• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 605 Views, 11 Comments

The Royal Three: Season Two - Kingstar008

The Yukon triplets are ready for anything that comes their way. Luckily for them, Equestria has a lot in store for them.

  • ...

The Crystal Empire part one.

March 8 1010 A.G
Canterlot Castle.
8:30 AM

“Are you sure you don’t want me to go as well?”
Luna asks, as she and her elder sister looked at the stained-glass windows.

“Yes. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are already there. The others will be joining them soon.” Celestia said.

“The crystal city’s magic is powerful, we can not let it fall again, my sister.” Luna said, remembering when the city fell the first time.

“They will succeed in their task, and when they do, we’ll be able to right the wrongs of the past.”

“Ahem.” Twilight cleared her throat getting the royal sisters attention.

“Trust me, little sister.” Celestia said to Luna.

“I got your letter, princess, something about a special mission.”

“What a coincidence, same over here.” Atlas said accompanied by his identical siblings.

“Celestia, what is going on?” Apollo ask.

“I was getting to that.” The solar monarch said before clearing her throat. “The reason why I want to meet you all here is because the Crystal city has return.”

“The Crystal city? I don’t recall ever hearing of that place.” Twilight said.

“That’s because the city has not existed for thousands of years. Besides the crystal ponies, a few remember the city ever existing at all.” Celestia said before picking up a purple crystal in her magic, and placing it on the ground in front of Twilight and the humans.

All four of them walk backwards when a hologram projection of a city appeared where the crystal was located.

“Long ago, this very metropolis was the beating heart of the Crystal Empire. Now known today as the Kingdom of Crystallia.”

The hologram then zoomed out from the city and now showed a map of Crystallia back in its glory days.

Now it’s worth mentioning that Crystallia today is a large country. The map the hologram was projecting, showed that the Crystal Empire is larger than its modern day counterpart.

“Just like its larger and older sister, Equestria. The Crystal Empire was founded to liberate the crystal ponies from warlords and foreign empires. Eventually becoming a powerhouse in the northern part of the continent.”

“So what happened to the Empire?” Artemis ask.

“1005 years ago, Sombra, whose heart is as black as the night itself, took over the Empire in a violent coup d’etat, nearly killed Empress Mi Amore. After that, Sombra rule the nation with an iron fist. We were able to defeat him, turn him into shadow, and banish him in the ice in the frozen North. But not before he was able to put a curse on the capital and any town or city north of it. A curse that caused half of the empire to vanish into thin air.”

The hologram showed the northern half of the Empire disappearing.

“luckily many of the crystal ponies living in the region escaped before he cursed the land, but there were still some who weren’t as lucky.”

She lit her horn and picked up the crystal with her magic. “If the crystal city is filled hope and love he will be defeated.” Her eyes went from their normal magenta color to a creepy green color with purple flames coming out of them. “If hatred and fear takes hold, he’ll be able to take back the Empire, and who knows what he’ll do next.”

As she was saying this three jagged obsidian crystals grew from the for like demonic plants. Surrounding Twilight and humans. Then Celestia eyes went back to normal, and she destroyed the crystals with her magic.

“That’s why I need your help to protect it.”

“So that’s why you sent letters to us and the elements.” Apollo said.

“Yes, and I know this is a big ask you, but I do believe that all of you are the right ponies for this mission.”

“I’m in.” Atlas said.

“Same over here.” Artemis said.

“Count me in.” Apollo chimed in.

“How do we begin?” Twilight ask

“By joining Princess Cadence and Shining Armor in the Crystal City.”

“My brother is there?” Twilight asked, surprise.

“He is, and my mother will be coming along as well. I have confidence in all of you that you’ll succeed.”

“What are you and Luna going to do during all of this?” Atlas ask.

“Luna will be staying here to watch over the nation, while I am currently organizing a large invasion force. So when the city is free, we will march in to liberate the north.” Celestia answered.

“So, when are we going to Crystallia?” Apollo ask.

“2:30 PM. You’ll be taking the train up north. Airships can’t fly in blizzard like conditions.” Celestia answered.

“Is there anything else we need to know before we get to packing?” Twilight ask.

“That is all, you may go.”

Before Apollo can exit the room, he felt his right hand being grabbed.

He looked behind himself to see Luna was the one was holding his hand. Looking at him with a worried expression on her face.

“What is it Lulu?”

“I want you to promise me that all of you will make it back ok.”

“Don’t worry, I promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” He said before pulling the moon princess into a loving hug.

After they separated, Apollo gave Luna a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving the room the room.

Canterlot train station.
2:00 PM

After spending hours of packing and preparing for the big journey ahead, the humans, the main six and Spike were being escorted by four members of the Royal guard to the train station.

To the elements’ confusion they weren’t given tickets for any train, and they skipped the security and the ticket booth without any of the employees raising an eyebrow.

When they made it to the main platform, the queen of the galaxies, was waiting for them.

“Good afternoon, are you young ponies ready to go to the Crystal city?” Galaxia ask with a friendly smile.

“We sure are majesty. It’s just… we don’t have any tickets. Do you have them?” Applejack ask.

“We’re not taking a normal express train. We are taking one that is more suitable for this journey.”
Galaxia said.

“So, if we’re not taking the friendship express, then which train are we supposed to take?” Twilight wondered.

Her question was answered when a loud and powerful whistle was heard throughout the station.

And when they saw which train owned that whistle, their eyes widened.


The steam locomotive that was slowly approaching them was huge. Dwarfing every other train in the station. The steam engine has 12 driving wheels, six on each side. With a large tender with a four-pointed star painted on the side. And it was pulling nine train cars. Eight of them were its iconic blue passenger carriages, and the last one in the back was a flatbed that was carrying the halftrack. Its name is Neo.

“We are taking the princesses private train?!” Spike said in shock.

“Damn right we are.” Atlas said.

“Wait, you knew about this?” Twilight ask.

“Of course we did. The reason why we didn’t tell you was because the princesses want to surprise all of you.”

“Oh my Celestia, we’re going to be traveling in style.” Rarity said excitedly.

Moments later, the doors to the first train car opened, and the conductor disembarked from the train. “Hello every pony, my name is Evan and I am the conductor on board Neo.” Said the white unicorn. “We will be leaving in 10 minutes. Before you bored the train, allow me to take your bags to your rooms.”

“Wait, you don’t have to-“

All of their bags disappeared.

“Do that.” Twilight finished her sentence.

“I’m just doing my job, ma’am.” Evan said, before stepping aside, allowing them to board the train.

“This is awesome.” Rainbow Dash squealed.

10 minutes later, the train doors closed, and Neo blew its mighty whistle before leaving the station.

March 10 1010 A.G
1:30 PM

After traveling through both Equestria and Crystallia for two full days, the train finally arrived at the old Crystal city train station.

When the train doors open, the mane six, spike, Galaxia, and Artemis got off the train. While Atlas and Apollo went to the very back to unload the half track.

While they waited for them, they spotted something in the distance.


It turned out to be Shining Armor.

“Shining Armor?”

He pulled down his scarf and said. “Twily, you made it!” He said before they both ran into each other’s arms.

Moments after they ended their hug the half track came into view and stopped right in front of them.

“We better get going. There’s things out here we really don’t want to run into.” Shining said.

“What kind of things?” Fluttershy ask.

“Let’s just say the city is not the only thing that returned.”

“What are we waiting for? Get in!” Artemis said.

After every pony got inside of the half track, Apollo put the vehicle in gear and drove away from the station.

“For the past three days, something is trying to get in. We think it’s the old unicorn king that curse the place.” Said Shining as he held his hands in front of one of the AC vents.

“But Princess Celestia sent us here to protect the city. If King Sombra can’t get in, that means the city is already protected.” Twilight responded.

“Sombra is as stubborn as he is evil. If there is a slight chance for him to take back the Empire, he will take that chance no matter the cost.” Galaxia chimed in.

Then all of a sudden, an eerie sound echo throughout the frozen wasteland.

“It’s one of the things, isn’t it?!” Fluttershy panic.

Apollo glanced at the rearview mirror.

Is blood rain cold as his skin paled.

He slammed the gas pedal down to the floor, causing the half track to accelerate from 75 to 105 mph.

“Apollo, what’s going on?” Shining Armor ask.

“There’s a shadow monster right behind us. That thing is right behind us!”

“Shadow monster?!” Artemis said with concern before he looked through a window on one of the rear cargo doors. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!”

A quarter mile behind them was a large shadowy creature with green glowing eyes with purple flames coming out of them. With a bone chilling smile on its face.

“Whatever you do, don’t you dare take your foot off the gas!!” Shining said to Apollo.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.”

What felt like an eternity, Apollo try this best to get away from the massive shadow. He even successfully dodged a few attacks the monster threw at them.

After three terrifying minutes, the truck drove through the city protective shield full speed.

Moments later, the large shadow monster slammed into the shield. It screamed and frustration before disappearing back into the blizzard.

After the half track came a complete stop, Apollo look back at his passengers and ask. “Is every pony, right?”

“Yeah, we’re good.” Galaxia answered.

“Same over here!” Artemis yelled since he was sitting in the very back.


“Wow, the city is beautiful.” Atlas said in amazement.

“Damn, you’re right.” Apollo said, as he took a few photos of the crystal metropolis.

Every pony looked out the windows in amazement as they navigated the city’s large avenues.

Eventually, they arrived at the city tallest landmark, the Crystal Palace.

“Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.” Rarity exclaimed as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “There are no words.”

“Focus Rarity, we’re here to help the locals, not admire the scenery.” Applejack said.

“I don’t see what the big deal is. Looks like another old castle to me.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“Another old castle? You have lost your mind. look at the-“

Rainbow Dash was having a hard time holding back her laughter.

“Very funny.”

When they came to the palace throne room, they found Cadence sitting on the crystal throne, looking like she hasn’t slept in days.


The love princess face lit up when she saw Twilight.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hands and do a little shake.”

After the two in-laws completed their little greeting, Cadence’s magic buckled under the huge magical strain of the shield bubble.

“One of these days we really need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn’t hanging in the balance.”

“Are you ok?” Twilight ask.

“Cadence has been using her magic to spread love and light, that’s what seems to be protecting it. But she hasn’t slept, barely eats. I want to help, but my protection spell has been countered by King Sombra.” Shining Armor stated.

“It’s all right Shining Armor, I'm fine.” Cadence said tiredly.

“She’s not fine. She can’t go on like this forever. And if her magic were to fade, you saw out there what’s waiting for that to happen.”

“That’s why we’re here.” Twilight said.

Everyone nodded.

“With Cadence putting all her strength to keep the spell going, and me on the lookout for any signs of trouble in the arctic. We haven’t been able to gather that much information from the Crystal ponies.”

“Crystal ponies! We’re going to be meeting Crystal ponies.” Rarity said excitedly. Causing the main six and the humans to look at her like she was on crack. When she realized the attention, her little outburst attracted, she laughed nervously and said. “Please continue.”

“We have to believe that one of them knows how to protect the city without having to use Cadence’s magic.”

“So how about we ask the locals? They know the city better than we do?” Twilight stated.

“It’s worth a shot.” Galaxia stated.

Everyone else agreed.

“Don’t worry big brother, we’ll have your information in no time.”

2:20 PM

After 30 minutes of asking the locals, our heroes came back to their meeting spot, empty-handed.

“I have nothing so far.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Me neither.” Said Rarity.

When Twilight turned to look at Fluttershy, she didn’t expect see Pinkie pie to takeoff a costume that looks just like the shy animal lover. “My cover has been blown. I repeat my cover has been blown.” She said in a whisper.

“Ok?” Twilight said in confusion.

It was at this moment, when the real Fluttershy arrived.

“We have nothing as well. Sombra must’ve given them amnesia when he made this place disappear. But the good news is that me and the triplets found the national library. It’s just a mile and a half away from here.”
Galaxia said.

Twilight’s eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning.

“A library, why didn’t you say so?” The bookworm said, cupping the Galactic Alicorn's cheeks.

“I just did. Now before we go, I need to get something. Wait here.”

She walked over to the half track, opened the passenger side door, and pulled out her new black ax case with a single strap attached to it.

After she put the strap over her right shoulder, she walked back to the group.

“You really can’t go anywhere without it, can you?”
Atlas ask.

“Wherever it goes, it comes with me.”

She lit her horn and teleported every pony in front of the national library.

After the galactic monarch checked the doors for any magical booby traps the dark king left behind, she opened the door and allowed the group to enter.

“This place is more beautiful than the castle library.” Apollo said.

“There are no words.” Twilight said in astonishment.

“Can I help you?” An older gray crystal pony mare ask.

“Yes, we are looking for a book.” The bookworm answered.

“We have plenty of those.” Said the grey crystal pony.

“We’re here to find a history book. Specifically a book that might tell us how the Empire protected itself back in the day.” Applejack said.

“Yes, of course. History, History. Ah yes.”

“Which is where, exactly?” Twilight ask.

“I can’t seem to remember. I’m not sure if I actually work here.”

“You got to kidding me.” Spike said in a frustrated whisper.

Then the Crystal pony noticed Galaxia standing near the door.

“You look familiar. Like I seen you somewhere before.” She said, getting closer to the galactic Alicorn. “White fur, different color eyes, sun orange and midnight blue mane.” She muttered to herself.

Her eyes then widen and her fur became shiny.

“I remember now, you are Galaxia. Oh I thank the stars were saved!” She yelled.

“Wait, where is the-“ She suddenly became melancholy. “Sombra killed her, didn’t he?”

“No, he didn’t. Mi Amore survived the coup 1005 years ago.” Galaxia answered.

“1005 years ago? What do you mean by that?”

“You, the city, and the northern half of the empire disappeared when Sombra was defeated. You been frozen in time for 1005 years.”

“Oh. That explains the weird clothing you all are wearing. But where is the Empress? If you are here, she should be here as well.”

Galaxia sighed.

“Don’t freak out. The Empress passed away a few years ago. But all is not lost, because her daughter is currently protecting the city as we speak. Which is why we need your help to find a book that will tell us how to protect the Empire. You are the librarian here, right?”

“Not only am I the librarian, but I’m also the owner. I know this place like the back of my hand. Follow me.”

They followed the librarian to the second floor of the library. She stopped in front of one of the bookshelves in front of the banister and started looking for a history book. A minute later, she finally found one and handed it to Galaxia.

Galaxia flipped through the book until she found the page she was looking for. “The crystal fair is a beloved tradition of the crystal ponies was first established by Empress Mi Amore. The fair was held every year to renew unity and love within the Empire. So, they can protect it from harm.” She read out loud.

“Huh, never thought the difference between life and death would be a little county fair.” Apollo said in thought.

“Is there any more information on the subject?”
Twilight asks.

“Sadly no. The next 5 pages have been ripped out. And I think I know why.” Said Galaxia.

“And that would be?” Rarity asks.

“It’s likely that those missing pages are talking about the crystal heart. The crystal heart is an ancient magical artifact that my cousin created before she founded the Empire. I don’t know how it works, but it’s really powerful. It’s at its most powerful during the crystal fair because it absorbs positive feelings, like love and unity.” She explained.

“So, in order to save the Empire, we have to set up a fair and find a powerful crystal that could be anywhere in the city.” Spike said.

“Correct. Knowing Sombra, I am 100% certain that the heart is somewhere in the palace.”

“So, what are we waiting for? We got a fair to start and a crystal to find.” Atlas said before they started heading towards the libraries exit.

Before she joined the rest of the group, Galaxia turn to look at the librarian and spoke. “Thank you so much for helping us out.”

“You’re welcome, your majesty.” The librarian said as she courtesy.

Two hours later
4:20 PM

Setting up a large fair in the middle of town was not easy, but they were able to do it within a two-hour timeframe.

Before the fair could begin, the second most important detail had to be put into place.

Apollo walk over to a flagpole in the middle of the fair and hoist the flag of Crystallia.

Purple banner was now flying proudly in the wind. Like the Empire never fell at all.

“Perfect.” Apollo said.

“We really did a good job saying this place up.” Artemis commented as he held his assault rifle in his hands.

“Yeah, we really did. It’s not big like Coney Island but it will do.” Apollo responded.

Atlas: “Is everything ready?”

Apollo pulled his walkie-talkie out of his pocket.
“Yep, everything is ready to go.”

Atlas: “Good. Now, do you guys remember the plan?”

Artemis: “Make sure that the crystal ponies are happy and don’t let them find out that the Crystal heart is missing.”

Atlas: “And?”

Apollo: “If an emergency happens, like the shield collapsing for example, contact you immediately.”

Artemis: “Anything else dad?” He said jokingly.

Atlas: “Nope, that is all. Atlas over and out.”

The Crystal Palace
Atlas POV

After putting his walkie-talkie back in his right pocket, Atlas gave Pinkie Pie a thumbs up to play her horn.

She was terrible at it.

“Loyal subjects of the Crystal Empire, Empress Cadence and Emperor Shining Armor has formally invited you all to the crystal fair.” Atlas announced.

Like a slow-moving flood, the crystal ponies came out of their home, and started to make their way towards the city center.

“Atlas, you did great. But I’m not the Empress yet.” Cadence said.

“You’re the head of state of Crystallia, right?”
Atlas asks.

“Yes, but-“

“But nothing. Technically, you’re their Empress. Besides, if I said, Princess Cadence and Prince Shining armor, they would’ve known right away that something wasn’t right. So, let’s make sure that today is as normal for them as possible.”
Atlas said before he walked back into the palace.

“Are you two ready to find the crystal heart?” Galaxia asks.

“I’m born ready, Galaxia.” Atlas said before he loaded his rifle.

“I’m ready, your majesty.” Twilight said.

“Same over here.” Spike replied.

“Good. Now let’s go find that heart.”

20 minutes later
4:20 PM

“Hey Spike, did you find anything?” Atlas asks.

“I thought I saw something underneath the carpet but there’s nothing there.” The purple dragon answered before placing the orange carpet back and putting the heavy crystal table down. “Did you find anything?”

“All I found is a ton of dust bunnies.” After he blew the dust bunnies away, Atlas put the unicorn bust down.

“I found nothing on my end. I looked in the living room, I looked in the kitchen, I even looked in my cousin’s old room.” Galaxia said.

“Isn’t that where Cadence and Shining are staying?” Atlas asks.

“Yeah, but I wanted to be thorough, just in case.”

Twilight growled in frustration. “We’ve been in this palace for almost half an hour, and we are no step closer to finding that crystal.” She then shoved all the books in her magical aura back on the bookshelf.

“Twilight, I know you’re frustrated, but you have to keep a level ahead.” Galaxia stated as she followed twilight out of the room.

“I know your majesty, but Cadence won’t be able to hold that shield up forever. Every minute…. counts.”

Twilight enters the throne room, staring at the crystal throne. Then she realizes something.

“Of course, this isn’t king Sombra’s castle.”

“No shit, Sherlock. This palace wasn’t Sombra’s to begin with.” Atlas said, as he and Spike entered the throne room.

“What I mean is that the palace didn’t look like this.”

Twilight closes her eyes and shot a beam of dark, looking magic at the crystal on top of the throne.

The crystal produces a shadow, which covered the floor in front of it, revealing a spiral staircase.

“I did not see that coming.” Galaxia commented.

“Wow, when did you learn that?” Spike asks.

“Well damn, I need to ask Celestia to teach me that.” Atlas said.

Twilight lit her horn. “Hey Spike, do you want to come along?”


“I will stay behind to make sure that nothing happens to the entrance.” Galaxia said.

Twilight, Spike and Atlas made their way down the spiral staircase. They weren’t even halfway to the bottom when they started to get tired.

“Is everything all right down there?” Galaxia yelled.

“We’re fine. There’s just a lot of stairs. We don’t know how deep this pit is.” Twilight answered.

She picked up a rock that was the same size as her fist and dropped it.

It took eight long seconds for it to hit the ground.

“Hey Galaxia, is everything all right outside?” Spike yelled.

“Things are fine for now, but you might want to hurry up. Cadence’s magic is fading faster than before.”

This made the three friends run down the stairs as fast as they can. Their lungs burned, their legs ache, but they didn’t care. Every pony was counting on them.

Finally, they made it to the bottom of the stairs where a black wooden door was waiting for them.

Twilight grabbed the door handle with her magic. Only for the door to move upwards. Shocking, Twilight, Spike and Atlas.

Twilight grabbed the doorknob again, only for it move sideways.

“I never thought I would be chasing a door on this mission.” Atlas said.

“Me neither.” Twilight said in frustration.

When the door moved again, Twilight had enough and used a powerful spell on the crystal above it. Causing the door to open.

After Twilight walked through the door, Atlas followed, while covering his eyes from the blinding light.

When he uncovered his eyes, he was back in Canterlot.

“This is not right. How did I get back home?”

“Finally, you are ready.” Cyclone said as he approached his friend.

“Ready for what?”

“You don’t remember? You said you was going to join us for lunch today.” Said Ruby.

Atlas was still trying to figure out what was going on, but he decided to play along.

“Ok, just give me a sec. I need to-“ He looked down to see that the strap for his rifle and his satchel bag was not on him anymore. In fact, both the bag and the rifle was nowhere to be seen.

‘Ok this is odd.’ Atlas thought.

“You know what, forget while saying before. I’m ready to go.”

Before he had the chance to take a single step, a purple portal open the outside, breaking one of the castle’s large windows. Then, if that wasn’t weird enough, a golden glowing rope came out of the portal and attached itself to Atlas’ side.

And started to pull him in.

No matter what Atlas or his friends tried. It was no use as he was sucked into the portal and lost consciousness.

When Atlas woke up, he found himself inside of the portal, traveling at high speed. The purple portal was see-through, allowing him to see the stars and the rest of outer space.

But the thing that made his eyes widen, and his heart stop, was planet Equis. And it was slowly getting smaller and smaller.

Everything he accomplished, all of his new friends, his new family, his siblings, the country he now calls home, and the mare he loves the most. Is on that planet.

And he was being dragged away from it.

He didn’t care if this portal was taking him back to earth. He didn’t want to leave Equis.

He tugged as hard as he can on the gold-colored rope to make it snap, to no avail. He used his magic on his second attempt. That also failed.

He shoved his hands into his pockets to see if there was anything useful, he can use.

And there was.

He pulled out his switchblade from his right pocket, unfolded it, and started cutting into the rope.

But no matter how much pressure he applied on the rope. It wouldn’t break. He lifted up his shirt and tried to cut the rope where it was attached to a side, but to no avail.

“Dammit. Goddamnit! Why is this happening again?!”

Tears ran down his face as he lost consciousness. He never tore his eyes away from planet Equis.


“Atlas. Atlas. Atlas wake up. ATLAS!!”

Atlas eyes snapped open, and he quickly sat up.
He was drenched in sweat. His pupils were glowing a bright orange, and he was looking around the room, seeing Spike, Twilight, and Galaxia with worried looks on their faces.

He started padding himself down, and he felt the strap for satchel bag and his gun. He pulled up his shirt, and the rope was not attached him.

In that moment, all the fear and anxiety that he was experiencing was replaced with relief. And his pupils went back to their normal brown color.

“Are you ok?” Galaxia asks in her motherly tone.

Atlas said nothing as he pulled Galaxia in a tight hug and started to cry.

(Two minutes later.)

“That is horrible. How long did you have this fear?”
Twilight asks.

“Since the beginning of last August. Ever since I started having a nice life here, I was afraid that one day that damn portal will come back and take everything away from me. I already experienced that once, I don’t know if I can handle going through that ordeal again.” he said, drying his eyes with his jacket sleeve.

Galaxia let out a long sigh. “This is all my fault.”

“Why do you say that?” Spike asks.

“Because I feel like I could’ve prevented this if I went down with all of you. I didn’t even know Sombra was capable of magic like that.”

“Don’t blame yourself Galaxia. If it wasn’t for you, we would’ve been down here being tormented by our nightmares forever.” Twilight reassured.

“I know, but still, I feel like I could’ve prevented this.”

“So, what nightmares did you guys have?” Atlas asks.

“I dreamt about how we lost the battle of Canterlot and the changelings were hunting down every pony I cared about.” Twilight answered.

“My dream was about Twilight abandoning me.” Spike chimed in.

Atlas looked at them with wide eyes. “This unicorn needs a major ass whooping I swear to God. So, we basically got tortured psychologically, only to find out we found another dead end.”

“It’s not a dead end. if you don’t believe me turn around.” Twilight said.

He did just that and saw the once cursed door now led to another room.

“A hidden entrance, that’s why he put the spell there.” The human said in realization before walking through the door. He looked up and saw that there was another spiral staircase.

“Great, more stairs. Has Sombra ever skipped leg day?”

Suddenly, loud static came from Atlas’ walkie-talkie.

“Atlas this is Apollo. We have a big problem! I repeat, we have a big problem!" *BANG Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.*