• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 25,227 Views, 27,999 Comments

Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 33: Spitfire's Bad Case of Hot Plot

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 33:

Dash awoke with a start as a noise that sounded like a clown horn blared through the P.A. speakers placed right above the bunk. She shot up in bed and looked around as the sound stopped and soon after, the lights began flashing on and off. In the brief moments of light she could see the other recruits all up and looking around in confusion.

“Wake up and smell the Vaseline! Get up now or I guarantee the smell will get stronger!” Silver Lining’s voice sounded out from his side room. “Everypony up! Up! Up! Up! On your hooves and line up!”

Dash felt groggy as hell. There was no way she had gotten a full night’s rest. Never the less she started scrambling to get out of bed, only to struggle due to being disoriented and tangled in her sheets. She finally managed to get free as the rest of the recruits were scrambling to stand attention. Twister, however, was in place and waiting as if he’d been there since the night before. He looked scared to death. Silver had him completely tamed.

Silver noticed Twister at the ready before anypony else and lifted an eyebrow as he walked by him.

“Don’t try so hard recruit, I couldn’t like you any less,” he said as he passed by Twister. He came around to the other side as all the recruits finally got into place. Little Star hopped down beside Dash and stood at the ready. Silver stopped, turned and bent his neck down to get in her face. “What’s the view like down there!?” he yelled in her face.

“Sir, I can’t see past you, sir!” Star answered honestly. Silver furrowed his brow.

“Are you calling me fat, recruit?!” he yelled while pressing his nose to hers. Star was surprisingly resilient, not even flinching and holding her ground.

“Sir, no sir!” She replied, never once looking him directly in the eye.

“Good! Cause we all know nothing blocks out the sun more than how awesome I am! I eat, sleep, breath, and shit awesome! How are you feeling this morning? Are you feeling awesome?! Cause if we both are, there might be a problem!” Silver barked. Little Star remained stoic.

“Sir, no sir! I’m feeling okay, sir! How are you sir?” she asked while constantly addressing him properly as if she had done it many times before.

“IF I WAS ANY BETTER, I’D BE SHITTIN’ KITTENS!” Silver pulled back and kept walking. Dash was impressed. She began to wonder if this wasn’t the first time Star had been in this situation. Had she been a recruit in the past? “Alright everypony, time for some morning laps on flight track five! Let’s go!” he yelled, stomping his hoof. The recruits all blinked and looked around. Thunderlane spoke up.

“Sir, what about breakfast sir?” he asked. Silver’s head snapped to Thunderlane. All the other recruits instantly stiffened and looked back forward. Dash sighed internally. Thunderlane just made a huge mistake. He thought with his stomach… and he was going to regret it. Silver Lining stomped over to Thunderlane and pressed his nose to Thunderlane’s cheek.

“ARE YOU HUNGRY RECRUIT?!” he yelled so loud he spat all over Thunderlane’s face. Thunderlane squinted his eyes shut to avoid getting saliva in them.

“Sir, uhhh yesER Uhhh NO SIR!” Thunderlane stumble over his response.

“WELL ARE YOU HUNGRY OR NOT!?” Silver pressed harder, causing Thunderlane to stumble to the right.

“S-sir, I—”


“SIR NO SIR!” Thunderlane instantly replied.

“What? Nervous?! I know I’m hung like a champion but if I had a bit for every time I was told ‘I don’t think it will fit’ I’d have 39,532 bits! YOU SURE YOU’RE NOT HUNGRY?!” At this point Silver had pushed Thunderlane so far to the right he was almost rubbing against Dash.

“SIR, ZERO HUNGER SIR!!!!!!!” Thunderlane cried out desperately.

“GOOD! Then you can bring up the back of the line when we do get breakfast!” Silver removed his nose from Thunderlane’s cheek, grabbed Thunderlane by the shoulder and dragged him back over to where he was supposed to be standing. “ANYPONY ELSE WANT BREAKFAST!?”

“SIR, NO SIR!!!!!!” All the other recruits answered instantly. Silver looked like he had to suppress a laugh. Of course he didn’t let it show for more than an instant.

“GOOD! At ease! Follow me! Let’s go!” he turned and roughly smacked the door open. The recruits all quickly followed. Dash nudged Thunderlane as they began moving.

“Smooth,” she whispered to him.

“You don’t think… he’d really do that to me… do you?” Thunderlane gulped as he whispered back, a look of fear plastered to his face.

“Are you willing to find out?” Dash tried to hold in a snicker as they came near the door. Thunderlane didn’t answer, he only shook his head vigorously as they left the barracks.

Wonderbolts moved aside as Soarin trudged through the mess hall. He had made three trips to the food counters, turning back each time after getting halfway towards the tables because he kept forgetting things. He was having a hard time focusing. He couldn’t stop thinking about Dash, the so-called “purpose” Luna claimed Celestia had for him, and on top of it all, he suddenly found he couldn’t sleep at night again.

Why did that problem come back? He was still practicing his magic every night like instructed. It was proving to be a little more difficult with how much shit was on his mind, but he could still work it enough to tire himself out. It didn’t seem to be enough though. It was almost as if the magic was adjusting to his methods of calming it down. Was it becoming immune to it? That didn’t seem likely. It was just magical energy, not a living being.

Then again, it wasn’t like his magic was normal magic. What did Luna call it? ‘Powerful forbidden magic created by the Mad King Sombra.’ Soarin was happy to be alive, but simply living had become a tedious task. So many things to do piling up with his already busy schedule… he’d keep doing it obviously, but it was just hard.

He really didn’t feel like talking to anypony, but it was kind of hard to sit alone in the mess hall. He’d eventually be swarmed by the top squads, it always happened.

“Hm?” Soarin blinked as he glanced over at a table in the corner. Spitfire was sitting there, alone and facing the wall. Strangely enough, despite having just determined he wanted nothing to do with any other pony at the moment, Soarin felt the urge to go sit with her.

Spitfire was currently dealing with problems of her own. They were of much different nature, but Soarin wasn’t going to claim to know how a mare felt during… a natural mating cycle. Soarin made his way over to Spitfire’s table. She was looking down as she shoveled oatmeal into her mouth in a manner that suggested she was frustrated and taking it out on her breakfast. She didn’t see Soarin until after he had come around the table and sat down directly across from her. Her head shot up in surprise, her eyes immediately scanned his body thoroughly, and her face turned bright red as she slammed her eyes shut. Soarin lifted an eyebrow as she pushed her oatmeal bowl out of the way and put her face down on the table while groaning and pulling at her mane.

“Soarin… I specifically sat here to avoid stallion contact… it’s really bad this morning…” she whined into the table. Soarin chuckled and shook his head.

“Sorry, I was just curious how you were doing,” he voiced his concern as she glanced up at him once or twice, both times putting her face right back to the table and blushing so hard it was a wonder steam wasn’t rising from her head. “Spitfire, just don’t look at me if it’s that bad, I’m not gonna be offended. Besides, you’re like a sister to me, even if you tried I wouldn’t let you,” he said with a snicker.

“That’s not funny Soarin…” Spitfire turned her seat slightly to the left and grabbed her oatmeal bowl. She did her best to try and eat while facing slightly away from him, but her eyes kept wandering to Soarin’s body, over his muscles, and to his face. It was very blatant, and Soarin easily noticed. Spitfire wasn’t kidding. She looked like she was seconds away from reluctantly pouncing on him.

“Wow, this actually is kind of awkward…” Soarin frowned uncomfortably.

“What tipped you off?!” Spitfire put her hooves over her eyes and groaned. She turned around, trying to look in any direction except for at Soarin… only for her eyes to lock on another stallion that was coming down the aisle.

Wave Chill flinched and froze as Spitfire’s eyes landed on him. Spitfire’s eyes widened considerably and her wings shot out to her sides, knocking over the chairs on both sides of her as all of her wing feathers puffed and disoriented. She quickly turned back and looked directly down at the table as she reached behind her, grabbed her wings and yanked them forward, wrapping them around the front of her body and holding them there.

Soarin looked towards Spitfire sympathetically. She wasn’t kidding. It wasn’t just bad right now… it was really bad right now. Soarin looked over her towards Wave Chill, who hadn’t moved. Soarin made a quick hoof motion away from the table while shaking his head. Wave glanced at Spitfire and sighed before turning and finding a table a little ways away from them.

“That sure didn’t help, did it?” Soarin rested his head in his hoof as he started eating his eggs.

“Nnnnggghhhh…” Spitfire groaned as she leaned down and rested her chin on the table. “This sucks…” she complained as she hugged her wings tighter to herself.

“It doesn’t look fun,” Soarin commented as Spitfire blushed and glared at him.

“Quiet you,” she quickly hissed at him, but not without eyeing him up again. “Stupid, sexy Soarin…” she mumbled while scrunching her face and putting her oatmeal bowl in the way to block him from her view.

“Speaking of Wave—”

“NO!” Spitfire cut Soarin off. Soarin flattened his brow.

“Spitfire, I’m being serious,” he said as Spitfire let out a long, exasperated sigh. “I don’t know if that was an indication just now… but how are things between you and Wave? Are you guys back to normal?”

“No,” Spitfire quickly replied. Soarin frowned.

“Wait, what?” he tipped his head. “Still? Spitfire, really?” he wasn’t surprised, but he was also a little incredulous.

“Soarin… you weren’t there when… it got weird. It’s been weird since,” she still didn’t look at him.

“I was there when Discord did it to him, I already know why,” he crossed his arms and leaned back. “But really? You guys were getting along so well before this. Now you’re just gonna avoid him for the rest of your life?”

“I can’t do anything about it right now…” Spitfire admitted as her body shivered at the thought.

“I know that… but you’re making it hard for him too, you know. He really likes you. He denies it all the time, but that’s just the old Silver Lining type duty stuff he spouts. Promise me you won’t leave him hanging like that.” Soarin nodded. Spitfire looked up past her bowl and glared at Soarin.

“Fine…” Spitfire gave in. “But practice what you preach, buster. Have you apologize to Dash yet?” she suddenly brought up. Soarin’s eyes widened, then narrowed. “Don’t give me that look.”

“I think she owes me an apology…” Soarin sighed while looking away. While he did want to apologize to Dash… it’s not like he was the only one at fault.

“That’s a terrible excuse Soarin,” Spitfire said, slightly muffled after stuffing her face into her arms.

“Hey, didn’t you vote against her too?” Soarin snorted angrily.

“I’m not the one who yelled at her after,” Spitfire quickly fired back.

“It’s not like I have the chance to right now anyway. She’s busy, I’m busy… dammit it’s like we’re back to square one…” Soarin thought out loud.

“I understand keeping it professional… but it’s still a bad excuse. Especially if you’re gonna get on my ass about Wave,” Spitfire was being very snappy. Much more so than usual, but Soarin knew why.

“Guess we both have our issues then, huh?” Soarin shook his head as he pondered.

“At least mine aren’t my fault,” said Spitfire, earning a glare from Soarin. He was about to fight back, but—

“HEYYYYY!!!!! I couldn’t help but overhear the names Wave and Dash! What are my favorite drama machines talking about?” Fleetfoot sat down beside Spitfire while draping a hoof over her shoulder. She quickly reclined. “YEOW! Somepony is feeling super hot right now… eh?” she nudged Spitfire, who shot back the strongest glare she could muster.

“Fleet, you are REALLY pushing it…” Spitfire growled.

“Aw, loosen up heat lamp… hey, that might actually help…” Fleetfoot kept giggling as Soarin shook his head. Fleet noticed. “What about you princess? Been chasing rainbows lately?” She teased.

“Fleet, I swear to Celestia…” Soarin was not in the mood. Normally, Fleetfoot was easy to handle, but she clearly didn’t know she had stepped into a conversation that had both Soarin and Spitfire ready to punch somepony in the face if they looked at them the wrong way.

“Oh please, both of you are such downers. You’ve gotta—”

“IT’S TIME TO EAT WITH MY GLORIOUS NEW TEAM!” Air Mach slammed his tray down beside Soarin. They all flinched in surprise as he got up on the table. “LET IT BE KNOWN FAR AND WIDE THAT THE GREAT ANIMAK OF WONDERBOLT SQUAD ONE PREFERS HIS TOAST BUTTER SIDE DOWN!” he yelled out, drawing looks of confusion from around the mess hall.

“Oh my god, SIT DOWN!” Fleetfoot yanked her ears down as she yelled at him. Air Mach smirked, reached for his chair, shifted it around so it was right next to Fleetfoot, and then slid his tray over beside hers. He leapt off the table dramatically, but missed the seat, landing in a heap on the floor. “Rgghhhhh…” Fleetfoot put her head to the table as Air Mach quickly stood up and struck a pose.

“HA! I meant to do that! Can’t be a true stallion if I’m not willing to take a few hits at all times!” he sat down and grabbed Fleetfoot. She squeaked as he pulled her in and pointed towards the ceiling. “NOW WE EAT!”

“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Fleetfoot yanked herself free from him and glared. “I’m already trying to eat!” she snapped as Air Mach smirked and pounded his chest.

“If you’re doing it, I’m doing it! If I don’t do it, will you? If you don’t do it, I’ll do it, so you do it too!” he went on with no real reason or focus.

SHUT. UP.” Fleetfoot grabbed the back of his head and plunged his face into his mountain of scrambled eggs on his plate.

“The great Animak prefers eating his eggs face to face!” He yelled, muffled by the eggs.

“UGH!” Forget it! I’m sitting with Wave!” Fleetfoot let go, grabbed her tray and started walking away.

“Where do you think you’re going!? Real stallions fight their opponents face to face!” Air Mach yelled as he grabbed his tray and pursued.

“FOR THE LAST TIME! I’M A MARE!” Fleetfoot yelled back as she tried to get away from him.

Soarin just stared blankly at them and blinked before turning back to Spitfire.

“Uh… Spitfire? I have the strangest feeling that you did this on purpose,” a small smirk curled on his lips. Spitfire was already looking away from him, but she couldn’t hide a smile either.

“Maybe a little,” she failed to hold back a snicker.

“Wow, you do have an evil side sometimes,” Soarin shook his head as he watched Air Mach chase Fleetfoot in circles around the mess hall.

“I made the choice based on what we needed… but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about getting back at her for how much she’s been bothering me these past few days… with… you know,” she blushed as she crossed her legs. Soarin looked back towards Spitfire.

“You know… if we keep Air Mach on her, she’ll be so focused on him, she won’t be able to pester Rivet,” Soarin brought up jokingly. “He’s gonna have the most productive days ever for a while.”

“That’s not gonna stop the other guys from messing with him,” Spitfire rolled her eyes. Soarin shrugged.

“They aren’t half as bad as Fleet. Plus, Shine always stops them if they go too far,” he chuckled, as his eyes suddenly moved to the entrance of the mess hall. Spitfire scoffed.

“I dunno, sometimes she can be no better than Fleetfoot…” Spitfire trailed off as she noticed Soarin looking towards the entrance. She turned around to see Silver Lining step into the mess hall and sharply turn to the door.


“Oh boy, here we go…” Soarin chuckled as they watched Silver drag the new recruits in. The recruits all looked completely drained and covered in sweat. “He took them flying before breakfast? Brutal…” Soarin commented as Silver stepped around the counter and told the chefs serving the food to ‘beat it.’

“Oh, he’s serving them? This should be good…” Spitfire smirked as Silver began following the recruits down the food lines and putting random things on their trays. It was always some combination of oatmeal, eggs, and fruit, but he kept switching it up on them. One of the recruits ended up with eggs in a bowl and oatmeal on a plate with a banana shoved in his mouth.

Squall came up to the line, his plate was put upside down with the eggs spread around his tray and the oatmeal bowl was put on top of the upside-down plate. He scowled at Silver, but Silver easily shook it off.

“What do you want for fruit, Happy?” Silver asked Squall. “An apple or an orange?”

“Uh…” Squall was surprised Silver asked. He didn’t let any of the others ask. “An apple?”

“Too bad,” Silver grabbed an orange and chucked it at Squall’s chest. Squall stumbled as the orange bounced off his chest and rolled around on his mess of a tray. “Next!” Silver yelled as Squall walked away grumbling.

Soarin and Spitfire couldn’t hold it in. Silver had been at this for years, but it never failed to amuse.

Eventually all the recruits were down and eating at the tables nearest the serving lines. Silver was walking in circles around them. He didn’t say anything, but one could almost feel the fear. The recruits all looked so nervous. As if he was suddenly going to stop and start yelling at one of them. Dash was sitting beside Little Star and Matteo, and not really paying full attention to her food as she kept stealing quick, nervous glances up at Silver. Eventually this led to eggs going down the wrong pipe.

“Ack!” Dash sputtered as she began coughing. She quickly grabbed her water and took a swig, but it only made it worse. Silver quickly ran up to her as she coughed up little bits of scrambled eggs.

“Quick! Fight back!” He yelled in her ear as Dash leaned down and pounded her chest. “You’ve gotta be kidding me Skittles! Eggs?! You’re losing to eggs?!” Dash kept coughing as Silver threw his hooves up into the air. “IT’S JUST A PLATE OF SCRAMBLED EGGS! HOW IS IT KICKING YOUR ASS?!” He barked. It didn’t help, Dash started snickering too as she finally managed to dislodge the eggs from her throat.

Art by: Hopscotch

Soarin watched the exchange with a mixture of humor and worry. Sure, Dash and the others were getting the best of the best training… but he was still worried about her. They had stuff to fix between them, but it didn’t mean he suddenly stopped caring.

“Spitfire… I know Silver’s training is the best we can offer them… but… do you think we should ask him to let up? Mayyyyyyyyybe just a little bit?” Soarin looked towards her, but she was already shaking her head.

“No. These are the best recruits I’ve ever seen Soarin. Through Silver, I’m confident they will become some of the best flyers in Wonderbolt history. He’s hard, and he’ll drill authority into their skulls while he’s at it too. You’ve seen how our low tier elite squads have degraded over the years,” she gave a very serious look to Soarin. He thought for a moment. She was right. The low tier elites were all good fliers and all earned their spots… but they weren’t the most controlled individuals.

Soarin realized that maybe this was the reason Spitfire brought Silver back as a recruit instructor. Most of the current high tier elite squad members had had him as an instructor when they were recruits. He used to be very physical along with the verbal. When Spitfire became the captain, it didn’t take long for her to remove him from instructor duty for being “too harsh.” However, as Spitfire had said, without him, the difference in quality of Wonderbolt had faded a little since he had been removed from that duty.

So Spitfire brought him back, with the intention of having him train some of the best recruits ever brought in. Spitfire had a reason for everything, and as lead captain, she always did what she felt was best for the organization.

But Soarin had noticed he was being a little less physical than he used to be. Soarin remembered being pushed around endlessly by him during his recruit days. Spitfire probably had a long talk with him about being tough, but keeping it mostly rational.

“YOU’VE GOT THIRTY SECONDS TO FINISH! MOVE IT!” Silver suddenly yelled. The recruits all looked up in disbelief; having barely started. “TWENTY FIVE!” Silver called out. The recruits quickly went to work on their food, quickly, and sloppily.

Soarin rolled his eyes. Silver really had only turned back the dial a teeny bit.

--- To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

A little short, but this is where my outline took me. No worried though cause i already have the next 2-3 chapters outlined, expect the next chapter real soon ;3

More Silver and more Fleetfoot repellent xD

Things are definitely getting interesting!

Thanks for reading!

I hope you enjoyed!

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