• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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136 - Justice is Served

“Now, tell them!”

Fencer felt her stomach tie itself in knots at Lex’s order. Ever since her near-death experience in the other warehouse, she’d been forced to confront the brutal truth of the monster she had become in the name of staying alive. Although she’d been fighting for her life ever since Vanhoover had flooded, it had only been then – when she’d honestly believed that she was about to die horribly, with no chance of rescue or survival – that her excuses and rationalizations had fallen away, letting her see that she had become as predatory and uncaring as the ghouls that were about to devour her alive.

That realization, that moment of seeing herself without any lies or deceptions, had completely broken her spirit. All of the guilt and sorrow and despair she’d been avoiding had come rushing back to her then, and the weight of those emotions had been crushing. And they had only worsened when she’d woken up from her surgery to find that the crystal stallion she’d hurt – just the latest pony among so many that she’d wronged – had died of his wounds. The shame she’d felt upon hearing that had been overwhelming enough to make her wish with all her heart that she could find a hole to crawl in and never come out. The thought of hiding away and not letting anypony else see all of the ugliness inside of her was the only thing that made her feel even slightly better.

And now Lex had just ordered her to bare her shame in front of everypony.

This was a thousand times worse than having him rip her dress off. She’d worn that to hide how benign her white picket fence cutie mark looked, as it didn’t match with the heartless personality she’d crafted for herself. But this…

Lex’s eyes narrowed, displeased by her hesitation. “Tell them what you did!” he snarled again.

She backed away from him, shaking her head. Not this! Anything but this! He could lay a hundred curses on her if it meant sparing her this level of humiliation! Unable to help herself, she glanced at the crowd, and immediately squeezed her eyes shut as she saw that everypony was looking at her, unable to bear the weight of their judging gazes. But an instant later she comprehended the details of what she’d glimpsed, and felt a chill go down her spine: Turbo had been pointedly nudging Granola Bar. A few feet away, Funshine had glanced at Slip ‘N’ Slide meaningfully. Even Piggy had been gulping nervously.

In that moment, Fencer realized what was about to happen. They were going to try and rescue her. No! You idiots! I told you not to! But she wasn’t surprised that Turbo hadn’t listened. He’d made it clear, before she’d been put under anesthesia, that they weren’t going to abandon her. Although she’d thought she couldn’t feel worse than she already did, the thought sent a new wave of self-loathing through her. Don’t you understand? I never thought of you as anything except tools I could use to survive! You shouldn’t be doing this for me!

Opening her eyes, she looked at where Lex was still glowering at her expectantly. She knew that he’d crush any rescue attempt the instant it happened. Worse, he’d punish them harshly for it, of that she was absolutely confident. And if that happened, it would be more than she could bear.

“I’ll do it!” The words tore themselves from her throat, her voice raw. Looking over at the assembled ponies, she caught Turbo’s gaze, giving him a pleading look. “I’ll do it, so don’t…don’t do anything.”

The crowd of ponies murmured in confusion, not sure what she was talking about. Across from her, Lex was similarly unsure what she meant. Is she pleading for leniency? If so, she was going to be disappointed. “You have no right to ask that nothing be done to you!” He stamped a hoof for emphasis, and the crowd quieted down. “You showed no compassion for the ponies you hurt, and so you deserve none now!” He could feel himself starting to become angry again, incensed that she was worried about her own fate after everything she’d done.

“I know that. I know it, so…let me do this.” Her eyes were still locked onto Turbo’s as she spoke. She could see the hesitation on his face, knowing that he wanted to come to her aid. But a moment later he bit his lip, giving her the slightest of nods, and she let out a breath. She lowered her head as she did, closing her eyes and taking a long moment to gather her courage. There was no choice now.

Straightening up, she forced herself to look over the crowd, refusing to turn away even as she felt herself quail inside. “My name is…” she trailed off, unable to continue. “Fencer” had been the name she’d given herself when she’d decided that she would survive no matter what. It had represented who she thought she’d needed to be in order to make that happen. But now, trying to say the name out loud made her realize that it wasn’t who she was, or wanted to be, anymore. “My name is Garden Gate. Some of you know me as Fencer, but that’s my real name.” She saw the surprised looks on the faces of the ponies from her group, and suddenly wished she’d told them at least that much about herself before now.

“I’m…it’s my fault that pony, Pillowcase, died.” Saying his name caused a hollow feeling to form in the pit of her stomach. “I h-hurt him, and a lot of other ponies, very badly…” she trailed off, her throat suddenly closing up. “I’m sorry!” she choked out, her eyes beginning to tear up. “I’m so, so sorry for everything I did!” Sniffling, she rubbed a hoof over her eyes. “When Vanhoover fell apart, I thought that harmony didn’t matter anymore, and that it didn’t matter what I did if it meant I could make it through another day, but I was wrong!” Suddenly she couldn’t stop herself, the words tumbling out of her mouth. “What we do, the way we treat other ponies, it always matters! Especially when things go bad! That’s when harmony, when being a friend to everypony around you, is the most important thing of all. I forgot that, and because I did, somepony else paid the price for my mistakes.” She let out a shuddering breath. “I’d give anything to be able to go back and undo what I did, or trade my life for Pillowcase’s, but I can’t. All I can do is say that I’m sorry.” She lowered her head then, eyes closed, feeling wrung out and thoroughly wretched.

In that moment, she hoped that the curses Lex laid on her would be horrible. It was what she deserved.

Lex listened as Fencer, or Garden Gate, or whatever her name was spoke.

Her allocution hadn’t been what he’d expected. He’d taken it for granted that she’d list off her crimes one-by-one, letting everypony see what a monster she really was and that what he was about to do to her was entirely deserved. Instead, she’d made an outpouring of remorse, thoroughly repudiating her actions up until now and tearfully begging for forgiveness. As she finished, her last apology hanging in the air as she bowed her head, the entire warehouse was completely silent. But Lex barely noticed. Instead, he simply stared at the mare in front of him, her words replaying themselves over and over in his mind, until a single thought emerged:


Her sudden remorse was too coincidental to be believed. He’d offered her numerous chances to do the right thing, to demonstrate a renewed commitment to the ponies around her, and she’d spurned him each and every time. That she was only sorry now, after she’d already been defeated and dragged back in disgrace, was so incredibly convenient that he couldn’t bring himself to entertain the possibility that she was sincere. It was far more likely that this was just another of her endless, vicious tricks, feigning a sudden crisis of conscience in hope of being given a lighter sentence.

His blood boiling at the thought of her perfidy, Lex telekinetically pulled Severance off of his back, holding it aloft. “As the sole authority over Vanhoover, I hereby find you guilty of assault, kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder,” he intoned harshly, his voice stentorian. “For these crimes, you will NOW BE MADE TO PAY!” He roared the last part, making everypony in attendance jump.

Heedless of the fright he’d raised, Lex stepped closer to Fen-, to Garden Gate, and swung Severance. Several of the ponies watching cried out, convinced that he was attacking her, and Turbo threw himself forward, wings spreading as he raced forward. But he had barely started when Lex, without bothering to turn his head, pointed a hoof at him. Instantly, black crystals spread along his wings, causing him to crash to the ground with a grunt of pain.

“Turbo, don’t!” screamed Garden Gate. “I’m okay!” But even as the words left her mouth, she felt something hot running down her face. Blinking in confusion – she wasn’t in any pain – she touched a hoof to her face, blinking as it came away wet with blood. “What?” She felt again, and a slight tenderness told her that there was a long, shallow cut right between her eyes.

“This is your first curse.” The roiling purple miasma along Lex’s horn flared as he spoke, channeling additional magic through himself as in order to give his malediction the power it needed. “You will wear the mark of your shame openly, and if you come within ten feet of another pony, it will rob you of your strength.” Even as he spoke the blood flowing down her face began to shift, diverting from its path to pool beneath her left eye, where it rippled and spread until it had formed the clear image of a scythe. Garden Gate cried out at the unnatural sensation, bringing a hoof up to rub at her face, but it was useless; the bloodstain remained no matter how much she rubbed at it. An instant later, it began to glow softly, and she gasped as she felt a sudden lethargy seep into her limbs, muscles spasming as she struggled to remain upright. Lex smirked at the sight, knowing that it was because he was within range of the curse’s activation area.

“That’s one. Now for the second.” His horn flared again as he drew in more power. “You committed acts of evil in hope of stealing my magic. As such, it seems only fair that you will no longer be allowed to use magic at all.” A horrified look crossed her face at that, and Lex couldn’t resist the urge to grin darkly. He’d shut down her ability to use magic before, and she’d been very upset by it. Doubtlessly she’d been relieved that he’d had her horn reattached; to be able to take that away from her now brought him no small amount of satisfaction.

He concentrated, and a moment later a purple aura just like his own appeared around Garden Gate’s horn. He felt her struggling against it, trying to keep it out, but her resistance was no match for him, and he forced it to move how he wanted. An instant later it began to flow into her horn, seeping into every part of it until finally the purple glow had been completely absorbed, leaving no trace that it had ever been there. Lex let out a breath as he felt the curse settle over her. The last time he’d shut down her ability to use magic, he’d used black crystals to interfere with her biological ability to do so. That wasn’t an option this time, both due to how directly crystallizing darkness only lasted for an hour, and because he didn’t dare use that after she had just had her horn reattached. Instead, he’d laid a direct damper on her ability to shape and direct magical energies at all, regardless of the type of magic she used. It wasn’t an absolute restriction, either; a spellcaster of great power, such as Sonata or Twilight Sparkle, would have found their spellcasting ability impeded, but not shut down entirely. Garden Gate, however, was nowhere near that level, and so would find herself entirely bereft of the ability to use magic.

“And as for the last curse-”

“That’s enough!” yelled a voice, and Lex glanced over to see that Turbo had climbed back to his hooves, his crystal-covered wings held out awkwardly as he glared at Lex. “You’ve already crippled her! You don’t need to do anything else!”

“She murdered a pony,” Lex replied coldly. “Three curses is the bare minimum that she deserves, and if you think otherwise then see if you can bring yourself to say that to Pillowcase’s widow. Now be quiet, before I charge you for attempting to interfere with justice.” Despite the threat, Turbo looked ready to keep arguing, only for an earth pony mare to hold a leg out in front of him and shake her head, whispering something.

Lex ignored them, turning back to Garden Gate, who was looking at him fearfully. “Now, for your final curse,” he began, unable to keep a hateful smile off of his face. “As the Night Mare is the patron goddess of my dominion, it is only fitting that you will find no peace when you rest. As such, you will re-live your shame and your disgrace every night when you dream.” For the third time, he pulled in additional magic as he began to lay the curse, wanting this to be as strong as he could make it so that Princess Luna wouldn’t be able to undo his justice.

Again he felt her resisting as the aura around his horn flared, and again he crushed it easily. This wasn’t exactly the same as the tantabus curse the Night Mare had laid on him, of course. Garden Gate wouldn’t have a shadow that stretched in odd directions, nor a voice taunting her when she was awake. But she wouldn’t know a night’s peace while his curse persisted, and that was what mattered. A moment later he felt the curse settle into place, and he nodded to himself in satisfaction.

“Justice is served.”

Author's Note:

Lex curses Fencer for what she's done.

Are his punishments just, or has he gone too far?

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