• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 605 Views, 11 Comments

The Royal Three: Season Two - Kingstar008

The Yukon triplets are ready for anything that comes their way. Luckily for them, Equestria has a lot in store for them.

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Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Resistance.

July 20 1010 A.G
1:30 PM
Canterlot castle.

It was a bright summer day in the city of Canterlot. And right now, Thorax was in the castle library waiting for Zeya to come back from her meeting with the new chancellor and a few military officials.

As the formal changeling guard drink his hot chocolate, he was deep in his thoughts.

For the past few months, things have been interesting for Thorax. And not in a good way.

Even though his situation in Equestria has been wonderful so far. Making the painful decision to flee his homeland, leaving his family and friends behind felt like someone stabbed him in a heart and twisted the blade. And watching news stories about what’s going on in the empire was even more heartbreaking.

But despite all of that, Thorax believes that he was the lucky compared to Zeya. As a result of warning the equestrians of the invasion, she is labeled a traitor by the changing government.

But that paled in comparison of when she discovered that her mother is a monster. For her entire life, she looked up to chrysalis as a role model, as any child would with their parent.

But to find out that your own mother not only try to conquer and destroy an entire nation but put an innocent mare in a cave to die and try to steal their fiancé away from said mare made her question everything she knew about her mom and all the things she taught her of how to be a ‘good’ queen.

She would’ve spiraled into a deep depression, if it wasn’t for one pony. Galaxia.

The former empress basically became Zeya’s stepmom ever since the end of the changeling equestrian war. She was there when Zeya needed someone to talk to and she always went above and beyond for the changeling princess.

Heck, Galaxia even organize her birthday party back in June, with Pinkie Pie’s help of course.

Thorax smiled, knowing that his friend? marefriend?

Their relationship has been complicated since April. What I’m trying to say is that he’s glad that Zeya is all right.

A few moments later, the changeling princess finally arrived.

“So, how did it go?” Thorax ask before Zeya got rid of her blue Kirin disguise and sitting down in front of him.

“It went better than I thought. The generals have agreed on a new military doctrine and the chancellor decided to allow changeling refugees to join the armed forces.”

“That’s great. Did the E.B.I find a resistance group yet?”

Zeya sighed.

“No, they have not. They’re still looking, but so far, they have found nothing. It’s hard to believe that one of the best intelligence agencies in the world can’t find a single group. And they have been searching for two and a half weeks! I hope my mom didn’t wipe all of them out.”

“Hey, don’t worry, I’m sure that a group will be found very soon. The Changeling Empire is a large country, so it’s going to take time to find one. Remember patience is a virtue.” Thorax said before taking a sip of his drink.

“But who knows how long it will take for them to find even a trace of a resistance movement. What if the Empire declares war on Equestria again before the EBI even finds one?”

This made Thorax raise an eyebrow. “I don’t think Queen Chrysalis would declare war on Equestria soon after being embarrassed on the world stage.”

“You’re right. What am I going to do without you?”
Zeya said.

“You would be driving yourself insane with the what ifs while walking in a circle in your room.”
Thorax said.

“Yeah, that sounds like me.” The princess got up from her chair. “I’m going to get something to eat. Do you want anything?”

“I’m good.”

“Ok, suit yourself.” She said before walking away.

The very next day
July 21
9:30 AM

Zeya was in her bedroom, looking over a few papers that were on her desk. It was the usual, proposed bills and government paperwork.

Ever since the end of the war, Celestia and Luna made the new lands Equestria gained into a new autonomous region, a similar status that New Mareland enjoys.

Not only that, but they also made Zeya its new governor.
That meant that anything that has to do with Changelinea has to go through her first.

(Fun fact: Changelinea is the Empire’s old name.)

Now in hindsight, it’s pretty odd to have a 19 year old as governor, but since she is the heir to changeling throne, she already knows how politics work. And because of that, she’s a pretty good governor.

After she wrote her signature of one of the papers, she heard a knock on her door.

“Come in.”

The door open, revealing Raven Inkwell.

“Morning Miss Inkwell, what can I do for you?”

“Morning Princess, I have some good news.” Raven smiled.

“Well, what is it?”

“Early this morning, the EBI has found a resistance group in the Changing Empire.”

“Finally, it’s about time. So, who are they? Where are they located and are they willing to work with us?”
Zeya ask curiously.

“I’m getting to that. The group that we found is located in the southern part of the empire, close to the Equestrian border. Their name is Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Resistance or H.M.M.L.R for short.”

“Most loyal resistance?” The changeling said in confusion. “That’s a strange name for resistance organization. Are you sure that they didn’t find one of my mother’s paramilitary groups?”

“They didn’t. The reason why they called themselves that is because they’re not loyal to Chrysalis, they’re loyal to you.”

“What? That can be! Everyone in the Empire hates me because of my betrayal.” She said in shock.

“Well, according to them, it’s the complete opposite.” The white unicorn said before remembering something important. “Oh, I almost forgot; Empress Celestia wants to have a word with you about something important.”

“Thanks for letting me know.”

“You’re welcome, Princess.” Raven said before leaving the room.

After putting her papers away, Zeya lit her horn and teleporting away.

Celestia‘s office.

After she teleported to her destination, courtesy and said. “You wanted to see me empress?”

“Good morning, Zeya.” Celestia smiled. “You know you don’t have to do that right?”

“I know, I’m just being polite.” The princess said before taking a seat in front of Celestia‘s desk.
“So, what do you want to talk to me about? Is it about the resistance group we recently found?”

“Not exactly. The reason why I want to talk to you is because the leader of HMMLR is currently on a flight to Canterlot while being accompanied by a few EBI agents. He’s going to meet Chancellor Shukshin and Vice Chancellor Pokryshkin to negotiate a potential alliance. He also wants to meet you as well. Do you want to go to this meeting? Because if you don’t, that is ok.”

“One question, why does he want to meet me, and do you know who he is?”
Zeya asked.

“He said that he has a proposal for you. Other than that, I don’t know. His organization said that he wants to keep his identity secret for safety reasons.”

“That’s understandable.” After thinking it over for a few moments, Zeya spoke up. “Ok, I’ll go to this meeting.”

“Are you sure?” Celestia ask.

“I’m sure.”

“Ok. The meeting is going to happen at 8:00 PM in a conference room on the fourth floor in the Senate.” Celestia said before she hands a sticky note with the room’s number on it.

“Is there anything else you want to talk about?”
Zeya asked.

“No, that is all. You’re free to go.”

“All right, have a nice rest of your day, Empress.”
Zeya curtsy before leaving the office.

8 PM

Finally, it was time. It was time for Zeya to go to the meeting.

As usual, she put on her blue Kirin disguise and entered an armor limo that will take her to the Senate.

After she arrived, Zeya entered the building and made her way through the newly rebuild corridors.

Even though this wasn’t her first time coming to the Senate, it still surprised her that this building was blown up, lit on fire and was at risk of completely falling apart like its dome.

Now, it looks like the invasion had never happened.

One elevator ride later, Zeya walk down the hallway and found conference room 428.

‘Finally.’ She thought before she entered the room.

“Good evening gentlecolts. Did I take too long?”
She said before taking a seat.

“You didn’t take long at all. You arrive just in time.”
Shukshin said. “Our special guest should be arriving in a few minutes.”

Three minutes later, one of the Royal guards that was guarding the room came in and said. “Chancellor, vice chancellor, he’s here. Are you ready for him to come in?”

“Yes, we are.” Pokryshkin said.

The guard stepped aside, allowing a red unicorn stallion to enter the room.

“Chancellor Shukshin, Vice chancellor Pokryshkin, thank you for agreeing to have a meeting with me on such short notice.” The stallion smiled as he took a seat across from the two politicians.

“You don’t have to thank us. We’re just glad that we can meet you face-to-face. It’s not every day when we have an ally on the inside.” Shukshin said.

The stallion turned his attention to Zeya. “Princess, you don’t want to know how glad every changeling in the resistance is that you’re safe and sound.”

“Thanks, I’m glad to hear that. Before we start this meeting, can you drop your disguise? We want to know who you are.”

“Oh, my apologies, I forgot that I still had this on.”
The stallion said before getting rid of his disguise, revealing a black changeling with red eyes.

Zeya’s eyes widen. “General Erwin? You’re the leader of HMMLR?”

“That’s right, I’ve been its leader since its founding back in February.”

“Wait, weren’t you retired?” Pokryshkin asked.

“I was, and I would’ve stayed in retirement if it wasn’t for the princess.”

“Me?” Zeya said in confusion.

“Yes, you. Your ‘betrayal’ not only expose your mother, but the military as well. Princess Zeya opened our eyes to what our country had become. Which is why me and my allies founded the HMMLR in the first place.”

The young changeling couldn’t believe her ears. Hearing this information from a pony was one thing but hearing it from a changeling that was still living in the Empire was something else.

This gave her hope, hope that one day her mom will be forced to abdicate, and she and Thorax can go home.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what ideology does your organization believes in and what is the ultimate goal of this resistance?”
Shukshin asked.

“Well, your first question is a bit hard to explain. Since we allow any changeling to join our ranks, we have all sorts of beliefs from conservatives to liberals to progressives. We even have a few socialist and technocrats here and there. I like to think of it as a rainbow coalition. But what most of us can agree on is that our ultimate goal is to see the Changeling Empire become a constitutional monarchy. Similar to what Equestria and Crystallia enjoys.”

“Ok and do you know when the empire will have its military ready for war?” Pokryshkin asked.

“Well, according to my spies, the military will be at its full strength in 2 to 4 years.”

“That’s impossible. There’s no way that the empire’s military can recover that fast after being annihilated by our new weapons. It should take years, maybe even decades for it to recover fully.”

“And you would be right if the Empire was using standard military industries. But few weeks after the war, queen chrysalis order that 85% of civilian factories be converted to military ones. Basically, the entire economy has been converted for military use.”

“Oh my god.” Zeya whispered to herself.

“I’m assuming that it’s the same thing with the dockyards?” Shukshin asked.

Erwin nodded.

“This is worse than I thought. That madmare is making her country pay for her mistakes.” Pokryshkin said. “Thanks for sharing this information with us.”

“You’re welcome. So, are we going to negotiate our alliance between our sides yet?”

“Yes, we are.” Shukshin said as he put his briefcase on the table and opened it. “But first we need to discuss some of the details first.”


After the chancellor, vice chancellor and the resistance leader discussed the conditions of the treaty, it was almost time for them to sign the parchment.

“Before we sign the treaty, is it an appropriate time to discuss the proposal that I have for the princess?” Erwin asks.

“Sure, I don’t see why not.” Shukshin said.

“So, what is this offer you want to discuss with me?” Zeya asked.

“Before I reveal it, I have something to tell you. As you know, I am currently the leader of HMMLR. But they’re supposed to be two individuals leading the organization.”

“Who is the second leader?” She asked.

“We don’t have one yet, but many most of the members of the HMMLR wish that it would be you.”

“Your resistance group wants me as its second leader?”

“Yes, they do. Not only do you have political skills, but you are also a great negotiator. You can negotiate weapons deals, alliances with other resistance groups and with you on our side would provide a great boost to morale.” Erwin said.

“If I accept, do I have to go back home?”

“No, only when the Empire is back on the warpath, that’s when you need to come back.”

Zeya didn’t respond thinking of what to say next.

“You don’t have to answer now. Think it over, all right.” The older changeling said as he reached into his breast pocket, pulled out a magic lighter and hand it to Zeya.


Erwin turned his attention to the chancellor and vice chancellor. “Now back to that treaty, where do I sign?”

“Right here.” Shukshin pointed to the bottom of the paper.

After Erwin signed his name on the treaty, He shook Shukshin’s and Pokryshkin’s hand.
“Nice doing business with you two.”

“Likewise. I hope this alliance is as beneficial to you as it will be for us.” Pokryshkin smiled.

“Well, it looks like it’s time for me to go back to my hotel.” Erwin said after he looked at the clock on the wall. “Good night, Chancellor, vice chancellor.”

Then he turns his attention to Zeya. “Good night, princess.” He said before leaving the room.


For the rest of the evening General Erwins’ offer weigh heavy on Zeya’s mind.

Don’t get her wrong she was honored that her fellow changelings want her alongside them.

But at the same time, it was such a big decision.

Undecided, she decided to go to bed.

While she was sleeping, she had a very vivid dream of fighting alongside her comrades and freeing her homeland from her mother’s rule. Then her dream changed to her being crowned queen and waving to thousands of happy changelings.

When she woke up the next day, she had made her decision. She picks up a feather and a piece of paper and wrote a letter to the general.

20 minutes later, she received a letter back, which said “Welcome to the HMMLR.”

July 22
10:50 AM.

After finishing all the assignments she had that morning, Zeya was now heading over to Galaxia‘s office to ask her something really important.

After she arrived, she knocked on it twice and waited for permission to enter.

“Come in.”

Zeya opened the door and said. “Morning Galaxia, do you have a minute?”

“Good morning, Zeya. Of course I have time for you. Come in take a seat.”

“So, what can I do for you?” Galaxia ask after the princess sat down.

“Remember when I told you, I had to attend a meeting with the resistance leader?”

“Yes, I do.”

“After he finish negotiating with the chancellor and vice chancellor, gave me an offer to join the HMMLR as their second leader. And I accepted his offer this morning.” She explained.

“Well, good for you. Joining a cause bigger than yourself is very honorable. We need more of that especially in this dangerous time. When are you going back to your homeland?”
Galaxia ask as our heart sank a little at the thought of her leaving, but she didn’t show it.

“I am not leaving anytime soon, which is why I came here to ask you to train me like how you’re training the triplets.”

“You want me to train you how to become a soldier? Is that what you’re asking me young one?”

“Yes. I don’t plan on staying in exile forever. Someone has to overthrow my mom.”

Hearing this made Galaxia teleport right next to Zeya and pick her up in a tight bear hug. “Yes, I got another pupil! Oh, you don’t know how happy I am.” She said excitedly.

“I’m glad you feel that way.” Zeya said as she struggled to breathe. To her relief, Galaxia ended the hug a few seconds later.

“Zeya, meet me in the castle gym at 6 PM. And bring a water bottle because I’m not going easy on you.”

“That’s fine. I’ll see you at six.”

“See ya.” Galaxia said before Zeya left her office.

6:00 PM

After the sun had set below the horizon and been replaced by the moon, Zeya was now walking to the castle gym. Wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

She wondered what her first class would be like.
Would it be just like the Royal guards training, or would it be something way more intense?

Either way she knew she made the right decision.

When she arrived at the gym, she started to look around to see where Galaxia and humans were.
Despite living here for a few months now, she's not used to how big the gym was.

After a few minutes of looking, she finally found them in the wrestling area.

Where she found Galaxia having a magic battle with two of the humans, while the third one was punching a punching bag while a red pegasus with an orange mane and tail was holding it.

“Hey Galaxia, I’m here!” Zeya yelled.

“Evening Zeya, glad you can make it.” Galaxia said after she caught Apollo fist. “Give me one second.” She grabs the human and body slammed him. She then punches Atlas in the stomach and bodyslam him too. “All right boys, you guys can take a little break.”

“Yay.” They both said.

“Blaze, she’s here.”

“Coming. Artemis, that’s enough from now. Go and take a break on the mat until further notice.”

“Yes, sir.” The human said before walking over to the mat where his siblings were lying on the floor.

“Welcome to your first day of training.” Galaxia said. “Are you ready for a good workout?”

“Yes I am.” Zeya smiled.

“Good. Before we start, I want you to meet Sergeant Blaze Trailer Prime of the Equestrian Air Force. He’ll be assisting me while I train you and triplets.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you Zeya. Or do you prefer to be called princess?”

“It doesn’t matter to me. It’s nice to meet you too Mr. Blaze. What are we doing first?”

“First, we are going do some warm-ups and then we’re going outside and run a half a mile on the track. Now, I want you to go on the mat and give me 20 jumping jacks.”

“Yes, sir.” Zeya said before running away.

“She’s an eager mare.” Blaze said.

“Yeah, I had a feeling she would be like this. It looks like I was right.” Galaxia said with a smile.

“I think the triplets had a long enough break. Don’t you think?” Blaze said as he looked at the triplet’s direction.

Galaxia looked at the clock on the wall. “Huh you’re right. All right boys, get your lazy flanks up. Break time is over. I want you to do 50 push-ups right now!”

“Yes, ma’am.” The triplets responded.

An hour and a half later.
7:30 PM.

Zeya was sitting on a bench, completely exhausted. Her muscles were sore, her feet ached, and her covered in sweat.

She is wondering if she should teleport back to her room because she’s that tired.

Before she can do that, Blaze walked over to her and said. “Good work. You did very well for your first day.”

“I don’t feel like that. I was either the last one to finish an exercise or the first one to crack.”

“Don’t beat yourself up over it. The triplets have been doing this for months and you that far behind. If anything, I think that’s impressive.”

“Thanks, I try my best. The only reason why I joined this little class to begin with this to help save my homeland from my tyrant mother. To be honest, I would do anything to save my country.”

“You’re not the only one.”

Zeya tilted her head in confusion. “What do you mean by that?”

“Well, I’m not originally from Equestria. I’m from Livonia.”

“Oh, so that’s where you got your unique accent?”

“Yep, that’s where I got it from. Just like the culture, Livonia has a beautiful country. I never thought any place would beat its beauty until I came to Equestria.” Blaze said with a sad smile.

The changeling then realizes why his expression changed. “You’re a refugee, aren’t you?”

“Correct. My family fled Livonia when I was 11 thanks to the fascist government that took over a month prior. Haven’t been back since.”

“Oh, I’m sorry that happened to you.”

“Thanks, but it wasn’t all doom and gloom. After I got settled here, I made a lot of new friends and discovered my special talent for inventing. I see Equestria as my home as much as Lavonia was.”

“Do you plan on moving back if Lavonia is liberated one day?”

“I don’t think so. But that doesn’t mean I won’t do everything in my power to save it from the insane that took it over. Just like you with the Changeling Empire.”

“Mr. Blaze answer this question honestly. Do you think that I would be a great partisan leader?

“I know we just met, but with everything I have seen you do and your reasons for being here, I have no doubt in my mind you would be a great leader.”

“Thanks.” Zeya smiled.

“You’re welcome.” Blaze said before he looked at his watch. “Well, it’s time for me to go. Good night princess, see you tomorrow.” Blaze said before leaving the gym.

“Good night.” Zeya said before teleporting away.

The very next day
July 23.
12:05 PM

Zeya was on her lunch break, eating a fruit salad while reading a book. When some pony knocked on her office door.

“Come in.”

Thorax enter the office with a rolled-up piece of paper in his hand. “Zeya, do you have a minute?”

“Yes, I do.” She said she put her salad and book to the side. “So, why are you interrupting my lunch break?”

“I came here because I want to join the HMMLR.”
Thorax said.

“I thought you didn’t want to be involved in any future conflicts. What made you change your mind?” Zeya said, surprise that Thorax wanted to join.

“What you told me yesterday made me think. At first when I first came here. I just wanted to continue life like the war never happened. Now I want to help out in anyway I can.”

“I’m glad that you feel that way, but I need a résumé.”

“Already have one.” He said before handing over the rolled-up piece of paper.

After looking it over the résumé, Zeya looked up from the paper and said. “Hmmm, everything looks good. I wonder if the general will share my opinion.”

She grabs the magical lighter that was on her desk and light the paper on fire.

A few minutes later a letter appeared out of a cloud of gray smoke and landed on her desk.

After she read the letter, the princess smiled. “Congratulations, you got the general’s approval.” She stood up from her chair and walked over to the tall changeling. “Welcome to the HMMLR.”

Author's Note:

I want to say thank you to Artemis Prime for allowing me to use his character in this series.