• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 605 Views, 11 Comments

The Royal Three: Season Two - Kingstar008

The Yukon triplets are ready for anything that comes their way. Luckily for them, Equestria has a lot in store for them.

  • ...

One crazy magician.

October 9 1010 A.G
Ponyville, Equestria.
12:30 PM

It was a chilly yet sunny fall day in the small town of Ponyville. And right now the town ponies were out and about to enjoy their day.

But it was not just ponies enjoying the weekend. Ponyville’s newest human resident was also enjoying his day off.

Four weeks ago, Artemis decided to pack up his things and to move to Ponyville. The reason why he did this is because of his relationship with Twilight Sparkle.

Since he’s been dating her for more than a year now, he decided it was time for him to move it with her.

And she was more than happy to let her stallion friend live with her.

Despite being used to living in a more urban environment, his adjustment to living in a small town was easier than he thought. The only downside was that he now had to commute to work.

As he walked by City Hall, he noticed a large crowd of ponies standing there. Like they were seeing something amazing or something.

Curious, he decided to see what was going on.

He made it to the center of the crowd and saw there was a hooded figure zapping Rarity with a red beam of magic.

‘What the heck just happened?’ He thought.

After the red smoke cleared, he saw that Rarity was all right.

But now she was wearing a very ugly dress.

“You beast!" She yelled. “This shade of brown was only made to be used for accents!” The fashionista fainted into Applejack’s arms.

“Come on Applejack, we need to get her in a nice soothing pink. Stat!” Pinkie pie said as she followed Applejack.

A few moments later Twilight and Spike arrived.

“What’s going on here?” Twilight ask.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Twilight Sparkle.” The hooded figure took off her hood, revealing that she is a blue unicorn with a whitish mane with a very light blue stripe in the middle.

“Trixie.” Twilight said with a frown.

“What is she doing here?” Spike said.

“You called that great and powerful?” Rainbow Dash asks.

Trixie said nothing as she shot a red beam of magic at Rainbow, and it would’ve made a direct hit if it wasn’t for Artemis using his magic to deflect the beam.

The beam hit a nearby tree, causing its right branches to become bigger than the left and eventually causing the tree to fall down.

“What is wrong with you?! That could’ve hurt rainbow!” Artemis exclaimed.

“Calm down, Trixie wasn’t trying to hurt Rainbow. She was only trying to prove a point.” Trixie said nonchalantly.

“And what would that be?”

“That I am the great and powerful Trixie!”

“Great and powerful? Oh, you’re the idiot that nearly killed everyone with that Ursa Minor.”

“That’s the only thing you heard about me?” Trixie ask as her right eye twitch.

“No, I also know other things about you. Like you’re a narcissist and your ego is 10 times larger than Rainbow Dash’s. No offense, Rainbow.”

The blue Pegasus said nothing as she crossed her arms.

“And now you’re here to prove that you’re great and powerful by harming others?”

“No, I’m going to prove that I am great and powerful by challenging Twilight sparkle to a magic dual!”

“What why?” Twilight ask in shock.

“You and I have some unfinished business. My magic has gotten better since I was here last and I’m gonna prove it. Me and you a magic duel. Winner stays, loser leaves Ponyville, forever!”

“Forget it, I’m not making a deal like that.”

“Your choice.” Trixie lit her horn and grabbed Spike with her magic. Only for Artemis to intervene and grab Spike out of the air with his own magical aura and placed him safely on the ground. “That’s enough. Why you want to have a duel with Twilight so badly?”

“Why, because she humiliated me! Ever since Twilight showed me up with that Ursa Minor, I became a laughing stock. Everywhere I went I was laughed at and ostracized. I even had to take a job on a rock farm just to earn a living. A FUCKING ROCK FARM!” Trixie explained as she showed the events of what happened with her magic.

“That sounds like a you problem. You caused all of that to happen, not Twilight.” Artemis stated.

“Hey! You’re lucky that a rock farm will take the likes of you!” Pinky shouted before Trixie got rid of her mouth with her magic. But don’t worry, Artemis got it back for her.

“Now I want revenge and I’ll just keep casting spells until you agree.” Trixie launched a beam of magic at Artemis’ new truck making it the size of a Teddy bear.

(If you wanna know what his new truck looks like, imagine the half track except instead of tracks, it has four rear wheels.)

“Yo, that’s my truck!” Artemis yelled. “Do you know how much money that cost me? You fucking asshole!”

“Well, what do you say?” Trixie said, snapping Twilight out of her shock state.

“All right, Trixie. Let’s duel.”

“Excellent.” She said before reversing all her spells. Making everything go back to normal.
“If I lose, I will never set foot in Ponyville again. But if you lose, you’re the one that is banished from this one mare town.”

Every pony gasp.

And Artemis teleported between the two unicorns. “Nope, no one is banishing anyone from this town. I am not letting this duel happen until you change the rules.”

“Artemis, it’s fine. I got this.” Said Twilight.

“Are you sure? Because what she is proposing is insane.”

“I’m sure. Besides if I don’t do this duel she will continue casting spells all over the place and we don’t want that.”


“No, buts. I got this.”

“Fine.” He said before reluctantly getting out of the way.

After a few seconds of staring each other down, Trixie made the first move. “Draw!” She shot a beam of red magic at a nearby cart full of apples, sending it flying into the air. It would’ve hit a few bystanders, if it wasn’t for Twilight catching it in her magic and putting the cart down.

She barely had a chance to take a sigh of relief before Trixie decide to launch pies at her. Thankfully, she was able to conjure up a little parasprite. After the little guy got it filled, she had to get rid of him and his new friend to prevent them from eating the entire town again.

Once again, Twilight barely had a chance to catch her breath before Trixie launch another attack. This time dropping a ton of snow on her.

In retaliation, she cast a spell on Trixie, which gave her a mustache and I mean a really big one.

“Snips, Snails, step forward.” Trixie commanded after she got rid of her mustache.

“What is it oh great and powerful Trixie?” Snips ask.

She didn’t answer his question as she cast a spell on them, making Snips a baby and Snails a very old stallion.

“An age spell. But how can you do an age spell? That’s only for the highest level unicorns.” Twilight ask.

Trixie polished her amulet before speaking. “Well Twilight, do you give up?”

Determined to wipe that smug look off of the magician’s face, Twilight lit her horn and tried to turn Snips and Snails back to normal.

“Come on Twilight, you can do it!” Spike cheered.

But she was on able to change them back and her magic reached its limit and fizzled out, causing both ponies to fall to the ground. Baby Snips started crying and elderly Snails probably broke a few bones.

“Trixie is the highest-level unicorn!” She laughed. “And now it’s time for you to leave Ponyville, forever!”

“That’s enough, Trixie!” Applejack yelled.

“You proved your point. But you can’t possibly expect Twilight to leave Ponyville.” Rarity chimed in.

“This town is her home. Where do you expect her to go?” Pinkie Pie said.

“There is no way in hell that Twilight is getting kicked out of this town! If you want her out, you have to go through us first!” Artemis yelled.

“You fools.” She said before picking Twilight up in her magic. “She’s already gone.”

Trixie threw Twilight out of town and the poor unicorn hit the ground hard.

Somehow, the landing didn’t break anything in her body.

After seeing that Twilight was now outside of town, Trixie conjured up a large glass dome and placed it on top of the town. Keeping Twilight out, and everyone else in.

Artemis couldn’t believe what he was seeing in front of him. Trixie not only kicked his girlfriend out of town, but trapped them as well.

He was not going to let this slide.

He charged up his magic and cast a spell on the dome. Causing the its surface to glow in a magenta color.

“You guys might wanna stand back.” Artemis announced.

The main six back away from the dome while Trixie watched in confusion.

It was at this moment when crack started to appear on the glass and the dome shattered. All the tiny glass bits disappeared before any pony got hurt.

“There problem solved.”

Before he can even turn around, Trixie conjured up another glass dome.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Artemis used his magic to keep the dome off the ground but it was a losing battle as it slowly landed on the ground.

“Dammit!” He yelled before he punched the glass in anger, cracking its surface. Instead of shattering the glass quickly repaired itself.

“Why?! Why are you trapping us in here?!” He yelled at the magician.

“Because this town belongs to the great and powerful Trixie. And there’s nothing you can do about it.” She said coldly before walking away.

“It’s ok guys, I’ll figure something out. Take care of each other for now and keep an eye on Trixie. There’s something strange about her.” Twilight said before running off into the distance as her friends could do nothing but watch.

3:40 PM

It’s been more than three hours since the end of the dual, and since then things have become terrible for every pony.

Trixie quickly cemented rule by forcing Mayor mare out of office and made sure that the local government was in line.

After that, she basically treated Ponyville like it was her own playground. She made every pony decorate the town to her liking and expected every pony to treat her like royalty.

While this was happening, the Artemis, Spike and the rest of the main six were going through Twilight’s library trying to find out how Trixie was able to get so powerful in such a short amount of time.

“This is not get us anywhere.” Rarity said before she threw the book she was just reading behind her.

Pinkie pie burst her head out of pile of books and said. “Tell me about it. This is gonna take us forever to look through.”

“I hear you Pinky. I can’t find anything that describes the type of magic Trixie has been using.” Applejack said.

“There must be something. Twilight owns every magic book there is.” Spike said. “Artemis, did you find anything?”

“Nope, not a single thing and I’m on my 10th book.”

While the rest of her friends were talking, Fluttershy was looking through one of the books when she found something interesting on one of the pages. “I think I may have found something.” She said quietly.

“Yes, I think it’s time for us to consider a future in this new Trixie lead Ponyville.” Rarity suggested.

“This sounds like a lot awful lot like Trixie‘s new magic.” Fluttershy said. But she was too quiet for anybody to hear her.

“She wants me to deliver her some apples, even though the farm is outside of this dome. How am I supposed to do that?” Said Applejack.

Fluttershy clear her throat which got everyone’s attention. “Guys, I think I found something.”

“Finally.” Artemis commented.

“What did you find?” Spike ask.

“Trixie‘s new necklace.” She pointed at the page.
“It’s called the Alicorn amulet, whoever wears this ancient necklace is blessed with untold powers. Even though it provides great powers, it also corrupts the user. Unlike a normal necklace, you can’t take the amulet off the users neck. It has a magical lock. Only the user can take it off.”

“Can I see the picture of the amulet?” Artemis ask.

“Sure.” Fluttershy handed the book over.

“Oh no.”

“What is it?” Rainbow Dash ask.

“This amulet nearly killed Nebula a millennium and a half ago. Before he became royalty.”

“What?!” Everyone said in shock.

“Yeah, it was assassination temp on Galaxia. He pushed her out of the way and took the hit.”

“So you’re telling me that this amulet is powerful enough to kill an Alicorn?” Pinkie Pie ask.

“He wasn’t an Alicorn yet. He was unicorn at the time.” Artemis corrected.

“I thought he was born an Alicorn.” Applejack said.

“I thought the same thing before he correct me on that.” He said before put a book marker on the page and closing the book. “We better save Trixie from this amulet before it makes her do something she will regret later.”

“We need to give this information to Twilight. She will know what to do.” Applejack said.

“If any of us try to leave, the dome will alert her.”
Said Rarity.

“I got it! Sneaking past the dome will be impossible without help. I know who got the goods to get into those woods, Fluttershy!”
Rainbow Dash suggested.

“What?!” The shy pegasus said in shock.

“What do you say, Fluttershy? Can you handle the mission?” Applejack ask.

“NO. I’ll crack under the pressure. I’ll snap like a twig!”

“Perfect, Fluttershy will sneak out of Ponyville and find Twilight.” Rainbow smiled.

“Ok, fine.” Fluttershy conceited.

“I know just a design for a dangerous mission outfit.”

“Rarity, I don’t think she needs a new outfit for this.” Artemis said.

“I don’t care I am making it anyway.”

30 minutes later.
4:10 PM.

Trixie was in her new carriage, heading towards the outskirts of town. A carriage that has no wheels and it being pulled by Snips and Snails.

“Pull you fools!” She commanded before she whipped them. “Some pony set off the magic dome and Trixie tends to punish them!”

“Would it be faster if we had some wheels?” An exhausted Snips said.

“The great and powerful Trixie does not trust wheels. Now pull faster.”

“I’m telling you Snips, she keeps on getting weirder and weirder.” Snail said before he got whipped.

After pulling the carriage a few more feet, Trixie yelled. “Stop!”

“You there what are you doing?” She yelled at the beaver.

After she figured out what the beaver wanted, she lifted up the dome for him and his friends to leave safely. Not knowing that Fluttershy was inside of the log they were carrying.

10 minutes later.
4:20 PM.

“I can’t believe I didn’t recognize the Alicorn amulet.” Twilight said as walked around Zecora’s potion room in thought.

“The more she uses it, the more it will corrupt her.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“But how am I supposed to beat that amulet? My magic is not good enough.”

“Twilight sparkle, much work you have done. We have learned all of my lessons, except for one.” Said Zecora. “If Trixie’s tricks, has you in a fix. You must mix your magic and use the sixth.

“Fix your magic, use the sixth. Fix your magic, use the sixth. Use the sixth, that’s it!” Twilight realize what she had to do. “Zecora, you’re a genius.”

Zecora smiled.

“Now we need to get you back into Ponyville, Fluttershy.” Twilight said as she wrote something down on a piece of paper.

15 minutes later.
4:45 PM.

Trixie was pissed. This was the fifth time and almost 30 minutes she had to go to the outskirts of town.

All because of the annoying Equestrian military.

They’ve been trying everything they can to get in inside the dome without risking any lives. They tried negotiating with Trixie, which didn’t work. Then they tried digging under the dome. It was a toll success. That was until Trixie found out and teleported all the soldiers back outside. They even rammed tanks into the side of the dome.

The great and powerful Trixie felt a headache coming.

“I hope this is not another attempt to get in here. I swear these ponies don’t know when to quit.” She said in frustration as she looked at the large Air Force zeppelin that was hovering above town.

When she looked back down her eyes widen when she saw Twilight Sparkle and Zecora standing a few feet away from the magical dome.

“What is wrong Twilight sparkle? Are you not enjoying your exile?” She said smugly.

“I know about the Alcorn amulet. I know you cheated.”

“Cheated?” Trixie said innocently.

“Yeah, and I thought you wanted to see what a real magical amulet looks like. Zecora gave it to me. It’s from beyond the Everfree forest and it’s way more powerful than your measly alicorn amulet.”

This made Trixie laugh. “Nothing is more powerful than the alicorn amulet. And no pony is more powerful than the great and powerful Trixie!”

“Care to put your amulet where your mouth is? How about another dual?” Twilight suggested.

“Why should I? I already beat you.”

“That’s up to you. I guess you’ll never see the totally awesome magic from beyond the ever free forest. Come on, Zecora.” Twilight said as she walk away.

“Wait.” Trixie made the glass in front of her open like a sliding glass door. “Ok, Ok you’re on. We will have a second dual at Townhall.”

Twilight was about to follow Trixie if it was for a certain master sergeant teleported in front of her, blocking her path.

“I’m sorry, Miss sparkle, but I can’t allow you to go in there.” Firefly said.

“Why not?”

“Thanks to what’s going in the area, Chancellor Shukshin, Empress Celestia and Empress Luna ordered that no civilians should go anywhere near Ponyville. Especially with that madmare still around.”

“Hey!” Trixie took offense to that but Firefly did not care.

“Please let me through. I promise that nothing bad is going to happen.” Twilight pleaded.

“How am I supposed to know that you’re not going to become another victim to her insanity?”

“Because I have dealt with Trixie before, and I know how to defeat her and end this craziness for good.” She said quietly so that Trixie couldn’t hear her.

“Please soldier, let her through. She knows what she’s doing.” Zecora said.

Firefly thought it over. If she allowed Twilight to go into town that would put her at great danger. And since Celestia treated Twilight like her own daughter, she did not want to know her reaction if Twilight was harmed. Then again, Twilight is an element bearer so she should be able to handle something like this.

But if she didn’t allow her to go into town, the alternative was to have her battalion storm the town. And she didn’t want to have anyone hurt today. Against her better judgment, Firefly decided to allow Twilight to go to town.

“Ok, fine I’ll allow you to go through.” Said the dark red Kirin.

“Thank you.”

“But if anything goes wrong in there and my higher-ups tell me to send my battalion into town. There’s nothing I can do but follow their orders.”

“Don’t worry, it won’t come to that.” Twilight said before walking away.

As Firefly watched Twilight walking to town, she wondered if she made the right decision.

Ponyville Town Hall.
5:00 PM

In front of Townhall, the duel that will decide the fate of Ponyville was about to begin.

“Let’s start with a simple age spell shall we?” Trixie ask.


“Snips, Snails!” Trixie barked, making the two young unicorns run to her. She then used her magic to turn them both into infants.

“An oldie, but goody. Now let’s see what your charm can do.”

“No problem. Rarity, Applejack, could you help me please?” Twilight ask.

Confused, the fashionista and the apple farmer walked in front of Twilight. She used her magic to turn both of her friends into toddlers.

This surprised Trixie. But she quickly composed herself and said. “Wow, you can do an age spell big deal.”

Twilight said nothing as she decided to show off a bit by using the spell multiple times.

Trixie’s jaw was on the ground. “That’s impossible!”

“That’s nothing.” Twilight said before she turned to RD and used her magic to clone her.

“How did you-”

“Duplication spell. Have you ever seen a pony play 10 instruments before?” Twilight rhetorically ask before using her magic to give Pinkie Pie a bunch of instruments.

“This can’t be.” Trixie said in disbelief.

“One more. I can turn a mare into a stallion.” Twilight said before turning Applejack into a stallion and turning her back into a mare.

“Well, Trixie, it looks like my amulet is more powerful than your- HEY! Give it back!”

Trixie ripped the necklace off of Twilight’s neck with her magic.

“With this amulet, I shall rule all of Equestria!”
She took the alicorn amulet off her neck and replaced it with the amulet she just stole.

“My subjects! You are now in the presence of an even more powerful Trixie!”

While Trixie was distracted with her victory speech, Rainbow Dash took the alicorn amulet out of her hand.

“Hey! Wait, I don’t need that old amulet anymore. I have this.”

Trixie try to shoot Rainbow Dash out of the sky, but it tickled her instead.

“That’s not supposed to happen. That was supposed to make you scream in agony. This amulet is defective. Give me my old one back!”
Trixie said as she tried to shoot Rainbow Dash again.

“Sorry, but this is going into hiding where it belongs.” RD said before putting it in a tiny treasure chest in Zecora’s right hand.

“By the way, Trixie, the amulet you have around your neck is one of Zecora’s doorstops.” Twilight said.

Artemis couldn’t take it anymore and stated to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Trixie asks.

“I’m sorry, but we got you good. Twilight, please let me tell her, please.”

“Go right ahead.”

“Where to begin? You see Rainbow’s clone right over there? That’s Fluttershy, she’s just wearing a lot of paint and a wig. Say hi, Flutters.”

“Hi.” She said, taking out one of her contacts.

“You see the male version of Applejack right over there? That’s Big Mac. Before you ask how he got in here, we dug a hole for him to come into town while you were getting ready for this dual. Basically, all the younger and older versions of Twilight’s friends were other ponies. And I painted all of them.”

“But what about pinky playing all those instruments?” Trixie ask.

“I’ve been doing this for a long time. I can play way more than 10 instruments but Twilight told me to not overdo it.” Pinky smiled.

“Oh, I almost forgot since you don’t have the amulet anymore, I can finally do this.” Artemis pointed at the dome with his right index finger and shot a beam of magic at it.

The bean hit the dome, causing it to fall apart and all the pieces that would’ve hit the ground disappeared.

“I actually did all of this.” Trixie said in shame. Finally able to think clearly for the first time since she took off the amulet.

“Yep.” Big Mac said.

“Oh my Faust. I’m sorry every pony, I didn’t mean for this to go this far. I only wanted to defeat Twilight in a magic duel, not taking over Ponyville.”

“A sorry is not going to cut it.”

Every pony turned around to see Firefly walking towards them with a few equestrian soldiers accompanying her.

“Trixie Lulumoon, you’re under arrest for taking over the township of Ponyville.”

“Under arrest.” Trixie said as the color drained from her face.

“Yep, you heard me right. I suggest that you comply with us.” Firefly said.

With no choice, Trixie followed the soldiers with her head down in shame.

One week later.
October 15
9:30 AM

Apollo was in his office, reading a letter he got in the mail.

‘Finally, it’s ready to go.’ He smiled.

Then he heard a knock on his door. He put the letter back in its envelope and said “come in.”

“Morning Titan.” Artemis greeted.

“Morning Pluto, do you have the report that Luna requested?”

“Yep, I got it right here. Just received it a few minutes ago.” Artemis said before handing the folder to Apollo.

“Thanks. Before you go, I need to ask you something.”

“Sure, when is it?”

“What’s the result from Trixie’s trial?”

“She pled guilty and was sentenced to two weeks in jail.”

This surprise Apollo. “Two weeks, that’s it? I thought she would be getting a much longer sentence than that.”

“Yeah, but remember her mind was corrupted by the Alicorn amulet. And since she was under its influence, most of the charges she was facing was dropped. The only charge she got was reckless use of magic, which is a misdemeanor. She was very remorseful during the whole thing. At least she will be released before the nightmare night.”

“Now that is one lucky mare.” Apollo said before he took a sip of his coffee. “Speaking of the amulet, what’s going to happen to it?”

“Celestia told me that her father was going to get rid of it himself.”

“Huh, I wonder how he going to do that?” Apollo wondered.

His question was answered when they heard a loud explosion.

The two brothers looked out the window and saw a cloud of smoke coming from one of the nearby mountaintops. The explosion also triggered an avalanche.

“That’s one way to get rid of something.” Artemis said.

“That’s a bit overkill, don’t you think?”

“Nah. After all the bad stuff that amulet caused, that necklace needed it to be destroyed.”