• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 605 Views, 11 Comments

The Royal Three: Season Two - Kingstar008

The Yukon triplets are ready for anything that comes their way. Luckily for them, Equestria has a lot in store for them.

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Welcome to Buryatia!

Author's Note:

This episode was made with of all the wholesomeness I can find in the Hoi4 mod T.N.O the last days of Europe.

One week ago.
April 29 1010 A.G


On the northeastern part of the continent of Griffonia, is a large country home to around 80 million ponies. This country is called Buryatia. Also known as the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

The most powerful communist country that is still standing.

Despite major reforms and a brand new flag, the B.A.S.S.R’s past sins still haunts the nation. It’s not uncommon for countries to think twice before even considering speaking to a diplomat from Buryatia. Even other communist countries are hesitant. Luckily for them there’s a light at the end of this long depressing tunnel.

Verkhneudinsk, Buryatia.
9:30 AM
(Translation from Thestral to English/Ponish.)

It was another normal day in the capital city of the B.A.S.S.R. The streets were filled with life as ponies were either commuting to work or going at school.

In a large Congress building in the middle of the city named the ‘Supreme Soviet’, a very important meeting was about to begin.

“Comrades, thanks for coming in on this fine morning.”
The bat pony who was talking to the ponies in the conference room has a cream-colored coat and brown mane and tail. He was wearing a white officer uniform that had the hammer and horseshoe emblem on the front of his hat.

This young stallion was another than general secretary, Valery Sablin. The leader of Buryatia.

Accompanying him in the room was his trusted cabinet.

Susana Peohuro, she is an off-white bat pony with a light red mane and tail.

Across the table was her fellow comrade, Otto Braun. He is a caramel colored Kirin with a orange mane and tail.

Sitting next to the old Kirin was Maya Ulanovakaya, she is a navy blue bat pony with a silver mane and tail.

And last, but not least, Mikhail Markheev, he is a white sea pony with a cream colored mane and tail.

“As we all know our image on the world stage is not good, despite how much Buryatia has changed in the past three years.” The general secretary said. “So i’ve been consulting with the supreme Soviet and we all came to the same conclusion. Instead of waiting for other countries to make the first move, how about we take a leap in faith and reach out to some countries. Any suggestions?”

Braun adjusted his glasses before speaking in his thick Lavonian accent. “I believe we should reach out to Equestria and the Crystal Empire first and maybe join the Harmony Entente.”

The room went quiet.

“With all due respect. Why would we reach out to them? Don’t you remember that they were the ones that prevented the revolution from spreading?” Susana stated. Shocked that her own colleague would suggest such an idea.

“Good question, Equestria and the Crystal Empire are not only powerful nations, but they also treat their citizens very well. They have a high standard of living, and they respect the proletariat. If this endeavor is successful, our image will improve, we’ll gain a lot of new allies and more trade. Not only that, but the Equestrians allied with socialist nations that were against us and the Federation back during the frozen war. So, they already have a good relationship with some of our comrades.”

“Even if they had a few socialist allies, they were our enemy for 40 years. Equestria humiliated us when the Federation fell apart. I don’t think our citizens would like to become friends with a country that did that to us. Instead, we should reach out to our comrades around the world and create a new international.”

“I don’t think a new international would work in our favor.” Mikhail said. “I hate to admit it, but I think we should go with Otto’s idea.”

“I don’t know guys, I like the international idea. Align ourselves with Equestria and the Crystal Empire means aligning with their bourgeois allies. And to me, that feels like we are betraying our ideals.” Maya admitted.

“Since we have two different ideas on the table, is every pony ready to vote?” Sablin asked.

Every pony nodded.

“All in favor of a new international, raise your hands.”

Susana and Maya raise their hands.

“On favor of reaching out to the Harmony Entente, raise your hands.”

Otto and Mikhail raise their hands.

And just like that the cabinet was now split 50-50.

Sablin doesn’t like it when his comrades couldn’t agree on anything. But that’s what happens when you try to create a socialist democracy.

The young General secretary consider both options. All of his comrades had made some good points. If they created a new international, they can be closer to communist and socialist nations all over the world and Buryatia will become a world power once again. But that might start another frozen war which no one wants.

If they align themselves with Equestria, not only will it open the door to a lot of new opportunities for them, but they might also be able to convince some of their new bourgeois allies to treat their workers better. Especially the griffins.

After almost a minute of thinking, Valery stood up and spoke. “Otto, get your feather and parchment ready we’re going to be reaching out to Equestria.”

“Of course, comrade.” The old Livonian said before teleporting away.

After the meeting ended, the only two ponies in the room were Susana and Valery.

“We are really doing this huh?” Susana said in disappointment.

“Of course my friend, it’s been 20 years since the frozen war ended. If we want to show the world that we change, we have to be willing to talk to our peers, even if they disagree with us.”

Susana sighed. “You’re right. I just hope that this doesn’t end poorly for us.”

“Me too comrade, me too.”

May 1
The Supreme Soviet
12:30 PM

After the bureau of foreign affairs sent a letter of friendship to Equestria and Crystal Empire, the leaders of the Soviet Republic waited two days for a reply.

So when Otto received a letter from both countries, every government official convened in the supreme Soviet, wanting to hear the letter.

They didn’t wait long when Otto Braun entered the congressional chambers, and walked up to the podium.

He opened the letter and cleared his throat.
“Dear General secretary Sablin, we are happy to inform you and your countrymen, that Equestria and the Crystal Empire are very eager to establish diplomatic relations with Buryatia.”

Before he can continue, almost every pony in the massive room start to cheer. Communists, Democrat Socialists, Syndicalists and other factions, set aside their differences to celebrate.

The only ones that weren’t celebrating were the totalists and the anarchists.

“Order!, order in the Soviet!” Otto bang the gavel three times to get every ponies attention.

“I know every pony is happy about about this. But we don’t to become party animals. Yet. Besides, I wasn’t done reading the letter.”

“Our bad.” Said a random socialist.

“It’s fine.” He said, before continuing to read the letter. “Empress Celestia has been the most eager out of our two royals. Before your Civil War, Celestia reached out to Yagoda in friendship, only to be rudely refused. Both our Empresses can’t wait to visit your beautiful country and walk towards the future as allies. From the department of foreign affairs of Equestria and the Crystal Empire.”

Every pony were shocked of what they just heard.
The very empress that humiliated them 20 years ago, held no ill will towards them, and even wanted to become friends with them.

As the hopeful murmurs continued, Velery walked up to the podium and said into the microphone.
“Comrades, finally had long last we will be welcomed with open arms by the international community!”

After the crowd finish clapping and whistling, the young general secretary continued to speak.
“Today we celebrate this victory, tomorrow it’s time to go back to work. We got a summit to prepare.”

May 8 1010 A.G
8:30 PM

Celestia was on board her private airship named Northstar, drinking a cup of coffee in the lounge area, while reading a book. The only thing that company her was the sound of the airship’s engines.

On the port side of Northstar was another large airship with the flag of the crystal Empire on its tail. It’s name is snowflake, Cadence’s private airship.

After putting a bookmark in her book, Celestia reclined her seat and looked out the window. Seeing the bright city lights of Buryatia.

She remembered the day when she got news of the NKVD lead government was overthrown by Sablin and his supporters three years ago. At the time, she never thought that Yagoda would be ever overthrown since he turned his nation into a police state.

But despite the odds, the young stallion did it. And he continued to shock the world by actually keeping his promises. Freedom of speech, disbanding the NKVD, equal rights for stallions and mare, the list goes on.

Celestia can’t wait to meet the stallion that save his country but she has to wait until tomorrow.

She snapped out of her thoughts when one of her royal guards entered the small lounge. “Your Majesty, where about to begin our descent.”

“Thanks for letting me know.” Celestia replied before taking a sip of a coffee.

“You’re welcome.” The guard said before leaving, Celestia alone.

After she put on her seatbelt, Northstar started descend with Snowflake following behind.

A few minutes later, the two airships landed at
Verkhneudinsk international Air Station.

After she got her suitcase, Celestia was disembarked when she saw the large crowd of reporters surrounding the airships.

Celestia walk down the stairs, smiling and waving to the crowd. Cadence was also doing the same thing.

When both monarchs got closer to the crowd, they started to ask them a bunch of questions.

“OK, Ok one at a time please.” Cadence said.

“Your majesty’s is it true that both of you hold no grudges against Buryatia?” One of the reporters said in broken ponish.

“Of course not. We like to see this country have a bright future as much as ours.” Celestia answered. “You also have a question?”

“Yes Empress. The general secretary wishes to see that the B.A.S.S.R join the Harmony Entente. Do you think that’ll be possible by the end of the summit?” Said a another reporter.

“Hopefully yes, your homeland meets all the requirements to join the alliance and most of our allies already approved.”

This caused the crowd to ask even more questions.

“Any more questions?” Cadence ask.

8:50 PM
20 minutes later.

“Wow I knew they were curious, but not that curious.” Cadence said in surprise as their motorcade took them to their hotel.

“Believe me Cadence, that could’ve been worse.”

Cadence looked up the window and observing the locals having a great night out.

“Verkhneudinsk more lively than I imagine. Auntie, have you ever been to this country before?”

“Yes, I have, back in 987. You should’ve seen it, every pony had a smile on their faces, and there wasn’t a single breadline in sight. Me and your mother thought it would last forever. That dream shattered when Yagoda took over the government after the federation fell.”

“Thank goodness that these ponies don’t have to suffer anymore.” Cadence mumbled to herself.

“How about we explore the city tomorrow after our first meeting?” Celestia suggested.

“Yeah, that sounds like fun.”

A few minutes later, their motorcade arrived at a nice hotel a few minutes away from downtown.

After they both got their room keys and took the elevator all the way up to the 8th floor, both empresses walk down the hallway and found their room.

The room that they were staying in wasn’t too fancy, but they didn’t mind. It had two beds, a couch, mini fridge, a nice view of downtown, and a TV that looked like it was from the late 990s.

“I called dibs on the bed next to the window.”
Cadence said before teleporting onto the bed.

This made Celestia chuckle. “You can have that bed if allow me to going to the bathroom first.”

“That’s is fine by me.”

“Thank you.”

After Celestia close the bathroom door, Cadence grab the remote from the nightstand and turned on the TV. After a bit of channel surfing Cadence found the local news channel. Curious, the pink alicorn decided not to change the channel.

While watching the broadcast Cadence was surprised that the news anchors was speaking positively about her and her aunt arriving, even though this country is communist. After a while, the news became boring and she decided to channel surf again.

This is one Celestia came out of the bathroom wearing a robe and her hair wrapped in a towel. She also removed all the make up from her face.

“What did I miss?”

“Nothing much. I’m trying to find something interesting to watch that doesn’t involve politics.”
The Empress of love answered.

Moments later, Cadence found a channel that was playing an Equestrian action movie.

“Oh my stars, I hit the jackpot. I didn’t know they played Equestrian movies in this country.”

“Me neither.” A surprised Celestia said.

“Is there any popcorn in this room?” Cadence ask.

“I don’t think so.”

“That sucks.” She got up from the bed and said. “I’m going to change out of this dress. Let me know what happens next, all right?”

“I will.”

A few minutes later, Cadence came out of the bathroom wearing her PJs and continue to watch the movie with her aunt.

9 PM
Lilly’s P.O.V
Translator: ON.


Lilly was walking down the street of the Verkhneudinsk, observing how bright and lively the area was. Since Empress Celestia was now in her bedroom, Lilly was now on break, allowing her the opportunity to grab something good to eat.

She remember when her father came back from a diplomatic trip to Buryatia when she was a teen and told her and her twin sister that he never wanted to go back because how depressing the place was.

But what she was seeing was the complete opposite of that. The locals were very friendly, and the city was beautiful.

It almost like Equestria in a way.

As Lilly continued to walk, a stallion in a uniform of Sablin’s Red Army approached her, his hand well away from his pistol.

“Greetings comrade, how are you doing this fine evening?” He question with a smile.

She was surprised on how genuine his smile seems to be. “I’m doing fine thank you. Just looking for a nice place to get something to eat.” She replied in Thestral with a noticeable Equestrian accent.

“Very well comrade, I suggest you go to a place called flashback diner just down the block. Perfect for travelers like yourself. Uhm if you don’t mind me asking, what brings you our fine city?”

“Believe it or not, I’m one of Celestia‘s royal guards.” She answered, showing him her badge.

“Oh, an Equestrian!” He said with surprised tone. “It nice to meet a fellow pony in arms. How are you enjoying my country so far?”

“It’s better than I expected.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Ah, how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sergeant Victor, it was a pleasure to meet you.”

“Staff Sergeant Lydia Blade. It is nice to meet you too. Thanks for the advice.”

“Of course my friend. Have a good night.”

“Good night.”

After that the two batponies went their separate ways.

May 9 1010
10:30 AM.

The side of the streets of the capital city what film with ponies as Celestia and Cadence’s motorcade passed by.

And for good reason.

Today was the day that history was going to be made, and no pony want to miss a single moment of it.

After the SUV that was carrying the two royals arrived at its destination, Celestia and Cadence walked up the steps of the Supreme Soviet to meet the young revolutionary.

“Mr Sablin, it’s nice to finally meet you in person.”
Celestia greeted before shaking his hand.

“Likewise your majesty. I hope your first night here was to your liking?”

“It was wonderful, thanks for asking.” Cadence said.

“I have to say, you really did a great job reviving this nation.” Celestia commented.

“Thank you. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it in the end.” Sablin smiled. “Let’s head inside shall we.”

(5 minutes later.)

After the three world leaders entered the meeting room and took a seat, Celestia summoned a purple folder filled with documents.

“Now, let’s get down to business. General secretary, why do you want your country to join the Entente?”

“Because of two reasons. The first one is the economic opportunities that this alliance could bring to my country. You two may not know this, but the economy in Buryatia has grown a lot in recent years and I want that trend to continue.”

Sablin’s mood then became a bit somber.

“Now the second reason is that while things improved domestically, internationally many creatures still see us as an old relic of the frozen war that should’ve collapsed back in the early 990s. And don’t get me started on all the sins we committed. My citizens want to show the world that we changed but many world leaders are not as forgiving as the both of you.”

“Mr. Valery, if this is the case, why didn’t your government contact us sooner?” Cadence ask.

“Improving international relations wasn’t our top priority, until recently. I have a question, did the B.A.S.S.R get approved by the rest of the Entente?”

“Most of them did. The only one that said no is the new River Federation.”

‘Of course they did.’ Sablin thought. “Does that mean Buryatia is still a potential member?” He asked sheepishly.

“Of course it is. Getting most of the alliance to approve of a new member is a very good start.” Celestia answered. “And I think now is the time to talk about the elephant in the room.”

‘Oh no.’ Cadence thought nervously.

“In the Harmony Entente, it’s encouraged to freely trade with member countries and as you already know everyone in the alliance runs on a free market economy. And since Buryatia runs on a socialist one, we are willing to negotiate a special deal.”

“Ok. Before I think about it I need to ask you something. Will these businesses listen to my country’s laws and regulations?” The general secretary ask.

“Yes they will and if they don’t, the company, no matter how big or small will be subject to your nation’s laws.” Celestia said.

“Can I see the document that explains the trade agreement?”

“Yes you can. Celestia said before handing the document to Sablin.

After reading most of the document, Sablin was surprised by what the paper said. He thought that he has a compromise on the ideals that so many in the Soviet Republic held dear. But it looks like he didn’t have to do that. He can have his cake and eat it too.

“I don’t think we need to negotiate a special deal.” He said before handing back the document.

“Are you sure? Because we have no problem making one for you.” Cadence said.

“I don’t have problems with businesses setting up shop in the B.A.S.S.R, I have a problem when they don’t give their workers a livable wage and monopolize everything. But it looks like you Western and eastern ponies already figured that out.”

‘I never thought negotiating with an open-minded communist will be so easy.’ Celestia thought. “Now if that over with, let’s discuss-“

“Auntie, can I suggest something?”

“Sure.” Celestia approved, curious about what Cadence was about to say.

“General secretary, you been in the leader of Buryatia for three years, right?”


“And I am guessing that before that the Buryats thought the world was out to get them, right?”

“Yes and unfortunately some ponies still believe that. Why do you ask?” Velery ask in slight confusion.

“Well I think it would be a good idea for our three countries to have a cultural exchange program. We will have festivals and exhibits in The Soviet Republic. Showing our culture and history to your ponies, while they will be exhibits and festivals displaying your culture and history in our kingdoms. It worked in the Crystal Empire, maybe it’ll work for Buryatia as well.”

“That’s a good idea. What do you think Mr Valery?”

“Hmm, I don’t mind being involved in this program.”

“Ok, will do a cultural exchange.” Celestia said as she wrote it down in her notes for later. “Now what’s next? Right? The next thing we need to talk about is military cooperation.”

3 hours later.
1:35 PM.

“Finally, I thought that meeting would never end.”
Cadence said as she and Celestia walk down the block as their Royal guards followed behind from a distance.

“At least this will benefit all of us in the end. Since we have a few hours to ourselves, what do you want to do?” Celestia ask.

“I don’t know there’s so much to do in this town. How about we walk through one of the local parks to think about it?”

“Hmmm. Nope, I have already decided.”

“Really, what is it?”

“We should go to a local café.” Celestia smiled.

Cadence looked at her aunt with a deadpan look.

“Why not?”

“Because we only have so much time for ourselves before we have to go back to negotiating with Sablin and I know we’re going to spend more than an hour doing nothing but eating.”

“I thought one of your goals on this trip wants to try the local cuisine.”

“It is. We can do that later night. But first we should see as much of the city as possible on our break.”

“Ok you convince me. What should we do first then?”
Celestia asked before they went around the corner and saw that they were now standing in front of a history museum.

“Cadence turned to her aunt and said. “Are you’re thinking when I’m thinking?”

“Yep.” Celestia said before they entered the museum.

Three days later.
May 12 1010 A.G
The press room in the Supreme Soviet.
4:20 PM

After three days of negotiating and compromising on both sides, the treaty that will make Buryatia an official member of the harmony Entente was finally completed.
All Sablin had to do with sign his name on the paper.

And he did just that with dozens of camera ponies taking pictures of the historic event.

After that he put the feather down and shook Celestia and Cadence’s hand.

“It’s official. Our countries are now allies.” Celestia said.

“And it’s all thanks to the both of you.” Valery said.

“You don’t need to thank us. We believe that every pony deserves a second chance.” Cadence answered.

“And we would’ve done the same thing for the old Federation if they were still around.” Celestia said.

“Really? After everything they done?”

“Of course.” Celestia smiled.

Once again, the young stallion was surprised of what Celestia had said. The same communist Federation that was rotten to its core since the end of the great war, would’ve been forgiven by this mare?

It was almost hard to believe. But then here she was giving his homeland a second chance. Maybe the old Federation could’ve been friends with Equestria, but that was a thought for another time.

“Wow, that’s good to know.” Sablin said after he came out of his thoughts.

Moments later, the press, many of them from around the world, started ask a ton of questions.

May 14
Ulan-Ude Expo Center.
10:11 AM

Sablin and his friends were in the largest city in Buryatia named Ulan-Ude, to see the new Equestrian and Crystal exhibits that had just arrived a few hours ago.

Since today was the first day, the expo center was filled with curious civilians, foreigners, and local and foreign press.

As Empress Cadence have predicted, the exhibits were already popular, showing the citizens of the B.A.S.S.R, the type of life they could have. A world, where ponies could follow their dreams without worrying about putting food on the table.

Sablin’s favorites were the history exhibits. The Equestrians and the Crystal ponies didn’t censor any part of their history like he expected. Instead, they showed everything from their greatest triumphs to their greatest mistakes. Especially when it came to the mistreatment of the Buffalo.

Still Sablin had some problems. Walking into the art exhibit was like walking to a palace of a rich business stallion, but the art was nice in his opinion.

The music, while aesthetically pleasing, had an element of capitalist worship, especially from a pop artists named Sapphire Shores and Countess Coloratura.

But overall, it was interesting nonetheless. Seen the technology that the sister kingdoms had in their possession, almost made him envious of them. Almost.

“Mr. Sablin.” A business stallion walked up to him with a red and blue can in his hand. “Have you ever heard of Coltsi?”

“I don’t think I have.”

The unicorn stallion handed the can to Sablin. “Tried it, I think you will like it.”

He looked at the can with suspicion, but eventually, he opened it and took a sip.

“What do you think?”

“It’s delicious. Do you have any more?”


On the other side of the world, Susana Pechuro was in Manehattan Equestria, watching over the Buryat exhibits in the middle of Manehattan Park.

Despite her hometown being the largest city in Buryatia, she was not prepared for the hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps. Ever since arriving two days ago, every waking moment has been nothing but experiencing culture shock.

The technology, the culture, the slang, everything was so foreign to her. Even tall skyscrapers like the Empire Tower and the twin towers of Manehattan trade center made her feel tiny.
Heck, even riding the city's monorail was a culture shock. And don’t get her started on Hooflyn. The two cities alone made her hometown feel like a tiny village in comparison.

This made her wonder why Valery choose her to come to this concrete jungle? Couldn’t he pick Otto Braun instead? It wasn’t like she was a big fan of his idea to begin with.

She sighed as she walked by a Buryat music exhibit. If there was one good thing about this is that Equestrians would see that her homeland was a diverse place. And just in case there were any misunderstandings, there were experts around to clear things up.

She stopped in front of a military exhibit. Front were two soldiers talking to a mare jabbing a microphone into their faces. “So Mr…?”

“Vladimir.” Said one of the soldiers in broken Ponish.

“So Mr. Vladimir, what is it like in your nation?”

“It is a place of diversity, a place where all are equal. Comrade Sablin let us to victory against our oppressor and free the Buryat ponies.”

“Interesting, very interesting.” The mare said as she wrote something down on her notepad.

Susana shuttered, walking away in disgust. She understood why this was important. Equestria and her allies needs to see that her homeland wasn’t some broken relic of the frozen war and that they had the support of the ponies.

But this was disgusting! Parading her homeland like it was some commodity to be sold to the highest bitter. Was ,in her opinion, a violation of the ideals that the late, great, Jack Reed believed in.

Suddenly, she heard a voice. “Mommy, mommy.” Said a little sea pony filly. “Is she a soldier?”

Susana turned around and saw a mother holding the child’s hand. “Yes, sweetie. Aren’t they interesting?”

Susana sighed. Perhaps some good could come from this if nothing else.

“Damn you, Braun.”

Lake Mead.
4:30 PM

Oasis was in her room, making sure she had everything ready for the six-day vacation to Surfside.

After packing up her suitcase, she swims through her house and stopped in front of her father’s bedroom door to see if he was ready.

*Knock, knock, knock.*

“Come in.”

Oasis opens the door and saw that her father was inspecting one of his crossbows, with a serious look on his face. He was also wearing his old admiral uniform.

“Dad, are you planning to go crossbow fishing with Sandune?”

“Nope.” Icon answered.

“So why do you have your crossbow out?” Oasis ask.

“Remember when the communist in Buryatia had somehow convince Empress Celestia and Cadence to become ‘allies’ with us?”

“Yeah, I also remembered that you were so angry that you spent an hour and a half swimming around Lake Mead to calm your nerves. Why do you ask?”

“Earlier today I thought it would be nice to allow the current to take me around Lake Mead like a sea pony does and I encountered Edward doing the same thing. He told me that there were communist in Manehattan. I didn’t believe him until he showed me a newspaper. Oasis, those fuckers are back!” Icon said in anger as he handed her the newspaper.

‘Oh, that’s why he’s pissed.’ Oasis thought.

“Dad, this is not the frozen war anymore. Maybe, they came here with peaceful intentions.”

Icon look at his daughter like she grew two heads.

“Peace? I don’t think a communist has the word peace in their vocabulary. I spent 30 years of my naval career to stop the steel curtain from spreading anywhere else in the world. And it all paid off when they lost the frozen war. Now they want to start it all over again when my great grandsons are barely a few months old? Over my dead body. I made sure you were safe when you were growing up and I’m going do the same for them.”

As Icon continue to inspect his weapons and his uniform, Oasis decides to read the newspaper and realize that her dad was overreacting a little bit.


“They want a fight, I’ll give them a fight.”


“I’ll show them why the Equestrian navy is number one.”


“Yes, sweetie?” Icon said after he snapped out of his thoughts.

“Did you read the entire article?” She asked.

“No I only read the headline, why?”

“Because you are overreacting. If you have read the entire thing, you would understand that you have nothing to worry about.” Oasis said as she handed the newspaper to Icon.

Wanting to get over with, the old sailor read the article.

After reading to paper realize his mistake. “Huh, all they were doing was setting up exhibits in the middle of Manehattan and they actually want to be friends with us. Now I feel stupid.”

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it. At least nothing drastic came from it. Now put your uniform away and get your suitcase downstairs. We got grandkids to visit!”

Icon laughed nervously. “Is it the right time to tell you that I wasn’t the only one that was getting ready for a fight?”

“I’m scared to ask, but what do you mean by that?”

“Every veteran in the community is gearing up for war right now.”

“Your friends are in this as well?”


Oasis sighed “Allure!”


“We need to take the 6 o’clock train!”


“Because we need to prevent all the veterans from starting a militia!”

Allure swam over to them, and said. “I had a feeling that was going to happen.”

After they put their suitcases downstairs, they swim outside to prevent all the veterans in the community from starting a war only to learn that they weren’t the only ones.

An hour later, all the veterans soon realized there was nothing to worry about and went back home.

Luckily, no one was hurt from this incident and the relationship between Equestria and Buryatia only grew stronger as a result.