• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,821 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Aatxe and You Shall Receive

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Tiny tufts of flame billowed from the tiny dragon's even tinier nostrils. He stood up in his throne—which didn't amount to much. "Stop laughing!" his voice cracked, swallowed up by the monumental waves of Rainbow's laughter.

"Hah hah hah hah hah haaaaaaaah!" Rainbow had fallen on her back at this point, clutching her fuzzy belly. She giggled and chortled and cackled despite the proximity of Blood Fire's ring of flame still billowing around her. "Oh... oh ho ho... ho ho ho don't tell me that... th-that all this time... heee heee... ho ho ho... snkkkt..." She wiped a tear from her eye and pointed through the blaze. "YOU'RE 'Big Boss?'"

"Yes!" The whelp pounded his orange fist against the throne's armrest. "I am!"

"YOU'RE the big scary boss of the dragons who've been chasing after me and the chaos shards all this time?!"

"In a manner of spea—"


"Hey!" Aatxe stamped his hoof, his spines wilting slightly. "Quit laughing!"

"HAHHHHH hah hah hah hah haaaaaaaaaaah!"

The dragons gathered around the throne room shifted uncomfortably, exchanging nervous glances with one another.

"Grrrrr!" Aatxe angrily scraped his claws across the throne and looked up. "Blood Fire! Quick! Get her to stop laughing at me!"

"Mmmmmmm..." The oldest broodling in the group pivoted about, staring at the rolling mare. "She is... surrounded on all sides by burning hot flame, brother."

"Who is this mare?!" Aatxe yodeled, pointing limply at the giggling figure. "She throws herself in here, kicks you in the face, tries to take a swipe out of the Flame Staff, and then she laughs at my majesty!"

"Yeah..." One of the broodlings smirked. "Eheheh... who'd a thunk of that—?"

FWOOOMB! Exhaling smoldering flames, Blood Fire glared the broodling down.

"Ulp...!" The smaller dragon backed up until he shivered in the shadowed edge of the throne room. "Nobody! Nobody thought of th-that! That's wh-who!"

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." Rainbow Dash finally sat up, catching her breath. "Hahaha... hoooooooboyyyyy..." She fanned herself, smiling with a flushed, drunken expression. "I know I'm probably going to die in a super excrutiating and embarrassing manner, but I totally needed that, duuuuude."

"Had enough of the flaaaaaame?!" Aatxe attempted to roar. "Speak, morsel! Who are you!"

"I'm awesome." Rainbow hopped up to her hooves, squinting through the flame. "And you're shorter than what?"

Aatxe blinked. "What?"

"Snkkt—HAAAH!" Rainbow pointed at him while grinning at Lancie. "Priceless! I'm friggin' telling you!"


"No no no no—wait!" Rainbow Dash waved a hoof, eyes tearing again. "Aatxe, take a letter!"


"'Dear Princess Celestia! I found out today that puberty is magic—snkkkt—hahahahah!"

Lancie face-talon'd where he stood beside the pegasus.

Blood Fire sighed. "Big Boss, would you like me to eviscerate her alive and feed her entrails to the crows?"

"No! Darn it!" Aatxe's voice cracked again. "Mother left me in charge, and it's high time I made a sh-sho—ahemshow of it!" He hopped down onto the floor before his throne room. "So... you like laughing, my little pony?"

"Hah! You bet, my puny lizard!"

"Well, let's see how much you like screaming! BEHOLD!" He reached a talon out and—SWOOOOOOOOOOOSHCLAMP!—the preserved spine full of shards flew into his tiny grip. "The Flame Staff!"

"Okay, dude..." Rainbow Dash stood up, smirking. "First of all, I do not scream on command. Second..." She pointed straight ahead. "...you're just a baby dragon carrying a bunch of shards... chaos shards. Chaos shards do... chaosy things! They sure as heck don't summon..." She blinked as the ring of fire dissipated around her, ribboning straight forward like a burning python. "...flames?"

"Feeling hungry, ya grass stain?" Aatxe stuck his tongue out and thrusted the burning staff in her direction. "Eat some of this!"

One dragon muttered to another: "I hate it when he says that."

Rainbow couldn't notice. She was too preoccupied with the murderous plume of bright red flame surging towards her.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Luna poop."

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