• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 25,227 Views, 27,999 Comments

Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 19 (GASP!):

Disclaimer: There is no actual sex in this chapter.

Soarin carefully pushed open the door to the side room attached to the cafeteria. He edged through it while balancing his tray on the other hoof and made it through without dropping anything. He was the first Wonderbolt to arrive at breakfast so he took a random place at one of the two tables and sat down.

It was incredible how good he felt. After the scene yesterday, he was sure he was going to be drained completely; either physically, mentally, or both. Having Dash spend a little “quality” time with him before going to bed calmed down the magic so much that he pretty much fully recovered. It was as if Dash’s presence made the magic behave and get right to work on healing him at its quickened pace. As much as he hated the sly son of a bitch, Discord was completely right about Dash. Now if only Discord could be helpful without messing with ponies at the same time. Unless he gets a good laugh, Discord saw no need to bother with anything it seemed.

Soarin had purposely come early to eat. He was all better, but he wanted to get in and out before two particular Wonderbolts arrived.

The door opened.

Soarin flinched and slowly looked to see Fire Streak and Misty Fly enter. He just had to think about it, didn’t he? Both Misty and Fire immediately looked at him and stopped walking. Soarin met their eyes for a moment, hesitating once to turn back around before breaking eye contact and going back to eating.

He felt so ashamed. Both of them were exposed to danger that they were never meant to face. Soarin had no control over the power, but it still came from him. So he felt completely responsible for what happened. Fire was lucky he only received a few minor burns on his back. Misty was the one Soarin felt truly horrible about. If what Discord told him was true, Soarin’s magic nearly killed her. How could he even look her in the eye after that? He wouldn’t be surprised if she was afraid of him for the rest of his life… assuming he’d be stuck with this power anyway.

“Huh?” Soarin blinked as he felt something tap his shoulder. He swallowed a portion of scrambled eggs and slowly turned to see Misty standing right behind him. Before he could do anything else, Misty reached around his neck and gave him a very tight hug. Soarin stiffened for a moment, but relaxed while looking at Fire. Fire was smiling at them as he went to put both his tray and Misty’s on the other table.

“How are you feeling Commander, sir?” Fire gave a quick salute.

“I’m fine Fire, thanks…” Soarin glanced at Misty. She let go of him, gave herself about one arm’s length distance, and began making signs to Soarin.

She put two wing feathers to her lips and extended them towards Soarin, and then she pointed a hoof at him. She took her two wing feathers and made them into an O shape before flattening one feather and pointing the other up.

Soarin blinked as he watched her symbols. He knew basic sign language from trying to talk to Misty on occasion. After running through his knowledge of the signs he figured it out. Misty was asking if he was okay.

“Ah…” Soarin put his wings up. He was about to make the motion’s for ‘I’m okay,’ but he stopped and thought for a moment. Instead he put his hoof up to his chest and made a circular motion to say: “I’m sorry,” and then looked away from Misty. She reached forward and turned his head back to her while looking at him sternly.

She repeated her motions for: “Are you okay?”

Soarin sighed and smiled at her. Soarin put his hoof to his chest, and then lowered it out in front of him. He flattened his wing in front of him and tapped it to his chest to say: “I’m fine.”

Misty smiled and gave him another small hug before turning towards the other table.

“Sorry about… you know… all that yesterday,” Soarin said as he focused on Fire.

“Don’t dwell on it Commander, we’re all fine,” Fire nodded while keeping an eye on Misty.

“It could’ve been much worse,” Soarin sighed while staring down at his food.

“But it wasn’t,” Fire made clear before turning to his table. “Nopony got hurt, so there’s no reason to think on what could have happened,” he finished with a brief smile before sitting down next to Misty.

Soarin thought it over as he went back to his eggs. Fire was right. There was no point in focusing on what didn’t happen. It was a dangerous mishap, but nopony was severely injured.

Soarin heard the door open and close again. He glanced to see Lightning Streak approach the table his brother and Misty were sitting at with a tray full of thirteen… fourteen… fifteen pancakes? Soarin couldn’t count them all, he just had a lot. Was he the only one who entered?

“HEY! I thought you died!”

No, Fleetfoot was right behind him.

“Good morning to you too Fleet,” Soarin shook his head. “And that’s not funny.”

“Of course it is!” she slapped her tray down beside his and sat down. Soarin didn’t even fight her on her comment. Fleetfoot was a force of nature when it came to having a sense of humor.

“I’m assuming you have everything ready?” Soarin asked. He was out of the loop about a few things because of yesterday.

“Of course, princess. I made all the checks last night. What, you thought I was gonna wake up this early, THEN put everything together?” she cocked a grin at him.

“What would you do if I said yes?” Soarin chuckled while raising an eyebrow.

“I’d punch you in the ovaries,” Fleetfoot threatened. Soarin rolled his eyes, and then smirked.

“Then yes,” Soarin instantly dropped his hoof down and caught Fleetfoot’s arm as it went for his stomach. Fleetfoot snickered and pouted at him.

“I don’t know if I should be impressed you saw that coming, or hurt that you were ready thinking I was gonna punch you!” she said with fake whimpers.

“But you did try to punch me?” Soarin shrugged.

“BESIDE THE POINT!” Fleetfoot jabbed him in the arm with her other hoof. Her body swung a little bit in the motion.

“Meep!” A quiet squeak came from behind her. Soarin’s ears picked up the squeak and he blinked. He looked at Fleetfoot and noticed something he hadn’t seen before: straps, extending down from over her shoulder.

“Fleet… are you wearing a backpack?” He tried to look behind her, but she shifted so he couldn’t see.

“No,” she bit her bottom lip and averted her eyes. Soarin contemplated why she would be hiding a backpack, and then made the connection with the squeak.

“Fleet, you’ve gotta be kidding me…” he flattened his expression.

“What? WHOA!” Fleetfoot yelped as Soarin reached forward and forced her to turn. She was wearing a backpack. In the backpack, with his head sticking out of the top and the zippers zipped all the way up to his neck, was the little yellow stallion. He mouthed a quick ‘help’ to Soarin before Fleet quickly turned back.

“Spitfire is going to tear your head off Fleet,” Soarin said while looking at her sternly.

“It’s not my fault he’s cute!” she pouted at Soarin. “I wanted to bring him to breakfast with us!”

“Fleet, he’s not a TOY, he’s a professional! You need to respect him like one!” Soarin scolded her.

“Hey! I—”

She was cut off as the door swung open and slammed loudly against the doorstop on the wall beside it. Blaze trudged in, locking her eyes on Fleetfoot immediately with High Winds following close behind. Blaze stomped around the table and sat across from Fleetfoot while glaring at her and digging into her pancakes. High Winds made her way around as well. She tripped while yawning and fell face first into the floor. She took it to the face like a champ while keeping her tray in the air with her hooves.

“That’s gonna leave a mark…” she said casually as she stood up and sat beside Blaze.

“Something wrong Blaze?” Soarin asked as Blaze kept glaring at Fleetfoot. Blaze said nothing and just growled in Fleetfoot’s direction.

“I molested her in front of the cadets about ten minutes ago,” Fleetfoot chuckled.

“Oh,” Soarin rolled his eyes and shook his head.

“I fucking swear…” Blaze stood up from her spot and pointed at Fleetfoot. “You do that to me again and I’ll stick my arm so far up your ass, you’ll be shitting prints of my hoof until Hearth’s Warming!” Blaze threatened across the table.

“Oh really?” Fleetfoot leaned in while smirking. “You’re really gonna try me again so soon? It usually takes you awhile to get that false confidence back,” Fleet bounced her eyebrows at Blaze.

Soarin glanced at the backpack while Fleet was leaning forward. She was completely focused on Blaze.

“I have the damn right mind to fuck you up right now!” Blaze spat back.

“Empty threats Blazey!” Fleet taunted.

Soarin quickly reached over and unzipped the backpack. He stood up and lifted the little yellow stallion out of it.

“Get behind me,” Soarin whispered to him.

“YOU WANNA FUCKING GO?!” Blaze flared her wings out, catapulting the top pancake off of High Winds’ plate into Lightning Streak’s face at the other table.

“Sweet, sixteen pancakes,” Lightning said to himself.

“Blazey, I dare you. I guarantee you it won’t be me shitting hoof prints if you try,” Fleetfoot wiggled back and forth in her spot.

Soarin backed towards the door with the yellow stallion hidden behind him. He reached out and opened the door.

“You really should fight back you know…” he chuckled. The yellow stallion just shook his head quickly. “Alright, alright. Go,” he whispered and the yellow stallion made his escape. Soarin quickly moved back to the table and sat back down. Blaze readied to leap across the table, but High Winds stood up and grabbed her.

“C’mon…” she yawned. “…Blaze. You’ve been humped enough today already,” she pulled Blaze back down. Blaze grunted in frustration and began pounding down her food.

“Good choice,” Fleetfoot sat down and went back to her food. She glanced at Soarin and smirked.

“So…” she slowly began.

“I never like it when you start like that...” Soarin sighed.

“The walls between our rooms are pretty thin you know,” she winked. “I heard things… So did you and Dash shaboink it last night?” she asked with a wide mischievous grin.

“No,” Soarin replied flatly.

“Get some stankie on the hang down?” Fleetfoot pressed.


“Hide the sausage?”


“Take old one eye to the optometrist?”


“Do the horizontal bop?”


“Make the beast with two backs?”


“Not even a jiffy-stiffy?”

“NO!” Soarin yelled as Fleetfoot burst out laughing and fell out of her seat back first.

“Oh god!” Fleetfoot quickly rolled over and stood up from the floor. She took off the backpack and looked at it, mortified. But the backpack was empty. “What the..?”

“I let him go,” Soarin shrugged.

“HEYYYYYY!” Fleetfoot pouted at him.

The door opened beside her and Surprise bounced in carrying a tray with a large pony shaped waffle on it. No plate or drink or anything. Just the waffle. She bounced over to the table with the rest of her squad and sat down beside Lightning Streak.

Squad three had been eating silently for the duration of breakfast, mostly due to the ruckus at the other table. Neither Misty nor Fire however, had picked up on the way Lightning kept glancing between them. He leaned forward with a goofy grin on his face.

“So bro, how does Misty like takin’ it?” he said out loud, no hesitation. Fire spat out his eggs and looked at his brother with an incredulous expression.

“Brother!? How could you say—?”

“Is she built for speed or for comfort?” Lightning cut him off. Fire’s face turned red with anger.

“That is the most preposterous thing I have ever heard! Misty! Don’t… oh…” Fire glanced at Misty. She was happily eating her pancakes as if nothing had happened. Lightning burst out laughing and pounded a hoof against the table. Misty looked up as she felt the table vibrate. She saw Lightning laughing and Fire holding a hoof over his eyes. She blinked, shrugged, and went back to eating.

“She can’t even hear me bro! So what was it like?” Lightning continued. Fire glared at him.

“I kicked you out last night because you were waking the dead… again… with your snoring. NOT to take advantage of Misty!” Fire’s nostrils flared.

“Why ya gotta put such a negative twist on everything, man?” Lightning leaned back in his seat. “I bet she liked it too!”

“STOP SUGGESTING WE MADE LOVE!” Fire yelled out. He flinched and looked to his right to see everypony at the other table just staring at him. He gulped and smiled sheepishly. “Eh… nothing! Nothing at all! Carry on!” he sat back down and tried to hide behind Misty, who was still eating, oblivious to the situation.

“Wait… they diddled last night?” Surprise chimed in. She had mostly only been paying attention to her waffle, but she finally picked up on the conversation.

“NO!” Fire smacked his head against the table. Misty looked up from her food and saw Fire looking very distraught. Lightning jabbed Surprise lightly on the shoulder.

“Yeah girl! I woke up in the hallway! They totally bumped nasties!”

“WE. DID. NOT!” Fire growled across the table. Misty looked between Fire and Lightning with a look of pure confusion on her face. Lightning saw her looking at him and waved a hoof at her. She focused on him as he took his wings, made an O shape with the feathers on one and extended a single feather towards it with his other wing. Fire leapt over the table and grabbed Lightning by the neck before he could finish the motion and began shaking him.

“WHOA! WHOA BRO, WHOA! CHILL! CHILLLLL!” Lightning yelled as Fire nearly lost his mind. Surprise appeared beside them.

“FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!!” she yelled as two pies appeared on the table near both of the Streak twins. She pressed her hooves to their heads and plunged them both face first into the pies.

Misty blinked, shrugged, and went about finishing her breakfast.

The door opened again. Soarin turned around to see Wave Chill enter rather quickly. He glanced around and spotted the seat beside Blaze. He sat down and began eating with his head low to the table as if he was trying to get Soarin to block the door.

“Wave? What’s—” Soarin was cut off as the door opened again. Spitfire walked in. She saw both tables were mostly full, but something weird was happening at the table with squad 3, so she went for the other. She greeted Soarin and Fleetfoot as she went for the seat beside Fleetfoot, but was halfway through sitting down when she froze.

Soarin looked up at her with confusion, and then followed her eyes. She was staring at Wave Chill. Wave was looking away, acting like the antics over at the other table had his full attention. Spitfire began standing up, but stopped, sighed, and just sat down. Fleetfoot looked between her and Wave with a confused expression.

Spitfire kept stealing quick glances, diagonally across the table. Wave was doing the same. Every couple of second they would catch each other looking and quickly both look away while blushing. Fleetfoot quickly picked up on this.

“Okay, what’s with you two?” she directed at both of them. Spitfire didn’t say anything, but Wave nearly flinched out of his uniform.

“What? I mean… uh… all is well, Commander!” he forced. Spitfire stopped trying to eat and just put her hooves over her eyes. Fleetfoot turned to Spitfire.

“Hey!” she poked Spitfire. Spitfire thrust her wing out to bat Fleet’s hoof away. “Whoa!” Fleetfoot pulled her hoof back and glanced between the two of them again. “Alright, show’s over guys. What’s going on?”

“Nothing!” Both Wave and Spitfire yelled at the same time. They glanced at each other and both looked away quickly… again.

“We…” Spitfire began, but instantly shut her mouth. Fleetfoot leaned towards Spitfire.

“What?” she asked while blinking. “What?” she asked again while glancing at Wave. “Whaaaaat?” she threw her hooves into the air. Neither Wave nor Spitfire looked at her. “WHAAAAAAAAAT?” she got louder. Spitfire started groaning. “WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?” Fleetfoot poked Spitfire. She turned and saw Wave face down on the table. “WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!” Fleetfoot yelled out.

SHUT! UP! Spitfire and Wave both retorted and glared at Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot stared blankly at both of them, completely silent for only a brief moment.

“Did you two have sex?” she asked simply.

“ARGH! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!” Spitfire grabbed Fleetfoot’s head and forced it down against the table.

“OW! Hey! It was an honest question!” Fleetfoot flailed beneath Spitfire’s grip. Soarin blinked and looked at Wave, who was blushing while trying to get back to his breakfast.

“Uh…” Soarin looked to Spitfire, then back at Wave. “Did you?”

“GOD DAMN NO!” Wave threw his hooves up into the air and slammed them hard against the table. His plate flipped up and smashed scrambled eggs all over his face.

Silver Lining came through the door and stopped as he stood in the doorway. Spitfire was holding Fleetfoot’s head against a table, Blaze was angrily stuffing her face while grunting obscenities, High Winds was asleep, Wave Chill’s face was covered with eggs, Surprise was holding the Streak twins’ faces down in pies, and Soarin was still a princess. The only Wonderbolt acting normally was Misty Fly.

“This place gets stranger every damn day…” he mumbled while rolling his eyes. “Captain Spitfire, may I have a word with Commander Fleetfoot when you’re done… killing her?” he asked. All attention in the room turned to him. Spitfire looked towards Silver, sighed, and let Fleetfoot up.

“Sheesh Spitfire, simmer down that rage…” Fleetfoot mumbled as she shook out her mane. Spitfire sat back down in her seat roughly and continued eating while facing away from Wave.

“Commander Fleetfoot?” Silver addressed her while saluting. Fleetfoot turned in her seat and smiled when she saw Silver.

“What’s up? Good news?” she asked while standing and trotting towards him.

“Yes ma’am,” he nodded. “None of them noticed. They’re all in place whenever you’re ready.”

“Mwahaha! None of them will see it coming!” Fleetfoot rubbed her hooves together. The rest of the Wonderbolts looked about at each other in confusion. Surprise’s ears stood up as she let the Streak twins out of the pies.

“Oh! You’re using that one?! YAY!” she bounced up and down on her back hooves while clapping her front hooves together.

“Wait… what?” Soarin looked between the two of them. Fleetfoot sneered.

“Check it out!” she walked over to the door and pushed it open. Soarin blinked, stood up, and looked out into the mess hall. He looked every direction, then back at Fleetfoot.

“Wait… Where are the cadets?!”

--- To Be Continued ---

Author's Note:

So i'm full of shit again...

well my friend bailed on me so i ended up not being busy so yeah here's a chapter...



sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger, i wanted to keep the theme for the chapter 19 gag. It's not like you have to wait long because i keep posting chapters despite me saying it'll be more than a day.

So im gonna say, the next chapter will most likely be out tomorrow because i can't seem to pry my fingers away from the keyboard.

I hope you enjoyed some good fun innuendos!

Thanks for reading!

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