• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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311 - Setting the Stage

It wasn’t until he felt Aria’s tongue slip between his lips that Lex realized she had no intention of stopping.

Belatedly, he took a step back, trying to extricate himself from the unexpected affection that Aria seemed intent on showering him with. But the motion was half-hearted, already second-guessing himself as he tried to figure out exactly what was happening and how he should react to it. The result was that, when Aria took a corresponding step closer to him in an attempt to maintain the kiss, her forward motion caused her to collide with him, sending both of them crashing to the ground.

Lex landed heavily on his back, with Aria coming to rest on top of him an instant later. But the sudden tumble didn’t seem to diminish her enthusiasm. Quite the opposite, she grinned down at him, her sultry expression still in place. “Atta boy,” she purred, wriggling her hips and making it quite clear to him that her new body felt as good as it looked. “Just lie back and let Aria ride the po-”

“Get off him!”

Sonata’s angry yell was punctuated by her throwing herself at her sister, slamming bodily into her and knocking her completely off of Lex. The two of them went rolling across the ground, a chorus of grunts and curses now coming from them both. Nearby, the murmuring from the onlookers swelled, despite the crowd’s reduced size.

It was that reminder that they had an audience that brought Lex back to his senses. His embarrassment flared as he realized that more than a few other people had witnessed what had just happened…not the least of whom were the princesses! Climbing to his hooves, Lex grit his teeth as he turned toward where Sonata and Aria were fighting. “Both of you, stop!”

Neither of them listened to him. Instead, they continued fighting, each of them having gotten to their hooves and clenched their teeth around a portion of the other’s mane, tugging on it as they slapped ineffectually at the air near each other, shrieks of pain and anger coming from both of them. “Ow! Leggo my hair!” yelped Sonata in response to a particularly vicious tug from her sister.

“You let go first!” snarled Aria, one eye closed as she tilted her head to the side, fending off Sonata’s flailing hooves with her own.

“Fine! Just admit that I’m Lex’s only girlfriend!”

“You don’t get to keep him all to yourself! Sharing is caring!”

“You’ve never shared anything in your life! You won’t even share a lousy bag of potato chips!”

“I told you! I like to savor them!”


Lex’s roar was accompanied by a large spike of black crystal erupting from the ground in between Sonata and Aria. It didn’t so much as graze either of them – he’d placed it too carefully for that – but it came close enough that they both immediately let go of each other, instinctively backing away from the dangerous object. In unison, the two of them blinked, turning their eyes toward Lex. “Er…whoopsie?” offered Sonata timidly.

“This was all her fault for interrupting,” added Aria, one foreleg pointing at Sonata.


“I said enough!” In the dim light, the green-and-purple shine of his eyes gave Lex’s snarling visage an even more intimidating look than usual. The fact that smaller black crystals were growing from the ground all around him only added to the effect. “How dare you two embarrass me like this! I should curse you both!”

Aria and Sonata each grimaced at that. A single shared glance was all it took for them to come to an agreement: put their disagreement aside for now, before things went from bad to worse. “We’re sorry,” announced Sonata, her voice contrite.

“We can save the fun times for later,” agreed Aria, sounding notably less apologetic.

Lex glowered at the pair of them for a moment longer, as if waiting for either of them to give him an excuse to unleash more of his anger on them. But neither said anything, both of them avoiding his gaze. Finally, he let out a slow breath, his eyes returning to their normal color as he black crystals around him ceased their growth and began to disintegrate. “I’ll deal with the two of you later. I have more pressing matters to attend to right now.” He turned to regard Princess Celestia and Princess Luna – both of them having watched the exchange in silence – as he spoke, leaving no mistake as to what he was referring to.

Standing near Princess Luna, Nosey realized that this was her chance to share what she’d learned. “Ah, Lex?” She started forward, glancing around awkwardly as all eyes turned toward her. Trotting up to Lex, she lowered her voice. “Listen, I’ve been talking to Princess Luna for a little while, and there’s some stuff you need to know. Maybe we should all take a break for right now?” She couldn’t help but glance at Aria as she spoke, her face slightly red from how incredibly forward the other mare had been.

Aria, however, wasn’t paying attention, frowning as she looked back at Celestia and Luna. “Is it just me, or do they look familiar?”

Lex shot Aria a questioning frown at that, but his attention was called back to Sonata as she let out a yawn. “Actually, I could totes use a nap. We’ve been up all day and now most of the night too.” She gave Lex a hopeful smile. “C’mon, whaddaya say we get some shuteye before getting into whatever nitty-gritty stuff you’re gonna do with the princesses?”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea,” announced Princess Celestia, apparently no longer content to simply observe the proceedings. “It’s been a very long night for us all, and I believe some rest would do everypony a world of good.”

“I agree,” concurred Luna. “We could all use a chance to recup-”

“Holy freaking crap!” exclaimed Aria suddenly, her eyes widening as she looked at the alicorns. “I recognize you two now! You’re those dimwit principals from back on Earth!”

“Oh yeah. I forgot about that,” muttered Sonata, before nudging her sister. “They’re not them. I mean, they are but they’re, like, the local flavors or something.”

“So what? They’re a big deal here?” Aria’s voice made it clear that she wasn’t impressed. “Because I remember how we dealt with them before…”

“Don’t do anything to them,” hissed Lex. He wasn’t sure exactly what the two of them were talking about – clearly something to do with their time in exile on that human world, since Sonata had mentioned the name of the place – but he had no intention of letting whatever it was cause even more chaos now. “No singing. No spellcasting. No magic. Do you understand me?”

“Aww.” Aria pouted, but didn’t seem inclined to push her luck, sitting down with a huff.

Looking faintly nonplussed, Princess Celestia nevertheless spoke up. “…yes, well, I propose that we meet back here at noon, if that’s alright with everypony?” Despite how she’d phrased the question, her eyes were on Lex as she spoke.

He didn’t immediately reply, glaring at her as though she’d just said something insulting. But a moment later his eyes slid toward Luna, speaking around gritted teeth. “That guard of yours. Silhouette-”

“Noon would be great!” interrupted Sonata, throwing herself in front of Lex and cutting off his line of sight to the princesses. “I can totes say that Lex thinks that plan is a great idea and wants to roll with it because I’m his spokespony,” her voice rose as she said those last three words, glancing back at him over her shoulder to drive the point home, “and he, like, completely trusts me to make these decisions!”

The look on Lex’s face suggested otherwise. “That’s-”

“Wonderful,” added Luna, a little too quickly. “We’ll see you all here again then.”

“Your Majesties, if I may?” River’s voice caused the princesses to jerk, as though having forgotten she was there. “My manor is near here. I would be honored if you and your entourage would partake of my hospitality while you’re here.”

Princess Celestia smiled. “Thank you, River. That would be most lovely.”

“Then please, follow me.” With another bow, she started to walk away, Princess Celestia walking behind her as Luna flew in the other direction to collect Silhouette and the Royal Guards.

But Lex wasn’t ready to let them go. “I’m not done-”

“Lex, please!” begged Nosey. “I wasn’t kidding about that stuff that you need to know!”

“Yeah,” added Sonata. “And we totes have to think of a reward you can give those kids who helped us out!” She turned and looked at where Fruit Crunch, Feathercap, and Fiddlesticks (Tiddlywinks once again asleep on her back) were looking at them from the edge of the crowd, giving them a happy wave.

Aria shrugged, as though she couldn’t have cared less either way. “I say just slap those princesses or principals or whatever they are around if they’re giving you trouble…but I’d rather you and me pick up where we left off first.” She licked her lips as she spoke, the motion slow and deliberate.

Lex looked at each of the mares surrounding him in turn, almost grinding his teeth at how they seemed determined to stand in his way. But as badly as he wanted to go and confront the princesses, to rub their noses in how badly their misguided governance had cost Vanhoover – to say nothing of what he intended to do to that wretched, miserable excuse for a pony that called himself Silhouette! – Lex forced himself to swallow his bile. “Fine,” he growled. “But when we meet with them later, I will set the agenda, and none of you will derail it!”

“Absolutely!” nodded Sonata, not bothering to hide her relief. “Now, let’s go back to the train station, okay?” Nosey and Aria nodded in agreement, and the three of them started to usher Lex back around the building.

They had almost gotten him around the corner when he froze in place. “…Lex?” called Sonata, suddenly nervous.

But Lex didn’t hear her, his eyes widening as he realized the opportunity that he’d almost – in his exhaustion and upset – missed. But it wasn’t too late…a thought was all it took to confirm that the additional magic he’d channeled into his circlet was still active, his vision slipping back into the magical spectrum, its enhanced functionality showing him the channels running through the girls’ bodies. But it wasn’t them he was interested in now…

Spinning in place, Lex turned and looked at Princess Celestia, currently following River toward her manor.

What he saw made his jaw drop.

River tried her best to keep herself calm and composed as she led Princess Celestia and Princess Luna – the latter having returned with the Royal Guardponies they’d brought with them (including one who, rather curiously wasn’t wearing any armor, possibly due to that ugly lame leg of his) – toward her manor, keeping up a stream of inane chatter about the place’s amenities. She knew she should have been talking up Lex’s accomplishments and her role in the grand scheme of things, but it was easier to keep spouting meaningless drivel like how many bathrooms her residence had. The way she felt right now, concocting anything more substantive was impossible.

Just like me, she thought to herself for the hundredth time, trying to keep herself from shaking. That mare looked just like me! That wasn’t exactly true, of course; Aria – as Sonata had called her, with River recognizing the name as the one her gossipy servants had said was that of Sonata’s sister – had a coat that was a slightly different shade of fuchsia, and her mane and tail were aquamarine and purple rather than indigo and blue, but that barely mattered. River had taken one look at her, at that young and shapely body that looked so similar to her own, and had barely been able to keep from salivating.

Whatever lingering doubts she’d had about throwing her lot in with Lex had vanished when she’d seen that. If he could use his magic to change someone into a beauty like that (the servants had said something about Aria’s body having some sort of irregularity) then River had to get close to him, no matter what it cost her. Just the thought of having her youth restored and her looks enhanced was enough to send shudders through her body, the excitement giving her goosebumps. I have to change his view of me. Now. Tonight.

She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she barely noticed a pair of ponies at the northern edge of the camp, glimpsing them out of the corner of her eye…and then coming to a complete stop, whipping her head around to peer at them. That’s it!

Princess Celestia moved up alongside her, giving her a quizzical look. “Is everything alright, River?”

“I, uh…yes, Your Majesty.” Collecting her thoughts, River gave the princesses an apologetic bow. “Forgive me, I’ve just spotted somepony I know, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t check up on them.”

The princess smiled. “I completely understand.”

“Concern for others is a noble thing,” added Luna. “We don’t mind waiting while you make sure they’re alright.”

“Oh, no, that’s quite alright!” River had already anticipated that, turning to point to a few lights in the distance. “My manor is right over there, just north of the city proper. Please head there at your leisure, and if you inform my head butler, Trotsworth, that I’ve sent you, I’m sure he’ll give you every consideration.” As an afterthought, she added, “Oh, and my son Piggy is there as well. I’m sure he’ll welcome you too.” At least he better if he knows what’s good for him, she swore silently. “After coming all this way, I insist that you not wait for me.”

Princess Celestia gave her a grateful nod. “Very well then. We’ll see you there.” River returned the gesture, watching as the princesses and their troops passed her by, the unarmored one giving her a judging look for some reason.

But River put it out of her mind as she turned and headed toward the pair of ponies she’d spotted before, a mare and a filly, pegasi both. From the way they were moving, they seemed to be having some sort of disagreement, and as she got closer River could hear that her guess was correct. “....-your friends! Real friends don’t lead you into danger!”

“It was already dangerous, Mom!” shot back the filly. “We were trying to protect everpony!”

“That’s not your job! You’re-”

“You!” snapped River, all trace of warmth gone from her voice. “Servant mare!”

Both ponies turned to look at her, the older pony’s eyes widening…for her sake, River hoped that it was in surprise at her sudden entrance and not because of how slovenly Lex’s curse made her look. “M-Miss?!” blurted the mare. “What’re you doing here?”

The younger one glanced at her mother, frowning in confusion. “Mom? Who’s this?”

River shot the impudent filly a disapproving look, but answered anyway. “I’m your mother’s boss.” She turned back to the older mare then. “Your name is Feather Duster, right? Am I right to assume you wish to return to my employ?”

The filly cocked her head, looking back at her mother. “Huh? Mom, what’s going on?”

Feather Duster’s eyes were wide, clearly having been taken by surprise. “I, um…Cleansweep, darling, can you give us a minute?”

The filly, Cleansweep – A servant’s name for a servant’s daughter, thought River amusedly – gave her mother a confused look, but didn’t seem ready to argue the point, turning and flying back toward the camp.

“And don’t go near those friends of yours!” called Feather Duster after her, before turning back to River. “I’m so sorry about that, Miss! And for upsetting you before, too! I promise it won’t ever happen agai-”

“Be quiet,” ordered River, and Feather Duster immediately complied. “Now, I want to retain your services once again, and I’m even willing to double your salary.” She let that hang in the air for a moment, watching the servant mare’s eyes fill with hope before she continued. “But your new job will be a bit different from what you were doing before.”

“It…it will?”

River nodded. “Our new friend Lex Legis needs a pretty young maid to wait on him.” A cold smile crossed her face as she saw Feather Duster blanch. “And you, my dear, are it.”

Author's Note:

Personalities clash and agendas collide as Lex and the princesses come face to face!

What did Lex see when he examined Princess Celestia's magic, and what does River have planned for Feather Duster?

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