• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Wind In Doubt, Blow


"Ooof." Rainbow Dash shook her face, rubbed her muzzle, then glared angrily into a dangling stalactite.

"That's the fifth time, Sparky," Lancie mused.

"Mrmmff... the fifth time what?"

He clung to her saddlebag. "Fifth time you've bumped into something since we came out of that passageway."

"Guh... not my fault this cave is cluttered with... with... cave crud," Rainbow grumbled, flying lower to avoid the errant ceiling structures.

"It's more than that and you know it, my little pony."

"Okay, first off, I'm doing A-Okay. Second of all..." She frowned. "You're littler than me. So who are you to talk?"

"You'll be even smaller if you get dashed into tiny Dash pieces."


"I'm saying you should sleep, Sparky," Lancie hummed. "One needs a clear head to clear the way through this cavern."

"Nonsense," Rainbow slurred, flying forward through the darkness. "I can make it out of this place in ten seconds fl—" She braked in midair, her ruby light illuminating a horizontal set of spikes just inches from her muzzle. "...fudge."

"That's what you get for resurrecting an old meme."


"There has to be a niche or an alcove somewhere that can avoid the wind."

"Dude, I dunno," Rainbow said, blinking blearily. "Ancient griffons built this place, remember?"

"Do you even hear yourself?"

"Hmmm. Good point." Rainbow Dash looked up. She looked behind her. She looked down.

The light couldn't touch the ground from where she was hovering.

Slowly, the mare descended. She coasted downward slowly until her ruby stone illuminated what appeared to be a steep and narrow trench at the bottom of the floor.

"Hello there. And who are we when we're at home?" she wheezed before descending into the depths of the stone burrow. She touched down on numb hooves and strolled forward, all the while aiming her magical stone straight up. As she proceeded along, she found that the top portion of the trench closed more and more narrowly, almost forming a ceiling of sorts to the thin niche.

"Curiouser and curiouser," Lancie said. "As much as I hate to say so, it would almost appear as if some purpose was carved into this part of the cavern."

"Maybe the griffons who hollowed this out ages ago didn't bet on an inexplicable cavern appearing," Rainbow muttered. "So they built this place as a stopping point for their labors."

"How very egghead of you," Lancie said. "But how do we know it could be of any use to us?"

"Guess there's only one way to find out." Rainbow Dash squatted low. Lancie hopped off and stood beside her as she kept her eyes locked beyond the narrow chasm above. Slowly, with a slight shudder, she placed the tiny red stone to the floor... and let go.

Immediately an eerie whistle pierced its way through the cavern. Droplets of moisture flew vertically past the pegasus. The moment she felt her mane hair being blown, she gasped and clasped the stone again. The wind immediately stopped.

Lancie gave her a sharp gaze.

With a deep gulp, Rainbow Dash took her tired hoof off the ruby again. She was more deliberate about it this time. To her relief, the wind did not blow her away. As a matter of fact, the enclosed walls above the niche did a fantastic job of shielding her from the magical barrier. If nothing else, she felt almost as if she was peering out onto a rainstorm from the safety of a concrete alcove.

"Well, there you have it!" Lancie exclaimed.

"Pretty nifty," Rainbow said with a dumb smile and an even dumber yawn. "Wish I could do something about the howling whistle, though."

"Beggars can't be choosers, hoser."

"Whatever..." Thwump! Rainbow's exhausted body slumped to the floor. "Maybe I'll... only fall half—asleep. Mrmmmfff..." She curled up like a fuzzy blue cat, hugging her tail hairs as her eyes rolled back. "...can't... skip out on Apple Bloom."

"Don't worry about the kid, Sparky," Lancie said, pacing about. "I'll make sure you don't snooze for too long."

"Hmmmm..." Rainbow's eyes were shut as she murmured beneath the winds. "Will you really...?"

"Wouldn't be so exciting if you died in your sleep, now would it?"

"Mrmmmff... melon... ... ... fudddge..." And Rainbow's breathing drew apart as she fell into unconsciousness.

Lancie stared at her, then at the loosely placed red stone resting in front of her. He leaned back against a wall, tapping his chin in thought. Slowly, a smile spread across his granite features.

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