• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 605 Views, 11 Comments

The Royal Three: Season Two - Kingstar008

The Yukon triplets are ready for anything that comes their way. Luckily for them, Equestria has a lot in store for them.

  • ...

Reforming a chaos God.

April 30 1010 A.G
1:30 PM
Celestia‘s office.

“Are you sure you want go to Buryatia?” Luna asks before closing a beige folder with a large hammer and horseshoe in the center.

“Of course I do, sister. Meeting with Sablin is a perfect opportunity to start heading the wounds that the frozen war had left on our two countries. I would’ve done this years ago, if it wasn’t for Yagoda standing in the way. Thankfully, Sablin is an open-minded stallion, so I expect our meeting to be very productive. I hope.”

“Whatever the outcome maybe, I’ll support you on this endeavor.”

“Thank you, Lulu.” Celestia said with a smile.

The sisterly moment ended abruptly when they heard a knock on the door.

“Come in.” Celestia said.

The door open, revealing their mother holding a newspaper in her magic.

The royal sisters knew something was up when they noticed the neutral expression on her face.

“Girls, I know both of you are busy, so I’m just going to give you a summarized version of events.” Galaxia said, with a tone that matched her expression. “Earlier today I was watching the news and saw something so ridiculous I thought it was satire. Then I remembered that I was watching a 24-hour news channel. I Change the channel; they were reporting the same thing. So, I decide to get a newspaper and ask the both of you about this.”

The galactic Alicorn open the newspaper with her magic, placed it down on Celestia’s desk, and pointed to one of the headlines that said. ‘THE B.O.J HAS APPROVED THE REHABILITATION OF DISCORD, THE GOD Of CHAOS.’

“What is this?” Galaxia ask angrily. “Why would you allow the Bureau of Justice to do this?”

Celestia and Luna hoped that their mom wouldn’t find out about this. Sadly, their prayers weren’t answered.

“Mother, you have to understand. We just can’t overrule a decision from the B.O.J without the Supreme Court’s approval.” Luna said.

“Luna, you didn’t answer my question. I understand that Equestria is no longer in absolute monarchy like it was in the past, but I was just wondering why you would and Celestia allow this?”

“Besides the amount of community service, he has done and behaving himself while in prison, he could be useful in the future.”
Celestia said.

“Useful? Celestia, he is self-centered, he is ruthless, He is devious and greedy. What use does he have exactly?”

“As we already know, tensions have been rising around the world. A fascist government has taken control of Wingbardy, Livonia is heading down the same authoritarian path that led to it bloody defeat in the Great War, and every day we are getting disturbing stories from refugees of life inside of the Changing Empire. If we reform Discord and have him on our side, we can protect ourselves and our allies.” Celestia answered.

“There has to be another way. How about we expand the tank fleets or invest in Apollo’s airplane project he’s been proposing? That young human has some interesting ideas.”

“We’re already doing that mother, but Celestia is right. We have to do everything we can to keep our subject safe and if that means reforming Discord, so be it. Obviously, we’re going to keep an eye on him, but he also earns his freedom to do whatever he does with his time.” Luna responded.

Galaxia sighed. As much she hates to admit it, her daughters had a point. Discord could be a useful weapon in the future, especially in a war. But remembering what he done in the past, this can easily backfire on them and get someone killed.

But for sake of ending this conversation, Galaxia decided to concede.

“Ok fine, if you believe that reforming that stallion will benefit the country, I won’t stop you.” She said before grabbing her newspaper and walking towards the door. Then she stopped in front of it.

“But, if Discord harms are subjects or this family, will deal with him, personally.”

After that, she left the office.

“That went better than I expected.” Luna said in surprise.

2 PM

In a café in South Canterlot, Atlas and Apollo we’re waiting for Artemis to arrive. In a normal workday, it’s rare for the triplets to encounter one another. So, when they have the time, they usually find a nice spot where they can sit down and chat for a little bit.

“This Kirin engineer had the nerve to walk over to me and said ‘there’s no way that this project is going to succeed. You might as well just give up now, so you won’t embarrass yourself.’ Apollo said, mocking the stallion’s accent.

“Shit, that’s a mean thing to say. and to another engineer no less.”

“I know right? The man was a total ass.”

“So, how did you respond?” Atlas asks.

“I said ‘All right, bet. I know I’m going to succeed, and when I do, I want you to admit defeat, and you were wrong in front of every pony after I landed the thing’. He got pissed after he saw that I wasn’t going to back down and stormed off.”

“Classic Apollo. Only you have the power to piss off the most arrogant people.”

“What can I say I’m known for a lot of things, but giving up is not one of them. I’m not named after the moon landing for nothing.” He said before eating another spoonful of his crème brûlée.

Oh, that this moment when Artemis finally teleported inside of the café. He walked over to the booth where his siblings were sitting and sat down.

They noticed that he had a shocked look on his face, and they think they know why.

“I’m going to guess you heard about the plan to reform Discord?” Atlas guess.

“Yep, I just heard about it a few minutes ago. I’m just at for loss words. Like why would they want to do that? That thing caused so much trouble last year!”

“I had a similar reaction when Luna told me about it two hours ago.” Apollo said. “If I remember correctly, she said the reason why they are doing it because he could become a major ally in the future.”

Artemis scoff. “Yeah, an ally to all the creatures that want to see this country fall apart. And even if he changes his ways, I will never forgive him after what he did to us.”

“A lot of ponies from Cloudsdale, Ponyville and Canterlot would agree of you on that. But despite that, they are going to try to reform him no matter what. I just wish there was a way that to prevent him from do anything stupid.”

This gave Artemis an idea. “Atlas you’re a fucking genius.”

“I am?”

“Yes, you are. Raven told me that Celestia is taking him to Ponyville. And I was just thinking why not one of us go to Ponyville and be with them just in case he decides to get any “funny” ideas.”

“But why us?” Apollo asks.

“Isn’t it obvious? Not only our powers came from a galaxy, a planet and a moon, and a shooting star, but Discord had a hard time hypnotizing us before we even knew we had magic. Imagine him trying to do the same thing to us now, he’s going to fail miserably.”

“What if Celestia doesn’t want us there?” Atlas asks.

“Don’t worry about that. She might be taking a gamble with reforming Discord, but I think she would like the idea of a little bit of extra firepower nearby just in case.”

After thinking it over, Atlas was on board with Artemis’ plan. “You convince me, I’m in.”

“Same over here.” Apollo replied.

“Great. Since I was planning to take the weekend off, I’ll go first.”

“Are you sure that’s how you want to spend your Saturday?” Apollo ask.

“I’m sure. Besides, I’m going to come back around 3:30.”

“Ok if you say so.” Apollo commented.

“Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to get myself some mac & cheese.” Artemis said before walking towards the counter.

May 1
6:30 AM

Wanting to make sure to arrive in Ponyville the same time as Celestia and Discord, Artemis got out of bed real early.

After he grabbed two chocolate granola bars out of the kitchen, Artemis teleported to the castle courtyard and made his way towards the Halftrack. It was parked by one of the castle’s walls, pretty much hiding in plain sight.

30 long minutes later, Celestia exit the castle and her carriage arrived shortly after. Another Carriage (presumably Discord’s) landing right next to it.

After both carriages left, Artemis is turned on his vehicle, waited for the gate to open, and drove off the castle grounds and into the city.

He cruised at a reasonable speed down the avenues vehicle were allowed to drive on and entered a tunnel that took him at the bottom of the mountain.

From this point forward, it was smooth sailing for Artemis. All he had to do was to follow Celestia‘s carriage.

7:20 AM.

After driving for 50 minutes on a half empty road, Artemis finally arrived in the small town of Ponyville.

As usual, the locals were either outside hanging out with their friends or going about their daily lives. Heck, some of them looked at the half track as it passed by. Artemis couldn't blame them. It’s not every day when you see a large vehicle go through a quiet small town like this.

While Artemis continued to follow the two flying carriages, he thought it was odd that they weren’t landing nearby the library as usual, but despite this, he kept on going.

Finally, the carriages landed in a field, just outside of town where the main six were waiting for them.

“Thank God they didn’t land anywhere near the Everfree.” Artemis mumbled.

One by one every pony finally noticed half track coming closer.

After he took the keys out of the ignition, Artemis finally got a good look of the chaos god encased in stone. This is when reality finally hit Artemis like a semi truck. Just a few feet in front of the truck was the stallion that messed with his mind for fun.

His heart started to race as memories of the day played in his head.

Despite this Artemis was determined to make sure that this bastard wasn’t going to mess with his friends again. So, to calm himself down, he used a technique that Cadence use whenever she felt nervous.

Surprisingly, it worked.

After that, Artemis got out of the truck and said.
“Morning every pony.”

“Artemis what are you doing here?” Celestia ask.

“Good morning to you too, Celestia. And to answer your question, I thought I could help the elements with dealing with Discord.”

“Wait, so you want to help reform Discord?”
Rainbow Dash asks in confusion.

“Not really I just want make sure that if things go south, you guys will be winning the fight, not him.”

“Artemis, we appreciate you want to help us out, but I think the girls and I are able to handle this ourselves.” Twilight said.

“We do?” Pinkie Pie asks turning her head to the side in confusion.

“Yes, we do, Pinky.”

“Please, I insist. With my powers and the elements of harmony, reforming Discord will be easy.”

“You have a point there and it doesn’t hurt to have extra help. Ok Artemis, you can help us out if the Princess approves, of course.”

“I’m fine with it if you are.” Celestia said.

“Thank you, your majesty.” Said Artemis.

“You’re welcome. Now where was I? Oh yeah, has any pony seen Fluttershy? I think she knows best on how to begin reforming Discord.”

“Fluttershy, really?” Rainbow Dash asks. “I’m not trying to be mean, but out of all the ponies why her?”

“It’s because she is gentle and patient. Personality traits we really need for this reforming plan to work.” Celestia said.

“I will go get her.” Rainbow sighed before flying away.

As Artemis watch, Rainbow Dash flies off into the distance, he was wondering if he willingly signed his own death warrant.

Five minutes later.

After Rainbow Dash brought Spike, Fluttershy and Applejack to the grassy field, spike walked over to Artemis and asked. “Are we really considering reforming Discord?”

“Unfortunately, yes, yes we are.”

“Has Celestia lost her marbles? Why would she even think about doing this?”

“It’s because she and the government believes that Discord can become a major ally in the future. Especially with the rise in tensions.”

“Discord helping us out? That’s more unlikely than me becoming dragon lord.”

“Now I must get back to Canterlot. You can release Discord when ready.” Celestia waves goodbye as her carriage took off, heading back to mountain city.

“Ok ponies, time to get started. Let’s just hope that this releasing spell works.” Twilight said as she levitated the chest that containing the element and placing it on the ground next to her.

“Or let’s not.” Spikes suggested, while hiding behind Artemis.

“It’s best that we keep our elements on at all times until further notice.”

“Check.” The rest of the main six shouted.

After they form the circle around the statue, twilight let her horn and activated her element. A rainbow laser linked up with each element one by one until they were all activated, and they pointed the beam right at the statue.

The rainbow laser cracked the stone and slowly free Discord from his stony prison.

“It’s about time that some pony freed me from that prison block. Oh, what a relief.” he said, while stretching his limbs. He then snapped his fingers which caused a random squirrel to become three times his original size.

“What are you doing?” Twilight gasp.

“I’m stretching of course. When you’re the creature of chaos, stone bodies suits are not your go to fashion choice.”

He snapped his fingers again, causing a random rabbit to grow three times their size.

“Make that bunny cute again now!” Pinky demanded.

Discord brushes pinky’s demand off. “He’s adorable just the way he is.” Discord scratches the bunny’s chin until it trying to bite one of his fingers off.

“You have to be high on something to think that bunnyzilla is cute.” Artemis said.

When Discord looked in Artemis direction, Artemis thought. ‘I should’ve kept my mouth shut.’

“If it isn’t when the strange ape creatures.” He said before padding Artemis on the head.

“Don’t touch me.” Artemis said coldly.

“Now that’s rude. But how can you see that this little guy is adorable. Look at him.” Discord pointed at the Bunny while it looked like a menace to society.

“He nearly bit your hand off.” Artemis pointed out.

“But he was not successful. You know what else is adorable? You ponies truly believe that you can reform me and you’re putting your faith in this one here to make it happen.”

Discord magically put on a granny outfit and pinched Fluttershy’s cheeks. “It makes me want to pinch your little pony cheeks.”

“How did you know about that?” Twilight ask.

“Just because I was turned to stone to be transported here, doesn’t keep me from hearing every word Celestia says. Though it makes rolling my eyes a challenge.”

“Unless you want us to turn back to stone, you zap those animals back the way they were, pronto.”

“Oh you wouldn’t dare to turn me back into stone and risk disappointing your precious empress.”
Discord said, rolling his eyes.”

“Try us, Discord.” Rainbow Dash taunted.

“You think you could treat poor defenseless animals like that and get away with it?” Fluttershy scolded Discord.

“You go, Fluttershy.”

“You best watch your step Buster. Or else I’ll give you the stare.”

“No please, not that. Anything but your disapproving eyeballs.” Discord said dramatically before laughing.

Deciding to teach him a lesson, Fluttershy decided to use the stair. Only for discord to act dramatic again and laughing his ass off.

This is when Artemis had enough of his disrespect. He use his magic to hold him in midair. This surprised the main six.

“Artemis, what are you doing?” Twilight asks.

“I just want talk to him that’s all.” He said as he got closer to the trapped Draconequus.

“Discord, I’m getting sick and tired of your stupid bullshit. The Equestrian government has given you a golden ticket opportunity to turn over new leaf and yet you’re playing the fool. Not only that, you’re insulting ponies that want to help you. Do you know if this fails you will either be turned back into stone or rot in jail for the rest of your life? I suggest you behave yourself or else you’re not going to get another chance after this. And first order of business is to turn those animals back to normal right now.”

“Oh, come on there’s nothing wrong with them.” Discord responded.

“Fine, it looks like we have to do this the hard way.” Artemis conjured up a piece of parchment paper, took his pen out of his pocket, and begin writing. After that, he rolled up the paper.

“That wasn’t an ask discord that was an order and if you don’t listen to me or the elements, I have no problem sending this scroll to Celestia about your poor behavior. So you either listen or you can get in trouble.”

Discord started to laugh. “And you’re going to risk disappointing Twilight Sparkle over here?”

“Yeah, I can deal with the consequences later. Hey Spike come over here real quick. I need you to light this letter on fire.”

“Oh, shit he’s serious.” Rainbow Dash said to Rarity.

Before Spike could blow fire on the letter, Discord spoke. “Ok fine I’ll change the back just don’t send that letter.” He snapped his fingers turning all the creatures back to normal. Unbeknown to the ponies or Artemis discord turn the tip of his tail into a hand and snapped its fingers. Changing the behavior of a few beavers in Sweet Apple Acres. ‘Oopsie.’ He thought.

“Well, I know where I’m going to be crashing while I’m being ‘reformed’. With you Fluttershy.”

“Oh dear.”

7:00 AM
Fluttershy’s cottage.

After parking the halftrack at the Golden Oaks library and casting a few protection spells on the library and his vehicle, Artemis teleported back to Fluttershy’s cottage.

When he open the door, he didn’t expect the yellow animal lover to be flying all over her house.

“What’s going on in here?” Artemis ask Rarity.

“Fluttershy has been tidying up her cottage to make Discord more comfortable. She’s been doing this for the past five minutes.” The fashionista answered.

“Fluttershy, you know you don’t have to tidy up so much. Your home is fine as it is.” Artemis said.

“I know, but a little cleaning doesn’t hurt anypony. Not only that but I also have a special guest staying with me. Angel bunny, you don’t mind if Discord takes your favorite spot on the couch, do you?”

This made the poor little rabbit to panic and try to pull the chaos god off the couch with no success.

“I’m sorry about Angel, are you all right?”
Fluttershy ask.

“Oh yes, thank you Fluttershy for your concern. If only your friends could be as considerate.”

“Don’t listen to him, Fluttershy. He’s only trying to drive a wedge between us like he always does.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Now, why in the world would I ever do such a thing like that?”

“So we can’t unite and use the elements of harmony against you. That’s why.” Rainbow answered.

“I never thought of that.”

“You think we’re stupid? You try the same thing last year.” Artemis pointed out.

“Yeah, you big liar!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Now look who’s the liar. As you can plainly see I am not that big at all.” Said a tiny Discord.

He magically grew back to his normal size and knock down one of Fluttershy’s lamps.

“Oops.” He snapped his fingers and rebuilt the lamp. Instead of repairing it back the way it was, it now looked like him. “There all better.”

‘That’s has to be the ugliest lamp I have ever seen.’ Artemis thought.

Before he made himself comfortable, he pushed Angel bunny off the couch.

“I can’t watch.” Applejack pulled her hat over her face.

“We will be outside.” Rainbow Dash said before flying out of the cottage.

“Are you sure you’re ok with this?” Twilight asks.

“I know it’s not going to be easy. But I know that Princess Celestia is counting on me I think I know what to do.” Fluttershy answered.

“You do?”

“Yes, I think the key is to befriend him. Be kind to him and letting him be my houseguest is the best way to do that.”

“And you really think that would work.” Twilight, ask.

“I think it’s worth a try.”

“Ok but if you need us, we have to do is whisper ‘help’ and will be back here with the elements.” Twilight looked at Discord. “So you better watch your goat legged step pal.”

“What? look at me I’m practically reformed already.” He said, while wearing a fancy suit and tie.

Fluttershy smiled sheepishly before closing the door.

“She really all right with him staying there?”
Rarity ask.

“That’s what she said.” Twilight answered.

Artemis chuckled quietly.

“Personally, I think we should come up with a backup plan. In case if this befriending business doesn’t work out.” Rainbow suggested.

Artemis cleared his throat. “You know I’m over here, right?”

“I know, but we should have another plan just in case.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Rainbow Dash is right. This is Discord we’re talking about girls. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have another trick up our sleeves.” Said Rarity.

Twilight had idea. “And I think I know just the trick.”

The Golden Oaks library.
8:25 AM

Artemis was in Twilight’s living room, watching TV while Twilight was looking through her books for a reforming spell.

He was about to change the channel when he heard a loud series of duds. “Oh no.”

“Is everything all right?” Artemis ask.

“No nothing is all right. I know that Princess Celestia cast a spelled to protect the elements. But she didn’t cast any spells to protect my books. Every page that the reforming spell could be on is missing!” She said, showing the human 20 books missing multiple pages.

“Don’t you worry. When I was parking the half track, I had a feeling that Discord would tamper with something in here. So, I decided to cast a bunch of spells on the books and on the library. You’re welcome.”

“If you cast a protection spell on the books, how was he able to tear the pages out?” Spike ask.

“I want him to think that he is two steps ahead of us. While in reality, he’s not. Nothing kills a man spirit faster than a false victory. And before you ask, I placed a retrieval and regeneration spell on the pages. All we need to do is just get them back.”

“Wow, I knew you were proactive, but not like this.” Twilight commented.

“This is Discord we’re talking about. It’s nice to be a bit paranoid about everything he does.”

“So that means we have to go back to Fluttershy’s
Cottage?” Spike ask.


Three minutes later.

When they arrived at their friend’s cottage, they were shocked to see it in the air, spinning in place.

Artemis slammed on the brakes and hopped out of out of the truck with Spike and Twilight following suit.

“Fluttershy, can you hear me?!” Twilight shouted.

Moments later, the yellow Pegasus flew out of the spinning cottage.

“Fluttershy, what’s going on? Are you ok?”
Twilight ask.

“We’re fine everything is going great.” Said the animal lover. “Isn’t it Angel?”

Angel said nothing as he struggled to hop away.

“We come to get your way from Discord. He’s just terrible and from the looks of it completely out of control.” Twilight stated.

“Oh, but you’re wrong. We’re making great progress.”

“Seriously?” Artemis, Spike and Twilight said at the same time.

“I am earning his trust by giving him a little space to be himself.” Fluttershy said.

“Fluttershy, buddy, listen to me. Your cottage is floating and spinning like the wheel on wheel fortune. This is not progress, this is anarchy.” Artemis said.

“Not only that, he used that little space to tear out all the reforming spells from our books.” Spike showed her one of the destroyed books.

“That does explain the paper eating.”

“HE ATE THE PAGES. GOD DAMNIT!” Artemis said an anger and disgust.

“So we can’t get the spells back after all.” Twilight said in frustration.

“No, I could still get them. It’s just I have to retrieve them from his stomach.” Artemis said.

“Pluto, it’s fine you don’t have to do that.” Twilight said.

“I know what I signed up for, and I spend too much time casting all those spells. Stand back every pony this is going to take a while.”

Artemis’ eyes went from brown to magenta as he used his magic to pull the floating cottage down to the ground.

Feeling a drastic shift in power Discord stuck his head out the window and watched as the cottage was put back in its foundation.

After that Artemis walked up to the front door and slammed it open.

“What is going-“

“Quiet!” Artemis snapped. He snapped his fingers causing a pile of wet paper to appear.

The human nearly vomited from the smell. “Oh God, it smells worse than I thought.

He snapped his fingers again causing the pile to start floating, and slowly repaired themselves.

The papers we’re dried off, the smear ink was now readable words, and the disgusting smell was gone.

But just in case, Artemis douse the Pages in expensive lavender Prench perfume he may or may not had magically stolen from the carousel boutique.

“There we go, good as new.” He said, as he magically stacked the pages.

“How did you do that?” Discord ask after snapping out of his shocked daze.

“Easy, I’m a weird creature with powers, just like you.” Artemis, sad as he walked towards the front door.

Discord did not like this answer and teleported in front of him.

“Now listen here, jerk. I don’t know who you think you are, but you have no right to going to someone else’s body and take what is not yours.”

Artemis laugh. “Oh, you’re such a fucking hypocrite. Not only did you destroyed books belonging to the Golden Oaks library but a year ago you decided to use your magic to go into people's minds and change them. I was one of least affected by your magic, and I receive crippling anxiety because of you!”

This left discord stuttering, trying to come up with a lie. “Well, those papers were my lunch, so I’ll just take them back thank you very-“ before he can touch one of the pages Artemis slapped Discord’s hand. “No.”

“No?” A surprise Discord said.

“You’re not getting these papers back I’m going to put them back in the books where they belong and you’re not going stop me. While I’m gone, you better apologize to Fluttershy and clean up her cottage.”

“Or else what?” Discord said smugly. “What are you going to do when the god of chaos defies your orders, mmm?”

“Listen here you piece of shit, I don’t care if you think you’re some powerful hotshot of this world. I’m not the same human that you messed with a year ago. And you better remember this, I am not afraid to do what is necessary.”

Artemis said coldly before he teleported outside of the cottage and walked past a stunned Spike and Twilight. But he stopped in front of Fluttershy and said. “Fluttershy, I know you’re trying to help him out by giving him some space and I respect that but next time be stricter with him please.”

“I will.”

“Good, I’ll see you later.”

“Artemis made his way over to his truck, open the passenger side door and placed the stack of papers on the passenger seat.

After that, he sat down and driver seat, and drove away.

Golden Oaks library.
30 minutes later.
8:52 a.m.

“Who knew repairing books would be so difficult. At least I’m free now.” Artemis said, as he walked into the kitchen.

He opened a fringe and found a to-go box filled with nacho cheese with jalapeños.

‘It looks like it’s my lucky day.’ Artemis thought.

He grabbed a box of nachos, put it in the microwave. After the microwave finish nuking his nachos he made his way towards the living room, place them down on the table and turn on the TV.

A few minutes later Twilight and Spike came back to the library. “Artemis, we’re home.” Twilight called out.

“Hey you two. So how was the fallout?”
Artemis ask.

“Oh, you missed a lot.” Spike said. “After you left Discord spend five minutes on an angry rant, telling us how we can be friends with someone so bossy, demanding and inconsiderate to him. Then Twilight pointed out that he started all this by damaging our books.”

“He still claims to be the victim even after he is caught red-handed." Artemis was now pinching the bridge of his nose. “I swear it’s like Discord lives in his own world of entitlement. But did he apologize to Fluttershy and clean up her cottage?”

“Eventually he apologized, but it took a while for him to clean up because he keeps on ‘cleaning’ her cottage in his image.” Twilight said. “Are those my leftovers?”

“I’ll be honest with you; I was hungry after repairing all of those books and all I had this morning was two granola bars. Don’t worry I’ll get you a new batch of nachos.”

“It’s fine you don’t have to do-“

“Too late.” Artemis said before teleporting away.

“You know, he would’ve done that sooner or later.” Spike yelled since he was upstairs.

“I know.”

A few minutes later, Artemis teleported back into the library with a to go box filled with freshly made nachos. “Here you go.” Artemis handed the box over to Twilight.

“Thanks.” Twilight was about to walk to her kitchen when she remembered something important.

“Oh, I almost forgot. Artemis at 12:30 Fluttershy and Discord want every pony to come back to her cottage for a dinner party.”

“Ok I hope you guys have fun then.”

“Discord want you there as well.”

“This nearly made Artemis choke on a jalapeño pepper. “Why?”

“Well, Fluttershy wants to prove to us that Discord could be reformed, and Discord want you there as well, especially so he could rub it in your face. Because he thinks that you don’t believe he can change.”
Twilight explained.

Artemis sighed. “Do I have to wear something fancy?”

“It’s optional.”

“Good, now if you excuse me, I’m going down into the basement. See you guys later.” Artemis said before grabbing his nachos and making his way towards the basement door.

12:30 PM
Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Ugh, I can’t believe we’re having a dinner party with Discord.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“You and me both.” Artemis replied.

“This afternoon is sure to be a disaster. I’m glad I didn’t bother to wear my fanciest outfit.” Rarity said.

“Fluttershy thinks that this is the best way to reform Discord and asked us to give it a chance.” Said Twilight.

Who was at this moment when Discord opens the front door, wearing a black tuxedo. Similar to ones that you would see in fancy restaurants.

“Oh, our guests.” Discord rolled out a red carpet before teleporting in front of them. “We are so delighted that you come. Please do come in.”

When they enter the cottage, Artemis couldn’t help but look at the weird decor.

‘What the hell did he do to this place?’ He thought.

“You see what a beautiful job he did helping? Discord set the entire table himself. I am so proud.” Fluttershy beamed.

“May I take your hats, ladies?” Discord attempted to take Twilight’s tiara, but with no success.

“Hang onto your elements, girls. This is going to be a bumpy afternoon.” Said Twilight.

Discord then notice Artemis giving him a death glare, and he returned one back.

A few minutes later.
12:36 PM

“As we all know, Princess Celestia hopes that we could help discord use power for good instead of evil.” Futtershy stated. “Pinkie pie, do you want some gravy?”

“You bet.”

“Allow me.” Discord said before he turned the gravy boat into a gravyboat dog.

“Aww, when a cute little gravy boat you are. Yes, you are, yes you are.” Pinky scratched the little gravy boat as it poured gravy onto her plate.

“That’s one creepy little gravy boat if you ask me.” Rainbow Dash said, looking at the small grave boat running around the table.

“Oh, come on now Dashe, you’re not even giving this a chance.” Fluttershy said.

Insulted by what Rainbow has just said about him, the little gravy boat ran over to the cyan Pegasus and poured hot gravy all over her lap.

“Hey! That’s hot!” Rainbow exclaimed as hovered in place.

“Oops, I am so sorry.” Discord said an embarrassment.

“He did that on purpose!” Said Rainbow.

“I don’t know about that, mistakes happen. Look every pony, dancing candles.”

As the candles danced on the table, Rainbow Dash blew them out. “I’m not falling for that. Discord is trying to distract us from-”

She wasn’t able to finish her sentence thanks to the candles jumping her. “Hey, knock it off. I suppose that this is another mistake?”

“No. I think you just made them mad.” Discord said.

“There’s something fishy going on.” Twilight said before a fish shaped teapot spit tea in her face.

It did the same thing to Spike and attempted to do it to Artemis but failed since he had a shield bubble protecting him.

“Discord.” Fluttershy called.

“Well, it’s not my fault. It’s the teapot find the term ‘something fishy’ to be offensive.”

“Then tell it to grow a backbone. This bastard is soaking everyone.” Artemis explained before the teapot spit tea at him and failed.

Then it turned its sites onto Rarity.

“Not the dress, not the dress!” She exclaimed before she was soaked.

“This teapot is only doing what you’re making it do.” Applejack stated as the teapot launch tea at her.

“Now let’s not jump to conclusions.” Fluttershy said calmly, despite what was going on.

“Can’t you see what he is doing? He is playing innocent with you so we wouldn’t to be able to use the elements of harmony against him.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Now that’s a bit harsh isn’t it.”

“You see what I’m saying, right Fluttershy?”

“You know what I see? I see that Discord is far from perfect. I also see none of you are giving him a chance.”

“Are you fucking serious?” Artemis exclaimed.

“He is playing you like a fiddle.” Spike stated bluntly.

“Are you kidding me?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“What’s gotten into you? Why are you cutting him so much slack?” Rainbow Dash ask.

“Because that’s what friends do.”

“We’re friends?” The chaos god ask in confusion.

“Of course, I can’t remember the last time my house has been this lively before you came along.”

This touched Discord’s heart. “Well, I never have a friend before.”

“Now you do.”

It was at this moment when Angel bunny open up the window and hopped onto the table. It was clear that he was panicking about something.

After trying to figure out what he was trying to say, Rainbow Dash figured it out.

“Flooding at Sweet Apple Acres! And we all know who’s behind all that don’t we.” She said, pointing an accusatory finger of the chaos God.

“Who me?” He said playing dumb before a halo appeared on top of his head.

“Give it a rest. What do you think about your friend now, Fluettershy?” Rainbow said before she and her friends left the cottage, leaving the yellow Pegasus and the chaos gone alone.

Sweet Apple Acres
12:50 PM.

“I have never seen the flooding this bad. They have built dams around here before but nothing like this. What is going on?” Applejack pondered as she surveyed the damage on her family’s farm.

“That is one big dam.” Artemis said wondering how did beavers built this monstrosity.

After talking to the beavers, Fluttershy flew over to her friends, and said. “It’s no use, they won’t listen to a word I say.”

“You see that discord is behind all this, right?”
Rainbow Dash commented.

“Of course I do. Do you all think I’m just a silly, gullible fool?”

Well, every pony either try to sugarcoat their answers or not answering at all. Artemis what’s the only one that answered honestly. “No offense, but you act like that sometimes.”

Then he saw the rest of the group look at him with shocked looks. “What? You guys taught me that honesty was the best policy. At least I gave her a straight answer.”

“I’ve been trying to gain his friendship anyway I can. So he can come to trust and listen to me.”

“Hey there Fluttershy, do you want to turn? The water is great.” Discord shouted as he water ski across the flooded farm.

“Time to see if it worked.” Fluttery said quietly.

“There you are. A sight for sore eyes.” Discord said after he got off his skis.

Spike leaned over to Artemis and said. “Is it me or is Discord trying to ask Fluttershy out?”

“I doubt it but if he does, I’m going back home.”

“As you can see there’s a big mess here at Sweet Apple Acres.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Oh yes, awful business at that.” The chaos God didn’t give a shit about the damage.

“It is awful. This is Applejack’s home. And it’s been destroyed by instant creatures that would never act like this if wasn’t for your reckless behavior. You need to fix this.”

Discord wasn’t expecting the animal lover to call him out like that. “Yes, very well. I will fix it, I only ask one thing in return.”


“I ask that you never use your element of harmony against me. As a sign of our friendship.” Discord smiled.

The color drained from Fluttershy’s friends as they plead with her not to do it.

Sadly, their pleads fell on deaf ears as Fluttershy took off her necklace and said. “I’ll never use my element of harmony against you.” Then she tossed the element and spike caught it.

“Excellent!” He yelled before snapping his fingers, turning the entire flood into a large frozen lake.
“There, much better! I do prefer ice-skating over water skiing.”

“Discord!” Fluttershy yelled in anger. “That is not fixing it!”

Fluttershy ran onto the ice to confront her ‘friend’, but when she tried to stop, she continues sliding.

“Where are you going?” Discord ask before skating over to the yellow Pegasus. “What’s wrong pal?”

“Don’t call me your pal!”

“Come skate with me and we can let bygones be bygones.” Discord used his magic to make a pair of white ice skates to appear.

Moments later, Artemis teleported right next to Fluttershy with her element in his hand.
“Fluttershy please take your element back. We could still fix this.”

“He fixes this or he turns back into stone. Princess Celestia will understand.” Twilight shouted.

Sadly, Fluttershy refused to put it back on. “I made a promise not to use my element against him, and I tend to keep it.”

“NO!” Everyone yelled.

“Ha Ha, you see she wants to have fun with me because we are friends. She can’t use her element against me because we’re friends.”

Discord didn’t know it yet, but his celebratory ranting was pissing Fluttershy off. So much so that Artemis started to levitate away from her because he was afraid what she might do.

“I’m free forever!” Discord laughed.

This broke the camel’s back.


“Who cares?” He snapped. “I could do whatever I want whenever I want. I’m Discord, the master of chaos.” He teleported right next to Fluttershy and started to follow her. “Do you think you could boss Discord round? You think I’m going to turn all of this back because you say so? Because if I don’t, I’m going to lose the one friend I ever had.”

Then he realizes what he had just said.

“Well played Fluttershy, well played.” The god of chaos skated to a nearby tree and turned everything back to normal.

After that, he teleported in front of Twilight and her friends. “I’m sorry every pony. I like it better my way, but I guess when you want to turn over new leaf, you can have your way all the time.”

“Finally you get it now. We’ve been trying to teach you that all day.” Said Spike.

“I know, and I want to make things right with all of you. If all of you would allow me of course.”

“Of course we would.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Thank you, thank you so much. I promise I won’t let you down.” Discord said while giving Fluttershy a hug.


For the next few days, Discord worked hard to prove to every pony that he was willing to change his ways for good. During this time, Atlas and Apollo took turns with Artemis to make sure that everything was going smoothly. Not surprisingly, Apollo was the stricter of the three brothers when they came to Discord. But despite this everything went according to plan.

May 7 1010 A.G
Canterlot Castle.
The Castle Garden

“I know I could be a stubborn mare at times, but even i know when to admit defeat. Congratulations Celestia, you have proven me wrong.” Galaxia said before taking a sip of her tea.

“Thank you mother. Now you can finally get rid of those war plans against Discord.”

“Yeah I should throw them in the fireplace.”

After a long minute of silence, Galaxia ask.

“So since reforming the chaos God is now over what should we do now?”

“How about we play a prank on dad?”

Galaxia smiled. “You know me too well.”