• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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408 - Weal and Woe

“C’mon, Lex! We did it for you! This way we can still be together!”

“You know, a lot of guys would be grateful that they had a bunch of hot girls willing to fight to be with them! Ever think about that?”

“Would it help if we say that we’re sorry? Like, really reeeally sorry?”

“It’s not like you had a better plan! You were just going to dump us because your nagging goddess said so! You should be thanking us!”

From within their cages, Sonata and Aria continued to pepper him with their torrent of pleas, assertions, and accusations. It was a litany that had continued unbroken for the past several minutes. But Lex continued to ignore them, focusing instead on the spell he was casting.

This particular bit of divine magic – the last such goddess-given spell he’d be able to use today, after the healing magic he’d used on himself – was a reparative enchantment. But unlike the restorative spells that he’d used on himself prior to defeating Sonata and Aria, this one was meant to be used on inanimate objects. He’d last used it to restore Nosey’s broken glasses after he’d vanquished Xiriel, but the instance that was on his mind at the moment was from earlier, when he’d made use of it to repair the broken hull of C. Shell’s ship back in Tall Tale.

That particular undertaking had been large enough that he’d needed to channel additional power into the spell in order to make it function at the capacity he wanted. But in that case he’d simply needed to repair a crack that ran the length of the ship. What he was attempting to do now was several orders of magnitude greater: repairing an entire building.

Carefully feeding more power through himself and into the spell as he finished the necessary chanting and gestures, Lex touched a shadowy tendril to the wreckage surrounding them. He felt the augmented power discharge into the rubble, and a moment later he heard it shift, as though trying to pull itself together. In silent anticipation, he waited…

And then felt the spell break apart, extended too thin even with the additional power he’d given it.

For a moment, Lex simply regarded the unmoving debris in the wake of his failed attempt to undo the train station’s collapse. It wasn’t entirely surprising that it hadn't worked; his efficacy with the spells that the Night Mare had given him was far less than with the magic that he’d created for himself, or with the dark magic of his horn. He’d grown more proficient with it over time, of course – when he’d initially received his first smattering of divine magic back on Everglow, he’d struggled to handle the unusual new magic he’d been granted, to the point of occasionally losing control of it, resulting in a painful backlash as the magic had dispersed – but it was still by far the type of magic that he was least skilled with. Throwing additional quantities of raw power into the mix could only mitigate his lack of aptitude so much.

“And, you know what? You can totes have us work as maids too! Wouldn’t that be great? I bet we’d look, like, super cute in those uniforms!”

“This is mostly your fault anyway! If you’d just kept that Night Mare nag of yours happy, we wouldn’t even be in this mess! You owe us!”

Sighing, Lex knew that he couldn’t afford to dwell on the loss of the train station any further. Even if the pain in his leg – which was still there despite his incorporeal state – hadn’t been getting worse, the two idiots behind him needed to be dealt with. But first things first. Looking upward, Lex focused his telekinesis on removing the debris above them, starting to dig the girls out…

“Okay, so, I think that all went pretty well,” grinned Sonata as she climbed onto the station platform, the only part of the building to have survived.

“Of course you do,” muttered Aria, rolling her eyes as she flopped down next to the giant pile of food.

Sonata tilted her head, looking confused. “You don’t? Because I thought it all went according to plan. I mean, yeah, we didn’t expect him to totes drop a building on us, but you can’t make a sandwich without breaking some eggs, right?”

Aria sent a tired glare Sonata’s way. “Sometimes I swear you mess those sayings up on purpose,” she groaned. “And do you actually think Lex looks like he’s going to give us what we want?” She gestured to the far side of the ruins of the train station, where Lex – still in shadow-form – was digging his saddlebags out of the rubble. After he’d realized exactly what they were up to, he hadn’t said two words to them, which Aria took to be a bad sign.

Sonata apparently felt differently. “Aw, I bet he’s just mad because he didn’t think of it first,” she scoffed. “So yeah, he’ll do the whole ‘I sentence you both to be my love-slaves’ thing, and everything will be just fine.”

“Tell that to all of them,” snorted Aria.

Sonata blinked. “Huh? Who?”

Raising a hoof, Aria pointed behind Sonata. “Them.”

Turning, Sonata’s eyes widened as she beheld the crowd that had gathered the western edge of the ruins, drawn by the destruction of the camp’s only permanent structure. Slowly scanning the sea of faces, she couldn’t help but frown at how many of them were openly afraid. But at least this time they aren’t running away in terror, she sighed, remembering how only yesterday everypony had thought that Lex had totes lost it when that fight with the princesses had broken out. Focusing on that, she gave the crowd her best smile. “Hey everypony!” she called. “So, like, good news! What you just saw wasn’t, like, any sort of disaster or anything! It was just us – me, my sister, and Lex – all having a lovers’ quarrel!”

“I can’t believe you actually got that expression right,” muttered Aria from behind her.

Pausing just long enough to stick her tongue out at her sister, Sonata turned back to the crowd. “So, yeah, things might have gotten a teensy bit out of han-, er, hoof, but everything’s totes okay now!” She beamed, waiting for everyone to start chuckling and giving sighs of relief.

Except that didn’t happen. Instead, everypony just sort of glanced at each other, causing Sonata to frown again. “For realsies, you guys, it was just a little fight. I mean, who here hasn’t lost their temper and flattened a building before?”

Everypony in the crowd raised their hoof.

“Okay, okay, bad example,” admitted Sonata, before taking a deep breath. C’mon. Spokespony time here, she admonished herself gently. “Listen,” she started again, her voice taking a more serious tone. “We’ve all been here before. Something scary happens, it looks like it’s Lex’s fault, and I get up here and tell you that he’s not really a bad guy. And I know, you’re all getting tired of it. But this time…this time’s different because…because…” For a moment she floundered, only for a complete flash of inspiration to come out of nowhere. “Because Lex himself is, like, totes going to hold a celebration in honor of everypony who’s helped keep this place together!”

That got the reaction she was looking for. All of a sudden the downcast and anxious looks were replaced with surprise and curiosity. Seizing on the moment, she kept going. “It’s going to be just like when he made all that food for everypony, except completely different! Because this time instead of just making a lot of tasty treats and then not doing anything, Lex himself is going to say how much everyone here means to him! From all of you doctors who’ve helped out to River Bank and her serving ponies to those awesome kids and their animals” – she scanned the crowd for those foals then, sure that they’d boost what she was saying, but for some reason they didn’t seem to be there – “and, especially the Night Mare!” She nodded for emphasis. “Yeah, because, like, the Night Mare has been, like, super supportive of everything Lex has been doing. So she’ll totes get a super big thank you from him, along with all of you!”


“And it’s going to happen today, too! Real soon! Like, clear your afternoon plans!”


“In fact, you know what? You should all totes make, like, a holiday out of it! For realsies, break out the beanbag toss and some cards! Also, first dibs on the card games, because I’m not nearly as bad at that as everyone thinks! Come to think of it, we should have a contest-”


“Geez, what is it?” huffed Sonata as Aria’s nagging became more insistent. “I was just getting into-, oh.” Her complaints died as she turned around and saw Lex, still a shadow and telekinetically carrying his saddlebags, hovering over the platform and glaring at her, much to Aria’s consternation. Suddenly losing her enthusiasm, Sonata turned back to the crowd, somehow managing to keep her smile in place. “So, um, yeah! Go get ready, ‘cuz it’s gonna be great!”

Ending on what she hoped was a high note, she turned back to Lex and Aria, forcing herself to grin as she lowered her voice. “Okay, so, I know what you’re thinking, but I totes had this great idea-”

“Both of you,” interrupted Lex coldly, “follow me.” Without waiting for a reply from either of them, he turned and moved away from the crowd, toward the eastern end of the platform.

“Just so you know,” muttered Aria as she fell in beside Sonata, “if that little idea of yours made things worse, I’m throwing you under the bus.”

“Joke's on you!” snorted Sonata. “This place doesn’t even have buses!”

Aria rolled her eyes, but there was no time to reply as they followed Lex down off the platform and to the other side of the rubble. It wasn’t the same as being inside, or even putting an intact building between themselves and everyone else, but it at least afforded them some semblance of privacy. Turning back to them, Lex finally changed back to his normal body – bloody hoof and all – but although his eyes changed back to their normal color they didn’t lose their hard glare as he slung his saddlebags onto his back. “I can’t find the words,” he began abruptly, “to adequately describe how utterly ill-conceived, irrational, and dangerous your idea was.”

“Aw come on!” whined Sonata. “I think everypony here would be super happy if you said something nice to them!”

“I meant your idiotic plan to launch a rebellion and lose so that I’d enslave you!” hissed Lex furiously. “What could possibly have made you think that was a good idea?!”

“Why wouldn’t it be?” huffed Aria. “You did almost the exact same thing to me before, remember? When you brought me back after defeating Lirtkra and Monitor? You said-”

“I know what I said,” cut in Lex sharply. “And those two situations couldn’t be more dissimilar!” He took a step toward Aria then, and her unconcerned expression faded as she took a step back. “Since it wasn’t obvious,” hissed Lex, “let me make this clear: the reason I gave you a place here, despite your attempt on my life, was because you made it clear that you were acting under extreme duress and so could not be held responsible for your actions. That is not an excuse that either of you have now!”

“It is too!” protested Sonata. “I mean, doesn’t the fact that we’re both, like, head over hooves for you count for something?” She took a step closer to him then, heedless of the severe expression on his face. “We both love you, Lex, and we don’t want to lose you. That’s why we did what we did.”

For a moment it looked like her heartfelt plea wasn’t going to work, as Lex’s expression remained stony. But all of a sudden his anger seemed to evaporate, and he closed his eyes, his ears folding back. “I know,” he admitted. “And I love you both also.”

Sonata felt her heart soar with hope, and out of the corner of her eye she saw the same feeling written all over Aria’s face. “Then…!”

“But I can’t forgive what the two of you did.”

Lex’s words, delivered in a sorrowful tone, hit her like a punch in the stomach. “N-no way…you’re kidding, right?” A small voice, somewhere in the back of her mind, wondered if this was how he’d felt that time when she’d broken up with him, back when they were heading to Tall Tale.

“I’m not,” answered Lex, looking at the two of them with an unreadable expression. “This is serious, Sonata. It has to be. I can’t give Luna such a severe punishment for trying to overthrow me and then, the very next day, give my girlfriends a punishment with no real force or effect for what's essentially the exact same crime.”

“So what exactly are you saying?” sneered Aria. Or at least she tried to; her voice came out sounding stricken instead. “You’re going to go ahead and dump us, then?”

Lex shook his head slowly. “The two of you have proven to be reckless enough and dangerous enough that more drastic action is necessary. The very harshest that my government can legitimately inflict on another pony.” Letting out a slow breath, he drew himself upright, his expression hardening as he looked at them.

“As punishment for your crimes, I sentence you both to be permanently turned to stone.”

Author's Note:

Lex pronounces his judgment on the Sirens! Is this the end of the road for them?

And what's going to happen with the ceremony now that Sonata has raised the stakes?

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