• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,822 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Spider Seas!

"Hey, slow down, Sparky!" Lancie grinned, clinging to the Rainbow Dash's tail hairs as the pegasus soared through the dark, dark tunnel. "Charlotte only wants a kiss!"

"Shut the buck up, Lancie!" Rainbow's voice cracked and cracked. She flashed the ruby light of her stone straight ahead, narrowly avoiding the stalactites blurring past her. "Help me look for the way outta here!"

"I don't see what the repulsion is!" Lancie crawled up to her shoulders and looked back. "I mean, aside from its tendency to suck the internal organs out of a mortal being while it's still alive, it's actually quite a beautiful creature!"

WHAMMM! The giant arachnid brutally plowed through stalactite after stalactite in its unimpeded charge after the pony. "SHREEEE-EEE-EEE-EEE!!!" Stone shards and pebbles bounced off its bulbous, hairy abdomen as it skit-skit-skittered through the cavernous dark.

"Buckthatnoise! Buckthatnoise! Buckthatnoise!" Rainbow clenched through her teeth, bobbing left and right. She flapped her wings through the hot air—hot air that was growing hotter from the monster's fangs and pedipalps quivering closer and closer to her fetlocks. "Where's the friggin' exit?!?!"

"Hey! Look!" Lancie pointed to the left. "I think I see a way out—"

FWOOOSH! Rainbow swung hard to her left, barrel-rolled past an exploding chunk of rock, then kicked off the flying debris to win a few more feet of distance. As the dust cleared, she found herself flying straight for a web covered all over in dead griffon skeletons.

"BUCK!" Rainbow spun in mid-air, pivoted her wings, and stopped her limbs just inches from the sticky material.

"Well, from the glow's angle, I thought it was a—" Lancie jerked.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaugh!" Rainbow hollered a war-cry, zipping back the way she came.

"SKREEEE!" The spider twirled, its cedar-thick fangs lunging. SM-SMASSSH! The beast's venom'd tusks imbedded themselves into the ceiling just a meter behind Rainbow's tail. The pegasus threaded the shrinking needle between the cave's surface and the soft squirmy underbelly of the spider. She slipped out just in time to avoid the thing's fat abdomen slamming the rock like a red-painted dumbbell.


"Ooomf!" Rainbow Dash's body was thrown forward from the shockwave of the blast. She landed on a sheet of porous rock, tumbled for several yards, and came to a sliding stop. "Unnngff!"

"Whew!" Lancie rolled into an upside-down slump, shrugging with a smile. "We were almost the butt of that one!"

GRIP! Rainbow yanked him by the antlers and snarled into his face. "Are you trying to get us killed?!?"

"That only works halfway, silly."

"I'm serious!"

"You want my advice?" Lancie shrugged from her dangling grasp. "If you wanna escape, fly us in the direction away from the big bad death spider. I mean... pffft... there's only one of them—!"

Skitter skitter skitter!

Sk-Skitter Sk-Skitter Sk-Skitter!


Rainbow Dash blinked. She and Lancie looked in every direction. The noise was growing closer, louder, surrounding. At last, Rainbow Dash shone the Wind Chalice's stone before them.

She once again saw the porous, acidic rock of the cave's floor and ceiling. Only—this time—the holes weren't empty. They were crawling with limbs, hairs, feelers. An entire ocean of skittering abominations rippled out of the grated surfaces. A forest of beady black eyes reflected the ruby light—sharper—for they were all skittering closer, in Rainbow's direction, with so many hooked legs and fangs that it sounded like rattlesnakes being shoved deep into Rainbow's fuzzy ears.

"Aaaaugh!" Rainbow batted one puppy-sized tarantula away, then another, and another and another and another. "Not cool...!" She whimpered and flapped her wings as they climbed on her from all directions, tickling, shimmying, drooling. "Not cool not cool not cool!" Just as she lifted up on flapping wings, she found her pupils shrinking from a curtain of many-legged things gliding down towards her from the ceiling like hairy chandeliers. "Guhhhhh!" She reached around for something to swat the arachnid swarm with.

"You know, you should have asked your gal pal from griffontown if you could borrow her battleaxe for the journey—WHOAH!" Lancie wheezed.

"Rrrrrrgh!" Rainbow swung Lancie's stone body like a golf club. WHACK! She slammed six tarantulas like pinatas. "Back!" SPLATTT! She squashed an entire gooey swath of them like water balloons. "Get back! Grrrrgh!" She spat and reduced several more leaping pests to pulpous mush. "I'm d-dangerous when I'm awesome!" she stammered, voice cracking heavily.

"Ummmfff..." Lancie glared off, his features covered in spider goop. "...it was only a matter of time, I suppose." Suddenly, his face lit up. "Oh! Hey! We were missing you!"

"Huh?" Rainbow spun around, following his eyesight until it connected with—

"SKREEE-EEE-EEEE!!!" The house-sized matriarch came charging through, its hooked feet kicking up entire swaths of leg-thrashing hatchlings as the entire cave filled with arachnia.

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