• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 605 Views, 11 Comments

The Royal Three: Season Two - Kingstar008

The Yukon triplets are ready for anything that comes their way. Luckily for them, Equestria has a lot in store for them.

  • ...

The train of Destiny.

March 23 1010 AG
10:30 PM
Atlas’ POV.

“Finally, it's over.”

It was a chilly night in Canterlot and right now Atlas entered his bedroom wanting nothing more than to hit the hay right then and there.

Today was a very busy day for Atlas because of the reunification Crystal Empire. It turns out reuniting a nation that’s been divided 1000 years is really difficult. Many crystal ponies that lived in North still speaks old Ponish and are confused of all the new technology that now exists. like airships, TVs and electric lights. And don’t get me started on all the cultural and political differences as well. To fix this problem both Equestrian and Crystal governments are encouraging these ponies to explore their new opportunities and surroundings.

Which is why Atlas is so burnt out.

After 10 minutes of getting ready for bed and getting himself comfortable, Atlas was out like a light.


Atlas opens his eyes and saw that he wasn’t in his bedroom anymore. Instead, he was in outer space surrounded by small star. Which explains why his body felt weightless.



Then he noticed a bunch of sparks a few feet front of him.

“What the-“


The shockwave from the explosion sent him flying backwards, nearly getting swallowed up by a large fireball the explosion produced.

Atlas at this point was freaking out and the only thing he could do at that point what’s the closest his eyes and hope for the best.

After he felt himself come to a complete stop, he opened his eyes and saw that he was now in an area that was bright blue with a lot more stars.

Then the stars started to move, taking Atlas down with them.

“Oh no!!!”

The stars carried him at high speeds. Everything became a blur as they spun around him. After what felt like forever, the star turn into a tunnel of flame with a blinding light at the end of it.

Atlas covered his eyes to shield them from the bright light, and surrounded himself in a shield bubble just in case it was another explosion.

The tunnel of flames suddenly disintegrated, leaving Atlas floating towards the bright light. It turns out that bright light was a galaxy.

The galaxy wasn’t shape like a spiral, but instead the galaxies center was surrounded by large orange cloud, with millions of stars within.

Atlas couldn’t explain it but he felt like he has seen this galaxy before. Even though it was the first time he has ever seen something like this.

The light started to expand.

Atlas was too mesmerized by the light to even attempt to get away. He did nothing as the bright light enveloped him.


“AAh.” Atlas sat up and took the covers off of him.

He looked at his clock on his nightstand and saw that it was currently 1:30 AM.

“Man, what a weird dream.” He muttered before turning on the lamp.

He walked toward the bathroom, grabbed a cup, filled it up with water and drink it in one big gulp like it was a shot of vodka.

He was about to fill up again when he glanced at the mirror and noticed that his eyes were now different.

Both of Atlas’ eyes had orange suns in the center of them. Similar to Celestia’s cutie mark. With a five pointed star in the middle.

“This is interesting.” Atlas said as he examined both of his eyes in the mirror.

Eventually, his eyes went back to normal.

“I wonder if I should tell Galaxia about this.”

He shrugged his shoulders.

“I’ll do it in the morning.” He said he before he turned off the bathroom lights.

Atlas put his glass of water down on his nightstand, he turned off the lamp, pulled the covers over himself, and fell asleep.


Atlas was in New York City. More specifically, Times Square. Instead of the busy city that everyone knows and loves, it was an absolute War zone.

The US soldiers were shooting at an enemy that Atlas wasn’t able to see because they were shrouded a weird shadow. The only thing he can see were two green eyes.

The shadows then fired a bunch of green magical beams, and the US soldiers was shooting back.

Then all of a sudden, an Equestrian soldier ran past Atlas, with an Equestrian tank following the soldier and the rest of her battalion.

The tank aimed at the shadows and fired.

Atlas conjured up a shield bubble and close his eyes.

When he opened them, he was now standing on the walkway on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Atlas now had a clear view of Manhattan. Coming from the concrete jungle was large clouds of smoke coming from the street below.

But the side that shocked him the most was that the United Nations headquarters building had a large gash on its south side.

The sound of military aircraft flying overhead was almost deafening as they flew around the city.

He blinked.

He was in front of Grand Central Station, where three and M1 Abrams tanks were shooting at three black tanks. He didn’t recognize the design and any identify marks were blurry.

But Atlas can tell whoever was operating the tanks didn’t know what they were doing or they sucked that their jobs. They all blew up when the Abrams tanks made a direct hit to their engines.

He blinked again.

Now he was in Central Park. US soldiers were accompanied by military forces from Equestria, Crystal Empire, Kemerovo, and the River Federation.

All around them, grenades and bullets were flying all over the place as they were advancing slowly deeper into the park.

Suddenly, a powerful grenade blew up a few inches away from Atlas, causing him to be thrown to ground. luckily, his shield bubble was able to protect him from the shrapnel.

Atlas was already having a panic attack from all the stuff he already seen, and the explosion only made things worse. He felt helpless as he curled into a ball and shut his eyes.

After the sound of gunfire and explosions fade away, he opened his eyes and saw that he was in front of the weird galaxy again.

Atlas was relieved that he was no longer in that Warzone, but his relief turned into anger.

“Why did I have that dream?!” He yelled, staring at the galaxy. “Why? Are you sentient or something? If you are, why did you show me that?! The dream I had before was weird, but pretty good. But now seeing my hometown being destroyed like that is something I do not want to see! All I wanted was some sleep. Why did I have that dream? What is the meaning?! Answer me dammit! answer ME!”

Atlas was now out of breath. He decides to sit down while still staring at the galaxy.

“I just want to know why.” He said softly. “What are you trying to tell me?”

After he said that, one of the small stars start to move. It became brighter as it moved closer to him. Then he heard a sound of a steam engine.

Atlas was able to see that it wasn’t a star, but a steam train. Big black steam locomotive pulling a long train of brown passenger cars.

And was heading right towards him.


Atlas was able to move out of train’s way by the skin of his teeth. It past by him at high speeds.

13 passenger cars later, the train was gone. Its destination, unknown.

March 24
7:20 AM

Atlas gasp for air when he woke up. His mouth felt dry and he was covered in sweat.

After he drank all his water, he tried to calm himself down, but the memories of both of his dreams keep on flashing through his mind.

Moments later, Luna opened his door and saw the state that Atlas was in.

“Oh no, not you too.” She said, slowly approaching the Atlas’ bed.

“Do you know there’s a thing named knocking, you know.” Atlas said, trying to compose himself.

“That’s not important right now. I saw your dreams last night I tried to intervene, but something was stopping me. I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right. It was a stupid nightmare anyway.”

“It wasn’t a nightmare, if it was I would’ve been able to intervene. I never seen dreams like that before and unfortunately you weren’t the only one to have those dreams last night.”

“What!” Atlas said in belief. “Who else had these dreams?”

“Your siblings. When I woke them up, they all had the same look in their eyes. Shocked and confused. My father has seen these types of dreams before. After breakfast i’ll bring you three to the library to meet him.”

“That sounds like a plan. Just give me a few minutes.”

“Of course.” Luna said before she teleported out of the room.

8:40 AM

After breakfast ended, Luna lead the triplets to the library lounge, where the former emperor of the night was waiting for them.

“Morning father.” Luna greeted.

“Morning Luna, morning triplets.”

“Morning.” The triplets said.

After the triplets sat down Nebula spoke.
“Luna told me that you three had strange and very realistic dreams last night. It’s not every day when Lulu ask for my help when it comes to things like this. So I’m guessing you must’ve seen some pretty wild stuff.”

“I wouldn’t call it wild, insane is a more appropriate word.” Artemis said.

“Whatever you guys call it I’m here to help, so which one of you wants go first?”

“I’ll go.” Apollo raised his hand. “I woke up in a place that looked like outer space. Before I knew it, the stars formed a beautiful tunnel. It was pretty fun to be honest. Then the tunnel separated, and I was now in front of this large planet with a moon circling it. I woke up and thought ‘That was weird.’ And went back to sleep. My second dream was an absolute nightmare. I was in Grand Central Station saying shadow figures with green eyes attacking everyone. It was only stopped when a few cops and Crystal ponies came in. I barely had time to process why I just saw before seeing an entire army of tanks chasing the shadowy figures through upstate New York. I blinked and I ended up in front of that same planet. Moments later, a train came around the planet and passed by me. That’s I woke up.”

“I had a similar dreams except I was riding on a shooting star. My second dream was pretty much the same, I was in downtown Brooklyn, and then Central Park. I also saw train pass by me as well, at extremely high speeds.” Artemis said.

“Same over here, except the first thing I saw was a big explosion and the tunnel stars I went through became a tunnel of flames. I ended up in front of this galaxy that was unlike any other galaxy I seen in photos. Instead of being spiral it was a big circle with an orange cloud around it. After seeing NYC in chaos, I ended up back in front of the galaxy. Where I was almost hit by a train.” Atlas said.

“What did the train look like?” Luna ask.

“It was a big black steam locomotive. It was pulling at least 13 brown passenger cars.” Atlas described.

“That’s what the train look like in my dream as well.” Apollo said with wide eyes.

“Same over here.” Artemis chimed in. “Did it blew its whistle when it passed by you?”

“Yeah, it was loud and powerful.” Apollo answered.

“Did the train have any special details on it?” Nebula ask.

“Yeah it did. It had a sign on the front of it that had the number 999.” Atlas said.

His answer confirmed Nebula’s suspicions.

“That explains everything.” Nebula said. “ The reason why you three had weird dreams and nightmares last night is because of your destinies.”

“What does a train in our dreams has to do with our destinies?” Artemis asks.

“When someone sees that train in their dreams, the very next night, the train will come again and pick them up. Then you might meet your guardian angel or a family member that passed. They will tell you what your destiny is going to be and answer all of the questions you have about it. It only picks up creatures with destinies that will be remembered for thousands of years. The train is called the Galaxy Express 999.” Nebula answered.

“I heard of that name before. Isn’t that the train you and Galaxia took to come back to Equis?” Atlas asks.

“That is correct.”

“So, you’re telling me that a train flying through outer space is causing us to have these dreams?” Apollo asks.

“No, it’s usually someone on board the train that's causing the dreams. But this is the first time I have ever heard of the galaxy express appearing in three dreams in one night.”

“Ok, but what do you think our dreams mean?”
Artemis ask.

“If I have to take a guess, the first one is where your powers came from and the second one is some premonition. Don’t freak out this is just a guess. I don’t know for certain because neither me or Luna can access your dreams right now because of that train.”

“So I got my powers from a shooting star, that’s awesome.” Artemis smile. “Atlas, you must be the most powerful one of all of us, you got your powers from a galaxy.”

“I don’t think so. After I woke up from my first dream, I went to the bathroom and saw them my eyes had orange suns with stars in the middle.”

“Hmm, so which celestial body markings will my eyes get?” Apollo wondered.

“Maybe you get a planet.” Artemis suggested.

“Or a moon.” Atlas said.

“Who knows, maybe he will have both.” Luna chimed in.

“Whatever it may be, we’ll know tomorrow morning.” Nebula said.

“How do we catch this train?” Artemis ask.

“It’s pretty easy. All you have to do is fall asleep. When you’re in your dream, you end up at a place named Station Destiny. Then you wait for the train to arrive. It always comes moments later.”

“That’s it?” Apollo ask.

“Pretty much. Now if you excuse me. I have some duties I have to do today.” After that the former emperor left the lounge.

“If our destiny is to save New York, how are we going to do that if we can’t get to New York in the first place?” Atlas wondered.

“I don’t know but at least we’ll get our questions answered tonight.” Artemis answered.

9:00 AM

“Sister.” Luna said after teleporting in Celestia’s office.

“Yes Luna?” Celestia put her papers down.

“Did you see Atlas this morning?”

“No, he has a meeting with Raven and a few diplomats. Why do you ask?”

“I have something to tell you. Last night the triplets had a nightmares about their hometown becoming a war zone.”

“That’s awful. You were able to intervene, right?”

“I wasn’t able to because I couldn’t get in and I found out that the express was in their dreams.”

Celestia’s eyes widen. “The triplets have special destinies?”

“Yes, they do.

Celestia folded her hands and rest her chin on top of them as she processed the information.
“Thanks for letting me know about this.”

“You’re welcome Tia.” Luna said before teleporting away.

The sun princess looked at the picture frame on her desk of the main six, the triplets, and her family at Cadence’s wedding.

“What does the fate have planned for you three?”

10:00 PM
Apollo’s bedroom.

“There you go, all nice and cozy.” Luna said after tucking Apollo in. “Are you ready to find out what your destiny is?”

“I don’t know.” Apollo sigh. “A curious side of me wants to find out what it might be, but I’m also scared what I might find. Ever since this morning, I’ve been asking myself ‘why us'. All we are or a bunch of random guys from the U.S transported to a different world.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Are you saying that just to make me feel better?”

“I am, but I’m also speaking from experience. I’ve been amazed when you and your siblings have done in the past year. You adapted quickly to a new world, you made a lot of new friends, found love, and saved two nations in two months. You volunteered to protect Equestria and the Crystal Empire without hesitation. That takes a lot of heart and guts to do that. which is why I’m not surprised that you have such an important destiny.”

“Yeah but what if I screw up what if after we win the battle? Or one of our soldiers gets into a scuffle with American ones? If that happens, we would be at war with the United States, which is not going to end well.”

“We don’t know if that’s going to happen or not but since you and your siblings will be there, I don’t think that’s going to happen because anyone that has a special destiny like this usually have a happy outcome.” Luna reassured.

“When you put it like that it does make me feel a little bit better.”

“Good, now it’s time for you to get some sleep.”
Luna said before kissing him on the forehead. “Good night.”

“Good night Lulu.”

After that, she left the room.

Apollo rolled onto his right side and fell asleep.


Apollo opened his eyes and found himself in the middle of our space standing on an ethereal light blue path leading towards a train station.

He walked towards the station and passed by a sign that said, “welcome to Station Destiny.”

“It looks like I’m in the right place.” He said to himself.

Just like the outside the inside of the station the inside looked really modern. Like train stations in the River Federation.

After a little bit of searching, he finally found the waiting platform where his identical siblings were waiting.

“Look, who decided to show up.” Artemis said.

Apollo didn’t respond because he was too busy, staring at his siblings eyes.

Atlas eyes had an orange sun with stars middle of them. While Artemis eyes had a magenta circle with a shooting star in the middle.

“Your eyes are different.” He said in shock.

“Yeah, we know. We found that out five minutes ago. You should see yours.” Atlas said before he made a mirror up here with his magic.

Apollo looked in the mirror and saw that his eyes had a blue circle in the middle, with a planet surrounded by rings with a small crescent moon on the top right corner.

“Huh. So I do get both.” Apollo said before Atlas made the mirror disappear.

It was at this moment when they heard a loud steam whistle.

They look to their left to see the Galaxy Express landing on the tracks.

“How is that even possible?” Artemis said in amazement.

“Like everything else, it has to be magic.” Atlas replied.

A few moments later, the large express train came to a complete stop.

As the steam locomotive filled the station with steam, the passenger car’s doors opened, allowing the triplets to climb on board.

The train car they were now in was a luxurious lounge car.

“I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but this train is nicer than Neo.” Apollo said.

“I’m glad you like it.”

The humans turned around and saw that three other humans were entering the train car. Two boys one girl.

The first human to enter is a tall black dude with a beard wearing a jolly red tuxedo with a red hat.

The second human is another black guy wearing a button up shirt and long black pants.

The third and final human was a black woman wearing a white sundress. And she looked really excited.

“You don’t know how long I want to officially meet you.” The mysterious woman said after teleporting in front of Atlas and giving him a hug that rival Pinkie Pie’s strength.

“Margaret, please let him go. You’re going to suffocate the boy.” The one with the beard said.

“Oh, sorry.” Margaret let go of Atlas, giving him a chance to breathe.

“Who are you guys? And are you the people were supposed to meet?” Artemis asks.

“Yes, we are. My name is Athens.”

“My name is Augustus. It’s nice to meet you.”

“My name is Margaret.”

“We are your guardian angels.” They said in unison.


“We’re about to depart.” Margaret said in a sing song, voice.

Moments later, the express slowly left the station, then it started picking up speed as it went up the steep tracks.

The galaxy express blew its mighty whistle before the wheels lifted off the tracks and the train went full speed ahead into outer space.

“Wow.” Atlas said as he watched the station disappeared from view.

“Where are we going?” Artemis ask.

“It’s a surprise. For now, just enjoy the ride.” Athens said.

“If you don’t mind me asking, which angel is assigned to who?” Apollo ask.

“Well, since you guys were born on the same day, we could switch whenever we want. But usually I am Atlas’ Angel, Athens is assigned to Apollo, and the Augustus is assigned to Artemis.” Margaret answered.

“So did you guys gave us those dreams last night?” Atlas ask.

“Yes, we did. The second one was a premonition of what might happen, but you already know that thanks to Nebula.” Athens said.

“Which brings us to why you are here tonight. As you already know, you are no ordinary humans. You three are destined to accomplish something that will change the universe forever.” Margaret stated as she created a hologram of Equis and Earth.

After the triplets gather around the hologram, Margaret continued speaking.

“Thousands of years ago, before the age of modern civilization and the era of Galaxia, Earth and Equis was connected by an intergalactic tunnel, known as Orion passage. Humans, ponies, griffins, and other creatures use this tunnel to travel between the planets. Often travel by ships or just simply flying or walking.”

“That’s why pony languages sound like human languages.” Artemis realized.

“That’s right.” Augustus said with a smile. “Thanks to this tunnel, cultures and languages were exchanged between the two planets. That’s why Kirins speak a language that similar to German, or Batponies speaking a language that sounds like Russian and Ukrainian.”

“So, both worlds had magic?” Atlas ask.

“Sort of.” Athens answered while stroking his beard. “Humans often use special items to get magical abilities or potions.”

“So what happened to the passage?” Apollo ask.

“Greed, distrust, and war. When nations were formed, and those nations became empires, they start eyeing each other as an opportunity to gain more land and wealth. And don’t get me started between the discord between the six tribes.” Margaret said with a sad look on her face.

“Those years were pretty brutal for both planets. Ponies against felines, humans against griffins and dragons against yaks. Every creature weren’t as intelligent as they are now. So we had to make a difficult decision of closing Orion‘s passage.” Augustus said.

Hologram showed the tunnel disappearing.

“But this is only a temporary measure, and thankfully heaven and Valhalla decided to create a powerful magic. With God’s approval. This magic will go to individuals who are deemed worthy enough receive this gift. After it was created, it was sent out to space to a specific location near Equis and Earth, so we monitored it.”
Said Margaret.

“For thousands of years, the magic stayed in its spot even when great civilizations like Rome, Equestria, Egypt and China were established it didn’t move an inch. We didn’t intervene because we knew it will eventually choose the right people.” Athens narrated. “Then in spring of 1989 it started heading towards Earth.”

The hologram then showed a large ball of magic heading towards the planet.

“As expected the magic split apart, but it headed towards the same city and the location. Nine months later you three were born.”

The triplets had shocked looks on their faces. They couldn’t believe it.

They were the product of an ancient magic that came from the heavens.

“So you mean.” Atlas didn’t finish his sentence.
But the Angels knew what he was about to ask.

“Yes, you had this power flowing through you since birth. You’re destinies is to be the first ones to go through passage and reintroduce humanity to the creatures of Equis. You three are the first identical siblings to be chosen for something like this.”

“Wow. Wait so you’re saying that anything from Equis can come to planet earth?” Apollo ask.

“That’s right. The prophecy you saw last night is that after the tunnel is opened, a few days later some bad creatures are going to come through it, and attack North America.”

“Do you know who or what is going to attack?”

“No, we do not. And before you ask, we can’t prevent it, it’s inevitable. If we did, it will derail timeline and cause something much worse to happen.” Margaret said.

So many thoughts went through Apollo mind. His heart pounded within his chest as he thought about the what if’s.

‘What if they would fail to protect earth?’

‘What if ponies and humans don’t get along?’

‘What if-?’

The train’s whistle snapped Apollo out of his thoughts.

Moments later a scroll appeared in front of Athens. “We’re heading towards Orion‘s passage.”
He announced before making the scroll disappear.

“Already I thought it wouldn’t see it for another 10 minutes.” Augustus said as he looked out the window.

“Nope. The train has been going a faster speed than originally planned.”

“Why am I not surprised?” Margaret sarcastically ask.

It was at this moment when the passage entrance opened up in front of the train.

“Yukon triplets, welcome to Orion’s passage.” Athens said.

All around the train was beautiful colors of blues and purples with tiny stars all over the place. It looks similar to the ethereal realm now that I think about it.

“This place is huge.” Atlas exclaimed.

“Is this the same passage where we were transported from Earth to Equis almost a year ago?” Artemis ask.

“Yep. Back then the tunnel wasn’t really safe for any living thing to go through. That’s why when you was first brought through here, you had one of those golden ropes attached to you. Its purpose was to pull you through before the tunnel severely injured you.” Augustus answered.

“Oh, that makes sense. But when will the passage, be safe for people to go through?” Apollo ask.

“The passage will be safe to travel through around late 2011 or early 2012.”

“So we only have a year or two to prepare for this. Augustus give it to me straight. Is all the destruction that we saw in the prophecy going to happen?”

“There’s a high likelihood that that won’t be the case. The dream you had shown you what might happen, not what will happen. Knowing you three, you’re going to be just fine. I’ll bet the enemy you’re going fight that day is something you have dealt with before.”

“But what if we screw up or the United States get spooked or something?”

Sensing Apollo’s distress, Margaret put a reassuring hand on Apollo‘s shoulder.

“You’re not going to fail, the magic chose you guys for a reason. It knows that you’ll be ready when the time comes. Augustus is right, you know. All of you overcome me so many challenges in your lives. September 11, being transported to a New World, Discord, the Changing invasion and defending the Crystal City. If all of that doesn’t make you worthy of reuniting Earth and Equis, I don’t know what is.”

Apollo said nothing as he pulled the angel into a hug.

After they ended the hug, the train exited the passage and was now back in outer space.

“Guys, look out the window.” Atlas said with watery eyes.

The triplets they just that and they couldn’t believe their eyes.

Outside of the express train planet earth.
They had a perfect view of the continental United States with all the cities across the nation lighting up the surface.

“So, do you like your surprise?” Athens ask.

“Yes I do. I thought I will never see it again.” He said wiping a tear from his eye. “Do you know how my parents are doing?”

“Your parents are doing all right. They were devastated when they heard what happened. They vow they’ll never stop looking for three. So did the governments of New York and Ottawa. You’re even known as the Niagara Brothers. Millions of people have hope that one day you will be found. Thanks to what happened on June 11, no one is allowed anywhere near Niagara Falls.”

“How far away is Equis from Earth?”

“4.36 light years away.”

“So that means Equis sun is Alpha Centauri.”

“That’s right, Equis is in the closest solar system to Earth’s.”

“We’re basically next-door neighbors.” Atlas whispered.

Everyone stayed quiet for a few minutes as they marvel at the view of the blue planet.

Then the moon came into view and just like earth, the view was breathtaking.

20 minutes later the train reentered Orion‘s passage.

Next stop station destiny.

Station Destiny.

After the train landed safely back at Station Destiny, the triplets and the Angels were now standing on the platform having one last conversation before parting ways.

“Do you have any more questions before we go?” Athens ask.

“I do. Will our powers get stronger after this?”
Artemis ask.

“Definitely, so I recommend that you continue practicing on your abilities.”

“We will. Thanks for giving us a heads up.”
Atlas said.

“You’re welcome and again it was really nice to meet you, even though it was in your dreams.” Augustus responded.

“We’ll meet again in your lifetimes until then, see you later.” Margaret said as she held out her hand.

Atlas shook her hand, which turned into a tight hug.

After they said their goodbyes, the angels climbed back on board to train.

The triplets were about to leave, when they heard.

“We believe in you.”

They turned around and said. “What?”

“WE BELIEVE IN YOU!” Athens shouted from an open window as the train slowly left platform.

The triplets watched as the train take off from its elevated rails and flew deep into outer space. Its destination, unknown.

“Wow, what a night.” Artemis said as he and his siblings walked through the empty station.

“I know right, so many things we have learned from this. No ponies going to believe us after we get back.” Apollo said.

“You can say that again.” Atlas chuckled.

Then they saw that the main entrance to the station was glowing white.

“So that’s how we get back home. Are you guys ready to blow every ponies minds?”

“Yeah. But I’ll be the first one to do it.” Artemis said before he ran through the portal.

“Oh, heck no.” Atlas said before following suit.

Apollo looked back at the station one last time before going through.

March 25.
8:50 AM

With the light of Celestia’s sun greeting him. Apollo awoke his slumber, got out of bed and stretched his arms.

He opened the doors to his balcony and breathed the fresh mountain air.

Today was going to be a good day.

After he was done, brushing his teeth, he left his bedroom and walk towards the Royal dining room to get some breakfast.

When he arrive at the dining room, he saw that his siblings were there eating Celestia famous buttermilk pancakes.

On the other side of the table were royal sisters and few of the triplets friends.

All of them had their jaws on the ground.

Figuratively speaking.

“Morning every pony, what did I miss?”

Celestia turned to look at Apollo. “I have to write a letter to Twilight!” Before teleporting away.

“A lot, you missed a lot.” Artemis answered.

“This changes everything.” Lydia mumbled.

Author's Note:

Happy new year everyone!