• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 138: Screw It

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 138: Screw It

Soarin slept soundly. Something he had not been able to do for a long time. So soundly, in fact, that he had once more drifted into the ‘realm’ within his head without even realizing it. But even there, he slept despite the bright yellow image of the mare sitting to his right and staring down at him.

A very faint image of Rainbow Dash was snuggled up against his body, sleeping with her head resting on his chest as he lay on his back with his hooves up dangling in the air like a kitten rolled over on its back. It looked goofy, but based on what the mare was seeing, she could tell Soarin was feeling quite good about the position he was in, no doubt feeling very relaxed and warm while sleeping soundly beside the mare he loved.

The mare smiled, unable to take her eyes away from the two as they continued to stir slightly, and somehow managed to smush themselves closer together with every motion. The mare giggled softly to herself, unable to deny how ridiculously cute the sight was to her.

But as she stared at the two for longer, she found that the effect wore off quickly, instead her mind turning to something else. It was directly related to what she was looking at.

She slowly glanced over her shoulder, her eyes landing on the blue stallion sitting several paces away with his back turned to her. She glanced between the sleeping couple and the blue, glowing silhouette several times.

She sighed heavily, facing the sleeping couple once more, determining that it wasn’t even worth thinking about. He made it clear he wasn’t going to turn arou—

“Ah!” the mare suddenly gasped as her neck straightened out and stiffened. Her yellow aura surrounding her suddenly grew brighter. She shut her eyes and forced her chin down, grunting, groaning, and stirring as she quickly raised a hoof to her head.

She continued to shake, hunching herself over until she suddenly whipped her head back, her eyes opening as bright shining yellow lights shot forth from them. It lasted for about ten seconds before the light instantly dissipated. She lurched forwards, barely catching herself with her hooves in time before crashing right into Soarin and Rainbow Dash. She gasped and panted heavily as her eyes remained stuck open wider, both trained directly on the woefully damaged horn upon Soarin’s forehead. She blinked several times as Soarin suddenly stirred uncomfortably, his lips parting to reveal his teeth gritting while painful growls escaped his lips. Small flashes of yellow light squeaked through his closed eyelids, yet he remained asleep. As soon as Dash clutched him a little tighter, his grunting subsided and he relaxed once more.


The yellow mare flinched and turned around as the blue stallion suddenly walked up beside her and gave her an intrigued look. He examined her face carefully, taking note of the look in her eyes, the terror in her expression, and it was clear he noticed that she was looking at Soarin’s horn. A small grin began curling on his lips.

“Was that… a premonition?” he asked, his tone sounding sly with growing satisfaction.

“What? I…” The mare’s eyes darted back and forth between him and Soarin. “I…”

“It was, wasn’t it?” the stallion chuckled, his grin growing wider as he too glanced at Soarin’s horn. “It’s going to happen, isn’t it?”

The mare opened her mouth to shout in denial, but her vocal chords failed to produce even a squeak as all the air rushed out in a rough exhale. The stallion laughed, throwing his head back for a moment before smiling wide.

“Ah, your silence is music to my ears!” he taunted as she turned and faced Soarin, but the mare quickly moved in between them, using her superior size to tower over the stallion while also opening her large wings.

“NO!” she yelled down at him, finding her voice. “No… it… it wasn’t that, I…” she sputtered, failing to find any coherent thoughts. The stallion did not falter as she stared down at him. He simply shook his head and scoffed.

“You’re a terrible liar, Celes. There is nopony within the long existence of Equestria that knows you better than I do, not even your little sister. You opened up more to me than even her, you told me that yourself,” he glanced away. “I know how you react when you feel caught or defeated… and right now it’s written all over your face.” The stallion turned and walked around her. She made no effort to shift and block him as he approached Soarin and stared down at the sleeping stallion snuggling with the image of his lover. He scowled and hissed quietly as he looked at Rainbow Dash, her presence still being a major barrier, but if he was reading the mare correctly, it wouldn’t matter in the end. “Hmph…” he grunted as he looked back up at the mare to his left. “Game, set, and match. Now that your convenient godly powers have told me all I need to know, it’s only a matter of time until I have what I seek. And judging by your reaction, I’m willing to bet it’s going to be rather soon.”

“No,” the mare suddenly spoke up, shaking her head.

“Hm? Pardon?” the stallion lifted an eyebrow. The mare turned herself towards him as she continued to shake her head.

“I… I only saw one thing. I did not see how everything ended up,” she explained, forcing a defiant look on her face. The stallion did not look amused, his eyebrow still up as he looked her over carefully.

“And what, pray tell, is that supposed to mean?” he asked, switching eyebrows mid-question.

“It means… that I have hope,” the mare answered.

“Pfff…” the stallion barely held in a laugh. “Hope? What, hope that somehow I'm stopped after the fact? Don’t make me laugh, it’s nothing but a fool’s hope.”

“A fool’s hope is better than no hope,” the mare adamantly held her ground. The stallion flattened his brow and snorted.

“And… if this hope of yours fails? What then?” he pressed, determined to break her resistance.

“Then…” The mare looked down, pausing for several seconds. “I’ll do what I have to do. I’ll do everything in my power to stop you. EVERYTHING.”

“Feh,” the stallion turned his back, whipping both his mane and his tail as he completed the motion. “That’s very easy to say, but I wonder if you will actually go through with it,” he glanced over his shoulder to see the mare simply staring at him, the defiant eyes still in place. “I supposed we’ll just have to wait and see… but I doubt you will,” the stallion cracked a sure smile. “As I just said… nopony knows you better than I.”

The stallion turned himself sideways to her, sitting down and looking up. It was as if he took the position to rub it in, so she could see how smug and sure of himself he looked. The mare glared at him, unable to push any further. There was nothing she could do about his confidence, and she cursed herself for letting him see her experience a premonition, cursing herself further that she made it so obvious towards what it was about.

But it wasn’t like the situation already didn’t feel hopeless. She wondered why she was fighting back in the first place. They had already butted heads more than once and it was clear he wasn’t going to buckle or change his mind.

But… was that really all there was too it? Was there really nothing she could do?

“Is there… really nothing?” she suddenly spoke up again, drawing his attention as she gritted her teeth and stared down at her hooves. “Is there really, absolutely nothing I can say, nothing I can do to convince you?” She abruptly stood up, but kept her eyes down as she walked towards him, shifting her path slightly so she moved past him. “Nothing I can do to make you change your mind?” She looked up and turned her head towards him. The stallion blinked, her eyes had changed completely. They were no longer defiant, they looked… desperate. “Something?” She quickly moved up right in front of him. “ANYTHING?!” She lowered herself down, bowing her head to the ground at his hooves. The stallion blinked in surprise as she took the position of submission. “There must be! I refuse to believe there is nothing!” she started yelling as he looked up at him. “I’ve admitted to my mistakes! I’ve accepted my errors! I know an apology would never make up for it, but… but…” She shut her eyes tight as if she were about to cry. “I… still love you.”

The stallion didn’t move, but he looked down at her with a sharp gaze. His silence seemed to have a chilling effect on the mare.

“PLEASE! PLEASE TELL ME!” she yelled as she reached forwards and grabbed just above his hooves. “PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Am I truly seeing this?” the stallion growled as he glared harshly down at her, wrinkling his nose in disgust. “Are you begging? Groveling?”

“Yes….” the mare didn’t hesitate to admit it. “I am.”

“And which one of us is the god here?”

“Stop it!” the mare yelled as her grip on his hooves tightened. “Just… please, don’t do this, please…”

“No,” the stallion abruptly held his ground. “I’ve already told you several times that you can’t sway me. I don’t care if you’re bowing to me and begging… though I admit, your desperation amuses me.”

The mare was about to plead further, but she gasped as the stallion ripped his arms free of her hooves with one solid step backwards. She shook, her hooves remaining in the air as if she was still holding onto him. He glared down at her and bared his teeth.

“It’s about time you learned that your actions have consequences your HIGHNESS. You and the rest of the high and mighty divine beings of Equestria have done nothing but make an ugly mess of things repeatedly. It’s high time Equestria had a god who understands the true struggles of the mortals they look down upon,” he said whilst standing above her and glaring down. Her hooves dropped to the ground and she let her face drop into them. “And this will be the first step towards achieving that goal. Congratulations, I owe it all to you.”

He turned around and started walking without another word, but the mare began to breath heavily, releasing heavy breaths between her teeth for a moment before taking a deep breath and calming herself.

“Please don’t make me do this…” she said as the stallion stopped, but didn’t turn around. “Please don’t make me destroy you… I don’t want to.” She looked up at him with all the determination she could muster… which was very little.

“You don’t want to destroy yourself,” the stallion glanced back at her again. “In the end, that’s what this is really about.” He faced her again… and suddenly moved towards her at a slightly quickened pace. She gasped as he reached a hoof down, grabbed her chin, and forced her to look directly into his harsh glare. “You’ve never understood sacrifice! You’ve never put yourself at risk!” he snarled at her. “How am I supposed to believe you’re willing to destroy yourself if you’ve never so much as put yourself in danger?!”

The mare’s eyes were stuck open wide, the stallion’s grip on her chin tightening as he forced her to look at him.

“Even during the Black Dragon Scourge… what did you do?!” he went on, yelling in her face. “You stood by your banners, wore your spotless, shiny, regal armor, and sent pony after pony to their death! You did not lift a hoof to battle a single dragon until you learned how to seal them away! You and Luna, two sublime, strong, powerful goddesses… standing atop pedestals while your mindless soldiers threw themselves into the flames for you one by one without a second thought! How many lives could have been saved had you two entered the thick of battle?! How many?!” he belted, his hoof almost shaking as he held on tight to her chin. “No… you didn’t risk it, you stood back and watched.”

“I…” the mare tried to reply, but his words were cutting very deep. Too deep.

“All while I charged headlong into battle… side by side with my soldiers, putting my body and life on the line every single day and night with them! Every life lost felt like a piece of me ripped away! Every life that that threw itself in front of me to shield me from a killing blow broke my heart in two! I remember every pony that died beside me… by name and by rank… and made sure they were rightfully recorded and never forgotten!” His grip loosened a little, but he did not pull away. “Did I question your tactics at the time? Of course not. When I laid my eyes upon you all those years ago, I saw what everypony else saw… a goddess. I saw you as a beacon of hope and our savior when you devised the spell to seal away the endless numbers of the black dragons for good…” He pulled her slightly closer, their noses almost touching as he snarled at her. “But after everything we’ve been through up to this point… I’ve had plenty of time to look back at it all and see you for what you really are.” He exhaled his face softening slightly. “Our love… was pure and true. That I will never deny, but…” His face instantly hardened again. “I have little sympathy for you and your pathetic begging. The shadows cast by what you left behind have finally caught up to you.”

The mare was frozen, unable to say anything or make any noise aside from a lame whimper that escaped her throat as the stallion let go of her. Her head landed in her hooves, staring forward at nothing. The stallion looked down upon her with sharp eyes as he exhaled through his nostrils.

“For an all seeing goddess, you’re naivety is truly stunning. You are unwilling to take the toughest steps and make the hardest decisions. The kinds of things that mortal ponies must do every day of their lives.” He turned around. “And that… is why I’m more than certain that you will do nothing to stop me… and I will get exactly what I seek.”

No more was said.

The stallion left her behind, walking back to where he sat before the entire exchange began. He reached his spot and sat down with his back turned to her.

The mare remained still, staring towards him, but with defeated eyes that had no real direction. With her strength failing her and her confidence shattered. She slowly glanced towards Soarin, still sleeping soundly with a smile on his face.

She could only hope that her confidence in Soarin would not be misplaced.

“Hmmm…” Soarin hummed softly to himself as he slowly awoke from his slumber. His eyelids parted slowly, but remained half open for only a second or so before closing again. He was awake, but way too comfy to even think about moving or getting up. It may have only been a nap, but this was the kind of relaxation he sorely needed and he wasn’t going to let his down time go to waste.

His eyes slowly opened again, not because he was reconsidering getting up or moving, but because he wanted to get a brief look at who was attached to his side.

Rainbow Dash was sound asleep against him, her head sideways with her cheek smushed upon his chest. She clung to him softly, her ears twitching and her lips slightly parted as she breathed steadily. She looked even comfier than he did.

Soarin just kept staring at her for a few moments, both the sight and the feeling of Dash nestled against him made him feel both very happy and relaxed.

After hanging out for a little while longer with Spitfire and Fleetfoot, Spitfire decided she wanted some time for one on one girl talk with her. Feeling pretty satisfied about the situation, Soarin and Dash had retreated to Soarin’s room for some alone time of their own. However, instead of what one might expect the two to do with lots of free time alone, the moment they got there, the two crashed onto Soarin’s bed and drifted to sleep, snuggling in the center of Soarin’s large mattress. Dash was out within seconds of nestling herself into Soarin’s body, and Soarin was a-ok with that, following shortly after. With all the crap they had been fighting through, their chances to simply spend time with each other like a normal couple would was very few and far between.

Soarin blinked as Dash suddenly stirred, released a high-pitched sigh while arching her back and straightening her arms. She nestled herself into him even more, taking a very satisfied, squeaky deep breath and exhaling as she rubbed her cheek into his chest.

Soarin thought his heart was going to explode.

“God, that was adorable…” he said quietly as the urge to give her an affectionate squeeze immediately overpowered him.

“Mrf…” Dash made a muffled noise as Soarin tipped himself to the side and hugged her tightly. “Erk… ow… ow… Soarin…” she grunted quietly as her eyes slowly fluttered open. “Hurt… hurt…” she said with little effort or gusto as if she was more concerned with remaining in the position.

“Deal with it,” Soarin replied defiantly as she grumble mumbled into his chest. “It’s what you get for making cute noises and being huggable.”

“I don’t make cute noises,” she claimed as she closed her eyes and turned, nestling her nose into his fur. Soarin lightened his grip, but was determined to win this debate.

“Yes you do—OW!” Soarin yelped suddenly as he felt a nip right below his chest. “Did you just bite me?”


“Liar,” Soarin chuckled as he poked his nose against the top of her head and nibbled on one of her ears. Dash giggled and began poking him continuously in the side. “Oo! Ah! Hehehastaaaaaaahp!” Soarin snickered as Dash hit his ticklish spots. “I don’t want to hit you by accident!” he pleaded as she kept it up, forcing him to roll away from her and onto his back while grabbing his sides.

Before he could do anything else, Dash suddenly shifted over and pulled herself up, and flopping her body onto his and lying flat, chest to chest.

Soarin blinked as he glanced down, looking directly into a pair of sly eyes and a smug grin.

“What?” he asked with a bit of sarcasm, knowing the look she was giving him quite well.

“Oh… nothing,” she said as she paused to release a long, squeaky yawn. “Just getting comfortable…” she propped up her head with one hoof, tipping it to the side while the other hoof began gently tracing the outline of Soarin’s chest muscles with soft stroking motions. “Just enjoying my free time…”

“And enjoying the view?” Soarin bounced his eyebrows while grinning.

“The view’s okay, I guess… Could use some work…” Dash smirked as Soarin’s ears flopped down and pouted. She giggled, reaching a hoof forward and poking his nose roughly, causing Soarin to shut his eyes as his nose scrunched. “Nice try with that look, you know I’m joking.” She pulled her hoof back, but edged her face closer to him. “I wouldn’t just let any old average looking stallion THIS close to perfection,” she craftily talked herself up while waving a hoof in front of her face. Soarin snorted, his cheeks puffing out as he held in laughter.

“I guess I should be grateful then,” he said with a very sarcastic tone that made Dash chuckle as she dropped her head to his chest and rubbed the side of her face into his chest fluff. The two giggled it up for a few seconds before both taking deep breaths and breathing out. Dash kept her head touched to his chest as she tilted her chin up to get a view of Soarin’s face again.

“It’s been so long since we’ve done this… Just relaxed…” she spoke up as Soarin slowly reached his arms around her and held her gently.

“I know, right?” he agreed, making the effort to be extra gentle with his hooves right near her patched up shoulder.

“I don’t even care if we’re about to fly headlong into danger again, I needed this…” Dash explained as she turned her head over to rest the other cheek on Soarin’s chest.

But she only stayed there for a moment before she picked her head up and shifted backwards. Soarin let go of her as she made the move until she was at a comfortable position to look right at him again.


She had moved just a LITTLE bit further back than she was before. And Soarin found himself subtly twitching and shuddering.

Dash was already more or less straddling his body, so it may not have been intentional. But her inner thighs were suddenly awfully close to the jackhammer. He definitely wasn’t relaxing anymore.

“I can’t wait to get to the Crystal Empire,” Dash went on, seemingly unaware what her current position was doing to Soarin. She stated it confidently in what appeared to be an effort to show her faith in their chances to him, but… Soarin was having a very hard time listening, his eyes darting between hers and down at her body as she spoke. “I’m hoping it’s finally a place we can call a safe haven. We need some real time off without having to check over our shoulders, and we have a lot of this to catch up on,” she said as she sighed happily and reached her arms down around him, hugging herself tightly to his body while closing her eyes and resting her head against his chest. But the moment her head was down, she felt his muscles tensing and his body shivering, in fact, his whole body was shuddering from the chest down. She opened her eyes and lifted an eyebrow as she glanced towards him. Soarin was looking directly at her, his eyelids twitching as he bit down hard on his lower lip.

Dash blinked, as she stared blankly for a moment, but quickly changed to a snarky look.

“What’s that look for?” she asked for the hell of it. She could tell what was on Soarin’s mind, but she asked it anyway. Soarin grunted and let his head fall backwards against his pillow for a moment before taking a deep breath that made both his chest and Dash rise up before he exhaled and quickly looked back to her.

“Gee, I dunno…” he began with heavy breaths in between words. “It might have something to do with how close your fun hatch is to the flagpole…”

“Huh?” Dash glanced over her shoulder to see Soarin’s pelvis shuddering and one of his back legs kicking. She snickered as she turned back around and gave him the most seductive bedroom eyes. “Wowee, Soarin, I wasn’t even trying.”

“Like you even… have… to… try…” Soarin continued to grunt, putting unnecessary emphasis on each word. He looked like he was seconds away from pouncing on her and she was eating it up. More amused by the sight than she felt she should be, she decided to push her luck and tease him a little more. While keeping a wide grin plastered to her face she edged her thighs a little closer to his pelvis. Soarin instant released a sharp gasp, a low-pitched nicker escaping his throat as he reached forward and grabbed her arms as he arched his neck back. She flinched in surprise, but chuckled as she felt Soarin’s incredibly strong grip. “DASH!” he yelled, his voice rising several octaves as he took deep breaths. “Don’t tempt me… I will pin you to this bed!”

In all honestly, Dash was surprised he hadn’t already, but it was probably the smart thing to do, considering they were supposed to be resting and not… well, wearing themselves out. But she just couldn’t resist the urge to tease him, she was evil like that.

“Sheesh,” she giggled as she glanced down at his shaking hooves gripping her arms. She was glad he decided to grab there and not her shoulders… because that would have been painful. “You must be really pent up.”

“You’re damn right I am,” he admitted instantly as he tipped his head back down to look at her while gritting his teeth. “After all the crap we’ve been going through? I think we’ve redefined and eternally inflated the definition of ‘stress’ in the workplace.” His comically wordy explanation was filled with sharp breaths and his grip tightening and loosening in a steady pattern on her arms.

“That’s putting it lightly,” Dash agreed, rolling her eyes with a brief upward exhale that made the bangs of her mane bounce. But she quickly returned her focus to Soarin. They locked eyes, and Soarin began subtly shaking his head as Dash slowly narrowed her eyelids into a seductive stare while licking her upper lip.

“Dash… as much as I want to, we’re—”

She didn’t let him finish. She inched her body a little to the side, turning as well so she could really exaggerate the curve of her back. She placed her hoof on the side of her chest and slowly moved her hoof down her body, over her waist, and onto her plot before moving it down towards Soarin’s body and touched a spot just below his stomach.

The instant her hoof made contact with his body, he stopped shaking, shuddering, and gritting his teeth. He simply flattened his brow and glared at her.

“Fuck it.”

“YeeeEEEE!” Dash suddenly shrieked, giggling as Soarin immediately rolled forwards and toppled Dash over onto her back. “Oof!” she grunted as her back hit the mattress, cringing lightly but only momentarily as she felt a soft tingle of pain in her shoulder and other injured parts of her body. But she played along, immediately sliding her arms behind her head. She looked up seductively as Soarin slammed his hooves down to the bed on both sides of her, lowering his body down but stopping just short of touching her. “Hey, hey…” Dash cooed, winking at him. “Careful there, I’m a little beat up, remember?”

“You have no one to blame for this but yourself,” Soarin shot right back, his nostrils flaring as he exhaled sharply through them. He let his body fall lightly against hers, both of their bodies erupting in jittery tingles as the passion grew. Soarin pressed his hooves down to the mattress, lifting the front of his body up to let his lower body press down a little harder on hers. Dash bit her lip, knowing that he was probably teasing her now. She reached a hoof towards him as he displayed his powerful chest muscles before her, touching a hoof firmly to them and shivering while biting her lower lip hard.

“Wow…” Dash said quietly as she felt her heart flutter with delight, sending shivers of pleasure through her body. “You really want it, don’t you?”

“Kind of,” Soarin replied simply with a smirk while holding the dominant position.

“KIND OF?!” Dash erupted in giggles, as Soarin lowered his body back down and rubbed his nose against her cheek. “Ow… oh… ah…” Dash grimaced subtly as Soarin’s weight pressed down on top of her. He didn’t flat out flop down and was mostly still supporting himself, but her body was very tender at the moment due to her injuries. She turned her head to face Soarin, locking eyes with him. He had a look of pure lust in his eyes. She bit her lip and inhaled quietly, her breath hissing as the look sent a few shockwaves of pleasure through her.

She had really charged him up with little effort… and now she was starting to feel the mood herself. They were already both in a pretty good mood after how well everything turned out with Fleetfoot, and they were enjoying a break from all the fighting… so it was really only a matter of time before this happened. If they really wanted to get some quality rest, they wouldn’t have spent time together to prevent the temptation. But why the hell would they do that?

“Eee!” Dash yelped again as Soarin suddenly reached down and wrapped a hoof around the curve of her back. Soarin didn’t hesitate, increasing the pressure of his body upon hers a little. “Urf…” Dash grunted again. Soarin’s other arm slid around her back, passing by her sensitive wing joints as he slid his chest up her body while reaching his head down and pressed his neck against hers, exhaling loudly as his body shuddered. But then his neck inched down and pressed against Dash’s patched up wound. Dash flinched, but held in any audible response.

Normally, the two of them had a habit of getting a bit… physical when things got hot and spicy, but her body wasn’t in the best condition to handle that. She looked down to see Soarin suddenly prop himself up and shift himself backwards, reaching down to grab her legs. But before he could go for the gold, she quickly reached up both her hooves and pressed them to his chest.

“Whoa there, Bronco…”

“What?” Soarin blinked, giving her a look of impatience. Dash chuckled at his eagerness, giving him a smirk.

“My body is already sore, I just got the shit kicked out of me, remember?” she reminded him. Soarin immediately flattened his brow and scrunched his face.

“Look me in the eyes,” he pointed to his face, letting her leg drop to the bed. “And tell me you don't want it.”

“Who said I didn’t want it, doofus?” she said, adding an extra seductive tone to her voice. Soarin’s face brightened, but he remained still as Dash reached up, grabbed his face, and slowly pulled him back forward and over the top of her until his face was even with hers again, barely inches apart. Soarin let her do all of it, his eyes slowly matched the passion in hers as they came together and their mouths met, their lips parting and locking together.

They both moaned sensually as Soarin reached his hooves up behind her head, both of them running their hooves through each other’s manes as they tilted their heads back and forth, switching from side to side as their tongues began poking out from between their mouths, sliding over each other’s lips and wrestling within. Dash clamped her hooves to the back of his head and pulled herself towards him, her back lifting up from the mattress as she pressed her mouth harder to his.

They both gasped as they released, panting steadily in sync as Dash remained slightly levitated, holding onto him as he kept his body firmly anchored. They stared at one another with lust drunk eyes as Dash smiled and slowly lowered herself back down.

“You bet your ass I want it.” She slid her hooves over his shoulders and slowly down his muscular arms. “Just… be gentle,” she requested, stroking her hooves up and down his arms while giving him the most lustful sex-stare she could muster. “And I feel like you’re a little further ahead… so you better rev me up first until I’m humming just as hard as you,” she demanded while slowly running her tongue over her upper lip.

“Oh? That sounds like a challenge…” Soarin sneered as he leaned down and placed his mouth right beside her left ear. “And I never back down from a challenge… or lose.” His warm breath splashed against Dash’s ear, giving her goosebumps as she shuddered with delight.

“Bring it on,” Dash beckoned with a seductive tone, grabbing him tightly around the neck before he could pull back and forced their faces together once more.

They locked lips again, Soarin leaning into it and forcing Dash’s head to the mattress. Dash released a long, muffled moan of satisfaction as Soarin forced her down, but did so slowly. Her back arched a little and her body tingled as it was gently pressed, the mattress creaking quietly as Soarin weighed her down. He had his whole body against her, but he was being soft, holding himself at the point of contact as his hooves explored her body, running his hooves up and down her, but taking care not to press down over any wounds or bandages. She tingled as his hooves bristled against her fur softly and he pressed lightly to massage areas that he knew were sweet or sensitive places.

Dash continued to moan periodically, mostly muffled due to their lips being stuck together in a battle of sloppy kissing, but a few louder ones escaped every time they parted for air.

“Nnngggghhh…” Dash bit her lip and pressed her hooves hard against his chest as Soarin pulled back and loomed over her. She was pressing with most of her strength but she wasn’t moving him, his position and body too strong for her to budge. She knew he was doing it on purpose, because he knew full well the things about him that really got her going.

Soarin reached down, slipping his hooves behind her back and grasping her gently. He slowly sat up, pulling her up with him. She giggled seductively, going limp in his grip as he hoisted her up, lifting her off the mattress as he sat back on his plot. Dash reached out and clamped her arms and legs around him as he placed her against him. She inhaled sharply as she put her face sideways against his chest and ran her arms up and down his back. She couldn’t even reach her arms fully around the barrel of his chest, his size and his muscles getting in her way.

“Ah! Soarin…” Dash gasped as he gently pressed his hooves above her wing joints and began slowly applying pressure up and down the entirety of the specific pressure points that always made her melt. She shuddered and clasped him tightly, letting out a moan so high pitched it nearly sounded like a squeak.

Wow, it didn’t take him long. She wouldn’t have minded if he went for it right here, but he wasn’t done with her.

“SOARIN!” she nearly yelled his name as he lowered his chin over her head and blew warm breath onto her ears, another spot he often attacked to push her buttons. Soarin grinned as he felt her shudder and twitch against his body, grabbing her earlobe gently in his teeth and nibbling on it while making playful growling noises. Dash started breathing a little harder, pressing her cheek into Soarin’s chest and nuzzling it as Soarin’s two pronged attack on her sweet spots was sending waves of physical glee through her. But the icing on the cake was when he slipped one of his hooves free and gave her plot a subtle squeeze.

Dash pushed off of Soarin, pulling her ear free from his teeth before glaring up at him, not because she was angry… because she was about to attack his face.

She leaned forwards, crashing her lips to his and knocking him over onto his back. The two grunted as Soarin’s back crashed to the mattress, but Dash was on him before he could even take a breath. He pushed her up slightly for a moment to turn his head to the side and take a much-needed breath of air, but the moment he turned back she grabbed his face, turned her head sideways and slid her mouth over his as far as she could, her tongue instantly finding his and tangling with it. She pressed her body down against him as roughly as she could, ignoring any slight pain from her wounds because screw pain, she had a stallion to screw.

Fully convinced that he had satisfied Dash’s request, Soarin quickly got into it himself, grabbing her by the waist and instantly flipping them both around so he was on top. Dash yelped as her back was put to the mattress, but stared right up into Soarin’s lustful eyes, his muscles flexing as he pressed his hooves hard into the mattress on both sides of her. She was loving every second of it, and wanted him… BAD. And he could tell she did, if the look she was giving him was any indication, she was seconds away from jumping on before he could make the dive.

She was already reaching up for him as he lowered himself down on top of her, not changing anything from the way he had done so before, but this time Dash didn’t complain about anything that hurt. She was too busy making out with him to complain and he was too far gone into a primal thought process to remember she was a bit beat up.

The two of them began making slightly involuntary movements as they continued, Dash’s back continuously arching as Soarin kissed her and randomly ran his hooves over her body and into her mane, Soarin flinching and shifting from side to side as Dash clasped the back of his head with a firm grip rooted in his mane.

Soarin’s horn began glowing as the pleasure between the two of them built, the blue and yellow lights swirling around it as they did the last time they pushed themselves like this. The effect on Soarin was drastic and quick, he felt his body go into overdrive, boosted by the magic as it began swirling around his body as well. His muscles twitched and flexed, his breathing became heavy, low growls and nickers escaping his throat as he and Dash continued the intense, fervid, foreplay.

Soarin suddenly pulled back, releasing a subdued, controlled growl that nearly resembled a roar as he pushed himself up, puffing his chest out as he looked down at Dash. Dash wheezed and panted, her now free hooves pressed to her chest and stomach, feeling herself over as she slowly opened her eyes, giving Soarin a seductive look that was free of smirk or smarm, it was a look that simply said ‘I want you.’

She noticed the magic swirling around him, and assumed it would come to her as well like it did before. The thought sent firecrackers off in her head as she recalled the unbelievably pleasurable sensations the phenomenon caused.

“Soarin…” Dash said up to him in a loving, yet very sultry tone as he towered above her with his body locked in a position of strength and dominance. “I’m yours.”

Soarin’s lips parted to reveal and eager, lustful smile, the magic swirling around him glowing brighter. Her invitation was the last push that sent him into over the top. With his body tingling like crazy, he backed up and reached down, grabbing Dash’s legs. She relaxed her body, giving Soarin full control as her heart pounded with anticipation.

She wanted this, and needed this badly.

But suddenly, something didn’t feel right. Her heartbeat grew faster to an uncomfortable degree.

“ARGH!” Soarin suddenly cried out, letting go of her legs and twitching as the light around the horn and his body began to pulsate, the cracks in the horn blinking and shining brightly. “AHHHH!!!!” Soarin grabbed his head and arched his neck back.

“Soarin?!” Dash was instantly filled with panic, a look of shock quickly replacing the one of lust on her face as she propped herself up and cringed. She placed a hoof over her heart to feel it thumping furiously.

“RGH! GRH AH! OW!” Soarin grunted and gasped as he scooted further back and bent down, pressing his face into the mattress as the aura surrounding him blinked and shined faster and brighter. Dash forced herself up, fighting against the tightening feeling in her chest, but before she could reach for Soarin he whipped back up, just barely missing Dash’s face with the sharp end of the horn as his body stiffened upright, his neck fully arched back. “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!” Soarin screamed as several pulses of magic erupted from the horn, some blue and some yellow. The shockwaves splashed against Dash, nearly knocking her over as beams and spurts of magic began shooting from the cracks in the horn as well as the base.

“SOARIN!” Dash yelled his name in horror as she shielded herself, peeking out between her arms as a few of the magic beams struck her, the rest flailing about and exploding against the walls, floor, and ceiling.

“GRRRRRRHHHHHH!!!!!! NO! ST-STOP IT!” Soarin yelled. “STOP IIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!! STOP!” he kept yelling over and over. “NO! NO! NOOOOOO!

Dash could barely hold her ground as the pulses and beams of magic grew more intense, knocking her onto her back.

“Oof!” she grunted as she hit the mattress, but quickly propped herself back up while holding an arm out to shield her eyes. Soarin was still upright, but he was screaming and shouting in pain, magic shooting every direction and turning Soarin’s room into a warzone. He was flailing back and forth, cringing and groaning as flashes of blue and yellow squeezed out from between his eyelids and out his gaping mouth while sparks jumped and danced from the base of the horn.

Dash didn’t take another moment to wonder or speculate anything. There was one thing that helped Soarin control the magic more than anything else… that was her. She couldn’t stay down and protect her body from the out of control bursts of magic, she HAD to do something.

She pushed herself back up, a pulse of magic flooring her the moment she was up and a wayward beam striking her right in the gut, but she forced herself forwards, flinging herself right at Soarin. She grunted as more magic hit her, but brushed it all aside as she closed the gap between them quickly and threw her arms around his body, hugging him as tightly as she could right underneath his chest. She immediately felt zaps and shocks of the surging magic, but she held on firmly, refusing to let go.

“I’M HERE, SOARIN! I’M HERE!!!!!” she yelled desperately, setting aside any and all pain for his sake.

But it wasn’t working.

Dash looked up in horror as Soarin continued to struggle. Her proximity was supposed to help him control the magic, why wasn’t it working?!

Dash began to fear the worst, which wasn’t something she did often, but with how little they knew about the nature of Soarin’s magic… and how the only solution she could think of was what she was already trying…

Did they just… make a huge mistake? The warning given to Soarin was to be careful with intense emotions. They had only considered negative emotions… did it count for positive emotions too? But wasn’t it only supposed to make the horn vulnerable? She never touched it just now, or were the emotions so intense that the power poured over?

“RGH!” Soarin’s eyes suddenly shot open, light shooting out of them. He looked down towards Dash nearly blinding her as he looked, but he saw the terrified look in her eyes, he saw the look of hopelessness.

He had to get this under control… He couldn’t let a mishap like THIS take them both down!

Without taking his eyes off of Dash, Soarin reached down and hugged her tightly, returning the tight, desperate embrace she was giving him.

“RGHHHAAAAAAAAA!!!” Soarin yelled as he fought against the pain and the force of the energy pouring out of him. He did everything he could, used every lesson and every trick, skill, or strategy he had been taught by Fancy Pants and Luna to get a firm grasp.

With intense determination and his mare in his arms. He slowly… slowly regained control. The pulses and uncontrollable expulsions of magic ceased, the aura remaining strong and bright, but that too slowly began to calm. Soarin grunted and groaned as the magic receded bit by bit… until it all sucked back into the horn, ending with a loud POOF and a harsh trail of steam rising from its surface.

“AH! Ah…” Soarin cried out as it all finally ended, slumping forward limply. Dash tried to prop him up, but she was in a poor position to do so. Soarin fell forward, pushing her down with him and landing right on top of her. Dash grunted as she hit the mattress, Soarin’s weight smushing her into it, but she slowly shimmied her way out.

“Soarin!” she called to him frantically as he slumped flat to the mattress, panting and wheezing with long, heavy, painful breaths that made his back rise and fall while twitching. “Oh my gosh…” Dash quickly placed herself beside him and lied down, nestling her side into his and nuzzling his cheek. She held a hoof over her chest as her heartbeat remained rough and pressured, but had calmed down considerably compared to moments prior. “Are you okay?” she asked. He clearly wasn’t, but she just wanted a response, she just wanted him to say something.

Soarin didn’t speak for several moments, Dash pressed to his side throughout, but he eventually released a long, quiet, but clearly frustrated sigh.

“You’ve… got…” he spoke in a raspy tone, prompting Dash to remove her face from his so she could see him. “To be… kidding me…” Soarin growled quietly as his eyes squeaked open and looked hazy as if he was devoid of energy or hadn’t slept in days. He gritted his teeth and gripped the mattress. “Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!” he growled louder, but immediately flinched as small sparks jumped from the horn again. “Ah…” His chin plopped back down to the mattress and he sighed.

“Soarin, take it easy…” Dash urged him, not sure what else to say aside from slight guidance. Soarin shook his head subtly.

“So this is what it’s come to… huh?” he spoke, his breath calming down enough for him to get through full sentences without pauses. “Keep my emotions in check… don’t let them get out of control… it goes fucking both ways?” he shut his eyes and groaned. “I’ve put up with the headaches, I’ve put up with near heart attacks, I’ve put up with uncontrollable power spikes, blackouts, and all the other crap that this stupid relic and the damn magic has put me through…” Soarin started growling again. “But now…” he slowly turned his head to look at Dash. “Now I can’t even…” he paused, his eyes squinting into a frustrated glare as Dash continued to looking him over with concern. “This god damned horn is so far gone that I can’t even MAKE LOVE to you without putting us at risk?! That’s…” he slammed his eyes shut. “That’s the last straw, I can’t take this, I…” He ripped his hooves free of the mattress and slammed them down multiple times. “RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” He roared out, the horn flaring up again and sparks bouncing from it.

“Soarin! Stop!” Dash yelled as she grabbed his arm and forced him back to the mattress. The magic died down as he breathed heavily, but he did not resist, remaining in Dash’s grip.

Dash didn’t know what to do. It was frustrating for her too, but… she couldn’t imagine how hard it was on Soarin. She had been side by side with him from the start and witnessed first-hoof all the very inconvenient or woefully annoying issues he’d been putting up with. This was the thick, stale icing on the moldy cake. It had gotten so bad that Soarin’s own emotions put him in danger… and it prevented them from making love.

That was crossing way over the line. It was preposterous, unbelievable… but there was nothing they could do about it here and now.

“I’m done… I’ve had it…” Soarin spoke again as Dash held on tightly, squeezing his arm to offer up any physical comfort she could. “Enough is enough… I just want to get rid of this damn thing, I just want to be the pony I was before all of this was forced on me. This damn horn… this damn magic… THIS DAMN—”

“Soarin… just… stop, please,” Dash pleaded as cutting him off as she nestled herself against him. She snuggled up until there was no way she could possibly have more of her touching him. “Forget about the sex… Forget about the magic right now… Just…” she slowly turned her head towards him.

“How CAN I?!” Soarin raised his voice again. “This—!” He immediately stopped as he turned his head and saw how… crushed Dash looked. He stared at her as she turned away and pressed her cheek into his neck.

“Just don’t talk about it… the magic, the horn… Just don’t, please,” her voice was shaky. She wasn’t crying, but she sounded so sad, it was bringing him out of his fits of rage, and that was probably a good thing. He sighed as he looked forward at the wall and shifted a little to snuggle with her. “I just want to be close to you right now,” Dash continued. “Don’t be angry… I don’t want you to hurt yourself…”

And there it was, just as he thought. His emotions just came this close to causing a disaster… so it was better for both of them if he let it go, as much as he didn’t want to. He wanted to say more, to rant more, but Dash was right.

He’d rather focus on her anyway… but wow… talk about a massive buzzkill. So much for all the good stuff that happened earlier that day, this ruined it completely. He reached an arm over Dash and clutched her tightly. It was a little too tight, but Dash didn’t complain. All she wanted was for Soarin to relax and prevent further magic bursts. She’d gladly feel a little bit of pain if holding her tightly made him feel better.

And just like that… Reality wedged itself in between them and set in. All the good vibes that were very much welcomed and enjoyed after a terrifying confrontation with the enemy crashed and burned horribly.

So much focus had been put on the Shadowbolts and fighting their way through to the Crystal Empire, that Soarin’s dilemma had almost disappeared into the background. Everypony was so focused on reaching safety… and extra incentive had been pouring in with Wave, Silver, and their Shadowbolt captives all in urgent need of care.

But what about Soarin?

What about the danger he was in? Aside from Dash, Luna, Discord, and Spitfire, there had been little to no attention on Soarin. His condition was worsening by the day, new issues and new damage to the horn gradually piling up. He was now in a fragile state, barely under control of his power like a bomb ready to go off the moment the horn got nicked or he lost control of himself in any way.

Should they reach the Crystal Empire, what would it mean for Soarin? For both of them? This was as much of an issue for Dash as it was for Soarin, with their lives tied together and their souls connected to help contain the terribly powerful force within him. Was there anything that could be done? Could they finally rid Soarin of the magic, or at least fix the horn? The Crystal Empire had some well-known wizards, not to mention another Alicorn in Princess Cadence.

They wouldn’t know until they got there, but they weren’t going to hold their breath. One thing had become crystal clear throughout the whole experience. When it came to the magic and the horn, good news rarely flowed their way. They could hope, but it was a thin hope, barely enough to hold onto. They’d have to rely on each other, as usual. So with little hope in their grasp, they simply held onto one another for now as they let the mood come down from lust… it’s not like they could do anything with it anyway.

A great moment of passion lost… but perhaps it was for the better, if one could be dismal enough to see any good in what just happened.

Forced to be calm, lying on the mattress together, in a room now covered in small bits of damage from a nearly exploding horn…

It was an all too horrifying reminder of the danger they were still in, a danger much different and separated from the danger they faced from the Shadowbolts.

They would have to stay on their hooves, the journey to the Crystal Empire was going to be a rough one for the two of them.

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

Art in this chapter by NorthernLights8 and Foxenawolf.

Oh im such troll.

No doubt a lot of people who often prod me to write sex again are gonna be coming after me with torches and pitchforks.

But fellas! This is not an M rated fic so you KNEW i was gonna cut it off before it got that far in some shape or form.

But i definitely toed the line hard enough knowing full well i was gonna make some people rage :rainbowlaugh:

now to serious stuff...

Quite the conversation in Soarin's head... and quite the close call with the horn! Soarin's lucky nothing happened right there, they almost couldn't get it back under control!. All too much of a reminder of Soarin's situation that seems to be growing worse and worse by the day as they fight for their lives.

Next chapter is also likely going to be short and the outline is already done, so hopefully the wait won't be too long.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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