•••=== 1:15 PM After buying the necklace, Sandune was done with his shopping list. He, Apollo and Atlas made the long walk all the way to the food court. Where Harmony, Mira and the infants were waiting. “Hello ladies. Did we take too long?” Sandune ask as he sat down. “Nope, you’re here just in time.” Mira said before eating another spoonful of ice cream. “Good. Faust my feet are killing me.” “I’m going to get us some ice cream, what do you guys want?” Apollo ask. “Chocolate ice cream, please.” Atlas requested. “Cookie dough for me.” Sandune said. “OK, coming right up.” A few minutes later, Apollo came back with their ice creams. “So did anything interesting happened while we were gone?” Atlas asks. “Not really. The only interesting thing that happen was when we were visiting Santa. After the infants got their picture taken, Caspian grabbed a bunch of candy canes and put one of them in his mouth. You don’t want to know how fast I moved to get it out of his mouth. Besides, that it was a very peaceful shopping trip.” Harmony said. “Do you still have the candy canes?” Apollo asks. “Of course I do, they’re in my purse. I am not going to throw away free candy.” “You guys are lucky. We encountered three crazy fights while we were shopping.” Sandune said. “And I got all of them on camera.” Apollo smiled proudly. “Three fights? That’s a lot in such a short amount of time.” Mira said. “I know, thankfully were never caught in the middle of one.” Before Harmony could say anything else, she noticed that one of her infants wanted to get out his seat. “What’s wrong, Aegean? Did you go potty or something?” Aegean responded by grabbing the air in Apollo’s direction. “Apollo, Aegean wants you.” Harmony then handed the infant over to Apollo. “What do you need little guy?” Apollo ask as he sat the infant down on his lap. Then Aegean did something that Apollo was not expecting at all. He reached out for Apollo ice cream, took a baby size fistful of it, and started to eat it. “Did this infant just put his hands in his ice cream?” Apollo said in disbelief. “It looks like it.” Mira chuckled. “Look him, he doesn’t even care.” Atlas laughed. “If you wanted some ice cream, you could’ve just asked.” Apollo said as Aegean looked at him with those innocent baby eyes while having his fist in his mouth. “You’re lucky you’re cute.” It was at this moment when Apollo heard the classic sounds of black Friday chaos. “Oh shoot, there’s another fight.” Apollo said before handing Aegean back to his mother and getting up from his chair. “Apollo, do you really need to film another fight? You already seen three already.” Sandune ask. “Yeah, the way these crazy ponies fight is way better than the people back home. I have to see this.” He said before walking away. But when Apollo made the short walk to where the supposed fight was happening. He soon realizes that it wasn’t fight at all instead it was a robbery. And the Earth pony stallion in question was running away with stolen goods, heading in Apollo‘s direction. So, Apollo waited until he was about to pass by him, and then stuck his leg in his path. Which caused the stallion to trip and land face first into the tile floor. “That’s what you get your son of a bitch.” He said as the stallion groaned in pain. He also used his magic to keep the robber on the ground, just in case. After he was arrested, Apollo walked back to his table. “Dude, that was awesome.” Atlas said. “You saw what happened?” Apollo asked. “Yeah, from start to finish. You didn’t even hesitate to take that bad guy down.” Harmony said. “Of course I didn’t hesitate. He was robbing the place and I have no respect for criminals.” Apollo replied. “That’s a good thing to live by and next time you want to see what’s going on somewhere, I won’t say anything.” Sandune said. “Ok, I’ll make sure you remember. Now let me get back to my ice cre-“ Apollo saw that his cup was in front of Aegean and the infant was too busy enjoying the sweet treat. “Oh, come on.” Apollo said before sighing. “You know what little guy; you can keep it. I’m just going to get myself another cup.” After that, Apollo got up from his seat and went to get himself another ice cream. ===•••=== 4 PM. After two hours of relaxing in the botanical gardens and exploring the aquarium, Atlas, Apollo and breeze family were ready to leave the mall. After every pony was inside of the halftrack, Apollo put the vehicle in gear and drove out of the underground parking lot. “Now that was fun.” Atlas said. “You can say that again.” Apollo said. “So, where do you guys want to go next?” Atlas asks. “Can we go to restaurant row? We went there last time we were here, and we loved it. Do you have any restaurants you would recommend from there?” Sandune ask. “There is this one restaurant name the Tasty Treat that makes the best curry you will ever have. It’s spicy, but it’s good.” “It’s that good?” Harmony asks. “It’s true, that place is the best. For some reason the nobles dislike the restaurant, but despite that, the tasty treat is one of the most popular places in Canterlot.” Mira said. “Really now, ok let’s go there.” Said Sandune. “Hey Apollo, do you want to go to the Tasty Treat?” Atlas asks. “Yeah, I haven’t been there in a while.” “Ok, it’s decided. Tasty treat, here we come.” Atlas said before he honked the horn and drove all the way to restaurant row. > The big question. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 3, 1011 A.G Ponyville, Equestria. 7:30 PM It was a cold winter night in the small town of Ponyville and right now, Artemis was getting ready for a date with his special bookworm. After he finish combing his hair, Twilight came out of the bathroom. “You look good tonight.” Twilight complemented. “Thanks, you look beautiful as always.” Artemis said before putting on his jacket. “Hey Pluto, does these pants make my flank look big? I don’t know if I should wear these or not.” “Yes, yes they do.” He said without hesitation. “Oh, i’ll be right-“ “Don’t, that’s a good thing.” “You pervert.” She taunted. “Shut up, you’re no better.” Artemis teased. “So are you ready to go?” “Yes, I am.” After Twilight got her coat, she and Artemis went downstairs. “Bye Spike, bye owllicious.” Twilight shouted. “Bye guys, have fun on your date.” Spike said. “Hoo. Hoo.” After Twilight left the library, Spike got closer to Artemis and whispered “good luck.” Before winking. “Thanks.” Artemis said before winking back and closing the front door. “So where are we going tonight?” Twilight asked as they walked through the falling snow. “I can’t tell you yet, it’s a surprise.” “Can you give me a hint?” “Nope, you find out soon enough.” “Pretty please?” she asked, giving him puppy dog eyes. “No.” “Fine.” She conceited. A few minutes later, the couple arrive at a fancy restaurant. The restaurant is called la seine, the fanciest and most expensive restaurant in town. “We’re eating at la seine?!” She said in shock. “Yes, we are.” Artemis smiled as he opened the door for Twilight. “Welcome to la seine, how may I help you tonight?” Said the white unicorn behind the counter. “We are here for a reservation at 7:38. The reservations under the name of Artemis Yukon.” The receptionist checking the reservation list and found Artemis’ reservation. “You’re a booth is ready, sir. Follow me.” After the receptionist took them to their booth, he placed the menus down in front of them. “The waiter will be here in a few moments. I hope you have wonderful dinner.” He said before walking away. “I can’t believe we’re here. Artemis, how did you get a reservation?” Twilight asked. “I got the reservation by stubborn. It was a bit expensive, but it was worth it.” “You know, you didn’t have to do that. Any other restaurant would’ve been fine.” “I know, but I want to give us a nice evening, and if that means I have to pay high price, so be it.” Artemis said as he held Twilight’s hand gently. “Aww, you’re too sweet for your own good.” “No, I’m not.” “Yes, you are. You always think about others before yourself. That’s what I love about you the most.” “You really know how to flatter some pony.” Artemis said. “Well, I did learn it from the best. Besides a few other intimate things.” She purred. “Keep it clean, Twilight.” “All right, fine. You’re no fun.” She chuckled. “Whatever you say, bookworm. So, what should we get for an appetizer?” Artemis said as he started reading the menu. “I don’t know, everything looks really good.” “Especially the crab cakes and the calamari.” Artemis said. “Hmm, how about we get the calamari?” “You don’t want the crab cakes?” Artemis asks. “Not really.” “Ok, we will get the calamari.” A few moments later, a dark blue Kirin stallion came up to their table. “Good evening, my name is Azul, and I will be your waiter for tonight.” He said in a water down Kirish accent. “Are you two ready to order some drinks?” “Yes, we are. Can I get a lemonade, please?” Twilight said. “I want a cream soda, please.” “Ok, do you guys want to order an appetizer?” “Yes, we do. We want the calamari.” Artemis said. “Before I go, do you want to order your entrées or do you need a few more minutes to decide?” “We’re not ready to order our dinners yet.” Twilight answered. “All right, your appetizer will be out in a few minutes.” Azul said before walking away. ===•••=== 8:32 PM “Before we go home, do you want to take a little walk in the park?” Artemis asks after they left the restaurant “Sure, that sounds nice.” It only took them a few minutes get to the local park. Despite the cold weather, the park was still beautiful at this time of year. As they enjoyed their stroll, Twilight noticed that her colt friend was acting strangely. “Artemis is everything all right?” This question snapped Artemis out of his thoughts. “Everything is fine. Don’t worry about it.” He said in a nervous tone. “Are you sure? You can tell me anything, you know.” Looking into her eyes, Artemis knew that he couldn’t fool Twilight, no matter how hard he tried. “Ok, fine I’ll tell you.” He breathes in and out to calm his nerves. “Twilight, when I was transported to this world, I was not only confused of my new surroundings, but scared for my future in a world filled with magical creatures I thought were a myth. But then you came in and not only did you treated me as an equal, but also showed me what this world had to offer. Falling in love with you was one of the best things that has ever happened to me and anytime I think of the future, I can’t imagine it without you in it.” His words moved Twilight to tears. “Artemis, are you….” Artemis got down on one knee, pulled out a velvet box from his pocket and opened it. Inside was a beautiful platinum ring with a diamond in the middle with four smaller diamonds on either side of it. “Oh, my Faust.” “Twilight Aurora Sparkle, will you marry me?” “YES! Yes, million times yes!” Twilight said as she hugged Artemis tightly. All the anxiety that Artemis was feeling immediately went away, and he hugged his now fiancé back. After they separated, he put the ring on Twilight’s finger. “It’s so beautiful.” She said as she looked at her new ring. While they were having their wholesome moment, Owllicious was watching them from a nearby tree. When they started to walk away, he unfolded his wings and flew back to the Golden Oaks library. ===•••=== 8:55 PM When the happy couple got back to the Golden Oaks library, Twilight was surprised that the library was complete darkness. “Maybe spike decide to go to bed early.” Twilight guessed. Before she can find the light switch, the lights turned on, and a bunch of ponies came out of the hiding places and yelled. “SURPRISE!” After her eyes adjusted to the bright lights, Twilight saw that her library was decorated with colorful lights, streamers and balloons. With a large banner hanging from the middle of the ceiling that said “congratulations” in big bold letters. Not only that, but every pony she and Artemis knew was there. The main six, Artemis’ siblings, the Royal sisters, Artemis’ friends, the legendary Alicorns, and even Twilight’s parents. “I can’t believe it! My little filly is engaged! I am so happy for you, Twilight.” Velvet screams as she hugged her daughter tightly. “What is all this?” Twilight ask. “Your engagement party, obviously.” Pinky smiled. “How did yo-“ “Artemis told us.” Nightlight said. “He is also the mastermind behind all of this.” Nebula said. “Artemis, you did all of this?” “Of course I did. It wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t invite all of our family and friends.” It was at this moment when Cadence and shining Armor arrived via a teleportation spell. “Sorry we’re late. Did we miss anything?” Cadence ask after she blew on her smoking horn. “Nope, you arrived just in time.” Apollo said. After Cadence and Twilight did their sunshine, sunshine dance, Pinkie pie yelled “What are we waiting for? Let’s get this party started!” Before firing her party cannon. Every pony in the library had a blast, playing party games, ate and drink late into the night. After the party was over and every pony said their goodbyes, the newly engaged couple went to bed. Looking forward to planning their wedding together. > Prince and Princess. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight opened her eyes and saw that she was no longer in her library. All she can see was different shades of blue and a bunch of twinkling stars in the distance. Before she got here, Twilight spend the entire day fixing her friends destinies after she accidentally changed them by saying an uncompleted spell out loud. After she completed Starwirl's spell, the elements shot her with blinding beams of magic. Now she is here, scared and alone. “Hello? Where am I? What is this place?” “Congratulations, Twilight, I knew you can do it.” Celestia said as she came into view. “Empress, I don’t understand. What did I do?” Twilight asks in confusion. “You did something today that never been done before. Something even a great unicorn like Starswirl The bearded was not able to do. Because he did not understand friendship like you do. The lessons you learned here in Ponyville, has taught you well. You have proven that you are ready, Twilight.” “Ready? Ready for what?” Twilight wondered as she followed Celestia. As they walked through the mysterious plane, Twilight’s memories started appearing around them. “You have come a long way, my faithful student. I have watched you grow from a smart little filly to a bright young lady. You don’t know how proud I am of you, Twilight.” Celestia said trying her best not to tear up. “Now it’s time for you, to claim your destiny.” Celestia cast a spell which made a white field of magic to appear in front of Twilight. Then a golden line form on the field of magic and split into two. The line on the right showed an outline of a Alicorn, on the left, showed an outline of a unicorn. “What is this?” Twilight asks. “This is diagram that shows two versions of your destiny.” Celestia explained. “I can choose my own destiny?” Celestia nodded. “If you choose the unicorn destiny, you will remain a unicorn and you’ll become the most powerful unicorn to ever live. If you decide to choose your Alicorn destiny, you become an Alicorn and Equestria’s newest princess. Your magic will a force to be reckoned with if you decide to go down this path.” “But if I decide to choose my Alicorn destiny, my lifespan will become longer?” “That’s right and you will keep youthful appearance like me. An Alicorn Life expectancy can vary from one pony to another. Some, like my mother, can live up to 4000 years, while others could live up to 1000 years or less. For ponies who are turned into an Alicorn, they can live for a few centuries. Depending on their health. When you and Artemis get married, he will have his lifespan increased, and he will keep his youthful appearance as well. As long there is true love between the two of you.” Twilight was now a confused. “But your dad was a unicorn like me and now he is 1535 years old. How come my Alicorn life expectancy is going to be way shorter than his?” “He was on the verge of death when he became an Alicorn, and his old lifespan was replaced. The transformation is going to affect you differently since you are a healthy young mare.” “Huh, I didn’t know that. Empress Celestia, which destiny do you think I should choose?” “I can’t choose your destiny. That’s a decision only you can make. I choose wisely whatever path you choose will change your life forever. I’ll give you a few minutes alone to think about it.” Celestia said before walking away. Twilight thought long and hard on this. If she chose her unicorn destiny, her life would continue as normal with the bonus of being more powerful. But her other destiny was also very tempting. Twilight imagined all the things she can do for her nation and pony kind if she decides to become an Alicorn. Possibilities were endless. But also came with some downsides. Specially, with her friends. After spending six long minutes of thinking it over, she made up her mind. “Empress Celestia.” Twilight called out. “Yes?” The sun Empress responds as she approached her student. “I have made my decision.” ===•••=== February 22 1011 A.G 6:30 PM Artemis was driving through Ponyville, very eager to change into his pajamas and relax. Today was another busy day. Meetings with politicians and making sure that the country’s finances were in order. You know, the usual. When he saw the library coming to view, he press down on the brake pedal until the truck came to a complete stop. Artemis then picked up a small remote that was in his cupholder and press the button. The ground right behind the library was actually hidden doors. The doors open, revealing a hidden platform big enough for the truck driver on. After he drove the vehicle onto the platform, the remote glowed a bright blue color. Let him know that truck was in position. Artemis press the button and the platform descended into the garage in the basement. After that the doors closed, blending in with the surrounding dirt. Like there was nothing there at all. Artemis built this hidden entrance and garage in the beginning of November when he realized that his truck stuck out like a sore thumb when it was parked next to the library. So, we decided to build an underground garage for it. It was a pain in the neck trying to get all the building permits for the project, but it was worth it. “Spike, Twilight, I’m home.” Artemis yelled before he saw a large burn mark in the middle of the library. Artemis sighed. “Must be an experiment gone wrong. I swear, that mare is a handful sometimes. Where are they?” Artemis looked around the treehouse for Twilight and Spike. He checked their bedrooms, the guest room, the kitchen and the living room. His fiancé and her little brother was nowhere to be found. But he wasn’t completely alone. Owllicious was resting his perch as usual. “They must’ve gone out. I wonder where they went.” Artemis said to himself before he opened the front door. In front of the library was Twilight’s friends, and spike. All of them had worried expressions on their faces. “There you are Spike. I’m looking all over the library for you and Twilight. Where is Twilight?” “Well, you see-“ Spike said nervously before Applejack cut him off. “Sugarcube, I think it would be better if I explained everything.” She said before turning to Artemis. “Earlier today, Twilight helped us to get our cutie marks and destinies back after she performed a spell that accidentally switched them up. After we fixed everything, our elements activated, shot her with white beams of magic and teleported her away. And we been out here for a couple of minutes wondering what we should do first.” “Let me get this straight you witness your elements teleport the element of magic away, and none of y’all start looking for her?” “We did look for her. But she’s nowhere to be found anywhere in town.” Rainbow Dash answered. “Please don’t be mad.” Said Fluttershy. “I’m not mad, I’m just surprised that is all. Ok, I’ll get the truck out of the garage and then we will head to Canterlot to figure out what the hell is going-“ All of a sudden, a bright light appeared in the middle of the sky. The ball of light turned into a pink, six-pointed star before falling to the ground. “Twilight is that you?” Applejack said as she uncovered her eyes. The pony that was inside the bright ball of light was Twilight. But it wasn’t the same bookworm that every pony knew and loved. She had wings and she was a bit taller. She also has a gold stripe in her mane and tail. “I never seen anything like it.” Applejack said. “Twilight got wings! Awesome, a new flying buddy!” Rainbow Dash said happily as she hugged her friend. “Why you became an Alicorn, and you look absolutely gorgeous!” Rarity said in amazement. “Alicorn party!” Pinkie pie yelled as she swung from a rope attached to a nonexistent roof. “Wow, you look just like a princess.” Said Fluttershy. “That’s because she is a princess.” Celestia said as she landed safely on the ground. “Huh?” Artemis, Spike and Twilight's friends said in confusion. “Since Twilight came to Ponyville, she displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism and the leadership. Fitting for a princess.” Celestia said. “Does this mean I won’t be your student anymore?” Twilight ask. “Not in the same way as before. I’ll still be here to help and guide you, but we’re all your students now too. You’re an inspiration to us all, Twilight.” Celestia said before bowing to Equestria’s newest princess. The rest of the main six followed suit. “Wow, I still can’t believe this. You’re a princess now. Oh my gosh.” Artemis said still trying to process everything. “Wait, does that mean I’m going to be a prince when we get marry?” “Pretty much.” Twilight said. “Well, in that case, it looks like I need to get myself a new suit.” “What’s wrong with your old one?” Rarity asks. “It’s not good enough anymore. If I’m going to marry a Princess, I have to look my best. But before that, I have to call my siblings. They’re not going to believe what is going on down here.” Artemis said before he went back into the library. “It looks like he took news well.” Celestia said to Twilight. ===•••=== February 25 1011 A.G 1:30 AM It didn’t take long for Equestria and the world to learn about Twilight’s ascension into Alicornhood. Many media outlets reacted to the news positively, congratulating Twilight on becoming a princess and being recognized for all the stuff she did for her country. But some accused Empress Celestia of playing favorites with Twilight and even when as far as to say that Artemis had something to do with it. Thankfully, these rumors were quickly shot down. Right now, Rainbow Dash was teaching Twilight how to fly while their friends watched. “You really need to flap them hard.” Rainbow Dash instructed. Twilight nodded and flapped her new wings as hard as she can. This caused her to lose control and crash into a tree. Rainbow Dash cringed. “Maybe not quite that hard.” Undeterred, Twilight tried again and this time she had a pretty rough landing. “Looking good up there, Princess Twilight.” Applejack said as she helped Twilight up. “Applejack, you know you don’t have to call me that.” “Why do you protest so? You’re an Alicorn, you need to embrace your new title.” Rarity stated. “If other ponies want to address me that way, I suppose that fine. But not my friends, it just doesn’t feel right. And neither does all this flying business.” Twilight said. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you will get used to it, eventually.” Rainbow Dash said. A few moments later, Apollo teleported right in front of them. “Hey ladies, I got some good news.” “What is it?” Twilight ask. “The workers finish installing the new stained-glass window. Do you guys want to come and see it? The window looks pretty nice.” “Of course we do, right girls?” All of Twilight’s friends nodded. “Great. Now hold on every pony.” Apollo said before teleporting the main six and himself to the castle. ===•••=== Canterlot Castle. After they arrived at the castle, Apollo lead the main six to the hallway where the new window was located. After passing by a few of the older stain glass windows, Apollo stopped in front of the new one and said. “Here we are guys. The window we all been waiting for.” “Wow.” Spike said in awe. “You look amazing darling. They really captured your regality.” Rarity complemented. “Thanks.” Twilight blushed. “I never thought in a million years I would have a window commissioned in my honor. Sometimes I think I don’t deserve all of this.” “Don’t be so modest, Twilight. It’s every pony dream to wear crown and have themselves preserves in stain glass for all to see. But no pony deserves that dream more than you.” “I don’t know if that’s every ponies dream.” Rainbow Dash said. “Most of my dreams are about frosting.” Pinky salivated at the thought. “Do you think of anything other than desserts?” Apollo ask. “I also dream about parties sometimes.” Pinky smiled. “Of course you do.” Apollo smiled. “We better get going, we don’t want to miss our train.” Fluttershy said after she checked her watch. “Wait, you guys are leaving already?” Apollo ask. “Yeah, Fluttershy is right. I don’t know about y’all, but I’ve got bushels to get ready. The wedding and coronation may be in two and three days, but whoo-wee do we have a lot of work to do.” AppleJack said. Twilight was now sad that her friends were leaving so soon. “Aww, don’t look like that sugar cube. We will be back to celebrate you and your husband on your special day.” “I know. It’s just I wish that we could organize the wedding and the coronation together.” Twilight said. “We know, darling. If it wasn’t for the mayor begging us for help to organize the celebrations down in Ponyville, we would’ve stayed in Canterlot.” Said Rarity. “But don’t worry, we’ll be back before you know it. Right girls?” The rest of their friends agreed. “All right, lets go to station.” Apollo said before teleporting every pony. ===•••=== 8:30 PM. The solar wing of the castle. “Check, check and check. Would you look at that, we are way ahead of schedule. I credit your extremely competent assistant.” Spike said proudly. “So do I.” Twilight replied. “Since we’re done with the coronation and the wedding preparations for now, we could take a quick trip to Ponyville tomorrow.” “That would be nice, Spike. But what if something else came up while we were gone? What if our train was delayed and we weren’t able to finish everything on that list? What if we lost the list on our way to Ponyville and we can’t remember what stuff we have done and stuff we didn’t. I can’t just dump everything on Artemis, that not fair to hi-“ Twilight was so deep in thought; she didn’t notice that she was slowly flying towards the roof of the bedroom until she bumped into it. “Ouch.” Luckily, she was able to get back down to the ground without any further trouble.” “So that’s a no then?” Spike asks. “Everything has to be perfect spike. If we miss something on the list, everything will be ruined!” “I’m sure it won’t.” Twilight turned around to see Celestia standing in the doorway. “Your highness.” Spike bowed. Twilight follow suit. “There’s no need for that, Princess Twilight.” “Sorry.” “No need to apologize.” Celestia said. “Sorry!” “I have to admit, I am really looking forward to your coordination. It kind of reminds me of my own coronation in a way.” “What do you mean? Twilight ask. “Back when Luna and I were Crown princesses, we were pretty nervous about becoming new empresses of Equestria.” Celestia reminisced. “What happened next?” Spike ask. “Nothing, my anxiety disappeared the moment my crown touch my head. What I’m trying to say is that you have nothing to worry about. You may no longer be my student Princess Twilight, but I hope you know that I will always be here if you need anything. Just as I hope that you will be there when I need you.” “You know I will.” Twilight replied. “Am I interrupt something?” Artemis ask. “Not at all.” Celestia said. “Good.” He said before throwing himself onto the bed. “Me, Cyclone and Ruby finish decorating the ballroom and the throne room. I can finally check that off my to do list.” “I could take some of the workload off of you if you’re that exhausted.” Twilight offered. “If I do that, you’re going drive yourself off the wall. Don’t worry, I can handle it.” “No, I won’t.” “Yes, you will.” Spike commented, which made Twilight give him the side eye. “How about we call it a night? We have a big day tomorrow.” Artemis suggested. “Instead of that, how about we check over the checklist one more time.” Twilight said. “I knew you’re about to say that.” Spike said as he unrolls the list. “I’ll leave you to it. Good night.” Celestia said. “Good night.” Said Artemis. “Good night, Empress Celestia.” Twilight and Spike said in unison as the sun Empress walked away. As Celestia walk down the castle hallway, a black vine with a faint blue glow, broke through the marble tile behind her. This mysterious plant came out of the ground and wrapped itself around Celestia’s ankle. Before she can even react, she blacked out, hitting the ground with a loud thud. ===•••=== 6:40 AM *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* After Twilight turned off for annoying alarm clock, she stretched and got out of bed. She looked out the window and her drowsiness vanished in an instant. Outside of window, the sun and the moon were in the sky at the same time. “Artemis, Artemis wake up.” She said as she shook her fiancé. “Twilight, why do you have to wake me up like that?” Artemis said groggy, as he rubbed his eyes. “Sorry, but this is emergency. Something is wrong with the sun and moon.” “What?” Artemis said in confusion before he looked out the window. “That is not good.” “Come on we need to get ready and then find out what’s going on.” Twilight stated. ===•••=== 6:55 AM After they got ready for the day, Artemis and Twilight left their bedroom to figure out what the heck was going on. They went to the courtyard, where Galaxia and Nebula were trying to calm down a crowd of worried ponies. After the crowd disbursed, Twilight walked up to them and asked. “What’s going on?” “We don’t know. We’re just as confused as you are.” Nebula answered. Moments later, the blade twins walked over to them. “Your majesties, you must come with us.” Lilly said before she and Lydia escorted them into the castle. “Captain, do you know what’s going on?” Galaxia ask Lydia. “Yes, I do. Empress Celestia and Empress Luna are missing.” “Are you sure?” Twilight ask. “We’re positive. The Royal guards are currently searching for them as we speak, but so far, we found no trace of them.” “Which is why we come to you.” The two thestrals bow in front of Twilight. “We await your command.” “My command? I’m not officially a princess yet.” Twilight said in shock. “We are members of the Royal guard. We take orders from royalty.” Lilly stated. “With Empress Celestia and Empress Luna gone, and Galaxia and Nebula are no longer active members of the royal family. The only one we could take orders from is you. Princess Twilight, there’s no time to waste. We need to know what you want us to do.” After thinking it over, Twilight knew what to say. “I want you to continue to search for Empress Celestia and Empress Luna. We need to find them before ponies start to panic. There must be some clue that will tell us what happened to them. If you find something anything, let me know immediately.” “Yes, Princess Twilight.” The Royal guards said before flying away. “Well, look at you, giving out commands like a royal.” Galaxia complemented, which made Twilight blush. It was at this moment when the castle doors slammed open, revealing a very concerned Cyclone. “Princess Twilight, I got news from Ponyville. The Everfree forest, it’s invading the town!” “What do you mean it’s invading?” Artemis ask. “They’re saying that large, strange vines are taking over, and not only that, but the clouds are also black, covered in spikes and they are very sticky.” ‘Great, first the empresses are missing, and now the Everfree invading. What else can go wrong today?’ Twilight thought. “Thanks, you for telling us, staff Sergeant.” “It’s my pleasure, princess.” Cyclone said before flying away. “So, we can’t fly to Ponyville, and driving out the question. So, it looks like the only option is teleportation.” Artemis said. You two go right ahead. Will be coming with our weapons, Spike and your siblings.” Nebula replied. “All right, we’ll see you in Ponyville.” Artemis said before twilight lit her horn and teleported the both of them away. ===•••=== The Golden Oaks library. 7:05 AM. The rest of the main six were in the library looking through every book Twilight own to find a solution to the current crisis when Artemis and Twilight appeared in a bright flash of light. “Thank goodness you’re here.” Rarity said with relief. “I hope you know that we don’t normally go through your books without permission.” Fluttershy spoke up. “Don’t worry, we wouldn’t be mad if you did.” Twilight replied. “I don’t know if you noticed, but the Everfree forest is a teeny tiny bit, out of control.” Pinkie Pie said before her tail starts to twitch. She threw herself onto the ground. Just in time for a large vine to smash through one of the library’s windows and hit Rarity. Luckily, she landed on a pile of books which cushioned her fall. “Rarity, are you right?” Twilight ask. “Yes darling, I’m fine.” It was at this moment when Galaxia and Nebula arrived. With Atlas, Apollo and Spike accompanying them. “Damn, it’s worse than I thought.” Apollo said as he took a few steps back away from the massive vine. “Did empress Celestia send you all to fix everything?” Rarity ask. “Umm, well you see, Luna and Celestia didn’t-“ Galaxia tried to answer her question but Spike cut her off. “The Royal sisters are missing!” The rest of the main six gasp in shock. “What do you mean they missing?” Rainbow Dash ask. “There’s no trace of them anywhere. It’s like they disappeared off the face of Equis.” Nebula answered. “We don’t know who kidnapped them, but I have a hunch that we need the elements of harmony to get them back.” Twilight said as she handed the elements to her friends. “Now we need to figure out where to aim these bad boys at before the rest of Equestria becomes plant food.” Applejack stated. “Any ideas?” “I think I know who’s behind all of this.” Galaxia said as she looked out the window. “Who is it?” Atlas ask. “Discord, all the recent events has his paws all over it. I just know it.” “I never thought we had to see that bastard again.” Apollo said. ===•••=== The elements of harmony were now standing in a circle outside of the library. They use their elements to summon the chaos God, while Apollo and Artemis stood on the sidelines. Galaxia, Nebula, Atlas and Spike were busy defending the town from the vines. All of them were expecting the worst when discord arrives. What they didn’t expect was to see him in a bathtub. “Winter wrap up, winter wrap up.” He sang until he realized that he wasn’t alone anymore. “Oh! Twilight, you know that Empress Celestia told you to give me a heads up before you summon me if that little spell, she gave you.” “In case you haven’t noticed, I was in the middle of invigorating shower.” As he was saying this, he was getting into Twilight personal space. Twilight push Discord away. “Enough! Release Empress Celestia and Empress Luna and stop the Everfree from invading!” “Whatever are you talking about?” Discord asks as he coiled around Twilight like a snake. Twilight immediately teleported out of his grasp. “Don’t you play dumb with us, Discord. We know that you’re behind all of this!” Applejack said. “Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love what you have done with the place. But I couldn’t possibly take responsibility for this, I’m reformed. Don’t you remember?” “Yeah, right you’re the only one that would enjoy this type of chaos!” Apollo shouted. “Such accusations. And here I thought we were friends.” “Drop the act buster, we’re onto you!” Pinky scowled “Ladies, ladies, I’m innocent. What I ever lied to you?” “YES!” Every pony yelled. “Well, then it looks like we have reached an impasse. I am telling the truth, but you think I’m lying. What do friends like us do in a situation like this? Princess Twilight. Congrats on your engagement and your promotion. You totally deserve it.” “I say we blast him back into stone.” Rainbow Dash said. “Works for me.” Applejack agreed. “Before we do that, can we kick his ass first?” Apollo ask. “No, we can’t do that. What if he is telling the truth?” Fluttershy interjected. “Well finally, somepony is giving me the benefit of the doubt.” Discord smiled. “The rest of you could learn friendship from my dear friend, Shutterfly.” “It’s Fluttershy.” “Fine, whatever.” “If you’re not the one responsible, then help us find who is.” Twilight said. “I suppose, I could. But after all the finger-pointing and defamation of my good name, I don’t know if I’m up to it.” Discord said as he grabbed a vine and started to knit it into a shape of an arrow. “Why don’t you ask your Zebra friend if she knows anything?” “Zecora.” Twilight ran over to the zebra and the rest of her friends followed. ‘Thank goodness we’re not teaming up with Discord.’ Artemis thought. “From my home, I had to flee. The forest has become too, wild even for me.” Zecora said after the main six helped her with her stuff. “Do you have any idea why this is happening?” Applejack ask. “I’m afraid this is a mystery to me to me as well. But I may have something, if combined with a spell.” She looked through her cart and pulled out a small bottle with a purple liquid inside of it. “I do not dare to use it myself; the results would be tragic. It only responds to Alicorn magic. Princess Twilight, you can turn the potion from purple to white. After one sip, you’ll see why the sky is day and night.” After Twilight using some shady looking magic, the liquid turned from purple to white. “Ok, here goes nothing.” Twilight said before taking a sip of the liquid. “It doesn’t seem to be wo-“ And just like that, the spell hit her like a freight train. ===•••=== Twilight opened her eyes and saw that she was in the throne room of an unknown castle. She couldn’t believe it the spell actually worked. “Where am I?” Then a mysterious voice rang out across the room. “Not another step.” Twilight couldn’t believe she was seeing. The pony behind her was nightmare Moon. Nightmare aimed her horn at a few statues and obliterated them with her magic. She also shot a few beams of magic at the roof, which caused it to collapse. Luckily, Twilight was able to dodge the rubble before it could crush her. After she got up from the ground, Twilight notice Celestia standing a few feet away from her. Nightmare fired a beam of magic at Celestia. She dodged the attack, which left a crater where she was standing a few moments before. “Luna, think about how long you were banished to the moon. You will give us no choice but to send you back there if you don’t stop!” Twilight yelled. “Luna, I will not fight you. You must end this uprising now; you’re tearing the kingdom apart. Mother and father never wanted this!” Celestia said. “Don’t you dare bring them into this. They should’ve crowned me, and me alone. I will not and hostilities until you are destroyed.” She launched another beam of magic at Celestia and missed again. Not wanting to fight her little sister, Celestia decided to fly out of the hole Nightmare made earlier. “And where do you think you’re going?” Nightmare Moon pursued the sun empress, with Twilight not far behind. Nightmare Moon fire beams left right and center until she finally got a direct hit on her elder sister. “Celestia!” Twilight landed right next to her mentor to see if she was all right. Celestia was not moving. “No.” Twilight said quietly as tears ran her face. “Why would Luna do this?” “Ow, that hurt.” Celestia said as she got up from the ground. “You're all right. Oh, my stars you’re all right.” Twilight said with relief. Wiping the blood away from the side of her head, Celestia shed a few tears. “Oh, dear sister, I am sorry, but you gave me no choice but to use these.” Celestia used her magic to open a hidden door, revealing the elements of harmony. “Wait a minute, that’s what the elements look like in the past.” Twilight realizes. “This is the night you banished her.” After Celestia gathered the elements, she flew back outside to confront her sister one last time. When nightmare Moon launch another attack at her, Celestia harnessed the power of the elements and banished her sister to the moon. ===•••=== After the spell wore off, twilight noticed that all of her friends were looking at her with concern looks. “Why are you looking at me like that?” “Are you ok?” Artemis ask. “Yeah, why?” “You were mumbling to yourself.” Applejack said. “And you were crying lot.” Apollo chimed in. “We were really worried about you.” Fluttershy said. “I for one, thought it was delightful. Kind of like a one pony theater piece if you will. You should really consider taking it on the road.” Discord said as he showed Twilight a poster of her crying. “Did you find whose flank we need to kick, and where we can find them?” Rainbow Dash asks. “I saw something along time ago, but I didn’t explain what is happening now.” Twilight answered. “Perhaps further back still are where the answer you seek. Another sip of the potion will give you a peek.” Zecora said. Twilight took a sip of the potion and once again, it hit her hard. ===•••=== After she opened her eyes, she looked around to get her bearings. All around her was nothing but pure chaos. Then she spotted Celestia and Luna walking up to a large throne on top of a hill. Twilight figure out that she was further back in the past because Celestia’s mane and tail was pink. The throne turned around, revealing that discord was the one sitting on it. “Oh, this is so much fun. How about a game of pin the tail on the pony?” He said, as he held up a pink tail in his hand. Celestia‘s eyes widened as she looks behind herself to see that her tail was not there anymore. “This is starting to drive me nuts. Discord, your playtime is over!” “Oh, I doubt that. If your parents couldn’t defeat me, what makes you think that two princesses can?” Without saying anything, Celestia Luna pulled out the elements of harmony out of their bags. The gem started to circle around them forming a very powerful bubble of Magic. “This must be when they turn Discord into stone.” Twilight mumbled. “Huh, you really think that the both of you have a chance to defeat me. This is going to be so hilarious, both of you going to fail miserably!” Discord laughed before he was turned into stone. Before she knew it, Twilight was now in a cave with a large tree in the middle of it. “The tree of harmony.” Luna said with awe. “The tree of harmony?” Twilight said in confusion before she noticed a unique marking in the center of the tree. “My cutie mark.” “Are you sure about this?” Luna asks after her elder sister cast a spell on the tree. “Yes, Luna. We have discovered the only means to defeat Discord and free the citizens of Equestria. Even without the elements, the tree of harmony will possess a very powerful magic. As long as the magic remains, it will contain all that grows here." ===•••=== “So, what did you find out?” Artemis ask after the spell wore off. “I still don’t know what happened to Empress Celestia and Empress Luna. But I think I know why the Everfree forest is out of control. Something happened to the tree of Harmony.” Every pony looked at Twilight with confused looks. “The tree of what now?” Rainbow Dash said. “The tree of harmony is where the royal sisters found the elements. I think it’s in danger.” “So, you’re telling us that the difference between life and death is a tree?” Apollo ask. “Pretty much.” “I swear to God, sometimes living in this world is like a fever dream.” “So where is this tree?” Applejack ask. “I think it’s in the Everfree.” Twilight answered. “Of course it is. All right, let’s go find this tree.” Artemis said. ===•••=== 8:45 AM After spending almost 30 minutes, traversing the dangerous jungle, they finally made it to the cave where the tree of harmony was located. with Nebula and Atlas accompanying them. The tree was covered in glowing vines, and there were also a few ponies wrapped up in it as well. All of them were unconscious and they didn’t look too good. “It looks like the tree of harmony wasn’t enough satisfied these weeds. I never seen anything like this before.” Nebula said. “While we try to figure out what to do, I’m going to try to cut some of these ponies out.” Apollo said as he took out his switchblade and walked over to one of the ponies trapped in the vines. “OK, will be over here.” Twilight said. The moment Apollo touched a vine, his body went limp and hit the ground with a loud thud. “Apollo!” Every pony yelled as ran over to him. “Apollo wake up, buddy.” Atlas shook him, but Apollo didn’t respond. “He is out cold but he still breathing.” “Thank God.” Artemis said. Nebula picked up Apollo in his magic. I’m going take Apollo to the hospital. If anything happens, let me know.” “We will.” Applejack yelled as the former emperor flew away. “Great, we can even cut them out of the vines without becoming victims ourselves. How can this day get any worse?” Rainbow Dash said in frustration. “I don’t know if I should say this now, but I think the only way to save the tree is to give up the elements of harmony.” Twilight said. Every pony looked at her with wide eyes. “Are you crazy?” Atlas asks. “The elements are the only things that are keeping discord in line. Without them, we might not be able to defeat him or anything that could come in the future.” “I know, but if we don’t do this, that means the vines will keep on invading ponyville and we won’t be able to save the empresses. Or any pony for that matter.” “But how are we going to save ponies without them?” Applejack ask. “With the power of friendship of course. If it could save us in the past, it will definitely save us in the future.” After thinking about it for a little bit, the main six were convinced. “All right Twilight, we’re willing to give them up now.” Rainbow Dash said. “Are they really going to do this?” Atlas whispered. “I guess so.” Artemis responded. Twilight used her magic to collect the elements one by one. She placed them on each of their spots on the tree like a puzzle. After she put the last element in its place, the tree glowed, and all the vines disappeared, freeing all the ponies that were trapped in the vines. Then a large flower bloomed, and the middle of it was a small box with six key holes. “I wonder what this is?” Twilight said in confusion as she examined the box. “Same. But I have a feeling that we’re going be solving this in the future.” Artemis said. ===•••=== 9 AM After teleporting all the unconscious ponies to the hospital, Twilight and her friends finally came out the Everfree forest. “Bravo, every pony, bravo. How did you save the day this time? Did you blast some sort of sweet creature with your magical necklaces? Speaking of which, where are your elements?” Discord asks. “Gone.” Applejack answered. “Gone? Well in that case-“ “But our friendship remains. And if you want to stay friends, you better stop thinking what you’re thinking and help us clean up the town.” Fluttershy said sternly. “Ok fine. But don’t do windows.” Discord conceited before changing into a maid outfit. “One thing I don’t get, why did all of this happen now?” Applejack wondered. “I have no idea. Those seeds that I planted should’ve sprouted ages ago.” Discord said in thought. “….What!” Twilight said angrily. “Yeah, I planted a few seeds back when I took over Equestria. I’m guessing that the tree of harmony had enough magic to keep them from growing big and strong.” “Why didn’t you tell us this earlier?” “Because I wanted to give you a lesson of being a good princess.” Discord answered. “So you mean you put ponies' lives at risk just to teach me a lesson?” Twilight’s right eye began to twitch. “When you put it that way, yes, yes I did.” Discord was beginning to get nervous from the angry look Twilight was giving him. “If you don’t get out of here in the next 10 seconds, I’m going to hurt you really bad.” Discord wisely teleported away. ===•••=== One day later. February 27, 1011 A.G Castle ballroom. 12:30 PM Final the big day was here. The wedding of Princess Twilight Aurora Sparkle, and Artemis Pluto Yukon. The night before was filled with a lot of stress for every pony, but the way everything turned out it was worth it. All their Friends and family were in their seats, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Even the breeze family was here. Their little one year-old triplets were wearing adorable little tuxedos. Artemis was standing at the altar waiting for his bride to come. If he had to be honest, he was really nervous right now, even though his face didn’t show it. After waiting for a few minutes, the organ began to play, and the ballroom doors opened. Artemis eyes widened. Walking down the aisle wearing a beautiful white dress, was the most gorgeous mare he has ever seen. Artemis tried not to stare, but he can help it. It was like seeing an angel in person. He was starting to wonder what did he do to deserve her. After she walked onto the aisle, Celestia clear her throat. “Fillies and gentle Colts, we are here today to celebrate the union between Twilight Aurora Sparkle and Artemis Pluto Yukon. Two years ago, these two individuals met by strange circumstances, and now their love for one another has brought us all to witness their commitment for each other.” Celestia said before turning to Artemis. “Artemis, do you take Twilight as your loving wife, in sickness and in health. Until death do us part?” “I do.” “Twilight, do you take Artemis as your loving husband in sickness and health. Until death do us part?” “I do.” “May we please have the rings?” Spike walked up to the altar and presented the pillow with the rings on them. Celestia picked up the rings in her magic and placed them on Artemis and Twilight's ring fingers. “I pronounce your husband and wife you may kiss the bride.” The moment their lips met every pony cheered. (25 minutes later.) After the father daughter dance and cutting the wedding cake, the new wed couple were sitting at their table enjoying each other’s company when Nightlight and Twilight velvet came up to them. “Congratulations you two. I hope you have a nice merry life.” Velvet said as she hugged the both of them. “Thanks, mom. You know, this wedding turned out way better than we imagined.” Twilight said after day ended the hug. “I’m glad to hear that. Today is the day for both of you and should not be interrupted.” Nightlight said. “So are you guys excited for your honeymoon?” Velvet ask. “Yeah, we are. We are going to have our honeymoon in Surfside, it’s going to be amazing.” Artemis replied. “Good choice, I heard that Surfside is always nice this time of year. But remember to enjoy wedding party. These will be the moments you remember for the rest of your lives.” “We will, mom.” Twilight said. “Good, now will leave you two alone. See you later love birds.” Velvet said before she and Nightlight walking away. “Hey Twilight, do you want to join our friends on the dance floor?” Artemis ask. “Definitely.” Twilight said before they got up and joined their friends. ===•••=== February 28 1:30 PM. Twilight and Artemis were standing next to each other, waiting for the doors to the throne room to be open. Twilight was wearing a purple, white, red and gold dress with elbow length gloves, while Artemis was wearing a light blue uniform that looks similar to military officer outfit. After the doors to the throne room open, they held each other hands and enter the throne room filled with family, friends, foreign dignitaries, and reporters. After they sat down on the Royal sisters’ thrones, Chancellor Shukshin held out a very ancient scroll of the original Equestrian constitution. The couple both put their hands on the scroll and their other hand in the air. “Twilight sparkle, Artemis Yukon, do you swear to serve the United Kingdom of Equestria with dignity and honor?” “I do.” “Do you swear to make sure that the liberties of the six tribes are upheld?” “I do.” “Do you swear to protect the United Kingdom of Equestria with the best of your abilities, even if it cost you your lives?” “I do.” Shukshin put the scroll down and placed Twilight’s crown on her head and then placed Artemis’ crown on his. After that, the chancellor turned around and said “I proudly present to the world, Princess Twilight and Prince Artemis of the United Kingdom of Equestria! All hail the new Prince and Princess, all hail Equestria!” The entire crowd erupted into cheers and applause while the news reporters immediately started taking pictures of the new Royals. ===•••=== 9:30 PM After many hours of partying, the new prince and Princess went to their bedroom in the solar wing of the castle. After they changed into their pajamas, Artemis threw himself onto the bed. “I never thought two days of partying would take so much out of me.” “But at least we have eight wonderful days in Surfside awaiting us.” Twilight said after she laid down next to her husband. “Yeah, I can’t wait for that.” “Since we’re alone, how about we show each other how much we love one another.” Twilight said before straddling Artemis waist. “What’s gotten into you?” “I saw the way you looked at me when I was coming down the aisle. You don’t wanna know how much I want to pounce on you last night.” “How come you didn’t do it?” “Because I wanted to wait. Now you are all mine for the taking.” Artemis grabbed Twilight’s shoulders and rolled her onto her back. Now he was on top. “What’s gotten into you now?” Twilight purred. “Nothing just felt wine to remind you that this sexy nerdy princess is mine as well.” “OK, but remember, don’t get mad at me if you can barely stand tomorrow.” “Right back at ya, princess.” “Fuck you.” “When?” Twilight pulled Artemis into a deep, loving kiss as they took off each other’s pajamas. And this is a cue for us to leave. ===•••=== After a long passionate night, the new Royals woke up early and made it onto their flight bound for Surfside. Excited for their wonderful honeymoon ahead.