• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Shanghay Knights

"I must say, Sparky, I'm rather proud," Lancie said.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash managed to say. Breathless, she struggled to flip, vault, and climb her way through the mess of charred black tree branches in her diligent pursuit of the sentient flying squirrel. Up ahead, Brucie flung himself from trunk to trunk like an agile monkey. "Make it quick, Lancie. I'm kinda in the middle of rodent diplomacy."

"That's just it." Lancie clung to her shoulders, bearing a fanged smirk. "You're only ten minutes into recuperating from the fact that a chain-smoking sentient tree rat has actually talked to you. But, instead of screaming your head off, you're actually going out of your way to strike a deal with the scraggly thing."

"I'm in a desperate place, Lancie," Rainbow muttered. She huffed and puffed, frowning at her sweaty self in mid-glide. "I already had to turn tail and run like a lame idiot up there in Aatxe's lair. If I don't find a way to double-back soon, then I'll be wasting even more valuable time."

"And just what makes you think that these thick-tongued rascals have any proper assistance to lend with Dragongate?"

"Dude... think back!" Rainbow hissed. "When we were sneaking through the Castle, just minutes before dropping in on Big Boss and his even bigger brother Blood Fire..."


"We totally stumbled upon a bunch of crazy-lookin' trees, right? Sticking out like sore thumbs inside the dimly-lit chambers?" Rainbow managed a brief smirk. "How much you wanna bet that the tiny wooden structures built on those tree branches were totally the homes to Brucie here and his buck-toothed cousins in hiding?"


"See? It's not crazy at all!" Rainbow grinned, following Brucie deeper and deeper into the darker undergrowth of the forest. "So far, I'm seeing this whacky picture painted before my eyes. Ages ago, some ancient race built a super huge castle. Then these squirrel folks moved in. Then Aatxe got the pieces of you, assembled the Flame Staff, and used it to steal himself a wicked cool floating lair. Brucie and a bunch of other squirrels were living there n'stuff, so he kicked them out! Now... just how badly do you think they want to get back in?"

"Badly enough to help you sneak back into the lion's den," Lancie droned. "The scaly fire-breathing winged lion's den."


"So it's a lot more sensical than I initially thought," Lancie said, rubbing his chin. "Albeit really stupid."

"Hey." Rainbow shrugged. "I didn't write the story."

"Well, while we're on the topic of stupid things, mind if I say something stupider?"

"Meh. What's it gonna hurt at this point?"

"I know that things are pretty intense and all, what with you crushing very hard for an unobtainable mare, a little filly dying slowly of snake venom somewhere, and an entire legion of angry dragon punks trying to burn your fur off..."

"Uh huh..." Rainbow groaned.

Lancie smiled. "But I want you to know that this has all turned out to be a crazy chaotic adventure, and I'm having the time of my life just spending it with you, Sparky."

"Mmmm... Lancie...?"


"That was really, really stupid."

Lancie chuckled.

Rainbow exhaled through her nostrils. And yet, as she spelunked into a deep hole after the smoking squirrel, the hint of a smirk showed along the corners of her fuzzy cheeks.

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