• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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246 - Fatal Flaw

In the end, it wasn’t the limited duration of her enhancements that led to Garden Gate being undone. Rather, it was simple bad luck that made it happen. Bad luck that Lex cursed himself for not having anticipated. After all, he’d seen it happen before.

A trio of ghouls were hurling themselves at Garden Gate, thinking that they might be the ones to succeed where the numerous mutilated bodies around them had failed. Despite the fact that she hadn’t so much as paused to catch her breath in some time, she immediately moved to engage them. A quick sidestep around a bite and a vicious slice sent the head of one of the undead ponies tumbling away as its body collapsed. The second ghoul threw itself at her hooves, thinking to knock her down; that was its last thought, as she somersaulted over the clumsy tackle and – at the apex of her leap – grabbed the ghoul with her gem-enhanced telekinesis and pushed it straight down as hard as she could, instantly crushing the monster to paste against the ground.

It was when she dealt with the third ghoul that it happened. It had gone high where its fellow had gone low, and was already off-target due to not having anticipated how Garden had crushed its comrade to death. But the thing swung its legs anyway, flailing wildly as it passed through the space where she had been just a moment ago…and by pure coincidence, one of its flailing limbs happened to make contact with one of the gems orbiting her head.

Watching from a short distance away, Lex’s eyes widened as he watched the dusty rose prism go spinning away from Garden Gate, immediately becoming lost amidst the corpses piled up around her. No no NO! he cursed silently. That gem was the one granting Garden her preternatural awareness of her surroundings! Without it, her defensive capabilities would suffer…as the blow to the jaw she took a moment later underscored.

The uppercut, delivered by the ghoul that had knocked her gem away, wasn’t a fatal one. Although it snapped her head up, Garden’s body didn’t go rigid, nor did she stop moving. Instead, she fell back, telekinetically waving her knife in front of her in order to buy herself some room. But the ghoul, sensing victory, plunged forward recklessly, seeming not to notice as the knife buried itself to the hilt in its chest.

It was much more cognizant of it a moment later, as Garden focused her telekinesis and shoved the knife all the way through its body in one hard push.

The weapon exited the thing’s backside in a shower of gore, with several bits of viscera still clinging to the blade as the undead pony collapsed, dead before it hit the ground. Bringing the filth-covered knife back to her, Lex saw Garden’s head twist around to look at where her gemstone had fallen. But she had no time to go after it as more ghouls were already on her, forcing her to devote all of her attention to these new threats.

The sight was enough to make Lex whisper the most profane oath he knew (making Sonata wince as she kept singing, since the whisper-spell between them was still active). This was exactly what had happened with Xiriel! A stroke of bad luck had knocked the gems from around its heads and ultimately proven vital to the devil’s downfall, and now it was happening again!

Silently swearing that he wouldn’t let history repeat itself, Lex focused on one of the mangled bodies lying near where the gemstone had fallen, trying to drag it out of the way with his telekinesis. If he could just get line of sight to the fallen gem, he’d be able to pick it back up and place it around Garden’s head himself! But to his complete lack of surprise, he couldn’t move the dead body even slightly, his strength too depleted. For a moment he kept trying anyway, attempting to power through with sheer force of will the way he had done so many times in the past. But after several seconds of sustained effort, all he had to show for it was a headache so painful it was nauseating, forcing him to stop.

Groaning, he tried to think of another way to reunite Garden and the gemstone, but there were no viable options that he could think of. Sending Sonata was completely out of the question – she needed to keep singing, and sending her that close to where Garden was fighting would make her a target for the ghouls – and even if it possessed some sort of ability to grab objects, Severance was too busy annihilating the bulk of the horde. Bringing in somepony else from within the illusion ran the risk of exposing the camp ponies, which left…no one.

Realizing that he was completely out of options, Lex could only lie there and seethe at his own powerlessness as Garden Gate continued to fight. Even the few spells he had left were no help in this situation, nor were the remaining spells on the scroll, not that he was in any condition to utilize them anyway. Which meant that, with no way to get the gem back to her, there was nothing he could do except hope that Garden could either find a way to retrieve it herself or manage to continue fighting without it.

It was all up to her now…

But it wasn’t very long before the next gem was lost. This time, it happened as a ghoul reared up and kicked out with its forelegs, hissing as it tried to land a blow on her. Rather than weaving between the strikes as she would have with the dusty rose prism, Garden fell back, giving ground in order to get out of the ghoul’s range. But as she did, the orange prism came around in its orbit, flying near enough to the undead pony that it growled at the perceived distraction and lashed out with a hoof, batting the gem away as if it were a particularly large mosquito. The blow sent it tumbling end-over-end to the ground, bouncing and rolling before it too was lost amidst the bodies and bad lighting.

The ghoul paid for its action a moment later as Garden Gate brought her knife around sharply, lopping off one of the monster’s forelegs completely. Heedless of its dismemberment, the thing continued to advance on her, only to have its momentum reversed as Garden surged forward, plowing into the creature and shoving her knife through its neck. The hit knocked it onto its back, and the knife blade protruding from the back of its neck sunk into the ground, leaving the creature’s three legs flailing as it tried to get up. Its motions stopped as Garden brought her hoof down as hard as she could, stomping on the thing’s face again and again until the thing’s head split open like an overripe piece of fruit.

Watching from a short distance away, Lex knew that was a bad sign. She’d needed to bring her hoof down more than once in order to kill that thing, despite having only needed a single buck to crush the skull of an attacking ghoul a few minutes ago. But that wasn’t a function of the gemstone being lost; the orange prism enhanced its user’s ability to use magic. Without it Garden wouldn’t be using her telekinesis to fling the ghouls around anymore, but her strength shouldn’t have been reduced. Which either meant that she was getting tired…or some of her other enhancements – namely, the spells that Sonata had cast on her – were wearing off.

Or perhaps it was both. As he watched Garden Gate fling herself at the next group of undead ponies that came at her, he could already tell that she was slowing down. Even as he watched, she didn’t manage to completely avoid a bite to her flank, the ghoul’s face red with blood as its teeth sank into her skin just above her cutie mark. He saw her go rigid then, and the other ghoul immediately lunged for her throat, certain that she was paralyzed. But just before it could land the killing blow, Garden jumped to the side – having been feigning being frozen in place – and lashed out with a foreleg, clocking the ghoul in the back of the head and sending it sprawling into the undead pony that had bitten her.

But it was a short-lived victory. Already, four more ghouls were making their way toward her, and the other two were struggling to get back up even as she fell upon them, her knife plunging into them again and again. By the time the newcomers reached her, forcing her to break off her attack, only one of the downed ghouls had stopped moving, the other one picking itself up as she was forced to engage with the newest undead ponies.

Averting his eyes from what was now less of an even match and more of a battle for survival, Lex looked back at Severance. The ground in front of the scythe was completely hidden from view, buried beneath a carpet of body parts and ichor. Even as Lex watched, it whirled in place and reduced another wave of ghouls to pieces, righting itself as the next group followed them without hesitation. Fourteen hundred ghouls, estimated Lex, gritting his teeth at the apocalyptic number. Maybe fifteen. This was far beyond what he had originally estimated, and painted an even grimmer picture of just how bad things had been in Vanhoover, something he hadn’t thought was possible at this point. Although Lex knew that he needed to worry about their immediate circumstances, he couldn’t help but spare a thought for just how badly the rest of Equestria would have suffered if these things had been allowed to spread across the continent…which they still might, if they failed here.

Failure which seemed to be not only inevitable at this point, but imminent now, as Garden Gate lost the last of the gemstones.

The final one was taken from her as one of the last batch of ghouls, a pegasus whose left wing had been torn to shreds at some point, leaped into the air. Looking almost like it was trying to fly, the thing spread its legs and sole remaining wing wide as it pounced at Garden Gate. The move was far too blatant to catch her unaware, however, and she managed to fling herself back…but by a thin enough margin that the ghoul landed next to her, its body coming down at just the right moment to collide with the pale green prism that was enhancing her physical coordination and knock it to the ground.

This time Lex was ready, and he tried to immediately grab the gem in his telekinesis before he lost sight of it. But in his weakened state, it proved impossible to react quickly enough to snatch the thing as more ghouls moved in to try and finish Garden off. In a moment, the gemstone was lost among the shuffling bodies, hidden from sight before he had a chance to retrieve it.

It took only a moment for the loss to prove devastating. Garden lashed out at the ghouls, but it was impossible to miss how her strikes suddenly lacked the precision that they’d had a moment ago, being noticeably slower and weaker. She still managed to leave a deep gouge in the face of a ghoul that was trying to get behind her as she slipped by it, but even with Sonata’s voice still raised in song it was clear that Garden was now badly overmatched…a situation which grew worse as another four ghouls managed to survive Severance’s lethal barrage of attacks and rushed to join their comrades attacking Garden.

With eight ghouls now arrayed against her, there was nothing Garden could do except conduct a fighting retreat, her knife now being used to defend more than attack as she was steadily pressed back. The sight was enough to make Lex grimace, and although she didn’t stop singing he could detect the panicked undertone in Sonata’s voice as well. At her current rate of retreat, Garden would be pushed back to him and Sonata in just a few seconds, at which point at least some of the undead ponies would realize that there were easier meals closer to them. When that happened, they would both die, and die horrib-

A small, pea-sized ball of orange light suddenly shot down from the sky. Landing behind the pack of ghouls, it suddenly burst into flame, the fireball exploding outward just far enough to cook the ghouls while leaving Garden unhurt. The conflagration lasted only for a second, but when it died a moment later the undead ponies had all been reduced to smoldering corpses, silent and unmoving save for a soft, residual sizzling.

The sight was so unexpected that it took a moment for Lex to tear his eyes away from the spectacle and glance toward the northern sky where the fireball had come from, barely able to make out a dim shape against the starry backdrop. Behind him, he was vaguely aware that Sonata had stopped singing. A second later, her voice rang out in a relieved cry.


Author's Note:

Lex realizes too late that the gemstones are as vulnerable for Garden as they were for Xiriel.

Fortunately, help seems to have arrived in the nick of time. But how? And perhaps more importantly, why?

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