• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 167: Wonderbolts Never Die (Arc 3 Finale Part 9: Our World)


Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind
Chapter 167: Wonderbolts Never Die (Arc 3 Finale Part 9: Our World)

“Now hold on just a minute…” Soarin held out an arm. “This smells. You’re telling me, that we’re going to fight based on ‘realistic depictions’ of each other… using your magic? Seriously?”

“That is correct.” Sombra stated, quite oblivious to Soarin’s concern. He glanced back and forth while sniffing the air. “What exactly are you smelling?”

“Are you kidding me?” Soarin lifted an eyebrow. “How can I expect this to be a ‘fair’ fight if it’s something you have generated yourself? I know what’s on the line here, and I know you’re desperate for it!”

“You would DARE accuse me of cowardly antics?” Sombra instantly blew up in a very defensive tone, snarling at Soarin. “As if I’d be so petty to commit such a dishonorable act in front of my loyal knights!” he scoffed and snorted angrily. “You would be wise to listen to my words and think about what this would mean during an age of honor and chivalry. A knight, no less a king, would never make a formal challenge with the intention to fix the match.” Sombra strongly defended himself, then shook his head. “You are a full manifestation of yourself in peak form, as you were before my magic and spirit were wrongly forced into you.” He touched a hoof to his chest. “And I am a manifestation of myself in my youth… my prime. I do not have the extra blessings of strength and ability of yours that were added to my own upon being freed… and I’m sure Celes remembers the vision standing before her. This was how I appeared when we first met.” he said while glancing back at her.

Soarin followed Sombra’s eyes, looking towards Celestia on the ground. She had a hoof placed over her mouth, a breathless look of emotion on her face. It was as if the sight of Sombra was stirring up memories and nearly bringing her to tears.

“No,” Sombra shook his head. “You are as you were, and I am as I was. Nothing more, nothing less. I cannot force you out of your body and you cannot force me out of your body. If we want to solve this, I want it to be on equal ground, as ourselves. As if the two of us are meeting face to face across time.”

Soarin listened carefully, and looked down at himself again. Something felt slightly off, but… the more he stood there in this supposed imaginary body, the more he began to realize that it wasn't off… it was just back to normal. He had been dealing with the magic trapped within his body for so long that he had nearly forgotten what it felt like to be without it. The slight energizing boost was gone, but so was the slight discomfort, two things he had become numb to over time.

But… he felt his skepticism was still very justified.

“What guarantee do I have?” Soarin asked while looking up at Sombra and narrowing his eyes. Sombra gritted his teeth and scowled, but Soarin didn’t budge. “I’m not about to agree just by your word alone. And don’t give me your chivatious, chivalarious, or whatever bullshit from ye olden days again, because that’s not enough.”

Sombra growled, but eventually calmed himself and released an exasperated grunt.

“Fine…” he snorted. “Strike me.”

“Pardon…?” Soarin blinked.

“If it’s confirmation you desire…” Sombra pointed to his face. “Then strike me.”

“Uh…” Soarin’s left eye twitched, not sure what to think.

“I’m waiting…” Sombra grumbled with a hint of sarcasm. Soarin furrowed his brow, picking up on his tone as if Sombra saw this as an annoyance. “Well? Get on with it before I change my mind!” he barked.

Soarin shook his head out and glared, setting his hooves firmly.

“FINE!” he yelled with a growl.

He crouched down and assumed the ready position to execute the Sonic Blastoff. He swiftly executed each movement perfectly and launched from the spot.

His eyes twitched as a sudden, unexpected jolt rushed through his body. It wasn’t anything that could throw him off, but the execution felt… difficult? He pushed the thought from his mind as he shot towards Sombra, pulling back a hoof and shouting as he lunged his body into a punch.

His hoof cracked Sombra square in the jaw with every ounce of strength he could muster, backed up by his momentum.

“RGH!!!!” Sombra grunted loudly as his head was whiplashed around. He was knocked right off his hooves, but remained upright, turning with the direction of his head and slamming his hooves down, skidding to a halt a few yards from where he started.

“GAH!” Soarin twitched as shocks of pain traveled from his hoof, all the way through his arm and to his body. He hit Sombra right in the face, but it felt like he had punched a thick sheet of metal. He sucked it up, leaping back and resetting himself as he focused on Sombra.

“Krgk…” Sombra choked quietly, his body twitching as he shook his head out and slowly stood upright to face Soarin again. Soarin looked Sombra over carefully, his eyes landing on his mouth as a small trickle of blood slipped from between his lips and ran down his chin. Sombra reached up and wiped the blood from his mouth, looking at his hoof briefly before pushing his jaw back and forth with a few subtle cracks. He finished by spitting out a wad of blood and glaring towards Soarin, just as he was before. “Well?” he asked. “Does that satisfy you?”

Soarin just stared at first, but his attention was suddenly drawn away by his own body. He felt… slight fatigue? Physical fatigue, as if he needed a moment to rest and catch his breath too. He placed a hoof on his chest and felt a fast heartbeat.

Yet this wasn’t real? It was a projection? If so, Sombra wasn’t kidding about his ability to make it feel as real as possible. And if Sombra really did base him on how he was before being injected with the magic… then this was accurate. The Sonic Blastoff was never a move he could use consecutively, it always put a lot of strain on his body.

This was definitely him… this was real. And Sombra was real as well, his punch definitely hit a face… a very solid face, but it was there. Soarin light shook his hoof off as he tipped his head.

“You’re serious about this, huh?” Soarin said as he found his voice, panting lightly as he caught his breath and stared towards Sombra. Sombra rubbed a hoof against his jaw one more time while scrunching his mouth before nodding.

“Indeed I am. This is the only way I can see us coming to a conclusion. We have played our hooves in words and ideals and neither of us will give an inch. When words fail, there are two ways to solve something. Conflict… or competition.” Sombra said as he stepped closer to Soarin. “And the way I see it…” he stopped ten paces away. “Conflict won’t solve anything either. Both of our spirits are strong and are firmly dug in. We’re playing tug-of-war with solid walls propping us up from behind.”

They held eyes on one another for a few moments as Soarin caught his breath and stood upright. Sombra gave him a reassuring nod while looking him up and down.

“You strike me as a stallion of sport, one who relishes overcoming obstacles and challenging your limits. So I’m presenting you a formal challenge, a competitive duel. We fight using only our natural abilities, with no extra powers or enhancements attached.”

Soarin listened carefully before looking down at his hooves.

“Stallion to stallion… equal ground…” Soarin spoke aloud.

“Indeed,” Sombra nodded. “There shall be no tricks, for I have no reason to use them,” Sombra spoke naturally, but Soarin blinked and perked up, lifting an eyebrow as he looked into Sombra’s confident eyes. “I will not lose.”

Soarin’s eyebrow twitched as he shot Sombra a miffed glare. But he ignored it for a moment, looking down at his hooves again.

“You know…” he began with a chuckle. “This is outrageous but… By now I’d believe anything is possible.” He lifted one hoof and shook it out. “And your thick head proved you weren’t lying. Fine… let’s do this.”

“Not yet,” Sombra turned, leaving Soarin staring blankly. “There is one last touch required…”

Outside, Sombra turned Soarin’s body towards the center of the Crystal Palace, facing the direction of the throne room and looking up towards the high spires that reached into the sky above. After staring for a moment, he tilted his head to point the tip of the curved horn towards the structure.

Magic slowly began collecting from around his entire body, making its way towards the horn. It gathered softly into a glowing ball of soft blue light. The light grew larger and brighter as the flow continued, growing until it was as large as him and still expanding further. But it was not intense, nor was it unstable, it was very controlled and very soft despite the enormous amount of power being poured into it.

Then, with a simple flip of his head, the magic shot forth into a large beam that careened towards the palace. The light struck the crystal surface of the structure, but there was no impact effect. The palace began to absorb the light, the crystal architecture softly glowing as the magic flowed into it, as if resonating with Sombra’s power.

All those nearby, including Soarin within watched with great curiosity as the light swirling about the center of the palace began flowing upward towards the spires. It eventually began gathering at the very tip of the highest spire… in a manner nearly identical to the way magic gathered on a unicorn’s horn.

The process indeed worked as it appeared, the magic eventually launching skyward as if fired from a horn. The enormous pillar of light shot higher and higher, going right through the protective shield, and surging through the clouds. The glow that radiated forth from the beam illuminated the twilight, surrounding the empire in a gentle blue glow.

The magic eventually stopped rising and expanded, creating a large cloud of energy high above that could be seen from practically everywhere, both inside and outside the Empire.

Soarin glanced about as the dark blue tint of his inner surroundings began to shine brightly, forcing him to shield his eyes. It wasn’t an overwhelming light, but it was bright enough to obscure his view of anything happening around him. It was short lived, quickly dimming down to reveal a much lighter sky-blue tint to his surroundings. Soarin blinked as he looked all around him to see if anything else had changed. At first glance it appeared nothing had, but the new tint of blue appeared to be… opaque? Opaque and borderline translucent. He could definitely see something beyond the blue, but he couldn’t make it out. The light was distorting, morphing, and moving constantly as if trying to come into focus.

Eventually the distortion began to fade. Soarin flinched at first as it appeared the very ground beneath him was fading, but he still stood upright, his hooves against what felt like a solid surface. But as soon as he calmed down he got a good look at what was being revealed, and the realization only shocked him further.

The Crystal Empire? No, not just that, it was everything! The palace, the expanse of the city, the entire battlefield, the mountains and forests… all of it. He could see the ponies clashing as well, but all the fighting and commotion abruptly stopped after the vision appeared.

Soarin couldn’t see them too well from so far up, and he appeared to be massive in comparison to them as well, but… could they see him? There was no other reason for the raging battle to come to such a sudden halt unless something drastic drew their attention.

“Everypony will watch us settle this,” Sombra spoke up, immediately confirming Soarin’s speculation. Soarin did not look up, but Sombra did not wait for him to ask for an explanation this time. “The Crystal Palace is a magnificent achievement of architecture, one that resonates well with magic forces given the proper manipulation and casting. I’ve turned it into a beacon that will project our battle high into the sky for all those here to see. For we are the titans who will clash to decide their fate.”

Soarin finally looked up from the sight below, his eyes meeting a stern gaze from Sombra.

“We both have worlds we wish to fight for,” Sombra continued. “This is what is driving us… propelling us forward and giving us strength.”

Soarin looked back down, drawn back to the sight with awe. If what Sombra said was true, then they were a massive image suspended over the empire. Every Wonderbolt, Renegade, Shadowbolt, Thestral, and crystal guard below were all frozen in shock, looking up into the sky.

“Both of our worlds are watching us. I wish for you to be at your best, so those you care for shall bear witness to your efforts. Likewise, those I care for are watching…” Sombra said while glancing towards the Empire, his small group of knights still gathered outside near Soarin’s body. “They may be few in number by comparison, but I owe them every ounce of effort I can give. I will fight to honor them, and to restore my own.”

Soarin heard every word, but his eyes were still locked down below.

He could see them.

Picking out the blue and yellow details from above.


He couldn’t pick out who each one was specifically, but they were down there. Which meant Spitfire was down there. It meant Fleetfoot was down there. Blaze, High Winds, Fire Streak, Lightning Streak, Misty Fly, Surprise, Air Mach… all of them. And… he hoped Dash was down there too.

If they could all see him, and the rest of the Wonderbolts could see him…

“All else has been cast aside.” Sombra kept on, drawing Soarin’s attention back to him. “Now… it will simply come down to who is the better stallion. You as a pegasus… against me as a unicorn. No tricks, no catch, and no strings attached. Just combat. We are perfectly replicated to be within our natural limits and our own given skills and abilities… so whoever yields, concedes defeat, or is knocked out first… will forfeit all control, allowing the other to possess your body.”

Soarin just stared, all of Sombra’s words were strong. He could not sense a hint of mal intent in his voice, and after getting to feel it for himself…

Soarin glanced towards Celestia briefly to see her vigorously shaking her head ‘no.’ But Sombra quickly noticed as well and shifted over to stand between the two of them while shooting her a glare.

“What say YOU?” Sombra pointed. “This is YOUR choice to make!”

“Don’t… please… he’s…” Celestia’s voice feebly wailed quietly from behind Sombra, but Sombra released a low pitch nicker from his throat to drown her out.

But the effort was needless… because Soarin was already thinking it over on his own. He didn’t want, nor did he need Celestia to tell him what to do.

He had come to a conclusion himself.

“Fine… I accept,” Soarin answered with a firm nod. Sombra cracked a brief grin as Celestia gasped behind him. He stepped away from her, revealing her once more to Soarin. Her eyes were open wide, but she looked crushed and helpless beneath her bindings, as if she had nothing left, not even her word to sway Soarin in any way.

But Soarin didn’t look at her, he kept his eyes on Sombra as he stepped out and around to prepare himself.

“So…” Soarin spoke up while watching Sombra carefully. “That means if I win…” he pointed at Sombra. “You’ll give my body back?”

“You won’t win,” Sombra casually shot back, catching Soarin off-guard for a moment. He scrunched his face and was ready to retort, but Sombra shook his head and body out, stretching out his legs and cracking his neck. “And if you believe you will…” His magic came to life, conjuring his sword and pointing it towards Soarin. “Then you truly don’t understand who you face, Sombra the Great, Warrior King of the Crystal Empire, Slayer of Black Dragons.”

Soarin lifted an eyebrow. He couldn’t stop his mouth from scrunching up, as if the way Sombra put it sounded a bit… silly? His tone of voice mixed with all the big talk gave a feeling of sportsmanship. He really was trying to make this a competition. Soarin couldn’t help himself as he snickered to himself.

“Want to add ‘Rutter of the Sun Goddess’ while you’re at it there?” Soarin asked with a smirk as he relaxed his body. Sombra snorted, but couldn’t hide a smirk of his own.

“I suppose we could…” he agreed with a slight tip of his head.

“That’s a lot of big talk,” Soarin said with a nod. “But guess what pal? You don’t know me! Let’s see… I’m Soarin of the Wonderbolts, Lifter of Heavy Weights, Tripper of Wet Floor Signs, Rider of Rainbows, and Wearer of Ironically Named Ancient Artifacts. I’m not in the business of losing either, tough guy, so you better not underestimate me!”

“We’ll put that confidence to the test then!” Sombra conjured his shield as well and readied himself. Both still smiling at one another as they held themselves steady.

Neither of them moved for a moment.

Sombra’s grin eventually faded and he exhaled.

“I won’t lose,” he repeated, but this time in a more serious tone. “This battle will be for all those whom I have loved and cared for.”

Soarin held firm, but nodded.

“Likewise,” he agreed.

“I failed them once… and I will not fail them again,” Sombra added, returning Soarin’s nod. “May the best stallion win,” Sombra gave a single nod.

And without another word, they charged at one another, fire alight in their eyes and ready to prove their strength to the other.

Perhaps… this really was the best way.

“Oh my word…” Ruin’s eyes were stuck open wide as he stared at the sky in complete awe. His pupils slowly grew larger as he examined the massive projected image of Soarin and Sombra above.

“YEAH!” Twister cheered and whistled loudly, stuffing a massive hooffull of popcorn into his mouth. “Thank Celestia I paid for cable!” Twister’s voice was heavily muffled with his mouth full of popcorn. “This would have taken fifty years to download and stream!” He paused to swallow, a massive lump starveling down his neck as all the popcorn went down at once. “Hey! We should record this! I can put it on laser disks and sell it for 19.93 a pop!”

“How…?” Ruin said out loud, completely ignoring Twister. “How did they do that?” he looked completely enthralled, not paying attention to anything around him while overcome with curiosity. “It’s like they are in their true bodies…”

Ruin perked up and looked around. The misty area that had been hiding them was now completely gone, revealing all around them, but everything had come to a complete halt. All the cacophony and brawling had stopped. Everypony was looking up into the sky in shock and amazement. Some were still grappling, some were trading blows just moments ago, but every ounce of attention was drawn to the marvel in the sky.

Despite his thirst for disarray and chaos, Ruin did not seem to care that his wonderland of violence had vanished without a trace. He looked right into the sky, enthralled by the same sight that had caught everypony else.

“What kind of magic is this…?” he kept asking himself questions. He wasn’t expecting answers from anypony, his curiosity was just too strong to hold in.

Off to the side, Dash’s eyes were as wide as Ruin’s. Though her pupils were shaking and her eyelids twitching. Her head was still stuck in a scrambled tizzy that simply refused to fade. She could see the distorted images of her friends beside and around her, but they were all looking up while she continued her struggle.

But her heart was beating fast.

Without any outside influence or any sort of nudge or catalyst, she suddenly felt a sense of worry overtake her, as if her quickened heartbeat was a bad omen. A sense of dread washed over her and despite not knowing what was causing it, something within her was telling her what it meant.

“Soarin…” she spoke, her voice shaking.

Soarin was in trouble, Soarin needed her. That’s what the feeling was telling her.

She cringed as she tried to move, barely able to release audible grunts from her throat as she struggled to move herself. But her body just wouldn’t listen. Despite her worry for Soarin tugging at her heart, her body just didn’t have the strength or the balance to move.

Her friends took no notice despite being right beside her. Something had their attention. Dash didn’t know what, but it didn’t matter. There was something pushing at her from within, telling her that she had to do something and right now that was all she could focus on.

“HRAH!” Soarin yelled out as his hoof slammed against Sombra’s shield. Sombra tipped backwards slightly, but his hooves did not budge, his sword held back behind him as Soarin bounced off and jammed his hooves to the ground. Without hesitating, Soarin leapt forward again, throwing two more punches into Sombra’s shield, but the result was no different. He bounced to the side after landing before rushing once more at a different angle, but Sombra’s shield came right around, blocking another hit, Soarin twisted his body, trying to kick over the shield, but the shield thrust forward, slamming into his chest and knocking him back.

Soarin grunted as he landed on his side, but quickly bounced up, setting his hooves to continue.

It didn’t take long for him to notice… his body felt a little sluggish. But it was to be expected after his first attempt to use the Sonic Blastoff. He was no longer blessed with the boost of his magic. It was quite a shift back to reality and it put him in a slight bind. He was suddenly afraid to use the Sonic Blastoff again. The last thing he needed was to tire himself out, but at this point it appeared a careful approach wasn’t going to be effective.

But there was something else he noticed… Sombra was only defending. Soarin had been keeping tabs on Sombra’s sword, but aside from the first charge, Sombra had kept the sword held at the ready behind him.

Was Sombra gauging him? He had to be. There was no way his frontal assault didn’t afford Sombra any chances to throw attacks of his own. But he didn’t make any offensive moves and any punches that Soarin didn’t whiff ran smack into Sombra’s shield… and damn, it was solid.

Soarin bounced back, but tried to catch Sombra off-guard by launching forward again the moment his hooves hit the ground. Sombra had already lowered his shield, but shot it right back up in front, Soarin’s quick attack forcing him to hold it right in front of his face as Soarin body slammed it, putting an arm and shoulder into it. The sudden hit and Sombra’s imbalanced block forced him to pick up a back hoof and slam it down to avoid tipping. Soarin pumped his wings twice, powerful gusts bursting behind him, but he could not move him further, Sombra’s powerful muscles tensing as he held himself firmly in place.

Soarin glared at Sombra through the shield as his hooves touched the ground and he held himself against it, keeping the pressure against it. Sombra stared back calmly, nodding to Soarin.

“You’re good,” Sombra said as they kept their eyes locked with the shield in between. “Powerful and aggressive… and just as strong as you appear.”

“Gee, thanks.” Soarin grunted sarcastically as he kept pushing with little results. His eyes shifted to Sombra’s sword behind him, but it hadn’t budged. “GRGH!” Soarin grunted as Sombra forced his shield forward, pushing Soarin right off of it.

He stumbled backwards, but repeated the attack, kicking off his hooves again to strike instantly. Sombra brought up the shield again, but this time angled it to the left. The moment Soarin’s hoof struck the surface, Sombra forced the shield out to the side, parrying the blow instead of blocking it. Soarin yelped as his weight and momentum forced him to stumble past Sombra. Soarin glared at the ground, forcing his hooves down and turning the moment he had control of himself again.

But as soon as he was facing Sombra again, all he saw was the pommel of Sombra’s sword directly in front of him.

“GAH!” Soarin cried out as the pommel struck him right in the face between the eyes. He was knocked onto his back and rolled onto his side, forcing his eyes open despite the burning sensation in his face. His eyes widened as he saw Sombra’s sword already in full swing, looking to sweep down low and catch him before he could get up. Soarin popped up and leapt up over the sword as the swing flew underneath, nearly brushing the bottom of his hooves. He forced his wings back, propelling him directly at Sombra with a hoof pulled back, but Sombra took a hard step forward and head-butted Soarin, his horn brushing by the side of Soarin’s head as their skulls clashed, but Sombra clearly had a thicker head.

Soarin was knocked onto his back again, this time bouncing twice before rolling to a stop. He grabbed the spot on his face, this time unable to push the pain aside so quickly. Regardless, he tried to force himself up, stumbling and shaking his head out as he finally got up. But when he looked out, Sombra was simply standing at the ready with shield in front and sword resting over his shoulder.

“Lacking finesse, however,” Sombra added.

Soarin blinked, staring blankly for a moment before growling and setting his hooves again.

“There’s a fine line between a warrior and a brawler,” Sombra continued as he lifted the sword from his shoulder and held it out to the side.

“I don’t need instructions, thank you!” Soarin yelled as he rushed forward again. He lunged at Sombra with both hooves forward, but it was heavily telegraphed.

Sombra simply stepped aside as Soarin reached him, and delivered a hard chop to Soarin’s back with his sword.

Soarin exhaled loudly as he landed face first on the ground, skidding along on his stomach until turning sideways and rolling to a stop.

It hurt like hell, but as Soarin turned over, he blinked in realization. Sombra just hit him with his sword, but it felt like he was hit with a metal bar. There was no wound, the sword wasn’t sharp. The only thing sharp was the stinging sensation in his back that was definitely going to leave a bruise.

“Keep fighting like that and this will be over quickly,” Sombra said with a snort as he turned and faced Soarin.

Soarin sat still for a moment, scrunching his face and glaring as the lingering stinging from the hit didn’t seem to bother him as much as Sombra’s attitude.

“Come on!” Sombra yelled, bringing his sword around. “UP! You can do better than that!”

Soarin blinked as he forced himself up, his expression shifting to one of slight curiosity.

‘He could do better?’

Part of him was miffed at what Sombra said, but the other part took heed, preventing him from simply rushing forward again. He had to remind himself that Sombra was a stallion of a different era. What sounded like taunts to him could easily be well meant encouragement, especially with how eager Sombra was for this. This was far from being a simple duel for Soarin, but Sombra was looking for a fight and he expected Soarin to be capable of much more.

Soarin set himself and eyed Sombra carefully, his eyes darting all over Sombra’s body position, stance, and weapon placement. Sombra held the same stance he had every time. He stood with a slightly diagonal angle with his left shoulder in front, head turned towards Soarin. The shield was placed in front, the top an inch below chin height. The sword was elevated over Sombra’s right shoulder, the blade reaching past the top of the shield and held towards Soarin.

So far Soarin had been charging while favoring an angle on the opposite side of the sword, which seemed like the right approach. But he was getting nowhere fast.

It seemed like a bad idea, but the other way wasn’t working so Soarin went for it, breaking into a gallop while shifting approach on the same side as the sword.

Sombra’s eyes twitched slightly wider, scrunching his mouth up as he read Soarin’s movements. He dipped his head, pulling the sword over the top into a wide rotation around the opposite side for a momentous swing. Soarin quickly reacted, shifting a little further out to bait Sombra into a wider swing.

Sombra did not falter, shifting his stance to make sure his sword would reach far enough, but that’s what Soarin was betting on.

The moment Sombra shifted his body, Soarin ducked, spread his wings out and pumped them hard backwards. A large burst of wind propelled behind him, pushing him along the ground, skidding on his hooves underneath as Sombra’s sword whooshed by overhead.

In an instant, Sombra was suddenly at a disadvantage, the momentum of his swing carrying his sword out of the zone, his shield not properly placed, and Soarin shooting up from below directly in front of him with a hoof pulled back.

Soarin went right for a thundering uppercut, packing as much power into his arm and hoof as his body could muster and thrust upward.

“NGH!!!” Sombra grunted loudly as he slammed a hoof down and forced his neck backwards, barely shifting his head out of the way in time as Soarin’s hoof came so close that he could feel it brush against his cheek.

Soarin immediately flinched when he realized he had missed the mark, but had no time to dodge as Sombra’s shield came around and swiped down from above, slamming into Soarin’s shoulder and roughly forcing him to the ground. Soarin yelped as he bounced on his side, ending up on his back with Sombra standing over him. His eyes widened as he saw Sombra bring the sword around, whirling it into a mighty downward swing towards him.

Soarin guarded himself, tucking his head in, taking a deep breath and tensing his body as he shielded his face.

But… nothing hit him.

Soarin opened one eye, keeping it squinted as he only saw the fur on his own arm. He opened the other eye, slowly moving his arm to peek past it. He blinked and exhaled as he saw the blade of Sombra’s sword halted barely an inch or two from his face. His eyes shifted, looking along the length of the sword and up into Sombra’s eyes as he stared down from above.

“That’s more like it,” Sombra said with a satisfied grin as he pulled the sword back and rested it over his shoulder. He then reached out a hoof towards Soarin.

Soarin lifted an eyebrow as he relaxed his body and stared at Sombra’s hoof.

“Come on, now…” Sombra bounced his hoof up and down, keeping it in front of Soarin.

Without giving it any more thought, Soarin reached up and grabbed Sombra’s hoof. With a strong tug, Sombra helped Soarin get back on his hooves. As soon as he was upright, Sombra nodded and turned his back, casually pacing away from Soarin.

“You baited me to attack a certain way and took advantage of my momentum. I left the zone in front of me wide open and you moved in for the strike,” he said as he stopped and turned, letting his sword down from his shoulder, the blade thumping against the ground beside him. “You couldn’t have accomplished that without recognizing my guard patterns, and the flow of my sword swings. Very perceptive of you.”

“Why?” Soarin sharply asked, scrunching his face. Sombra tipped his head.

“Why what?” he asked. Soarin pointed at the ground and lifted one eyebrow. “Why didn’t I hit you?”

“And help me up?” Soarin added in a demanding tone. Sombra shook his head.

“This is a duel, not a death match,” Sombra answered calmly while lifting his sword and pointing it towards Soarin. “The deciding blow will be dealt with you on your hooves in the midst of battle. Striking you whilst you are defenseless on the ground would be unbecoming and without honor.”

Soarin just stared blankly at Sombra. He had been taking this completely seriously from the start, assuming it to be a life or death situation no matter how much Sombra dressed it up as a competition. But… apparently Sombra meant it.

“Do you still doubt me?” Sombra asked, still holding his sword out. Soarin looked down at himself, quickly thinking over all of it. His form, Sombra’s form, his doubts… Sombra was telling the truth and he was serious about them fighting stallion to stallion. Even if he didn’t see it that way, Sombra was treating it that way. It was… strangely reassuring. Sombra spoke confidently in his abilities, that he could not possibly lose to Soarin, but he was giving Soarin a chance either way.

“No, I guess not,” Soarin nodded, glaring towards Sombra as he set his hooves and readied himself to continue.

“Come!” Sombra yelled as he pulled his sword back. “We’ve only just begun!”

Soarin did not wait another moment. He charged once more and engaged Sombra again, the duel continuing on.

Dash gasped, her body churning as she kept trying to force it into motion. She simply could not make her body listen to her no matter what she did, but she kept trying regardless.

Something had changed, she could feel it.

There was an intense amount of pressure in the air, magical pressure that spewed forth from the Crystal Empire. It pressed down from above like an invisible weight on everypony present. But while the powerful forces felt like a burden to everypony else, to Dash it felt like a gentle, caressing touch.

She didn’t know what to make of it, but new sensations were filling her alongside the odd sense of dread that had already taken hold. Her heart was beating in an irregular pattern, as if reacting to exertion or strain that wasn’t even her own. As if… she was feeling the heartbeat of another who was giving their all.

The urge to move only grew stronger, but every attempt continued to be futile, caught between a rock and a hard place. She exhaled and gasped for air as another attempt failed, squeaking her eyes open and looking about. As before, she could see Ruin and Twister directly ahead, otherwise everything was still blurry. She could still make out her squad beside her, but any attempts to see further found nothing. Her vision was too wobbly to tell if ponies were moving or not, but one thing she was able to make out was that everypony she could see… was looking up.

“Rnnngggghhhhh…” Dash groaned, shifting her efforts from trying to stand to rolling over instead. She managed to push just hard enough to tip herself until she rolled to her right, her body stopping just short of being on her back thanks to the cushy fluff of Matteo right beside her.

But it was all she needed, she forced her eyes open to look into the sky.

And her jaw dropped.

Up in the sky…

Two ponies who were clear as day… just like Ruin and Twister were. And one of them was…

“S…Soarin…!” Dash forced the name out, but her voice was broken and extremely quiet. She forced a hoof out, reaching for the sight of Soarin as if he were right there, only to have her hoof swipe at nothing and fall back to the ground.

Her eyes remained open wide, watching as Soarin darted and moved… fighting another stallion. Was that Sombra? It looked similar to Sombra, but not quite the way she knew him. It had to be though, who else could it be?

It was at that moment that Dash felt her heart beating again, and this time… the way it quickened and relaxed was lining up perfectly with Soarin’s movements.

She was feeling Soarin’s heart… watching him fight Sombra in the sky with everyone else. She could not see the extent of the spectacle, she did not know that they were a massive image projected into the sky that was so awe inspiring and immense that the chaotic fighting among everypony had completely ceased.

She just saw Soarin. And she just saw him struggling. She didn’t care about anything else.

Then a movement caught her eyes, something she could see clearly nearby. Her eyes quickly shifted away to see Ruin moving. He was taking slow steps forward… moving in the direction of the Crystal Empire as the uneven steps slowly turned into an even stride. His eyes were fixed upward, a look of extreme fascination on his face as if some unseen force was pulling him along.

Twister’s lawn chair scooted along the ground behind him, but Dash didn’t even notice. Alarm bells were going off in her head as Ruin began moving towards the Empire. And in her heart she knew… that’s where Soarin was.

Soarin was fighting, but he didn’t appear to be winning in any sense of the word. He was throwing himself at Sombra again and again, but it always ended up the same way. Sombra remained unscathed as Soarin took the full brunt of his attacks. He was struggling… and the last thing he needed was Ruin to stick his nose into the situation.

She had to move, she had to! All of her efforts so far had failed, but that just meant she had to double her efforts! Ruin and Twister were already out of sight, they had a head start and the longer she stayed down, the less of a chance she had to… well… she didn’t know what the hell she was going to do, but anything was better than being stuck on the ground in a broken heap.

Then suddenly, she felt something… like a breeze or breath brush past her ears.

She ignored it, grinding her teeth and forcing her eyes open as she put all of her focus into pushing herself up.

The breeze whisked by her again, this time stronger.

Again, she paid no mind, but those around her noticed.

“What was that?” Matteo asked, blinking as he looked over his shoulder.

“What was wha—?” Little star was cut off as a very strong blast of wind suddenly rushed into them.

“ARGH!” Matteo grunted and shielded himself as both Squall and Star were instantly shifted by the gusts.

“Whoa, WHOA!” Star yelled out, Squall clutching her tightly. “AH! MATTY!” She yelped as both she and Squall were suddenly picked up and blown away. Matteo turned to look, but his vision was suddenly distorted by what appeared to be fog, but then snow began to fall, quickly picking up. He held his ground, looking down at Dash and noticing that she was not being affected at all by the wind, but before he could do anything else, the winds tripled in strength.

Matteo squawked loudly as he was lifted right off the ground and pelted by snow, the roaring winds tossing him about like a leaf.

And Dash was left alone.

The winds continued to blow and swirl, the snowfall spun and whisked about, but it seemed to be centered around her. The wind and snow was encircling her, as if caressing or hugging her gently.

She could feel it, but she couldn’t see what was happening. Her vision was bad enough, and now it was misty or foggy again, she couldn’t tell. Her eyes were stuck on the ground anyway, her nose pressed to the thinly snow covered dirt as she tried to find the strength in her limbs.

A little ball of white light floated down towards her, blending in well with the snowfall. The snow seemed to swirl around it much like it was around Dash.

It remained above her for a moment, waiting patiently as she continued her efforts, but a few moments later it shifted away slightly and grew larger, brighter. The snow and winds whipped around the light as it began to take a form, its shape expanding outward until it resembled a stallion. The stallion placed his hooves on the ground as the rest of it took shape, revealing wings, but stopping short of defining any facial features besides the mouth. There was a gentle shimmering sparkle around it, a warm glow constantly emanating from its body.

The figure watched as the blizzard swirled around them both, staying silent as Dash struggled and struggled with every ounce of her being. She had yet to look up at the glowing image.

“Rainbow Dash…” a ghostly, refined voice came from the image. “You have to get up. You can do it…” he spoke quiet words of encouragement.

Dash heard the voice, but gave no reaction.

“Soarin needs you,” the stallion went on. “You are his only hope.”

Dash shut her eyes tight, the strain on her body was nearly unbearable.

“At this moment…” the voice grew closer. “You are the only one who can turn the tide in his favor. Only you can end this. Soarin will undoubtedly hold on with all his might and fight with every last ounce of his strength, but it will not be enough to overcome this challenge. Without you, he will eventually fail.”

“Ah!” Dash’s limbs buckled, the slight amount of elevation she had gained in her efforts began to fall once again, her body inching back towards the ground.

“But… you know that don’t you? You know exactly what’s at stake.” The stallion’s voice was right beside her now. “Rule number six. When everything is on the line, there is no ‘I can’t…’ only ‘I will…’”

Dash tensed her body, halting her slow descent before her stomach could touch the ground again.

“There is no pain,” the stallion went on as he paced around her. “There are no injuries,” he stopped beside her. “Fight everything trying to hold you back!”

Dash started pushing herself up again, but got stuck in the same spot, barely a few inches off the ground, shaking her head as she groaned and grunted loudly.

“Refuse to break down! Let nothing tell you it can’t be done! Not even your own body!”

“RRRNGHH!!! “Dash grunted louder, her eyes squeaking open as she managed to push herself further, slowly rising once more.

“Don’t see failure as a possibility! See it as a choice!” the voice yelled as the stallion reached a hoof towards hers, ready to offer it as support. “A choice you should alwa—”

“SHUT UP!” Dash suddenly yelled, swinging her hoof out and swatting his away.

The stallion flinched, pulling his hoof back and leaning away.

“I CAN DO IT…” Dash slammed her hoof to the ground, tipping her head up, her eyes wide with determination. “MYSELF!!!!!” she yelled out, looking directly at the stallion spirit, but the haziness in her shaking pupils suggested she either was ignoring him, or not registering he was even there. Her actions were driven by instinct and determination.

The stallion did not try to reach for her again. Instead, he took a step back and watched.

“HRHRRRRAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!” Dash roared, pushing down with every ounce of might, searching for whatever strength she could find as she slowly rose up from the ground. She got stuck several times, pausing for several seconds, but she refused to go down again.

The stallion watched with fascination, a smile growing wider on his lips every time Dash managed to inch a little higher, defeating her limits to reach her goal.

With one final effort… Dash was up. She remained in place stiffly for a moment, her pupils shaking and her body wobbling. But she stared towards the Crystal Empire, grinding her teeth together as she slowly began forcing herself forward. One step, then another step, then another, and another, she had to brace the rest of her body to avoid falling with each stride, wobbling heavily as she compensated for her dislocated leg, but she was on the move. She was going to reach Soarin, everything else be damned.

“Heh…” the stallion chuckled to himself as he watched Dash move all on her own. “Quite the gem you’ve found here, Silver…”

He turned and followed behind her.

“URGH!” Soarin gasped as he took a hard hit to the side, Sombra’s sword slamming right into his ribs. He landed on his hooves and skidded to a stop, but was unable to hold himself up. He shuddered, grabbed his side and dropped down a little.

This wasn’t working. Nothing was working. No matter what he tried or how close he got, he couldn’t land more than a glancing blow on Sombra, if any at all. Yet he was taking heavy hit after heavy hit. At this rate…

“I would hope you’re not done yet,” Sombra’s voice stabbed into Soarin’s ears. Soarin growled and glared towards Sombra waiting patiently with his sword and shield in their ready stance.

“Get… bent…” Soarin hissed back at him as he forced himself up, huffing and puffing. “I’ve got plenty left!”

“At this rate, one may wonder,” Sombra shot right back with a snort. Soarin’s right eye twitched.

“How about I come over there…” Soarin growled and broke into a gallop towards Sombra. He spread his wings and got airborne, gliding along with both hooves pulled back to strike. “And feed you your goddamn royal ego?!”

Sombra did not move a muscle as Soarin shot towards him. He simply held his calm expression as a swirl of magic jumped through his horn and fired a simple magic beam. It shot right past Soarin’s head and struck the joint between his wing and back on the left side.

“Ah!” Soarin yelped as he felt his wing tense up, the shift in balance forcing him to turn and crash, skidding along the ground until he stopped right at Sombra’s hooves. Soarin grunted and rolled over onto his back, extending his wing to stretch and shake it out as the tingling, prickling sensation traveled up and down all the muscles attached. He opened his eyes to see Sombra’s sword pointed in his face, still resting on his shield lowered to shift the stance accordingly.

“You were saying?” Sombra asked while looking down on him. Soarin looked right past the sword into Sombra’s eyes. “How many times are you going to try that?”

Soarin blinked as he scooted himself back and stood up.

“By now you’d think it would make sense to try something else,” Sombra added, his voice starting to sound a little condescending. Soarin was doing his best to keep his cool, letting emotions get the better of him would not be helpful right now.

“I’ll fight you however I want, thanks,” Soarin huffed while still flexing his wing in and out.

“And where has that gotten you?” Sombra quickly replied while lifting an eyebrow. Soarin just shot him a flat look in response… because… he really didn’t know how to argue against that. “I have felled dragons many times my size,” Sombra went on while tipping his sword up and resting it over his shoulder. “So charging headlong at me, on an even plane no less, is going to accomplish what exactly?”

Soarin opened his mouth to yell, but… stopped as he thought carefully. Sombra shook his head.

“You’re not going to bait me into over shooting you again. You found a gap in my guard and got into my defense zone once. Don’t expect it to happen again with the same tactics. I learn from my mistakes, and it’s about time you did too or else I’ll be claiming your body as mine shortly.”

Soarin glanced down, gritting his teeth.

“Far be it my responsibility to make the obvious clear,” Sombra went on, pointing his sword toward Soarin. “But are you not a pegasus?”

“Eh?” Soarin blinked, tipping his head as he looked back up.

“You’re throwing yourself at me like a wild animal,” Sombra explained with a huff. “You have wings and yet you’ve done nothing but hover a few inches off the ground with them. The gift of flight is a natural advantage you possess, yet you have yet to actually make use of it, it’s confounding me.”

Soarin’s eyes widened slightly.

“Use your advantages! You’re no novice, so stop fighting like one!” Sombra readied his sword and shield. “Give me a challenge I know you’re capable of! Make me earn this!”

“Earn… this…?” Soarin repeated while angrily hissing breath through his teeth, his muscles tensing as his anger boiled. “You… son of a…” Soarin’s body shook slightly as he failed to contain himself. He was getting really tired of Sombra talking down to him to try harder in one breath and then claiming his victory was assured in the next. “Fine!” Soarin shouted, throwing his wings out. “You want it that badly?! Then I’ll give you everything I’ve got!”

Brushing aside his worries of overstraining his body, Soarin crouched down and flawlessly executed every motion required for the Sonic Blastoff. He launched forward with a burst of instant speed, gritting his teeth to bear the shocks sent through his body as the desire to wallop Sombra in the face overpowered any stress and pressure on his body.

Sombra had his sword and Shield at the ready, but he did not move, watching carefully as Soarin took an angle and shot right past him. Sombra turned, watching Soarin as he pitched up and went into a wide loop, rising higher and higher as he came around into a hard dive back towards Sombra like a meteor heading for impact.

But Sombra did not wait for him. He smiled as he watched the display of flight, magic lighting up on his horn. Soarin saw the buildup and was ready to dodge any incoming beams, but the magic was not directed at him. The magic flowed from Sombra’s horn down beneath him, pooling beneath his hooves.

“HRM!” Sombra jumped into the air, and the moment he did the magic erupted below him, exploding violently and propelling him into the air.

In an instant Soarin went from anticipating magic flying at him to having Sombra himself flying at him, but… he did not hesitate or slow down, his eyes locking on Sombra’s sword as he wound it up to swing the moment the two came together. He had roughly half a second, but it was enough time to see the position and angle of the sword.

“HRGAH!” Soarin forced his wings at an angle, shifting his body and twisting the moment Sombra swung the blade. The sword whisked by Soarin’s back and he passed right by Sombra, completely avoiding him instead of going for an attack of his own. Sombra tried to swing his shield around, but Soarin was moving too fast for him to intercept, missing by a few inches.

“Ah!” Sombra grunted in surprise as he missed both attempts to strike Soarin… and was left coasting through the air with no control. He grunted and tried to whip his body around, but his momentum was still carrying him and he was at the mercy of gravity.

He clearly wasn’t expecting Soarin to dodge, and as a result had put himself in a disadvantageous position. Soarin wasn’t going to let it go to waste. Soarin leveled out as he approached the ground, slamming his hooves down and skidding along, his hooves screeching against the surface as he turned. His body ached all over from the Sonic Blastoff, but the moment he had enough grip on the ground, he thrust his wings down and propelled himself back into the air towards Sombra.

Sombra was helpless in the air, his body tipping up and his back facing Soarin. He looked over his shoulder to see Soarin fast approaching, glaring as his horn lit up. With no other option, his Sword and Shield swung around behind him from both sides, attempting to smash Soarin in between them or at least deter Soarin’s advance.

But Soarin sped up, moving in faster and as he got within range of the incoming weapons…

“RRRGHHH!!!!” Soarin growled loudly throwing his arms out to his sides and parrying the sword and shield. The collisions sent tingling sensations through his arms and into his shoulders, but he tipped his head down and pumped his wings, launching a head butt right into the middle of Sombra’s back.

Sombra gasped and arched as the blow connected, the force pushing him further up and tipping him over, but as he flipped upside down, he snarled and released a burst of magic from his horn the moment it faced opposite of Soarin. The burst pushed him back towards the slightly shaken Soarin, pulling his sword back for another swing, but Soarin was ready for him, shifting aside to avoid the slash and getting above Sombra as he started tumbling through the air towards the ground.

Soarin dove, pumping his wings for extra speed as he shot towards Sombra, both hooves extended forward. Sombra was falling, unable to control the motion of his body. But he had enough of his senses about him to see Soarin closing in. With one solid effort, Sombra whipped his head, forcing his shield around and in front over his chest as Soarin drove his hooves into it.

Sombra grunted, the shield pressed to his chest as Soarin kept driving. Soarin beat his wings harder and harder, the two of them picking up speed as they careened towards the ground. They glared at one another through the surface of the shield, Sombra trying to push back, but Soarin’s strength combined with his speed and gravity were overpowering him.

Mere moments from hitting the ground, Sombra suddenly dispelled his shield, causing Soarin to lurch forward and crash into him. With a heavy swipe of his hoof, Sombra smacked Soarin off of him, while turning his head and shooting a burst of magic at the ground directly below. The burst of magic forced the two of them apart, shifting their momentum to hit the ground at a more horizontal angle, followed by several grunts as they bounced, skidded, and rolled to a halt.

“Rgnghhhh…” Soarin groaned as he finally stopped rolling, but quickly shook his head out and tipped over onto his stomach, panting and wheezing as the stress he just put on himself caught up to him. His muscles ached and his joints twitched, the effects of the Sonic Blastoff only making it worse as he tried to get a grip and suck it up.

“That…” Sombra’s voice suddenly came from nearby.

Soarin’s eyes shot open, looking over to see Sombra casually roll over and stand up. He cracked his neck back and forth before turning around and smiling towards Soarin with satisfaction.

“That was extremely impressive,” he complimented Soarin while returning his sword and shield to his side.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me…” Soarin said to himself as he continued to catch his breath. Sombra looked barely fazed from all of that, he couldn’t believe it.

“You truly are unique,” Sombra went on as Soarin tried to force himself up. “I’ve met more than my fair share of pegasi in battle and I’ve never seen one utilize such a unique mixture of strength and raw natural ability alongside flight and speed.” His smile grew wider. “There is a great warrior sleeping within you…” he readied his sword and shield. “Up! I want to see more of it!”

“Ugh… damn it all…” Soarin finally stood up, his legs wobbling a little as the aches lingered, but he shook his head out and steeled himself against the pain and doubt, glaring and snarling towards Sombra. He could do more… and he refused to back down while he could still stand and fight. “You want more?! FINE! Here I come!”

The two went at it again… And while the spectacle was being shown for all to see around the Empire, one particular goddess continued to watch from up close.

Celestia’s eyes were stuck open wide. She felt helpless as she watched the confrontation between the two of them, forced to remain down in a form that barely held a tiny fraction of her power as Soarin fought to stave off a fate that she brought upon him.

But despite the wondrous sight of a significant stallion from her past… she could not take her eyes off of Soarin as he got knocked down again and again… but kept getting back up.

Something about it was causing a surge of revelation… but for the moment, she wasn’t sure about what exactly. The feeling was hitting her faster than she could understand it.

So she kept watching… very carefully.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t sure how she hadn’t fallen yet. Every step she took felt like it was going to end with her face first on the ground, but she somehow kept upright, powering along while fighting back the urge to vomit with every additional wobble of her vision.

Her body hurt, she had little strength, and she couldn’t see straight, but she was being guided by instinct and an intense urge to help Soarin. She didn’t care about anything else.

As she stumbled along, she bumped into several ponies, none of whom seemed to acknowledge her, and if they did, she was already stumbling away before they could do anything. She was moving and hobbling like an aimless wandering drunk being pulled by an invisible rope in one particular direction.

There were two things she could see among the blurs and fuzzy shapes shifting around her. The image of Soarin and Sombra in the sky, and Ruin and Twister… though she was too delirious to notice that she was gaining on Ruin and Twister, or wonder why exactly they had slowed down.

She just kept stumbling forward, one shaky hoof in front of the other.

The sound of grumbling and harsh tones came from in front of her. Hissing words and snapping retorts.

It sounded like Ruin. And as Dash drew closer to him, the vision became clearer. It looked like Twister’s lawn chair had been tied to Ruin by several ropes and Ruin was trying to shake them off to no avail.

Whatever had led to Twister’s antics, Dash could care less, in fact she didn’t stop, nor look at them as she grew closer and began moving by them.

Ruin suddenly flinched and sharply turned to Dash as she moved by.

“What the, what do you think you’re—” he started, but was suddenly cut off.

“OH. NO.” Twister blurted out as his lawn chair suddenly lifted up into the air with him still in it. “AN INCONVENIENT GUST OF WIND.”

“What the—GAH!” Ruin yelped as Twister, without moving an inch from his recline position in the chair, blew away and yanked Ruin off his hooves with him. Several frantic bouts of cursing and swearing slowly disappeared into the distance as the two flew away.

Dash ignored the entire thing, keeping her eyes forward on the only thing left she could see. She was closing in on the Empire shield. It wasn’t all that far from where she had started, but her slow, sawing pace made it seem much farther away.

She just had to get through, get to the empire, and—

“AH!” Dash yelped as something suddenly slammed to the ground in front of her. She was knocked right off of her hooves and sent tumbling backwards. After several frail grunts and a few rolls, Dash quickly turned upright, her dizziness amplified by the sudden shock as she blinked and tried to re align herself. “Rgh…” Dash let her chin hit the ground, but gritted her teeth and pushed down again.

Unfortunately, only her front hooves found strength, and after a hard, stressful effort, she managed to at least sit up.

But when her vision stopped spinning, or at least returned to the degree it was spinning before, she saw ponies in front of her.

Three ponies to be exact. They were close enough for her to make out their features.

Blade… Angel… and Nightshade.

As soon as Dash picked out their identities, something inside her sounded the alarm and she forced her back legs to cooperate, struggling to stand completely upright. She eventually managed, but as soon as she was up, Nightshade was already stomping towards her… and she looked angry.

Angel and Blade remained still behind, glancing at one another periodically as Nightshade made her way right up to Dash, glaring down at her and snarling.

But Dash wasn’t looking at her.

Dash knew who was in front of her, but… not even Nightshade could break her thoughts from the only thing that mattered to her at the moment. She was looking right past Nightshade, her eyes fixed on Soarin and Sombra in the sky.

Nightshade blinked when she noticed Dash’s eyes were not fixed on hers. Her expression went blank for a moment before she looked over her shoulder and glanced at the fighting images in the sky.

A low growl began escaping her throat before she even started turning back around, but when she finally had her eyes trained on Dash again, Nightshade looked even angrier, as if being ignored by Dash pissed her the hell off.

She reached a hoof out.

Dash did nothing. She just kept looking at Soarin.

Nightshade’s hoof moved towards Dash’s head, but right before she could grab her by the mane, Nightshade flinched and her eyes shot open.

Fleetfoot and Fire Streak suddenly shot right by them both, the two top Wonderbolts fiercely ramming and tackling Blade and Angel at full speed.

Dash’s reaction was delayed, feeling the rush of wind blow past her before realizing that Blade and Angel were no longer behind Nightshade.

And then there was a flash of yellow as something rushed in front of her. It nearly pushed her over in the process, forcing her to lean and barely catch herself as the sounds of fighting and grunting started coming from all around her.

When she finally got herself stable, she looked up to see Spitfire and Nightshade grappling right in front of her. She stared, surprised, but didn’t have enough energy to vocalize it. Her eyes lazily shifted back and forth as she saw four others zipping about, eventually realizing Fleetfoot and Fire Streak were there.

Fire was taking on Blade, moving defensively due to the lack of the usual support from his brother as he focused on parrying and eluding Blade’s attacks.

Fleetfoot was using her speed and… appeared to be using Angel’s ridiculously long hair to her advantage, making quick passes to avoid his dangerous magic attacks that took a moment for him to fully materialize and launch. She was grabbing his mane in her mouth and yanking on it with each pass, which wasn’t sitting well with him at all as he seethed and swore at her.

Dash’s attention was brought back to the clash right in front of her as the sound of Nightshade grunting continuously reached her ears. Spitfire had gotten one of Nightshade’s arms bent in an awkward position and was delivering several hard punches to her side. Dash flinched as Spitfire turned and swung Nightshade over her shoulder, slamming her to the ground right in front of Dash.

“FIRE!” Spitfire yelled, Fire Streak immediately angling his path to direct Blade’s movement in her direction. As soon as Spitfire had a clear shot, she swung Nightshade around and flung her towards Blade, the two colliding and sending them both tumbling several yards away.

Blade shoved Nightshade off of him and quickly rose, but the moment he was up Fire Streak caught him in the face with a heavy right hook, pressing his assault before Blade could gather himself.

Nightshade was left on the ground, snarling and grabbing her side as saliva dripped from her mouth. For the moment she appeared to be stunned for the repeated hits to the ribs.

But Spitfire didn’t press her attack.

She turned and faced Dash.

Dash froze.

For the first time since she started her trek towards Soarin, something had stolen her attention away. She and Spitfire had locked eyes, Spitfire looking at her with a hard, serious expression. The relentless pursuit was still fresh in Dash’s mind… did she find Spitfire to be more of a threat than Nightshade? Was that what had come of all the infighting?

But then Spitfire exhaled as she looked Dash up and down, watching her wobble, barely clinging to consciousness, and stare at her with what was clearly fear. She watched as Dash’s eyes shakily shifted between her and away from her.

Spitfire looked over her shoulder, first towards Nightshade growling on the ground, and then looked up into the sky. She watched Soarin for a few moments as he continued to fight Sombra and take unbelievable amounts of punishment.

Then she looked back at Dash, the two staring at one another for another moment.

“Go,” Spitfire finally spoke as she shifted aside and made a head motion towards the Empire.

Dash blinked and stared.

Spitfire sighed as she saw Dash’s confused face.

“Look, Dash…” Spitfire huffed as she looked away and her ears flopped down. “I’m not happy with you, but…” she slowly looked back at Dash, her expression showing some slight regret. “I don’t think I’ve been any better.”

Dash just kept staring.

“It turns out neither of us was right,” Spitfire went on, looking up into the sky at Soarin again. “And… as a result, I haven’t a damn clue what’s going on anymore.”

She kept watching Soarin fight for a moment before turning back to Dash.

“All I know is I can see my best friend fighting for… something up there. Maybe for his life? I don’t know… and there’s nothing I can do to help him.”

She stepped forward and placed a hoof on Dash’s shoulder. Dash flinched momentarily, but the look in Spitfire’s eyes was one of confidence.

“But if there’s anything I’ve learned from all this magic crap he’s gone through… it’s that maybe you can, and it was short sighted of me to not believe in that from the start.” Without taking her hoof off Dash’s shoulder, she stepped aside and stared towards Soarin, Dash looking into the sky with her. “So… get your ass moving. Soarin needs you, now more than ever.”

Dash stared up at Soarin, Spitfire’s words only adding to the fire that was already keeping her up and moving, but then a loud growl from Nightshade brought her eyes back down. Nightshade was up and gasping for air, glaring towards the two of them.

“Leave this harlot to me,” Spitfire said while giving Dash’s shoulder a gentle pat. “Get to Soarin!” she stepped out in front of Dash protectively. “GO!”

“RRAAAAAHH!” Nightshade roared, launching herself towards them. Spitfire immediately reacted, rushing forward and clashing, the two pressing their hooves together.

“Over here, bitch!” Spitfire barked in her face as she clasped down on Nightshade’s arms and forced her away… giving Dash a clear path.

Dash didn’t hesitate one bit. She was still delirious, but Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Fire Streak were giving her the chance she needed to forge on.

One step at a time. She resumed her struggle towards the Empire, the shield close enough for her to see its tint through her shaky vision.

She grunted, almost tipping over as Fire and Blade shot right past her, but Fleetfoot swooped in and propped her up.

“Keep going Dash!” she encouraged. “Bring our big doofus back!” she gave Dash a brief hug before leaping up to intercept Angel coming in for a pass.

Dash wobbled as she left, but kept on.

Spitfire and Nightshade hit the ground hard right in front of her, the two wrestling and snarling at one another. Dash came to an abrupt halt and started tipping backwards.

“Allow me!” Fire said politely as he slid up from her left and grabbed her arm to put her back on all four hooves. “Don’t delay, Miss Dash!” Fire gave her a confident nod before rushing forward and ramming the grappling duo, forcing them out of Dash’s way.

Almost there… almost there… the shield was so close.

“AH!” a yelp came from nearby as Dash neared. She did not look, but Spitfire had just landed hard on her back behind her. She grunted and rolled over, her body tingling as she stretched out her wings to stop post impact numbness.

Nightshade was in the air, her breath hissing through her grinding teeth as she quickly turned her focus to Dash.

“NO!” Nightshade yelled, her voice filled with anger. “NO NO NO NO NO!” She dove towards Dash, taking an angle to intercept Dash in her path.

But Dash had already reached the shield. She stepped right through it, the veil of light letting her through without any resistance.

Regardless, Nightshade did not change her angle, careening towards the shield without ever taking her eyes off Dash.

Then she reached it.

Her hooves went through it.

Her head went through it.


The moment her chest reached the shield, it slammed right into the light, loud crackling and popping sounding out from the surface as Nightshade’s eyes shot open. A gut wrenching scream of agony ejected from her throat as her neck strained forward, her lower body whiplashing underneath her. Every part of her body was allowed through except for her chest.

Her three crystals bounced right off the shield, falling to the ground below as she began to slide down the shield itself, a loud screeching noise like hooves against glass ringing out as her body fell down its surface with crackling sparks left in her wake.

She hit the ground at the base of the shield and quickly rolled away from it towards her crystals. She grabbed and clutched her chest with a hoof, groaning in pain with heavy, heaving breaths as her eyes remained open wide and spit oozed from the corner of her mouth.

“Hgnnn… HRGNNNN… HAAAAAAA…” Nightshade’s state went unnoticed, or… was ignored by Blade and Angel as they continued fighting Fire and Fleetfoot, leaving Nightshade to fend for herself as she slowly rolled over, her eyes locking on Dash beyond the shield. “N… no… NO… PLEASE NO! ARGH!!!” Nightshade winced and grabbed her chest again, coughing and gagging as she lay on her side for a moment before desperately rolling onto her stomach. Her eyes were locked on the ground in front of her, her teeth were jammed together as she repeatedly shook her head.

But then there was a bright light in front of her.

She froze on the spot, her pupils shrinking as she saw what looked like a hoof on the ground in front of her. She slowly moved her eyes up, and saw… a ghost? An apparition? A stallion made of light?

She was spooked beyond belief. She couldn’t tell if she was hallucinating from the pain or what was in front of her was real. But she was also chilled… because the way the light danced around the image… it looked just like the way the strange light danced around Silver when she fought him in the canyon.

She could not see the eyes of the stallion, only his mouth… which curled into a smile briefly before the stallion turned and passed through the shield as well, following behind Dash. The moment it was through, it vanished, condensing into a tiny ball of light that floated along.

Nightshade lay completely still, the excruciating pain within her body meaning nothing in the face of the sight that was just before her. She just kept staring at the shield and at Dash as she slowly disappeared from sight.

Then the sound of mumbling and grumbling came from nearby.

The constant murmuring and muffled cursing grew closer until Ruin suddenly moved up right beside her with a tiny Twister attached to the top of his head with his mouth latched to one of Ruin’s ears.

He stopped and looked down at Nightshade, lifting an eyebrow.

“Hmph…” he snorted at her. “I’m surprised that didn’t kill you,” he said while rolling his eyes, a tone of frustration in his voice as the tiny Twister continued to bite his ear while making quiet, high-pitched nomming noises.

He looked at the shield, moving right up in front of it while looking it up and down. He reached a hoof towards it and tapped it against the surface. The shield crackled, reacting to his touch like a solid wall.

“Hmm…” Ruin hummed as he continued to tap his hoof around the shield before just holding it against it, the surface sizzling as his hoof pressed into its surface. “Hmm, hmm, hmm… right.”

Without any visible effort, an enormous burst of pink magic ejected from Ruin’s hoof, loud popping and crackling filling the air as his magic tore the shield open, leaving a hole large enough for him to walk through. Without a word, he stepped through, small ribbons and sparks from the ripped edges of the shield reaching out as if trying to stop him, but he brushed them aside.

His crystals, however, were halted. The tiny strings of magic that tried to stop Ruin were lashing at the crystals, pushing them away from the opening and preventing them from following him in.

“Eh?” Ruin looked over his shoulder to see the crystals being repelled, crackling and sizzling noises coming from them as the broken magic of the shield slowly attempted to force itself back together. “Oh fine, whatever,” Ruin rolled his eyes and whipped a hoof around in the air.

His crystals shuttered, screeched, and fell to the ground beside Nightshade.

Ruin turned… and kept walking, the lack of crystals having no adverse effect on him whatsoever as the ribbons of light from the shield linked and pulled the tear shut, once again completing the protective veil of light.

“Wh… WHAT?!” a voice echoed from out of thin air.

There was a flicker of pink light, an image of a pony outlining and distorting until Moon appeared. He pushed his goggles up and stared wide eyed through the shield at Ruin, glancing down at the crystals he left behind. “How did he…?”

Moon trailed off, his jaw agape as Ruin slowly moved away from them towards the empire, completely at a loss. He looked down at Nightshade, but she was just staring at the shield with her eyes stuck open. It was like she didn’t even know he was there.

“Nightshade!” Another voice came from nearby as Rapidfire appeared using Moon’s cloaking technique. He rushed past Moon and crouched down beside Nightshade. “Hey… HEY!” he grabbed her shoulders and shook her lightly, but she didn’t look at him, she looked mentally frozen. “What’s going on with you!?” he looked up at Moon, but Moon was more interested in the pile of crystals at his hooves and the one who dropped them without consequences.


Moon perked up, blinking as he looked over to see Spitfire galloping towards them. But she only focused on him for a second, her eyes instantly moving to…

“Ah! YOU!!!!” Spitfire yelled, her eyes hardening into an intense glare and her voice filling with anger.

Rapidfire flinched, his eyes ripping away from Nightshade as he heard Spitfire. He only had a moment to lock eyes before Spitfire spread her wings and launched, shooting towards him with her hooves outstretched. But Moon quickly focused and his eyes flashed.

“GAH!” Spitfire grunted loudly as she came to an abrupt halt, locked in place by shimmering pink lights all around her.

“Come on,” Moon quickly reached down and grabbed Rapidfire as his magic held Spitfire in place.

“What?” Rapidfire frantically looked between him and Nightshade. “What about…”

“Leave her,” Moon ordered flatly.

“B… but…” Rapidfire kept staring at Nightshade with great concern as Moon gripped his arm tighter.

“RGH!” Moon twitched, his crystals shaking slightly as Spitfire growled and tried to rip herself free. “NOW!” he yelled into Rapidfire’s face, both of them cloaking and vanishing from sight.

Shortly after, Spitfire was released from Moon’s hold.

She quickly stretched her hooves out to land on the ground, but instead of looking around for wherever they went, she took a deep breath and exhaled for several seconds, shaking her head out. Seeing Rapidfire made her rightfully angry after what he had pulled on her with Wave, but she had already let her emotions get to her and she was done letting that control her.

Instead, she looked towards the shield, keeping in mind what was currently on the line.

Dash was already out of sight, she couldn’t see anything else besides the fight high up in the sky. She felt like there was nothing she could do and it tore at her. Her best friend was fighting for his life against something she couldn’t understand and she was powerless to do anything about it. This wasn’t a new feeling in regards to the situation. Everything was a longshot from the start and almost all hope had been lost… unless Dash could do something.

And she hoped Dash could do something, because she wanted to punch Soarin in the face for making her worry so much.

“Godspeed, Dash…” she said to herself as she stared for another moment.

But then she looked down at Nightshade.

“As for YOU…” she cracked her hooves. “I’ve got a hell of a lot of pent up anger I need to let out somewhere before I do something I regret again. Want to help me with that?” She reached down and roughly grabbed Nightshade by the neck, hoisting her up off the ground.

The shock of the movement seemed to wrench Nightshade from her daze. She coughed, wincing at the pressure on her throat as she blinked a good ten times. Her eyes snapped to Spitfire, and the moment she saw who had a hold of her, the look of shock vanished completely as if nothing had happened.

She growled loudly, slamming her back hooves to the ground as she grabbed Spitfire’s arm and ripped it free of her neck.

“YOU!” she snarled as Spitfire held steady. “I’ll KILL you! I’ll kill ALL of you!” she yelled wildly while wheezing heavy breaths. “Everything is ruined and it’s all YOUR FAULT!” she went on.

Spitfire lifted an eyebrow, but wasn’t interested in whatever the hell Nightshade was going on about.

“Oh yeah?!” she pushed back against Nightshade. “TRY ME, BITCH!”

Dash no longer had any sort of sense of direction. As she reached the Empire and began weaving her way through the city, she was simply going wherever her instincts were telling her to go. The only things she could fully process was the sight of Soarin and Sombra above, she couldn’t tell which way she was going or turning otherwise, at times turning down a road or street for a moment before something unseen made her realize it was the wrong way.

It had to be her connection with Soarin, the piece of her soul that was in there with him as he struggled. She was being guided by it, pulled towards it slowly like a magnet. She knew what being near him could do. She knew that her presence lifted him up and made him stronger. She didn’t know what was going on or how the visual of the fight or the fight itself came to be, but something was telling her she was the only one who could make a difference. And she believed it.

Stumbling and hobbling, supporting herself against walls and any citizens she randomly bumped into. She drew a few looks as she came by, but many had their eyes locked on the sky just like all the rest. She ignored all those who asked her if she was okay or needed help and any who gave her attention didn’t give it to her for long, the next clash or flash from the sky drawing their eyes right back.

The stallion spirit was still following behind her, compressed into a tiny ball of light to avoid drawing attention. It stayed above her, watching her every effort and move with great interest.

Without knowing how far she had gone or how far she had left to go, Dash eventually found he way to the castle. She reached the same doors Sombra had been let through, the door now unattended and open. She rested for a moment in the doorway, leaning against it. Her body was burning but her passion was burning stronger, and the strength that pushed forward only seemed to grow as she grew closer.

She was close now. So very close. The urge to move forward and rush to Soarin’s side had grown so powerful that all of her senses went numb, replaced with one thought and one motion. Without knowing the layout of the castle all that well, she hobbled from room to room, no longer making any wrong turns or mistakes, until…

She found the inner courtyard.

She squinted as the bright light met her eyes. The very same light being generated by the image in the sky, only it was many times brighter.

It was him… it was Soarin. He was out there in the field. Her heart was pounding even harder, beating strongly in tandem with Soarin’s as he fought and fought.

Everything around her seemed to vanish. As she let go of the wall and started moving into the grass, her vision lost the sight of the palace, everything turning into a blur as she focused on the shining light in the center of the grass.

Her will was strong, but her steps wobbled. After several paces forward she grunted, teetering and falling onto her side.

“RGH!” she growled as she hit the ground, rolling up and pressing her hooves down to sit up. Her head hung down as she gritted her teeth, ready to force herself back up.


Dash froze for a second. Then she quickly looked up, her eyes opening wide.

Ruin was sitting in front of her… but his back was turned to her. He wasn’t looking into the sky, he was looking towards Soarin’s body generating the spectacular magic power.

And Twister was latched on his head, in a small, blob-like form.

Dash’s mind raced as her thoughts were drawn away from Soarin to wondering how Ruin had gotten there. She thought Twister had led him away, but even if Ruin had somehow gotten back on track how did he get here before she did? Unless she was just so delirious and off-kilter that he got by while she was wandering the streets.

The two of them were still crystal clear in her vision despite how her mind had seemed to block everything else out aside from the grass she was sitting on. Her eyes darted, looking him over, but she noticed he had no crystals with him?

“Hm?” Ruin’s ears suddenly perked up. Dash held her breath as Ruin slowly looked over his shoulder and down at her. “You? … Hmph.”

Dash didn’t move a muscle. She stared into his eyes, yet he appeared uninterested as he simply looked her up and down. Twister was extremely out of place, chewing on Ruin’s head in a shrunken down, miniature version of himself.

“Still stumbling around like a drunkard with your head in a vice?” he asked in a flat tone. “Do you even know where you’re going, or are you just aimlessly stumbling towards what’s left of your precious burly sweetheart?” he asked condescendingly.

Dash said nothing, her eyes darting between him, Soarin, and the projection in the sky.

“Ah, love…” Ruin scoffed, blowing air between his lips. “There’s nothing out there that drives one towards their own demise faster. It makes you forget yourself, pushes you to not be who you are or utterly reject it in favor of what… a tickle and thrust? Puh-leez.” He held his nose and stuck his tongue out in disgust. He paused and stared at her, unable to tell if she was listening with the look stuck on her face. “What a waste of time.”

He turned and looked towards Soarin, then up into the sky at the image.

“But I can’t help but wonder…” he glanced over his shoulder again. “What do you even think you can do here?” He lifted a hoof towards Soarin. “Do you even understand what’s happened to him?”

Dash swallowed, but still said nothing. Twister shrunk further to the size and shape of a mouse and began skittering and squeaking all over Ruin’s body, but he ignored him.

“Soarin was doomed the moment Sombra took control. He’s… somehow persisting in there to a degree, but I don’t know if that’s because of his willpower, his stubbornness, or if he’s just too stupid to know how pointless it is to hang on. Sombra’s complete reincarnation has merely been stalled.” he snorted, looking into the sky. “This is an amusing display… Sombra appears to have offered a fight, duel, something, something, something, whatever you want to call it for… some…thing? What the hell is that going to accomplish? Is it a compromise? To what end? Even if Soarin were to ‘win’ this apparent fight, which, by the way…” he pointed up while glancing towards Dash. “Is CLEARLY going well for him right now… I doubt Sombra would actually be so dumb as to willingly relinquish control of Soarin’s body, though it wouldn’t be the first time he’s done something really stupid.” Ruin paused, and started snickering. “I mean… I have to wonder… does he even know how to give it back?” he suddenly added, giggling to himself. “I bet he doesn’t! I wonder if he admitted that to Soarin beforehoof? Is it all a charade to convince Soarin to give in? Or is he just doing this for kicks? He always had a hard-on for competition… a regular meathead…” he shook his head. “Bah… what a farce.” He snorted. “That body is a prison… and both of them are locked in it. Whether they like it or not.”

Twister clambered up to Ruin’s ear and began blowing tiny, high pitched raspberries into it. Ruin immediately reached up and grabbed Twister by the neck, holding him at arm’s length. Twister’s head began to slowly inflate with a quiet hiss as the rest of his body remained tiny.

“Soarin had a chance, you know… While he was still in control, he was in a position to conquer what lay within, given time and enough work. He… might have been able to win it all over.” He spoke to Dash again. “But…” he turned to face Dash. “That chance is long gone now.” He slowly held out Twister’s inflated face towards her. “And guess who you have to thank for that?”

Dash blinked, remembering the chess match between the two of them. But before Ruin could pull Twister away from her, his face suddenly returned to normal…

And he winked at Dash.

Ruin dropped Twister, a hole opening in the ground and swallowing him up, but a hole opened up in thin air right above Ruin. Twister dropped out of it, back in his minimized state, landed on Ruin’s head and began chewing on it again.

“But, enough about that…” Ruin turned his back to her once more and stared out towards Soarin’s body. “The smarts or reasoning of who is involved here barely matters right now… how about we focus on exactly what has been created by this debacle, hmmmmmmmm?”

Dash blinked as Ruin leaned forward a little, his ears twitching.

“I almost wonder if… either of them realize it. This… half-finished product. Sombra’s lack of full control with Soarin still parked inside. The two of them are so focused on each other that they don’t realize… hee… hee hee hee…!”

Ruin tipped forward on his hooves, his pupils growing larger.

“Even now as this visual is being projected and maintained, do they not notice?! So much power output for such a simple projection, and the flow seems endless! I can understand Soarin not having a clue, but how has Sombra not noticed? Surely he’s seen the power he wields now… or… does he believe he’s not at his full potential with the possession unfinished? Was his sound defeat of Discord and Luna not enough to get it through his thick head?” Ruin began snickering and giggling to himself. “My oh my, how misguided… he ALREADY has power beyond his wildest dreams, more than any mortal unicorn has ever wielded, but he is completely blind to it!” Ruin’s teetered back and forth, biting his lip as he breathed heavily, with an unstable undertone as his eyes took a sinister look. “A fusion of a mighty king who once challenged gods and the strongest of the Wonderbolts…” he shivered. “It has created a monster… the likes of which I have never seen… It’s so… FASCINATING!

Dash blinked as Ruin’s tone changed completely.

“I…” Ruin paused and stood up, his teeth chattering as he took a step forward. “I must see more… I must!”

He started walking. And just like that Dash snapped back to reality. She had no idea what Ruin’s intentions were, but she would not let him hurt Soarin!

“N-NO!” Dash yelled with all the voice she could muster as she forced herself up and lunged towards Ruin.

But the moment she got near him, something struck her. It felt like a burst of magical energy but it was so sudden that she couldn’t see it. And… he had done it without crystals?

Before she knew what was happening, Dash was launched backwards, her body hurled through the air until she smashed into a pillar near the courtyard walls.

She released a sharp gasp, her back arching after impact as her eyes stuck open wide and her pupils shrank down. Shocks resonated through her body… and everything went completely numb.

She fell face first to the ground and didn’t move.

Ruin kept walking and sighed, shaking his head lightly.

“Now if only that would work on this moron…” he said in an exasperated tone while glancing up at Twister on his head.

He returned his focus to Soarin’s body, watching with great interest as his body shivered.

“I can’t believe how calm and focused he is with so much power pouring forth… Does that mean there’s far more power within that I can’t see? Even the most powerful of unicorns would have shriveled and sputtered out a hundred times by now!” he slowly shook his head. “It’s like I’m watching an alicorn…” He licked his lips. “Perhaps not the scope of Celestia, but far beyond anything Luna could do! And he’s clueless! He has no idea!”

He snickered endlessly to himself.

“I must see more… I must KNOW more! It can’t be so simple… What is it about these two that created such a powerful being?! There’s something I’m missing! Something I don’t understand!” He started inching forward just short of breaking out into stride. “Such untapped potential… such elusive knowledge and unknowns…” he froze and gasped. “Oh… oh my. If they were to stop bickering… if they were to… cooperate…” his mouth slowly curved into a very deranged smile. “Just how powerful would they be?!”

Ruin broke into a full stride, but two steps later he felt like he ran face first into a springy finishing net, squinting and tensing up in surprise as he was forced backward, his hooves skidding along the ground.

“Oo? OOOHOOHOO!” he burst into a fit of giggles and ground his hooves into the ground. He broke into a gallop, charging headlong into whatever pushed him back, but he instantly felt the pressure again, his advancement quickly slowing to a halt just a little further than he made it before. “Oop Oop NOPE! YOU CAN’T KEEP ME OUT FOREV—” he was cut off a large, blue ribbon of magic whipped around and smacked against him, lifting him off his hooves and forcing him back. He landed upright, but stumbled several yards back with a look of unstable shock and pleasure on his face. “OH HO HO HO!!!! I just can’t BELIEVE it! These forces are incredible! I can’t even get remotely near him, ME!” he pressed his hooves to his chest. “HEE HEE HAHAHA HAHA HA—”

Ruin blinked, his laughter instantly cut off as his pupils shrank.

Twister was ahead of him, standing roughly ten yards further than how far Ruin had managed to push into the magic field.

“What the—?!” Ruin grabbed his mane as Twister stood up on his hind legs, threw his hooves out to his sides and began bouncing back and forth.


“GGRRHHHHH!!!!” Ruin growled loudly.

But then another ribbon of blue magic lashed out and struck Twister in the back of the head really hard. Twister was instantly whipped right out of the field and sent screaming over the top of Ruin with a loud WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP noise as he tumbled end over end.

Ruin stared blankly as Twister shot by him and dramatically crashed behind him with several unneeded sound effects including clanging metal, breaking glass, some angry yowling cats, and a few explosions.

“Pfff…” Ruin failed to hold in a slight chuckle as he returned his focus to Soarin’s body and the incredible display of magic, still lost in awe at— “Eh?” Ruin perked up as he felt a tug on one of his back legs. He quickly looked back and down.

It was Dash. She was on her stomach and sprawled out, her hooves clenching his leg as she heaved heavy breaths and remained face down.

“Really now? You dragged yourself all the way back out here?” He sighed and shook his leg a little, but she wouldn’t let go. “What a nuisance, why are you even bothering?” he asked while motioning an arm towards Soarin. “If I can’t push my way through these forces, there’s no way you—”

Ruin stopped mid-sentence as he noticed multiple gentle shimmering lights in his field of view.

“What in the…?” he blinked and quickly looked to his left, glancing around as white sparkles and… snowflakes began to dance around. As the lights began to gather together, Ruin’s face twitched and changed rapidly as if something had just hit him directly in the face. “WAIT!”

He shut his eyes as a bright flash shined right in front of him. He kept them shut for a second, opening them quickly as soon as the shine was gone.

The image of a stallion, a spirit of white light.

“Y…YOU?!” Ruin reacted while flinching hard.

A smile became visible on the otherwise featureless face of the stallion. He then shook his head, flipping his mane about… and for a very brief moment, a pair of eyes became visible, looking very satisfied as if he had gotten the better of Ruin.

“How did… where did you… HOW DID YOU SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT?!” Ruin demanded.

But then his eyes grew even wider as he realized he couldn’t feel Dash’s hooves on his leg anymore. He quickly looked down to see she was gone, his eyes darting about for any sign of her nearby, but there was none. Then he looked towards Soarin.

His eyes landed on Dash. She was wobbling and stumbling in the direction of Soarin and…

She was already much farther into the magical field than Ruin had managed. The strong pulses of magic were not touching her. The ribbons of magic that had collided with Ruin were slipping right past her, either avoiding her or bouncing off of her.

“BWUH?!?!” Ruin’s jaw dropped. “How is—” he quickly turned his head back towards the spirit stallion… but he was gone, not a trace of him or any of the light or snow accompanying him left. Ruin’s ears flopped to the side of his head as his eyes snapped back towards Dash, his pupils shrinking. “Wait… she… OH!” he smacked his hooves against the sides of his face. “The connection! Sombra’s magic hasn’t been… Oh for the LOVE of—!!!” He lunged forward, trying to push his way into the magic field again, but just as before, he got forced out before he could make any progress. “RGH!!!!”” he growled while pounding his hooves on the ground. “Son of a BITCH! It’s not fair!!!” he yelled as he glared towards Dash slowly approaching Soarin. “I want to see it up close!!!!” he whined childishly.

He flinched hard as Twister suddenly popped up right in front of him, sticking his face directly in front of Ruin’s while bobbing his head back and forth.


Ruin thrust an arm out and grabbed Twister by the nose, clenching it so tightly that it let out a loud HRNK. Whipping his body around, Ruin slung Twister’s whole body along with him before launching him skyward.

“YAAAAAAAAAAAAA HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO!!!!” Twister screamed goofily as he disregarded gravity and kept shooting into the sky until he disappeared with a twinkle in the sky.

“Hmph…” Ruin grunted and pouted as he stared towards Dash again, knowing full well that he was stuck while she kept stumbling along.

He blinked and looked down to his left. There was a rock the size of a watermelon on the ground roughly a yard away. He sighed heavily as he flattened his brow and stared at the rock.

“I know… You’re right under that rock,” he said flatly.

“NOPE!” Twister’s voice came from the other direction, about ten octaves higher than normal. Ruin’s head whipped around, his eyes wide and expression blank as he stared down at a very tiny Twister crawling out from beneath a little pebble on the ground. “Under THIS one!”

Ruin looked back towards Dash as quickly as his head could turn, angrily holding his breath as he ignored Twister and glared out, his ears folding back against his head so hard that they made a quiet slapping noise.

Ruin was powerless, and clearly not happy about it.

But at this point Dash had stricken him from her mind. She didn’t look over her shoulder to see if he was following her or not. She desperately forged on, her head so scrambled that she kept reaching out trying to touch Soarin before she was close enough to do so.

She stumbled and tipped forward, reaching out again and again as she kept moving forward, hoping that at some point her endless efforts would finally put her close enough to actually reach for him.

And she was close.

Just a little longer…

Just a little further…

“GRH! GAH!” Soarin grunted as he was struck twice, sent tumbling to the ground. He flipped over and slammed his hooves to the ground while pounding his wings, sending him into the air.

Sombra held his ground, keeping his eyes on Soarin as he arced around in the air and came in for another pass.

Soarin was grimacing hard, his body screaming at him as the damage was piling up. Harsh stinging sensations all over, painful bruises, some bleeding, and a jostled focus were hindering him. All the while Sombra was still relatively unhurt. He had a few nicks and scratches, but Soarin had not once landed a solid blow on him

Sombra was too fast, too strong, and too perceptive. Every time Soarin came close to catching him, Sombra’s warrior instincts prevailed and he either blocked or dodged most or all of the attack. After every failed attempt, Sombra locked down that avenue of attack. Nothing worked more than once, Sombra instantly learned from his mistakes and adapted to recognize any repeated motion.

Soarin was running out of ways to approach, but he refused to give up. At this point he stopped trying to come up with complicated ways to get close, and was completely making it up as he went along.

He dove in at an angle he had once before and waited for Sombra to swing. Soarin turned and reached his hooves out, the hard surface of his hooves meeting the blade. Soarin twitched as the shocks traveled up his arms and into his body, but he rode the motion of the sword and kicked off, throwing himself roughly to the ground. He landed on his hooves and spun around to catch Sombra from the side before he could finish his follow through, but…

“GAH!” Soarin yelped as Sombra’s shield connected with his face. He was knocked over, rolling on the ground to a stop. He shivered and shuddered, his body rebelling on him as he tried to move, but he eventually forced himself back up, gritting his teeth and coughing as blood dripped from his lips. His body was swaying, stumbling a little away from Sombra as he struggled to remain upright.

“Hmmm…” Sombra hummed as he lowered his sword and shield.

But the moment he did, Soarin glared, spun his body to face Sombra and quickly executed the Sonic Blastoff. Sombra’s eyes went wide, realizing he had fallen for an act. He brought up his shield the moment before Soarin connected, both hooves jamming into the shield and pressing it to the side of Sombra’s face as he grunted and his hooves skidded back.

“GRRRRRRAAAAAH!!!!!” Soarin roared, putting everything he had left into pumping his wings and pushing… but his strength had dwindled.

It was mere seconds before all power from his signature acceleration faded. Soarin’s eyes stuck open and his pupils twitched madly as his body felt like it lit on fire from within. He was barely able to exhale as his back hooves touched the ground, all strength in his push fading as the strain on his body caused him to go almost completely numb. He tried to glare at Sombra through the shield, his hooves still placed on it, but he had nothing.

Sombra pushed forward, Soarin’s hooves slipping and skidding along with no resistance.

Sombra kept his eyes on Soarin, no malice or ill will in them as he calmly pushed forward. An additional flash of light shone from his horn, a wall of blue magic popping up behind Soarin.

“AH!” Soarin cried out as Sombra forced him into the wall, pressing him between it and his shield. Sombra scrunched his face and gave it one hard push. “GUHHHHHAGH!” Soarin grunted in pain before Sombra lessened the pressure again.

“That was for that little trick,” he said with a snort.

Soarin’s eyes shot open, focusing on Sombra and shooting a harsh, defiant glare at him through the shield, his teeth jammed together and heavy hissing breaths coming through them.

Sombra looked into Soarin’s eyes carefully, not returning the glare.

“What… the hell… are YOU staring at?!” Soarin forced out, coughing and gagging right after.

“Unmatched tenacity…” Sombra said out loud. “Your fire burns bright… but your eyes cannot hide your pain or fatigue.”

“BITE ME!” Soarin snapped, barely waiting for Sombra to finish before he lashed out.

“An odd request, I decline,” Sombra replied obliviously.

“HRNGH!!!” Soarin suddenly pushed back, forcing his body around to place both hooves on the shield surface. Sombra watched quietly as Soarin began pushing, but was unable to move him. Despite the lack of success and waning strength, Soarin kept pushing, glaring at Sombra with endless determination. Soarin grunted and groaned, his body shaking as he continued his fruitless push, but he roared out, pulling back one of his hooves and punching at the shield in rapid, continuous succession. Each strike sounded more painful than the last, the solid surface of the shield holding strong as his hoof crashed and crashed against it, crackles and pops coming from his arm. His final attempt was nothing more than a frail tap at the shield before his hoof slid off and his arm hung limply. Despite the discouraging result, Soarin thrust his head forward, head butting the shield twice before his third attempt became a slight lean that pressed the side of his face to the shield. Huffing and puffing, panting and wheezing, blood trickling down his face, but his eyes refused to change, still glaring through the shield.

Sombra watched every move he made. As Soarin finished his valiant efforts and rested against the shield… Sombra frowned slightly, his brow lifting as he looked into the tired yet true eyes of Soarin.

“Incredible…” he said with a sigh. “Your toughness and valor are beyond compare… and you’ve the stubbornness to bolster them,” he shook his head lightly. “But I’m beginning to wonder which of those traits are in charge. Do you not understand whom you are up against? You are fighting a battle you cannot win, facing an opponent tested and forged through countless battles in an age many times harsher than your own.” He brought his sword around and jammed it into the ground beside his shield, Soarin’s eyes shifting to it briefly before returning to his focused glare. “I gave us a chance to fight on equal ground, you accepted my challenge, and you have been defeated. I want to honor my promise that this is a duel… and there will be no honor in inflicting further pain on you.”

Sombra gave Soarin a calm, yet firm gaze, looking right through Soarin’s glare.

“I’m going to let my shield up. And when I do… I request that you yield.”

Soarin’s eyes widened, his glare gone in an instant.

“There is no point in continuing this. I’ve proven my point and do not wish to harm you anymore. Accept defeat, and allow me to take hold of your body.”

Soarin looked down, his breaths still heavy and pain still sharp all over his body.

“You have not lost, you have shown me more than I could have imagined. You say there are more like you? That gives me hope. Hope that my words will be heeded upon ascension, that many will have the strength to seek the truth and the courage to become my knights.” Sombra nodded. “Your comrade who confronted me in the forest. Spitfire, was her name? She will be the first I seek out.”

Soarin shut his eyes tight, his breaths becoming heavier.

“Do not continue this senseless struggle,” Sombra’s voice became sympathetic, Soarin felt the pressure of the shield lighten. “Please… join with me. Help me take the first step into a new age.”

Soarin said nothing and a long silence extended between them.

Short breaths escaped Soarin’s throat, his body twitching as his eyes remained close.

“N…no…” Soarin’s voice barely squeaked out.

Sombra tipped his head down as Soarin finally spoke.

“It’s… not over… yet…” Soarin continued, his voice shaking.

“Then it truly is the stubbornness in control,” Sombra shook his head. “You CANNOT defeat me. Don’t be foolish and let this go on any longer!” Sombra added harshly, but did not press any harder with his shield. “Give up.”

Sombra glared through the shield, but Soarin just continued to shake with his eyes closed.

“I… can’t.” Soarin rasped as his body continued to twitch along with his short breaths.

“Why?” Sombra asked simply while keeping his eyes locked on him.

“Because…” Soarin slowly opened his eyes, revealing his glare once more, but… there were small tears dripping from them, slowly running down his face. “I don’t know how…”

Sombra stared. There was a slight twitch in his eyelids when Soarin said it, but he said nothing.

“All I’ve ever wanted to do my entire life… is not let others down…” Soarin struggled to speak. “I’ve felt so strongly about it that there was a point in my life where I avoided all risks. It scared me when I became a Wonderbolt, and I was terrified when I became one of their leaders. Because… now my greatest fear was staring me right in the face.” Soarin gritted his teeth as his tearful glare pierced right through Sombra’s shield to meet Sombra’s eyes.

Sombra listened, letting Soarin speak.

“But at the same time… the very friends who got me there are the ones who I’m afraid of failing the most. I’ve spent every day, every damn day of my life doing whatever it takes to ensure I’ll never let them down. I’ve pushed myself hard, I’ve trained my body past its limits. If the ones I love are not strong enough, I will be their strength. If they can’t defend themselves, I will be their shield. They can always rely on me. I will always be there for them and I will never fail them. I refuse to fail them. And to give up now… would go against everything I’ve ever tried to be…” Soarin slowly lifted a hoof and pressed it against the shield. “Because… I’d have let them down.”

Sombra stared, his eyes shifting from Soarin’s hoof, then back to his eyes.

“So you’re right,” Soarin continued. “I’m stubborn. But I don’t care. Look me in the eye and tell me I have no reason to be. You’ve gone to hell and back for what you believe in. If staying true to my motivation is foolish… then I’m a damn fool, and so are you.”

Sombra’s eyes widened for a moment and he quickly turned his head away, looking towards the ground. He kept his shield still, glancing over towards Celestia, who had her eyes locked on Soarin in admiration.

“I…” Sombra slowly looked up. “I cannot deny any of those words.” He turned his head back to Soarin, a reluctant look in his eyes. “You are making this truly difficult.”

“If we switched places right now… would you give up?” Soarin asked. “In front of your knights?”

“No.” Sombra answered almost immediately. “I suppose not…” he paused and exhaled. “Were the circumstances different, I truly believe our understanding of each other would benefit us both. Unfortunately, here and now… We do not have the luxury of compromise.

“HRK!” Soarin grunted as Sombra suddenly pressed his shield into him hard.

“If you will not yield, then I’m sorry… you leave me no choice. I could break your every bone and smash your body to a pulp, but it’s clear that I cannot break your spirit. If blow after blow only ends in you rising on willpower alone… then I am forced to end this through submission.”

“AAAAAAAAAAGH!” Soarin cried out as the shield pressed harder and harder against his body, squeezing him between it and the magic wall behind him.

“No pony, not even you, can withstand constant physical pressure forever,” Sombra’s tone remained calm as Soarin wailed beneath the shield. “Eventually you will lose consciousness, and then victory will be mine as our terms agreed.”

“Not… if I… can… GAH!” Soarin tried to push back, but the pressure just kept increasing. Sombra was too strong. The compression against his body was becoming unbearable, he could barely breathe.

“It will be over soon.”

“Ah!” Dash yelped as she reached out, certain that she was close enough to touch Soarin, but as with every other attempt she was further away than she perceived.

She fell over, landing flat on her stomach, groaning as she squirmed on the ground. She tried to push herself up, but despite her drive still burning strong, her strength was giving out. She gasped and panted as she lay still for a moment, trying to shift and lurch her body, but she had little luck.

Eventually she rolled over onto her back and sprawled out, taking long heavy breaths as she felt her heart beating faster. Something felt wrong, she felt like her body was being compressed, shortening her breath and making it harder to move.

Then she heard a scream. Her eyes shot open as she recognized Soarin’s voice. Her eyes darted to the image in the sky directly above her. It wasn’t easy to see while so close but… she saw it. She saw Soarin being crushed by Sombra.


She was NOT going to let this happen.

With a solid, hard effort, she forced herself to roll over and look towards Soarin. The bright lights pouring forth did not bother her, she did not squint as the power rushed around her.

“Hnnnnngggggggg…” she groaned as she put her hooves to the ground, her arms and legs shaking uncontrollably. She couldn’t completely tell how far away he was, but she could tell that he was close. SO CLOSE! “COME ON!” Dash yelled to herself, growling as she summoned all the strength she had left. She couldn’t need more than one or two more hard efforts! “GRAAAAAAHHH!!!” she found just enough to push down. She could not stand, but she lunged forward and thrust her wings down to give herself a small boost.

She extended her arms…

But before she could grab anything, her face smashed right into Soarin’s leg. It wasn’t pretty, but that hardly mattered. Without a moment of thought further, Dash clamped down, wrapping her arms around Soarin’s massive arm.

There was a very sudden, and very visible undulation in the flow of magic and the expansive aura with a quiet POOF as a burst of wind rushed out of Soarin.

Sombra twitched, his entire body flinching hard.

“HNG!” he grunted as if something had just jabbed him in the side while he was pushing against Soarin. “What was—?!”

There was a bright flash from nearby.

Sombra blinked and quickly turned his head towards Celestia. But the light wasn’t from her. In fact, she had her attention drawn away as well.

Sombra’s eyes darted to her left.

The faint image of Rainbow Dash was glowing brightly. Her body became clearer as the light brightened further.

Soarin’s eyes snapped open, he inhaled sharply as he felt a rush within his body. He had no idea what it was, but two words suddenly shouted in his head.


Soarin made no noise. He did not roar, nor growl. He simply fixed his eyes on Sombra’s shield and pushed. He gritted his teeth, his eyes squinting as he put every ounce of effort into moving what was holding him against the wall.

Sombra perked up, his eyes darting back to Soarin as he felt a shift. The moment he saw Soarin pushing, he didn’t ask why or how, he just braced himself, locking his hooves down and leaning into the shield with all his weight and strength.

“What…?” Sombra uttered quietly… as his efforts to anchor himself did nothing.

Soarin was pushing him back.

Sombra gazed through the shield in awe as Soarin eventually got off the magic wall behind him and leaned into the shield, pushing his hooves to the ground while pressing himself into the shield.

“Hngg… hrgnhhg…” Soarin began grunting as he forced himself forward. He had no idea where he was finding the strength because he had none left, all he could feel was a sensation flaring up within him, and a voice in his head yelling PUSH. PUSH. PUSH.

Sombra’s hooves skidded and screeched against the ground, he tried to hold against Soarin, but it just didn’t work. His mind raced as he contemplated how it was possible, but then he noticed something… something about Soarin. There was a very faint white glow surrounding him… the very same light that was shining from the image of Dash.

Sombra had had enough, he backed off, pulling his shield away and leaping backwards. Soarin yelped, stumbling forward, but catching himself before he could fall, standing on all fours but with his head and neck hunched down as he panted and wheezed.

Sombra slid to a stop and held his sword and shield at the ready, carefully examining Soarin and the light surrounding him. His ears turned as the sound of tearing came from nearby. He whipped his head to the left to see the image of Dash… standing up. She was forcing herself against the shadowy bindings that had been holding her down, her eyes were open and her teeth were jammed together as she glared at the ground beneath her. Her body was filling in more and more, not becoming solid, but no longer as transparent. Celestia was staring at Dash with wide eyes and jaw agape as if she was watching the unthinkable, Dash’s spirit breaking free of the same shadowy limbs that she had failed to make even the slightest dent in.

With a hard, solid effort… the image of Dash ripped free from the bindings, spreading her wings out and tilting her head back as if she were roaring out.

“What is the meaning of this?” Sombra asked with a growl as he turned his head halfway, his eyes darting between Soarin and Dash and confirming the glowing was synchronized. He watched as Dash started walking towards Soarin. As she got closer to him, the glow surrounding them both intensified. The light began to sparkle and dance about them in particles as she grew near.

“She…” Sombra blinked. “She must be near… She’s…”

Sombra closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment.

“Ah!” His eyes shot open. “She is there!” he exclaimed after taking a brief glimpse outside.

Dash moved in, and turned, standing right beside Soarin. Soarin smiled, the look of fatigue on his face quickly reviving the determination it held just prior.

“Dash…” he said without looking at her. “I can feel you there…” he said in a warm tone.

“Yeah, I’m here,” Dash’s voice rang out in his head, her image neither looking at him nor visibly speaking.

Soarin’s smile slowly turned into a sly grin.

“What the hell took you so long?” he joked, turning his head towards her.

“Sorry…” Dash flipped her mane back and forth, countering his sly grin with a smug one. “Was busy kicking ass and taking names.”

“Madness!” Sombra suddenly shouted towards them while jamming his sword into the ground and pointing a hoof. “How is she having an effect on you?! This is a simulation… We are detached from all outside interference, including from each other!”

“Heh…” Soarin chuckled. “Everything looks normal to me, buddy.”

“No!” Sombra uprooted his sword and pointed it towards them. “This is between YOU and ME! That’s what we agreed on!” he shouted angrily.

“You don’t understand a thing about me,” Soarin said calmly as he lightly shook his head. “This is exactly what we agreed to.”

“… Elaborate.” Sombra asked simply, a hint of curiosity sneaking into his voice.

“You made me the way I was before your power was forced into me right?”

“Correct,” Sombra answered quickly.

“Well… guess what?” Soarin smirked. “She pushed her way into my life before that happened.”

Sombra blinked, his eyes widening slightly, but saying nothing.

“She became a part of me, well… more accurately she forced her way in. I was a stubborn dick about it at first, but she got right in my face and got into my mind. I didn’t understand just how much she had changed me, but when that tornado hit the town… when the Shadowbolts emerged… I fought for her while on death’s door. I was beaten within an inch of my life. My body was broken and I could barely breathe, but when she came crashing through and put herself in harm’s way for my sake, it lit a fire in me. A fire that raged and gave me the strength to do things I never thought possible. Things I shouldn’t have been able to do in my state.”

“Hm…” Sombra hummed to himself as he listened, but Soarin wasn’t done. He pointed towards Sombra.

“So guess what, pal?!” He grinned. “You made a mistake. You thought it was your power that made me stronger through all of this? No… it was her.” He set his hooves firmly on the ground, his look of determination refusing to fade. “She IS… a part of me.”

Sombra watched as Dash took the exact same stance as him, as if she were his shadow.

“With her at my side… I can do ANYTHING!” Soarin cracked his neck back and forth. “You want me at my best? You’ve got it right now!”

Sombra shut his eyes tight and tipped his head down rather suddenly.

Soarin flinched at Sombra’s sudden sharp move, but looked towards him curiously.

Sombra’s lip was quivering… and what sounded like quiet grunts were squeaking through. Upon looking more closely, Soarin noticed Sombra’s body was shaking a little.

“Heh…” Sombra let out a single chuckle, his lips turning upward into a grin, but it didn’t look like a stable one. “I see…”

Soarin tipped his head curiously as Sombra slowly opened his eyes. He looked shaken.

“You are correct, I was mistaken.” Sombra tipped his head up, his weakened gaze fixed on Soarin. “But my mistake was to not consider her from the start.” He let out a heavy sigh. “A strong connection with another…” Sombra went on. “One that inexplicably bolsters one’s might at the mere thought…” he briefly glanced towards Celestia. “I know exactly how that feels, because I once had that too. I envy you.”

Celestia flinched hard, inhaling sharply as if she was just stabbed through the heart.

“But it is not the time for me to dwell… because I am thrilled,” he hardened his eyes and released a sharp breath through his nostrils as he readied his sword and shield. “You say she will bring out the best in you? Then our battle continues! SHOW ME!”

Sombra charged towards them, his eyes locked on Soarin. He brought his sword around, winding it up into a hard swing from the left. He purposely projected it, waiting to see how Soarin would move to adjust, but…

Soarin held his ground, he tipped his opposite side towards the sword while bringing his arm around. His hoof met the sword’s flat edge, before pushing up, using Sombra’s own momentum against him and bouncing the swing up and away harmlessly. Without a moment of hesitation, Soarin leapt forward with his other arm pulled back. Sombra’s eyes widened as Soarin’s hoof careened towards his face with no time to lift his shield.

“RGH!” Sombra tilted his head just in time, Soarin’s hoof brushing against his face and whisking through his mane. Sombra snarled and brought his shield around to smash it over Soarin, but Soarin spun, bringing his arm around and struck Sombra right in the throat with a reverse lariat.

Sombra coughed loudly, his eyes open wide as Soarin landed his first solid blow. He grunted, swinging his shield around and catching Soarin with the edge. It forced them apart, Sombra backing up and shaking his head out, blinking with wide eyes. Soarin stumbled and fell, but rolled over and instantly stood up, the image of Dash mimicking every single movement he made while remaining right next to him.

Sombra held his shield at the ready, the sword resting flat atop it from over his shoulder. He peered over the top, staring towards Soarin and Dash as they stood upright and at the ready. He hardened his gaze and charged, keeping his sword and shield in defensive positions. Soarin did not move, bracing himself and throwing up his arm as Sombra reached him, the shield crashing into him. His hooves skidded backwards as Sombra pushed. After several yards, Sombra forced his shield out, shoving Soarin away from him and bringing his sword down from above.

Soarin’s eyes locked on the sword, swinging his body to tilt himself away. The sword caught him on the shoulder, but thanks to his turning motion the power of the strike was lessened. He was forcefully twisted around, but used it to his advantage, slamming his front hooves to the ground, spinning on them into a double backward buck, his hooves catching Sombra right in the chest.

“OOF!” Sombra grunted as Soarin’s hooves connected and stumbled backwards a few steps, the tip of his sword striking the ground and dragging along with him. He quickly placed the sword at his side and brought his shield around, but again, Soarin did not pursue. He found his hooves and stood at the ready, Dash still attached to him like a shadow.

Sombra lowered his shield a little, examining Soarin again.

That was twice now. Soarin had landed another direct hit. Both of them were by no means damaging, more reactive in nature than packed with power. Yet up until now, Soarin had never managed to land a solid blow.

But what had changed? That’s what was puzzling Sombra. With Dash now in the mix, Sombra was watching Soarin’s movements carefully, but there was no noticeable difference. He wasn’t stronger and he wasn’t faster or quicker. There was no apparent change in his ability, nothing that indicated Dash was enhancing him. He was still Soarin, exactly the way Sombra had projected him into their simulation, not to mention he was heavily beaten.

If none of those things could explain it… then all that was left was effort, determination and drive.

Sombra couldn’t hold back a small grin as he charged again, eager to see if he was right.

And he was.

The fight continued, Soarin continuing to land a hit here and there while finding ways to dodge or lessen the blows he was receiving. Sombra watched with great interest as he engaged, not letting up one bit as he observed.

Every charge, every clash, every traded blow… Soarin’s movements were magnificent. He appeared sluggish and hurt, but he was being patient and smart, putting surges of effort into movements when they counted and pushing himself through moments of weakness. Where he buckled and fell before, he strained and held strong. Where his strength waned and his movements suffered earlier, he forced through to finish them. Was this all simply Dash’s presence? Did she really bring out so much in him by just being there?

It was as if the battle had begun anew. Sombra was eager to continue, pushing harder and harder, but Soarin always had a response.

Sombra rushed forward, smiling as he galloped towards them. Soarin had his eyes locked and wings spread at the ready. Sombra twirled the sword over his head and brought it in for a low sweep. Soarin instinctively leapt up and pumped his wings down. Dash still shadowed him perfectly.

But it was a feint. Sombra jumped into the air after him, using his momentum to spin around in the air and come around for another swing as he got level with Soarin in the air.

But as his eyes turned to focus and land the hit, Soarin suddenly slammed his wings back, a loud POW ringing out as he was thrust forward with a hoof pulled back. Sombra’s eyes grew wide, unable to dodge, and unable to protect himself.

“HAH!” Soarin shouted as he thrust his hoof forward, catching Sombra square in the cheek with an extremely heavy hit, throwing all of his weight, motion, and strength into it.

“RGH!” Sombra grunted as he was sent to the ground, crashing on his back and bouncing once before quickly forcing himself upright onto his hooves, skidding on them a little and jamming his sword into the ground to stop himself. His neck was arched to the side, still stretched by the harsh whiplash from the punch.

“GOT YOU!” Soarin cheered as he fell and nearly landed face first on the ground, quickly stabilizing himself and standing upright with a subtle wobble.

Sombra slowly straightened his neck and shook his head lightly, but… there was a smile on his face. A smile complete with a small trickle of blood dripping from his lip and a bruise on his cheek.

“This…” Sombra chuckled. “This is what I wanted. This is how things should be!” he exclaimed as he readied his sword and shield. “She has drawn out the warrior sleeping within you… the one I’ve desired to face! Not even the wear on your body is hindering you!”

“I’ve got plenty left in the tank, tough guy!” Soarin cracked his neck back and forth. “Not such a sure thing now, is it? You’re not about to go back on your word, are you?”

“I’d never dream of it,” Sombra smirked. “But I’m still going to win!”

“We’ll see about that!” Soarin shot back.

“Kick his ass!” Dash encouraged from the side.

“Yes ma’am!” Soarin surged forward, galloping on his weakened legs as if they were at full strength. Sombra charged as well, the battle continuing.

Soarin took to the air, making use of flight to even out the advantage of Sombra’s weapons. Sombra remained grounded, knowing both of his attempts to get airborne ended poorly for him. But he dug in, making all the shifts and movements needed to meet Soarin’s attacks or launch his own.

Soarin was surprising himself. He had never felt more focused in his life. He was fighting with the weight of the whole world on his shoulders already and yet the singular presence of Dash had lit a second fire within him.

Was she strengthening him? No. Was she guiding him? No. Was he… just trying to impress her? Probably. Whatever it was, it was helping. Hell, he was just happy she was there. Maybe that’s all he needed, to have her by his side.

Soarin and Sombra continuously clashed, trading blows back and forth. The fight was no longer one sided. It had evened out into a match between Soarin’s airborne combat skills against Sombra’s masterful magic swordplay. Sombra was clearly superior to him in every way, but the full emergence of Soarin’s willpower and pure grit appeared to close the gap.

And they were enjoying it.

It was the perfect battle. A legendary warrior king who relished a worthy opponent against a stallion fighting for his life who’s too stubborn to ever lay down and accept defeat.

It went on with no end in sight. They were going at one another with everything they had, but neither side seemed to waver.

Celestia could not believe what she was seeing as she watched Soarin push back, tipping the scales on the insurmountable odds. She knew Sombra’s battle prowess better than anypony, and yet with the support of Dash, Soarin was forcing him to fight with all his strength. The battle was becoming a sight she had trouble comprehending, even for her. It shouldn’t be possible, but she was witnessing it nonetheless. The combined effort of the two, the determination of Soarin bolstered by the presence and encouragement of Dash… was matching the full force of Sombra’s might.

Could the two of them… actually prevail? Celestia felt as if such a hope was false and ignorant, but she could not deny what she was seeing. A battle that should very much be a mismatch had become a standstill with neither side having a clear advantage.

Celestia was not the only one who was witnessing the extraordinary circumstances.

Outside, both within and without the walls of the Empire, nopony could take their eyes off of the sky. The magical pressure surging forth had grown more immense as the intensity of the projected battle grew. Even the small skirmishes that had broken out amid the initial confusion had ceased.

Fleetfoot and Angel were floating side by side, staring up at the battle.

Blade and Fire Streak were still mid grapple, their arms simply resting on one another as their focus had been completely drawn away.

Not even Spitfire and Nightshade were fighting, their eyes stuck upwards with Nightshade lightly held in a headlock under Spitfire’s arm.

Everything had stopped, absolutely everything. It was as if they were being drawn to the sight, like they were witnessing something more important than anything else in their lifetime. None of them knew why, all of them had different motivations as to why they were even there in the first place. But this took priority over everything. At this point, they were all just spectators to something much larger than themselves.

The pony with the best seat in the house was left utterly speechless. Ruin too, was staring up into the sky and watching as Soarin turned the tide of the battle from a hopeless effort into an even match. The edges of his lips were quivering, a crazed smile trying to fight its way onto his awe inspired expression as the conflicting emotions endlessly clashed. His thoughts were split down the middle between watching something truly amazing and wrapping his mind around what it all meant. How the simple addition of Dash caused such a shift, how Soarin’s willpower proved to be more powerful than any could have imagined, to the point of facing down an opponent such as Sombra. All of that… currently packed into a single body.

“Heh… hehehe heeeeee…” Ruin twitched, his body jostling lightly as the giggles forced their way out of his throat.

Twister was sitting behind him. He was no longer messing around or playing jokes on Ruin. He simply looked into the sky, a smile on his face as he focused primarily on Soarin with Dash right beside him in the battle.

Again and again. Strike after strike. Clash after clash.

The battle raged on with neither side letting up. For every blow Soarin took he returned his own and vice versa, Sombra smiling wide with endless satisfaction as they continued to trade hits.

All of it happening… right in front of Celestia, whose chest felt tighter by the second as she watched. The longer this went on, the more it hurt. She was not feeling pity for Soarin… he did not need it. He and Dash were acting on their own and… fighting a battle that she felt was really hers.

Soarin’s words to Sombra were echoing in her head. Everything that he said about protecting his world, how he spoke about all the ponies’ lives and how special each one is…

Those sounded like words that she should be saying, yet here they were at the conclusion of a wild ride that began because she neglected that ideology in favor of achieving a personal, selfish goal.

She couldn’t possibly feel more ashamed of herself, and it tore at her the more she thought about it. Soarin was fighting to correct her mistake. She brought this all upon him and yet here he was giving his all to make it all right.

Soarin was in a position of uncertainty, a proverbial dead end. He was putting everything on the line to fight regardless of knowing whether or not he’d come out of it intact or even alive.

He was showing strength, determination, and tremendous willpower in the face of helplessness…

Him… a mortal…

While she lay bound and powerless, stuck in a position that could have been avoided if she had simply taken the steps to fix the mistakes she had made up to this point. Instead she had hesitated in fear of her own demise.

Sombra’s taunts were justified. He had rightly rubbed salt in the wounds, branding her a coward for not summoning her separated power she had locked away to destroy him. He called out her fear of destroying Soarin’s body from within, destroying herself and everything inside in the process.

She had been quietly denying it in her head, but Sombra was right. He had laid bare her weakness and now she was feeling every inch of the knife being twisted within her.

She claimed stopping Sombra was all that mattered, that he presented the greatest danger to the world she watched over. Yet if that were the case, then she should be willing make the greatest sacrifice. She was a fool, she was weak… Sombra was right and Soarin was only proving how right he was.

And that…

Celestia averted her eyes, slamming them shut and gritting her teeth.

That was wrong. This was wrong. This was all her fault and she wasn’t taking responsibility for it.

Her eyes shot open, and stared towards Soarin, locking on him and the image of Dash tethered to him, pushing themselves far beyond what they should be capable of. All for the sake of Equestria.

They were staying strong to what they believed in…

So what in the world was stopping her from doing the same?!

A fire lit in her eyes and she glared towards Sombra.

Enough is enough… she would not sit by any longer and watch as mortals fought a battle that was hers… that she was scared to truly take on.

The battle appeared to be even, but there was no knowing how long Soarin and Dash could keep it up. She had to act now while she had the chance.

She did believe that Sombra and his ambitions were a threat to the world and she would prove it by doing what was necessary to quell it as a god should! No matter the cost…

She had to get free! She could not focus her energy while still bound, they would only tighten and prevent her. If she could get out… then she could do what had to be done!

“HNGH!!!!” Celestia grunted as she pressed her hooves down, forcing her body against the shadowy bindings, but as before they tightened harshly the moment she moved. “AH!” she yelped as she crashed back to the ground. “No! I… MUST!” she encouraged herself as the battle continued to rage before her. “No more running! No more hiding!” she forced out as she pushed again. “If Rainbow Dash… freed herself… then so can I! I’ll prove him wrong! I’ll … I’ll…” she wheezed as the bindings squeezed her arms and legs, wrapping around her body and two pulling her down hard by the neck. She cried out as she hit the ground hard again, gasping, panting, and twitching as the bindings constricted her further, punishing her for trying to escape.

With the side of her head flat to the ground, she forced her other eye open. Her pupil shook as she watched Soarin take several hard hits all in a row, ending with a sword directly to the face. It looked like a clean knockout blow, but he somehow managed to stay on his hooves, charging right back into Sombra’s range as if nothing could knock him down.

“RGH!!!!!!” Celestia growled, thrashing about again despite the tightness gripping her. “I CAN! I WILL!” she grunted and wheezed as she tried to force her way out again. The sight of Soarin continuously reminding her that she had no excuse to be held down.

Soarin charged headlong at Sombra with Dash at his side. Nothing about his body or the skill of his opponent deterring him from his only goal, pounding Sombra flat. He had landed several blows on Sombra now, making sure to pay back every hit he took. His determination and Dash’s support were pushing him forward, giving him the desire to fight on and give it his all, picking out all the fine details of Sombra’s movements, working around the pain coursing through him, and fighting as if everything was on the line… because it really was.

Sombra was smiling, and the more Soarin fought back, the wider the smile became. He felt each strike that landed on his body, he gave extra efforts to attack and defend, and he was pushing his own limits to meet this unexpected challenge of a desperate Soarin.

But was Soarin really desperate? Sombra was beginning to feel that wasn’t the case. Desperation implied fear, it implied succeeding no matter the means and becoming reckless, unhinged.

That’s not what he was fighting. Sombra could feel it in the very blows that connected to him. Soarin was fighting to win. He was fighting for everything he cared about.

Sombra was happy, so very happy. He was lost in the moment and was thrilled that Soarin showed no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Soarin was not smiling… and neither was Dash. They were not enjoying this fight, but they were not backing down from it… no chance in hell. Together they forced forward into Sombra’s barrage of attacks, together they brushed aside any pain from Sombra’s strikes, and together they launched an assault of their own. Dash’s presence was pushing Soarin past every limit, making him go further than he ever thought he could, not even Sombra’s magic had ever given him this feeling or drive. It was strength he could never find alone. His desire to succeed for Dash and for everything he cared for in this moment was stronger than anything he had felt in his life. Not to mention… he had a very strong urge to release all the pent up frustration gained over everything he had been forced through recently, and boy it felt good.

Two goals, two desires, two stallions clashing head to head for everything they believed in.

The two slammed headlong into one another, Soarin’s hoof connecting to Sombra’s face as Sombra’s sword struck him square in the chest. They were sent flying apart, both falling to the ground and tumbling to a stop before they simultaneously rolled right back onto their hooves.

Both took stances to continue, but for a moment the combat ceased. Heavy breathing, huffing and puffing as the two caught their breath and stared at one another.

“Astounding…” Sombra spoke up, shaking his head lightly with a great big smile still plastered to his face. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt so alive before… so… engaged! This is everything I could have ever asked for… you are the most worthy opponent I’ve ever crossed blades with!” his voice was oddly patterned, it almost sounded hysterical as if he was being driven by personal euphoria.

Celestia perked up, a light gasp escaping her throat as she felt her bindings… weaken? She glanced down to see them growing thinner, quickly looking back towards Sombra. He was utterly lost in the moment, his pupils were shaking as he smiled with pure delight. Was his focus on Soarin sapping power from the magic that held her down?

“I’m not done yet…” Soarin growled, cracking his neck and spitting out a wad of blood. “And I’m not giving in no matter how hard you hit me!” he stated adamantly, the image of Dash copying all his movements and mannerisms.

“Good!” Sombra chuckled loudly, slamming his sword to the ground beside him and holding a hoof out. “I want this to go on! This is a once in a lifetime battle! It would be outright shameful for it to end so—”


Sombra was cut off, both he and Soarin flinching in surprise and looking up just in time to see Celestia force herself up, the thinning bindings tearing to pieces as she thrust her wings out and yanked her limbs free. The instant she was out, she glared towards them, her spirit’s transparency becoming more opaque with a thin yellow glow accompanying it.

“ENOUGH!” her voice boomed, as a pulse of energy shot from around her and made the two stallions stagger slightly.

“What?!” Sombra blinked as he quickly steadied himself and snarled. “I don’t think so!”

Large shadows extended forth from beneath him, sliding beneath Celestia as the shadowy limbs popped up again, reaching to grab her. But Celestia whipped her neck around, another burst of force rushing from her spirit, knocking them all away.

“Ah!” Sombra shielded himself as he was hit by the second shockwave himself, the shadow retreating back to him. “What do you think you’re doing?!” he yelled towards her. “DON’T interfere! This is between myself and Soarin, by his acceptance!”

“What am I doing?” Celestia scrunched her face, keeping her glare set on Sombra as her eyes glowed faintly. “I’m accepting responsibility… and doing what I must.”

“Excuse me?” Sombra scoffed in a condescending tone while lifting an eyebrow. But Celestia ignored him, looking towards Soarin instead.

“Soarin… your determination to stay strong has moved me…” Her voice was filled with strength but there was a hint of regret. “You are fighting to protect our world from a threat that I created… and forced upon you. I have no right to ask for your forgiveness, but I am deeply sorry to have put you through such pain.”

Soarin blinked, staring at her while unsure what to think as Sombra continued to scowl, as if she was wasting her breath.

“I do not feel I was wrong to save your life… but I was wrong to use my own agenda as justification. And now it’s time I stopped running from the truth.” She slowly looked back towards Sombra. “I made this mess…” she hardened her eyes into a glare and yellow light shone brightly from them. “And it’s high time that I clean it up!” she shouted as the light surrounding her slowly intensified.

“Whoaaa ah…” Soarin suddenly swayed and shuddered as he felt a prickling sensation build all over him. “Wh… what are you doing?!” Soarin asked, slightly frantic as the sensation grew stronger as the light around Celestia grew brighter.

“What I should have done before everything went wrong… before you lost control and had your body stripped from you by this misguided relic of the past!” She stated as a subtle echo started accompanying her voice. “I’m going to recall my magic reserves to my spirit here… and restore my power in full! So that I may END the threat of Sombra once and for all!”

“HA!” Sombra let out a hearty guffaw followed by several loud chuckles. “Laughable! Absurd! You will do no such thing!” He lashed out at her condescendingly.

“YES I WILL!” she shouted back, the echo in her voice becoming louder as the light continued to brighten. “I owe this to all those I’ve wronged, all those who have been caught in this childish romantic fantasy of mine! It’s all because of me! You still live because of my weakness! And now… I will make amends by destroying you! I will ensure those in this world can live on without your ambition threatening their livelihood! It is MY duty to protect them, and I WILL protect them!”

“You expect me to believe your gutless drivel now?!” Sombra took a hard step towards her, pointing his sword in her direction. “That you’re suddenly willing to destroy yourself after your endless cowardice towards the very thought?! Spare me the theatrics!”

“THEN WATCH ME!” Celestia roared, the light rushing forth and a burst of magical pressure exploding out from around her.

“AH!” Soarin crumpled down slightly, his legs wobbling as the prickling sensation suddenly turned into pain. Sombra was nearly blown off his hooves, his sword and shield jostling as the pressure threatened to push the magical manifestations apart. He blinked as he braced himself against the force, staring towards Celestia blankly.

“You cast me as a villain!” Celestia snarled. “As a plague upon a world that YOU envision! The world before you is only wrong in YOUR eyes! You will NOT tamper with that which I’ve come to hold so dear!”

Sombra’s eyes grew wide as he looked around, the blue tint of the area flickering.

“I will not let Soarin fight this battle for me any longer! Let me show you what this world means to ME!” The light shining from her began to overtake the blue tint of the area. “Let me show you… what I’d sacrifice for it!”

“RGH!” Sombra grunted as he was nearly forced to the ground, tensing his legs to keep himself upright. His sword and shield slammed to the ground, their forms buckling as they struggled to hold together. He forced his head up, his eyes wide and his pupils shaking as realization set in. “What…? You’re…?!”

“That’s right, Sombra!” Celestia shouted, spreading her wings out. “I’m going to prove you WRONG! Your thirst for power ends here and now!”

“You’re mad!” Sombra yelled frantically, his tone completely changed. The shift in Sombra’s voice made Soarin panic. If Sombra was losing his cool, then… “You’ll destroy us all!” Sombra added, forcing his voice as the pressure continued to grow.

“SO BE IT!” Celesta yelled, throwing her neck back.

Back in Canterlot…

Down within the hidden depths of the vaults beneath Canterlot Castle…

A lone unicorn guard was asleep on duty outside an enormous pair of magically sealed doors that gave off a faint yellow glow.

The guard had been warned not to get caught sleeping on duty. Ever since Discord casually let himself through the doors they were threatened with harsh consequences if it happened again… as if stopping Discord was ever a possibility.

But stuck so far below the castle on guard duty for hours… with no knowledge of what he was actually guarding… in a place nopony ever goes to? The guard was asleep anyway.

Unbeknownst to him… the soft glow of the doors was brightening.

“Grph… mrgle…” the guard stirred as shifted his head away as the dim yellow glow intensified into a yellow shine. It showed no signs of stopping, the guard reaching up and sleepily pushing his helmet to cover his face.

A quiet, shrill screeching sound started to come from the doors. The sound grew louder and louder, eventually stirring the guard awake.

“Bwuh… Huh…?” he tipped his helmet up and was nearly blinded by the light. “AH! WHAT THE…?!” He shut his eyes and covered his ears as the light and the screech became too much to bear.

The doors flung open, smacking right into him and throwing him against the opposite wall.

He curled up and protected himself as a stream of bright yellow light ejected from the doors, shooting into the halls of the vaults. Rushing winds accompanied by the outpour extinguished all the torches and knocked over every ornament and wall dressing, even tearing up some of the carpeting. The cacophony lasted for several seconds before the light vanished completely, gone as quickly as it appeared.

The guard peeked out from his arms, and lit up the magic on his horn to create some light.

He rolled over and stared at the massive doors, now open with absolutely nothing inside.

“Aw hell… the captain’s gonna kill me…”

Alas, the guard did not know what had been willingly unleashed.

The entirety of Canterlot Castle had illuminated in the night. Ponies all over the city turned and stared as the centerpiece of the kingdom lit up like a beacon, glowing brighter and brighter like the sun itself. Those nearby sought shelter from the blinding rays.

Those brave enough to look peeked out, barely able to see as they shielded their eyes.

But the light did not remain there for long.

It slowly rose into the sky, lifting from the castle like the sun rising over a horizon and illuminating the dim twilight sky as if it were the middle of the day. Anypony looking out was eventually forced away, afraid for their eyes as the glow was becoming as powerful as the sun itself.

But then with a loud screech and a bang similar to a sonic boom, the light shot out into the distance, stretching like a shooting star across the sky as it left Canterlot behind, plunging it back into the darkness of the night.

Ponies all over the city peered out, blinking as their eyes slowly readjusted to the night.

But none of them had a clue what had just happened.

All ears pointed up and all eyes glanced around. Outside the walls of the Crystal Empire, something was happening, something strange enough to pull everypony’s eyes away from the projected battle in the sky.

A shrill screeching noise that was growing louder by the second… and the sky growing brighter, the blue hue of Sombra’ magic from the Crystal Palace being overtaken by something much brighter.

Then a bright, blinding flash came from the direction of the mountains. All eyes turned, yet were instantly shielded as an enormous sphere of yellow light hovered above the highest peak. The Thestrels hissed painfully, all of them ducking for cover behind others and anything they could find as the light shined down upon the realm.

The overwhelming brightness only lasted a few seconds, the light growing gentler, calmer… and then began to change. The sphere moved, turned, and began to morph like an amoeba, growing outward unevenly, but growing larger and larger… much larger. What started as a globe the size of the largest mountain was slowly expanding and looming large over the entire mountain range, a massive changing shape that no pony could look away from, in both awe and fear of what it could be.

The growing light began to take on an actual shape, certain parts of it stopping as others continued to reach out, slowly forming coherent shapes until it began to appear… as a pony? No, not a pony, something larger than an average pony.

When the body completed its shape, harsher light shone from the head and the back, creating wings and a long horn. With one final bright flash, a colorful array of lights extended from the head, running down its neck, back and shoulders.

At that point there was no mistaking it.

The light had taken on a massive depiction… of Princess Celestia. One that stood so tall and large that she dwarfed the mountain range, the peaks barely reaching the length of her hooves as she stood tall in the cloudless sky.

Without a sound, the massive form of the light took a step, a slow, gigantic step that covered half the distance between the mountains and the Empire itself in a single stride. Ponies yelped and shielded themselves as the hoof plunged down from above, but they were surprised when it passed right over them gently, feeling nothing more than the warmth of the light as they were bathed in its presence.

Nearby, a certain beaten and bruised amalgamation of animals poked his head out from behind a tree, feeling the sudden, highly unnatural surge of power nearby. Discord glanced back and forth before perking up and seeing what was literally right in front of him. He gasped loudly, stirring Luna who lay on the ground beside him, still twitching and delirious from unleashing her divine powers.

“Discord…?” she asked groggily. “What are you…?”

Luna froze as well, her eyes shooting open as she saw exactly what he was seeing, both gods left utterly speechless for a moment.

“S… Sister?! Is that our sister?!” Luna exclaimed, her shock negating her dizziness for a moment. She looked at Discord, but he looked… terrified?

“Oh no… she’s…” Discord grabbed his chest. “No… she’s not seriously going to…” Discord grabbed his head and shook it furiously. “No, no, NOOOO!!!!

“Ah!” Luna flinched as Discord propelled himself high into the air, shooting towards Celestia at an alarming speed. Discord zipped into the path of Celestia’s image, her massive body moving towards him as she started her second step forward.

“Stop it, please!” he yelled as he thrust his arms out, but she passed right over him. “STOP!” he repeated, grabbing into the light desperately as if trying to deter her, but it was no use.

Celestia now stood directly over the empire. The empire itself appeared tiny in comparison as she loomed large, completely overtaking the projection from the Crystal Palace. She looked down at the Empire below, positioned directly over Soarin, who appeared as a tiny speck compared to her massive form.

Her image began to undulate and flicker, becoming blurry and scratchy.

“TIAAAAAAA!!!!!!” Discord cried out. “DON’T!!!!!!!!!!!!”

The colossus of light capsized, compressing and began turning into a bright, shining stream of energy that slowly pulled at the image like a string unraveling a sweater. The stream shot down towards Soarin, compressing and growing brighter and brighter as it squeezed down… and surged directly towards the curved red horn on Soarin’s head.

“NO!” Sombra yelled as he forced himself against the pressure. “I will-AH!” he shuddered, but held himself firmly, he growled as his horn lit up brightly, pumping more power into his sword and shield to steel them against the magic trying to rip them apart. “I WILL NOT LET YOU!” Sombra roared. “I WILL NOT BE DESTROYED! NOT EVEN BY YOU! I REFUSE!

He charged towards Celestia, shield in front and sword pulled back ready to strike her.

But as he brought the sword around to swing… Celestia’s magic struck Soarin’s horn from the outside.

Soarin felt an enormous jolt, like he had just been hit over the head by a heavy, blunt object. The light around Celestia burst outward, her form becoming solid as energy shot in every direction.

Sombra’s sword struck her…

And it shattered to pieces. Sombra roared out in pain as he was floored by the surging energy, his shield breaking to pieces as well as he was launched backwards.

He tumbled to a halt, right in front of Soarin, groaning in agony as his body twitched and stirred.

Yet Soarin only had a moment to register what he just saw, because there was suddenly… pressure. It was different from that which was already surrounding him. It felt like it was coming from inside of him and growing at an alarming rate. Rapid shocks of pain started shooting through him from head to hoof, spreading through him and growing so strong that it began overwhelming him in seconds.

“Ah… AHHHHHHH!!!!!” Soarin screamed, dropping to the ground as his body shook violently. The image of Dash beside him fell down right beside him, also writhing. It felt like his mind, his very conscience was being crushed in a vice.

“I’M SORRY, SOARIN! BUT I CANNOT LET HIM HAVE HIS WAY!!!!” Celestia called out, keeping her eyes locked on Sombra as he struggled to regain himself.

“Rgh… RGGGHHH!!!!!!” Sombra grunted loudly as he rolled over and slowly forced himself up, his great strength barely managing against the intensity of Celestia’s divine energy. He gasped, ears standing up as he looked down at himself. His solid simulated image was buckling, he was feeling sharp pins and needles all over. Yellow cracks began forming in him, as if Celestia’s magic was trying to force his very spirit apart. He looked over his shoulder frantically, noticing the same thing was happening to Dash and Soarin, the two of them cringing and shaking as the magic ripped through their forms.

“NO! I WON’T! ARGH!” Sombra wobbled, barely able to stay standing, but he glared as hard as he could towards Celestia. “I WILL NOT FALL! I WILL NOT LET YOUR POWER OVERWHELM ME!

Sombra firmly set his hooves and forced as much magic as he could muster through his body, his horn lighting up brightly and his body surrounded in a blue glow.

“I WILL CONTROL IT!” he yelled adamantly. “I WON’T FAIL AGAIN! I WON’T BE OVERWHELMED! THIS TIME I CAN… I… I… ARGH!” he tipped back and forth as Celestia’s magic pushed hard against his. “I CAN!” he exclaimed, some of Celestia’s magic starting to swirl around him and jump to his horn as his body struggled to hold together.

Dash didn’t know what was happening. She was clinging to Soarin’s arm, never letting go. One moment she had a view of what was going on inside of him, the next she was back in her own head and surrounded by an intense light that was pouring out from Soarin’s body. There was an excruciating amount of pain coursing through her. It felt like she was being ripped apart from the inside, every inch of her body on fire as if she had been thrust into the sun.

It was Celestia, wasn’t it…? It was her power? The question of Celestia’s whereabouts and how she was suddenly there with Soarin would have to wait. She only had a glimpse of it on the inside, but that had to be what was happening. It felt like her very life force was being crushed, compressed and ripped to shreds.

It was killing her… killing both of them. The sudden surge was so powerful and overwhelming that she already felt like she was slipping. So this was how powerful Celestia was? A mortal body stood no chance.

If this kept up… they were going to die. There was nothing that suggested otherwise. The pain and pressure were already unbearable and it was only growing stronger, the yellow aura of Celestia’s magic engulfing them slowly and brightening the entire courtyard. It was shooting up like a beacon, a pillar of light many times taller than the crystal palace and piercing sky.

Dash wasn’t one to give into pain, but… what was this?! This wasn’t pain, this was something she couldn’t comprehend! It was so extreme and so unknown that she felt utterly powerless. She had become familiar with sensations of magic, its pressure, and the effects on the body up to this point, but this was so far above anything she could have ever imagined. It felt like she had been impaled, and forced to wait as her body expired.

She slowly tipped her head to look towards Soarin as the feeling set in. She felt lost, and broken, slowly losing herself. If this was really it, she refused to go without seeing Soarin beside her, the two of them facing this together. There was no place she’d rather…

Dash blinked as her eyes landed on him.

Soarin was looking down at her, his large head tilted to meet her eyes.

The eyes that met hers? They weren’t Sombra’s red eyes… they were his. Soarin’s eyes were looking down upon her, but they were not like hers. His eyes were not broken, stuck, or filled with realization.

Soarin was glaring and gritting his teeth. His muscles were tensing as he reached his other arm towards Dash and grabbed her around the back, holding on tightly.

“NOT… YET…!”

Dash gasped, her pupils enlarging as Soarin spoke in his own voice.


“DON’T UNDERESTIMATE ME!” Sombra yelled as Celestia’s magic swirled around him, several of its rays being drawn into Sombra’s horn. “I WILL PROVE—AH!” he lurched as more cracks appeared on his body and a yellow glow began appearing in his eyes. Suddenly a loud BANG rang out from his body and its solid form shattered. His spirit remained in the image of his youthful form, holding onto it as he forced himself forward, inching towards Celestia. “I WILL PROVE TO YOU… THAT I CAN… CONTROL…”

His aura began to expand as he took in more, a yellow glow shining from the edge of the blue. But as the flow continued, the blue light halted and only the yellow light extended, eventually pushing back, compressing his aura down. He stopped in his tracks a few paces from Celestia, unable to push any further. Eventually the yellow light reached him, snuffing out all of the blue… and his eyes shot open, his neck arching back.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” he cried out in agony. “ARGH!!!! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!” he crumpled to the ground before Celestia, yellow light shooting from his eyes and mouth as the energy he attempted to absorb ejected from his body, spraying in all directions from his horn as he writhed. “IT’S… TOO MUCH! STOP IT! STOP IT, PLEASE!!!!!” he suddenly begged desperately.

“SO NOW YOU SEE?!” Celestia roared out as her power continued to build up without an end in sight. “NOW YOU ADMIT YOUR NAIVETY?!” she stomped a hoof, a loud FWOOSH and a burst of force ejecting from her as her aura only grew larger. “FEEL THE POWER YOU THOUGHT YOU UNDERSTOOD! THAT YOU SOUGHT TO USURP! HOW FITTING THAT YOUR DEMISE IS BY THE VERY THING YOU WISHED TO WRONGFULLY OBTAIN!”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Sombra continued to wail as he grabbed his body, curling up and shaking while rolling back and forth. Celestia’s body grew larger, her entire presence expanding as she moved closer, standing directly over Sombra and towering over his pitiful state.

“FEEL IT! FEEL ALL OF IT!” she roared down at him as her magic slashed and jabbed at him, still pouring out of his body as he screamed in pain. “KNOW HOW FOOLISH YOU REALLY ARE! SEE WHAT DANGER YOU WOULD HAVE BROUGHT UPON THE WORLD! I WILL PROTECT THEM ALL FROM IT! I WILL PROTECT THEM ALL FROM YOU!!!!!!

She glared down at him, Sombra’s image being slowly torn apart, more cracks forming in his body as his screams began to echo.

Celestia kept up the pressure. She used every ounce of power, which was STILL flowing in, to demonstrate just how much Sombra didn’t understand what he claimed was his right.


Celestia perked up.


She glanced over towards Soarin.


Celestia’s eyes widened as she saw Soarin slowly standing from the ground. The image of Dash remained down, but Soarin kept rising.

“I… WON’T… DIE!!!!!” Soarin shouted out.

Celestia’s expression had shifted completely from rage to awe. She had Sombra, the powerful Warrior King of ages past in a broken heap on the ground below her, but Soarin… who was being subjected to the same power… was standing? His body was still in a solid state too.

Sombra’s eyes shot open, his heavy breaths shaking his vision, but he too could see Soarin. He watched in disbelief as he stood, withstanding the very same punishment and yet remaining strong.

When Soarin was fully upright, he forced his head up, glaring towards Celestia despite the pressure crashing against him from all angles and the cracks running all over his body.

“YOU!” he yelled directly at Celestia, his voice echoing as yellow light flickered from within his mouth and eyes. “I’VE HAD IT WITH YOU!” he shifted his eyes to Sombra. “AND WITH YOU!” he buckled briefly, the magic lashing at him. His solid form shook and jostled just like Sombra’s had, but it remained intact. “THIS… IS… MY… BODY! MINE!” he roared at them both. “AND I’M DONE PUTTING UP WITH YOU TWO! IF YOU’RE GOING TO STUFF ME FULL OF YOUR DAMN MAGIC, THEN…”

He paused, looking around in every direction as Celestia’s magic kept expanding, the very reaches of his spirit flickering and crackling like it was being filled to the brim and forced apart.

“DASH!” Soarin yelled, reaching down and grabbing the cracked image of her. She was not solid, but he somehow managed to touch her and pull her up. Dash’s eyes shot open, blinking as she looked up at him. “I NEED YOUR HELP!”

Dash felt a surge through her body, as if something was flowing from Soarin’s arm wrapped around her. She could feel him again, she could see inside of him again.

Most importantly, she could hear his voice in her mind, and it was demanding her help.

She gripped his massive arm tightly.

“I’m here Soarin! I’m here!”

The image of Dash stumbled a step away from Soarin, but anchored herself and stood up tall, just like he was. She quickly shifted back to him, standing side by side as a bright glow surrounded them both, glowing brighter than the yellow auras swirling and thrashing about.

“I can… I CAN DO THIS!” Soarin exclaimed, at first sounding no different than Sombra, but then he turned to Dash. “WE can do this! Just like we did after the tornado in Ponyville! You saved me, Dash! You pulled me out of the dark, but this time…” he glared towards Celestia. “This time I’m not sleeping while you do all the work! I’m here! I’ve seen it all! I haven’t been put through all this crap to curl up and die here and now!” he reached a hoof out to Dash. “You’ve been through it all with me! You’re a part of me! And I say it’s high time we tell it all to go to hell and push back! You get me?!”

“I get you!” Dash spoke, her voice reaching through her spirit as she grabbed Soarin’s hoof and gave it a squeeze. “Let’s do this!”

“That’s what I’m talking about!” Soarin nodded. “Follow my lead!”

The two set their hooves on the ground, Dash lending every ounce of willpower and focus she could to Soarin.

Soarin closed his eyes…

And went back to square one.

He was taught how to use magic. Fancy Pants did a great job at giving him a full rundown. All he needed to do was follow the basics. Who cares what he was trying to control? Who cares how much there was? It was still magic right? Then he’d do it!

First he cleared his mind, forcing all thought of the pain or pressure from his body. He ‘relaxed’ so to speak, making sure he remained firmly upright, but focused on calming himself.

He let Celestia’s magic flow through him, let it course and whip about on its own without letting its wild and unhinged pulsations deter him. He just had to find the right spot, he had to let it surge freely before he could do anything else.

He began to visualize. His goal was to take on the very magic tearing him apart, clamp down, and control it. There would be a moment where he would strike, like a predator stalking prey, allowing the magic to keep surging into him as he waited… and waited…


“HNRG!!!!” Soarin thrust his neck down, his body tensing harshly. The aura around him flickered violently as if it had been struck by something. He had it, Soarin had a hold on the magic flowing inside of him.

Now… the sensations… remember the sensations. He had to focus on the flow within him, and allow it to gather at the very center… and from there…

He could draw it all in!

“HRAH!!!!” Soarin threw his head up as the aura began to react as if it was his own, pulsing as he shouted, growing as he held it.

Celestia blinked and looked down at herself. Numerous rays of yellow light that were dancing and encircling her began to pull away. Soon there was a sudden shift in force, a suction of sorts that was drawing magic towards Soarin. What was left of Sombra’s receding aura was being tugged towards Soarin as well.

“What…?” Celestia uttered quietly as her pupils grew larger.

“ARGH… AH!!!!!” Soarin cried out as the curved horn erupted with light.

Dash looked up, still holding tightly to his large arm. Her eyes went wide as the pillar of Celestia’s magic began to surge towards the horn, condensing and plunging into the tip as Soarin roared in pain. She could feel his body tensing and twitching, his hoof pressed into her back.

She grunted at the sudden compression, but she could feel it too, her body was jittering all over, feeling as if it was being filled up, but Soarin was trying… he was trying as hard as he could and he wasn’t giving in.

“I’M HERE SOARIN!” Dash yelled up to him as his neck lurched back and forth. “WE CAN DO IT!”

Soarin suddenly coughed harshly, a broken, gut wrenching rasp escaping his throat. He gagged, a small spray of blood ejected from his mouth.

“Auuuughhhhh AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Soarin groaned in agony, the seemingly endless stream of magic surging into him. “I… CAN!!!!!!!” he yelled, his voice shaking.


“What… is this…?!” Sombra voiced his disbelief, as the magic that was being forced through him had completely changed course, surging into Soarin instead. “What’s happening?! Ah!” he yelped in surprise as his body was yanked a little towards Soarin. “RGH!” he rolled over and slammed his hooves to the ground, loud skidding and scraping coming from them as he slowed the movement to a halt.

Sombra looked over his shoulder towards Soarin, his jaw agape and eyes wide as he looked upon the spectacle. Soarin’s eyes were filled with yellow light, streams of Celestia’s magic were dancing and swirling around him, being drawn in. The yellow glow that was filling the whole area was coursing towards him as well, as if he had become a black hole. There were yellow cracks littering his body as it pulsed, his muscles expanding and contracting unnaturally as if the power was trying to get free. It looked like his body was going to explode, but regardless he held himself up and… was absorbing Celestia’s magic.

“This… cannot be…” Sombra said quietly as he stared in utter disbelief. “How is he…? How…?”

“AUGH AHHHH!!!!!” Soarin suddenly yelled out, his body wobbling and stumbling. The image of Dash quickly pressed to him, grabbing him and helping him remain up. “HHHNNNRRGGHHH!!!!!” Soarin forced himself up and kept concentrating, some golden dewy droplets seeping out from the cracks, magic leaking from his body. He forced it all back in, shouting as the process threatened to tear him apart. How much more could he withstand? How much more could he hold? He looked like he might burst at any moment.

He was at a point where he had taken in many times the amount that had caused Sombra to break and beg for his life.

“He…” Sombra released his hooves from the ground. “They…” he looked towards Dash as he got drawn towards Soarin again. “These two…”

Sombra gave no more restraint, his spirit got swept into the vacuum of energy coursing around and into Soarin.

“They have bested me…” Sombra chuckled, his spirit slowly breaking apart as it swirled around and surged towards Soarin.


Sombra’s eyes snapped open as Soarin reached out.

“GRKH!!” Sombra choked as Soarin’s hoof grabbed him by the neck, ripped him out of the swirling magic, and slammed him to the ground beneath him.

Sombra’s spirit was in shreds, barely together, but he stared up at Soarin with a wide, blank stare.

“Where the hell do you think YOU’RE going?!” Soarin barked down at him, saliva dripping from his mouth as heavy breaths hissed in and out. Sombra could not see his eyes behind the yellow light and his teeth were jammed shut in between words. “You’re gonna feed me full of your crap, talk endlessly about how long you’ve waited, and now you’re just gonna CLOCK OUT?!

Sombra continued to just stare, his mouth slowly opening, but no words coming out.

“GET UP!” Soarin snarled. “Pull yourself together!”

Sombra’s eyes widened.

“I can’t keep this up much longer! If you want to survive as badly as you claim, then you’ll suck it up… and HELP ME!”

“I…” Sombra sputtered, his pupils shaking as his spirit slowly filled in the torn bits. “I…”

“NOW, DAMMIT!” Soarin pounded a hoof. “NOW, BEFORE WE’RE ALL SCREWED!”

Sombra only hesitated for a moment.

“Do… not…” His eyes sharpened into a glare as his spirit pulled itself together. “Do not order me around!” he yelled up at Soarin before rolling over and slamming his hooves down. “You’re… nothing but a show off!” he forced himself up, bracing himself as he placed himself on the side opposite Dash. “I won't let you outdo me!” he exclaimed, setting his hooves and turning his focus to Celestia.

His words were combative, but… he did exactly as Soarin suggested.

Soarin inhaled sharply. A sudden surge of might coursed through him. So far Dash had been adding her willpower to his, putting her spirit on the line… but now…

He felt another… And it was immeasurably strong.

“HRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!” Soarin roared out, his voice triple echoing with two other vocal tones deep within it. An intense blue light shining forth and pressing into the yellow. The surging aura lashed out, forcing itself into Celestia’s energy as if it was not just pushing, but fighting it as well, grabbing hold, and restraining it as it tried to reach for Soarin.

“AH!” Celestia yelped as she suddenly lurched forward, bending down slightly to brace herself as her hooves scraped and skidded on the ground. She frantically looked at herself and around her, the yellow streams of her energy being rapidly pulled from her and drawn towards Soarin in large amounts at a time. It was even pulling at her own aura surrounding the frame of her body. “What?!” she exclaimed as she began struggling, unable to stop herself from inching towards him while bending herself down a little. “What’s happening?! My power is…” Her eyes stuck open as she felt herself losing her grip on her own energy, all of it surging into Soarin suddenly. “How is he doing this?! He…” A look of dread spread across her face as she was suddenly confronted by a completely unexpected scenario. “Soarin!” she yelled desperately as her aura dwindled, her spirit flickering as her energy was pulled into the vacuum. “SOARIN WAIT!”

She lost her hooves from beneath her, falling to the ground and sliding along her side towards Soarin. She thrashed and rolled, trying to stop herself, but she couldn’t. She looked towards Soarin, her eyes filled with terror.

“STOP IT! STOP! YOU’LL—AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!” she screamed as her entire spirit was trapped in the same swirling suction as the rest of her magic, every ounce of her aura surging into Soarin along with herself. All the yellow light was pulled in, stripping it all from the reaches of Soarin’s mind… and plunging into his spirit…

Three voices yelling… as they fought against the divine powers surging within.


Then all at once… in a bright flash… the last bits of Celestia’s yellow aura had entered Soarin.

The massive pillar of light extending above the Crystal Empire capsized completely, every last smidgen of energy that made up the tower of divine power surged into Soarin’s horn.

The glow surrounding Soarin grew brighter and brighter as it rushed in, the energy densely packing together.

The light had become blinding, not even Ruin could see through it, shielding his eyes as he eagerly watched from a safe distance. Every attempt to look out just met a painful bright light that forced him to look away.

The projected image above the empire pulsated, flickered, and burst, following the surging energy right into Soarin’s horn. The Empire itself was glowing bright yellow, its natural blue hue drowned out by the intense magical energy at such a close proximity.

“RRRRAGH! GAAAHHH!!!” Soarin grunted and groaned painfully, a sharp, unnerving echo in his voice as his body pulsed and trembled. Dash could feel every erratic twitch as she held on tight to his arm, her own body feeling the surges of energy. She knew what was happening within, she could feel it and feel the pressure that was coming from it. She looked up to see his neck arched back, shining lights erupting from his eyes and mouth as the energy continued to funnel into the horn. Yellow cracks were appearing on the surface of the red crystal horn. Dash flinched as the muscles in Soarin’s arm stiffened and expanded slightly. She looked him over frantically to see it happening all over his body, veins popping up everywhere with the swelling and turning yellow. The horrific sight made it appear as if his body was being overstuffed with power, its limits being pushed further as the energy forced itself in.

“YOU CAN DO IT, SOARIN!” Dash yelled as she held on tight. “YOU CAN-AH!” Dash yelped as sharp pains shot through her. She looked down at her body as a tremendous amount of pressure suddenly built up inside of her. The same thing was happening to her, her body twitching and tensing madly. Her joints and muscles felt on fire, burning sensations all over as yellow veins appeared on her as well.

It hurt… it hurt a lot. It made her want to scream out in pain, but she didn’t have time to. She gripped Soarin tighter, refusing to give in as long as he stood.

“YOU CAN DO IT!” She yelled again.

“I…” Soarin tipped his head down slightly. “WON’T…” The strong echo in his voice rang out. “GIVE…” He thrust his head back up. “UP!!!!!”

The remaining energy shot down, entering the horn all at once.

When the last trace entered the horn, everything went quiet.

The whooshing and whirling of the magical forces had ceased. All of the light, including the yellow aura that had been surrounding him had vanished.

Soarin was standing perfectly still, his eyes stuck open, his pupils small and shaking with his jaw agape. His body twitched lightly, the yellow veins still adorning his slightly swollen body as he stared directly into the sky.

Dash didn’t say a word, she just stared, holding her breath.

Then she felt something welling up inside of her, something building, growing stronger and stronger, but before she could focus on it at all…

Soarin screamed.

He threw his neck back and shouted into the sky, the echo in his voice nearly stronger than his own voice as his vocal chords released the loudest shout of pain Dash had ever heard in her life. Her eyes widened as she looked to his forehead.

The red crystal horn exploded.

A stream of yellow light shot out of his head.

Shortly after, his body shone brightly with a light that appeared to be coming from inside of him. Dash’s eyes were suddenly bombarded by an extremely bright glow. The light appeared blinding, but she looked directly into it without trouble, her eyes filling with shock as Soarin’s body began to pulsate and spasm, slowly disappearing into the brightness. The divine energy packed inside began shooting out of his eyes and mouth in uneven flashes and surges just as intensely as it was pouring from his forehead. A pillar of light once again shot skyward, waves of energy expanding outward from its surface as it pierced the heavens above.

A loud explosion rang out from Soarin’s body, his form disappearing into the light completely as a massive shockwave ejected from him. Dash released Soarin, guarding herself as she was thrown from him. What was left of her Wonderbolt suit was torn to pieces, blown apart by the force as she was tossed right to the ground and tumbled several yards. Ruin was launched from his spot, not even having time to yelp as he was imprinted in the opposite wall of the courtyard in a millisecond.

The Crystal Palace’s structure rumbled and jostled, every single stain glass window shattered into tiny pieces. The wave shot through the entire empire, rooftops, windows and doors were ripped off several buildings. Anypony that was on their hooves was knocked right to the ground. The force ripped right through the protective shield around the Empire, the strong energy tearing apart like tissue paper and dissipating.

All those outside on the battlefield were tossed about, anypony unlucky enough to be airborne thrown roughly to the ground as pony piles popped up all over.

And then once again… there was silence.


All remaining clouds had been blown away and the night was being bathed in a warm, gentle light.

Everypony remained completely still. Wonderbolt, Shadowbolt, Renegade, and guard alike all frozen as they stared towards the Empire.

Spitfire propped herself up, staring with wide eyes towards the Empire as everything around her remained eerily quiet despite there being ponies everywhere. But she didn’t stay frozen for long… because her eyes were fixed on the Empire. The light was being generated by something glowing at the center of the Empire.

At the Crystal Palace.

Spitfire had Nightshade on the ground right beside her, also staring in shock, but even with her arch nemesis within punching distance, the thought didn’t even remotely cross her mind. Only one word was shooting through Spitfire’s thoughts… one name.

“Soarin!!!” she yelled as she quickly got to her hooves, spread her wings, and took flight towards the Empire.

Her movement broke several from their daze. Some began moving, but most stayed still, just staring at the Empire in awe even though many of them were sitting right beside those they were fighting relentlessly against not too long ago.

Only one group was really making any organized move. The Shadowbolts.

The moment Spitfire had taken off, Nightshade had stumbled to her hooves and took off in the other direction, retreating in desperate fashion. Several Shadowbolts turned tail and followed the moment they saw their leader getting the hell out. Those who didn’t move immediately were gathering up those still laying around to make sure they got away while they could.

None of the Wonderbolts, Renegades, or guards tried to stop them, in fact none of them paid any mind at all. They all just sat still, glancing about and wondering what had just happened.

The only other ponies to get up and move with a purpose were the top tier Wonderbolts, following behind Spitfire with the same idea in mind.

What happened to Soarin?

“Unbelievable…” Ruin uttered quietly to himself as he stood in front of the Ruin-shaped imprint in the wall behind him. He stared out towards the shining light at the center of the courtyard, looking directly into its bright rays in complete awe. “Of all the ways this could have played out… I never imagined…”

He paused, his eyes narrowing as they darted back and forth. He looked left, he looked right, he looked over his shoulder, and he looked beneath him.

There was nothing else around him.

“But… Did you know? Is this why you made your move?” he said as he glanced up. “Or perhaps… you’re surprised by this as well?” He looked around again and scoffed. “No that’s just ridiculous, you couldn’t have known.” He shook his head. “I don’t know if you’re still there… but I dare you to come out, look me in the eye, and tell me this was planned.”

He stared into space… and there was no answer.

He slowly looked down, focusing on the light again. He stared for several moments before a subtle grin crept onto his face.

“To change the course of events in a meaningful way…” he started snickering to himself. “Heh… how utterly brazen… and brilliant.” He tipped his head down and closed his eyes, his lips parting to reveal a gentle grin as he continued to snicker. “To think… all this time I thought I was uncontested… heh… HEE HEE!” The soft grin grew rapidly, quickly turning deranged. “This…” he stared with very wide eyes towards the light. “This changes everything!” He swiftly turned around, giggling to himself. “Not only do we have a new piece on the board… but I have an opponent as well!” His smile grew unnervingly wide, his head twitching as it tipped to the right, his eyes filling with bright pink light. “Oh how much more FUN there is to be had! The game… it goes on!!!! Heh heh… HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!”

He walked towards the wall, his body slowly vanishing into a gentle pink glow before disappearing. The echo of his laughter lingered for a few more seconds before it too was gone.

Dash lay on her back, staring straight up into the sky with wide eyes. For a moment her mind felt completely blank, but after blinking a few times, she regained her senses and immediately wondered what had just happened.

The last thing she remembered was an explosion of light, and then she was suddenly on her back as if the moment between the burst and the fall never happened.

“SOARIN!” Dash sat up in an instant as she suddenly remembered who the explosion came from, but her eyes were met by an extremely harsh light like a star sitting in the middle of the courtyard right in front of her.

Normally such a light would have forced her to look away, but for some reason… she was able to stare directly at it, her eyes feeling no pain or sensitivity to the brightness.

But… where was Soarin? She could feel him, he was definitely there, but she couldn’t see him.

After staring for a moment, she quickly stood, up never taking her eyes off of the light as she took a few steps backwards to get a better view. Yet as she moved, she felt a little… light headed? There was an odd feeling coursing through her that was taking a moment to fully register and…

Wait a second, did she just stand up quickly with no trouble at all?

Dash looked down at her body, her eyes widening.

All of her injuries were gone. All traces of battle damage, scrapes, bruises, and blood wiped clean from her, and… her leg was fixed?

She looked back and moved her previously dislocated leg around… it was most definitely fixed.

But as she put it down, the feeling within her turned into a massive rush that coursed through her entire body, it made her twitch and shiver.

“Ah… ahhhh!” she gasped as sensations rushed through every inch of her, goosebumps all over as she blinked in surprise. The surge was euphoric, it felt incredible. She lifted an arm and looked at her hoof, turning it over and over, then clenching it tightly. Her entire arm flexed with little effort, her grip feeling incredibly strong with little strain felt on her body.

Her body was brimming with strength… lots of strength, as if she had been completely renewed or reborn in perfect condition, but it went even further than that… she had never felt so strong before. What happened to her? Was it because…?

She looked towards the light again, still unable to see Soarin.

She stepped back further, doing her best to contain the tingling feelings that pulsed through her. She reached up and rubbed her eyes, as if that would make a difference. It didn’t, but as she lowered her arm she brushed it against her chest and stopped on the spot.

She looked down at her chest, then at her shoulder and down her arm. Two things had caught her attention that were now clearer after backing away from the light a little.

First, there was a faint yellow glow surrounding her, appearing and vanishing over and over in a soft, gentle pattern.

Second…? She tapped her hoof against her chest. So she wasn’t just ‘feeling’ stronger. Her body felt firmer, tougher, and sturdier as she poked herself in several spots, running her hoof over her opposite arm and shoulder, back to her chest. There was also a subtle, but noticeable increase in tone and mass resembling how she’d look with a nice pump from a heavy gym workout… but she was at rest?

“Huh… Oh! Whoa! Whooooaaaa!” Dash jittered as another euphoric rush pulsed through her, causing her eyes to roll back a little and stumble a bit.

This was getting weird… she liked it, but… what the hell? What was happening to her? Where the hell was Soarin? Was he in the light or not?!

“WHERE’S SOARIN?!” A voice suddenly shouted from above. “WHAT’S—AH!

Spitfire landed roughly behind Dash, shielding her eyes from the bright light.

“Dash?!” she exclaimed as she squinted. “What happened here?”

But Dash didn’t answer. She just kept staring towards the light.

“Hey!” Another voice came from above. “Why’s it so bright over—WHOA!

Fleetfoot nearly crashed, running right into Spitfire’s plot as she skidded to a stop

“Gah! What the hell is that?! The sun?!” she whined.

Dash said nothing.

Several others began flying in. The rest of the top tiers following behind Fire and Misty all made their way to the ground, blinded and complaining about it the moment they were in range. Sombra’s old knights had made their way forward from the other side, struggling to face the light as well. Descent, Starry Skies, and Lightning Dust all appeared shortly after… and not far behind them were a cautious Discord and Luna, the two slipping in almost unnoticed as they moved into the group, shielding themselves from the light.

“What… What happened?” Luna asked as she turned to Discord.

“Good question!” Spitfire chimed in, turning her ire towards him as well, but Luna cut her off.

“Discord, was that our sister just now?” she asked as Discord slowly lowered his arm and stared into the light curiously. “Discord! Where did she go?!” Luna demanded.

At this point all eyes besides Dash’s were on Discord as if he could tell them what was happening, but he was just as confused as the rest of them, or so it appeared. He was eyeing the light carefully, trying to piece together what he had seen and what was happening.

Then his eyes grew wide and he gasped, everypony perking up as they looked his way.

“No… he couldn’t have… could he…?” Discord mumbled.

“Could he WHAT?!” Spitfire lashed out, her short fuse with the gods already alight.

“Ah!” Fleetfoot suddenly yelped and pointed towards the light, barely able to look out. “What’s that?!”

Everypony turned to see something appearing within the shining rays. It slowly became more visible, taking on the shape of a stallion.

The silhouette continued to take shape, the body slowly appearing with the same size, frame, and musculature that Soarin’s body sported after being taken over by Sombra. But the formation seemed to hesitate, stopping short of completing itself around his back and near the top of his head.

“HE DID!” Discord suddenly shouted, grabbing his head. “You… You’ve gotta be… I can’t believe it! How? HOW?!” He grabbed his horns, yanking them right off and holding them in front of his chest.

“Will you shut up and make sense?!” Spitfire snapped at him. “What the hell is happening?! Who are we looking at?! What the hell was all that magic in the sky?! Where is Soarin?! Where is Sombra?!”

Discord’s hands slowly opened, dropping his horns on the ground as his arms slumped to his sides.

“He’s right there…” Discord said in a tone of utter disbelief, his eyes stuck open wide.

“Who’s right there?!” Spitfire pressed.


Everypony went silent, all eyes shifting back to the silhouette as the missing parts began to fill in.

Luna suddenly jumped, gasping sharply as her body jittered all over and her ethereal mane flow became erratic for a moment. A few glanced at her as she bent down, panting and blinking.

“Wait…” she spoke, her jaw dropping. “This… this sensation! That energy!” She frantically looked towards Discord. “That means… he’s…” she trailed off. Discord said nothing, he just slowly nodded his head while holding the same blank expression. “No! That’s…!” Luna inched back a little. “That’s impossible…!”

Dash wasn’t listening to a single word, and unlike the rest, she was still gazing directly into the light without trouble. Her eyes were fixed on the large form of the silhouette that continued to form up, yet there was no sign of his wings, nor any sign of a horn. And once the frame was complete, additional bright lights began shining from four specific places.

Two on his back where the base of his wings would be. Two on his head, one where his mane should be and the other… right above his eyes, on his forehead.

These lights grew extremely vibrant, everypony except for Dash yelping in surprise, barely able to keep their eyes towards it. The lights were accompanied by a very loud, shrill screech that shot right through every ear present, causing them all to cringe and twitch as they struggled to keep watch.

And still… Dash remained upright, her eyes fixed forward on the stallion body within.

The light grew brighter and brighter.

The noise grew louder and louder.

An immense amount of magical pressure suddenly rushed forth from the light. It passed through Dash, but pressed into everypony else, forcing them to brace themselves.

The shrill sound’s octave kept rising higher and higher to the point where it was inaudible, all sound drowned out with everyone seeing it all, but hearing nothing.




After what was quite possibly the most anti-climactic finish to such an extreme form of energy buildup ever recorded in the history of Equestria, it all halted in an instant like a tiny cough and sneeze into the wind.

Everypony just stared, the looks upon every face drastically different depending on who it belonged to and what their first thought was after the fact.

Soarin was standing in front of them.

Yep… it was definitely Soarin.

None of them doubted it was Soarin.

Those were Soarin’s colors.

Those were Soarin’s eyes.

That was Soarin’s face, but…



His body was still as large as his possessed form.

His mane was extremely long and had an ethereal flow.

And he had a very long horn on his head.

He had a completely blank, bewildered expression frozen on his face with tiny pupils in his eyes.

Likewise, everypony else just stared, not a single word spoken.

“He’s…” Luna spoke up in an uncharacteristically quiet and soft tone of voice.

“A divine alicorn…” Discord finished for her.

Nopony moved.

Spitfire didn’t move.

Discord didn’t move.

Not even Dash could break away from the stiffened state of shock.

Soarin remained still, his eyes remaining stuck open and his jaw remaining agape.

And that’s the way it remained… for roughly two minutes.

“Okay, you know what? No.” Surprise suddenly crossed her arms in front of her face. Nopony looked at her but she shook her head out and slowly tipped over onto her back, spreading out her arms and legs. “I’m done.” She exhaled sharply. “I’M DONE!” she shouted while grabbing her mane. “This was all stupid enough! And now this? THIS?!?!? AAAUUUUGH!!!!! NO!” she sat up briefly and glared at Soarin. “For crying out loud! I’m drawing the line RIGHT here and leaving THIS on the other side of it! BLAAAAAAAH!” she flopped onto her back again and began turning end over end on her stomach then onto her back over and over. “NO! NO! NO!” She kept it up while moving in a circle around everypony. “NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!”

---Piercing the…---

“Seriously?! You just HAD to go there, didn’t you?!”

---Piercing the Heavens A…---

“I hope you’re ready for the can of nerd rage you’ve opened up over this! You know that’s gonna happen, right?! The fandom takes no prisoners over this stuff!”

---Piercing the Heavens Arc Thre…---

I got a GREAT idea! Let’s have him go Super Soarin Four in the next arc! He can scream for three chapters straight! We can turn him black and red too! That’ll REALLY light a fire in some asses! ARRRGH! GOD DAMM-HURK!”


“If anypony asks…”

“It wasn’t me!”

---Piercing the Heavens Arc Three End---

To be continued in: Piercing the Heavens Arc 4:

For the full resolution of the poster see here:

Author's Note:

Art in this chapter by: Foxenawolf
The incredible coverart for Arc 4 was done by: Nightyscribbles


Oh gosh diddly darn it, i left the door to the rage dimension open again.

Well... there you have it. The internal struggle between Soarin and Sombra ended with... Celestia trying to kill them all, but instead her intervention led to Soarin being turned into an Alicorn. Though he clearly wasn't able to do it by himself... Sombra's help was easily the catalyst that made the difference... something definitely happened to Dash as a result... but what? How did all that lead to Soarin taking on this form? Not to mention an apparently godly form? And what the hell is going to happen now? Why don't we ask Discord? Oh wait, he didn't sound like he had a damn clue. :twilightoops:

Boy this sure won't be a problem or anything! no siree.... NOT... ONE... BIT! And there certainly isn't anything nefarious going on in the background that this situation will benefit or play into. NOPE, WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM, SOME SORT OF JACKASS? NOTHING EVER GOES WRONG IN THIS FIC, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! ITS ALWAYS SMOOTH SAILING! EVERYTHING IS AWESOME... RIGHT?! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::trollestia:

Okay, on a serious note now. Arc three is finally complete, and we stopped just short of it being 100 chapters long. As ive mentioned in several blogs, in retrospect this definitely should have bee separated into two arcs, probably somewhere around chapter 100, alas i was too far in to change it (and the cover for arc 3 had Nightshade on it already).

But hey, here we are! We made it to this point and i can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Thank you all so much for your continued reading, interest, and support. You are all very much a reason i continue to do this despite my life being much more busy and packed than it was when this all began. And the best part is, we're not done yet! There is still lots of story left to be told in arc 4 and plenty of adventures and fun our characters have yet to encounter. I look forward to beginning the concluding arc of this long story and i hope you will enjoy it too. :eeyup:

As for right here and now, im not going to fill up this section with my plans. I will be doing a blog soon that will detail exactly what i intend to do in terms of a brief break and what will happen between now and when i start production of arc 4, so look out for that :twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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