• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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"Kid. Let's not pretend, okay?" Rainbow Dash rested a wing around me. The two of us sat on a side of the nearest hill overlooking the farmhouse and its adjacent barn. "Things don't look good. Apple Bloom was bitten by a really nasty reptile thingy. As of this moment, you and Sweetie Belle can't even visit her. She's... simply not conscious enough to understand anything a pony might say to her. Not even her family."

"I knew it... I knew it," I whimpered, tears flowing. "She's gonna die." I rubbed my eyes, shuddering. "Apple Bloom didn't deserve to go out like this!"

"Hey. Hey." A set of wingfeathers caress my chin. "Look at me."

I tilted my head up, sniffling. Rainbow's strong gaze came into focus.

"Unlucky things happen, but ponies of all trots of life have proven to be even luckier." She slowly shook her head. "Don't give up on Apple Bloom so quickly. The little scamp deserves more than that, especially from one of her best friends."

"Yes, but... but..." I shuddered, fighting a lump in my throat as I glanced at the farm house again. "Not every pony is as awesome and... strong as you."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to say that Apple Bloom isn't awesome?"

"Well, no—"

"Then why are you so freaked out?" Rainbow tried smiling, but I could notice a slight twitch to her features. "She's survived crazy stuff before."

"Yeah... but that's because she's had the likes of Fluttershy or Zecora to help her out." I gulped. "And before that... it was always Applejack..."


"But right now, she's in a place that even Applejack can't pull her out of." I fought another sob. "And if that isn't enough to save her..."

"Hey... Applejack can save a pony in more ways than one."

I tilted my head up at her again. "What do you mean, Rainbow?"

She opened her muzzle, but hesitated.

I simply blinked at her.

"What... what I mean is..." Rainbow squatted low beside her. The mare's wings coiled at her side, and she sighed before saying: "Apple Bloom's been raised by the best... inspired by the best. You don't take all that's incredible about the Apple Family and just... topple it to the ground overnight with dark magic or venom or curses or any of that nonsense. Her and her kind can overcome anything. I believe this... I know this... because being around any of them just... makes a pony stronger." She gulped. "I can't give up on Apple Bloom now. I refuse to. And you should refuse to as well." She narrowed her eyes on me. "I've seen ponies rise up from even worse places. Even I myself have climbed out of the roughest of spots, all on account of the courage that Applejack has taught me."

"You mean... you mean like in that dream place that those Fillyda jerks put you in."

"Exactly, kiddo," Rainbow Dash said. "And... and I-I know that snake venom isn't the same thing. But..." Rainbow pointed at the group of citizens gathered around the farmstead. "Look who's here. Everypony... and I mean everypony is backing up your friend. That's how much this place cares for Applejack—and her little sister. I mean..." Rainbow Dash shuddered. "...some way or another, we'll figure this all out. We've got the best ponies on the case. Zecora. Twilight. Noir. Heck, even Stupid Leaves is here to lend a hoof. Heh. Thing is... none of them are giving up. And neither should we."

I looked at her. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up straight and murmured: "It's Applejack, isn't it?"

"Huh?" She blinked at me.

"Your very special somepony. It's her."

For the first time in as long as I could remember, Rainbow Dash had nothing to say. She stared at me—past me. All the strength and vigor in her figure had vanished, and suddenly she had become limp, flightless, scared. Like me.

But, also like me, I knew she wasn't about to call it quits. I knew who I had to thank for that, and we both knew who she had to thank.

"It must be r-really hard for you, Rainbow," I said. "Maybe... just maybe almost as hard as it is for me."

Her ruby pupils had shrunk. Somewhere, amidst the fog, she summoned the strength say: "Harder than anything I've faced before."

"And yet, you're willing to face it." I didn't realize I was smiling until the tears took a sharp turn across my muzzle. I leaned into her. She felt cold, but it was alright. Something tells me everything was about to melt just perfectly. "That's awesome, Rainbow Dash. I... I think I can face it too."

I felt a shudder roll through her shoulder. For a moment there, it felt like she was the one leaning on me. Nevertheless, a gentle wing wrapped around me.

"You're... you're one in a million, kiddo," she murmured.

I closed my eyes and nodded.. "I know."

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