• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 169: "Observation"

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 169: “Observation”

Rainbow Dash carefully peeked around the corner, looking towards the large set of doors separating her from where Discord and Luna were keeping Soarin.

Matteo peeked out above her.

Twister peeked out from the other side, looking directly into Dash’s face.

Matteo promptly reached around and snatched him up with his talons, stuffing Twister into his fur. A moment later a periscope slipped out from Matteo’s chest feathers, a large blinking eye visible in the lens looking out with them.

“Dammit,” Dash grumbled. “Puppy Sucker is still there…”

“Who?” Matteo blinked and tipped his head slightly.

“Luna’s lapdog,” Dash motioned towards P.L. standing guard dutifully with several crystal guards behind him. “Long story,” she added.

“He appears to be the only thestrel,” Matteo observed as Twister’s periscope turned to look directly at him instead. “Just crystal guards otherwise.”

“Good,” Dash nodded. “That takes one factor off the table.”

They both perked up as the large doors opened. P.L. didn’t budge, but the crystal guards turned to see Luna emerge from the room and gently close the door behind her.

She walked up beside P.L., finally breaking him from his forward stare once he noticed her.

“We shall be right back. Please remain on guard,” she asked.

“Yes, my lady,” P.L. replied flatly with a slight bow and looked directly ahead once more. But Luna didn’t leave. She stared at him for another moment. He glanced at her again. “Is something wrong, my lady?”

“N…no…” Luna quickly shook her head. “We are fine…” she turned quickly down the opposite hall.

“Lapdog is too nice of a term. Did he forget to wear his collar this morning?” Matteo commented flatly, earning a quiet snort from Dash as she focused on the guards again.

“Talk about timing, if Luna is gone then I have a real good chance here.”

“But what if Discord is present?” Matteo asked.

“If Discord is in there I’m screwed either way,” Dash admitted. “But I’m going to at least try. The real challenge here is going to be P.L. But first, what should we do about the…” Dash turned to look at Matteo, but the moment she did, Twister’s periscope zipped back into Matteo’s fluff.

Dash blinked.

OH. NO.” Twister’s voice suddenly came from out in the hall. Dash frantically turned around and looked out to see Twister standing DIRECTLY in front of the P.L. and the crystal guards. He reached behind his plot and pulled out what appeared to be bright pink lingerie with Cadence’s cutie mark on it and a bridle with fuzzy buckles adorning the harness. “LOOKS LIKE I RAIDED PRINCESS CADENCE’S SEXYTIME WARDROBE!” He rapidly spun in a circle, distorting his image for several seconds. When he stopped he was wearing all of it. “WOULDN’T IT BE A SHAME IF SOMEPONY WERE TO WEAR IT INTO TOWN AND SHOW EVERYPONY HOW NAUGHTY SHE IS?!”

“Hey!” one of the guards yelled as they all instantly abandoned their post to approach Twister. P.L. didn’t budge, nor look at him.

“LOOK AT ME!” Twister turned and wiggled his ass at them. “I’M THE LOVE-BUTT NOW!” he took off and the guards chased after him. “WHERE”S SHINING ARMOR!? I NEED A YANK, STAT!”

Dash and Matteo watched as Twister turned the corner and all the crystal guards followed, leaving P.L. behind by himself. Dash’s mouth hung open in disbelief as Matteo simply lifted his brow and nodded.

“Not bad,” he commented simply.

“Sometimes I love that crazy bastard…” Dash said with a slight chuckle. “But… we still have to deal with P.L.”

Dash rubbed her chin as she stared out towards P.L. He had not budged from his spot since they arrived. Based on past experience and the way he didn’t even flinch during Twister’s antics right now, it was clear his loyalty was 150% committed to guarding Luna. How in the world were they going to lure him away? Or even just distract him long enough?

“Got any ideas Matty?” Dash asked, looking up at him. She quickly noticed that Matteo was looking slightly up and away from P.L. She followed his eyes to a window that was nearby. The sunlight was shining through, casting a large square of light roughly three yards away from where P.L. was standing.

“Thestrels dislike light, correct?” Matteo asked. Dash glanced between him and the window.

“I’ve seen them hiss at it often, yeah. Why?”

“Wait here,” Matteo said as he stepped out and started walking in P.L.’s direction before Dash could say or ask anything. She swallowed and did as she was told, watching as Matteo casually walked down the hall.

When he crossed P.L.’s line of sight, he turned and looked directly at him.

P.L. locked eyes with Matteo, but didn’t move.

Matteo stepped into the sunbeam and sat down.

Dash stared blankly, slowly flattening her brow as P.L. and Matteo proceeded to have what appeared to be a silent stoic staring contest for nearly half a minute.

But then Matteo suddenly lifted up an arm, holding his talons up sideways.

P.L.’s eyes shifted to his talon shanks briefly, but returned to Matteo’s eyes right after, lifting an eyebrow.

Matteo suddenly twisted his wrist quickly. The light from the window hit his wedding ring, its smooth shiny surface bouncing a small beam of light directly into P.L.’s eye.

“GRAH!” P.L. winced hard, stumbling and throwing his wings over his face as he turned and bent down, hissing loudly in a rather unnervingly lower tone compared to the other thestrels.

“Wha…?” Dash’s eyes widened as she watched P.L. struggle, glancing at Matteo just in time to see him look in her direction and make quick head motions towards the door. “Oh!”

She darted out from behind the wall without hesitation, keeping an eye on P.L. as he continued to lurch and cringe while facing away and covering his face. Matteo shifted forward, grabbing the handle of one of the large doors and discreetly opening it just enough to let Dash slip through.

Dash shimmied through, turning around and glancing at Matteo through the cracked door briefly as he nodded and quickly closed it.

Dash hoped that he made tracks right after, because P.L. was likely going to be pissed the moment he recovered. But Matteo was a big col—er… eagle? Fledgling? Cub? Whatever the young male griffon term that fit into the saying was. He could take care of himself…

What mattered was that she was in.

She turned her back to the door, taking care to step lightly so her hooves wouldn’t make any noise against the hard floor. A large pillar was directly in front of her roughly ten yards away, marking the ‘welcome area’. The room was a large gathering hall, typically used for meetings with delegations outside of the throne room, large and circular with several similar pillars along the outer edge. Though it appeared to be stripped clean of tables or any sort of congregation furniture.

Dash swallowed, tip-hoofing her way forward and pressing herself to the pillar. She carefully edged towards one side and peeked out towards the left side of the hall.


She turned and slid across the pillar’s surface and checked the right side.

Still nothing.

She put up her ears and listened carefully for anything, but aside from the faint sound of a magical aura she couldn’t hear or see anything, at least from those angles.

Was Discord absent? There was no sign of him yet, but she was being extra careful.

If he was where she couldn’t see him, she was screwed one way or the other. So she decided to just go for it, taking a deep breath…

And made her way around the pillar.

She immediately came to a halt, her eyes widening and her lips parting to inhale softly.

Discord was nowhere to be seen, but even if he was there, she doubted she would have acknowledged him.

Because in the very center of the hall, suspended a few inches off the ground within a softly sparkling blue aura…

Was Soarin.

Dash just stared for a few moments. It was what she expected to see, but it was a sight to behold regardless. She had already seen him in the Alicorn form, but she was filled with awe regardless as her eyes took in his form. He was floating, eyes closed, presumably asleep if he was still under the stasis spell Luna and Discord had cast on him two weeks prior.

Her eyes remained locked on him as she slowly made her way forward, and the closer she got the more she was reminded how large he was. He had appeared to shake off Sombra’s possession, but the increase in size it had caused remained when he reappeared as an Alicorn. Such a physical presence made Discord’s proclamation that Soarin had become a ‘divine’ Alicorn more believable. It was likened to how large Luna and Celestia were compared to the rest of them, only… Soarin was already a large stallion, so in a form like this he was massive. She felt smaller and smaller the closer she got, but she was too awe stricken to look away.

She briefly stopped and glanced to her left as she passed by a few tables placed near him. They were littered with scrolls and papers that appeared to be adorned with freshly written notes. Several tomes were neatly stacked beside the table as well. Dash didn’t bother reading any of it, but there appeared to be a lot of notes, including three waste baskets spilling over with crumpled up papers nearby. Were they all written by Discord and Luna? Did it all have to do with Soarin? Maybe there was some truth behind what Discord was saying to her after all. She had assumed they were just being difficult and secretive and that keeping him locked away for so long was unreasonable. But… the mountain of notes suggested they really were working around the clock. And the amount of discarded and crumpled papers suggested they were indeed struggling with it. But would it have killed them to be a little more transparent about it?

But whatever it all meant could wait. Dash swallowed as she refocused on Soarin, taking in his massive, slumbering form. She took two steps closer… and suddenly gasped.

She shuddered, tingling sensations rushing through her as bursts of warmth traveled up and down her body. She twitched and looked down, panting lightly as the surging sensation subsided. She blinked and stared at Soarin, taking another step.

“Ah!” she gasped as it happened again, her body trembling as a euphoric feeling swirled inside of her. What was going on? Was their connection causing a reaction in her based on their proximity?

She took another step and the same thing happened, the rushes getting stronger the closer she got, but she gritted her teeth and tried to keep her thoughts in check. It felt very similar to what she felt working out in the gym just prior. She wasn’t glowing… yet, but it was clear what made her get weird in the gym was acting up now. Was… this why Discord was discouraging her? Was there a reason he personally was making sure she stayed away?

It didn’t matter because she couldn’t stop. She kept moving forward one step at a time. Getting closer and closer to him, the rushing feeling getting stronger every step until she was glowing yellow… but she took no notice of it. She was too distracted by him.

But then the hall door opened with a loud CLANK.

Dash perked up, her eyes widening considerably as she heard Luna’s voice.

“Shined a light in your eyes?” she spoke to P.L.

“That griffon in the Wonderbolts, yes,” P.L. replied with a growl.

Dash frantically looked back and forth.

“And the other guards?”

“Chased some vagabond who claimed to have raided Princess Cadence’s wardrobe.”

Dash’s eyes landed on the pillars around the edge of the hall. She turned to gallop towards it, but only got two steps away before she inhaled sharply and came to an abrupt halt, grabbing at her chest. She choked quietly as the tightness filled her throat, hunching down and blinking. It felt like something was tugging at her, restraining her, as if her body was rejecting her attempt to move away from Soarin. She began to sweat as her eyes darted towards the entrance.

“We… uh… we see…” Luna sounded confused. “Please continue to stand guard.”

Dash slammed her eyes shut and took a deep breath, forcing herself onward and pushing against the nearly unbearable urge to stay near Soarin. It felt like her insides were burning as she lurched forward, ripping herself free from whatever was trying to hold her back and quickly sliding behind a large pillar on the left side of the hall. She instantly buckled, falling down onto her side and panting, her body jittering with pins and needles as she struggled to roll upright.

She quickly threw a hoof over her mouth to muffle her heavy breaths as the echoing sound of Luna’s hooves filled the hall.

The burning sensations in Dash slowly subsided, her body relaxing. She exhaled quietly in relief as the odd effect didn’t last, but she didn’t take time to wonder what it was all about. For the moment she was hidden from Luna, while she had no way out, this was a chance for her to see what was actually going on in here, which was just as much a reason she snuck in as seeing Soarin.

She slid along the pillar, taking care to peek out only little bits at a time until Luna was in view. She pulled back briefly when she first saw her, but Luna was not looking in her direction, so Dash peeked out as far as she comfortably could to watch.

Luna was standing beside the table, looking towards Soarin, scanning him over. She approached him, her horn lighting up with magic that remained present as she examined Soarin closely, walking in a circle around him and stopping a few times here and there. Dash could see her eyes lit up as well. Was she checking the stasis magic or him? She couldn’t tell, but eventually Luna made her way all the way around and strode in front of him.

Again, Soarin’s massive size was a sight to see. Luna, like her sister, was larger than most ponies and he made her look small in his current form. Not as tiny as Dash felt beside him, but it was a stark comparison. He was floating a little off the ground, but if he were to be standing on all four hooves he’d be at least a head taller than her, maybe even two. He was definitely larger than Celestia, recalling the last time she had stood next to her a while back.

Dash flinched and pulled back slightly as Luna turned away from him, but she only turned towards the table, using her magic to shuffle through the papers on the table until she found a blank piece. She sighed and rubbed a hoof on her forehead below her horn as she picked up a feather quill in her magic and began writing.

She did this for several moments, glancing towards Soarin a few times.

At one point she looked towards him and stared for at least ten seconds. She appeared to be completely still throughout it, Dash was too far away to see otherwise. With another heavy sigh, she looked back at the paper, finished writing, and began shuffling around the papers on the table again.

As Luna picked up several other papers and floated them side by side with the one she just wrote on, Dash felt like this confirmed her thought moments ago. They really were trying to figure this out, though it appeared to be not going so well. It was odd to see Luna, a goddess, struggle with something like this. Though recently exposed for lack of understanding and a disregard for how life works outside of their personal world, if there was one thing Dash knew the gods understood well, it was magic. Though it was one thing to see Luna at a loss, Dash found it hard to believe that Discord was in the same boat. But if he truly was, then maybe he wasn’t just blowing it out of his ass every time he had confronted her recently.

Dash perked up as Luna suddenly growled, her eyes darting about the papers floating in front of her before she gritted her teeth and smashed all of them together. Crumpling them up angrily and throwing it roughly towards the waste baskets. The crumpled paper bounced off the contents and fell to the floor.

Dash blinked as Luna groaned and she slumped down on the table, pushing several of the papers aside and several of them fluttering to the floor.

Yeah… it definitely wasn’t going their way.

A few moments later Luna pushed away from the table, sitting down and rubbing her hooves to her temples, she let her arms fall and she hunched forward, looking defeated. At this point Dash wasn’t sure what to do. She doubted she could get out unnoticed, but at the same time she wasn’t sure if leaving was what she wanted to do. Could she wait for Luna to leave again? She did want more time alone with Soarin, but that seemed unlikely. If Discord came back, she’d be found immediately.

But her thought process halted for a moment and she looked back out towards Luna. Luna was still hunched forward, but… she had her head turned and was staring at Soarin. After a few moments, she glanced down, reaching an arm across her body and rubbing her opposite arm, appearing to shiver slightly before looking at Soarin again.

At this point Dash would have gone back to considering her options, but then Luna stood up and faced Soarin, standing still for several seconds before looking back and forth and over her shoulder. She swallowed, one of her back legs crossing over and brushing up and down against the other.

Dash lifted an eyebrow, tipping her head as she watched curiously.

Luna slowly began approaching Soarin, pausing every couple of steps, but eventually standing right in front of him with her magic alight on her horn again. The magical field surrounding Soarin grew slightly brighter before it lowered him a little bit, his large hooves limply touching the floor as he was moved to just a few inches above eye level with Luna.

Dash lifted an eyebrow and leaned out a little further to get a better view.

Luna looked over Soarin’s face, up at the long horn, tipped her head back and forth to look at his large wings, and then began scanning his body. She lifted a hoof, but held it still in front of her.

Dash couldn’t see much more with Luna’s back turned, but her curiosity outweighed her desire to be careful. She quickly and quietly darted to the next pillar over, sliding along and peeking out to get a better view.

And as soon as she looked out again, she froze, her eyes growing very wide.

Luna had her eyes fixed on Soarin’s chest… and had her hoof pressed to it. She was biting her lip, her face flushed, and her body shivering.

Dash’s jaw dropped and her eyes quickly sharpened into a shocked glare as Luna began running her hoof over Soarin’s chest muscles, up to his shoulders and up and down his arm. Her tail flicked about as her back legs kept switching which was crossed over the other. Her hoof eventually ran back up past his shoulder, over his neck, and up to his cheek where she paused and caressed it. She stared longingly at Soarin’s face, her breaths quickening and the shaking of her shivering body becoming more intense.

Then she slowly leaned forward, her eyes closing as she inched her lips towards Soarin’s.

Something inside Dash snapped.

“HEY!” Dash shouted as loud as she could as she stepped out into the open.

Luna flinched hard as if she was just smacked across the face with a wet towel. Her eyes shot open and she instantly pulled away from Soarin, tripping over her hooves as she lurched backwards, her wings flapping erratically as she fell onto her back. She frantically turned over, looking in multiple directions until her eyes landed on Dash.

Dash was stomping towards Luna, simmering with rage that grew stronger with each step. She was snarling, her breath hissing loudly through her teeth as she closed in.

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” she shouted at the top of her lungs, all restraint gone.

Luna’s eyes filled with dread, the look on her face morphed from surprise to pure panic in seconds.

“SO THIS IS WHAT YOU GODS CALL ‘OBSERVATION?!’” Dash belted as she grew closer, a faint yellow glow beginning to shine around her body. “HE CHANGED TO THIS SO NOW YOU THINK HE’S YOURS?!” she got right in front of Luna and jammed a hoof in her face “I DON’T THINK SO, MOON TRAMP!” she yelled as the yellow glow got brighter.

Luna’s eyes darted about, she jittered and began gasping for air as if she couldn’t breathe. She pressed a hoof to her chest as her face scrunched up and tears began squeaking out of her eyes.

“We… we…!” Luna’s voice was broken and cracking, rasping uncontrollably. “I’m…!” she suddenly dropped the old Canterlot speech. “I’M SORRY!!!!!!” She yelled as a burst of magic erupted from her horn, pushing Dash away from her. She immediately forced herself up and broke into a gallop towards the entrance, wailing uncontrollably. As she vanished behind the pillars, the noise of the doors being forced open, followed by Captain P.L. calling Luna by name reached Dash’s ears.

But Dash hadn’t moved, she was simply glaring in the direction Luna had run in, her teeth jammed together and her chest heaving with heavy angry breaths as the sight of Luna’s advances on Soarin refused to get out of her head.

“GRH…RGH!!!!” Dash began grunting, her eyes twitching as the yellow glow around her grew brighter, the light beginning to rise out of her eyes. “Son of a… THAT… DAMN… RGH!” She lurched, stumbling as the anger refused to subside. She put a hoof to her head, as her body began to pulsate uncontrollably. Her joints and muscles tensed and twitched against her will.

Then Soarin began to stir.

“Hrng…” Soarin suddenly groaned quietly as a yellow glow appeared around him. The magic field holding him brightened considerably as Soarin began to twitch and shudder.

Dash stumbled and turned to face Soarin, breaths hissing in and out between her teeth as she stared at him. The stronger the anger got inside of her, the more Soarin cringed and winced.

“Ahhh… GRAHHHH!” Dash slammed her eyes shut and growled as the feeling refused to subside.

Something was wrong. Something was really wrong, but… she couldn’t stop it!


Dash flinched in surprise as she heard the familiar voice, followed by something pressing down over her head.

She blinked and she was suddenly no longer in the hall. In fact she was no longer in the palace. She was in an alley behind the hotel the Wonderbolts were staying, and whatever was pressed to her head was still pressing to it.

“CALM. DOWN.” The voice commanded. Dash was still too entrapped in her emotions to recognize the voice. She also couldn’t do what it asked no matter how hard she tried. “Fine, but don’t blame me if you have a headache after this.”

Dash suddenly felt a burst of pressure forced through her body.

“GAH!” she gasped as the rush of her emotions was quickly flushed out and the yellow glow surrounding her vanished completely. She fell forward, just barely propping herself up on her hooves as she panted, her head spinning for several moments as she blinked and tried to regain her senses.

“You’re a real piece of work.”

Dash’s ears stood up as she finally recognized the voice.

“There’s a reason we’ve been keeping you away from him! You’re lucky I showed up when I did!”

Dash narrowed her eyes. She stood up and turned around, glaring up into the miffed gaze of Discord. He was standing over her with his arms crossed like a disappointed parent, but Dash was having none of it.

“Okay, no!” Dash hovered up to get into his face. “I’m done! You let him out of there right now!” she demanded. Discord blinked.

“Let him out? Really now? Yes, that sounds like a great idea,” he said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. “Might want to evacuate the entire empire first, it will probably be wiped out the moment Soarin sneezes. How about we—”

Discord stopped mid-sentence and leaned to the left slightly as Dash’s hoof swung towards him. He threw up a veil of magic, catching her hoof less than an inch from his face.

“Let’s be civil about this, okay?” he said frankly with a snort.

“I’m not gonna be civil if Luna’s going to be rubbing herself all over him while you keep me out!” Dash yelled.

Discord perked up, his expression going blank for a moment. He pushed Dash away from him gently and released a heavy, exasperated sigh while rubbing a hand against his forehead. Dash backed off, but looked at him quizzically.

“Again? For heaven’s sake Lulu…” he grumbled aloud. But the only word Dash picked out was ‘again.’

“Again? AGAIN?!” she grabbed him by the neck and shook him. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN AGAIN?!?!

“Gah! Ow! Stop it!” Discord huffed as he grabbed her by the tail and pulled her away from him. “Settle down and tell me, what did you see in there? Was she advancing on him?” he asked in a perfectly serious tone mixed with some disappointment.

“Advancing?” Dash growled. “The way she was touching him, she would’ve split her biscuit on him if I didn’t step in!”

Discord’s eyelid twitched before he let go of Dash’s tail and shook his head.

“I guess I have to lecture her again…” he grumbled.

“Lecture her about what?! Taking what’s not hers?!” Dash snapped at Discord, but he reached down and poked a finger to her nose.

“If you understood exactly what’s happening to her you’d…” Discord trailed off as Dash gave him a flat look, as if he couldn’t come up with anything to say after that. “It’s a long story…”

“Oh sure, is Luna’s leg-clenching heat going to be another secret you’re keeping from us?” Dash threw her arms out. Discord lifted his brow and tipped his head.

“Fine, here’s the short version. She’s thousands of years old and unlike her sister is very strict about the archaic rules and traditions of her kind including the fact that it is forbidden for the divine to caboodle with mortals, if you catch my drift.”

Dash blinked as Discord pulled back and lazily held a hand out to his side.

“Not to mention Divine Alicorn Stallions were already rare when they still existed. If you had over a millennia of morally pent up sexual desire built up within you and something that resembles what’s allowed suddenly appears, you’d have a hard time controlling yourself too.”

“And…” Dash slowly held her hooves out in front of her. “That’s supposed to make me feel better?! Soarin suddenly qualifies for her hot box so it doesn’t matter that he’s taken?! That’s the most sorry-ass excuse I could imagine!”

“Don’t shoot the messenger, please,” he hissed at her while sticking his whipping snake tongue out at her and batting her in the nose with it. “Don’t mistake that as justification for her behavior, I’ve been trying to keep her focused,” Discord sighed. “I was hoping to keep her at bay and keep YOU from knowing to make this whole process easier, but that cat’s out of the bag now, obviously. I need her help to figure out what’s going on here. If I tell you I’m doing everything I can to keep her off of him, will you be satisfied?”

Dash just glared at him.

“I don’t even know why I asked,” Discord huffed.

“I don’t want her around him PERIOD! End of story!” Dash demanded, but Discord shook his head.

“I can’t do that, and before you try to punch me in the face again, I’ll have you know she’s half the power that’s keeping our stasis spell in control of him. And we need to keep control of him.” He placed a finger on her head before she could start seething. “I know it’s a tall order, but for a moment I want you to think about what happened in there aside from Luna’s moon blinking like a firefly. Think about your anger and how you couldn’t control it. You saw how Soarin started reacting.”

Dash’s expression softened for a moment. She had barely focused on that at all for obvious reasons, but now that she thought about it…

“Now do you get why I’ve been keeping you away from him? You are connected to him and his transformation had an effect on you too. I was afraid to get you two close to one another for exactly what happened just now. Your emotional outburst started to disturb his rest despite our spell. And frankly, I have no idea what would have happened if I hadn’t stepped in and gotten you away,” Discord explained.

Dash looked down, her eyes shifting back and forth as she thought about it.

“Everything was fine before Luna came in,” she tried to appeal, but Discord looked at her hard.

“Was it?” he asked sharply.

“I…” Dash blinked, recalling how it went. “Okay maybe it wasn’t.”

“Go on.” Discord pressed.

“I felt drawn to Soarin. The closer I got the more I felt really good. And when Luna arrived it physically hurt to pull myself away,” Dash admitted, staring up at him.

Discord stayed silent for a moment, curling a finger in his beard as he thought.

“I see. Well you saved me the trouble of trying that later. Now stop trying to barge in,” he abruptly turned his back to her.

“Hey, HOLD ON! NO!” she quickly grabbed his tail. “I’m serious about Luna!”

“And I’m serious about how I need her there with me!” Discord grunted while grabbing his tail and yanking it free from Dash. “You’re just going to have to deal with it! Right now I need to go tear her a new one for listening to her pelvis instead of her brain so we can get back to work for everypony’s sake! Who knows, maybe you catching her in the act will get her to think twice from here on! There’s really nothing else I can do about it. When we figure something out, you’ll be the first to know!”

Discord’s voice was becoming defensive and annoyed, balling up his fists as he loomed over Dash and yelled directly down at her.

“I know you don’t trust us and honestly we deserve it, but everything we were keeping to ourselves before was about Sombra, Celestia, and that disaster of a situation that now has us HERE. We’re dealing with unknowns now, I’m keeping nothing factual from you and I don’t plan to! So if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to work on YOUR friend to make sure he won’t explode and kill everything within a hundred mile radius!”

He turned his back to her.

“If I were you I’d stop trying to interrupt our work and focus on the other problems that are still out there! How about you tell Spitfire to get on that?! Maybe you could have Fleetfoot coax her with an affectionate full body massage! Tell Descent to stop fretting over his angry crystalized wing mare and do more scouting!” Discord grabbed his beard and yanked on it so hard that his face stretched and snapped back up into his forehead. “ARGH!” He grunted as he turned back around and held his hands out towards Dash, a strange, unhinged look in his eyes. “Do something for the love of Celestia! Make yourselves useful instead of bothering us! It’s bad enough that we’re struggling to figure any of this out! Soarin isn’t the only issue we’re dealing with! Now beat it! I need to go strangle Luna harder than I did last time!”

Discord disappeared the moment he finished speaking.

“HEY! WAIT!” Dash yelled, but Discord was gone. His odd loss of control at the end of his rant barely phased her, because she was still just… so… MAD.

She lifted a hoof to slam on the ground, but stopped before bringing it down. After the way her anger swelled out of control moments ago, she thought twice about it, simply clenching her hoof and gritting her teeth instead, shaking her head out as she tried with all her might to stay calm about what she just saw Luna do to Soarin.

She snuck in there to see Soarin and get some answers, but it only made things worse. She growled and held her breath as she turned and made her way out of the alley and around in front of the hotel.

“Friggin, fraggin, moon fuggin harlot…” Dash mumbled and grumbled to herself as she approached the front of the hotel, but still hadn’t really decided to go in or keep walking.

Storm Front suddenly emerged from the hotel, his eyes immediately landing on Dash as she trudged.

“Oh! Dash, I…” He spoke in a hesitant tone while holding up a hoof. But he trailed off, shutting his mouth as Dash stopped and sharply turned her head to glare at him while somewhat sucking her bottom lip into her mouth. “Um…” Storm inched backwards slightly as he got the strange look as if Dash was holding in gas.

Dash’s eye twitched as she pulled her eyes away from Storm and kept stomping along. She was already pissed off about Luna, she didn’t want to deal with the backstabbing daddy’s boy on top of it. So instead of taking it out on him she just kept going, turning the corner into town and leaving the confused Storm behind. One issue at a time, being very angry was clearly not a good thing with her current state so the less that would make her mad the better.

She kept grumbling to herself, not really aware of how loudly she was speaking. She drew looks from ponies as she made her way into the marketplace, several conversations stopping and pairs of eyes following her as she made her way forward, not shifting an inch to the left or right as ponies moved out of her way.

She was trying to relax, trying really hard to relax. But she was angry with Luna for trying to bang her stallion, she was angry with Discord for being himself, and Storm just reminded her that she was angry with him too for double crossing them two weeks ago. She looked down and blinked, swallowing hard as she noticed a very faint tint of yellow around her body.

“FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF…” Dash turned and galloped towards the decorative fountain in the center of the marketplace, slammed her hooves on the edge and dunked her head into the water.

Nearly the entire marketplace looked on as a muffled, gurgling scream came from the fountain with lots of bubbles floating up and popping on the surface of the water.

“…UCK!” Dash yelled as she pulled her head out, gasping and wheezing as her sopping wet mane stuck to her head and dripped down her neck and chest. “Haaaaaa…” she exhaled as she slumped down against the fountain and turned over to rest her back against it. She felt a little better, not quite so filled with rage, and the glow had vanished. This was going to be a problem, wasn’t it…? She spent two weeks pretty much relaxed and undisturbed while also wondering what was happening with Soarin… and now after getting riled up in the gym and getting extremely pissed off…? Yeah… she had a problem. Her connection with Soarin was going haywire.

She spent all that time under pressure and in intense combat with the Wonderbolts to reach safe haven here at the Empire, then after dealing with Sombra they finally had it… But of course she just had to find a way to make it anything but relaxing for her. Story of her life, she just couldn’t catch a break and it was her own doing.

She blinked, perking up as she noticed everypony in the market was standing still and staring at her. Her face turned bright red as she realized how publically she was expressing her emotions.

“Ah… haha…” she nervously chuckled as her eyes darted about the onlookers. “I was… uh… I’m just not a morning pony! I get real weird before my coffee! I was on my way to get some now!” She glanced up at the clock tower in the square and her pupils shrunk. “At… noon…”

Before her face could turn any redder, Dash stood up and cantered towards the road leading out of the market, slipping behind the first building she came across and leaning into the wall. She released a heavy sigh as she whipped her head about to shake some of the water from her mane, but it still stuck to her like a wet towel.

“It’s official, I’m losing my mind,” Dash said to herself as she sat down against the wall. She stared blankly at the ground for a moment. “If I have any more of it left to lose…” she kept talking to herself, adding a sarcastic tone as she swayed slightly back and forth. “Stupid… Luna… rubbing herself all over MY Soarin… Stupid Discord… making excuses…” she grumbled under her breath. It didn’t matter what Discord said or how many times she replayed his words in her head. Now not only was Soarin being kept away from her, but now she felt uncomfortable having him in there with Luna, and didn’t feel confident that she and Discord were getting anywhere with him. That on top of running into Storm… and acknowledging that she might have some major issues of her own…

She blinked and looked up. Déjà vu? She was pretty sure she was just seething about this a minute ago. Now she was just going in circles.

She had to do something to get her mind off of it… no… that wouldn’t work, and she had already tried working out. She had to talk to somepony that would listen to her, that understood her on a deeper level, that would know what to say to her and—

“Silver.” Dash said out loud, looking up in an instant. With Soarin unavailable he was the best option, no question.

Without another thought, Dash stood up and made her way out onto the city road, but she came to an abrupt halt, her eyes growing wide and her pupils shrinking.

“I better see you in here tomorrow morning, or I’ll die, follow you to hell, and kick your ass. Got it?!”

It had been two weeks.

“Aw hell, he’s gonna kill me…”

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

Art in this chapter by Foxenawolf

Luna, what the f:yay:k?

Boy THIS sure wont make things really awkward or anything. But if Discord's behavior is any indication, this really is something the gods are struggling to find answers for, while apparently also dealing with an extremely horny Moon and a very persistent Dash. Probably would have helped if he had been up front about everything, but by now we know he wont bring about things if he thinks they can pass without a fuss.

Though Discord did make an effort to point out that there are other things that need to be addressed, and it seems hes not happy that the rest are just laying around while he tries to handle Soarin.

Well, Discord, tough luck. Maybe everypony wouldnt be so stubborn if you hadnt led them on for hundreds of chapters prior.

As for Dash, seems to have a real issue doesnt she? Looks like the connection she shares with Soarin will be a real challenge going forward.But for the time being... she has something else to worry about...

How hard Silver is going to kick her ass from the comfort of his hospital bed when she shows up two weeks later instead of right after like he asked.

GODSPEED DASH... :rainbowderp:

This was a real quick update and short chapter, but i cant say for certain this will be the new norm. My approach to structuring my outline changed for arc 4 and i have a lot more clear and defined cut off point in between events and circumstances to keep things more organized and to avoid lazily merging one scene to another like i had several times in the past. There will likely still be longer chapters in the future, just depends on where i am in the outline and whats happening at the given point.

thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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