• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 140: Blazing a Trail

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 140: Blazing a Trail

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath as she walked into the bathroom of her barracks, her lower body already in her Wonderbolt suit with the rest rolled up on her back and her goggles tucked into her wing. She stopped in front of the mirror and looked herself over. Her bruises were fading, but still there. The only real reminder of the traumatic encounter that remained was the bandages wrapped around her shoulder and chest. She stared at them for a moment, giving them one last look.

It was time to put it behind her. She knew there was a good chance they’d be confronting Nightshade again right now, so she had to fight back the fear and anxiety. She didn’t know what was going to happen after they made it to the Crystal Empire, but right now, that was their ultimate goal and as a Wonderbolt, she couldn’t afford to let her personal struggles get in the way. Besides, she was doing this for Silver too. She’d fly through a mile thick sheet of metal for him if she had to.

She dropped her goggles onto the sink counter before slowly and gingerly shimmying the rest of the suit on, twitching and grimacing as it stretched over her tender body and rested upon her shoulder. She pulled her mask up over her face and fastened her goggles, resting them on her forehead. With everything in place she looked herself over again and gave her reflection a determined nod.

“Let’s do this.”

She turned and left the bathroom, finding Matteo, Squall, and Little Star all suited up and ready. Twister appeared to be… wrestling with his suit, the whole thing wrapped around him like a straightjacket as he flailed around before falling off his bed and crashing onto the floor.

“Let’s move everypony!” Dash ordered, completely ignoring Twister while twirling her hoof in the air.

“Nice of you to actually be here and give us orders,” Squall said sarcastically as he was the first to reach her.

“Not the time for this, Squall. Focus,” Dash quickly shut him down as Matteo and Star moved up beside her. “You guys all ready?” she asked them, Star giving a quick, eager nod.

“Yep! I’m—” she was immediately cut off as Twister popped up in front of her wearing a metal bucket on his head, fake, super thick eyebrows, and had a giant cigar in his mouth.

“I WAS BORN READY!” he yelled in a super gruff accent as he took a hard puff that made the cigar burst into flames and disintegrate. Star suddenly slammed down over the bucket, pressing it over his head and somehow the rest of his body into it, ending with a CLANG on the floor, the bucket skidding a few yards ahead of them with her on top of it.

“Were you ready for THAT?!” she asked as she tapped a hoof on the bucket.

“Yes,” Twister answered standing right beside her, his suit and goggles somehow suddenly on him and ready. Star blinked as she looked back and forth between the bucket and Twister until the rest reached them.

“Guys… focus,” Dash repeated as they left their barracks and made their way into the hallway towards the lobby, Star and Twister both falling in line quickly. Dash turned to Matteo as they moved, realizing he had not acknowledged her yet. “You’re quiet over there, are you ready or not?” she asked him.

“For what?” he asked, catching her off guard. Dash blinked and lifted an eyebrow.

“For… uh… for what we’re about to do?” she replied.

“And that is…?” he glanced a little towards her. Dash looked forwards and thought for a moment.

“To the Crystal Empire?” Dash added, but Matteo did not look satisfied. “What do you mean?” she asked. Matteo shook his head.

“What are we even ready for?” Matteo questioned. “Captain Spitfire did not lay out any specific plan during her speech.”

“I… uh…” Dash shrugged. “I guess she didn’t.”

“Then I’m not sure what to be ready for.”

“I was just asking generally, Matty,” Dash rolled her eyes. “She said she’d be meeting with all the captains personally,” Dash paused as they stopped in front of the doors and Dash reached for the handle. “I guess we’ll find out as soon as she finds me and—”

“RAINBOW DASH!” Spitfire was right outside the door the moment Dash opened it.

“GAH!” Dash jumped in surprise, the door swinging back shut as she let go. Before she could compose herself and open the door again, Spitfire pushed it open and pointed at all of them.

“Everypony out here! Line up! Eyes forward! Let’s go!” she ordered.

All five of them instantly obeyed without question, rushing out into the lobby and lining up in front of the doors. There was a heck of a lot of movement in the lobby, Wonderbolts, Renegades, and thestrals moving every which way in an organized fashion. Dash stood attention and awaited orders as Spitfire looked away for a moment, but in the brief pause, she noticed something interesting about Spitfire. She was wearing her uniform and her goggles were around her neck, but she was also wearing a one-ear headset with a microphone attached, currently pushed up away from her mouth. The headset was wired to what looked like a radio device clipped to her suit. Before Dash could ponder any further, Spitfire sharply turned back to them, wearing an all business no nonsense expression as she focused on her.

“Squad status! Give me the details! Chop-chop!” she ordered while clapping her hooves. Dash swallowed and quickly gave a salute.

“Uh… right!” Dash cleared her throat and nodded. “Two of us are in peak condition! The other three, including myself, are bit banged up, ma’am!” she explained. She knew Spitfire was already aware, but it was clear she was going through protocol. Spitfire nodded several times as Dash spoke, then glanced down briefly while in thought. She stepped to the right and motioned a hoof towards a group gathered off to the side that appeared to be mostly the top tier elites.

“Move over here with the rest of the Wonderbolts involved in the mission two days ago. Stand by for further orders,” she barely finished before turning away and moving on.

Dash and her squad remained still, standing attention for another moment or two before they finally relaxed and glanced around at one another.

“Well, it’s something,” Dash chuckled while looking up at Matteo. Matteo narrowed his eyes and snorted, clearly annoyed at the lack of clarity, but Dash was confident they’d get it soon. “Come on.” She motioned for them to follow, the five of them making their way over to the group that indeed contained everypony included in the confrontation with Nightshade. Dash’s eyes landed squarely on Soarin, who was conversing with the Streak twins, but her attention was quickly drawn to Storm as he broke away from the group to meet them upon arrival. Dash gave him a smile as he made his way over, and then took a moment to get a good look at everypony present in the group detached from the rest. Just like her, Matteo, and Squall, they all had fresh new suits on and were ‘ready’ to go, but they did not look battle ready. Most of them were leaning on one another for support or sitting down. Fleetfoot was also not present, probably being secured in the infirmary with anypony else currently unable to serve in any effective manner.

“So… uh, you’re one of those fancy high tier elite Wonderbolts,” Dash said smarmily as she turned her attention to Storm. “What are we doing exactly? Has Spitfire told you anything?” she asked. Storm chuckled at her remark about his rank, but shook his head.

“Nope, nothing,” he answered while looking around at all the top tiers and Macho Savage. “Spitfire keeps telling us to wait while she’s putting everything else together.”

“Hmm…” Dash hummed as Matteo released an intentionally audible grunt behind her. “Relax, Matty…” she said without looking behind her as Storm blinked and tipped his head. “Matt’s suit is feeling a little tighter around the crotch over Spitfire’s lack of orders.”

“My suit fits just fine,” Matteo interjected from behind, but Dash paid no attention.

“I see,” Storm snickered as Matteo grumbled behind Dash. “Well, I think it’s a little more complicated this time, maybe she doesn’t want to confuse us with too many pieces?”

“What do you mean?” Dash asked, her curiosity piqued. Storm shrugged.

“There’s been a pattern of her giving motivational speeches and describing our plans together, but this time she left the plan out,” he described the obvious, but then pointed around the lobby. “But I think it’s because a general speech wasn’t going to describe the specifics, she’s been walking around, back and forth between the Thestrals, Renegades, Wonderbolts, and even our earth pony and unicorn staff members. She’s also picking out the captains, and it looks like she’s not giving the same orders all around. I don’t know why we’ve been left out specifically, but I’m more than certain she’s trying to avoid confusion.”

Dash just stared at him for a moment as he finished.

“What?” he asked with a smirk.

“When did you become a detective?” she snickered, giving him a light jab in the shoulder.

“Huh?” he chuckled, shaking his head. “Just making an observation.”

“Sounds more like you’ve been spending too much time around Point Dex,” Dash joked as she looked back towards Spitfire. “Okay, detective,” Dash pressed on with the joke. “Any idea why Spitfire’s wearing the headset?”

“No, but…” Storm pointed over towards Luna. “The Princess is wearing one too.”

Dash quickly looked towards Luna. Luna was wearing her armor, despite it being all scuffed up and scratched from the pelting it took a few days before, but she was without her helmet. It was hard to see with her ethereal mane in the way, but she too was wearing a headset.

“Huh, she is…Okay, now you’re trying.” She nudged him again.

“No I’m not.” Storm pushed her away.

“P.L.!” Spitfire’s voice boomed, causing both of them to flinch as she quickly trotted past them and made her way towards Luna. P.L. was standing behind her, leaning against the pillar in the center of the lobby.

Dash cringed as she noticed Pup—… P.L. seemed to be brooding. Up until now he was always standing right beside Luna if she was present. He was further away than usual and keeping to himself. Even his own Thestrals seemed to not DARE go near him as if afraid to even look him in the eye. Dash hoped she didn’t mess anything up by asking him about his name. The moment Spitfire stopped in front of him, he pushed himself off the wall and glared down at her a little more harshly than usual. Dash and Storm were just within earshot hear the conversation.

At first Spitfire just stared into P.L.’s intense glare and lifted an eyebrow.

“I don’t know what lodged itself a mile into your ass, but pull it out,” she bluntly remarked, only earning a gruff, annoyed snort in return as P.L.’s scowl hardened further. Spitfire brushed it all off effortlessly while pointing at him. “I only have one question for you. That little ceiling trick you guys do—” she pointed up— “How strong is your grip?”

“It’s how we sleep,” P.L. answered simply, going no further. Spitfire blinked and gave a firm nod.

“Good answer.” She turned and beckoned him to move closer to Luna. “Then I assume that extremely powerful winds won’t be a problem and—”

That was all Dash and Storm heard before they moved too far away to hear clearly.

“Hmmm…” Dash hummed to herself, but didn’t get much time to ponder.

“You two ready to go?” Soarin’s voice made Dash’s ears perk up. Both she and Storm turned around to face him as he stopped before them and looked between them.

“As ready as I can be,” Storm answered as he touched a hoof to his neck and stretched it back and forth. “Whole body is sore.”

“Same,” Dash chimed in, not sure if there was any different way to put it than Storm had. But before Soarin could say anything else, Dash quickly took action. After all, if Spitfire had told ANYPONY what was going on, it’d be Soarin. “Hey, you.” She poked him in the chest. “Any idea what the battle plan is? I have a big feather ball over here who’s antsy to get his orders.”

Soarin looked up over her to see Matteo sitting nearby, clicking the edges of his beak back and forth as he continuously tapped a talon on the floor. Twister was sitting right beside him, completely mirroring him with Little Star in a giggle fit behind them and Squall just ignoring them.

“Spitfire hasn’t told me much,” he answered with a chuckle. “All I know is she’s trying to get all the pieces in place. She’ll tell us after that.”

“But if she’s talking to everypony but us, what does that mean we’re doing?” Dash pressed, giving him a look of disappointment as answers continued to elude her.

“Don’t know, we’ll have to wait and see,” Soarin said with a shrug.

“Excuse me,” Bliss suddenly appeared before them. “Where is Spitfire?”

“Oh, hey,” Soarin greeted as he turned to point. “She’s right over—”

“I’m right here,” Spitfire cut him off as she suddenly approached, Luna and P.L. moving in the opposite direction towards Descent, the Renegades, and a good portion of the Wonderbolts present. “Everypony secure?” Spitfire asked, apparently already aware of Bliss’ intentions.

“Silver is strapped in as tightly as I can make him without breaking him more. Fleetfoot isn’t being too cooperative, but I have secured her along with the rest of our wounded. Squad Zero’s assistance is proving to be very helpful, mind if I keep them down here for the flight?”

“Granted,” Spitfire quickly agreed. “They’re at your disposal, I want them to do anything they can to help you. They aren’t in fighting condition and I’m sure your staff is stretched thin between handling both the infirmary and our set up with Wave and the captives.”

“They are,” Bliss was quick to confirm. “So Zero’s help will be appreciated.”

“Good, prepare for takeoff,” Spitfire ordered, Bliss turning and leaving without another word.

With that, Spitfire turned and looked directly at Soarin. Dash and Storm both watched, hoping they’d finally get some answers, but then Spitfire also looked around at everypony else. With a brief glance over her shoulder, Dash realized that all of the top elites gathered around were looking to her. Spitfire gave them a brief nod before turning towards the windows.

The sun was just starting to set. It wouldn’t be dark for another couple of hours, but Spitfire seemed satisfied.

“Alright everypony!” Spitfire yelled out, gathering the attention of the entire lobby. “Let’s get this show on the road! Ready up and take your positions! Let’s move, move, move!”

In an instant the commotion in the lobby doubled, ponies moving every which way with a purpose… but she still hadn’t given any orders to the top elites and Dash’s squad.

Soarin quickly glanced at everypony in their separated group, taking note of the confusion on their faces. He decided to directly confront Spitfire and get them some answers.

“Spitfire,” he began as he moved up behind her. “What about—”

“All of you,” Spitfire cut him off as she turned and pointed at them all. “With me, up on the bridge, let’s go, on the double.”

“Uh…” Soarin blinked. “Okay.” He tipped his head back and forth as he turned and shrugged, following the rest as they all made their way over to the broken stairway.

“Um, ma’am?” Dash chimed in before she could move with them. “Us too?” she asked while motioning to her squad.

“You’re damn right, recruit. Your whole squad, let’s go!” She quickly turned to the rest as they moved. “ON THE DOUB—” she stopped short as she saw them huddling around the bottom of the broken stairs, taking their time as they struggled to stretch out their wings and loosen them up. “Or at least in a timely fashion,” Spitfire quickly lightened her tone as she approached them. “I know you guys aren’t feeling the best, but let’s make it quick if we can.”

Dash glanced up at Matteo as squad Foxtrot began moving to follow.

“Well, looks like we’re about to get some answers.”

After an effort to get everypony up to the third floor that seemed to take longer than necessary, Squad Foxtrot and the top elites plus Storm and Macho Savage made their way onto the bridge. Soarin whistled as they walked in, impressed with what he saw. The last time he was up in the bridge, the place was a mess, panels and control stations were toppled and nearly all the windows were blown out.

Everything had been put right back where it belonged, and they even had new windows in place. Soarin had no idea where they could have possibly gotten their hooves on new glass panes, not to mention properly fitted ones. But knowing Rivet, he likely found a workaround during repairs, not to mention Descent’s supply lines for the Renegades seemed to be well stocked with, well, anything they needed to a point.

As for Dash, she had the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the bridge earlier when she was looking for Fleetfoot, but this was the first time she had really gotten a good look at it… and she was in awe. It was still such a shock to her that the Wonderbolt compound, or rather the Nimbus was really a functioning airship. The technology, while old, was stunning and impressive. It had to be incredibly powerful to lift up such a massive structure, and it was all controlled from this room. She couldn’t imagine how much of a task it was for Lucky to pilot something like this.

Once they were all in and gathered at the back end of the control platform, they sat down out of the way of the staff members moving about as they prepared the systems for takeoff.

Dash was actually a little giddy, and she was sure the rest of her squad was as well. They were going to get the opportunity to watch this big old thing lift off right from the bridge.

“Okay, standby,” Spitfire said to Lucky as she turned and walked back towards them all over the control platform. She stepped down off the metallic surface and back onto the floor while looking around at all the elites. They were eagerly awaiting an explanation. “Listen up, here’s the plan…”

“Better late than never,” High Winds said quietly to herself, earning a flat look from Spitfire. High Winds casually pointed at Blaze. “She said it.”

“Fuck you, Windy.”

“HERE’S THE PLAN…” Spitfire spoke over her half-sister as she clapped her hooves together. “The reason I didn’t give a full general speech is because there are several broken up and specific parts to it,” she started, Dash giving Storm a subtle nudge as she went on. “We have a set flight path, but we’re expecting the Shadowbolts to be ready for an intercept course. The Wonderbolts have been broken up into two groups. Interior defense and exterior defense on the main flight deck. The Renegades are going to be flying out in front of the Nimbus to act as a quick strike offensive force. Their goal is to hit them quick and see if they can give us an avenue of escape should we come under fire.”

“You’re putting the Renegades out in front again?” Soarin asked.

“Descent offered, Soarin, let me finish,” she explained without looking directly at him. “I’m sure you’re wondering how that’s any different than our last plan. Well, I’ve decided to try something since we have a goddess on board. The Shadowbolt fortress has a massive magical shield around it, right? Well… Luna once protected the entire compound with a magic dome. So why not copy them?”

Spitfire bounced her eyebrows confidently, hoping they’d be intrigued by the idea, but she was not getting the desired reaction.

“Uh, ma’am…” Fire Streak chimed in. “Luna was nearly struck down by the Fortress’ main cannon, won’t the same thing happen if we try again?”

“I’m glad you asked,” Spitfire placed a hoof on the headset she was wearing. “I am in direct contact with Luna… and will be directing her where to focus her shielding, using more compact, sturdier shields only where we need them instead of guarding the whole place at once. She is standing out there on the platform with a group of Wonderbolts and some of our earth ponies to keep her anchored, but she won’t be able to see everything from her center point. That’s where we come in up here,” she tapped her hoof on the floor. “I had a feeling almost all of you would not be battle ready, so I want you guys up here to help me keep a lookout from the bridge and help me direct Luna. Secondly, if worst comes to worst and a Shadowbolt gets up here, it will be up to us to defend the staff with Macho Savage and Soarin upfront since they are in top shape, and I guess Twister and Little Star will back them up,” she added at the end while tipping to look at Dash’s squad, but then sharply turned to Soarin. “And I know I don’t have to say it, be very careful with the horn.”

“Yes, yes…” Soarin rolled his eyes and grunted as Spitfire turned back to them.

“With the four of them handling whatever comes at us, the rest of us will spread out on the bridge and shield the staff members. We must keep this old tub in the air at all costs.” She nodded with satisfaction. “And that’s the plan. Risky? Yes. Maybe a little nuts? Definitely. But we won’t get anywhere playing it completely safe.”

“What about the Thestrals?” Soarin asked, realizing she had not brought them up. Spitfire smirked and winked at him.

“If we have to use them… you’ll see,” she chuckled, turning away as the elites all glanced about at each other, wondering what that meant. “Alright Lucky, get Rivet on the line and—”

Before Spitfire could give the order, the door to the bridge suddenly opened. Everypony, Spitfire included, perked up and turned around.

It was Calm Wind with Shine Struck walking right beside him, both adorning their Wonderbolt suits. But that wasn’t what had everypony’s attention.

Fleetfoot was riding on Calm’s back.

“What the hell…?” Spitfire glared as the elites parted to let her through and towards Calm.

“Uh…” Calm moved slowly and carefully, clearly taking care not to make any sudden movements for Fleetfoot’s sake. He cringed as Spitfire focused her glare on him remaining awkwardly silent.

“What’s this all about?” Spitfire demanded as she looked between Calm and Fleetfoot. She clung to Calm’s neck and held her eyes shut tight, her teeth grinding together as she fought back the pain.

“She—” Shine spoke up, but froze for a moment as Spitfire refocused her angry glare on her. She clearly did not want Fleetfoot anywhere near danger. “Uh… she demanded to be brought up here,” Shine explained. Spitfire’s face changed drastically, from anger to surprise in an instant. “We tried to stop her, but… once she was on Calm, she refused to let go, even Bliss gave up.”

Spitfire blinked and turned to look at Fleetfoot. She opened her mouth to speak, but couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Let me… down…” Fleetfoot spoke in a very strained, broken tone. Calm obeyed without hesitation, slowly lowering himself down until he was resting on his stomach. Shine reached up to assist Fleetfoot as she let go of Calm, but she swatted Shine’s hoof away and did it herself. She groaned and cringed, taking several seconds to simply turn herself before slipping off Calm and falling to the floor, crying out in pain as she hit. Calm’s reaction was so fast, one could make an argument for him being part cat. He was up, turned, and reaching for her the instant she screamed, but he too was given a swift swat of the hoof as Fleetfoot refused to be helped. She rolled over and shakily pushed herself up off the floor.

Everypony watched and waited until Fleetfoot was up on her hooves and somehow standing despite how much of a wreck her whole body was.

“Are we… taking off?” she asked, her broken voice pattern unable to conceal a particular zeal and assumption that she was part of the plan. Spitfire immediately moved to dispel her intentions.

“Fleet, no, you shouldn’t be up here,” Spitfire shifted up to her and started reaching for her. “Go back to the infirmary, I want you—”

“NO!” Fleetfoot yelled right in Spitfire’s face, causing her to stop right in her tracks with wide eyes. “I don’t want to sit down there!” she stated firmly as her legs wobbled. Spitfire was feeling the pushback from her, but fought through it regardless.

“Fleet, no. It’s for your safety,” she tried reaching for her again, but Fleetfoot managed to lift a hoof and stop her.

“I DON’T care!” she yelled again, her eyes barely open as her face contorted with pain. “My friends are up here. So I’m staying here.” She demanded while grabbing Spitfire’s hoof. Spitfire looked down at it as Fleetfoot’s arm shook. She was determined and would not be denied. Spitfire could push her down, she could tell her off, but not when she was showing so much commitment to her fellow Wonderbolts. Fleetfoot was not going to budge.

She would have preferred that Fleetfoot stayed in the infirmary, but things had changed. Standard protocol had more or less been thrown out the window at this point.

Soarin watched closely from a few paces away. He knew Spitfire was not going to deny her, especially after the firm reminder she gave them earlier about where their generation found their strength. It was from the ponies they stood side by side with. Ultimately, having Fleetfoot present may actually help them.

“Okay… but…” Spitfire trailed off. Fleetfoot shook her head before she could continue.

“I’ll stay… out of the way,” she took a sharp breath and shuddered as she stumbled slightly. Calm quickly moved one of his hooves to her side to keep her from falling. Thankfully, this time she didn’t take a swing at it. She welcomed the support and forced herself back up. “I just want… to be with you all.”

There was no arguing with that. Spitfire smiled as she watched Fleetfoot look directly into her eyes and silently tell her that she was not taking no for an answer.

“Alright, Fleet…” Spitfire took a step forward and gently wrapped a hoof around Fleetfoot’s neck, moving herself forward and hugging her best friend gingerly. “I think… I’d rather have you where I can see you anyway,” she said, feeling awful as she felt Fleetfoot’s body shake and twitch. Spitfire pulled back, catching Fleetfoot’s attempts at a satisfied smile before she cringed and shut her eyes, groaning in pain as her legs fought to keep her steady. Spitfire turned to Shine.

“I take it Swift and Playbitz are still down with Bliss?” she asked. Shine quickly nodded.

Spitfire took a breath and put on a more serious expression as she sharply turned to Calm.

“You,” she pointed at him. Calm flinched, his whole body turning except for his hoof as he continued to support Fleetfoot. He blinked as Spitfire moved right up to him and reached her hoof as far up as she could. It looked like she was going for his nose, but when her hoof stopped below his chin, she poked him in the chest muscles instead. “Big fella, Fleetfoot is YOUR responsibility until we get to the Crystal Empire, understand?” Spitfire ordered. Calm’s head twitched and he nearly threw the goggles off his noggin as he shook his head out.

“M-m-ME?!” he asked frantically, completely caught off guard by the order.

“Yes, you, you walking ocean liner,” Spitfire poked him in the chest again. “Got a problem with that?”

“What? I…” Calm swallowed and blinked several times. “NO! I… Uh… Of course not!” he quickly affirmed nervously.

“Good,” Spitfire pressed her hoof against his chest, applying harder pressure. “Keep her comfortable. If things get bumpy, do EVERYTHING you can to keep her from moving too much. If we come under direct danger up here, you shield her from all harm, got it?” she ordered, pressing her hoof so hard against Calm’s chest that he was almost forced to take a step backwards.

“Y-yes ma’am!” Calm nodded dutifully as he swallowed. Spitfire kept her eyes on him for another second or two as if she really wanted to drill into his head that she’d kick his ass should harm come to Fleetfoot. But regardless, she knew Fleetfoot was in good hooves, Calm was more protective than Soarin, and that was hard to do.

Spitfire watched as Calm gently guided Fleetfoot away from the door, moving her a few yards away until she was completely out of the way and in a position where she couldn’t possibly obstruct anypony. As soon as Calm stopped moving her, she lowered herself down, nearly pulling Calm down with her. He lowered himself down with her, but stiffened up quickly as she nestled herself into him. She was only doing so to distract her from the pain, but she had her whole body against him. Calm had his orders and intended to follow them, but he avoided eye contact with her, mostly to hide how red his face was.

“Shine,” Spitfire turned to her. “You’ll join the ranks up here, have Dash fill you in,” she said as she continued to turn and make her way back towards the control platform.

Shine looked at Dash, confused but ready for whatever was about to be explained. Luckily for her, Dash was ready with the short version.

“If any Shadowbolts make it up here, defend Lucky and the staff,” she said with a smarmy wink. Shine blinked as she quickly absorbed it and chuckled.

“Sounds easy enough,” she said as she stepped up beside Dash, stealing a quick glance at Matteo, Squall, and Star behind them as they tried to remove Twister from Matteo’s chest feathers. She lost interest quickly as the three completely failed to stop Twister’s shenanigans, instead focusing on the same thing Dash was focused on. They were both looking right at Spitfire as she made her way towards Lucky.

Dash noticed Shine looking at their captain too, and wondered if she was thinking the same thing. They had yet to speak since they both witnessed… the third.

Shine ended up breaking the silence.

“So… it’s her, huh?” she spoke, drawing Dash’s attention.

“Hm?” Dash more or less knew what she was talking about, but she let her go on.

“Spitfire,” Shine made a head motion towards their captain. “She’s the third copycat?”

“You knew, huh?” Dash said even though she remembered she and Shine making eye contact when Spitfire and Nightshade were locked in combat. She couldn’t remember if Shine knew about the third mimicking pony, but this proved it.

“Silver told me,” Shine explained. Dash blinked and chuckled.

“Totally not surprised,” she smiled as Silver continued to be relevant despite being half dead. “Yeah, it’s Spitfire,” Dash nodded as both she and Shine remembered what they saw two days prior, how Spitfire worked the mimicked moves differently.

“Did you see how she did it all though?” Shine said as she and Dash looked at one another. “It was … so different.”

“Yeah,” Dash nodded. “Instead of copying them straight-up, she changed every move in small ways to fit her preferences and abilities.” She turned smirked at Shine. “Honestly, I never considered that approach.”

“Me neither,” Shine admitted without hesitation. “Making the moves our own? I was always so focused on copying exactly what I was seeing.”

“Yeah,” Dash nodded. “I know what you mean. From the start, I focused so much on mirroring move for move. I just assumed I’d have trouble since all the abilities of the Wonderbolts are so refined down to the body type and personal prowess of the user. Hell, the only reason I’m, able to use Soarin’s Sonic Blastoff is because I kicked my ass in the gym until my muscles were strong enough to endure the pressure and power. And even after that I still struggle with it, nor can my body handle two or three of them in a day. Spitfire can use it… but with her altered version I’d think she could get five or six uses. Her version seems easier, if only a little less powerful. But she’s also bigger and way stronger than me too. You ever seen her in the gym? She puts up more weight than some of the stallions.”

“It would be awesome if we could get some tips from her,” Shine wondered out loud.

“Heh,” Dash smirked. “As is I feel lucky enough to be trained by Silver Lining. I doubt Spitfire would have the time to personally teach us. Though…” Dash paused and looked towards Spitfire. “I think she may have already showed us what we’re doing wrong. She’s mastered her own versions of the techniques she sees… I guess that means we just have to do the same.”

“Easier said than done,” Shine shook her head. “If you think about it, every move works in a specific way… we have to figure out how make the same thing happen with different movements?”

“Hm…” Dash hummed to herself as Shine made a very valid point. She had made it this far by being hyper-observant and analytical, watching every move carefully and simply reproducing them. She had yet to ‘devise’ anything. “We’ll have to figure it all out then, but…” Dash turned and gave Shine a nudge. “Let’s live through this first, okay?”

“Agreed,” Shine nodded with a smile. The two perked up as they saw Spitfire turn away from Lucky and pace back towards the Wonderbolts. She reached a hoof up and pushed the microphone of her headset down to her mouth and tapped it.

“Testing, testing… Can you hear me Luna?” she spoke into it, but stopped, blinked, and turned back towards the front. “Luna, repeat, Luna, can you hear me?” she asked again as she reached the front windshield and looked out onto the flight deck below. She could see Luna standing in the middle about fifteen yards away from the captured Falcon still chained to the deck. She could see Luna was fiddling with the headset frantically. “I think you’re muted, if you can hear me, press the red button on the box.”

Luna must have heard because Spitfire saw her look back at the small black box clipped to her armor before touching it.

“How is this?” Everypony on the bridge heard Luna’s voice shout through Spitfire’s headset loud enough to make out exactly what she was saying. Spitfire cringed and pulled the earpiece away from her head for a moment.

“No need for the Royal Canterlot Voice, your Highness. These microphones would pick you up if you whispered…” she turned around and started walking back towards them again, but flattened her brow and sighed. “No, Luna, I don’t mean you need to whisper… talk normally please,” she explained as several Wonderbolts broke into chuckles. “Is everything ready down there?” she finally asked as she changed direction and began pacing in a circle around the control panels and staff members. “Good, good, good… okay, we’re going to take off.”

Spitfire altered her path and moved right back up to Lucky as she muted her headset and pressed the comm button to the engine room.

“Rivet, are we good to go down there?” she asked.

“HEY HOTTIE!” Lead Runner’s voice blasted through the speakers, nearly blowing Spitfire’s mane back.

“Why does he always answer first?” she said to herself as she glanced at the volume dial and huffed. “And who keeps turning this damn thing up to eleven?” she grumbled as she turned it way down.

“The engines are purring like a pussycat down here!” Lead Runner’s effeminate voice continued through the speakers. “Is yours?”

Spitfire’s left eye twitched and her jaw dropped slightly.

“Is my what doing… WHAT?!” she yelled as her yellow face turned bright red.

“Ha HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” Lighting Streak heartily reacted behind. Spitfire turned and glared at him, but he just pointed. “ZING!” he added before Fire Streak swiftly opened his wing to smack his brother upside the head.

“No, it’s not!” Spitfire quickly fired back at Lead Runner. “Put Rivet on, dammit!”

“Rivet! Hun-Hun!” Lead Runner yelled without letting go of his end. “Sexy babe on the line for you! Don’t keep her waiting, she’s all warm with a humming pu—”

“LEARUN!” Spitfire shouted while pressing her nose to the speaker.

“Rivet here,” Rivet’s voice came through, all business as usual with no audible indication he heard or cared about what Lead Runner was saying. Spitfire shut her eyes and puffed her cheeks out, releasing a muffled yell of frustration before exhaling, recomposing herself.

“We’re all clear for takeoff, are all systems go?” she asked, fighting the heavy embarrassed blush off her face.

“Just give the word and we’ll cut her loose,” Rivet quickly replied. Spitfire looked down for a moment, but then nodded firmly.

“Then cut her loose! Let the Nimbus fly!”

“Roger!” Rivet complied, immediately cutting the comm.

Everypony went quiet for a moment, Wonderbolts and staff members alike as all eyes went to Lucky.

Spitfire gave him a simple nod.

A loud and sudden WHOOSH sounded throughout the walls as the rush of steam roared through the pipes of the Nimbus. A low, quiet, echoing groan came from beneath the floor, behind the walls, and in the ceiling as the old gears, axles, and belts of the aged machinery creaked to life. The floor beneath their hooves began to rattle and vibrate, until the room was filled with a constant hum as the propellers outside began to turn.

They all waited patiently, all eyes on Lucky as he gripped the steering lever with one hoof and hovered the other above the throttle, waiting as the old mechanisms of the Nimbus picked up their pace, spinning the massive propellers faster and faster until they all felt a slight push from below.

The Nimbus was slowly rising once again.

As the view of the deep canyon outside began to move and the Nimbus began to lift itself up out of the massive crevice, Spitfire turned to face them.

“Wonderbolts…” she addressed them calmly as the whirring and clanking of the Nimbus grew louder and stronger. “Let’s take it to them.”

Luna braced herself as she and all those stationed outside were pelted by the initial gusts of the propellers. They anchored their hooves and held themselves steady as the Nimbus rose up. Large plumes of smoke burst upwards from the smokestacks as flames danced on the ends of them, the loud whooshing of the rotors becoming more constant as the large central propeller slowly matched their speed, pulling them up further and further until the edge of the canyon was in their view.

The ponies on deck shielded their faces as they peeked over the canyon, the sun meeting their eyes, glaring at them as it rested halfway down towards the horizon.

They were up and out of the canyon, the Nimbus slowly turning to line up their flight path.

“Let’s not push the altitude more than we need to,” Spitfire spoke up as the rest of the Wonderbolts made their way towards to the wrap around windshield to look outside and admire the view. “Keep us around forty yards up.”

“Uh… I don’t really know how high that is,” Lucky admitted as he looked at his display. “There’s no altitude gauge on this thing.”

“Best guess, then,” Spitfire simplified it.

“Roger,” Lucky acknowledged as he reached for the third lever near the throttle that allowed him to directly adjust the power of uplift.

Once they made it around the desired height, Lucky pushed the lever down, locking it in place halfway. The Nimbus stopped rising and held its altitude with a light jolt from the sudden halt in their ascent.

“Eee!” Fleetfoot quietly shrieked as the Nimbus’ path shifted. Spitfire turned around so fast that her tail nearly whipped Lucky right in the face. She glared towards Calm who was actively holding onto Fleetfoot as she cringed and shuddered beside him.

“Sorry, sorry, I, uh… wasn’t expecting that,” he explained.

KEEP. HER. STILL!” Spitfire repeated harshly to him as Calm froze up and clamped his mouth shut.

“Alright, Spitfire,” Soarin quickly trotted over to her and stood in her line of sight towards Calm. “Let him do as you asked, don’t blame him for this old boat being a rickety clunker.”

Spitfire pouted at him, confirming what he already knew. She was just being a little frantic and overprotective of Fleetfoot.

“Come on, keep giving orders,” Soarin chuckled as he reached down and turned her back around to face forward. “Keep calm and carry on… Calm!” Soarin joked as he glanced at him and twirled his hoof in the air.

“Y-yes sir,” the big doof stuttered as he went back to keeping more of an eye on Fleetfoot than he ever thought he’d get.

“Alright… are we almost lined up?” Spitfire asked, refocusing on Lucky.

“Almost…” Lucky said as he eyed the compass on the display, slowly turning towards northwest. Spitfire stared at the compass, realizing she had a moment before they were ready. She turned and pointed about. “Wonderbolts, help out where you can, we need some lookouts and somepony on the periscope.”

“Ooo! Me! Me!” Surprise giddily spoke up before anypony else could offer. She hopped towards the periscope, the bounce remaining in her movements despite being a bit sore. She fluttered up towards the periscope and pulled it down, riding it all the way to the floor before sticking her face into it and turning in a circle. “I’m on the job!”

“Hey, I had it last time!” Blaze tried to protest, but High Winds held her back.

“No, you gave blood two days ago,” she said flatly as she yawned.

“Dammit, Windy, I told you I’m fine,” Blaze whined as she tried and failed to pull away from High Winds, only to suddenly get a dizzy spell.

“It takes fifty-six days to fully recover from giving blood,” High Winds suddenly went medical on her.

“SAYS FUCKING WHOOOOooooooo…” Blaze toppled against her.

“I asked Bliss,” Winds continued to look forward as Blaze melted into her side.

“The fuck did you have to go and do that for…?” Blaze grumbled as she gave in.

“I’ll keep a lookout from this side,” Fire Streak waved as he moved to the right, catching on that Blaze and High Winds were unable to assist. “Brother,” Fire Streak pointed to the other side of the room.

“Sure, I’ll get the other,” Lightning offered as he moved around to the left side.

Soarin watched as the twins split up, then glanced over his shoulder to see Storm, Shine, Dash, and her Squad all sitting still in the back. He smirked, figuring they were hesitant to get in the way at all, so he took the initiative.

“I’ll watch around up front,” he offered as he moved around Spitfire.

“No, I need you back to—”

“Defend, I know,” Soarin finished for her. “I’m literally a few paces away from being where I need to be in case of an emergency, besides…” He pointed at Macho Savage and Air Mach walking around between the staff members and flexing their muscles in front of each of them. “I think Savage is capable of lasting the two seconds it will take me to get in position.”

“Alright, fine,” Spitfire agreed. “SAVAGE! MACH! Quit bothering the staff!”

“Just showin’ them THUNDER and LIGHTNING, boss lady captain!” he yelled out while bouncing his chest muscles one at a time.

“The Shadowbolts may have magic cannons…” Air Mach flexed his arms. “But they ain’t got THESE cannons!”

“The mega, yeah, the mega, yeah, the mega POWER YEAH—!”

“Show them later!” Spitfire cut off Savage before he could force her I.Q. any lower. “I swear you’re all going to give me a heart attack,” she said to herself quietly as she touched Lucky on the shoulder.

“What are we doing to you now?” Lucky asked, picking up her whispering.

“Nothing, are we lined up?” she quickly redirected.

“We will be right…” Lucky gently tipped the lever to the left, causing the Nimbus to stop turning. “Now.”

“Then no time to waste!” Spitfire nodded as she pushed her headset mic back down. “Luna, deploy the Renegades, we are full steam ahead!”

“We’re moving!” Luna yelled as she pushed her headset up. She pointed forward as the Nimbus began to move. “RENEGADES TAKE FLIGHT!” she yelled louder, reaching the incredible octaves of her Royal Canterlot Voice.

“Renegades! Let’s move!” Descent yelled as the Wonderbolts on the platform moved aside. The Renegades strengthened their stances as they opened their wings and broke into gallops. Fighting against the harsh winds, the Renegades lifted off, pushing through the strong gusts and gales from the propellers as they took the lead ahead of the Nimbus. Lots of grunts and growling came from the group as they muscled their way to dominance over the air currents. All except for Lightning Dust, who used her prowess at negating wind resistance to her advantage, despite a few jabs from Starry Skies for showing off.

With the Renegades in the air, the Wonderbolts stationed on the platform formed a defensive perimeter around Luna, half of them standing guard while the other half paired up with the unicorn staffers who had bravely, and in some cases reluctantly, volunteered to help boost Luna’s magic with their own.

Luna surveyed the activity while also keeping herself steady, nodding to herself in satisfaction as everything took shape. But as she kept looking around, unease crept onto her face. She used her magic to push her headset mic back down.

“We worry for our guards… will they be alright?” she asked in a worrisome, almost motherly manner.

“P.L. told me it would be no problem,” Spitfire replied as she watched the Renegades take the lead from the window of the bridge. “He doesn’t bluff, they’ll be fine.”

“So…” Soarin took a step backwards from the window and tapped Spitfire on the shoulder. She pushed up her headset and glanced at him, lifting her brow. “Can you tell me what the Thestrals are doing now?”

“They are going to be the ace up our sleeve,” Spitfire quickly answered, but it was a blatant sidestep. “If the Shadowbolts put us in a bind out there, plan B will go into effect and we’ll surprise them with our new allies.”

“You dodged the question,” Soarin pointed out while narrowing his eyes and poking her in the shoulder three times.

“Stop that,” Spitfire pushed his hoof down while huffing. “Sit tight, princess. I don’t want to ruin the surprise,” she said with a smirk.

“Haven’t heard that one in a while…” Soarin rolled his eyes and went back to surveying the view ahead of them, knowing full well Spitfire wasn’t going to budge.

“I know I’ve said this about five times now since we got up here but…” Little Star said out loud as she continued to look around at all the machinery, the control panels, the Wonderbolts, and the staff. “But this is… incredible,” she stated, so distracted by what was going on that she hadn’t noticed Squall was no longer right beside her. She learned to her right and yelped as she nearly fell over on her side. She looked around and found Squall had moved to the other side of Dash and Matteo. She pouted for a moment, but then figured it was to get away from Twister.

“Careful there,” Dash chuckled as Star replaced herself beside her. Dash had, in fact, heard the other four times Star had expressed her awe, but she agreed every time.

“You know, seeing this thing fly in general was one thing,” Dash finally chimed in with an actual response. “But watching it actually work, see it be piloted and everything… makes it even more awesome,” she expressed as a subtle head shake from Matteo prompted her to look up at him.

“I am still in awe that such a large structure can fly,” he spoke his mind. Dash blinked and tipped her head slightly.

“But you knew about their Fortress before we had the Nimbus,” Dash pointed out. Matteo nodded in agreement but glanced down at her.

“The flight of the Shadowbolt Fortress can easily be attributed to the unnatural power of the magical crystals that adorn it, but this?” He made a subtle head motion. “Our entire base, being ripped free from its foundations and into the air by steam powered technology? It is truly a sight to behold,” he explained himself as Star suddenly shifted in front of Dash and leaned against her arm.

“Is there a lot of technology in the Griffon Kingdom?” Star asked, Matteo quickly shaking his head slowly.

“None. We are very traditional in both our way of life and trade,” he explained.

“Boy, THAT’S a surprise,” Squall suddenly commented, but despite the glare Star shot across the bow, Matteo simply ignored Squall.

“Technology is not foreign to us, we just choose not to use it in the homeland,” he clarified.

“Huh, you know,” Dash pondered. “I always wondered why I never saw any trains to the Griffon Kingdom on any departure boards or ticket booths at the major stations around Equestria. I take it there are no train stations there?”

“None,” Matteo answered simply.

“I guess I’m not surprised,” Dash continued to wonder out loud. “The one bad visit aside, I always wondered why Gilda didn’t visit too much. I guess it’s quite a trip.”

As Dash continued to think to herself and Star made her way around Matteo to bop Squall on the hoof for his little dig at Matteo. Dash suddenly blinked and looked back and forth, turning to look at the rest of her squad before looking forward and around the staff members.

“Oh hell no, WHERE IS TWISTER?!” she suddenly blurted out while reaching up and grabbing her mane. Squall, Matteo, and Star all perked up and started glancing about.

“He’s right here…” Storm spoke up from behind them. His tone sounded annoyed. Dash spun around to see Storm standing just outside her peripheral vision, a flat, unamused look plastered to his face as Twister clung to his neck and had his back legs latched to his waist. His lips were flapping, his eyelids peeling back, and his mane waving like crazy as if the movement of the Nimbus was threatening to send him flying…despite the current speed of travel being slow and steadily building up.

Dash glared harshly at Twister, bearing her teeth slightly as a quiet snarl slipped between them.

“Good!” she said gruffly as she stomped over to Storm, placed herself beside him and swiftly wrapped a wing around Twister’s neck. She turned, giving him a good yank meant to pull him off, but Twister’s body remained latched to Storm, his neck elongating as Dash pulled his head away. She was not looking and didn’t notice that his neck was extending like a noodle as she pulled him along by the head.

“Because if you disappear on me again I’ll…” She stopped about ten yards away from Storm, but she still hadn’t noticed his little neck trick. “You know what, I don’t know what I’ll do because I doubt anything will make a differen—” she looked down at him, finally noticing that only his head and neck had moved with her, but she only got a quick glimpse before his body suddenly detached from Storm and whipped towards her like a snapped cable. She braced herself for a hard impact, but Twister’s body slamming against her barely produced any force as he latched to her side instead.

“MOMMY! YOU KNOW ME SO WELL!” he cooed at her in high pitched, innocent voice.

“OFF.” Dash ordered sternly while pressing a hoof over his head and slamming him down to the floor.

“HEY!” Spitfire suddenly yelled from up front, making Dash flinch. “Cut the shenanigans back there!” she ordered without turning around.

“Yes, ma’am!” Dash quickly complied, but glared down at Twister as he lay flat on his back right below her. “And now you got me in trouble, jackass.”

Twister just puckered his lips and pressed his hooves to puffed up cheeks as he made quiet farting noises while making his eyes bulge outward.

The Nimbus eventually built up its full speed and was coasting along smoothly above the canyons with the Renegades pacing themselves out front.

Everything had gone smoothly so far. One would think that was a good thing, and they’d be right. But due to the nature of their enemy, lack of any contact quickly began to trouble Spitfire. Maybe it was a little bit of paranoia, but after all they had been through, something going THIS smoothly seemed suspicious. After several minutes of subtle pacing and tapping her hoof continuously, Spitfire finally broke the silence on the bridge.

“Report! Anything out there?” Spitfire suddenly asked as she turned and looked about at all the staff members. She got a mix of shrugs and head shakes. “Guys, anything?” she asked again while turning her attention to the Wonderbolts, specifically, Surprise and the Streak twins.

“Nothing off the starboard bow,” Fire Streak chimed in from the right side of the bridge.

“Nothing out… uh…” Lightning Streak blinked and scratched his head. “Moonboard?”

“Port, brother,” Fire Streak sighed. “Left is port.”

“I knew that,” he pointed at Fire while keeping his eyes on Spitfire. “Nothing on port… er, off port.”

Spitfire quickly shifted her eyes towards Surprise as she started spinning the periscope around in several circles, her hooves not touching the ground as she rode it with her eyes stuck into the eye hole.

“Nope! Nothing in all directions!” she clarified, her voice uneven and waving as she spun. She suddenly stopped, her back hooves touching down. “Wait… WAIT!” she suddenly jammed her head further forward, most of her face disappearing into the periscope.

“What?!” Spitfire pressed frantically.

“I CAN’T SEE DIRECTLY ABOVE US!!!!” Surprise yelled while squealing and flailing her arms. Spitfire blinked and flattened her brow before pushing her headset mic down.

“Luna, come in. Have either you or the Renegades spotted anything out there?” she paused as Luna’s voice could be heard quietly coming through the earpiece. “What about directly above us?” Spitfire pushed further. She listened to Luna’s reply, but nopony had to ask what she said, because Spitfire instantly growled and pushed her mic back up over her head. “Nothing… absolutely nothing…” she grumbled as Soarin turned away from the front windshield and made his way around Lucky to her.

“Is that a bad thing?” he asked rhetorically.

“No, but it’s worrisome…” she said without looking at him, one of her hooves scraping back and forth on the floor. “Stay alert!” she suddenly yelled to everypony. “Keep an eye out in every direction!”

“Let’s not get overly paranoid though,” Soarin tried to touch her shoulder, but she quickly pushed it away.

“Don’t start with me Soarin, it wouldn’t be the first time the Shadowbolts snuck right under our noses. I don’t think I have to remind you how—”

“I know, Spitfire. Rapidfire did it twice. It’s kind of hard to forget,” he looked at her sternly. “I’m not suggesting we’re safe, but we have some different circumstances here. They knew exactly where we were and were waiting for us last time.”

“That’s… true, but still…” Spitfire pouted and looked out front.

“No complaining here! I think I prefer this!” Lucky suddenly chimed in, having heard their exchange.

“Focus, Lucky,” Spitfire quickly quieted him down.

“Who knows?” Soarin shrugged. “Maybe things are working out for o—”

“STOP!” Spitfire jammed her hoof up and pressed it to Soarin’s mouth. “Don’t even say it!”

“Alright, alright,” Soarin chuckled.

“No breaks, no relief, and no relaxing until we arrive safely at our destination,” Spitfire said firmly as she put her hoof back down and shook out her mane. “If we happened to get a head start on them, good, that’s fine. But let’s remember they are a sneaky bunch… and their ship is a lot faster than ours. If they’re not being sneaky, they’ll eventually catch up anyway.”

Soarin couldn’t argue with that, but decided to stay put for a few moments instead of retaking his forward position. It wasn’t a very useful spot anyway since the Renegades were out in front and Lucky had his eyes forward already. Spitfire said nothing else, remaining silent for several moments, but fidgeting, tapping her hoof, and moving her chin back and forth. She was clearly uneasy. Soarin blinked as Spitfire suddenly turned and moved away from the front, weaving her way through the staff members and control panels and stepping down from the platform. She drew a few looks as she moved by, but eventually made her way towards the one pony who was unaware of her.

She walked right up to Misty Fly, who was patiently sitting near Fire Streak with her back turned to Spitfire. Spitfire tapped her on the back.

Misty perked up and glanced over her shoulder, quickly standing up and facing Spitfire the moment she saw her. Spitfire made a single beckoning motion before turning and walking to the other side of the bridge to a table that was bolted to the floor in the opposite corner. Misty followed obediently.

By now, Soarin’s interest was piqued. He turned and made his way over to the table as well, noticing Spitfire rummaging through a box of large rolled up papers that sat beside the table. She eventually pulled one out, found the edges, and unrolled them, giving them to Misty Fly. Misty quickly realized what Spitfire wanted and helped her place the paper on the table, unrolling the large print from end to end to reveal their flight path map.

Soarin was curious for two reasons. First, why was she looking at the flight map after giving Lucky his flight orders, and two… why did she go through the trouble of corralling Misty Fly for help when others were closer, not to mention she could have spoken to them? He knew Blaze and High Winds were preoccupied, but any member of Foxtrot, or say… Storm, Air Mach, Macho Savage, or even he could have helped.

“You know I could have easily helped with that,” he commented as he drew near.

“Yeah, but Misty doesn’t ask questions,” Spitfire replied bluntly as Misty helped her secure the map to the table with plastic flaps attached to the table.

“Why are you looking at the map?” Soarin immediately asked.

“See what I mean?” Spitfire shot right back.

“Oh stop,” Soarin scoffed as he moved around the table and looked down at the map, taking note of a circle drawn around the canyons with a line moving towards and arcing around the north west mountains, all drawn in pencil.

“I can’t take just standing around, I had to do something…” Spitfire reluctantly admitted as she grabbed a black marker and uncapped it. “We started here…” she started moving the marker along the already drawn path, pausing after tracing a small portion of it. “We need to get here…” she pointed to the Crystal Empire on the other side of the map past the mountains and over the snowy northern plains. Soarin blinked as he watched Spitfire effectively redraw a plan they already had in place.

“Didn’t you… already do this?” he asked with a light chuckle.

“Yes, quiet,” Spitfire waved at him without taking her eyes off the map. “I’m contemplating other options. We have a plan B for combat, but none for an alternative flight path.” She stopped tracing the pencil line with the marker as she reached the mountains. She eyed the mountains briefly before tracing a little more of the line and stopping as she was moving parallel to them. “This is our current path… The mountains out west are not as snowy as the ones out east, but once we get north enough, it’ll be déjà vu. If we keep on our current path we can avoid the mountains entirely, which I think we’d all prefer, but if it comes down to it…” She broke away from the pencil line, drawing a new line with the marker into the mountains. “I’m confident Lucky can navigate us through the mountains at a low altitu—”

They all flinched and stumbled as the Nimbus suddenly lurched and tipped. The jolt caused Spitfire to accidentally scribble the marker all over the mountains.

“Sorry!” Lucky called from the front as the Nimbus evened out. “Hoof slipped!”

Spitfire just stared blankly at the crazy scribbled line on the map as Soarin held his breath to hold back laughter. Spitfire sighed and clicked the cap back on the marker.

“We’ll only do it if we have to,” she grumbled as she unclipped the map and let it roll up, Misty Fly barely catching it before it fell to the floor. “Keep the throttle up for now, Lucky!” Spitfire yelled as she started making her way back to the forward window. “When the mountains come into view, throttle down and turn us parallel within fifty yards!”

“Yes, ma’am,” Lucky complied, but Spitfire already had her headset down to speak with Luna again.

Soarin remained by the table, sitting down as Misty Fly neatly replaced the map in the box and returned to Fire Streak’s side. Soarin perked up as he felt somepony brushing up against him. He looked down to see Dash pushing herself beneath his wing.

“Do you want something?” he asked with a chuckle as Dash forced his wing out and placed herself beneath it.

“I just don’t like this,” she said without going further.

“Don’t like what?”

“That we haven’t seen any sign of them yet,” she confirmed what he was already suspecting.

“You and Spitfire both,” Soarin said as he pressed his wing against her. “Who knows what’s going on, but hey, I won’t complain if we get there without any tro—OW!” he yelped as Dash jabbed him in the side.

DON’T even say it!” she chided him as Soarin reached his hoof over and rubbed his side, releasing Dash from his wing.

“Jeez, I can’t catch a break…”


The trip continued to be silent.

Half an hour passed with no sign of the Shadowbolts. No visuals, no contact, nothing. Spitfire even ordered a sweep of the entire compound at one point, sending the Wonderbolts stationed within the Nimbus on a wild patrol route for several minutes, but they found absolutely nothing. There were no signs of irregularities in their ranks, nopony acting suspicious, no Shadowbolts sneaking around.

Confirmation that all was indeed well would… again… normally be a good thing, but Spitfire was getting increasingly antsy about the situation. After all they had been put through, there was no way they’d simply be allowed to mosey on to the Crystal Empire without a single confrontation. She refused to believe it and she was starting to think she was going nuts.

“There are the western mountains…” Soarin spoke up beside Spitfire as the mountains came into view, the Nimbus reaching the edge of the dry canyons and flying over the open field plains that led to the base of the mountain range. Spitfire said nothing in response. She just sat on the floor, staring out the window while subtly rocking back and forth while tapping a hoof against the floor every few seconds. “Spitfire?” Soarin glanced down at her, but again, she didn’t reply.

“Throttle down, Lucky,” Spitfire ordered instead of answering Soarin. “Bring us in slow and turn us slowly to port. Fly us parallel, thirty yards.”

Lucky reached for the throttle and lightly pulled back on it, but then blinked and glanced at Spitfire.

“Didn’t you say fifty before?” he asked.

“Changed my mind,” Spitfire said flatly as she turned around and pushed down her headset. “Luna, we’re going to fly a little tighter to the mountain. Relay that to Descent.” She pushed the headset back up and took a long, deep, exasperated breath as she turned forward and walked around the controls to stand right in front of the window.

Lucky glanced at Soarin briefly, but Soarin only shrugged before rotating a hoof. Lucky did as he was told, pulling the lever with him slightly to the right before leaning his body into the lever, pushing it gradually to the left. The Nimbus tipped and turned on a soft curve as Lucky slowly lined them up with the edge of the mountain range, bringing them in a little closer than initially planned.

As the view of the mountains slowly moved to the starboard window, Spitfire’s eyes remained glued to them, her head turning until they were in line.

“So why the change?” Soarin asked, moving up beside her as she kept watching the passing mountains.

“Precautionary,” she replied simply as she looked over her shoulder. Her eyes scanned the whole bridge, her eyes landing on Fleetfoot for a moment as Calm continued to hold her steady. He looked on edge, but she was okay with that. She didn’t mean to intimidate him… much. But if he kept Fleetfoot as comfortable as possible, that’s all she wanted. As they completely lined up with the mountains and the Nimbus evened out, Spitfire glanced back out the window, her eyes moving back and forth along the mountains as they passed by one by one. “Lucky, drop altitude by half as well,” she ordered.

“Uh…” Lucky blinked “That’s going to put us really close to the ground and the mountains…” he pointed out nervously.

“I KNOW,” Spitfire said harshly as she turned around and placed her hoof on the top of Lucky’s control panel hard enough to make a quiet metallic THUMP. “Do it.”

“Y-yes, ma’am!” Lucky quickly caved, unlocking power control lever and pushing it down very gently, slowing the propeller rotation just enough to softly lower them closer to the ground. Again, it was Lucky’s best guess without an altitude gauge.

Spitfire gritted her teeth as she face forward, sitting down, then standing back up and tapping a hoof. Soarin just stared at her, lifting an eyebrow while waiting for her to look at him, but she didn’t. So he cleared his throat. Spitfire perked up and blinked before glancing at him.

“Sorry,” she exhaled while shaking her head out. “I didn’t mean to ignore you. I’m just a little on edge here.”

“You don’t say?” Soarin said sarcastically while switching to his other eyebrow, but Spitfire gave no notice to the remark.

“You said earlier that they were ready for us last time… I know you were just speculating, but I think that’s making me worry even more. While it’s possible they weren't, it’s also possible they were and are just waiting to spring a trap on us. Make us feel comfortable and then blindside us…” she explained. Soarin nodded, acknowledging that her worries were legitimate, but at least she also acknowledged what he said earlier. It really could be either-or. He joined her in looking out in front of them, his eyes on the backs of the Renegades as they continued to lead them.

“I wonder…” he started thinking out loud. “Do you think our little run in with Nightshade set them back?” Soarin blinked as Spitfire shot him a hard glare. Soarin quickly held up a hoof while flattening his brow. “Hey, I didn’t say anything about us catching a lucky break, did I? I think it’s a legitimate possibility,” he defended himself as Spitfire slumped her shoulders, let her head hang and she groaned quietly. “Silver tore her down, you beat her up, and then Descent and Starry made her panic. I’ve no doubt they are moving at her command. With the state she left in, who knows what might be going on in their fortress right now?”

“Maybe…” Spitfire sighed as she looked up and back out the window. “But I’m not going to make any assumptions.”

Spitfire wasn’t the only one on edge. Granted, they were all a little nervous, but Dash was getting a little jittery. She’s was fine with how smoothly the flight was going, but just like Spitfire, the ‘smoothness’ of their trip was exactly what worried her. This was way too easy, it was hard to sit still. She was beginning to wonder if she was maybe worrying too much… but she was sure the rest of them were thinking it too.

“Well this is boring,” Squall’s sudden comment brought Dash’s thought process to a screeching halt as her head tipped forward slightly. She blinked, and turned to him while lifting an eyebrow.

“You’d rather we be attacked?” she asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

“No,” Squall replied while sitting down. “But it’s still boring.”

Dash exhaled through her nostrils and shook her head. Maybe she was a little testy due to being anxious, but she didn’t want Squall to lose focus. She was about to retort, but Storm suddenly walked up behind Squall and gave him a strong nudge as he stopped beside him.

“You’d think you’d be a little more worried after Nightshade kicked your ass sideways,” he reminded Squall with a small smirk. Squall scowled at him.

“She kicked your ass too,” he shot back.

“And the asses of the best we have,” Storm pointed at all the top tier elites in front of them. He was about to say more but Twister’s butt suddenly popped up between them, his neck turned all the way around to be face up ass up.

“My ass is unkicked and feeling left out!” he said with a devilish snicker. “Can one of you do me a FAVOR?”

“I’m not touching your ass,” Storm quickly replied while leaning away, but Squall growled at Twister.

“Don’t tempt me, you crazy dipshit, I’ll…” Squall trailed off as his eyes widened and he blinked. Three seconds later her glared at Twister and leaned away as well. “Oh I see what you did there…”

“He ALMOST said it! Wahahaha!” Twister quietly cackled to himself. He suddenly flinched as a lout THWUP came from behind him. He yelped and shot directly upwards, his head lodging into the ceiling… somehow without causing any structural or collateral damage. Dash, Storm, and Squall all looked down to see Star standing with her back turned to them, with one of her legs outstretched… which was apparently used to give Twister a swift kicking in the ass.

“Happy now?” she asked as Twister dangled with his head stuck above them. Storm and Squall just blinked and shifted aside as Star put her leg down, cracked her neck to the right and shook her mane out before turning around and walking between the two stallions. “I guess… I wouldn’t mind some action…” she shrugged as she suddenly shifted towards Squall and leaned against him. He immediately flinched and tipped away, but she wouldn’t let him get away. “But maybe I’m just a little biased here, I’ve been left out for a while. I don’t want us to be in danger, but it sucked having to sit and wait while you were all out fighting.”

“Hmph…” Squall grunted as he averted his eyes and tried to play off the effect Star’s proximity was having on him. “At least somepony agrees with me.”

“I don’t think she was agreeing,” Dash chuckled as Squall tried to slide himself away, but Star just moved with him, continuing to use him to lean on.

“Why are you leaning on me?” he finally confronted.

“Because,” Star answer simply.

“Because why?”

“Because I feel like it,” she kept up while foiling any attempt he made to get free.

“Stop it.”


Dash and Storm both snickered to themselves as the pair slowly shifted away from them small lengths at a time as both of them refused to give up.

“It’s like she never left,” Storm joked as Dash nudged him.

“At least they’re consistent,” Dash rolled her eyes before looking up at Twister. She flattened her brow and huffed as he remained in the ceiling above, but at least she knew where he was.

Somepony had been rather quiet though, more accurately, some-griffon.

Matteo was sitting near them, slightly to her left. Dash examined him for a moment, wondering what was on his mind. She stood up and turned to him, but as she did, her eyes suddenly landed on his face.

“Hm?” Dash tipped her head slightly as she looked him over. He was looking forwards towards the window at the front of the bridge, but it wasn’t a casual look, it was a strong, constant stare. And were his eyes squinting slightly? His neck was leaning forward a little bit too. It was normal for him to wear a hard, stoic glare, but his body language and the slight differences in his face… he looked troubled? “Matty?” Dash spoke up as she walked right up beside him. She got no response. “Matty, what’s up?” she asked again.

But he didn’t acknowledge her. No look, no verbal response, nothing. Dash blinked as she looked in the direction he was looking. All she saw were the top tier elites, the staff, and Lucky among the control panels and the windshield. She furrowed her brow as she walked around in front of him and reached a hoof up, waving it in front of his face the best she could from the ground, only reaching to the tip of his beak.

“Hello? Equestria to Matty!” she said a little louder, but he still didn’t turn his eyes to her. She grunted and unfolded her wings, flapping them until she gently hovered up and got her hoof level with his eyes.

But the instant her hoof was in his view, he reached up and roughly pushed her aside. Dash yelped and barely kept herself steady as she lowered herself back to the floor. It got the attention of Storm, Squall, and Star, but before she could give Matteo a piece of her mind, he stood up and started moving quickly towards the control platform.

“What the—, HEY!” Dash called after him. “Matty! What are you doing?!” She quickly chased after Matteo as he started forcing his way forward pushing anypony aside that got in his way.

All eyes turned to the control platform as Matteo a stepped up and kept moving until he was standing right at the front to the left of Lucky, his eyes locked on the window and staring out into the air ahead of them.

Spitfire only stared for a moment, but quickly regained herself as she was the first to react.

“What’s this all about?!” Spitfire reacted sternly, trotting right up to Matteo with a touch of anger in her stride. She was clearly not in the mood for anything startling. She stopped and glared up at Matteo, but just as with Dash, he did not respond. He just leaned forward and squinted his eyes further, his beak parting a little as he completely focused on the air before them. Spitfire glanced out the window, but all she could see was the platform below and the Renegades out in front of them just like everypony else. She turned and looked at Dash as she caught up behind Matteo, lifting an eyebrow as if silently demanding an explanation. Dash just shook her head and shrugged. Spitfire scrunched her face and grunted as she focused her attention back on Matteo.

“Recruit Matteo…” she said his name sharply. But both she and Dash flinched as Matteo suddenly held up a talon, jabbing it slightly in the direction of Spitfire.

“A moment, ma’am!” he exclaimed as he continued to stare and strain his eyes, reaching his neck further forward.

Dash joined Spitfire in looking out the window, wondering what the hell had Matteo so curious. There was nothing but the open air and Renegades.

“Eh? Misty?” Fire Streak’s voice caught their ears. Dash and Spitfire both glanced behind them, everypony else turning as well as Misty Fly suddenly galloped up to the left of Matteo, skidding to a halt and standing up stiff and straight. Her eyes were open wide and fixed out the window in the exact same direction as Matteo’s.

Then Misty started tipping her head from side to side very subtly, blinking frantically and… her ears were twitching?

Now with two of her more unique Wonderbolts acting strange, Spitfire made her way around to get a better look at Misty Fly, stopping beside her and watching her carefully. She instantly noticed Misty’s ears moving, which was more confusing than anything, but before she could get her attention and make any signs to ask her about it, Misty suddenly frantically turned to her. She grabbed Spitfire by the shoulders and shook her roughly, a look of terror on her face.

“Huh?! What?!” Spitfire reacted, trying to stop her. Fire Streak broke from his position and galloped over to assist, quickly grabbing Misty’s arm. He tried to give her some signals with his wings and just on arm, but she looked at him and shook her head, reaching up a hoof and pointing out the window repeatedly.

Spitfire and Fire Streak both looked at her curiously before staring out the window, but there was still nothing.

“There’s…” Matteo finally broke his silence, but trailed off.

“Huh? What is it Matty?!” Dash quickly pressed him as Spitfire broke free of Misty to listen.

“There’s…” Matteo squinted harder, straining his neck. “There’s something out there!” he exclaimed. A rush of surprise ran through everypony, but nopony spoke. They just kept looking back and forth between Matteo, Misty, and out the window frantically. “THERE!!!!!!!!” Matteo’s voice suddenly boomed as he pointed a talon towards the window, signaling towards their flight path. “There’s a distortion in the air! STRAIGHT AHEAD!!!!!!

Everypony was confused. Nopony had the foggiest idea what he was talking about.

But Dash’s jaw dropped.

Matteo was a bald eagle griffon.

Half lion, half eagle.

Half eagle.


And in the past they relied on something he had that they didn’t…


“AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!” Dash suddenly yelled out. Without a moment of hesitation and before anypony could question her, she LEAPED towards Lucky, grabbed the steering lever, and yanked it as HARD as she could to the left.

“DASH?! AHH!!!!” Spitfire and everypony else yelped and stumbled, the Nimbus creaking and groaning as the entire ship lurched, tipping sharply to the left and slowly turning. Everypony that could held on to the nearest railing or control station, those that couldn’t lost their hoofing and tumbled, Matteo barely managed to stay up by latching his talons to the metal floor. The only ponies who managed to keep themselves upright were Soarin and Macho Savage. Fleetfoot yelped as Calm held onto her, the two sliding along the floor as Calm fought to keep them from sliding. Blaze and High Winds were struck by Shine and Air Mach as they tumbled back. Little Star clung to both Squall and Storm as they were all thrown to the floor. Surprise screamed as she held on tight to the periscope.

“RAINBOW DASH!” Spitfire roared in rage as she held onto one of the railings, the Nimbus continuing to tip as they slowly moved off course. “WHAT THE EVERLASTING HELL ARE YOU—”

“SPITFIRE!!!!!” Soarin yelled, cutting her off. Spitfire sharply turned her head towards him as he braced himself against a station. Soarin’s eyes were wide and his jaw was nearly unhinged as he pointed outside. “LOOK!!!!!”

Not just Spitfire, but all eyes that weren’t tumbling turned to look out the window. They were turning, but something was happening in line with their previous flight path. The air and image of the sky and land before them began to bend and skew, bright pink sparkles began to shimmer in the air as the distortions suddenly became visible, and appeared to be a moving refraction or outline of something enormous.

Then, with a flash, a line of pink light appeared level with the Nimbus, widening and growing larger as it started moving down over the bent refractions…

The light kept moving down, slowly moving over, and revealing the Shadowbolt fortress as if out of thin air… on a direct collision course.

Outside, the Renegades were caught off guard, scattering in all directions to avoid running into the hulking ship as it careened towards the Nimbus, the clear sphere of its powerful shield shimmering.

“TURN, TURN, TURN!!!!!” Spitfire yelled as she and Soarin joined Dash and Lucky in pulling on the steering lever, the cables and spokes beneath it creaking, screaming, and groaning as they forced the lever as far over as the mechanisms would allow. Everypony hung on for dear life as the Nimbus tipped further, almost at a perfect forty-five degree slant as the inner workings of the Nimbus whined and clanked, the steering fin pressed to the port side of the aft bow as the ship struggled to turn its momentum away from the fortress.

More grunting and yelping filled the bridge as ponies slid and tossed about, the top elites reaching out to hold on and help out everypony as the Nimbus strained.

The Fortress grew closer… and closer… and closer…

But thanks to Dash’s initial action, the Nimbus managed to turn JUST enough to avoid an extremely narrow collision, the Fortress passing so close on the starboard side that they could see Shadowbolts in the windows of the Fortress.

“WE’RE CLEAR! EVEN OUT! EVEN OUT!” Spitfire ordered as She and Soarin pulled the lever back. Lucky managed to hang on, but Dash was thrown off and sent tumbling back-first into a control panel on the right, the top of her shoulder hitting the edge and digging into the bite wound.

“AAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!” Dash grunted, but fought back the pain as she rolled onto her stomach and pressed her hooves to the floor to keep herself from sliding. Slowly but surely, the Nimbus evened out, everypony finding their hooves and popping up immediately, the staff rushing back to their stations and the Wonderbolts all retaking their positions. Spitfire stumbled but caught herself on the main control panel beside Lucky, cringing as the comm speaker screeched to life right next to her ear.

“What the hell was that?!” Rivet’s voice blared through it. “Are we under attack?!”

Spitfire slammed her hoof over the button.


“I’ll take that as a yes!” Rivet yelled back before the comm cut.

Spitfire pushed herself away, glancing back briefly at all the Wonderbolts and the staff as Surprise spun the periscope around and shrieked as she looked out behind them. Spitfire glanced over to see Soarin helping Dash off the floor, towards Calm Wind as he held onto Fleetfoot tightly, then over to Air Mach as was holding onto Macho Savage. She looked back and forth at the Streak twins as they held their positions on the port and starboard windows, then towards Misty as she made sure Blaze and High Winds were secure. Storm Front, Squall, and Star were all clinging to Matteo as he held them down, and Twister… still had his head stuck in the ceiling.

Everypony was accounted for.


---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

Art int his chapter by: Foxenawolf

And here... we... go!


Not much to say, i think it was all pretty straight forward, but i'm happy to say im already 5000ish words into chapter 141 since it was broken off of this, so expect a faster update :moustache:

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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