• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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76 - The Assault

Cozy had just renewed her light spell again when the warehouse came into view.

Lex breathed a sigh of relief at the sight, trying to keep the others from hearing it. Although it meant that he was going to need to make a difficult choice about whether to ask for the princesses' help or not, at least he’d be able to get these four someplace safe. That, and he’d be back by Sonata again.

Just the thought made him feel better. Although they’d only been separated for a few hours, the time apart had been far more stressful than he’d anticipated, and the thought of seeing her again…of touching her, of hearing her beautiful voice…was enough to ease the tension in his chest.

I should talk to her, before I make a decision, he thought to himself. He still remembered how she’d persuaded him, back on Everglow, to change his mind about conquering Equestria by force…to negotiate for a limited rule, rather than putting his life at risk by attempting to overthrow the princesses. The idea had made him bristle at the time, but she’d eventually convinced him to warm to it. Maybe she’d be able to do the same now.

Picking up his pace, Lex nodded his head towards the warehouse. “That’s it,” he announced to the others.

“What, that old warehouse?” asked Cozy, and Lex could hear the surprise in her voice.

That’s the shelter?” Cloudbank echoed, unable to keep the disbelief off of her face. She wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting, but she’d been expecting more than this!

“The shelter is inside the warehouse,” replied Lex. Normally he’d have snapped at them for their implied criticism, but the prospect of seeing his beloved again was enough to make him overlook it. “There’s an interior room where the ponies that I brought with me are gathered. You’ll be safe there.”

“I don’t see a door,” offered Aisle. They were still a few blocks away, but the brightness of Cozy’s light, along with the soft glow of the moon and stars were just barely enough to illuminate their surroundings. “Should we circle around?”

Lex shook his head. “The door is straight ahead. The entrances are concealed as part of the warding I cast to defend against intruders.”

“You can do that t- whoa!” yelled Drafty, almost skidding to a stop.

The others halted as they looked back her. She was gawking at the sky, causing the rest of them to direct their gazes where she was looking, only to turn them back to her when they didn’t see anything there. “Drafty?” asked Cloudbank, brow furrowing in confusion.

“I saw something!” hissed Drafty, pointing upward. “It flew in front of the moon!”

“Maybe it was another pegasus?” ventured Cozy. “Another survivor like us?”

“Another survivor would have joined us,” frowned Lex. “Or at least-”

“Maybe we should stop standing around wondering what it was and get inside the freaking shelter!” interrupted Aisle, his voice a controlled scream. Looking around as though everypony else had lost their minds, he spoke again. “Like, right now!” Nopony contradicted him, and the five of them broke back into a run towards the warehouse.

They were within a block of it when everything descended into chaos.

To his left, Lex saw something out of the edge of his periphery. It was a small light, shedding a soft orange glow as it streaked…right towards them! Instantly recognizing what was about to happen, Lex didn’t have any time to think. He simply acted. A liturgy to the Night Mare flew from his lips even as he lunged, pressing a hoof against each of the ponies around him. With that done, he had just enough time to lay a hoof against himself when the pea-sized bead of light reached them, exploding into flames as it did.

The others screamed, as much from shock as from fear as fire washed over them…and had no effect. For a moment a curtain of flames filled their vision, and a rush of warm air ran along their bodies, and then it was gone, as though it had been an illusion.

Cloudbank stumbled to a stop, her jaw working soundlessly for a moment as she struggled to process what had just happened. “Wh-what just…?!”

Aisle wasn’t much better off. “That…we were…” He looked behind him, wondering if maybe it really had been an illusion. But looking down showed a massive scorch mark on the ground, and around them there were still glowing embers. The fire had been real. So why hadn’t they been hurt?

“Don’t stop!” roared Lex, causing the four of them to look at him. “We’re under attack! Don’t stop moving!” He immediately started to move towards the warehouse, looking behind him as he did so. To his relief, that seemed to galvanize the others, and they began to follow him, their faces blanching in fear as they processed what he'd said.

When he was within twenty feet of the warehouse, Lex reached out with his telekinesis, a roiling purple aura surrounding his horn as he did so. A moment later, a section of the warehouse wall was surrounded in a matching aura, and the sliding door seamlessly opened, revealing an entrance where there hadn’t been one before. “Inside, now!” he hissed, standing to one side as the other four moved through the doorway.

The others were less than ten feet away now, but even as he waited for them to cross the threshold Lex was already processing what had happened. That fireball spell was Everglow magic; it was one of the more popular attack spells there. That he’d been able to save them from it had been nothing short of miraculous. Although he had a spell to protect against damaging energy – he’d used it on himself before he’d fought the dragon, having set it to fire then as well, albeit mistakenly – it could only ward a single individual.

The Night Mare, however, had given him a variant of the spell that could protect multiple people at once. Even then, he’d only had enough divine magic left to cast that because he’d used the energy in his circlet when he’d used the disease-removing spell on Drafty, thinking that he’d use it to conjure more food later. If not for that…Lex’s eyes drifted to the smoldering cobblestones, knowing what would have happened otherwise.

Moments later the other ponies passed into the warehouse. First Drafty crossed the threshold, followed by Cloudbank. Then Aisle ran in, his face twisted in fear. Finally Cozy ran inside, and Lex moved to follow them. Once they were in there, they’d have a modicum of cover, and he could lead them to the interior room before mounting a counterattack on whatever had cast that spell…

But even as Lex turned and started towards the door, he saw something – this time from his right – come racing around the corner at the end of the block. As he turned to look at it, he thought that it was another of those fish creatures that he’d fought on the ship. But an instant later he realized that was wrong. Those creatures had been a dark green in color, with bodies that were muscled, claws at the end of their finned limbs, and thick tails.

This creature lacked those features. Its pale, scaly body was rounded, giving it a pudgy appearance. Heightening that impression was how thin and willowy its four limbs were, and had no claws at the ends of them. Its head was oddest of all, being entirely fishlike in its appearance, complete with perfectly round, bulging eyes. Lex’s first impression of the thing was that it wasn’t so much grotesque as it was ridiculous.

His second impression was that it was coming at him very, very fast.

The thing wasn’t moving its limbs like it was running. Rather, they slid over the ground in a smooth gliding motion, and Lex realized that it was skating towards him, though he couldn’t imagine how that was possible. More than that, it was going to be there in a few seconds.

Lex was standing just in front of the door, less than five feet from the threshold, whereas the…whatever it was, was still several dozen feet from him, and although it was closing fast, Lex knew that he’d be able to make it inside before it could reach him. He took a step forward, still holding the door open in his telekinetic grip…and the fish-thing suddenly accelerated even more, streaking towards him to quickly that its form seemed to blur. Lex tried to throw himself forward, to get inside before it got there, but compared to the incoming creature he was moving in slow motion. He had just enough time to lock eyes with the four ponies already inside the building, looking back at him in a mixture of confusion and alarm, and then it collided with him.

One webbed limb lashed out as it did, hitting Lex dead-center with a kick that, with so much force behind it, sent him flying. Worse, the transfer of momentum meant that the thing came to a stop right in front of the open door, in front of the four horrified ponies.

But with Lex’s concentration broken, he was no longer telekinetically holding the door open, and the wards that he’d laid on the building immediately kicked back in. Instantly, the door tried to snap shut, but the creature reached a limb out with lightning speed, catching hold of it and holding it ajar mere inches before it could finish closing. The sight caused Drafty to shriek, and Aisle and Cozy backed away in horror, shaking their heads in denial of what was happening. Cloudbank was similarly paralyzed, realizing that the thing was going to get inside. And after what it had just done to Lex, there was no doubt that it was probably going to do even worse to them.

But instead of wrenching the door open, the creature’s finned extremity shook with visible strain, and the door slid open only a few inches before it came to a halt. Even as Cloudbank watched, the door seemed to push back, regaining almost an inch of ground before stopping again. It’s trying to close on its own, she realized. But why…?

Lex shook his head. “The door is straight ahead. The entrances are concealed as part of the warding I cast to defend against intruders.”

Lex’s wards! That had to be it! Whatever magic he’d used realized that monster was an intruder and was trying to shut it out! They were going to be okay! But even as she felt her spirits rise, she saw another of the creature’s finned limbs work its way into the gap, bracing against the opposite side of the doorjamb. Slowly, the door started to open again, and this time it didn’t stop…

The urge to run was overwhelming. The thing would be inside any moment, and Cloudbank was certain that their only chance was to run away. Maybe they could lose it in the warehouse, or find someplace to hunker down and wait until it went away, just like they had back in that apartment. Just like…like…

Just like when she’d been helpless to do anything except watch Drafty get sicker and sicker, dying by degrees. Just like she hadn’t been able to escape with her when Lex first showed up. Just like how she hadn’t been able to defend her when those undead ponies had attacked.

Just like every other time she’d let Drafty down.

Cloudbank was barely aware of what she was doing as she flew towards where the monster was struggling with the door. She only distantly heard herself scream as she slammed her hooves on the end of its finned limbs. Each blow came down with as much force as she could muster, driven by anger and shame and jealousy that she’d needed to rely on someone else to protect the pony most important to her.

Again and again she punched the thin strip of scaled flesh that was curled inside the doorjamb, glaring at it hatefully as she hit it over and over. And then, suddenly, it was gone. An instant later, she heard a loud clunk, and it took her a moment to realize it was the sound of the door closing.

She had done it. They were safe.

For a moment, Cloudbank just stood there, staring blankly at the door as she tried to register what had just happened. Slowly, she started to shake all over, and let out a shuddering breath, struggling to keep it together. She had almost succeeded when she felt a hoof on her side. Looking over, she found herself staring into Drafty’s eyes, which were filled with concern. “Cloudy, are you okay?”

Cloudbank wanted to give her a slick answer, to tell her that she was better than okay, she was going to take care of everything and that it was all going to be alright from now on. But her throat suddenly closed, and she felt her eyes starting to tear up, the last of her composure crumbling. A choked sob ran through her, and suddenly Drafty was hugging her, and Cloudbank buried her face in the other mare’s mane as she started to cry, everything that she’d been trying to push down ever since this had all began suddenly bubbling up, unstoppable. Drafty hugged her tighter, and a moment later Cloudbank felt Aisle and Cozy embrace her as well. It was only after her tears had run out that she softened her grip on Drafty, and the others stepped back as the embrace ended.

“You alright now?” asked Drafty. Her eyes were watery as well, but she was smiling as she did, and the sight was enough to make Cloudbank smile too, nodding even as she sniffled.

She wasn’t the only one, Aisle giving her a grin as he rubbed his eyes. “That was really amazing, Cloudbank. You stomped that thing good.”

“Heh, you know it. It’s just lucky that door closed, or I’d have really clobbered it.” Her boast brought a round of chuckling from the others, but it was good-natured, and made her grin wider.

The moment of camaraderie was broken as Cozy looked towards the door, her smile fading. “We should get moving. The shelter’s supposed to be in here somewhere, right?”

Drafty nodded, but glanced at the door again, a worried look crossing her face. “But what about Lex? He’s still out there.”

An uncomfortable silence fell, before Cozy spoke up again. “I don’t think there’s anything we can do. Even if we went back out there, my guess is that we’d just make him need to protect us again.”

“That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try!” insisted Drafty.

Cloudbank shook her head. “The door tried to close as soon as he let go of it. I don’t think we could open it even if we wanted to.”

“So, there’s nothing we can do, right?” asked Aisle, his voice hopeful. “It’s not like we’re abandoning him or anything, there’s just no way we can go help.”

Cozy nodded. “He’s powerful enough that he doesn’t need our help. The best thing now is for us to find the other ponies in here and tell them what’s going on.”

“Okay,” nodded Cloudbank, by now having fully recovered her poise. Looking towards the interior of the warehouse, she pointed a hoof. “In that case, I’ll lead the way.” Heading forward, the others followed after her. Drafty was the last to leave, looking back towards the door for a moment.

Silently, she wished Lex luck. Somehow she suspected that he was going to need it.

Author's Note:

Another battle begins, and Lex is caught off-guard. He manages to protect his charges, but doing so costs him. Will he be able to rally before it gets worse?

Meanwhile, Cloudbank overcomes her fear in order to protect the pony who means the most to her, otherwise known as "becoming a hero."

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