• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 71 (Part 3: Shadows of Fading Wonder)

“The barrier weakens,” a male voice echoed in Soarin’s head.

“You cannot win,” a female voice replied.

Soarin stirred in his sleep.

“You already tried once… it almost destroyed him,” the male voice said smugly.

“I did what I had to do to stop you,” the female voice replied.

Soarin winced and shifted. These voices… in his head, again.

“And are you willing to take that risk again?” the male voice asked. “What can you possibly hope to accomplish? You only have a fraction of your power here.”

“If I had all of it, it would rip him apart,” the female voice explained without wavering.

Soarin was getting tired of these conversations… who were these voices and why were they in his head?

“Then you have lost,” the male voice proclaimed. “In your current state, you can’t hold me forever.”

“Your full power unleashed would do the same to him,” the female voice remained calm.

“His life is insignificant,” the male voice retorted.

Who’s life? His? Soarin’s? He didn’t like this.

“Is it now?” The female voice took over with a confident scoff. “You are a fool.”

“I insist that you give me more reasons to hate you,” the male voice jeered.

“He only lives because of your power…” the female voice explained. “And you only continue to exist because he is a vessel. Without him, you are just as dead as he is without you.”

A long silence began, neither of the voices speaking for a minute.

“The ruffian learns his place,” the female voice said, claiming the smug tone for herself.

“Bite your tongue, witch!” the male voice snapped back. “I will find a way! Just like I found a way to challenge you! Don’t underestimate me!”

“My, my… always so hostile. You will never change… and you will never win,” the female voice added snidely.

“Rggggh!” the male voice growled.

Soarin suddenly felt a pang of discomfort in his head. That was the last straw.

“Who the hell are you two?!” Soarin yelled out.

“He… can hear us?” the male voice spoke as if surprised.

“Soarin?” Came a new voice. “Soarin are you alright?” It was Rainbow Dash’s voice.

“Ah!” Soarin shot up in bed.

“Soarin?! What’s wrong?” Dash reached up and grabbed his arm as he grunted uncomfortably.

Soarin’s head was throbbing, he was sweating, and as soon as he felt Dash’s grip he reached his opposite hoof over and clasped it.

“RGH!” he gritted his teeth and strained his thoughts. Two small, blue sparks fired from fake horn with loud CRACKLES before the energy released was pulled back into the horn and Soarin’s eyes flashed blue briefly. “Haaaa, ow…” Soarin panted as he released his grip on Dash’s hoof and pressed it lightly against his head beside the horn.

“That… didn’t look very fun…” Dash commented as she bit her lip and looked Soarin over.

Soarin opened his eyes as he caught his breath and looked about the room. He was still in Fleetfoot’s house, specifically in her room (and bed) with Dash. Light was barely poking through the windows, signaling the sun had just barely risen. It was the morning after the party and… based on what happened the night before Soarin had gotten a very good night’s sleep up until the last moments.

“No… it definitely wasn’t…” Soarin said as he blinked and shook his head out, feeling slightly dizzy after getting the magic under control.

The small, brief display of instability in Soarin’s magic was obviously concerning to Dash. She recalled Soarin saying something about a ward being placed to keep it at bay.

“I thought you said the magic was under control?” Dash said, while pondering what she saw. Soarin nodded.

“It has been… that’s the first little twinge of discomfort I’ve had in a while,” Soarin explained. “Discord said something about the ward being only temporary. I guess it might be weakening…” Soarin glanced down at Dash and saw the concern in her eyes, to be perfectly honest, he hated that look on her. He much preferred her usual look of confidence. “By the way, good morning,” he tried changing the subject while pulling her face into his chest.

“MRPH!” Dash squeaked in surprise before pushing herself off and glaring at him “Nice try, wise guy… You’re not telling me something,” she said while looking at him skeptically.

Soarin could tell that he wasn’t going to lead her away from the subject. Classic stubborn Dashie. But the last thing he wanted to do was only give her the strange news… so he figured he’d give her the full rundown of her recent dreams.

“Well…” he began as he backed up against the head board.

“Yes?” she prodded as she grabbed the sheet of the bed, wrapped it around herself tightly, and leaned into his chest while listening carefully.

“Been having odd dreams lately,” he started.

“This seems awfully familiar,” she added before he could go further. Soarin shook his head.

“The situation here maybe, but not with what’s been happening,” he clarified. In the past the two of them had discussed dreams the magic was causing, specifically the morning after the Royal Ball about half a year ago, but thankfully the dreams now were much less terrifying, much more strange… or heartwarming. “I don’t quite know how to describe it. I’m having reoccurring dreams again, but this time they’re either strange or… amazing,” he explained.

“Strange first,” Dash demanded while pouting at him from his chest. Soarin chuckled at how she didn’t even ask if he wanted to talk about it. He couldn’t say no to Miss Sassy Pants here anyway.

“Voices in my head,” Soarin said while tapping his hoof against her forehead.

“What?” Dash blinked, not expecting that answer. “Voices?”

“Voices,” Soarin repeated. “And to be honest, they are starting to get on my nerves… I’ve had five dreams now where two voices are bickering in my head and it’s annoying.”

“That’s… weird… and a bit scary,” Dash cringed at the thought. Soarin chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her.

“You wanted the strange first, didn’t you? Want to hear the even weirder part?” he asked.

“It gets better?” Dash lifted an eyebrow.

“The argument is always different… as if it’s ongoing. It’s not a recurring dream. It feels like I’m hearing two voices that decided to take up space in my head…”

“Think it’s related to the magic?” asked Dash.

“I’m positive,” Soarin nodded. “And… this last dream I yelled at them…”

“No shit,” Dash giggled. “You yelled right into my ear,” she said while bopping her head lightly against him.

“I did? Heh, whoops…” he shrugged. “But…” he paused. “One of them reacted when I did.”

Dash shifted all the way around so she could look up at him with plenty of space to see his whole face.

“Please tell me you’ve talked to Luna about this?” she asked more than a bit worried after hearing that. Soarin rolled his eyes.

“You have one guess as to what I got out of her when I did,” he said sarcastically. Dash thought for a moment before flattening her brow.

“Absolutely nothing?” she asked. Soarin nodded reluctantly. Dash released a long, drawn-out sigh as she slowly leaned back against Soarin’s chest. “You’d think with how much we’re involved, Luna would give us some more… I dunno… insight into the whole damn thing?!” she said with frustration while angrily, lightly bopping her head against his chest again. Soarin grunted and held his arms down tight against her to make her stop.

“Believe me, I’m just as tired of it. What’s worse is that even Luna is having things kept from her by Discord. He’s trying to teach her a lesson about being secretive and I’m the one dealing with it all,” Soarin grumbled.

“Okay, enough strange, it’s only making me grumpy. Tell me the amazing dreams now,” she demanded, trying to get her mind off some of the stuff regarding Soarin’s troubles that really put her off. He was important to her, more than anything in the world… and the gods were doing a shitty job at helping him overcome something that was very life-altering. She had every reason to be miffed. This was her stallion, her Soarin that was in the mix of all their crap.

“I will gladly tell you about those…” Soarin’s voice suddenly showed a hint of caring as Dash felt his grip on her tighten slightly in a gentle loving squeeze.

She blushed and puffed her cheeks out. She was a little put off from the first topic, the sudden shift to lovey-dovey was a bit too sudden for her, but she wasn’t going to complain. It felt good, it always did with him.

“I’ve had multiple dreams involving the two of us lately as well,” Soarin began. Dash’s ears perked up. Coincidently, she had been having dreams about him, but she let him continue. “Quite a lot of them actually… some have been very heartwarming,” he said with a content sigh.

Dash nestled herself into his body, getting comfortable. She had a feeling she was going to like these. It was smart of Soarin to talk about these second because she needed a good mood lifter after finding more reasons to be miffed at how the handling of Soarin’s magic was going.

“Heh, I can remember them all clearly… I think my favorite was the night before last… the two of us were chasing each other through the clouds of the night sky… we were laughing and having all sorts of fun...”

Dash blinked and her ears pointed upward as Soarin kept going.

“After lots of roughhousing, and tickling we ended up having a very nice cuddling session on a soft cloud… I’ve had lots like that, but that one was my favorite so f—”

“When did you say you had that dream?” Dash cut him off, startling Soarin as she quickly removed her head from his chest to look at him.

“Uh… the night before… why?” he asked. She just stared at him blankly for a moment with her eyes wide. “Dash…?”

“Soarin… I had that exact same dream that night…”

Neither said another word for a few moments, remaining silent as the sudden bit of peculiar info sunk in. They had the exact same dream on the exact same night? That sounded like something cliché out of a romance novel. It couldn’t have been a coincidence, could it? That was impossible.

“Have you had any other dreams?” Dash suddenly asked as she thought about some of the dreams she had had over the course of her time at the compound with Soarin. “Ones that you remember vividly? That included me?”

Soarin was actually thinking about it before she even asked. There was one specific dream that instantly came to mind. It was one that scared him, but it did include her.

“I had one dream back during our little stretch of not talking to each other,” Soarin winced, not too happy to bring up their short period of disagreement, but he had to know. “It was a complete recreation of the moment you, Spitfire, and Celestia saved me in the hospital… only…”

“We lost you,” Dash cut in as he paused. “I had the exact same dream back then. I woke up terrified, sweating, and my heart beating like crazy!” Dash shivered against him as she remembered. “Watching you be consumed by the dark, it… was horrible,” her voice squeaked slightly as it struggled to stay strong. She waited for Soarin to answer, but he didn’t. “Soarin?” she looked up at him.

He looked incredibly confused.

“That’s interesting… in my dream… you were the one who got consumed,” Soarin revealed.

The two went silent again. Trying to figure out what was going on between them, but also heavily focused on what the slight difference in their similar dream could mean. It happened when they were apart… and when Soarin was having problems with the magic. Could it be their dream was trying to tell them something?

“This is not incredibly strange or anything…” Dash commented as she pouted and snuggled herself harder into Soarin’s chest.

“I wonder if this has to do with our connection… you know, like how you being around makes the magic easier to control,” he pondered out loud. Indeed the whole, confusing magical imprint explanation they were given a while back. “Actually,” Soarin began. “Now that I think about it, I haven’t had a bad dream like that since we came back together…”

“So your magic was trying to remind me that I’m stuck with you?” Dash suddenly gave a fake scoff. “Great, I’m tied to you for life,” she added as Soarin picked up on her tone and smirked. She grabbed her extra tight to his body and swayed back and forth.

“Gee wiz!” he began in a very high voice. “I keep getting more reasons to love you!” he joked in the comical voice. Dash started squirming and giggling.

“Stop that!” she demanded while struggling to break free, but she really didn’t want to. Eventually she gave in and let him be a doofus. “Is it bad…” she spoke up. “That we’ve gotten to a point where incredibly weird things happen and we can only stay serious about it for a minute at most?”

“Dash, I’m wearing an ancient fake unicorn horn on my head that shares the same name as a sex toy. I’m not gonna lie, it’s been hard to find things weird since,” he stated seriously.

“Can’t argue with that,” Dash chuckled at how bluntly Soarin put it… but really, he was right. They had encountered a great manner of strange things. It was almost an everyday occurrence now.

“Well… we’re connected at the hip, the brain and… elsewhere it seems,” Soarin joked again, earning a nudge.

“Easy boy, or should I say boys?” she smirked as Soarin looked up and back and forth.

“I’m hungry, are you hungry?” Soarin suddenly asked as he felt his stomach gently growl.

“I’m very hungry, should we see what everypony else is doing?” Dash agreed without a single moment of hesitation.

“We’re probably heading back to the compound soon, let’s go,” he said while leaning forward slightly, but he stopped when Dash didn’t move.

“Actually…” she spoke up as she wrapped her arms firmly around Soarin’s torso. “Five more minutes,” she demanded while nestling her head into his chest again. Soarin blinked and flashed a grin.

“I think I can open up some time on my schedule to cuddle you back…”

“Shut up and hug me,” Dash ordered.

“No,” Soarin quickly replied.

“WHAT?!” Dash tilted her head up at him.

“I mean yes,” Soarin ‘corrected’ himself before squeezing her tightly to the point where she squeaked in surprise.

“You bastard…” she said muffled against his fur.

“Love you too,” Soarin chuckled as the two took a little more time for each other.

Were they confused? Yes. Were the connecting dreams strange? Yes. But to them it was just another piece to add to the puzzle of figuring out everything that came with Soarin’s magic.

They certainly didn’t mind sharing dreams, as long as they kept being the good dreams. If anything, it was just another reason for them to cherish each other and observe the connection they shared that extended even further than love. Dash’s major role in saving his life had connected them in spirit as well… it was an incredible feeling. Neither of them would trade it for anything.

Spitfire’s eyes fluttered open as she awoke naturally for the first time in months. She blinked, yawned, and rolled onto her back while stretching her limbs out and sighing contently. She lay sprawled out for a few moments before her eyes widened. She suddenly rolled back on her stomach and looked around, her eyes immediately finding a certain dark blue stallion wedged firmly into the mattress, fast asleep.

The satisfaction of the night before was so intense that she fell asleep instantly. A feeling of complete dread washed over her as she stared at the stallion that was pressed into the bed like he was part of it.

“Oh god… what have I done?” she said much louder than she intended in her state of disbelief.

“Hamburger time…?” Wave mumbled as his eyes opened groggily. Spitfire completely froze with a blank look and her face completely red as Wave glanced around and his eyes fell on her. “Oh… hey Captain,” he said sleepily as he yawned. Spitfire was so ashamed of herself that she started shaking. The night before, she forgot herself completely and acted like a wild animal. How could she forget her discipline and rank like that? It was disgraceful.

“Wave! I’m… I’m so sorry, I…” she stuttered and stumbled over her words as she fought to find a phrase that could truly apologize for such a terrible blunder. “I’m…” but there was nothing. “Oh, Celestia…” she turned around and looked away. “I’m so sorry Wave…” she repeated, waiting for him to voice his discontent.

“Captain…” Wave spoke from behind her. “Do I look like I didn’t enjoy it?” he lightly chuckled. Spitfire immediately sat up straight and her ears stood up. She looked over her shoulder at him. He was smiling sheepishly as he looked up at her. “It was so intense I ended up as a hieroglyphic on the bed… really… I’m not gonna complain,” he said.

His tone… Spitfire recognized it. It had been a very long time since she had heard him speak to her in that tone. The relaxed, lighthearted tone he used to use back before all the awkwardness began… when they were friends and spent a lot of quality time together. Simply hearing him speak to her in such a way again made her feel so much better… but it didn’t change the fact that she felt a bit… embarrassed about how fiercely she thrust herself upon him the night before. She needed it badly, but it was just so unlike her.

“At least we’re in the same room without one of us running away, eh?” Wave chuckled again as Spitfire failed to hold back a snort of amusement. She slowly turned and looked down at him in the bed.

“I just wish it could have been a little more graceful…” Spitfire sighed, failing to hold back a few rough giggles as she took in the sight of Wave still pressed into the mattress.

“So, uh… could you help me get up? I’m actually really stuck in here…” he asked with a weak smile.

Spitfire couldn’t help it, she let the laughter go, trying and failing to stifle it with a hoof.

“I guess I don’t know my own strength…” Spitfire shrugged while blushing lightly.

“I sure do now,” Wave teased as Spitfire reached down and grabbed him by the shoulders. She gave a few light tugs, but he barely budged.

“Wow… you are really stuck in here,” she blinked as she stared in awe.

“I wasn’t kidding, I really can’t move,” Wave repeated as Spitfire tightened her grip.

“Alright… just… let… me…” Spitfire grunted as she gave a few harder pulls. “Whoa!” With a solid yank, Spitfire pulled Wave free from the mattress, but the force of the pull caused Wave to fly up at her. He crashed into her, knocked her over, and fell on top of her. “URF!” Spitfire grunted as Wave’s body pressed against hers. Wave quickly pushed his hooves to the mattress and propped himself up. The two stared into each other’s eyes, both surprised. However, they remained silent. The fact that neither of them frantically tried to escape the situation served to affirm that both of them wanted to be in the position they were in.

“Look, Wave… I owe you an apology…” Spitfire said as they remained in their position. Wave looked down at her curiously.

“Captain I already said—”

“Not about last night,” Spitfire cut him off, catching his interest. “About… the past month,” she clarified. Wave listened carefully as she averted her eyes from him. Spitfire showed no sign of being uncomfortable in her position beneath him… so he remained. “I’m sorry about avoiding you for so long… sorry about running away every time we encountered each other, and I’m sorry I didn’t come to you when I was troubled,” she apologized multiple times.

“Captain…” Wave said quietly as she went on. She didn’t have to apologize for all of it, he was just as guilty as she was if not a little more because it all started with him when Discord tricked him with the fake sexual image of her.

“Before all this crap happened,” Spitfire continued. “You were the first stallion I ever knew who showed he cared on such a deep level… well, not counting Soarin at least, but he’s more like a sibling to me who I’ve never been without. You… you have been the first from outside all of my close friends who has… made me feel warm and comfortable. The way I pushed you away so quickly in my confusion was… despicable,”

“Captain, I’m just as guilty,” Wave took over. “I have an obligation to you as my superior officer, but it’s something I’ve tried to forget often in favor of my feelings. When things got… weird, my instincts kicked in and I instantly felt ashamed whenever I faced you… Sorry about that,” he tried to hold some of the blame.

“At least you eventually tried to fix it,” Spitfire sighed.

“You were having issues that I will, thankfully, never experience,” Wave chuckled as she gave him a pout. “And… I guess all of it is behind us now.”

“I still feel bad. You’re a great stallion Wave, you didn’t deserve the treatment I gave you. Especially after how much time we spent together before,” she sighed as she looked away from him again. “I mean that…” she blushed lightly. “You really are great… I really like you…”

“Captain, I—” he stopped abruptly as she glared at him while blushing.

“Wave… please, call me by my name. I know Silver stuck formality drills into your ears and dug them into your brain until they met in the middle… but CALL ME SPITFIRE,” she said sternly. Wave just stared at her dumbly.

He knew he had let her name slip a few times, but he liked to keep up his practice and refer to her as ‘Captain.’ Like she said, Silver had… quite harshly… forced formality towards superiors into his head a long time ago. Spitfire sharpened her gaze as Wave remained silent.

“Fine… if you’re going to be that way,” she huffed. “Then I order you… to call me by my name from now on, is that clear, Wave?” she said with a slight smirk forming on her face.

“Uh… yes? Ma’am? Er… S-Spitfire?” he replied shakily, but somewhat amused that she used his own moral code against him to get what she wanted.

“Good…” Spitfire nodded contently. “Now…” she blushed again. “I order you to…” she was using Wave’s sense of duty to get her way. She paused for a moment, her face turning a little red, but she wanted to get rid of all the gaps between them. She felt like she needed to so that the events of the past month would never repeat themselves again. “I order you to kiss me.”

“WHAT?! I… um… well…” Wave initially freaked out but… then he instantly remembered that the night before Spitfire had already… thoroughly gone beyond a simple kiss, but… the night before wasn’t as intimate as it was intense. Spitfire was being controlled by urges and Wave was, for lack of a better word, dominated all night… not that he didn’t enjoy it. But this was very different.


Both of them flinched and froze as their ears picked up the sound of somepony else in the room. They both looked up to catch two colors peeking around the corner. Turquois and white.

“Oh, don’t mind me! This is the best show I’ve ever seen! Please, keep going!” Fleetfoot waved a hoof around the corner before bursting out laughing.

Wave looked mortified, but Spitfire…

No, not this time. Fleetfoot liked to troll her, but this time, Spitfire wasn’t gonna let it ruin a moment she was working so hard to get.

Before Wave could push himself off of her, she grabbed him around the neck, and pulled him in, kissing him hard.

“WHOA!” Fleetfoot stuck her head out around the corner, her eyes widening. She was only there for a moment though, because a yellow hoof reached out, grabbed her shoulder, and yanked her out with a yelp.

Wave didn’t see Fleetfoot leave, in fact, all he could see was Spitfire’s face less than an inch from his. The situation was beyond changing direction… so… he followed his orders, wrapping his arms around her back and returning the kiss.

It only lasted a few more seconds, but when the two parted, they did it slowly, savoring the feeling as they opened their eyes and looked at each other. A little bit of blushing ensued between them, but accompanied by smiles… and looks of relief. It seemed like nothing about their relationship would be normal, but Spitfire was far from a ‘normal’ mare.

Wave rolled off of her and the two lay side by side. They turned their heads and looked at each other, saying nothing… but both thinking the same thing.

About damn time things between them got back to normal. In fact, things were even better now.

It would take Wave a while to get used to treating Spitfire like she wanted him to, but he would try… and she would be patient with him. She liked him after all… and how many stallions had the honor of being intimate with the great Captain Spitfire? Not many.

“Aw, c’mon! It was just getting good!” Fleetfoot whined as Misty Fly dragged her out into the hallway towards a chuckling Fire Streak.

“Misty didn’t want you to ruin the moment,” Fire shrugged. “Really Commander, those two have been through enough,” Fire scolded her, knowing Fleetfoot didn’t give a damn about formality toward rank. Fleetfoot pouted at them as Misty continued to hold her back.

“Hey, they started making out anyway! And—” Fleetfoot paused as she looked between the two of them. “Wait a minute… I saw you two leave together last night!” she exclaimed. Misty, of course, didn’t hear her, but Fire Streak suddenly found the situation turned around as he flinched and his face became a little red around the cheeks. Misty glanced at Fire curiously.

“Y-yes… we did…” Fire admitted, not feeling the need to hide it, but he was still a little embarrassed to be pressed on the subject. Luckily for him, the door across from them opened, revealing Soarin and Dash, who both paused as Misty, Fire, and Fleet all looked towards them. There was a brief silence.

“Sheesh,” Fleetfoot flattened her ears. “Blaze and High Winds are in the room down the hall too, am I the only one who didn't get laid last night?!” she said while both rolling her eyes and giggling.

Dash glared and blushed while averting her eyes, but Soarin only scoffed.

“You mean Calm actually made it out of the room he took you to sleep in last night? I was certain he was screwed…” Soarin said completely intending the pun. Fleetfoot huffed.

“No, he got away. You’d be surprised how fast the big guy can move—WAIT!” she cut herself off and pointed as her eyes widened. “THAT’S MY ROOM!” she exclaimed while looking at Soarin and Dash. The two looked at each other and snorted while holding back laughs. Fleetfoot looked at Soarin with a mix of anger and disbelief. “Did you SCREWNICORN her on MY BED?!?!”

Soarin and Dash just glanced each other while still holding in the laughter. Fleetfoot rushed past them into her room as Spitfire and Wave emerged from the room across from it.

“Oh… hey guys…” Wave said as he looked between them.

“Uhuuugh…” they all looked down the hall to see Blaze emerging from the far door while holding a hoof against her back. High Winds appeared behind her, wearing a bathrobe, and yawning. “Sheesh, Windy… take it easy on the foreplay next tiiiiiiiHELLO!” she straightened up and waved as she saw everypony else. The situation had become heavily awkward with four different couples who all had a little bit of personal fun were gathered at the top of the stairs.

They all turned to the stairs as the sound of heavy hooves clip-clopped up from the first floor.

“Captain, I have the rest up and heading back, we need to—” Silver lining stopped on the top step and blinked as he looked between the four couples all averting their eyes from him.

“OH MY GOD!” Fleetfoot’s voice echoed from her room. “MY SHEETS ARE WET!”

Silver flattened his brow as they all continued to awkwardly fidget.

“Horny kids…” Silver grumbled.

After the conclusion of the party, the Wonderbolts returned to the compound, setting a new process in motion. The new reserve Wonderbolts were given their credentials and sent home, Thunderlane reluctantly bidding farewell to his new friends, but returning to Ponyville as one of two pegasi in the town’s long history to become a Wonderbolt. The new recruit squad was given a warm welcome into the ranks, but also sent home for a three week rest period in order to fully recover from the harsh training they had struggled through.

It gave Dash time to return home and spend some quality time with her friends before taking up permanent residence in the Wonderbolt compound. She ended up giving Thunderlane, Bulk, and Derpy full access to her house and the home gym attached that she wouldn’t be using much anymore, as well as requesting that the three of them keep an eye on Scootaloo for her as well.

It was hard saying goodbye to her little apprentice, but Scootaloo promised to never stop training and to someday join Dash in the Wonderbolt ranks. Dash would hold her to that… and was confident that the little filly would be flying beside her in no time.

Finally, it was even harder for Dash to say goodbye to her best friends, but she knew she’d see them as often as she could. Twilight, as a princess, had easy access to Wonderbolt tickets. Twilight assured Dash that she would see them at any show she performed in.

With all the loose ends tied up and a giddy urge to officially start her career as a Wonderbolt… The three weeks came to an end… and Dash was on her way to report along with the rest of her new squad.

If only she knew… of the adventure that laid ahead.

Part 3: Shadows of Fading Wonder

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 71:

Unlike her last rush to report, Dash made sure that she was early this time. However, it seemed her timing was still a bit shaky because she found herself pacing around the lobby after arriving half an hour early. It was an awkward amount of time. She had a comfortable window before she had to report to Spitfire’s office, but it wasn’t enough time to go find Soarin.

“I just can’t get this arrival time thing right… even when I do show up early…” Dash grumbled to herself as she continuously paced around, her duffle bag bouncing at her side, constantly sitting down on the couches and comfy chairs in the lobby only to stand back up seconds later. She was too wound up and ready for her first official meeting. It was probably going to be a routine welcome and brief explanation of things going forward, but she was excited regardless. She was finally part of the Wonderbolts, effectively achieving and ending one dream. Now it was time to focus on a new one, and build a legacy that would be talked about in the history books.

That would take a while… but she was willing to put in the work. Besides, she had one hell of a stallion to motivate her after all.

“Are you okay, miss?” a voice from nearby suddenly asked Dash as she got up again. She flinched and turned to look towards the mail counter. The orange pegasus standing behind the counter was looking at her with concern. Dash let her ears flop down and bit her lip awkwardly. She had been moving around quickly like a filly on a sugar rush.

“Uh, yeah, I’m fine…” she confirmed while internally raging that she was unable to contain herself. She probably looked silly walking in circles and bouncing on the couches. The pony nodded before returning to the back room with a bag of mail slung over his back.

Dash took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She had to calm down. She was within the professional ranks for the Wonderbolts now. The recruit squad was the lowest rank, but it was official. She had to show some composure and control. Well… not that all the elites were always professional… in fact it was balanced fifty-fifty between all of them who was carefree and who was serious, but they had all earned their keep and had reputations. Dash would have to earn that before she could be casual.

For now she had to relax. Relax, relax, relax… calm, and cool… ready to listen and reply. Nice and—

“You’re here early,” a voice came from behind her followed by a loud THUMP of a large bag hitting the floor.

Dash’s wings flared out and she slammed her mouth shut to muffle a yelp as her cheeks puffed up and her face turned red. She released a sharp breath of air and breathed heavily for a moment as she turned around and glared up at Matteo standing behind her. She had gotten used to the big guy inadvertently approaching her silently due to the lack of clip-clopping hooves, but the way his deep, accented voice suddenly crashed down from above would even startle Silver Lining.

“You need to wear a bell,” Dash commented as she turned around and looked up at Matteo standing only a yard behind her.

“Nice to see you too,” he said with an eye-roll. Dash released a light chuckle, having admittedly missed the stoic Griffon’s straightforward and overly-serious tone over the past three weeks.

“So you went all the way back to the Griffon Kingdom?” Dash asked as she finally found the means of killing time through conversation. Matteo nodded as he sat beside one of the couches. It seemed like a smart move once Dash thought about it. He’d probably break most of the furniture designed for ponies.

“I did, and my welcome was… mixed,” he explained.

“Mixed?” Dash instinctively asked once Matteo went no further.

“My family and most of my fellow warriors welcomed me with open arms… but others, mostly those in the Sky Wings, were not so welcoming.”

“What?” Dash lifted an eyebrow. “Why?” she asked. She had a feeling this had something to do with the Griffon culture. It seemed stupid to her, the Wonderbolts in practice were much more skilled and powerful than the Sky Wings on an individual level, being a very selective organization. How could they see Matteo’s achievements in a bad light?

“I was rejected by the Sky Wings… and responded by joining a force within pony culture. To them, I am a disgrace to my race, quick to forsake my culture in favor of another,” he explained. Dash blinked several times, trying to wrap her head around it.

“That’s… WOW that’s just—”

“Incredibly stupid, I know,” Matteo cut her off, catching her attention. “Half of the Sky Wings could never survive the Wonderbolt training. They couldn’t take knowing a rejected Sky Wing had achieved something that was much harder to earn,” a smirk formed on his beak. “I never said I had a problem with it, did I? Their glares only fueled my pride. Being accepted into the Wonderbolts is an honor on par with being a high ranking captain in the Sky Wings. It’s their loss for rejecting me. I slept peacefully every night knowing their jealousy of what I’ve earned. Only cowards glare and spite others behind their back. If they really felt so above me, then they would have challenged me to battle instead of throw me their pitiful disapproving stare,” Matteo grunted with amusement. “I didn’t even have to say anything… but it didn’t stop Gilda from punching one of them out. You don’t mess with a griffon warrior if his pregnant wife can knock you unconscious before you even get to him.”

Dash burst out laughing and fell back onto one of the couches.

“She was holding Gianni when she did it too,” Matteo added while chuckling to himself.

“Wow, you two have to be the most feared couple in the whole kingdom,” Dash snickered as she sat up and shook her head.

“Gilda is well known for defending herself with a punch to the face before words,” Matteo said with pride.

“Trust me, I know that all too well,” Dash nodded. The more she learned about Griffon culture the more interesting it sounded. Authority through strength… Physical force talking louder than words or insults… Dash felt like she’d fit in pretty well, at least in the short run. She was sure if she’d hate it after a while, being brought up in a much different world. But she could tell it’s exactly where Gilda and Matteo belonged.

“Hey!” a happy, high pitched voice got them to turn and look towards the entrance. Little Star was happily buzzing through the air towards them. Dash smiled and waved as Star approached, but ended up bracing herself as Star dove into her and latched to Dash’s body in a big hug, her little bag flying off onto one of the couches.

“Whoa!” Dash yelped as Star almost knocked her over. “Easy Star!” Dash chuckled as the little mare hugged her tightly. Star pulled away fairly quickly, bouncing up and down while hovering.

“I’m so excited!” she turned to Matteo. “And I missed you guys—mrph!” she tried to give Matteo a hug, but he reached out and stopped her before she could dive into his feathers.

“Likewise…” he said as Dash tried not to laugh.

“Had a nice few weeks Star?” Dash asked as something behind Matteo caught her eye. The doors to the compound opened slowly and Squall stepped through carefully as if trying to not draw attention to himself.

“I had a GREAT time!” Star started explaining. Dash listened as Star talked about her family welcoming her home and all her brothers and sisters throwing her multiple parties, but Squall shuffling up slowly behind had caught her interest as well.

Matteo noticed Dash glancing past him as they listened to Star’s long repetitive story and looked over his shoulder. Squall froze mid-step when he saw Matteo looking at him, noticing Dash staring at him as well. Was he nervous to approach them? After all they had been through?

“Hey! Are you guys even listening to—” Star paused as she hopped up on top of Matteo’s head and spotted Squall. “Hey! Squall!” she waved at him as Squall flinched again.

Dash couldn’t get enough of it. Little Star was absolutely giddy. She could understand it though, Star had been trying to become a Wonderbolt for years, now she was finally in. If Dash had gone through such a long painful process, she would be acting just the same.

“Squall?” Star looked at him quizzically as he took another shaky step, but just one.

“Er… Hi…” Squall said very quietly, before continuing his very slow walk towards them.

“Huh?” Star turned her ears towards him, having not heard him very clearly. Squall growled lightly and gritted his teeth.

“I said HI!” he snapped before grunting and looking away.

“Sheesh, missed you too…” Star furrowed her brow as she lifted an eyebrow. As soon as she retorted, Squall quickly looked back and looked alarmed.

“NO! I mean… um…” he cringed as Star stared blankly at him. “Uh…” Squall’s face turned completely red. “Never mind…” he mumbled as he looked down, shifting his mane to cover his face as he walked towards the couches nearby, dropping his bag beside it as he sat down next to Star’s bag.

Dash and Matteo instinctively glanced at each other, both flashing smirks as Little Star pouted… in confusion, not anger. She wasn’t as aware of it, but Dash and Matteo both saw it. Squall TRIED to be friendly. He was a bumbling klutz at it, but he just gave his best attempt at acknowledging them. That meant that he trusted them to a point, and Dash and Matteo’s efforts to befriend him had in fact bore fruit, if he managed to greet them after being apart for three weeks.

“So…” Dash broke away from Matteo and moved towards the embarrassed Squall.

“Ngh…” Squall groaned quietly in response.

“You went home?”


“See the parents?”


“Had any fun?”

“Ngggghhhhhh…” Squall held the last groan a little longer. Dash was more than certain he didn’t have fun after seeing how much he disliked being around his… ‘happy’ parents, but she wanted to at least ask and show curiosity. Acknowledgement was something they needed to keep up with Squall.

“It was that good, huh?” she said sarcastically as Squall remained silent. Dash looked up at the clock as she suddenly wondered how much time they had until Spitfire wanted them in her office. They had ten minutes. Reuniting with the others definitely helped fill the gap empty gap of time she created by arriving early. “Ten minutes…” she said to herself as she looked at Squall, and then back at Star and Matteo. They were short one…

But… knowing who was missing, Dash was certain he’d show up when they least expected it.

“GAH!” Squall suddenly yelped in surprise and pumped his wings to launch himself off the couch. Dash glanced down at the couch and saw Twister’s head slicking out from between the couch cushions, beneath Star’s bag. His eyes were turning in circles as he wore his typical grin.

“Took you long enough, did you spend all three weeks in there?” Dash asked Twister casually as she bent down towards his face.

“Did you know the pony body turns into a liquid when it tries to fit into a small space?” he asked while continuously blowing raspberries after talking. Dash grabbed him by the mane.

“That’s cats, not ponies,” she clarified as she yanked Twister completely out of the couch and set him on his hooves. He stiffened and fell over on his side while making a fainting goat noise as Dash turned to the other three. “That’s everypony, let’s all get to Spitfire’s office,” Dash suggested. They all nodded in agreement as Matteo scooped Twister off the ground and balanced the stiffened pony on his back as they gathered up their things and walked towards the stairs.

Dash was only gone for three weeks, but damn, she missed these idiots. She was looking forward to getting to know them even further.

They made it to the second floor and approached Spitfire’s office, but Dash was surprised to see the door to the office was slightly ajar. Dash wasn’t sure if that meant walk in or if they should still knock. Of course, knowing she was the captain and they were just a new recruit squad, she felt it best to still knock.

They reached the door, but before she could rap her hoof against the open door—

“Are you certain?” Spitfire’s voice caused Dash to stop. The others behind her came to halt as well.

“I’m sure of it,” Storm Front’s voice came through the door. “Black and purple uniform, no mask, red headband and red goggles. He was also very large, hard to miss.”

Dash glanced back at the others, who all were looking curiously towards the door as the conversation met their ears.

“Sounds just like the Shadowbolt we encountered,” Soarin’s voice. Normally, Dash would feel giddy at the sound of his voice, but one obvious word stuck out: Shadowbolt. Again? She recalled when something was brought up about them during her training… and now a second one had been sighted? With her curiosity completely locked in, Dash turned an ear towards the door to listen carefully.

“You said he was large?” Spitfire asked, her elbows propped on her desk with her hooves clasped beneath her chin. She was looking towards Storm Front and Point Dex, both in full uniform. Soarin and Air Mach were standing against the wall to her right and Fleetfoot was sitting up on the couch to her left.

“Correct,” Point Dex nodded. “Very large, bigger than Macho Savage and Autumn Rain put together. Heavy set, stocky, round face, but VERY strong. Not only did he throw off both Savage and Autumn with a single arm, but he kept us from catching him by causing rock slides.”

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Storm took over. "He was elbow dropping and punching solid walls of rock, chipping away whole chunks of rock to fall towards us. He slipped away while we were digging Savage and Autumn out of a fallen rock pile.”

Air Mach and Soarin glanced at each other before both looking towards Spitfire, who seemed to be trying and process the information herself.

“Yikes…” Fleetfoot chimed in. “That doesn’t sound like the string bean we ran into…”

“Thank you for reporting this to me,” Spitfire quickly took over, causing Fleetfoot to quickly go quiet and pout while letting her ears flop down. “How are Savage and Autumn?” she asked. Point Dex nodded.

“Autumn took the brunt of the falling rocks, she might be out of commission for a little while, but Macho got away with only a few bruises,” he explained.

“That’s a shame…” Spitfire said sarcastically, referring to Macho Savage as she rolled her eyes. “Any other details on the Shadowbolt you can give me? Color scheme? Did he say anything?”

Soarin perked up as Spitfire asked. A smart question, he recalled the Shadowbolt they encountered in Manehatten saying a few words to them. Storm spoke up.

“He was dark green, messy black mane. And yea, he did say something,” Storm paused. “About us being weaklings and a waste of our rank,” Storm gritted his teeth, the recent memory bringing a quiet growl with it. Soarin, Fleetfoot, and Air Mach all looked towards Spitfire. Like a good professional, Spitfire showed no emotional response. She simply nodded.

“I see. I will check the rosters and issue a stand-in for Autumn Rain until she recovers. You are dismissed,” Spitfire ordered, glancing at her door at the same time. She blinked as she saw a rainbow mane quickly shift away from the door. Spitfire grunted quietly as Storm and Dex turned towards the door, realizing that she left it ajar, and one, new, rainbow maned recruit possibly just heard the whole conversation.

Storm opened the door and came face to face with Dash.

“Whoa! Hey!” he quickly brightened his expression, hiding the slight anger quickly. “Good to see you guys again!” he greeted as Point Dex stepped around him.

“We have off until we get a replacement for Autumn,” Dex said as he passed. “Make sure to get a few training sessions in on your own.”

“Yes sir,” Storm nodded before turning back to Dash. “So…”

“Talk to them later Storm,” Spitfire called from inside her office. “We need to speak with them now.”

Storm turned and saw Spitfire, still in the same position at her desk and staring out towards Dash and the rest of the new recruits.

“Yes, ma’am,” Storm acknowledged the order before turning back to the recruits. “I’ll catch up with you guys after,” he smiled before turning and moving towards the stairs.

“Come on in,” Spitfire called them in right after. Dash and the others glanced between each other before making their way into the room.

Dash smiled upon seeing Soarin, but after he flashed her a brief grin, his face took a serious turn. Obviously, it was because of the Shadowbolt, Dash was displeased that her reunion with Soarin had to be bogged down with something serious, but it would be foolish for them to ignore it.

Squall and Little Star moved in beside Dash. Matteo stepped up behind, grabbing Twister off his back and placing him down behind Star. He balled up a fist and lightly rapped it atop Twisters head, causing him to unstiffen and move on his own again. Matteo didn’t know if it would work, but he had a hunch and it did.

“Under normal circumstances,” Spitfire began with a harsh tone that made them all stiffen slightly. “There would be punishment for eavesdropping on a meeting not related to you, but I will let this slide because not only did I stupidly leave my door open, but you were also ordered to be here at this time. I have no reason to punish you for following orders.”

Fleetfoot chuckled at the recruits standing like statues as she laid down on her back on the couch. Air Mach nudged Soarin and made a head motion towards Squall and Star, who were both slightly jittery as they tried to remain still.

“Whatever you all heard while waiting out there, please keep it to yourselves,” Spitfire continued. “It’s not classified or confidential information, but we don’t need to cause a panic around the compound. Understand?”

“Yes, ma’am!” they all replied instantly, even Twister. So quickly and in unison that Spitfire perked up in surprise.

“You were definitely trained by Silver…” Spitfire smirked as Fleetfoot giggled behind them. “At ease.”

All the recruits exhaled and relaxed as they found the means to settle down in front of their new voice of complete and total authority.

“Did you see the grey one?” Air Mach whispered to Soarin while motioning to Squall. “He was holding it so tight I thought he was gonna get sucked into his own ass.”

Soarin snorted as he tried to hold in laughter, jabbing Air Mach with his elbow as Spitfire glanced at them and shook her head.

“Now, sorry for the harsh intro,” Spitfire apologized. “Let me formally welcome you to the Wonderbolts as our newest five pony recruit squad. Recruit Squad Foxtrot.”

“Foxtrot?” Dash asked instinctively, quickly putting a hoof over her mouth in case she spoke out of turn. Spitfire chuckled.

“I said ‘at ease’ Dash. You’re fine,” she nodded before looking to Soarin. Soarin took the cue, stepping away from the wall with a smirk, still trying to recover from Air Mach’s comment about Squall. He cleared his throat before speaking.

“In order to prevent confusion, the recruit squads are identified by military letter designation as opposed to numbers. As you know, we hold up to ten recruit squads at a time. Right now you are in the sixth slot of those squads, making you F, or Foxtrot. The other five squads, A through E are Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Echo,” he finished with a nod.

“Thank you Soarin,” Spitfire nodded as Soarin stepped back against the wall. Fleetfoot eyed him across the room, kissed her hoof and tapped it against her flank. Soarin lifted an eyebrow at her and subtly stuck his tongue out at her. Spitfire cleared her throat loudly, making the recruits flinch, but making Soarin and Fleetfoot cut it out as she shot them both quick, serious glances.

Dash was admittedly nervous, but she was loving every second of it. Especially Spitfire trying to keep the room incredibly serious while Fleetfoot, Soarin, and Air Mach kept throwing it off. Dash was sure the three of them were going to get scolded right after, but she also knew Spitfire. Spitfire probably wouldn’t have it any other way. They were her best friends after all, as well as her squadmates. It reminded Dash of her new friends all standing there with her. If they could be just as equally serious and fun, then she was going to have a blast as a Wonderbolt.

“Now then,” Spitfire spoke up once more. “There is one last thing we have to take care of before I send you on your way. You are a squad. And a squad… needs a captain,” Spitfire paused as all the recruits stared at her. She could see the instant curiosity in their eyes. “The Wonderbolts are a fair organization. We have a military hierarchy, but we also prefer that our members speak out and give their opinions. We have chosen who we believe is best suited of the five of you to lead your squad. After we tell you, if any of you have an issue with it, speak up so you don’t have to bother me later… alright?” she glanced at each recruit, Dash, to Matteo, to Squall, to Star, and to Twister. Each one of them received a look for a few seconds before she returned her focus to between all of them. “Based on Silver’s analysis of each recruit and your performances since we first saw you in the tryouts… we have decided that the captain of squad Foxtrot will be… Rainbow Dash.”

Dash’s wing feathers ruffled and her eyes widened as her tail gave a single flick that smacked Twister in the face, causing a very faint high pitched ‘whew’ noise from him.

Her? The captain? Just like that? This was a bit sudden.

Then again, she had taken on a leadership role more than once during their training, directing them within Silver’s obstacle courses and in the false dragon test. She liked to take control of situations… it was part of her personality, but having it be part of her responsibility was different. That added new pressure to her. While she felt she could handle pressure much better than she used to… could she handle it here?

“Any objections?” Spitfire asked while looking at the other four.

Dash turned her head slightly, looking at Star. Star turned and met Dash’s gaze, flashing a smile. Dash looked behind Star at Twister. Twister only turned his head sideways and smirked at her. Dash looked over her shoulder at Matteo. He looked down at her and nodded. Dash looked back around and towards Squall, and surprisingly… he remained silent. He glanced at Dash twice, both times averting his eyes quickly after before fidgeting and locking his eyes back forward on Spitfire.

They all agreed? Even Squall?

Dash felt a warmth in her chest. Not a single objection from her fellow recruits… they all liked her enough and all trusted her abilities to lead them. Knowing she had earned their approval on a level this important made it impossible for her to not start smiling like an idiot… which she was totally doing and couldn’t stop.

Soarin was snickering off to the side, adoring the giddy look that Dash was clearly fighting a losing battle against. She had definitely earned the spot and he was more than confident that Dash would live up to any and all expectations set upon her.

“Very well!” Spitfire smiled as she too picked up on Dash’s excited expression. “Dash, I want you to report to me in two hours for a private meeting. We’ll discuss your responsibilities as a recruit captain. For now, all of you go get situated in your room. It’s the same one you guys had during your initial recruit training… just might look a little more spacious than you last left it,” Spitfire said with a smile before focusing on Dash again. “Two hours Dash,” she repeated. “Dismissed.”

It took Dash a moment to regain control of her limbs. She eagerly turned to her new squadmates and gave each of them a smile before the group gathered up their belongings. Dash glanced at Soarin, who shot her a wink before the recruits moved towards the door.

Dash was so excited that not only did she suddenly trump Little Star’s excitement levels, but she also forgot all about the mention of the Shadowbolt.

As soon as the recruits left, Spitfire leaned down and smacked her head lightly against her desk, releasing a low growl and pointing towards the door.

“Somepony close that door… and make sure it’s actually closed this time please!” she ordered. Fleetfoot sat up and stood, being closest to the door. However, the moment she reached for it, a small, blue magic aura encircled the door knob and pushed the door closed. Fleetfoot flattened her brow and turned towards Soarin in time to see the blue glow disappear around his horn as he acted like nothing happened.

“Princess Jerk-face,” she grumbled as Air Mach snickered. He reached up and adjusted his ridiculous glasses before turning to Spitfire as she finally removed her head from her desk.

“So, lady-captain. Shadowbolt,” Air Mach said plainly, showing a strange amount of seriousness.

“Yes, the Shadowbolt… thoughts?” Spitfire asked as she sat back up. She had a few theories herself, but she wanted to hear the others’ take on it first.

Soarin, having barely managed to not think about it while the recruits were present, stepped off the wall to give his view.

“We know one thing for sure,” Soarin began. “A large, stocky Shadowbolt, bigger than Macho Savage and Autumn Rain put together? Doesn’t sound like the stallion Mach punched in the face. I think we can safely conclude… that the Shadowbolt we encountered in Manehatten was not a standalone mercenary.”

“Which begs the question,” Spitfire opened her desk drawer and pulled out the red headband and matching goggles they recovered from the Manehatten encounter. “What are we dealing with here?” she asked as she set the two things on the table.

Fleetfoot and Air Mach approached the desk beside Soarin and all four of them looked upon the captured articles.

“It can’t just be the Shadowbolts… can it?” Fleetfoot chimed in. “I mean… why the snazzy fashion statement? I doubt they would ditch their uniform just like that.”

“Maybe they’re separate?” Soarin cut in, catching their attention. “If you remember from my report, Descent mentioned how the Shadowbolt order was collapsing due to Nightshade being used. He even said ‘Until this blows over, I will no longer be a part.’ Do you think… others shared his view? Maybe some of them followed him. Their airship base was destroyed after all, where else would they go besides to their captains?”

“The Shadowbolt in Manehatten didn’t use a crystal either,” Fleetfoot added from the couch. “And from Storm’s and Dex’s report, it doesn’t sound like the chucky guy they ran into used one either.”

“All true… but we can’t ignore any possibilities,” Spitfire pondered aloud. “They could be separate, they could still be linked to the crystal provider. The crystals and the magic are addictive, it’s also possible they all stayed and are working for their fix.

“Then why just watch us?” Soarin threw his arms out. This was all becoming incredibly complicated without any clear evidence to guide them.

“Hey!” Air Mach pounded his hooves together. “You guys are thinking too hard about this!” he stated with a confident smirk. “All we gotta do is get our hooves on one of these guys and beat it out of him!”

“Easier said than done,” Spitfire sighed. “They are clearly very skilled. I’ve never seen ponies that were able to elude elite Wonderbolts so easily. With ability like that, who knows what they might be capable of if driven to combat… would you take a stallion that can rip apart cliff-sides head on?”

The room went quiet as they all tried to put together something to give them some answers, but right now there were so many possibilities. Still with the Shadowbolts, separate from the Shadowbolts, being watched instead of attacked, were the crystals involved?

There were way too many paths to follow, and nopony was willing to step down one only to find it be wrong and put lives at risk.

“We need more evidence before we do anything,” Spitfire determined. “All of this mixed with Luna’s reluctance to let me know what’s happening makes me believe there is a lot going on in the background. I have a feeling we’ll be encountering more of these supposed Shadowbolts, but until we do we have no choice by to keep going,” she looked up at all of them. “I have to get things together for my meeting with Dash, dismissed.”

Without a word and only nods, the rest of the lead squad turned and headed for the door. Soarin stopped before leaving, looking back at Spitfire. As the Wonderbolt who had had by far the most exposure to the Shadowbolts, he felt like he was failing to pull some of the pressure off Spitfire’s shoulders. He wasn’t going to let her deal with the burden of solving this mystery alone.

“We never get a break, do we?” Fleetfoot said as Soarin turned and left the room beside her.

“Seems to be the norm these days…” Soarin agreed.

---To Be Continued---

Let's all welcome recruit squad Foxtrot!

Art by: PhonicBoom

Author's Note:


PTH is back and ready to dive into part 3!

I had a nice long break from this story, giving me time to pursue some other ideas i had floating around, but now its time to continue the monster that i am completely responsible for creating :pinkiecrazy:

One chapter in and we already have something ahoof! I wonder what it could mean?!

I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! :eeyup:

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