• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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325 - Touch of Temptation

Lex hesitated as Aria began to wag her hips back and forth lightly.

“C’mon,” she teased, her voice silky. “Climb on and show me what a stud you are.”

The suggestion seemed to bypass his brain entirely, and Lex found himself taking a half-step forward before he realized what he was doing and arrested the movement, stopping in mid-motion. Even then, it was unusually difficult to make himself stop, leaving him wanting badly to follow through and take what Aria was offering him. But it was that same overwhelming desire that made Lex hesitate, the emotion clashing violently with what he knew he should do.

Or rather, with his uncertainty as to what he should do. While there was no mistaking Aria’s intentions – she was being unsubtle enough that even he could understand what she wanted – Lex felt conflicted as to how he should respond, a conflict made all the more disconcerting by how his libido was intruding on his attempts to organize his thoughts. He’d met beautiful mares before, and while none of them had been anywhere near as alluring as Aria, nor tried to proposition him, Lex felt confident that his self-control would easily have overridden any sense of temptation that he’d have felt if they had. So why was he having to struggle to resist the urge to mount the mare in front of him now?

For a moment Lex wondered if Aria had enchanted him somehow, finding a way around his defenses and using her magic to make him want her. Although the idea of someone tampering with his thoughts was loathsome on a visceral level, he found himself almost hoping that was the case, as it would have allowed for an easy resolution to the cognitive dissonance he was experiencing. But it wasn’t to be; a thought was all it took to activate his circlet, letting him glance at himself and see that the only magic active upon him was his own. Having confirmed that, Lex forced himself to take a step back, putting a little more distance between himself and the amorous Siren…and was shocked at how difficult it was, his instincts screaming in protest. What was going on?

But he didn’t have a chance to collect himself as Aria’s tail smacked him in the face, dragging his attention back to her. “What’s the holdup?” A note of irritation had entered her voice, changing her sexy purr into a sneer as she glanced over her shoulder at him. “Your equipment not working right or something?”

For a moment he wasn’t sure what she meant, only for understanding to come a second later. Coloring in embarrassment and anger, Lex clung to the latter emotion, trying to drown everything else he was feeling beneath it. “Don’t you dare mock me,” he hissed, voice thick with malice.

“Hm.” Aria didn’t seem intimidated in the least, eyes narrowing as she spun around, turning so she was face-to-face with him. “Or you’ll what?” she drawled, the corners of her lips turning up in a taunting smile.

He didn’t have an answer to that, now that he couldn’t use the Night Mare’s power to control her, but he was determined not to back down. “Or I’ll put you in your place,” he growled.

But again, his threat seemed only to encourage her. “You know what I think?” she leered, leaning in closer to him. “I think you’re all talk.”

Lex grit his teeth. “Aria…”

“I think you’re gonna run away with your tail between your legs,” she snickered. Their noses were practically touching now. “And I’ll be laughing at you the whole time.”

“I’m warning you…”

“And I won’t be the only one,” she kept going. “I’ll let everypony know that Lex Legis can conquer dragons and kill devils, but he’s just a scared little boy when it comes to girls. What do you think those princesses will think of that?” Despite her jeering, her voice was slowly turning back into the husky murmur she’d had when she’d lifted her tail for him. “Or…”

She leaned her head forward, putting her lips right by his ear.

“…you can put me…”

She was whispering now, her voice as passionate as when he’d touched her a few night ago.

“…in my…”

One hoof came up, caressing his chest before moving further down his body.


Her last word was punctuated by soft lips pressing against his neck, and that was all Lex could take.

He surged upward, rising onto his hind legs as he reached for Aria, hauling her into a similar position as he barreled forward and slammed her into the back wall of the alcove. She collided with the rack of leaflets, the impact making her eyes widen and drawing a gasp from her as she fell onto her backside on the small table, sitting upright. She belatedly raised her forelegs, only for him to reach up with his own and pin them to the wall on either side of her head, leaning in closer until his chest was pressed against hers. Having trapped her, Lex didn’t hesitate, his head darting forward…

And kissing her passionately.

It wasn’t what he’d intended to do. He’d only meant to get right in her face and deliver another warning about pushing him too far. But in the fraction of an instant after he’d started to close the last little bit of distance between them, his anger had suddenly changed back into passion and now he found himself crushing his lips against hers. He heard a muffled grunt of surprise come from Aria then, and the immense satisfaction that he felt at having turned the tables on her drove him to seek more, his tongue pushing between her lips and demanding access.

He felt her body tense then, and he pressed himself against her tighter in response, silently daring her to defy him. She must have received the message, because it took only a moment for her to relax in his grasp, her eyes fluttering closed as her mouth opened, letting his tongue enter and entwine with her own. The next grunt that came from her was much more pleasured, and had his mouth not been occupied Lex would have howled in triumph at hearing it.

But it wasn’t enough.

He wanted more of her. No, he wanted all of her! Simply showing her who was in charge was insufficient; he had to dominate her until she cried out in submission, acknowledging him as her lord and master. Nothing less would satisfy him.

And he knew just how to do that.

Breaking the kiss, Lex heard Aria gasping as she leaned her head back, all strength gone from her body now. But he had no intention of showing her leniency, and leaned his head down toward her neck, nudging her chin upward and making her bare her throat to him. She didn’t even try to resist, and leaned forward to bring his lips to her neck. But unlike the teasing kiss she’d given him before, he brought his teeth to her soft skin now, biting down with just enough force to leave a mark. Caressing her had made her tremble before, and Lex had no doubt that this would work even better.

He was proven right an instant later as he felt Aria shudder, a whimper escaping her lips. “L-Lex…!” All the arrogance was gone from her voice now, but he didn’t stop, marking her flawless body again and again. When he got to the portion of her neck that matched where her old body had been scarred, he bit down with slightly more force, holding it longer than he had with the others. The spasm that ran through her body then made her hips jump, and the wordless sound that came from her throat made it clear that she was begging, but not for mercy.

He let her forelegs go then, and wasn’t surprised when they came to rest lightly on his shoulders, her hooves curling around behind his head. He felt Aria’s tongue slowly trace over his horn a moment later, her breathing heavy as she slowly licked it from base to tip, moaning softly as though the act aroused her. A second later she closed her lips around the end of it, sucking softly, but Lex wasn’t content to passively receive her affection.

Instead, one of his hooves came up to stroke her cheek, feeling her lean against it adoringly as he caressed her, moving it around to the back of her neck, winding it through her silken hair…and then yanking it backward. Aria’s mouth left his horn with a gasp of mixed pain and pleasure, eyes widening at the sudden stimulus. Lex straightened up then, raising his face until it was above her own, drinking in the heady combination of fear and anticipation radiating off of her. But she didn’t even try to resist him, neither struggling nor uttering a word of protest at the rough treatment.

Lex felt another wave of savage satisfaction go through him at that, and he kissed her again, rewarding her surrender. His hoof in her mane slowly unwound from it, holding the back of her neck again as he ravaged her mouth before sliding lower, down past her shoulders and lingering at the small of her back before traveling further, stopping just above the base of her tail. His other foreleg wound its way around her body a moment later, sliding over her cutie mark and pulling her hips against his own, letting her feel him pressed against her lower belly, telling her without words that it was time.

The look on her face was one of both trepidation and rapture as she leaned back, parting her hind legs and wrapping them around him. But Lex had no intention of taking her as she sat there. Instead, his hooves dug into her backside as he lifted her up – he could have used his horn, but the moment demanded a show of physical strength, rather than magical – and held her against him, very nearly taking her right there. He could see the confusion on her face, but he ignored it as he pivoted and, suppressing a grunt of effort, lowered her gently to the ground. Once he’d put her down, he took a step back, looking her over.

Her face flushed and panting lightly, Aria bit her lip, suddenly shy as she looked away from his gaze. Her forelegs were crossed over her chest, conveying her worry, but the way her lower legs were still spread wide showed that she had no intention of denying him. For his part, Lex spent several moments just looking at her and silently reveling at the sight of the mare he’d conquered…or rather, was about to conquer. His lust and dominance reaching their peak, Lex stepped forward slowly, intent on making Aria his in the most primal way possible. Standing over her, he slowly began-

“Lex? Aria? Are you guys back h-, erk?!”

Nosey’s nervous question died unfinished on her lips as she rounded the corner and looked into the alcove, her body going rigid in shock.

Freezing at the unexpected interruption, Lex and Aria could only stare at the unicorn mare, who stared back at them. Or rather, at where they were almost connected. “I, uh…I h-heard a noise, and…and, um…” she stammered. “You two were, ah…gone, and Sonata was still s-sleeping…”


Hearing his girlfriend’s name made Lex blink, suddenly free of whatever madness had come over him, causing him to stagger away from Aria. What…what was I doing? In an instant, he felt his blood cooling, the erotic atmosphere falling away as confusion and embarrassment and guilt rushed in to replace it.

Lurching forward, he stumbled out of the alcove, barely noticing Nosey fling herself out of his way or Aria’s soft plea for him to wait. Almost galloping into the lobby, the sight of Sonata – still curled up on the bench where they’d been before, her sleep undisturbed – made him feel worse, and he kept going. He had to get away from here, had to figure out what had almost happened and what to do about it before he spoke to any of them again.

Reaching the door, Lex Legis flung it open, leaving all three mares behind as he fled out into the night.

Author's Note:

Aria and Lex lose themselves to their passions, stopping only because Nosey walks in on them.

What will Sonata do when she finds out? Or will she?

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