• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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475 - Inequitable Equanimity

“So over there’s River’s place,” pointed Sonata. “That’s where me, Lex, and Aria are all staying, along with the servants and some other ponies. Everyone else lives in the camp, that way.”

“Living in a mansion and being waited on by servants while everypony else is squatting in a camp?” tsked her companion, her expression one of patronizing disapproval.

A unicorn mare, her coat was a pale purple, offsetting the alternating shades of lighter and darker purple that made up her mane and tail. Blue eyes swept across the scenery, casual and yet missing nothing in their perusal. Her cutie mark was an equals sign, the same as the one now gracing Sonata’s flank.

It was a mark that the mare in question – Starlight Glimmer – was quite proud of.

That pride quickly manifested as her smile returned. “I can see that this place needs our help quite badly! Isn’t that right everypony?”

The four ponies behind her – a pegasus mare, earth pony stallion, and a unicorn of each sex, all likewise sporting equals signs for their cutie marks – nodded in unison, identical smiles on their faces. “I can’t wait to help everyone realize how much happier they’ll all be once they’ve given up their cutie marks!” gushed Double Diamond.

“I just hope we have enough jars to hold them all,” added Night Glider, glancing back at the two-wheeled carts she and her friends were pulling, each of them filled with empty glass jars. “It’d be terrible if we could only remove those awful cutie marks from some ponies and not others.”

“Don’t worry, I bet that once they see how wonderful it is not having to argue and disagree all the time, anyone who still has their cutie mark will want to come straight to our village and put it in our vault!” Sugar Belle reassured her.

“So, where should we get started?” asked Party Favor, looking to Starlight for guidance. “That big mansion, or head on over to the camp?”

“Oh, we definitely want to start with Lex Legis.” Starlight’s answer came easily, looking over at Sonata. “According to what our newest friend here has been telling me, he’s a poor pony who thinks that he needs to work harder and do more than anypony else, and it’s making him miserable! If we can show him how much better conformity is, then it should go a long way toward convincing everypony here of how much our philosophy can improve their lives!” She finished her announcement by lifting the forked wooden staff off of her back in her telekinesis, swinging it in a wide arc as though to encompass everything in front of her before putting it down. “So, Sonata, where is Lex most likely to be right now?”

“Well…” Gulping a little, Sonata made a show of thinking. “I guess he’d be in the camp right now? He usually watches over the market, so…”

Starlight nodded. “Wonderful! Then to the camp it is! I can’t wait for us to all become friends!” Without further ado, she started forward, Sonata keeping pace with her as the other four pulled their wagons behind them.

“Yeah,” she nodded, a little too vigorously. “This is totes going to be something…”

“He brought some ponies back to life?!”

The question, or some close variation of it, came from the lips of over a dozen different ponies in the assembled crowd. There were quite a few others as well, but they were lost in the clamor that had broken out in reaction to the news. Resisting the urge to sigh, Aria spoke up again, projecting her voice just enough to carry over the din. “Five ponies,” she clarified, “who lost their lives going into Vanhoover several weeks ago to retrieve supplies. Lex resurrected them early this morning using magic given to him by the Night Mare.”

“My daughter! Was one of them my daughter?!”

“Will he bring back anyone else?! I haven’t been able to find any of my family!”

“How did he decide on which ponies to bring back?! What makes those five so special?!”

The questions were coming rapidly now, but Aria narrowed her eyes at that last one. As much as Lex was currently adored by most of the ponies here, there was a sizeable minority who had only recently gotten back, and so were still in the process of coming to grips with just how bad things had gotten. For them, there was no debt of gratitude for the pony who was running things now, particularly when they heard that he’d sent Celestia and Luna packing, or that he’d slaughtered an army of monsters who used to be their friends and neighbors.

But Aria had no intention of letting this latest announcement be some sort of tipping point for them, nor let it make Lex look bad in the eyes of those ponies who were finally giving him the credit he deserved.

“LISTEN TO ME, ALL OF YOU!” she thundered, immediately causing everypony in the vicinity to settle down, wide-eyed. Satisfied that she had their attention, Aria returned her voice to its normal volume before continuing. “The Night Mare gave Lex the power to bring a small number of ponies back to life as a reward for everything he’s done here!” She had no idea if that was true or not, but it sounded good. That was the important thing. “Ever since he came to Vanhoover, Lex has worked tirelessly for everypony’s sake! He’s battled monsters, saved lives, and he’s never once asked for anything in return! He has given each and every one of you food, jobs, and medicine, all without expecting so much as a thank you!”

She made sure to glare at the crowd then, silently shaming them for asking for more after having received so much charity. But she softened her expression a moment later. For something as serious as having had their loved ones be passed over for resurrection, a gentler touch would be needed to seal the deal, she knew. “I know that a lot of you find Lex to be cold and off-putting,” she continued, her voice conciliatory. “He doesn’t smile, he isn’t interested in telling jokes or playing games, and he never, ever, seems to relax.” She gave a rueful smirk then, gauging the mood of the crowd by how many returned the expression. “But the reason he acts that way isn’t because he doesn’t care about all of you. It’s just the opposite: it’s because he cares so much.”

Aria fought down a grin as she saw the ponies in the crowd murmur at one another, their faces uncertain. That’s it little fish. That’s some tasty bait, isn’t it? And there’s more where that came from. “I know what a lot of you think about my relationship with Lex, but since we’ve been together, I’ve seen the parts of him that he keeps hidden from everyone else. The fear that he won’t be able to help everyone who needs it. The guilt that he can’t do even more than he already has. He has to push all of that down, each and every day, just so he can keep working so hard on your behalf.”

The crowd was quieter now, and Aria knew that she was winning them over. “I was with Lex when he heard that those five ponies had gone missing. We went into Vanhoover together to go look for them.” She smiled then, genuinely, as she remembered what had happened then. “Even though he was in a hurry to go looking for them, he still stopped and used a healing spell on me when I hurt myself on the way there. Can you believe that? He was as scared as I’d ever seen him, rushing to go find those ponies that had gone missing, and he still made time for me, because he didn’t want to see me hurt…”

It took her a few seconds to come back to herself, cursing inwardly as she realized the crowd was watching her with rapt silence. This wasn’t supposed to be personal! Clearing her throat, she continued the story. “When we got to the city, and he confirmed that those five ponies had died, Lex was beside himself with grief. It was written all over his face. They’d gone there because he’d sent them there, and he blamed himself for their deaths. And you know what he did then? He came right back here and went back to work, rooting out monsters, creating food, and doing everything he could for all of you. He didn’t stop to mourn, not because he didn’t care, but because he knew that everypony was counting on him.”

She could see them eating it up, hook, line, and sinker. Now she just had to bring it back around, and the resurrection issue wouldn’t be a problem anymore. And this would be a nice little boost for that religion he was starting too. Who doesn’t love a twofer? “The Night Mare gave Lex the power to resurrect those five ponies, and only those five ponies, because she knew he deserved to be rewarded-”

“Which wasn’t very fair to everypony else now, was it?”

Whirling, Aria had a torrent of invectives ready to cut whoever had interrupted her to shreds. But although she caught sight of the heckler – a unicorn mare who was all kinds of purple – the words died on her lips as she saw who was walking next to her. “Sonata?!”

Wincing despite keeping a pained smile in place, her sister raised a hoof awkwardly. “Hey Aria.”

Walking over to her, Aria didn’t try to hide her surprise at Sonata’s appearance. “What’s up with your hair? You hate braids! And, wait-” Her eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of Sonata’s flank. “What happened to your butt tattoos?!”

But before Sonata had a chance to so much as open her mouth, the purple mare stepped in. “You must be Sonata’s sister, right? I’m Starlight Glimmer. I helped Sonata realize that by getting rid of her cutie mark, she could find true happiness!”

The claim made Aria’s brow furrow in confusion, not seeing what one had to do with the other. “What?”

“Oh, it’s very simple,” replied Starlight without missing a beat. “You see, cutie marks cause division, which creates unhappiness among ponies. Case in point…” She stepped around Aria then, addressing the crowd. “Everypony! I heard what Sonata’s sister was telling you before, and it sounds like Lex Legis is a powerful pony with a strong cutie mark, wouldn’t you say?”

There was a general murmur of assent from the assembled ponies, which was all Starlight needed. “He must be,” she nodded. “How else would he be able to pull off such an incredible feat like bringing dead ponies back to life? Why, I don’t think even Star-Swirl the Bearded could have used magic like that! But just look at the result! He gets to have the ponies he cares for be alive again, while you don’t! His cutie mark drives him to excel, while you’re all left out!”

This time the noise from the mass of ponies was far less felicitous, and Aria knew that their ire wasn’t being directed as Starlight. “What are you doing?!” she snarled, circling around and interposing herself between Starlight and the other ponies. “Lex earned the right to bring those five back! He-”

“Didn’t think about how everypony else would feel.” Starlight kept her voice loud, playing to her audience as she replied to Aria. “Oh, I’m sure he had the best of intentions. Who wouldn’t want to see their loved ones again if they could? But all of these ponies here don’t have that chance, and because of Lex’s selfish need to be his very best, now they have to feel the pain of losing their friends and families all over again, knowing that Lex could have brought them back but didn’t!”

“If this Lex fellow really cared about everypony here, he’d give up his cutie mark!” remarked a snow-white earth stallion, apparently part of Starlight’s entourage.

“We did!” added a dark-colored pegasus mare, “and it was the best decision we ever made!”

Gritting her teeth, Aria slid her gaze over to Sonata, silently demanding an explanation. This time, her sister’s rictus grin fell away completely, and her ears folded back as she slunk over to Starlight’s side. “Maybe we should go,” she muttered anxiously. “Lex isn’t here, so-”

“Oh, we’ll keep looking for him in a second,” interrupted Starlight casually. “This is an excellent chance to demonstrate how true friendship can only be found in equality.”

Aria, however, had heard enough. “I don’t know what you did to Sonata,” she growled, glaring at Starlight as she moved into an aggressive crouch. “But if you think I’m going to just stand here and let you badmouth Lex after everything he’s done for this place, you’ve got another thing coming!”

Chuckling, Starlight pulled the wooden staff off of her back, her horn glowing as she swung it into a ready position, the ponies behind her blanching as they moved away from the brewing conflict. “You know, Sonata was reluctant to embrace our philosophy at first too. So I suppose it makes sense that her sister would be the same.”

Her smile turned dark as she pointed the forked end of the staff at Aria then. “And you’ll do exactly as well as she did when she put up a fight.”

Author's Note:

Aria faces off against Starlight Glimmer!

Will this result in Aria losing her cutie mark? Or is Starlight Glimmer underestimating her opponent?

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