• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 25,227 Views, 27,999 Comments

Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 16: Derpy Makes History

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 16:

“Damn!” Dash cursed as she barely passed through the check point in time.

The fourth test was another unexpected trial: an endurance test. It was fairly simple. All the cadets had to fly circles around the gym, while staying outside certain boundaries which were marked off by four large poles, one near each corner of the gym. Fly laps till you drop. Very appealing. There was a catch though. Each lap had to be completed in less than 25 seconds.

The starting line near the entrance to the gym also served as a checkpoint. Any pony that didn’t make it around in a twenty-five second increment was stopped by one of the Wonderbolts and forced to land. The pace for making it around all four sections of the gym within twenty-five seconds was pretty fast. One couldn’t just mosey through it. It appeared the only thing they were being judged on here was how long they lasted.

Dash was on her tenth lap and she was already feeling it. It had only been a little over two minutes and she was slowing down. She shouldn’t have used the Sonic Blast-off twice. She was feeling the drag on her wings. Her body wasn’t quite so bad, but her wings and stamina felt more drained than they should have. She pushed through her eleventh lap with a small burst of speed to catch the checkpoint right before twenty five seconds. She wouldn’t be able to hold this out much longer. Showing off made her dazzle in the third test, but now it was coming back to bite her, and boy, did it bite hard.

She glanced down to see a number of cadets were already done. She easily spotted Bulk Biceps below. No offense to the big lug, but she wasn’t really surprised. She saw Thunderlane get forced to the ground by Blaze. Again, not surprised. Thunderlane didn’t work out much.

Dash looked back up to make the wide left turn around the pseudo-track they had laid out. She winced and wheezed as she worked her wings as hard as her fatigue allowed. She took a quick look to her left down the incoming straightaway. She was also lagging behind. It wasn’t a race, but Dash hated it regardless. She didn’t want to look slow, ever, even if it was an endurance test.

She pumped her wings down the straightaway, catching a few familiar colors pitching into the turn ahead of her. Storm Front was near the front of the pack, followed closely by… Arctic Blast? Dash gritted her teeth. She didn’t care that endurance wasn’t her forte. Being behind Barktic Last was unacceptable. Dash grunted and forced her wings to flap harder. She passed two other cadets while pitching into the second turn. She would push through one more lap. Then one more, and then one more. She WOULD NOT fall before Arctic.

She passed through the checkpoint to start her twelfth lap, an instant before Wonderbolts jumped in to stop those behind her. She glanced back and saw Matteo being pushed down by Fleetfoot and Lightning Streak. How the hell did Matteo keep being behind her without her noticing? She would never expect a big lumbering griffon to sneak around so quietly.

Back into the first turn Dash went, she blinked as she saw Storm Front slowing down. It wasn’t only him. It looked like a lot of the ponies ahead of her were hitting their endurance wall. Dash was determined to make a move. Unfortunately, as soon as she made it around the turn…

“Shoot…” Dash mumbled as her resolve could no longer overpower her tired wing muscles. They couldn’t press any harder, her wings began slowing down. She took the second turn much slower than the first. She grimaced as her wing muscles began to burn, but if she could just make one more check point…

It was too late. High Winds, Blaze, and Silver Lining all popped up to stop cadets that were still ahead of her.

“Sorry Dash,” Fleetfoot’s voice came from below. Dash looked down as Fleetfoot softly pulled her down to the ground. Dash landed softly and Fleetfoot lifted back off to continue her duties. Dash gasped and wheezed as she fell lightly on her stomach. She could have done more. She knew she could go longer. The Sonic Blast-off was her undoing here. She looked around, seeing Storm Front among those who had been pulled down.

But there was no sign of Arctic. Dash’s head snapped up. She pounded a hoof against the floor in frustration. Arctic was still flying. A lot of ponies had been brought down after the twelfth lap. There were maybe only fifty cadets left. Fifty… a whole fifty cadets looked better than her in this trial. The trial and circumstances were much different… but fifty better than her. The only bit of info that sunk in was there were fifty who scored better in this trial.

Dash watched as the remaining ponies circled around. More of them began faltering. The twenty-five second mark was approaching.

“DAMN!” Dash cursed again as Arctic barely made it through to the fourteenth lap. Twister was forced down by Surprise along with thirty more.

Arctic ranked in the top twenty for endurance. This was not looking good. Arctic had performed well in the other trials… she was sure to make it past the first day now. Arctic along with all but five hit a wall hard as they came around the first turn. Arctic was stopped along with fourteen others and forced to land. The pack was slowly being whittled down.

Who else remained? The last five ponies were bunched really close together. Fifteenth lap. Sixteenth lap. Seventeenth lap. Two of the ponies were stopped as they fell behind. Now only three remained. Eighteenth lap. Nineteenth lap. Twentieth lap. There ponies had rad endurance. If Dash hadn’t been so tired because of the Sonic Blast-off, she was sure she would have only gotten around sixteen laps.

Then on the twenty-first lap, two of the three ponies slowed right before the finish and missed the mark. It left only one pony in the air. Dash blinked as she tried to make out who it was, but she couldn’t see that far down the track. The pony was moving at a very constant pace and seemed like it had been doing so for the entire run. Suddenly, Thunderlane dragged himself over to Dash.

“Dash! That’s—!” he didn’t even get to finish. The pony came into view and Dash’s eyes widened.

“DERPY?!” Dash blurted out in disbelief.

Indeed it was Derpy. Derpy was puttering along at her own pace. She didn’t look very tired. In fact her movements were very controlled and natural. She had kept the pace up for twenty-one laps and hit the checkpoint into the twenty second at the twenty four second mark. She kept the pace and again, hit the next lap at twenty-four seconds. Exact same time, exact same pace, and never changing it.

“Holy crap…” Dash blinked as she watched Derpy enter her twenty-seventh lap. “How’s she keeping this going?!”

Within the boundary of the course, Spitfire watched in awe as Derpy kept passing the timer at exactly twenty four seconds. Spitfire reset the clock each time, but Derpy was so constant she almost felt like the clock was unnecessary.

“Silver!” Spitfire called down to Silver Lining as Derpy began yet another lap. Silver Lining slowly rose up beside her. “What was Flashwind’s record on the endurance test?” she asked. Silver was the oldest of the current Wonderbolts, he had extensive knowledge of their course records.

“Thirty-five laps, ma’am,” he answered respectfully. Spitfire turned and reset the stop watch again as Derpy passed.

“She’s on twenty nine… I wonder if she can do it.” Spitfire grinned as she watched Derpy circle around.

“That’d be quite something, ma’am,” Silver commented as Derpy began her thirtieth lap.

“Go get the other squads up here and post them around the course to cheer her on. This is crazy, I love it!” Spitfire chuckled.

“Yes, ma’am,” Silver gave a salute and dropped back down.

“That’s gotta be thirty-one… is there some sort of record for this?” Dash smiled as she saw Derpy put on an unexpected display of near super powered endurance. She watched in awe as both Bulk and Storm Front approached them as well.

“YEEEEEAAAAHHH DERPY!!!!” Bulk roared out as she made another pass and started her thirty-second lap.

“This is amazing! Go Derpy, GO!” Storm Front cheered on as well. All eyes were now up towards Derpy as she casually continued her pace. Her flight was uneven, wobbling up and down slightly as she went, but never once did she break her pace.

Dash watched with growing excitement as the Wonderbolts all rose up around the flight track.

“Keep it going!” Fleetfoot yelled as Derpy passed.

“Don’t stop now! Go for it!” Blaze called.

Derpy got to her thirty-third lap.

“Come on girl!” Lightning called out.

“Keep it moving, keep it moving!” Silver Lining swung his arm around as she passed.

Thirty-fourth lap.

“YAY! RANDOM GREY PONY!” Surprise yelled out while throwing confetti into the air.

“Woo…” High winds said before yawning.

Derpy hit lap thirty-five. She was beginning to look a little tired, but her pace remained. She smiled as she saw all the Wonderbolts cheering. It felt so good.

“Come on! You got it! You got it! Go! Go! Go!” Spitfire yelled while beckoning Derpy towards the finish line. Derpy ran through. Tying the record she didn’t even know existed and starting a lap that would break said record if she finished it. “GO!!!!” Spitfire called one more time as Derpy passed.

From below all the cadets were now gathering and watching. They picked up on the Wonderbolts’ excitement and began cheering on as well. All save for one. Dash glanced and saw Arctic through the crowd with her front hooves crossed and her face scrunched. She was a double bitch, so karma now bitched her twice.

“HAHAHA!!!!!!” Spitfire laughed and pumped a hoof in the air as Derpy came around and made it through thirty six laps.

But she still didn’t stop. In fact her pace picked up. She was smiling incredibly wide and feeding off the energy of the Wonderbolts and the cadets below.

Thirty-seven laps… Thirty-eight laps… she began slowing down, but her pace was still just fast enough. The Wonderbolts and cadets began calling out the number lap she was on.



Derpy’s wings began tiring, but she pressed on.



The Wonderbolts were going absolutely nuts. Dash thought Fleetfoot was going to pull her mane out she looked so excited.

Art by: Randompig212

Derpy winced as her wings began to fail her. She came around the final turn and slowed considerably. After forty two laps and almost a forty-third, Derpy missed the checkpoint by half a second. Spitfire instantly came forward and helped Derpy stay up before she could wobble towards the ground. Cheering erupted from below and all the other Wonderbolts flew in while whooping and hollering.

Derpy had absolutely no idea why everypony started cheering, but it made her so happy. She felt like a superstar. She was getting pats on the back and her mane ruffled by famous Wonderbolts. It gave her goose bumps.

“What’s your name cadet?” Spitfire asked as the Wonderbolts gave her a little space, but still gathered around.

“Derpy Hooves,” Derpy replied sheepishly while glancing around at all the celebrities. Spitfire smiled.

“Well Derpy, you just set a Wonderbolt endurance course record. You’re the first non-Wonderbolt to hold a course record in the history of our organization. Congratulations!”

“Oh my goodness! Yay!!!!!” Derpy’s pupils grew three sizes and she smiled so brightly she almost squeaked with delight and the Wonderbolts gave her another cheer. Spitfire lowered her towards the ground as the cadets all eagerly awaited to greet her.

“We’ll find you after dinner tonight. Whether or not you move on to tomorrow, you still earned this honor so we have a few things to do,” Spitfire set Derpy down and gave her a pat on the back. “Congrats again, and good luck with the last test!” She gave Derpy a half salute before rising back up towards the Wonderbolts.

Dash had already weaved her way through the crowd and almost full-out tackled Derpy.

“Derpy! That was amazing! Did I hear that right? You broke a record?!” Dash asked with wide, starry eyes.

“I guess I did!” Derpy shut her eyes, smiled brightly, and flapped her wings despite how much they hurt. Other cadets gathered around them, congratulating Derpy and/or telling her how awesome she was. Thunderlane weaved through the crowd and gave Derpy a quick hug as well.

“Derpy! How the hell did you do that! That was amazing!” he asked eagerly.

“I dunno!” Derpy shrugged. Dash began to wonder herself how Derpy could have such incredible endurance.

Then Dash realized… Derpy delivered the mail every single day in Ponyville. She was always on time and never missed a house. She may have been clumsy and had a physical blunder or two in the process, but she was reliable and always came through. That, and she was the only mail delivery pony in Ponyville. Most towns and cities had a small army of mail ponies. Derpy was the sole delivery mare, so she was pretty much flying on schedule 24/7. She’d been doing it for years too. All that flying day-in and day-out had to have really conditioned her over time. Leave it to Derpy to accidentally become a badass at something.

Storm Front pushed his way through the cadets, approaching Derpy with a huge smile to match hers.

“Derpy! That was incredible!” he laughed as he gave her a very strong hug. Derpy squeaked and blushed as she hugged him back.

“I did it! I did something!” she bounced in his grip. Storm looked around him and saw all the ponies trying to get to her.

“Come on, I think they all want to see little hurricane Derpy,” Storm winked at her and hoisted her up. He placed her on his back and spread his wings, lifting slightly into the air. The cadets cheered when they saw her rise up. She blushed and hid her face with her wings, but she was smiling beneath.

Dash thought her heart was going to swell right out of her ribs. This was something she would never forget, and something Derpy would cherish forever. She remembered back on the train, Derpy told her she wanted to be awesome, just like her. Well, Derpy was already awesome and she just didn’t know it.

“Heh, you were right, he is a great guy,” Thunderlane nudged Dash as he watched Storm Front parade Derpy around. “She’s loving it too.”

“She earned it,” Dash smiled. “I admit, I’m a little jealous.”

“Heh, you should tell her you are. She came here following in your footsteps after all,” Thunderlane turned his head to Dash. “It would mean the world to her if the pony she looked up to now looked up to her a little too.”

“I will later. This is her moment,” Dash chuckled and sighed.

Eventually the crowd died down and Storm Front landed. He carried Derpy on his back over to Dash and the others. Spitfire hovered down with the megaphone.

“Alright! Celebration time is over! We still have one more test before the first day is officially over!” she paused and pointed towards the doors as staff members wheeled in water coolers. “We’re going to take a fifteen minute break! Get some water and stretch your muscles out. When the break’s over, follow Silver Lining to the weight room!”

The weight room. Strength. Dash knew it was coming.

HELL YEEEEEEEAHHHHH!!!!!” Bulk yelled out as soon as he heard weight room.

“Looks like we finally have something for Bulk,” Dash joked to Thunderlane as they both chuckled at Bulk’s enthusiasm.

The Wonderbolts all left, save for Silver Lining who waited by the doors with his eyes on a clock. Dash and the others began making their way towards the water to make sure they stayed hydrated. Dash chuckled as she saw Derpy still on Storm Front’s back. Derpy leaned down and tapped his neck.

“You don’t have to keep carrying me,” she said while still smiling endlessly. Storm Front shook his head.

“Nonsense… I’m carrying our little champion until she’s not tired anymore,” he tipped his head back and smiled at her.

“He he he!” she giggled while blushing. She leaned forward and hugged him around the neck as they continued forward.

Dash thought she was going to turn into… well… more rainbows. It was such an adorable sight. Storm Front had an endless river of nice guy points flowing from him in every direction. Derpy was so lucky to be paired with such a gentlestallion as a bunkmate. Dash on the other hand…

“Hmph!” Dash heard from a few ponies back. It was a familiar huff that she had heard more than a few times in the past twenty-four hours. She looked behind her and saw Arctic Blast a little ways behind. Dash smirked and casually slowed down, weaving her way back through a few ponies until there was only a stallion standing between her and Arctic.

“It sure sucks to have your ass on fire, doesn’t it, bitch?” Dash whispered loud enough for it to reach around the stallion before quickly weaving through a few ponies to her right. Dash gave a quick glance over the small barrier she put between them and saw Arctic looking around frantically with the biggest glare Dash had ever seen.

Dash snickered and carefully made her way back towards her friends. No mercy for Arctic. She deserved every bit of misfortune she got.

“There you are!” Spitfire called across the weight room as Wave Chill entered slowly.

The rest of the Wonderbolts had made their way to the fitness center. Spitfire had just finished speaking with the strength coach, Pec Bounce, and was directing staff members about bringing in additional equipment.

“Wave?” Spitfire called to him as it seemed he was frozen in place. He flinched upon her saying his name again and averted his eyes as he approached. “What took you so long?” Spitfire questioned as he approached. Wave didn’t look at her, nor did he speak. “Wave…” Spitfire flattened her brow.

“AH! Er… yeah! The report! Haha! I mean, YES MA’AM! The report!” He blushed madly as he tried to look her in the eyes. Fleetfoot was trotting by and blinked when she saw Wave’s strange behavior. Spitfire tipped her head to the side.

“Wave? What’s wr—”

“COMMANDER SOARIN HAD A… UM… MAGIC MISHAP… UH… HE SAID HE WOULD EXPLAIN LATER!” Wave Chill’s face turned completely red and his eyes darted in every direction as he belted out his report. Fleetfoot rushed over, sensing something juicy.

“Whoa! Chill! Wave Chill, Chill, Chill Wave, Wave Chill, gah, that’s confusing…” Fleetfoot grabbed his shoulders before he could turn.

“Wave, did something else happen? You look strange,” Spitfire stepped forward and took a closer look at his face. Wave had turned so red it was a wonder a high pitched whistling noise wasn’t coming out of his ears. Fleetfoot cocked an eyebrow.

“What, did you go to Spitfire’s room instead and rummage through her underwear drawer?” Fleetfoot giggled.

“NO!!!!” Wave Chill’s wings flared out, knocking Fleetfoot off his back. “UH… SHIT!” his demeanor completely shattered. “DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT!” he shook his head and folded his wings… mostly. He looked at Spitfire again. She was looking at him with concern, but all he could think of was her slowly undressing, humping him, and kissing him like a wild animal. He was late reporting because he tried to wait for the image to go away, but he had no such luck. “I have to go help!” he looked away from Spitfire and trotted away at a quickened pace.

“What the hell was that?” Spitfire watched him leave with a mix of confusion and concern.

“He looked like he just got molested or something,” Fleetfoot said, still on the ground on her stomach while twiddling her back hooves in the air. “Did you do something to him while I wasn’t looking? HOW DARE YOU!” Fleetfoot rolled over on her back and started laughing.

“Fleet, I’ve been here the whole time,” Spitfire rolled her eyes. Fleetfoot stood up, trotted over to her and leaned into her side.

“I dunno Spitfire... you are pretty shifty… and there are plenty of closets around…”

“I didn't molest him Fleetfoot!” Spitfire glared at her.

“Um… is this a bad time?” Spitfire and Fleetfoot turned to see Fire Streak standing behind them minus his goggles and his spandex hood down. Fleetfoot took notice of the three burns on the back of his uniform as well.

“Fire!” Spitfire quickly turned to him. “What the heck happened? Wave’s report was… not quite up to snuff. Also, what was with the damage in the lobby?”

“Well…” Fire sighed. “His magic… ran wild soon after we left the gym. It was almost like he was possessed. Misty and I tried to stop him, but it ended poorly each time. He eventually somehow found his own way to the Princess… but Misty took a severe blow before he did,” Fire looked down in shame. He felt entirely responsible for the damage caused to Misty.

“Misty?! Is she alright?” Spitfire quickly grabbed Fire by the shoulders. Fire nodded slowly.

“She was in pain… Some of Soarin’s magic apparently entered her… but Discord showed up and drew it out of her. If you’re going to thank somepony… or god, thank him. I was powerless.” He refused to look at Spitfire.

“Where is she now?” Fleetfoot asked with concern.

“In her room. She is still in slight shock. That’s all I have to report. I must return to her at once,” he nodded and tried to leave.

“Fire,” Spitfire stopped him with her wing and made him turn around. He looked at the ground, but she forced his head up. “Look at me,” she forced his eyes to hers. “You are not powerless. Go to her and stay with her until she feels better. That is an order, understood?” She knew she didn’t have to give the order. Fire would have been at Misty’s side regardless, even if it meant disobeying direct orders from the captain. Spitfire gave the order regardless to show her support for Misty as well.

“Yes ma’am,” Fire replied simply before turning and leaving quickly.

“I have to go see Soarin later,” Spitfire huffed, feeling there was no other way to get the full story.

“Let me know when you do,” Fleetfoot requested. “And I promise I won’t call him a princess… for now,” she added with a smirk.

“Being considerate? Who are you and what did you do with Fleetfoot?” Spitfire taunted back.

“Spitfire being sassy? Wait… Blaze? Is that you?!” Fleetfoot grabbed Spitfire’s cheeks. Spitfire chuckled and brushed Fleetfoot’s arms away.

“Oh, don’t forget to check with Rivet on the setups for tomorrow. I want the courses in place quickly. So we can be more efficient,” Spitfire suggested.

“Already did,” Fleetfoot nodded.

“Check again,” Spitfire ordered.

“Fine, fine. Hey, let ME worry about the courses. It’s MY portion of the tryouts,” Fleetfoot crossed her hooves and stuck her tongue out at Spitfire.

“I’m just doing my job Fleet. Come on, let’s make sure the equipment is in—”

“EEEEEEEE~!!!” Fleetfoot suddenly squeaked with delight. Spitfire looked up and followed Fleetfoot’s eyes to the entrance. The little yellow stallion was helping move some of the gym equipment in.

“Fleetfoot, NO. Let him do his job without your antics for once!” Spitfire reached up and grabbed Fleetfoot’s back hoof before she could fire towards the doors.

“But he’s so small and adorable! I wanna hug him!” Fleetfoot whined while pouting at Spitfire.

“You’re lucky I’m not already slapping workplace harassment misdemeanors on your record Fleet…” Spitfire looked sternly at her. “Don’t lead the poor guy on like that. Besides, you’re gonna give him a heart attack or a nervous breakdown one of these days.”

“But he’s CUUUUUUTE…” Fleetfoot intensified her pout. Spitfire didn’t change her glare. Fleetfoot suddenly blinked and looked behind Spitfire. “Wave?” she said while staring over Spitfire’s shoulder. Spitfire instantly turned around. There was nothing behind her. Fleetfoot kicked Spitfire’s hoof off her leg and sped towards the doors giggling uncontrollably. Spitfire flattened her brow and didn’t even look back towards Fleetfoot.

She was wondering more about Soarin and Wave Chill.

She was under the impression that Soarin had the magic under control for the most part. She wasn’t so sure about that now… especially since Misty was apparently injured by it. All it took was a rough blow to the head and one of the major icons of the Wonderbolts could have been severely injured. She was going to have a long talk with Soarin. A new liability issue had arisen, and if he couldn’t keep this damn dark magic of his under control, there would be consequences to his career.

But what the hell was wrong with Wave Chill? She had just spoken to him in the morning and at lunch. He looked like he had seen a ghost. Then he looked so embarrassed he almost turned his Wonderbolt suit from blue to red. Did something happen along the way? Something that involved her?

“Huh?” Spitfire suddenly flinched as she felt something brush against her side. She blinked and looked down to her right to see the little yellow stallion hiding behind her and panicking. He released a high pitched squeak before ducking.

“WHOA, LOOKOUT!” Fleetfoot’s voice suddenly came from the opposite direction. The yellow stallion crawled beneath Spitfire’s legs and Fleetfoot crashed headlong into Spitfire, knocking them both over and tumbling to a stop. Spitfire was on her back with Fleetfoot flopped on top of her.

“Fleet…” Spitfire glared at her as Fleetfoot pulled her nose out of Spitfire’s chest fur.

“Er…whoops?” she shrugged while grinning sheepishly.

“Whoops is right. GET. OFF.” Spitfire growled.

“Okay fine—” Fleetfoot made a motion to push off, but they both froze as Lightning Streak walked by, saw them, and stopped right in his tracks. He stared at them and blinked as they stared right back. He cleared his throat and took a seat facing them before motioning one hoof towards them.

“Go on…” he encouraged calmly. Fleetfoot scoffed and wiggled her plot at Lightning Streak.

“You wish, perv,” she taunted. Lightning shrugged.

“That’s not what you said that one night…” he trailed off. Fleetfoot’s eyes widened and she quickly retorted.

“It doesn’t count when I’m drunk off my ass,” she scrunched her face.

“Embrace it babe, you got some of this…” Lightning made slow hoof motions from his chin down the length of his body. Fleetfoot glared at him and folded her ears back.

“You are so damn full of—”

“What’s going on over—” Surprise trotted over and stopped when she saw Fleetfoot still on top of Spitfire. She blinked, then quickly took a seat beside Lightning. “Go on…” she encouraged while resting her chin in her hooves.

“DAMMIT FLEET! GET OFF!” Spitfire shoved Fleetfoot off of her.

“Everypony get in here! On the double! Move it!” Silver Lining’s voice came from the doors and the cadets began pouring in.

“Rgh…” Spitfire grunted as she stood up. “Alright, fun’s over everypony. Let’s get this day over with already!”

--- To Be Continued ---

Author's Note:

Okay i swear this is going to be the last single day update for now this time (i think i'm the only author ever to say that...) I need time to collect my thoughts and make sure i don't accidentally goof a plot point.


Derpy prooved to be much more than anyone expected huh? (YEAH! TAKE IT IN THE ASS ARCTIC!"

And boy, Fleetfoot sure loves harassing that poor little stallion doesn't she? xD

Thanks for reading! I'm more than certain it's going to take at least till saturday for the next chapter... but knowing me... i might find a way to make it out tomorrow because i'm silly crazy...


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