• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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139 - Being There For You

Aisle watched as Cloudbank and Drafty slowly carried Pillowcase’s body away.

They’d spent the last few minutes covering him up, wrapping a sheet tightly around his body and then tying it down with a few lengths of rope that Drafty had brought. The entire process had been done silently, with the three of them communicating with nothing more than glances and gestures, both because they didn’t want to wake Cozy – still slumbering a few feet away – and out of a nebulous sense that this was too solemn for words.

Finally, when they’d finished, Aisle had indicated to the two mares that they’d need to carry the body out. Drafty had obviously been uncomfortable with the idea, but Cloudbank had been resolute, calming her girlfriend with a reassuring look. Gingerly, Aisle had moved Pillow’s body so that it was laying across the two mares’ backs, letting the two of them exit the makeshift room before turning back to regard Cozy.

For a long moment, he just stared at her, wishing that he didn’t have to wake her up and reintroduce her to the cold reality of what had happened. I hope you’ve been having a pleasant dream, he thought as he reached a hoof out and gently brushed her mane. Something wonderful, to make what’s happened just a little easier to deal with. For a moment he wished that he could look into her dreams the way Princess Luna could, and then hoped that maybe the princess was in Cozy’s dream right now, gently comforting her and reminding her that there were still ponies that cared about her deeply. But a small part of him, the part that had learned to be cynical after everything that had happened, said that wasn’t likely. After all, the princess hadn’t appeared in his dreams, nor anypony else’s that he knew of, since Vanhoover had gone down the drain. Why should now be any different?

Sighing as he realized that there was no more procrastinating, Aisle put a hoof on Cozy’s side and gently shook her. “Cozy,” he called softly. “Cozy, wake up.”

It took a few more attempts before he finally got a response from her. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, looking at him blearily. “Aisle? What…?” Her voice trailed off in drowsy confusion, and for a moment she looked around with clear incomprehension. Then her eyes fell upon the operating table where Pillowcase’s body had been, and all sleepiness fled from her instantly, her eyes widening in remembrance as she leapt to her hooves. “Pillow! Is he-”

“No,” interjected Aisle immediately, not wanting her to get her hopes up. He’d lingered close enough to the medical area before that he’d overheard most of what had passed between Lex, Sonata, and Cozy, and what he hadn’t heard was fairly easy to guess. “Pillow’s still…he’s still gone, Cozy.” He could almost see the hope dying on her face as he spoke, and the sight twisted his stomach into knots. “Cloudbank and Drafty and I…we took care of-, of the body.” Pausing as he almost tripped over how to refer to somepony that he’d known that was no longer alive, he kept going. “I mean, we didn’t get rid of it or anything. We just…we wrapped it up and we’ve gotten it ready to move.”

“Him,” said Cozy, her voice turning frigid.


“You didn’t get rid of ‘him.’ You’ve gotten ‘him’ ready to move. Not ‘it.’” The look she gave him was one of icy disapproval, as though she was trying with all her might to resist blowing up at him for what he’d said.

Although Aisle knew she was speaking out of grief, and that he couldn’t take what she was saying personally, he nevertheless flinched, biting his lip. “I… You’re right. I’m sorry. We’ve moved him out of here.”

Apparently mollified, Cozy’s face softened only a little, turning towards the exit. Aisle watched as she moved towards it, only to stop after she’d taken a few steps. Without turning to look at him, he heard her take a slow breath and then release it before speaking. “Did Lex use his magic on Pillow’s body?”

The question made him flinch a second time. Although he knew he could have pleaded ignorance to what she was asking, the fact was he’d overheard enough to be confident about how things had gone, and she had the right to know what had happened. “Yes.” He momentarily thought of pleading Lex’s case – preserving a body that they quite obviously weren’t going to dispose of was clearly a good idea – but he knew that saying so would draw Cozy’s ire down on him, and that wasn’t something he wanted to experience. Lex would simply have to own up to his own actions.

A spasm ran through Cozy’s body, which quickly turned into a shudder, and her breath grew heavier. “That miserable…” She couldn’t finish, her voice choking as she tried to get a grip on herself. “I told him not to! If he had left us alone, Lashtada would have brought Pillow back! I know it!” She grit her teeth, her thoughts traveling down rage-inspired paths. “He doesn’t have the slightest bit of love in his heart! Not for Sonata, not for anypony! In fact…” A thought occurred to her then, and she latched onto it in a sudden burst of hostility. “He did it on purpose!” A hoof came up then, pressing against her holy symbol tightly. “He knew that Lashtada would bring Pillow back, and he wanted to stop it! He didn’t want everypony else to see that love is stronger than him and his evil goddess!”

Behind her, Aisle’s eyes were widening in growing alarm. “Cozy…”

She didn’t hear him. “He won’t get away with this,” she hissed. “I’ll show him what happens to anyone who tries to keep two soulmates apart!” With that she strode forward, intent on making good on her threat.

For a moment Aisle could only gape in horror. He didn’t know very much about gods, but he very much doubted that Lashtada would suddenly imbue Cozy with unstoppable magical powers. And without that, he was absolutely certain that any confrontation between her and Lex would end with the dour unicorn easily overpowering her, and that couldn’t be allowed to happen. While Aisle felt reasonably sure that Lex wouldn’t be too hard on a mare that was quite clearly out of her mind with grief, he refused to put that theory to the test. Instead, he dashed forward until he was in front of Cozy, turning and putting himself directly in her way as he held out a hoof. “Stop!”

“Get out of my way, Aisle!” She barely slowed down, trying to move around him.

“No!” He darted to the side, making sure to stay in front of her. “Cozy, this is crazy! Lex isn’t responsible for what happened to Pillow!”

“Yes he is!” roared Cozy, her features twisted into a snarl of fury. “YES HE IS! He’s a monster, just like King Sombra was!” Every suspicion she’d had about Lex came rushing back then, flowing out of her mouth in an out outpouring of venom. “He’s a twisted, hateful thing that only wants to control everypony around him! He doesn’t actually care about any of us! We’re all just some, some scoreboard that he’s using to judge how powerful he is! He couldn’t save Pillow, so he doesn’t want anypony else to be able to do so because he thinks it’ll make him look weak! And now I’m going to show him just how weak he really is!”

Aisle quailed, not because of what she was saying but simply because he’d never seen Cozy act like this before. But he refused to back down. “Look…maybe you’re right. Maybe Lex doesn’t see us as friends. But he’s put his life on the line for all of us more than once. I just…I can’t believe that someone would be willing to die for somepony else if they didn’t care about them.”

“You’re wrong!” screamed Cozy. “He’s just trying to hide how warped and ugly his heart is! That’s why he wouldn’t let me bring Pillow back! He knows that love conquers all and he’s afraid that everyone else will see that too!” She pawed at the ground, lowering her center of gravity.

Intuitively recognizing that Cozy was about to become violent, Aisle wracked his brain, trying to think of something, anything, that he could say that would snap Cozy out of her grief-induced rage. A moment later something occurred to him, and he immediately blurted it out. “If Lashtada’s power is so great, then how come Lex’s magic interfered with it?”

Cozy’s brow furrowed, not understanding his question. “What?”

“If love conquers all,” replied Aisle quickly, “if Lashtada’s power is so much greater than Lex’s, then how come that spell he cast on Pillow’s body is enough to disrupt it? Shouldn’t she be able to overpower one spell by somepony with no love in his heart?”

“No! I mean, yes! That just…” She faltered then, and for a moment her aggression wavered. But then she shook her head, pushing the question aside as she glared at Aisle, her rage refocusing. “Why are you doing this?! Pillow was your friend too! Why are you-” She stopped abruptly then, her eyes narrowing dangerously. “Oh, I get it. You’re getting in my way because you want me for yourself.”

Aisle’s eyes widened. “That-”

But she wasn’t listening. “I don’t know why I didn’t see it before! Ever since Pillow left, you’ve been all over me!” The look she gave him then was one of utter loathing. “This must be a dream come true for you, huh? With Pillow out of the way, you’ve got me all to yourself. Is that why you’re the only one here? Because you’re hoping that the priestess of the love goddess will want some physical comfort in her hour of need? Well go ahead!” Turning around, she moved her tail aside and presented her rump to him. “Come on, big boy! Climb on and do me until I can’t even remember my husband’s name! This is what you wanted, right? Be a big, strong stallion and make me yours!”

“Stop it…” Aisle closed his eyes, grimacing as he turned his face away. Her earlier ranting had been upsetting to face, but the things she was saying now were painful to hear. “This isn’t what I want.”

“Liar!” Cozy looked back over her shoulder at him, her eyes blazing. “Why else would you be doing this?!”

Looking up slowly, Aisle met her eyes as he spoke. “Because I’m your friend, and I’m worried about you.”

That was more than Cozy could take, baring her teeth as she spun around and got right in his face. “YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Friends help each other! Friends support each other! All you’re doing is getting in my way and making things worse! You’ve never done anything useful and now you’re worse than useless! When we leave here I don’t ever want to see you again you miserable, selfish, cowardly-”

She would have kept going, but at that moment Aisle stepped forward and wrapped a leg around her neck, pulling her into a hug. “Hey!” Cozy immediately struggled to free herself, but he tightened his grip, refusing to release her. It was enough to make Cozy lose the last vestiges of her self-control. “Let me go! LET ME GO!” She cocked a hoof back before slamming it into his ribs as hard as she could. “Don’t touch me! I don’t want you! The only one I want is Pillow!” She hit him again, drawing a grunt from him but not loosening his grip. “The only one I want is Pillow and he’s gone and it’s all Lex’s fault and your fault and that awful mare’s fault and I’ll never forgive any of you!” She hit him again, but there was less power in it now, tears gathering in her eyes. “I’ll never forgive any of you for letting me get him back only to lose him again!” This time her blow barely had any power behind it, and although she tried to keep it in a sob escaped her throat. “You made me lose him again even though I got him back but I couldn’t do anything and now he’s gone and it’s not fair it’s not fair it’s not fair!”

And then all of her anger was gone, and she clung to Aisle tightly, burying her face in his neck as she cried. A torrent of sobs came rushing out of her, each one wracking her body as she wailed with grief. Aisle made soothing sounds as he held her, gently rocking her in hope that it would provide even the slightest amount of comfort for her broken heart, wishing he could do more.

But being there for her was all he had to give.

Author's Note:

In the face of Cozy's grief, Aisle does what he can for her.

A true, true friend helps a friend in need, even if it's only to serve as a shoulder to cry on.

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