• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 605 Views, 11 Comments

The Royal Three: Season Two - Kingstar008

The Yukon triplets are ready for anything that comes their way. Luckily for them, Equestria has a lot in store for them.

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The First Summit.


On the eastern side of the continent of Griffonia, stands a large powerful country with a population of 205 million ponies. Its name is the River Federation. Named after the multiple rivers that flow through the country. The true successor of the old communist Federation and the Delta kingdom.

The federation was originally a republic back in the early 900s, but was overthrown by communist coup because of political and economic instability.
After the coup, the country was renamed to the River Socialist Federation, with Jack Reed being its first chairman in 927.

23 years later, the federation’s southern provinces seceded from the communist government in Saigon and formed the Delta kingdom.

Since these provinces were destroyed by the great war, the communists in the north thought the kingdom would fall into anarchy and rejoin the Federation.

That didn’t happen. Instead, the kingdom thrive.

From 950 to 965, the nation went from a war-torn country to a hub of trade and technological advancements. The Delta kingdom was also a key player in the frozen war by preventing further communist expansion.

In the early 990s, the north couldn’t keep up anymore. The country was poor and outdated, its government was extremely corrupt and the military was eating up most of its budget.

On December 25 991 the River Socialist Federation collapsed into seven different countries officially ending the frozen war.

18 years later, the Delta kingdom annexed all seven countries and the River Federation was reunited.

July 10 1010 A.G
Aventura, River Federation.
1:30 PM.

As Northstar flew over the capital of the Federation, Luna was looking down at the Metropolis in awe.

“Sister, are you seeing what I’m seeing? This city is so-“

“Beautiful?” Celestia said.

“Yeah that.” She said not looking away from the window. “This place is like a futuristic Manehattan. How come none of our cities look like this?”

“Some of them do. The Surfside and Dockside are a good examples.” Artemis pointed out.

“Yeah, but not like this.” Luna leans back in her chair before continuing to speak. “I thought adjusting to modern Equestria was hard, but this is something else.”

“Don’t worry Lulu, if you have any trouble, you have me and Cadence to help you out.” Celestia said.

“What about Artemis?”

“I would love to help you out, but I never been in a city like this before. I don’t think I would be of much use.”

“You have a point there.”

A few moments later, a royal guard entered the room. “Your majesty’s, the pilot wants me to inform you that we’re going to be landing shortly.”

“Thanks for letting us know.” Celestia said before putting on her seatbelt.

The guard bow before leaving.

A few minutes later, Northstar safely landed at Aventura international Air Station.

“Huh, it looks like Cadence has beat us.” Luna said, noticing the large airship named snowflake, just a few gates away.

“She must’ve gotten lucky by riding an air current.” Artemis said.

“Do you think she might be at the hotel by now?”
Luna ask.

“Maybe.” Artemis shrugged.

“Well then, we should get going. We don’t wanna keep Cadence waiting.” Celestia said before she grabbed her suitcase.

When they entered the terminal, they were greeted by the Federation’s Prime Minister and a few royal guards.

“Your majesty’s, Royal economist, welcome to Aventura.” Prime Minister Tulip said with a thick river accent. “Did your journey over here went well?”

“It did, thanks for asking.” Celestia said to the red sea pony. “Is Empress Cadence still here?”

“I’m afraid not. The crystal empress just left the airport a few minutes ago. Before all of you go, can I join you in your motorcade? My queen wants me to discuss a few things with the three of you.”

“We don’t mind at all.” Luna smiled. “Right sister?”

“I don’t mind at all.”

“I don’t have a problem with it.” Artemis said.

After that, they all made their way towards the terminals exit.

2:10 PM.

After a little impromptu meeting later, Artemis was finally able to go to his hotel room.

Now, since he was alone, he was finally able to marvel at the city just outside of his window.

Aventura was an architect’s wet dream. The way that the buildings look like they were built in the future while having some elements of traditional sea pony architecture amazed him.

The transportation was just as impressive as the city. The Maglevs and bullet trains were not only nice to look at, but they were also really fast as well.

Then again, Artemis shouldn’t be surprised by this after all, the Delta kingdom did invent these marvels of engineering in the early 970s.

It was hard to believe that 65 years ago this city was nothing but rubble. Now look at it the city is thriving like the Great War had never happened.

It was no wonder why the reds wanted this country to be destroyed.

Despite all of the tech the Federation has, they don’t have any phones at all. Which made Artemis think what type of tech tree this world is running on.

As he lay down on his comfortable bed, Artemis wondered if he would ever see the U.S or Equestria become something like this in his lifetime.

Aventura international Air Station.
2:30 PM

King Rurik the second was immediately overwhelmed at the sight that met him upon arriving in Aventura. The entire horizon was dominated with lights and tall buildings. Bigger than anything he has seen in Kemerovo. He had heard that the new Federation was the land of concrete, culture and innovation. Now he truly knew what they meant.

“So, this is what Aventura looks like! Imagine if we had such structures in Novosibirsk.” Rurik said to Yuri.

After they disembarked their airship and entered the air station terminal, they were greeted with a large delegation of River diplomats. Judging by the looks on their faces, they were pretty excited to meet the two royals. The sea pony stallion in front of the group gave a bow.

“Greetings Rurik-Sama and Yuri-Sama, allow me to give you two in the warmest welcome to the Federation.” Gleeful diplomat warmly offered a handshake to the king.

“Thank you. By the way it’s Rurik.” Rurik smiled as he shook the diplomat's hand, who was visibly confused by the king’s response.

“Yes, of course, Rurik-Sama.”

“No, no. It’s just Rurik. Ru-rik. Understand?”

“I don’t understand, Rurik-sama. Did I speak out of turn?”

Rurik was getting frustrated at this point. “I told you it’s-“ Before he can finish his sentence, Yuri pulled him aside.

“Yuri, what is it?”

“Sorry dad, I just want to let you know that he’s using an honorific title. He already knows our names.” Yuri whispered.

“If he wants to use an honorary title, why not just call me king instead?” Rurik ask in a whisper.

“It’s because it’s a sign of respect in east sea pony culture, especially when they meet some pony for the first time.”

Upon hearing this bit of information, the kings face turned red. He turned to the group of diplomats with an awkward smile on his face.
“Sorry gentlecolt, I misunderstood what you had said. But thanks for welcoming us.”

“It’s all right. Are you and the prince ready to go?”

“Yes, we are.”

As the two royals follow the diplomats, Rurik leaned over to Yuri and whispered. “When we get home, do not mention what happened to your mom or your sister.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”

Downtown Aventura.
2:35 PM

As his motorcade made its way through the capital, Valery Sablin was deep in thought. Unlike every pony else who were likely having their minds blown of what they were seeing.

Ever since Buryatia join the Harmony entente two months ago new and old members of the alliance greeted the Buryats with open arms.

Except the River Federation. Their interactions with the Soviet Republic was lukewarm at best and ice cold at worst. Some companies from the Federation refuse to do business in Buryatia while some admirals refused to do any naval exercises with the red navy.

And as a former sailor in the red navy, that pissed him off the most.

But before coming here, he noticed a pattern.
Sea ponies in the north have a negative opinion towards the Buryats, while in the south, they are cautious, but friendly.

Meaning, there’s a chance that the federation will see Buryatia as an ally, and not a wolf in sheep‘s clothing. And this summit is the perfect opportunity to warm relations between the two nations.


“Valery are you right? You are being quiet for the entire car ride.”

This made the young general secretary to snap out of his thoughts and look at the mare on his right.

She is a tan batpony with a blonde mane and tail.
Her name is Natasha Sablin, Valery’s wife and the first lady of Buryatia.

“’m just thinking that’s all.” He replied.

“There’s enough time for thinking. You should be enjoying what’s outside of your window instead.” Otto Braun said.

“We are not here to sightsee. This is a diplomatic trip, not a vacation.”

“We know that, Valery. But it’s nice to take a little time to enjoy our surroundings. Besides, you’ve been working on that speech for the entire flight. I think it’s time to give yourself a little break.” Natasha said.

“All right fine. But only for a few hours.”

“I knew you would come around.”

“So, what should we do first?” Sablin asked.

“How about after we get settled in, we walk around and explore the area.” Otto suggested.

“That sounds nice.” Natasha said.

“I agree.” Sablin smiled.

Aventura Palace.
8:20 PM.

Just a few miles away from the city center, is large palace that’s bit smaller than Canterlot castle. Its name is Aventura Palace, the official residence of Queen Prism.

This palace is also where summit party was being held. Leaders from every member nation, new members and old, were here to meet up in a casual setting before the real work can begin.

Which is why Artemis was feeling a bit nervous right now. This wasn’t some party filled with business stallions or some out of touch nobles. This was the big leagues. Every pony in this ballroom had the power to change the lives of millions with a single speech or with a single pen stroke.

And since he was with the few humans that exist on this planet. He felt like he had to represent his species in a way. Tonight, he really wanted to make a good impression.

After what felt like a few minutes of standing around like a lonely kid in a high school dance while sipping some champagne he saw a familiar face.

“Is that Prince Yuri?” He smiled. “Finally, a familiar face.”


He walked over to the prince and said in Thestral.
“Good evening, Prince Yuri.”

“Artemis is that you?” The prince said with a surprise look on his face.

“The one and only.”

“It good to see again and when you started speaking Thestral?”

“I started learning the language a few weeks after the wedding invasion. I’m not 100% fluent but I try my best.”

“You’re speaking very well for beginner.”

“Thanks, I make time to practice my language skills.” Artemis said before he took a sip of his champagne.

“Artemis, I heard through the grapevine that you and your siblings have powers now. How did you get them?” Yuri asks.

“I always had them. I “unlocked” them when I was nearly stabbed in the face by changing soldier. Turns out that my powers come from a shooting star.”

“That’s a pretty violent way of finding out. So, how’s your life with powers going so far?”

“Normal as before, it’s just now I could teleport and turn myself into a living ta..ta…”

(Translator off.)

“Dang it, I was doing so well.” Artemis said.

“You did pretty good my opinion. Now what you were trying to say before?”

“I can teleport and turn myself into a living taser.”

“Oh, can I see?”

“And have every security personnel in this room tackle me like an NFL quarterback? No thank you.”

“I was just joking.” Yuri rolled his eyes.

“Sure buddy, whatever you say. But enough about me, how are you doing?”

“Everything is going well. My sister finally accepted that I was the chosen hair a few months ago and thing has been peaceful between us. Dad is still his usual weird quirky self and mom is back home running the kingdom.”

“Why did your mom not come with you and your dad?”

“Usually, mom and dad are the ones that go on these types of trips. But mom wanted me to take her place so I can get some ‘diplomatic experience’.”

“That’s nice of her.” Artemis commented.

“But I wish mom would’ve warned us about the culture shock me and dad would experience. I knew Aventura was unique, but I never thought it would be like this.”

“Same over here.”

A few moments later, Shining armor spotted Artemis and decided to walk over to him.

“Hey Artemis.”

“Shining, long time no see.” Artemis said as he gave his old pal a hug. “It’s good to see you again.”

“It’s good to see you too.” Shining smiled.

“This is Crown Prince Yuri, Yuri this is Emperor Shining Armor, but I’m guessing you two already know that.”

“No, it’s fine. It’s nice to finally meet you your majesty.” Shining Armor said.

“The pleasure is mine, congratulations on becoming emperor. How’s it going so far?”

“It’s interesting. Being an emperor has its ups and downs, but I don’t regret anything. Though the north and south divide in the Crystal Empire is a headache to deal with.”

“Be like that sometimes. As long you keep a cool head, you’ll be fine.” Yuri said.

“Cadence told me that earlier. I hate to admit it, but I was pretty nervous about this party.”

“You were not the only one.” Artemis said before finishing his champagne.

“You were nervous about this event? I thought you were used to this type of stuff.” A surprised Shining Armor said.

“Yeah, but those parties were filled with business leaders trying to get on my good side. In here are world leaders that have the power to change history forever.”

“When you put it in that context, it makes sense.”
Shining said.

“So where is Cadence right now?” Artemis ask.

“She’s with Celestia, having a conversation with Queen Prism. They were having a nice time together, so I decided to leave them alone.”

“Does any pony want to get something from the hors d’oeuvres table with me?” Yuri ask.

“Sure.” Shining said.

After they got their hors d’oeuvres from the table, they spotted a cream-colored bat pony who was the talk of the town. Instead of wearing his usual white uniform, the stallion in question was wearing a black tuxedo with a small flag pin on the left side of his chest.

“Is that, Valery Sablin?” Yuri asked.

“Yep, the one and only.” Shining Armor said.

“So that’s the last sentry. I never thought I’ll see him in person.” Artemis said before he swallowed a Sushi roll. “I wonder what he’s like.”

“I just talked to him a few minutes ago he’s a nice stallion and passionate too.” Shining said. “Crown Prince, wasn’t your dad a communist?”

“Yeah, he was a staunch supporter of it too before his former allies try to make Kemerovo a puppet state to the old Federation.”

“So, it must be awkward having a communist leader in the same room with you.” Shining said.

“Maybe. But I’d rather have that than the threat of war any day.”

After a few moments of silence, Artemis decided to speak. “I’m going to talk to him.”

“Really?” Yuri said.

“Yeah, I always wanted to talk to the ‘last sentry’. I’ll see you guys later.”

As Artemis walked to Sablin, he realizes that he doesn’t know what to say to the chairman.

‘Calm down Pluto. Just introduce yourself, and everything will be fine.’ He thought.

The human cleared his throat. “Excuse me, Mr. Sablin.”

“Yes?” He said before realizing he was talking to Artemis.

“I saw you standing by yourself and decided to introduce myself. My name is-“

“It’s Artemis Yukon, right? It’s nice to meet you.” Sablin smiled.

He wasn’t expecting this. “How did you know my name already?”

“I heard of your work as an economist. Not only that, but you also helped the Equestrians repel the fascist hoard in Canterlot. It’s not every day when a stallion saves a country from a recession and from an invasion.”

“I was just doing my job. And for the invasion, I was just doing what any pony would.”

“Still, you did some brave things on that day. I respect that.”

“Thanks. How is Buryatia doing since becoming a member of the Harmony Entente?” Artemis asks.

“Buryatia is doing very well ever since becoming a member. The economy is grown faster than ever before, new opportunity has opened up for my ponies and standard of living has increased as well.” The young revolutionary then signed. “It’s not all sunshine and rainbows though. Some of our counterparts from the Federation still treats us like we’re still being run by the N.K.V.D.”

“That’s horrible. I thought the Federation and the Soviet Republic were good terms since the queen congratulated you guys on joining the faction.”

“You would think that, but some are still skeptical of us. This sentiment is more prevalent in the north than in the south. Which is why have a speech prepared for tomorrow that will hopefully reinsure not only the sea ponies in the north, but any pony that still are afraid of us.”

“You think that one speech is enough to convince millions of ponies to change their minds?” Artemis asks.

“I know it’s a bit idealistic, but it can’t hurt to speak from the heart.”

“You’re right.” Artemis said before finishing his sushi rolls.

“Mr. Yukon, can may I ask you a question?”

“Sure. Ask away.”

“Are there any communist nations back on your home world?”

“Yes, they were. At one point, almost half of the world’s countries were communist.” Artemis explained.

“So, it was successful?” Sablin said, with a hopeful look in his eyes.

“I don’t think you would like the answer I’m about to tell you.”

“Please, I want to know.”

“Ok but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Communism was like absolute failure on earth. Most of them became corrupt like the old Federation. Some of them were satellite states to a country named the Soviet Union. And let’s just say they weren’t treated well. Most of them are gone now. Only five are remain. To be honest, you’re one of the few communist leaders that I heard of that genuinely cares for his people.”

Sablin wasn’t surprised. The same things that happened on his Equis, happened on his home planet as well. Corrupt devils taking advantage of the working class and screwing them over. Maybe Artemis was right, maybe he was one of the few good communist leaders to exist in this galaxy. But if that was the case, that means he will work hard to become the best one of all.

“I would be lying if I told you that I was surprised of what you had said.”

“Sorry if that broke your spirit a little bit.”

“No, you don’t have to apologize. If what you said is true, that means I have to lead by example show what a true revolutionary could be.”

“You’re as optimistic my brother. Have you always been like this?” Artemis asks.

“Pretty much.”

“Keep it. We need more of that in this world.”

“I agree with you on that. Do you want to go outside in the Zen Garden? It’s very nice outside.”

“Sure.” Artemis said before following the chairman to the gardens.

11:30 PM

Luna was gliding through the air above Aventura, enjoying the view from above.

The party ended 10 minutes ago and instead of going back to the hotel with her elder sister, she decided to do a little bit of sightseeing before calling it a night.

Eventually, she stumbled upon a large botanical garden just two miles away from her hotel and right next to the river that flowed through the city.

After she landed in the middle of the park, she started to explore the area.

The gardens was filled with all types of beautiful plants. Some were able to glow in the dark, while others were very exotic looking, and the rest were both. All of them are native to the Federation.

Luna had to admitted, but this place was more beautiful than the Castle Gardens or any of the gardens in Canterlot.

After few minutes of walking, Luna spotted the child emperor relaxing on one of the garden’s benches.

“Emperor Grover, what a surprise. I didn’t expect you to be out here so late at night.”

“Evening, Empress. I’m just here, enjoying the peace and quiet. Do you want to join me?” The 17-year-old offered.

“You’re too kind.” Luna said as she sat down next to the Griffin. “Did you enjoy the party?”

“I did enjoy myself. I didn’t know so many creatures would want to meet me. The most eager of them were the presidents of Prance and Yakutia.”

“With a reputation like yours, who wouldn’t. I forgot to ask you this during the party, how is your first year of being emperor going?”

“It’s boring and stressful most of the time which I expected. But it’s rewarding, knowing that Griffonia is being improved because of my hard work. But there’s one thing I don’t understand.”

“What would that be?”

“Sometimes some Griffin tries to bribe me with money or with expensive gifts only they get kicked out my castle and arrested. Why do they think that bribing me could work? Just because I’m a minor doesn’t mean I’m stupid. It’s rare but it’s annoying when it happens.”

“That’s what happens when you’re on top. Every pony will try to do anything to get on your good side.” Luna stated.

“Well, I wish they would stop trying to do that. Don’t they know that I’m satisfied with everything I have? I’m wealthy, I have a big castle and have cousins and friends to hang out with. What more do I need?”

Grover sighed. “Sorry for venting like this. It’s just frustrating. Dealing with some nobles, especially the corrupt ones.”

“It’s all right, venting is healthy. And you’re not the only one that has to deal with spoiled nobles on a daily basis.”

“At I have someone to relate to that problem.”
Grover smiled. He then looked at his watch. “Would you look at that. It’s time for me to call it a night. I’ll see you tomorrow, Empres. Good night.”

“Good night.” Luna said before Grover walked away.

Luna stayed in that park for few minutes before flying away.

July 11 1010 AG.
10:30 AM
Aventura Convention Center.

It was a beautiful sunny day in Aventura, and right now the leaders of the harmony entente and other officials were in a local convention center just east of downtown.

After everyone had arrived, Queen Prism walked onto the stage, and began to speak.

“Good morning, everyone. I’m glad that all of you are here to attend the first summit of the Harmony Entente. When the alliance was first founded almost a year ago, there were only four members. Equestria, Kemerovo, the River Federation, and Griffonia. Now we got three new members, Prance, Yakutia and Buryatia. New members, welcome to the alliance.”

The audience began to clap. After the applause die down, the queen continued her speech.

“Now before we get down to business, Chairman Valery Sablin has a speech prepared for us. Mr. Chairman, the stage is yours.” The cyan sea pony stepped aside allowing Sablin to walk to the podium.

“Thank you, your majesty, for allowing me to speak today. I really appreciate it.”

‘Here goes nothing.’ He thought.

“Comrades, I stand before you as an ally. Here to enjoy the good times and help out in our darkest hour. But I think it’s time for me to address the elephant in the room. Not too long ago, Buryatia was a nation that was feared by most of the world. It was run by a heartless dictator, with an equally heartless government with a powerful intelligence agency backing it up.”

“Even though this is not the case anymore, the damage that my homeland and former communist countries have caused are still fresh the minds of many around the world. Especially in this country. From every pony in the supreme Soviet of Buryatia and myself, we would like to apologize to all the countries that had suffered from wars cause by us and our allies. To the delegation of the Grand Principality of Kemerovo, we would like to apologize for supporting the coup attempt that nearly turned your nation into a puppet.”

“The fact that our two nations used to be allies back then, and we still supported that coup was disgusting and inexcusable. And to the new River Federation, we are sorry that we supported a regime that was fueled by war and greed. If Jack Reed had saw what his nation would become, he would be ashamed. I know this speech is not enough to heal the scars of the past, but I hope that today we will begin to greet each other as friends instead of adversaries. That is all.”

As the chairman walked off the stage. Every pony was silent, but then one by one they started to clap. Eventually the entire crowd was giving a round of applause.

The sight alone was almost enough to make Sablin cry.


A few hours later.
3:20 PM

After a long day of debates and speeches, the first conference of the summit was finally over. Sablin couldn’t wait to head back to his hotel and spend some time with his wife.

Before he can leave the building, someone call his name. “Mr. Sablin.”

He turned around and saw that King Rurik was walking towards him. “Yes, your majesty?”

“Before you go, I just want to say thank you.” The old bat pony said.

“For what?”

“For that speech earlier. What you said touched me. After the Civil War, that the coup attempt started was over, many of my former allies, some of them I knew for a long time, had no remorse of what they done. They were cowards plain and simple. But what you have did today amazed me because not only did you owned up for what your predecessors did. But what they have done as well. Even though you weren’t alive back then. It takes a lot of guts for a stallion in your position to try to atone for what the past generation had done. You have my respect young stallion, I’m glad that our two nations are allies once again.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you feel that way.” Sablin said.

“I have to get going now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
After that, Rurik left the building.

“Valery, are you coming?” Otto Braun asked before noticing the surprise look on his colleague's face. “Is everything all right?”

“I just earned the respect of the mad king.”

“Well looks like that speech was a good idea after all.” The old Livonia smiled. “Let’s get going. Natasha is waiting for us in the limo.”

“I'm Coming.”


After five days, the summit came to an end, and every pony went back home to their respective countries.

The speech Sablin gave in Aventura was on the front page of every newspaper and was the top story for news channels all over the world.

Many world leaders of varying ideologies applauded Sablin for trying to heal the scars of the past.

But the biggest impact that the speech hand was on the relationship between the Federation and Buryatia. The change wasn’t overnight, slowly but surely the river ponies started to see the B.A.S.S.R in a sort of a positive light and companies were now considering doing business in Buryatia.

Two nations still have a lot of things to sort out with each other. But for the first time in decades the two countries were now seeing each other as allies instead of adversaries.