• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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261 - Credit and Cabbages

“Here you go!” chirped Sonata happily as she handed a cabbage to the old grey mare in front of her. “Eat up and enjoy!”

The old mare gave her a warm smile as she hugged the vegetable to her chest. “Thank you so much, dear. And please thank that nice young boy of yours, too. He’s such a brave stallion, that one.”

“I will!” Sonata immediately moved to make good on her statement, twisting her head around to glance behind her. “Hey Lex! This nice lady says thanks! And that you’re brave! Ooh! And ‘nice’ too! Can you believe it?!”

Glancing up from the clipboard and pencil that he’d absconded from one of the doctors so that he could keep track of the food distribution, Lex sent an uncomfortable glance toward his girlfriend before his eyes flickered over to the grey pony beside her. Making eye contact with him, the elderly pony smiled and sent him a cordial wave. Shifting in place uncomfortably, Lex gave her a perfunctory nod before going back to his paper.

“That’s, like, totes his way of saying ‘you’re welcome, and I’m super happy that I was able to help out,’” offered Sonata.

“Oh, the bashful type, is he?” laughed the old lady. “I have a grandcolt just like him. I gave him my spot on the boat getting out of here when the flooding started. He’s the sweetest boy you’ve ever met, but as soon as he meets someone new, he just becomes tongue-tied and can’t-”

“That’s adorable,” interrupted Sonata. “How about you come by later and tell me all about him, ‘kay?” She resisted the urge to glance back at Lex as she spoke; hopefully he wouldn’t mind that she’d been rather creative with the words he’d had for the dawdling old lady – sent to Sonata courtesy of that whisper-spell of his – for holding up the line. “Next!”

Taking the hint gracefully, the old mare meandered away with one last wave, which Sonata returned before looking at the next pony stepping forward. “Step right up!” she smiled at the pegasus colt that was next, a blank-flank who looked like he was barely old enough to start attending school and who was currently sitting there immobile, gazing at her with wide eyes as though dazzled by the sight of her. Unable to help but puff up with joy at the open admiration, Sonata beckoned to him. “Don’t be shy!” she cooed. “We’ve got plenty of food for everypony!”

“We do not have enough food for everypony!” came Lex’s harsh whisper in her ear. “That’s why we’re only passing these out to children, the elderly, and anypony who’s severely debilitated!”

“I meant everypony in line here,” whispered Sonata in reply, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, keeping a smile on her face as the colt regained enough presence of mind to wander over to her. “Seriously, take a chill pill and enjoy being a hero for a few minutes, would ya?”

In the half-hour since she’d gotten back, word about the approaching train had spread through the camp like a wildfire, and the place was brimming with excitement. A large number of ponies were now crowding the train station, anticipating its arrival even as they stared intently at the plume of smoke that was growing steadily more visible in the distance. A few were peering in the windows at where Lex had apparently sent Aria, and as Sonata glanced that way she saw a pair of fillies with their faces pressed against the glass give a sudden shriek and run away, laughing. The sight made her smile, and not just because she liked the thought of Aria’s face frightening small children; those two had been in line five minutes ago, and had refused to take their cabbages before giving a special cheer (one of them had a pom-pom cutie mark, and the other’s was a ribbon-laced baton), getting the nearby ponies to spell out “thank you Lex” one letter at a time.

Of course, Sonata had been expecting something like this ever since she woken up this morning. After she’d headed out to buy some food, letting Lex get some well-earned rest, she’d quizzed the ponies she’d taken with her about what they thought about the battle from last night. They’d initially been reluctant to say anything, worrying her, but after a bit of prodding they’d opened up, and a torrent of adulation had come pouring out. “Amazing,” “incredible,” “heroic,” and other words had been thrown around like they were going out of style, and Sonata had been walking on air the entire trip there and back. They were being quiet at first because they were star-struck, she’d realized, which meant that she and Lex were the stars! About freaking time!

She’d been intent on breaking through everypony’s awe once she got back to the camp, wanting Lex to experience the outpouring of gratitude that was apparently just waiting to be unleashed, but the sight of the train had apparently done that for her. As one old stallion had put it, “seein’ y’all fight like that was like a dream, but now…have’n somethin’ else good happen, s’all suddenly real. Thank ya so much.”

That really didn’t make any sense to her – the fight hadn’t been very dream-like for her – but who cared? The camp ponies finally adored them! And here’s the latest example! she cheered to herself as the pegasus colt stared up at her, eyes wide and jaw open. “Here you go, little guy!” she reached down toward him, a cabbage balanced on one hoof. “A special treat, just for you.”

He took it slowly, gazing at the vegetable as though he couldn’t believe that she’d just given him something, before managing to bring his eyes back up to look at her. Gulping, he licked his lips, clearly trying to remember how to talk. “W-…w-…”

“Hm? What is it?” She made a show of tilting an ear toward him, smiling encouragingly.

“W-will you mawwy me?” lisped the colt, before ducking his head down behind his cabbage, peeking out from behind it bashfully.

A chorus of adoring coos erupted from everypony around them, and Sonata was no exception. “Aww! You are so adorable!” Overcome by how cute the little guy was, Sonata couldn’t help herself, kneeling down and giving him a hug before planting a kiss on his forehead. “Hey Lex!” she called, turning around to grin at her boyfriend. “I’m totes leaving you for this little cutie here!”

He glanced up sharply at that, and Sonata saw him scowl as his eyes took in the scene. “It was a joke,” she whispered as quietly as she could, knowing that quite a few eyes were on them right now. “Just roll with it, and everyone here’ll think you’re super charming.”

Uncertainty flashed across his face then, and Sonata had just enough time to realize that it wasn’t going to work. Even if he knew she was kidding he had no idea what to say in response. She had just started to think up a line to feed him when Nosey – who had been glued to his side the entire time since Sonata had gotten back – leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Lex blinked once, glancing at the newsmare, before looking back at where Sonata still had a foreleg around the colt. “I, um…” He paused, glancing around again uncomfortably before licking his lips. “I can’t bear to go on without you,” he said woodenly. “I’ll curse myself to sleep forever if you’re not here with me.”

For a split-second Sonata felt ill-will toward her friend for butting in – she’d have been able to come up with that! – but let it go as she turned back to the pegasus colt. “Aw, sorry little guy! I can’t let Vanhoover’s hero be taken away from everyone like that! But I’ll, like, always remember you!” A round of warm-hearted chuckling came from everyone watching, and Sonata knew they were eating it up. Standing, she waved goodbye as she stepped away from the little charmer, whose eyes had grown as round as dinner plates as he watched the exchange. Nodding, he stumbled away, walking backward so as not to take his eyes off of her for a minute before an older pegasus ushered him away, sending Sonata a grateful look.

She nodded back, and was already turning to the next pony in line when a loud cheer went up from the ponies gathered around the train station. Turning, Sonata peered at the horizon, and after a moment of squinting saw what they were excited about: the train was visible, coming around the foot of one of the distant mountains as it wound its way toward them. As though it heard everyone, a whistle could be heard a moment later, soft but clear as it cut through the air. The sound sent a new wave of whooping and hollering through the camp, ponies throwing their hooves in the air and hugging each other in joy.

“It’ll be here in approximately ninety minutes,” murmured Lex.

Sonata almost asked him how he knew that, but managed to stop herself just in time. It probably had something to do with math, and listening to Lex talk about math always made her sleepy. “Awesome! You’re gonna be here when it does, right?” She tried to make the question sound casual; if he stayed here for the train, he’d be able to rest up and enjoy everypony’s treating him like a star instead of rushing off to do whatever dangerous thing was next on his agenda.

Thankfully, he nodded. “I want to verify who’s operating that train and what brought them here.”

Sonata blinked at that, confused. “Aren’t the train tracks bringing them here?”

“I mean why they’re here now. The rail service to Vanhoover was shut down, so what’s changed that they’re suddenly resuming it?”

“Um, a lot of stuff, duh,” scoffed Sonata. Had he hit his head or something? “We, like, stomped all over the bad guys and saved the day!”

“And how would whoever’s on that train know that?” pressed Lex.

Sonata shrugged. “I dunn-, oh! Now I get what you mean!” She gave him a sheepish grin, chuckling.

Lex sighed, turning away from the distant train to look back at his clipboard. “We should distribute the rest of these before it arrives. That way we can devote our full attention to the train without worrying about any of this food being misappropriated while we’re occupied.”

Sonata smiled. She had no idea what “misappropriated” meant, but she could tell that he was concerned about the neediest ponies not getting fed. “I wouldn’t worry about that,” she chuckled. When he sent an inquisitive look her way, she waggled her eyebrows at him knowingly, and then pointed. A short distance away, the old grey mare that had been trying to talk her ear off a few minutes ago was engaged in conversation with a middle-aged unicorn stallion, who was shaking his head and waving a hoof in a clear gesture of refusal. But the old mare apparently wouldn’t take no for an answer, tearing off a large section of her cabbage and tossing it to him. “She’s not the only one,” continued Sonata. “Almost everypony we’ve handed these out to has been sharing them with someone else.”

“That defeats the purpose of what we’re doing,” frowned Lex, his eyes narrowing. “The entire point of this exercise is to distribute food based on need. Dividing them too much insures that they’ll be insufficient nourishment for everyone here, rather than a sufficient amount for the most vulnerable.”

“Maybe,” shrugged Sonata. “But I bet they’ll be fine.”

Lex scowled, clearly disapproving of her laid-back attitude. “Based on what, exactly?”

She stuck her tongue out at him. “Based on the fact that I know what they know.”

“Which is?”

She shook her head slightly as she closed the short distance between them, nuzzling him. “That they’ve got someone here who’ll do everything in his power – which is, like, a lot – to make sure that they’re taken care of.” Ending that with a wink, she headed back to deal with the other ponies in line, tossing one last comment over her shoulder.

“That’s what heroes do.”

Author's Note:

Lex and Sonata finally receive some recognition for their accomplishments!

Hopefully the arrival of the train won't spoil this latest turn of events for them!

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