• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

  • ...

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Purple Mountains, Mad At Thee

High above the western stretches of a sprawling desert, a series of rigid mountains reached high enough for snow to form. This moisture enriched the sparse soil that clung to the uneven earth, allowing for random tufts of tall grass to sway in the frigid winds. A shrill whistle perpetually howled along the summits, sending a rhythmic vibration across the otherwise desolate landscape.

It was here—one wing-flap at a time—that an exhausted pegasus descended, finally setting hoof after hours upon hours of swift flight. As soon as Rainbow Dash's limbs made contact with the hard rock, she shuddered, her body and bones assaulted by the cold sensation.

Nevertheless, she took the moment to stand in place, resting her wing muscles alongside the bulky lengths of her saddlebags. She couldn't remember the last time the feathery appendages ached so bad. Standing there—wheezing for breath—the mare dared to turn and gaze behind her. Her ruby eyes squinted, tearing slightly from the brisk winds.

Below her, a tiny town loomed, surrounded by a random assortment of farmsteads spread across the arid landscape. East of that, a narrow valley loomed between bordering mountains, and—aside from an even narrower patch—it was filled to the brim with lush apple orchards.

"Appleloosa..." Rainbow Dash sighed, then turned west again, gazing at the jagged mountain spires looming in front of her. "Can't believe I've flown that far in that short a time..."

A stone figure popped out of one of the saddlebag's pockets. "And just what—pray tell—is the significance of such a place, aside from its rather uninspiring name?"

"It's... it's the furthest west I've ever been..." Rainbow blinked at her own thoughts being produced out loud. "...like... ever."

"And is that truly such a shock to you?"

"Just... it always felt like such a long trip by train," Rainbow muttered. She squinted up at the dark shadows being cast as the sun fell beyond the rigid summits. "This mountain range... very few ponies dwell past it. Even the buffalo don't cross over. From what I'm told, there isn't much to Equestria beyond this point except a bunch of bouldery hills... and then it's all question marks until..."

"Until what?"

Rainbow shuddered. "Griffon territory..."

"Alright!" Lancie rubbed his stone paws together. "Chicken wings!"

Rainbow grumbled. "Don't even go there, Lancie. This isn't some friggin' walk in the park."

"And is it enough to put a premature halt to your glorious trip for the sister of Princess Frecklestasia."

Rainbow frowned and began climbing. "And here I thought you knew me by now."

"I do know you now." Lancie smirked. "Which is why I said that to begin with."

"Unnngh... could you at least be useful and just tell me if I'm still headed in the right direction?"

"Absolutely, Sparky.' Lancie pointed. "Your destination still lies far beyond these perilous, impenetrable mountain walls."

"Euuguhhhhh..." Rainbow groaned.

"Come come, now!" Lancie produced a fanged grin, his granite eyes wide. "Perk up! So what if it took you all day to get here! We both know you have what it takes to fly even twice the distance when your wings want it!"

"Yeah, but I'm having for the first time to keep an eye out for where I've been," Rainbow groaned. "I've gotta fly all the way back, and it wouldn't do Apple Bloom any good if I miss Ponyville upon returning."

"What can be so hard? Just do the opposite of what you're doing now, Sparky!" Lancie suppressed the urge to yawn. "Just aim for the rising sun and don't veer off course! Heh... something tells me a little practice in that department wouldn't hurt you."

"I can't afford to practice," Rainbow grumbled. "What I need now is to do."

"Spoken like a true doo-doo head."

"Shuddup." Rainbow grunted as she hobbled over a cluster of rocks. Pebbles rolled down the nearly forty-five degree incline beneath her as she climbed and climbed. "How many jars do I have left?"

"Uhmmm..." Lancie reached over her flank, opened the opposite pockets, and gazed at the sloshing contents within. "Looks like three and a half."

"Heh... making good time." Rainbow gulped. "At least I hope so." She looked over her shoulder. "Do you have any idea just how many—y'know—miles are left between here and where Aatxe has got the shards?"

Lancie shrugged. "I'm afraid it's as vague as vague gets, Sparky. I'm certainly something will light up inside me when we get within spitting range. By then, my horn should be hot enough to cook us some morning eggs!"

"No time for eating," Rainbow grumbled. "No time for sleeping."

"Oh come now, Sparky, be—"

"If Apple Bloom can't wait, then neither can I!" Rainbow snarled. "I'm only trotting now so I can let my wings rest a bit. Once they're back in business, then it's time for flight again! I gotta ration the potion so my limbs can last the whole trip and back, but if I gotta do all of this with my wings and wings alone, then so be it."

"I'm certain that wings will be your only concern once we enter dragon lands, my little pony."

"No, they'll be your concern." Rainbow glared. "Cuz if I don't make it out of this mess in one piece, you don't get your shards back! And if you don't get your shards back—"

"Alright... alright," Lancie rolled his stone eyes. "No need for the mid-plot exposition, Galadriadashie. I know what's at stake here." He squinted. "And I know who the dragons will be tying to a burning stake if you're so weak upon arrival that the winged lizards can play tiddley winks with you. I've seen you headbutt a steam-powered tank. I know you've got it in you to be a badflank."

"Dang skippy," Rainbow grunted, struggling up a craggy cliffside.

"Then why not ration the time for food, drink, and nappy-naps?" Lancie shrugged. "I know you love Applejack and will do anything for her or the red-bowed pipsqueak doppelganger of her... but what's the point in saving the damsel when the damsel-saver is in thirty burning pieces?"

"One thing at a time, Lancie," Rainbow grumbled. "I just gotta get there."

"Uh huh..." Lancie leaned back, gazing lethargically at the mare. "So... once again... you're going the distance for the pony you love..."

"Call it what you want."

Slowly, his fanged muzzle curved. "And... does the pony you love... know that she's the pony you love?"

"Gnnngh!" Rainbow slipped and caught herself, bruising her shoulder. She rubbed her aching limb and winced. "H-huh?!"

"The letter, Sparky," Lancie droned. "The damnable missive that you spent forever and a fart trying to put to paper. Did you ever hoof it to her?"

Rainbow's nostrils flared.


"After this... after this then... well..."


"... ... ..." Rainbow's ears folded. "We'll see."

Lancie chuckled. "Ohhhhh Sparky." He sighed, leaning his granite chin on a tiny talon. "You truly are hopeless."

"Not so long as I still have a chance of getting the shards..." Rainbow wheezed. "...and you still have a chance of conjuring the iced lavender for Apple Bloom."

"And is that somehow gonna magically win the freckled fae over to your heart's oyster bay?"

"If there's anything you gotta learn, Lancie, is that loyalty is its own reward." Rainbow gnashed her teeth as she pulled the weight of her body and her belongings over the next cave, pressing ever westward across the mountains. "You ever think that maybe it's enough that I make sure that Applejack's life is healthy and wholesome?"

"You what I think?"


"I think there are far lazier, less convoluted ways of committing suicide."

Rainbow sighed. "You know what...? Leave the thinking to me from now on."

"Lordy...!" Lancie blinked. "You are desperate, aren't you?"


"...well aren't you?"

"Shut up."

"Heh..." He slid back into the saddlebag's pocket. "Shutting up and a half."

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