• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 154: Making the Tough Decisions

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind
Chapter 154: Making the Tough Decisions

Where was he going now?

Soarin was a prisoner in his own body… but the one in control just seemed to keep wandering and wandering, going everywhere except for where he was expecting him to go. Sombra simply continued to walk with seemingly no particular destination in mind.

After they had scaled the mountain and taken in the incredible view, Sombra had drifted to several unique and scenic locations. First, a foamy waterfall with crystal formations that glistened as the water rushed over them. Second, a beautiful cave that was alight with crystals of every color one could imagine. Third, which they just passed through, was a field of crystal flowers that appeared hard as rocks, yet they were soft to the touch with velvety petals.

And now… he was walking towards a large, dense forest of crystal trees. Soarin watched through his own eyes as they entered the forest. The trees, like everything else around the empire, were pure crystal in appearance. The trunks, branches and leaves, were all a deep blue color with a somewhat reflective, opaque surface. Interestingly, they had no basic shape, the trees resembled trees of all kinds from around Equestria as if they were crafted works of art. The leaves glistened and twinkled as they swayed, every ray of light elegantly bouncing off of them to cause the pretty effect. It was easily one of the most beautiful sights Soarin had ever seen, every tree of every size shimmering from top to bottom and their blue shine mixing elegantly with the white snow covering the ground around them.

Sombra stopped walking after a few minutes, looking up into one of the trees. His magic came alight on the curved horn and surrounded the tree right in front of him. The tree suddenly shook back and forth, a few leaves coming loose and fluttering to the ground despite looking like solid crystal. But then several small objects fell out of the tree, plopping into the snow softly. Sombra turned his magic down, gathered them up and lifted them towards him.

Soarin looked the objects over carefully as Sombra drew them in… were those… some kind of fruit? He couldn’t tell, it looked like fruit, but appeared to be shaped like… an onion or something, Soarin wasn’t sure. But once again… it appeared to be crystal, having the shape of an onion if an onion had corners and flat surfaces. There were six of them in Sombra’s aura.

“Are you hungry?” Sombra suddenly asked, catching Soarin completely off guard.

“Huh?” was all he managed as Sombra made Soarin shake his head.

“I may be in control, but it’s still your body. You haven’t eaten anything since I took over.”

Soarin growled quietly to himself. Sombra had just said that so casually, like he expected Soarin to have accepted the fact that he’s no longer in control.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Sombra said calmly, taking Soarin’s growl as acknowledgement as he lifted one of the crystal fruits towards Soarin’s mouth. One of the… very solid looking… crystal fruits.

“Whoa, wait!” Soarin called out as he felt his mouth open. Whatever the fruit was… it looked solid enough to break his teeth on.

But then to his surprise, Sombra made him bite down and his teeth sunk into it like it would any other fruit. The flavor burst over his taste buds as Sombra made him take a bite and chew, then swallow.

Soarin was quiet for a moment.

“Okay, that didn’t go as expected…” he said as Sombra continued to let him eat.

“What were you expecting?” Sombra asked as if there was no cause for alarm.

“To be looking for my teeth in the snow right now,” Soarin answered sarcastically.

“It’s a crystal fig, a local favorite,” Sombra explained, not acknowledging Soarin’s confusion.

“How does everything around here look hard as stone, but they aren’t?” Soarin asked.

“Have you never been to the Empire before?” Sombra inquired as he had Soarin take another bite.

“I have but… I’ve never eaten anything here or taken my time to examine every flower and tree,” Soarin explained as he began to notice how good the crystal figs tasted.

“What a waste, you are missing out. The magic of these lands does not make all you see turn into something solid as rock. It gives beauty to all you see, touch, and feel. It’s part of what makes my land unique,” Sombra explained. “To have such a place sealed away for a thousand years is a crime.” Sombra added with a slight growl, clearly taking a jab at Celestia, who kept her lips sealed.

Soarin listened, but he found himself focusing on the delicious taste of the figs.

“Okay… maybe I was a little hungry…” he admitted, feeling the physical satisfaction of a meal despite having no control. “These are good.”

“Of course, these were always my favorite,” Sombra added as he kept walking, helping Soarin eat the figs as he kept walking, looking back and forth to take in the sight of the forest as they moved.

Soarin appreciated the food, but was beginning to wonder if Sombra was ever going to head to the Empire itself. Not that that was a bad thing, conflict was sure to follow that move. Sombra had expressed that he was unsure how to proceed. He wanted to return… but didn’t want to bring any harm to his home or its citizens. He KNEW that confrontation was inevitable. Was he biding his time to come up with a plan to retake the throne? Or… did he not have a clue how to proceed and was struggling to maintain an air of having control of the situation?

Or maybe he was just taking in all the old sights from his memories? Soarin was at a loss.

Sombra’s intentions were clear. He wanted to retake what was his, he wanted to destroy the gods, and he wanted to ‘save’ everypony, lead them to salvation from beneath the rule of the gods. But all this sightseeing… all the wandering…

Perhaps his nostalgic nature walk and warm recollections were now the greatest deterrent against his extremely overzealous and oversighted goals. If anything it was definitely buying Soarin’s comrades time they would need. Assuming they were making plans, of course. He would be surprised if Spitfire wasn’t.

Sombra popped the last piece of fig into Soarin’s mouth, chewed, and swallowed.

“Ah…” Soarin let out a content sigh as he finished, flinching as he did since he didn’t mean to. But Sombra didn’t seem to notice, he just kept on walking.

This was… odd. Soarin was finding it harder and harder to effectively judge Sombra. He didn’t entirely disagree with his opinion on the gods, especially with everything that was being revealed to him, but he completely disagreed with Sombra’s solution. It was incomplete, not thought out, and clearly driven by anger and a thirst for revenge. It didn’t matter where his heart was or what his intentions were, his goals were dangerous and he showed no signs of being flexible or reconsidering.

But that’s what made this hard. Sombra had completely shed the designation of ‘evil’ in his mind, separating himself from how the history books described him in every way. He wasn’t a mindless tyrant, he was hesitant to dive in and cause harm despite his ultimate goal being obstructed, and now here he was taking a peaceful nature walk and offering Soarin food. His body needed nourishment anyway for both of their sakes, but still.

And making it even more complicated… was how Soarin’s view of Celestia was being twisted and smashed against views that he still somewhat believed.

He was having the polar opposite problem with Celestia. He still felt a sense of comfort with her there, and he still viewed her as the kind, loving goddess that all believed her to be. But he never dreamed she’d be so reckless on top of how selfish her actions leading up to this moment were. While Sombra was slowly becoming a different pony, one that was much better than he was led to believe… Celestia was moving in the opposite direction, showing a ‘bad’ side to her actions that thought little of possible consequences with only her personal gain in mind. She had made some harmful decisions intentionally and deliberately for her own ends… while desperately clinging to her kind, gentle, and caring image.

It was getting to a point where the two were on an equal level in Soarin’s mind, and that was only making the situation harder to judge. He was struggling to put everything together, straining to figure out who did what to who, who was to blame for what, who was more trustworthy to believe, and if any of it was relevant to what HE cared about. Obviously there was a biased slant against Sombra for possessing his body, but it was Celestia who put him there so that evened it out a little.

Was this all part of the conflict Soarin had been fighting in? Was this just a personal squabble caught in the crossfire? Or was it something more entirely? He needed more from them both to find the answers he was looking for, but what else could he get beyond what he had already heard? He had already been pumped full of enough information to make a veteran scholar jump off a balcony. At this point he really could only ask for fine details in hopes of understanding things a bit more.

Fine details…

Had he waited long enough? Yeah he was sure it had all sunk in by now. It was time to ask about… him.

Sombra continued walking through the forest, stopping at several trees to bathe in their glow and admire their beauty. He probably wasn’t going to like being pressed while neck deep in his nostalgia-fest, but Soarin didn’t care, there was a piece of the puzzle he wanted more clarity on.

“So… question…” Soarin spoke up, returning his focus to within his mind and looking back and forth between the image of Celestia and the silhouette of Sombra as his focus returned to inside his thoughts.

Neither of them answered.

“Hello?” Soarin snorted. “Anypony there?”

“Are you talking to me or her?” Sombra gruffly asked, clearly miffed his trip down memory lane was being interrupted.

“Both of you,” Soarin clarified with a somewhat sharp tone. Sombra grunted and gently whisked his head back slightly.

“Then ask her,” he grumbled. Soarin lifted an eyebrow.

“What happened to ‘wasting my time’ with her?” Soarin said, using Sombra’s own words against him. Sombra said nothing for a moment.

“Hmph,” he grunted to himself, remaining facing away as he kept moving Soarin’s body.

“Guess I’ll just get her opinion first th—”

“What do you want?” Sombra cut him off, clear frustration in his voice.

Hook, line, and sinker. Soarin knew that would get his attention.

“I do want to ask both of you, though,” Soarin made clear as he looked between them.

“What is it?” Celestia suddenly spoke up, breaking her silence.

“There’s something I was hoping I could get some more color on,” Soarin began. “I was wondering about—”

“Yes, my thoughts exactly!” Sombra cut Soarin off again, but threw all his attention at Celestia. “Why don’t you tell us about your father, Astron… and all of these supposed other gods that nopony has ever been told of? Were they all as disgustingly dishonest and deceiving as you?” He pressed sharply, Celestia gasping and reclining as he drove the verbal needles in.

“HEY!” Soarin shouted at him. “Enough! That’s not what I want to know about!” He growled as Sombra’s silhouette growled and leaned towards him.

“I DARE you to claim you’re not curious about that,” he hissed at Soarin.

“I am,” Soarin huffed right back. “But she’s clearly not willing talk about that right now, and… you just want to pry into her more. What I want to know right now concerns YOU too. It’s something neither of you elaborated on in your stories.”

Sombra didn’t budge. He had no eyes to glare with, but Soarin knew he was being glared at, so he glared right back. The silence extended for several moments… before Soarin threw the knockout punch.

“Neither of you elaborated on Discord.”

The reaction was instant. Celestia flinched and froze. Sombra suddenly pulled back.

“He clearly played a pretty big role in how everything went to hell,” Soarin pressed, confident the stage was his. “But you both skimmed right over it like it didn’t mean a thing and just kept pointing a hoof at each other. What gives?”

More silence. Soarin shook his head.

“Why? What’s his part in the whole story?” Soarin kept pressing, determined to squeeze it out of them if need be. “Hello? Anypony home?” Soarin added to pressure them harder.

But all he got was an annoyed grumble out of Sombra and silence out of Celestia.

“Are you two not telling me somethi—”

“He was an annoying, meddling scamp,” Sombra cut in with a very harsh and sharp tone. “He was jealous that I, a mortal, had taken ‘his mare’ and he hated me for it. He constantly pestered me. Every time he showed his face I wanted to smash it in. It wasn’t my fault he lacked the testicles to woo Celes before I did. If a mortal can put out for a goddess more than a god can then it’s not my fault, it’s his.”

Soarin stared with wide eyes.

“Uh…” he blinked once. “Wow. Tell us how you really feel…” he said as he tipped his head curiously. “Wait a second, what happened to you claiming you had no hoof in wooing Celestia?” Soarin asked, citing a strong claim he tried to make earlier. Sombra growled loudly as he got down in Soarin’s face.

“Okay, FINE!” he snarled. “You’ve made your point on that front. I did it, okay? There was a damn goddess swaying her plot in halls of my castle to the point where I could not contain myself and had to explain to my furnishers the next morning why my bed frame was broken in two!” He admitted, clearly very irritated by the subject to the point where he didn’t care what he said. Celestia’s ears stood up and her face flushed as she quickly looked away with wide eyes. “But that’s beside the damn point!”

“Yikes, this sure set you off…” Soarin commented as he reclined as much as his binds allowed, Sombra’s grumbling silhouette still directly in front of him.

“I don’t blame him,” Celestia spoke up as Sombra snorted and turned away from them both.

“Hm?” Soarin turned his attention to Celestia. She was still a little red in the face, but Soarin’s question was clearly sparking some memories.

“Discord was always very persistent…” she trailed off.

“Care to elaborate?” Soarin pressed quickly, taking advantage of the fact that Sombra was still snorting and growling to himself off to the side.

“It’s…” Celestia frowned and sighed. “A tough subject for me…”

“Oh, SURE!” Sombra suddenly blurted out, glancing over his shoulder at her. “It’s harder to talk about your first than it is me?”

“What the, first?” Soarin’s head snapped back towards Celestia, but she suddenly lurched forward, causing Soarin to flinch as she moved only a little before her bindings yanked her right back down.

“Discord and I have NEVER been together!” she yelled, sounding… angry? Soarin was so confused. “You would still spout such nonsense?! Even now after all this time and what we had?!”

“BAH!” Sombra offered no retort, he just scoffed and remained turned around.

“Uh…?” Soarin failed to find words to express his bewilderment.

“Ignore him and… listen… to me…” Celestia’s words were broken up, twitching as she relaxed and her binds stopped squeezing her. “The two of them could never give an honest assessment of one another, it was all hatred.”

She took a deep breath, never taking her eyes off Sombra as she prepared herself. Soarin waited patiently… hoping this tale wouldn’t be quite so long.

“Discord and I have a long history,” Celestia explained. “I can’t remember a time he wasn’t a part of my life in some way. If we don’t count the times he went rogue and were forced to fight against him, Discord has been one of my closest friends for as long as I can remember, even back to our creation… and before he took the form he has today.”

Both Soarin and Sombra perked up, Sombra quickly turning halfway around to look down at her.

“I was never sure what drew him to me…” Celestia continued, looking down and pausing while recalling her memories.

Soarin and Sombra glanced at one another. They had both heard and were curious about the same thing, but she had already adamantly refused to speak further of her past life pre-descent from the heavens. So neither of them pressed and let her speak, despite it becoming annoying that she kept bringing it up in subtle ways.

“Perhaps it was because I always thought he was so funny,” she went on. “While the other gods often shooed him away and expressed annoyance… I loved his antics and pranks. He could always make me smile, giggle, or laugh out loud at a moment’s notice. And that seemed to make him happy. He never left my side as a result, and the two of us were rarely apart. Luna couldn’t stand him, always barking at him to get away from me only to get herself caught in his pranks while doing so. She was jealous that I seemed to pay more attention to him than her, but we were best friends. He was also always breaking the rules… he made many trips down to the mortal world, using his unique magic to hide his sublime form and take on the image of a mortal pony. He was berated and scolded constantly for doing so, but he was always let off the hook because he never tampered with the lives of mortals, he just played harmless jokes on them. He actually got caught and roughed up by the mortals a few times, but he still kept his powers in check and would only get back at them by playing more pranks… he knew the rules of godhood, he was only bending them, not breaking them entirely. I loved listening to his stories about the mortal world, before I was forced down from above he was my only source of knowledge of the world below. It was fascinating… he was fascinating. There was never a dull moment, he made my life interesting.”

Soarin’s eyes were drawn away briefly as Sombra mumbled and grumbled just loud enough to hear, but Celestia paid no attention to him at all as she continued.

“This is how things were for us... for centuries, millennia, eons. Our endless lives were carefree, secluded from the outside world far above the clouds. Every day brought new antics and new fun. Discord could make any situation unique and I never got tired of it. But…” Celestia huffed and glanced at Sombra. “And I’m sure he’s going to jump at me the moment I say this… But there was a point between Discord and I, sometime before the first appearance of the black dragons, where he made an unexpected advance.”

Sombra snorted very loudly, but he did not interject. Celestia rolled her eyes and continued.

“It was shy and playful, nothing more than a sudden hug that he held for a little longer than he ever had, accompanied by a nuzzle. I did not expect it, he had never shown more than simple, platonic affection before, this was a little more intense and it made my heart flutter a little. I did not know what it meant. I had never experienced love beyond that of my family, so I wasn’t sure how to respond. It ended awkwardly, with me sheepishly pushing him away, but I didn’t forget it and it left me curious.”

“That would not be the last time he tried. He made more advances as time went on, never anything definitive, but he grew slightly bolder. He hugged me more, he became more protective of me, he spent even more time by my side and I often caught him staring at my face. I will admit, I was incredibly flattered and I warmed up a little to his actions over time, but I was never really sure how I felt. My curiosity got the better of me though, and I ended up kissing him… just once. I thought returning the affection in full would help me make up my mind, but in the end it backfired. I felt silly, like I did it just to make him happy and not because I actually wanted to… and he suddenly got the idea that I wanted more from him. I regretfully had to come clean with him about it soon after before it could get out of hoof. He wasn’t too happy about it, but I was more comfortable with what we already had… our friendship was what I cherished, I didn’t want to force it into becoming something else.”

“He backed off, respecting my choice, but I could tell it bothered him. But I had made up my mind on the matter. I wasn’t sure if I was okay with it and didn’t feel like it was what I wanted. He was funny, charming, and always putting me first, but isn’t that what friends already do? His subtle, romantic moves were different… but they were never strong enough to convince me there was more to be found. I didn’t want to just accept it without understanding my own feelings.”

Celestia sighed.

“And then the black dragons appeared and… ravaged everything. Luna, Discord, and I were the only gods who survived their onslaught. But we wouldn’t have survived if not for Discord. He made an incredible sacrifice to save us and…”

She trailed off and looked away, remaining silent for several moments.

“Nothing was the same after that. The three of us were suddenly on our own without the guidance of the older gods to show us a way beyond what we already knew. Our carefree days were gone, the forces of nature were left without guides to move elegantly with them, reducing them to simple, natural states, the beauty of our omnipotence was damaged… and the mortals below never knew what caused the sudden changes in the air around them. The three of us were left to wander the skies and simply… exist. Luna and I still did our part, giving the sun and moon beauty for the mortals to admire… but our happiness was gone. Discord still tried to make me smile… but I seldom found reason to. And what’s worse… we had little time to adjust to our new situation, because while Discord’s efforts had fought the dragons back… they soon returned and turned their attention to the world of mortals below.” Celestia exhaled. “And you know the rest from there.”

Soairn flinched as Sombra suddenly turned and growled at her.

“No, he doesn't know the rest!” he barked at her as she averted her eyes.

“We already told him everything from that point…” Celestia argued half-heartedly, but Sombra wasn’t having it.

“He’s asking you about DISCORD. Do you want to continue, or should I take it from here?” Sombra suggested as his breath hissed. Celestia shut her eyes and quivered. “I could simplify it for him, you know,” Sombra said with a slightly sarcastic tone. “But since you are such ‘good friends’ with Discord, perhaps you’d like to go on before I give my very personal point of view,” he finished, the sarcasm flowing by the end.

“F…fine…” Celestia sighed, shaking her head and refusing to look at him. “When Sombra entered the picture, everything changed. I still saw Discord as a friend, but the feelings and emotions that rushed and poured forth when I met Sombra completely crushed and dashed the teetering uncertainty that I had always felt around Discord. But let’s look further back first… before I met Sombra. You’d think Discord would come forth and fight with us after he single-hoofedly fought the dragons back the first time, but he was afraid to fully reveal himself to the mortals. Despite already having snuck around among them for ages, he did not follow the lead of Luna and I down from the heavens. He disappeared, I did not see him for quite some time as we battled against the dragons. But the day I met Sombra… that night as I paced around in and contemplated everything the sight of Sombra had done to me, Discord suddenly appeared before me when nopony else was around. I was shocked, I had not seen him for a while and was about to ask him where he had been, but I could barely get a word out. He grabbed me by the shoulders and nearly shook me as he began speaking a mile a minute, telling me all sorts of reasons why I shouldn’t trust Sombra. I was so confused… he looked so frantic and desperate. I had never seen him in such a state before, it was almost frightening. And it didn’t help… that I was completely naïve to what he was getting at. I simply told him to relax and not to worry, assuring him that Sombra would be a key ally in defeating the black dragons for good. I was completely oblivious to his reasons for confronting me.”

“He had been watching me. He saw the whole interaction between Sombra and I. He saw my body language, he saw the look in my eyes… the way I stared at him with intense fascination and awe. Discord was jealous. The signs were so obvious and right in front of me, but I could not see it in that moment… that’s just how distracted I was by Sombra’s radiance and how drawn I felt to him.”

Celestia paused and looked down.

“But after the defeat of the dragons… as time went on and things calmed down, I eventually caught on, especially after my first visit to the Crystal Empire… Everypony was so confused when I trotted giddily through the halls of Canterlot Castle upon my return. I looked like a little filly that had just gotten her cutie mark. I bopped and swayed, hopped and giggled my way through the hallways, past the guards and my subjects as they all stared. When I reached my room, I kicked off my shoes and tossed aside my regalia, flopping onto my bed and hugging myself as I continued to giggle, blush, and sigh. The euphoria… I had never felt it before, every second I thought of Sombra made my body tingle.”

Soarin’s eye twitched and he glanced at Sombra. It was hard to make out, but Sombra had a hoof smacked against his face. She was at it again… was this going somewhere or was she taking another victory lap around dreamland?

“But then I suddenly sensed another presence, I glanced to my right and… for a moment, I swear I saw Discord. I was rushed back to reality as I sat up and blinked. But he was gone the moment I was up. It was a good thing too, because Luna suddenly burst through the doors and began berating me for being gone so long… I didn’t listen though…” Celestia shook her head. “I saw him for a moment… and that’s all I needed to see. I knew how Discord operated… he probably saw the whole thing from my arrival, Sombra’s hospitality, the Crystal Ball, the way I looked and reacted through it all, everything. I felt uneasy for a moment… but set it aside and went about my business, first addressing Luna still barking at me.”

“And… soon I was confronted by Discord… often. He was fully aware of what was going on, more so than anypony else. He could see it all, he could see the love that blossomed between Sombra and I and I knew he hated it, I knew how he felt about me. Facing him was completely different than facing my subjects about the topic of Sombra. Everypony else was so concerned about his maverick personality, about how he refused to bow to me and still ran his own kingdom. To them… it was all about worshipping a god, what would be proper for him to do, and who should rightfully lead all ponies…”

Celestia went quiet for several seconds.

“For Discord… it was none of those things. It was personal. Over time… his jealousy began to weigh on me. I began to implore him not to push me on the subject because I valued him as a friend, but he continuously tore into Sombra… which hurt to hear. I had fallen in love with Sombra. I had experienced rushes of feelings, emotions, and lust with him that Discord had never even come close to spurring within me. I couldn’t even begin to count how many times I made this point clear to him while trying to remind Discord that my love for Sombra did not mean I no longer regarded him as a friend. That had never changed for me. But Discord wouldn’t have it. It ate at him, it stabbed deep into him. I often worried that he would do something rash as a result. I often ran into him murmuring and grumbling to himself, cursing and uttering Sombra’s name in ways that suggested he was not mentally sound. Discord, after all, was an incredibly powerful god that wielded a very dangerous form of magic… and my fears were pushed further when he began appearing before Sombra and I on more than one occasion. But… to my relief, he never turned his power on Sombra.”

“But either way… I did not like the direction Discord was heading… and I eventually confronted him after several of his appearances that ruined romantic moments. But… it only ended up crushing me a little more. He revealed to me that, despite his intense jealousy and his hatred for Sombra, he could not ignore how happy I was. And in the end, he could not bring himself to turn his powers against something that brought me so much joy. He was thinking of me despite everything… I was so torn it made me want to cry.”

“You sure did well to believe him THERE!” Sombra suddenly interrupted with a loud snort. Celestia suddenly glared harshly at him.

“He meant it… Sombra!” she yelled towards him.

“Oh really!” Sombra whipped around and growled. “I assume that’s why he turned me into that monster then?!”

“You were already heading down a dark path and we were at odds. The only reason Discord made his move was because it had appeared I abandoned you,” Celestia explained calmly, but neither Soarin nor Sombra shared her demeanor.

Soarin blinked and pulled his neck back slightly in a mixture of shock and surprise, but his reaction was nothing compared to Sombra, who’s silhouette twitched and shook his head several times.

“Are my ears deceiving me?!” Sombra yelled out in an incredulous tone. “Are you REALLY defending his actions?!” He stomped his hooves. “And now you're suddenly accepting blame for something?! When it has to do with HIM?!

“Don’t twist my words on me!” Celestia yelled back defiantly. “I already stated my actions and abandonment of you were incorrect, but I did not make you delve into the dark arts!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay!” Soarin interjected quickly, noticing a trend. “Now you’re both walking around the subject and just going for each other’s throats again!” he pointed out as the two continued to growl at one another, but then Soarin turned all his focus to Celestia. “But… Sombra has a point here, why shift attention away from Discord? Are you really not going to hold him accountable for any of it?” he asked.

Sombra stepped back, forcing himself to remain quiet and doing his best to not show complete agreement. Celestia looked away from them both, trying to force her glaring expression to remain as her lips quivered slightly.

“If Sombra and I had never had our spat… Discord would have never taken the chance,” Celestia explained weakly, her tone contradicting her look.

“And that excuses him?” Soarin immediately pressed.

“No… he…” Celestia hesitated and shut her eyes.

“Which is it?” Soarin grunted. “I get that he’s an old friend, but you can’t play both sides here! He turned your lover into a monster and you are just letting that fly?!”

Celestia didn’t answer. She sniffled and kept her eyes jammed tight as if holding back tears.

“Why are you defending him?!” Soarin pushed harder.

“Because… because…” Celestia’s voice was shaking. No tears fell, but she sounded like they could break free at any moment. “This is all my fault. If I had remained disciplined and not fallen in love, none of this would have ever happened!” she forced out, shouting the last few words.

Soarin and Sombra both stared at her, Soarin looking as if he didn’t know what her arguments even were anymore. One moment she defended things that shouldn’t be defended, the next she was saying it was all her fault. Why was everything with Sombra his own fault, but everything with Discord her fault? She was running him in circles and he was getting REAL tired of it.

“Oh, for the love of…” Soarin rolled his eyes and growled loudly.

“What?!” Celestia retorted angrily as if Soarin wasn’t acknowledging her emotions.

“Nothing…” Soarin snorted. “I just… can’t fucking believe this!” Soarin cursed while glaring at her. “What the hell am I hearing here?! So much relevant history of Equestria was written on the back of petty drama, love triangles, bickering, and he said, she said blame games?!”

“DISCORD IS…” Celestia suddenly blurted out, but stopped dead in her tracks.

“IS WHAT?!” Soarin pressed, yelling right back at her.

Celestia looked angry, her eyelids twitching and her breath hissing through her teeth. But her eyes did not match. Her pupils were shuddering, showing anxiety amongst the rage. She slumped, her binds smushing down gently with her as she let her chin rest on the ground.

“You know what? Fine… I can’t defend it,” she suddenly caved, sounding tired. “Discord did it, he used his magic on Sombra and turned the stallion I loved into a monster. I’m just trying to tell you that I could have prevented it… but I failed. Is that so hard for the two of you to accept?! I didn’t just let it go… but do you have any idea how hard it was for me in the aftermath?! The stallion I loved was gone, and the only other friend I had was to blame!”

Soarin and Sombra remained silent as she ranted. It seemed like they finally loosed her tongue on the subject.

“Discord had miscalculated. He was not expecting me to suddenly show up and witness his act,” she suddenly dove back into the past. “After all was said and done and Sombra was sealed away, Discord disappeared without a trace. But regardless, I never forgot what I saw. I knew it was my actions that led to the incident, but I could never forget that it was him who tipped it over the edge! It wasn’t until a few years later… that he suddenly appeared before me. He appeared in my bed chamber, in private, with no guards or subjects around to witness. I was not expecting to see him again… and when I saw him, anger immediately welled up within me. All I could think of was the sight of him in front of my now lost lover, his magic alight and corrupting him, turning him into a ferocious beast that I myself had to put down.”

“Discord did not say a word as my anger seeped out. He looked distraught, crushed… he crumbled beneath my glare, backing away a little with every step I took towards him. And then he tried to apologize to me. His voice was shaking, his tone was weak, and the words barely made it out of his mouth. He resembled a child who knew he had done a great wrong… and doubly knew that his apology was not going to be enough.”

“And it wasn’t. I refused to accept it, and frankly, I was insulted that he’d think I’d simply let something so drastic go. In my rage, I yelled at him. I ordered him to get out of my sight… and told him that I never wanted to see him again. I effectively cast him out, shunned him from ever being a part of my life again.”

“But… that proved to be a misguided blunder on my part once again… because it wasn’t long after that that he went mad, unleashing his power upon Equestria,” she suddenly went further, explaining some events that Soarin already knew about. “He distorted reality all around him until the world was nearly irreversibly changed. We were forced to hunt him down… but during our efforts, the chaos became so potent that only Luna and I were able to hold our physical forms within the distortions. Long story short… we discovered the base spirits of the land were still intact, whittled down to their pure form by the cacophony swirling all around them. Luna and I called forth these spirits and used them to craft the Elements of Harmony. And with them, we sealed Discord away in a prison of stone.”

“And… until he broke free many centuries later, I was forced to look upon his statue every day…” she kept going further on. Soarin listened, but Sombra was starting to grumble and tap his hoof. “Just another reminder that my own actions had destroyed everything I had left from my previous life. Not to mention I ended up banishing Luna to the moon not too long after… over a dispute that was not worthy of using the Elements’ power. Another mistake that poured salt on the wounds and also caused the Elements to reject me as their wielder.”

“Okay, this pity party had gone far enough!” Sombra cut in. Celestia looked like she was going to say more, but she immediately stopped, not looking at either of them. Soarin watched as Celestia instantly caved under Sombra’s words, before sighing and turning to Sombra.

“Alright, let’s hear your ‘very personal’ version,” Soarin said mockingly, but Sombra didn’t give his remarks any notice.

“Snake-breath had millions of years to win her over and stick it between her thighs, but he didn’t and threw a crying tantrum when he lost her to a mortal with an actual pair of testicles.”

“Sombra…” Celestia suddenly glared at him and huffed.

“What? Am I wrong?!” Sombra scoffed. “I didn’t even know he existed before the two of us got romantically involved. He had no one to blame but himself for his lack of bells! If a stallion wants a mare and has enough confidence to put his bits where his mouth is, then he goes and gets her! He doesn’t sit back with his stallionhood tucked between his legs, waiting and hoping that she’ll notice him and come around to his feelings. What did he do?! He had you swinging that shapely rump in front of him for eons and instead of taking it for himself, he just enjoyed the view?! That’s so pathetic I can almost still hear the sound of his sack turning inside out a thousand years later! What was he waiting for?! Was he expecting you to suddenly back up to him with your tail up while innocently requesting that he take your virginity?! I’ve heard of adolescent wet dreams that are less pathetic than that! If he didn’t spend so much time sucking air through his rudder and actually gave you the pounding he kept daydreaming about then maybe I wouldn’t have crushed his tiny walnuts and taken you from him with ease in a single night!”

Soarin stared wide eyes and blinked once.

“WOW.” He said to nopony as Sombra laid it all out as harshly as possible. Celestia clearly didn’t appreciate it.

“That’s such an unbelievably crude way to put it,” she commented while giving him a displeased look.

“I do not mince words when it comes to the truth,” Sombra hissed back at her. “Why do you think you fell for me so quickly after being so confused about how you felt for him? Because I did not beat around the bush. I saw you, I wanted you, I went for you, I made you mine, and then you stayed with me because you loved it.” He subtly glanced at Soarin. “I’d like to think that’s still how a real stallion asserts himself to find a mate in the current day and age. It’s nothing more than basic nature. The alpha prevails over the beta. He held no right to you over me. For heaven’s sake, he’s a GOD. He had omnipotence going for him over me and I still came out on top!”

He quickly turned to Soarin, not giving Celestia a chance to reply.

“You see why I don’t consider him a significant part of it all? He’s just a sniveling coward who thought I stole his lover and took advantage of a moment of weakness between us. He is lower than low, I respect the worms in the soil under my hooves more than that gutless pile of filth!” He continued to use the sharpest words he could muster. Soarin furrowed his brow.

“Okay… but what about what he did to you?! I get how you feel about him, but you can’t act like he has no blame! Why are both of you dancing around this?!” Soarin demanded.

“I JUST TOLD YOU—” Sombra angrily began but Soarin cut him off.

“And I think you’re just avoiding saying what you really think because you're more interested in pinning blame on HER!” he yelled while pointing at Celestia.

Sombra stayed in place. He kept edging forward slightly, but ended up staying silent. He then turned away.

“Oh no you don’t!” Soarin quickly stopped him. “You’re not getting out of this one!”

“This conflict was ultimately between Celestia and I,” Sombra said calmly as Soarin groaned and smacked his face once against the ground. “Discord was merely one piece that was only able to do what he did because of how the situation unfolded,” he glanced back at Soarin. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not like Celestia. I harbor an intense hatred for Discord and he will pay dearly for what he did to me. But his one action does not acquit those who set the stage.”

“You know…” Soarin picked his face up off the ground and scrunched his face. “That’s funny, you blew up at Celestia for remotely suggesting the same thing you just did about Discord not carrying much blame. What changed in the past five minutes?”

“What?!” Sombra flinched. “I… we…” he stumbled over his words, growling as Soarin caught him in the corner.

“I swear,” Soarin sighed and he looked back and forth between them. “Neither of you can keep your stories straight… you both say one thing and then manage to say the opposite later! Do either of you even know what you really want?”

Celestia didn’t reply. Sombra merely let out a very loud, annoyed huff.

“HMPH!” he exhaled as he kept his back turned.

There was a bit of a pause, Soarin hoping one of them would kindly acknowledge his observation, but neither of them did. Instead, Sombra slowly began to look over his shoulder again.

“Though… I must admit, it’s funny…” Sombra suddenly started again in a tone that suggested he was NOT answering Soarin’s question, but he was focused on Soarin. “Everything that has happened leading up to this point aside, and despite my urge to tear him limb from limb, I do owe Discord for this opportunity I have right now.”

Both Soarin and Celestia looked at him curiously as he chuckled.

“If not for him using his magic on me then… I would not have the grip I have on you now.”

“What?” Celestia quickly spoke.

“Why that look?” Sombra glanced at her. Soarin wasn’t sure what to make of it, remaining quiet as the two conversed.

“What… does that mean?” she pressed.

“Have you not taken a look at what’s happened to Soarin’s body? That spike on his head should have been the first indication that… or are you just not being observant?” Sombra pointed out as he focused on her. “My soul locking itself in place had granted him my physical size and strength, but without a horn, my full potential would be hindered. So… I used the same technique Discord used on me to further possess his body and create a horn to use for magic.”

Soarin blinked in surprise as Celestia gasped.

“You… used chaos magic?!” She exclaimed, but then shook her head. “No, you couldn’t have. I watched all of it, your aura never gained the distorted presence, nor the lavender glow!”

“That’s because I can’t use chaos magic,” Sombra explained simply. Celestia blinked, at a complete loss for words. “I simply figured out how to create the same effect of this particular spell with my own magic.”

“What? That’s…” Celestia tipped her head. “How is that possible?”

“Ha!” Sombra guffawed once and shook his head. “Once again, you forget who you’re talking to, Celes. I’m a fast learner, I spent years in battle, turning spells of my enemies right back at them once feeling them against my body and understanding the effects, the force, and the prerequisites for conjuring it through the looks and emotions in the eyes of those throwing it at me. It doesn’t matter if it’s the magic of a god. I can easily deduce and create my own version of it as well.”

“I was blinded by madness when it was used on me in the past,” he went on. “But I was not without my conscience. I felt every bit of Discord’s power as it surged through me, felt every change it made with me, every inch of corruption that spread. I felt it grip my soul, I felt it take me over… I felt and committed all of it to memory, even before I was fully possessed and went on my rampage. One of the things I had time to ponder while I was locked away within your body… was if it would be possible to harness and mimic such power, using it against the body of another to loosen their grip on their own body… and insert my soul and conscience in its place, holding them down with my own spirit the same way Discord’s magic held me down. It looks to have worked… Soarin’s body resembles mine when I was possessed, the jagged horn sitting atop his head, the wild fangs and the ferocious eyes… All is as it should be, except…” he glanced at Soarin and growled. “If not for Soarin’s tremendous willpower and resistance, I would have full control and the sight would be spectacular.” He looked back at Celestia. “I likely could have taken over without it… but I doubt my grip would be as firm without it, so why settle for less? We have Discord to thank for some additional techniques that have helped me thus far. Now YOU…” he snarled at Soarin. “Just have to let go.”

“Nice try you blank-faced ass-clown,” Soarin suddenly retorted. “You completely changed the subject!”

“Did I?” Sombra replied, unfazed, even ignoring the name calling. “See that look in her eyes?” he pointed at Celestia.

Soarin looked over to see Celestia’s face was wrought with awe, her eyes were wide and her jaw was slightly agape.

“That’s a look I remember well,” Sombra said with a quiet snort. “That’s the same look she used to give me whenever I showed her my knowledge or prowess in any situation. Is it any wonder why she fell for me and not her limp-wristed, inept immortal counterpart?”

Celestia flinched and shut her mouth quickly as Soarin gave Sombra a flat look. Did he go on that little detour just to continue the dick measuring circle-jerk against Discord?

“Wow, okay, I get it…” Soarin groaned, annoyed. “You won Celestia over Discord because you were a sexual dragon and were better at swinging your tube-steak around. You’ve made that CRYSTAL clear so let’s stop that before we start talking in actual inches. But you’re still not being any better than she is about this! Neither of you seem to give a damn about his role in causing the mess between you two! It’s like he doesn’t even matter even though he clearly does!” Soarin said angrily, he was nearing the end of his rope.

“It wouldn’t have—”

“She still—”

“STOP!” Soarin yelled over the two of them before they could start bickering again. His shout was ferocious, the dark blue light of the area flickering briefly as Sombra winced and grunted. Celestia froze in place, shutting her mouth quick. “I don’t even know what the hell I’m listening to anymore!” Soarin kept yelling, his eyes alight with anger as the bindings that held him down began to shudder as if reacting to his rush of emotion. “I don’t know who’s right and who’s wrong! I don’t know who caused what, who carries the blame, or who I should trust!” Soarin shouted as loud as he could, pouring out his frustration.

Sombra held himself steady, thankful that his expressions and movements were mostly hidden in his silhouette image. He was feeling pressure from all directions as Soarin began unloading.

“Honestly, I’m glad I asked about Discord!” Soarin kept going, not realizing the effect his anger was having on the area around him or on his bindings. “It’s proven just how irresponsible and ridiculous all of this really is! Everything I know is wrong, and it’s all because of some damn love triangle?! This is what my life has been sacrificed for?! THIS is what my body has been tampered with for?!” Soarin kept yelling, slamming his hooves on the ground as Sombra and Celestia looked on in silence. “What about everything else that’s going on?! What about what my friends and I have been fighting so hard for?!” He looked at Celestia and hardened his eyes into a fierce glare. “You said this was about stopping a threat to Equestria! But all along you were more concerned about reviving and ‘redeeming’ a lover from the past?!” He turned his glare towards Sombra. “And YOU… you say you are so concerned about saving Equestria, but all you really want is to get back at the gods for some personal revenge! You don’t even know how you’re going to do it! You’re just trying to make it sound like a noble cause!” He shook his head and snorted. “Neither of you are aiming for anything that really has the sake of the world in mind! There’s a conflict going on out there and both of you are using it as an excuse to reach towards your own selfish goals! It’s all personal! You're both so locked in that you're pointing hooves and bickering over who is right and wrong and completely ignoring everything else!”

Soarin paused, air hissing through his teeth and he pressed them together so hard they made audible grinding noises.

“My life…” he glanced at the image of Dash that remained peacefully silent on the ground before him. “And Dash's life have been torn in two and thrown into turmoil. AND FOR WHAT?!” he suddenly thrust an arm forward, ripping it free from the shadowy bind that held it in place. He pointed it at both of them. “There are ponies out there that I love and trust… they’ve been fighting for their lives! Some have DIED! And now I learn that in the background, while we’re hanging on and fighting our hardest… the goddess I’m supposed to revere and look up to…” He turned to Celestia. “Could care less about all of it!”

Celestia gasped, breaking her silence as a look of shock and pain spread over her face.

“NO! Soarin, that’s not true!” she said shakily.

“THEN PROVE IT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Soarin roared, yanking himself towards her. Sombra gasped and huffed as Soarin’s bindings nearly all broke off. Sombra planted his hooves firmly and tensed his body, just barely holding Soarin down as the dark blue light surrounding the area flashed and flickered harder.

“Soarin… I…” Celestia shuddered, her body shaking under the pressure of Soarin’s anger.

“I don’t care WHO you are!” Soarin cut her off. “This has all gone way too far! My life has been played with! Used as if it were expendable! If you really cared about all the ponies you watch over, you wouldn’t be willing to sacrifice one and use their body for your personal pet project!”

Celestia was frozen, unable to speak as Soarin suddenly whipped around, pulling the bindings with him again as he focused on Sombra.

“I’m fed up with this… so guess what, big guy? My answer is NO! I’m tired of being led along and told what’s good for me, what’s good for the world by two morons who claim to know better! You want my body?! You’ll have to pry it from me! I’m not giving in, neither of you have what I care about in mind!”

Sombra stared down at Soarin, saying nothing as Soarin continued to glare and pointed at him.

“Like you… I have ponies I want to protect! I have every reason to keep fighting to my last breath! I have reasons that push me to stay strong! Sound familiar?! Celestia fucked this all up and gave you my body… but I’m not just going to hoof it over without a fight, PERIOD!

No words were spoken for several moments, Celestia becoming an afterthought as Soarin glared as hard as he could at Sombra to let him know his intentions were clear.

“Hmph…” Sombra grunted and looked away. “Your efforts are meaningless.”

“ARE THEY NOW?!” Soarin belted without hesitation. “Then what’s stopping you from taking me over completely right now?!” Soarin pointed out, causing Sombra to flinch.

“If our goals are the same—”

“WE ARE NOT THE SAME!” Soarin cut him off. “AND IF YOU—”

Soarin suddenly froze, his eyes widening. Sombra’s ears perked up.

Both of them looked above as their focus shifted to outside.

Soarin’s head turned upward, looking into the sky between the crystal trees. Sombra quickly shifted, moving Soarin’s body underneath the nearest tree, hiding them beneath the sparkling crystal leaves. Sombra magic lit up upon the curved horn, surrounding Soarin’s body with a glow that resembled the soft glow the trees gave off, blending them in completely.

From that spot, Soarin and Sombra both peered through a small opening between the branches and leaves.

“What the hell is this place?” a gruff, annoyed voice came from above. “I can’t see anything down there!”

Soarin blinked. He knew that voice. It wasn’t a good one.

Then they appeared right overhead.

Shadowbolts. Specifically Void and Angel in the lead with several lower Shadowbolts following behind them. Their crystals were alight, shining wide beams below them like searchlights. They swept to and fro, scanning the area.

“Feh…” Angel shook his head, echoing Void’s frustration. “These crystal trees are bothersome… our crystal light can’t penetrate their glow… It’s bouncing right back at us.”

“Great… he could be down there and we have no idea?!” Void growled. “This forest is huge!”

Soarin’s body remained still as the Shadowbolts kept flying.

“Hmm…” Sombra hummed as the glow around them faded and they stepped out, watching as the Shadowbolts slowly moved away from them. “So they’re looking for me…” he said to himself as Soarin remained silent, simply focusing on the Shadowbolts.

Sombra quickly took notice of Soarin, taking into account everything he had just said in his angry outburst where he laid bare why he’s resisting and what was important to him. There was long pause of silence as the two kept their eyes on the Shadowbolts moving away and Sombra thought.

“Soarin,” Sombra suddenly spoke. Soarin perked up.

“Huh?” he acknowledged Sombra without taking his focus off the Shadowbolts.

“You are correct.”

Soarin blinked and turned his focus away from the Shadowbolts. Sombra was still looking at them as they moved further and further away.

“You have been thrust into a situation that you have no control over, separated from what matters to you and stuck into the center of a personal dispute,” he acknowledged. “I cannot deny any of that… it is a fact.”

Soarin listened to him carefully, trying to figure out what Sombra was getting at.

“I also cannot deny your resolve,” he went on. “As a fellow stallion, I commend you for holding so true to what you hold dear and your desire to protect what you love and cherish. Perhaps you are right… my actions right now are a bit clouded by my thirst for revenge… but I completely understand the way you feel.”

Soarin didn’t know what to say, remaining quiet as he assumed Sombra was going somewhere with this.

“However… fate has brought us to this moment,” Sombra exhaled. “Regardless of what happened before and who is to blame, we are now in a predicament. We both have our desires, we both have our goals, and we both have something we wish to fight for and protect… Yet we are two souls within one body, fighting over who should have control. We both have our reasons to stay strong, keep fighting, and not give in. We’re at an impasse.”

He paused for several moments.

“So… I have a proposition for you.”

Soarin blinked. A quiet gasp from Celestia met his ears, but he didn’t focus on her.

A… proposition?

“Soarin, if you allow me to take control of your body…” Sombra continued. “Before I pursue any of my objectives… I will destroy the Shadowbolts.”

Soarin’s eyes widened.

“And then I will turn my attention to whoever is controlling them, and destroy them too,” Sombra went further. “I will do everything in my power to ensure the safety of all those you care deeply for and wipe out everything that is threatening them. Then, and only then, will I turn my attention to my own desires. I will not lay a hoof on, or bring harm to a single one of your peers. And if they try to stand in my way, I will show them mercy. Then, once my goals have been achieved, I will reach out to them, explain to them everything, as well as inform them of your sacrifice to the cause of restoring peace and order to the world.”

“NO!” Celestia’s voice suddenly yelled forth. “Soarin, you mustn’t listen to him!”

“This is HIS choice to make, Celes!” Sombra shouted her down quickly, she yelped as he bonds tightened and pressed her down.

Soarin was in a state of shock. What Sombra had just suggested was…

“This is my promise to you, Soarin,” Sombra refocused on him. “You have my word as a king… as a knight… and as a stallion. In return for giving me the means to achieve my goals… I will ensure the safety and salvation of all you hold dear. You’ve been pulled around and manipulated long enough. It’s only fair that your wishes are fulfilled.”

Soarin remained quiet as the words repeated in his head.

He thought long and hard over the offer in conjunction to his current situation and what his options really were. He was no longer in control of his body and wasn’t sure if he could ever retake control… and if he were to refuse, he wasn’t sure how long it would be until he lost control for good and was consumed completely…

But then he turned his thoughts to Dash.

His mind traveled back within his conscience and he stared at the image of Dash, laying still on the ground, a piece of her soul locked and trapped there with him.

He gritted his teeth as he thought about the offer again. But… was it really the right way out?

Soarin began to think further back. He thought about his life, thought about what was important to him. He thought about everything that he had experienced before he was thrown into this ridiculous back and forth between two beings older than him a thousand times over and more. He thought about the broader situation and put it up against what Sombra was suggesting… and there was something wrong with it. The situation out there that Soarin cared about, it wasn’t so simple as ‘us versus them.’ The Shadowbolts themselves were under control by a power that they couldn’t refuse, fighting within themselves.

He thought about Descent, about how their rivalry over time had led the two of them to see each other from different perspectives, to understand what drove them both and how they weren’t very different. Descent wished to save the Shadowbolts… his family. Much like how Soarin wanted to rush to the aid of the Wonderbolts… his family. If he accepted such an offer he would be ignoring that understanding.

Then he wondered how all of his friends would feel. Sombra said he would let them know of his sacrifice… but what would it say about him if he just gave in for the greater good? And that’s assuming Sombra was even capable of doing everything he promised. He couldn’t ignore what he meant to his friends. He was important to them too, and couldn’t ignore that. Also…

What would that mean for Dash? She was roped in this with him. What would happen to her if he surrendered to Sombra? Her life was not his to gamble with… he would NEVER do that to her.

Finally… if he were to be successful, what would Sombra do after achieving his goals? He had given Soarin his word… but once all is said and done, wasn’t his goal to still pursue the power of the gods? What was to say that would go smoothly? What if he went mad again?


There was too much at stake. Soarin could feel the sincerity in Sombra’s words, but… There was too much ground to cover with a simple compromise and Sombra was speaking out of confidence in himself, not in certainty of the outcome.

From where Soarin stood, there was no quick and easy way to solve everything. He had too much to fight for, and... he had those he loved and trusted that he wanted to protect with all his heart. Especially the one who was stuck in this mess with him. He’d never give in as long as Rainbow Dash was fighting alongside him every step of the way.

“No,” Soarin finally answered.

Sombra didn’t say anything. He simply stood still as he took in Soarin’s rejection.

“I can’t accept your offer,” Soarin continued. “I appreciate that you’re recognizing what matters to me, but… it’s not that simple, you cannot cover everything that’s going on… this situation is larger than any one pony. Even you.” Soarin shook his head. “I can’t give in to you. Listening to both of you here has changed my world drastically, but it’s STILL my world.”

“Hmph…” Sombra sighed quietly.

“I’m not doubting your word, but it’s not enough. I have too much to live for and fight for… and I won’t give up. I refuse to make a compromise to achieve your personal view of the greater good.”

“That’s a pity…” Sombra spoke up, shaking his head slowly. “I’m guaranteeing you a sound, definitive conclusion to what you are fighting for. I’m giving you a chance to complete what you desire despite being in a hopeless position. Does that no appeal to you?”

“You’re not me,” Soarin held his ground. “You told me your purpose drives you, and how your desire to regain your purpose kept you from letting go of what you believe in… Well, what would it say about me if I gave up on my purpose?”

Sombra flinched.

“If I just gave it up to you to reach goals only in the short run… that sounds like the easy way out. Not to mention it hardly addresses everything going on. I can’t just pass the mantle to you and expect you to make it all better. Would YOU ever consider doing something like that?” Soarin pressed.

He waited for a response, but Sombra gave none. He had had his own words used against him, there was no argument.

“So no,” Soarin shook his head. “I have a purpose too… one that reaches further than you could ever understand with what little you know about me. I won’t just give it up.”

“I see,” Sombra finally replied, his voice calm. “Then we are right back where we started. I will simply have to pry your body away for myself. And when I do… your purpose, even in the short run, will vanish. Is that really what you wish?” Sombra threatened, but Soarin didn’t have it.

“That’s assuming you can, tough guy,” he shot back defiantly.

“I can and I will,” Sombra grunted.

“Then why haven’t you yet?”

Sombra went quiet, and Soarin immediately noticed. He had been waiting to drop that one… to see if he could call a bluff.

In the midst of his railing against Discord, he had bragged about how he had used his own magic to emulate Discord’s… claiming that it was the same powerful spell used against him that allowed him to have ‘complete control’ over Soarin…

And yet… he didn’t.

If he was so sure of himself, what was taking him so long to get it over with? Could it be that Sombra didn't actually have the means to finish the job? That he couldn't? Because his magic was not that of a god’s… was the spell less effective? The effects not nearly as powerful as they were meant to be? If that was the case, all his constant claims of ‘eventually taking control’ were just tough talk, bluffing to try and convince Soarin that he had no hope.

Soarin didn’t know for sure… but if that was the case, he would keep resisting even though he didn’t know if there was a way out.

“Hmph…” Sombra grunted. “Everything else aside… I can see why Celestia chose you,” he said as he began moving Soarin’s body, continuing their walk through the forest. “You remind me a lot of myself.”

They all went quiet, Sombra continuing on his path with the Shadowbolts out of sight.

Soarin noticed that Celestia had gone completely silent. It seemed as though she felt she had no right to speak after Soarin broke down his view of everything.

And despite being under his control, Sombra was intriguing Soarin. His offer was interesting, showing an understanding from one stallion to another. He saw where they stood after Soarin had let loose on them and tried to shift from a demand to a compromise, acknowledging what Soarin wanted and offering to help in return for control.

But Sombra was still thinking more towards himself and his goals. Soarin would not give in. He lasted this long and now was beginning to see through some of the cracks. Sombra’s talk of his inevitable victory over him were becoming stale, and now were resembling an intimidation tactic. Soarin didn’t know what he could do from his current position, but as long as he still had the will and a reason to resist, he had hope and would hold his ground.

But hope could only take him so far. He needed to figure out something soon. He did not feel Sombra’s actions were evil… just misguided by an intense personal vendetta. He had no doubt there would be a conflict… he just didn’t know when, where, or how it would go down.

Soarin looked within himself, and gazed upon the image of Dash again… wondering how she was doing… how she was feeling with her soul twisted and tied in here with him. He hoped she was alright… and he hoped everypony else was also well. And most of all, he hoped they were ready for whatever was going to happen soon… Dash, Spitfire, Descent, everypony… he prayed that they would make it out unscathed.

“Go to the end of the hall and follow the signs,” the receptionist explained to Spitfire while pointing. “You’ll find the waiting area for the emergency room. It’s hard to miss. I’ll let Doctor Mercury know you’re here.”

“Thank you,” Spitfire nodded calmly before glancing over her shoulder at Dash, who looked anything but calm. “Come on, let’s go.”

Dash swallowed and just followed Spitfire with her eyes for her first few steps before quickly turning and trotting after her. She had not listened to a single word that the receptionist said. Well, she heard her talking, but she didn’t register any or the words. She was too shaken up. She thought she’d be ready for this, and didn’t even feel this way as she and Spitfire made their way through town. But the moment her eyes landed on the hospital, she felt like she was punched in the gut and could barely breath. Her whole body was tense, her fur was tingling, and her heart was beating fast. She had never felt so anxious before in her life, as if the news they were about to receive would split the world in two if they heard the worst case. She had never once in her life felt this nervous, not even with all the expectations she faced in the Wonderbolts, nor any of the life or death situations she had stared down thus far.

Silver Lining was a whole different level of important… and not just to her.

She kept pace behind Spitfire and took note of her captain as they moved. She looked so calm and collected. Dash had no idea how she was holding herself so steady. It was a testament to her control over her nerves and her ability to stay professional under any circumstance. She basically looked like the polar opposite of Dash right now. Dash was certain she was visibly shaking next to the smooth strides of Spitfire. There was a visible sway in her vision as she struggled to just walk straight and she felt like she was going to throw up. There was a lump in her throat and a tightness in her chest that felt like they were trying to catapult themselves out.

“There…” Spitfire said to herself as they turned a corner and the waiting room they were looking for came into view. Dash swallowed again, the tightness in her throat making it sound more like a hiccup as her legs almost stiffened. Regardless, she kept following Spitfire… and they entered the room.

They weren’t the first to show up.

Fleetfoot, Misty Fly, Fire Streak, Blaze, and High Winds were already there. It took all of them a moment to even notice that Spitfire and Dash had arrived, all of them completely focused on Silver as they waited impatiently to hear about their old comrade. Dash didn’t know where to go, suddenly surrounded by superior officers, so she just stuck by Spitfire as the two of them moved up towards Fleetfoot, who was sitting on the floor closest to the short hall that extended towards the emergency room doors.

“Did you let the others know?” Spitfire asked Fleetfoot quietly. Fleetfoot’s ears twitched, but she didn’t look at Spitfire.

“I sent Air Mach to go get them…” she answered, her voice incredibly shaky. As Dash moved up beside her and sat down she noticed Fleetfoot was subtly shivering. She almost looked more worked up than Dash.

Spitfire nodded, saying nothing else as she sat down on the other side of Dash. And unlike everypony else, Spitfire did not look towards the doors. She looked around instead, still remaining calm.

Dash watched Spitfire some more, wishing she knew how to calm herself down like that. But it looked like she wasn’t alone. One sweep around the room showed her that Spitfire was the only one able to keep her demeanor under the pressure.

Fire and Misty were sitting together. They were both staring towards the doors with Misty nestling herself firmly into Fire’s arm and shoulder, per usual.

Blaze looked far and away the most worked up, which was saying something considering how Dash and Fleetfoot looked. Blaze was hugging herself with her wings as she sat on the floor, her eyes were stuck open wide and she was breathing so heavily that everyone could hear little gasps and wheezes coming from her direction. High Winds was doing her best to keep Blaze comforted with a wing draped over her shoulder, but looked very nervous herself. Dash had never seen Winds look so awake and alert before, and she had a hoof placed on her chin, her nervous habit of nibbling the ends of her hooves taking over as she waited.

Dash figured there were more on the way, Air Mach apparently sent to gather up others, but for now they were all Dash could see. She figured there was still a little bit of time before the doctor addressed them, probably to give time for others to arrive. Dash decided to make good use of that time, stuck between the calm, stoic Spitfire and the shaking, whimpering Fleetfoot.

She had to mentally prepare herself. She had no idea what they were about to hear, but she knew it was either going to be the best outcome, or the worst. There was no in between. She had to calm down, she had to follow Spitfire’s example, she had to—

Her ears stood up and several gasps sounded out around her as the door of the emergency room suddenly pushed open gently and a rusty red unicorn stallion wearing scrubs, a cap, and a mask started making his way towards them. They assumed it was Doctor Mercury.

Dash immediately panicked as her heartbeat quickened, and this time it wasn’t because of Soarin. So much for time to mentally prepare herself.

The doctor removed his mask, revealing an aged face, hard and tempered from what one could only assume was built by years in his line of work. He kept focused on the Wonderbolts as he slowly made his way towards them, wearing a face that was hard to read. It was simply serious, not tipping in either direction of good or bad, which didn’t help any ponies that were looking for initial signals about the news they were seconds from receiving.

While everypony else stiffened and waited with bated breath, Spitfire barely reacted. She simply turned to see the doctor approaching and stood up, ready to speak to him.

It felt like ages. To Dash it seemed like the doctor was moving in slow motion. The short hallway from the doors to the waiting room was barely twenty yards long, but Dash’s extreme fear of what was to come made it feel like hours for the Doctor to cross such a small distance. Her ears twitched, she briefly glanced behind her as the noise of several hooves suddenly came from behind at varying paces.

Her eyes widened as they landed on an approaching crowd. Air Mach, Lightning Streak, and Surprise were up front, and following behind them? Numerous Wonderbolts from all squads. Among the crowd, Dash easily picked out Matteo, and saw that Squall, Star, Storm, and Thunderlane were all packed together with them.

But that wasn’t all, behind the Wonderbolts followed the veteran Wonderbolt Renegades. Blazetail and Flashwind were in the lead with all of Silver’s former wingmates and other old acquaintances in tow.

It was suddenly incredibly cramped in the room, filled from corner to corner and some stuck in the hallway behind as they all flocked to this one location… to hear about a stallion that was very important to them. Silver had had an impact on all of their lives… and they hoped to hear good news.

Dash turned back around and gulped when she saw the doctor was a lot closer, only he had stopped briefly to take in the fact that he was suddenly approaching quite a large crowd. But it didn’t faze him. He continued towards Spitfire without a second thought, despite having hundreds of pairs of eyes on him.

“Well?” Spitfire’s voice made everypony tense up as she acknowledged the doctor. “What’s the word, Doc?” she asked without a smidgen of fear in her voice.

The doctor said nothing as he stood before Spitfire, looking her right in the eye and not giving a single glance to the rest.

But then he took a deep breath and exhaled, his head tipping down and closing his eyes.

Dash’s pupils shrank. She wasn’t an expert on body language, but… that didn’t look good. She thought her heart was going to rip right out of her chest as the doctor opened his eyes and held a very serious look on his face.

“He’s going to live.”

Everypony’s ears stood straight up, jaws dropped but not a breath was drawn in for several seconds as the words reverberated and shot through everypony’s thoughts.

Dash ‘s head twitched and her voice cracked as it tried to release a noise.



The was a sudden rush of air as an enormous, collective sigh of relief surged in the direction of the doctor. The feeling of relief was so strong that it was a wonder the whole building didn’t deflate. Several ponies fell back onto their plots, some of them simply lowered themselves and lied down. A few verbally expressed the euphoria that instantaneously pumped through them. There were no shouts or cheers of joy or glee. It was just pure, heavy, unfiltered relief. The only pony that stood out was Blaze as she cried out and crashed to the floor, hugging one of High Winds’ legs as tears flowed. But they were tears of joy as if she just heard about the survival of a direct family member.

Dash was suddenly on the floor herself. She was hit so hard by a relaxing feeling of release and relief that she didn’t even realize she had lowered herself. Simply hearing that Silver was not dead and their efforts to save him were successful had turned her into a liquid. The giant knot in her stomach had just been undone with one mighty yank, and she was surprised the uplifting feeling surging from her center didn’t pick her up and float her away.

But then Dash noticed something…

Spitfire had not reacted. She remained standing upright and firm, her face had not changed one bit. At first glance, Dash assumed it was just her remaining professional… but that wasn’t it. She was looking the doctor over carefully, taking note that his expression was remaining hard and serious.

“Give me the rundown,” Spitfire suddenly asked. All eyes and ears suddenly going back to her in surprise and curiosity as the reaction almost instantly died down. “There’s more to it, isn’t there?” she asked a question that no one had thought of… and frankly, no one wanted to ask. The doctor exhaled briefly through his nose.

“Do you want the good or the bad first?” he asked straightforwardly.

The room went so quiet that a pin drop would have been classified as a ruckus. The flow of relief halted as everypony’s attention was once again stuck towards the doctor as if a valve had turned and completely shut off the good feelings that they had all been rushing.

Dash felt like the knot instantly retied itself in her stomach. There was more… and there was some bad? Why couldn’t it have just stayed the way it was going?! This was too much for her to bear.

Spitfire glanced behind her at the rest briefly, taking in their eyes as they were strapped into a rollercoaster of conflicting emotions.

“The good first,” Spitfire said, taking into account her peers.

“For starters, you got him to us just in time. He had several severe internal injuries, but nothing was more dangerous than the heavily disrupted and obstructed blood flow. I doubt he would have lasted another hour if we had not started working on him immediately, especially since his provided medical records notified us of his stressed heart, frequent bouts of hypertension, and risk of heart attack that require medication. I’d ask why he was still being allowed to fly and fight alongside the rest of you, but that’s none of my business. In the end, based on what I’ve read, been told, and have heard, I’m surprised he lasted as long as he did before you brought him to us.”

“I’m not,” Spitfire suddenly added. The Doctor lifted an eyebrow, but only briefly at her statement, he didn’t press.

“We had to perform several surgeries,” he continued. “While several internal organs were badly damaged, none of them were beyond repair or to the point of requiring transplants, which is a miracle considering the amount of damaged and broken bones he had around them. We ended up having to perform complete reconstructive surgery on his right arm. The bones were severely broken. It was difficult, but we were able to remove all the smaller bone shards and inserted several metal plates and screws to rebuild them. He won’t be able to walk on it for quite a while, but it will heal and regain motion in time.”

Dash cringed as she processed every word, her body twitching as if she felt a pinch of pain in every part of her body the Doctor described. That was a lot of operations they had to perform… Silver already was pretty scarred up, no doubt it would be even worse now. She was sure everypony else had just as hard a time hearing about all of it as her… but she also know that everypony agreed with Spitfire’s small interjection during the explanation.

The doctor was the only pony in the room who was surprised that Silver had lasted as long as he had. To everypony else, it was simply par for the course. Silver Lining was tough as nails, tougher than anypony in Equestria, hooves down. He didn’t survive this long because of some miracle. He survived this long because he’s god-damned Silver Lining. There was no scientific or medical explanation that could refute that.

But the tension in the room remained. Because the doctor had only told them the ‘good’. And the good was painful to hear regardless of the operations being successful and being positive overall. They still haven’t been given the ‘bad’.

“And the bad?” Spitfire asked the question on everypony’s mind. The doctor glanced down briefly, but wasted little time.

“First, his right eye was damaged beyond repair. He will be blind in it.”

There was lots of quiet gasps and collective wincing.

Lost an eye… Dash cringed at the thought, reflexively closing her right eye as the thought sunk in. But honestly, she and the rest were not quite so shocked by this news. It was hardly a surprise based on what they all saw as they flew him back to the Nimbus. There was a river of blood flowing from it as they rushed him to Bliss. They had already put two and two together about that one long before the Doctor confirmed it, that amount of blood pouring from an eye suggested there was nothing left to repair.

The doctor didn’t go on… was that it? Dash didn’t want to downplay losing an eye but if that was the only bad thing—

“What about his wing?” Spitfire suddenly asked.

Dash swallowed. The left wing… the one Nightshade had trampled… she had forgotten about that. She bit her lower lip as she watched the doctor remain quiet. He never broke eye contact with Spitfire as they stared at each other seriously.

“We had to amputate it.”

Dash went numb.

Unlike before, there were no gasps. Just silence.

Dash could not move. Her stomach didn’t just twist… it felt like it had been compressed into a little ball so thoroughly that it nearly ceased to exist. Her lungs felt like they disappeared too as if the air rushing out of them also forced them out of her body. She couldn’t breathe… or maybe she was breathing, but just couldn’t feel it. Her brain was telling her to scream, but her body wasn’t responding, stuck in its place and forced to stare at the doctor as the words he just said continued to beat her over the head mercilessly. Everypony else around her was in the same, silent state of shock. Even Spitfire finally broke form a little, her eyes growing a little wider and blinking.

For several moments, not a sound was made, not a word uttered. The only noise that slowly came forth was a meek, whimpering sound from Fleetfoot as she began to shake.

“Y… you… you…” she tried to say as the Doctor glanced at her. He kept his expression firm and professional as he stared into her broken eyes. And she wasn’t alone… the Doctor was in a room filled with pegasi. And from the looks of things, he understood the reaction he was getting. “Y…” Fleetfoot sputtered, unable to go further.

“YOU WHAT?!?!?” Blaze’s voice suddenly roared forth, causing everypony to flinch. Several ponies between her and the doctor moved aside as she forced herself up and rushed forward, dragging High Winds along the floor with her. “WHAT?! WHY!?” she yelled as she continued to yank High Winds along and draw closer. “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!” she belted as everypony else remained too shocked to say anything or stop her. “WHY?! WHYYYYYYYYYYY?!

“BLAZE!!!!!!!” Spitfire turned and grabbed her half-sister by the neck, pulling her free of High Winds and forcing her around so she was now between her and the doctor. She held Blaze in place so firmly that she could barely move despite her struggling to get free. She gave Blaze the hardest glare she could muster and bared her teeth. “STOP!” she yelled right into Blaze’s face, causing her to freeze. Blaze’s pupils shrank to tiny dots and her ears flopped to the sides of her head. Tears welled up in her eyes as her lips quivered and she hiccupped a few times.

Then, despite the rough hold Spitfire had on her, Blaze reached out and hugged Spitfire. She slumped down, not crying or wailing, but shaking as she squeezed Spitfire as hard as she could and sniffled quietly. Spitfire instantly softened her expression, watching as he half-sister collapsed into a heap. She loosened her grip on her, and instead softly touched Blaze’s shoulder, giving it a gentle rub. She looked up to see the looks on everypony’s face. They all looked petrified. And… if not for her doing her best to remain focused and not let her emotions get to her, Spitfire was sure she’d be doing the same thing. The words struck her hard too… because for a pegasus… losing a wing was…

“It was the blood flow…” Spitfire spoke up as she looked over her shoulder at the doctor. “Wasn’t it?” she failed to hold down a shaky tone in the back of her own voice.

“Correct,” the doctor answered calmly, still completely unfazed by the intense reactions around him, he didn’t even flinch when Blaze yelled him either. “His circulation was under intense pressure, several vital organs around his body were on the brink of failure due to lack of complete blood flow. It didn’t take us long to pinpoint the obstruction in the vessels traveling through his left wing. The wing itself was already in an irreparable state, every joint was severed, every bone was crushed, and all the muscles were mangled and torn. The veins and arteries running to them were smashed and distorted, most of them snapped and disconnected. Again… medically speaking, he should have died considering how much overall damage there was to his body and that goes double for the fact that his circulation to his weak heart was already nearly cut in half. He was dying… And our best chance at stabilizing him and preventing that was to first fix the blood flow. We were forced to remove his wing so we would only have one spot to repair in the remaining nub. And once we did that, his heart rate returned to normal and we were able to do the rest of our work and repair as much of his body as we could. If we had not taken quick and decisive action, he surely would have died.”

Dash felt like every word the doctor said was like having a needle pushed into her body. She wanted to cover her ears, she wanted to collapse and hope it all went away, but she remained frozen in place.

“Hm…” Spitfire hummed, taking it all in and looking down as the doctor shook his head slowly.

“If there was another way, we would have taken that course, no question,” the doctor went on. “But in the urgency of the situation and the options we had before us, it was the only operation available that ensured 100% survival if we were quick enough. Every other option we had required preparation and testing before we could be even close to confident in performing them, things we did not have time to do. Besides…” the doctor shook his head. “Even if we hadn’t removed the wing, there was no way to repair it. With how much damage it had sustained, it would have been a limp, dead limb anyway. We did what we had to do and we did it quickly to ensure he lived. I didn’t want to take any chances.”

The doctor paused, taking in all the blank looks of disbelief that were still plastered on everypony’s face. He sighed through his nostrils and refocused on Spitfire.

“I know very well how important wings are to the identity of a pegasus, but… It was that or his life,” he gave Spitfire a definitive nod. “I’m certain you would not have wanted us to flirt with such a risk.”

Spitfire quickly shook her head as she slowly moved Blaze back over to High Winds, giving her a pat on the head as she freed herself and moved back towards the doctor.

“No, I would not have,” she agreed. “He made a great sacrifice for us and in return we promised to make sure he lived to remember it… and feel our gratitude.” She looked the doctor in the eye, forcing her serious, professional expression back onto her face. “And… he’s alive. That’s what matters. He means the world to us, whether it’s on the ground or… the sky.” Spitfire couldn’t conceal it, she almost choked on the last few words.

Looked like Silver wasn’t kidding…

He was notorious for always saying that he’d keep on fighting and flying as a Wonderbolt no matter how hard it was… and the day he retired was the day his wings fell off…

He finally reached the end of his career. No amount of Spitfire declaring him unfit for duty was enough to really bring it to a halt. In the end… he finished his service the way he wanted to.

The mood in the room was a very confusing mix. Most of the silent reaction to the news about Silver’s wing seemed to be a mixture, not standalone. Opposite emotions were clashing, causing everything to cancel out. On one hoof, everypony was overjoyed that Silver was alive. On the other… was the obvious despair they felt for their fellow pegasus… and important, influential one… losing the gift of flight. It was what defined a pegasus over anything else… the common saying was, ‘even if there is nothing that makes a pegasus special… they can still fly high in the sky above.’ It was the core of what a pegasus was. It wasn’t a knock on ponies that lacked wings, but it was something irreplaceably important to a pegasus.

Though nopony found the means to really express how they felt. There was no way anypony felt as crushed as Dash, except for maybe Blaze. She kept staring at the doctor, a maelstrom of thoughts pelting every corner of her mind as she tried to find her way through the storm.

Her teacher… her mentor… her father figure among the Wonderbolts was alive, but now cursed to remain grounded for the rest of his life. She thought there would be no ‘in between’… the news would be, he’s alive, or he’s dead. But she was wrong. There was an in between. Silver was alive, but a core factor of what defined his life… had died.

While Dash’s head pounded with emotions she couldn’t express, the rest of her body felt empty, like a void. And that emptiness was clear and present in her eyes as her mouth remained ajar and her pupils jittered.

Despite ALL the Wonderbolts and Renegades wearing heavy, unsure looks on their faces, Spitfire only found one face was truly effecting her. She couldn’t stand looking at Dash. She felt for all of them, obviously, but something about Dash… perhaps knowing how much she had connected with Silver, was drawing out her emotions in ways she could not hold back.

Spitfire quickly looked away from Dash, slammed her eyes shut, and shuddered for a moment as she shook her head out. She glanced at Dash again… only to feel the same feeling well up again. So she quickly turned to the doctor.

“Doc…” she spoke, glancing at Dash. “Do you think…?” She trailed off.

“Hm?” the doctor blinked and tipped his head. Spitfire looked at Dash again, and thought for sure she was going to shed a few tears. She held them back and quickly looked back at the doctor. “Could we see him?” she asked, her eyes once more darting back to Dash. She quickly shut them and lifted a hoof to cover her face.

The doctor took notice and glanced at Dash. He could tell Spitfire was asking for her and could easily see the level of depth in Dash’s eyes over the rest regarding the situation. But… he sighed.

“I’m sorry, but not now,” he declined to Spitfire’s dismay. “We are going to be monitoring him carefully for a while, but…” he looked back at Dash. “We will send word again when he’s well enough for a visit.”

“Thank you,” Spitfire said while forcing herself not to look at Dash.

The doctor said no more. He simply gave Spitfire a silent nod before turning around and heading back to the doors while replacing his mask over his nose and mouth.

The room was packed to the brim with ponies, but it was dead silent. Nopony moved and inch or made a sound for several moments after the doctor went back to continue his work. Eventually… looks were exchanged, but no words were spoken.

Should they be happy? Or sad? They had succeeded in saving Silver, he would live to remember his final act and sacrifice in the field. But losing his wing was a devastating development. The joy and the shock were repelling one another, neither able to take hold as the conflicting, mixing emotions tore into everypony’s mind.

It was interesting how this one development changed their reaction entirely. Silver had been beaten and broken so badly that there was already a question of whether or not he’d be able to fly again. At least if both of his wings had made it through there was a chance he’d be able to take flight once more, difficult as it may be. That hope had been preventing them from assuming he’d be grounded for good.

But the loss of a wing sealed it. Silver would no longer fly… ever. And that resonated through them all as fellow pegasi.

Nopony knew what to say or do. Some had felt like Blaze at first, angry that the Doctor took that course of action, but after hearing it wouldn’t have made a difference, that feeling had been pushed away. Nightshade was the one who did this to him… and it was a price Silver paid to save the core of the new Wonderbolt generation. His wing was a casualty, and now he was grounded. There was no way to look beyond that fact and hope or wonder if there was a way it could be fixed. It had happened. It was done. Silver would no longer fly. So eventually, one by one, ponies began to turn and leave. Everypony needed time to process it all.

The crowd in the room shrank further and further until only a few remained. Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Dash, High Winds… and in the back near the hall leading out, Dash’s squad plus Thunderlane and Storm.

It remained quiet… except for Blaze, who was still sniffling against High Winds. For all the barking and yelling she did at Silver, she was really letting it show how much she cared about him. High Winds couldn’t hold it in either, she was holding onto Blaze and had a few tears dripping from her eyes as well. It was a crime that Wave Chill could not be with them… he had been locked out of so much regarding his squad and no doubt was worried sick about his old captain as well. If nothing else… his presence would have helped comfort Blaze and High Winds right now.

Fleetfoot suddenly stood up after not having moved a muscle for several minutes. She shuddered after the quick movement, her body still tender despite the treatments. She shook her head, still not saying a word as she turned and quickly left, wobbling the whole way.

Spitfire watched Fleetfoot leave as she remained beside Dash. She looked down at Dash for several moments, sighed, and gave Dash a soft pat on the head before turning and following after Fleetfoot. She glanced towards Blaze and High Winds as she moved, but the two were firmly planted in place, showing no signs of leaving as they held onto each other.

Spitfire stole one last look over her shoulder at Dash before she made her way out.

Dash now sat by herself, staring down the hall towards the emergency room doors. She was still in disbelief as she thought about how this had all turned out.

Silver wasn’t dead… but to a pegasus, the ability to soar the skies was everything. Losing the gift of flight for good was almost worse than death. It meant everything, it defined them as a race, and the mere thought of a fellow pegasus losing it was like a stab in the heart, especially if it was a close friend, a loved one or… family.

Dash slowly stood up, still not sure what to think or feel as she turned. She wasn’t sure why she decided to move, she didn’t know what she was doing or where she was going. Before she could even think about why she stood, she was walking, moving towards the opposite hall.

She slowly passed by all her friends. Storm, Thunderlane, Squall, Star… none of them said a word to her, because they all felt the same shock she had, just perhaps not as severely due to her strong connection to Silver. But even Matteo appeared to understand. He may be a griffon, but he was perceptive and easily put together how they felt despite not being one of their culture.

Dash didn’t look at any of them, and none of them tried to stop her as she just kept walking… and walking… and walking… with no destination in mind. The weight of her worry for Silver had been completely lifted, but although the heavy feeling pressing down on her had been removed, it had been replaced by a stabbing feeling in her chest.

This was it… that sealed it…

She would never have the comfort of Silver by her side in the heat of battle… ever again. It was only now that she was realizing just how much he had helped her through the difficult times, through the hardships, and through her fears… He made a huge difference, he made her feel confident, he made her want to give everything her all and then some… Now she would have to try and do all these things without him?

What if Silver had not been around?

Would she have become the fighter she is today?

Would she have learned the importance of pride?

Would she have learned how to face her fears?

Would she still be blaming herself for the death of Midnight?

Would she have survived her confrontation with Sin?

Would she have been saved from Nightshade?

There HAD been times that he was not around, but there was always this feeling in her heart that he wasn’t very far away, that he would find a way to reach her in a moment of peril. He even saved her hide once while out cold and in a coma!

Reality was hitting her in the face, it was hard to accept… She couldn’t count on him to be there anymore and she wasn’t ready for that.


Was she?

Was she really not prepared for it? She knew this day was coming, after all. Silver was old, at the end of his career with or without this outcome. It was scary at first, but after thinking about it, she felt… strangely calm.

She looked up and blinked.

She was outside. She had walked all the way out of the hospital without realizing it and had already made it several yards away from the main entrance. She was only a few paces from the road perpendicular to the path. There were crystal ponies moving to and fro along it, going on with their daily lives so carefree and likely oblivious to just how much was going on in the world around them.

Dash looked up into the sky and stared. The magic dome shielding the empire was in the way… but she could still see through, see the snow landing on its surface, and see the cloudy sky up above.

Silver had devoted himself to teaching her, passing on his knowledge, his expertise, and his wisdom. She was his successor… he had chosen HER to be the one to replace him as a defining member of the Wonderbolts. She WAS prepared for this moment… because this was exactly what all of his effort was for, to prepare her for when he could no longer be with them.

Her thoughts began to rush… her memories of all the time spent with him flowed forth. She thought about all the lessons she had learned from him and all of the experience she had gained under his careful watch. She thought about observing him… the influence he had on the Wonderbolts, how he’d act decisively if need be, and how his split second choices would make a world of a difference in any given situation.

As she stared up into the sky… she suddenly wondered…

She couldn’t see him right now, and he was not awake to speak to her, but…

“What would you do?” Dash said out loud to herself as she kept looking up into the sky. She was confronting one of the toughest dilemmas of her life at the same time that her mentor wasn’t there to offer her advice. She had to put herself in his mind, she had to see through his eyes and think with his wisdom. “If you were here right now, with me and my situation… what would you do? What would you say?”

She paused… as if she was waiting for an answer.

But then she cracked a small grin and chuckled.

“Heh… knowing you. You’d probably scoff, grab me by the neck, get in my face and ask if you wasted your time training a pussy,” she kept chuckling as she imagined it. “You’d go on and on about how you’re not my mom and are not going to hold my hoof while we cross the street… maybe launch into a story about a time Blizzard gave you a swift kick in the ass over a clifftop with your wings tied behind your back or something crazy like that until you’ve had your fill of slapping me across the face with memories of your glory years and how things used to be. Then after all that, you’d probably just tell me to stop being a little bitch and do things my own wa—”

Dash abruptly froze and her eyes grew wide.

The possibilities are endless, but only if you accept them to be so! The only pony standing in your way is YOU! If you simply stay on course with the way things are now… You’ll never get anywhere, plain and simple.

Dash looked down at the ground, her jaw hanging slightly ajar as her pupils darted back and forth.

Take CONTROL! Conventional thinking will never set you free, and you can bet it won’t solve your current problems. You want Soarin back? It’s not gonna happen. Not unless… you do it your OWN way!

Everything that Twister had said to her earlier… It lined up perfectly with the kind of advice Silver would likely give her. And… it made sense.

Silver was never a pony who just went along with what he saw… accepted things without skepticism… or followed orders he didn’t agree with. Dash could only begin to imagine how Silver would be acting right now if he were aware of the full situation. The amount of alliance twisting and knots being tied between who to believe and who to tell what would be driving him absolutely up the wall. He’d have strong words for Spitfire... and Luna. Or he’d figure out a different way to approach it all together, declaring that ‘everypony has lost their god damn mind’ or something along those lines.

Whenever things got out of hoof, Silver didn’t panic, he took control. He was quick and decisive, he made unconventional moves, and he never doubted himself.

Silver always thought… outside the box.

He did things his own way.

Dash shut her eyes and thought hard. She thought… and thought… and thought… and… realized something.

She was sick and tired of everything spiraling out of control around her.

She was sick of simply hanging on and watching as things happened, playing along and hoping things would go right.

The moments were few… but there had been some instances in the recent past where she had dared to step out of bounds and take action because she thought it was right. And so far, each time, it had been successful.

So why hadn’t she taken that as a cue? Why wasn’t she taking hold of things now?

The only thing standing in her way… was her and her own doubt.

It was time to cast it out… and take a firm step forward, to do what SHE thought was right and what she believed was the right course of action.

Just like Silver would.

Dash took a deep breath and shook her head out rapidly, her ears making flapping noises as they whipped back and forth. She threw her head back and exhaled, reaching a hoof up and smacking it against her head a few times.

She set her hooves firmly on the ground and looked up. From where she stood, she could see both the hotel where the Wonderbolts were staying… and the Crystal Palace.

She looked back and forth.

At the hotel.

At the palace.

At the hotel.

And at the palace.

She stared at the palace, narrowed her eyes into a serious glare and nodded.

She briefly looked at the hotel one more time and shot a loud burst of air from her nostrils.

“Sorry, Spitfire,” she said as she turned towards the palace… and started walking.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked as she and Cadance stepped out into the hall. “I’m doing just fine, I can still help.”

“Twilight, you’ve been at it longer than all of us. Have you even eaten today?” she asked with concern. Twilight averted her eyes and fidgeted.

“Er… no…” she admitted. Cadance gave her a firm nod.

“Take a break,” she ordered as she nudged Twilight out. “We’re way ahead of schedule on the research thanks to you already. Rest for a spell and grab a bite, I don’t want you to overstress yourself.”

“O…okay…” Twilight sighed. “I’ll come right back.”

“We’ll still be here, so don’t worry,” Cadance gave her a nod and a hug before turning and moving back into the library to rejoin the scholars looking for clues towards a cure to the crystal affliction.

“Hmmmm…” Twilight hummed grumpily as she turned and started walking slowly through the hall, dragging her hooves. She WAS hungry, but she hated being interrupted in the middle of work. But… Cadance was right, she needed to take care of herself too. No sense in her neglecting her own health while addressing the health of sick ponies counting on—


Twilight yelped, her alicorn wings popping open with a loud FWOOMP as she hopped in the air and floated softly back down. Her eyes and body jittered briefly, startled by the sudden voice, but she quickly found her hooves, closed her wings and looked back and forth, looking for the source of the voice.

She gasped as she looked over her right shoulder.

Rainbow Dash stepped out from behind the pillar beside her… with a very serious look on her face.

“We need to talk.”

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

Oh man... she's gonna do it... :pinkiegasp:

So it looks like Soarin is starting to see through both Celestia and Sombra... after all this time... all this struggling, the two of them are completely focused on themselves, neither seem to really have the world in mind. Celestia claims to... and tries to label her actions as part of it, but she has too much of her own interests in the mix to be genuine about it. And Sombra... just wants to break his hoof off in a few sublime asses. And there seems to be a bit of a shift in the nature of the situation... is Sombra really a threat or... is he just a new factor in the bigger picture, stumbling around without full control and being hunted?

As for Silver... well... he lived, but he's missing something important now. Will he care? probably not, but that doesn't make it any less of a downer for the rest. Silver almost made it through his brutal career with his whole body intact, and ended up sacrificing a wing in his final act.

It's time for Dash to stand up straight and take up the mantel. It may be a bit pre-mature for her liking, but... when the going gets tough, the tough get going. And for her first act as Silver's successor, she says screw it to all the crap going on around her and decides to make a move of her own.

Now let's hope it doesn't blow up in her face.

Art in this chapter by: Penumbra and Foxenawolf

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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