• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 605 Views, 11 Comments

The Royal Three: Season Two - Kingstar008

The Yukon triplets are ready for anything that comes their way. Luckily for them, Equestria has a lot in store for them.

  • ...

Tiny bundles of joy part two.

February 11 1010 A.G
Surfside Equestria.
9:30 AM

It was a beautiful morning in the Twin Cities. The sun is shining. The beaches were filled with tourists enjoying the sun and the waves. And the locals were either going to work or school.

Right now, Atlas was heading towards the living room still wearing his undershirt and pajama pants.

He was still tired from staying up really late at night because he and Apollo went out to dinner with the breeze family.

And now he is feeling the consequences.

When he finally arrived at his destination, he saw that the TV was on the local news and Oasis was making breakfast.

“Morning Oasis.” Atlas said before he sat down in one of the tall stools right next to the counter.

This snapped Oasis out of her cooking trance, and she looked at Atlas with a smile. “Morning Apollo. How did you sleep?”

“You got the wrong triplet.”

Oasis’ ears flattening against her head. “Oh, I’m sorry at least I thought you were-“

“It’s all right. That’s what happens when you have two identical brothers.”

“For a second there, I thought I ruined your mood.” She said with relief.

“You’re good like I said, it happens. Your grandsons will understand what I go through in a few years.”

“You’re right about that.” Oasis replied. “Do you want some eggs with toast?”

“Yes, please. Do you mind if I get myself a cup of coffee?”

“Not at all.”

After he finish brewing his coffee and putting in a lot of vanilla creamer, he sat back down, taking a sip of the delicious beverage.

It was at this moment when Oasis walked over and placed his breakfast right in front of him.

“Your breakfast is served.” The blue sea pony said.

“Thanks, it looks really good.”

Before he had the chance to eat his breakfast, the TV caught attention.

“And we just got word that the judges of the Vanhoover trials decided to sentence General Ferdinand Schorner to life without the possibility of parole for committing more than 80 counts of mass murder, torture and violating the rules of war. Canterlot and Equestria as a whole can rest easy knowing that this monster is going to rot behind bars.”

“It’s about time.” Atlas said before taking a bite out of his toast.

“Hey Atlas.”


“I want to ask you something, but if you don’t want to answer it that’s fine. Did you encounter that stallion when you were defending Canterlot?”
Oasis asks.

“No, thank the Lord. But Celestia did and she wipe the floor with him. Sending him home with a dislocated shoulder and a few broken fingers.” He took a sip of his coffee before continuing. “He lucky that Gallaxia wasn’t nearby or else she would’ve sliced him in half with her ax.”

“Why didn’t the sun empress put him down right then and there?”

“It’s because Celestia believes that the law should take care of him. While Gallaxia would’ve dealt with him the old fashion way, especially when it comes to monsters like him. Like she did to so many other changeling generals.”

After that, they decide to change the subject.

A little while later, Apollo entered the living room and sat down right next to Atlas.

“Morning Atlas.”

“Morning Apollo.”

This is when Oasis finally notices the newcomer in the room. “Good morning, Apollo, how are you doing this morning?”

“I’m doing fine.” He replied. “Where is Allure?”

“He’s in the hot tub.” Oasis replied. “He’s been in there for the past 20 minutes now.”

Apollo looked out the window to see the older sea pony stallion (still in his landform) enjoying the hot tub.

“It looks like he’s enjoying his time in there.” Apollo stated. “Isn’t a hot tub like a sauna for you sea ponies?”

“If we were in our ocean form, yes. If not, no. But it doesn’t matter to us, it’s very enjoyable either way.”

It was at this moment when Sandune enter the kitchen from the dining room.

“Morning Yukons.”

“Morning.” They both replied.

“Has any pony seen Icon?” He asks.

“He’s not in his bedroom?” Oasis asks.

“No, he’s not in there, and I checked the gym as well.”

“Maybe he went out this morning.” Atlas suggested.

“No, he would’ve let us know if he went on a jog or decide to have some fun in the city.” Oasis, pondered. “Where did that old sailor go?”

“Did you check the basement?” Apollo said.

“No, I have not. That’s where I’m going to check next.” Sandune said.

“Do you think he fallen and can’t get up?” Atlas asks.

“That is not likely at all.” Oasis stated. “The way he’s built, this house would fall before he does.”

“Are we going to find the veteran or what?” Apollo said, standing in the kitchen entrance.

“We’re coming.” Atlas said before he levitated his plate into the sink.

After that, all four of them walked across the mansion towards the door that would lead to the basement. Apollo opened it, and they walk down the stairs.

In my opinion, the word basement is really insulting to the room they are now in. Because the place looks like a luxury log cabin.


They walked through the stallion cave to the main area where they found Icon sleeping on a comfortable recliner with the TV on.

“There is.” Sandune said.

“Faust dammit, out of all the places he could’ve chose he decided to sleep there.” Oasis said in frustration.

“Is that a bad thing?” Atlas asks.

“Yes, it is. He is the heaviest sleeper in Equestria. It’s almost impossible to wake him up, especially if he stayed up past 12.”

“How about we just leave him alone and just let him wake up when he wants to?” Apollo asks.

“It’s because in an hour and 30 minutes I have to pick up Harmony and the babies from the hospital and I know that Icon wants to come with me.” Sandune answered.

“Oh, that makes sense.”

“So how do we wake him up?” Atlas wondered.

“How about we throw some water on him?” Apollo suggested.

“That’s not going to work. Believe me I tried that before. Besides, the water is going to come out of his gills, and I don’t want to make a mess today.” Sandune said.

(Fun fact: A Seapony’s gills are located on both sides of their neck. Three on each side.)

“Wait, I think I have an idea.” Atlas said as he pulled his phone out from his right pocket.

He turn the volume up high, set the alarm and placed the phone on top of Icon’s chest.

3 2 1

The loud alarm went off and the phone was also vibrating as well. To every pony surprise, I didn’t wake Icon up.

“Aww man, I thought that would work.” Atlas said.

They also tried to wake him up by shaking him, and then tickling him.

Both wake up attempts didn’t work.

“If tickling him and an alarm can’t wake him up, what can?” Apollo wondered.

“I know a way.” Oasis sad as she pulled the remote out of her father's hands.

“You’re going to play the wake up song, aren’t you?” Sandune asked.


“What’s the wake-up song?” Atlas said.

“It’s a song that the branches of the military play at Boot Camps, military bases and naval bases to wake up the soldiers.” Sandune answered.

“I’m guessing it’s played on the trumpet, right?” Apollo asks.

“Yeah, how did you know?” Oasis asks.

“I had a feeling that it would be a trumpet.” Apollo responds.

After Oasis type down the song’s name in the search bar, she found what she was looking for and press play.


The moment the song starts to play, Icon’s eyes popped open. Revealing two blue pin prick size pupils.

“Oh crap I’m late!” He yelled after he saw what time it was on the clock on the wall.

He immediately kicked off his blanket and jumped out of the recliner and landing perfectly on the ground.

He stood at attention. And was about to salute whoever was in front of him when he finally noticed his daughter trying not to laugh at him.

That’s when he realizes, he was tricked.

“Faust damnit Oasis.” He laughed. “Oh, my stars.”

He laughed for a good minute before he spoke again.

“You really had to start my day like that, huh?” Icon asks.

“You left us no choice. We tried to wake you up by other means, but they didn’t work.” Oasis replied.

“So.” He said before cracking his neck. “Why did you young ponies wake me up?”

“I want to ask you if you want to come with me to the hospital to pick up Harmony and the ki-“

“Say no more.” Icon said to Sandune as he ran through the stallion cave and run up the stairs.

“Icon wait! It’s not time to pick them up yet!” Sandune yelled. Unfortunately, his message fell on deaf ears since Icon was already long gone at this point.

“I’ll get him.” The tan Pegasus said as he made his way towards the stairs.

When he made it to the top, he looked in the hallway on his left in the hallway on his right, and saw that Icon was nowhere to be found.

He had a gut feeling he was outside.

So he decided to fly there instead of walking.

After he landed in front of the front door, he opened it and saw that Icon somehow got inside of his car.

And he was sitting in the front seat.

When the old sailor saw Sandune, he opened his door and said. “What are you waiting for? Get in the car already.”

“How did you get in my car?” The Pegasus asks.

“I use this tiny gadget of yours.” He replied.

“It’s called a key fob.”

“So that the name of this thing. If I had this when I was in in charge of my battle fleet, it would’ve saved me so much time and effort.” Icon said.

“How did you get my key fob?” Sandune ask.

“I was in the kitchen looking for your keys, when Allure pointed to this device and said that it can unlock the car for us, so I grabbed it. Do you want to drive or not?”

“We’re not going to the hospital yet.”

The veteran gave his grandson-in-law a confuse look. “Why not?”

“It’s because the hospital is not going to discharge them for another hour and a half. I know you’re excited I get it, I am too. But it's not time yet. In the meantime, you can get yourself ready and have some breakfast. And I know you don’t want to pick up your grandkids in your pajamas.”

He is currently wearing navy blue pajamas with a small golden anchor on the left side of his chest.

“You have a point there.” Icon said sheepishly. “I’ll get myself ready.”

After that, he got out of Sandune’s SUV and walked back into the house.


After Icon got back inside of the house, he got himself ready for the day and ate some breakfast.
To pass time, the elderly Seapony’s watched a few morning game shows until it was time to pick up his grandkids.

11:10 AM

Atlas was in the living room, reading a technology magazine while the TV was providing background noise.

He was about to flip to the next page when he heard Oasis calling him.


“Yes ma’am.” He said putting his magazine down.

“I have something to ask you. I have a few dishes I want to make for the party tonight, but I don’t have any seaweed to make it, can you come with me to collect some?”


“Great. Before we go, do you have a bathing suit?” She asks.

“Yeah, why? Let me guess, the stores on the water or something?”

“We’re not going to a store. What’s the point when we have a perfectly good river delta right there.”

Atlas stared at Oasis, hoping that she was joking.

“Why would you want to get seaweed from the twin river?”

“Because brackish seaweed tastes delicious, and we don’t have to deal with ocean current.” Oasis said.

“Ok that makes sense. But you’re not concerned about the cleanliness of the water? There’s a lot of boats that goes up and down the river.”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. I gathered kelp and seaweed in that river delta few times before. Trust me, it’s safe and clean.” Oasis said.

“Ok I believe you. Just give me a few minutes to get my swimming trunks.” Atlas said before he walked away.


Oasis only had to wait five minutes before her human companion walks down the stairs, now wearing a pair of blue swimming trunks.

“Wait I thought you was going to change as well.” Atlas said in confusion.

“I can transform easily in my clothes, so I don’t need to change.” She answered before she swung the small net over her shoulder.

“What’s that you have in your hand?”

“My goggles and earplugs.” Atlas said.

“You don’t need those. I got something more useful than those useless pieces of plastic.”

She grabs something from her left pocket and toss it to Atlas. Atlas caught the object and open his palm to see what she had given him. It was a nice-looking necklace that was holding a seashell with a small pearl inside of it.

“This is really nice, but how is this more useful than my goggles?”

“When you put on and jump into the water, it will give you the abilities to breathe and swim underwater like a sea pony.” Oasis said.

“Oh my gosh. Thank you, I always want to experience that.” Atlas said before putting the necklace on.

“Well, I’m glad you’re excited for your first experience. Now, are you ready to go?”

“Yes, I am.”

After oasis lock the front door, they both walked a path that led them outside of the neighborhood.

Now they were standing right next to the water’s edge. Despite the river flowing between two of Equestria’s largest cities, it was surprisingly clean. The twin river looks so clean that the water looks just as clear as the ocean that surrounds Fiji.

Atlas snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a splash and noticed that Oasis was no longer standing right next to him.

A few seconds later oasis came back to the water surface, now in her ocean form. “What are you waiting for? Come on in the water is great.”

Atlas took off his T-shirt and back the way from the river's edge. He then ran as fast as he can towards the water and did a cannonball.

At first, he couldn’t see anything. He can’t breathe and his ears were filled with water.

Then all of a sudden, he felt a tingling sensation all over his body. His vision became clear, and he was able to hear again.

“Holy shit.” He commented viewing the beautiful environment he was in. Realizing he can breathe and talk perfectly underwater; he looked down at himself to see that he now has a Sea ponytail just like Oasis.

“Oh my God!” He exclaimed. “It worked. the necklace really works!”

Oasis trying her best to not laugh at the spectacle.
“I’m guessing you’re enjoying your experience?”

“I’m enjoying it I’m loving it look at me I’m a goddamn mermaid. Will I get water powers like yours?”

“You won’t get any new powers in this form.” Oasis answered.

“Oh. I should’ve expected that.” Atlas said.

“Wait.” He said himself before turning around and checking inside of his pants.
“Thank goodness it still there.” He mumbled in relief.

He turned around before asking. “So, what do you want me to do?”

“Huh?” She snapped out of her thoughts her right hand was full of a few pieces of seaweed. “I want you to hold the net while I look for some seaweed. You do have the net, right?”

“Sorry, I forgot it on the shoreline.” He answered sheepishly.

“That’s all right, I can get it.”

Using her powers, she made the water come out of the river, grab the net and pull it underwater. Allowing it to sink to the human's hands.

“There we go. Now, let’s get collecting shall we.” Oasis said.

They spend the next 20 minutes swimming around the river Delta, collecting seaweed and having a casual conversation. Despite a few boats sailing over them, their time in the Delta was surprisingly very peaceful. They saw manatees swimming slowly through the water and they encountered a few sea ponies. Either using the river as a shortcut to get to the other side or doing the same thing Atlas and Oasis were doing.

When they saw that the net was full, they decided to go back on dry land.


When the two of them got back home, they saw that Sandune, Apollo and Icon had finally came back from the hospital. Sandune was carrying a car seat inside the house while Apollo was carrying a bag full of new baby supplies.

“Morning, Harmony.” Oasis greeted.

“Morning mom, morning Atlas.” Harmony said as she took a car seat out the SUV.

Atlas looked inside the car seat that baby Caspian was sitting in. “Hey little Caspian, are you glad that you’re home.” He asked the little newborn.

“Goo.” The little guy answered.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Oh, you both went seaweed gathering.” Harmony said noticing the small net that oasis was holding.

“Yes, we did. I was missing a special ingredient for the dishes I’ll be making for the party tonight.” Oasis responded.

“Mom, you don’t have-“

“I insist. Not only did you make me a grandma, I am a grandma to a set of triplets. That doesn’t happen every day. This is worth celebrating and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” Oasis said.

“Hey now, I didn’t say I didn’t want to celebrate. I was about to suggest that me and Sandune could do it.”

“That’s kind of you, but I got it. Besides your dad and your in-laws or help me out. Now, if you excuse me, I have to put the seaweed in the fridge before it dries out.” Oasis said before walking away.

“So how are Caspian’s brothers are doing?” Atlas ask as they entered the house.

“Oh, they’re doing great. They’re sleep right now because grandpa was playing with them and making them laugh for 10 minutes straight. I’m surprised that Caspian is still awake.” Harmony said as she look at her little one.

“I am not surprised by that. Did Sandune tell you what Icon did this morning?”

“Yes he did, it was a pretty funny story. But at least he’s excited to be a grandpa again.”

“I don’t blame him, seeing how adorable triplets are.”

“After spending two days in the hospital. I can’t wait to eat something that is not room temperature.”

“While you get something good to eat I’ll take this little guy.” Atlas said as he picked up Caspian’s car seat.

“You know I got him right?”

“I know, but you need some time to yourself and the little munchkin need some uncle time. Isn’t that right Caspian?”

The little baby laughed as Atlas tickled his tummy.

“Ok, but if he falls asleep just let me know.”
Harmony said as Atlas walked up the stairs.

“I know and I’m in the loft if you want to find me.”

6:30 PM

When the evening arrived to the Twin Cities, it was time for every pony to set up the backyard for the party.

It took a little time and effort, but the results were worth it. The table was full of mouthwatering dishes, the backyard patio fireplace was lit, the pool was heated, and last, but at least, there were a bunch of tiki torches set up around the backyard to get rid of hated insect in the universe, mosquitoes.

While Daniel, Apollo and Sandune were watching a volleyball game on the living room TV, they heard the doorbell ring.

“I got it.” Apollo said.

He walked towards the front door and open it. Revealing Mira and her colt friend, Jack.

“Hey guys, it’s good to see ya.” Apollo greeted.

“Right back at ya, Apollo.” Mira responded.

“I hope we’re late.” Jack said as he took off his shoes at the front door. “We have to learn the hard way that Surfside traffic is hard to get through.”

“That’s odd. I just came back from an errand with Sandune and in my opinion the traffic wasn’t that bad. Wait where is your hotel located?”

“Dockside.” Mira answered.

“That explains a lot.” He turned his attention to the very light blue Pegasus who accompanied them. At first, he thought mare was a friend of the couple.

Then he instantly recognized her.

“You are Snowbird Serenade, aren’t you?”

“The one and only.” Snowbird said. “It’s nice to finally meet you Apollo. My sister told me a lot about you.”

“It’s nice to meet you too. I didn’t know you were coming to this party.”

“No pony does. Except for Oasis.”


“It’s because we want to surprise Harmony. And since I am now free from work, I finally have a chance to see her and her newborns.”

“Luckily for you, the triplets are still awake.” Apollo said as he and the new arrivals walk towards the living room.

“Hey every pony.” Mira said.

“Evening Mira.” Every pony greeted. Sandune and Daniel looking back at the TV and saw one of the volleyball players getting hit to face by volleyball.

“Oh, that’s going to leave a mark.” Daniel cringed.

“Hey sis, I have a surprise for you.”

“Really what is- Snowbird?!”

“Hey girl, it’s nice to see you too.” She said before she hugged her best friend.

“I didn’t know you was coming tonight. Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve made some milkshakes for us.”

“Your mom wanted to surprise you.” Snowbird said.

“Thanks, mom.”

“You’re welcome.” Oasis yelled from the kitchen.

“Aww look at them they’re so tiny.” snowbird said looking at the triplets resting on the couch. “Can I hold one of them?”

“Of course you can.”

Snowbird picked up the baby in the middle.
“What’s his name?”

“His name is Aegean. The one on his left is name, Adrian and the one on his right his name Caspian.” Harmony answered.

“So how’s motherhood going so far?”
The actress ask.

“Surprisingly, it’s been pretty easy. They’ve been peaceful little angels since day one.”

“That’s good. I’m guessing this one’s going to be an extrovert.” Songbird said, as she pinched Angean’s left cheek.

“All three of them are extroverts. They’ve been great with every pony, especially with my grandpa.”

“What about Sandune?” Snowbird ask.

“They adore their father. You know when I married him, I had a feeling he’ll be a great dad. And I was right.”

Unbeknownst to them, Sandune blushed at the compliment.

“Hey every pony I just finished the scallops, does any pony want some?”

“I do.” Every pony replied.


For the rest of the evening, every pony had a wonderful time at the breeze mansion.

Sandune, Daniel and later icon and Apollo watched a few sports games while snowbird told Harmony the latest juicy gossip Surfside had to offer.

Eventually, the party died down and time for every pony to go back to the hotel rooms or go to bed.

Surfside-Dockside international Air Station
7:30 AM

“Thanks for having us over we had a great time.”
Apollo said as he took his suitcase out of the trunk.

“It was no problem. I hope you guys come again real soon.” Sandune said.

“Oh don’t worry, we will be back. In return you guys better visit Canterlot sometimes.” Atlas said.

“I’ll make sure of it.”

“See you later.” Apollo said before giving Sandune a hug. “Say goodbye to the family for us.”

“Don’t worry I will.” Sandune said while waving.

After the Yukon brothers were out of his sight, he got back in his car and drove home.

Canterlot castle.
10 AM (Central standard time.)
Castle Garden.

“Hello ladies we are back from the west.” Apollo announced.

“How was your trip?” Luna ask.

“Oh, we had a great time. Atlas had a chance to become a sea pony and swim around the River Delta.”

“What about you?” Celestia ask.

“Went to the hospital with Sandune to the hospital to pick up Harmony and his kids. So I missed out.”

“I only got the chance because I was helping Oasis to collect seaweed. Speaking kids you should see how adorable these little sea ponies are.” Atlas said before showing the Alicorn sisters some of the baby photos.

“Aww, look at them.” Luna said.

“They’re so precious. I’m glad you two got the chance to visit them.” Celestia said.

“Where is Artemis?” Apollo ask.

The royal sisters looked at each other nervously.

“Girls, where is our nerdy carbon copy?”

“He’s in his office, working on a big project that was recently approved by us and the department of transportation. And before you go, we have to warn you his work is not allowing him to sleep.” Celestia replied.

Atlas and Apollo dark skin tone suddenly became pale.

“What the hell is that man doing?” Atlas ask.

“We would love to tell you what happened while you’ve gone, but I think it would be better if you guys heard it from him.” Luna said.

After that the humans teleported away.


When the brothers appeared in front of Artemis office door, they were wondering what the heck Artemis was up to.

Apollo knocked on the door and waited for a response.

“Come in.” Architect said.

They open the door and saw Artemis standing in front of a large bulletin board with three very detailed drawings on it.

The first picture was a drawing of the double-decker TGV from France. The second picture was a drawing of the ICE bullet train from Germany. And last the last picture was a drawing of Amtrak’s Acela express.

The office around him was untidy. His desk had a few folders stacked on top of each other and his coffee table was filled with coffee cups from the local coffee shop.

“Raven.” Artemis said. “I know you’re doing your job, but please tell those good for nothing business ponies that i’m-“

He finally turned around, seeing his brothers in the doorway. His eyes had dark bags underneath his eyes. “Oh shoot, you’re back. How was your trip?” He said before his right eye twitched.

“It was good. We met the family and the babies. What’s going on with you?” Apollo ask.

“I’m working on a project that will change this country forever.”

“When did this project of yours begin?” Atlas ask throw away some of the coffee cups.

“I’m glad you ask. After you guys left for your trip, I woke up early in the morning and submitted my idea for a bullet train Rail system to the department of transportation. After that they gave it to the princesses. They like the idea and approve it. Unbeknownst to me there was a group of engineers that are very interested of building a bullet train line in Equestria. After seeing how successful bullet trains became in the Delta kingdom, and how fast it expanded after the River Federation reunited.”

He took a breather and then took a sip of his coffee before continuing.

“Things went well in the first two days, we decided how fast the train should go and agreed that a line from Canterlot to Hollow shades should be the first rail line to be built. Then the company that run the friendship express heard what we were doing and demanded that the project be scrapped.”

“let me guess they were concerned about their profits decreasing or something?” Apollo ask.

“That’s one of the reasons. The second reason is because they said that every pony would be sad if the friendship express is replaced. Even though I told them that the ‘Starline’ will not be going to any small towns. I had to deal with their asses until 11 PM. After they stopped, I had the chance to imagine what the trains will look like. I tried to fall asleep, but I wasn’t able to, and I gave up when 3 AM came around. And here I am, dealing with designer block.”

“Damn, no wonder you sounded so pissed.” Apollo said.

“Hey Artemis, how about you call the day and get some sleep when you wake up maybe you’ll have some ideas.” Atlas suggested.

Artemis teleported right in front of Atlas. His irises were glowing magenta.

“I don’t need sleep I need fucking answers.”

He teleported back in front of the poster board before grabbing his notepad, and began to draw.

Then Apollo realize something. His brother didn’t have a wink of sleep, and he just use a teleportation spell two times. He knew at any second he was going to blackout.

And his prediction was correct when he saw Artemis starting to fall over. He would’ve hit the floor if it wasn’t for Apollo opening up a portal to his bedroom, allowing him to land on his bed and drift into dreamland.

“Nice catch.” Atlas said.
