• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,822 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

  • ...

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Where the Boys At?

"And then..." Thunderlane smiled, eyebrows wagging. "That's when she said 'No, you have chicken mouth!'"

"Haa haa!" Stu Leaves stood in line, buckling with laughter. "Ha ha ha ha! Haaaaaaa..." He sighed through a big grin. "...I still don't get it."

"What's up, fillies and fillycolts?" Sharp Quill strolled up, smirking.

"The sky," Thunderlane said with a yawn.

"You know it!" Sharp Quill looked aside at Stu. "Hey! I know you! Aren't you... the guy... who does the thing?"

"Ah jeez..." Stu bit his lip, wings drooping. "I do hope it's a good thing."

"Heheh. Just joshin' you." Sharp Quill winked. "Word is I'm not the only pegasus newcomer to Ponyville."

"Yeah, I moved in here a few months ago," Stu said with a nod. "You?"

"Pretty much the same. This is such a sweet place, ya think?"

"Heh..." Stu exhaled through a calm smile. "I'm certainly starting to love it."

"Eh, it's alright," Thunderlane said, waving a hoof. "Aside from the occasional parasprite attack, it's pretty chill."

Sharp Quill squinted. "I heard that only happened—like—once."

"I like to count the nightmares."

"Whew..." Stu Leaves glanced across the many pegasi gathered around the clearing. "I used to think I was unlucky for moving here so late, but now I'm starting to think the opposite."

"I'll tell you what," Thunderlane remarked. "You haven't lived until you've woken up at the witching hour to see an Ursa Major's snarling face right out your window."

"It was an Ursa Minor," Rainbow Dash said, strolling up.

"Hey! Rainbow Dash! How's it going?!" Stu said, grinning wide.

"And I remember it being closer to three o'clock in the morning," Rainbow Dash said, casually yawning. "I know because I was up all night preparing for a light rainshower at dawn."

"Wowsers!" Stu blinked. "I haven't seen you in ages—"

"Oh yeah. I guess it was past Midnight," Thunderlane said, rubbing his chin. "And Hi, by the way."

"Heh..." Rainbow grinned. "Are we gonna kick up a monster tornado or what?"

"Wait." Thunderlane squinted. "Did you just sign up?"

"Yup yup yup." Rainbow tilted her chin up with a smug grin. "Figured it was high time I threw my weight around here."

"Whelp..." Thunderlane sighed, wings drooped. "There goes my chances of being team captain."

"Dude... don't sweat it," Rainbow said with a wave of her feathers. "You'll get plenty of chances to show off. Especially if Blossomforth is showing up."

"Erm... she isn't," Thunderlane said, fidgeting slightly. A slight rosiness crossed his chinbones. "Although, that doesn't mean she won't be watching as part of the Ponyville civil defense team..."

"Say... Blossomforth..." Sharp Qull tapped his muzzle, squinting. "Isn't she the super flexible pony with the cute, squeaky voice?"

"Dude." Thunderlane glared, eyes hard as diamonds. "Don't even..."


"Heehee..." Stu Leaves grinned through the group. "I like this! Ponyvilleans on a wing! Handling nature together! I bet it'll be fun—!"

"So are we really ripping up a whole bunch of trees?" Rainbow asked, eyebrow arched. "Seems kinda... severe, y'know?"

"Did you read the full hoofout?" Thunderlane asked. "Seems that the Nature Commission has worked with the Animal Commission to do a full study of that small section of Everfree. The soil has gone bad. Thus, the Cloudsdale team has stepped in to work out a way to uproot what's there, treat the soil, and then return it back to nature."

"Or they could just build a castle there," Sharp Quill said gruffly, coughing.

"Mmmmm no... I'm pretty sure it's going to be a nature reserve," Thunderlane droned. "For the purpose of restoring the land to the Everfree Forest."

"A castle would be cooler."

"Pffft. For who? This place was once all forest and overgrown flora. I think any attempt that can be made to restore the balance of Everfree is for the best."

Stu Leaves shrugged. "I wouldn't mind having a castle around." His wings stretched and unstretched. "Would be nice to roost somewhere that wasn't in the mountains for once."

"Hah!" Thunderlane smirked. "You still feel the need to roost. Yeesh... you two really haven't been here long."

"Hey!" Sharp Quill frowned. "Who says I like roosting?"

Rainbow glanced aside. "Really? Have you seriously avoided all of the surrounding mountains since coming here?"

"... ... ..." Sharp Quill blushed slightly. "Okay... so I may have perched on a treetop or two in the upper elevations last month..."


"Okay, everypony!" A gray-maned mare with bifocals exclaimed from the wooden stand erected next to Town Hall. "Gather close, and we'll be discussing flight captains for the upcoming meet! We need everyone's close attention so we can start formulating a team structure!"

"Guess the giggle times are over," Thunderlane said, strolling forward. "Rainbow, you're awesome... but I'm not sure I can even be visible sharing the same team as you."

"Heh..." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "No hard feelings, dude. See you on the other side of the hurricane."

"I wouldn't mind being on the same team as you, Rainbow Dash!" Stu said, smiling. "We've been through so much together. We'd work well at wing-side!"

"Mmmmmrmfff..." Rainbow tongued the inside of her muzzle, looking off.

Stu blinked. "You... you don't agree?"

"Hmmm?" She glanced over. "Uhhhh... sure. I mean, I guess." She shrugged. "So long as... y'know... we're all concentrated on the job we've gotta do."

"Well, you can count on me!" Stu said with a smile. "Concentration is one thing I'm getting better and better at."

"Uh huh." Rainbow Dash cracked the joints in her limbs while the ponies around them surged towards the stand. "Well, I do hope you got your exercise, buddy. Cuz tornado-summoning is no walk in the park."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I'm a bit in over my head. Heheh..."

"Eh..." Rainbow shrugged. "It happens to the best of us."

"Which is why I've decided to do some exercise every day so I can be in better shape for weather flying!" Stu smiled. "In fact, I've begun a new morning routine—with special help from a pony who knows a thing or two about keeping in shape!"

"Who? Bulk Biceps?"

"Nope! Applejack!" Stu beamed. "She's letting me help her with the latest apple harvest! Whew! Nothing like some good, sweaty apple bucking before noon!"

"... ... ..." Rainbow blinked. "Uhmmmm..."

"Wow, she's so supportive. And you're so awesome!" Stu stifled a chuckle, trotting forward. "I swear. This town is full of great friends."

Rainbow Dash stood in place, clenching her jaw.

Sharp Quill passed by. "You... are going to be a weather captain, right?"

"Sharpy..." Rainbow exhaled with a huff. "You can bet your butt I'm gonna be a Celestia-dang weather admiral."

"... ... ...'kay."

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