• Member Since 8th Feb, 2015
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This story is a sequel to My Little Twilight

May had incidentally rendered the image of Twilight Sparkle, she had been drawing. Furthermore; Twilight is alive and sentient.

As much of a shock as it may have been, at first; but Twilight had been quite the friend, from the start. Maybe this should not have been a surprise, after all; even if she had been known as an Egg-head and Book-horse, she still loves her friends as much as the next Pony.

Twilight had taken to reading up on everything she could get her hooves on, before she started developing her designs. Sketching up her very own Mecha, in the form of a full-size, five foot tall Horse.

Only now, she felt she needed a new Mecha, in order to share the bed of her first friend, May.

Oh, and this would be where this story begins.

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Illustrated by: ?? N/A
Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Twilight Evangelion Excursion

To say that Twilight Sparkle loves her books, is an understatement. We all knew that, since about forever.

Study and research, is something seem as almost synonymous with Twilight; in more ways, than one.

Feeling small, is not something fun and exciting; thus Twilight build herself a Mecha, to deal with her issue. It leads her into research, she may never have been considering before; but she had to read up on the topics, related.

Twilight ended up, designing a solar panel; she installed, on the roof of the home in which she is living. Just that once she had done so; other possibilities presented themselves. Now she is following up, on where this is taking her.

Simply put; Twilight Quantum Electronics is established, continuously developing and marketing the products she is developing. She had to go there, and now she is following the trail to where it is taking her; which is leading to her becoming a patron education and research, who would have guessed?

The local University is the first to be approached with an offer. One offer, they can not refuse

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Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???
Puns: Intended

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Chapters (3)

Twilight is receiving an invitation to Hogwart’s school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As expected, she could not make herself refuse this offer.

Books upon books, reading, studies and the opportunity to make new friends.

Twilight is making her way to the Pub known as the Leaky Cauldron, and from there onto the Diagon Alley.

With her saddlebags stuffed to the brim, she sets off on a shopping spree.

With a list of required items, she is stepping out on the street, looking for the items listed.

While some of the items appears to be strange, other items will be just up her alley.

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Illustrated by: ??
Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to My Little Twilight

Twilight Sparkle had found herself sleeping with a Stylus as a pillow; the Stylus owned by the girl who drew her.

Twilight had met the girl, enjoying the conversation and the time together.

Of course, the girl had helped her with numerous little things; making the life in what is now known as Twilight Town easy and pleasant.

Twilight's library is containing numerous books on various subjects; including Mechanics and Quantum Theory. Who knew, what these books could do; what ideas they could spark in the head of an inches tall Pony going by the name Twilight Sparkle?

This is the story, of one such path taken.

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Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

Ps: I will be ignoring that a last season has ever happened; and continue as if the show will be going on for years to come, within this continuity.

Chapters (7)

Ms. Roe is applying for a job as Model for Rarity, at her upcoming Fashion show.

Upon accepting the application; Rarity is preparing her for the job.

From there, Ms. Roe is strutting out onto the stage; enjoying her time in the limelight as she showcases the ensembles of Rarity’s design.

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Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to A Diamond, in the Rough

Diamond Tiara is exploring her options, as she is searching for a new home.

At least; Mayor Mare is sympathetic, showing her somewhere she can stay.

Diamond Tiara is exploring her options, in the hopes of escaping the fear haunting her.

Nonetheless, taking care of a newly born filly is not an easy task. Armed with only the gift she received from Zecora.

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Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Diamond in the Rough

Diamond Tiara arrives at the hut belonging to Zecora, after the hap-hazardous trek to flee with her sister.

Will Zecora take her in, and can she provide the aide needed.

What will become of the two Ponies, whose destiny had been altered so abruptly?

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Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

Chapters (1)

It could be quite awkward; to wake up somewhere, one has never seen or even heard about before.

To realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, could be equally awkward; as you realize, how she is just as intelligent and sentient as you are.

What will happen next; as you realize, you can’t just erase her, as you could have erased any drawing in your sketch-book?

Of course; this is not just any doodled character you had dreamed up; it is Twilight, and she is clearly a very special Pony.

Unless, of course; this is just one of these dreams or daydreams? Though it could as easily turn into a complete disaster, and a nightmare.

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Illustrated by: ??
Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

Chapters (22)

A girl is given a pink toy pony. She is known, as Pinkie Pie.
The girl is happy, looking forwards to endless hours of play and fun.

Only this toy comes with a stern warning; instructing the owner to give the pony a Muffin each day.

The given reason: Because Cupcake. Cryptic and sinister as it may be, but what are the consequences?

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Title The Cursed little Doll
Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???
Status: Complete
Rating: Everyone

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Chapters (8)

Her Highness is a Unicorn of particularly tall stature, which may lend her some embarrassment at times. At times this is really getting to her.

In search for friends; she is reaching out to the new inhabitants of Ponyville, in the hopes she may not stand out so much.

She finds a special friend; in a newly arrived Giraffe, which she can find even grounds with.

Being a Unicorn, she is constantly looking out for new spells to practice.

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Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

Chapters (2)