• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 32: Senior Flight Instructor Silver Lining

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 32:

Dash sighed as she walked through the hallway that used to be filled to the brim with makeshift bunks. As weird as it looked for the main hallway of the recruit barracks to be so wide open, she barely even registered it.

It didn’t matter what she saw or did, if Soarin was ever on her mind, he took precedent. It didn’t matter how many times she told herself he was just being professional, something about their exchange… or lack thereof in the lobby upon arrival just felt so cold. There was no feeling between them. She felt no emotion from his eyes.

It’s not like she expected him to be happy. She did yell at him and say some awful things. She knew it wasn’t going to be easy to apologize… but she never dreamed the pressure in her chest would feel so heavy. She found her worry expanding into every inch of her heart.

This was not good. She had to focus on why she was there, not her personal problems. She could solve the dilemma with Soarin later… but it was just bothering her so much! She felt the need to keep her relationship with Soarin under wraps like she had before, but she felt like if she waited too long things would go even further south. If things went further south, her focus would surely suffer. She was at a three way stop, and every direction was a dead end.

“Are you alright?”

“GAH!” Dash’s wings spread and she fired straight up. A large black wing extended and stopped her ascent.

“Careful, the ceiling’s low in here,” a sharp griffon accent stuck to the words.

“Sweet foal Luna… Matteo, how the hell are you so quiet?!” Dash put a hoof over her chest and took a few deep breaths.

“I’ve been walking behind you since the mess hall. It’s not like I’m trying, paws and talons are quieter than hooves,” Matteo put simply as he they continued towards their assigned barrack.

“It’s nothing, I’m fine,” Dash lied through her teeth so hard they almost got knocked out.

“That’s not how I see it,” Matteo commented. “I saw you in the mess hall. I was one table down. You said nothing, and didn’t even flinch when Twister tried to annoy you.”

“Wait, what did Twister do?” Dash stopped in her tracks and glanced at Matteo.

“You really didn’t see him? He was making faces at you from all directions… even right in front of you,” Matteo explained as he stopped and turned slightly to look down at her. Dash blinked as she tried to recall it. She remembered eating a few minutes ago… but she couldn’t recall anything else that happened in the mess hall. She was too busy thinking about Soarin. Twister was messing with her and she didn’t even notice?

This was worse than she thought.

“Okay, fine…” Dash gave in as they began walking again. “I’ve got some shit on my mind right now.”

“Bad timing,” Matteo put bluntly. Dash rolled her eyes.

“No, really?” she said sarcastically as they approached the door to their assigned barrack.

“I suggest you put it aside for now,” Matteo continued. Dash stopped again and shot him a slightly annoyed look.

“You’re also very helpful…” she said even more sarcastically.

“When I make the top five I’d hate for one of your skill to be left out,” Matteo said with a completely straight face as he opened the door. Dash’s face made a full shift from annoyed to surprised. “Or would you rather go home a reserve?”

Dash blinked as she looked up into Matteo’s permanent glare. He was being completely serious. He was also… completely right. Dash was worried about Soarin and Soarin was very important to her, but even if she did work to fix things ASAP, if she screwed up in the Wonderbolt process, she’d be stuck back at square one. Order of operations. Soarin was important, but she had to secure HER future before fixing theirs.

Dash may have been without her old friends to guide her, but she had new ones that could offer aid here and there. Even if it was blunt and stone-faced. The effect was what mattered.

“Ha!” Dash chuckled and smiled as she felt some confidence return. “Me? A reserve? Get real,” she flipped her mane over her other shoulder. “Just don’t slow me down,” she winked at Matteo and she swore she saw just a little smile in the corner of his beak.

They walked into the room and through the aisle of bunks. These bunks were different than the makeshift ones thrown together for the tryouts. These were real, wooden bunk beds with real mattresses. There were five bunks on each side of the room for two ponies each, with an extra-large single bed shoved into the corner on the left side for Matteo. It reminded Dash of the bed Soarin had in his room. She was sure the staff had no choice but to give Matteo a deluxe bed. He certainty didn’t fit on any of the standard bunks.

With a smaller room and only twenty of them total, Dash felt a hell of a lot less cramped. There was even at least five feet of space between the bunks. A lot more room to move and stretch. They even had large footlockers to store their things instead of makeshift dressers. She liked it. She had already claimed a bottom bunk before the week of rest. She had grown accustomed to it during the tryouts. She had yet to see who decided to be her bunkmate though.

She looked around the room examining the other recruits as she sat down on her bed. She actually still hadn’t met most of them. She figured at some point she’d get to know them, but she already had a little bit of a crowd she rolled with.

Speaking of, she scanned the room to find her acquaintances. Matteo was over by his bed, but she had just talked to him. She looked to her left to see Thunderlane setting up in the bottom of the bunk to the immediate left of hers. He looked up and gave her a brief wave. She nodded and went back to scanning. Twister was perched on top of the bunk across from hers. He was leaning over the side and staring like a vulture down at Squall, who was in the bottom of the bunk beside Twister’s, sitting with his back against the pillow with his front arms crossed, and still scowling for no reason.

Twister and Squall? Dash could only imagine how that conversation would go.

The only one she couldn’t find was Little Star… Where was that little filly? Dash really wanted to introduce herself to her. So young, but a Wonderbolt recruit? It was kind of awesome. Dash blinked when she felt the bunk move slightly. Dash looked straight up and saw the mattress shifting above her.

Oh… no wonder she couldn’t see Little Star. Were they bunkmates?

Dash stood up from her bed and took two steps out to create a little distance between her and the bed frame. She didn’t want to creepily peer over the side of the top bunk at a filly. That was a one way ticket to being feared or disliked on the first impression. Dash softly hovered into the air, and lo and behold, Little Star was on the top mattress, mixing up her pillow. Perfect, Dash could finally meet her, and since they were bunkmates, maybe get to know her.

“Hey there!” Dash spoke up while putting on the friendliest air she could muster. The filly stopped fluffing the pillow and turned to look at Dash. Her long, pink and yellow mane swished around and covered her face, but she quickly reached up and pushed it aside. “You must be Little Star, I’m Rainbow Dash, I guess we’re bunk mates,” Dash stuck out a hoof. Little Star gave her a warm smile and nodded. Star opened her mouth to speak, but her voice was completely muffled by—

“DAMMIT! QUIT IT!” Squall's voice echoed across the room.

Dash sharply turned to see Twister standing on the vacant portion of Squall’s bed and stretching his neck all the way forward to get in Squall’s face.

Dash sighed and shook her head. Those two were going to be a disaster.

Well then…” Dash turned back to Little Star. “You know I’ve been wanting to say this for a while. You are kind of really awesome. I mean, come on who would expect a little filly like you to become a Wonderbolt? It’s really inspiring and—” Dash suddenly stopped when Little Star’s expression quickly changed from cheerful to flat. Dash blinked. “Uh… what?” she asked while tipping her head slightly. Little Star sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Honey, don’t worry, I get this all the time…” Little Star’s voice was finally heard… but it was mature and refined… “I’m not a filly. I’m thirty,” she said very calmly and casually.

Dash’s eyes widened and her mouth slammed shut. She stared at star with a completely blank look.

“Oh… uh…” Dash found her voice as her eyes darted back and forth. “Er…” she really didn’t know how to respond. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry…” she just apologized and let her head hang, but Star let out a hearty giggle.

“Oh stop, stop…” she inched forward, grabbed the sides of Dash’s head and forced her up. “Like I said, I get it all the time. Besides, does my age change the opinion of your compliment?” she asked as Dash blinked.

“Huh? Oh!” Dash realized and thought for a moment. “No… you had some really sick moves. That’s what really caught my attention,” Dash explained. Star smiled and nodded contently.

“Then thank you!” she bowed. “It’s nice to meet you Rainbow Dash,” she replied politely before going back to her bed. It looked like she was trying to make it seamless and wrinkle-free, so Dash left her alone, sitting back down on her bed.

Well… that was unexpected. Dash was beginning to lose count of how many ‘out of the ordinary’ ponies she had met during this whole experience. But she supposed if one wanted to be a Wonderbolt, they already had to be at least a little out of the ordinary. Needless to say, Little Star was yet another pony of interest, but she also seemed very nice. Dash was confident they’d get along.

“Huh?” Dash looked up as she saw Wonderbolt staff members, earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi alike passing through their room with bedroom supplies. Pillows, pieces of a bed frame, a dresser, even a desk at one point.

Dash followed them with her eyes and realized they were taking them to a separate room that she at first assumed was a janitor’s closet. The back wall of their barrack had two doors, leading to the mare’s and stallion’s bathroom/shower rooms. On the left side of the wall next to the entrance of the stallion’s bathroom, was Matteo’s bed, but on the other beside the mare’s bathroom, was an open space where this mystery door was. If the staff was setting up a room in there… who was going to use it?

A sharp whistle suddenly came from the entrance. Dash, the recruits, and all the Wonderbolt staff turned to look. High Winds was standing in the doorway. She released a loud, high pitched yawn before waving her hoof in a circle in the air.

“All staff… Skedaddle. It’s show time,” she said lazily as she turned and walked right back out the door. Dash and the recruits all stared in confusion, but the staff members quickly finished moving what they had brought so far before all making haste towards the entrance. They were all gone within half a minute, closing the door behind them.

Dash glanced over at Thunderlane. Thunderlane looked at her and shrugged. Dash looked to Matteo across the room next, but he was just as confused.

Then the door suddenly slowly opened again.

Soarin pondered what to do. Dinner had just ended, they had no meetings scheduled, and he didn’t feel like hitting the gym again.

He stopped in the middle of the lobby and glanced in every possible direction. The flight track? No. Maybe stop in the training room for a massage? Nah. The gym? Wait didn’t he already decide against that one?

“Rgh…” Soarin shook his head. The only other option was to go back to his room, but he didn’t feel like sitting down. He had too much on his mind still. The little comedy show in Spitfire’s office before dinner was a nice, but brief relief from his other troubles.

He had to just forget about Dash for now. Damage had been done, but trying to fix it all when neither of them were in a position to do so would only lead to more potential problems. They’d get to it… but it sucked having to wait so long with a sour taste in his mouth. If only he could just approach her and find out what was on her mind…

“Hey Wonderbro!” Air Mach’s voice suddenly came from behind him. Soarin turned in time to see Air Mach sling his arm over his shoulder and point towards the recruit barracks. “What are you standing around for!? You’re gonna miss the show!”

“Huh?” Soarin blinked as Air Mach began pulling him along. Soarin didn’t retaliate as Air Mach pushed through the doors into the main hallway of the barracks. There was a large gathering of Wonderbolts in front of one of the doors.

Upon closer inspection, Soarin realized the crowded door was the room where the new recruits were being kept. Lightning Streak and Surprise were closest to the door with Blaze and High Winds right behind them. A large number of other Wonderbolts from multiple squads had gathered around.

It took him a moment, but then Soarin realized what was happening.

“Oh… that’s right…” Soarin blinked as he remembered asking Spitfire about who was training the recruits.

“Got the list? Don’t miss any details,” Lightning asked surprise as a grin curled on his lips. Surprise unrolled a very long list that rolled along the floor, through the gathered crowd, and all the way to the opposite wall.

“You betcha! Ready and waiting!” Surprise exclaimed as she ruffled to the end of the list and crouched down with a feather quill. Soarin chuckled at the elaborate preparations. He pulled himself free of Air Mach and approached the door as well, leaning in.

“Did he just go in?” Soarin asked Blaze.

“Yeah, shit’s about to get real!” she smirked giddily.

“Oh man, this’ll be good…” Soarin listened carefully.


All of the recruits jumped as the voice boomed into the room and ricocheted off every surface. They froze and stared towards the entrance.

Silver Lining was standing right inside. He quickly looked at all of them just staring and he glared harshly.

“Did I STUTTER!? GET! LINED! UP!” he belted in a voice so terrifying and demanding that it only took the recruits five seconds to line up accordingly and stand attention. Dash remembered this from flight camp, only it was Spitfire barking at them. She expected it would be the same, but something about Silver Lining… was much more intimidating.

Silver slowly began pacing up and down the center of the aisle. He shot heavy looks back and forth at all the recruits as he moved. He walked from the entrance to the opposite wall, then back, then once more down and back before turning and stopping by the entrance again.

“Hmm… I wasn’t expecting pansies…” he said to himself before clearing his throat. “Evening recruits, and welcome to Wonderbolts training camp! I guarantee you that is the first and last time you will hear me say something nice to you during your one month of training to come!”

Silver began pacing back through the aisle again.

“For those of you who don’t have a goddamn clue… my name is Silver Lining… I have been selected by Captain Spitfire to be your Senior Training Instructor. Why did she select me? Because for some reason she thinks you’re all the best she’s ever seen… Well I beg to differ…” he stopped in the middle and sharply turned to the recruits on his right. They all flinched. “If you were the best… you wouldn’t NEED training!” he turned all the way around to his left. “You’re nothing but doormats under our hoofs!” he paced to the other end of the room and faced them with his back to the bathrooms.

“In one month’s time,” he scanned the room. “You’re all gonna hate my guts to the point where I’ll have to sleep with a security guard posted outside my room! But it will be because of ME that you will be the finest flyers we’ve ever had. Spitfire thinks you already are… well she’s wrong, I have to MAKE you the finest flyers first,” he paused and scanned them again.

“Now it’s time to set some ground rules… RULE NUMBER ONE! Why the hell are you all still looking at me?!” he suddenly yelled out angrily. “When I am present you stand attention and FACE FORWARD!” On cue, Dash and the rest of the recruits all turned, stiffened, and faced straight forward. “You will not look at me unless I’m looking directly at you! If you turn your head so help me Celestia I will force feed you LIGHTNING! REAL LIGHTNING!

Dash swore she heard a few snickers outside the entrance door, but she didn’t look. She didn’t feel hungry for lightning at the moment.

“Good, we got that one down… RULE NUMBER TWO!” he started walking back down the aisle. “When I speak to you… the first and last words out of your damn mouths will be SIR! Do I make myself crystal clear?!” Silver froze mid-step and glanced around. “WELL?!

“Sir, yes sir!” the recruits all said together in sloppy unison.

“Was that supposed to convince me?!” Silver fumed. “I can’t make you do anything, BUT I CAN MAKE YOU WISH YOU HAD!

“SIR, YES SIR!” the recruits all yelled in better sync.

“That’s more like it! Something that I find absent among a lot of our flyers today… is proper respect for authority! Well guess what? By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be licking our hooves clean unless we tell you not to!” Silver snorted in slight satisfaction. “Now then… lemme see what kind of ponies they gave me…”

There had been a lingering fear amongst the recruits since Silver had made them all stand attention. The fear had just become a reality. He was walking up to each recruit and eyeballing them closely. None of them dared to move. He had already successfully intimidated them all. Even Dash felt no urge to test Silver.

Silver stopped directly in front of Squall first. Squall was standing attention, but even in this scenario his heavy scowl remained. Silver stared headlong into it as if it wasn't even there.

“That’s a pretty smile you’re giving me recruit! What’s your name dirt bag?!” Silver yelled in his face.

“Sir! Squall, sir!” Squall replied with a hint of annoyance that didn’t go unnoticed.

“Whoa ho! I sense animosity! That’s a damn record I’ve only been in here for five minutes! Are you that fast at everything?! Huh?!” Silver barked. Squall picked up on what he was saying and his scowl hardened. “Don’t you look at me in that tone of voice recruit! Answer the question!” Squall glared even harder. “This is rich, do you honestly think you scare me chuckle nuts? Think again smiley, you’re about as vicious as a bowl of Ovaltine! Since you’d rather not say, I’m gonna go with ‘yes!’” he sharply turned away and kept walking before Squall could glare at him even harder.

Silver was walking with heavy stomping steps as he looked back and forth for his next target. He stopped at the end of the left side and stared up at Matteo.

“Holy shit! You’re the ugliest pony I’ve ever seen!” Silver extended his wings and hovered up to he could get in Matteo’s line of sight. “Either that or you took one hell of a wrong turn looking for the Sky Wings! I know how griffons are, warrior spirit and some other fun shit! Should I expect you to look down on me? HUH?!” he yelled as he rose slightly higher than Matteo’s head to look down at him. Matteo didn’t flinch, nor did he miss a beat.

“Sir! I will respect your authority at all times, sir!” Matteo replied. Silver lifted an eyebrow.

“Apparently griffons are suck ups too! I’m already feeling the love! How hard can you suck recruit? Can you suck hard?” Silver got as close to Matteo’s face as his beak allowed.

“Sir, no sir!” Matteo tried to deflect.

“I doubt that, fatass! I bet you could suck a watermelon through a saxophone!” Silver shot back before instantly breaking away and heading for the other side.

Dash gulped as he started walking and stopped in front of Little Star beside her. Silver looked down at her, blinked, put his hoof up to his forehead, and then slowly lowered it down to her head.

“Sweet mercy recruit… I’ve pinched loaves bigger than you… come find me next time we go get a drink, I’ll be sure to order you a thimble of whiskey!” he said nothing more to her. Star got off easy.

Dash froze solid as Silver stepped towards her, but right before he stopped, Silver’s head turned to Thunderlane beside her instead. Dash couldn’t see him well in her peripheral vision, but Thunderlane was clearly shaking. Silver slowly walked over to Thunderlane and slowly moved his face forward until his nose was almost pressed to Thunderlane’s. Silver was at least a head taller than him, which just added to the effect.

“What’s the matter recruit? Are you scared?” Silver sniffed sharply. “You smell like fear. You afraid of me recruit!?” he raised his voice slightly at the end. Thunderlane gulped.

“S-sir, y-yes sir!” Thunderlane’s voice cracked so hard Dash winced.

“Could you repeat that in a frequency we can hear, recruit?!” Silver pressed his nose to Thunderlane’s.

“S-S-S-S-Sir!” Thunderlane stuttered, only managing the first sir.

“What the hell recruit!? I’m a fun guy! I can carry a conversation, you just gotta speak, dammit!” Thunderlane tried again but only squeaked. He pushed his head further into Thunderlane's face, making making him stumble. “God dammit recruit! Do us a favor, grab your balls and twist until you find a voice!”

Dash felt a snicker try to escape her throat. Oh no. Oh no, no, no. Dash would hold it in. She was more than certain if she laughed at all Silver would tear her a new one.

However, in her effort to not laugh, she didn’t realize that she was turning her head to look towards them.


“S-sir, yes sir!” Thunderlane managed to find his voice.

“That’s more like it!” Silver pushed his face harder into Thunderlane, Thunderlane stumbled backward again, but still stood attention. “Now, ask me if I’m a tree!”

“Sir, Uh…wha—?”

“I SAID ASK ME IF I’M A TREE!” Silver repeated. Thunderlane blinked.

“Are you a—”

“NO!” Silver cut him off, yelling at the top of his lungs. Thunderlane’s mane nearly blew back under the pressure of Silver’s voice.

Dash let it slip. She quickly put a hoof to her mouth as she snorted. She instantly realized what she had done. As soon as she looked back up, she noticed she had not only turned slightly to watch, but Silver Lining was staring directly at her. Dash quickly turned back and faced forward.

Silver slowly pulled away from Thunderlane and slowly moved over to Dash.

“And just what the hell were you staring at, Skittles?” he narrowed his eyes. Dash was fearing for her life, but there were still laughs trying to surface. A goofy smile refused to leave her face. “Don’t you smile at me…” he said quietly as he instantly got right in her face. Dash flinched and her eyes widened. “I’m not your mother. I do not make you cookies. I don’t hold your hoof across the street and I sure as HELL don’t want to see you smile.”

Dash suddenly felt very, very intimidated.

“It didn’t take long for you to break my first rule… do you think you’re better than me?” he kept speaking quietly.

“SirNoSir!” Dash replied so fast, the words almost merged together. She felt it build up in her throat again. Why was she struggling to suppress laughter? She was going to bring death upon herself at this rate. She snorted again and the smile crept back on her face. Silver’s eyes narrowed considerably and he gritted his teeth.

“What the hell did I just say to you recruit?!” he barked. “Why do you keep smiling at me?! Do you wanna bang or something?!” He stepped forward, forcing Dash to step back.

“Sir, no sir!” Dash desperately replied as she forced her face back to a serious expression. Silver raised both his eyebrows while still keeping them angled down… Dash had never seen anypony do that before, but it was terrifying.

“Huh?! I’m suddenly not good enough for you?!” He had pushed himself so far forward that Dash’s plot was pressed against her bunk. She was forced to crouch as he forced himself over her.

“Sir! Uh… y-yes… Sir?”

“OH! SO YOU DO WANNA BANG ME THEN!” Silver started moving his head down as Dash condensed further.

“Uhhhhhh, SIR, THIS RECRUIT DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO RESPOND SIR!” Dash desperately replied.

“Well that’s too bad!” Silver pulled back completely, returning Dash’s personal space to her. “Get up!” he ordered. Dash was back on her hooves faster than one could blink, standing attention, and no longer feeling the urge to laugh. Silver was still right in front of her though. “From now on, if you eye me like that again, I might just consider it! Hell, you were looking into my eyes like you wanted to be the little spoon!” He pressed his face to hers again. “But so help me Celestia, if you break my number one rule one more time, I will shove my head through your chest and DROP KICK YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS! IS THAT CLEAR RECRUIT!?”

“SIR, YES SIR!” Dash yelled out. Hoping, wishing, and pleading for him to move on. Thankfully he did. Dash had never had so much willpower thrust upon her in her life. Silver Lining sure knew how to make a pony regret breaking rules. She sure as HELL was never going to break attention again!

Silver began walking towards the entrance, making the recruits believe for a moment that the worst was over… for now. But then Silver stopped and turned sharply towards the left side again. His eyes landed on Twister, who was facing forward, but had his typical maniacal grin plastered to his face.

“What the hell?” Silver said quietly as he turned and strutted up to Twister. Twister was smaller than Thunderlane, so Silver towered over him. “I’ve seen some shit in my life… but this…” Silver bent down and locked eyes with Twister.

Despite being afraid of him now, Dash was legitimately curious how Silver would handle Twister. Fleetfoot was able to take him down a notch… but it didn’t seem like Silver had the same crazy spirit as Fleetfoot.

“Do you always look this stupid or is it just when I’m around?” Silver asked him. Twister didn’t respond, he just smiled wider to the point where his teeth were showing and lifted one of his eyebrows. Silver didn’t flinch. “Has anypony ever told you that you have the traits of a foal who’s mother frequently drank bleach during pregnancy? You’re about as screwed up as a soup sandwich! Well, I’m all ears recruit… what do you have to say for yourself?”

Twister was suddenly gone in the blink of an eye. He tried… Dash couldn’t believe Twister ACTUALLY tried.

Silver didn’t move from his spot. In fact, he kept staring right where Twister was before disappearing. All Silver did was lift up his right hoof and slam it down hard.

“ARGH! ACK!!!!” a painful shout came from below him. Silver slowly looked down. Twister was stuck with Silver’s hoof pushed firmly on his chest. Silver leaned his head down and pressed his nose against Twister’s.

Dash had seen Twister look confused… but this was the first time she had seen him look afraid. He had a genuine look of fear in his eyes as Silver grinded his teeth together so hard it could almost be heard from everywhere in the room.

“You got balls… I admire them. But if you seriously thought you could mess with me and get away with… you’re SADLY mistaken. YOU LITTLE SHIT!” He yelled into Twister’s face.“I’ve got your soul! I’ve got your ass! You will not smile! You will not laugh! You will not enjoy a single moment of this month and I will make sure of it!” He was yelling so hard, Twister had to shut his eyes. “You think you’re so sly and sneaky?! You’re about as sneaky as a ten pound bag of hammered dog shit! I’ve never met a recruit more messed up in the head! I bet your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory!”

Dash definitely heard it that time… from the entry door… snickering and the sound of stifled laughter. What was going on out there?

Silver pulled his head back from Twister, but kept glaring down at him. He lightened the pressure of his hoof a little, but still kept it in place so Twister couldn’t get up.

“Damn son, the only thing keeping me from breaking you in half right now is that I don’t want TWO of you around!” he picked up his hoof. “ON YOUR HOOVES!” he barked. Twister scrambled to his hooves in an extremely clumsy manner. Dash had never seen Twister so broken… Silver was… unreal.

Silver waited for Twister to stand at full attention before getting in his face again.

“You better wise up wise ass, or I will FIND WAYS to make you!” He yelled. “I swear if I find you pulling your creepy disappearing acts again, I will crawl up your ass and EXPLODE!” he thrust his face forward on the last syllable. “We clear, recruit?!”

“Sir, yes sir!” Twister’s voice sounded… normal. The creepy tone completely gone. Silver pulled away from him and walked towards the entry door.

“Well! It was nice getting to know you all! I’m sure I’m gonna have lots of fun!” he pointed towards the other side of the room. “I’m sure you saw our staff setting up that room… that is MY room. That’s right, I even have to sleep down here with you slapdicks. Get comfy cause we’re gonna get to know each other very well!” he turned to the door. “At ease!” he called before exiting.

Nopony moved. Despite Silver calling ‘at ease…’ nopony moved for a good minute. Dash was in awe. Silver Lining was unlike anything she had ever experienced. The way he could control an entire room of ponies at the drop of a hat was insane. He also made her quickly understand what would happen if she disobeyed orders.

Silver was the oldest member of the Wonderbolts… and it was clear why he was still among the elite past his prime. You don’t find a pony as intimidating as that very often… but on the positive side? Dash was sure she would get the best training imaginable. With a pony like Silver Lining, there was nothing less expected. This month was going to be one hell of a ride.

Silver Lining stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him. He turned and froze, looking directly at Soarin, Lightning, Surprise, Blaze, High Winds, Air Mach, and many more all gathered around.

As soon as he looked, everypony burst out laughing. Silver flattened his brow and shook his head at all of them. Lightning patted him on the back.

“Dude, I was in tears out here. You are GOLD man! Pure gold!” he chuckled. Silver rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, I just do my job son,” He started walking away. Surprise dove at his hooves with the long list of Silver’s rants folded and tangled around her.


“Later,” he answered casually as he kept walking. Air Mach stepped in front of him and pounded a hoof against his chest.

“Hey Old-Timer! You’ve got a spirit of steel! I like it!” he yelled passionately.

“Shut up, dumbass,” Silver said plainly.

“Yes sir!” Air Mach saluted. Silver finally got free and made it out into the lobby as Surprise and Lightning gathered the rest around to read off some of the new quotes from the list.

“So…” Soarin walked up, having followed Silver instead of staying behind. “How are the recruits?”

“Like putty in my hooves,” Silver smirked.

“You sure gave it to them in there,” Soarin chuckled. “I don’t know how you do it.”

“Son,” Silver stopped and placed a hoof on Soarin’s shoulder. “Sometimes, you have to set aside the good guy and roll with the bad. They ain’t gonna live up to their potential if we go easy on them. Spitfire wants strong fighters?” Silver chuckled and winked. “I’ll give her fierce warriors.”

He removed his hoof from Soarin’s shoulder and continued towards the stairs. Soarin stood still and blinked as he thought over Silver’s words and smiled.

Hard and relentless, but the recruits didn't know just how lucky they were.

---To be continued---

Author's Note:

I love Full Metal Jacket don't you? ;D I can't hope to be as clever as Lee Ermey... but i tried.

So there we have it folks! Silver Lining, the hardnosed, old badass with a clever wit and an iron hoof. A little rough and harsh? yeah, but he only wants to see the recruits go farther than Spitfire could ever expect. Expect much more from him to come, i haven't run out of jokes for him yet ;D

And goddamn Scootafail, you are awesome! :3

Anyway, yikes i fried myself these past few nights. i'm thinking i might take tomorrow off then get a fresh start on the next chapter on saturday. So i would expect chapter 33 on Sunday. :)

Thanks for reading!

I hope i made you laugh, and hope you are enjoying the story! ^_^

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