• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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235 - Better Than One

Time was rapidly running out.

By Lex’s estimation, it had been a half-hour since he’d awoken, which meant that there was roughly thirty minutes left before the undead ponies arrived at the camp. Even knowing that he could now bring the totality of Severance’s might to bear, Lex couldn’t help but feel more and more tense. I should have confronted Severance sooner, he berated himself silently. If I had, there’d be time to properly test the full scope of what it can do. But with so little time left, that wasn’t possible now, not if he wanted to engage in any other planning, which he knew was going to be absolutely necessary. “Sonata.”

“Huh?” She looked over at him, dragging her eyes down from where she’d been looking at the sky, apparently having gotten bored while he’d reached an understanding with Severance. “Hey, I think I spotted Orion’s belt buckle! See that one star?” She turned her gaze upward again, point a hoof. “The one that’s twinkling? It’s-”

“Sonata!” Her carefree attitude was making his anxiety worse, worried that her lack of concern would lead to her making a mistake at a critical moment. The thought of that was enough to remind him of the ghouls he’d butchered earlier in the day, recalling how they’d laughed and rhymed at having eaten the bodies of the ponies he’d sent into Vanhoover. If that happened to Sonata… Fighting down a shudder, he couldn’t make his voice entirely free of tension when he spoke again. “We need to go over battle strategies!”

“For realsies?” She looked back at him with a quizzical expression. “But I thought we talked about this already. The ghouls will show up, we’ll kick their flanks, do a victory dance, and everypony here will adore us. Easy as peasy-squeezy lemon pie.” She wasn’t sure what kind of pie that was, but it sounded delicious! Speaking of which… “By the way, after we’re done here can I have my sense of taste back? I’m pretty hungry and you’re totes gonna spend those bits you got so that we can chow down after this, right?”

Letting out a slow breath, Lex forced himself to remain calm and ignore her rambling, instead focusing on explaining things in a manner that she would hopefully be able to comprehend. “Sonata, I know you think that the ghouls aren’t a threat to us, and in terms of their individual capabilities, that’s a fairly accurate assessment.”

“Cool! So what’s the big deal?”

“The big deal is that there are going to be, at the very least, several hundred of them. We need to not only wipe them all out, but do so without letting any of them get past us.” He nodded his head back at he spoke, indicating the camp ponies. Now that the medical tent had been cut down, there was nothing between the two of them and the large crowd. Although they were far enough away that speech conducted at normal volume wouldn’t be overheard, Lex was still cognizant of the crowd’s eyes being firmly locked onto them.

“Oh.” Sonata’s brow wrinkled as she digested that, and her head swiveled back and forth as she looked between him and the crowd of ponies. After repeating the gesture a half-dozen times, she seemed to reach a conclusion. “Huh…you know, that sounds kinda hard.”

“Precisely,” uttered Lex with a sigh of relief. Hopefully now she’d listen. “That’s why we need to coordinate our efforts ahead of time.”

“What does ‘coordinate’ mea-, oh, I get it now!” Her grin suddenly returned in force. “This is where you tell me my part in your super-awesome master plan, right?” She practically bounced in place, almost shivering with excitement. “I knew you had one! So, what do I do?”

It was all he could do not to wince at that. Before he’d met her, he had thought that not living up to the expectations he had for himself was painful. But it was nothing compared to letting down the girl he loved. “Sonata, I-”

“Wait! Don’t tell me! I wanna guess!” Almost squealing in delight, she put a hoof to her chin for a moment, before gasping as inspiration struck. “I’ve got it! When the ghouls show up, I’ll sing and make them all fall asleep, and then you can go around with Severance and whack ‘em all one at a time!” Her smile somehow grew wider. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that before! Like, duh!”

“What-, no, that won’t work!” The words came our harsher than he’d intended them to, alarmed at having discovered a critical gap in her knowledge. “You can’t enchant an undead creature’s mind.”

Letting out a groan, Sonata rolled her eyes. “Oh come on! If you were fine with me using my magic on everypony in camp just now, why’s it such a big deal if I use it on a bunch of ghouls?”

“I didn’t say you musn’t,” hissed Lex. For an instant, he felt certain that she was misunderstanding him on purpose, but he pushed that thought away, recognizing that it was borne of tension and frustration. “I said you can’t! It won’t work! Undeath is a state that warps the minds of those it afflicts, and makes their mentality impossible to affect with magic.” He moved closer to her, until his face was inches away from her, wanting to make absolutely sure she understood what he was telling her. “Enchantments won’t work on the ghouls. You need to focus on other types of magic. Do you understand?”

“Yeah.” Her ears folded back as she gave a pout. “But that hardly seems fair.” Sighing, she scratched her head as she tried to think of something else.

Lex could already feel what little patience he had left ebbing, the combination of stress about their situation and embarrassment that she had more faith in him than he deserved eating away at what little energy he had remaining. Fighting off the urge to sink to the ground, he tried again. “When the ghouls arrive-”

“Aw, c’mon! One more guess?” she pleaded. “I promise this’ll be the last one, and if I don’t get it right you can tell me, okay?” Not having the strength to argue with her, Lex didn’t protest, and she bit her lip in concentration. “Alright…you did the whole male bonding thing with Severance just a second ago, so it’s not that.” Lex closed his eyes, a pained look crossing his face at her characterization of what had just happened. “And it’s not some big new spell or something, ‘cuz you were fighting a little while ago and would’ve used it then.” That was enough to make Lex’s eyes flit toward his shadow, wondering if maybe it would come to his aid again now the way it had when he’d fought Xiriel. “Sooo…those floaty gems, right?”

“What?” It took Lex a moment to realize what she meant, and as he did he glanced back at his saddlebag. After the scroll had exploded, and he’d pieced it back together in vain, he’d very briefly checked the gems for damage, grabbing each of them in turn to look them over. It had been habit more than anything else that had made him put them away, just before Sonata had convinced him to address the camp ponies. Taking them out again now, Lex held them aloft telekinetically. “What about them?”

Unable to help but chuckle at the sight of the gems – chasing that one that had been circling her head had been a lot of fun! – Sonata puffed up her chest. “You’re gonna do something awesome with those, right? Like, um, that thing where you super-charged that spell to make food so that you made enough for everyone. Without frying yourself from the inside out, I mean,” she added hastily. “You can boost these things so that they’ll spin around you super fast and chop up any ghouls that get to close to you, right?”

“That…” The rebuke was halfway to his mouth, only to die on his tongue as he thought her idea through. Why couldn’t he charge the magic items in his possession? They all had stable magical pathways built into them, after all. In theory, if he channeled additional magic through his body and into them rather than into a spell he was casting, it should amplify them just the same. It’s not even that different from what I’ve done before, he realized with growing intrigue. Back when he and Sonata had been journeying on hoof to Tall Tale, he had used a similar procedure to tweak his haversack’s functionality so that he could bring its extradimensional space into another such space of his own creation.

“So?” asked Sonata, her tail practically wagging in eagerness. “Did I get it right?”

“…close enough,” muttered Lex, already tuning her out (and missing the cheer and subsequent dance she performed) in order to concentrate on the idea she’d given him.

In all likelihood, the gemstones wouldn’t fly any faster if he channeled additional power into them. But their core functionality, the magical effects that they granted their wielder, should experience some sort of augmentation. It wouldn’t be permanent; the additional energy poured into them would be expended, in all likelihood, in a matter of minutes…and it would need to be done very carefully. Flooding them with power in an uncontrolled rush would most likely damage, or perhaps even destroy, them. But if he did it correctly, timing it so that they kicked in just before the ghouls arrived…there was no way of knowing if it would be enough to salvage the situation, but it might.

It's not just the gemstones, either, Lex realized with a jolt. He was wearing several other magic items already; his circlet, with small reservoir of magical energy and ability to let him visualize magical auras. His amulet was designed to mildly toughen the dermal layer of skin, while his cloak helped to resist dangerous or debilitating circumstances. The ring around his right foreleg protected against weak divinations, defeating attempts to read his thoughts or scan his personal aura. Any one of them, if infused with additional power, could theoretically be enhanced. Nor were those everything.

Looking at his saddlebags again, Lex immediately discarded any thoughts of augmenting the spell-imbued ruby that the Night Mare had given him. The resurrection magic it contained wasn’t something he understood very well, and feeding more power into it without comprehending its underlying structure would, at best, destroy the spell it contained. More likely it would be miscast, with no way of predicting what would happen.

But Lex’s thoughts froze as he turned his attention to the other item he was carrying. The scroll! Moving slowly despite his quickening pulse, Lex pulled the roll of parchment out of his saddlebag, looking it over again. Just a few minutes ago, he had been enraged that it was just ink on paper, with no imbued energy waiting to be released. But now…now that didn’t matter, because he could feed more energy into it! The channels themselves were the writing, which was completely intact thanks to his repair spell; if he just poured the right amount of energy into them, then the spells should take effect as if the scroll had never been damaged! It could work!

It could work…if he could channel sufficient power. But that was a very large “if” in his current condition. With the damage he’d sustained in his disastrous attempt to create enough food for everypony yesterday, compounded by how much he’d exerted himself fighting Xiriel earlier today, he had very little strength left now. With what it would likely take to empower even a single item, let alone fuel the powerful spells that had been in the scroll…

Performing some quick mental calculations, Lex grimaced at the results. He’d been thinking of augmenting all of his magic items, but that had been wildly optimistic. Even if he didn’t bother with the scroll, pouring that much power into everything else would have been exceptionally trying under the best of circumstances. In his current condition, it would kill him for certain. I’m only going to be able to do this a few times, he realized. Probably less than that, considering how badly depleted he already was.

But what other choice was there now?

“Sonata,” he called, releasing all five gems to orbit him again. “Come here.”

“I guessed right!” she sang, somehow making “right” into a two-syllable word. Practically skipping over to him, her eyes were almost glittering with how pleased she was. “Praise me!”

“We need to go over-”

“Praise me!”

Huffing, Lex found that he couldn’t work up his usual ire at her behavior. He was too exhausted, and besides, it was because of her that he had a plan at all now. “Your idea was brilliant,” he admitted, a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips for some reason. “Shockingly so.”

“Woo hoo!” she hollered. Rearing up on her hind legs, she threw her fore-hooves into the air as she turned to face the camp ponies. “Didja hear that?! I’m brilliant!” she cackled, throwing herself back onto all fours as she turned and lunged at Lex, giving him a hug that knocked him down. “I am so gonna write this down later! In fact, I’m signing all my autographs ‘Sonata Brilliant Dusk’ from now on!”

“Sonata, we need to discuss the specifics regarding what’s about to happen.”

“Right!” She bounded off him, still buzzing with joyous energy. “Explain away! Your brilliant girlfriend is totes paying one hundred-ten percent attention!”

Sighing, Lex climbed to his hooves, hoping no one noticed that he needed to lean on Severance to do it. “Now, listen to me very carefully…”

Author's Note:

Lex and Sonata work as a team, as she gives him an idea and he runs with it.

But will it be enough to carry them to victory?

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