• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Lay It On Me Thicker

"Stu, I can... I-I can imagine how hard it must be to have to hold back," Rainbow said. "But, think about it: just how better could things possibly be if you were to cross that threshhold?"

"You mean if I asked Applejack if she wanted to go out?" Stu blinked. "Well, I for one, would feel on top of the world! Heheh..."

"And what of Applejack's feelings?" Rainbow flew closer. "She's got so much on her plate as it is. From looking after her aging Grandmother to playing foster mother to her baby sister to being the emotional anchor to Big Macintosh..." Rainbow shook her head. "I wouldn't ask for that mare's life for all the tea in Chyneigh. And yet... she handles it so well... and with such amazing grace and finesse and... and... awesomeness!" Rainbow produced a teeth-glinting grin, but it didn't last long.

Stu stared curiously at her.

Clearing her throat, Rainbow continued. "With all of those things in consideration, don't you think it should be up to Applejack to decide when and where she should seek out a significant other? I mean, who are we.... who are you to decide for her what's best in life." Rainbow shrugged. "I mean, it's super cool that you're going about this the safe and considerate way, but it also feels kind of creepy to talk about her supposed love life behind her back."

"You're right." Stu hung his head. "I'm sorry."

"What—snkkkt—what are you apologizing to me for?"

"Well, you're her best friend." Stu gulped. "And the last thing I want to do is appear like I'm trying to invade on her life and—"

"Stu, I hate to break it to ya—heh—but you're a stallion." Her eyes glinted. "And a pegasus one to boot. I should be thanking my lucky stars you haven't—like—dry humped her Stetson by now."

He frowned slightly. "Aren't you overgeneralizing things?"

"Prejudice doesn't exist without an ounce of truth," Rainbow said. "I gotta admit, the moment I first heard that you and Applejack were hanging out a lot, I... I-I had my fears."


"Not for AJ's sake, mind you. I mean... pfft... if you were the type of stallion to pull a fast one on her, she'd buck you into next year. And I don't mean in the good kind of way."

"Eheh..." Stu Leaves rolled his eyes. "Don't I know it."

"Nah, I was just..." Rainbow sighed. "I was just concerned in general. Applejack's been through some rough spots as of late. She doesn't need any further complications to screw things up. And, no offense, Stu, I believe that making such a move as you're proposing would complicate things unnecessarily. That's what a lot of stallions don't seem to get about mares. I mean—we have complex and busy careers too, y'know? Pausing to nuzzle a special somepony in the middle of a busy schedule isn't going ot make things a gazillion times better overnight. Sometimes we just have to wait for the right moment or... y'know..." She sighed. "...wait for forever."

"But don't you think that's casting Applejack's life in a very lonely light?"

"Lonely?" Rainbow smirked at him. "Stu, she's surrounded by family."

"Will that always be the case?"

"And she's surrounded by friends," she added with a scathing smirk. "And one of those friends can be you, if you let it be."


"Some ponies are just awesome enough to be around." Rainbow gulped, gazing off across the random clouds. "Isn't being friends enough? Must we... ruin things by expecting more...?" She bit her lip, hugging herself to fight a wall of shivers.

"I wish I could see things as plainly as you do, Rainbow Dash," Stu said. "Somehow, I feel as though I'm getting there gradually, day by day." He chuckled breathily. "I have ponies like Applejack to thank for it. Now I have you to thank for it as well."

"Uhhhh..." Rainbow winced. "I'd say 'you're welcome,' but I wouldn't want to—"

"No. I get it." He slowly shook his head. "It's never easy to give a friend the cold, hard facts. Especially when it's in everypony's best interests."

"Yeah, well..." Rainbow gulped. "I'm used to doing what's in everypony's best interests."

"The gift of Loyalty, eh?"

She avoided his gaze, fidgeting somewhat. "Yeah, I guess."

"I promise I won't do anything to compromise my friendship with Applejack, Rainbow Dash," Stu said. "I wasn't even planning on it. The 'Stupid Leaves' of Cloudsdale may have been all for that, but not me. Not now." He took a deep breath. "I just needed to share my feelings in confidence with somepony who cared about her as well."

"And I promise not to tell her or anypony else about it," Rainbow said. She gazed at him. It took a sizable amount of effort to unclench her jaws before she said, "You are... a good friend, Stu." She gulped. "Applejack should consider herself lucky."

"Yes, well... eheh... she's even luckier to have you—" He froze, glancing at Rainbow Dash in a sudden new light.

Rainbow blinked.

"Wait a second..." Stu grinned. "Now I get it..." He grinned even more. "But of course! That explains everything!"


"Applejack's not a friend to you at all."

Rainbow's heart went cold.

Stu winked. "She's like a sister to you."

Rainbow twitched. "Oh!" She rolled her eyes back, exhaling her lungs in a loud burst. "Hah! Yeah... that's us, alright!" She giggled, wheezed, and giggled some more. "Sisters from another mother! Apples to the core!"

Stu chuckled, kicking at a cloud rolling beneath them.

Rainbow swiped the sweat off her brow and shuddered. "Eeyup."

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